#and there are other things like i just hated copying the alphabet everyday i already knew how to read i felt that was useless
pinkieroy · 10 months
When I think about my 1st and 2nd grade self and the problems I had at school I really feel like I should try to get a adhd diagnosis
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yaqarah · 3 years
Before You Write a Jewish Character
Jewish people already lack rep in many pieces of media, including writing. A lot of people seem to think that mentioning a character who celebrates Hanukkah is peak representation. Which just isn’t true. So I figured if I want to see more good rep and most people are too lazy to just use Google to inform themselves, I decided to make this post. 
1. Names
Most Jewish people actually have two names. They’ll have their first name, and possibly middle name, that can be either a Jewish name or a name coming from the country or language they grew up speaking. It doesn’t have to be a Jewish name or it can be a name that comes from another culture, so long as it not associated with another religion (i.e. Evangeline, John, Mohammed, Soraya, etc). Jewish people also do not name their kids after any living relatives, so children will not have the names of their parents or grandparents or aunts. 
Secondly, they have their Hebrew name, which may or may not be different from the one they normally use. There’s normally a whole ceremony for this naming, but that is another thing. These names are normally of Hebrew and/or Jewish origin. And they are written on the naming certificate in the Hebrew alphabet rather than any other one. Since the Hebrew alphabet is quite different from a lot of other ones, please be mindful of transliterations when picking these names, as Hebrew has a few sounds and letters that other languages may not have. 
As for last names, Jewish people do have their own last names, though if people are descended from immigrants to certain places, those last names may or may not be changed. However, even with that, Jewish people still have last names that are different from the other people in the country their family is from.  A lot of Ashkenazi Jewish last names tend to have the suffixes -stein, -man/men, -berg/burg, -in, -witz, -ski/sky, and/or the prefixes green-, gold-, silver-. Other common Jewish last names are Cohen, Kanter/Cantor, Glaser, Glass. Here is more comprehensive list of Jewish surnames from around the world
2. Ethnicity
While people do say that they are Jewish when asked their ethnicity (it is an ethnicity btw, not just a religion), keep in mind that Jewish culture will vary depending on where their family was in the diaspora. The most well-known ethnicities within Judaism are Ashkenazi (Eastern Europe), Sephardi (Iberia, North Africa), and Mizrahi (Middle East). Keep in mind, however, that there are plenty of Jewish people that come from different places, like Kavkazi Jews (Caucasus Region), Bukharan Jews (Central Asia), Cochin Jews (Kerala), and Beta Israel (Ethiopia). So please be sure to pick a specific area where the family of your Jewish character will be some, as this greatly affects foods, traditions, names, etc., as well as their appearance. Keep in mind that where someone’s family is from or where they live has had great influence on the Jewish culture there.
3. Appearance
There is such a thing as “looking Jewish”, but that doesn’t mean that every Jewish person looks the same, especially if their families come from different areas of the world. A Jewish person can look any way, and still they are Jewish. Whether or not your character looks a certain way does not affect how Jewish they are. That being said, it is okay to write a Jewish character with traditionally Jewish features, as long as you are careful of how you describe it. Don’t say they have a green tinge to their skin: say their skin is olive or tan; don’t compare them to goblins and please don’t say their eyes or half-lidded. Don’t make it part of their personality that they want to change the parts of their appearance that are traditionally Jewish (i.e. wanting a nose job, straightening their hair). Our features are demonised enough as is, and we don’t want hating them to be seen as more common than it already is. 
Also, if we look traditionally Jewish, we do sometimes get confused with people of other ethnicities. So if you’re looking for a fc for your Jewish character and can’t find a Jewish model you like, at least be somewhat respectful and find someone who’s Italian. 
4. Traditions and Daily Life
This one is so so important. You can’t just say they celebrate Hanukkah and call it a day. Hanukkah isn’t even the most important Jewish holiday (though you can and should include it because its fun). Include traditional aspects of growing up Jewish. Have them talk about going to Jewish overnight camp. Have them know the Hebrew alphabet and reading a little bit of Hebrew they know from going to Hebrew school. Put an evil eye in your character’s room. Have them keep kosher. Put a mezuzah on their bedroom door. Give them Star of David and Hamsa necklaces. Put a red ribbon around the gearshift of their car. Don’t give them tattoos, especially not on their arm. Have them cook Jewish food and own Jewish cookbooks. If they’re Ashki, have them casually throw Yiddish words into the middle of sentences. Have them miss school and work for high holidays services and eat apples and honey for Rosh Hashanah. Have them fast for Yom Kippur and eat matzah on Passover. Have them dress up for Purim and make Hamantaschen. Make sure they aren’t Jewish in name only!!
5. Stereotypes (and how not to use them)
Don’t have your character talk about lizard people. Don’t make both of their parents and their whole family bankers, doctors, and lawyer. Don’t make them money-hungry. Don’t make them snobby. And please please do not make them part of a secret society, especially if the society has a lot of power. 
This also applies to villains. If your villain is like this, scrap them and come up with something original. You copying every Disney villain ever is both antisemitic and uncreative. 
6. Antisemitism (and how to include it)
Unless you are Jewish and specifically writing something about antisemitism, it is not your place to determine what antisemitism is and isn’t (before you ask me any stupid questions, antizionism is not antisemitism). It is still very prevalent today and a lot of Jewish people deal with jokes, micro aggressions, and sometimes worse in everyday life. We get asked unsettling questions about where we are from, what “race” we are, and messy international politics we don’t have a say in all the time, and normally we don’t know how to respond. Have your character deal with these things, but do not make it their whole life. And if you plan to have anything worse happen, please do not do it just for the plot or the shock factor: get the message across that antisemitism still very much exists, and that it is scary and unacceptable.  
Lastly, unless it is very very very important, please, for the love of god, do not bring up the Holocaust. 
Additional Resources: 
- Jewish Foods (Ashki,Sephardi)
- Jewish Holidays + Calendar
- Bar and Bat Mitzvahs
- Overnight Camp 
- Symbols and Objects (Mezuzah,Hamsa,Evil Eye) (latter two also important through the Middle East and South Asia, as well as Southeastern Europe and North Africa)
Inbox is open for relevant questions. if its dumb use the internet
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solzubasu · 4 years
{Shigaraki Tomura\\ Alphabet}
I got inspired to make this because of my friend, @knifeewifee​. Link to her Twice Alphabet here. I am going to do the man I Simp for, Tomura! I love him so much!
P.S. I finished this around 1 O’clock in the morning, so I was a bit tired. >M<
I hope you guys like it!
NSFW part included :]
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SFW -------------------------------------------
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He shows very little Affection. Shigaraki is not a very good affectionate person, since he never did receive affection. So he wouldn’t show his the affection in front of others, besides his S/o.
The way he shows affection, would subtle gestures. Standing beside you, brushes your hair from your face, letting you play games with him. Away from everyone, of course. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He wouldn’t be your friend, he’s your leader, you're his subordinate.
But over time, once he’s used to you being in the League, he’ll start seeing you as a comrade.
Or possibly, more than that...
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He will secretly want cuddles, but he can’t admit that. He a supervillain he can’t have people see him getting cuddled.
But I think secretly when it’s just you and him. He’ll want cuddles, even if he’s the Most Wanted villain in Japan- He loves being cradled in your arms.
(And don’t worry, he has special gloves to keep from disintegrating you)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settle down? I could imagine it. No, he ain't the type to, he rather be playing video games than maintain a house. 
No, cause and point, he ain't cleaning. We’d have to be the ones cleaning up his mess. Dirty laundry, a trash can full of god knows what, dust piles everywhere.
 Oh god, who did he kill again...?
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I feel he would break up first, due to his temper and need to accomplish his goal of destroying hero society. 
But he would probably be the first to try and get back with you, but knowing himself, he’d probably ruin it. But he’ll try harder to make the relationship work, it’ll take time.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Him? Getting hitched!? Doubt it! But, I feel he would make an exception for you.
It’s all because of this fic.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, He wouldn’t lay his hands on you, he doesn’t want to lose you due to his Quirk.  
Emotionally, He can’t understand how feelings work, but he’ll “try” to be there...
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
No, No hugs. He wouldn’t want to hug you, he cares too much about you to lose you. 
But once he’s used to you, then he’ll let you hug him, HUGS FOR DAYS! In private of course.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He would not be the first to say it, we would have to be the first to say it.
The only time I feel he would is the moment you two argue to the point where he feels your going to lose him. That’s when he’ll say it, to prove that he car
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He would get really jealous when he sees that anyone is near you, or flirting with you, especially Dabi, He’ll for sure want to kill them. Once he’s gotten you next to him, he’ll make sure to mark, what’s rightfully his.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
 His kisses are rough, and not just because of his chapped lips.
Which I don’t mind~
 He’ll definitely shove his tongue into your throat.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He wouldn’t be the type to have kids, but if he did, I can only see him having one. That we’d have to raise most of the time
He’d raise them, just like One for All did, but raise them to be his kid/future leader of the PLF. YOU KNOW we’d have to be the driving force of the kids common sense of right and wrong, if not he’ll turn out to be a copy of him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings, I bet He’s either sleeping soundly in your arms, his face snuggled up against your chest. His hands close to him, making sure he doesn’t hurt you accidentally. GOD I’m a sucker for Soft Tomura
He’s been playing video games all night, and he fell asleep on his gaming chair with the headset still on, controller slightly falling from his hand.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He spends most nights, playing video games while you watch him beat the shit outta other gamers.
But if it’s you and him, I imagine a movie marathon of whatever you two enjoy watching together. I can also see both you and him getting into the right cuddle position.
Shh, it’s fine, let him be the big spoon. Just for tonight.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think the most he’ll open up is, what his favorite video games are what his main goal is, etc.
His darker secrets, he’d probably open up about his past to you, once he is comfortable around you. I wouldn’t see this happening, not until after the Re-Destro fight. I’d say a week or so after the incident.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has no damn patience, He gets angry pretty quickly. You better make sure that you can handle his temper, if not, you better get tough soon.
If you try to get his attention when hes going something, you bet, after 5 pokes to his arm, he’s already agitated.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
Okay- Personally- I see him as the Yandere type and the not-so-good boyfriend card here.
He’ll remember small details like- Your birthday, favorite food, drink, Ice cream, and color, etc. 
But what he won’t remember other things like, what you needed him to do, ask him to help you with something. It is, what it is.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is quality time playing video games with you. Even if he wins most of the time, he'll let you win and make up an excuse why he lost
 ‘My finger just slipped, so shut up..’
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
Very Overprotective, he wants to make sure nothing EVER happens to you. Be it, you hurt yourself, got a cut during a mission, a hero took you as bait. THAT MAN WILL DISINTEGRATE A BOOK IF YOU GOT A PAPER CUT! 
Before the PLF, He’d make sure you stayed behind him or just protect yourself you’re strong! After he’s the leader of PLF, He’d have calmed down a bit, after all, he has Villains left and right to lay down their lives to protect you
But in the case of you protecting him, He’d be honored and salty about it, but you both would risk your lives for each other, no way are either of you dying! 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates are a no go, as much as you’d like to, YOU’RE Villains it isn’t exactly a good thing to be wondering around having a casual night out.
He would celebrate small birthday parties (Including his own). Anniversary, he would want to spend his time alone with you inside his room. 
JK, he’d want the two of you to spend time away from the LOV/PLF he’d probably make a romantic dinner, hey, we all dream about it!
Gifts, really hard to get before the PFL, but he isn’t the most thoughtful person, in a sense of giving things. He takes things, not give things!
Cleaning his room is like the worst! But he tries since he wants you to be happy and comfortable when you’re there with him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Playing Video games all night, Dirty laundry Is that a sock...? NOPE!
He yells a lot, so you’ll have to get used to that...
