#and if anyone else was such a huge jerk to me they���d get a restraining order
hood-ex · 3 years
For a batfam prompt: Dick as Nightwing, fear toxin, and Bruce?
Dick was in the middle of trying to stanch the bleeding from his nose when his comm started beeping in his ear. He sighed at the terrible timing and quickly wrangled off one of his blood coated gloves to receive the call. 
“Talk to me,” he said, voice sounding high and distorted as a result of pinching his nostrils closed. 
“Whoa,” Babs said. “What the hell is wrong with your voice?” 
“Got a bloody nose,” Dick explained quickly. It was really uncomfortable trying to breathe and talk only through his mouth. He was definitely going to need a huge glass of water after this. “What’s up?” 
“The Owls are what’s up. I need you to get your tush to the cave ASAP.” 
Ah, fuck. 
“What kind of trouble are our freaky electrum filled friends getting up to?” he asked, already tugging his glove back on and booking it back to where he’d left his bike half a block away. He knew he looked fucking ridiculous running while holding his nose, but it seemed pretty insignificant compared to the idea of Talons running loose and slaughtering people. 
“Just one friend, actually,” Babs said. The lack of urgency in her voice made some of the anxiety in Dick’s chest dissipate. It also made him realize that they were talking about a member of the Court and not the Talons. 
“Oh yeah?”
“She was schmoozing it up at the Aparo Auction House with Brucie Wayne and a hundred other rich people.”
A feeling of disgust settled in his gut, his mind replaying the time he infiltrated one of the Court’s underground auctions. The same auction that had tried to sell off the crowbar Joker had beaten Jason with. 
A shiver traveled all the way down to his toes as he leapt over a puddle that was in the middle of the sidewalk. His bike was now in his sight. He could tell it was his because of the way its blue accents gleamed in the moonlight. 
“Looks like Scarecrow and the Court have been doing business with each other,” Babs said in that slightly distracted way of hers that Dick was used to hearing when she was trying to talk while rubbing at her eyes. It was something she did a lot since her eyes were always strained from looking at computer screens for hours on end. “Fear toxin was released through the vents at the auction. It caused an absolute shitstorm of chaos, as you can imagine.”
“Damn,” Dick said, straddling his bike. He was secretly glad he was wearing his thermal suit so he wouldn’t have to ride to Gotham on a cold seat. The only thing he was annoyed about was that he was getting blood all over his handle bars and helmet. “Is B okay?” 
“Yeah... about that...” 
The anxiety in Dick’s chest cranked back up tenfold. Irrational images of Bruce lying dead in a red-stained tuxedo flashed through his mind. He shook his head, mentally yelling at himself to cool it. If something like that had happened, Bab’s wouldn’t sound as casual as she did now. 
“He keeps thinking you’re dead,” she said, and for a second, Dick thought he misheard her over the sound of his tires peeling off down the street. “Red Robin says he keeps switching between rationalizing that you’re alive and thinking you bit it.”
“Huh,” Dick said, not really sure what to make of that. It wasn’t the first time Bruce had delusions of him or someone else dying while on fear toxin. Dick was just slightly surprised because it had been years since he was the sole subject of Bruce’s fear. He wondered if it was tied to Bruce knowing that a woman from the Court was at the auction. Bruce might have associated her with Dick in his mind since the Court had been after Dick for the last few years. 
“All I’m saying is that you might want to hurry home quick, Hunk Wonder. Robin and Red Robin are out distributing an updated antidote to the people who got dosed at the auction. B’s antidote won’t really kick in for another thirty minutes.”
“I’ll be there in fifteen.”
“It should take you longer than that,” Babs said suspiciously. 
Dick grinned under his helmet. “It would if I wasn’t making my way there like Sonic the Hedgehog on a caffeine high.” 
“Gotta go, O! I’ll catch you at Cass’s birthday party next weekend!”
Dick disconnected the call, knowing full well that Bab’s hated when he did that and was sure to give him an earful the next time they talked. But that was a problem for future Dick to deal with. 
The ride to the batcave was filled with a lot of weaving and a few angry honks directed his way. Dick was pretty sure he might have even shaved off his expected arrival time by two minutes. He was very decidedly not going to share that with anyone else except for Roy. Roy was the only one who would appreciate it without giving Dick the third degree about safety precautions. 
The cave was about as lit up as it could get when Dick’s bike came to a screeching halt next to one of the batmobiles. Alfred had probably turned on all the lights since they’d learned over the years that shadows and fear toxin really didn’t mix that well.  
Dick left his helmet on his bike and hurried over to the cot Alfred always had them lie on when they were sick or injured. Sure enough, that was where Bruce was currently sitting, his feet bouncing in agitation against the floor. He was already out of his batsuit and was dressed in a soft looking blue shirt and gray sweatpants. 
Bruce’s eyes were squeezed shut and his arms were wrapped tightly around himself, his knuckles white. Dick wasn’t really sure what the correct way was to approach him, but he figured letting Bruce know he was there was probably a good first step.
“Hey, B, I’m here,” Dick said, walking slowly up to his dad to try and give him enough time to work out what was real and what wasn’t. 
Bruce’s head jerked at the sound of his voice, his bloodshot looking eyes immediately seeking out Dick’s own. He looked... well, not okay but not terrible either. Mostly just pale and a little shaky. 
It was the way Bruce was staring at him that made Dick feel nervous all over. His eyes were wide and haunted looking as they soaked Dick up like a sponge. It was the kind of raw look Dick had only ever seen on parent’s faces when they realized their baby wasn’t coming home. 
It was Bruce after Jason’s death. It was Bruce after Damian’s death. It was Bruce after T—
“You want to tell me what’s going on in that head of yours?” Dick asked quietly, becoming more alarmed as he noticed Bruce was breathing so quickly that his chest was practically heaving. 
Bruce’s voice cracked as he murmured, “Dick?”
Bruce’s increasing panic didn’t make sense until Dick reached out his hand to comfort him and saw all the blood coated over his glove. 
Oh wow. He was a fucking asshole, wasn’t he?
He jerked his arm back to his side and whirled around so that Bruce couldn’t see all the dried blood on his face.
