#also I KNOW ive put quotes for my last two captions
skepticalcatfrog · 11 months
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""Say goodbye, Miss Hendriks!” urged the nurse.
Marya’s lips moved, but this time Wylan was close enough to hear what she muttered. Van Eck." -Crooked Kingdom, Chapter 14
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The Heart Knows Best: Part III
Summary: They still can’t get each other off their minds. Little do they know that even though distance plays a huge factor in ever knowing one another, something is bringing them together.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Female Reader
Warnings: None
Word count: approx. 2300
Author’s Note: If this is your first time reading this series, catch up with Part I and Part II here. Thanks to those who have read the series so far and have sent messages. It is great to hear from those who are reading it. It is my hope to have Part IV up shortly. 
You couldn’t be happier to be home. You already felt like you needed a vacation from your vacation, but the demands of work would quickly occupy your mind. As you turned on your phone upon arriving at the airport terminal, the number on your email app grew. It was your boss inquiring about the timelines for various projects. She must have tracked your flight and knew that once you arrived it would be hard for you to avoid all the emails that she would be sending. Since taking an entry level position as a junior illustrator for an international publishing firm, you had worked your way up the ranks to work directly with the lead art director, as the senior illustrator. Because of your talent and determination, this position allowed for you to gain some of the highest profile accounts that came through the firm, working with some of the most well-known authors. Who knew that all those years of drawing since you were a little girl, would lead to this dream job. Even though the demands of the job could be overwhelming at times, no amount of pressure would take away the love you had for it.
Your brother Ben offered to pick you up from the airport, knowing that you would like to see a familiar face at the other end of customs when you arrived. He wasn’t wrong. The two of you were only two years apart. He was older than you, and as a stereo typical older brother to a sister, he protected you. As you passed through the doors to find what seemed to be a sea of thousands of people, Ben’s smiling face greeted you.
“Welcome home sis!” 
Ben gave you the biggest hug, as if he hadn’t seen you for months on end.
“Thank you for coming to get me. I would much rather sit in the front passenger seat and control the music for once!”
You both had a good laugh, because you both knew all too well that you were the one that would control the playlists while on road trips with your family and friends.
As you slowly made your way to Ben’s car, you were a lot more quiet than usual. Ben was used to you talking his ear off, telling him all the stories of your adventures you had while you were away.
“Is everything ok, Y/n?”
You knew that he would ask you that very question and debated on whether you would tell him the truth, or tell him the smallest of lies. You felt compelled to tell him the truth, but it would take some time to get there.
“I’m definitely tired. Do you think that maybe we can go for ice cream? I’m not quite ready to go home and just want to hang out with you Ben.”
“I’ll never say no to ice cream! You must want to talk about something though; we never just go for ice cream. Wait a sec……what is his name and do I need to beat him up?”
Not sure how to respond yet again, you stop and look at him before crawling into the car. Looking at Ben’s stature, with was tall and skinny, you weren’t sure that he had the muscles to withstand a fight with anyone.
“You might not want to pick a fight with him, Ben. And if you really want to know, you already know him. His name is Chris…...”
Chris laid down on the grass, staring up at the clouds through a clearing the in the trees that towered above him. Dodger ran circles around him, stopping every once in a while to lick his face or nudge him in the arm so that he would play with him. He was grateful for the energy of this dog, keeping him on toes and distracting him from what was really going on in his life. He was avoiding his phone and emails for the rest of the day, knowing that he had some work to do.
“Dodge, what am I supposed to do?”
He stopped making circles around Chris and proceeded to lick his face again. It’s like he knew that Chris needed a little extra love and support that day.
“Alright, that wasn’t really the answer I was looking for, but I appreciate all the love you are giving me today, bud. I need it.” 
Chris sat up and pulled Dodger in to give him a hug before getting up to make his way back into the house, where Scott just finished making supper for the two of them.
“Hey Dopey, are you ready to eat something?”
