#also creds to the creator on insta!!!
thestarseersystem 2 years
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Ooo I saw this going around.
DID, OSDD, P-DID, or C-DID? I don't actually know. In my opinion, DID/OSDD-1+ is a spectrum, as my atypical presentation of this disorder has got me very confused. I know I'm polyfragmented, but due to not having switching amnesia and non-possessive switches, it's impossible to tell. And due to my living situation, I cannot seek a professional atm. (p.s. y'all forgot UDD)
Current Alter Count? Unknown. 30+ definitely, but I don't know if fragments count in that, and a lot of alters that we have rarely front, so it's hard to know.
Alter Count at Discovery? Six. Me (Yuki, main host), Tsuki (primary protector), Darling (sexual protector and caretaker), Hime (little), Emiline/Gwendolyn (persecutor and little), and Glitch (who was a dormant alter who fused with a part of a host, and became a co-host known as Rai). We slowly started learning more overtime, but those were the ones that were most overt.
Final Fusion or Functional Multiplicity? Functional Multiplicity for sure. The former is an impossible goal and not something we'd be comfortable in doing.
What roles are you heavy in? No roles in particular, it's pretty even across the board, but almost all non-human alters, from vampires to fey to other creatures and nonhuman things, like dolls and robots.
How's your communication? Shit. mostly. It's inconsistent at best, but when we are able to communicate, it's pretty clear. But due to brain fog, ADHD, etc. its ough.
Are you diagnosed, self diagnosed, or unofficially diagnosed? That's hard. We're recognized by our therapist, but as our therapist knows our living situation, we've asked that nothing be official. Besides, they're not an expert on it. So,, self dx but more unofficially...
Are you in therapy? Yes, but my therapist isn't exactly qualified for trauma processing. In therapy for ADHD.
What alter type are you heavy in? Read question 5.
Overt or Covert? I'm a masker, so covert, but I would be lying if I said that I was completely covert. Some alters are really overt.
Does handwriting differ? Kind of. But we don't handwrite enough anymore to know.
Do others know of your system? Yes, friends, partner, etc.
One thing you wish the community would accept? This is a loaded question. But,, I guess I wish the community wasn't so aggressive towards each other, or self righteous all the time. I think a community based around trauma can be a breeding ground for hate, rather than positivity. But I do understand why it's happening, it's just really common for people to just get in arguments over stupid shit, and to see opinions that I feel like I have to agree with. I just wish it was way more simple to just post a positivity post than to see other creators rip each other apart over a small hill to die on. I get it. But also, just let it go at this point. No need to be so angry over nothing. I know I get that way too. It's just really dumb.
Advice for singlets? Ah hhahhahhhh... Don't just make assumptions on systems based on what a single person does or says. There's a lot of misinformation out there, and if you want to make a video or a post on systems, you need to consult someone who has that lived experience first, someone who's actually diagnosed or medically recognized. It's not fair to other systems, if you shit on one thing in the community, and just direct ableism and hatred towards systems. Because everything you say, can and will directly harm another system, if you're wrong. Please stop hopping on a bandwagon to bring down systems with weird symptoms. It's not fair and it's not right.
Your go to thing for flashbacks? This is unhealthy and not something I advocate for doing, but I will ruminate on it. I will just focus HEAVY and ruminate and obsess and analyze. What I *should do* is distract, ask for comfort, ground myself, etc.
Your favourite educational accounts? Fuck if I know. I just post things, research on the internet and go. But I really like DissociaDID, despite their troubled past,, they helped me realize that I was a system and their videos are a big comfort to me. (please whatever u do, don't bring up the drama surrounding them, one of the ppl criticizing them is ableist against personality disorders).
Any shared spins? What. huh. i have me own opinions.
A role you coined? None, but like I really like systemfluid as a neurogender. Also someone make vampire coining for me or something. aemogais hear me,,,,,, more vampires.
Are you queer heavy? No shit.
Unpopular DIDOSDD opinion? I really fucking hate that there's a consensus that its medical terms and life is scary with DID and go sort of attitude. Having a system is a lived experience, so it fucking bothers me that there's just a coldness, no real fun, only hard facts and sad truths. I hate when people get mad at me for giving a more accurate experience to being a system, rather than just following it by the book. I guess my unpopular opinion is that there's no nuance for atypical experiences of having a dissociative disorder. I don't feel like I'm allowed to be myself in this community.
