#and the fan comics absolutely kick ass they're SO GOOD
braisedhoney · 7 months
New owl house fixation, captain?
okay but
should i even ask if this is surprising or was this just one of those inevitable things that Was Going To Happen one way or another. it feels inevitable, but half of toh's whole thing is that there is no destiny only what you make of it. so. uh.
it was just supposed to be a voice claim. how did i get here.
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ghost-qwq · 4 months
Fallout HCs about video games cuz I'm absolutely batshit insane about these characters
(Fo3, NV and 4 but it's only characters I am crazy normal about)
Fo3 (Butch, Charon and RJ)
I'm being so honest with you, I think he'd LOVE rhythm games
He's a big music guy to me!!!
Rhythm games player,, he also would play the fuck out of multiplayer fps games
but Lone would have to make him stop because he gets really mad when he loses
He's fucking horrible at puzzle games also, he makes Lone solve puzzles for him but totally not because he needs help
He just uh... Thinks Lone is too dumb to figure it out... Yeah...
Okay I know I picked the characters but I'm so clueless for him
Maybe fps but idk
Actually this guy likes puzzle games
He watches Butch fail horribly and silently judges him
Puzzle games and like... Games with specific tasks you need to repeat
I'm thinking like Potion Craft and Sticky Business
bro would love cleaning games I think
PowerWash Sim and Viscera Cleanup Detail are his beloveds
This kid would play multiplayer fps games and absolutely kick ass too
He's the mean kid on mic telling you how shit you were...
He gets mad when he loses and quits
But not before saying that he's never playing that game again
... And then he's playing the same game the next day
He's such a little hater I think he'd say all kids games are for babies
He would LOVE to play them though :(
Would sooner kiss a Deathclaw than play a horror game though...
He'd act like he's not scared until he physically couldn't hide it anymore
FNV (Veronica, Arcade, Benny, Boone, Raul and Vulpes)
Fps 100%
She's the one beating Butch all the time and she's having a blast doing it
Maybe also sorting games?
Ooh exploration games even
I barely traveled with Veronica but I feel like she would get really deep into the lore of whatever game she's playing
Unpacking fan I feel
I think she'd like ARGs too
She'd play slime rancher and throw tars into the sea as soon as she sees them
He feels like a strategy game player
CIV player
Probably also likes cleaning/sorting games
I don't think he'd play video games very often... Sort of just a thing he does when there is NOTHING else to do
Probably would play Niche
Maybe Spore
I honestly have no clue with him beyond that
I'd like to start this by saying that he's comically bad at every game he plays
Other than gambling ones
He plays strategy games and loses every single time
He could not win a game to save his own life
Only games he's okay at are like... Ones it's hard to lose,,
And house flipper... He feels like a house flipper guy if he had to play
He also plays the Sims,, he loves that game so much
Really challenging myself here
I think he'd be good at fps but not really like them very much
Idk why but he feels like an rdr2 player to me a little
He also plays Plants Vs. Zombies because he's great
Idk he absolutely doesn't play games ever and when he does it's like,, card games
Boone is not the gamer of the group
Fuck oh God why did I put him on this list
Also a house flipper kind of guy but unlike Benny he's actually good at it
When he plays games it's to relax !!
He's playing fucking Stardew Valley and having a nice time
He plays Golf With Your Friends with the Courier...
Kinda feels like a Terraria player but he has actually no clue what he's doing,,
Plays Minecraft but only to build a house then turn the game off
If anyone tries to teach him a game he pulls the old man card
He will not play a game if he doesn't want too...
He's just "too old to figure it out"
Like Arcade he also plays CIV
But he's annoying about it somehow
Strategy and puzzle game player
No matter the game he acts like he's better than you for playing it somehow
Plays Terraria like Raul but he knows what he's doing and won't stop being a bitch about it
He acts like whoever he's playing with is stupid for not understanding whatever game they're playing
Fo4 (Nick, Deacon, Danse, Curie, Preston and MacCready again)
He's just like Raul tbh
When he plays a game it's to relax or with friends
He also plays Golf With Your Friends... Probably with Ellie and Sole
I think he'd like playing Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes...
