foreverblondie23 · 1 month
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unwinthehart · 3 months
Io comunque vorrei la serenità e la sfacciataggine di uomini mezzi sconosciuti che ti invitano da loro, in una città diversa, pensando che tu ci andrai.
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omarfor-orchestra · 6 months
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Comunque questo è stata una cattiveria gratuita e ho una querela pronta per rai1
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naivesilver · 1 year
☯ : what do you love about your language?
☪ : what do you hate about your language?
❁ : which language(s) do you think of as the most beautiful?
Ciao compare di compleanni 💗
Speak Your Language Day
☯ : what do you love about your language?
I love that it's so eclectic and with such varied influences that it can be both elegant AND silly, depending on the context. And of course I love that, since it's an Indo-European language, it makes it very easy to understand other speakers from the same area LMAO
☪ : what do you hate about your language?
I hate that sometimes things that are quick and easy to say in English can only be translated in such convoluted ways che Cicerone scansati proprio. Also, lawmakers will be up in arms about this, but I'd LOVE to have a gender neutral option 🙃
❁ : which language(s) do you think of as the most beautiful?
LIS (Italian Sign Language) is fascinating and mesmerizing for me, especially the way it often handles given names (of cities most of all), and I'd love to learn it well, one day
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ross-nekochan · 2 years
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Le mie estati sono a base di due cose:
Fresella e muzzarella.
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vanbasten · 2 years
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belteppismo · 1 year
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dominousworld · 1 year
Signore, aspettami!
di un monaco della Chiesa d’Oriente Signore, aspettami!Non andare così in fretta…Io non posso seguirti.Tu vai troppo forte per me.Aspettami, lasciati raggiungere.Signore, però non devi fermarti,né rallentare il tuo passo.Signore, voglio percorrerela strada verso la tua casa.Signore, non preoccupartidi venire verso di me.Io mi affretto verso di te.Potremo parlarci lungo la strada,fare una…
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foreverblondie23 · 2 years
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poesiablog60 · 24 days
Lungo il confine del giorno
Attraverseremo insieme la notte
Tenendo per mano
Le stesse parole
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angelap3 · 3 days
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Nun me trattà male
si nu juorno vecchia e stanca,
m'avvessa spurcà quanno magno,
pecchè me tremmene 'e mmane,
tu nun me guardà stuorto,
pienze quanti vvote te spurcave tu,
pe te mparà a magnà piccerillo mbraccia me.
Si 'a vicchiaja;
me fà dicere sempe e stessi ccose,
tu suppuorteme nu me trattà male,
pienze quanti ssere,
t'aggio cantato a stessa ninnanna,
pe te fà addurmmì.
Si 'e coscie me tremmano,
e nun c'a faccio a stà vicino a te a cammenà,
aspiettemi e nu sbuffà,
tu nun te scurdà,
ca ije t'aggio nmparato a cammenà,
senza maje sbuffà manco na vota.
Si mo parlo e sbaglio 'e pparole,
tu nun ridere e me nun me fa sentere na scema,
ije pe te aggio accumminciato lettera pe lettera,
pe te mparà a parlà.
Si mo aggio bisogno e te pe m'appuià nu poco,
ncoppo a spalla pe m'arrupusà,
pienze quanti vvote t'aggio purtato mbbraccio.
E mo aiuteme sulo arrivà a fine e chesta vita,
arricurdete figliu mjo,
che tu si tutto 'a vita mja,
e nun te scurddà maje e me,
pecchè ije,
aggio campato sulo pe te.
(Pupella Maggio)
Non trattarmi male
se un giorno vecchia e stanca,
mi dovessi sporcare quando mangio,
perché mi tremano le mani,
tu non mi guardare in mal modo,
pensa quante volte ti sporcavi tu,
per insegnarti a mangiare da piccolo nelle mie braccia.
Se la vecchiaia
Mi fa dire sempre le stesse cose,
tu sopportami non trattarmi male,
pensa quante sere,
ti ho cantato la stessa ninna nanna,
per farti addormentare.
Se le gambe mi tremano,
e non ce la faccio a stare vicino a te a camminare,
aspettami e non sbuffare,
tu non ti dimenticare,
che io ti ho insegnato a camminare,
senza mai sbuffare una sola volta.
