#antonio cupo
watchinghallmark · 7 months
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Guiding Emily premieres tonight and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries and Hallmark still hasn't released the poster, it's not on IMDb.com, so I'm just gonna post the email newsletter version of it because Hallmark doesn't know how to promote their movies. I'm sure it's up on their press site for no press to publish. Anyhow, whenever I find a better version of this poster I will post it. In the meantime here's also a version with no Hallmark logo or airdate.
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tropesofhallmark · 7 months
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Guiding Emily
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hallmarktheheartoftv · 7 months
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Guiding Emily
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fryesmoviereview · 1 year
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American Mary - 2012
Katharine Isabelle, Antonio Cupo, Tristan Risk, David Lovgren, Paula Lindberg, Clay St. Thomas, John Emmet Tracey, Twan Holliday, Sylvia Soska, Jen Soska
Review: American Mary is a horror movie that explores the underground world of body modifications. I liked this movie because it explores a world that hasn't been explored a lot by horror movies. Although this movie is really weird, and probably won't appeal to everyone.
Mary is a struggling student studying to be a surgeon. She is trying to find an extra source of income, so she goes to the local strip club to try to get a job. While she is "auditioning", the owner finds out one of his men had been injured. He asks Mary to perform surgery on him to save his life, which she does. This opens the door to a bunch of underground surgeries that Mary takes on.
Some of the body modifications that people want in this movie are extreme. As an example, a set of twins comes into her "office" and asks for her to cut off and switch their left arms so that they feel "closer" to each other. This is probably the least extreme of the surgeries performed, but you watch her as she performs the surgery.
Most of the gore in the movie is surgical, but it doesn't make it any easier to watch. Part of the horror of this movie is that this is a real practice. Body modifications are a thing that actually take place, and when people can't find an accredited doctor to perform the surgeries they go underground. It's hard to think about.
The acting is okay, nothing outstanding by any means. The characters are odd, and the movie is incredibly unpredictable. It keeps your attention, and has an interesting story. The worst part of the movie is the end, it just completely comes out of nowhere. The end was so obscure that the filmmakers felt the need to put a flashback in the middle of the main character dying to explain who it was that killed her because of how small of a role they played during the movie.
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scrchdrew · 2 months
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movienized-com · 2 months
Guiding Emily (2023)
Guiding Emily (2023) #AndyMikita #SarahDrew #EricMcCormack #AntonioCupo #SharonTaylor #ChristineWilles Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (September) Genre: Drama Regie: Andy Mikita Hauptrollen: Sarah Drew, Eric McCormack, Antonio Cupo, Sharon Taylor, Christine Willes, Matty Finochio, Peter Benson, Toby Levins, Julia Bonnett, Amy Amantea, Celina Martin, Lillian Doucet-Roche … Filmbeschreibung: Die Geschichte folgt Emilyna, während sie darum kämpft, sich an ihre neue Realität zu gewöhnen, nachdem sie ihr Sehvermögen…
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Gallery: UBCP/ACTRA Awards @ Vancouver Playhouse Date: November 19th, 2022 Photographed by: Moe Yang
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hallmarkfanatic · 1 year
Christmas at the Golden Dragon
Lots to unpack with this one. So first off, I loved how the movie was about on the Chen’s family’s Chinese restaurant. It’s something we haven’t seen before and it was awesome to appreciate that centerpiece of the story. Another thing I really loved was how everyone in the movie was connected in some way. It made for a more authentic town/community feel. I didn’t mind the interwinding of stories. The only downside to having all of them is not getting enough time with each of them. It made it hard to fully love the couples/possible romance and the possible friendships we either didn’t see or say little of. But even with everything going on, it all still oddly flowed really well together. Actor wise, I thought everyone worked great together. It was cool seeing mostly unknowns and the diversity through out was awesome. I have to give a bit of a shout out to Antonio Cupo because I was happy to see him back in front of the camera for Hallmark. But I also loved seeing him play a dad so that was cute all on it’s own. But overall, this was a really nice movie.
Rating: 2 - While I didn’t love it like I thought I would going it, I still enjoyed it and it’s easily one I could re-watch again. 
What did you think of this movie? What did you like/dislike about it? Feel free to let me know by replying to this post or sending me a message through the inbox!
