#attitudinal psyche
sp6ghetti · 4 months
I’m trying to find information on Attitudinal Psyche, specifically subtypes. do you have anything i can study?
Attitudinal psyche is one of those sneaky systems that's easier to find and understand than the one it’s copying, which in this case is psychosophy. I'm not as against ap as I am against 16personalities or rheti, in fact I would say that it's a decent place to start. But I do beg of you to not stop there!! you can find a lot of the info on ap on their site, and alongside py you can find a bunch of info on pdbwiki as well. There is a full book dedicated to py, "The Syntax of Love" by Alexander Afanasyev, which gets a bit questionable at times, hence I don't recommend to just jump into that immediately, but it's still one of the best sources considering its written by its creator. There's also this document on the subtypes, though i forgot who put it together :(
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phlve · 8 months
Psychosophy Attitudes — Emotion
1E / First Emotion
To people with 1E the strongest experiences are associated with the emotional sphere. Such people consider it normal to experience feelings 200%, it doesn't matter whether it's joy or sorrow. Their emotions don't necessarily manifest externally, as they may try to restrain them, but inside they are bright and strong and they live by them.
To 1E it's not so important whether there is someone nearby, they can live alone with emotions. Sometimes they don't need anyone to rejoice or cry. It also happens that if there are people nearby, 1E express their emotions without looking back, they don't care if others "like" or approve of their emotional manifestation.
1E subconsciously believe that if someone doesn't share their feelings, they will be able to tell. They set an emotional framework and are ready to either extend them to everyone or move them out of the way if necessary.
1E don't always strive for emotional interaction. They may even miss the emotional response of their partner, and if they notice sometimes they may neglect them.
The feelings that 1E express in a fit of passion or anger may not touch the real person who caused them at all. These feelings are important to them in and of itself, and they express them for themselves, making the other a spectator.
When they express their feelings, 1E believe in them, feel them and therefore they don't lie. But they move away from these feelings just as quickly as they were lit up.
With all the strength of the emotional intensity, 1E don't strive for a prolonged outpour of feelings. The main thing for them to express themselves is to come to a result. However, their expression of feelings can be taken as a process for the reason that it has a lot of feelings, and it can jump from one to another for a sufficiently long time.
The expression of 1E can look like theatrical roles, beautiful paintings, photographs, poetry, music, or... tears, laughter, incoherent streams of words. Here genius and madness lay very close to each other.
To 1E feelings are the highest criterion in making decisions, such as whether to be with a person, to do a certain business, to buy a thing, to live in a city, etc. They can be very quick to make decisions in the heat of the moment.
Given that their emotions are strong and sharp, 1E people are very susceptible to external stimuli, so being under different ones they can say completely different things. To mature they need to learn to restrain these.
1E people may sometimes ask tactless questions, invading other people's feelings without asking. Or say things that hurt others, to which they usually don't think it necessary to apologise for.
1E usually have large, radiant eyes that seem to glow from the inside, and sometimes throw lightning. They have a very expressive face and exaggerated gestures, and tend to laugh out loud, which sometimes resembles a cackle. They love to dress brightly, to wear something unusual, unexpected.
In their speech there are many figurative expressions, comparisons, metaphors. Moreover, it can be both elating and melancholic, where the transition is often very quick, almost seamless.
1E are excellent starters of arousal in the opposite sex - the glitter in the eyes sparked by passion - all this is transmitted to the partner and initiates love. They don't even have to do something on purpose, it's enough to be themselves. Because of this, sometimes 1E people have fast-flowing romances.
1E are drawn to mysticism. They prioritise trusting their gut feelings and premonitions more than anything else. Faith is not just a word for them, they tend to sincerely believe in anything that they “feel” to be true (which is often accurate, but the rest of the time an inflated reality).
1E seek to romanticise everything that's possible, including their own view of the world, which they try to paint for themselves in a more colourful way. Even if the phenomena of life have a strict scientific basis, 1E still try to add to it an element of artistry, mysticism, mystery. It would be boring for them to live in a world that could only be explained by dry formulas.
