#also loving carlos yapping by his side
postpunkpervert · 2 months
My cocomelon
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cutielando · 9 days
can you please do a carlos friends to lovers? no smut, i can’t find carlos fluff. reader attends all the races & carlos is secretly obsessed with her & lando helps set them up?
a/n: had a lot of fun writing this one!!
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You and Carlos had known each other since you were little children. Growing up in Madrid next to the Spaniard had been the highlight of your entire childhood. 
Carlos had always made sure he had time for you, even between his karting races and training, he never felt to make sure you knew he didn’t forget about you, that you were still his best friend and no distance could change that.
Your friendship continued well into your adulthood, well into his career all the way from karting to Formula 1. Albeit, due to the fact that you also had a stable job back home in Madrid and were building your career, you guys saw each other less and less. Settling for phone calls, texts and FaceTimes, you still felt like something was missing.
You missed all the times that you would hang out together on the balcony of your home, drinking wine and talking about anything and everything. The laughter booming in the air, reverberating against your chest, the gentle lingering touches shared between you that you both ignored, knowing it was for the best.
It wasn’t until Carlos signed with Ferrari that things changed.
He had called you as soon as he had got out of the meeting with the team, excitedly telling you about everything that he was promised, what the next season would look like for him after he departed with McLaren; he didn’t miss a single detail.
Yapping about how excited he was for the future, but also how sad it would be for him to not be teammates with Lando anymore. But the sentence that he kept repeating every time you two would talk broke your heart every time: “I wish you were here to experience this with me”
It broke you every time he would say it, the same longing that he felt amplified 100 times over for you. You loved him, more than you sometimes cared to admit, and certainly more than you would ever have the guts to tell him. You had loved him for a while now, but loving him from the shadows and distance was taking its toll on you.
Which is why you all but jumped at the opportunity he offered you to go along with him, attend the races and celebrate with him. He had claimed that he couldn’t bear thinking about the future if you wouldn’t be there, next to him, cheering him on and comforting him whenever needed.
He needed your stability and comfort, he needed to feel you there with him, no longer settling for phone calls while being on opposite sides of the world.
It wasn’t fair, and he wanted to change that.
And so, you packed your bags, smoothed things over at your job and got on the plane, and met him in Singapore. It wasn’t the best race to choose from for your first, the heat and humidity in the air hitting you like a ton of bricks as soon as you had stepped foot out of the airport.
But seeing him waiting for you, leaning against the side of his car, it made everything worth it. He hadn’t even seen you coming before you completely blindsided him and threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his tall frame. You both sighed in relief, the feeling of each other finally back together not being able to be compared with anything else.
“I can’t believe I’m really here” you had blurted out, suddenly afraid that it was all just a dream and you would wake up soon enough.
But hearing him chuckle, feeling his chest booming with laughter, you knew it was real. He was there, right in front of you, hugging you like his life depended on him. And for him, it did. He had spent so much time away from you, being deprived of your presence for longer than he would have liked. And now, when he had you right in his arms after so long, he finally felt like himself again, like he had just found the missing piece of his puzzle.
You spent the night catching up, even though you had been talking on the phone the entire time you had been deprived of each other, he still needed a night of talking to you, drinking wine and forgetting about everything else in his life besides you right in front of him.
Entering the paddock had felt more exhilarating than you would have ever imagined. The roaring of the engines and the teams preparing for the races, the screaming of the fans and every interviewer trying to get a word with the drivers. It felt as exhilarating as it felt absolutely nerve-wrecking. 
“Are you okay?”  Carlos asked you once you had made it to the garage.
You nodded, the smile seemingly not wanting to leave your lips. “I’m good, this is exciting” he smiled at that, nodding along.
He left you alone for a while, going over to speak to his race engineer before the race. You had stayed in place, only admiring the garage you had seen so many times on TV, now standing right in the middle of it. 
When he came back, you noticed he had brought Lando with him.
“Y/N, you remember the Lando I told you about. Lando, this is my best friend, Y/N” Carlos introduced the two of you, coming to stand by your side.
“It’s very nice to meet you, I’ve heard many great things about you from Carlos” you said, smiling at the younger driver who shook your hand.
Lando greeted you back, eyeing the way Carlos was standing next to you and looking at you while you and Lando spoke.
You and Lando clicked right away, you now understood why Carlos loved the Brit and spoke so highly of him. You found yourselves a new hobby by poking fun at Carlos, who seemingly internally regretted introducing you to each other. 
