#and let tiuri come out
Probably nobody, but if someone is willing to listen to me talk about how Viridian and Edwinem were in love, plz tell me because I have to put those feelings somewhere.
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sir-gwaine-my-man · 3 years
A rewrite of the ending for The Letter for the King
If we're being honest, did the ending live up to anyone's expectations? Certainly not to mine. My babies deserved better and I hope my attempt at writing can help to rectify that for anyone else looking for a happier - and hopefully better - ending. At some point, I'll probably write a fic for the entire series, possibly with an OC (maybe a younger sibling of one of the knights because I want more interactions with Piak). Feedback would be greatly appreciated! I'm always looking to improve. I struggle with accurate characterisation in fanfics when writing non-canon dialogue/scenes so if anyone has any tips then please send them my way.
I know there's maybe 12 people in the fandom (this had better become a running joke, so help me) but hopefully I will please those 12 of you. This will take place from when they exit the sewers. Without further ado, let us proceed.
5000+ words
The thick, rancid scent of the sewers still lingered in the air as the novices clung to the ladder several metres up. Damp metal frigid to the touch, covered in something that they wouldn't dare to ask the origin of. Even Tiuri - who had made his way to the top of the ladder - could still smell the murky water (or, at least, what they thought to be water) below.
He swung the grate at the top open, gritting his teeth as he hoisted himself up and out of the entrance to the sewer. The fresher air was a welcome comfort in the dimly lit room, candles flickering gently in the little draughts that filtered in, and he was thankful to take in a deep breath of fresher air.
Pushing himself over the edge with a grunt of effort, he turned around to help Piak climb out, safely pulling him up. It was certainly far more graceful than Tiuri's attempt to get himself out.
"You're pushing me again," Jussipo snapped, looking down and glaring before pulling himself out as well, a look of clear disgust etched upon his face.
"Because you're going even slower than you were before," Arman retorted, evidently still frustrated at having to go through the sewers.
"It's-it's in my hair! It's in my hair." Jussipo's face contorted as he tried to hide the extent of his revulsion as he essentially jumped out of the exit.
Arman came out soon after Jussipo, quickly pushing himself out, glad to be away from the dreadful place, and was quickly followed by Foldo. "It's definitely not water," Foldo choked out through the stench, his face paling as he resisted the nauseating temptation to throw up any food still left in his stomach.
"See?" Tiuri started, trying to reintroduce some positivity into their quest that seemed to lack a favourable outcome for the foreseeable future. "I told you. Easy."
The others stared at him as though he were insane, many still looking disgusted from their time in the sewer. Foldo looked greener by the second. No one particularly wanted to know what was in the sewer now that they knew it wasn't water from his expression. They also didn't want to know how Foldo found out.
The group rushed out of the room, breaking out into a run as they hurried to get to the throne room. They had hardly made it down a single corridor before turning into a hall and running straight into a line of servants.
Attempts at acting natural were made. Bowed heads, feigned interest in the exquisitely crafted banners and candleholders - although, they had to admit, they were beautiful. But, of course, despite the dirt on their clothes, they still reeked of nobility and they neither looked nor acted like the staff of the castle, not to mention the swords hanging from their belts. Still, the servants had far more important matters to attend to other than herding some wandering nobleman's children back to the feast.
As soon as they were alone, they all raced through the open doorway, speeding down more passageways, thankful not to encounter anyone else.
"That was close!" Piak exclaimed with a smile, jogging next to Jussipo, clearly enjoying the excitement.
"Be quiet," hissed Arman sharply, turning back to the boy. "You don't know who could be lurking in the shadows, listening to our every word."
"Don't talk to him like that," Jussipo replied, moving threateningly closer, attempting to turn any anxiety brewing within him to confidence.
"I'd appreciate it if you directed your aggressive energy towards the task at hand, please," Tiuri sighed. "Besides, I think we're safe for now."
"Perhaps we should be a bit quieter, it couldn't hurt," Foldo suggested gently.
They continued their way through the castle, footsteps echoing far louder than they would've liked through the stone hallways. Cautious glances were frequently casted towards the windows, the steadily rising blood moon harsh and bold against the dark sky, glaringly bright as it outshone the gentle twinkling of the stars.
"Do you even know where we're going?" Arman asked as Tiuri led them down yet another tortuous corridor. "We're running out of time. You could be getting us lost for all we know."
"Of course I know where we're going," Tiuri insisted, vaguely remembering visiting the castle once as a child. If he was being honest, he was mostly guessing the path to the feast. "It's around this corner."
The door creaked as he pulled it open, but they paid it little mind as they hurried down a set of steps and into yet another corridor. It would be a miracle if anyone knew their way around the entire castle.
"Come on," he whispered as they ducked around a wall, praying that the area would be empty.
It was, in fact, not. "Where do you think you're going?" a heavily armoured guard asked as the five of them came to a shuddering halt in front of him.
Jussipo was just about to come forward - casting worried glances towards Foldo and Piak - with a story about how they were the sons of some visiting nobles and had gotten lost when the guard keeled over following a sharp blow to the head from the pommel of a dagger. The knights-to-be watched in confused shock as he fell over to reveal Iona behind him.
"Surprise," she said, tears evidently brimming in her eyes as she looked at the people she could almost call friends before she turned them in.
Arman rushed towards her in a fit of rage, his fist raised as he prepared to strike. He was followed by the rest of the novices, ready to jump to his defence if needed, but Arman was brought to a quick halt by the blade millimetres from his throat, glinting menacingly in the candlelight. Iona urged him back in what seemed to be reluctance.
"You have every right to hate me," she began, the dagger still held out in front of her.
"Well, we do hate you," Arman claimed, jumping forward again as Tiuri held out an arm to stop him from doing anything stupid.
"I hate me too. What I did... what I've done." She finally held the dagger back by her waist, a choked laugh escaping her as she blinked back tears that threatened to spill. "I'm sorry," Iona admitted, the tears that she had attempted to withhold streaking down her cheeks despite the wary glances the group gave each other, "for all of it. I'm sorrier than you'll ever know. But I just... I wanted you to know that."
With a determined look, she furiously wiped away the tears, seemingly angry at herself for showing such emotion. Iona turned away, ready to never see any of them again.
"Iona?" Tiuri called out.
Iona stopped, turning around as hope glittered in her eyes. Tiuri approached her, wrapping his arms around her in a comforting embrace as if to say that he forgave her, it was alright now, she was forgiven. She returned the hug with one arm, seeming to relax for a single moment.
And then the moment broke, shattering into hundreds of pieces of betrayal and hurt as she snatched the letter with her free hand.
"Every time you think you've got her pegged," Jaro chuckled as he entered the hall with two knights following, a sinister edge to his laugh, "she turns around and she surprises you all over again." Tiuri backed up to the safety of the group, fear and pain smothering his features as Iona hesitantly handed over the letter, a frown upon her face. Was this really the right thing to do? Yes, of course, Tiuri had dashed her hopes of becoming a knight, this was her only way forward. Jaro took the letter with a sickening smile, pocketing it. The group's hands reached for the hilts of their swords, prepared for a final display of courage. "Looks like the letter's not going to the king after all. Now, do you want to walk away and live or make a futile gesture of defiance and die?" Each of the boys drew their swords with little hesitation, willing to put their lives on the line to save the world they knew. "A futile gesture it is." The three Red Riders and Iona drew their swords as well, a determined grimace etched upon everyone's faces.