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I feel he wouldn’t care what he looks like.
But after meeting you- The one person he loves -He would start looking at his complexion. 
Seeing all the imperfections throughout his face and neck. He would start to hate himself, more than he does now. 
But after reassuring him, that you love him, no matter what he looks like, he’ll start wanting reassurance every now and then.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
At first, he wouldn’t think that he was incomplete because of you. It would be more of, his goal, to destroy hero society. 
‘I want to ride the world of these heroes... I hate this world..’
Over time, once he’s with you, he knows that if you ever left his side, he wouldn’t want to live in a world, with you in it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Cuddles, You cannot convince me otherwise, that he does not! Like- once he’s in your arms, as you slowly caress his soft greasy locks. He’s hooked!
He is the smol spoon, but he can be the big spoon from time to time.
The reason why, your heartbeat, it calms him down takes his mind off his troubles for the days ahead or the stress of the day.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Honestly, I think he wouldn’t dislike a lot of things, but I do know he’d hate girly things, anything cute. 
In a partner, someone that pesters him too much, probably one that cries a lot of Tears are his weak point.., other than that he’s fine with other aspects. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Definitely cuddling up to you, sure he’s a big bad villain, but he wants to cuddle. At the same time, knowing he could hurt you while sleeping makes him anxious.
But don’t worry he has gloves, and he makes sure that you’re holding him. As he has his hands between his chest, while he snuggles up to your chest. Hearing the steady beat of your heart makes everything worth it.
One thing I have known, that Horikoshi has shown us is, Tomura sleeps standing up. If I saw someone standing up, in the middle of the night, right next to my bed. I’d scream. 
Click to continue for the NSFW part
NSFW -----------------------------------------
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
 I bet this man makes you clean after yourself, cause he ain’t cleaning you.
Only when he’s done something wrong, and he’s fucked you to make it up to you, will he be gentle, but make a confused face and he’ll become a tsundere. Blushes pretty hard when he’s being gentle with you, good thing he puts Father on his face. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s into butts when you walk in- He’s always staring through his father’s fingers just to get a peek of those curves.                                      Like-
When you walk in front of him, he’s stares too long, that he starts getting a boner, and then to turn around- He’s gone to take care of his erection.
C = Cum(Anything to do with cum, basically)
This man will use you like a fucking cum dumpster he gives no shit if you’re body is covered in his seed.
He loves it when he’s cummed in your mouth, once he’s blown his load. 
When he tells you to show him, his cum drips down your chin, you bet he’s ready to make more right then and there.
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secretly, wants to get Dominated by you.
Of course, he’s never going to say that, he wishes it, as much as he wants you to use him until he’s a whining mess.
Teasing, and overstimulation, he wants it. Never admits it until after you’ve done this to him. (Like, three-four times)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
The first time he was going to have sex with you (or the first time EVER), he’ll act like he knows how to have sex. 
Trust me he has no fucking clue how to fucking have sex, which is cute.
If you know how to have sex, you're going to fucking Dom him the first time.
If you don’t, he’ll Dom you (unless you’re a top).
Once he’s had more experience, you bet he’s a monster in the bedroom! He wants to try EVERYTHING, he’s going to make sure that he’s satisfied.
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Mating press, he wants to make sure to reach the deepest part of you, seeing your Ahegao face when he hits your pleasure point.
Hot seat, (OH is this one is nice!) If he’s in a meeting, and he’s fucking horny, he doesn’t give two shits if you bare ass naked in front of others. He’s just showing others what’s his, he’s horny, and you better act accordingly to his needs.
Downward dog, He wants to make sure to plow deep into you, making you moan, and whine for more.
Orgasmic penetration, He loves to fuck you if you become a brat. Laying your stomach on top of a surface. His figure looming over you as he fucks you slutty hole makes him more aroused.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc.)
I feel there are more serious moments, then goofy ones during sex.
The times that are goofy, is when he’s ready to get his dick wet.
For Females, when he’s thrusting his dick fast and deep, he’s so in ecstasy that when your pussy ‘Toots’ he stops slowly. 
For Males, when he’s grinding on your ass, he’ll think his dick will go in with ease. The boy is he wrong, his dick is trying to g in, but damn is your ass tight.
By the end of both, he’ll feel flustered? Angry? Embarrassed? Defiantly.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
The carpet matches the drapes for sure, hasn’t shaved in his life. barely maintains his actual hair, so not well-groomed.
I can see his pale blue hair, thin from his belly button, going to a thick little bush above his dick.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He wouldn’t think about it so much during sex, unless you reach up to touch his cheek, sweep his hair so he can see you, kiss him sweetly. He’ll start to be more “romantic”.
He’ll call you names like: “Baby, Babe, My Future Queen (In my opinion), and Player Two”.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Takes your underwear, he is a nasty freak I love him either way, He’ll lick, sniff, and rub that cloth all over his dick, once he’s done, he’ll put it in your drawer
He’ll masturbate in your room, everything in there will be used; Pillows for humping material, your clothes as aroma arousal, and your bed full of stains of “Unknown” origin.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Breeding, he’d never want you to get pregnant, but he want to hear you beg him to fill you to the brim with his thick, hot load inside of your womb.
Chocking, he loves chocking (not with all five fingers), but the feeling of you begging him to chock you, makes him excited.
Cum, he wants to cum on, in, and make you a slut for his salty cum, you could say, sip sip, “I love your juicy cum Tomura~” and he’d gladly give you more, you filthy slut~
Orgasm denial, loves it when he/you get really into sex, and either of you are denied, once he/you are able to finally cut that tension, oh how good is the pleasure of that sweet release. Makes both of you taste that sweet moment of ecstasy.
Exhibitionism, he loves having sex where people can see him claim you, and gets an ego boost when it usually Dabi, or a love rival of his. He doesn’t care if your uncomfortable with you being exposed like that, your tight little ass/pussy tells him something entirely different.
Sadist, you could be his M for his S, cause this man want you to beg 72 hours, not 24, for him to fuck you senseless. He makes you bend knee for him.
Somnophilia, your not even safe when your sleeping. If you’re asleep, while wear either one of his black hoodies, boxers, bra and panties, or nothing, pray to All Might that he won’t be too rough. (Sorry, your not..)
Virgin kink, if you are a woman, JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL. This man loves to have sex with you while your menstrual cycle is happening. Loves to say things like. ‘You like that? You filthy little virgin?! How do you like my cock taking your virginity?! Does it feel good?! Huh?!’
L = Location (Favorite places to do they do)
Meeting rooms, he likes showing your body off, everyone needs to remember who you REALLY belong to.
Bedroom, you have more private sessions and access to more toys in there.
Out in the open, let it be while in a mission, or in front of you family, this man has no limits to how dirty he can be.
And I’m here for it!~
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Booty shorts, without a doubt. when you sway or walk past him, you bet he gets a boner, along with Dabi, who gets a death glare from Tomura. XD
Making innuendos, if you give him any explicit sign of wanting some Alone time, you have him around your little finger, or your around his cock.~
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Honestly, I can’t see him disliking to many things. 
He is into every filthy thing, no matter what it is, as long as he’s done it once.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, Etc.)
Loves getting Oral sex, he loves getting head from you. No matter where it is, what time of day it is, he wants to see you have his cock shoved down your throat.
I feel if he gives Oral it’ll be messy.
Male, he won’t be able to shove it down his mouth, but he’ll do his best if you encourage him, or insult him that he can’t do it. He’ll tease the sac very well~
Female, he’s going to shove his damn tongue into that tight little cunt, he’ll miss the clit entirely, unless you tell him to tease it with his tongue r his fingers.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
Oh boy, is he a rough/fast pace kind of man.
He can be slow if he Tries to be romantic, he’s still rough but he can be slow. 
Making you beg for faster him to go faster, which of course
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) 
These are during missions when you two haven’t had sex in a while.
Quickies are the best ones, especially when it comes to showing other people that want you. and show them who you belong to. Cough couch Dabi cough cough.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc.)
Well since he doesn’t wear condoms, you are at risk for some things.
Males, AIDS, and HIV.
Females, Pregnancy, STD, and HIV.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
First time, at least two-to-three times.
After you two have had sex more, OH BOY, he can go for at least four-to-ten rounds, depending if he’s had a enough or just wanting
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
For sure, most of this was obtained by stealing or using Re-Destro’s money.
A vibrators, ball gag, some S&M goodies, and plugs.
Defiantly has a fucking machine.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He loves teasing the crap out of you, let it be using his fingers, dick, tongue, toys, and teeth. He’ll make sure to make you beg and whine under his touch, His deadly, touch.~
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a medium, He’s loud when he wants to be, but he’s also soft.
Loud, He grunts and yells, ‘Fuck, God damn, So fucking tight, Shit, Etc.’ in my opinion, he just wants to get more fucking pleasure
Soft, muffed whimpers, he can’t help but want to feel release, but he wants to make sure that your the only one to hear those whimpers of wanting release.
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
Like I said before, in his mind, he would loved to be Dominated.
Once you know, he’ll try to deny it as much as he can, but it’s too late.
He is DEFIANTLY a brat, that needs to be tamed by you, teach him to use the proper name he should call you, (For me, a female) Master~
He gets turn on by it so much, that when you tease him, by calling him a “naughty little brat”, he’s wanting you to fuck him.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Depending on what your wearing he’ll think of many things.
Baggy shirts, hoodies, T-shirt and shorts; he wants to imagine that you have nothing under those, he just wants to rip them off of you to see if his hypothesis is correct.
Tight clothes, skimpy outfits, leggings; He’s thinking of what of undergarments you have, some really sexy ones, or nothing at all.~
Casual clothes, he wants to imagine a plug inside of you, some nipple clips, some thick anal beads, and small vibrator (He’s waiting for you give him the remote for it). 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very, VERY, high this guy hasn’t had sex, so once he’s had a taste. 
If your horny, and he’s not, it’s easy to get him going.
If HE’S horny, he’s having sex there and now.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
I know we’d probably pass out after that rough sex session.
I think he’ll ask to be in your arms, but depending on his stamina.
Low stamina, he’ll fall asleep within 10 minutes, shoves his face into your chest, cuddles the shit outta you. He doesn’t even bother to pull out.. (Hope you guys did do his breeding kink..)
High stamina, he stays up for another 30 minutes, this is where he shows his softer side, he’ll make sure that your asleep. Caresses your head and kisses you, before he get in the bed with you.
This is canon, no matter what, he is soft when it’s just you and no else.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Spoilers for Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Forever below the cut.
also this got really long. Like. 3.8k words long. I am SO SORRY, Mobile Users, I know read mores don’t always work. Just. SCROLL.
Memories coming and going for everyone - just - just!
Sougo as a smart, smug, asshole.
Tsukuyomi as a ditz.
Then! Then!
Sento and Ryuuga saving a kid from Another Double – who’s design I LOVE, btw.
But Grease and Rogue leap out over the crowd. They remember, when they shouldn’t. When no one should remember them.
When Kazumi Sawatari and Gentoku Himuro shouldn’t remember each other. Shouldn’t be able to become Riders at all, because here they never were exposed to the Nebula Gas that the Rider System requires.
Gentoku forgetting, returning to the stiff, formal, son-of and assistant-to the Prime Minister.
Misora remembering – the cafe’s a bar, and then she forgets. Again.
The kid – Shingo – being found by Sento… who doesn’t get the chance to transform. Who looks… he looks like he’s been brainwashed.
A boy who ‘draws Riders to him’. Him and Sougo go to Fuumen – FUUMEN!
TOEI YOU ARE ACTIVELY HURTING ME. Because Another Double shows up… and it turns out. It turns out Shotaro gave the owner of the Fuumen ramen cart the Double Ridewatch to hold onto for him.
And now we’ve lost Geiz, too.