Se adesso parlo e sbaglio le parole,
ti non ridere di me non farmi sentire una scema,
io per te ho iniziato lettera per lettera,
per insegnarti a parlare.
Se adesso ho bisogno di te per appoggiarmi un po’,
sulla tua spalla per riposarmi,
pensa quante volte ti ho portato in braccio.
E adesso aiutami solo ad arrivare alla fine di questa vita,
ricordati figlio mio,
che tu sei tutta la mia vita,
e non dimenticarti mai di me,
perché io,
ho vissuto solo per te.
Oggi, in memoria di Pupella Maggio, icona del teatro napoletano nata il 24 aprile 1910.
Ph. A. De Luca
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libriaco · 1 month
Le Fosse Ardeatine
Dieci metri piú in là del Quo Vadis la strada si biforca: a sinistra prosegue l’Appia Antica; a destra inizia la via Ardeatina. Prendemmo a destra. Man mano che proseguivamo nel cammino, m’accorsi che s’era formata una fila indiana di persone che, da sole o a piccoli gruppi, sembravano andare nella stessa direzione. Dopo cinquecento metri la strada smette di salire: segue una brusca discesa, che piega sulla destra. Proprio lí, poco dopo la svolta, nel compatto muro di fogliame che ci aveva fin allora accompagnati, s’apriva un varco. Vi entrammo: c’era uno spiazzo, a ridosso di una di quelle creste rossastre di tufo, che cosí frequentemente segnalavano allora nei dintorni di Roma la presenza di cave di pozzolana. Sullo sfondo, lungo la parete, s’aprivano due-tre grandi cavità oscure: si vedeva che erano state aperte, o riaperte, di recente, perché cumuli di terriccio fresco le fronteggiavano. Da quelle cavità un fitto via vai di persone, in gran parte militari, – poliziotti, carabinieri, pompieri, – ma tutti con delle povere tutacce blu o marroni, e fazzoletti colorati qualsiasi stretti intorno al volto. Mio padre trovò un masso da una parte e mi ci fece sedere. «Aspettami qui, – mi disse, – non muoverti». Capii che non era il caso d’insistere. M’accoccolai lí e cominciai a guardarmi intorno, mentre mio padre s’avviava verso uno di quegli ingressi. Mescolati a quelli che erano o parevano militari c’erano anche molti civili: uomini e donne aggrondati, generalmente vestiti di nero, che entravano e uscivano guardando fisso di fronte a sé. A un certo punto passarono due uomini, sorreggendo una donna: era riversa in avanti, con il volto cereo e le gambe rigide; le punte delle scarpe, tenacemente congiunte, come per un’inconscia resistenza nervosa dovuta a qualche dolore, rigavano la polvere. Ma la cosa piú impressionante per me era che da quelle bocche d’inferno veniva un fetore di fronte al quale quello dei poveri morti accatastati nelle bare qualche mese prima nel cimitero del Campo Verano mi sarebbe sembrato insignificante: forse a causa di un forte sbalzo di temperatura tra quelle fredde viscere della terra e il calore esterno, partiva dalla parete, e percuoteva tutti coloro che si trovavano lí davanti, una corrente, un vento intenso, un flusso mortifero compatto e come oleoso, che ci avvolgeva e ci sovrastava, permeando ogni molecola dei nostri apparati sensori, non solo il naso e l’olfatto, ma la bocca e il gusto, e impastandosi con tutta la nostra percezione. Il puzzo della morte, quando è particolarmente forte, si materializza, si fa corposo, si può toccare, diventa esso stesso una creatura vivente, una forza della terra. Cominciavo ad avvertire un ormai noto fremito di disgusto nello stomaco, quando mio padre riemerse dall’oscurità, con gli occhi rossi e il fazzoletto piantato anche lui davanti alla bocca e al naso. Disse: «Andiamo», e non ci fu verso di farlo parlare, fin quando, nel bar di piazza Tuscolo, non sorbimmo insieme un bicchiere di limonata. Sobriamente mi raccontò che proprio lí erano stati trucidati quei prigionieri italiani, politici e militari, di cui aveva parlato il giornale il giorno prima della morte di mio nonno Carlo, e che perciò da quel momento, poiché non aveva avuto ancora un nome, la strage poté chiamarsi, – e da allora s’è chiamata, – delle Fosse Ardeatine. Solo nelle settimane successive, e solo a brandelli, interrotti da lunghi silenzi, mia madre e io sapemmo il resto. Mio padre raccontò di aver visto le file dei prigionieri in ginocchio, non ancora decomposti, addossati l’uno all’altro, qualcuno caduto in avanti, con le mani legate dietro la schiena e un foro immenso nel cranio; disse che, a eccezione forse del primo, tutti gli altri avevano dovuto sapere, con un anticipo da pochi a molti minuti, quello che stava per accadergli. Raccontò anche che frotte di topi grassi fuggivano in giro quando uno degli addetti alla riesumazione spostava in uno di quegli angoli bui la luce della sua lampada.