“I’m okay, Bruce. I’m okay. I got a bloody nose from patrol and... just wait, okay? Let me clean this off.” 
You’re such an idiot, Dick thought as he jogged towards the shower area, ripping off his gloves as he went. Once he was hidden from Bruce’s sight, he quickly peeled off his suit because, yeah, he found that blood had dripped on it as well. No wonder he was staring at you like you’d actually... like you were really...
He grabbed a clean towel from the pile they kept on a rack, and then he wet it and went about scrubbing all the blood off his skin until his face looked raw and the towel looked rusted. He was shivering by the time he was done. The cave was always cold and the water definitely wasn’t helping with that. 
Dick looked in the mirror and made sure there was no more blood on him before he went to their extra clothes supply rack. Weirdly, the shirts and hoodies from his own pile were missing. He barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes, knowing Tim and Damian had probably been taking his stuff again. Tim always forgot to replace the clothes he borrowed after washing them, and Damian usually hoarded the clothes in his bedroom. 
Bruce and Jason’s stacks were still pretty well stocked. Dick made a considering sound in the back of his throat as he looked between them. Jason would definitely blow a gasket if he realized someone had taken his clothes, and contrary to popular belief, Dick really didn’t like fighting with Jason. On the other hand, wearing Bruce’s clothes was kind of weird. 
Says the guy who wore his batsuit, his traitorous brain reminded him. 
Shrugging, Dick grabbed some red gym shorts from his own pile and a black t-shirt and hoodie from Bruce’s pile. He did end up taking Tim’s Nike slides because his own slip on shoes had been stolen by two kleptomaniacs.
By the time he’d gotten himself dressed, he saw that Alfred had returned from upstairs and was coaxing Bruce into eating an artfully prepared sandwich. Dick wouldn’t mind eating one as long as there was no sign of cucumbers in it. 
“Ah, Master Dick,” Alfred smiled, looking both happy to see him and also relieved that he wouldn’t have to deal with Bruce by himself. Bruce whipped around to where Dick was, and their eyes locked briefly before Bruce dropped his gaze like he was embarrassed about needing to reassure himself that Dick was actually there. 
“Hey, Alfie,” Dick said with a small smile of his own. He plopped himself on the cot next to Bruce, and before Bruce could protest, he grabbed Bruce’s fingers and forcefully pressed them against his wrist where his pulse was beating steadily. Bruce’s fingers trembled against his skin from the effects of the toxin, but he didn’t try to move them away. Instead, his shoulders relaxed into a more comfortable position, and he ended up leaning some of his weight against Dick’s shoulder. 
“You gonna eat that sandwich?” Dick asked Bruce who had closed his eyes and seemed to be silently counting the beats of Dick’s pulse. 
Alfred would normally intervene at a time like this and insist that he could go get Dick his own sandwich, but this time, Alfred stayed silent and watched them both with a knowing look. 
“No,” Bruce shook his head lightly. “You go ahead and eat it.” 
“Are you super-duper sure? Or just super sure? Or just duper sure? What level of sure are you?”
Bruce finally cracked the tiniest of grins at the game Dick used to play with him back when their worlds were a little smaller. Back when Casa de Wayne only had a population of three. 
Score, Dick thought with a smile of his own, feeling proud of himself. 
“I’m super-duper sure you can eat the sandwich,” Bruce said. 
That was essentially code for: I’ll throw up all over the floor if I have to eat even a bite of that sandwich. Dick took it as a sign to back off. 
“Well, as long as you’re super-duper sure,” Dick said, making grabby hands at Alfred for the sandwich in question. Alfred only looked mildly exasperated as he handed it over. 
Bruce’s fingers tightened around Dick’s wrist. “Trust me, I’m good.”
When Dick looked over at Bruce, he realized that Bruce’s eyes were open, and this time, they looked much clearer. The antidote seemed to have finally made its way through his system. 
“Good,” Dick said, playfully jostling Bruce’s shoulder. 
There was no stopping his surprised laugh when Bruce jostled him back. 
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commander-yinello · 6 years
JuminZen Week Day 2 - Cats & Dogs
@juminzenweek Based on something that actually happened to me in real life... confusing my friend’s cat for something else jlsdkdslkjdkj xD I hope you enjoy! More under the cut <3
Cool raindrops hit his face as he exited the theater. Zen pulled his jacket up to shield his neck and mentally prepared himself for walking through the rain when something in the corner of his eye seemed to move. Turning his head, he saw the alley beside the building, littered with empty bottles, plastic bags, torn up fliers and a small cardboard box. It was nothing unusual.
Except the box moved.
Zen walked over to it and very carefully opened the flaps, desperately hoping it was just a trick of his imagination and not a huge angry rat that would bite his face off. What he saw instead, he almost thought it was a rat at first, was a wrinkled, completely furless, small animal staring up at him with big dark eyes. Its ears, too large for such a tiny head, were poised stiff and made Zen think of a dog. It backed away into a corner, scared of the giant human looming over it.
“Hello little one, why are you out here?”
There was a dirty blanket in the box, making Zen suspect someone had put this animal here. When its body shivered from what had to be both fear and the cold, Zen’s heart broke.
“You sure aren’t the prettiest puppy, are you? But that doesn’t mean you should be out here.”
Zen took off his scarf and placed it in the box, hoping it could warm up the poor thing. With no effort, he picked the box up, the puppy weighing nothing. While heading home, he noticed how the puppy started to shiver less but never stopped staring.
Tuesday, 20:21 - Jumin Han, Yoosung★, Jaehee Kang, 707
- ZEN has entered the chatroom -
Jaehee Kang: Hello Zen ^_^
Yoosung★: Hi Zen!
707: Actor man! ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
ZEN: Hey all ZEN: What, no hello for me Trust Fund?
Jumin Han: If you insist. Jumin Han: Hello Zen.
ZEN: -.-
707: lolololol
ZEN: Whatever, I don’t have time for your bullshit now
Yoosung★: Oh brb guys, raid pull
ZEN: Guys, I need some advice ZEN: Have any of you ever owned a dog? ZEN: Don’t bother answering Jerkmin
Jumin Han: C&R has a branch that imports dog food.