Nobody remembers Sougo – and smartphones don’t exist. Not enough that a small child would know about them.
The first episode of Kuuga airs tomorrow.
Just- hng. Some part of the brainwashed Sento holds out enough to send the Machien Builder to find Ryuuga. To find his partner.
But when he and Sougo get to where he and Tid are.
Tank and Tank.
Just one word.
And he attacks.
AHAHAHA YESSSS! Ataru points out the “Same Actor Issue” with regards to Kouhei Takeda having played both Otoya and Kazumin THANK YOU I was hoping that would happen. I didn’t think it would but THANK YOU.
IMAJIN NO. No ominous comments about how ‘it might not end well’!
...Shingo. Shingo… Tid brought you here from the past, didn’t he? From the day before Kuuga aired. That’s why you don’t know what a smartphone is. He brought you forward from your little brothers birthday. And you met him here – where he’s 18, and contracted with an Imajin, in order to meet Riders.
I don’t even know these two and my heart’s breaking for them.
...was. Was that Ataru in Another Den-O?!
Okay, yeah, Sento was faking being brainwashed. No surprise there.
BIG surprise that Ataru contracted in order to meet Riders… because he wanted to escape from reality. He’s not worried, because it’s all just a delusion.
Because his older brother disappeared the day he was born. His brother Shingo.
Ataru latched onto Den-O SO HARD that he summoned an Imajin into his world – his world, where Riders are fiction. And that Imajin is trying, but he’s reached his limit. And Tid cares not for what world he’s in, as long as it’s correct.
...it makes sense that sento isn’t torn up about being fictional like sougo is. he’s already been there – twice, even. sento kiryuu was made up in his own world, and no one from the new one remembers he exists. this is nothing new to him.
OKAY FOR THE RECORD. I wrote that BEFORE the scene in the rain.
It doesn’t matter if it’s reality or fantasy. They’re Kamen Riders. They do what must be done.
Don’t worry, Sougo. You’ll understand.
Riders always do, in the end.
Also, the bugster virus grunts stand out so badly against all the other mooks. Waste Yummies, Dustards, Ghouls, Inves, numberless Roidmudes, Ganma, Bugsters… It’s. Actually really nice seeing all of these old suits in action. I can’t even say why, but. I really enjoy that.
… Kazumin’s out.
… … Ataru’s had enough of a world with Riders. He’s done. There’s no such thing, after all.
The contract is complete.
The Riders are gone now. But the mooks might not be.
Be careful what you wish for.
Hey there, Woz! Been a while!
Hey there, Sento. Glad you found your kouhai… and that you didn’t blank out when you two left Ataru’s house.
Because I was right. Shingo’s been pulled out of time.
That’s what Imajin are all about, aren’t they? Changing time. (I have not watched past the first two episodes of den-o but that’s the impression I’ve gotten from hearing about it. Shush.)
And Ataru can’t have a brother that went missing if the brother never went missing in the first place. Which is where Tid, the Imajin, and Another Den-O come into play.
Sure, The World of Ataru is ‘reality’ from one perspective, but The World of Riders is reality from it’s own perspective, just like The World of Build. Sento, you’ve done this, don’t dismiss the world you live in now as fiction quite so easily.
(Tsukasa will be disappointed in you. … if everyone else doesn’t beat him up first, for some of the stunts he’s pulled.)
So… since the Double watch came from Ataru’s world, it can act as a link to there from the Rider’s world.
Actually, I really like how much of W they’re working into here. I know it means we most likely don’t get a W arc, but still. Fuumen, and the watch being handed over by proxy – namedropping ‘Sho’. Another W has three faces – Cyclone, Joker, and CycloneJoker. Cyclone’s eyes light up when he uses the tornado attacks, which is a great nod to both how he’s using one side, and to how Philip’s half lights up when he speaks. I mean, the green tornados alone are neat!
(I didn’t think I’d missed the lens-eyes, because they’re creepy, but come to find out, I had! Huh!)
THING IS. I’m a LITTLE pissed about THIS. I get you haven’t been given much to do today, Woz. And I ADORE all of the W references. But the Library is PHILIPS domain. It’s his to explore – his, and Wakana’s, and those who he allows in. Sokichi Narumi, when he was just a tool for Museum, when he got a chance at freedom. When he got to be Philip. And Shotaro. His Partner. Who saved him from himself in there – When the library was BURNING because he was losing himself to Fang, when he was terrified and lost and this is where he is supposed to be.
… Sorry, I have a LOT of W feels, and this movie is hitting a LOT of them right now.
… Basically, Woz, I tolerate you now, but this is December 2018 you, who I tolerate a lot less. Get out of there.
The book is labeled Masked Rider Den-O. Not Kamen Rider. The series has been writing it as ‘Kamen’ when using the roman alphabet since W.
Before that, it was translated into English whenever it was written like that. So it would be accurate to have Masked Rider Den-O, but not, say, Masked Rider Fourze.
Huh. Nice touch.
~Archival footage from Den-o!~
... Woz how did you get that rail pass out from the library?
(Philip would LOVE to know, that seems like it would be a REALLY handy trick, if he could bring even just. Like. Segments of a book, or pictures, or some such. It’d be SO MUCH EASIER to show Shotaro stuff that way, instead of having to copy it out onto a whiteboard.)
… A lot of the time, Another Double sounds like two people speaking in unison.
… can two people be one Another Rider? Could Tid have. Like. Fused some dudes? This is. A valid question right now.
I mean, we never did find out Who Another Double is.
! !! !!!
(It’s not fine, but only because I hate the Luna memory)
!!! !! !
AH. So. That’s. ONE way to have things happen out of order. Have a watch shoved into your chest after seeing yourself as that Another Rider.
Ataru latched onto Den-O SO DAMNED HARD that he summoned an Imajin, warped time, and became Another Den-O.
Kid… That’s brutal.
Purple Imajin’s lost hope… but Sougo says that they’re not alone.
Tid shows up at the site where the Arcle was found. At the tomb of the first Kuuga. That… if this is the world of Ataru, that shouldn’t exist here.
But he uses the Arcle – still worn by the first Kuuga – to make the Another Kuuga watch.
That’s terrifying, but makes sense. The watches only need the power of the rider, after all. Doesn’t matter which version of the Rider, as we’ll see in Hibiki months down the road and two weeks ago.
You’re a bad guy but! I’m sorry for you right now! That looks OBSCENELY PAINFUL.
And VERY Time Mazine sized.
Enough to knock Sougo’s Time Mazine into the Another Denliner… which crashes upon arrival in December 2018, scaring ‘Everyday Schoolboy Sougo’ spitless, while carrying Tid as we have known him to this point. Also of note: Another Den-O is posing like Momotaros. That’s a nice touch.
Oh! Hey! I just realized! I like the Purple Imajin’s speech and all, and the exposition’s great, VERY in line with Den-O, but I just realized.
Sougo’s at a point in time where he hasn’t been born yet.
I doubt this’ll do jack all to history, but still. It’s kind of funny.
(Also, hey, Toei, you couldn’t have remembered that Rider used to start in January back during the Fourze and Faiz arc? You had Faiz disappear during an episode that took place in February, thanks to an event in, like, November. I’m still salty about that.)
Cut to 2018.
Sento and Ryuuga step into Tid’s vault.
(brb, snorting with laughter at the bugster stuck in an idle animation on the floor)
Sento’s already altered the world once, and nobody should have remembered him. But one idiot was stubborn enough to remember him. So… who’s to say that can’t happen again? The world has never made sense. Science and physics, chronology and sequence, reality and fiction… all of that went out the window ages ago, as far as he’s concerned. So why not mess around a little more?
Rabbit and Rabbit!
Cross-Z Magma!
(cue Build fight music)
I love my boys.
I also love the two busted time mazines basically piggybacking off of each other.
A train whistle sounds.
Oh, Tid. Of course they keep coming back.
You’ve got someone who knows them pretty well right by your side.
‘Sup, Momotaros?
Oh, hold on-
‘Sup, Team Den-O?
Like beats Like. It takes a Rider’s power to defeat an Another Rider.
And the base of ‘imajin’ is imagine. To think up, to dream.
Or, in some cases.
To remember.
Urataros, if you and Ryotaro are going to use the line “Ai to Seigi to” I expect SOMEONE to do a Sailor Moon pose! SOMEONE NEEDS TO!
She is the senpai for EVERYONE HERE. She’s from 1992, after all, Mr. 2007.
Okay, sorry, Moon Fan comments aside.
Sougo gets it now. It doesn’t matter anymore if they’re real or not.
Because here? In this moment? They’re real enough.
I’m willing to bet that under that mask, Sento’s grinning, because he can tell that his junior’s caught on.
Misora – kind, sweet, Misora – guiding civilians to safety, even though she’s a civilian herself… wondering where Sento and Ryuuga are.
They’re a bit busy elsewhere… but Kazumin and Gentoku? They’re available.
Welcome back, Kamen Rider Grease and Kamen Rider Rogue.
Cries for help from two young boys – the right age bracket for right now.
Level Up!
Welcome back, Kamen Rider Ex-aid and Kamen Rider Ghost.
Two men in their late teens, early twenties.
Cyclone! Joker!
Welcome back, Kamen Rider Double.
A man in his mid-to-late twenties… possibly with his sons, who are wearing the two latest belts. His inner child calls out.
The startup sound of the Arcle
Welcome back, Kamen Rider Kuuga.
A crowd.
Hanamichi! On STAGE!
Welcome back, Kamen Rider Gaim and Kamen Rider Kiva.
A crowd – larger, with more varied ages.
Hii, hii, hihihiii~
Welcome back, Kamen Rider Agito, Kamen Rider Ryuki, and Kamen Rider Wizard.
Three adults.
Turn Up.
Welcome back, Kamen Rider Blade, Kamen Rider Faiz, and Kamen Rider Hibiki.
Change Beetle
Welcome back, Kamen Rider Kabuto, Kamen Rider Decade, and Kamen Rider Fourze.
UCHUU KITA indeed.
Ta To Ba! Ta-to-ba TaToBa!
Welcome back, Kamen Rider OOO and Kamen Rider Drive.
Toei don’t break my heart like this. He caresses the hawk medal. Don’t do this to us.
“Let’s go, Mr. Belt.”
“Okay! Start your engine!”
Hi, Krim. Nice to see you again, too. Ah, man, Shinnosuke’s voice is so subdued.
They didn’t have the same type of partnership, but both Eiji and Shinnosuke lost their partners. This is. Right. This is right, for now. It’s something.
Now. Time to fight.
Momotaros doing his own theme song.
Emu bouncing into the air.
Takeru floating – they’re letting him have powers, letting him have the forcefields that he’s going to prove he has when he shows up in the episode that aired the day before this takes place. To the point of TAKERU CAN MAKE TELEKINETIC TORNADOES THAT IS SO FUCKING COOL! (Further vindication! Takeru gets to be spooky!)
One on one my rear end, Gentaro. Rocket on.
Drumsticks and kicks laced with fire from Hibiki and Haruto, before they and Shinji all set a crowd of mooks alight in a wave of fire.
Shinnosuke getting to use the tires on Type Speed’s boots for once… before… Start up. Clock up! The three speed demons – him, Takumi, and Souji – knock the crowd of mooks aside.
Swords and claws slice through one group, thanks to Kouta, Eiji, and Kenzaki – wait, hang on, his given name is Kazuma? I thought that was his surname?! UGH it’s the Banjou and Ryuuga thing all over again, but before it happened, you know what WHATEVER.
Shouichi and Wataru blasting apart mooks with inherited powers.
Tsukasa on his own… because of course he is.
Likewise for Yusuke.
Sento and Ryuuga struggling against Another Double… but Sougo got that watch earlier today. >:)
Like beats Like.