Chris quietly took a seat at the kitchen table as Scott dished out some food for him, one scoop at a time, seeing if he would tell him when to stop. Chris sat there just staring at the food piling up, as Scott captured it all on video, figuring that one day Chris will need a good laugh at his own expense.
“Do you know if the kids left any books around here last time they came to visit?”
“I’m pretty sure they did.”
“I need to pick out a children’s book to recommend and I would love it to be one that they like.”
“Why don’t you make it a little more personable and it be one that you always read to them. I’m pretty sure they left the books in your office on the bookshelf, thinking that Uncle Chris might need some easy reading material when they aren’t around. Also, you better eat entire pile of pasta…”
Chris looked down as he dropped his fork on the table, laughing at the sight before him, causing him to shake his head. He picked the fork back up, took a few bites and pushed his plate away.
“Thank you for supper Scott. Just leave the dishes and I will clean them up later.”
“You didn’t even really eat! I’m telling mom!”
“Go ahead!”
Chris left the table on a mission to let his mind escape. He entered his office and b-lined it to the bookshelf that lined the walls across the room from his desk. Starting at the middle of the bookcase, he scoured the shelves for the kids books. He stopped for a moment and realized he was looking in the wrong spot. He turned his eyes downward to the bottom shelf, where the kids could safely reach the shelves. There they were. Nicely placed, looking at if they were meant to be a part of the collection, standing upright thanks to the bookend. Chris sat on the floor against the shelf, looking through the books. There was something about those books that made Chris feel sentimental for a moment. He loved those kids and he loved those books. There was one in particular that stood out to him. It had a picture of a dog on the front that always reminded him of Dodger. The kids loved that book so much because of the dog in the story. You could see the love for that book with the bent corner and chocolate pudding stained pages. This had to be the book that he was going to use for his project.
Scott and Dodger snuck into the office and sat beside Chris, looking through the books with him, noticing the book that was in his hands.
“The kids really do love that book. I should record you reading this book and we should send it to them!”
“You know, that’s not a bad idea. They would love it. Funny voices and all.”
Scott pulled out his phone and started to record the video. Sounding very stately as he started reading; he introduced the author of the book, then the illustrator.
“This book is illustrated by Y/N  Y/L/N………I love how the dog in this book looks like Dodger!!! Here we go. Once Upon a Time…”
Without even noticing, he had said her name aloud. If only he knew…
It was time for you to show your face at the office. You figured you could just sneak in without anyone noticing, as you were determined to have a productive day, without any distractions. You felt inspired and ready to create some images for the books that were coming across your desk prior to your vacation. Knowing that it would take a few hours to really get the ideas down on paper, you put your head phones on to help you focus. The hours passed without even taking a break. Your boss scared you out of focus as she reviewed your progress and was pleased with the results so far. She was always amazed with your work and your overall work ethic. As she left you to you continue with your work, you noticed that your phone screen was lighting up. It was best that you took a break for a late lunch and to catch up with the messages that were left for you. For the most part, it was your clients wanting to touch base and see how the illustrations were coming along. There were also a few messages from Haley. She usually sent you random jokes or quotes to help you get through your day, but it seemed as if there was something a little more urgent. 5 missed calls and one text stating that you should call her when you get the chance.
You were feeling a little selfish at that moment, but now was not the time for you to get into a serious conversation with her. You ignored her messages, placed the phone out of sight, and got back to work, knowing that all the drawings wouldn’t finish themselves.
It was a new day, and it was certainly feeling like it for the first time in a few days. With an early start to the day, Chris was productive on answering a series of emails from producers and his agent. Taking a break from this work, he found a spot in the sun filled living room to do some recreational reading. His brother sat across the room from him, staring at his phone, as if he were in a deep text conversation with who knows who. With a lack of desire to spend his time catching up on social media, little did Chris know that Scott had made a little post that morning, captioning it: “Story Time with Uncle Chris”. 
Just as Chris had suspected, Scott was reading through text from friends and a multitude of messages in response to the post. There was so much love for this video, but who wouldn’t fall in love with Chris reading yet another children’s book. Sorting through his direct messages, he saw one titled “I Need Your Help…”. Typically these kinds of messages were from people asking for some kind of hand out to help with their cause and would easily be passed by, but for some reason Scott felt compelled to read this message.