ZEN: What did I just say
707: Who needs a dog when you got the lovely Elly~! ♥‿♥
Jumin Han: Her name isn’t Elly and I would like to remind you of the restriction order.
707: Ellllyyyyyy ;___;
Jaehee Kang: I can’t imagine owning any pet right now. But a dog? Why do you ask?
ZEN: Thank you for being the only normal one Jaehee ZEN: I found a puppy. I found him in the alley next to my theater in a box
707: :0
Jaehee Kang: In a box? :o In this weather?
ZEN: Yeah, ikr? Some people are heartless. Dumping a puppy in the rain?
707: D=
ZEN: I brought him inside
Jaehee Kang: That’s Zen’s kindness <3
707: Say the word and I will try to track the asshole down, Zen
Jumin Han: It’s good that you did that, but make sure you have food for it as well as a towel. Jumin Han: Assistant Kang, look up the nearest shelter for dogs.
ZEN: Obviously I already did all that, you jerk! D:<< ZEN: What I wanted to ask is if anyone knows about dog illnesses, because of the fact the puppy looks strange, I’m worried
Jaehee Kang: Strange how?
ZEN: He seems to be missing his fur? Like all of it? And he doesn’t seem to like the food I set out for him. I’m scared he’s very sick, maybe that’s why he got dumped ZEN: He looks like a wrinkled shirt tbh ZEN: I guugled a bit and maybe he has mange? But I’m not sure cuz Guugle images seem different ZEN: He’s really sweet though, he won’t stop climbing on my lap and making these odd rhythmic sounds
Jumin Han: …Like a motorboat?
ZEN: Yeah, kinda. How did you guess?
Jaehee Kang: Maybe Yoosung might know. Do you have a photo?
ZEN: Of course I had to make a selfie with me and Adonis
707: Pfff Adonis, really
ZEN: Of course, he’s just as handsome as me~
ZEN: <IMG309094888>
ZEN: Two lost souls, beautiful yet abandoned, finding each other~~~~ ZEN: The apartment is small but I think I might keep him.
707: …
Jaehee Kang: Err Jaehee Kang: Zen
ZEN: ???
Yoosung★: Back! Yoosung★: Oh Zen, you adopted a Sphynx! I didn’t expect that of you
ZEN: A what
ZEN: Stop making bad jokes Luciel!
Jaehee Kang: Seven is right, Zen. Jaehee Kang: That is a cat.
ZEN: But… the lack of fur?
Yoosung★: Sphynx cats are a completely furless species!
ZEN: But….. I didn’t sneeze or anything!
Yoosung★: Yeah, they can’t shed hair, so your allergies don’t react as heavily
Jumin Han: Sphynx cats are a unique breed, you are quite lucky to have found one. Jumin Han: Whoever abandoned him is truly a monster.
ZEN: …I can’t believe this
707: LMAOOOOOOOOOO 707: I’m screenshotting this chatroom
Yoosung★: How did you not know it’s a cat???
ZEN: I never owned a dog or a cat, okay?! ZEN: I’m used to cats being these fluffy balls that force me to sneeze ZEN: Ugh my nose just started to itch!
Jumin Han: Zen, make sure Adonis get frequent baths, either twice or once a month depending on how active he is. Jumin Han: Make sure to take proper care of his eyes and ears, because of his lack of hair. Jumin Han: Also keep him warm, always indoors - you can clothe him during cold seasons. Jumin Han: I will message you this comprehensive guide.
Jaehee Kang: Mr. Han, I didn’t know you knew so much about Sphynx cats.
Jumin Han: I have researched and categorized every known breed of cat in my personal library.
Jaehee: Kang: Of course. What was I thinking.
Jumin Han: Cat food ideally with 35% protein and 25% fat. I recommend the brand NutriKitty
ZEN: !! ZEN: What does it matter what kind of cat food when the stores are closed, dumbass!
Yoosung★: I would use the cardboard box as temporary kitty litter box Zen, just throw some dirt in it Yoosung★: As for food…
Jumin Han: There is no need to worry about any of that. Jumin Han: I am on my way with a litterbox, the appropriate cat food, clothes and toys. Jumin Han: Please open the door in 2 minutes and 11 seconds, Zen.
Yoosung★: Wow Jumin doesn’t waste time Yoosung★: He has a spare litter box?
Jaehee Kang: There’s 2 alone in my house and 1 in my office =__=
707: Jumin, I want one!!
Jumin Han: You can buy your own. Also, restraining order. Jumin Han: 1 minute and 20 seconds.
ZEN: Damn it Trust Fund!!! Are you for real right now?!
Yoosung★: But Jumin, you don’t live that close to Zen right?
Jumin Han: I suspected Zen was in possession of one of the world’s most marvelous creatures and told Driver Kim to start the car.
ZEN: I have a right mind not to let you in
Jumin Han: Zen, prepare to open the door in 30 seconds.
Jaehee Kang: Good luck Zen ;;;;
707: hmmm if Jumin is away from Elly (¬‿¬)
Yoosung★: You are never going to get past the bodyguards lol
707: they say you can’t win if you don’t try~!
Jaehee Kang: oml Jaehee Kang: Don’t bother, she’s with me right now. Jaehee Kang: Tempting as it is to let you take her, I won’t put my job at risk.
707: \(!!˚☐˚)/ 707: 。゜(`Д´)゜。
Yoosung★: lmao
Exactly as 30 seconds passed, Zen’s doorbell rang. The actor groaned and gently pushed Adonis off his lap, who stared at him and the door with wide eyes from the couch, large ears perked up. Zen couldn’t help but smile at the adorable thing while he headed to the front door.
Opening it a large, heavy bag of kitty litter was shoved right into his arms.
“Put that somewhere where you would like the litterbox to be,” Jumin instantly ordered him, holding the plastic litterbox in one hand and a fancy shopping bag in the other. Zen thought that had the be the fanciest and shiniest brand name he ever saw on a bag.
“Jesus, Jumin! You can’t just drop by and barge in whenever you feel like!” Zen said, standing aside as Jumin ‘barged in’ by walking through Zen’s open door.