In childhood, 1E were characterised by overt tearfulness or gaiety. Although this is a normal reaction to crises and external pressure for such a child, it is rarely understood by others and they might've heard people refer to them as "crybabies" or "hysterical", which they were hurt by.
In a critical situation where the First function is turned on first, if 1E are mature they'll resort to their other functions, or else it will look like an emotional tantrum.
Their world is generally colourful, stormy, deeply expressive and artistic, similar to a constantly heaving ocean.
2E / Second Emotion
2E provoke reactions and the clarification of relationships. They encourage acting in other people. 2E, like 2L, often "troll" people to get an interesting reaction out of them. They like to pull frankness out of people without promising anything. Often their style of communication is similar to endless flirting. To enthral a person and then reveal to want only friendship is their favourite game.
2E have the ability to express emotions only to the extent that it is adequate to the situation: no more, no less. When the situation changes, they're able to change their state almost instantly. They innately own the technique of emotional transformation.
The undoubted advantage of the 2E is their mastery of the word, and they can use it for both praise and criticism. In almost any situation, they know how to find the right words to "hook" and to please. They use emotions as a tool of influence, both positive and negative. They're not only emotional, but influence others through it.
2E seek to convey emotional states with maximum accuracy, avoiding false comparisons and hyperboles. If they're writing a letter or a story, then they'll try to choose the words so that they are all as appropriate as possible.
2E are capable of impromptu, associated with emotional vocabulary. They won't be able to make a "smart" speech without preparation, but to pronounce a deeply felt one.
2E are able to feel the mood of their audience and flexibly respond to it, choosing the necessary formulations and psychological techniques. They make good speakers.
The strength and richness of the emotional structure are a natural property of the 2E. In addition, they seek to constantly enrich their palette - they sensitively pick up all the shades of emotions that they hear, remember them and then reproduce them as needed, feeling satisfaction by playing with emotional strings.
In addition to emotional states, 2E collect stories, anecdotes, poems, drinking songs - they tend to constantly process various kinds of artistic information. The mature 2E possess a huge range of moods with which they can charge other people, lead them from one state to another, being on the same wavelength as them.
It's not at all necessary that 2E experience all the feelings that they demonstrate, for they do this not for themselves, but for the public. To them it's important to share emotions, exchange them with people. They love to sing and dance for others, they can especially memorise poems in order to read them later so that everyone gasps.
Such people measure any emotional expression with the answer of the interlocutor. They like to build an emotional dialogue, receive an answer, and create a bond game.
2E take care of other people's emotions. Unless necessary, they won't offend anyone, and if a person feels bad then they feel a natural desire to support and cheer them up.
Feeling well about the emotional state of other people, 2E can even take care of them to their own detriment. They often “forget” their own feelings and are carried away by supporting others. They do it completely disinterestedly, as they find a healing element in this.
Often they become the “soul of society" that creates an emotional atmosphere, both joyful and sad. 2E experience a vital need in the process of love: to love and to be loved and to know that this will always be so - this is their lasting desire.
In the behaviour of 2E, a certain mannerism, artificiality and sugary-ness can be observed. But in general, these are very charming people.
The second function is the best side of the human person - in the case of 2E, the best side of a person is the ability for emotional compassion, acting, and mastering the word.
3E / Third Emotion
Within 3E, as with any Third function, there is a duality. Outwardly they barely show emotions, but inside they feel a mighty potential. It may seem that they are completely indifferent, unphased, while in fact they burn with feeling and suffer from the fact that they cannot express these.
3E are sensitive to the emotions of others and are defenceless in front of emotional pressure. They are afraid of violent expression of feelings, of tantrums, and are completely lost in situations when they're forced to react to them. In addition, they're afraid of emotional pain and suffering that they cannot bear.
In close communication, and even more so in life, 3E are often perceived as impenetrable people: their partner often can't understand their feelings. They’re friendly, but at the same time they constantly keep their distance. It's difficult to guess what feelings they're experiencing, even direct questions don't help - this is very painful for those who crave emotional dialogue.
