#also i do this on ibispaint and i never have used ibispaint before
beikerfaker · 1 month
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bless you
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bludweave · 23 days
the way you color things makes me want to commit crimes. any coloring tips for a baby digital artist who doesn’t know how to do the computer things good?
AUGH apologies for taking so long, i was in the middle of writing this answer and the whole thing was deleted as soon as i switched to another tab on my phone, and then the draft didn't save the second time i tried to write it. jfc at least i had it written out in my notes app the second time. anyway, thank you thank you thank you!! this was very nice to recieve, i love getting asks ❤️
i'm not versed in the arts of drawing on a computer, either, so i can't give tips in regards to specific programs (said in chronic procreate user voice) but i can certainly give universal advice keep in mind that i'm not professionally taught in the slightest so i lack much of the vocabulary to describe my methods, and remember that my word is not law!
in case of confusion, everything has been explained. i've added a cut because it got needlessly long. i've also added visual guides for certain tips, and image descriptions for each one
to be honest, much of what i do when picking colors is done with the help of gradient maps (more on that later) but when choosing my base colors i follow these rules:
1. you don't have to cell shade with purple + multiply and an add layer. that's the voice of lavendertowne attempting to take control of your body. stamp it out. (/j i love her)
2. bright, vivid colors!
3. instead of shifting just the brightness and saturation when picking colors to shade, shift the hue, too! in the first image, we can see that the circle is dull and boring. in comparison, the second image pops!
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4. so, how does this work?
without getting too much into color theory--because while i've studied it before, i don't trust myself to articulate it properly without making a fool of myself--it's all about how colors interact with each other. for example, a beige circle looks lighter when surrounded by a dark background rather than just plain white.
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in the same vein, surrounding greys/desaturated colors with warm colors makes them look blue, and vice versa.
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5. blue/grey shadows and warm lighting!! or the other way around. actually, you can use any color for shadows and lighting, depending on your light source. is it sunny outside, or are they beneath white light?
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6. for color picking, i reccomend avoiding using the wheel, instead opting for the rgb sliders or the hue saturation brightness sliders if you're dumb like me. this allows for precision in the colors you pick, and accuracy when putting together color palettes.
7. and, finally, the actual computer stuff: gradient maps! i looove gradient maps.
as far as i'm aware, procreate and krita have the gradient map tool. ibispaint does not. i am not sure if firealpaca does.
i usually use gradient maps to make my coloring more cohesive, rather than just slapping them on a monochrome drawing (which is also a totally viable method for coloring, but you'll be less precise, as gmaps only recognize values). when using gradient maps, i prefer to duplicate my completed artwork, lower the opacity of the duplicate on top of it (usually between 25 and 50%, depending on how strong i want the effect to be), and use gradient maps on the duplicate.
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this makes my colors all nice and pretty!
11. if you use krita, it can be hard to find the right colors to use for your gradient maps. never fear! i'm here to give you the default templates from procreate, as well as a couple of the ones i've made.
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if you have any more questions, or you want me to get further into a specific topic, feel free to send me another ask
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wasyago · 7 months
sorry to bother but i have a few questions! curious if you ever used other art programs besides sai and more about art things
- have you ever used sai 2? i think its still being refined
- whats your art program “progression” if you ever used a program before sai exactly, like ex: ibispaint -> fire alpaca -> sai
- are you a many layers artist with a seperate lineart layer and color each individual spots like skin, hair, eyes and etc in different layers? or do you combine the lineart and colors and just paint over it? or maybe you have multiple ways?
- do you use references a lot? or do you “wing” how stuff looks like? (which could honestly show te growth when it looks so right which you do always! your art is amazing?)
i still have so many questions but i dont want to bother by making this ask too long, sorry about that!
ooh this is interesting
i have sai2 downloaded, but i think i got the wrong version (the one that has a time trial thing and stops you from saving the files after a certain period of time). and i kinda just never bothered switching to it amd looking for a normal version? i know sai2 has a lot more options and textures and what not, but i like my old sai1 more for some reason.
for the art program progression, hmmmm. it's pretty much all sai1 i think! i have fire alpaca installed and still use it to make gifs and animations or to import text to sai / manage files / edit minecraft textures / etc, but it was never my main program. i drew some stuff in ibispaint as a kid before i had my computer, but i think back then i also mainly drew on paper, ibis wasn't my "main". never got into photoshop, never used any other programs.
for the layers. i do use them a lot, but like, for testing mostly? for example, when i want to change something in the sketch, i copy the layer and then compare the old and the new versions, deleting the one i don't like. i color and shade on one layer, but when i want to check how it'll look with different colors, i make a new layer and then compare them. when i want to fix something, like redraw the eye or clean up the sketch a bit or see how the character will look in a coat intstead of a vest, i make the new layer on top and just paint over everything. and eventually merge all the layers together and keep adding on top. so, i make a lot of layers, but then i also delete/merge a lot of them.
i used to use a lot of references and put all of them in the backgrounds of my drawings with low opacity to create this effect of busyness but also so i didn't haveto switch tabs constantly. but i stopped doing it for some reason. i do still use references, mostly for things that i don't have much experience drawing or want to be accurate. like armor, muscle structures, certain clothing elements, instruments, background elements, etc. and i wing things like poses, anatomy, expressions, clothing, lighting, composition, whatever else. i also recently find myself looking at a lot of art of other artists for inspiration, but not necessarily as references? like, the specific way that one artist drew hair poking out of the bandana, or the specific way that other artist drew a shadow on the glasses, or the specific way that other other artist drew a tail, its inspiring and i go "huh, i never thought of that" and i try to implement it in my art. well, i guess kind of like references.
i feel like you've answered all your questions in your ask, so this wasn't very helpful, but uhhhh...... yeah! thank you for this ask and thank you for the kind words, it was a lot of fun! and feel free to ask anything else
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solidwater05 · 8 months
(You can find a static version here!)