After the stoic businessman placed the litterbox on the ground, he put the bag on the kitchen table and started taking out cans and what looked like tiny sweaters and hats. “You said you needed help. I’m here to help.”
“Advice! I wanted advice!” Zen huffed, dropping the heavy litter on the floor with a ‘thunk’. Someone passed by giving him a curious glance, and he quickly closed the door.
“You admitted yourself the stores are closed. A litterbox and food are basic needs for a cat, Zen. At least accept them for the night.”
Zen fell quiet at that. Just as Jumin was done filling his entire table with all kinds of cat things that made Zen’s nose tingle, the businessman was suddenly distracted by a hairless kitten carefully staring at them, hiding as much of his body behind a pillow. Adonis must have gotten scared from all the yelling, Zen realized, and felt guilty.
“Is that him?” Jumin asked in awe and already strode to the couch. The kitten fell on his side, startled by the new presence, but upon Jumin offering his hand the cat’s childish curiosity won
Zen swore he saw a smile on Jumin’s face as Adonis sniffed his fingertips. “You’re right, he is quite handsome.”
“Of course he is,” Zen boasted. While Jumin was busy winning over Adonis’ heart, the actor grabbed the bowl on the floor with barely touched dog kibble. Soon it was replaced with Jumin’s overpriced kitty food and he set it near the couch on the floor.
The reaction was instantaneous, Adonis forgot everyone and everything around him, jumping down to shove his face into the bowl, devouring the food.
Zen sighed. “Thanks Jumin, he must have been starving.”
Sitting on the couch, Jumin watched the kitten eat. “He looks healthy. You have a vet visit planned?”
“Of course. What do you take me for?”
Only the tiny sounds of munching filled the air. Jumin kept staring intently at the tiny creature, and Zen’s irritation slowly dissolved. Somehow, he felt the urge to sit next to Jumin and waved the bizarre feeling away. Right after, seeing his newly discovered cat brought about more worrisome thoughts.
“Jumin… I was thinking. Maybe you should adopt him.”
Jumin straightened his back to look at Zen. “You said you wanted to keep him.”
“I considered it, but I know less about cats than dogs. What if I end up hurting him?” Cat or not, Zen couldn’t handle the idea of any animal suffering under his care. His heart raced from the thought of it alone. He bit his lip, hating this sudden anxious feeling. “He would be safer with you, we both know it.”
It was then Adonis was done with his meal, having licked every part of the bowl until he was certain there wasn’t a trace of kibble left. Then, he jumped on the couch, sniffing Jumin for a second before climbing on top of the armrest to demand attention from Zen. Zen couldn’t resist petting the little wrinkled baby.
“There is a saying that the pet chooses the owner and not the other way around. He clearly prefers you. He doesn’t trigger your allergies, he’s not going outgrow your apartment, isn’t he perfect for you?” Jumin countered, scratching Adonis on his back, causing the spoiled kitten to throw on his loud motorboat purr.
Zen had expected Jumin to accept instantly, so the actor was at a loss for words. Since when was the cat freak so nice anyway? It flustered him, causing Jumin to chuckle.
It’s almost like… we’re family, Zen thought, and Jumin must have thought the same, for the moment passed and everything suddenly felt awkward. At once, Jumin halted his petting and stood up, brushing off his suit from non-existent fur. “Rest assured that if you do mistreat the cat, I will inform the police in seconds.”
“And of course, we must arrange playdates for your cat and my Elizabeth.”
In protest, Zen picked up his kitten, Adonis struggling lightly out of confusion and finally resting his paws against Zen’s chest. “What! As if I’d let my kitten anywhere near your furball! Ugh, my nose is itching again!”
Jumin rolled his eyes. “Excuse you, Elizabeth is a very refined and beautiful cat that yours could learn a lot from.
“Adonis is more beautiful than your bag of fleas ever will be!” Any trace Zen ever had of giving his pet away gone, the actor holding his cat possessively against his chest.
Zen saw the future CEO’s lips curl into a small smile before it dropped off again. “She is a queen amongst commoners. Anyone with sense would agree.” Jumin lifted his sleeve, revealing an expensive-looking watch. “I have stayed here far too long. I’m late for my evening appointment.”
Jumin, late for an appointment? Zen wondered if Jumin would risk annoying a client for a cat. Yes, of course he would. Though Zen knew he would have done the same.
“Good, get out you home invader!” Zen said, acting like he was chasing Jumin out while Jumin already opened his door.
“See you soon, Zen.” Jumin waved.
“Oh come on!” Something told Zen he wasn’t going to get out of those playdates.
After Zen shut the door behind the businessman, he sighed - out of relief, he told himself, not because of anything else. Adonis proceeded to climb onto his shoulders and Zen wondered how he could have possibly thought he was a puppy.
Hmpf, of course Jumin thinks his stupid cat is prettier. He knew he should start practicing his lines as normal, but Zen proceeded to snap more selfies of him and Adonis together and posting them in the chatroom for good measure.
Wednesday, 8:37 - Yoosung★, Jaehee Kang, 707, MC
MC: What’s this I read about Zen adopting a cat???
Jaehee Kang: It’s a long story
707: An amazing one!!
Yoosung★: You missed the battle of the cat selfies yesterday. Yoosung★: Jumin’s blurry photos didn’t make sense tho o.o;;
707: I have saved every single one for my Cat Tripter account!
Jaehee Kang: Thankfully they stopped.
707: They didn’t, they went over to private messaging lolol
MC: Awww, I wanna see
707: How long do you think before they plan a date?
Jaehee Kang: A… date for their cats?
707: Suuuuure let’s go with that
MC: I bet not long! ;D
Yoosung★: If that’s true, then Jaehee might have to catsit two cats lol
Jaehee Kang: (⊃д⊂)!!! Noooo spare me!!
MC: Don’t worry Jaehee! I will help you! (=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡☆
707: Why does Jaehee get to live the dream and not meeeeee ;___;
Yoosung★: Guys I was joking ;;;;;;
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ylla · 7 years
Friday Night Gurus - Chapter 3
Series: JJBA Ships: josuyasu, koichi/yukako (others will eventually happen too, but im tagging as i go) Tags: au where theyre famous, modern au, pining, recreational drug use (smoking that wacky tabaccy), some angst in this one lads Rating: M (eventually there will be sex, so that rating will keep climbing)
AO3 link
i have never not been ready to be murdered by my own two hands.