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marvelousgeeks · 1 year
Christmas at the Golden Dragon is Hallmark’s version of Love Actually, and whether or not you’ll enjoy the film depends entirely on how you feel about multiple storylines happening all at once. And this writer generally isn’t a fan, but for the most part, there’s a lot to respect and appreciate in this film.
Starring Kara Wang, Osric Chau, Barbara Niven, Sara Canning, Antonio Cupo, Zak Santiago, Genevieve Buechner, Markian Tarasiuk, Bobby Stewart, Jason Fernandes, Sharon Crandall, Vincent Cheng, and more, the film primarily follows Romy Chen (Wang) through two Christmases while entwining everyone to her family’s Chinese restaurant, The Golden Dragon. Hallmark diversifying its films will always be a win, which is why this is worth watching. The cultural influence and Romy’s knacks as a character made the entire story work, even if we only got to spend a little bit of time with the romances.
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I libri della renna
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Il regalo di Natale delle biblioteche di Milano consiste, naturalmente, nei nostri consigli di lettura, scelti per offrire al pubblico un’occasione per distrarsi in totale relax.
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È ambientata proprio in tempo di feste l’ultima fatica di Valerio Varesi, L’affittacamere, ma è un Natale un po’ cupo per il commissario Soneri, costretto a scavare anche nel proprio doloroso passato per venire a capo dell’omicidio di un’anziana affittacamere dalla vita piuttosto torbida: “La nostalgia è la sublimazione della paura che ci fa il tempo che passa”. Forse Varesi è riuscito a darci, una volta per tutte, la spiegazione della passione per i libri gialli: “La vita, dopotutto, non assomiglia tragicamente a un omicidio? Non si concludeva sempre con un morto? Non ci ammazzava il tempo logorandoci ogni giorno con un piccolo affronto fino al cedimento? E il tempo non ha bisogno di un alibi come non ce l’ha il boia: compie semplicemente il suo mestiere”. Scritto molto bene, sembra di passeggiare insieme al protagonista per le vie nebbiose di Parma, durante le festività natalizie.
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Antonio Manzini, nel titolo del suo ultimo libro della serie del vice questore Rocco Schiavone, Riusciranno i nostri eroi a ritrovare l’amico misteriosamente scomparso in Sud America?, fa il verso al noto film di Ettore Scola con Nino Manfredi e Alberto Sordi, ma l’amico, in questo caso, è misteriosamente scomparso in Sud America e non in Africa. Spassoso e divertente anche durante la trasferta, il coriaceo Rocco sembra ricordare la risposta che Aldo Fabrizi diede ai giornalisti che lo rimproveravano di parlare solo in romanesco: “Sono sicuro che se anche fossi nato altrove parlerei romanesco lo stesso”: è così anche per i nostri eroi, che si trovino a Roma, ad Aosta, a Buenos Aires o in Messico. Buon divertimento!
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Anche in La ricreazione è finita, recentissimo romanzo di Dario Ferrari, si respira aria di Natale, ma in questo caso il riferimento cinematografico non è a Scola bensì al Fellini dei Vitelloni, perché il protagonista gigioneggia in quel di Viareggio senza decidersi a dare una svolta, matrimoniale e professionale, alla sua tardo-fanciullesca esperienza personale. Egli riesce però, del tutto inaspettatamente, a vincere un dottorato di ricerca in università e viene incaricato di occuparsi degli scritti del compatriota Tito Sella, morto in carcere dove era stato rinchiuso per il reato di terrorismo. Diversi generi letterari e temi, il romanzo di formazione, il mondo accademico, le suggestioni cinematografiche, storiche e metaletterarie, si intrecciano in questo romanzo davvero accattivante.
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Feste decisamente spensierate per chi sceglierà Le imprudenze di Archie di Wodehouse, recentemente ripubblicato da Mursia. Inossidabile humour inglese di ottima lega, del suo stile l’autore diceva: “consiste nel costruire una specie di commedia musicale senza musica, ignorando del tutto la vita reale”. E proprio così, in assoluta leggerezza, vive Archie, il protagonista di questo romanzo che vi lascerà con il sorriso stampato durante tutta la lettura. “Mentre considerava la sua situazione alla fine del primo mese di vita matrimoniale, ad Archie pareva che andasse tutto per il meglio nel migliore di tutti i mondi possibili. … C’erano dei momenti in cui gli sembrava che New York fosse solo stata in attesa del suo arrivo prima di dare ufficialmente inizio ai bagordi”.