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[ID: An animated pixel art gif of a syringe filled with a sparkling black liquid. /End ID]
Blood! Yes this is blood. And also Punctuationverse art. Art of @character-profiles to be specific
Rambling under the cut
So!! IbisPaint recently introduced an animation feature and I wanted to try it out with something quick and simple. I decided to do a small gif with some sparkles, low frame count, etc. Something easy, because I don't animate. I don't do pixel art either but shh
Well. I did a grand total of two (2) frames before wanting to do a gradient. Which made me go from 7 to fucking 20 fps to make it smooth. I spend over an hour on this one-second-long animation. IbisPaint doesn't even have an option to export things as gifs so I had to use an online converter! That's why it looks kinda fucked. I'm happy with the result, even if it was way more time consuming than it has any right to be. I was literally just recoloring pixels why does my hand hurt now. I'm never animating anything again (unless I really want something shiny, I guess?)
I briefly thought of making the blood move but I had enough of this. The sparkles are enough. How do animators do this???
I was also gonna upload the video version bc the quality is higher but Tumblr won't let me so yeah :/
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diezmil10000 · 1 year
hi 👋 you can call me diez or chisi
i am from spain and i like to draw lesbians. this is my main blog, if you're only here for my art and not for my reblogs you can follow my art-only blog!!
(FAQ under the cut)
what software and brushes do you use?
i work on ibisPaint X and Krita on a Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite. i use a lot of different brushes for lineart but mostly these ones:
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are your commissions open?
i will never do commissions, but thank you for your interest.
will you someday sell your art through an online shop / convention?
no, but feel free to print my stuff in good quality paper if you want to hang it on your wall.
how can i financially support you?
i have no need for that right now. please give your money to other artists or organizations.
can i repost your art / use it for edits?
i don't encourage it, but i don't mind. asking for permission and linking back to any of my social media would be appreciated too ♡ just don't use it for commercial purposes (sell merch, use as streaming layouts, etc)
how do you do X part of your drawing?
i recommend checking my speedpaints if you're curious, the name of the videos is the day i finished that drawing in YYMMDD format (as in, year-month-day). i also made a tag for my art thoughts, but if you still have a question feel free to send me an ask and i'll try my best to explain it!!
where did you learn anatomy?
i used to watch a lot of proko and sycra videos (on youtube), and also do gesture/figure drawings from photo references and k-pop dance practice videos.
when / why did you start drawing?
i started taking it seriously when i was 15. seeing lesbian fanart was what caused my gay awakening and i felt like there wasn't enough of it, so i decided to get better.
do you do traditional art?
i kind of dislike it, actually. i have filled over 1000 A4 sheets and 7 sketchbooks over the years, but it's all quick doodles to practise or warm up. when i bought a tablet i could carry around i stopped drawing traditionally as often, but i still find myself drawing in my sketchbook from time to time when i want to sketch midlessly or get better at something.
do you draw nsfw art?
very rarely, but i only show it to my friends. i do consume a lot of nsfw content tho, just not in public 👍
how do you keep yourself motivated?
a combination of drawing only what i like and a strong desire of seeing more lesbian art. that's why i mostly make fanart and almost never participate in art trades or make art gifts. i also don't want to make a career out of drawing.
have you gone to art school?
i'm currently doing a degree in graphic design at college, but it has almost no correlation with the kind of art i share online. before that i never studied art academically.
are you seriously a furry?
are you seriously a communist?
i will always stand by the workers of the world and oppose capitalism on its fundamentals. you can call me a communist, socialist, leftist– i don't mind, having a defined label isn't important for me.
are you an anti or a pro shipper?
i am neither, i don't care about this.
are you aware that you follow someone who did something problematic?
i mostly follow other artists, so if i've been following someone problematic for a long time it probably isn't that deep for me to unfollow them.
do you have any ocs?
plenty! but i don't like to talk about them in public
can i be your friend / talk regularly with you?
i don't like to talk to strangers, but if i'm following you feel free to interact with me at any time~
what's the name of your cat?
yonyon ! she's a female cat but i treat her by any and all gendered terms
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why have you disabled your DMs, story replies and sometimes comments?
because i dislike interacting with fandoms, especially big ones. i draw for myself and for the lesbians with niche interests, so i don't want to read weird comments, block overly friendly DMs or watch strangers have a public debate about my moral standards. i'm very thankful towards all of you who love my art tho, even if i can't read all of your positive thoughts!! also, there are plenty of ways to contact me, they're just not in plain sight 💋
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jils-things · 5 months
happy new year! ; my farewell letter to 2023.
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last year, ive written a similar farewell letter to 2022 and i want to make this a little tradition - so here's my second one <3
okay, so - wow. first of all, just wow.
this might be incredibly bold to say, but i think this has been my best year to be alive (i promise you i do not want to sound corny about it, but i really think 2023 was amazing for me.) of course, many things happened. im at my last year of senior high before i go to college, which is very scary but i hope i can be brave for it. school has been actually very generous to me recently, despite a few minor setbacks that looked very major when i was going through it, but overall it was very generous to me. but irl rambling is boring, so let's talk about my selfshipping blog!
last year, i had a verrrry firm grip on a previous f/o that im 100% sure old followers know - though im a little sad I can't find that spark to focus on him again - the shift in media has helped me find new f/os that i can say has been incredibly memorable to me. as we all know, im in a very INSANE pokemon brainrot since november or october(?) of 2022 and it has still remained heavily active in my head right now - which i honestly didn't even know i had the full capacity of doing! I don't know what magic this game did to me but i promise you im so happy i revisited this game again.