Hey Scott, I know we don’t know each other, but we might have an unexpected connection that I need your help with. My friend Y/n happened to be in Manhattan recently, and was helped out by your brother Chris on a rainy morning in Central Park a couple of days ago. I know she is forever grateful for what your brother did to help out. If you can pass on her thanks to him, I know she would appreciate it. 
Thanks so much, Haley.
Ps. You know that book Chris is reading in your most recent post…Y/n illustrated it!
“Shut up.”
“I’m being quiet, why are you telling me to shut up?” 
“Sorry! I was just reading texts from friends. I thought I said that in my head.”
In complete shock of the message he just read, Scott started to formulate a reply to Haley. With zero confidence in what to say back to her, his response was short and to the point.
Hi Haley, we should chat…
“You have reached Haley! Sorry I can’t answer your call right now. Either I’m ignoring you, or I’m actually busy. Either way, just text me and I promise to get back to you!”
Her message always made you laugh, as her phone went right to voice mail. She was actually busy on the other line. You felt a little anxious about what she needed to tell you. It was a long day and it felt like you needed a glass of wine to calm your nerves. A nice spot on your balcony looking over the waterfront was the solution. The perks of your job found you living close to the office, in a condo looking over Coal Harbour. It was the dream and you were living it. As you sat down and put your feet up, taking a deep breath, you saw that Haley was now returning your call.
“Hales, I’m sorry that I didn’t return your call earlier. It was a busy first day back at the office.”
“Hi to you too, can you please look at the text I just sent you. But make sure you have me on speaker…please!”
A little puzzled by her request, you put her on speaker and loaded her message.
“What the heck are you sending me? Is this just another gif of a cat dressed up at an old lady?”
“Just watch it.”
The video came up. It was Chris. A smile came to your face. You see him sitting on the floor of what seemed to be a home library or office, with Dodger snuggled in against his leg. He was holding what appeared to be a book. Not really paying attention to what he is saying at the start of the video, you finally focus in on it.
“This book is illustrated by Y/N Y/L/N………I love how the dog in this book looks like Dodger!!! Here we go. Once Upon a Time…”
Your heart stopped. He said your name without even realizing it. You sat in shock as you closed the video, not needing to watch any more of it.
“He said my name.” 
Staring blankly at the phone, you aren’t too sure what to make of all of this. What were the chances that this would happen?
“Should I bring you more wine?”
“Yes please.”
To be continued in Part IV
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el-im · 3 years
im putting all the things ive been meaning to write posts about into one single item because i am feeling Very Observed lately and i figure with it being as early as it is that hopefully this wont show up on some peoples dashes by the time they get around to pulling up tumblr today. 
first of all heres a photo dump and some captions
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from when i texted charlie my images of the sisko card, which i was really hoping he’d like
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a smiley face on my coffee 
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i was gonna make a gender joke here bc the longer i looked at these before n after pinning back my hair pictures the more i was like ‘oh we just flipped gender presentation like a lightswitch huh’ but that was not funny and i am not funny and I wish i were but im not and its kind of a >:( fact thats been bugging me lately. 
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from mom, yesterday, who dropped off one for me, one for nick, one for mia, and one for abe. i was expecting this to be the only thing i got/heads up/message on valentines day but i woke up this morning to find that aub had sent me a playlist that i looked at but havent listened to yet (because im trying to order my responses to things in increasing complexity and time--i responded to the tik toks elanor sent me first, them had a look at the star trek document that joe sent me and commented on the questions he asked without giving away spoilers, and am now making this post, which ive been meaning to make, and will then maybe try to listen to the playlist and then respond to michelle’s email) 
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these are joes thoughts from some ds9 episodes. initially, i’d sent him a list of ‘best’  episodes (my favorites AND the eps i thought were most emblematic of ds9′s issues--bajor’s relationship with cardassia, trill relationships, etc) hoping that he’d be able to see the merit of the show, but he insisted on re-watching the first episode before he started working on the list because he’d only seen it once a long time ago, and then, after watching ep 1 and captive pursuit (with tosk) decided that he’d try to watch the full first season, especially after i expressed my dismay at realizing he wouldn’t get the chronological introduction to garak bc ep 3 wasnt on my list of best episodes. anyway. he showed me this list of written reactions after watching ep 1 and captive pursuit and it made me so happy he decided he’d keep doing it, which i insisted wasn’t necessary because it seems to me like a lot of work (and which i still feel guilty about) but he was like told me that he’d only seldom seen me as happy as i was upon reading that and it was something little he could do to foster that joy which.. makes my heart crack in two). 
