#anti deckerstar
if i see another person say Tom Ellis should've been Lucifer in The Sandman or that Tom Ellis' Lucifer was comic accurate i'm committing mass murder.
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sccoobydoobers · 10 months
for some reason it's ingrained in my mind that chloe refers to lucifer (post-reveal) as some useful multi-feature pocket knife she has in her back pocket at all times. imagine how fucking degrading that is, the woman he loves, and she literally refers to him as a tool she can use because of his multiple tricks. what the actual fuck chloe.
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Chloe acting like Lucifer never said he loved her annoys me so much. Like, what part of "My first love was never Eve. It was you, Chloe. It always has been." is getting past her???
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ainsanepencil · 2 years
All of Deckerstar shippers wanting Lucifer and Chloe to be Trixie parents are just out right ignoring Dan and Chloe Excellent Co-Parenting and Dan Himself
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grimsiren · 2 years
Things I hate about Deckerstar in fanon
Half the fics I found made Dan to be a abusive jerk
lucifer was a ‘ broken ‘ man who needed fixing by one and behold Chloe Jane Decker
PRACTICALLY every fic is DECKERSTAR. DECKERSTAR. DECKERSTAR. Where’s the danlotte fics where the platonic fics . Where is everyone’s personalities bar simping over Deckerstar
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I love deckerstar for the soft moments that make me happy and generally good, but I also hate it just in general. There is so much they don't talk about. at all. how at the end of the line Chloe is stuck in hell forever because she is a soul. she will be reliant on Lucifer for the rest of her should existence. How Lucifer HATED hell and yet at the end on everything, he went back. How Chloe tried to send Lucifer to hell. condemn him there for the rest of eternity after learning he was the devil. yes, she had just found out he was really the devil but she was still out of there and mature enough to process things and her first instinct was to condemn him and trap him in the place that he has said out right that he hates above anything. How she went back and lied to him about accepting him, tricked him, led him along. And when it can time to enact the plan? The only thing that really stopped her was a moment of guilt that came from his hope and 'seemingly' genuine of her. the worst thing is, even when she decided not to she didn't even tell him. She waited until there was literally no choice. if not, I really don't think she would've told him about how she was going to send him back to hell.
They really should've separated. Not even acquaintances.
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4humankind · 2 years
Me: *sits through 56 episodes of pure agony because I really really need Chloe to realize everything has always been the truth, thinking about stopping because I can't take it in the third season when it somewhat slows down especially after what felt like two filler episodes at the end AFTER IT FINALLY GOT REVEALED and it goes on as if it never happened*
*Episode 26 of Season 3 comes up*
Me, listening suspiciously: "is that... IS THAT NEIL GAIMAN SPEAKING?!"
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lledron · 2 years
Trixie post s06
Después de años y años de estudiar, de hacer las prácticas, de hacer de niñera para un mitad ángel, aquí estaba. En su propio departamento en Inglaterra. Su propia vida, lejos de Aurora y sus alas afiladas. Era su hermana, pero también su abusadora. Las cicatrices en sus brazos y piernas nunca se desvanecerían, pero lo que más le dolía a Beatriz era el dolor en el alma. Mamá nunca le creyó.¿Cómo podía un niño de cinco años golpear tan fuerte a su hermana de casi veinte?Rory solo quería jugar contigo o Rory solo estaba teniendo un mal día o Rory la mejor carta de Rory:”¡No tengo a mi padre!. 
Por Amenadiel, Rory nunca había hablado de las familias encontradas, la adopción  o el mundo era hete normativo para ella? Rory también jodió su vida amorosa y su vida social. No podía invitar a amigos a su casa, porque Rory podría lastimarlos por accidente. Así que no ,muchas gracias, Diane, pero no podré ir a tu cumpleaños, mi hermana me rompió el brazo. 
Linda había muerto después de que una Rory de trece años accidentalmente la empalará.. Fue la única vez que su madre la llevó a terapia. 
Charlie fue su salvavidas. Y ella lloraba cuando él, un niño de catorce años, tenía que poner a raya a su madre y a su hermana, mientras ella empaca sus cosas para irse a vivir con la abuela Penelope. 