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Le festività natalizie sono l’occasione giusta anche per affrontare un bel romanzo storico, di quelli “cappa e spada”, soprattutto per chi ha amato I promessi sposi. Il conte Attilio di Claudio Paglieri è infatti il prequel del capolavoro manzoniano e ci offre un punto di vista diverso sulla personalità del famigerato cugino di Don Rodrigo, ma l’ambientazione è sempre la stessa: la nostra grande Milano e le meravigliose sponde del lago di Como.
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Ancora in tema con le feste vi proponiamo Un lungo capodanno in noir, in cui dieci autori contemporanei tra i più seguiti ci offrono la loro versione delle feste. Diversi sono anche gli scenari: Roma, Firenze e Milano “con i suoi quartieri e la sua gente; Milano che negli anni Venti ospitava Antonio Gramsci a San Vittore, uno che il Capodanno lo odiava proprio”. Poi un borgo del centro Italia, e infine Barcellona e la Svizzera: un ampio panorama per feste colorate di giallo!
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Chiudiamo questa breve rassegna con una garanzia assoluta, ovvero l’ultima raccolta di racconti gialli di Simenon pubblicata da Adelphi: I misteri del Grand-Saint-Georges, anch’essa, in qualche modo, in tema con il Natale perché ambientata nei paesaggi innevati della Lituania. Una tremenda vendetta è l'argomento della prima storia, un “racconto di Natale per grandi” è il sottotitolo della seconda, mentre l’ultima, Il piccolo sarto e il cappellaio, sarà poi sviluppata nel romanzo I fantasmi del cappellaio: basta un semplice pezzettino di carta per suscitare i più atroci sospetti e scatenare la tensione.
Di nuovo auguri di buone feste a tutti i nostri fedelissimi lettori!
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watchinghallmark · 7 months
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tropesofhallmark · 7 months
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Guiding Emily
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potionboy3 · 2 years
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Character profile
► basics;
Full Name:  Dawn Tristan Harvelle
Birthday: 4th of June 1997
Pronouns: he/him
Sexual Orientation: bi
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Blood Status: Muggleborn
Nationality: English
Personality type: ENFP ► personality Dawn is social and very honest. He’s the: says what he’s thinking out loud -kind of person. He has a great passion for the things he’s interested in, and easily gets lost in the moment. Dawn’s very superstitious and has a big belief in things beyond than just what the wizarding world is offering. He has a short temper and a tendency to get in trouble for stating his opinions. Dawn is most often found with people but in a way, he doesn’t like attention unless he’s the one asking for it.
► magical info;
Wand: Apple wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ¼ and rigid flexibility
Applewood wands were not made in great numbers. They were powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, as this wood mixed poorly with Dark Arts. It was said that the possessor of an apple wand would be well-loved and long-lived, an assertion supported by the fact that Garrick Ollivander often met customers of great personal charm to find their perfect match in an applewood wand. Patronus: Tiger
Male tigers are some of the most powerful cats in the feline family. Tigers are known to be highly protective and territorial, traveling great distances, including walking and swimming, to protect their homes. Dementors will not know what hit them from the back!
Patronus Memory: Singing with his mum in one of the weddings, he was a bit lightheaded but felt superior with getting over his stage fear and hasn’t been afraid of crowds ever since.
Boggart: Something reaching for him in the dark. Maybe it’s his anxiety?
 ► physical;
Faceclaim: Nathan Bouts
Eye Color: Dark brown Hair Color: Black
Height: average
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► fashion;
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► background;
Place of Birth: London
Home: Bristol, England
► story;
Dawn is a muggleborn wizard who grew up in Bristol. He was born to a lawyer Evan Harvelle, and to Lola Brandon, a musician with a great belief in things beyond what we see. As soon as Dawn was born, Lola knew there was something special about him. There was magic in the family history, but his mother had no idea what exactly it meant. She was delighted to find the wizarding world. His dad was more suspicious and the idea of his son being a wizard, isn’t something he’s comfortable with. His parents were never married and dated very briefly. Dawn lives with his father, but sometimes travels with his mother to different events and parties, especially during the summer. He usually works as a waiter to help out but sometimes he sings with her. Dawn too, is interested in in the esoteric and shares his mother’s passions. In school he quickly became friends with new people and learned to play quidditch with the help of John Arthur, who was the team captain at the time. He made it into the team as the seeker, after John graduated. He befriended Rocky Weasley, Jimmy Crouch and Maxim Raeburn in school and they became their own little group. To be added… 
 ► relatives;
Father: Evan Harvelle  (fc: Antonio Cupo) Dawn lives with Evan in Bristol. He grew up with his mother and only moved in to live with Evan around the time he started attending school. Evan has been busy with his work for most of Dawns life and he’s never been a fan of his sons interests and often talked against Lola’s teachings and it displeased Dawn. Evan does love his son a lot and wants the best for him in life but their views just rarely click and he’s scared of the wizarding world existing as it was never something he would have liked to find out about. He doesn’t talk about that side of Dawn’s life with him that much and tells their family and friends that Dawn just goes to a normal boarding school.
