scumwolf · 4 months
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headyhawaii · 1 year
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☠️⚡️So much detail can be found in these magnificent UV reactive Toothed Skull Terp Pearls made in Japan by the one and only @aquariust! 🇯🇵😍 They look absolutely great in any collection… Find them at headyhawaii.com and send one flying home today! 📲📦 #aquariust #aquariustglass #madeinjapan #glasspearls #glasspearl #uvglass #uvart #glassart https://www.instagram.com/p/CnPvbYkvTKQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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metalindex-hu · 1 year
Utazás a Vízöntő korszakába (Villagers of Ioannina City az Instantban)
Utazás a Vízöntő korszakába (Villagers of Ioannina City az Instantban) - https://metalindex.hu/2022/11/21/utazas-a-vizonto-korszakaba-villagers-of-ioannina-city-az-instantban/ -
Az északnyugat-görögországi Joánina városa leginkább a feta sajtról, a baklaváról és az ezüstről ismert, valamint a híres ókori dodonai jóshely emlékeit is itt találhatjuk, a fémzene szerelmeseinek azonban az utóbbi időszakban sokkal inkább a 2007-ben alakult stoner/pszichedelikus/folk rock Villagers of Ioannina City nevezetű zenekar jelenti a várost, akik 2020-ban egy igen szép szakmai visszhangot kiváltó albumot adtak ki Age of Aquarius címmel. Így sok rajongó számára nem volt kérdés, hogy el kell csípni a turné valamelyik állomását. Persze a budapesti helyszín kapcsán ott lebegett a jegyek mellé kapott jóslat: „A koncertre eljönni nem kell félnetek jó lesz”.
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Aki nem ismerné a zenekart, azok számára sokat elárulhatnak a borítók. A VIC zenéjét hallgatva mi is a szerpentin mellett rozsdásodó lepukkant öreg Volvo jellegzetes balkáni látképétől emelkedhetünk a kozmikus csillagok és az asztronómia világa felé. Nem emlékszem pontosan, a karantén melyik szakaszában találtam rá a zenekarra, de miután meghallgattam csodálatos Age of Aquariust, és pláne a görög nyelvű Zvara/Karakolia EP dalait (ami azóta is fájó hiány a lemezgyűjteményemből), egyből megfogott a görög/balkáni folkzenét is magába fogadó, polifonikus, pszichedelikus zene mellett. Zenéjükben egyszerre található meg a klasszikus stoner rock keménysége és a Pink Floyd artisztikussága. Örömmel fedeztem fel, hogy nemcsak az Mojave-sivatag homokjával csiszolt gitárok tudnak hasítani, hanem bizony a Balkán-félsziget hegyvidékének porából is igen keményen riffek születhetnek. Végül annyira rákattantam erre, hogy rajtuk keresztül fedeztem fel a görög színteret, és az olyan zenekarokat például, mint a Nightstalker, Khirki, 1000mods vagy a Planet of Zeus zenekar, akinek hazai fellépéseiről pedig már mi is beszámoltunk. Szóval mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom az out of the box zenehallgatást.
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Az Instantba érve gyorsan szembesülhettem a koncertdömpingben némileg elvesző marketing ellenére szép számmal jelentek meg az emberek, és jó szorosan feltöltötték az oszlopsorokkal keretezett aulát, a merchpultnál pedig az első percektől fogva úgy álltak sorba az emberek, mintha árstoppos tojást osztogatnának. Sajnos hangzóanyag nem volt, ezért be kellett érni a ruhatár felfrissítésével. Majd pár perces pakolás után érkezhetett is az öt epiruszi srác, és elkezdődhetett az utazás a Vízöntő korszakába.
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A korszak, ami a nap sugaraival indul, ahogy stílszerűen az új albumot is kezdő Welcome című nyitószámban hallhatjuk, másodikként pedig az album címadója érkezett, megmaradva tehát az album felvezetésénél. A fokozatosan emelkedő, hömpölygő és egyre intenzívebbé váló dalok tökéletes választásnak bizonyultak, szépen át lehetett venni a – kevés elemből dolgozó mégis kiváló világítással is megtámogatott – hangulatot. A nyitány után az első Riza album dalai következtek (pl. Nova), és ez lett végül a ritmusa is az estnek. Az új albumot nagyjából három részletben mutatták be, köztük átvezetésként pedig korábbi dalok hangzottak el. Ebből látható is, hogy a biztonsági setlisttel készültek, így az igazi unikumnak számító görög nyelvű dalok kevésbé voltak reprezentálva, de azért a Ti Kako vagy a Perdikomata így is belefértek. A hosszú, hömpölygő dalokból álló koncert így is grandiózusra sikerült, közel két órára rúgott. Számomra az új albumról a Dance of the Night, a Father Sun és a Millenium Blues hatalmas kompozíciói voltak az abszolút csúcspontjai az első felvonásnak, amit egyébként a For the Innocent vezetett le.