Other Comorbid Disorders? For me? I have ADHD, OCD and delusions specifically related to my trauma. For others, I don't know theirs.
Innerworld Large or Small? Huge. My innerworld is fucking massive with different layers/realms stacked on top of each other/beside each other. There's many different areas only some people can get to.
How often do you switch? A lot of non-possessive switches, I'm not able to notice how much. It's often enough that I don't remember much when I look back, but not enough that I can tell who's fronting.
What's your stance on sourcemates? I think it's sweet. I probably wouldn't seek them out, but I think they're alright. I don't think it's inherently toxic, but if a friend had a sourcemate, like of arcane, I would like to talk to them,, but I wouldn't actively seek that out. Also I think i'd probably get jealous of people who shared a similar introject, so I wouldn't talk to them.
Share something an alter made? I don't have a lot of finished artwork, but here's art I made for my bestie's 20th birthday. (its me and my bestie)
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This is ok to rb!!! And put ur own answers, or just make ur own post aaaa
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g-xix 10 months
Can you do a headcanon for dating zerkaa? 馃馃徏
Dating Zerkaa Headcannons
Uhm hello YAS ofc u can get that bc Josh has been in his FINE ARC RECENTLY!!! Bro looks so hot... proof:
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Ugh, gorg. Now time for the headcannons:
-Date night merchant -Organises date nights every fortnight -Prefers to stay in than go out -Favourite date nights are little indoor activities like movie nights and painting experimenting -You always ask whether you should plan the next date but he always says no -Loves making fun little plans and surprising you with them, esp when he knows you absolutely love them
-Often uses the Sidemen card to plan out extravagant holidays for the Sidemen videos, and brings you as well -Just has you come on the journey on his "neutral" team and explains all the bait he's laid whilst you're on the way to the good hotel... You're shocked the entire time by how intricately he's planned this -You always joke you're just one date away from being put on a bad team and shipped off to the shitty hotel -He uses the good holiday as a holiday for you two- he sets the other sidemen off in their tasks and takes you to all the tourist destinations you've always wanted to go -Fans always comment about how wholesome it is that he brings his gf on the trip -Fans also made a compilation of all your reactions to Josh explaining his evil mastermind plan for the bad team... Video is basically just eight minutes of you just smacking a hand to your mouth with wide eyes...
-Gets the BEST holiday pics of you- you don't even need to ask, he's already saying "look over there-" and taking the best pics of you -All your Instagram pics have Josh tagged for picture creds -Josh comments on every post with heart eyes emojis and commenting that he's just too lucky to have you -Fans absolutely love you, went feral when the two of you posted a kiss pic - edits absolutely flooded your tagged section, and you liked every single one
-Likes kissing whilst you have lipstick on -Gets slewed by his boys when he shows up to Sidemen shoots with lipstick-reddened lips, having been unable to wipe your lip tints off -On nights out you two are massive on PDA when you have a few drinks down -He has so many lipstick kisses all over his face at the end of a night out because of how frequently you just lean over and kiss anywhere on his face when you're on your happy-intoxicated-high -Took a picture of him with kiss marks all over his face + he put it on his insta story.... The fans never recovered.聽
-Feel like he'd play fight sm -Starts as play fighting, ends with having to truce before one of you seriously hurt one another -Both of you prefer the right side of the bed, so when you get to the hotel room it often becomes a pillow fight whilst clambering onto the bed and fighting for the favoured side -Joke about the fact Josh only wins because his head's so big no matter what velocity at which you pillow-slam him he's never affected -One time he got too goofy and jokingly went to bite you -He literally bit into your arm. -The two of you kinda paused in shock-horror-confusion-wtf -Examined and realised Josh litr left bite marks on your skin -Were bleeding slightly from where his canine teeth imprinted your skin -Didn't rly hurt and you couldn't tell whether to laugh or just be genuinely concerned as Josh profusely apologised despite his laughs -In the end it never matters who won the fight for the right side of the bed anyways, bc you sleep sprawled over Josh's chest on top of him.
