#also does that make regulus kaz?
Saw someone say that Barty is a Jesper variant and Evan is a Wylan variant and they are SO correct, the brain that they have
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aboutnavi · 1 year
okay but WHY does everyone sees james and regulus as alina/the darkling when it makes absolutely more sense (inside my head) to see them as kaz and inej because listen LISTEN!!! look into my eyes and tell me regulus/kaz wouldn't look james potter dead in the eyes and say "i protect my investments"??????
like i get the appeal of seeing regulus as the darkling (i actually don't but okay) but regulus as KAZ!!! who had a brother!!! who DIED! (do you see where i'm going???) died and traumatized him for the rest of his life. a brother who - let's be honest we can change bardugo's canon - because what if sirius survives??!!! what if he is assumed dead or looks so downright dead they tossed their body on the water. regulus sees it, also assumes he is dead. BUT. he is alive. and we have two ways here: he can have no recollection of regulus but and LISTEN! better yet. he remembers regulus but when his body was tossed in the water he was later captured by a ship and turned into a slave and DO YOU SEE WHERE I AM GOING? because kaz AKA regulus finally touches certain someone's HAND and when finally kaz/reg let's inej/james go! and buy her/his freedom and he goes into hunting slavers ships!!! he finds sirius!!!!!!!! who was trying to scape all this time!!! and james found him near fierda because you know... wolfs? remus? ANYWAY!
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