The critical question for 3E is distance or closeness in a relationship: they want intimacy, but put on a mask of indifference. There is little something wrong in the interaction - it closes immediately. When they are imposed on, they reproach. On one hand they always reach out to where they can receive emotions, and on the other they're afraid to manifest them.
The dream of any 3E is to open up and express: they're afraid that the outside world will not appreciate and support them, but they still wish for it since they can only get the greatest pleasure from emotional self-expression. Since this is difficult, they tend to seek a false release in hedonism, by lingering in sadness or even in work.
3E actually really like to talk about feelings, sorting them out to the smallest shades, experiencing each as fully as possible, and wishing they could do it more. If they're asked to remember something pleasant they'll remember, savouring every detail, even the most seemingly insignificant ones.
As children, 3E are considered ideal: they rarely cry and don't complain about anything, therefore parents are relieved of the need to reckon with their feelings. But if they're clamped down since childhood, they will grow even more sensitive and painfully incapable of openly expressing feelings.
Alcohol is one of the few means that allows 3E to be liberated - and as one might expect, as soon as the effect of alcohol ends they return to their squeezed, closed state, in which they're in most of the time.
The most difficult question for 3E is “Tell me how you feel” and “How do you feel about this?”. They don't fully understand their feelings: they can say that they love, and immediately begin to doubt it. It is important for them to confirm their own experiences in the process of dialogue with others. For 3E love is an interaction, during which people understand that they love each other.
Like any Third function, they're constantly in search of themselves and testing their own feelings. Such people can pursue careers that look into the depths of other people's souls - paths such as making music, becoming actors, or even
Sometimes they decide an outpour of feelings. They wish to say “I love you!”, like 1E do, to start crying is a very sweet release to them. In the few occasions they manage to expose their feelings genuinely, it looks very unusual and even somewhat desperate. But they can learn.
3E are characterised by contemplation. They love nature because it's safe there. For them, being alone is important, it’s where they can recover. They also love animals, and they usually reciprocate it. All of this is a consequence of the difficulty in expressing love towards people.
3E can be amiable, especially agreeable in situations where they feel at risk. In society, these are nice people who smile at everyone. 3E seek to charm people so that they love and cherish them. For this, they are ready for a lot, including giving in, pleasing and surrendering their interests, if it doesn't work out differently. Fortunately, it rarely comes to that. It is safe to say that 3E build relationships only with those who love them, and ignore those who don’t.
Almost everyone is able to charm 3E. This is a very strong side of them. They continue to be loved long after the relationship is over, sometimes all their life. 3E are remembered in the team, even if they quit many years ago. They are always remembered as sincere people.
The main disadvantage of 3E is a large number of masks and all kinds of protections. Delving deeper under their masks, they can begin to manipulate people (voluntarily or not). Often, instead of defending their emotional manifestations, they twist the situation, act offended and guilt-trip others. They may use this technique in the event that a person betrays their feelings, but sometimes even when they are at fault, as self-defence.
3E love to draw out a declaration of love from others, even if in that moment they are overwhelmed by feelings, they still try to relieve themselves of responsibility for them, to transfer it entirely to another person. They let you confess, will deeply appreciate it, then the next moment make fun of it. But 3E perform such manipulations mostly unconsciously. From within, they don't view them as such.
The "fig leaf" of the 3E is irony. They are characterised by the irony of the world (the ability to find a reason to ridicule everything).
3E have an innate humorous gift. They are inclined to say sharp jokes and be ironic about all sorts of phenomena of life, especially those that are distinguished by pretentiousness, and they do this with an absolutely imperturbable look. They value subtle humour, that hatches barely noticeable smiles.
3E involuntarily underestimate even very bright events. They don't tolerate excessive pathos, pretentiousness in the expression of feelings, and in their manifestations of emotions they try not to allow anything of the kind. They prefer to suffer and love in silence than to go too far with feelings. They tend to pull back on other people and are hurt by everything too loud, both in colours and in the expression of deeply-felt feeling outpours.