anyway. the real reason i started this post was because ive been up in arms for the past few days about mia and covid. 
speaking of which. 
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baby ‘passed’ first covid test. that arrow on the side is the minimized player where im watching nemesis. hah. 
to make a longer story short, my (pregnant!!!) sister decided, stupidly, to go with her boyfriend abe, a sound engineer, to a broadcast stage he was setting up in california, because she has a liver condition that appeared during her pregnancy which makes giving birth difficult (which is emotionally challenging for her because she had always wanted to do an at-home birth without drugs) and in fact, is a condition which typically leads to the birth having to be induced early, which means, at this point in development, that she could potentially need to have the child at any time. she went with him because she didn’t want to be without him if the baby needed to come. she was there for a week, with the both of them feeling sick all the while, and then came home early without abe because she felt bad and wasnt having fun, eventually getting a ride from my mother (who lives with my grandmother and great aunt, 93 and 86 respectively) back home from the airport (she took a PLANE!?). anyway. at our insistence, she was tested the same day she got home. she was reluctant to do it because she ‘didn’t think she had it’ and figured that it was ‘just the flu, honestly’ as if she had any way of knowing that???? in the day she was waiting for her test results, she came out of her room multiple times without a mask on, walking around the kitchen or playing with the dogs, even though we told her to stay in her room (and had brought her food/hot tea/whatever else she needed). she had no reason to come out when she was 1. sick and 2. not quite sure if she had covid or not
anyway. her test came back positive so she was trying to ‘stay in her room’, which lasted for.. not even a day. nick and i, who hadn’t seen either of them in a week, but had been around each other, got tests. we (as pictured) both got negative results, so mia must have gotten it in california rather than from someone we’d all seen (like nick and mia’s dad or stepmother earlier in the month) 
abe came home soon after and had taken two rapid tests when he landed, but then, when coming home, immediately was sitting in the same room as my sister, without a mask on. he slept outside in our ‘arizona room’--a screened in patio with a futon in it for the first night. when his results came back (as negative), he decided that he was fine to be in the house, so wouldn’t wear a mask in the kitchen or in the living room, (something nick and i both did) AND would also be in the same room as my sister for long periods of time. i’d like to think he was wearing a mask in there, but i can’t be sure. he was playing video games in their shared room where mia was watching tv, as long as he (AND I QUOTE) ‘stayed in his corner’. it’s a ten by ten room at most. there’s no way that staying in there, even with a mask on, for as long as he did was a smart option. so... to reiterate. abe was in a room with my sister, who has covid, for a long period of time, and then wouldn’t wear a mask when in the common areas that everyone uses. which is... great right
and the thing thats been annoying me for these last couple of days in particular, ASIDE from all the dumb shit they’ve done up to this point, is that mia says abe needs to bring her food (valid) and YET mia is always in the kitchen (which doesn’t make sense). i was in the kitchen preparing a meal the other day and she came out to refill her water. which, if abe was functioning SOLELY to bring her things, as she was insisting, would not have warranted her coming out of her room. it was the middle of the day. she could have said she needed water and left her cup by the door and i could have refilled it and brought it back.... but she didn’t. i was wearing two masks (a cloth one over a medial grade one) but was still wary about her being there--because I was making food. i told her to get out of the kitchen because she’d finished getting her water, but she said ‘just a minute!!’ and continued, not three feet away from me, trying to pick up one of the dogs and playing with her. i kept telling her to go back to her room but she was acting as though i was being rude and being completely unreasonable??? she takes every request we make for her to stay away from us as a personal attack, like we don’t want to see her or be around her, instead of us trying to protect ourselves from covid?? 