Er, Woz, this is not the time to IWAE. We’re. We’re in a movie. This. Isn’t in the show, save it for- oh, wait, you weren’t there the first time he used Double in show, were you? Haaaa… fine. I’ll allow it.
...I’d really missed Sougo flubbing the catchphrases. “Tell me about your crimes.” It’s. Close. You’re. You’re almost there. You got the pose better than you did the phrase, anyway.  
Another Double is a bit closer, though, since he thinks you’re half-boiled. And did Shotaro’s stressed out forehead pinch – even though Sho���s usually in civilian form for that, and wearing his hat, it still scans. (HNG MY W FANGIRL HEART.)
Maximum Time Break!
Hahaha! Another Double explodes three times. Once to separate in two, once each for a cloud of green and black smoke for each respective half, and then two massive fireballs. That’s glorious.
Tid, I get that you’re a movie villain, but why are you this dead set on getting rid of the Heisei Riders?
“Where’s Tsukuyomi?!”
“Still fixing the Time Mazines!”
And she’s so FRUSTRATED about it!
Good thing Sento built all of his equipment. Oh man, he’s going to have a field day with this thing. Be careful, you might not get both of them back.
And looks like Geiz didn’t just go to fight Tid when he was in 2000. He made the Kuuga watch from the first Kuuga’s body, same as Tid.
Clever. Like I said. Doesn’t matter which version of the Rider. As long as it’s the same power.
Armor Time!
It didn’t take long to take Another Kuuga down with that much brute power behind the attacks.
Sorry, Ryuuga, but Geiz just isn’t that excitable. No high fives for you. (I’ll give you one!)
Sento must be absolutely beaming under there.
And Sougo does the thumbs up.
Step. Away. From. The. Child.
Let him go.
But! Getting everyone out in to one of The Quarries means.
Kudos for the Bakusou Bike jingle, and Faiz’s bike pretty much being a drill. Press F to pay respects for Kabuto’s tires. Wonder how many of those he goes through in a month.
Shotaro, Philip, not breaking out the Revolgarry this time? You did back in Taisen Grand Prix!
...Where are Drive and Hibiki?
Oh, wait, nope, there they are, along with Ryuki.
YESSSSS Ryuuga and Geiz in Geiz’s Time Mazine!
Twenty Rider Kicks. Straight to the face.
(Okay, technically it’s 22 kicks, since Double is, by necessity, both Shotaro and Philip, and Den-O is presumably Momotaros and Ryotaro.)
And the final three to hit? Zi-O, Build, and Kuuga.
(Also Gentaro looked so awkward standing with the Drill Module still active. Because DRILL. On the LEG.)
We get a montage of two brothers, growing up together, as fans of Kamen Rider. Mirroring a montage of one boy growing up alone at the opening.
And the speech between Senior and Junior – Sento and Sougo.
Yeah. They were Riders. They always were Riders. The laws of time travel aren’t nearly as rigid as you think, Sougo.
As long as someone remembers. They’re still there.
Why should anything have to change that?
Final notes. Whoever made this movie must love W SO MUCH. Because in the end credits, there’s a montage of shots from every season since Kuuga. It shows the riders themselves, as civilians, their base forms, and their final forms.
The slide for W has two variants. The first has CycloneJokerExtreme at the top, CycloneJoker at the bottom, and Shotaro and Philip preparing to transform in the center. The second – the center photo moves to a different expression from the same exact scene – the same SHOT – Shotaro and Philip looking at each other and smiling. It’s from episode 49. When they were reunited.
There’s some nice care for all of the slides, actually, but most noticeable to me…
The Fourze slide has four pictures –  Fourze base mode, Gentaro in front of an explosion, Fourze Cosmic States, and Gentaro and Ryusei. The last three? Are all from the same episode. The one where Gentaro GETS Cosmic States.
Drive has two ‘variants’ as well – in a similar manner to W, actually. The first time, there’s Chase, Shinnosuke, and Gou together, Shinnosuke and Kiriko – from the last episode, no less, as they’re saying goodbye to Krim, and Drive (Type Speed) leaning against the Tridoron. Really puts that “Let’s go, Mr. Belt” line RIGHT BACK IN THE FEELS ZONE, there doesn’t it? Well, the shot of the three riders morphs to the same scene, but all three of them in their armor. THAT is where they show Type Tridoron. I believe that was the first time we heard Spinning Wheel, actually.
Ghost manages to have all three of it’s Riders on a cliff – in civilian form, but still.
Ex-Aid has Emu’s first transformation – both before he activates it, and in his Level One form right after. There’s the first transformation into Hyper Muteki. But his Base Mode shot, for Level Two? Chronos about to get a Gashacon Breaker to the face.
Gaim features both Kouta AND Kaito in all but one shot, which is the one with Gaim on a horse. The others are Kouta and Kaito in Beat Rider attire, Gaim and Baron while the Woman of the Beginning looks on in the background and… Gaim Kiwami Arms versus Overlord Baron… in the final moment of their last fight.
As for OOO? Well, we’re clearly not getting an answer from Toei as to what his official final form is any time soon. Not with Shirtless Episode One Eiji, and TaToBa OOO on a RideVendor as two of the shots. The other two? One is PuToTyra. And the other is TaJaDor… with Ankh right beside him, Greeed arm on display. (Eiji’s final form is Ankh’s Boyfriend and you can’t stop me from believing that.)
I don’t know enough about the other seasons to know how heartbreaking a lot of them are, but. Well.
Over in Kuuga, that’s a transformation in the snow.
Ryuki has a wide shot with thirteen suits.
Blade as a shot with four riders, and one with Blade and Chalice in the water.
I’m not really happy with their choices for Build. Build RabbitTank deciding that he’s going to take Ryuuga with him, Sento and Ryuuga on the bike – at the end of episode one, so they both look awful, Sento in the opening, of all things, and what is quite frankly a terrible shot of Build Genius. They had a lot more to go off of here.
Especially since at least Zi-O has an excuse for poor selection. A close up of Zi-O’s face, a shot of him on his bike on a bridge from the opening, a slightly battered Sougo transforming – not even his FIRST one, mind you, it’s from the wrong angle for that… and OMA ZI-O. I know we weren’t even fifteen episodes in, he didn’t have Decade yet in the timeframe it takes place, but still. STILL.
But I might do a compilation post of all the ending cards, because there was clearly care put into… well, all but the last two, really.
So! In Conclusion!
Not as bad a movie as I was worried about!
There were a lot of nice touches, and I’m pretty sure that at this point, they were working towards un-doing the whole ‘riders were never riders’ situation. Especially given the time placement of this film.
The present day sections take place on December 3, 2018 – literally one day after the first episode of the Ghost arc aired. It was released on December 22, so… about when Sougo was shot into the future by Decade, and the day before he Did The Thing with his belt.
Ghost was allowed to transform. “Oh, right… I’m a Kamen Rider…” And, of course, Decade was there. As Decade.
The next Legend Rider to appear wasn’t until February – with Ryuki, who would never have been a Rider in the first place, regardless of Time Travel interference. He’d already had his adventures undone at the end of his season. After then, every Legend Rider is still a Rider.
As long as someone remembers.
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rigelmejo · 5 years
i started trying to learn some chinese like idk in august. and i have never related more to a story i read once, of a 60-ish year old woman suddenly striving (and managing) to learn enough russian to read russian classics like war and peace in their native language.
because that’s how i feel... like i’m desperately trying to get to the point where i can read priest’s novels... because the translation is fine, and also sometimes impressive, but i know just enough to see all the details i’m missing, and 
i actually am gonna have a physical copy of guardian and imperfections/defected goods and i feel like The Pressure to be able to read them at least basically 
which. ahahahaha ;-; That is SUCH a lofty goal for the Near Future. Maybe long term, a very long term goal, but soon? Ahaaahaha ;-;
Anyway, i need to appreciate my progress. In about 3 months of studying, I have managed to go from knowing nothing but hello/thank you, to being able to read some subtitles, make out some long video titles/captions gist, to be able to look at a novel text and at least pinpoint moments of action taking place (which has been enough to at least look at an english translation, that says something like ‘shen wei’s right hand was kissed’ then look to the chinese version and find that line in text, so that i can word-for-word look up things with more precision). And these are things I should be very proud of myself for.
When I started studying French, the first language I took serious when trying to study - it took me 6 months to read most general texts and gleam the gist of the meaning. It took me 3 months to read the gist of titles/some captions/some summaries of nonfiction nature like instructional texts and news. And then it took me a year maybe to start being able to look at FICTIONAL things like novels or shows and start being able to follow the gist. With Japanese - it took me 1.5 YEARS to get to the point of being able to read the gist of titles/short captions/some small dialogues in manga. 
Studying chinese for 3 months, i can now: follow short comical manga-based audios on youtube about 70-80% (I followed a lan wangji/wei wuxian short video audio), read very short fanartist comics (saw some guardian short comics and managed to follow them without looking anything up), can look at the chinese titles of videos on youtube and maybe 1/2 the time reasonably get the gist of what it means, i can look at chinese subtitles on the shows i’m watching and grasp maybe 50% of what i’m looking at. Mostly, again, the action oriented dialogue like ‘i said’ ‘he’s dead/what happened’ ‘what’s that’ ‘madam, help me please’ ‘10k years ago’ ‘brother/sister/etc can i’ ‘no need/worry’ ‘smile’ ‘the meaning is/so/therefore/but/however/still’... and clearly most of the more specific words I know that are adjectives or nouns, are catered toward the shows/stories I’m consuming - since ghost/demon/puppet/bright/smile/dead/murderer/chief/god/lord are the first kinds of nouns I started recognizing. 
All of those achievements though... I should be grateful to have gotten to this place. In august, when I first looked at Guardian’s original text... the ONLY things I could understand were the numbers, and ‘hello/thank you/cat’. Now, even though I couldn’t read a chapter, I could skim through and find the names of people, and see if they’re doing something like speaking/smiling/looking/waiting, or if a ghost has appeared. Which is miles more than I could do three short months ago. And it is incredible to me, because it really is a lot of progress for me, in such a short time. 
It really points out to me how starkly different japanese was to start learning. I think part of the huge difference, is chinese really is somewhat easier structurally for me to look at and parse through (and I get now why it’s rated Slightly easier to learn for native english speakers than japanese is), and I think part of it is because I’ve spent enough time studying languages now that I’m more efficient at it. It certainly appears I’m more efficient than I was in the past. My reading in japanese is... still pretty awful. I really... can only glance at maybe manga dialogues, or real short image captions, or real short physical comedy skits, and understand the gist. Anything more, and I quickly get lost. And I studied Japanese pretty consistently for 2ish years. Whereas with chinese, I am already at the point where I can look at a wall of text like an actual fictional novel (not comic, novel), and start parsing out at least some of what’s going on. Where I can watch a show and follow at least some of the main ideas without translation. I do think part of the difference also, is which words I tried learning first in what language - in Japanese I learned comedic words first, and everyday ‘go to school/work’ words, so for daily life comedy vlogs/slice of life simple manga I can follow some of the gist - but for more literary things I am completely lost. With chinese, I was watching shows from the get-go, so immediately action words/nouns that are repeated a lot, were the first words I started understanding. And I think learning action words helps a lot with following what is physically going on - which is something I did not focus on immediately in japanese. Now, in chinese, I’m focusing on a lot of literary words like ‘its just/its only a’, ‘but even/however’ etc kind of words, and adjectives, so I imagine over time those kinds of words will pop out to me easier as well.