i would talk about how grateful i am to everyone has been supportive and sweet about my romantic f/os but i think the best highlight of my blog is my newfound love for my familial f/os - before that, i never had a single one on my list because i was simply quite disconnected to the family love concept, but after indulging myself in pokemon - i would come to discover pokemon adve.ntures, or poke.spe for short hehe. i have so many fond memories of finding myself wanting to read more and MORE - i would have every chapter downloaded beforehand just so that i can read it in my spare time, not even school that demanded my attention would stop me from sneaking my phone to quickly read through the manga LMAOO - but consuming the media itself wasn't enough, i needed people to understand the ROLLERCOASTER of emotions i had while reading and well, i think its very clear who those people were, the ones who came to save my miserable ass from (insert shocking scene in poke.spe) AHSJHSHSJSJS you know who you are and i appreciate you forever and they - i kid you not, helped me create something wonderful!
but of course, the video games were just as amazing. would you believe me if i told you i played gens 1 to 7 in one year? that's how much i adore the game and i still have yet to catch up to other games like the spin offs :] im not sure how to end this statement but. im so happy appleshipping and memoryshipping exists 🥹 i usually don't like thinking that they'll be with me forever because i believe nothing lasts for eternity but i just wanna say that they were just ... im just so contented 🥹 again, all of this actually would not have been so impactful to me if it weren't for my awesome mutuals hearing me out about it and supplying me with even more ideas - these mutuals would also end up becoming such loving friends of mine that helped me get out of my comfort zone and im still happy they're around (hi guys!) 💚
oh! and, what a surprise, i never thought id have an oc f/o! i initially thought that this was so impossible to do but?!??;?! it just happened i guess!!!! i keep surprising myself this year 😭
ok now here's the obligatory art summary for the year 💥
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literally the best thing i ever done with my art is try using csp and it actually really helped me change the way i draw, and i even managed to cross out a few items in my last year's resolution thanks to it! i still bounce between using ibispaint and csp but i certainly improved!
the last thing im forever grateful about are the people who has been consistently supportive of my art - especially the commissions, i can't stress it enough how much it has helped me outside and it allowed me to go beyond my comfort zone when it comes to my drawing skills :']] thank you all so much
and finally, big thank you to everyone who sent me nice letters to my tree 🥹💚 its a gentle reminder that im actually ... pretty cool ig 🥹 and if you didn't send one, that's also ok!! you're still cool for reading this mwamwa
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again im so bad at ending posts like these but cheers to a new year and let's hope it'll be better for everyone. 💚🫡 goodbye 2023!
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frindoka · 7 months
my art timeline :-)
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hi! i’m making this because i was inspired by maxpawb’s post i saw on toyhouse , which then led me to look at all my own art that is still somehow intact in my storage. this only details stuff from when i started posting online, not from when i started drawing traditionally as a wee lad. partially because my sketchbooks are lost and partially because i never really wrote down dates on my art to begin with.
a lot of dates are lost, due to the aforementioned problem of me not writing things down.. and also i have awful dissociative memory problems so there’s way too many gaps in my life. but i really did want to do this to see how much i could find & how much i could recollect.
content warning for VERY brief mentions of grooming, as well as minor mentions of real shitty friends
everything is under the cut! there might be another rb if or when i hit the image limit. curse you, tumblr.
date: ??? , i had to be around like. 11 at the time
this was when i joined warriors amino and i deleted my account because i got in trouble for having social media, LMAO. i eventually came back with a new one though. this is probably one of the only surviving art pieces from when i was THIS YOUNG, everything’s on an ipad that’s so broken it won’t even charge
i learned how to use the smudge tool on ibispaint at this time and thought i was the coolest bitch on the block for my blending
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may 2019, i was like 12
my return to amino (and brief period on deviantart, which i never used again lmao) i was specifically on wings of fire amino + warriors amino. i was obsessed with airbrush shading.
this is one of my first fursonas which was a wings of fire fanflight called kitsunewings or smth. and also my first species character (he predated the dragon), a bayfox, which was drawn in krita. i never used krita again after this. coincidentally, i was also never active in bayfoxes after submitting him.
i crawled back to ibispaint no matter how many new free programs i tried.. (also tried firealpaca once. i couldn’t even figure out how to draw a line…)
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may 2019, 12
the rise of my longest lasting fursona. she got stolen on a shitty app called anime maker once. i can’t remember if she’s older than the dragon, andromeda, but her older iterations definitelt are. this character was just the FIRST first fursona that i actually called that, since i didn’t even really know what a furry was at first
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june 2019, 12
my first commission that i sold for like 30 deviantart points (i only used the site for commission purposes, as mentioned before i never really used it lmao)
also i tried to make a closed species on wings of fire amino. second image. it was terribly stressful ; this was around the time i met my longest lasting group of friends (hi freak bin! 5 years <3) and.. some of the worst people i’ve ever met in my life at the same time, LMAOOO
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also here’s this kokichi ouma dog i made before i even knew what danganronpa was. i would find out much later, unfortunately
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march 2020, still 12 (cause of my august birthday 😒)
there’s a really big gap in my files here. sad! my art kicks into gear at this point tbh, i like how i did the lines. wish i had the energy for such clean lineart still :-(
i think around this time i lost contact with the people who were my groomers (which i would realize later) and i’m thankful that i don’t even remember what their names are.
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april 2020 - july 2020, 12
okay these aren’t awful actually. HOW WAS MY ART SO DETAILED. i admire baby frets power, jesus christ
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i also did a design raffle when i hit 500 amino followers which is still the most i’ve ever gotten as a following. pretty crazy, i wonder who owns this dude now, i still think they’re cute
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august 2020, 13
wow i’m 13 now look at that. i had to go digging for this one, only one i could find that was remotely close to my birthday (it’s the 25th!) this was a drawing for my friend bea lol
was still friends with some pretty shitty people from wings of fire amino, and it was really taking a toll on me. i don’t remember drawing as often as i used to during that time because of all of that.