Jackbox games too
He likes having fun with friends okay? :( let peepaw play a damn game
Probably would also like PowerWash Sim
Maybe even Slime Rancher
I'm struggling more with what games he WOULDN'T play
He'd play multiplayer horror games with everyone and NOT do what he's supposed to
Not because he's uh... Scared or anything...
He's in the Railroad, obviously he likes Detroit: Become Human
Idk why but he feels like he would love OneShot
BattleBlock Theater kind of guy 100%
Like I said, I have no idea what he wouldn't play...
I think he'd play anything with his friends though
Kind of guy to find the absolute worst quality game to play and get it for everyone so they can all suffer together
Strategy games.
Or games with a very direct path
I think he'd be overwhelmed by open world games
Too much to do and not enough direction on where to go first
Survival games I think he'd like too
Hates horror games,, he would never admit it but he always gets jumpy
I honestly don't think he'd play anything other than strategy games without being pushed but shh.... If he were a gamer
Cleaning games or games that focus on science
HUGE Niche fan
She has no clue how to play a video game but she knows science!!
CIV player but she doesn't attack anyone unless they attack first... She just wants to make her cities and make everyone in them happy. That's literally it
I think he's in the same boat as Nick but he can't pull the old man card
He's just not a big fan of video games
But as long as he's playing with friends I think he'd have a good time
Probably would hate horror games too...
They're fun until it gets actually scary and then he doesn't want to play anymore
Honestly, I think he might like Don't Starve
Idk why... He'd play Wilson I think
Or Wendy
MacCready again
look he's older now
He still plays multiplayer fps games but he doesn't get as mad at them
He doesn't say as mean things anymore... And when he says it he says it to himself
I think Butch got him into rhythm games as a kid but he isn't good at them
100% would play video games with his kid.
He'd play like,, bugsnax when Duncan is older and lose his mind
I'm being so honest with you I think he's not good at any games that aren't fps...
EXCEPT. Stardew Valley. He would never in a million years admit it but he'd loved that fucking game.
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Music Shill of the Day: The Awakening by Kamelot
Hello. I am here to spread the Good Word of this album. Because it's very good and I very much enjoy it.
Take this link to listen to it, it's very worth. I will be providing the embedded videos individual songs for my top 5 songs on the album since Tumblr only allows for 10 pieces of media at a time and this album has 13 songs.
I am now going to spend a very long time talking about this album now, and this post is going to become very long. Sorry for filling/crashing dashes with it.
SCALING GOES: 1 - Terrible. Horrible. Should not have been recorded; 5 - Average. It is a song, it is perfectly what I expected and serviceable; 10 - PERFECT, there is nothing wrong with it, this is the perfect song.
WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, in the order as they appear on the album...
Such an awesome way to introduce the album. It's a mostly symphonic piece with some... Not sure how to describe it, industrial? Technical? Some other background effects in there. Either way, it sounds totally kick ass, and it has a couple of subtle leitmotifs to other songs on the album. Very reminiscent of Epitaph's opening by Pyramaze in that sense. It's cool. I promise.
I rate it an 8/10 because I like a different song more. I will elaborate later.
Yeah this is one of the top 5 on the album for sure. What a way to kick off an album.
It's BIG it's SYMPHONIC, it's beautiful. This is my 4th place spot out of the top 5, though. All of my top 5 are pretty close but still, it's good.
Karevik's vocals here are wonderful. They're light yet powerful and the instrumentals of the track complement them wonderfully. The chorus is very much more classic power metal in terms of sound, and I wholeheartedly welcome it. It's so good.
9/10. Easy. Maybe 9.5. It's good. It's very good.
This was released on the 15th and I posted some of my thoughts in a prior Music Shill, but I will reiterate some of them; song good. It feels very much like Silverthorn did as an album, and I really really liked Silverthorn. The riffs and the solo kick ass, I love the chorus, everything about it is very good.