Jussipo turned to Piak, the brother that he had sworn to himself that he would protect at all costs. He couldn't risk Piak’s safety, not for anything, not for the world. "Stay there," he whispered, gently pushing him back.
With a fierce cry, Jaro charged towards them, the novices racing into the fight. This included Piak who had decided to ignore his brother's instructions and fight anyway with little regard for his own life and lack of training, using his lack of size to dodge any incoming attacks.
Sword clashed against sword, metal ringing out in the brutal melodies of battle. Deafening clangs that brought the children's hearts to their throats for, after all, despite all that they had been through, they were still children. Adrenaline surged through each person, the fight blurring time and reality as they solely focused on the simple motion of swinging their swords. Back and forth. Blows and parries. Attacks and counters.
Piak stayed close to Jussipo, ready to jump to his aid at a moment's notice. That was until Jaro had forced Tirui to the floor. The tip of his sword inched closer to Tiuri's throat, slowly threatening to slice through skin. Piak took the distraction as an excuse to nick the letter from Jaro's belt, instantly jumping to action.
"I've got it!" Piak called out at the same time Jussipo yelled out his name more out of fear than anger. Piak passed the letter to him as Jussipo looked towards him in a mix of frustration and admiration.
"What did I tell you?" he asked in breathless exasperation as he deflected another attack. "Tiuri!" he yelled as he flung the letter through the air, Tiuri deftly catching it. "What are you waiting for?"
"Go!" Arman and Piak insisted in sync as Tiuri rushed out of sight, quickly chased by Iona and Jaro.
In that brief moment of distraction, in those few seconds in which the group thought they could recover, one of the Red Riders lunged towards Piak, the most defenceless of them all. In that split second before the sword hit him, Jussipo saw what was happening. Not Piak, anyone but him. He wasn't even supposed to be here, he was too adventurous for his own good.
In that split second, Jussipo remembered everything he could about Piak. The way he would leap around as he practiced fighting with a wooden sword. The way he could talk about anything and everything for hours. How he would sneak him extra food from the kitchens after a particularly tough training session. How he was so carefree despite all the troubles in the world.
In that split second, Jussipo made a decision. Whatever it takes, he thought, whatever it takes to save my brother.
With a breathless but purpose filled shout of, “No!” he leapt in front of Piak. Jussipo tried to deflect the incoming sword but he knew there was little point in even attempting to raise his weapon before the sword plunged into his chest.
Everything seemed to slow down at that point. He felt as though he should cry out in pain, the agony coursing through him immeasurable. He could hear his heart beating inside his skull, strong and steady and pounding and loud, far too loud. Why was it so loud? It was becoming difficult to breathe, ragged gasps attempting to escape his lungs. Why couldn’t he breathe? Why was it so hard? The panic mixed with the agony in a violent surge, every ounce of his being fighting against the sickeningly cool metal inside him. And everything was becoming blurry and hazy and he wanted to just let go, to not be tethered to this world in which he felt so much pain. Why wouldn’t it stop hurting?
Was he dying?
And all he could do was blankly stare forward, hoping that the pain would simply vanish.
As he crumpled to the floor in a dazed heap, the faintest flicker of a smile swept across his face in the knowledge that Piak was safe, he had saved him. He hoped that Foldo would be alright. Sure, they had been friends for years, but it felt wrong to leave him after the two had just confessed their love for each other, but he would be fine, he had to be. 
Piak stood behind his injured brother as the only emotion he could feel was pure shock. This was the person he had looked up to his entire life - Jussipo couldn’t die, the very thought was inconceivable. But he had to believe it, that sword should be inside him, but Jussipo had willingly sacrificed himself to save Piak. He crouched down next to his brother, attempting to support his limp body with shaking hands.
Foldo was the first to snap out of the trance. “JUSSIPO!” he screamed, his voice cracking, his world crumbling as the boy he loved threatened to slip through his fingers. 
With a cry of despairing, rage fueled pain that no one his age should ever have to experience, Foldo swung his sword in a wide arc, forcing the knights backwards. Within seconds he was behind Jussipo, gently pulling him to his feet as he pushed Piak to safety behind him. Foldo helped Jussipo up the stairs, Arman close behind, knocking the Red Riders down the steps with a powerful blow.
The only thought running through Foldo’s head as he half dragged, half carried the stumbling Jussipo was how to save him. He was still alive, still fighting, there was still time. He would not let Jussipo die, he couldn’t, he wouldn’t forgive himself.
They rounded a corner into another deserted corridor, certain that they had lost the knights. Foldo laid Jussipo against a wall as carefully as he could, his heart clenching as Jussipo groaned in pain. Piak looked on in shock, unable to comprehend what was happening.
The world seemed to twist and turn and spin and blur as Jussipo tried to remain as still as possible, dizzying waves of nausea washing over him as darkness encroached his vision. Blood had already soaked through his tunic, slowly dripping onto the floor; a dark, thick substance that stained the ground and the novices’ moods. Foldo tried to press his hands against the wound, attempting to stop the flow of blood, but his hands shook and trembled, hot tears threatening to spill down his cheeks.
“It’s alright,” Arman murmured, “I’ll do it.” Foldo gave him a nod of appreciation, withdrawing his blood soaked hands.
“I should get help,” Foldo said, beginning to stand despite his very soul shattering before Jussipo loosely grabbed his hand, pulling him back down. Jussipo could hold on until Tiuri came back, he had to hold on.
“No, stay, please,” begged Jussipo.
“It’s alright, I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.” Gently, he brushed dark locks of hair from Jussipo’s face, terrified to hurt him any further.
Jussipo looked to him in dazed confusion, attempting to ignore the searing pain that shot through him with each movement. “Am I going to die, Foldo?” he asked, sounding so innocent and quiet that Foldo had to resist the urge to let out a choked sob.
“No, no. You’re going to be fine, I won’t let you die,” he said with as much confidence as he could muster.
“That’s nice, I believe you. There’s a lot of blood, though.”
“Don’t look at it, just look at me.” Foldo grabbed his hand, not daring to glance away from his eyes for a moment as he offered a weak smile. “Just try to stay awake. Everything’s going to be alright, I promise.”
Meanwhile, completely unaware of the tragedy that had befallen his friends, Tiuri ran despite the burning in his legs, despite feeling as though his lungs would tear. He was close, so close, the dining hall was only metres away. The pounding footsteps of Iona and Jaro thundered behind him but he didn’t dare to look back, he couldn’t risk slowing down.
The room fell into a stunned silence as he sprinted in, nobility providing him with questioning looks. It wasn’t every day that an Eviellan boy charged in dressed in fine clothing. Jaro and Iona came to a hasty standstill, quickly realising that they had failed. With an awkward glance at each other, they subtly backed away, hoping that they could still escape with their lives.
Slowly, Tiuri took several careful steps forward, panting slightly as his eyes darted around the room, flicking to Viridian who simply stared at him, apparently not worried about the implications the delivery of the letter could bring. One look sent chills down Tiuri’s spine as haunting eyes met his own. The guests studied him, looking down at him, judging him for his clearly Eviellan descent despite his obvious nobility. As Tiuri approached King Favian, two guards blocked his path.
“I have a letter,” he started, his voice wavering as he stood before the most powerful man in the three kingdoms, “for the king.”
“What?” the king queried. 
“What letter?” Prince Iridian asked, oozing power.
“Who cares ‘what letter’?” Fantumar demanded as he stood up, trying to play his part in stopping the letter from reaching its destination. “Does the royal court now allow mere children to enter the presence of the king?”