People with 3E are often distinguished by an even tone, a monotonous intonation, somewhat similar to mumbling. Because of their reduced expressivity, their speech is somewhat plain and they display few facial expressions and few gestures.
The most striking external sign of 3E is the impossibility of a wide open smile and laughter in a full voice. The smile comes out strained, the laugh is stifled, more like a giggle.
In general, the world of 3E is of muted colours and halftones. External connectedness is only a shell behind which the realm of strong experiences is hidden. Love means so much to them that the fear of losing it eventually forces 3E to fight for it (which would help them mature). They value a kind word and really appreciate a warm attitude. Most of all, they are afraid of hearing: "You are a stale biscuit, you have no feelings." Although they may sneer and mock and view life through inverted binoculars, what they really wish is to just gently purr about everything in the world.
4E / Fourth Emotion
4E manifest themselves in a very even and disinterested manner. Feelings are not a reason for them to express them, they don't see value in it. If they love, then they don't shout about it. If they suffer, then do so only on the inside.
4E find it easier to adjust to the emotional state of the partner than to set the emotional background. They don’t impose their feelings on others and easily take on the emotions of others. Next to high Emotions, they can be very bright; next to 3E they’ll fall silent. If such people are left alone, they may not pay attention to their emotional state at all and solely focus on their tasks.
4E are able to smile when necessary, compliment, joke, and even to raise their voice - all this happens "to the task," for a short time, and emotions fade as quickly as they arose. In fact, even while having fun with others, the Fourth Emotion continues to remain unaffected inside. 4E are able to adapt to any mood, to take root in any team. They are “omnivorous'' and emotionally "non-partisan".
The Fourth Emotion does not use emotions as an instrument of influence. And she is not interested in engaging in emotional dialogue.
4E don’t care about the feelings of other people, but don’t consciously hurt them either. They can only touch them with their indifference.
4E are impartial critics. Any artist, writer or composer will find a grateful and adequate response in it. Since she does not have her own aesthetic preferences, her criticism is very objective.
During puberty, 4E can be actively involved in creativity: dancing, poetry, singing. Then it usually goes away, and they become themselves - calm and uninvolved.
4E don’t usually create art themselves, but consume art as a media. At the same time, they are interested in everything and have no pronounced artistic preferences. Even if they get involved in artistic creation, they will be able to work in various genres and not have the framework that is characteristic of higher Emotions.
If 4E choose a creative field as his profession, then they will remain uninterested in the products of their emotional expression, and will be realised in other functions, simply using the Fourth Emotion as a tool.
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amateur-heretic · 8 months
Introduction to Aesthetic Aspiration Personality Theory (AAPT) V. 0.2
Releasing an update to AAPT(formerly AEPT) that builds off of months of utilizing the system and my evolving thoughts and terms for the system. I hope you enjoy! I've also finally made a discussion group for AAPT, you can join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1043756753302068/ .
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If you're interested in a body neutral, gender expansive framework for exploring beauty made by a queer neurodivergent person this is for you
"Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being. It is an act of high courage flung in the face of life, the absolute affirmation of all that constitutes the individual, the most successful adaptation to the universal conditions of existence coupled with the greatest possible freedom for self-determination." Quote from Carl Jung
As a queer, gender non-conforming, neurodivergent person I've oftentimes felt I didn't have my experiences reflected in Yin Yang based style systems despite finding them fascinating. So using my experience with personality theories and eclectic wisdom traditions I've crafted my own system that prioritizes personality and authentic preference over others’ perception of who someone is or is supposed to be. I aimed to avoid unnecessarily boxing people in. I've tried to create an accessible structure that can model complexity and supposed "contradictions" while allowing fine-tuned articulation of preference in different contexts. I avoid gender essentialism in how I am exploring these concepts as well. Gender is multifaceted and socially constructed, and I am looking for more specific atomized ways of looking at people's relationship to being and expression. AAPT mostly only relates to gender in terms of how certain kinds of relating, or power dynamics have been stereotyped as relating to certain genders.