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december 2020, 13
i wish i could still draw backgrounds.. i need more practice
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january 2021, 13
okay honestly these are really cute. i don’t know wtf kind of motivation i had for this much detail. the shading is pretty damn good
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april 2021, 13
still going strong with the shading and backgrounds. not much to say around this time either lol. the first one is an older design of mine, but they’re pretty damn cute.. i wonder what happens to the desgins i lose track of? but ik this guy has a toyhouse profile i just refuse to look through my like. 200 pages of character designs on there…
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july 2021, 13
PUDDLE! PUDDLE OH HOW I MISS YOU. my original favorite oc, i got so much art of him & drew him so much he reached 100 pieces in less than a month. i also met my best friend through this dude.
my art got.. blocky? here? idk what i was doing with all of that but it lasts for a while. lol
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october 2021, 14
one year older and i got neo twewy for my birthday and it changed my life permanently. in several ways. anyhow, here’s frindoka furries.. they live in my files forever and will never b drawn again because they got redesigned several more times LOLLLLL
this is the month after i broke off permanently from my shitty old friends, with support of some other friends of mine. thank you guys… i did proceed to get harassed and made paranoid over my text messages by the shitty friends cause they were mad i got one of them banned from a furry adopts server for being literally dangerous. i do know it was them bc it was admitted to & they were some of the only people i gave my phone number to. i was kind of dumb for that
i was happy after my birthday because 13 was one of the worst years of my life. literal constant spirals and breakdowns because this is when i realize i was, in fact, groomed. i’m well and handling it better now.
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january 2022, 14
my first d&d character, the mark of my eventual spiral into heath insanity… shadow how i miss you. i ended up redesigning them later on
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march 2022, 14
i got into a pokemon arpg around this time and it took over my life for MONTHSSSS. kind of a shitty community in it though, but i appreciate how it improved my artwork. i’m back at the backgrounds! it’s shut down indefinitely now. rip eeveemporium
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april 2022, 14
I FOT BACK INTO WAKFUUUU😭😭😭 also got pretty comfortable in my identity as a transgender nonbinary person, but i would get MORE comfortable about my identity later on :-)
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this is going to be continued in a reblog because i did, in fact, hit the image limit. oopsie daisies
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just curious, whta app/program do you use?
Okay, since I'm not the type of person to stick to only one art program/app and whatnot, here's my short reviews of every art program I ever used and the ones I still use.
PaintToolSai1/2 - pretty useful for people who don't own a drawing tablet cuz it has an amazing curve tool. Otherwise, I try not to think abt that abomination of an program.
GIMP- ummmmm..... it exists. Def not for drawing, more for photo editing or fixing ur art
Photoshop [multiple vers] - OK everyone sees it as a Lord and Savior of art. I say it's overloaded with so much stuff it can be overwhelming sometimes. Also better off fixing photos and drawings on it if you're not a professional.
FireAlpaca - making small animations on it was actually pretty fun, simple, easy, I'd recommend it to any beginner who doesn't need complicated tools just yet. But wants to try out new things and experiment.
IbisPaint- a lot of people use it and prase it, idk the damn thing never clicked with me. Especially after the "glitch that erases ur drawings with a square" thing, Tried it, now I avoid it. Nothing interesting abt it.
Medibang [currency use] - Currently wondering when they're going to treat the Pc verson and the app verson the same. A lot of stuff that are on pc are not in the app so lookout for that. it's alright, great for me and my lineart and comics and stuff. Kinda gets overwhelmed when folders get introduced for the drawing. But he's a champ yo, alright for paintings but not perfect. (Unfinished drawing)
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Sketchbook [currently use]- alright for paintings, not so much for lineart at least to me. Some brushes are so overpowered that the app verson struggles to render it properly. (One of my unfinished paintings in it)
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Krita [currently use] - It's okay. As I stated way before, I'm in a love/hate relationship with it. It has everything an artist would need, but the damn thing crushes on itself way too much . Bro is so overpowered he struggles to find balance in his life. Eh but I love it anyway, I used krita since the proper launch when it had nothing but few brushes and stuff, when it looked like a SAI copy or sum. Amazing to think that it was inspired by GIMP out of all things. (Fast animation I made in it)
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Have in mind there are lot's more programs and apps out there. It depends on what you need from a program and your own skills, and lot's of other things.... they all have their strong and weak points, that's for sure.
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adeleba · 5 months
okay, so for starters, this is what they look like:
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This art is NOT mine btw, I made it using a picrew, but I did darken the colors using ibispaint
My oc’s name is Marcy, they’re nonbinary and use they/them pronouns
Marcy’s 16!
Marcy is the elemental master of darkness, meaning they basically have umbrakenesis!
Marcy meets the ninja during the tournament of elements
Marcy is a very quite yet observant person, but they also have the shittiest social cues EVER 😭
Poor thing is so dense? Oblivious? like, think season 1 Zane, that’s kinda how they act
Their also sooo oblivious, they can’t tell whether or not someone is genuinely complimenting/flirting with them (but that’s mostly cuz of trauma <3)
They have a monotone-ish voice, so people have a hard time telling if their joking or not, and most people don’t understand their humor anyways (same lol)
This motherfucker does NOT know the phrase “think before you speak”, what’s worst is that they’re the bluntest (is that even a word?) person ever
They don’t mean to say anything rude or hurtful on purpose, but they often tell their honest opinion without thinking, and comes off as rude most of the time
This fucker has such a big sweet tooth, like, they’ll devour an entire bag of candy within an entire day or two
OBSESSED with sci fi and tech, they will NOT shut up about how awesome Cyrus Borg is or how cool the latest ‘Starfarer’ comic was
The BIGGEST nerd ever, they LOVE fantasy and (as I’ve said before) SCI FI ‼️
They love music, and they love reading as well!
Marcy’s aesthetic is grunge/emo!
