#alyx and aymeric
aethernoise · 21 days
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I saw this thing on twitter and it was like a sign from the twelve themselves to draw a tiny squishy Alyx and Aymeric in their truest form (eepy)
+ kitty of course
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blackestnight · 2 months
lucky numbers
a very happy birthday present for @nuclearanomaly! set in her adorable bookshop au which i love (and with a cameo from @aethernoise, thank you again for letting me borrow alyx). i know estinien and nini had traded numbers by the first time she went to one of his shows and i know in my heart of hearts it did not happen without significant embarrassment, so, behold: the annual tradition of bullying the shit out of estinien.
The best part of having friends was recruiting them for free labor—well, labor at the cost of cheap pizza and cheaper beer. The worst part of having friends was everything else.
“I find one makes faster friends with their neighbors by actually talking to them, rather than staring out the window,” Aymeric said, and Estinien scowled at his reflection in the glass. Beyond both of their ghostlike doubles, he could see the lights over the front door of Page 64 flicking on as evening fell.
“Don’t know why I’d bother when the friends I do have can’t mind their own bloody business,” Estinien snapped, and deliberately turned away from the window to lean back against the cool glass. It felt like bliss on the back of his head, easing the headache that was starting to form from the overwhelming smell of paint that filled the shop. “Am I paying you just to annoy me?”
“I come with a peace offering,” Aymeric assured him, and held up a slice of pizza balanced on a newsprint sheet. Both the edges of the paper and Aymeric’s fingers were smeared with red paint, though the pizza at least seemed clean. Estinien grunted and took the slice. “Have you been by the bookshop at all?”
“Too busy.” It was true enough, at least. Trying to organize equipment deliveries and inspections around painting and cleaning and the thousand other tasks he had to finish before opening day kept Estinien on his feet from sunup to sunset, it seemed, and whatever free time he had did not fall within normal business hours. He only caught glimpses of the owner when she stepped in and out of her own shop’s front door, hanging posters on the window or setting out little chalkboards with quotes from old novels. There seemed to be some sort of fantasy theme on this week, because there was a shaky outline of crossed swords in the corner of the slate that had nearly been smeared away by passersby, with little yellow lines around them like they were meant to glow.
(Idly he thought they could use a bit of shading for a more dynamic effect. Yellow and blue, maybe, in keeping with the pastels. A pink dragon and dusty orange flames crawling up the opposite corner. Deliberately two-dimensional, like illustrations in old folktales.)
Aymeric, the fucker, waited until Estinien had a mouthful of pizza to clap a hand on his shoulder. “If I may offer a bit of unsolicited advice, my friend,” he said, without a pause for Estinien to swallow and tell him you may not, you dick. “Sometimes it does one wonders to be a tad selfish. Taking a bit of time for your own happiness can bring about miracles.”
He wasn’t looking at Estinien anymore—Aymeric’s voice had gone soft and wistful, and he’d angled himself to lean against the window so he could look across the room to where Alyx was crouched on the floor, cutting in the corners by the floorboards with an angled brush and snickering over something with Hilda. She looked up as if responding to her name, improbable as it was with Ysayle’s little speaker filling the shop with screeching guitar riffs, and answered Aymeric’s soppy smile with a wink and a wave from her free hand.
Estinien swallowed his mouthful of pizza. “If you make me vomit,” he warned, “I’ll be sure to aim for your shoes.”
“Just consider it,” Aymeric said, and strode across the room to join the ladies in their corner, where Alyx busied herself painting a lopsided heart on his forearm with a brush far too wide for the task.
Estinien folded the remainder of his pizza slice in half to shove it in his mouth, dusted his hands free of crumbs, and resolved to ignore the sunset washing the shop across the street in enticing golds and blues.
His resolve lasted exactly as long as it took to finish peeling the tape from the base trim, and then the paint fumes became overwhelming enough that all of them had to step outside—his fault for scheduling a painting day before the aircon system had been set up, he figured. Hilda and Ysayle planted themselves on the front sidewalk, leaning back against the building’s facade, and propped the front door open with Hilda’s backpack.
Aymeric of course took the opportunity to sling an arm over Estinien’s shoulders and steer him across the street, like an obnoxiously polite sheepdog.
“If my shop gets robbed, you’re paying for it,” Estinien grumbled.