I credit Northrup for her original application of Yin and Yang to fashion. I also owe a lot of my aesthetic awareness, and the foundations of this system to later innovators in the Yin Yang style tradition like McJimsey, Kitchener, Kibbe, and Schemmel. As much as I think it's important to have a body-neutral space for exploring personality and style, there's a lot of nuanced insights in systems that focus more of physicality too. These systems have interesting points about making particular visual impacts, different ways of relating to your body, exploring different aspects of identity, and navigating societal expectations. At the same time I'm critical of focusing on ascribing archetypes or personality traits to body shapes, or constraining expression or joy by focusing on body shape.
AAPT is focused on inner beauty first and foremost. AAPT isn't built to give tips on how to dress for your body. I may make posts with advice on how to use AAPT for style, or common associations with fashion elements. However, it isn't the foundation of the system, and AAPT isn't here to give constraints. As a personality system AAPT is an exploration of some differences in preferred ways of moving and relating to oneself in the world. As a framework it helps people articulate which ways feel more or less pleasurable, enlivening and resonant. It also serves as a framework that helps people integrate different ways of relating to themselves and others they have an antagonistic or unconscious relationship with. Despite each persons’ unique emphasis on parts of the range of who someone can be in relation to power and vulnerability, accessing the full range of sensation and regulation there is core to a sense of wholeness and flourishing.
AAPT works as a description of core long-term motivators for style. It is useful for exploring what people feel is authentic to their empowered self and resonant with their yearnings in life. While I think certain kinds of styles can be more congruent with people's internal experience, fashion is very situational and cultural as well. I encourage people to be able to experiment and play with style and expression lifelong, rather than feel they need to quickly land on an identity or consistent presentation that might be restrictive.
Aesthetic Aspirations
I've shifted from the Yin Yang of other systems' framing to alternative conceptualization because I believe they are more specific and carry less gendered cultural baggage. Instead of Essences like other systems have labeled similar phenomena, I chose to refer to them as Aspirations in my system to reflect a focus on them as active processes and ways of relating people taken on rather than an innate state. I've also used terminology for the aspirations I believe are gender expansive, inclusive, and intuitively graspable.
The Aspirations in AAPT are as follows:
Innocent: soft, cute, dependent, delicate, gentle, and guileless
Charming: interest in enticing activities, and eliciting desire and pleasure in themselves and others. Charming Aspiration can seem alluring, captivating, titillating and warmly inviting.
Visionary: inspirational, entrancing, wise, otherworldly, sagacious, mystical   
Mischevious: light-hearted mischief, boisterous, fun-seeking, silly, and frisky
Hardy: tough, wants to be strong for themselves and others, focus on sturdiness, endurance, strength, asserting one’s capacities onto the environment.
Sovereign:commanding, forceful, imperious, and powerful
Formal: balanced, regimented, orderly, even, controlled, and refined
The Aspirations are based on two different lenses.
The first lens is Attunement vs Opposition as two contrasting modes of framing interactions with oneself and one's environment. Attunement Aspirations share a soft responsivity, a focus on attracting towards oneself what it deems valuable, and a strong sensitivity towards latent, delicate and idealistic matters. Opposition Aspirations share a hard edged directive focus, a focus on taking action on its environment, and an awareness of what ways it can push and make use of objects and people around it
The second lens is Scales of Agency. Those framings of scales of interaction being Personal, Relational, and Transcendental. Personal Aspirations are focused on what is located in the self and how that self is impacted in the here and now. Relational Aspirations are focused on building out, managing, and proactively shaping their environment. Trascendental Aspirations  are focused on the meta-framing of encapsulating power dynamics, the context that shapes the flows of influence and prioritization within a domain.
