#armand had a whole slave in the books!
Some Iwtv fans will seriously fight tooth and nail to argue that Armand is more evil or Lestat is more evil as if both them bitches aren't going to the hell under hell and then to the hell right under that one!
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
Hi! Love your blog :)
Do you think Louis being pimp will be brought up? Because I felt like it was forgotten by both the show and fandom. We had iconic confession scene done incredibly by Jacob where he acknowledges his faults against women, then he gets turned and proceeds to be a pimp.
I always felt like this and Louis at the present being billionaire in Dubai and both of these aspects being swept under rug in Louis' narration is extremely important thing that will be addressed in further seasons. Do you think Claudia knows that Louis was pimp? I can't imagine Louis sharing it with her on his own.
With her being aged up and being object of desire of no one but teens and perverts and of course being survivor of SA, her being orphan, Louis exploiting women sexually paints even more stark contrast.
Thank you for answers!
Glad you like :)
I don't think that it's been forgotten, tbh (though it is not often brought up in fandom, granted).
But the show will surely come back to this before all is said and done. Dubai, built on slave labor and gold, is definitely not a coincidence as being chosen for the modern part of the show. And what Louis may wish to hide from Claudia (because I agree, he probably wished to keep that part of his past from her) could soon become a moot point when there will be a whole coven of vampires who can just read his mind.(*)
I'm not sure though if that past will be actually used against him next season, but it will still come up, of that I'm very sure. Because Armand's past will call back to this... and Claudia's SA will call back to Lestat's. And Louis still pays "whores" in Dubai... blood whores, to put it plainly. Daniel did call himself his whore as well, which is also no coincidence, and, given some events of the Devil's Minion arc might yet call back there, too. And who knows what "The Farm" actually is... We'll see.
(*) I agree that Claudia's fate shines a very painful light on Louis' previous occupation, but I feel like she probably knew about it. Like... New Orleans might be a big city, but Louis was an institution. For a while. He already told her that she came after his part of Storyville burning, and Claudia, being this clever and inquisitive girl that she was then, most surely went and investigated. We see later how she educates herself, chooses to learn languages, read up on things. There is no reason to suspect she didn't dig into finding out the truth about her parents, her guardians, too.
And I mean, given the later diary entries (that will still come to be) she grew to hate them both.
Given the changes the show made and that you refer to here - that can very well be a big part of it, too. Some of it bleeds through, imho, when she leaves in ep5, she throws it into Louis' face then, but that was before the assault. I bet the bitterness after was quite a different thing then.
Abuse - including sexual abuse - will be a continuous thing throughout the show.
In the books Lestat has been raped into darkness, Armand was sold as a sex slave. Both of these events have been already hinted at in season 1.
Louis being a pimp fits into that very well in a really uncomfortable way. I said it in another post, he still owned people, profited of them, and as @cbrownjc reminded me of, the show even gave him the background of actually being descendant of the plantation owners.
I absolutely believe that the show will hook into this aspect and the inherent abuse aspect for all characters.
Louis' might have been... let's say put aside for now, but I would pay real money that it has not been forgotten, because ultimately vampires maim and rape their prey, right? To death.
I think they will address this, again and again, over all the season. And it will be very uncomfortable and harrowing at times.
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ca-suffit · 9 days
And also I think I've seen an interview, but don't quote me here because it could very well be fandom bs, where Sam(?) talked about the difference between Lelio and Harlequin and the only thing he expressed was the trickster nature of the Harlequin vs the lover's nature of Lelio or smth. Nothing to aknowledge Harlequin is blackface and maybe Lestat had those racist biases as a human/fresh vampire (very possible) or etc.
Here we go again..
The same old bs discourse:
Sam Reid white supremacist, defending racism.
And this laughable Lestat racist biases.
And Armand will be the one who's calling Lestat out for this, lol!! He's the SWJ of the show now.
Please, antis, change your arguments, it's already tiring.
This isn't an "anti" thing and it's a joke I'm replying seriously to this bcuz of that but ppl need to have this shit spelled out for them so here we go. We're talking about race and racism within the show and the fandom. Take your baby ass "anti" arguments and shove them up your ass bcuz ur not making this into some stupid fandom argument. This is about race and racism. Be a fucking adult. This is why we talk about race, bcuz any mention of it causes u to spiral about all the things ur going on about here. Nobody said Sam is a white supremacist or racist. He's just white. He's the bland ass book guy there to sell shit to book ppl. He's not the one who is gonna get asked race questions, it's never asked of white ppl and he's otherwise never volunteered to discuss it. Lestat would be racist as fuck IRL. He's beating slaves in the book and he's a white European. Sorry u don't know ur own man, skill issue. Did u miss the part in 2.2 where both Louis and Armand told Daniel to shut up trying to whitesplain European racism to them as if they wouldn't already know that? Loustat's whole issue is Lestat being ignorant to racism, especially his own. Every part of the world is racist somehow and white ppl are the least equipped to see or understand that bcuz white ppl are the least affected by it. Then react like this ask when learning .1% of fucking anything. This is literally what happens when fandom won't let u talk about race. This is a reflection of what society does too. We stay stuck at step 1 forever. This is exactly why tf I'm here. We're keeping this shit in the tags. We're talking about it out loud. Stay fucking pressed.
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IwtV s2e4 thoughts (not a long post this time, do not have the time for it today, but behind read more for spoilers anyway):
They can't miss, can they? Every damn episode is just so good.
Claudia going from giving it her all in the play despite the role to just going through the motions? Delainey, the actress you are (and heck she's so cute this episode).