7.5/10 for the song. It is still very good.
THEIR FIRST RELEASE. Loved it then, love it now. It's powerful anthem. I love it because I'm probably (maybe) going to make a small pride comic thing with its bridge come June, when I have a bit more free time. It's solid. It sounds quite different to the other aspects of the album, but I think that's a great thing here. It helps it stand out just a little bit more.
Not much else to say, song good. It'll be wonderful live, I'm sure. 7.5/10.
When the teaser dropped shortly before One More Flag in the Ground, this was one of the songs sampled I wanted to hear the MOST. And I was overjoyed that this was the second single dropped before the rest of the album.
This song is amazing. It is great. I am absolutely someone who is a bitch for good strings in metal and the like, and man. MAN.
Tina Guo is superbly talented and her additions to this track are fucking masterful. Dear lord I love this so much. The entire song is so GOOD. I love the small solo the cello gets. I don't have much else insightful to add. It's good. It's wonderful.
9.5/10, easy. EASY. #3 on the album by a THIN margin.
I'm not really a massive fan of a lot of Kamelot's ballads. I have to be in a certain mood to really enjoy them, they're not something I usually pick out to listen to. This does not mean I do not like this song, simply that I know it's good, it's just not for me.
The instrumentals are very calming and very nice, giving a reprieve to the very BIG and over the top symphonic sound the album offers thus far. The solo with the cello again, kicks absolute ass. Love it.
But, overall, the song is good just not for me.
I don't know how to fully describe all my feelings about this WONDERFUL song. It's so good. IT'S SO DAMN GOOD.
I love the lyrics, I am in love with the instrumentals, I love every single aspect of this song. There is not a single thing I do not enjoy about it. It's so good. The probably hidden jewel on the album, maybe. The album is full of absolute bangers but DAMN do I love this song.
THERE IS A LEITMOTIF FROM MOONLIGHT GUYS. I did not expect that at ALL. Such a good call back. This song is so good.
10/10, best song on the album. Deserved.
If Eventide is Silverthorn, then Nightsky is Haven or The Shadow Theory. I enjoy it's opening immensely, but the chorus loses it a bit for me. It goes back into a sort of softer tone, which is completely fine for the sort of story and messaging of the song, but not really it for me.
The song is still very good. Even the intro alone is enough to keep me listening. I love that choir build-up. I wish the chorus was a bit punchier, but that's just personal preference.
6/10. Good song.
This is very much a Kamelot song. I love the story attached to it, I love the instrumentals, I love Karevik's vocals, I love many things about it.
The rhythm through the verses is great and something that I can definitely get pumped to. I love it. It's a very nice song. I don't really have much to say, it's good.
You ever have a time where you're vibing and listening to an album and then you get PUNCHED in the face?
Kicks ass, though. It's definitely another anthem song and I LOVE IT. One More Flag in the Ground is definitely more grounded (hehe), this song by contrast sounds LOUD and BOMBASTIC. It sounds massive. There is a good balance between calmer verses and then the chorus that punches you in the teeth. In a good way, I promise. It's awesome.
This song is fighting HARD with Bloodmoon for #1. I love this song so much. BUT Bloodmoon gets that edge, but just barely. Maybe my opinion will change by tomorrow, this is a close call for me personally.
Loved Melissa Bonny's part here, having some harsher vocals on the record is always nice.
9.9/10. This is very good. Love it.
The second ballad-y song on the album. I have similar thoughts with it and Midsummer's Eve. It is a song, and I recognize how it is good, but it's just not for me. And that is okay. Nice reprieve after New Babylon.
I give it a 6/10.
This song is deceptive. It starts off nice and soft and then it KICKS the chair from under you. LOVE that, this is a great way to begin fully closing out the album. It rocks between being nice and calm and then BAM.