These lenses generate the Aesthetic Aspirations as follows:
Personal + Opposition = Mischevious
Relational + Opposition = Hardy
Transcendental + Opposition = Sovereign
Personal + Attunement = Innocent
Relational + Attunement = Charming
Transcendental + Attunement = Visionary
Relational + Balance = Formal
3 Layers
There are three layers which independently have different Aspiration stackings. Aspiration stackings are the ordering of Aspirations that describe who one is. The three layers are:
Layer A: Lifestyle
 In this layer what people’s sense of preferred activities is articulated, it often relates to the kind of career someone wants, as well as the purpose of the activities one likes to take on.
Layer B: Affiliation: 
This is the layer of camaraderie, friendship, typical presentation, and the specialized roles or flavorings in the activities and interactions one prefers to focus on.
Layer C: Intimacy:
This layer articulates the flavoring and roles one prefers among chosen family, and lovers. It articulates any other relationships or kind of activities that defines the core of what home is to someone, or a kind of sublime renewal of oneself.
Stackings, Accentuation, and Baseline
In each of the 3 layers people first identify Accentuated and Unaccentuated Then people rank their Accentuated Aspirations in each. People can have different amounts of Accentuated Aspirations.
An example typing would be
A: Innocent, Mischievous, Hardy, Formal
B: Sovereign, Innocent, Formal, Visionary, Charming, Hardy, Mischievous
C: Charming, Mischievous, Innocent
All the seven Aspirations are fundamental to a life that is wholly lived. However, some are Accentuated in the sense there is a clear active desired intensification and identification of self with that energy. Everyone can be mischievous, everyone has innocence, it is healthy for people to be connected to all 7 Aspirations as part of their regulation. This connection to all 7 Aspirations in a healthy balanced way that enables self-regulation and wholeness is crucial and I will be referring it as the Baseline Integration of each Aspiration. In future posts I will further elaborate on what having or lacking Baseline Integration of each Aspiration looks like. However, not everyone feels these as an aspect of self they wish to accentuate as part of their creative being beyond a foundational sense.
There's an unmitigatedness to the Accentuated Aspirations. Accentuated Aspirations are a core aesthetic in the sense that they describe a kind of beauty that people feel drawn to resonantly fully embody. Not superficial beauty but the kind of beauty that feels like a shining emanation of someone's self-determination and vital self expression. When one of the Aspirations are Unaccentuated, there is a neutrality or aversion towards it as an actively maximized way of being. To be clear people can feel adverse because of trauma or shame, but from a self knowing and empowered awareness there can still be internal incongruence.
There are patterns to how different positions within a ranking manifest. The primary Aspiration of each layer establishes the overall tone that people maximize. It is the most strongly identified and expressed. The secondary Aspiration frequently combines with the primary Aspiration for a particular spin on the primary Aspiration's agenda. It is also flexibly and loosely engaged for its own sake. The tertiary Aspiration is more subdued but still obviously flavors the overall impression. In spikes of activity it will often be engaged on its own terms for variety. The quaternary Aspiration and those that follow tend to be subtle. These Aspirations have a low, deemphasized, sustained baseline, or are brought in for contrast from usual way of being. The quinary Aspiration and onward are often hard to notice but have a subtle sense of deepening a sense of wholeness of being. These descriptions apply to the number of Aspirations people have in the first place, some people may only have a few Aspirations in a layer.