Santiago scheming left and right and just being a nuisance? As he should be. Ben Daniels, you're perfect.
Louis being a pretentious little bitch with his art scene stories? Also perfect, love it. He's never not gonna be a snob, I fear xD
Ouch, Armand, you really had to hit us with the sex trafficking this early, huh? Poor dear, still an unhinged gremlin tho. I sure hope we'll get enough seasons to a) see him and Marius reunite (and I guess bitch at each other a lot?) and b) get a whole season of Armand's backstory through his eyes (because I guess we'll get Marius' take told to Lestat if we make it to s3?)
I am kind of miffed that his parents apparently sold Arun into slavery when in the book they would never and losing him basically breaks his father. I feel it's important for Armand to know that his parents felt his loss so keenly. But I guess having to add in some kind of abduction plot into a very brief scene about his backstory would have made it too long? (Edit: rewatching the scene I might have missunderstood it? Maybe he means his parents thought he was off to work on the boat but the captain made him a slave? I'm not sure now how we're meant to understand it now)
Next episode also looks good, give us some San Fran flashbacks, yesssss. Too bad I don't know when I'll be able to watch it next week since I'll be at my mom's....hm...
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loelett · 2 months
sorry if this seems random but a little rant in response to what u reblogged about the new tv show.
TBH IT MAKES ME SO MAD THAT THEY ADDED *FORCED* RACISM (and by that I mean Louis taking lestat calling him his fledgling as "slave" like stop thats not what vc is about at ALL?????) AND HAD TO MAKE ANTOINE INTO ANTOINETTE TO SHOW HES BI 💀 I feel like the writers missed a lot of important points about the book and WHY Louis stuck with Lestat and was infatuated with him but hated him at the same time. they really changed character dynamics in it tbh. dont get me wrong, its a decent show, but I just can't see it as the same Louis and Lestat compared to the 1994 movie which I think did a good job in recreating what Anne wrote.
anyway hi 😍🥰😇...
I'm not really sure what forced racism means in the context of the iwtv show ngl. I mean I've really only seen the show through one and a half times but I do know that even Louis himself in the books labels himself as a slave to Lestat's whim (Claudia does as well; she also calls him a slave to Armand) (Lestat also does this in respects to Himself so even he agrees hrejgh) so even in the context of the books I don't really think it's forced or ooc for this connection to be made. Obviously the intention is different considering Louis' blackness in the show, but since this is a theme the show goes with (meaning the racism that Louis experiences in his time period) I don't really have a problem with that wording. I'm not black myself so this is just my opinion by the way, but I've always been pretty interested in the way they decided to change show Louis' race and backstory. It's probably the most interesting change they made imo.
Um yeah the Antoinette thing still sucks, I really don't know why they decided to go with that ?? Idk i always forget abt her so I guess I'm a hater. Agree 👍. We never needed to prove Lestat was bi esp in the first book so wharever? go off showrunners i Guess?? idk bout all that
Loustat's dynamic is completely different in the show and it's one I've rlly never been interested in. I know a lot of people enjoy it and I don't wanna take away from that, so no hate there idk do what you love. I'm just not an enjoyer of the abuser/abusee thing they kinda have going on. Um and the cheating stuff it's all just really exhausting to me. I just really like Louis' reaction to Lestat's actions in the book ! They aren't canon BECAUSE Lestat is abusive and controlling and manipulative and they don't even kiss until book 2, let alone express emotional/physical affection. Show Louis goes back to Lestat even after everything that goes on in ep 5 and. As a self proclaimed Louis self insert I just can't ever see him doing that in the books, at least not with Claudia still in the picture. IDK!
I'm really not a hater of the show, and I want all the Louis fans out there to really think about the way they react to the changes in his character from book to show. There are personality changes that I don't agree with either, but this is a different story and the original one has already been told. I don't have to like the show to respect it and its fans, and the whole pick a side thing between book and show is exhausting to me :/ there r things I like and things i don't like about both versions !
Sorry I know this goes really off topic HGFSHg.. love love
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madly-empirical · 1 year
Surprises from reading IWTV for the first time I knew the TV show was a reinvention/reinterpretation from the books, but just coming off of re-watching the movie there were some things that I was surprised to find out: - Louis helps Lestat kill someone before he's turned him into a vampire (???) - Louis kills Lestat's father but makes him forgive him first without knowing the full story (it's like a mercy killing because the old man is dying so that "merciful death" nickname is a whole thing isn't it) - Louis kills a priest for being understandably annoyed when someone confesses to have been killing for a hundred years (did you think he wouldn't be offended be serious louis) - Louis says killing people was not a moral, but an aesthetic choice (very surprised, I thought the killing people was the main point of conflict but no?)