And in terms of the lyrical content, it matches wonderfully. I love it. It also has some neat darker and slightly more gothic elements occasionally thrown in. VERY very good. Very kick ass. Love it.
It makes my #5 in my top 5.
8.5/10. Love the varied sounds and I love how it feels like a proper wrap-up to the album by seemingly incorporating a bit from each song preceding it. Wonderful.
LETS GO FOR MORE INSTRUMENTALS IN THE ALBUM! I love Ephemera. I enjoy it a little bit more than the intro because 1. it's longer and 2. it feels a bit more complete, as though it can stand alone. With the overture, I feel like it kinda has to be followed by The Great Divide.
Either way, this is beautiful and gorgeous and what a great way to round out this entire album. I love this so much.
8/10. Good shit.
AND THAT'S THE ENTIRE ALBUM. IT'S FUCKING AWESOME. Worth the five year wait, I think this is the best Tommy Karevik has done with the band yet. MAN THIS IS GOOD.
PLEASE GO LISTEN TO AND SUPPORT THIS ALBUM IF POSSIBLE, it is so worth it, I promise. It is amazing. 8/10 in total for the record; it has a couple of pitfalls for me personally, but otherwise is a well executed album. The structure of how the songs play into each other works amazingly well, and each song is a gem on its own.
Well, that's all I got. I hope you can enjoy the album as much as I did.
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clay-cuttlefish · 9 months
Okay finally I'm clearing this round. Love this run, it's absolutely my favourite Question stuff, but this list is going to be roughly nine hundred entries long and avoiding getting derailed into deeper analysis is Not Easy.
Holy shit there's an actual timeline, I forgot about this! This issue takes place about three years after Vic and Shiva last fought.
Vic explicitly saying that he's reaffirming his masculinity by punching people immediately after getting his ass kicked by Shiva is exactly the kind of thing I'm trying not to get derailed by.
Every time someone mischaracterizes Shiva I want to hit them over the head with the "I believe in letting people do as they wish" panel until they stop.
There's some fascinating analysis of policing in this issue. Myra explicitly acknowledges the similarities between cops and gangs, but believes that the police generally have some moral compass guiding them even if it isn't a necessary part of policing. She holds that authorized violence is a better option than complete disorder, even with how corrupt Hub City's police have been shown to be. Vic is a lot less sure about that, but he does seem to be willing to go along with Myra's leadership, if only because he doesn't want to abandon her. I'm adding "analysis of cops-as-gangs in the Question versus No Man's Land" to the list of topics I want to dive into after I finish this.
Vic's quasi-religious relationship with Shiva is. Well. There's a lot to unpack there.
It's interesting that Vic's very open about thinking people deserve punishment, despite not wanting to punish.
Annual #2
Okay mood. I also sometimes wish I was an animal with clear instincts.
Something about how early Vic is written here rubs me the wrong way, but it's hard to articulate what. I think it's just something about his speech patterns - too informal? Honestly it might just be that I don't believe that a Ditko-inspired Vic would fuck.
Before I actually got into GA comics I thought the couple chili jokes I had seen were fans latching onto one thing but no. He's asking after other people's chili mid-investigation.
Once again, the only comics where I like unnecessary Batman cameos. Extremely good that Vic just posts at him.
More chili.
Ollie sucks shit at the secret identity thing. I mean, unsurprising, but dude.
This whole issue's kinda shaky. Lots of interesting moments, but I wouldn't be surprised if the schedule for the Annual was pretty tight - even in the issues I like less of the run, the writing is strong, and it just doesn't hit quite right in this.
Green Arrow Annual #2
See, this is better. The pacing's rough at the start, but all the dialogue is more what I'd expect.
Ollie clicks so well with Tot and Myra. I'm glad the Question mostly stays self-contained, but he makes a good recurring guest.
Big fan of how this ties back into the last adventure in Santa Prisca. Bringing old plot threads back to contrast them with new themes is always appreciated.
Man I gotta read more Green Arrow once this is done.