I have learned how it is I tend to learn the fastest, although it’s not quite in line with the perfectly-rigid approach I wish I could manage instead:
 - I need to start using the language immediately.  - Not coddled. I need to use it. Get thrown into it. Throw myself into actual materials IN the language. The textbooks and readers with english are a crutch. I learn faster the more I dive straight into the actual language materials IN that language. - As usual, find a vocabulary guide and/or flashcard set with the most common words, use that as a place to start for vocabulary. With Chinese, that was the 1000-most-common-words-in-chinese-dramas memrise deck, some other anki decks i look at on occassion, and the words-by-most-common clozemaster chinese.  - As usual, find a grammar guide, start CRAMMING through it. Inevitably, I am not going to understand the grammar until I see it working in the real language. But if I just make myself READ grammar points, then I’ll have a framework to understand the grammar I’ll see later being used. I’m currently working through https://www.chinese-grammar.org/ , which has been a very nice guide to just chug through. There are some other helpful guides - nanchinese is okay, but I HATE how slowly it progresses a user through the material. Again, I seem to do best when I’m just thrown into the deep end and FORCED to progress faster than I want to. Inevitably, I will always stop myself and keep covering the same basic material longer than I need to, if given the chance. So for myself, I really do need to just force myself to look at materials that look more difficult than I feel I am ready for. Again, future self: even if you feel you haven’t mastered the material, even if you haven’t memorized it yet, LITERALLY JUST PROGRESS as soon as you understand the gist of it. That’s it. Literally keep moving forward once you think you somewhat understand.  - As usual (for non romanized alphabets), get a book/guide that covers the characters by most common, and start CRANKING THROUGH IT. Again, do NOT pause until you’ve memorized, just KEEP PROGRESSING once you feel you understand the basic gist, move forward. You will look over the same characters again and again later, there’s time to reread a whole book/guide later - the point is to get exposed to those characters and words, so that the next times you see them it’s reinforcing the learning instead of your first time. For this, there is a great book: Reading and Writing Chinese: Third Edition, HSK All Levels (2,349 Chinese Characters and 5,000+ Compounds). I got this one, which I like because as far as I can tell, it includes all the characters and words I’d need to learn for the HSK levels (which at least somewhat prepare you to have some command of the language/some ability to comprehend the language). So, this book prepares a learner decently by at least teaching things that are more likely to be commonly found in the language, and therefore going to pay off to learn overall. I also have been looking at this guide: http://www.mementoslangues.fr/Chinois/Sinogrammes/Table3000CaracteresChinois.pdf . It has 3000 chinese characters in order of frequency. Which, again, is useful in trying to learn what will be most applicable to understanding many things. When reading through it, I’m on the 50th character and pretty much knew all of them already in 3 months - which is good, and probably why I’ve felt what words/characters I’ve learned have paid off in understanding so much. If I had more time to read it, I might find I know a whole lot more. In the RaWC book, I’ve been highlighting the characters I know, and I’m still reading through the book, but maybe 300-500 I’ve highlighted so far cause I already knew them. For learning characters, any book/word guide that at least partially prioritizes for frequency, and for broadly what is going to be useful to comprehend that language, helps a lot to focus you on studying things that will improve basic understanding. I also found a book by Lingomastery, Chinese Most Common 1000 words - which I’m looking through too, when I get the time. Again - for me it’s not about looking things over until I’m perfect - it’s about looking once, understanding just basically, then as I see it over and over multiple times learning it fully. Because for me that is faster than slowly memorizing, because I’m a perfectionist and I often choose to move on much slower than I can actually learn.  -Other things that have helped a ton: decent translators. The app PLECO is great, and can also translate some idioms. Google translate is nice because the app allows you to draw or speak the word instead of typing it so that if you don’t know the exact pinyin you can just draw the character you see. These three apps I found useful for translating chunks of sentences: https://fanyi.baidu.com/#zh/en/%E5%8F%AB%E5%89%8D%E8%BE%88 (I especially like how this one handles chunks of texts, and gives more precise footnotes of words/idioms at the bottom), https://translate.systran.net/translationTools/text?source=zh&target=en , https://www.mdbg.net/chinese/dictionary - The app Idiom is GREAT for looking at a chinese website/webnovel, and just translating word by word - it will give the character and pronounce it out loud. The translations are pretty freaking rough and sometimes not quite correct, but for super fast translating in-line on the same page while reading, it’s incredibly convenient. Likewise, the app BaiduTranslate allows you to just highlight text on your phone in any app, select ‘share’ select ‘baidutranslate’ app, and then it will translate the whole chunk of text - pinyin, audio, english, and some keywords/idioms more precisely translated in a footnote.These two apps, along with google-translate to draw in characters you can’t copy/paste, are good for super quick rough translations when working through a text/show. - Honestly, I think it has been helping as well that I’m watching so many chinese shows, and chinese youtube fan-made videos. I don’t personally think I do much with the audio to help myself learn, but I think it’s been helping me get better at looking up words (by pronouncing the tones closer to correct, and by drawing a character in the subtitles, and in youtube when there ARE english subs by looking from the english to chinese-hard-subs and matching some characters to specific words - it’s how i learned meaning/but/however/therefore). Even though I don’t notice significant improvement because of doing this, I do think it simply helps I’m interacting with chinese a lot. (And, of course, I love getting to the point in knowing a language, where you know JUST enough to be able to tell when the english subtitles CLEARLY DO NOT match what’s actually being said - that’s always fun). I do think that because I’m hearing chinese a lot, it’s easier for me to transfer my reading skills to listening skills - since I’m practicing both at once when I see the chinese subtitles, since I listen enough that they sound relatively familiar to what I think characters sound like in my head when reading (which, my internal voice still isn’t necessarily accurate, but it’s improving). This is significant, because I know in french I did NOT do this. So as a result, in french I could listen and would struggle significantly to match words to subtitles or text - I could read quite well but my listening lags behind. In chinese, I can reasonably follow along to audio with the text - they’re close enough in similarity to me that I don’t fear my listening comprehension is lagging as considerably as it does in french. Pretty much all the chinese words/phrases I am most sure I understand, are the ones I heard before reading. In french this was not the case, in part maybe because french has so many english cognates i could slide by in reading without necessarily learning the french pronunciations for a lot of words. Also - in chinese I generally plug new words into google translate or Pleco, both of those translators provide audio. I listen to the audio, because I want to make sure my tone is right. So for a majority of the words in chinese I learn, I listen to them several times at the beginning. I do think short term, so far it’s been paying off in listening comprehension a LOT with shows. And long term, I think if I continue doing this it will pay off in helping to keep my listening/reading comprehension a lot more balanced then it is in french. Which personally, I find hilarious, just because - when I started trying to learn chinese, I was literally ONLY concerned with reading comprehension. I didn’t care at all if I could pronounce or even knew what the words I was reading sounded like. But... to be fair, in chinese (thankfully!!!) many of the characters hint at their pronunciation based on how they look. So for chinese its often a matter of ‘okay this is gui/wei/shi/etc but which tone is it?’ Which I personally find... eons easier to come to terms with, then japanese characters, which often have multiple pronunciations, and those pronunciations rarely have to do with the appearance of the character. But with chinese, I see my favorite little ghostie radical, and know it might be pronounced gui or wei, and know it will probably have something to do with spirits. I see the speech radial and know it’ll probably have to do with speaking or communication or words. I see the ‘up’ radical and know it might be pronounced similar to ‘shang’. I deeply appreciate that in chinese the characters clearly have a logic - and though of course there are exceptions to those patterns, there are exceptions in many languages anyway, and for the most part those patterns are greatly useful. 
Just a little thing I’ve noticed, but also I find the characters/words are much easier for me to remember BECAUSE I have names of characters, story plotlines to relate them to. Because I’ve seen Shen Wei/Wei Wuxian, it’s easy for me to remember Shen Wei’s wei has a mountain on top and is a high tone, and wei’s doesn’t have the mountain and is a different one. Because I’ve seen the ghost character in so many plotlines, I can recognize when it’s spirit, or ghost, or puppet, or demon. Cat, wolf, dog, owl... they’re all easier for me to remember because I can think of specific sentences and situations where I’ve read/heard those words. If I was just reading them in a textbook, they would not be so vivid in my memory. In a way, it’s like the words I pinpoint in a story stick out in my head as these bright points, and then new things I learn connect outward from them like spiderwebs. I know daren from guardian is like a lord, so then when I see lord-god in Destiny and Love I know what to relate it to, when i see furen as madam i know how to relate it to what i already know. And so on and so forth. 
While I think there is definitely a place for learning in a structured way (and god I wish I was like that), I think my mind personally learns the fastest when I approach things based on most useful then work outward, and when I cover things quickly and broadly at only an understanding level of basic-gist-grasped, and then just start throwing myself into challenging material. I really think my mind prefers to dive headfirst into challenging things - it appreciates a challenge, it wants to problem solve, and it seems to work harder and focus better when it’s in the middle of being challenged. Now, working through challenging material can be very draining - and it still is, even though my brain learns faster by doing it. But seeing the progress after just 3 months, clearly its worth it. 
3 months ago, I looked at a wall of text and understood nothing but the calendar number dates. Now I can look and sometimes even follow whats going on! Now I can see chinese subtitles and follow some of the action! I looked ad Mo Dao Zu Shi the other day, and managed to read the first few paragraphs! I just looked at Zhen Hun today, and scanned through it to pinpoint a few scenes - some I managed to find and read in chinese, some I only managed to make out one line from. But ALL of that is still miles above what I could manage to do at the start. I’m personally... very excited. I have so much more that I want to be able to do in the language. But I’m extremely happy with how far I’ve managed to progress so far.
Literally... my goal had been... to be able to start getting through the guardian novel in chinese at least grasping the gist... in the end of November this year. HA.
That is... not a reasonable goal. If I can manage it, even just like small snippets of the novel... then I will be floored with myself. We’ll see. 
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zlucchesi-blog · 5 years
Alphabet Narrative
A: This is a perfect place to start, not just because it is the beginning of the alphabet, but because the word that represents this letter is really where I began to read consistently. The letter “A” for me stands for “ARP” or “Accelerated Reading Program.” If you don’t know, this is a program for middle schoolers that requires them to read books and take tests and the harder the book is, the more points you get for each test. I was the champ at this. If you know me, you know that I am a very competitive guy. So competing for prizes against all my other classmates for ARP points was right up by alley. I won first place every year from the 5th to 8th grade. I loved reading at that time because I had a reason to read. Honestly, I do not know if it was not for ARP if I would have even opened a book during those years.
B: The letter “B” for me stands for bad habits. I have many bad habits in my life but this one is a big one. This bad habit is not just for literacy but for my whole life, but for this paper I will be talking about it just for literacy. My bad habit is procrastination. I just never want to sit down and read a book, write a paper, or read an online article that we may have a quiz on. That stuff just does not interest me to this day. I put it off until the very last minute. Sometimes, I just do not do it all together. If we are going to have a test or quiz over it, then I will do it either the night before or sometimes the morning of. If it is just an assignment though and no grade will come from it, I just will not do it. Procrastination is a bad habit for me, but maybe with the right teacher or guide, I can one day have interest and fix it.
C: College writing. It seems like a scary thing to me. Maybe, I just do not know what to expect or what I am getting myself into. High school writing was difficult for me at times, I can not imagine if college writing can be much harder than that. I have never been a good writer. My words do not string together well, I am not very good with grammar, and my ideas seem to drift. I hope college writing is not too bad. But if it is, I have plenty of experience with tough writing times from my past four years.
D: Deadlines always just seem to get me. I always fail to remember when they usually are. I will check my laptop at least four times before I fall asleep to make sure I turned everything I was supposed to in. Yet, I will always seem to forget one thing. I hate deadlines. They make me panic, nervous, and overall just super tense. I have gotten much better at making them. I use to be horrible. Deadlines are needed though to make sure people are held accountable for things. I just wish deadlines did not apply to me.
E: Essays are not my favorite in general, but this one instance was just awful. I call this my enormous english essay. I was assigned this in the 12th grade and it was a 10 page paper that we had a month to write. It was the worst. To top it off, we had to have a topic assigned to us by our teacher rather than pick our own. I can easily say that this was the hardest assignment I have ever had to attempt to do in my life. It really put a damper on the whole senior year.