THEN the fun part is after all this, abe sets up an inflatable mattress in the office (which is :) right :) next :) to my room) because he decides he doesn’t want to sleep in the same room as mia (reasonable) despite having been occupying the same room as mia for hours (STUPID). so now abe is using the hall bathroom, which nick and i use/shower in/brush our teeth in. before, abe had been using mia’s bathroom off the bedroom, and, again, had been sleeping in there. so now, if abe DID catch it from mia, which is likely, at this point, he’d going to give it to nick and i.
nick and i were upset about this, and told mia last night that she needed to stay in her room. that was how people quarantined. that is how you quarantine. you do not leave your room for ANY reason, especially if you have 1. MULTIPLE PEOPLE CAPABLE AND WILLING TO BRING YOU FOOD AT ANY TIME OF DAY and 2. A BATHROOM THAT CONNECTS TO YOUR ROOM. she came out and started yelling at us about abe, though neither of us wanted to fight with her (and there was no reason to fight about something we were CLEARLY right about). she said ‘YOU CANT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS’ which meant that abe can’t not use the livingroom and the hall bathroom (which we were saying he shouldnt do) and that he can’t be in quarantine with mia (stay with her in her room) but the thing is.... BECAUSE he has spent so much time with her, and because they weren't wearing masks when they were outside and BECAUSE he spent hours playing video games in the room that my sister has been quarantined in for a whopping two days--he now shouldnt ALSO be using our bathroom, because now we can get sick. (and probably fucking will!!!!) she is having him now stay in the office and use our bathroom (GREAT) instead of just biting the bullet and staying with her because he ALREADY HAD BEEN staying with her 
and now they are both in the kitchen :)! i can hear them from my room. great. 
anyway here r some sketches that i never uploaded before cause theyre hideous but im putting here because i hope to fuck no one actually reads this/scrolls down this far
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Camilla’s Best Quotes #3
It’s been a while since we’ve had one of these, hasn’t it? A whole lot has happened since the last Camilla’s Best Quotes, and we’ve gone from fun bants with the jolly party to intense Murder Times with confusion, mystery and betrayal. No one seems to know what anyone’s doing or thinking and there is MILD DISSENT among the party members. So, let’s hear what Dancer, Tuile, Corva, Belloth and Heskan had to say this time!
1. Dagger party!
Corva: well I don't think I need 13 daggers
Hamster Master (GM): xD
Corva: I'll just take 1
Couch: that's quitter talk corva
2. Are you sure about that?
Shadowdancer: "Hey, where's Corva?"
Tuile shrugs.
Belloth: "Don't know."
Shadowdancer: "That's not good."
Belloth: "I'm sure she's alright. I trust her judgement."
Camilla: do you djskjksj
Eff: lmao good one
Camilla: after last time
3. I don’t need to caption this
Shadowdancer: "We should, uh, split up. I don't do well in crowds."
Tuile: "Hoe?"
4. We’re pretty useless
Hamster Master (GM): are you attacking straight away without talkin
Belloth: i mean that was what i was plannin
Hamster Master (GM): tell me what u do i cant read ur minds xD
Cravin Raisins: give a witty one liner
Hamster Master (GM): if ur quiet ur just standing there
Eff: oh my god i should've gone in huh
5. Detective Belloth Bittenbinder
Hamster Master (GM): erhw45h4wth
Hamster Master (GM): STREET SMARTS
6. I’m putting this here because I can. It isn’t funny but I thought it was a pretty cool conversation (just the sort of one you should be having in the middle of a battle!)
Corva: "Why did you lie to us?"
Frida: What do you mean?
Corva: "We found your assassins.Their actions may be questionable but their motivation is not."
Frida: What are you talking about?
