#anyway I'm off to the doc hehehe
jaynovz · 6 months
copying my reply verbatim to do the thing Properly:
hello public use silver 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
I decided to answer the first one and just tag the others who asked heheh 😂 @hms-tardimpala @etoilesombre
So a very long time ago, in 2021, I was sort of batting ideas around with various folks about ship's whore of the Walrus John Silver instead of ship's cook. As in, to make up for stealing the page he would be thrown into the fuck tent because he can't cook anyway and he can't sail so what good is he ahem, except for certain things? And historically sailors were all very gay about getting needs met while at sea ESPECIALLY using pretty little boys like John Silver bc uh. Look at him?
Around that same time then I read a hazing fic by @asterofthevoid which was particularly inspiring and I wrote a lot of notes down in my concept doc but then went on to other projects for a while.
And so anyway I was starting to think about it again recently and about how no one even made any crass remarks about fucking him and that's not very historically accurate, is it? Like even if they didn't actually go through with it, sailors are pretty vulgar and need to blow off steam by making ribald jokes which is a thing they do all the time in other representations of this period and they would ABSOLUTELY make mention of how pretty Silver was it's frankly NOTICEABLY ODD how Black Sails avoids it.
Anyway all that to say I started drafting a Silver messes up with the pig during careening ep somewhat alt canon where they don't immediately go after the Andromache and the crew are Done with his shit and want a piece of his ass to soothe their tempers. And so instead of having it forced he sets it up all snakey scheming but still very dub con.
All of this is of course a setup to make Flint very possessive and have weird feelings about it and then a funneled into a borderline fetish hurt/comfort with its own FASCINATING powerplay/power imbalance sort of scenario after the actual public use Silver part comes in with the entire Walrus crew.
Some prelim dialogue notes for your viewing pleasure --
(Silver gathering the crew in the galley, addressing them very 2.2 style, dramatic, flourish-y, sultry, showman) "I humbly apologize for joining under false pretenses. And I wish to make it up to you. All of you. By offering myself as a gift as apology for leaving you unsatisfied in your suppers. But I will improve and in the meantime I guarantee full satisfaction for every man in this ahem, particular endeavor." -- (Flint reaction during the act, hissing at Gates) "You have to stop this, it cannot be allowed to continue." (Gates eyeing Silver and the crew publicly fucking him, all cheering etc, with calculating expression, then makes a face, shrug) "Nah, the lad is right, Captain. It would have happened one way or another. Pretty little thing like that on this ship? He's a good lad, good that he knows it. Look at him, it's like he was made to take it." "If I were a few years younger I'd give him a go myself." (ironic chuckle, completely unfazed by this) "It'll keep the crew happy, even more so that he's doing it willingly. Unless you're keeping him all to yourself, might as well let it play out." (Flint turns to Billy with wordless rage/frustration but he agrees) (Billy distasteful expression but resigned) "Hate to admit it Captain, but they've been restless since the disastrous careening. It'll stay another mutiny attempt."
Anyway!! this will probably get written in a fugue state one weekend (because I'm finding it very hard to write things during the week when I'm working.) But I have basically the whole thing outlined so it'll just burst out of me like a flood of... Well. 👀
Thanks all three of you for asking!!
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pizza-feverdream · 7 months
Heheh buckle up cause I'm sick and have nothing better to do with myself than to rant abt my ocs online (unrelated but I can't even hardly swallow water and it sucks :)
The context is these people live in an apartment/house with rooms for rent (still working things out) and strange things happen (yes i know that's INCREDIBLY vague but I don't want to give too much away yet)
Alr my first, chronologically, is Gill Moody
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(First two are picrews, the rest is my art)
I'm not gonna delve into the plot just yet, cause I want to actually write/draw this story (it was originally gonna be a webcomic but I started writing it instead and I think I like it better that way)
Anyway, Gill is 23, he's got a little sister Shirley (I don't seem to have any pictures of her on my phone so this can be a joint description; shes just a small girl version of him with pigtails). Shirley is 8, and Gill took her with him when he moved out at 18 cause their parents were not safe to live with. They've moved from place to place, obviously kinda struggling, and they finally found this place (working title: arthur's place/house) with cheap rent, SUSPICIOUSLY cheap rent, but at this point it's what Gill can afford, so that's where they're moving. EXCEPT, the day that Gill goes the sign the lease, while Shirley is at school, after he signs it, he ~mysteriously dissappears~~~~
Next is Jessie.