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Mother: Lola Brandon
Lola was only 18, when she had Dawn. She has been in a band ever since she was a teenager. Her band performs usually in party events such as weddings and birthdays and they move from town to town in search of work. She does tarot reading on the side and has her own herb tea business that’s starting to get more popular because of the growth of social media. Lola was originally travelling with baby Dawn with her but when he started school, he moved to live with his father instead. Lola and Dawn are very close, and he often goes to near town events with her and has been working with the catering from time to time ever since he turned 14. He admires Lola greatly.
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 ► relationships;
Love interest: 
Pandora Lovelace (fc: emily alyn lind, @gcldensnitch ) Pandora and Dawn are close friends who yet somehow end up often making out together. They tend to get jealous of each other and at some point they decided that it would be great idea to try dating. They were quite quick to realize that they’re better off friends and still remain close.
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Quentin “Quincey” Alderly (fc: nicholas galitzine, @gaygryffindorgal )
Dawn and Quincey didn’t really know each other until year 6 in Hogwarts. Dawn being muggleborn had his own views of monarchy and he always called Quincey “the duke of Hufflepuff” to his friends and found the very thought of him annoying thinking that he is some “privileged pompous tosser”. Yet when they got to know each other better and he started to feel for the other boy and realized that he might have been wrong with judging him without knowing him.  
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Bestfriend: Olympia Alderly Dawn and Olympia meet after he starts his relationship with Quincey. The two become instant friends.
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Friends:  John Arthur (fc: darren barnet, mine) John and Dawn are both in the Gryffindor house and he was a token house name at the point when Dawn got in Hogwarts. They started to bond over quidditch, and John became a sort of mentor for him.
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Roger Jr. “Rocky” Weasley ( fc: alex fitzalan, @magicallymalted )
Rocky and Dawn are dormmates and are both on the quidditch team. Dawn often hangs out with Jimmy and Rocky.
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Barbara Katz (fc: ava capri, @gaygryffindorgal ) Barbara and Dawn are both very interested in the esoteric and get along well.
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Rosa Yaxley (fc: paulina chavez, mine) Rosa and Dawn bond over their love for nature. The two often team up to examine herbs together to see which have the coolest effects on person and would suit for parties.
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Jimmy Crouch (fc: federico cesari, mine)
Jimmy doesn’t much like Dawn, being close with Rocky. He finds the other boy annoying  but eventually warms up to him and even when he claims to not get along with him, he actually does consider the other as his friend.
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Maxim Raeburn (fc: ajay friese, mine) Maxim is one of Dawn’s closests friends. 
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Pandora Lovelace (fc:still emily alyn lind, still @gcldensnitch )
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Jupiter Durand (fc: benedetta porcaroli, @cursed-herbalist ) Jupiter is Jimmy’s girlfriend who Dawn befriended by him. They both share a love for music, and sometimes write songs together and jam.
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Allegiances: Gryffindor house, Gryffindor quidditch team, after his fourth year he plays as the team seeker
Enemies: open
► misc;
Hobbies & Extracurriculars: Quidditch, Tarot reading, loves muggle music, art, singing, playing guitar
Favourite Subject: Divination, herbology Least favourite subject: He’s not good at defence against the dark arts and struggles with charms
Professions: none as for now
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Flashback Friday — to the AMERICAN MARY Toronto After Dark Premiere where we, Antonio Cupo aka Billy, and Toronto Batman greeted our fans who were lined up outside in the rain. One of our happiest memories 🌧️ #FBF #AmericanMary #TorontoAfterDark #twinning https://www.instagram.com/p/CofZdmEPau3BOUoKrGlcUhkRQTrx-GLmJ6g7qE0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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