I really wanna ship them with one of the ninja I just don’t know who 😭
Trigger warners: abuse (mental and physical), violence, alcohol, etc
Marcy was able to first tap into their elemental power when they were really young, I’m talking like, around 5-6 years old
Well, once their father knew about this (whom of which was the previous elemental master of darkness) he decided to train them, wanting them to be the perfect elemental master
So, Marcy’s father would train them everyday, and was like, crazy strict and manipulative
Marcy’s mother couldn’t really do much due to their father manipulating and gaslighting her into thinking she and Marcy couldn’t survive without him, and stuff like that
Well, one day, after Marcy turned 14, their father got drunk and he got into a fight with their mother
Marcy observed the fight, until they realized that their father had raised his fist, preparing to strike their mother
Marcy was quick to rush in, using their training and fast reflexes to stop their father, which only made him even more angry
Grabbing a nearby empty beer bottle, Marcy’s father threw it directly at them, and ended up hitting them in the face with it
The force of the throw caused the bottle to shatter on impact, the glass shards cutting through Marcy’s skin (hence the scars on their face)
Out of pure fear and adrenaline, Marcy ran out the door as fast as possible, running through the streets of Ninjago, knowing they could never return back home, knowing that it was unsafe to do so
The backstory kinda sucks rn, I’m probably gonna change it up a little later on 😭
Eyo, umbrakinesis?? I'm curious on how different that is from the element of shadows :o
And we love a blunt royal. You can always trust em ToT. Feelings may get hurt but at least you get something real, yknow. And I dig their aesthetic choices mmm.
But why is their backstory so sad :( . And is their mom okay? Does the dad get his comeuppance?
(Ooh you could incorporate their powers on how they overpower their father, in the future or something. It would be fitting that the man who'd seek perfection from that power results in that very thing defeating him. Karma or something lmaoo)
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cheemken · 11 months
Bro? You just use ibispaint, on a phone, to draw?? And they always come out amazing???
Also Hau and Iris look so CNCHXKSN. They look so cool and you can just tell how much influence Lance and Diantha had on them
But I wanted to say, I thought of how the Unova Region would find out about Iris, or at least how cold and violent she’s gotten. Because if she can’t hide her anger then she’ll definitely be seen as a tyrant sooner or later like Lance and Leon
Now most of the people know that The Champion and The Hero of Unova have been good friends for years. Lots of times the two trainers and their friends would be seen together, hanging out, laughing, being happy, and just all in all great friends. So imagine the regions surprise when Champion Iris greatly injures The Hero of Truth, Hilbert
It was one of those times when Hilbert challenged Iris for her title, confident that him and his Pokémon trained enough to overthrow his friend. But of course she defeated all six of his Pokémon and kept her title. After some small talk Hilbert joking mentions how her luck will run out soon and he’ll be the new champion. And her anger slightly flares for a moment, her friend doesn’t think she’s strong enough to be champion and that she has relied on luck to get this far. She gives short replies to his questions and starts preparing to leave, making sure her Pokémon are fine and healed up
Getting annoyed with her lack of answers and just general attitude over the past few months, Hilbert himself gets angry and starts an argument with her. After some back and forth yelling he says some words he’ll regret. He says how if she’s only using her skills and strength to terrorize the people of Unova, that if she’s going so far that she would’ve killed someone had they not stopped her, then she isn’t fit to be a champion. Because a champions job is to protect, not kill the innocent
Iris really though her friend was better. That he knew his place in the world and trusted her decisions to protect Unova, to protect their friends, to protect him, but it seems he’s just like the rest of them. Looking down on her like she’s nothing
Only when Iris grows quiet does he realize how suffocating the room felt. How the room got colder, and how Iris’ eyes, that once reminded him of shining rubies, were now a frightening eerie red that stared straight at him from across the room. Finally realizing his terrible mistake when Iris reveals a seventh Pokéball and releases the legendary Dragon/Ice type Pokémon, who stares directly at him, with it ready to fire the move Glaciate whenever it’s trainer commands it to
No but my last post, it was supposed to be abt Iris being so pissed abt the people of Unova she did a team Plasma and froze a few of the towns as a threat
And now you send me this and I'm so not fucking normal abt it that is so dope😭
Can you imagine the colour on Hilbert's face fading, staring wide eyes up at Kyurem. He never got to face Kyurem back then, Nate never told him, or any of them, of his experience w Kyurem, w Ghetsis. N never told them as well, in respect of Nate's wishes, but what N only told them it was freezing, it felt like a worse version of hell, it felt terrifying, and had he not came in with Reshiram... Hilbert almost didn't wanna know. And now, standing before him was none other than Kyurem itself, under the command of their Champion, glaring at him with the same intensity he once received from Ghetsis.
He should've known. Nate left Kyurem with Drayden. But Drayden's gone now. And the one left with Kyurem is none other than the strongest trainer in Unova.
"Iris... Let's not cross that line." He carefully said, raising both his arms in surrender, "I take it back. I take everything back." His breathing quickened, puffs of cold air leaving his lips with each bated breath, "just.. Arc, Iris, please, don't do this." He pleaded, falling to his knees. He knew what happened to Unova while he, Hilda, and N were away. He knew the damages Kyurem had done because of Plasma. But Plasma wasn't around anymore, and Plasma didn't know the full potential of a Dragon, not like Iris. She knows how to tap into it, knows what to do to unleash their hidden power within, she understands them more than any other could. And she knows that one Glaciate Kyurem will summon will be enough to freeze the entire league over.
But Iris still glared at him. Told him he had a plan with the others, don't you? She can sense them, can sense Zekrom and Reshiram on their way.
"I didn't know about that!"
As she commanded Kyurem to use Glaciate, N and Hilda came just in time to block the attack, commanding both Reshiram and Zekrom to attack Kyurem.
N had warned Hilda to not let Zekrom close, as Iris would probably have the DNA Splicers w her too, so the two became more wary while battling. But Iris was erratic, it's so unlike her now, yelling out her commands, so desperate to beat them.