Linda le había pagado por cuidar de Charlie durante cinco años. Eso, sumado al dinero que Maze le enviaba mensualmente fue suficiente para que ella saliera de la casa de su madre. Llevo consigo los dibujos de su niñez, el álbum de fotos de sus padres y una foto de Lucifer y su padre con camisas que decían :”Mamá, conseguí un marido!”. 
 Maze y Eve se habían divorciado en buenos términos, y todavía vivian en Francia. Francia, con su alta costura, su extravagancia, había sido su primera parada. Maze lloró por Linda, por no poder estar allí para protegerla. Charlie se quedó con ella. Maze le relató a Charlie cómo fue su madre antes y durante del embarazo, le mostró las copias de las ecografías y habló de cómo pensó que él sería :”Nuestro bebé”. Y así ,Beatriz supo que, a pesar de haber amado a Eve, Maze nunca dejaría de amar a Linda Martin. 
La siguiente parada fue Inglaterra. Michael abrió la puerta, con una niña de cinco años en los hombros desiguales. Michael se parecía tanto a Lucifer que dolía. Elaine era un medio angel, pero sus plumas eran doradas. Doradas como el camino de los muertos a Silver City, había dicho Charlie. Ella la recibió con un abrazo y la posibilidad de quedarse gratis en el departamento mientras buscaba un lugar para quedarse en la universidad. ¿Ella Lopez y Michael Demiurgos?¡Quien lo hubiera imaginado! Michael no había dado la orden de matar a su padre, al final, fue toda una mentira para que Lucifer mordiera el anzuelo. Michael también había mentido sobre que él fue quien plantó “ las semillas de la Rebelión” en la cabeza de Lucifer. Y Michael también había mentido cuando dijo que odiaba a Lucifer. Resultaba que él sabía mucho de Lucifer, antes de su madre, antes de ella, antes de Rory. Ella preguntaba y él respondía, mientras Elaine dormía la siesta. 
Carol y Ella se habían divorciado porque Ella no quería tener hijos. Luego, Ella obtuvo un nuevo trabajo en Inglaterra. Y después conoció a Michael. Y Michael quedó embarazado y Ella no iba a dejarlo embarazado y solo como el curador de un museo. 
“¿Puedes enseñarme hechizos? "le preguntó a Michael una tarde, después de una comida típica mexicana.
“¿Por qué?”
“No quiero depender de Charlie para defenderme de...”
“Rory. Chica, solo tenías que preguntar. Le estoy enseñando a Ella y Elaine, bueno ,todavía es un poco joven para los tatuajes y las runas”. 
Cuando su primer novio le preguntó quien coño le había hecho esas cicatrices, ella mintió. Ella mentiría el resto de su vida si eso hacía feliz a Deckestar. 
Mamá  casi nunca llamaba. Rory debe haber desviado su atención. Michael le había enseñado cómo mentir. “Pero nunca le mientas  a quien te ama, ellos sabrán la verdad”. Y Lucifer le enseñó como desviar el dolor mediante ropa hermosa y una sonrisa fugaz como una estrella. 
Al final, Trixie regresó  los Estados Unidos y reabrió el Lux. Se sentía como un resquicio de su infancia. En el LUX, aprendió que las trabajadores sexuales eran personas  que valían, aprendió  coreografías y a desviar y a centrar la mirada de las multitudes en ella. 
Su madre la apoyó, pero Rory fue otra historia. Rory señaló que el LUX era una mierda de proxenetas. Su única solución fue patearle el trasero a su hermana menor  y demostrarle que había dejado de ser su saco de boxeo. 
Mamá ya no pudo intervinir. Porque mamá estaba muerta.Pero mamá había intentado decirselo, ella la quería a ella, a sus dos hijas en su lecho de muerte. 
Y mientras Deckerstar estaba en el Infierno, Beatriz mató a su hermana pequeña, su abusadora y su torturadora. 
Los hechizos la mantenían joven y hermosa. Beatriz tenía una vida que vivir, libre del terror de Rory. 