As the time to get in the car grew nearer, Lando bid his goodbyes and returned to his garage, only one thought in his mind.
I need to get Y/N and Carlos together by the end of the weekend.
Carlos didn’t know who to thank first for winning the Singapore GP. Should he thank God for finally giving him what he had wanted ever since the start of the season? Should he thank the team for finally managing to beat Red Bull and win? No. He didn’t do any of that first.
He went to you.
He found you in the sea of mechanics and family members that had run out at the barriers, ready to welcome the new winner into their arms. But he didn’t seem to notice anyone else apart from you. 
Scooping you up in his arms, his only focus was on you and the feeling of you in his embrace. He couldn't put into words how thankful he was that you were there with him, witnessing this win that the whole team had worked so hard for. The entire season had culminated into this win, and you were there to witness it.
“I’m so proud of you” you whispered once he had lowered you to the ground, his arms still tightly holding onto your arms.
He mumbled something incoherently in your shoulder, but you paid it no mind. You could only focus on him, the feeling of him slumping and relaxing against your body like he always did. 
Unbeknownst to you, Lando had been looking at you two ever since he got out of his car, smiling mischievously under his helmet while walking towards the two of you.
“Sorry to interrupt, but you might as well stop torturing yourselves and just kiss already” he said, making you and Carlos pulled away from each other.
Before either of you could reply, he turned around and left, walking over to celebrate with his team.
Turning around to face each other, not a word was spoken between the two of you, but your eyes were telling a whole different story. You didn’t even think as you stood on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his, so many years up buried and pent-up feelings finally being free.
The entire team cheered once they noticed what was happening, but you and Carlos didn’t hear anyone else around you. It was just the two of you in that moment, in your own little bubble.
“We should have done this years ago” he mumbled against your lips, making you laugh.
“Yes, we should have”
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A Game For Heroes Money problems
Now the physique shouldn't be made up of one half however of many. If the entire body were an eye fixed, the place would the sense of listening to be? If the entire body had been an ear, where would the sense of odor be? In the event that they were all one half, where would the physique be? As it's, there are various parts, but one body.
The takeaway? We're all on this together and everyone's position is essential...totally different, but important. I've used that citation with teams earlier than, especially these groups where a couple of of us have risen to the highest of the metaphorical heap. And should you've bought a state of affairs the place enjoying time could also be onerous to return by or younger gamers who've supplanted your veterans, it is a good idea to speak to your team about embracing their roles. That citation is from the Bible and if your campus is not significantly churchy (like mine) or you simply don't feel comfy citing where it is from, I've found that the quotation is powerful enough that it stands alone.
No athlete desires to listen to from their coach, "Your role goes to be sitting right here subsequent to me cheering on your teammates." Although someone has to fill that function on every workforce, most people assume that it'll not be them. Once it sinks in that they will get limited playing time, how can we, as their coaches, maintain them motivated, mentally engaged, and most of all...how can we assist them to take care of a optimistic attitude? A few of your most engaging and fun and robust personalities will come from your bench gamers. If you need their affect to maneuver your team chemistry along in a optimistic course, reasonably than changing into cancerous, here are 3 ways to motivate them and make them really feel as if they are an integral a part of your staff.
Make the group better: Imagine in case you had a monitor & subject athlete who could go arduous rep after rep...but simply could not make the leap from middle of the pack to the very best in your team. I imply, this lady is like clockwork...you tell her a time to hit and she or he nails it, each observe. Now imagine should you may embolden this athlete to see her position as making her teammates higher, that whereas she may not have that "next gear", she does bring one thing very useful to the workforce which can ultimately make the big dogs extra competitive. Now she's not the woman who just isn't ok, but she's your All-American's coaching associate.
Be higher than the competitors: Hype up your reserve staff! Empower them to problem your starters...they know their strengths and weaknesses better than anybody else. When you definitely don't wish to develop any animosity between your starters and non-starters (that can be alleviated by shifting people freely between the 2 sides...and perhaps not calling them starters and non-starters), you do wish to create a spirit of competitors where your young ladies are getting after it in follow. Then your bench players will really feel proud as a result of they're giving your starters a run for their cash and your starters will really feel well prepared as a result of they've run the gauntlet everyday at practice.
Study the sport and be ready: How many times have we seen one among our higher gamers get damage and have to sit...and swiftly, she's the neatest participant on the earth?! Everyone knows that sitting again and turning Money Issues for Younger Players into a scholar of the game is useful, nevertheless it's a luxurious our prime gamers cannot take pleasure in. However our reserves can, and they need to use it to try to work their manner into the beginning lineup.