But also I have this lil concept too, that when N and Hilda came in, Hilda and Hilbert did fight Iris, like legit fought her hand to hand, all while N was trying to calm down Kyurem. And just cjmdd imagine Hilda and Hilbert actually knocking her out and got Kyurem's pokeball, calling him back. And they brought Iris to Plasma's castle under the league, tied her up in a chair maybe, in N's throne most likely, and then the Nuvema gang and N are there before her.
Imagine her glaring at them, almost growling at them, telling them to let her go. But ofc, they're not letting her go that easily. God imagine them finally getting to really talk to her, asking her why she's suddenly acting like that, after Drayden's death she wasn't the same.
And like, imagine her looking down, tears rolling down her cheeks, and she starts sobbing. Telling them that she really just missed her grandpa, that she just wanted to prove herself to be a good Champion, a strong trainer that their region could rely on, but the pressure was getting to her, especially since everyone still looked down on her, how no matter what she does, she will never be enough for the people of Unova, and she hates it. It haunts her every night, haunts her until she couldn't sleep, and it didn't help how she could still hear the hushed whispers of the people in Opelucid telling her that she will never be able to fill in Drayden's role as the mayor of that city too.
Bianca ofc caved in, she tried to approach Iris, Cheren and even Hilda stopped her, but she gave them a look that they knew they couldn't argue w her on this one. Bianca knelt before Iris, wiping her tears, telling her that she doesn't have to fight her battles alone anymore, they're her friends, "we'll always be here for you." And Iris smiled at that, melting in her touch, shifting slightly almost kissing the palm of her hand, thanking her for her patience. Bianca then looked at the others, and they finally relented, they untied Iris and they half expected her to double cross them, instead she fell straight into Bianca's arms, pulling her close as she cried on her shoulder.
And the others, well, perhaps Iris really was misguided, but not anymore, they'll make sure of it. So they went in and joined in on the group hug, telling Iris that they'll always be there for her.
Iris smiled at that, hidden as she buried herself deeper in Bianca's embrace, guess Diantha's acting lessons really did pay off.
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widdlediddle2 · 2 years
Howdy; hope your day's (or night's) been peachy. I saw you were giving art advice, so I was hoping you can answer my own question: can you learn to be as good as, say, yourself at art when you're broke? I'm talking "can't pay for a soda at a from a vending machine broke even if you're really damn thirsty because you've spent all your money on rent" broke. Art supplies, both digital and traditional, look so damn expensive. Can you learn to draw while broke, and do you have any budget art tips?
Ofc you can draw on a low budget!
Your Art or craft isn’t about having expensive art supplies it’s about how you use it
I come from a very humble family so I was never able to get a lot of nice art supplies growing up but that didn’t stop me!
Simply drawing on a notebook is enough to make good art!
I recommend going to a local dollar store to get a sketch book and most of your art supplies
From my experience purchasing from bigger companies like Michaels was a waste of money
While you can get awesome pens and stuff from Michaels when I used the sketchbooks from there I was never able to draw in it because I didn’t wanna ruin expensive paper so I got dollar store sketchbooks!
Cheaper and I don’t feel limited to what I draw!
As for digital art it can be really simple! If you have a phone you can draw on there!
Fun fact if you look back at old drawings from before June 2021 all those drawings were made on my phone!!
I never had a laptop and a drawing tablet until last year for my bday
IbisPaint, FlipaClip (for animating), and sketchbook were all my apps I used!! Sketchbook was for just basic sketching/doodling and ibis paint was my main art app! All free apps too!
You can also make a drawing on paper and scan it in on your phone! From your notes app or a scanning app on the AppStore!
Some more Art tips I have:
Budget wisely
If you have family members or friends that have paper or art supplies you can use ask them if u can borrow some
Reuse materials
Collect art supplies over time!
If you have anymore questions send another ask or DM me :)
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rosescries · 2 years
Hey Rosey, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting but I really, really, need help. One of the people that I love and admire is you, and knowing that you do art is a relief.
See, I have this problem regarding my art style. I just started a week ago and during that time, it's been tiring but surprisingly rewarding and fulfilling. I haven't done art before, and the only part of art that I amateurly mastered were the eyes, now, the way I draw eyes is just plain and chibi.
To further explain, I'll tell you the whole timeline.
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I started making this on Nov. 6, this was my very first digital art, this is also when I was oblivious to art in general. I finished it in Nov. 7 and while bad and just plain ugly, I was happy with it so I continued.
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Here is my second digital art. I started this from Nov. 8-11. To be honest, I was surprised by what I made. I honestly though I was going to get something ugly but....it was surprisingly decent. I showed it to my friends and peers, and they expressed positive reviews. That gave me the motivation to further enhance my amateur skills.
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Now, this was made during Nov. 12-13. I wanted to focus on drawing the head, I also wanted to properly color and blur, add highlights and all that. And well, I was Really happy. I could actually see my progress. And I've never been happier. I showed this to my friends and they told me that I was progressing at an outstanding rate. I was ecstatic, and well, it gave me even more motivation.
Now, here's where the problem arises. On Nov. 14, I wanted to start focusing on the body, however, when i was ready to start drawing, it was like....I forgot how to draw.
I tried to draw eyes. But somehow, a simple, straight line appeared to be ugly. I kept erasing and deleting layers and just kept starting over, but whenever I finish a simple sketch. It was just plain UGLY. I never seemed to be satisfied with anything.
I changed direction, I tried drawing circles with IbisPaint X's ruler, but the shape seemed to be at the wrong position despite being on the center. I also had this perception where the circle seemed wonky. And I was using a ruler. A RULER, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A PERFECT CIRCLE.
Im got frustrated, and kept trying for the past few days. I asked my friends if loosing your art style or just forgetting how to draw is normal, that it's fine, and they told me it it, they say they get it all the time. But it never seemed to make my panic settle.
I searched online and it said that I have art block. It said that I was getting used to using the same style for so long despite only drawing for a week.
