guratpena · 1 year
apakah manusia dan cerita cinta diantaranya hanyalah kisah fiksi? yang alur ceritanya adalah buatan, tanpa melibatkan rasa.
apakah manusia dan cerita cinta diantaranya hanyalah kisah fiksi? yang ucap rindunya adalah buatan, meski sebenarnya hati enggan melakukan.
apakah manusia dan cerita cinta diantaranya hanyalah kisah fiksi? yang harap temunya adalah buatan, walaupun nyatanya merasa direpotkan oleh pertemuan.
apakah manusia hanya bisa mengharap fiksinya terwujud?
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vdm67 · 1 year
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Отзыв о ВЯЗЬМА-ВашДомашнийМастер Строительство и ремонт Собачка изодрала входную дверь, решили заменить, но с зеркалом, через Яндекс в Вязьме нашла несколько компаний, привлек Вашдомашниймастер адекватными ценами и отзывами клиентов. Не ошиблась, всё сделали быстро, качественно, аккуратно,сработают чисто, без обмана, делают как для себя, а не для того, чтобы просто денег срубить. Установили дверь, залили часть пола стяжку, подобрали кусочек ламината, ну вот как себе делали. Очень благодарна, спасибо, ребята! Повезло нам вязьмичам, что есть у нас в городе такие ребята Вашдомашниймастер, теперь обговариваю с ними и ремонт кухни под ключ, а проектировщика-дизайнера кухни Алексей -Вашдомашниймастер, посоветовал и уже кухня проектируется. Вашдомашниймастер может всё , все виды ремонта, делают на совесть, и ничего не впихивают зазря. Теперь вот только дождаться своей очереди на ремонт кухни Автор: Елена Моисеева Читайте другие отзывы по ссылке: https://vk.com/app6326142#g=82637724&f=3183913 #ALUR #вязьмаремонт #вязьмамужначас #VDM67 #вязьмадвери #вязьмаустановкадверей #скидки #купитьдверь #двери #входныедвери #металлическиедвери #установкадверейвязьма #межкомнатныедвери #отделкаквартир #ремонтквартир #ремонтподключ #двернойконтинент #ТерморазрывДверь Ваш Домашний Мастер это Магазин строительно-отделочных материалов, Ремонт под ключ, Отделка квартир, Интерьер, Мебель на заказ и многое другое связанное с строительством и ремонтом www.vdm67.com (at Ваш Домашний Мастер) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpu232GPrYT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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srifafa · 2 years
Saling menguatkan ya siapa tahu suatu hari nanti kita yang membutuhkan penguatan dari orang lain.
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spotcashforgold · 2 months
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skyfloo · 1 year
Bagaimana ...
Sering terlintas dipikiran juga benakku
Jika suatu saat aku tidak bisa lagi menahan semua tekanan itu, apakah aku harus selalu meminum obat depresiku dan konsul kepada psikiater setiap minggu, seperti temanku ?
Aku mengatakan kepada orang tuaku bahwa sebenarnya trust issue ku selalu menggebu-gebu, dan hanya mereka seorang yang bisa aku percaya
Aku bisa kembali menjadi aku yang dulu, yaitu aku yang sangat percaya diri bisa mengendalikan emosiku
Aku bisa mengatakan bahwa yang kujalani sekarang bukan inginku, bukan impianku
Dan bagaimana
Aku bisa menjalani hidup sesuai alur, bukan yang mereka atur
Bagaimana ?