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For those who are interested in interpersonal compatibility, in AAPT people have an AAPT dual which they can hypothesize, explore, and type. It can be homogeneous with one's own type or heterogeneous. It can really be any type. I've seen all kinds of unique complementary pairings. Authority Chain
The Authority Chain characterizes a bidirectional flow of consent and influence, with a Foundational end and an Executive end. In a duality or otherwise interaction of two people. The Aspiration towards the Foundational end has the role of accentuating sensitivities, pluripotent potentiality, and capacity for regrowth, insurrection and rebellion. In the integrated baseline sense Aspirations on the Foundational end support the capacity for connection, renewal, creativity, and freedom, and lead by embodying these values. Foundational aspirations have a bottom-up approach in these senses. The Aspiration towards the Executive end has the role of accentuating consolidating factors, path-finding, hosting and configuring spaces towards particular ends, and utilizing power. In the integrated baseline sense Aspirations on the Executive end support the capacity for efficacy, control, and intensification and collection of power. The Executive end embodies a top-down approach. In a duality or other desired interaction of two people, the person with the aspiration closer to the Foundational end is the Foundation, and the person closer to the Executive end will be referred to as the Executive. If the two people are the same aspiration, they will be referred to as identicals. At the same time I want people to keep in mind each interaction of two aspirations have unique qualities that have unique flavoring and potentials outside of the Authority Chain. Also, people who have integrated Aspirations are whole people who have the potential for interaction beyond this bi-directional pattern, and often times the positive capacities of each end will not be actualized, or done so in a toxic way if Aspirations are baseline unintegrated. Foundational <- I-M-C-F-H-V-S -> Executive Conclusion
I want to elaborate on how AAPT overlaps with gendered phenomena and the ways it doesn't. Gender norms often keep people from fully expressing who they are in an AAPT sense. And a lot of what gendered styles or presentations are communicating can be explained using AAPT. However, AAPT does not encapsulate what gender is entirely. It does articulate aspects of self that are often assigned to gender, particularly those related to power dynamics and softness or firmness.
AAPT is an affirmation of the body-neutral beauty that is in each person that emanates out in joyful, self-determined, powerful expression. I hope that AAPT can help people reflect on parts of themselves that are often policed or suppressed by society. I believe that the right self reflection frameworks can be an empowering tool to liberate oneself from shame-based expectations and gain agency. Additionally, resonating with these kinds of foundational ways of being in the world can be a source of joy and nourishment that unfortunately many people are disconnected from.
You're beautiful just because you are~ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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herebedragonstypology · 4 months
My full typology
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Classic jungian: IN(F)
Enneagram: 6w5
Tritype: 621
Instinctual variant: sp/so
Temperament: Melancholic-Phlegmatic
Attitudinal Psyche: LEFV (most likely)
Not really sure about the rest rn. I will be adding to the list as I learn
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rambling-persona · 1 month
It always is fascinating to hear what others' perspectives are on various typing systems. I have tendency to get stuck or just have a very black and black "it's this or wrong" mentally, so I love it when I get hit over the head with hammer basically, be it directly/intentionally or not.
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kmeneon · 4 days
hi ! If you want to share some data and find more information about typology, or if you want to talk with other typology lovers, join us on discord ! 🪻
we're a little community and we want it to be a safe place to talk and learn more about this topic we love 🫰
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linollush · 2 years
I want someone whom I can discuss personality typology with. I feel like a creep observing and analyzing people everyday
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bunnyprincessbecca · 4 months
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Did that trend on TikTok where you describe yourself in images!!!!! I don’t know what to tag this I just thought it was cute so I guess I’ll tag it by letting you guys guess my typology based on this😅 btw last image is “me as a food” and it is an attempt at a Spamton gingerbread cookie I made at my college’s dining hall with @ninetimesbluedemo and @swallow-wind For hobby I did volunteering so it’s a picture of Tapioca and Pompom from the day I met them when I was volunteering at the shelter!!!
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warm-lullabies · 2 years
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ISTJ - 9w8 - sp/sx - 954 (9w8 - 5w4 - 4w5) - SLI - RLUEI - FLEV - Phlegmatic - Melancholic - IS(T)
Moodboard made by me ✨
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contentgreenearth · 9 months
Finally, we've made it. Now we are to the myth busters section! This is probably the part those of you who are not part of the Personality Database fan club have been waiting for. Here's the Personality Database and Tik Tok myths I have debunked , as well as thinks Afansayev, Rob Zeke and others believed, that my experiment proved are not the case. Mind you, a lot of typology creators do not have good knowledge of other typology systems, and have their biases and make mistakes.
Even, as much as I've talked about them, Marston and Jung both made mistakes. Marston thought that S and I, and D and C were conscious/unconscious pairs; but Jung's theory disproves that, and proves that the conscious/unconscious pairs are actually S and D, and I and C. Jung believed that some traits were associated with introversion/extroversion; but Marston's theory disproves that, and proves Jung should have been associating those traits with the 4 functions instead.