“Oh fuck,” Josuke moaned, white knuckling his kitchen counter as he was thrust into over and over again. Rough hands were gripping his hips hard enough to leave bruises, and by God, Josuke hoped they did. He had always been way too loud during anything remotely sexual, and right now was no exception. The right spot was hit, Josuke felt like electricity was passing through his body, “God, right there, I’m close—“
One of the hands on his hip reached up for his hair, pulling up him with a gentle, yet firm grip, causing him to arch his back against the person behind him.
A mouth pressed against his ear, breath hot and voice harsh, “Beg me.”
“Please, please, please let me cum, please—“
Josuke’s earlobe got caught between teeth, while the hand tugging on his hair moved to his dick, roughly jerking him off. He was seeing stars, his voice going up a few octaves as he neared the edge, “Fuckfuckfuckfuck.” Josuke’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, inhaling sharply as he started to orgasm, “Oh fuck, Oku—“
Josuke woke up to a sudden, crushing elbow to his gut, shrieking in a totally manly way. It was completely dark in his room, but he could make out the black outline of a hulking man rolling around on his bed, snorting like the piggy bitch he was. “Man, I wish I would have turned on the light so I could have seen your face,” the big asshole wheezed, his laugh almost coming out in a stereotypical French ‘honhonhon’.
“JEAN PIERRE POLNAREFF, I’M GONNA LITERALLY MURDER YOU,” Josuke roared, struggling to sit up to push Polnareff’s muscly ass off of him.
Polnareff cackled like a witch, jumping up before Josuke could start punching him, “Up and at them, Josuke. It’s time for our run. I’ll be waiting downstairs.”
After Polnareff retreated, Josuke flopped back down, heart still racing. Waiting for his heart rate to return to normal, he grabbed his phone to check the time. It was 6 o’clock in the godforsaken morning. He regretted many things. He regretted giving Polnareff a key to his house. He especially regretted the dream he woke up from and the puddle of cum that had pooled in his underwear.
He put his pillow over his face and screamed. What a fuckin’ mess.
Three hours later, at a much more acceptable time to be awake, Josuke found himself sleepily watching Pol sashay around his kitchen while making omelets. Polnareff was a nutritionist, gym owner, fitness model, and Josuke’s personal trainer. He’d met Polnareff when he was introduced to his father’s side of the family so many years ago; he had been Jotaro’s roommate in college, and Holly, Josuke’s sister, basically considered Pol to be a second son (much to Jotaro’s chagrin and Polnareff’s delight). So not only did Polnareff wake him up at an ungodly hour twice a week, he got to nag and annoy Josuke at all other times as well.
“I have to say, I’m surprised that I didn’t see your friend in there with you this morning. You two are together a lot.”
Polnareff was keeping his tone casual, but Josuke knew exactly where this was headed, “Me and Oku don’t hang out all the time—“
“Josuke, this is the first morning in almost three months that I have walked into your room to wake you up and didn’t see him,” Polnareff pointed a spatula at him, “Can’t argue with the facts.”
He couldn’t, and Josuke despised it.
Ever since the first night he came over, Okuyasu had kept his word about making sure Josuke wasn’t lonely. Between Arrowhead slowing down their activities between their last tour and recording their next album, and Josuke taking a yearlong vacation, they both found themselves with a lot of free time. So, Okuyasu was stayed the night at least three or four times a week. They got high, played videogames, watched stupid movies, took late night drives together, ate food that was terrible for them. Slept in the same bed, and basically cuddled every night they watched a movie together. You know, normal friend stuff.
People like Okuyasu were so rare in Josuke’s life. He never put him on a pedestal like Josuke was some untouchable god or free ticket to fame. He was so grateful to have a friend that saw past all of his fame and fortune, and saw him as he was: just Josuke. It was wonderful and so refreshing.
However, there was one caveat.
Josuke had found himself head over heels in love with Okuyasu, and had to physically restrain himself from making any moves onto his friend. The better he got to know him, the worse it became. He had a sharp ache in his chest whenever he thought about his feelings, and his brain shrieked KISS HIM KISS HIM KISS HIM anytime Oku’s face got remotely near his, or whenever Oku would look at him with a shy smile, or even when Okuyasu cried over something like shelter animals or sad movies. It was all so endearing and Josuke couldn’t get enough of him. For all his flirtations, and for all of the content in his songs that implied that Josuke was some kind of suave, smooth talker, he couldn’t bring himself to risk the first real friendship he’d had in years.
“So what? We hang out a lot, it’s not a big deal,” Josuke forced his voice to remain neutral, “Didn’t you use to bitch and moan at me about never hanging out with anyone besides you assholes, Jolyne, and Koichi?”
“Ignoring your hurtful words, yes I did complain,” Polnareff flipped both omelets onto separate plates; he placed on in front of Josuke and then sat across in the table from him, resting his chin on the top of his water bottle, “But that’s not my point.”
“Then what is?” Josuke arched an eyebrow at him, daring Polnareff to say what he was thinking.
Polnareff was quiet for a few moments before answering, “You should tell him that you’re in love with him.”
Of course Polnareff knew how Josuke felt. He had been the one who had barged in on Josuke lovingly pushing stray hairs out of Okuyasu’s face while he slept one morning. Josuke blurted out everything in a panic while they went for their run, begging him to not speak of it to anyone, especially Okuyasu.
“Absolutely not,” Josuke said flatly.
“You are fucking up, my friend, but it’s your decision,” Polnareff sat up straight and pointed at the omelet in front of him, “Eat that before it gets cold.”
The rest of the conversation was Polnareff talking about some kind of nonsense, Josuke was only paying half-attention because he was still really tired, hungry, and slightly irritated at the earlier conversation. Yeah, like it was so easy to tell your best friend that he was hot and you wanted to kiss him all over, and you were in love with him, haha, full homo bro—
Josuke was pulled out his thoughts to the sound of his text notification going off. His heart did some weird somersault when he saw that Okuyasu had texted him (Josuke finally got his number when Oku put it in his phone for him):
Oku: mornin dude :D
Oku: u doin anythin tonight?