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dizzyeyestyle · 1 year
10 Rekomendasi Alur Cerita Film Gempa Bumi Bahasa Indonesia adalah artikel yang trending di https://kepowin.com/10-rekomendasi-alur-cerita-film-gempa-bumi-bahasa-indonesia/ Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas 10 Rekomendasi Alur Cerita Film Gempa Bumi Bahasa Indonesia yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan 10 Rekomendasi Alur Cerita Film Gempa Bumi Bahasa Indonesia? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://kepowin.com/10-rekomendasi-alur-cerita-film-gempa-bumi-bahasa-indonesia/
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adorableprojects · 1 year
10 Rekomendasi Alur Cerita Film Gempa Bumi Bahasa Indonesia adalah artikel yang trending di https://kepowin.com/10-rekomendasi-alur-cerita-film-gempa-bumi-bahasa-indonesia/ Hingga kini topik tersebut saat ini ramai dicari dalam 1 jam. Untuk itu kami akan membahas 10 Rekomendasi Alur Cerita Film Gempa Bumi Bahasa Indonesia yang bisa kamu baca nantinya. Penasaran dengan 10 Rekomendasi Alur Cerita Film Gempa Bumi Bahasa Indonesia? Jika benar yuk simak artikel tersebut di samping https://kepowin.com/10-rekomendasi-alur-cerita-film-gempa-bumi-bahasa-indonesia/
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nizafebrisa · 2 years
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Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi  wa sallam bersabda, الْمَرْءُ عَلَى دِينِ خَلِيلِهِ فَلْيَنْظُرْ أَحَدُكُمْ مَنْ يُخَالِلُ “Seseorang akan mencocoki kebiasaan teman karibnya. Oleh karenanya, perhatikanlah siapa yang akan menjadi teman karib kalian.” (HR. Abu Daud, no. 4833; Tirmidzi, no. 2378; dan Ahmad, 2:344. Al-Hafizh Abu Thahir mengatakan bahwa sanad hadits ini shahih) Sumber https://rumaysho.com/13311-manfaat-teman-yang-baik.html Pembinaan Pengurus Jamiyyah 26 Oktober 2022 08.00 - 12.00 WIB #pembinaan #materi #jamiyyah #2022 #rabu #wednesday #smpia19cibubur #alazhar19cibubur #alazhar #alur #alazhar19 #jakarta #cibubur (at Smp Islam Al Azhar 19 Cibubur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkRf631yAeB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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balajigoldbuyers · 2 years
Gold Buyers in Alur
Gold Buyers in Alur
Alur’s No 1 Gold Buyers is none other than the Balaji Gold Buying Company. Call us 98947 83380 to release and sell your gold! Old Gold Buyers in Alur We are proud to be ideal as Old Gold Buyers in Alur. Cash for Gold available at the nearest gold buying company: Balaji Gold doing doorstep services in Alur. Best gold prices in Alur. We ensure you get the highest price for today’s gold rate in…
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dinaandme · 2 years
Different Side
Pertanyaan. Banyak sekali pertanyaan yang muncul di benak kala terjadi sesuatu yang baru. Alur, kepercayaan, rasa, kenikmatan, kepuasan, sensasi. Tidak ada satupun masa yang lahir tanpa ikatan. Semua memiliki jalinan, tapi kebersinambungan. Sampai ke dua titik penghubung. Antara datang dan silih berganti. Kebiasaan alam, habit yang bisa dibaca namun tak bisa diprediksi.
Ada suatu masukan yang pernah mampir ke pikiran. Katanya, kalau mendapat situasi apapun itu hadapi saja dengan tenang. Tidak ada lebih, tidak ada kurang. Stagnansi namun tertata. Kalaupun merasa belum benar, alam yang akan menunjukkannya, Tidak ada lagi takut sebelum bertindak.
Emosi melengkapi kejanggalan sikap pada diri. Yang mana harusnya sesuai alur, menjadi situasi yang sangat krusial. Bagai grafik dalam pasar saham, memainkan mental. Namun meski itu semua menjadi satu dalam racikan diri, akhirnya akan selalu berbuah manis, Meski berkesan pahit sekalipun.
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guratpena · 1 year
nyatanya manusia
karena nyatanya aku manusia. masih punya keinginan untuk melangkah lebih baik lagi, apapun itu. bukan hanya tentang yang terbilang tetapi juga yang seringkali hanya disimpan di dalam hati.
karena nyatanya aku manusia. mendadak rajin menguntai doa, mengharap layaknya orang bodoh yang menunggu semua jatuh dari langit.
karena nyatanya aku manusia. masih sering berpikir, bukan hanya tentang sebuah cerita melainkan juga sebuah alur yang seolah sudah tersusun rapi dalam otak.
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mitski-slope · 8 months
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yeah .
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the-patrex · 2 months
Not me coming out of my internet break to thrist after the old man and his smoking wife....