If they're just standing around yapping with the other girls who aren't starting instead of watching the sport and attempting to determine the best way to get on the court, then they're most likely proper the place they should be! As a lot sense as that makes to coaches, you in all probability will have to let them know that you just anticipate them to fight for a spot...that it will not be handed to them. You will need to also get throughout to them that it isn't personal. I always inform my workforce that I love all of them and suppose they're all nice, however beginning spots usually are not items...they're earned.
Can Manchester United repeat their success this 12 months after their surprising win last time? Many people assume they will they usually begin favourites. They have boosted their squad by signing Owen Hargreaves from Bayern Munich plus Nani and Anderson and have now picked up Carlos Tevez as well from West Ham. They've seemed good in pre-season and can be there or thereabouts.
Their largest challenger will in all probability once more be Chelsea, though Liverpool Arsenal and Spurs will all have a say in that. Chelsea would dearly like to recuperate the title they misplaced last season, however then once more they seem more interested in the Champions league. No London club has ever won the Champions league and Chelsea would dearly love to smash that unwanted file.
Arsenal on paper do not look as sturdy, with Henri gone to Barcelona, and continuing rumours that the manager himself Arsene Wenger might be on his approach out of the membership. Leagues usually are not gained on paper. I have a sense Arsenal will confound the critics and put in a powerful performance this 12 months. Their youthful gamers will probably be one year older and wiser and anybody who writes them off could possibly be standing on harmful ground.
Liverpool have not received the league for an incredible 18 years. Earlier than that they had been regularly winning it more than all of the others put collectively. Despite two Champions league finals in the final three seasons it's the English Premier league their fans are so determined to win. They have spent big money this time too underneath their new American owners, a reported 22 million pounds on Torres alone from Athletico Madrid. Whether he actually is the final piece in the jigsaw, or even an vital piece, stays to be seen. Some of the manager's Spanish signings have been average successes at finest, like Morientes, now again in La Liga, and the stress will likely be on Torres to carry out. He will too, but whether will probably be sufficient only time will inform. The tempestuous Bellamy has gone to West Ham, and Cisse to Marseilles. Final 12 months I tipped Liverpool to win the league and I used to be wrong. They could do it this time, however must get past Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United to do so.
As previously two seasons Spurs stay the most likely to break into the top 4. They have spent big on Southampton's younger Welsh full back Gareth Bale, and perhaps extra importantly sixteen.5 million kilos on relegated Charlton's striker Darren Bent. Darren has scored objectives wherever he has been and now in a greater staff like Spurs he will probably be expected to attain much more, although whether or not he'll get enough starts is another matter. Spurs have four other prime strikers, and Martin Jol has shown he likes to rotate his players. Spurs insistence on signing and promoting house grown expertise, a direct reverse of Arsenal's coverage throughout the street, is to be applauded. They might enhance, and break into the highest four, however for that to happen, one of the top golf equipment would need to suffer a poor season.
And what of the remaining? Newcastle have a brand new proprietor, new chairman, and new supervisor in Sam Allardyce, and a few tasty new gamers too. They have signed former Middlesbrough striker Mark Viduka, they need to have the fit once more Michael Owen obtainable finally, plus the signing of the tempestuous Barton from Manchester City and Alan Smith from Manchester United. The supervisor has been fast in making an attempt to kind out the leaky defence too; something that has plagued the Toon for almost so long as most of us can keep in mind. Expectations on Tyneside are big. A vitally important season for the manager, and many of the gamers who're at a crossroads. I anticipate them to succeed.
Manchester City is another membership under new ownership and managership. Former England boss Sven Goran Eriksson has taken over and with lots of Thai cash to speculate he'll now be on the lookout for some high players to build a good aspect. He has shortly purchased scattergun model on relatively unknown players, however the manager has a proven observe record at club level. He'll want them too because the City squad still seems to be light-weight and weak. It is going to all depend on Sven's buys. If he can get good folks in, City will certainly keep up, and should well do better than that. If he can not, City could wrestle, and Sven could change into a one-season wonder in English football. I suspect not, as a result of Sven is an effective manager.
Aston Villa have begun to spend some cash beneath their new American house owners too. England Beneath 21 skipper Reo-Coker has just been signed from West Ham for ?eight million although they may need greater than him if they're to worry the highest teams. Martin O'Neill's facet started last season on hearth however drifted away alarmingly. The Villa fans will be hoping for higher, however I can't see past mid table for them.
