#aph greenland oc
circlique · 11 months
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Hey hetalia tag, it's been a while! I kept saying I would do it so I finally did: I opened a redbubble shop! So if you want, you can go on there and see what hetalia stuff I have to offer. It's mostly stickers and buttons but a few are available as prints too. I tried to include some characters who don't get a lot of merch (like the ever-elusive Greenland and Mongolia!) to give people with rare faves a chance to finally have something of them.
Please let me know if there's existing art of mine you'd like to see turned into stickers and buttons or whatever! I appreciate your support.
>>> Redbubble Shop <<<
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simple-persica · 1 year
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Hey look, she's not alone anymore! Now we have an official design for Vinland and Greenland! These are "snapshots" of them, if you will, from around 1000-1100 AD, which is why Greenland is dressed like that.
Edit: I forgot to mention! These are rough sketches, I’m going to go back and refined them/clean them up. Also there’ll be a third addition to the party in the final post👀
Some info about them under the cut
She's around 10 years old, very tall for her age (roughly 144 cm)
She wears a large cloak to cover her whole body, she's just more comfortable that way
There are design reasons for it: The large cloak and crazy hair are supposed to help sell the idea that we can never really see the full picture of "Vinland" as a settlement. Underneath the cloak is a very ornate outfit, even by the standards of the time, that shows the rich history the settlement most likely had but we will never see
Her brooch has two bits of jasper on it, as jasper was found in the walls of the church found in the area where Vinland was most likely located
She has braids EVERYWHERE in her hair. But it's so thick, that you'd only see a couple at a time
Personality-wise, she's very shy and always has this worried look about her
Whenever she's missing her family, the Scandinavian trio, and also Iceland ig, there is always a convenient gust of wind to add to her wistful look. Greenland is confused and kinda jealous about this
He's around 14 here, clocking in at about 157 cm in height
The hair curl represents the fjords all over the east coast and is also a reference to the migration of people from Canada
His parka has strips of wool adhered to it that have been dyed blue. This represents how the island of Greenland was shared with the Norsemen by the native Inuit people. It's also a call to how Vikings would adopt aspects of local cultures into their own culture
Greenland is a very intense guy and takes everything you say seriously. Almost to a fault
One time, he parted his hair down the middle because he noticed how common it was amongst the men. When an older woman noticed and complimented him on it, basically calling him a "Handsom little guy." he never changed his hairstyle
He wants to grow his hair out longer and is kinda jealous that Vinland has such long and flowy hair (He gets there once he's older, don't worry)
It's hard to see due to his thick clothing, but he was actually very thin here. At the time, Scandinavian settlers were having difficulty with their crops and the land was slowly becoming harder and harder to cultivate due to their interference
Both of them
The two of them get along fine, but they never had much time to hang out before Vinland disappeared
Greenland would occasionally go over to her place to visit and spend some time on the mainland (in this case, North America)
There's not much to say. They didn't have enough time
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Nothing is better then finding a name for my Greenland oc that is
A. a greenlandic name B. can be shortened to a nickname that is a norse name by itself
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pixeltalia · 4 years
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look i know i kinda said i was gonna post ship event stuff and dw i have one Ready To Go but in my defence i was learning how to draw properly
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ohnohetaliasues · 6 years
Greenland OC
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Let me start on his appearance. No one in Greenland is this pale, No one in Greenland has white hair and red eyes. People in Greenland look something like this.
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Dark hair and dark eyes.
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Greenland Name: Jespar klaus (Jespar-Danish variant form of Jasper) (Klaus-Short form of Claudius)
Problem. He's not Denmark, he's Greenland, and he needs a Greenlandic name. Moreover, Klaus isn't a name that fits into the language spoken there.
Human age: 20-21`
That's... fine, I guess.
Birthday: 14 October
On the 14th of October in Greenland, absolutely nothing happened.
Height: 5"3 (160 centimeters)
Weight: 100lb (45.36kg)
That's healthy. Good.
Personality: can be quite serious,has a good sense of humor,is fun to be around(sometimes),stuck up at times,is never rude to people(unless he has to be),not out going,quiet,plain.
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Okay, this is just bland. The only thing there that resembles a flaw is 'plain' and that isn't even an actual flaw.
Likes: snow,being alone,being quiet and non-social,keeping things neat and in line,peace,animals,magic
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Dislikes: loud/rude people,messy things,sun,fights or anything to do with fights,war
Why does he hate the sun??????
——————————————————————————————————- Relations: Denmark: Half-brother Norway: Half-Brother Iceland: Half-Brother
Yes, but
Please, this entire OC hasn't had a word of History, and that is what Hetalia primarily is. RESEARCH IS IMPORTANT.