F: Forgetfulness; This is a huge thing for me. This does not mean that I forget when stuff is due or deadlines to meet (even though I do). This means that when I am writing a paper I lose my train of thought so easily. I will have a great idea in my head and be ready to put it on paper and then it's just gone. I have no idea why this happens or what causes it to but it really does not help my already mediocre writing ability. I have a great memory with names, places, people, and memories so I really can't wrap my head around how this is different. I am not a fan of writing so maybe this is it just not liking me back.
G: One of the worst things that comes with reading in my opinion is getting books. First, buying books can get expensive. That stuff adds up quick and I wish I did but I do not have all the money in the world. Secondly, it is a hassle to do it. You either have to figure out and go through websites to purchase them or if it has to be hard copies, you have to drive and go to busy stores to do it. Overall it is just not a fun thing to have to do. The worst part is that I have had to do it for the past  9 years and it is definitely not for me.
H: Huck Finn; This was one of the best books I have read in my life but also one of the hardest books I have had to read. I read it in the 7th grade, which is a little young in my opinion to read that kind of book and understand it fully. I loved the book though, it had a great storyline and played out very well. I want to read it again now that I have some more years under my belt because I think I would appreciate it more. Twain is a great author but the only hard part was understanding the english in the novel. It was hard sometimes to grasp it but I made it through. Maybe I will put in the time again soon to learn some more about Huck and Jim.
I: In my head; I can never finish my papers like I want to. This is a big thing for me. I am always overthinking, and trying to fix these little things that I find in my writing that do not really matter. These makes me take longer and spend more time on my papers than I need or want too. I wish I could just sit down and knock out a paper in 30 minutes like some people can, but it just does not work like that for me. Something in my head just makes me think about simple stuff way to much. I just need to sit alone in my room, put my phone away, turn the tv off, and try and put my mind on what I am writing.
J: Joel McGraw. “The most known name to come out of Christian Brothers.” That name probably does not mean anything to the average person but it means a whole lot to me. This was my first highschool english teacher. He was the absolute best. He is a great man and a very good english teacher. I learned much from that dude its crazy. I hate english and it is usually not one of my best courses but he made it simple for the whole class. “Get out your notebooks,” he would say. We had to accomplish a 5 question quiz everyday and then would get straight to our daily work. I can still remember everyday walking in class and him saying “Lucchesi, good morning son.” I enjoyed each class very much which is not typical for me in english. I can honestly say that Joel McGraw changed the way I saw english.
K: Reading books just is not for me. I hate it. When I tell you that I would kill to be able to never read a book again in my life, it is the truth. I just do not see the point in reading. I guess you can say that it is to learn, or expand your vocabulary, or even to gain more knowledge. I just think you can do all those things not just by reading books. Books take a long time to read, sometimes you have to purchase them, and I do not have the patience to sit down and read. Overall I am just not a fan of books. Take it as you will, but to never read again would be right down my alley.
L: I have had many memories through the years about books and reading. I have already talked about some in my past passages. This may be my favorite of them all though just because of who and what it has to deal with. I would always keep this Memphis Tiger, blue, lamp on in my room when I was about ages 5 til 9. I would keep the light on past my bedtime and lay under the covers and read books all night, or at least attempt too. My mom would come in most nights, not even say a word, and just turn the lamp off. Night after night this would occur. I mean she can’t really get mad at me, I was doing something educational. That lamp brings back those memories of those long nights and I can look back and smile.
M: Magic Tree House; These were my favorite books when I was a little kid. I would stay up all night reading these books, read them during school, and go to the library to read them all the time as well. My mom would always take me up to the library right by my house and sit up there for hours while I read those books. I could knock out 2 or 3 in one sitting if I wanted too. All I remember from the books now is that it was some kids that would always go back in time and go on adventures with each other. I loved those books. If I had not read those books when I was little, I don’t know if I would have gotten into reading as much as I did.
N: Motivation is always something that is needed for me, especially when it came to reading and writing. This is not something new. I have never been able to sit down and just write and write. Usually the motivation that I have to do stuff like that is when they are due soon. That makes me rush and sit down and do what I have to do in order to make the grade. It is not the best way to go about things but it gets the job done. To this day I still have found not even one thing to make me want to write when I do not have to. I wish it was different but until then I guess I will just keep pushing the issue.
O- “Open Blanks.” I always need a lot of time to write. Like I said before, I always take a lot of time when I have a paper because my thoughts do not come out how I want. I always will type a little bit and then have a ton of open space and blanks where I do not know where to put stuff down. I hate this quality I have. It is like I have thoughts and want to express them in my paper and the next thing I know, I can not remember what I want to say. Eventually, I will figure something to write in these blanks, but it is never as good as I want it to be or starts out to be.
P: Poor writing has always been one of my strong suits. By strong suits, I mean I have always been a bad writer. I always get my work done when it is due but the writing sometimes is not always the best it should be. It is usually not very good when I am in a rush and pushing myself to make a deadline. Sometimes my writing is good though. If it is a topic that I am interested in and want to take the time to do something like that, then I will put effort into it. I really do need to change this way I go about writing though so that I can better myself.
Q: Quiet times; I need my peace and quiet for sure. Whether it is for writing or reading, or just when I am in a mood and having a bad day. Some days I just need to go in my room, lock the door, turn the lights off, and just lay there. Sometimes I am thinking about something and sometimes I am just laying there clueless. I love it though. If I am stressed over homework or need some time to get away from the world, I will do this. I have done it more times over papers that I have needed to write but I am too stressed to do so. The outcome is always the same though. Once I get my time in my room and my peace and quiet, I am sure to be better in the way I go about getting done what needs to get done.
R: Clifford the Big Red Dog was a staple in my childhood life. My mom started me out reading those books at a pretty young age. I loved them. Those were the first children's books I think that I read on my very own. My mom would sit with me in my room before I went to bed and just watch me. She would watch me read and read and I remember just looking up and seeing her smile so big at me. I loved those nights. I would beg her when it was time for bed to let me read one of those books. She would always say yes. I can honestly say Clifford the Dog made the childhood nights much better being able to read it with my mom.
S: Like I said before taking my time is a big thing for me in writing, but saving my progress is right up there with it. I have said how I can not focus for such long periods of time and just sit at a desk and write or type out a paper with ease. I have to do it in little intervals throughout a whole week or something. I am constantly having to save my drafts, take long breaks, and then I will eventually get back to writing. I do feel like the way I go about this does affect my writing in a better way. It gives me more time to think about what I want to say rather than just putting down random stuff on paper. Without saving my progress in my writing my thoughts and words would be all over the place.
T: Authors come and go with me. I would like some and want to just keep on reading their work all the time or I will have somewhere I just can not stand to read. One of them without a doubt is Mark Twain. Mark Twain is at the bottom of my list of authors to read. I just do not understand the way he writes in his novels. The language and vocabulary just do not sink right in my head when I am trying to read them. I have read two books by Twain and while they are good books because of the storylines, I can never appreciate them as much because of the way I read how Twain writes. Twain is one of the best authors of all time on many people's lists, but you will not find him very high on mine.
U: Ugly; Reading and Writing seemed to fit this adjective perfectly in my eyes. Something that just does not appeal to my eyes well and shows off no beauty whatsoever. Maybe I am biased but I just do not see the beauty that other people see in this literacy items. I have no fun doing them, they do not make me happy, and I would much rather do many other things than do them. This is what ugly usually means to me. I apologize to the people that do think literature and all that has so much beauty and awe. But this is my paper, I can write what I want, and say what I want to say. So I am going to say, yes, literature is ugly to me.
V: Visits to the library were always taken with my mom. They were fun do not get me wrong, but I would have rather gone to the playground or something. I guess because she reads so much that she thought maybe I would get into it. Wrong. Usually it would end up with her yelling at me for running around or messing around in the library and us leaving mad at each other. Books just were not my thing. I did not like being quiet and have to whisper somewhere. I was not like that. I liked running around and having fun and being loud. So the whole library scene and atmosphere was not my thing.
W: Wonder; Why do people read and write. I get it makes you smarter and you increase your knowledge and all that but I just do not get it. It seems like a waste of time to me. To sit in a room, open a book, read it for hours, and then that is it. You could be doing something so much more productive than that. Like working, helping someone else, or making yourself a better person. But instead you are wasting your time. All that comes from sitting in that room and reading that book is satisfaction. You get to figure out what happens at the end of the book and to judge whether you like that or not. Nothing else comes from reading a book by yourself. I just do not get it.
X: Big Red X’s; Throughout middle school and high school this was all that I seemed to see on my papers. They stood out so much to me. It was just telling me how I messed up, failed, was not good enough. But like I say time and time again throughout this narrative, reading and writing is just not my thing. These grades were just given so the teachers had their satisfaction of thinking that they had done their jobs. Which in reality, they had not done their job. Their job is to better each student in ways that relate to each one individually. These big red x’s on everyone’s papers just told us all that we failed. It was not the way to teach.
Y: Yes; Finally I was given a positive thing in my career of writing. My sophomore year I won an essay contest for my spanish essay that I had written. Each person in my honors spanish 3 class had to write an essay and submit it. Each essay would then go to an office in the country somewhere and be read by the judges. I was given a bronze prize for my essay and I was very happy about it. Spanish had always been very easy to me and I had a better understanding of it than most students but I never would have thought I would win an essay for it. I was just content and proud of myself that I had finally accomplished something good in the field of literature.
Z: Zachary Joseph Lucchesi; This is me. This is my narrative; I get that some of the stuff I said you will not agree with. Well good because I like to stir things up every now and then. But in all seriousness, I am just not a big literature guy. I do it when I have to and I barely make an effort while doing so. I liked this project though. My teacher did a good job by making us do this. It does feel kind of nice to put my thoughts on paper sometimes. Maybe one day I will never have to write a single paper again. One can only dream though. This is where it ends though. So hopefully this is 100 words but I will just add a few more to make sure, (I love english class very much and I hope this gets me to 100 words). See ya later.
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cowardsanctuary · 5 years
fellas it’s theory time
is it theory time? it’s theory time.
In Inanimate Insanity (and other object shows I think?), objects are more often than not given abilities that correspond to what object they are. However, I’ve started to notice that some objects seem to have powers that... don’t necessarily suit what kind of object they are. Often these are for gags, but seem to be recurring nonetheless.
I’d like to posit that certain objects have superpowers. Not all of them are particularly noteworthy or beneficial, but something to keep in mind is that not everything is a “power.” Sometimes it’s just something they can do.
Could it be this deep? Probably not. But It Could Be.
Here are my theories under the cut!
I’m going to list everyone alphabetically, with this format:
Related Abilities: > These are things they are capable of because of the type of object they are.
Unrelated Abilities: > These are things they are capable of most likely due to skill development or personality.
Powers: > These are unexplainable magick-y things they can just. Do.
If an ability is bolded, that means it’s something I’m hypothesizing in earnest. If an ability is bolded* with an asterisk, that means it’s canonical. If an ability is italicized, it’s a jape that I’m making for the goofs.
Related Abilities: > Crab*: He is a crab. > Oh God: He Is Just A Little Man.
Box: Related Abilities: > Box*: He is a box.
Powers: > Nonliving: I don’t think he’s even alive????
Cobs: Related Abilities: > Dying - Cobs has the capability of perishing.
Unrelated Abilities: > Bastard^10 - Oh God Is He A Bastard > Extreme Intelligence*: He is vastly intelligent and skilled in the realm of engineering, but like an asshole bastard he invents Living Androids and still has the gall to give them planned obsolescence. I Hate Him.