A. Asor Rosa, L'alba di un mondo nuovo [2002], Torino, Einaudi, 2005
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omarfor-orchestra · 7 months
Comunque buongiorno solo a Kento e scuola Holden
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undyingghoul · 1 year
A Fun Day Out
Pairing: Copia & child!reader
Warnings: None! Just a bunch of fluff and cute and sweet!
Summary: Copia takes you out for a day at the zoo followed up by some amazing cuddles from his ghouls and ghoulettes.
A/N: I'm actually really proud of this, and I'd like to thank serene-sun for inspiring me to write this because of the Papa fics he's been making! Copia is #1 Dad and you can't tell me otherwise
“Copiaaaa come oooon!” You whined, tugging at his arm gently as you tried to lead him down the hallway. “Arrivo, arrivo!” Copia laughed, saying farewell to Terzo and Omega before letting you practically drag him down the hallway. He couldn’t help but smile at you even though you couldn’t see it.
“We’re going to be late papa! Come on- We gotta hurry!” You protested when Copia asked to slow down a bit. Over the years of watching you grow up, Copia realized you never truly changed. He kept up with your pace as best as possible, following you outside and to the car where you hopped into the passenger seat and kicked your legs excitedly.
Copia slid into the driver’s seat and buckled up, giving you a look and once hearing the click starting to drive to the destination. “Dewdrop said he wanted us to bring him back a plushie of some sort, and Mountain would love a little goat plushie if they have them!” You chirped, bouncing in your seat as you watched everything pass by.
“Si, si, and did anyone else want anything while we are going to the zoo?” Copia chuckled when you nodded and continued your list. “Rain wants an otter plush, and Swiss wants a lion plush! Aether would like a wolf plush, and the ghoulettes all want tiger plushies!” You stated proudly, proud of yourself for remembering what everyone wanted. Copia smiled and nodded. “Sister was nice enough to give us extra money for this trip, so of course, we can get the ghouls and ghoulettes the plushies.” You clapped your hands excitedly.
Within a few short moments, you saw the sign for the zoo and squealed with excitement, pressing yourself to the window of the car and grinning widely. Copia found a close spot to park and got out, coming over to get you out but already finding you out of the car and shutting the door. You held your hand out to your Papa and he smiled warmly, taking it in his own and leading you into the zoo.
After paying to get inside, you led Copia all over the zoo. You were determined to see every animal there was in the zoo even if it took all day. Copia had no cares in the world about it, either. As long as you were happy, he was happy. “Mio caro, aspettami!” Copia called out to you as you ran ahead upon seeing the wolf enclosure.
Pressing yourself against the safety bar you looked into the wolf enclosure, gasping softly when you saw a beautiful, pure white wolf trotting around the enclosure. Copia came to stand next to you, panting and leaning on the railing trying to catch his breath. “Mio caro, sei veloce!” He breathed, standing up straight and turning to the wolf enclosure.
Following the white wolf came a pure black wolf, coming to stand right at the front of the fencing and cock its head to the side as it looked at you. You waved to the wolf and smiled, giggling when you saw its tail wag side to side and its head tilting the other way curiously. You giggled again and mirrored its actions, not noticing a zookeeper come up to stand next to you and Copia.