I'm a little surprised there isn't more discussion of what Myra plans to do to shelter the addicts who were squatting in the building, given that the story's very concerned with the mundane.
More scraps of who Vic used to be.
Shiva taking interest in everyday people is such a good bit of character work. She likes people who are good at what they do, and she likes the idea of destruction and rebuilding, and she doesn't mind people being into her as long as they're respectful - it grounds her.
The kiss obliterates me every time.
Vic grappling with the idea he might not be opposed to murder is a striking moment. He's had lots of moments where he considered it, but this is a fight he picked with someone he doesn't know.
The contrast between soldiers, police, citizen patrols, and Vic is another thing I have to resist getting derailed by. Even when he's at his most violent, he still doesn't carry a weapon.
I have complicated feelings about Jackie and Harold. They're both ableist stereotypes, but I like that Myra talks to Jackie like you would any other young kid, and there's an attempt to do something good with their relationship even if it doesn't succeed. It's interesting enough for me to want to poke at it, at least.
Harold, on the other hand... urgh. It's just not good, and he's used for cheap drama. I see what the goal was, that does not make it suck less. Still better than his later appearances in Batman.
I like that Myra's self-aware about how bad her mental health is, while Vic pretends he does not see it.
The drama in this one is clunky, but the insights into Myra are solid.
Richard's wheelchair fight is cool.
In the letter column: the actual letter is ableist and misinterprets Shiva, but the idea of her being disabled has stuck with me. I would never want it to happen in a comic because there's no way it would be handled remotely well, but I already have a lot of thoughts about Vic's psychosis swag, so.
It's only been a few issues since the last time other people using Vic's mask was a plot point, but it's good here so I don't care.
I like the dream sequence, but I do feel like it's a missed opportunity that Vic doesn't get to consider what leaving would mean between the dream and telling Myra. The dream is introspection to an extent, sure, but it's a big moment.
Richard being able to walk is jarringly stupid, along with being ableist. I would be willing to give it the benefit of the doubt if he was an ambulatory wheelchair user who could walk several miles with ~kung fu willpower~ and hadn't told Vic for the same reasons, it would be bad but not more than a lot of stuff I've been rolling my eyes at, but no.
She loves him!!!
This ending. Fuck.
And with that, we hit 1990 and the end of the largest chunk of Question comics. Renee's first appearance is still a couple years out, and there are a few minis that come first, but from here on in it's going to be a lot less plain book review and a lot more actual appearance tracking and date checking.
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chibitabathasloves · 2 years
i agree w the notes !! i hadnt noticed the scarf stuff but it makes a lot of sense. nice catch !
sorry the brain fog is taking a bit. i love that u have a notebook for that btw. if you ever end up watching manhunter, it's an ok adaptation of the book red dragon. im kind of insane about red dragon willnibal and manhunter willnibal : i think manhunter will is VERY different from red dragon will, in bad ways, but both are kind of insane to me. i have book fandesigns but idk if its worth posting the content bc everyone is so used to NBC ? but then again i literally draw manhunter designs which are from a movie literally Two people in the fandom have seen so
i like ur interpretation of hannibals feelings for will ! i do have a bit of trouble being as optimistic about it as other people in the fandom. i kind of don't really know where the control freakism starts and where it ends w his feelings for him. you're right that he didn't choose who he loves, which i'm sure made him ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS, BECAUSE HOW DARE, but also so he can play chess with will properly instead of just making him a pawn he does have to relinquish some control... and he can't just detach himself emotionally from the situation, he's in love... but then it means he has to give up control. i love willnibal so much, i love writing it so much, it's so fucking complicated.
also i love the italian nicknames they're so cute :) i love the idea of italian nicknames in general. hope u can kick ur friends ass !! i do love the idea of will trying to connect w hannibal thru languages. italian seems like a good middle ground, lithuanian is really pushing it too far imho. remembers lovingly that mspaint comic i made w will thinking it would be a VERY good idea to practice saying "i love you" in lithuanian and chiyoh begging him to stop because it was the worst idea alive
Hello again, sorry I was at a wedding last night trying to wrangle small children that aren't mine.