Your songs (songs you listen to together and play with one another): Collard Greens, ScHoolboy Q + Kendrick Lamar Jimmy Cooks, Drake + 21 Savage Rich Flex, Drake + 21 Savage Do You Realize??, The Flaming Lips Ladbroke Grove, AJ Tracey Man Don't Care, JME + Giggs She, Tyler the Creator
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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skylarstark4826 3 months
I loved this beautiful Avatar 2 fanart of the characters of Jake and Neytiri along with their children, especially because they include the adoption of Spider. Or at least that's how I see it but anyway I liked this beautiful fanart of them especially because it's adorable to see what Neytiri was holding her baby Tuk against her while I also love to see how it was that Lo'ak was holding his dad Jake's rabs face because the truth is it is adorable to see what Lo'ak was holding close to his dad while Jake was also holding Neteyam against him. I already want to see everyone again in Avatar 3 because he sincerely already wanted to see that in the Avatar 3 movie Neytiri begins to accept Spider as his son and then it happens that she and Jake finally come to adopt him as their son.
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By the way, this beautiful Avatar 2 post of them is not mine and the credits are not for me, but I warn you that right here I am going to leave you the link of the true creator of this beautiful masterpiece on Pinterest
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badaikrohit9-blog 7 years
Brilliant Tips to Boost Engagement on Your Social Media Pages
Before you diagram your next post, begin utilizing these essential engagement tips to set your pages ablaze!
Read on for our most loved social engagement thoughts to help everything from page likes, post likes, remarks, shares, supporters, to unmitigated bonkers fans!
1) Instagram - Boost Engagement and Conversions
half of Instagram clients take after no shy of what one business, the application has kept making in prominence since being picked up by Facebook in 2012. Impacting Insta to perfect for passing on your photo's message utilizing visual substance - however posting pimped up pictures is just a single piece of the condition. On the off chance that it's engagement you're after (and it is... ), it's fundamental to pimp up the subtitles that continue running with those magnificent pics!
I've curated the basic hints underneath; if you're after the valid stray pieces see Aaron's full article at Social Media Today.
Shape With an Authentic Tone of Voice - Instagram clients aren't expecting a certifiable method for talking - they're everything considered utilizing the application in their extra chance to take a gander at cool visuals and be secured.
Wire a CTA (Call To Action) - 65% of best performing brands post on Instagram fuse things. Especially getting ready individuals to look at your thing or effect a buy to can work marvelously on this stage.
Use Hashtags - Instagram posts with no short of what one hashtag make 12.6% more engagement than those without. In addition, I get a kick out of the chance to utilize this speedy affiliation shortener instrument for posts on the fly!
Breaker Emojis - Almost half of subtitles and remarks on Instagram contain no shy of what one emoticon. While there's a degree of emoticons available to you, the most comprehended one is the heart.
Decide Other Instagram Users - It's fundamental to recollect that Instagram is an easygoing gathering. Brands that perseveringly self-raise with little respects to total never do well.
Place Important Content toward the Beginning - In a client's Instagram bolster, inscriptions are cut off after the basic couple of lines. To see the whole post, they need to tap the "View More" catch - which they won't if the basic couple of lines are unappealing.
2) Facebook - Boost Engagement, Leads and Sales
Analyze 11 of the best systems for engaging your Facebook Followers to get excited about your page and begin drawing in slants, remarks, and offers with their dearest partners. Facebook is the ideal stage for independent sets out to gather an association with their clients and many are beating their giant spending rivals by utilizing a changed electronic frameworks organization approach.
I've curated the essential clues of Andrea's sensible examinations underneath; if you're after the true blue stray pieces visit Social Media Examiner for her full article:
Move Your Audience to Action - Litographs thought of a fun thought to make brief tattoos of sentences from Alice in Wonderland. They welcomed 5,000 individuals to join the world's longest tattoo chain. This sort of thought is a heavenly approach to manage set up your social affair of observers and effect them to some piece of something fascinating.
Host a Facebook Party - Mamavation is a site that shows steady success and support and champions sans gmo sustenance and things. They have some awesome conditions Facebook social events to give away blessing statements and discounts to individuals who related with each post.
Show Personality - Through a Dog's Ear is a little 7-year-old affiliation that makes music to help quiet tense mutts. Their Facebook page is stacked with particular photographs of the originator and her mutts.
Join Humor - Cool Mom Picks is a site that ministers favors, apparatus, tech, and assets for mothers. They have exceptional video instructional exercises and they join enchanting finds in blog sections. They also utilize fascinating thing and display some identity in their posts.
Have a tremendous measure of fun - consider utilizing Facebook as it was at first proposed: a social site where you let individuals understand what you're doing. Creator Erica Spindler impacts an extraordinary showing up worried to of getting individual and having a great time. Offer things that you discover fascinating or you feel are major for individuals to know.