Josuke: nah I aint got anything going on, why?
Oku: were playin a secret show at echoes bar tonight. u wanna come?
He wants me to come see him play, Josuke wheezed inwardly. He responded immediately:
Oku: :D hell yeah dude
Oku: i think yukako is gonna invite koichi too, so ill let hazamada kno that yall are gonna be there. he’ll have ur backstages passes ready.
Oku: also word to the wise, wear shorts and a tanktop. the bar gets super hot during shows. ull die in anything else
The rest of their texts were directions, Josuke saying he was excited, and an abundance of smiley face emotes from Okuyasu.
“Oi! Josuke! Stop ignoring me!”
“Oh shit, sorry dude,” Josuke had completely forgotten Polnareff was there, “Did you ask me something?”
Polnareff pouted, “You are so rude to me. I was asking you if you wanted to get dinner with me, Noriaki, and Jolyne tonight. Jotaro is still out in the field and Mo is doing some college thing, so it’ll just be the four of us.”
 Josuke couldn’t stop himself from breaking out into a huge grin, “Sorry, I got plans tonight.”
The upside to having a signature look was that if Josuke had his hair down or in a ponytail, no one recognized him. So when he stood in the very back of Echoes with Koichi, trying to not get trampled by the massive crowd, no one bothered him.
Not that they would’ve anyways. What was happening on stage was infinitely more interesting.
The music was so loud, Josuke could feel it vibrate into his chest. His ears were starting to ring a little, but he didn’t care. Oku’s voice was amazing when he recorded in a studio, but listening to him live was almost like an out of body experience. His voice just crashed over him like the tide, and Josuke wanted it to sweep him out to sea.
Oku hadn’t been lying when he said the club got too hot; all four members of Arrowhead were various states of undress. Josuke could only see half of Yuuya, but he looked like he was naked behind his drum kit. Yukako had her hair up in a high ponytail, wearing ass eating shorts and a cutoff tank top. Keicho was shirtless and in shorts, hair down out of his normal…whatever he had going on there. Oku was dressed more or less the same, but the difference was Okuyasu was infinitely more attractive. Josuke could see the band of his boxer briefs peak up over the waist of his shorts, and licked his lips unconsciously.
Okuyasu was sweaty, loose hairs from his ponytail were falling his face, and looked like he was having a blast, giving all he had and then some. Josuke didn’t think it could’ve been possible, but he fell more in love with him as he watched. All he wanted was to find out what skin that stretched over his hip bones tasted like.
“Koichi, I’m gay.” Josuke moaned.
“What did you say? I can’t hear you,” Koichi called back.
“I said I’m gay!”
Koichi just gave him a very confused look, clearly not understanding what he was saying.
“I’M GAY!” Josuke hollered, grabbing Koichi by the shoulders and shaking him for emphasis.
“Agh! I get it, I get it! Stop!!!”
Yukako noticed them first. After they finished a song, and was in the process of swapping guitars out, Yukako grabbed Okuyasu by the bicep and whispered in his ear. He looked over to the corner Josuke and Koichi were in, and his face lit like the sun. He waved excitedly, which Josuke couldn’t help but wave back, matching his enthusiasm and smile. Okuyasu walked over to a short, sallow looking dude and pointed over towards them. A few minutes later, the roadie appeared beside them, “Here’s your passes, follow me.”
The backstage was kind of cramped, filled with at least a dozen good looking women. Josuke tried to stand away from them, half afraid of being recognized and half wanting to avoid hearing about which band members they wanted to fuck.
When the show ended, the groupies rushed at the bandmembers as they filed off stage. Yukako lips curled into a snarl and elbowed her way over to Koichi; when in front of him, the ice melted and she gave him a sweet smile before planting a kiss on his lips. Koichi froze momentarily before returning the smooch. Josuke had asked Koichi a few weeks ago what was up with him and Yukako. All he got in response was a shrug and a “We’re dating??”
Keicho and Yuuya were wrapped up in all the attention from the groupies, who were fawning over all over them (Yuuya wasn’t naked, and Josuke thanked his lucky stars he didn’t have to see Yuuya’s penis). Girls were too busy playing with Keicho’s hair and rubbing on Yuuya to notice that Okuyasu had quietly slipped in behind them. Good, Josuke sighed with relief, He’ll keep it lowkey.
Which he immediately ruined by shouting, “JOSUKE!” and pounding over to him, nearly knocking Josuke off of his feet with a hug, “YOU CAME!”
Okuyasu was too warm and sweaty, and if there was a god, he would prevent Okuyasu from feeling how hard Josuke was getting from feeling his bare chest press against him. Josuke returned the hug with ferocity, “Of course I did, I said I would.” He pulled back to look Okuyasu in the face, and also prevent his errant boner from rubbing up against him. “It were fantastic, I’m so blown away! You’re amazing, Okuyasu.” Josuke beamed at him, and the tears that filled Okuyasu’s eyes made his stomach flutter.
“You mean that?” he croaked.
“Pinky promise?”
Josuke hooked his pinky with Okuyasu’s, “Pinky promise.”
Okuyasu gave him a watery smile before hugging him again, “Thanks. That means a lot, coming from you,” Oku whispered against his shoulder.
If there wasn’t a million pairs of eyes on him, Josuke would have said ‘fuck it’ and kissed Okuyasu right then and there, but he was too chicken. “You’re welcome, Oku,” Josuke pulled away again, “Go shower and then we’ll get out of here.”
“Oh shit,” Okuyasu rubbed the back his neck, looking sheepish, “Sorry, I got like super sweaty and gross.”
Josuke gave him a friendly punch in the arm, “S’fine dude, I don’t care. I’m gonna go smoke, so just come outside when you’re done.” Okuyasu made an assenting noise before jogging off to go shower. Pointedly ignoring Yuuya’s waggling eyebrows and some indecipherable look from Keicho, Josuke swiveled on his heels and left.