My notes have like insightful little quips and then bullshit like: "Fucking monster. Licked a newspaper." Like, ah yes. They're going to give the cannibal glue. No, no they won't. But he sure did lick that newspaper for his weird little scrapbook.
I'm not going to lie, the reason I've actually thought about watching Manhunter is cause of you. My one friend told me the movie isn't very good (I'm notoriously bad at watching bad films) but I wanted to be able to interact with your art for those things because I like your art so much. Also now that I am an unhinged Hannibal fan, he got me to watch Hannibal Rising (i think I told him I wanted my time and money back), SOTL and Red Dragon. My first thought when seeing Norton as Will was "Really? The fight club guy?" But i remember so little of the film other than 'wow, Freddie Lounds is a dick whether he has one or not' and 'hehehe exercise leash'. And then with SOTL I was like "wow, good thing all these characters appear to be the pinnacle of mental health." But they sure didn't seep into my brain. I might try watching them again. But I def want to watch Manhunter. Give me insane. I'm down for the sickness (brain rot).
Also, give me the fan designs. I'm still a partial Witcher fan, so I love seeing the book designs people come up with. I love that for people! I love that for me!
The weird thing about Hannibal's feelings is that he's so blasé about them. I think at first he saw Will, and was intrigued about the potential of being seen. But clearly it wasn't the superpower it was practically claimed to be. After all, Will looked him dead in the eyes and didn't see the creature behind the veil. But maybe Hannibal saw something else in those eyes that wouldn't settle. Like a feral animal curled into itself, eyes darting around, looking for the best and quickest exit. Unlike when he met Lass, who was hardworking and smart, he kept her because of that intelligence. Will had something, but he wasn't sure what. And I think that's why when he says he was curious about what Will would have done with Hobbs when he had placed that phone call, I believe him. Will was either going to be another of Jack's bloodhounds stolen from under his nose, or he was going to be something else. I think that Hannibal struggles with some form of depression, the surface level attachments to his creature comforts, so the boredom is stifling. Hannibal himself is so incredibly nuanced and shifts from "Will is my friend" to "Guess I have to eat him" in the same conversation. I don't think Will was ever safe from Hannibal's knife. At least not until like S3 finale. The issue with an emotion you're not used to is its volatile, and we can see that in how Hannibal talks of Will and to Will. I do think that he joined Jack in helping to groom Will to kill himself, because it would be a worthy challenge.
I know some of the Fandom elevate Will to a god-adjacent status in Hannibal's eyes. But again, I think that comes and goes. I think there are moments where Hannibal looks at Will and sees the God of Righteous Fury, and other times he sees the man who is ruining his life. Hannibal's body language and facial expressions are all very neutral (props to Mads Mikkelsen for that), so you have to watch his eyes and mouth for the smallest flickers. And they are small. Matthew Brown was a fool and a tool, but he was right about the eyes.
NBC Hannibal's past is very patchwork-y but from what I could scrape together he would have stopped speaking Lithuanian around the time he was mute, would have shifted into at least understanding or attempting to understand Russian (soviet occupied Lithuania) before he fled to France. In France he was still a mute. NBC specifically said his Uncle Robertus took him in at 16. Boarding school. So we can assume he learned French in boarding school. Japanese would have been next up, Lady Murasaki and Chiyoh would have used it to speak to each other, both so far from home, it would have helped ease the homesickness. So I do believe Hannibal would have learned Japanese. But Japanese would be tied to another heartbreak (like Lithuanian) when Murasaki sends Hannibal away after he refuses to stop stabbing people. He goes to his mother's homeland of Italy, and eventually settles in Florence, where he learns Italian and comes to grow into the man we know today. So that's why I advocated hard for Italian nicknames. And why I think that language for Hannibal is important, but also an insane field filled with landmines.