“Watching any would-be trespassers confronting Ysayle and Hilda would be worth the cost of admission,” Aymeric said. “Have a little faith, my friend. And be a little selfish.”
Aymeric was not so inelegant as to shove Estinien through Page 64’s front door, but it was a near thing.
The tinkling bell over the door disguised the sound of his stumbling footsteps, but didn’t entirely manage to cover the squeak of surprise from the front counter.
“Oh!” said the little shopkeeper as she pushed her glasses up her nose. “Hi, Mister Borel. I wasn’t expecting to see you or, um, or your friend.”
(Green eyes like fresh spring growth, and hair the color of lavender. The pastels really would suit her—suit her shop well.)
“My apologies for stopping in so late, Miss Ninira,” Aymeric said. “I happened to be in the area helping Estinien with his set-up, and he’s been so eager to come by”—Aymeric would have done his ballroom teacher proud, Estinien thought, with the way he pivoted to avoid having his foot stomped on— “so I thought I would join him. Have you finished the most recent Sirens?”
“Oh! No, not yet. I’ve been busy sorting new inventory…I like your, erm, tattoo?” Ninira said, with a fluttery little gesture to Aymeric.
“A new acquisition,” Aymeric said drily, and held out his arm for closer inspection. Alyx’s painted heart had blossomed rapidly into a field of truly shitty flowers, and eventually the entire inside of his forearm had been covered with a solid coat of red; Hilda had taken a Sharpie to the new canvas to give him a skull-and-crossbones ‘tattoo’ so awful Estinien had felt morally obligated to disguise it in a half-sleeve of boring but inoffensive thorns and roses. “Estinien’s work, actually. If you’ll believe it he’s actually far better in his preferred medium.”
“It’s really good,” Ninira said, and then looked up at Estinien. “Are you the owner of the place across the street?”
He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Yeah. S’posed to open in a couple of weeks.”
“I always say that if I am ever possessed with the desire to be stabbed thousands of times by a needle, Estinien will be the only one I trust to do it,” Aymeric said. “I’m going to browse for just a moment before you close.” And with that the cur ducked around Estinien and vanished into the stacks.
Having friends was the worst.
Ninira fussed with the counter for a moment, dropping Estinien’s gaze. “I guess my shop must not look that impressive compared to yours,” she said. “I’ve seen the renovations—just, just as I pass by sometimes—and I can tell it’s going to look really…cool once you’ve finished,” she said.
(Dusky rose on her cheeks. Was she blushing?)
“No,” Estinien said, and flinched when it came out gruff. He cleared his throat. “Your place looks good, I mean. I like the chalkboards you do.”
“Really?” Ninira said, and looked back up so quickly he might have called it a flinch. “I mean, thank you. I’m not great at lettering or art or…things.”
“Really,” Estinien said. “I think they look nice. Readable.” Readable. Fury’s tits. “I mean—sometimes when people do hand-lettering it’s so gods-awful you can’t tell what it’s meant to say. Yours is nice though.” He scuffed his boot against the floor. “What kind of chalk do you use?”
Ninira uncapped and re-capped a pen. “Just sidewalk chalk. Kids’ art supplies.”
From somewhere across the aisles, he swore he heard Aymeric cough.
“I’ve got some chalk paints you could borrow,” Estinien said. “They’re more durable. Or—if you wanted,” he said, “I could do a couple signs for you sometime.”
“Really?” Ninira said again. “I’d—yes, if it’s no trouble. That would be nice. Thank you,” she said.
“Yeah,” Estinien told her. “Here, I have—” He rummaged in his pocket. His ‘business cards’ were nothing fancy, no use wasting money on nice ones before the shop was even open, and he found himself regretting his frugality when the card he pulled out was plain white and grubby from the dye on his jeans. Thank Halone there was another pen on the counter so he didn’t have to ask for the one from her hand. He scrawled his tomephone number across the back of the card and laid it on the counter. “You can text me or something when you want me to do one for you. A sign.”
“I will!” Ninira said. “I’ll text you now, actually. So you have my number.” Estinien twirled the pen across his knuckles while she wrested her tomephone from her pocket—it looked massive in her hands—and carefully tapped against the screen. After a minute his own phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out to show a notification: This is Nini from the bookshop! with a little smiley face.