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obsessedwithegos · 11 months
Rescue? -Tiny Runa AU
CWs: Tiny whump, Mermaid whumpee, Fae carewhumper, Dog caretaker (?), Poor fish keeping conditions at a store, Starvation, Whumpee believing he’ll die, Whumpee being talked about like an animal at first, it/its pronouns used in an animal sense and unknown pronouns sense.
Runa: he/him Bebê: he/they Alure: she/her
It had only been a week since Runa was kidnapped from his home, yet here he was laying on the bottom of a small plastic cup. 
He had the perfect view of people entering and exiting the store, but no longer had the strength to try to make himself seen in an attempt to get help. He was hungry, tired, and the water was growing stale as the oxygen in it was running out.
He closed his eyes as they stung once more with tears. He wanted to go home, but that wasn’t going to happen, was it?
He was just going to die here, on display at this store, wasn’t he?
He didn’t bother to open his eyes again, as he tried to focus on hearing the people in the store. The people that were just out of his reach.
“Alure we’ve already walked around the store once, are you sure you don’t just want a toy?” One voice asked before Runa felt his cup being moved.
Rapid sniffing was heard, causing him to furrow his eyebrows.
“You.. Want a fish?” The voice asked. 
The cup started to move as if being lifted, so he opened one of his eyes to see what was happening. 
Two giant golden eyes stared at him. “This isn’t a fish..” The giant muttered before looking away from him. “Alure, are you positive? It looks pretty sick.”
The bark in response caused his ears to ring and his head to start spinning.
The giant sighed. “Alright. I did say I’d get you what you want. Let's go get some supplies for it.”
He closed his eye again, exhaustion starting to build more and more.
“I’ll be surprised if it makes it to tomorrow..” The giant commented.
As much as he wanted to keep listening, the exhaustion overcame him, causing everything to fade out as he unwillingly fell asleep.
When Runa woke up he felt as though it was easier to breathe, and a pleasant smell was in the water. Though the material he was laying on wasn’t very comfortable. 
Opening his eyes, he was met with a lot of pinks, oranges, and off whites outside of the.. Bowl? Was he in a bowl now?
Looking around he’d see that he was currently laying on colorful rocks, but not far from him was one familiar sight. A carrot slice.
It was enough to make his mouth water and to help him gather his strength to lift himself up to swim towards it. It was soft to the touch and still a bit warm, had it been boiled?
He didn’t care as he dug in, desperate for his first meal in days.
The sound of whining caught his attention, making him look around as he ate. He quickly spotted a very large fluffy dog that was staring right at him.
He didn’t have the energy to try to swim away from it, or to even feel scared. He just held onto the boiled carrot slice, hoping the dog wouldn’t take it somehow.
The dog would then turn away and run off to a figure in the room. A familiar figure, the giant from the store.
“What’s up Alure?” It asked, petting the dog as it looked away from the computer it was at. Then it looked over at the bowl; right at him.
“Well shit.. It’s awake.” It says, getting up from the computer and walking over to kneel in front of the bowl.
Runa managed to swim backwards a bit, taking another bite of his food.
“You’re alright for now.” The giant says, lowering its voice. “I would ask you some questions but you don’t look like you’re in the right state to answer. So.. I’ll introduce myself instead.”
He looks at it confused. Why does it have questions for him?
“I’m Bebê, I use they or he, and my dog is Alure. She’s a good girl.” Bebê introduces themself. “I don’t know much about mermaids, so. I hope carrots are okay for now.”
He slowly nods.
“Good! I want you to get better so I can learn more about you. You are utterly fascinating to look at.” They say, tapping the glass with their nail.
He flinches as the sound of the taps reverberating through the water.
“Sensitive to sound.. Noted.” They hum. “I’ll let you eat. I’ll bring another piece of carrot in a couple of minutes. Hopefully you’ll grow to like this place.”
general: @emmettnet @blackberry-nightingale
Runa tag and tiny mer whump: @whumpsday
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tetrix-anime · 1 year
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Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou (KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World) - Blu-ray/DVD Volume 1 Preorder Bonus Poster Illustration
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ilimitadoworld-r · 1 year
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