- There's a subplot with another wealthy slave-owning family where Louis tries to stop Lestat from killing a young man and is involved with his sister named Babette when he fails (it doesn't go well for her...) - Louis knows that Lestat wanted to be priest but was taken out of school by his father - Lestat calls books "mortal nonsense" (lol) - Louis' late brother who had religious visions also had yellow hair so parallels - Louis is weird about money (he's spending all my money, but he never has trouble getting his own, I have to manage everything, I keep him dependent on me, etc., etc.) - Lestat massacres the slaves on his way out, and Louis appears to join him (Very hard to tell for sure) - Louis drags nearly everything about Lestat except for his physical appearance - Lestat falls asleep at the opera (they're long Louis!) - Lestat loves Macbeth and will shout lines from the play at passersby on the way home (unfortunately that's the love of your life) - Claudia is colder and creepier in the book (it's interesting that she never plays music after Lestat is gone...) - Lestat threatens to kill Claudia all the time behind her back and at least once to her face - Louis notices that Lestat is afraid when Claudia asks questions about vampires stuff - Lestat, in a clear fib, tells them there's no other vampires besides them - Claudia tells Louis that she's going to kill Lestat and he's in the room where it all goes down - Claudia gots the hubris ("Do you think I will have my power and his when I take him?") - She is also super convinced that Lestat is dead the second time, but girl why? - Claudia and Louis have troubles before Armand shows up stemming from the murder of Lestat (she did tell you what she was going to do!) - Louis pretends to a vampire hunter to explain some weird stuff in Eastern Europe where they find mindless vampires (like some else said, why would you bring your 5 year old daughter to the vampire hunt??) - When they can't find any other vampires like them, Louis is like I might have believed that we were the only ones if Lestat was the kind of person to have been some kind of serious sorcerer — but he clearly ain't (lol) - Louis is totally head-over-heels ignoring all red flags and ready to go as soon as Armand shows up (even after Armand is like killing vampires is exciting that's why it's forbidden and btw I used my powers to influence you to make Madeline a vampire...) - Madeline is a dollmaker and makes elegant miniature furniture for Claudia so she lives like a fairy queen - Armand keeps going on and on about a tower and how a healthy vampire would survive falling off it (-_-) - Armand is like yes, mindless vampire are called revenants and it's like how do you know that but no one asks - Lestat is in Paris when Claudia is killed, clearly tricked and confused he thinks he can take Louis home with him (He is also afraid of Armand. Insane that there's like ten years between the publication of IWTV and TVL, it's so clear that something went down between the two of them but there's zero hints in IWTV on what it was) - Lestat is frantic and weepy when Louis sees him in his grey gardens area. Louis thinks he is dying the way vampires die according to Armand, he can no longer endure immortal life (maybe it was the being murdered more than once that got to him Louis? Just maybe that might have had some effect...) Overall, I found book!Louis infuriating, hypocritical, complicit (NOT passive) and kind of self-involved. Impossible to tell what it felt like to read it for the first time without having knowledge from later books. Reading TVL makes me more sympathetic towards book!Louis because there's just so much he doesn't and couldn't know — especially about Armand and his hypno-powers. Obviously, it's very likely that he was doing a similar thing to Louis to what he tried to do to Lestat. Also, Lestat's version of himself sounds exhausting. He wants to go out every night!!
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cbrownjc · 1 year
that anon is insane and i say this as a black fan. they have attached their racial identity to their hobby and now think if anyone can see past the characters race and enjoy them for who they are, that person is either a racist or a sellout. like sorry armand is brown, sorry he will be revealed as a bigger villain than lestat, sorry that his relationship with louis wont last but thats the story. id find it more offensive and racist if they changed everything about him to be more palatable
Hi Anon.
I mean, to me, it just seems so limiting to take a complex character like Armand and wish for him to be less complex just because he's now played by a POC. Because, in my eyes, that's what this whole "nice guy Armand" thing does and is doing.
If anything, his being now a brown man should add to Armand's character and complexity and explain even more his problematic faults and the things he does, given what his backstory will now be: a brown child who was kidnapped, sold as a slave, sexually exploited, and then bought by white Roman (Marius).
There's a fascinating story that can be told here IMO with Armand's character about the many facets of slavery and colonialism, and how it not only abused but corrupted Armand since childhood, over many long centuries, until he's as we meet him in Paris when Louis and Claudia first meet him.
He's never been just a mustache-twirling villain, even though he is the main antagonist in both IWTV and TVL.
And Rolin Jones has also already said S2 will include things from book 3 and book 6. Which are Queen of the Damned and The Vampire Armand. Meaning we'll not only likely going to see why and what made Armand what he is and had been, but what I'd argue is the first time we see him really, as readers, ever first saw that there was more to him than what we thought, and that was in The Devil's Minion chapter. And then even more so with The Vampire Armand.
We're looking at the possibility of a fully fleshed-out but nuanced antagonistic POC character here, just like I'd argue we've seen with Louis and Claudia too (minus the antagonist part of course).
And wanting to make him some noble good guy just so undercuts all of that IMO. And would just reinforce that trend of white characters who are recast to be POC in adaptations, but then given usually less to do than their book counterparts, if not underutilized completely (see the many comments about Bonnie from The Vampire Diaries).
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apoptoses · 10 months
I love translation talk! I’ve read most of the VC books in Spanish only, and I remember Armand refers to Daniel both as his “spouse” and as his “slave” in that TVA bit you mentioned (I think), which is curious because in QotD they translated “minion” as “favorite” but in TVA they translated it as “slave”, but I’ve always been curious to know what was the original word they used for “spouse/husband” in English. I don’t think Armand ever said anything like that about any other character, even about those who were his lovers or longtime companions, and as someone who read TVA before QotD let me say I was VERY puzzled when Armand mentioned in passing he basically had a husband LOL.
anon i am LOSING MY MIND over this i don't even know what to say
if you need me i'll be lying on the floor staring into the void
(but if you send me the passage i'll find the equivalent part in english and we can compare i am so, so curious and fascinated by these differences and i wanna like, compile a whole doc of them for posterity)
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hekateinhell · 2 years
Can you list (as a proof) some instances of book-Daniel using non-flowery, day-to-day, prosaic language to show his smartness? I didn't buy show-Louis's spine but the Daniel-erasure is getting real.