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(Ran out of photos for this post but you get thr gist)(first three are picrews)(I swear I can draw myself but apparently i don't have anything good saved ig)
(I'll copy paste what I have in my reference doc:) She was a rebellious teenager when living with her parents as an only child, and got into some trouble stealing things, etc. Her parents were rich but they cut her off financially when she grew up and moved out. She tried to make a living but she didn’t go to college and had a hard time finding a decent job with marks on her record. She managed to find a retail job that would pay for Arthur’s apartment, especially when Hattie moved in. (End paste) She doesn't get along GREAT with the rest, and she definitely has a secret. She particularly dislikes Iggy and Shirley, but tolerates Hattie, and REALLY likes Wheeler ;) ;)
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dudeitiskarev · 10 months
So I just want to talk about my wips, which believe it or not, are only 2 yayyy
The first one is a Spencer fic *gasps*. It's titled Maybe Someday and it may be my first and only Spence fic I’ll ever write. It’s been in a google doc for over a year and a few days ago I opened the doc and fell in love with the story all over again and I really believe I’m gonna finish it soon 🥰
Here’s a little snippet:
"Are you sure about this Reid?” Derek asked, turning on the SUV blinkers. 
“I really wish you’d stop asking me that.” Spencer unbuckled his belt, ready to step out of the car. 
Derek sounded like a broken record by now. 
“Look, kid, I’m just trynna’ help.” He softened his voice. “Case is over. You can let it go now.”
The Riley Jenkins case was, in fact, over. Although letting it go is the last thing Spencer could do when last-minute Garcia filled him in about a person who wasn’t involved in the case but was connected to it to some extent: You. 
“We don’t even know if she’s gonna be here,” Morgan continued. “And for all we know, she could be dead by now.”
“Yeah, and being here might be the only way I could find out.” 
“May I ask why the sudden interest?" Derek was a bit concerned about his friend. He’d never seen him like this. Although it made sense.
"I don't know." Spencer lowered his tone.
All he knew was that there were foggy memories about a young girl he needed to make clearer. 
“Alright.” Derek raised his perfect profiled brows in defeat. “I'll stay here. Call me if you need anything." 
"I will.” He stepped out of the car, looked both ways, and crossed the street—determined to find you. 
I'm not sure when it'll be ready but it's all outlined and I've been working on it every day, mostly editing/rewriting what I already have but still 🥰
The other one is a Hotch x reader of course, and it's the Penelope-centered fic I've mentioned here once or twice. It's titled Accidentally in Love (for now) and here's a little snippet:
Penelope was born with a gift. She could see people’s hearts—like actually; bright red beating flesh inside people’s chest cavities. 
Most had a glow of their own that came with a special colored aura. She often felt them as her own, too, and though that might just be the deep empathy her mom also had, she embraced others’ heartbreaks like a treasure from day one. 
Her gift came with what could be considered a lethal weapon: an arc and endless arrows. It wasn’t supposed to be dangerous since she was the only one who could manipulate it and see it overall—and because the arrows were made out of clouds—but she’d never been very skilled at using it, so accidental love matches happened often. Although most happened when she was younger—when she’d just discovered her gift and would randomly use it at the supermarket or the movie rental with two random people. It was like introducing a Ken doll to a Barbie for the first time so it really was just a game. 
She started to take it seriously at the age of thirteen when one of her dearest friends was going through her first heartbreak ever. It hurt to see her friend’s heart break. Her aim wasn’t very good yet—it still isn’t, but it has improved—so accidental matches kept happening, just not as often. 
When her parents died, her gift froze along with her heart. It took her a while to let it warm up again, even when it was all she wanted; the only thing that’d truly make her feel something other than grief.
Yes, Penelope is a real-life cupid hehehe.
Anyways. I'm not sure which one I'll be able to finish first since they're like equally developed (?) and around the same word count (5k each, but I'm cutting off filter words and some unnecessary stuff so I hope they don't end up being that long 🤞)
Talking about wips make writers more motivated to write them so if anyone is interested in more 👀 my ask box is open ♥️
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twohundredpower · 8 months
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@herbalremedied said:  ↪                            “Come in here before you catch a cold.”
"Hang on, doc-- I'm almost done, I swear!"
Of course it had to start raining just as Lloyd started on some handiwork at the pharmacy-- he'd noticed on his last couple of visits that the wooden sign hanging outside was coming off of its hinges, bound to fall and hit someone on the head at any given moment. It was why he showed up with a ladder and his toolbox that day, eager to get it fixed so that Baizhu wouldn't have to tend to it himself (not that Kratos would've let that happen, anyway). Though he had some shelter from the awning, it didn't seem to be quite enough to completely shield Lloyd-- tresses of brown hair beginning to fall into his eyes as droplets of water made them heavy, wetting his skin and reddening his cheeks.
"Alright, just one more screw, and..!" testing it out, Lloyd tugged on the side and moved it around a bit, grinning as he became satisfied with how it now sat. "Good as new! That should keep it steady for a long time!"