Be Responsive - Make it a propensity to react to remarks and your partition inbox rapidly.
Make a Facebook Event - If you have occasions on Facebook, re-share them, show in the occasions on get more noticeable perceivable quality and urge individuals to oblige them.
Post to Your Page and Profile - David Newman of Do It Marketing utilizes his Facebook page and individual profile to advance his business, which enables speakers to get more open gateways. He's connected with different speakers after a short time, so it searches bravo to get additional adjust by posting about his business in solitude profile. On the off chance that you every so often offer your business page posts on your profile, you can broaden your augmentation.
Place resources into Videos - Videos are goliath on Facebook and Learn Cake Decorating Online uses them attractively on their page. They have an included video and unsurprising fast records that get piles of perspectives and engagement. The relationship in like way utilizes the 22Social application to give away a free video class to create the email rundown and after that offer a selection to individuals who join.
Give Great Local Content Realtors sporadically discover Facebook a testing spot to display. Posting pictures of houses is mind blowing, however Realty Austin offers remarkable neighborhood content, too.
Go Behind the Scenes - Getting individual on Facebook is an astounding procedure, yet so is giving your social affair a sneak look at something nobody else can see. The Celtic band Barra MacNeils really takes individuals off camera amidst their shows.
3) Twitter - Boost Engagement and Attract Followers
Social Engagement on Twitter delivers and reinforce a relationship among you and other industry accomplices and experts. Hearting, retweeting and remarking on each other's quality posts produce peer affiliations and industry road cred for your private meander. Taps on content you post can drive improvement especially to your site, expanding leads, guests, and courses of action.
I've curated the rule tips underneath; in the occasion that you're after the certifiable stray pieces visit Adesspresso for Ana's full article:
Pull in with Other Users Content - If you require particular clients to interface with your substance, an unprecedented approach to manage begin is to dependably take part with their first. Like, react to, and retweet your clients content when you can, and tailing them can in like way offer assistance.
Retweet Other Users' Tweets - You need to do this early and once in a while. I'm singling out retweeting as engagement since this is the thing that most clients respect the most; not exclusively are you loving their substance enough to demand it, in any case you respect it enough to share it.
Keep Your Tweets Brief - We are all around obliged to keep our tweets sensibly minimal typically, with Twitter restricting our presents on 140 characters. This is adequately attempting as it is all in all, however binding our posts just genuinely more can really create engagement.
Offer a Variety of Links - If you need to get snaps to your site, the most ideal approach to manage do in that limit is to place interfaces in your Tweets. Moreover, I get a kick out of the chance to utilize this brisk affiliation shortener instrument for posts on the fly!
React When Someone Tweets to You - This is especially making progress toward enormous brands or brands that have a lot of engagement (paying little regard to the probability that it's exactly when real substance goes live), however doing your best to react by some methods when a client tweets to you can go far.
Know Your Peak Hours - Just like with Facebook, there will ensure states of the day or days of the week when a more noticeable measure of your clients will be dynamic on the site or more inclined to draw in with your substance. By being able to discover those zenith hours and posting them, you'll get more perspectives and you'll undoubtedly broaden engagement and taps on your post.
Utilize Twitter Ads - When you're needing to best engagement rapidly, Twitter Ads are a traditional approach to manage do hence, particularly on the off chance that you don't have a ton of supporters or adherents that a great part of the time pull in with your substance. Get more information about business then you can always consider Buy Instagram Followers.Twitter Ads do cost cash (and are more extravagant than Facebook Ads), yet they can even now help increment engagement when you require it. Pushed tweets work best subsequently.
Determinedly Provide Value - Social media, for a couple, has changed into a space where different clients will share each felt that flies into their heads. While non-stamp clients can escape with allowing the world to comprehend that they can't pick in the event that they require a coke or a lemonade, checks certainly can't.
Endlessly Use Hashtags - Hashtags are an essential piece of Twitter use; fundamentally like with Instagram, you fundamentally expect that a Tweet will run with no shy of what one hashtag related with it. Not exclusively do hashtags offer the upside of helping an enormous social event of people discover you when they look through the hashtag you're utilizing, regardless they can in like way fabricate engagement.
Offer Images - Images are an essential piece of online frameworks organization; this is especially veritable when we're obliged to 140 characters.
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