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A főleg a hangzásra vonatkozó aggodalmaim az első számok elején azért visszaigazolódtak, és Konstantis Pistiolis fúvós hangszerei kísérőként igencsak elveszett a zene sűrűjében, ami nagy kár, mert a hatalmas riffek mellett mégiscsak az ő duda-klarinét-kaval triója adja a zene jellegzetességét. Szerencsére, amikor megkapta a vezérszólamot vagy dominálnia kellett, akkor pompásan szólt. Ezt leszámítva egyébként nem lehetett panasz a hangzásra, szépen megdörrentek a gitárok, a dobos Aris Giannopoulos játéka szintén élvezetes volt. Az énekes/gitáros frontember Alexis Karametis egyébként nem sokat beszélt a számok között, a zenésztársakhoz hasonlóan a hosszú dalokban elmerült, de alighanem kizökkentő is lett volna az atmoszférikus zene közben, testbeszéddel pedig végig tartották a kapcsolatot az első sorokban állókkal, amiben Akis Zois basszeros volt a legaktívabb.
Ráadásként pedig nagy örömömre itt is elhangoztak a kislemez dalai. Mind a Zvara, mind az elszállós részekkel kissé megbolondított és szövegileg lerövidített Karakolia remek példája annak, hogy a rock/metál zene a világ számos nyelvén meg tud szólalni. Tökéletes lezárása volt az estének. Napokig kísértek még utána ezek a felemelő, magasztos dallamok. Remélem, mihamarabb visszatérnek majd, akár más bandák társaságában.
WORLD’S ON FIRE TOUR Villagers of Ioannina City (GR) Budapest, Instant–Fogas Komplexum, 2022. november 17. Belépőjegy ára: 2900/3900/4900/5900 Ft
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legacyglass · 2 years
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Aquariust solo "Chappy" Japanese made functional glass art!
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ascendant-rp · 2 years
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Name: Cillian Wittmore. Gender and pronouns: cis man & he/him. Age: 26. Occupation: Brooklyn Borough President. Affiliation: Air Syndicate (Leader). Power: Air Manipulation. Suggested FC’s: Tyler Posey, Tom Holland, Mena Massoud.
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You are a total individualist who sets broad, sweeping goals for yourself. People will follow you anywhere because you are a born leader. You are quite happy to lead them. An Aquarius-Taurus often feels a marked sense of duty to humanity. Some members of this combination include Adlai Stevenson and Ronald Reagan. Your conniving plans are sometimes ostentatious and some of them are just plain laughable. You can be a hardnosed and fearsome opponent when challenged and you are very confident. In your combination, transcendent, idealistic, and caring Aquarius is balanced by sensible, emotionally stable, and secure Taurus. You are somewhat too charming for your own good. Your romanticism and lofty perspective are tempered by astuteness and pragmatism. Your mind is keyed to the theoretical and you enjoy thinking and acting on a grand scale. You are aware of your worth. You are obstinate and will never compromise your ideals, but your beliefs and convictions may change periodically. You are not impulsive like other Aquarians. Before starting on a course of action, you prefer to plan and deliberate, but sometimes you consult the fortunetellers. Your self-importance and stubbornness can essentially take you over and cause arrogant, self-satisfied and even obsessive behavior. It is crucial that you learn to be easier going and open to alternative thoughts and opinions. Failing to curb your bias and obstinacy can easily ruin your wonderful plans and dreams. You are friendly and affable, socially. Your faithfulness and concern are limitless and you think of your friends as your brothers and sisters. You are highly superstitious. If it seems rational, because you are determined to put your ambitions into action, you will take a chance. People have a high regard for your self-control and are drawn to your style. No matter how eccentric you can be at times, the confidence that others place in you is justifiable because you are totally trustworthy. If you are not victimized by your own faults, you will be able to achieve a lot in life. You run the risk of becoming too rigid in your positions and demeanor or foolishly stubborn and biased. When you were young you were experimental, toying with various political theories and life-styles, but once you decide which are best for you, then you stay with them. Having made up your mind about something, you stick to it.