“My father died for this!” Tiuri cried before turning to the king. “The Black Knight with the White Shield died too.”
“The Black Knight?” the king asked, his interest piqued at the mention of such a well respected knight.
“I have his ring as proof.” He removed it from his pocket, the precious silver almost glowing in the light of the room. Favian continued to listen in concern. “He was slaughtered by Prince Viridian’s Red Riders.” Gasps echoed around the room whilst Viridian remained stoic. “I saw it with my own eyes.”
“Who is this boy?”
“He is nobody,” Fantumar insisted, sounding remarkably suspicious considering Tiuri’s claim.
“I am Tiuri, son of Sir Tiuri the Valiant. Born of Eviellan, raised in Dagonaut. And we are all in danger if you do not read this letter.”
The king looked to Prince Iridian. With a nod, he said, “Let him through.”
Hesitantly, Tiuri approached the king, flicking a fearful glance towards Viridian. He bowed, holding the letter out in front of him as King Favian stood up to take it. And there, written out in an elegant script, sat the words that confirmed Viridian’s betrayal. Twenty families he had chosen to die, a member of one of those families slowly dying in the arms of a boy of another of those families within the very castle that Viridian resided.
The king studied it, hardly daring to believe what was in front of him. His own son desired to betray him? To kill his allies? No, it seemed impossible. Reluctantly, he turned to his youngest son. “What is this?” he questioned, not even sure if he wanted to know the answer. Viridian returned a blank stare in response. “Treachery? You take my crown? Kill my friends and allies?” He paused, still reeling from the news. “Answer me!” he yelled, fury lacing every word.
“You dare ignore your king?” Iridian asked, almost as furious as his father - despite sensing the betrayal all along - but twice as vicious. “Bow your head to your father!” Short, sharp paces clicked across the stone as he advanced towards his brother. “I will not tell you again. Bow your head. Beg for your king’s mercy.”
“If the world is to be healed,” Viridian began ominously, looking through the window to see the blood moon reaching its peak, a fierce glow shining into the hall, “then the power he has, the power you want to be yours, has to be mine. The decisions you take-” He stood up, walking up to his brother. “-the decisions the people on that list take will now be taken by me.”
“What is this?”
“Lives you’ve all led, lives of comfort and luxury, lives built on the bodies of soldiers like me and my enemies, are now over.” If it wasn’t for the cruelty dripping off of Viridian’s words, he would seem to be the most reasonable one in the room. “And yes, freedom is over too. And the world will have peace at last. A peace that will last forever.”
“He’s mad,” was all the king could offer to Iridian.
Iridian looked to a knight standing close by, handing him the letter. “Sir Tristan, gather your knights and send them to these families, they may need protection.” Sir Tristant gave a sharp nod, quickly leaving the hall.
“It has been foretold,” Viridian stated with an almost giddy smile. “And there’s nothing any of us can do to stop it.” He looked to Tiuri with a sneer. “Even you.”
“Brother,” Iridian hissed, drawing his sword, “I beg to differ.”
Viridian drew his own sword with a snarl. Brother pitted against brother, familial love forgotten as the two faced each other as enemies. The swords clashed together in a blur of experience and anger. Viridian was the first to give in, lowering his weapon slightly and subjecting himself to his brother’s will. Iridian took the opportunity to sink the sword into his own brother’s chest, killing him almost instantly. Horrified gasps escaped the gathered crowd as the prince that had attempted to betray them was murdered before their eyes, Favian the most mortified of them all. 
With one last look at the fully risen moon, Viridian keeled over. Dead.
But then came the darkness. From where Viridian’s body lay came a dread filled rumbling, shaking the entire room. Dark droplets of blood rose from his body, hovering in the air as they shimmered with magic and evil. They popped and fizzled in grey wisps of smoke, gathering and collecting as Viridian’s corpse was pulled from the ground by some sort of invisible force.
A rolling cloud of grey smog seemed to engulf Viridian, coalescing around him in a violent storm of malevolent darkness. Everyone in the room rushed away as the blackening cloud stretched out, absorbing every speck of light.
But Tiuri stood his ground. He may not have the magic he thought he did coursing through his veins but the idea of backing away, of faltering, never crossed his mind. He had faith.
From the dark emerged Viridian’s face surrounded by swirling wisps of the smoke, glaring out at the world he had sought to right. “NO!” he screamed. “I was to be the light that corrected this world! And you, boy, were to be the darkness! It was foretold, this cannot be!” 
As his rage seemed to grow with every second, so did the size of the smoke. Churning and surging together in violent clashes.
“But that’s where you’re wrong, I wasn’t supposed to be anything,” Tiuri replied simply, looking back into the crowd.
With shaky steps, Lavinia pushed her way through the throng of onlooking nobles. Her heart thundered in her chest, threatening to jump out at any moment. Any sense of logic had deserted her. Surely she couldn’t defeat whatever this was. The magic inside her, however, strongly disagreed. Its warmth spread throughout her body, tingling and gentle as it guided her to where she was supposed to be.
Her eyes were wide as she approached, fearing that she couldn’t do what was expected of her, couldn’t save everyone. “I’m scared,” she whispered, her breath escaping her as everything went cold the closer she got to the cloud of darkness.
“I know.” And he took her hand, guiding her into the darkness she was destined to defeat until it swallowed her whole as Viridian seethed, the smoke boiling in anticipation.
With gritted teeth, Lavinia allowed the magic inside her to spread out in a fierce glow so bright Tiuri had to look away. Viridian squinted at it, the light seemed to burn him away into wisps of dust.
“Foolish girl,” Viridian uttered with a maniacal smirk. He turned to Tiuri, the black smoke curling around him until he was obscured from view, ostensibly whisked away from the light. “You cannot defeat me, I am too powerful for you alone.” Lavinia’s eyes darted around in a panic as the cloud began to engulf her, the light shining out of her dimming.
“But that’s where you’re wrong,” Tiuri claimed, coming back into view with a dull glow, “she’s not alone.”
Tiuri and Lavinia’s intertwined hands shone with the brightest light the world had ever seen. An intense flash of white that had saved Tiuri, passing the tiniest amounts of Lavinia’s magic into him and igniting the beginnings of a power within him so great that it would be decades before it was fully understood. For now, they pushed every ounce of energy they had into sending the flow of magic into Viridian. Grunting cries of strain escaped them as all of their strength was forced into defeating Viridian.
“Stop!” Viridian yelled as parts of his magic induced body disintegrated.
“Never,” Lavinia hissed.
With a great cacophony of sound and an explosion of light that illuminated the night for miles, Viridian was blown out of existence. The darkness had been vanquished.
The two children breathed heavy sighs of relief, panting from the exertion. “You did it.” Tiuri beamed.
“We did it,” corrected Lavinia with a weak smile. “Guess you had some magic in you after all.”
“I’m not sure what it was, to be honest.” He studied his hands in confusion before looking up at Lavinia. “Are you okay?”
“Never been better.” And then she collapsed to the floor, Tiuri rushing to catch her, proving that she was, in fact, not okay.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”
She gave a weak laugh. “Would now be a good time to get that reward?”
The corridor that the novices had taken cover in glowed with a fierce light as Lavinia’s magic spread throughout the castle. “They did it, they must’ve done,” Arman said hopefully. “Lavinia must’ve come back.”
“They’ll be here soon, just hold on a little longer, please,” Foldo told Jussipo who, even now, was still clinging to life, refusing to let death take him.