This Pulitzer prize-winning imposter getting touted as some "upgraded" audience-mouthpiece (Daniel in IWTV) with a few cheap sassy one-liners, is highly painful.
I'm just going to breeze past what you said about Louis's spine, and I'll also try to resist the urge to copy and paste every single line of dialogue from Devil's Minion.
The Classics from QotD
"What do you mean, millions!" Daniel had scoffed. "You throw your clothes away after you wear them, you rent apartments and forget where they are. Do you know what a zip code is, or a tax bracket? I'm the one who buys all the goddamned airline tickets. Millions. How are we going to get millions! Steal another Maserati and be done with it, for God's sakes!"
"Goddamn it, do it yourself," Daniel had roared. "You're five hundred years old and you can't use a telephone? Read the directions. What are you, an immortal idiot? I will do no such thing!"
"You think you can drive me crazy, don't you?" Daniel had snarled. "Well, you can't. Let me tell you. Every time I lay eyes on you, I realize that I didn't invent you, and that I'm sane!"
"Lies, you bastard. Say that you wanted me. You'll torment me forever, won't you, and then you'll watch me die, and you'll find I that interesting, won't you? It was true what Louis said. You watch them die, your mortal slaves, they mean nothing to you. You'll watch the colors change in my face as I die."
"I don't want to be alive, Armand, I want to live forever, and then I will tell you whether life is better than death."
"Give up immortality, just to live one life? I don't believe you. This is the first time you have told me an out- and-out lie."
"How can I help it? I can't get away from your voice when you want me to listen; it's like a tiny microphone inside my head. What is this, tears? You're going to weep over me?"
"I work with limited equipment. The cells in my body are subject to deterioration, to a process called aging and-"
"What does it matter if you give it to me and it's wrong! There is no wrong! There is only desperation, and I would have it! I want to live forever with you."
The More Obscure from IWTV
“Sure, if it’s a good life. Sometimes I interview as many as three or four people a night if I’m lucky. But it has to be a good story. That’s only fair, isn’t it?”
“This really happened, didn’t it?” the boy whispered. “You’re telling me something...that’s true.”
“Excuse me,” said the boy. “I just got the impression suddenly that your arm was...abnormally long. You reached so far without moving!”
“That doesn’t matter. I’ll throw the tapes away if you want!” The boy rose. “I can’t say I understand all you’re telling me. You’d know I was lying if I said I did. So how can I ask you to go on, except to say what I do understand...what I do understand is like nothing I’ve ever understood before.”
“Don’t you see how you made it sound? It was an adventure like I’ll never know in my whole life! You talk about passion, you talk about longing! You talk about things that millions of us won’t ever taste or come to understand. And then you tell me it ends like that. I tell you...” And he stood over the vampire now, his hands outstretched before him. “If you were to give me that power! The power to see and feel and live forever!”
I loved Daniel in IWTV because he's this innocent fresh-faced college-aged kid! Just so young and naive before finding his new dark gods in Armand, Lestat, and Louis. The fact that he's so gentle and excitable is why Louis chose him as his therapist to tell his life story. The fact that he was "strangely defiant and beseeching in the same breath" is what caught the attention and affections of such a terrifying, utterly damaged vampire like Armand.
I don't recognize the new guy, but we've been over that already... It is what it is.
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bubblegum-blackwood · 2 years
Since I keep seeing stuff about the new adaptation of TVC, I decided to re-watch the old one, so here's my thoughts on Interview with the Vampire (1994) the second time around:
I find it hilarious how book!Daniel was terrified out of his mind the whole time while movie!Daniel has such swagger
Jeez you can tell from the get-go that Brad Pitt hated acting in this. (Meanwhile it's so obvious that Tom Cruise had so much freaking fun. So much.)
I will never forgive the movie for getting rid of Paul de Pointe du Lac in favour of "wah my wife died in childbirth" like I get that that's shorthand for "cis white boy sad" and they only had two hours but STILL
I'll never understand the choice to have the statue’s eyes open. It's just weird lol
i'M QuiTe FoND oF LooKiNG aT CRuXiFiXeS
Why is there more than one coffin, Lestat? WHY IS THERE MORE THAN ONE COFFIN LESTAT -
"Read her thoughts." "I can't." "Eh." That little shruggy hand gesture is everything to me.
(this isn't the one I was talking about, although this is just as good - I can't find a GIF for the quote I chose lol)
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Wow. Okay. Forgot about the little "voodoo" ritual Louis's slaves have there. Could have gone without that.
Love the way Louis wields that flaming torch like a rapier. Very elegant, very hot (pun intended).
"We're in a nice, filthy cemetery. Does this make you happy?" fhesiofwne the sass - (btw the above GIF is of this scene)
The smug look Lestat gives when he knows the baby-trapping has worked gosh how does anyone hate on Tom Cruise’s acting he got it DOWN like -
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"I prefer Creoles to Yankees, their democratic flavour doesn't suit my palate" why does Lestat have to commit to the French nobleman act this hard? (I know it's not just an act but really he does fill the role perfectly)
I forgot about Claudia sitting in her bed surrounded by her dolls and casually drawing a naked woman -
GO OFF GIRL! GET IT CLAUDIA! I will never not be impressed with Kirsten Dunst's performance in this. She stole the show. The rage, the coldness, the sophistication, the gleeful cruelty - she nailed it.
The hurt, the betrayal, the slight fear in Lestat's eyes here . . . I will never be over Tom Cruise's acting in this scene.