Powers: > Being a little bitch: It’s unbelievable how much of a little bitch he is
Dough: Related Abilities: > Moldability* - Being a ball of dough, his shape can be molded and remolded within his material’s capabilities. In his debut episode, it appears that he can control this ability to some extent. It is unknown if mixing him with anything affects him in any way, especially since he’s dead now.
Unrelated Abilities: > Bastard - He is legitimately a bastard man.
Powers: > Ghost* - He’s fucking dead
Fan: Related Abilities: > Openable* - Like, y’know, a fan, he can open and close himself. Doing that allows him to pick up the breeze or stop doing that so he doesn’t fly into the sun.
Unrelated Abilities: > Being a Nerd* - Holy shit he’s an oblivious nerd and I love him > Blogging* - Not really a unique ability, but he’s more experienced with it than others because he. Does the it.
Powers: > None that I can observe.
Marshmallow: Related Abilities: > Edible* - Marshmallow, being a marshmallow, can be eaten. Like a kumquat! However, if you eat all of her, what the fuck man.
Unrelated Abilities: > Perfect Pitch* - Marshmallow can recognize and produce the absolute pitch of a musical note without reference (the production of such hinging on her range, however). As a (REALLY GOOD) soprano, she can also reach pitches shatteringly high. > Oh God Is Anything Real Anymore - Please Help Her
Powers: > (Unrefined) Anti-Gravity* - Most apparent in the 1st season, Marshmallow can inexplicably defy gravity, though sometimes this occurs outside of her control. (I’d like to think this is also why the Cherries accidentally catapulted her so far...) Apparently she’s been learning some pointers from Balloon! Though, since going to the mansion, I assume she’s going to need some pointers from Bow and Dough instead...
Microphone: Related Abilities: > Electrical Manipulability* - It’s less that she can control electricity outside her body, but more that she’s made with and extremely susceptible to the use of electricity on and/or near her. In Breaking the Ice, Microphone can be seen shorting out as she falls into the water.
> Simple Volume Control* - When she powers herself on, Microphone can increase her volume to tangible, and even harmful, levels. She returns to normal volume when powered off. She doesn’t seem to have much control outside of that (idk if she has, like, a volume knob or anything), but she knows how to use it effectively. > Refined Gain/Loss* - Like the comic! With a knob on her back, Microphone can increase and decrease the sensitivity of her hearing. She uses this to either tone people out or listen to quiet sounds (up close or far away)—most notably, Taco.
Unrelated Abilities: > music nerd* - she lov the musik > Lesbian - g, . . irl s., ????????
Powers: > None that aren’t related to her object.
OJ: Related Abilities: > “Rigid” Container* - OJ gets his namesake by having the Juice inside of Him. Since he’s basically a glass cup, he is capable of storing anything that can fit inside both him and his opening. However, OJ is prone to becoming dazed or ill if his Juice is diluted or lost—thus, being a “rigid” container rather than being just a container. It is unknown how liquids other than water affect him (since dilution is adding water to something, unless otherwise specified). > Shatterable* - OJ can crack and shatter, as demonstrated multiple times throughout Season 1 (and 2?) > Quasi-edible* - His Juice can be slurped. This does not kill him, but if he’s already dead, what the fuck, man.
Unrelated Abilities: > Straight Man - NO i don’t mean orientation—despite being acidic (SLAP), OJ tends to be a basic, everyday man. He’s debatably one of the most normal of contestants, simply being a guy who’s doing his thing (as opposed to being “normal” as his quirky personality trait).
Powers: > Winning a million dollars - Suck it Taco [THIS POST WAS WRITTEN BY OJ GANG]
Paper: > He’s a dom
Pepper: Related Abilities: > Container* - She’s a pepper shaker, I hope she has pepper in her? She can also presumably store other things inside her that fit, though this hasn’t been done. > Shatterable* - I can’t remember which episode this was, but either Salt or Pepper has been shattered in the past? Assuming both are made of similar materials, Pepper’s container may be made of glass or plastic.
Unrelated Abilities: > Being a Teenager - like, like like like, like
Powers: > None that I can observe.
Salt: Related Abilities: > Container* - In a Season 1 episode opener, she mentions fears of bad luck after being tipped over and spilling salt. So yes, she has salt, I hope. However, besides the superstition, it doesn’t seem that she was bothered by losing a small amount of salt...? She can also presumably store other things inside her that fit, though this hasn’t been done. > Shatterable* - (copy-pasted from Pepper) I can’t remember which episode this was, but either Salt or Pepper has been shattered in the past? Assuming both are made of similar materials,Salt’s container may be made of glass or plastic.
Unrelated Abilities: > Being a Teenager - like like, oh my GOD, like
Powers: > None that I can observe.
Taco: Related Abilities: > Retractable Arms* - I mean, they don’t stretch out or anything, but Taco can hide her arms in her shell. Like a turtle. I guess it’s because of all the stuff in there?? > Shatterable* - As of Episode 13, it’s shown (but not mentioned) that Taco can crack her shell. > “Rigid” Container - A bit of an extension of Retractable Arms and her ~speshul power~, Taco can most likely stuff other things into her body. However, like OJ and Test Tube, removing what comes naturally with her body (lettuce & tomatoes and junk) or adding onto such could make her feel ill. (Thus the addition of “rigid:” she can contain things, but what she comes with is best!) No one has tried, so we don’t know for sure.
Unrelated Abilities: > Extreme Intelligence* - Taco is most likely the most intelligent and savvy of all past contestants, playing a persona to get the furthest in Season 1, and exhibiting enough knowledge to recreate and improve Test Tube’s inventions in Season 2. She seems to almost always have a plan... > Above-average Athleticism* - damn bitch she runn. In Inanimate Smackdown, she kind of just. Destroyed everyone. Yikes > Small - she’s small
Powers: > Hammerspace - hear me out on this. Throughout Season 1, Taco has been shown to be able to swallow an extraordinarily large amount of things (of various sizes) unharmed, and regurgitate them in perfect condition later on. I’d like to theorize that Taco has an infinite pocket dimension (well, the proper term is hammerspace) to store things. Mostly lemons. If not accessible by mouth, I guess she can just??? Procure things from her body??? I dunno man, she’s just an enigma.
Toilet: Related Abilities: > Flushing* - He can flush himself. I do not know where the water goes. > Container* - His bowl (and possibly his reservoir) has water! I doubt he minds being diluted (since he’s got Water), though I’m not sure the addition of other materials to his water would affect him much either.
Unrelated Abilities: > Just a Good Ol’ Chap - whom does his best and I love so much!!! > Cockney Accent* - He has one.
Powers: > Levitation and Flight* - To permit his hi-jinks despite his limblessness, Toilet is able to kind of just appear where he wants. He can control his speed of levitation, so it kind of looks more like flying. It doesn’t seem he has an altitude limit, though this (presumably) does not free him from the limitations of his mortality. However, he cannot teleport.
too tired to keep going, remind me to do apple, balloon, baseball, bow, bomb, cheesy, cherries, knife, lightbulb, mephone4 & mepad, nickel, (the entirety of) paper, paintbrush, pickle, suitcase, test tube, tissues, trophy, & yin-yang (OR send me asks and i’ll answer!!!),,,,, i’ll update this post with the rest as they’re made to keep them in one place!
i will give references and reasons for thinking these thingies if asked.
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selfhelpfactory · 4 years
Steal Like An Artist Summary | 10 things to unlock your creativity
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Nothing is original, theft is the secret of a masterpiece that’s what you’ll know from steal like an artist summary. The author also shares what are the important factors in creativity, how you can boost it, how you can find your passion.
so let’s just begin……….
Art is theft -Pablo Picasso
10 Things No One Told You About Being Creative:
Steal Like An Artist:
Artists don’t get unique, creative ideas out of nowhere, they steal them. You should also look at the world as an artist. Look around, think, and decide what’s worth stealing and what’s not.
Nothing is Completely Original!! Everything we see around is build-up on what came before. So stop trying to be completely original and look for influences, references around.
“Everything that needs to be said is already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” – Andre Gide
Every idea is a mash-up of 2 or more previous ideas.
Be a collector, not a hoarder who collects everything. Collect selectively and collect good ideas. You’re only going to be as good as the stuff you surround yourself with.
know more about the power of creativity.
School and education are two different things. Whether you’re in school or not, it’s always your job to get yourself an education. Always be reading, curious about things, and google everything.
Don’t Wait To Get Started:
You won’t know who you are actually and how to get good ideas until you actually start making stuff. It’s the process where you realize what’s good& what’s not, what you should be doing, and whatnot. So don’t wait just start.
Fake it till you make it!!! Pretend to be the person you actually wanna be until you become that.
You start out as a phony and become real. – Glenn O’Brien
From childhood, everything you learned so far is by copying. Copying alphabets, practicing scales, etc. Copying is like reverse engineering to know how things work.
“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.” – Salvador Dalí
Get influenced by many people, mash-up more than 2 things, figure out whom and what to copy. Don’t just steal the idea but, steal the thinking behind it too.
Don’t just imitate or copy, go one step further and make that idea your own.
Good news you are incapable of making a perfect copy. And when you fail to copy your ideal, hero that’s where you discover your own thing.
Write The Book You Want To Read:
Instead of writing what you know, you should be writing what you like.
The same principle applies to your life & career.
Think of your heroes, ideals, and their work, what did they miss, what could have made their work better according to you, go make that stuff. Do the work you want to see done.
Use Your Hands:
When you work on some projects until you use your hands you won’t get that feeling of making stuff. That’s why step away from screens. You should be moving your body, don’t make things only with your head but also use your body.
To create something unique and creative mind and body must function together. Go strum guitar, do doodling, write down your thoughts, or start kneading clay doing this will kickstart your brain.
Bring back the analog tools ( notebooks, diary, Pencils, pens, sticky notes, etc) in your working process again.
Use computers only to publish or edit your work/ideas but you can’t use it to generate ideas.
If possible then have two desks. One is ” analog” and the other “digital”. Start working from an analog desk. Here your most of the ideas will be born. Then shift to the digital desk to edit and publish that work.
Side Projects And Hobbies:
“The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” —Jessica Hische
Having a side project is very important and useful. Work on more than one project at once so you can bounce between them. This way you’ll get things done even when you procrastinate.
Sometimes doing nothing is very important. You might have noticed you get the best ideas when you are bored. If you’re out of ideas, wash the dishes. Take a really long walk. Stare at a spot on the wall for as long as you can.
“Avoiding work is the way to focus my mind.” –Maira Kalman
If you are passionate about more than 1 thing then don’t think like you have to choose one. Keep them.
You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward. – Steve Jobs
A hobby is something creative that’s just for you. You don’t try to make money or get famous off it, just do it because it makes you happy. That’s why having a hobby is very important.
Share With People:
Everyone is so busy they don’t really care about what you think. And that’s a good thing. No one will notice if you fail or took the wrong decisions. You want to people notice you only when you doing good work.
Make stuff every day. Know you’re going to suck for a while. Fail. Get better. Now share your with people via the internet.
Be curious and open about your passion. Share everything about your project, secrets, process. People love it when you give your secrets away and some of them even reward you by buying your stuff.
The Internet is a place where you can share your ideas also it will help you to shape your ideas which are not fully formed.
Having a site, social media account to share your art, ideas, thoughts always inspire and push you forward to keep creating more & better content. You always think about how I can make my audience happy & give them a little more.
Connect with the like-minded people over the internet, share things with them. Share something which will add value to others life. Share a handy tip you’ve discovered while working. Or a link to an interesting article. Mention a good book you’re reading. Etc
Geography Is No Longer Our Master:
You don’t have to live anywhere other than the place you are to start connecting with the world you want to be in.
And if you not happy then make your own world. Surround yourself with books and objects that you love. Tape things up on the wall. Create your own world.