Arman’s hands had done very little to stop the insistent flow of blood, the red liquid staining his fingers. Despite his efforts, Jussipo had lost far too much blood for their likings. All colour had been drained from his face, ghostly white in the flickering candlelight. Shallow breaths occasionally made their way past his lips but they were often ragged and forced. His eyes were strained from the pain and it was evident that it was a struggle just to keep them open.
“Y’know, they had better knight me after all this,” Jussipo said with a weak smile, coughing slightly.
“It’ll be a grand celebration,” Piak stated, speaking up for the first time since the fight. “There’ll be a feast and tournaments and everyone can sing songs about you.”
“That would be nice. Their songs can’t beat mine, though, can they, Fol?”
“No, you’ve always had the best songs,” Foldo replied, a soft laugh escaping him.
It was only moments later when Tiuri and Lavinia stumbled into the corridor. Whilst she had regained some of her strength, she was still using Tiuri as support, his arm securely wrapped around her waist as she leaned on him. 
The pair stopped short when they saw what had happened, the novices crowded around Jussipo’s weak, dying body. Tiuri and Lavinia hurried over as quickly as they could despite Lavinia’s fragile state, kneeling beside him. Jussipo tried to sit up upon seeing them, gritting his teeth and wincing in pain.
“Easy, easy,” Foldo repeated as he gently pushed him back down with Piak’s help, pushing back Jussipo’s hair again, “easy.”
“Did we do it? Did we stop him?” Jussipo asked, terrified that everything they had done would be in vain.
Tiuri smiled. “How could we not stop him?”
Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Jussipo smiled. Even if he died he could go knowing that he had helped save the world. But the feeling of relief and celebration was brief as they focused once again on the tragedy. 
“Has he messed up my hair with all his… all his fussing?” Jussipo joked, the faintest flicker of a smile upon his face despite the stabbing pain throughout his abdomen. 
“Your hair looks good.”
“Better than good,” Arman added. “It looks great.”
“I’ve always had great hair,” Jussipo claimed, looking to the boy that had quickly become his entire world, “Ain’t that right, Fol?”
Foldo chuckled softly despite the tears brimming in his eyes and the clenching of his heart, placing a hand on Jussipo’s shoulder. He couldn’t let him go, there had to be something he could do.
With a peaceful release of breath, Jussipo closed his eyes, finally free of pain.
“He will be alright, won’t he?” Piak asked, his voice threatening to break as his confidence faltered, tears glimmering in his own eyes.
Shakily, Foldo placed two fingers against Jussipo’s neck, desperate for any sign of life. He was met with a weak but persistent pulse. “He’s still with us, just,” he sighed gratefully.
Lavinia’s hand hovered over Jussipo’s wound as she snapped out of her fatigued daze, a shimmering aura glowing around it, but it was fractured, flickering, faltering. “No,” Tiuri hissed, grabbing her arm. No one commented on how the magic looked stronger the closer Tiuri was to it. “You’re too weak, you’ve just defeated Viridian.”
“If I healed you then maybe I can save Jussipo,” Lavinia countered, attempting not to sound as exhausted as she felt.
“This injury is far worse. You could die, Lavinia.”
“If I don’t then he will die.” Lavinia turned back to Jussipo with a fierce determination, Tiuri’s hand falling back to her shoulder. 
The last remnants of magic and energy still residing in her soul were dragged out. Forced through her veins, scraping and burning as it clawed its way out. The magic seemed gentle and warm in comparison as it floated above the wound, an incandescent glow that seemed to twist and swirl. Blood stopped leaking out, vanishing altogether as the skin stitched itself back together. Lavinia collapsed back into Tiuri’s waiting arms, welcoming the comfort of sleep.
And then it was over, a scar being the only reminder. Jussipo blinked rapidly as he awoke, confused and mystified as the agonising tear in his chest dulled to a mild ache. Hesitantly, he placed a hand where he was sure the wound had been, amazed to find no blood. And everyone was smiling, they were all alright, they had won.
“You’re alright, you’re alive,” Foldo cried, tears freely falling down his cheeks as he grinned.
“I should hope so, you’d be lost without me,” Jussipo chuckled, looking up at him, the world brightening as the darkness of death left him. “You couldn’t have found a nicer corridor for me to die in?” He looked around the dusty, deserted hall.
“We didn’t have much time, the Red Riders were-”
“Shut up.” And Jussipo pushed himself to meet Foldo’s lips in a kiss of relief and passion and ecstasy, gently cupping his face in his hands. They felt invulnerable, immune to the dangers life threw at them.
“Eww,” Piak groaned despite his smile.
The pair broke apart with breathless smiles, their hearts pounding with love. There was no way they weren’t alive. Jussipo looked to his brother who threw his arms around Jussipo in a tight embrace, almost scared to let go. “You can’t get rid of me that easily, I’m not going anywhere.”
And they were happy.
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It’s Finally Done!
So, I mentioned writing a fix-it fic for The Letter for the King a while ago, and I finally got around to rewatching the last episode. I’ve written two alternate scenes for the show as a remedy for our sweet bard boy’s death. The second one is definitely more of a crack fic than anything serious, though. Part One delves into the death of an alternate character, while Part Two deals with the possibility of Lavinia being physically unable to heal Jussipo herself.
You can find the fic on AO3 here: Part One & Part Two
Or, you can go ahead and read Part One right now!
Part One: In Which Someone Has to Die, Obviously, Because These Kids Do Not Deserve a Happy Ending
Light exploded within the throne room, its beams bursting out from Lavinia’s body to fill every empty space, streaming through the windows. Just as suddenly, it dimmed. When Tiuri was finally able to open his eyes, it was to find that Prince Viridian, dark, expansive mass that he’d become, was gone. The darkness was gone. All that was left was a dull ringing in his ears that soon faded.
“You did it.” He turned to look at his friend, his eyes bright in wonder, face beaming with pride. Though her expression was relaxed, Lavinia was breathing heavily, body trembling slightly. His brows furrowed. “Are you okay?”
She gave a short laugh, giving him that same sarcastic look he’d grown accustomed to during their journey. “Never been better,” she said.
And then she collapsed.
Tiuri caught her easily, gently lowering her down to the ground as he knelt, holding her firmly. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” he said, a small smile on his face.
She mirrored his expression, letting out another soft chuckle. Her face was glistening with sweat. “Would now be a good time to get that reward?” she asked, voice much softer than it’d been moments before. Her eyes fluttered shut.
“I suppose after you’ve rested, we could ask about - Lavinia?” Tiuri broke off, eyes quickly scanning her face. It was growing paler by the second. “Lavinia?” She didn’t answer him, didn’t open her eyes. He shook her slightly; her head lolled backwards. “Lavinia!”
The crowd of nobles who’d been watching the evening’s events unfold was suddenly beginning to converge on the two of them. He was caught between screaming for help and wanting to shield her from the masses, keep her safe from any further danger. But his body was too numb to move, his voice too numb to speak, so he did neither. He only stared, unseeing, as Queen Alianor knelt by his side. She laid one hand on Lavinia’s forehead, one hand on Tiuri’s shoulder.
“Help her,” he said, his voice small. His eyes began to sting.
The queen rested the back of her hand against Lavinia’s lips, feeling for warmth, for breath. Nothing. Her eyes drifted down toward the young woman’s chest, watching for it to rise and fall. Nothing. “She’s gone, Tiuri,” she said softly, gently, and drew both her hands into her lap.
“No - no, she can’t be. She was just - ” But the rest of the words wouldn’t come. He squeezed his eyes shut against the sudden onslaught of tears and dropped his head, curling in on himself, arms still clutching Lavinia’s limp body, holding her tightly against his chest.