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"He will never let us go." "Oh. Really?" *smirk* Like I said, Kirsten Dunst was amazing in this.
"A beautiful woman with endowments you'll never possess" I literally said "wow" out loud. Holy fuck Lestat that was a low blow.
Hmm floating up against the ceiling while on fire, now where have I seen that before?
As much as I resent the movie depriving us of Louis and Claudia's vampire hunter days, I have to admit that the montage of all of Claudia's sketches was actually a really clever transition.
I saw something once about how clothing tells its own story in IWTV because even though Claudia stays the same she slowly starts dressing more and more like an adult of whatever time period they're currently in and I really do appreciate that detail.
Anne Rice really deprived us of some sexy Spanish lover vampires and it shows with how tantalizing the little glimpse we get of Banderas!Armand is
Ah, the Theatre des Vampires scene. They really nailed the dumb goth drama and I gotta respect this movie for that.
Random woman in the audience being like MONSIEUR VAMPIRE TAKE ME I ADORE YOU if that ain't all of us -
Who else wants to Armand to hug them like this?
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"So you have answers?" "So you have questions?" *he responds before Louis is even done talking, maybe a bit too much eagerness in his voice* If Antonio Banderas nailed anything about Armand, it's the thirst.
Damn the way Banderas's wig moves it's so thick and silky and long and *chef's kiss*
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I wanna know how historically accurate these costumes are lol
Imagine being Brad Pitt and having to sit in a coffin and scream at a camera that's inches from your face lol
Okay but I love how Louis tips the candles backward into the coffins without even a backward glance
This is not in the movie but I just remembered that canonically the plot of land that the Theatre was on is still under Lestat's name to this day and I love that.
"What if all I have is my suffering? My regret?" *implying that he doesn’t want to move on from it* Damn Louis needs therapy and Armand is not that (because he needs it too lol)
Louis going to the theatre and watching Nosferatu is something I will never be over
Rule number one of being a vampire: always dress well
Louis disturbed a bat and the subtitles said [SCREE SCREE]
Say what you will about how they changed the ending of the movie from the book but Lestat jumping into Daniel's car and just saying "I assume I need no introduction" is iconic okay
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I have so many thoughts about the show.
At first, I didn't think I'd like the changes to the book. I was skeptical about Louis' race change, afraid it was going to be something shallow for diversity points. But his blackness is fundamental to his character here, it shapes so much of his experience. It's a big departure from the books, where Louis canonically owns slaves. It changes the character in a really interesting way. And of course we need more POC characters as complex as Louis.
I thought making Daniel old would change his character too much. And it has changed him, but that's ok. Old Daniel is a bitch and I love him. And having an older character gives a different view of immortality that contrasts nicely with our eternally young vampires.
Aging up Claudia was necessary. In the books she's around 5. And while that leads to a whole other level of horror, it wouldn't be plausible to have an actual small child play Claudia. While I would have preferred to see an actual barely older than a toddler Claudia, what they did with her here was a compelling story.
One thing that really makes a difference is she remembers what it was like to be human in the show. In the books, she was so young and so traumatized that she can't really remember her human life. The age difference and the memory difference allows for a different view of Claudia. As a small child, she was turned before she could really develop empathy. Her brain literally was not developed enough. Being turned older means she did have time to develop it. So both are equally vicious in different ways.
I did not like the sexual assault part of the story. That never happened to Claudia in the books. (I also feel like if it had, Louis and Lestat would have murdered the shit out of her attacker.) However, there is a character who was raped as a teenager and I think maybe they just gave that story to Claudia? In the books Armand was raped as a teenager. He was also turned as a teenager.
I'm actually really glad they aged Armand up for the show. He was eternally 17 in the books, and he had Mary Sue levels of people thirsty for him. It always squicked me out a little. More so when I reread them as an adult.
Overall, I think the changes are enough to make the show it's own story, while still paying homage to the books. I know some people would prefer a more faithful adaptation, but I personally like seeing the story told in a new way.
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iwtvdramacd18 · 8 months
director commentary for
Lestat stares at him wide-eyed as if he's just realized some awful truth. In the firelight the shadows gather in the pits of his eye sockets and cheekbones. His lips tremble as he fights back some unnameable horrible emotion. "You're the pale mimic of everything that's ever had you." It's as if the thought has hollowed him out. “Without others, there's nothing to you.” His mind swims with the memory of his hands around Armand’s neck, and the now unblemished skin at his neck and jaw. His gaze flicks quickly from his hands to the mangled iron molded to Armand’s hand and back to Armand, and it's only then when he remembers to guard his mind.
"So many of his nightmares consist of enclosed rooms and a predator in them. Nails gouge at wood, tile, carpet, rugs, flesh, stone. Fear is a heavy strangling stench in the air.” Louis tells Daniel this as if he’s reciting it from a sheet. “How do you live like this." Is what he says to Armand. It’s a statement because Louis does not need to ask– he knows. His own nightmares feature a more enclosed space, and then another smaller one to be confined in further still. And there is a predator, but it's also his salvation. He waits with stale bated breath at the sound of nails clawing wood into splinters and the beast rooting its way closer and closer.