“Dexter seems to like you,” The zookeeper commented, making you look up at them. “Is that the big black wolf’s name?” You asked curiously and the zookeeper nodded. “Dexter is the black one, Princess is the white one, and there are two gray wolves named Jester and Quintely,” The zookeeper explained to you, pointing out the last two wolves sleeping in the den. You smiled and nodded happily.
Copia watched as you interacted with the zookeeper, listening to the small facts they’d tell you about the wolves and watching your eyes sparkle with interest and excitement. The zookeeper pointed out things to you, like the body language and behaviors of the wolves as they came up to the front. The zookeeper pointed out that Dexter never left once and that he instead lay down by the front and seemed to be relaxing. You giggled at that and watched Dexter’s ears perk up when you giggled.
After a while, the zookeeper had to continue on, thanking Copia for the time, and giving you a small wolf sticker as a trinket from the interaction. You gave it to Copia for safekeeping. Papa led you through the rest of the zoo, letting you go into a big bird cage and feed some of the birds in there. You made sure that you visited the giraffes and got to see the deer, and also the penguins.
Many hours had passed and Copia took your hand again after you had just fed a giraffe your last carrot. “Come now, la mia luce stellare, it’s time for us to head back home,” He said, noticing how tired you were and picking you up to carry you. “Let’s go get some items from the gift shop and head out, si?” Copia smiled when you nodded and snuggled against him. “Okay, papa.”
Once inside the gift shop, Copia put you in charge of holding all the plushies for everyone, watching your eyes light up when he told you the task. You sat up a little bit more so you could hold all the plushies, making very careful movements the more plushies were added to your pile. “You got it, luce stellare?” Copia asked and you nodded. “Can we get the black wolf plushie too? I want it so I can name it Dexter!” You beamed and Copia laughed a bit. “Of course, luce del sole, anything for you.”
Copia paid for the plushies and carried you and the bag of plushies out of the shop, taking you to the car and buckling you in while setting the bag on the backseat. “Are you hungry at all? We can stop and get you a snack if you’d like, Copia proposed as he got in and buckled up, then hit the road. You gave a nod and snuggled into the seat. “Yeah, hungry…”
Making one pit stop to get you some food it was smooth driving from there, the time flying by and arriving back at the ministry in what seemed to take less time than it took to get to the zoo. You were fast asleep by the time Copia got you back to the ministry and he smiled warmly. He carefully picked you up and grabbed the bag, carrying you inside. He’d worry about the food later.
As Copia entered he was met by Rain. “Ah, Rain! Help your papa out, si?” Copia whispered and Rain nodded, taking you from him and carrying you to the dens where everyone knew you liked to sleep. Copia followed his bassist and got the doors for him, holding them open for Rain before passing through himself.
Rain walked into the dens and all the ghouls and ghoulettes perked up when they smelled your scent. Copia quickly followed and shushed them quietly. “il piccolo sta dormendo,” Copia whispered and everyone nodded. Mountain came over and took you from Rain while Copia handed out the plushies, carrying you down to his room and setting you down on his bed. Tucking you in gently he pressed a kiss to your forehead before turning his back to leave.
“Mounty?” You said groggily, having woken up a little bit. Mountain’s ears twitched and he turned back to face you, coming to sit on the edge of his bed and smile down at you. “Yes, little one?” He asked gently. “I want a cuddle pile… Please?” You asked, making grabby hands for him. Mountain started to purr and nodded with a smile. “I’ll go get the others, stay here my little morning star,” Mountain cooed, patting your head gently before leaving to get the others.
Within a few minutes, everyone had come into Mountain’s room. Dewdrop picked you up and held you close to him, settling in the middle and letting everyone curl up around him. Copia came in last and handed you your wolf plushie. “Here’s Dexter, luce stellare,” He smiled before pressing a kiss to your cheek and ruffling your hair a bit. “Get some rest, the ghouls and ghoulettes will keep you company.”
You nodded and snuggled into Dewdrop, enjoying the warmth he radiated. “Okay papa,” You huffed before letting your eyes fall shut and sleep take you away.
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stregamorganablog · 1 year
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Se fosse ... vero che avremo un altra vita...aspettami questa volta...cercami... trovami e amami....
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