Queen Alianor set her hand on his shoulder blade, face drawn in sorrow. She worked to keep her voice even, consoling. “To use that amount of magic all at once, especially so young…” She trailed off, glancing away from the two children to look behind her, at the rest of the group. King Favian was trying to get the guests to disperse; Prince Iridian was hovering nearby, watching her. She met his gaze, and he gave a small smile that didn’t touch his eyes. She looked back to Tiuri. “She sacrificed herself to defeat Viridian.”
“She didn’t deserve to die with him.” His voice cracked, and he lifted his head, fixing bleary eyes on the queen’s face. She couldn’t argue his point, and he knew it. Drawing in a shaky breath, he slowly pushed himself to his feet, lifting Lavinia’s body from the stone floor. One of her arms dangled at her side, fingers stretching toward the ground. “Excuse me,” he mumbled, edging past the queen, who was still kneeling. She did nothing but watch as he made his way through the remaining crowd toward the door, half stumbling. Someone held the door for him, and he passed wordlessly into the hall. With an echoing boom, it swung shut behind him.
Piak was the first to notice his arrival, bursting toward him at a dead sprint, eyes wide in wonder. “Tiuri! Lavinia! Did it work? Did you stop him?” His gaze landed on Lavinia, and whatever excitement he’d had quickly morphed into confusion. “What’s the matter with her?”
Tiuri’s legs finally gave out and he crashed to the floor, on his knees once again, shoulders shaking as he cried. The rest of the group was at his side in an instant. Arman knelt across from him, easing Tiuri’s fingers open to lower Lavinia to the floor. Her head lolled to the side, hair falling across her cheek. Jussipo and Foldo looked on in quiet horror, Jussipo leaning all of his body weight against Foldo and clutching at the stab wound in his side. Slowly, the two lowered to their knees and bowed their heads.
Piak was still on his feet, pacing nervously. “What’s happening?” he asked, sounding every bit the young boy he was. “Jussipo, what’s wrong with her?”
Tiuri lifted his head to look at Jussipo through teary eyes, nodding toward the blood on his shirt. “Are you okay?” His voice was hoarse.
Jussipo waved his bloody hand dismissively and pressed it back against his side, eyes never leaving Lavinia’s pale face. “It’s just a scratch.” His tone, usually humorous, was hollow.
Piak clutched at his brother’s shoulder, small body beginning to tremble. “Answer me! What’s going on, what’s - Lavinia, wake up!”
“She’s dead, Piak,” Arman snapped. He lowered his head and spoke once more, softer this time. “She’s dead.”
Piak fell to his knees beside Jussipo, burying his face in his brother’s shoulder. With one hand, he reached out and latched on to a couple of Tiuri’s fingers, squeezing tightly. Foldo leaned his cheek against Jussipo’s hair and reached out with his free hand for Arman, who hesitated a moment before taking it. Then Arman looked to Tirui and grasped his other hand, the two of them exchanging firm nods before looking back down at the young woman - their friend - lying before them. Lavinia had saved their world from Viridian’s destruction, it was true, but she had paid the ultimate price. Was it worth it? In the end, was it really worth it?
Beyond the windows, the Blood Moon sank down toward the horizon, unseeing and uncaring.
Want to read Part Two on Tumblr? Find it here.
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jampiethrow · 4 years
Ok ok here’s a tv show recommendation
The Letter for the King
Just came out on Netflix, and is based on a book that I haven’t yet read, but am definitely checking out.
So this tv show is basically: Lord of the Rings meets Stranger Things meets Game of Thrones. And let me tell you, it’s fantastic.
The story follows Tiuri who has to deliver a letter to the king while basically everyone tries to stop him. There’s more to it but I don’t want to spoil anything and there are so many ways to spoil it.
Basically the show contains:
Diversity (more racially than lgbtq because of certain things, but honestly I think the racial diversity was really well done and represented a lot of issues in society. That’s just my opinion though, I know some people disagree and that’s fine too) ( There also are good characters who are gay but stuff happens so uh yeah) (on the other hand though the way the show went made us like the characters not just because they were gay and I liked that a lot? I think that’s something that should be more common now just because I want lgbtq characters yes, but I don’t just want them because they are lgbtq. I want them to have a personality outside of that, not just as the token diversity character) -if that makes sense at all
Medieval hijinks
Redemption arcs
Betrayal arcs
Likeable villians
Coming of age
Epic sword fights
Family and found family
Friendship yayyyyy
Character death + development
1 season so far
Character death
Only six episodes
The last episode, is... kind of disappointing not gonna lie
But I have high hopes for a second season if it comes, as I haven’t read the book I can’t really form a full opinion on the ending yet because it might be like fifty times better? But yeah watching the show is still very much worth it in my opinion
It’s like really good??? You should watch it??? I don’t know why it hasn’t gotten more views yet???
A very good horse
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amalasdraws · 5 years
aran is the blonde one, right? what are some of his favorite things??
Ahh non of them is blonde anymore (/)//(/)Tiuri (now Tao) used to be the blonde one, but has brown hair now too
Tumblr media
Aran loves to make music. He is a rapper and he loves to write lyrics.He loves music, loves collecting vinyls and discovering new and old music.He also loves to play Basketball. Even though he never entered a College or pursues a career in Basketball he still loves to play it. Hanging out with his friends, playing at the local street court. A fun day out, being active and keep moving. He is a good player and he loves to dribble around the others and letting them stand in the rain.He likes to join some jam sessions and concerts. As a visitor, but even more as an contributor. Spitting some rhymes and later hanging out in the bar with his friends and smoking, laughing and chatting. But he also values his alone time. Sitting at the roof top and watching the city, thinking and coming up with new lyrics. he might be an outgoing introvert.
For Tao: He loves Basketball. It was always his passion and with entering College it has also become his career and job. But he loves it with every fiber of his being.He still loves to paly on the street court with friends, just for fun, but he doens’t always have that time now.He also loves to cook. Not everyone knows about it, but if he finds the time he will cook. Loves to experiment with new recipes and also cooking recipes he got from his parents and grandparents.Tao needs to be more active and needs to do things. Sitting still is not always easy for him. He has a big drive. So he loves being outside, doing something, discovering things.
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cryptodictation · 4 years
Is season two coming to Netflix?
The letter for the king started at Netflix and has one Lord of the Rings-like world for kids opened. Anyone who has seen the six episodes of the Dutch production (filmed in English) will certainly be asking themselves: Is a second season planned?
If we start with the book template and its sequel, things don't look bad for Netflix's second season of The Letter to the King. But let's look at that in detail.
Is a second season of The King's Letter coming to Netflix?
As is usual with Netflix, there are no statements about a second season as soon as the start of a new series like The Letter for the King. Whether the series stands out against the others with sufficient audience figures Streaming starts in April and will be able to get through in March will decide in three to six weeks. So it means waiting for the moment.
© Netflix
The Letter to the King: Tiuri (Amir Wilson)
That the adaptation compared to the book template many Sealed fantasy elements However, the series could benefit because the fantasy genre is currently popular, as series like The Witcher show. At the end of The Letter to the King, however, Netflix kept a door open for Season 2.