Everton had an excellent season final time and qualified for this years Uefa cup however the final time they were in Europe it appeared to distract them, and they had a terrible 12 months. I do not see David Moyes allowing that to happen once more. They've signed Jagielka from relegated Sheffield United although that's hardly going to set the world on fireplace, plus the promising Baines from Wigan. Johnson needs to be fit once more to provide some goals however they'll want more than that if they are to fret the top clubs. Top eight may very well be their best hope.
Reading, who loved a brilliant season final year in their first ever year within the high flight, have picked up a horrible beginning pair of fixtures. Unsurprisingly they're favourites to be bottom of the premiership by the tip of August, but underneath their quietly spoken astute supervisor Steve Coppell, they may shock a few folks. The loss of Sidwell to Chelsea is an enormous blow, though they've signed a number of of the club's extra promising gamers on long-time period contracts. This will be their tough second season, something that so practically sank Wigan last time. Studying only simply missed a European place final yr, something above the dreaded bottom three this time will be thought of another success by all however probably the most enthusiastic of Royals' followers.
Middlesbrough have lost talisman striker Viduka, and stories abound that Yakubu might follow him out the door. If that happened I would fear who's going to attain the goals to keep them up. Fulham are one other club who went into freefall final time and only stayed up by way of a last minute change of managers. The newly put in former Northern Eire boss Lawrie Sanchez has already been busy within the markets signing Davis from Aston Villa and Healey from Leeds. A very good start may very well be essential for them as effectively.
The truth that West Ham stayed up at all last year was resulting from their new Manager Alan Curbishley, and the courts deciding to not dock them factors over the decidedly odd Carlos Tevez affair. The manager has strengthened by signing Parker from Newcastle and Bellamy from Liverpool and should have the gifted and much missed Ashton again from damage. He missed the entire of the final campaign after injuring himself within the heat up for an England match. The Icelandic house owners appear determined to take West Ham on to a different stage. Many followers will likely be watching their progress this time round, some little question hoping they journey up resulting from that protracted court docket case, however I can not see West Ham struggling. Thoughts you nobody imagined they would last trip, and so they did. Mid desk I suspect for the Irons and a superb cup run too.
Of the three promoted clubs, maybe the most fascinating one will probably be to see Roy Keane's Sunderland again as Championship champions, particularly when he confronts his old boss Sir Alex Ferguson again at Previous Trafford where the legions of followers nonetheless chant his title. Sunderland have been busy increase an enormous squad backed by Irish cash and they might seem to have the monetary clout to maintain out of hassle. A superb begin might be important for them too. One feels Mister Keane's willpower and charisma all by itself might be enough to see them safely into mid table.
Birmingham look vulnerable. They did not have a terrific season final yr regardless of ending second, and took a long time to persuade their own keep at home fans to turn out. They have bought players but whether or not they are good enough to maintain the blues up remains to be seen. Presently they're second favourites to finish last, and though that could be a tad pessimistic, it does appear seemingly they may flirt with relegation again. Anything can be major achievement for their yo-yo manager Steven Bruce. By the best way you may nonetheless land a free $30 wager at betfair.com by inputting the code 6CHE3VPWJ when prompted.
The third newcomers are Derby Nation. Diminutive Scottish boss, known as mini-Fergie wasted no time in signing former Norwich striker Robert Earnshaw who has scored goals wherever he has been and in partnership with Steve Howard, they might hassle some defences. Whether or not they have ample class and firepower could be a worry for Rams' followers. They're expected to be relegated, and I think so too, and anything else could be a huge achievement for the board, supervisor, players and most of all, for the supporters who have bought season tickets in their thousands. They will be seeking to emulate Studying last 12 months and Wigan the yr before that, but it is going to be a tall order to do so.
The Lancashire twins of Blackburn and Bolton each had good seasons once more final time period and with small crowds and little cash to spend, that could be a enormous testament to their managers. However with Allardyce gone from the Reebok, Bolton underneath new manager, former Liverpool player, the diminutive Sammy Lee, could possibly be in for a tough 12 months. A great begin could be most important for the Trotters they usually do have gamers like Anelka, if they'll hold on to him, who can score targets. Bolton will depend on him, but when he doesn't do the business, they could be in hassle. Blackburn nonetheless have their super manager in Mark Hughes and with players of the growing stature of the likes of Bentley, Derbyshire and Pederson they need to be fantastic again.
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