From Yawning Terrible Voids:
Louis and Lestat are the only characters Armand recalls making statements about him verbatim in this fic. Lestat's bit is actually a modified version of what he tells Armand in TVL: calling him a slave to everyone that has had him. I didn't really want to steal the whole line. Also show Lestat seems to be at least a little bit of a better person than book Lestat, though calling Armand essentially an empty shell and a parasite is still horrible. Characterization wise I think it also fits better with my personal reading of Lestat and Armand's dynamic and specifically here Lestat and his feelings about being Wolfkiller. It's something that's damned him but also something he feels a bitter sense of pride in. Armand scares the shit out of him for many reasons, Lestat isn't really cerebral or a good reader of people outside of physical wants and fears but he sees a great emptiness and wanting in Armand. Whether he's right or wrong, the idea of Armand taking his identity from him is a nightmare to him.
And then Louis is sort of doing his indirect talking, he knows Armand is listening. And I think that's something that's very Louis, this hyper-awareness of who is listening, and how to talk about something without really Talking about it. The simple statement of Louis saying to Daniel, "Armand gets scared about things that aren't my well-being" is a small cruelty in itself. Sharing something not his to share, and also introducing Daniel to a small crack in Armand's armor. It's bitter, it's petty, and I think underneath is some genuine concern for Armand. But it's coming out the wrong way. "Louis can sometimes act out" etc etc.
I think Daniel also technically makes statements about Armand but those are a lot more based on actions he's doing in the moment. He's not really "seeing" Armand
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
That Claudia diary entry kinda blew my mind with that bit about her wanting to make one them her *slave* as retribution for what was done to her. Feels too much of a coincidence with how in the show she insisted Louis agree that they were indeed lestat’s slaves and that she believed Magnus had made lestat a slave. I know Rolin said books 1-6 are the ones informing the show the most but were Claudia’s diaries ever made that big of a deal before book 7? The inclusion suggests so much. It would be a bit of a let down if they don’t fully delve into all that.
Claudia wanting to punish them both, blaming Louis more (which makes even MORE sense in the show since Louis is more responsible for her vampirism) and seeing it as even greater painful revenge on the one that lives on without the other
“so that his soul, if not his body, is the same size at last as my own."
Anne put crack in that line
Lots of fans love the loving aspect of the father-daughter relationship between Louis and Claudia, it’s heartbreaking, but it’s not JUST love, we already got a hint of Claudia expressing hatred for Louis at the start of ep 5 because she blames him for her creation, and then the neck slam we see Louis do to her at the end of ep 7, for that to just go nowhere would be a let down to her character. Louis edits her and therefor denies her full personhood as he gives the interview in season 1, to further sanitise her motivations the show would literally be doing the same to her, right?
Daniel seems to be really fighting to hear her voice, season 2 opening up all the characters even more…maybe we won’t have full ‘puppet-master Claudia’ revealed but it wouldn’t make sense to not anticipate something along those lines maybe. She can still love Louis and have manipulated him, she can still despite her hatred feel some love for lestat while wanting him dead, she’s as complex as any of the other characters so I hope she’s not diminished.
Her diary being presented as ‘evidence’ at the trial is an insane suggestion (I love it), and if armand is the only one who knew about it and maybe stealing it for that purpose and Louis denying that fact to himself maybe 🤔 the writers are going to make the trial as emotional devastating as possible, the diary idea is genius
You think Louis will be pushed to suicide with all the revelations in season 2, but do you think the diaries coming into his possession the first time is what provoked him to maybe ask armand to help redress his memories prior to the interview, if he had read things that upset him and then armand changed?
(Sorry for long anon!)
(All good^^)
I also think that there are too many... "hooks" in that diary entry to not mean something in the context of this show, which is where this speculation comes from of course.
Though books 1-6 have been mentioned as the "main" basis for the show (and I believe they said so as to not give the game away immediately), Fareed is already there, the silver cord has been mentioned - both are only much later in the books... I shared a quote from Sam the other day where he mentioned that they are looking at all the books, and so I cannot really believe that they will not use this.
Or, I've said it before, I sure hope they will not let the impact of it fall flat. But I really cannot imagine this, since it is such a catastrophic event for Louis.
And as per the trial... well, as said in the posts, one of her diaries was in Paris, a big change from the books (where there is only one diary anyways, and not in Paris), and in this show... that cannot be a coincidence. It's also mentioned that Louis didn't present them at the last interview, so I could easily see Armand having them in possession and only granting access (as he does for Daniel).
Personally I think Louis probably read them the first time and had a breakdown, and Armand... tried to help. In his own way. That would fit for me.
But we'll see.
I do believe that the trial (the whole season actually) will be maximum emotional carnage (again thx to the nonny who coined that phrase a while ago *laughs*), it will be harsh, brutal even. For me, using it would simply be in line with what they've already set up... especially with the condemning content in it.
Not that Armand would really need the "evidence" - but then that trial is about/for Louis, too, and (crazy as that may be) for/against Lestat in a way.
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darklightsworld · 2 years
So, the first IWTV series is over. It was great, but also frustrating. I know I said that I’m glad that the season will be short, but that time I was under the impression that they would adapt the whole first book in the first season. But unfortunately it became quite apparent over the episodes, that we would stop midway through. It’s really bad, because season 2 was announced when the series debuted, and I don’t think they are filming yet, so it will take ages until we get season 2. Now I wish they went with 15 episodes per season and done whole books. The suffering is real… ugh…
The whole tension and anticipation that something will happen was nice, and the Mardi Gras ball amazingly decadent. Lestat really wanted to re-live this time period. I also liked it that the killing of Lestat was slightly different, more intimate, where Lestat would once again confess his feelings for Louis. The episode also showcases quite well, how indecisive and weak Louis is, always manipulated into things by others who want to have him. (And sorry, but I hate that about Louis, he had 30 years to get his head out of his ass and either make peace with being a vampire or go into the fire.) This time he’s manipulated by Claudia, because make no mistake, she didn’t come back to save him, she came back for entirely selfish reasons. She could not find a friendly vampire to partner with, so she came to take Louis, who would always try to accommodate her due to his sense of duty and guilt, even though he was also tied to his lover – and as we know three are one too many, hence all this mess. Though it’s really nice to see that even while accommodating her, Louis is still somehow choosing Lestat.