Pet(s): Greenland Dog (Grønlandshunden) Name of dog: Kai (short form of the Frisian name Kaimbe = ‘warrior’) Gender: male
The dog itself is fine, but the name is not. The Frisian languages are a closely related group of Germanic languages spoken by about 500,000  people. They live on the southern fringes of the North Sea in the Netherlands and Germany. This has nothing to do with Greenland. Give the dog an Inuit name for God's sake.
Age: 293 (when greenland became part of denmark?) (plz correct me if im wrong)
Contact was first established from Norway in 1261 and then re-established in 1721. As of this year, first contact would have been established 756 years ago. 
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Capital: Nuuk National flower: Dwarf Fireweed Language: Greenlandic
And every Inuit language spoken there, as well as Danish.
Government: Constitutional monarchy, Parliamentary system Currency: Danish krone
This is correct.
Natural resources: coal, iron ore, lead, zinc, molybdenum, diamonds, gold, platinum, niobium, tantalite, uranium, fish, seals, whales, hydropower, possible oil and gas
...I don't see why this is necessary. 
Overall, this OC wasn't horrible. Whoever made it didn't put the amount of effort into it that would make it great. But there were some gaping holes where the history should of been. Please, this is why it is important to do your research.
I'm out.
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marraiwa · 4 years
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i always forget that greenland already has a design, so it’s nyo greenland... ye
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kazooodles · 3 years
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Day 5 of Huevember! I finished this one a few days ago, but I wanted to post day 4 first to keep things in order!
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The Nordic’/s Tattoos + Reasoning
Norway - Vegvisir on his back. It was his first tattoo that he had gotten during his time as a Viking. He knew his way around the land and on sea better than Sweden and Denmark.
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Sweden - Odins Ravens, Huginn and Muninn on his shoulders coming towards the center of his chest. They symbolize Thought and Memory respectively, which fits his stoic demeanor. These are recent as it took a lot of convincing to to.
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Denmark - Aegishjalmur (Top Pic) on his left shoulder. Denmark actually got this more recently, unlike Norway. He also has a Vulknut (Bottom Pic) on his right shoulder. This is something from his Viking days.
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Finland - Hannunvaakuna on....his butt. Yeah he was drunk and Denmark managed to tattoo this onto Finland’s ass. Let’s just say he’s grown to like it.
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Iceland - Iceland has the same neck tattoos as Atreus from God Of War (2018). Norway had given it when he was really young. It translates to Calm Mind, which is ironic considering he has quite the temper (although it’s not a ‘sickness’ like it is for Atreus)
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Greenland (My OC) - She’s not allowed any permanent tattoos. It’s one of the few rules Denmark has for her. She’s allowed the temporary tattoos but one day she’d like to have a small tattoo on her shoulder.
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will-the-spook · 4 years
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Day 9, sea
For today I drew amma as a selkie.
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askkalaallitnunaat · 4 years
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I know I’ve been dead for two years, but I come bearing a gift! :’D
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unknown-box-boi · 4 years
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Greenland! I finally finished him and let me say, the pattern was very tiring to draw. Mostly because I had NO idea on what I was doing.
Correct my spelling if it’s needed.
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Correct/critique anything you see fit!
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circlique · 4 years
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Some more Greenland for you all. Fullbody this time!
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simple-persica · 1 year
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And then they were rendered and had a Friend. The Faroe Islands is here and so is her sheep that will eat everything he thinks might be food.
I probably shoulda added the descriptions of Vinland and Greenland to this post, but...oops. Info on Faroe under the cut plus bonus sketches
Faroe Islands
She's very loud and speaks her every thought
Kinda has a potty mouth and Greenland has to call her out on it all the time
Her sheep, which has yet to be named, has been with her since she was born manifested? And she spoils him rotten
Actually spends a lot of time with Scotland and the other UK siblings
Despite her brash nature, she's actually a very calming person to be around
She. Is. Strong. She can lift and bench any sheep she comes across, even at such a young age
She spends a lot of time getting her hair right when she wakes up. Gotta make sure her little side curls are as far out to the side as possible
The second pic at the bottom is of an older Faroe Islands with a peak at her face
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putting together character sheets for Shetland, Orkney, and Caithness and all I've learned about them is that they look gentle enough but their personalties can be summed up in the song Drunken Sailor.
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pixeltalia · 3 years
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someone keeps nominating my horrendously underdeveloped ocs every time someone starts up a hetalia oc event/award thing so,,, u know,,, better actually make a reference sheet
also i cant believe i have to say this but considering someone actually had the nerve to ask once this no you cannot steal or copy my ocs what the fuck
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That was fun! Does this mean we have to call them the Nordic 13 now?
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