With you being an artist, I wanted to ask.
*Is this really normal? Is it normal to suddenly forget how to draw? How everything you draw seemed to be ugly?
*Do you have any advice on how I should handle this?
With every day that passes, I get more and more discouraged. I'm borderline hysterical, I want to cry and scream.
I need help. Please....
I'm so sorry that this post is so long, but you are someone who I can trust in this. I apologize if I'm disturbing you, and you are free to delete this. Just know that I am giving you a choice.
Again. Thank you, and Goodbye.
Firstly, I want to say your art is absolutely lovely. All three of them are wonderful.
Secondly, yeah it's normal. I get that sometimes where I'm just not happy with what I draw and it happens a lot with my writing even. I think it's just something that happens with all creative things, it's okay.
I don't know if I'm really the person to ask about what to do about it though. Because when I get that way I just... don't draw. Don't write, don't really do anything until I get the will to pick up the pencil again. That usually helps me, especially when I get frustrated with a drawing. I'll sometimes just abandon that drawing too and do/draw something else. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's a part of the creative process really.
I guess I'd just suggest taking a break from it. If you really want to draw, you could try something else? Drawing humans are hard, I will say. Even chibi humans. You could try something more abstract, I like drawing butterflies, flowers (these are hard too though), and decorative hearts. Just low effort doodles that can look really nice once finished.
Don't give yourself too much of a hard time about this. Art is hard, it can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. Plus you're still learning! It's the time to make "bad art" and mistakes. Try things out and learn what you like and what you don't. All artists are their own worst critic. If you're frustrated and not having fun, just try take a step back and relax. It'll still be there to come back to and try again later. It's okay.
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italiantea · 2 years
4 7 9 17 29 go go go goo go ggogogogo!!.!.
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
ok I've already bitched about yixin's hair but kairei's is also a pain in the ass to draw, I always forget she has a headband till halfway through (I should probably go study some photos to get the perspective right) the ahoge is cute ig but I'm never not questioning its inclusion lmao it's pretty silly. here's a sneak peak of the girl herself
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7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
I don't do any traditional art, like, ever so I really admire artists who do. I especially don't know anything about painting, it seems like such a hassle what with the supplies and everything. also animation🥺 animation is so sick I wish I had the skill for that
9. What are your file name conventions
i put all my finished png files in folders sorted by the year, and in order for them to be in chronological order I name them year/month/day + whatever witty title I felt like giving it. with spaces. I primarily use ibispaint so I don't usually have the PSD files on my computer
I've turned off my computer here's the funniest example I can find on hand
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17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
I need my fingers on both hands to draw so I don't think that's possible. I'll probably have my water bottle on the table tho. yes I have spilled it before. no, I never learn
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
I have this disconnect between the media I love and what I actually draw. I feel like I don't have that strong of a passion for drawing compared to some people? like whereas a lot of artists will consume a piece of media they love and be filled with inspiration to draw like,, fanart and art style studies or whatever. even after all these years drawing feels like an awkward second language to me like I can't just bust out a dozen unique drawings of my favourite character just because I like them :') the love to brainrot to creation pathway isn't that strong in my brain. I'm most motivated to work on fanart when I feel like I'm bringing something unique to the table, like no one's done this yet so I guess it's up to me to do it however shittily :D
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perryisle · 3 months
For the weirdly specific art ask: 1, 23, 27 and 30?
1. Art programs you have but don't use
downloaded firealpaca once but never really used it lol.. also i have ibispaint x on my phone that i dont really use either
23. Do you use different layer modes
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
ehhh sort of? mostly i just doodle stuff until i find a thing that would look really good colored + lined and just working on that. when im about to continue on working on a big thing i usually warm up when i feel like it
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
this one probably.. lineart is nice
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kinosansart · 11 months
My personal views on art software as a hobby artist
So lol the next art post is text based.
But considering this is my art account and art related I figured that this post should go on this art blog.
But aware these are my own views and other artist views may vary.
Ok I swear I'll try to upload some art on this blog soon!
So what I look for in a art program (free or paid) when I draw stuff
For colored illustrations
Be able to draw straight into the program or process lineart from tranditional media well
To be able to fill color with the bucket tool on different layers with ease
To be easily blend/render coloring
For manga/comic panels
Make panels easily
Apply tone easily
Have a lot of free use/references/assets (ie backgrounds) to be able to be used
Have a good text insert tool
Be able to transfer illustrations back and forth easily (ie from ipad to laptop)
Have a good basis of tools, ie brushes, line tool.
Bonus points if they have a good intergrated soical media platform.
So I was going to go through some art software (free and paid) that I currently use for my illustrations, go through some postives and negatives.
Before that..
Software I am not mentioning
Photoshop (because I think it's too difficult to render plus I mostly use it to alter image sizes)
Gimp (never used)
Krita (Never used)
Sketchbook (hardly used)
Many other programs I don't mention
Medibang Paint (Mobile + Desktop, Free + paid)
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I feel like this program does'nt really get a lot of attention. It's free and always requires so many "updates" but it's a program I use a lot currently. Mostly on ipad I use this program.
Really easy to draw on and simple to color on
Bucket tool is the best in this program works on every layer
The text tool IS AMAZING to use (I use it currently for my fancomics)
My artwork looks really bright and colorful when I finish coloring on this app
The uploading on to their soical media platfrom is bad
Cloud upload is a little slow/glitchy
Text tool needs online/internet to work
The desktop version is not as good as ipad version
Not good for drawing manga/comics
When online, ads are really annoying
Color blending/rendering is not really good apart from using the watercolor brush
Even though there's so many things I don't like about this software. I USE THIS PROGRAM A LOT. I think it's been 3-5 years snice I've used this program up to this day. Still very under-rated this program is.
IbisPaint X (mostly mobile but there is desktop, free + paid)
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The "alternative" to procreate for android users. I don't see many users talk about this program neither.