And then the big reveal at the end, the other manipulator. Rashid being Armand was not the big revelation, and I don’t think it was meant to be, because the hints were quite obvious for book readers. The big twist was Louis’s last line about Armand being the love of his life, which is just… lol. This ending put a lot of things into context. For example the timeline is pretty clear now. I think many (myself included) were hoping that the 50 year blank means that we’re set at least after The Queen of the Damned and Lestat would just pop up during this interview to set some records straight and take over. Well, unfortunately everything seems to have been in a limbo for 50 years, and we’re at the same stage, and Armand is mind-controlling Louis to play house with. This revelation puts the interview and the whole storytelling into a new perspective, especially if we consider Armand’s past with Lestat.
Props to Daniel for calling the whole farce out as it is. A seasoned journalist is not as easy to blind and misdirect. I’m also wondering how the Daniel/Armand relationship will be treated now. I can also more and more see the possibility of merging him with David’s character. As for the casting choice for Armand, it’s a pity we can’t have our cherubic ginger. I can also understand those who are piqued by the very probable change in his background, because the chances that he’s still of Ukrainian origin are close to zero, they are Slavic people, Eastern Orthodox Christians and lily white. Changing or, you might say, erasing this origin ended up being an unfortunate faux pas in the current geopolitical situation. Sure, filming was already going on when the war started, and nobody could have known beforehand, but the situation still highlights the simplistic way the US approaches diversity. They are too focused on race, but in most countries the differences, hierarchies are based on ethnicity and nationality. So yeah, from the American perspective it might seem to be simply exchanging a white guy for a brown-skinned Muslim guy, but in fact it was a white guy of an ethnicity in Eastern Europe that was never really on the winner side of anything. Case in point, Armand was also taken to be a slave.
Anyway, this was a hell of a point to stop in the story, and I really hope they will move further than the first book in the second season. There’s only so much Claudia I can bear, and really, the plot needs to move on. The wait will be a torture. Sure, there is the Mayfair Witches series in January, but my expectations are quite low, seeing how there’s no cast for Julien, for whom I would watch this anyway. I really hope they won’t merge Julien with Cortland, because it’s just ewwww. Sorry, but there’s nothing dandy about old Harry Hamlin, and even his younger self would do no justice to Julien, who is kind of a Lestat-esque character for me - looks included.
Okay, so much text for now, and I will go on reblogging gifs.
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starvinbohemian · 1 year
Have you seen the new interview with the vampire show?
I have seen exactly one episode. And for no other reason than because I have a crazy relationship with Anne Rice, having been completely re-shaped as a person when I first discovered her books as a (too young) kid, and because I was afraid to start the show and hate it. I have read so much Anne Rice, but this one-- this one, my beloved Interview-- was the first, the gateway and possibly the most formative thing I've read in my whole life. I felt certain the show would be bad. I knew from watching past interviews that Christopher Rice was excited to adapt The Vampire Lestat with his mother, but then Anne died, and it seemed to me that this latest adaptation was wrestled away from him and made into another Interview adaptation that he seemed to feel was unnecessary. And maybe it was taken from him? I have no idea, because I haven't looked into it at all. I see he's credited as an executive producer on this show, but that's a ceremonial title in most cases, so who knows? Besides, the '90s movie with Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise is, in my opinion, as good an adaptation as one could hope for (minus a better casting for Armand). Why did we need another adaptation?
Anyway, it took me an extra minute, because early pictures of Louis in a hoodie made me want to set myself on fire. Whatever else she might have thought of this show, Anne is definitely rolling over in her grave over that one. My boy would never. But something else I'm positive of is that Anne would have LOVED Sam Reid's Lestat. I'm honestly shocked by how perfect this casting was. I didn't think anyone could do a convincing Lestat performance. The character is... a lot lol. I admit to loving Tom Cruise's Lestat, but I think it's safe to say that he was never Anne's Lestat. I believe with everything in me that Sam Reid would have been Anne's Lestat. Perfection. (We're not gonna talk about Stuart Townsend's Lestat.)
So, my thoughts:
I'm still kinda wrapping my head around some of the changes from the book. Why are we in Dubai? They made my boy a pimp??? But I can see why, in the year of our lord 2023, it would be awkward to try to sell a protagonist that used to be a plantation slave owner. So, I get it. Moving on.
The melodrama. The big, sweeping musical score. Louis’ pretentious, occasionally ridiculous voice-over narration. Perfect reflection of the book’s tone. 
Speaking of melodrama... Lestat and Louis’ bad romance. Oh, boy. I know the showrunner really gets these two, because in the after-show interview, he said that what Louis called “being hunted” by Lestat, Lestat would call “courting” Louis. Yup. That’s them. 