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THE CROWNED HEAD – envious of
They’ve always annoyed you, maybe even unwillingly. You could feel the envy coursing through your veins like blood with each time they displayed their power. As the newest one of the four Dons you have to make a lasting impression and they’re the first, and probably the most important, to leave your mark on.
THE INSTIGATOR – second-in-command
You had to trust someone with your ideas and feelings, everything you never really hid all that much, but as a leader couldn’t just reveal to everyone around you. While the emotional support is necessary to strengthen the bond between you two, it is the way you two work together that really means the world to you. Their strength is everything you need in battle as well as someone who isn’t afraid to tell you a plan might not work out in the end.
THE DARK HORSE – former friend
They were the one to grant you access to the elite -- and you’ve been quickly promoted to being so much more than they’ll ever be. First you chose the Air Syndicate instead of their Water Syndicate, then you reached to the top considering you were so much stronger than anyone -- still, you miss them sometimes and you haven’t really thanked them for giving you this opportunity that turned out to be the first step to power.
THE SUCCESSOR is currently TAKEN and is played by DEAKEN BLUMAN.
look through all of their connections.
tw drugs mention, death of a parent
Cillian was born as the third child, the first son, to an affluent family in upstate New York. His father was a low-level politician during his childhood. But, when he was ten, his family was thrust into the public eye when his father became the Borough President for Brooklyn in New York City. His family quickly became the picture-perfect American family. Their home was perfect, their family outings were perfect, their report cards were perfect. Behind closed doors, his father had taken bribes from high-level mobsters. His mother hated his father and often carried out affairs. His eldest sister was removed from the family when she started to act out.
Cillian’s very survival was dependent on his father’s approval. This greatly impacts his interpersonal communication and overall personality. He becomes sure of himself because anything else is seen as weakness. He becomes a motivated humanity-driven leader to follow in his father’s footsteps. He keeps his name in the headlines just like his father did–winning awards, degrees, and excelling past his classmates. In the limelight, he was the blueprint for a politician’s heir. In the shadows, he was addicted to cocaine and uppers. He never made a move without hours or days of forethought. He never spoke out of turn, never said a word that he hadn’t worked over in a million angles before uttering. He became so self-aware that he found ways to charm other people, found the ways he would want to be charmed, and turned them back on the world. By college graduation at 22, he was the perfect heir for his father.
His father died two years later. The newspapers said it was a heart attack, but Cillian watched the man walk up to his father and shoot him in the chest. When his father’s seat opened, the line of succession would have moved another politician into his role. But, with a few pulled strings by his father’s team, Cillian Wittmore was sworn into offer three days after his father was buried.
As he had suspected, his father was not the shining example everyone thought him to be. The Borough was generously funded by one sole ally: the Air Syndicate. Cillian knew that his father’s murder was not carried out by an upset constituent or political opponent–no, it had to be his affiliation with dangerous individuals. Even as he took his seat at the council, Cillian’s focus shifted to the syndicate. He was not content being a public face supported by the mob. No, he wanted it to be a part of it.
THE DARK HORSE was the key to fulfilling this plan. His real introduction into the seedy underbelly of the city was carried out that day. He had not thought through his power chip as a child, deciding on air manipulation so he could fly–but Air saw the potential with his gift. One he was happy to employ. As he excelled, he was promoted within the ranks. With his gift of charm and gab, he found his way up to second-in-command within two years. He used his power and his position within the mob and city to find whisperers, people who listened well and only spoke to him. They looked for his father’s killer, but this was not a motive he ever publicized.
THE HIRED GUN was a good leader, he knew that, but he also knew why he’d joined the mob in the first place. He was never meant to be an underling, stuck on the sideline. Though, someone beat him to the punch. When Cillian caught wind of an assassination plot through his whispers, he decided to capitalize on the idea. He met with the one orchestrating the assassination and came to an agreement. He would allow the murder of his leader, would even help manipulate the environment to aid success, with the assurance that he would claim the seat. After THE HIRED GUN’s demise, Cillian did as he promised and kept his word to never speak of who was behind his leader’s death. Cillian was a motivated, calculating player in this game of chess–one he was determined to win.
Now, as the leader of the Air Syndicate, he has big plans on how to maximize their efforts. A reward system based on targets taken out, milestones gained, or even safehouses and headquarters confiscated. Cillian saw the opportunity to grow the syndicate and bring them into the 21st century. Especially if he could spin the changes made to Brooklyn to better his political career. He’s driven by a deep duty to humanity, but he is not a humanitarian. He wants to better the species, but the individual doesn’t matter to him. He sees the big picture that no one else wants to acknowledge.