AMAZING for manga/comic drawing. It's my current default program to draw my fancomics right now
Screentone layer is amazing
Really good bucket tool, works on different layers
Good resources/assets for manga/comic creation
A pain to transfer files back and fourth, snice this program is mobile exculsive (unless you pay for desktop)
It's not really good to do colored illustrations on (no good blending tools, no dual colors can be used)
Text tool is not good.
A new program I came across and I honestly was SO IMPRESSED with the manga tools that I bought the ad free version. I honestly recommend this program for manga/comic creation over clip studio paint.
Procreate (paid and on ipad only)
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Speaking about Procreate I have it! I also don't use it as much as Medibang + Ibispaint lol. I honestly think procreate is over-rated.
Animation is the most simple and easy to use (I did my own test animations on them)
Good customisation with brushes
Good blending tool
I like the timelaspe function
Amazing color palette creation
THE AUTOFILL/BUCKET SUCKS BAD (the main reason I hate drawing on this app, every drawing I do I have to color in manually like a 5 year old and it takes me ages to finish a drawing on this app)
For some reason every drawing I do on this app my colors are dull and washed out compared to medibang
Transfering files back and forth is a pain as well
I mostly don't use procreate because for me the bucket tool NEVER works on my lineart (even setting reference on the layer) which results on me keeping the drawing simple because I have to manually color every section myself. I don't understand why it's so popular. I rather use medibang than procreate for my drawings.
In my view apart from it's animation features it's not really worth the price. Considering I bought it and hardly use it.
Paper by WeTransfer (Free + paid, on ipad only)
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I BARELY see any artists use this app, I think I might be the only person who uses this app lol. It's got good/bad features and I still use this app for rough ideas/doodles
AMAZING organisation of art (can make unlimited journals with pages to add to them)
Can hold unlimited art pieces, don't have to name files.
Good color mixing/color picking
Takes little space on your device so I hold all of my doodles in here
Barely/never updates
Outdated/limited tools
Color palette is REALLY BAD
washed out/dull look when doodles are finished
So because I DRAW A LOT, I use this app to draw rough doodles/ideas. I mostly use it as a art reference for my OC designs or dumb doodles like the one above. But yeah I understand why it's not popular, no layers is like art mode HARD. But I enjoy drawing on it.
Clip studio paint (mobile and desktop ,paid + limited free?)
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I recently got this program because I heard so much about it from soical media. So..I acutally think this program is over-rated lol!
AMAZING for colour illustrations, bucket tool is great, color picker good, great blender/render
MASSIVE online/asset resources the most I've seen so far
My finished drawings look bright and colorful and just as good as medibang
You have to pay monthly for ipad version/ newer version (which I don't have)
I don't think this program is good for manga/comic drawing (restricted screentone layer, limited material layer, bad text tool)
I am disapointed with the manga creator, I think it's BAD! I can't FIGURE how to add panel or even draw on a manga page, I had an headache trying to figure out the way screentone works. I personally think Ibispaint is WAY more simple and better program to create manga than CSP.
But I understand why it's good and worth paying for. The blending tools are amazing as well as resources/assets. I have yet to test the animation feature.
Programs I don't use much/anymore
Paint Tool Sai (paid, desktop only)
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A program that existed before procreate or clip studio got popular
Working Bucket tool
Good blending tools
Amazing color palette creation
limited assets/resources
only good for colored illustrations
I honestly did use paint tool sai for a number of years before moving on to medibang. I think this program is good, but it felt outdated as I moved on to other art software.
I just wanted to say this is my own view and so please don't get angry lol. I mean every artist is different and have their own program they like to use. This is from my own view.
I am not saying to use medibang more and use procreate less. It's just in my view sometimes I don't see why certain programs are more popular than others.
Don't take this as advice on what art program to use either. I don't know just use the one you like.
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pluvioseprince · 2 years
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Yae Miko!
Made with @huiontablet! ↓
@huiontablet sent me their HUION Kamvas 13 to review! I drew this Yae Miko with it and I really enjoyed it! Here are my thoughts and experiences...
Overview -: ✧ :-゜・.
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The Kamvas 13 is a pen display tablet. What appealed to me most about the tablet was its portability. Not only is it lightweight, weighing just under a kilogram, it is small enough to fit in any regular bag! What's more, you don't need to bring a huge cable or even a charger for your computer - all you need is the 3 in 1 cable, your laptop and the Kamvas 13! As a student who has to move from place to place frequently, bringing my art with me wouldn't be a spatial or heavy ordeal, compared to some display tablets.
The tablet came with the 3 in 1 cable and an extender, an adjustable tablet stand, the pen and the pen stand (there are spare pen nibs inside!) and gloves! I got the Violet Purple tablet, and I'm glad I did because black is boring/j
My experience -: ✧ :-゜・.
Mini disclaimer: I've never used a drawing tablet before, and I also don't use a computer frequently I am a tech dino
I had to get an adapter for my tablet as it didn't have a hdmi cable, and I was a bit disappointed that the mobile compatabilities were quite limited!
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I was worried that I wouldn't get used to drawing on a display, but it turned out to be quite easy! Once I calibrated my shortcuts, everything went smoothly. Using the shortcuts definitely makes everything easier, and it's pretty comfy! The tablet and it's calibration functions are certainly beginner-friendly
Heres a quick speedpaint of me drawing...
(Yes, I do not hold a pen correctly. No, I've never tried to fix it. Yes, it's because I am double jointed in the worst of places.)
I had several gripes and hiccups along the way, but honestly it was just me trying to wrestle with Medibang and crying over the lack of a windows version of ibisPaint X.
Overall, this has been a very exciting new experience - learning to use a display tablet as well as using computer art software... Also the staff were so nice I'm going to cry, so I'd like to thank @ huiontablette (Huion France) for reaching out to me and doing the most for me ily ily ily
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