The letter for the king: The Netflix series is open for a second season
Warning, spoilers for season 1: The young knight Tiuri (Amir Wilson) completed his adventure in season 1 of The Letter to the King. He successfully wrote his letter to the King of
Favian, brought and with it his intriguing younger son
Viridian (Gijs Blom)
© Netflix
The Letter to the King: Prince Viridian (Gijs Blom)
A happy ending? For the most part, if it weren't for this last gloomy scene: above the fairground, Tiuri notices a flock of crows that forms the face of Prince Viridian. The magically gifted Lavinia (Ruby Ashbourne Serkis) not yet conquered his darkness with its light.
Fortunately, there are now several Netflix heroes who have been knighted and who could oppose him when he returns.
The Letter for the King: There is a sequel to Tonke Dragts book template
Indeed, the letter to the king of The Dutch novel is based on Tonke Dragt (De brief voor de Koning, 1962) a sequel: The Wild Forest (Secret van het Wilde Woud, 1965).
In the novel sequel to The Letter for the King, Tiuri leads his way into a forest in the border triangle between the kingdoms of Dargonaut, Unauwen and Evillan. Elf-like residents who hardly anyone has ever seen are said to live in this green realm.
© Netflix
The letter for the king: the guard of new knights
However, it should be borne in mind that the Netflix series The Letter for the King already accepted numerous deviations from the novel, including new staff, in Season 1. Whether a second season would follow the author's second youth book to revisit the conflict between Unauwen’s king and his son Viridian, which culminated in a major battle, was far from certain.
And when could a second season come? If we like Screenrant assume that the shooting of a Netflix series takes one to a year and a half, and then it is also considered that the corona virus is the film and series production
massive worldwide
slowed down, we will have a potential second season of The Letter for the King at the earliest at the end of 2021, depending on when normal conditions will come back.
Hear in the podcast how His Dark Materials is doing in the fantasy boom
The letter for the leading actor Amir Wilson also plays a role His Dark Materials With. Jenny, Andrea and Esther check in one Stream rush episodehow His Dark Materials fits into the wave of new fantasy series:
His Dark Materials designs a complex world with steampunk impact, in which people have their own animal daemons that accompany them everywhere. But is that enough for a moving fantasy series? Our series review starts at 00:08:35.
Would you want to watch a second season of The Letter to the King on Netflix?
The post Is season two coming to Netflix? appeared first on Cryptodictation.
from WordPress https://cryptodictation.com/2020/03/23/is-season-two-coming-to-netflix/
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sir-gwaine-my-man · 3 years
Future TLFTK fic
So I have an idea for something of a season 2 of The Letter for the King. Jussipo will be magically brought back, Viridian will not be dead, Tiuri has some form of magic, whatever was up with Queen Alianor’s eyes going black will be explored and it will be gay. In addition to this, I’d like to introduce my own character into this world. I’ve written the scene in which she would be introduced below so please tell me if you like her and if you’d be interested in a full length fic.
The guards wrestled Jussipo into the dingy cell, the previously dazed boy fighting back with a vigour they hadn't anticipated. They held his struggling form in a vice like grip, refusing to let go. "No!" he cried out. "Stop! I haven't done anything wrong!"
"You looked drunk and suspicious, that's enough of a reason for us," snapped the first guard, shoving Jussipo to the grime smothered floor of the cell, the rough stone grazing his hands as he tried to cushion the fall.
"You never know what a suspicious looking person such as yourself could be after," the second added gruffly.
"Well, I’m clearly not drunk, and I'm just looking for my friends," Jussipo claimed with an air of indignation. "Perhaps you've heard of them? Foldo? Piak? Arman? No! Wait, come back!" But they had already locked the cell door, cool, dirty metal that he clung to as he watched them leave. He huffed in frustration.
The room was cold, the flickering candlelight providing stretching shadows that seemed to crawl and coil around the room, enticing evil to venture into the hearts of those that resided within. It was obvious that little care was ever given to those unfortunate enough to find themselves in the prison of Glenbourne. Jagged stone walls still stained with blood, damp, mouldy hay clumped together in rotting heaps. A deep rooted feeling of dread and neglect seemed to seep into Jussipo’s bones. The darkness he could feel churning inside him brought forth foul memories of previous occupants. If he had any means of escape, he would be taking them in an instant.
And then a voice seemed to speak from the very shadows themselves. “They’re all up in Dagonaut,” the voice began, a woman’s voice, a strange mixture of warmth and a sinister feel lacing her words. “They’ve all been knighted, from what I hear.”
As Jussipo’s eyes adjusted to the dark, he could see the woman leaning in the corner of the only cell adjacent to his own, arms folded over her chest in an almost nonchalant manner, as though finding herself in prison was a common occurrence. She pushed herself off of the wall, walking into the faint glow of the candlelight. The woman stopped at their shared wall, casually resting her chin on one of the horizontal bars, sliding her arms over as well.
She couldn’t have been any older than 18, Jussipo estimated, and stood a couple of inches shorter than him. Brown locks cropped close to her head brushed against the metal of the bars whilst dark, inquisitive eyes studied him. A jagged scar traced her left cheek, ending just below her eye, adding to the sense of foreboding she brought forward.
“Have you seen them? Talked to them?” he asked hastily, shaking off the ominous feel that surrounded her.
She gave a short laugh. “Oh, no. I’ve never met them personally. In case you haven’t noticed,” she pointed out, gesturing to the ragged, dirty clothes she wore: a grey tunic threatening to tear and a leather jacket, ripped and missing all of its buttons. The threadbare outfit was held together by a belt to which a small knife was attached; it appeared to be the only weapon on her. “I’m worth less than the dirt on their boots. Posh pricks like them wouldn’t be caught dead talking to me.” She gave a slight scoff at the idea of nobility. “But it’s remarkable what you hear when you ask the right drunkard the right questions, or eavesdrop on the right conversation.” The woman paused for a moment as she regarded him more carefully. “You, though, I believe I know who you are. You’re him, aren’t you? Jussipo: the novice, the bard, the dead one.”
Jussipo looked at himself in confusion. He didn’t die, right? Sure, he remembered clawing his way out of his own grave but that must’ve been an accident, he had passed out and woken up buried. They just thought he was dead. His friends could only be a few days ahead of him at most. “That’s me, but I’m fairly certain I’m alive, thank you.”
“Ah, yes. That is where my statement would seem flawed, but there are rumours, whispers really, that the darkness your friends destroyed, the darkness that consumed Prince Viridian, is back and it’s stronger than ever. They say you can see him from the corner of your eyes, that shadows that seem to move unnaturally, that’s him. And I’m betting that it’s that darkness that’s brought you back from the dead.” Jussipo gave her an increasingly perplexed look, one tinged with fear. He couldn’t be back, they had defeated him, that’s what Tiuri said. “You really have no idea what I’m talking about, do you? You died two months ago.”
Jussipo looked at her in disbelief, backing away. Two months? Two whole months? It couldn’t be, that was impossible. Could they have forgotten about him? “Who are you? How do you know all of this?”
“Of course, where are my manners?” She took a step back, giving a mocking bow. “My name is Samena. I deal in secrets, gossip, information and, occasionally, thievery, and I will happily accompany someone so lost as yourself on your journey to Dagonaut.”
“Why would you help me? Surely there’s something in it for you,” Jussipo asked cautiously. Did he want help from someone who had just confessed to being a criminal.
“I’m headed up to Dagonaut anyway, but it’s a dangerous journey and I’ll need some form of protection, something I believe you can provide.” She looked pointedly at the sword hanging from his belt.
He gave the girl he now knew as Samena a skeptical look. “No catch?”