“Thanks,” he grunted, and obligingly entered a new contact: Nini, and then, after hovering over the keyboard for a moment, the smiling emoji with the glasses. “Just let me know.”
“I will,” she said. “Thank you, Estinien.”
Aymeric reappeared then, a slim paperback held in his hand. “My apologies again for coming in so close to closing time,” he said, as Ninira scrambled to shove her phone away. “I hope the rest of your evening is peaceful, at least.”
“You’re fine,” Nini said, as she punched Aymeric’s purchase into the register. “Thank you for coming. I hope I’ll see you again soon?” But when she asked, her eyes slid over to Estinien.
“Naturally,” Aymeric said. “Both of us, I’m sure. Have a good night, Miss Nira.”
“G’night,” Estinien grunted, and ducked out of the door.
“Night!” Ninira chirped.
In a fantastic display of restraint, Estinien had managed to wait until they were back across the street before pulling Aymeric into a headlock, and couldn’t even bring himself to regret it when his phone buzzed that night with a new text. Would you like to come by tomorrow to do a sign?
Sounds good, he sent back, and went to grab his sketchbook.
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xchoco-mixturex · 2 years
"The only good thing that came from Thordan VII was his very hot son."
-Warrior of Light, confessing to the barman while drunk.
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karoiseka · 1 month
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Happy Birthday @aethernoise !! Hope you've been having an amazing day!!!
((they're trying to dress as Gale and Xandra... choosing those outfits took longer than I thought. lol))
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foewreckem · 2 years
ffxivwrite 2022 #1: cross
They were standing in a lot of dead leaves.
He toed them warily, probably to make sure they weren’t hiding corpses. “This is usually a thing that needs, you know, clearance.”
She crunched them underfoot rhythmically, tossing a leather-bound book between her hands. “But it ain’t that hard? You just, what, shake the water at the floorboards and preach a bit. ‘THE POWER OF HALONE COMPELS YOU’, and all that.”
He sniffed. There was a lot of pride in that sniff for a man in a threadbare robe and half-collapsed head whatchamacallit; his eyes followed the book in her hands intently. “First of all, you need holy water, which can only be made by astute craftsmen with--”
“--Dravanian mistletoe, Dravanian spring water, and from-anywhere water crystals?” She was reading off a paper taped to the book as the other hand pulled a bottle from her pocket and held it out. She looked up when he didn’t take it and shrugged at the look on his face. “I know someone. Now get shaking, and if the plates stop flying in 30 minutes maybe Lord Aymeric won’t need to see all this bad money math.” She wiggled the book.
“As though you could even get into his foyer--”
“I know someone,” she said again.
Somewhere on an island, Alyx Vance sneezed.
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nuclearanomaly · 3 years
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For All Time
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ahlis-xiv · 4 years
30 Day WoL Challenge #11: Pillow
It had started over nothing. They had been winding down for the evening, everyday clothing discarded for the comforts of cotton and silk. Something had been said: a joke, a comment, something that had needled the other when it hadn’t meant to. 
Truth be told Ahlis couldn’t remember, long after the first pillow--her own--had been tossed in Alyx’s direction and everything degenerated into an honest-to-gods pillow fight. Miraculously none of them had burst from their roughhousing, even when they had tackled each other upon the bed, swatting and yelling and laughing.
“I have you now,” Ahlis lightly panted as she poised herself above where Alyx lay, their exertions spent and becoming weak, half-hearted tosses. Alyx didn’t protest, yet the grin that shown upon her face was flushed, defiant, eyes glimmering.
It had been a boastful and too early call to victory, as almost as soon as Ahlis said it she found herself turned over and pinned with a very determined redhead above her. 
“You were saying?” Alyx peered down, amused and surrounded by a crown of fall hair that tickled Ahlis’s face.
“Hmph!” Ahlis firmly curled her legs into a clutch around Alyx, unmoving. “I still win.”
Alyx leaned in, brushing their noses together. 
“We both do.”
(tagging @aethernoise as Alyx belongs to her, of course, and I always love writing her~)
(30 day wol challenge)
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shinjyu · 5 years
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FFXIV commission for @aethernoise Thank you so much!! ^ w ^ ♥
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nylokim · 4 years
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Finished commission batches! Dorian and Aidan for @timethehobo ,  Yoshino for @nozomijoestar , Alyx and Aymeric for @aethernoise ,  Gael, Galaihaurat and Shiloh for @sworn_protector ,  and Ivandriel and North for @Isilzheha1 !