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msmiyagidabco-blog · 7 years
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Got a couple of these @aquariust micro skull pendants available! Hit the DM if your interested or hit the link in the Bio! 💀💀💀 #aquariust #glassart #glassporn #pendant #girlswhodab #eastcoastdabbers #floridadabbers #ganjagirls #hightimes #710 #420 #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #710society #glassforsale #headyglass #dabbersdaily #girlsdabtoo #weshouldsmoke
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ioglassart · 7 years
AGE booth p37 !! preview of one of the @aquariust collabs I have available!! come check it out and make it yours! #ballingham #dabs #teamjapan #710 #420 #disclock #bubbler #sherlock #aquariust #ripcurl #saltistheman #skulls #oneeyewilly #age2017 #agehustle
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what-a-night · 6 years
Hey :) love ur blog btw. If u feel like answer it (u don’t have to obvs) I dunno what number it is on the “talk about” post but what’s your biggest fear? That’s always something interesting to know lol
thank you babe! i’ve always been really scared of dying lol and also disappointing people that i lovebut on a lighter note i’m deathly afraid of squirrels, big cactuses, and wasps
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ashleyannaustin · 4 years
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Puff, puff, pass Coogi Chappy. Fun times showing off my first collaboration with @aquariust at “From the Feet Up” this past Saturday. Contact @gs.gallery to scoop this wild piece. Thanks for documenting the party @mgprofessional_img!
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scumwolf · 11 months
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headyhawaii · 1 year
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📚🤩Our WILD “Stackin” show with @wyg_glass_hawaii this past month was truly one for the history books! 🎇🎆 We’re so thankful to Mike and all the incredible collaborators; @rycraftedglass, @aquariust, @robertson.glass, @jmasswhat, @blueberry503, @dustormglass, @bigzglass, @crunklestein, @sherbetglassart, @jupiternielsen, @black_sand_glass, and @sainzart for all the hard work in creating this unbelievably epic body of work! 🙏🙌 Mike’s jaw dropping UV dichroic dotstacks are an absolute optic candy-land, and his attention to detail in every single piece is second to none. 💎👑Browse all our magnificent remaining gems from the show at headyhawaii.com and send something special flying home for the new year! 📲🎁🥰❤️ #wygglass #dichroic #dotstack #uvglass #art #glass #boroart #rycraftedglass #blueberry503 #aquariust #mattrobertsonglass #crunklestein #bigzglass #sherbetglass #jmass #blacksandglass (at Honolulu, Hawaii) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5XS48rewG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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msmiyagidab-blog · 7 years
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Got a couple of these @aquariust micro skull pendants available! Hit the DM if your interested or hit the link in the Bio! 💀💀💀 #aquariust #glassart #glassporn #pendant #girlswhodab #eastcoastdabbers #floridadabbers #ganjagirls #hightimes #710 #420 #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #710society #glassforsale #headyglass #dabbersdaily #girlsdabtoo #weshouldsmoke
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legacyglass · 2 years
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Insane collab piece with two Japanese glass artists, Aquariust and Akio!
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thatnickkidd · 7 years
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Oh hello Mr Snail 🖐️🐌 #aquariust #Nerite #TeamAlgaeBuster
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miyagi-dab-co-blog · 7 years
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Still got these 2 dope @aquariust snack skull pendants available @ miyagidabco.com blu-v and a reactive orange/yellow color. Don't sleep on these they're affordable art from a great artist! #miyagidabco #aquariust #micro #snackskull #bluv #teamjapan #collector #glassofig #glassforsale #glassporn
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verlocal-stories · 4 years
Macrame 101: Make a Wall Hanging
If you've been wanting to experiment with macrame wall hangings but don't know where to start, this is the workshop for you! Bethany of The Aquariust will share how to start your own macramé set up at home, offer guidance for supplies and inspiration, and teach the basic macramé knots for you to put together in your own unique design. You'll make a wall hanging to take home or give as a gift, and you'll leave with the know-how to continue your rope art. In this workshop you will: - Learn the lark's head, single & double square knot, and spiral macramé knots, and how to put them all together - Make your own wall hanging to take home - Learn about the materials you need to macrame on your own *Reservations required. No kids. Workshops are refundable up to 72 hours in advance. 1 spot is for 1 person unless otherwise noted. Email hello [at] madeatcraft.com with questions.*
Location: 4704 East Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, TX, United States
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