“No catch,” she confirmed. Jussipo continued to regard her with suspicion. “I’m also the only one who can break you out of here.” Samena unsheathed the knife from her belt, the blade looking strangely well crafted given her scuffed and ripped clothes. Jussipo took a step back as she pulled out the knife. “Relax, I just need it to pick the lock.”
Samena slotted the tip of the knife into the base of the keyhole before slipping in a lockpick she had hidden in her sleeve. Carefully, and with a speed only someone with experience could have, she pushed the pins of the lock up and used her knife to turn the lock. With a click, the cell was unlocked and she was soon strolling out of it.
She crouched down in front of Jussipo’s cell, ready to pick open the lock. “You sure you want to join me? A noble and some street scum? We’d be quite a pair.”
Any doubts fled his mind as the thought of returning home consumed him. “I’m sure, we both need to get to Dagonaut so we might as well go together.”
A smirk grew on Samena’s lips as she set to work. “Just what I was thinking.” 
Within seconds, the door was open and they were hurrying down the dimly lit corridors of the prison. Multiple inmates cried out to them, begging to be set free. Samena paid them little mind as they passed, although Jussipo’s heart clenched as he watched them cling to the bars of their cells like pitiful animals. “Most of those bastards deserve it,” Samena claimed with a grimace. “Killers, the lot of them.”
“If they’re all murderers then how did you get thrown in here?” Jussipo queried, eyeing his new companion warily. 
“I’d rather not say,” she hissed back. “The exit’s just up ahead.”
As they neared the door that would open out into the town, a guard turned round the corner, spotting them instantly. “Where do you think you’re going.”
“We’re just letting ourselves out, no need to worry about us,” Samena replied, slowly approaching with Jussipo behind her.
“And why would I let you leave?”
“Fabien, is it? Well, unless you want your wife to know about your affair, I suggest you forget you ever saw us.”
A flicker of frustration and fear crossed Fabien’s face before he walked back the way he came. That girl was more trouble than she was worth.
“You certainly have your uses,” Jussipo said as they snuck through the door and into the dark streets.
“Let’s just hope you have some, too. Wait here.” And with that she vanished, Jussipo left to stare at the spot she had been moments ago. She returned just moments later, trotting up to him on a horse. 
“You’ve only got one horse,” Jussipo complained once she arrived. “And you stole it!”
“We wouldn’t get very far on foot, and it’s a bit difficult to steal two, isn’t it? Get on or I’m leaving without you.”
It didn’t take long for Jussipo to comply once he heard the shouts and yells from the direction of what he presumed to be the stables. They took off at a gallop, quickly passing through the town and out into the forests beyond. They certainly were an unlikely pair.
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Okay so I mentioned this once, but I have to face the fact that I will not be writing a fanfic that is about the same length as the entire book, so here are my headcanons for the The Letter for the King (book) AU where Isadoro will be joining Tiuri for the whole trip (because I want more women in this story).
So background: we have to tweak the world building a bit, but Isadoro is Sir Fitil’s only child and because woman can’t inherit, but he doesn’t want to remarry and he doesn’t want his castle to go to someone outside his family he one day just says he has a son instead of a daughter
This could work because Islán is situated far from everything, so would would remember whether his child was a son or daughter?
So Isadoro when she’s around 10 is send to pretend to be a boy and be a squire for Fitil’s best friend who is in on the plan.
The rest of the world believes Isa is a boy going by the name of Fitil (naming sons after their fathers is something that happens frequently in the world)
She also pretends to be 2 years younger than she actually is. So when she’ll be in the chapel at the start of the actual story Tiuri will think she’s 16 like him, but she’ll actually be 18.
This is to prevent people noticing her voice isn’t deepening and her lack of facial hair.
This will also work because afterwards she will go back to Islán and nobody ever comes there so nobody can even get suspicious.
Anyway the story
Vokia (the mysterious man) will knock on the window on Isa’s side of the chapel, so she’ll be the first to hear it. She’s also least likely to actually react because she has the most to lose.
Anyway he persists and when she finally gives in and stands to open the door, Tiuri has also heard and also wants to open the door.
Neither is willing to back down anymore, so they do it together.
It basically happens like in the book, but Isa is there too.
They go on the journey together and they take turns carrying the letter.
When there’s no sexual tension on Tiuri’s part I suspect they would banter a lot.
While Isadoro is a bit insecure because she’s faking her entire life, she still thinks that she knows everything better
And Tiuri is a bit dumb sometimes
Maybe in the brown convent Isa entrusts the abbot
because she’s uncomfortable being a woman in a men convent
or tries to but he’s like: keep your secrets if you want
So Tiuri is still oblivious
Things in Mistrinaut also go more or less the same
Isadoro and Lavinia get along very well though (it would be a good ship honestly, also in canon, but Lavinia/Tiuri is also a good ship, so they’re just friends in this headcanon)
Anyway, when they ride on with the grey knights, and at the point were they get attacked it’s not Tiuri who gets hurt in the shoulder, but Isadoro.
Ristridin treats her injury but discovers she’s a girl in the process.
He keeps it a secret for the rest though, he tells her and says she should tell Tiuri and the king, because in Ristridin’s eyes Tiuri deserves to know and you shouldn’t lie to your king
He promises not to tell anyone until she’s had the chance to do it herself.
So Isadoro and Tiuri go on.
When they meet Jaro Isadoro is probably very rude to him and argues with Tiuri about it.
She also can’t keep her secret for Menaures because he also treats her shoulder
He mostly agrees with Ristridin, but stresses that it’s her choice
Once they lose Jaro and they’re in the mountain cabin Isadoro tells Tiuri and Piak
Tiuri is quite angry and shocked
His petty shock is that she’s two years older than him
They only really solve it the night after when they’re being cold in the snow storm
Isadoro also tells Piak’s aunt and uncle, because no way she’s bathing with Tiuri and Piak
She manages to get a dress from them and she follows the journey like a girl
This gives some tension when Tiuri and Piak can ride the horses to Dangria but she’s not allowed because she’s a girl, she has to stay in the car.
She does berate Tiuri for picking the fancy horse though, slightly blowing his cover.
Their cover story is that she is Tiuri’s fiancee and Piak’s sister and that they’re visiting an aunt. (Tiuri is there as the ‘man’ and Piak should make sure they’re not doing things)
Isadoro uses her real name because “Nobody knows my real name so it’s a perfect fake name.”
Anyway, because of the existance of a girl in the gang it takes longer before they’re caught by Dangria’s mayor (they’re in the tavern when it happens) and they don’t even round up Isadoro at first.
Isadoro has the letter at this point. Because she’s certain she will get caught soon she opens and reads it.
Then she basically does what Tiuri does in the book and manages to free them.
Once they’re out of Dangria she again dresses as a boy, because they attracted to much attention.
She also learns Tiuri and Piak the contents of the letter when they’re resting
They actually have some money now when they reach the toll, but only enough for one of them, none is willing to let anyone behind though.
Because Isadoro does have common sense they will not almost drown in the river, but think about the ring a lot sooner.
They first try to get over for the price of one though. But the lord of the toll isn’t having that
So Isadoro brings out the ring, having formed a story about how it was her mothers and...
(she’s a good liar with 8 years of practice, and in canon she’s skilled at keeping information away)
she doesn’t get the chance though because the lord of the toll recognises the ring
but at least she can keep information away
Anyway, they can get over.