All you need is a little pace and some time to do your work.
Sometimes being alone, just with yourself is necessary for creative work. But nowadays it’s kinda impossible, so try to find solitude. While traveling keep your mobile off, cut off your wifi for at least 20 min daily, go to the park, etc.
And don’t forget to carry a diary, pen, or notepad to write down your thoughts.
Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. — Austin Kleon
When you can’t do your work, feel exhausted, go out leave home. When you’ll come back home will be some but something in your mind will be changed, you’ll start thinking differently.
You have to find a place that feeds you—creatively, socially, spiritually, and literally. – Austin Kleon
Be Nice:
“There’s only one rule I know of: You’ve got to be kind.” —Kurt Vonnegut
You’re only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with. Means following the best people online, who are smarter & better than you. Keep eye on what they do, suggest, share, etc.
Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him. Hang out with him. Try to be helpful. If you ever find that you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.
instead of arguing about stupid things over social media, try to channel that anger into making, or doing something meaningful.
Once you put your work into the world, you have no control over the way people will react to it. They may love it or hate it or some might even criticize it. At these moments you should be too busy doing your work.
Life is full of rejection, discouraging, criticism but if you lucky enough sometimes people even praise you. Maintain a praise file for these moments. In difficult times this file will give you the boost to keep going.
Be Boring:
It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it on other stuff.
You have limited time on this earth. Eat breakfast. Do some push-ups. Go for long walks. Get plenty of sleep.
Learn about money, cash flow, savings, stock market, etc. Having financial knowledge is very important to stay out of debt and wealth.
Honestly, to make a living off doing what you truly love, it will probably take you a while to get to that point. Until then, you’ll need a day job, which pays you decently, gives you enough time to work on other things.
The worst thing a day job does is take time away from you. But it gives you financial freedom and the money you get you can use on your side project.
Get a calendar, form a routine, plan work, and show up every day to do the work. It will keep you focused and on track.
keep a logbook!! It’s the book in which you list things you do every day. It’s very helpful for time management, you’ll also notice where you wasting your time when you are more productive and all.
Creativity Is Subtraction:
We live in a world of internet and the overload of information. You have to understand what’s important And what’s not. Leave out the unnecessary information. Don’t get paralyzed by the limitless options and possibilities.
make things with the time, space, and materials you have, right now.
Put constraints on yourself draw with one color only, don’t use an eraser, try to write a book with 30 words only, write a song in the lunch break, etc. The right constraints can lead to your very best work.
If you think you can do everything then you are wrong. Try to make stuff with less by starting now. Don’t wait!!
In the end, creativity isn’t just the things we choose to put in, it’s the things we choose to leave out. – Austin Kleon
Take a walk
Start your swipe file
Go to the library
Buy a notebook and use it
Get yourself a calendar
Start your logbook Give a copy of this book away
Start a blog
Take a nap
Steal Like An Artist Review:
ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOK!!! I can literally read this book again and will whenever I feel stuck or face difficulty. Steal like an artist just inspires and shares tips and tricks which the author used to find out his passion, to do what he likes, to become more creative, to think out of the box. If you are 16,17 and you read this book now then you are very lucky. Austin Kneol shared 10 things about creativity which we never thought of. And each chapter is breaker down into tiny chapters also the presentation of the book is awesome. I will surely recommend you to read this wonderful book.
Let me know in the comments if you liked this Steal like an artist summary also if you liked it then make sure to read the full book. The book is available in paper, digital and audio format. And you can have this audiobook for free from below.
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from WordPress https://selfhelpfactory.com/steal-like-an-artist-summary/
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selfhelpfactory · 4 years
Steal Like An Artist Summary | 10 things to unlock your creativity
Print| Free Audiobook | Print(In)
Nothing is original, theft is the secret of a masterpiece that’s what you’ll know from steal like an artist summary. The author also shares what are the important factors in creativity, how you can boost it, how you can find your passion.
so let’s just begin……….
Art is theft -Pablo Picasso
10 Things No One Told You About Being Creative:
Steal Like An Artist:
Artists don’t get unique, creative ideas out of nowhere, they steal them. You should also look at the world as an artist. Look around, think, and decide what’s worth stealing and what’s not.
Nothing is Completely Original!! Everything we see around is build-up on what came before. So stop trying to be completely original and look for influences, references around.
“Everything that needs to be said is already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again.” – Andre Gide
Every idea is a mash-up of 2 or more previous ideas.
Be a collector, not a hoarder who collects everything. Collect selectively and collect good ideas. You’re only going to be as good as the stuff you surround yourself with.
know more about the power of creativity.
School and education are two different things. Whether you’re in school or not, it’s always your job to get yourself an education. Always be reading, curious about things, and google everything.
Don’t Wait To Get Started:
You won’t know who you are actually and how to get good ideas until you actually start making stuff. It’s the process where you realize what’s good& what’s not, what you should be doing, and whatnot. So don’t wait just start.
Fake it till you make it!!! Pretend to be the person you actually wanna be until you become that.
You start out as a phony and become real. – Glenn O’Brien
From childhood, everything you learned so far is by copying. Copying alphabets, practicing scales, etc. Copying is like reverse engineering to know how things work.
“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.” – Salvador Dalí
Get influenced by many people, mash-up more than 2 things, figure out whom and what to copy. Don’t just steal the idea but, steal the thinking behind it too.
Don’t just imitate or copy, go one step further and make that idea your own.
Good news you are incapable of making a perfect copy. And when you fail to copy your ideal, hero that’s where you discover your own thing.
Write The Book You Want To Read:
Instead of writing what you know, you should be writing what you like.
The same principle applies to your life & career.
Think of your heroes, ideals, and their work, what did they miss, what could have made their work better according to you, go make that stuff. Do the work you want to see done.
Use Your Hands:
When you work on some projects until you use your hands you won’t get that feeling of making stuff. That’s why step away from screens. You should be moving your body, don’t make things only with your head but also use your body.
To create something unique and creative mind and body must function together. Go strum guitar, do doodling, write down your thoughts, or start kneading clay doing this will kickstart your brain.
Bring back the analog tools ( notebooks, diary, Pencils, pens, sticky notes, etc) in your working process again.
Use computers only to publish or edit your work/ideas but you can’t use it to generate ideas.
If possible then have two desks. One is ” analog” and the other “digital”. Start working from an analog desk. Here your most of the ideas will be born. Then shift to the digital desk to edit and publish that work.
Side Projects And Hobbies:
“The work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life.” —Jessica Hische
Having a side project is very important and useful. Work on more than one project at once so you can bounce between them. This way you’ll get things done even when you procrastinate.
Sometimes doing nothing is very important. You might have noticed you get the best ideas when you are bored. If you’re out of ideas, wash the dishes. Take a really long walk. Stare at a spot on the wall for as long as you can.
“Avoiding work is the way to focus my mind.” –Maira Kalman
If you are passionate about more than 1 thing then don’t think like you have to choose one. Keep them.
You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward. – Steve Jobs
A hobby is something creative that’s just for you. You don’t try to make money or get famous off it, just do it because it makes you happy. That’s why having a hobby is very important.
Share With People:
Everyone is so busy they don’t really care about what you think. And that’s a good thing. No one will notice if you fail or took the wrong decisions. You want to people notice you only when you doing good work.
Make stuff every day. Know you’re going to suck for a while. Fail. Get better. Now share your with people via the internet.
Be curious and open about your passion. Share everything about your project, secrets, process. People love it when you give your secrets away and some of them even reward you by buying your stuff.
The Internet is a place where you can share your ideas also it will help you to shape your ideas which are not fully formed.
Having a site, social media account to share your art, ideas, thoughts always inspire and push you forward to keep creating more & better content. You always think about how I can make my audience happy & give them a little more.
Connect with the like-minded people over the internet, share things with them. Share something which will add value to others life. Share a handy tip you’ve discovered while working. Or a link to an interesting article. Mention a good book you’re reading. Etc
Geography Is No Longer Our Master:
You don’t have to live anywhere other than the place you are to start connecting with the world you want to be in.
And if you not happy then make your own world. Surround yourself with books and objects that you love. Tape things up on the wall. Create your own world.
All you need is a little pace and some time to do your work.
Sometimes being alone, just with yourself is necessary for creative work. But nowadays it’s kinda impossible, so try to find solitude. While traveling keep your mobile off, cut off your wifi for at least 20 min daily, go to the park, etc.
And don’t forget to carry a diary, pen, or notepad to write down your thoughts.
Your brain gets too comfortable in your everyday surroundings. — Austin Kleon
When you can’t do your work, feel exhausted, go out leave home. When you’ll come back home will be some but something in your mind will be changed, you’ll start thinking differently.
You have to find a place that feeds you—creatively, socially, spiritually, and literally. – Austin Kleon
Be Nice:
“There’s only one rule I know of: You’ve got to be kind.” —Kurt Vonnegut
You’re only going to be as good as the people you surround yourself with. Means following the best people online, who are smarter & better than you. Keep eye on what they do, suggest, share, etc.
Find the most talented person in the room, and if it’s not you, go stand next to him. Hang out with him. Try to be helpful. If you ever find that you’re the most talented person in the room, you need to find another room.
instead of arguing about stupid things over social media, try to channel that anger into making, or doing something meaningful.
Once you put your work into the world, you have no control over the way people will react to it. They may love it or hate it or some might even criticize it. At these moments you should be too busy doing your work.
Life is full of rejection, discouraging, criticism but if you lucky enough sometimes people even praise you. Maintain a praise file for these moments. In difficult times this file will give you the boost to keep going.
Be Boring:
It takes a lot of energy to be creative. You don’t have that energy if you waste it on other stuff.
You have limited time on this earth. Eat breakfast. Do some push-ups. Go for long walks. Get plenty of sleep.
Learn about money, cash flow, savings, stock market, etc. Having financial knowledge is very important to stay out of debt and wealth.
Honestly, to make a living off doing what you truly love, it will probably take you a while to get to that point. Until then, you’ll need a day job, which pays you decently, gives you enough time to work on other things.
The worst thing a day job does is take time away from you. But it gives you financial freedom and the money you get you can use on your side project.
Get a calendar, form a routine, plan work, and show up every day to do the work. It will keep you focused and on track.
keep a logbook!! It’s the book in which you list things you do every day. It’s very helpful for time management, you’ll also notice where you wasting your time when you are more productive and all.
Creativity Is Subtraction:
We live in a world of internet and the overload of information. You have to understand what’s important And what’s not. Leave out the unnecessary information. Don’t get paralyzed by the limitless options and possibilities.
make things with the time, space, and materials you have, right now.
Put constraints on yourself draw with one color only, don’t use an eraser, try to write a book with 30 words only, write a song in the lunch break, etc. The right constraints can lead to your very best work.
If you think you can do everything then you are wrong. Try to make stuff with less by starting now. Don’t wait!!
In the end, creativity isn’t just the things we choose to put in, it’s the things we choose to leave out. – Austin Kleon
Take a walk
Start your swipe file
Go to the library
Buy a notebook and use it
Get yourself a calendar
Start your logbook Give a copy of this book away
Start a blog
Take a nap
Steal Like An Artist Review:
ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOK!!! I can literally read this book again and will whenever I feel stuck or face difficulty. Steal like an artist just inspires and shares tips and tricks which the author used to find out his passion, to do what he likes, to become more creative, to think out of the box. If you are 16,17 and you read this book now then you are very lucky. Austin Kneol shared 10 things about creativity which we never thought of. And each chapter is breaker down into tiny chapters also the presentation of the book is awesome. I will surely recommend you to read this wonderful book.
Let me know in the comments if you liked this Steal like an artist summary also if you liked it then make sure to read the full book. The book is available in paper, digital and audio format. And you can have this audiobook for free from below.
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from WordPress https://ift.tt/326q0RF via IFTTT
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