Welcome to my Hannibal TedTalk lmao
And I will kick his butt, because I want to write suburban murder husbands calling each other il mio mostro and il mio tutto, and I think we chose a German nickname for Abbie, but I don't remember it now. Had to look it up Jägerin, for huntress. Cause we're unhinged and can lmao
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vocalcalibration · 2 years
I think one of the most bizarre additions to the Sonic cast has to be Zavok from Sonic Lost World.
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Less so due to anything the character actually does or how he looks, both of which being fairly unremarkable, but much more to do with how Sonic Team has used him after his introduction.
After he was introduced in Lost World he and his compadres, the Deadly Six, faced a fair bit of criticism from fans due to being a bunch of one note villains that were evil for evils sake and each had one character trait each. The leader, the fat one, the old one, the girl, etc. The amount of people who liked them was notably outweighed by those who didn't and that was half the reason people assumed they wouldn't come back.
The orher half was just due to how they handled them in Lost Worlds story. They were both really important to plot, in the sense that they hijacked Eggmans robots and used his big succ machine to destroy an entire planet out of pure spite resulting in the sort of on screen death of Amy Rose. Alternatively they all had shitty boss fights that started and ended with very little fan-fare and then for the final boss everyone in the plot forgot about them as Eggman became the final boss again. They were both the driving force of the narrative and completely irrelevent to how things concluded, especially since everything they did was just quickly undone come the end of the game.
Zavok would return for the following Sonic and Mario at the Olympics game, which while kind of odd given his lack of popularity and other, more iconic characters, not getting playable slots, it was still fairly understandible since he was quite new still and it was just a mini-game collection. From here a lot Zavok would show up in the comics, mobike games, that kind of stuff. Nothing intrusive but most people weren't exactly thrilled to see him.
His next notable appearance would be Team Sonic Racing.
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His appearance in this game is notable for one reason. TSR absolutely hates Zavok. First of all gone is his strong, independent, schemeing persona that Lost World presented him as. Now he's a big lunk who's all "strength good. I respect strength." He's Dr. Eggmans lap dog. He screws up litterally everything he attempts to do in the story and all of the other characters shit talk him from beginning to end. I think the only one who doesn't is Metal Sonic, and Metal cannot speak. It's like the game tripped him and then everyone in the cast took turns kicking dirt in his face. What results is that it feels like the developers REALLY didn't want to put him in the game but corporate mandates forced it. Granted I don't KNOW if that's the case, but it feels like it.
And finally we find ourselves at the end of all eternity, otherwise known as Sonic Forces.
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Now Sonic Forces is a strange game from start to finish, and stranger still is how Zavok is handled. You see one of Forces big selling points was the return of fan favorite villains, and Zavok, all teaming up to kick Sonics ass. These would later be revealed as illusions and were all handled in different yet equally odd ways. Shadow and Chaos both have a cutscene with next to no impact on the plot and then they're out of the story as villains, Metal Sonic gets a boss fight where he's giant for some reason before promptly leaving the plot and Zavok also has a single fight atop a large robot bee before, again, promplty exiting stage left. What's notable about Zavok is he's the only one of these illusions who actually speaks, now granted neither Chaos or Metal can speak at all, but I digress. He taunts Sonic before promptly getting egg on his face and then we fight him. Of course the other notable thing is this, with all of the other illusions they show and are quickly dispatched with a single hit, or in Metals case the fight ends and he simply explodes. Zavok? We watch Sonic beat the shit out of him, what's more it's basically a quick time event so we get to contribute. It's not graphic or anything, but we get to watch Sonic repeatedly perform his three hit combo from smash brothers for each segment of Zavoks life bar and for finishing him off. Additionally Zavok is one of the first bosses in the game yet nothing like this comes up again for the rest of the, very short, adventure.