.. though, now he had to deal with a certain doctor leering at him from the doorway; gently tapping his foot on the ground with a particular look in his eye as he waited for Lloyd to finally listen to his command.
Lloyd had come to learn that sort of thing always came from a place of concern, though; quickly clambering down his ladder as to not make the man worry any further. It definitely was part of Baizhu's job to fret over people in that way, but there was something almost.. nostalgic about the way he gently chided the brunette; scolding him for not listening, despite already having a towel in his hand and a pot of tea brewing for when he was finished. It was enough to make him smile, for the colour on his cheeks to grow a little deeper as he scrubbed the towel across his head; laughing gently into the soft fabric.
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"Sorry, sorry! I just really wanted to get that done, heheh. I'm sure I'll be fine-- I'll stay in for the rest of the day, I promise."
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Clari I hope you're having a wonderful day!!! This is kinda a rambly message, so please don't feel like you need to respond to it if you don't want to!!
The medication I take gives me really vivid dreams and I had a dream about Dabi/Touya last night!  I think outwardly he went by Dabi, then Touya was for private use?
So me and him were dating, I don't remember us having any familial relation, but he definitely had the attributes of how you write Touya-Nii!
So in the dream, I can't remember what led up to it, but Dabi was hospitalised and I was there with him.
The doctor came in and told Dabi that he's going to have to take some time out to recover and lay off the drug use, he suggested activities or lifestyle changes, yknow that kinda stuff.
Dabi comes out saying he wants a change of scenery and wants to move to America (I'm from the UK) and live in the middle of nowhere on like a ranch or something to recover and maybe kick the drug habit (I think he just said that to keep me and the doc happy tbh).
Firstly living in the middle of nowhere is not an idea I vibe with, I'm quite happy having buildings and people around me.
Secondly, I was like, what about my family? What about your family? (I'm going to assume that his family was living wherever I was, and I don't think I could live without seeing Natsuo 😩)
So I remember not outright saying no but being like "Oh really? That's a new one, let's take some time to think about it before we make any decisions" Like I would never say no to Touya, but he definitely knew that I wasn't vibing with those ideas. I remember shaking my head at the doctor as like a "please don't encourage this" or just plain "help me" 😂
However, the doctor ignored me and said it's all a great idea and we should do it as soon as possible and all that business, so we did it.
So for whatever reason, when moving to America, we brought our cars with us (even though we drive on the other side of the road)
While still in the process of moving into the house, in quite literally the middle of nowhere, Touya demands that once we're all moved in, that he keeps a hold of my car keys.
In the dream, for whatever reason at the start of our relationship and living together, Touya always had my car keys, I guess so if I wanted to go somewhere I had to ask him? But after a while together, he would let me have them, or there'd be like the designated hook or whatever where they would go, so basically I guess I had the freedom to come and go as I wished?
So I was really confused because why did he want my keys? Where was I going to go in the middle of nowhere in a new country?
He never explained why he wanted them, but while we were still moving, I started sleeping with my car keys under my pillow. I don't know what it was meant to achieve, but it made me feel better 😂
I never finished the dream because I woke up, but like I said, his whole demeanor in my dream definitely reminded me of your Touya -Nii! Like I don't know if Touya-Nii would ever go to such extreme lengths of trying to isolate the reader, but the possessive behaviour definitely matched. Also, it might just be me, but he doesn't seem the type to seek medical attention when he needs it, nor try and kick his bad habit, so I don't know, I just thought it was a funny dream 😂
ANON BABIE i finally got a chance to sit down and read this thoroughly hehehe gosh i love vivid dream/dreams in general so much tbh i find them so intruiging!!!
okay first of all thank you for sharing this with me hehehe it’s magnificent omfg
the living on a ranch idea had me fucking SNORTING ahahahaha oh my god i love that so much
please don’t encourage this LMFAOOOOOOO AHAHA AWWWW also the i would never say no to touya is such a fuckin MOOD ugh this man i swear to god but anyway @ the doctor what a fuckin jackass LMAO but wait wait i love how you did it because the doctor said so/agreed!!! this is so funny anon i have endless giggles rn hehehe
OH SO HE’S LOWKEY A YANDERE HUH he totally took ur keys n wouldn’t give ‘em back until you earned his trust
tbh anon i could DEFINITELY see touya doing this if he thought it was best/necessary. like one million percent, it is SUCH touya-nii behaviour hahahah aaah this gave me such a good laugh anon bb thank you so much for sharing!!! <33333 sorry it took me a lil bit to get to!! i wanted to sit down to read through it fully and give it the attention it deserved!!!
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