If you’re interested in commissioning me in this style, [link is here]
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aethernoise · 6 months
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home (is wherever I'm with you)
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ladyramora · 4 years
Are there any ship blogs you like/would recommend? I need more to follow.
Idk that I follow that many
@windup-dragoon Kiri x Hien
@meepsthemiqo Meeps & her harem
@maiden-born-in-snow Shuri x Estinien + Ardbert (If I remember correctly?)
@aethernoise Alyx x Aymeric
@rhymingteelookatme Thosi x Haurchefant, Thosi x Hien
@ffxivmingxiajiang Ming x Foulques
I know there's more, but I can't remember their Tumblr handles. Sorry, my memory is bad. Feel free to add to this and I will reblog ❤️
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xchoco-mixturex · 2 years
Alyx: *to Aymeric* Would you like to stay for dinner?
Naila: Would you like to stay forever?!
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karoiseka · 2 years
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The brightest thing in the garden is you~
Because I had a burst of creativity, and felt like being sappy for @aethernoise ‘s bday. <3  Happy Birthday dear!!!
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furymint · 4 years
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All Prompts
#02: Sway
#03: Muster
#06: Bonus
#08: Clamor
#09: Lush
#12:  Tooth & Nail
#15: Ache
#16: Lucubration
#20: Bonus
#22: Argy-Bargy
#24: Beam
Header  | Reflection of some of my favorite peers’ prompts under the cut!
@aethernoise​ -- #11: Ultracrepidarian
tired curses!!!! i also really love this contrast in their work..... its rly cute. alyx just saved the world and aymeric is hating the dictionary. i like how rough his narration is and then alyx calls and everything speeds up, and i especially love him staring into the empty room. it put another contrast between their circumstances, but its also rly damn accurate abt how it feels to share a moment over the phone w someone. it made me smile a lot
@ahlis-xiv​ -- #23: Shuffle
this one made me laugh ksjdf ahlis’ distaste for the saucer despite being drawn to it is hysterical, but it also mirrors a lot of her character flaws: avoiding vulnerability, placing stoicism before genuineness, planting her frustration on external things instead of herself. even confronting her own feelings draws some curses out of her, and i love that display of her personality.
@autochthonousone -- #09: Nonagenarian
i love me some reflection and mentorship. also im obsessed with “let ‘lone this ‘n”.........dialect is such a hit or miss thing when writing or reading, but god youve got it and i love that line so much. barry’s relationship w stalwart is even better tho, and i cant repeat enough how much i love their dynamic of fair/stern/wise and distant/brutish/actually-paying-complete attention.
@brave-horizon -- #12: Tooth & Nail
talk abt using the setting..............i rly struggle w incorporating setting so this was a little mind-blowing to me. we got a really cool action scene plus established an entire town and conflict all at once?? battle scenes are hard. but ur vocab is so precise and stuff like “seized midstride” and “spilling its pilot” are rly inspiring me rn!! wind magic is smth ive brainstormed in the past but u have such good ideas w it and im so pumped just rereading it. its so good
@erstwhile25 -- #05: Matter of Fact
oh my god. some kind of dialogue god comes down and hands kail all his words, or else he’s just the dialogue god himself. im leaning towards the latter. i wish to god i could say “very small dogs with the barest streaks of sanity” in daily life, and honestly i might start to. the crew of the rook are always a joy to see + the development of their conversation takes such a meaningful turn that it really sticks after the laughs
@endangered-liaison​ -- #05: Matter of Fact 
sorry not sorry jaejh is cool!!!! he’s super nasty and terrible and interesting and i loved his voice, but i esp love how well he pushed the conflict and just Ruined Everything. i rly live how his influence bleeds into the others through their fear. The kids go from hoping or expecting to smth better, to not even debating that he’s lying bc it will just turn out worse. the berry stains as a gun on the wall never struck me either, and i was SHOOK
@high-and-away -- #10: Avail
honestly this was the hardest one to pic a fav for. i rly loved so many of these bc they check a lot of boxes for my Brand. this one sits the longest with active conflict + does a fantastic job staying clear despite all the trails it picks up w max’s foil n comradeship, the chocobo’s higher level of pity over people, the chaotic pack of Resistance members, and the highlander that vicky reasons over n kills. i love that word “limning” now; ur vocab always finds ways to surprise me w the way u use them (esp in describing settings)
@holyja -- #03: Muster
usually when i think of lizzy writing, i think of how perfect ur verbs are, but this time i really liked the visuals and tone. hyana pushing food around her plate and sitting on the rooftops had such a lonely feel to them, but at the same time were rly enjoyable and clear imgs despite not having to be described forever. serella’s dialogue was perfectly on-the-nose, too. usually i rly linger on what is given too much detail, but this rly showed me how nice it is to air things out n leave the thought monologue unsaid.