So what was the point of this blog? Really I just wanted to highlight how no one seems to win with this character. The majority of Sonic fans don't like him and his cronies so his repeatedly showing up is an annoyance, the developers seem to hate him as much as the fans but are forced to put him in, corporate or Iizuka or someone is forcing him into the games but it's very doubtful his presence drives up sales so they're not making money off of this and finally the few fans he does have don't even get to enjoy him being here because he's constantly treated like the punchline to a joke with no set up. Zavok is, absolutely, the strangest addition to Sonics cast, and this is a series with a character literally called Black Doom.
With all of this said it looks like Sonic Frontiers is moving far away from the concepts, characters and worlds that have been introduced since Sonic Colours, so something tells me we won't be seeing Zavok again outside of maybe some spin-offs or comic books. Zavoks departure from the franchise would mark an end of an era of sorts... or maybe something less dramatic, who knows.
But that's all I got for ya. Get lost willya?
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marvelous-imagining · 7 years
I'm gonna send in a couple to know you (sorry they're a bit random but you asked). What's your favorite color? What's your favorite food? How many languages can you speak? What's your favorite fic by another author? Who inspired you to write? What fictional character are you most like? What can't you live without? Who can't you live without? Is there a good and bad weird? What's the nerdiest thing about you? What Disney Princess is your favorite and why? And finally will to be my friend?
1. My favorite color is purple
2. I like Italian food. I’m a huge fan of lasagna.
3. I can speak Finnish and English. Also just a little bit of German and Swedish and like a few sentences in Spanish. I really wish I had spent more time in studying the latter three languages! I would love to be able to speak many languages.
4. What is my favorite fic by another author… I used to read so many fics but nowadays I only read a few. One that I really love is Every Other Weekend by @amarvelouswritings and, I suggest you check it out! I live for angst and this fic has plenty of it.
5. I don’t think I had any specific person who inspired me to write. I just remember watching Age of Ultron and falling in love with Pietro, reading some fics about him but there weren’t much so I decided that I wanted to write some of my own. 
6. Kate Bishop is my spirit animal. I am her, she is me. The only difference we have is that she kicks ass and likes coffee and I’m lame as hell and prefer tea.
7. I guess I’m going to make every person from older generations cringe and say my phone. IT HAS EVERYTHING I NEED! Internet, my contacts, social media accounts and of course games when I’m very bored. Also, I use my brother’s Netflix account which means I can watch TV shows and movies on it as well. 
8. Oh, definitely my mom. I don’t know how I’m going to survive when I have to move out of this house. My mom buys and makes me food, drives me to my hobbies, buys me clothes (that I pick myself of coure) and she knows what size jeans fit me and I don’t know that myself! I don’t know how I’m going to manage without her. 
9. I’d say there is good and bad weird. Bad weird is like when someone is really creepy, says some really creepy things without joking. I don’t know how else to put it… But creepy weird is bad. Cute or dorky weird is good.
10. Well it’s more of a geeky thing but I once made an oral presentation about Bucky Barnes (comics version) The presentation was supposed to be 5-10 min but mine was at least 15 minutes. We gave the presentations in groups and then we wrote like reviews of each other’s presentations anonymously and also gave our opinion on whose was the best and when the teacher read them out loud, someone had said mine was the best because I was so passionate about the subject… Probably talked about him like it was my last day on earth! I couldn’t even cover all about him, only before and during him being the Winter Soldier. Also, I like comics and space and I guess that’s a little geeky/nerdy.
11. Sleeping Beauty is my favorite Disney princess because she was my favorite when I was a little kid. She had golden blonde hair and I kinda did too. I always saw myself as Sleeping Beauty, also we had a little play in preschool where I played Sleeping Beauty, I just sat in a chair with my cheek leaning on my hands and eyes closed, pretending to be asleep while people sang around me. I remember when our teacher asked who would fit the role the best and all my friends pointed at me. I was the only person people pointed at. AND I POINTED AT MYSELF TOO! I was a little diva and very popular… What happened? 
12. Yes, absolutely! I’d gladly be your friend! Thank you for all these questions, I had fun answering them!  Thank you so much.
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