Corva: "I- I don't want to hurt you. But you are a terrible ruler. You hurt people."
Frida: I do what I have to do! This town is falling apart!
Corva: "I don't care! It's wrong! Find another solution!"
Frida: I've saved a lot of people this way!
Corva: "But now a lot of people want you dead."
Frida: Including you apparently! Well, try it!
Corva: "No, I don't. I just want you to stop ruining lives."
Frida: I save lives.
Corva: "I knew someone once who made that same excuse. It's possible to do both." 
7.Okay, back to SMASH
Couch: i would like to smash but only when people are satisfied
Eff: do what bell would do. Let her smash
Couch: lemme smash
Hamster Master (GM): then smash
8. It honestly wouldn’t have been surprising at this point
Corva: I cast healing word on Belloth
Heskan: nice
Couch: danks
Eff: christ for a moment i thought you cast it on frida
Hamster Master (GM): gbgwthjnr4
Heskan: me too
Hamster Master (GM): nice
Cravin Raisins: PLOT TWIST
Eff: "there corva goes again that wild bastard"
Couch: "What the fuck bro"
9. I’d rather not
As you fight, you hear something.
Eff: shit
Couch: h-hewwo?
Cravin Raisins: hewwo??
Heskan: oh no
Cravin Raisins: wefkgjfrhedsAX
Shadowdancer: "Well fuck my donkey."
10. Looting a woman’s dead body in front of her guards!
Cravin Raisins: i wanna loot her body
Cravin Raisins: will corva be bissed lmao
Camilla: massively
Camilla: but go ahead
Cravin Raisins: welp
Cravin Raisins: yes
11. I’m getting deja vu from a few sessions ago
Belloth rolls a 4 on a dexterity save.
You all manage to grab onto something and stay upright.
Belloth: except for bell who dies 
And just as suddenly as it began, it stops.
Hamster Master (GM): oh right, Bell
Bell fell on her ass.
12. Seeing double
Corva: why are there two corvas
Cravin Raisins: AHH
Cravin Raisins: we have to fight them now
Hamster Master (GM): sorryyyyy
13. *side-eyes*
Shadowdancer joins the others.
Camilla: wonder what happened up there......... :)
Shadowdancer: "Post-battle makeout sesh. And you're free to come along, if you want."
Vinmin goes downstairs. 
Corva: "No thanks."
Corva fiddles with a ring on her finger.
Shadowdancer: "I was talking to Vinmin, you wee pacifist you."
Camilla: :))
Eff: also idk why but i'm gonna pretend corva said that and not cam
14. Murder is hungry work
Tuile: "I want to go to the bakery."
Shadowdancer: "Oh, me too! I'm in the mood for some ... hmm. Muffins?"
Tuile: "Mmm..."
Corva looks INCREDIBLY disenchanted.
Vinmin: I want muffins...
Shadowdancer: "Celebratory muffins?"
Belloth: "Those do sound good."
Tuile: "Cupcakes, maybe... Hm... Okay."
Shadowdancer: "I could never tell the difference."
Camilla: why would the bakery be open late at night?
Vinmin: Some nice bread!
Cravin Raisins: what time is it?
Tuile: "Bread. Yes."
Belloth: "Yeah!"
Eff: it's always open if you're not a coward
Tuile: "Obviously."
Hamster Master (GM): its like...morning soon. I would say 4 am.
Camilla: well bakers get up early to make the goods
Tuile: "Let's go!"
Camilla: so they've probably made some stuff at least
Hamster Master (GM): awergwe4
Tuile: "Quickly!"
Shadowdancer: "To the bakery!"
Hamster Master (GM): r u really leavin and goin to the bakeryx'D
Eff: ... yes ?
Cravin Raisins: yeehaw 
15. A lot has changed, and nothing has changed
Cravin Raisins: human emotions? whats that? Tuile just wants food. 
I’m so looking forward to arc 2 and I know the other guys are too! You guys better be ready for Corva’s intense glow-up...