It was late summer, but the air felt a 1000x times cooler than it did inside. Josuke had been enjoying his few minutes of peace and quiet while he sat the backdoor’s staircase when he heard someone walk out behind him. He almost greeted Okuyasu, but an unfamiliar voice spoke.
“Why are you here?”
That was not Okuyasu.
Josuke turned to find a still shirtless Keicho peering down at him, hair hanging in his face, unlit cigarette in his hand. “Oku invited me,” Josuke replied, not liking the look on Keicho’s face.
What fuckin’ kind of question is that?? “Because we’re friends? And I told him I wanted to see you guys perform sometime?”
Keicho lit his cigarette and took a drag, his eyes never leaving Josuke’s, “Why?”
Josuke was about .3 seconds away from losing his temper, “Why what?? What the fuck are you asking me, dude??”
“Why are you friends with him?”
It was a huge effort to not start shrieking into the night, “Because he’s a cool guy? And funny? And I enjoy his company? What fucking kind of question is that?” Josuke snubbed out his cigarette, drawing himself up to full height, “What exactly are you trying to say here?”
“Okuyasu doesn’t have friends, and I don’t trust you,” Keicho responded coldly, “I wanna know what you’re after.”
“I’m just after his friendship, you clown!” Josuke exclaimed, rapidly losing his patience, “Is that so fuckin’ hard to believe??”
Before Keicho could retort, the door banged open. “Keicho, you got girls here who wanna inflict terrible things upon your penis, you better get in here and give ‘em what they want,” Yuuya grinned, leaning against the door frame. Purple bruises marred his neck and Josuke could hear whining from behind him.
Without another word to Josuke, Keicho dropped his cigarette, ground it out with his heel, and shouldered past Yuuya. The door swung closed, and Josuke exploded, “What the fuck is his deal??”
Yuuya shrugged, “That’s just Keicho.”
Josuke pointed at Yuuya, “No, that’s just being a cock goblin. I’ve never done anything to that guy, why’s he being such a dickhead??”
“I’ve known Keicho and Okuyasu since I was about 12,” Yuuya started, “There’s a lot of reasons why they’re both the way they are. Good or bad, right or wrong.” He kicked an empty cigarette pack off of the stairs, “Keicho’s got this thing about controlling things and people,” Yuuya took a seat on the top step, “Oku being with you all the time prevents Keicho from having his brother under his thumb.”
“With the way Oku talks about him, it sounds like Keicho fuckin’ hates him.”
Yuuya shrugged again, “Keicho makes it a point to be an absolute bastard to Oku most of the time. Though, he did take a knife to the gut when Akira tried to stab Okuyasu, so that’s something.”
Josuke was thoroughly confused, “Why?”
“Obligation to their mom, I imagine. Keicho got really drunk once and told me that before she died, she made him promise that he would always look out for Okuyasu. So he does, in some way or another.” Yuuya sprung up to his feet, “I will say this, Josuke…it’s nice that Okuyasu’s got a friend not linked to his brother in one way or another. Good for him, ya? But,” He stared Josuke down, all friendliness gone, “I’m pretty perceptive on how you feel, so no need to try and deny it to me. It’s obvious to everyone save for Okuyasu himself and probably Keicho. So, this is a warning: Don’t hurt Oku, or I will find you and whoop your ass. We clear?”
I rather die than hurt him. “Crystal.”
Before either of them could say anything else, Okuyasu walked out of the backdoor with a bruised right cheek, bloody knuckles, and a nose dripping red, “Ready to bounce?”
“Dude, super fuck your brother.”
Okuyasu sat in Josuke’s kitchen while Josuke did his best to doctor him up. He waved a hand, “S’fine, we do this sometimes. He gets too mouthy and I gotta stand my ground,” Okuyasu hissed when Josuke sprayed antiseptic on his oozing knuckles.
“You still haven’t told me what he said.”
As he rarely did, Okuyasu evaded the question, “S’not important. What matters is that I shut ‘em up and he won’t be running that big, stupid mouth of his for a while.”
According to Oku, Keicho walked away from that scuffle with a split lip, black eyes, and probably bruises all over his chest. Not that would’ve deterred the groupies from trying to touch his dick anyways, Okuyasu had theorized on the way to Josuke’s house (Josuke had insisted on driving and went extra slow in fear that he would fuck up Oku’s baby), so Keicho couldn’t be too sore at him for long.
Instead of pushing the matter any further, Josuke took to wrapping Oku’s knuckles, “Tell me if I’m not doing this right.”
“Wrap it a little tighter, and you’ll be aces.”
After he finished, Josuke got up and took an ice gel pack out of his fridge. Thank God Polnareff had insisted he buy one a few months ago, “I’ve been in a fair amount of fights, but that’s the first time I’ve ever had to bandage someone else’s hands.”
“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me,” Okuyasu flexed his fingers, pleased with how the bandages felt, “You did good kid, I used to wrap ‘em up like this when I did bare knuckle boxing matches.”
Josuke walked back over to him, cold compress wrapped in a dishtowel, “You used to box?”
Okuyasu winced as Josuke pressed it to his right cheek, “Yeah, I did underground fights for money. Helped rent out the studio when we recorded our first demo.”
“That’s unsurprising,” Josuke sat on the edge of his table so he could hold the pack to Oku’s face without getting too tired, “You still box?”
“Nah, not really. When I hit the gym, I just beat on the punching bag instead. Keicho’s good practice too,” he snorted. Josuke rolled his eyes; Okuyasu yawned and then gave him a lazy smile, “Josuke, why am I so sleepy right now?”
Josuke peered down at him, eyebrows raised, “Oh, I don’t know. Could it have been the fact that you just played a show in a cramped, hot bar, and then got into a fist fight with your older brother?”
“You may be onto something, boss.” Okuyasu exhaled, closing his eyes and pressing his face slightly into the cold pack. After a few minutes of quiet, he spoke softly, “I know I said this earlier, but m’really glad you came tonight…meant a lot to me…I ain’t never had a friend who actually cared enough to come to a show jus’ for me.” Okuyasu raised his bandaged right hand and placed it over the hand that held the compress to his face, rubbing circles into the skin, “Thanks.”