Meanwhile Slupor is losing his mind because now there are like 4 possible groups that could carry the letter: The two boys he followed in Dagonaut, the two boys and girl that were in Dangria, the young man that left Dangria with a message to the king and the three boys that talked to the lord of the toll
Meanwhile things happen more or less as in the book
But the writer from Dangria doesn’t get killed because Slupor is confused :)
Isadoro doesn’t bind her breasts anymore on the day they reach the city
She won’t wear a dress because they have to ride horses, but she doesn’t want to pretend to be a boy anymore
Isadoro realises that the beggar is Slupor just before Tiuri does, she shouts a warning which distracts Tiuri allowing Slupor to hurt him
He’s not dying, but he does need medical attention, Piak goes with him, but Tiuri says that Isadoro should go to the king.
So she does
But she immediately mentions Tiuri and Piak
When she’s done explaining and giving the message Tiuri and Piak show up.
They can take a bath like in the book, and Isadoro gets to explain her identity struggles to Lady Marion
Because she was like: do you want a dress or a tunic and pants?
And Isadoro was like??? Idk???
I don’t know either I think she’ll go for the dress for the dinner
Anyway things continue more or less as in the book
They see Slupor one more time and he is completely flabbergasted about Isadoro’s gender though
They don’t get a sword though, because Unauwen is uncomfortable giving one to Isadoro in case Dagonaut will punish her.
They do all get their ring though
On the way back Isadoro mainly wears pants
Btw Isadoro has massive older sister vibes with Piak
So when Tiuri makes Piak’s decision for him to stay with Menaurus Isa steps in
Like: ‘Piak you must decide for yourself, I would love it if you came, but I understand if you’d prefer to stay here. But you can also always go back or come visit one of us if you change your mind later.’
Piak decides to come with them after all
Isadoro also has a good talk with Menaurus about what she should do when they return
She doesn’t formally make a decision yet though
But she doesn’t pretend to be a boy anymore
At Mistrinaut Isadoro and Lavinia become even better friends
Lavinia and Piak also go on very well
Isadoro encourages Tiuri and Lavinia to get together but teases them about it too
They meet Ristridin again, he now says he won’t tell the king
When they’re getting closer to the city Isadoro and Tiuri talk about what she’ll do
Tiuri argues that she could still keep up the pretence
But Isadoro doesn’t want to pretend anymore and she’s afraid Ristridin won’t keep his word plus they don’t know what’s in the letter they have to deliver from Unauwen
So when they see Dagonaut she’s not wearing a dress, but she isn’t pretending to be a boy either
So Dagonaut is at first like: I have no idea what I should do 
Anyway so there’s this point in the book where he asks Tiuri: “Is there anything you want to ask.” And it’s clear that Tiuri is invited (tested) to ask whether he will still be knighted, so he does and Dagonaut as the savage person he is, implies that he won’t. But in this AU, Isadoro would ask it, while Tiuri would ask what’s going to happen with Isadoro.
So Dagonaut has to reply that he doesn’t know. And then his speech that if they wouldn’t have done what they did they would’ve been knighted already. Implying that he won’t do it now, possibly implying that he will also punish Isadoro.
So both will try to speak up to defend the other.
Dagonaut interrupts them with: “Would you have done anything different had you known what the consequences were going to be?”
And of course the right answer is no, that’s what Tiuri says in the book and what he will say in this AU, but Isa will think about it and say “I don’t know.”
So Tiuri and Dagonaut are confused, because this is not how the story is supposed to go.
So Isa explains – hang on I wrote this dialogue actually:
 “I don’t know,” when the others stay silent, she continues, “Honestly, Tiuri could have done this alone-“ Tiuri starts to speak, but she interrupts him, “No Tiuri, we both know it’s true, you might have taken a bit longer, but you would have managed it.” She takes a breath. “The truth is, that if the only consequence would be that I would not be knighted and that I as a woman cannot inherit my father’s castle, I would probably have done the same thing. I’m happy right now. If, however, I and my father will get punished for lying to the king-“ she diverts her eyes from Dagonaut’s face at this point. “Then I would probably not have offered my help. Especially if I had known that Tiuri would be more than capable for the job.”
So after this speech everyone is speechless and Tiuri and Isadoro leave to return later that night.
Btw Piak wasn’t there during the talk, because he doesn’t have to be and it would complicate matters for everyone, he would probably hang out with Tiuri’s parents.
So anyway what was actually in the letter from Unauwen they now gave to Dagonaut:
He did indeed say that Isadoro was a girl, but tbf that would have leaked out some day anyway and he was pretty convinced she would come clean herself. So anyway he defended both Isa and Tiuri for doing what they did + expresses his gratitude to them
And he writes that if they do get knighted, he would offer them to wear the white shield.
 Undecided if he also still offers them swords.
So anyway the dinner at night
For Tiuri it turns out the same as in the book.
For Isa, Dagonaut starts in his usual way with saying all that she did wrong.
 Like, “you pretended to be a man, thus lying to me, you know it’s forbidden for women to become knights, etc.”
But then he would be like, but tbf you did everything Tiuri did and it would be unfair to reward him for it but punish you
So Isadoro gets knighted as well
She would still get a punishment though, because you can’t just lie to the king y’know So she would probably have to directly serve king for another year or so and her father will get stripped of his titles
 Because if she was found out it wouldn’t have been nice for a child and you can’t just subject your child to that.
Her father will be pretty mad at her for blowing her cover btw, but that’s for the next book.
Isadoro does get Islán though, and her father can stay there during her time with the king
Possible the knight she squired for that was in on the complot will get punished too.
And they lived happily ever after
Until Secrets of the Wild Wood at least.
Oh and Tiuri gets to keep Ardanwen, because he likes riding more, is a bigger fan of Ardanwen in general and has more opportunity to ride him in the coming year.
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amalasdraws · 7 years
what are your ocs like personality wise?? how would you describe them and their interactions with each other and others??
Oh ohhhh ohhh..oaky, this is difficult..it changed over the years..and it’s been some time I was invested…but let’s seeThe main relationship is between Aran and Tiuri..in the original fantasy story they meet as adults and don’t get along first..but have to work togeterh and become friends. In my modern au they are childhood friends and are really close..until Aran has to move. he coems back in eitehr late High school or for College ..not so sure…and they meet again. It doesn’t go well at first. Aran always was a proud and stern person but the last years have been troublesome for him and there is anger and frustration and he hides it under arrogance and distance and Tiuri is still hurt about their fall out and doesn’t get this angry and arrogant person. So they have a bumpy start and need to find each other again. Which they do..really do :D
Aran is actually a bit similar to Iwaizumi in my Hip Hop au..also the idea that he grows up with an angry and “bad” uncle came original from Aran’s story and I took it and used it for the Hip Hop Au and Iwaizumi.
Tiuri is a more cheerful and loud person. He talks more than Aran and gives his emotions room. Friendship is important to him and he always cared and still cares for his friends. So he has some long lasting friendships..as with Rosa..who is also a childhood friend of Tirui and Aran.Tiuri is engaged in topics like social justice ad steps in for his friends, tries to help them and understand them..which makes it first very difficult when he runs against the wall Aran has built up.
Behind this wall Aran is still a sweet and insecure person who really just needs some hugs and love. Actually he also really cares for his friends and is afraid of getting hurt. He is not so good with voicing his own troubles and feelings. He is very ambitious and wants to make it pro with Basketball and works hard to reach this goal. Tiuri plays too and is a very good payer and his happy when he can play and does his best and won’t mind a career in Basketball but it’s not his main goal and he is more easy about it. In general seems Tirui more like the easy going person. Things will happen! Let them happen! Kinda like this
AHhaha so many bits of their story are coming back to me :D
Thank you!
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