@karoiseka --  #24: Beam
hell yeah memory lane time. i loved seeing CT from karo’s pov and seeing where her priorities lay or moved. i also liked the life u gave to the little parts left untouched by the narrative, like walking through CT and the heartbeat in the soul vessel. idk what could be more satisfying that a reunion either, so following karo into the ocular was some Good Shit
@mythrilreflections -- #15: Ache
does this get bonus points just for being in o’ghomoro? yes. i love how the tunnels are characterized by the senseless kobolds in them. the added pressure from their reasonings for being in this hellhole is even better, and i love the sigils concept. jace’s narration is so cold, too, which makes both the kobold’s ferocity and the team’s desperation more poignant: he doesn’t sound the type to exaggerate.
@norhimorovine -- #14: Part
this one just screams fairy tale to me. the others do too, but the repetition of events rly knocks this one up the flagpole of ‘belongs in some mid 19th century kids story collection.’ i LOVE the sisters’ banter, and how the younger daughter gets incorporated a bit further for her attention. having the soldier take little pieces of each environment to prove they were real made them a lot more real to me, too.
@snowbird-down -- #03 Muster
if u think im NOT gonna lose my mind shrieking over stream of consciousness as one of the #1 ways of writing trauma, u have not been around me for very long. the varying sentence length is rly successful here, and i esp love the part where people are rushing into the ship and she has to stab a dude to keep him from coming aboard. it’s such a back and forth determining who is humanity and who is the faceless antagonist for a minute, n ofc i love that.
@stars-bleed-hearts-shine​ -- #28 -- Irenic
i was p surprised that my fav of urs came so late, but i feel like this piece has a lot of what your really good at, and which i admire a lot: you aren’t afraid of emotional dialogue or arguments based in more than factual debate, and you capitalize on casual thoughts that reveal a lot more than they do at face value. i esp like that you rly make the most of two characters that overlap in values and personality so often--they acknowledge that overlap and work together with what they share.
@yunkinko​ -- #05 Matter of Fact
im gonna forget abt that little rat line bc the last line is a kick in the teeth. i always admire ur ability to expand tiny details into lasting events. x’arhll’s musings also cut so different from the rest of the scene, separating her from the others and mhifa even further from her, so i love that contrast. the “arc of water” stayed with me for a while too.
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ahlis-xiv · 4 years
*slides a note over with cool 90s stickers all over it* 9, 16, and 30 for the Ahlis Ships, domestic asks :3c
9. do they act different in public and at home?
absolutely, as ahlis is not one to openly display closeness or affections in public much, something she considers within the realm of privacy. aymeric is accepting of this and doesn’t mind her decision to be ‘low key’. alyx is...a bit of a different story, as she is prone to small displays albeit in much more subtle and ‘hidden in plain sight’ sort of ways. These take a little bit of getting used to, but ahlis is generally tolerant of it.
16. how often do they fight?
aymeric has the patience of a saint and he is learning to identify when ahlis is trying to needle him over something petty or when she is genuinely upset, as she tends to fall into her habits to tease and provoke on a whim. this leads to not many fights, as aymeric will do all he possibly can to prevent a blow up on ahlis’s part.
30. what does their closet(s) look like?
with alyx there is a lot of sharing, so pieces often get swapped or mish-mashed into both their sides of the closet and dressers. there is more black and saturated/jewel toned clothing versus ahlis’s more cream/off-white clothing and pastels. there’s lacy things, leggings and stockings, some long coats and a bunch of pretty robes and dresses. it’s very much a smorgasbord of pretty, feminine things.
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ayyymeric · 4 years
all wolxnpc ships are valid and anyone who ships their wol with aymeric is valid but the one otp i have with aymeric is alyx vance and i will die on this hill
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