Josuke does the stupidest thing he has ever done in his entire 24 years of living: he leans over and kisses Okuyasu right on the mouth.
It feels like time stopped before Josuke pulls away. Okuyasu’s eyes are wide open, face glowing red like he has a sunburn. He stands up, startled, “I—I gotta go, I-“ he’s tripping over himself, the chair, and hightails it out of the front door.
Josuke’s brain takes a minute to grind back into motion, and he runs after Oku, “Wait! Dude I’m—“
By the time he gets outside, he can make out Oku’s taillights buzzing down the road.
He stands on his front porch for a long time, staring out into the street, hoping, begging to see Oku’s car return. For him to jump out of his car and holler, “IT’S JUST A PRANK, BRO” before bounding up the steps to return Josuke’s kiss with gusto.
Rain starts falling, and Josuke remains rooted the spot. Dimly, he registers that he is now soaked to the bone, and Okuyasu was not coming back. He did it. He ruined his friendship, because he couldn’t fucking help himself. He couldn’t just be satisfied with how things were.
In a numb haze, Josuke walks back inside, closing the door and locking it behind him with a soft click. He turns the shower on the hottest setting he could stand, sits in the floor as hot water pours all over him, and just trembles.
When the water runs cold, he finally steps out. Mechanically, Josuke pulled on some old sweats and his favorite t-shirt. He can’t bear to look at his bed, let alone sleep in it, knowing that it was bound to smell like Okuyasu, and that was something he couldn’t even begin to handle.
The couch it was. Josuke checked his phone, hoping to have missed a call or text from Oku, but nothing greeted him; he turned it off and threw it across the room. Curled up under a blanket, he listened to the rain pelt the windows, and finally allowed himself to cry.
Something was banging against the front door.
Josuke jerked awake, feeling awful. It took a few seconds for his brain to process where he was, and when he remembered, he had to quickly wipe his tears. He had to keep it together.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Josuke mumbled to no one, cocooning himself in his blanket. The banging was incessant; Josuke figured it was a drunk Tamami who had forgotten his key to Josuke’s front door back at his apartment. It was something that occurred more regularly than it should. As he passed the entrance to the kitchen, the oven’s clock blared the time: 3:24 am. He was going to murder whoever it was.
He unlocked the front door and jerked it open, ready to snarl something at whomever made the mistake of waking him up, when he came face to face with Okuyasu.
Oku looked fucking awful. Soaked to the bone with chattering teeth, red-rimmed puffy eyes; it made Josuke die a little on the inside to see him in such a sorry state, “Jesus Christ Oku, how long have you been out here??” Josuke reached to pull him inside, but Okuyasu smacked his hand away. Tears threatened, and anger rose up inside him like bile, “Why did you come back?” he asked, placing his head into his hands so Okuyasu couldn’t see his face. After what feels like an eternity stretches on, Josuke half-contemplates just slamming the door closed, so Okuyasu would be spared the trouble of having to devastate Josuke anymore.
“Kiss me again.”
Slowly, Josuke lowered his hands to look Oku in the face. He could see that Okuyasu was crying, tears running hot down his scared face. “I’m sorry for leavin’, I’m sorry for runnin’. I’m a fuckin’ idiot fool,” the words burst out of Okuyasu like a dam had broken, “You’re the most perfect thing on this stupid planet, I’ve been crazy over you ever since we first met. I didn’t know if you were makin’ fun of me or somethin’ when you kissed me, so I got scared and ran, but I just ended up making you upset, which is—“ His breath started hitching and he was crying even harder, “The last thing— I ever w-wanna do is hurt y-y-you. Y-you m-mean everyth-thing to me.”
Josuke also had tears running down his face; he pulled Oku into a tight hug and ran his fingers through his hair, shushing him softly, “It’s okay, don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry,” he wailed, face buried into Josuke’s neck, “Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“I forgive you, it’s okay. You came back.”
“It’s not okay,” Okuyasu pulled himself away to look Josuke in the eyes, “I hurt you.” Hesitantly, he wiped the tears off of Josuke’s face. Josuke couldn’t stop himself anymore; he pressed his lips against Okuyasu’s. This time, his kiss was returned enthusiastically, and it made Josuke’s very soul sing. Taking great care to not trip over something, Josuke lead Okuyasu into the house without breaking their kiss, closing the door behind him. Josuke couldn’t get enough of how Okuyasu tasted; the kisses were sweet, chaste, and everything Josuke imagined it would be like.
“Do you wanna stay the night?” Josuke murmured against Oku’s lips.
“Yeah, if that’s okay with you.”
Josuke pulled away and kissed the tip of Okuyasu’s nose, took his hand, and led him upstairs.
After Okuyasu’s quick shower, they found themselves tangled up in each other’s limbs, kissing just as slow and gently as before. “Hey Josuke,” Okuyasu’s whispered, voice raspy.
“M’really tired and stuff,” Oku stifled a yawn, “so I dunno if we should talk about this now or—“
Josuke brushed a thumb across Oku’s cheek, “I think we should wait until tomorrow morning, after we get some sleep. Okay?” He pressed a kiss onto Okuyasu’s forehead, which turns warm underneath his lips.
“’Kay,” he mumbled, pressing his hot face into Josuke’s neck, “Uhm, I do got one question though, and I don’t wanna wait to ask.”
Josuke pulled back to look him in the face, “Yeah, what’s up?”
Okuyasu was blood red, looking rather meek. “Are we boyfriends now?” he asked softly, as if he scared to hear a rejection.
Butterflies had taken up permanent residence in Josuke’s stomach, and it was taking everything in him to not start wiggling around like an excited puppy, “Do you want us to be boyfriends?”
He got an enthusiastic nod in reply; Oku was too shy to say it out loud, but he did grab one of Josuke’s hands so he could kiss his knuckles.
A grin spread across Josuke’s face, “I guess that makes us boyfriends then.”
The smile that lit up Okuyasu’s face would be one that Josuke wanted tattooed to the inside of his mind, so he could remember it forever.
The slow, lazy kisses they traded relaxed him enough that sleep was moments away. Faintly, before succumbing, Josuke was certain he heard “I love you” whispered into his ear.
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