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mulderscully · 1 year
Curious why you liked Tentoo and Rose having a kid but not Deckerstar
obsessed with this ask. i'm not like... anti kid? it just has to be earned.
short answer: because they're completely different relationships.
long answer: i actually did want deckerstar to have a kid for a while, but that was when there was still time for lucifer to develop into someone who could or would want to be a good father to a child/toddler. they had the opportunity to make lucifer going from hating kids to wanting one believable to me, but they didn't. at all. we don't see his mind change, it just does. and that's my issue with it. i like lucifer and rory's relationship and i think he is definitely a good father to an adult daughter, but can i picture lucifer actively raising a baby? no! because they didn't show us that.
with ten and rose it's different. first of all, the doctor had children before. he likes children and he is good with them. the tenth doctor, in particular, obviously wants to live a human life and settle down, we see this foreshadowed since s1 and we see that it's something rose would want too but it's something they didn't think was possible until it was, and when it was possible of course they got married and had a kid. i feel like ten has the perfect personality to be a dad, he's excitable, funny, caring and endlessly loyal. you can just imagine him with a child so easily.
that's the difference: what did the show actually show me. tenrose having a kid feels organic to the story, whereas deckerstar having a kid ended up feeling forced (because it was)
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You are lame and Tom Ellis is the best only Lucfier and people love him more so get over it. The sandman show is lame and not all that great anyway. Lucfier was a better show and you are a dumb bitch shut up
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sccoobydoobers · 2 years
linda as a therapist for literally everyone in the show is pretty flawed. yes, she can give perspective on supernatural matters but even her friends outside of the know (ella) go to her when they need the advice of a therapist. feel free to correct me on this but with my vague memory I at least know its highly unprofessional to take on a patient (fully booked and everything I presume) who you know personally or even just, has a impression in your life. as this can very much effect how you treat them and the help you give to them even if you don't mean it too.
lucifer being linda's paitent was obviously highly unethical at the start but eventually they develop into a more professional-friend kind. where still, it is unethical as eventually linda DOES fall into a relationship with lucifer's brother. who was an antagonist of sorts during at least season 1's sessions.
at some point i'd think between seasons 2-3 she starts writing the book about lucifer's therapy sessions and his life, given the book was on its completed first draft and we are shown it at least half way through at some point. and, if you dont know, writing a whole book (especially as long as linda's) takes a LONG time.
meaning, at any point in that time linda could've stepped back and thought: 'this is highly unethical and maybe I should at least get the permission of everyone who im using their private therapy sessions.' its a very simple yet, it couldve changed the whole direction of the book from being the simplified cliches of everyone to more realistic versions of the people.
linda takes advantage of lucifer while doing this, really, as when lucifer finds out about this book, he is thrilled. he is excited because it will be the first book to ever have an accurate representation of him.
And I think later, when everyone reads the book and finds out the contents are a really bad fanfiction of their lives, Lucifer is a bit disappointed. I mean, its supposed to be the first book to portray him in a light most accurate to him, and the book doesn't even end up doing that!
I also want to add that everyone gets mad at lucifer because of their portrayals in the book. When, in fact, they should've at least placed part of the blame on linda, the person who wrote the book. instead of taking literally every word of it to heart. (this post goes into it in more detail!)
Lucifer is, at times (a lot of the time), an unreliable narrator. Because he is made to always tell the truth, something that could be world-ending for Earth might not be important at all to him because x reason etc etc.
(example: the whole mira/rory thing - it didn't occur to him to mention to chloe that this supposed child of him is half angel because that genuinely wasnt important to him and didn't seem relevant to the occasion. chloe then gets pissy at him for this so the more you know)
I'm gonna say something that's pretty obvious but needs to be said: linda is not the group's therapist. of course, she is lucifer's highly unethical therapist. but she is not everyone elses. no one else is shown to have regular one on one sessions with her. apart from maybe ella & maze a couple times and the others are super rare.
her knowing and giving this guidance to her friends is really that. an act of their friendship that they trusted her to give good advice on how to deal with their obviously very stressful and traumatic lives.
then for her to turn around and write it into a book (probably turned book series given how long its said to be) which will be accessed but not only the general public, but also people outside of the know that close to them. like chloe's mother, ella's family, dan's parents etc etc.
that is a horrible thing. even if their families don't read the book, other people will.
imagine ella's distant cousin reads the books after it becomes popular for some reason, connects the dots. then suddenly ella's family are asking if she really had a serial killer for a boyfriend and can imagine the way a person dies perfectly from just seeing the scene and and and
dan is also very dead. at least legally dead. will dan's parents be contacted before the publishing of the book to ask for permission? probably not.