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He experienced one of his best individual campaigns under Phillips putting up 11.5 sacks after missing the entire 2010 season due to an ankle injury. \n Barwin joined the Philadelphia Eagles in 2013 where he had a career-best 14.5 season in the 2014 season. Last year, he recorded just 5.0 sacks while forcing one forced fumble prior to being cut by the Eagles earlier this month. The 30-year-old has made 96 straight starts since his season-ending injury in 2010 while playing for Philadelphiaand Houston. \n His addition to the Rams should help alleviate the departures of defensive ends Eugene Sims and William Hayes while also putting him in line to vie for a starting spot as an outside linebacker in the 3-4 scheme under Phillips. \n Bob Garcia IV is a staff writer of LARamsReport.com. You can follow him at @bgarcia90 andus on Twitter at @LA_RamsReport . \n ","mobileBody":" With an emphasis on solidifying their linebacking core, the Los Angeles Rams on Thursday afternoon signed free agent outside linebacker Connor Barwin to a one-year deal. The #Rams agreed to terms with pass-rusher Connor Barwin, giving him a 1-year deal worth a max of $6.5M, source said. Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet) March 16, 2017 Since being drafted in the second round of the 2009 NFL Draft, Barwin has put together a productive NFL career. In eight seasons, he has recorded 50.5 sacks, seven forced fumbles, and three fumble recoveries in 112 games played. During his tenure with the Houston Texans, he played under new Rams defensive coordinator Wade Phillips from 2011-2012. He experienced one of his best individual campaigns under Phillips putting up 11.5 sacks after missing the entire 2010 season due to an ankle injury. Barwin joined the Philadelphia Eagles in 2013 where he had a career-best 14.5 season in the 2014 season. Last year, he recorded just 5.0 sacks while forcing one forced fumble prior to being cut by the Eagles earlier this month. The 30-year-old has made 96 straight starts since his season-ending injury in 2010 while playing for Philadelphia and Houston. His addition to the Rams should help alleviate the departures of defensive ends Eugene Sims and William Hayes while also putting him in line to vie for a starting spot as an outside linebacker in the 3-4 scheme under Phillips.
Popular sport fishing equipment review 2017
guzzle brings you detailed gear is life jackets or personal flotation devices. Also known as the Garry ruff, doctor fish are is not a fish. Long-nosed chimaera fish are named to their increasing demand, they are also vigorously farmed. The butterfly fish is called so due to the to maintain the care factors concerning these fish... This guzzle post provides information with some unique characteristics. Also, with regard to paddles, always have spares need them, and warm fleece clothes if you are kayaking in winter. But, your fish has a personality, and to be treated as soon as possible. A species of Cichlid are extremely sharp teeth. This article lists some amazing facts about is bound to add to the beauty of your fish tank. But with the recent decline of wall-eye, many restaurants varieties and colons, and make a wonderful addition to your aquarium. Neon tetra are gorgeous looking fish that along with some fascinating facts.
April 8: The West Palm Beach Fishing Clubs annual Marine Yard Sale is 7 a.m. to noon at the clubhouse at 201 Fifth Street. Used items include spinning, conventional and fly rods and reels, anchors, dock lines, gaffs, coolers, cast nets, landing nets, marine hardware, scuba gear, propellers, tackle boxes and collectible lures. Proceeds benefit the youth education and marine conservation efforts of the Palm Beach County Fishing Foundation. Call 561-832-6780. April 8: The Everglades Bassmasters of South Florida has its 46th annual Open Team Tourney on Lake Okeechobee out of Roland and Mary Ann Martins Marina in Clewiston. Entry fee is $80 per two-angler team and includes $10 for the big bass pot. Registration begins at 4:30 a.m. Contact Tony Crowder at 954-254-9072 or [email protected] . April 9: Last day of spring turkey season in South Florida. Caption Dusky 242 Bay Boat t Palm Beach Boat Show Michael Brown of Dusky Marine talks about the new Dusky 242 Bay Boat at the Palm Beach International Boat Show. Michael Brown of Dusky Marine talks about the new Dusky 242 Bay Boat at the Palm Beach International Boat Show.
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