And the STEAM. I did not expect them to go so hard with the erotic aspect of their relationship. I guess, after so many adaptations either dancing around it (lookin’ at you, ‘99) or outright ignoring/subverting it (lookin’ at you, Queen of the Damned), I wasn’t expecting to see Louis and Lestat straight-up devouring each other in a levitating sex scene one episode in. Although, Lestat declaring his love and immediately demanding all of Louis’ attention-- even during his brother’s funeral-- one episode in is very him. They got married, bathed in blood, at a church alter, surrounded by the corpses of priests Lestat had just brutally murdered-- not two minutes after Louis had been desperately begging said priests to save him from Lestat. The drama! The macabre! The most Anne Rice thing I’ve ever seen! Even Louis being annoying and mentally voicing over Lestat’s dramatic “let me turn you so we can be together forever” speech at its titular moment so I can’t actually hear it is pretty Anne Rice (and pretty Louis).
All of this happens one episode in. And to that, I say... Brava, show! That level of extra is exactly Lestat and Louis. (I love them.)
Also, this is a really interesting take on Daniel Molloy. My first instinct was rebellion-- where is my strung-out little twink reporter??? Armand's neurotic boy toy? But I think I love this older, jaded version of Daniel. I love that the first interview is still canon, but that Daniel botched it so bad that he had to wait decades for another shot. Moving the (second) interview to later in Daniel's life makes for a different Louis/Daniel dynamic, and I'm excited to see more of it. Daniel's bitter, but he's also still completely ensnared, and I'm here for it. I also appreciate that Daniel pointed out that there were inconsistencies and deflections in Louis' story the first time around, since that fits with the revelation in subsequent books that Louis wasn't exactly being 100% in his account. And it's just so Louis that he had to take a forty-nine-year pout before returning. (I love him.)
And crazy, religious brother Paul is here! Still crazy and religious! He finally made it into an adaptation. Good for him.
And ahhhh stealth Nicki reference! Lestat’s crazy violin-playing ex. I won’t hold my breath, but I hope we actually get to see him in a flashback. Paul made it into the show, so why not Nicki?
But I’ve gotta say that the biggest shock for me was Louis and Paul tap dancing. Louis... and Paul tap dancing? Anne, can you believe this?
A final shout-out to these lines:
Lestat, trying to convince Louis, future thorn in his side, to become a vampire: “I can take away that sorrow.” Hahahaha. Oh, Lestat. You have no idea how wrong you are. As if Louis would ever let you do that. Pain is his favorite.
“You’re his destiny, Louis!” Hahahahaha. You have noooo ideeeea.
So, I'm probably going to keep watching. I hope Louis sets something on fire soon! 
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sofipitch · 1 year
Can I say how much I hated HATED the freaking “lEStAt oNlY kILleD eViLOeRs” retconning bullshit AR pulled in TVL??? I get that there has to be some retconning to make it work and some of it is well done but that in particular is ridiculous and I will never accept it as canon. I really enjoyed TVL until the paragraph where Lestat is quickly going thru the events in the first book and shits on Louis’ whole account of events it is so condescending. “I can’t blame him for misunderstanding me I guess and I forgive his mistakes and the outright lies he told about me cuz I love him. How could he know I only ever killed bad people tehe he was a mess it’s really not his fault” (still overall like the book)… I know it’s the Louis girl in me and Louis isn’t perfect by any means but nah what we aren’t gonna do is invalidate everything he said and every experience he had just because you became obsessed with Lestat and started hating Louis.
I agree 100% and I am also a Louis truther. Usually what Louis lies about in IWTV is his feelings, as well as simply leaving certain scenes that might be too personal out (only part of what Lestat said that I believe, they were happy and it was unfair of Louis to hand wave that time). I tend to believe what he says goes in terms of what happened, so I believe that if Lestat actually stuck to the principle of "eating the evildoer" he would have told Louis. Like Louis struggles with eating humans and Lestat is so visibly concerned and upset there's no way that if that's what he did he wouldn't tell and give that option to Louis. Like even if Louis can't read minds why couldn't Lestat pick out the evildoers and bring it to him?
Also there are just discrepancies in Lestat saying he only ate evildoers, the children Claudia brings Lestat full of laudanum are CHILDREN, I'm sorry I don't believe children/babies are a tabla rusa but I also don't believe they are capable of being evil. And there is really no other way for that scene to make sense, an adult passed out from drinking maybe but it just isn't the same in terms of "she brought him a child to feed on as revenge bc of what he did to her in making her". Lestat also is described as killing TONS of slaves when they burn down the plantation, simply bc they found out that Louis and Lestat are, you know, blood sucking murderers
I also just hate the whole evildoer thing in the first place. Lestat actually comes up with the idea on his own before he meets Marius but decides a lot of ppl might do evil or commit crime do to circumstance, namely poverty. Instead of deciding to eat the rich Lestat just decides evil is hard to define and abandons the idea. But when Marius tells him to do just what he rejected he goes "Aye aye boss 🫡" It was a dumb way for AR to write her way out of that philosophical quandary
AR also uses the whole evildoer thing to promote her own weird views, namely super anti drug (AR was DARE paying you off for this?) campaign, which can get a little, well racist. QOTD specifically mentions Armand going to Latin America to find drug dealers and steal their money, which it's not like drug lords aren't an issue but how is it that they came to mind first and not the American elite rich who own companies like Walmart? I also don't believe in the death penalty and yes these are serial killer books but AR really tries to sell you the idea that they are good and moral for killing "bad" ppl, and in PL mention having a dungeon stocked full of prisoners as food 💀 It's fun as a horror concept but I REALLY get the feeling through reading that AR thinks this is good and not extremely fucked up for these wealthy pharmaceutical company owning vampire (I'm describing one guy but they all get their wealth inhumanely, landlording mostly, which AR seems to think is an honest living) to just get to decide what crimes are deserving of death
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