- (it would be funny to think if this is the downfall of the book. dan's parents suing this random stranger who claims to be their dead son's therapist for writing him in a book that hugely slanders and makes fun of him)
this will also affect their professional lives. all of sudden everyone they ever meet will have readily accessible detailed accounts of their lives for the past 5 years, their traumas, their ambitions everything about them at the fingertips of coworkers, employers, bosses, whatever.
even just a snippet of the book (it will most likely gain popularity with lucifer's reputation + the fact more that 50% of the cast for it will be cops) would be very insightful towards the point of view and personal information of everyone involved.
its a breach of privacy, a betrayal of trust and a destroyer to any lives the main cast could possibly lead after the publication. the storyline and concept sucks.
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scripted-downfall · 2 years
I have mixed feelings about Deckerstar in general, but I hate, hate, hate the way it’s basically Chloe trying to “fix” Lucifer.  Especially during the bit just after she tried to kill him, where she’s talking about how he needs to “change” — that’s a word taken from her dialogue in s04e03 “O, Ye of Little Faith, Father” — and trying to get him to drink less, be nicer to suspects, volunteer at a soup kitchen, etc.  Am I saying Lucifer’s perfect?  No; I’m a firm believer that pretty much no one is.  But when her entire goal — especially, but not exclusively, at this point — is to “fix” him,” this isn’t a healthy relationship.
I’ve commented in an earlier post that this iteration of Lucifer is so far away from some great force of evil that needs to be redeemed before he can be decent.  Yes, he’s got flaws: arrogance, impulsiveness, etc.  Yes, he’s got vices: alcohol, adrenaline, sex, etc.  But is he evil?  No, absolutely not.  In no sense of the word.  Hell, the man views Proper Devilish Revenge for getting shot to be using a bunch of his own money pranking Dan.  (And, honestly, these flaws aren’t something that set him especially apart from humanity, and I’d wager that most people who might stumble across this post probably know people who have similar eccentricities.)  Even objectively speaking, Lucifer doesn’t need some big, concentrated effort to be “fixed.”
But even beyond that, it’s even worse from a relationship point of view.  Relationships should be about give-and-take, about compromise.  It shouldn’t be about one person trying to change their partner without the other being willing/able to make any criticisms, and yet this is precisely Deckerstar’s dynamic: each few episodes has Chloe refusing to accept something about Lucifer, Lucifer tailspinning and overcorrecting, and, usually, him caving, giving her what she wanted, and the whole process repeating.  And, whenever he actually needs something from her, she rarely gives it, like with the Uriel situation.
This is very much the unhealthy version of “I can fix them” and it bothers me that it’s so prevalently a part of the story.
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missielynne · 2 years
All I wanted was for Lucifer to have like, ONE thing for himself and a little consideration from Chloe (and Rory). I understand him wanting to be better than Dad for his daughter. I understand him wanting to be a better man for Chloe (even if I do think that his becoming a better man involved him doing all the giving and her doing none til the end). I just...I hate that after a while, everything he wanted was purely for someone else or to look good for someone else, and if he spoke up and said he wanted something that would do him some good but would...inconvenience someone else at the most...he was ignored.
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ainsanepencil · 2 years
Chloe Decker can’t be queen of hell cause she’s a mortal . Deckerstar fans ignore this
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grimsiren · 2 years
deckerstar for me was just plain boring and when Netflix added it in i just stopped watching the show
anyway in my opinion chloe was a shitty character and really toxic towards Lucifer and a crap mom as well plus MOST of their fans are really toxic
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I honestly don't understand the people who are obsessed with Lucifer(the show, not the character) and Deckerstar and mainly watch it for the "romance"
like, I honestly am not into it for the romance really(though I admittedly used to be); I'm more interested in the murder mysteries and supernatural shenanigans and actual plot
if I'm watching something about the literal devil and literal angels and demons, then I expect the literal devil and literal angels and demons to be the main focus, not a forced and toxic romance between the Devil and a white bread-ass cop lady with no personality
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