So now that I'm laying that out there, don't get mad if I say your favorite typology system creator was wrong about something.
>Myth #1: all those gatekept MBTI/Enneagram combos you see. I'm just going to let you read this, for that myth. I think it shows sufficiently that the gatekept combinations are a myth:
You will have to copy and paste the link into your browser. Tumblr doesn't like it, for some reason 🙄
>Myth #2: Enneagram to Psychosohpy correlations
This is wrong in 2 ways. First, as I found in my experiment, Enneagram has very little to do with Psychosophy. Also, they say that Psychotypes can have varying dominant instinctual variants, when my experiment proved that Psychotypes can only have 1 dominant instinctual variant per type, however the core can vary
>Myth #3: "The Volition aspect represents extroversion in Psychosophy "
Apparently, this was something Afansayev said, but once again, remember how I said that a lot of the typology creators don't know too much about other typology systems. He obviously didn't know much about Jung's theory, because my experiment showed that the Volition aspect represents Jung's intuition function; not his extroverted attitude
>Myth #4: " Attiduinal Psyche is a watered down version of Psychosophy "
My experiment proved that Attiduinal Psyche is only slightly looser than Psychosophy; that's so that Attiduinal Psyche will type everybody, not just a few. For most types, Attiduinal Psyche only included the Psychotype, plus 1 to 3 other SOJT types that were closely related to the SOJT type of the people with the Psychotype; in my experiment. The only types that expanded beyond 4 SOJT types were the ones where the representative of the Psychotype in Afansayev's book had an ambiverted SOJT type, in which case, the Psychotypes cast a wider net to begin with.
>Myth #5: "VELF is a versatile type that can be any Enneagram or MBTI type"
This is because Rob Zeke has a bias toward the type VELF. In my experiment I found that VELF, just like all but 6 of the 24 AP types, has a very specific set of types that make up over 90% of the cases. MBTI types: ISFJ, ISFP, INFJ and INFP; Enneagram cores: 4, 5, 6 and 9; were nearly 100% of the statistics. Needless to say those MBTI types are part of the S quadrant of DISC, which contains 40% of the human population. *That's* probably why it's so common, not versatility.
By contrast, in my experiment, the 6 Psychotypes represented by ambiverts were the most versatile. Half of them could be 9 of the 17 SOJT type families in the experiment, and most Enneagram cores, as a result. Those were EFLV, FEVL and FLVE. The other 3 could be any of the 17 SOJT type families, or have any of the 9 Enneagram cores. They were: VFEL, FVEL and FLEV. Those are the 3 most flexible types in AP, right there, and VELF is not one of them.
>Myth #6: "If you're having trouble typing someone, they're probably VELF"
Once again, this is Rob Zeke's VELF bias. The reality is, in the experiment I did, I had many people who were hard to type, but none of them were VELF. These were the usual hard-to-type outcomes:
The person was in the "Undifferentiated Attitude " type family, and had an obviously extroverted or obviously introverted AP type
The person had an obviously extroverted or introverted SOJT type, and an ambiverted AP type
The person did not have the stereotypical version of the type, and looked different because of subtypes, other typology systems, etc.
Well, that's it. I'm now going to get back to my Typing In Practice Posts. I hope to complete them all before my wedding, which looks like it will be happening before the year is out.
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toughnstuff · 1 year
This is my typology, I'd like to find out other psychology geeks
- Enneagram: sp/so 5w4 — so/sp 4w5 — sp/sx 1w9
- Big Five: [R]lOe|I|
- Classic Jungian: IN(T)
- Attitudinal Psyche: VLEF
- Temperament: Melancholic [dominant]
- Socionic: LII-Ne NCDH
- Typology: INTP, IN(T), sp/so 5w4, 541, LII-Ne, RLOEI, VLEF, Melancholic [dominant]
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sp6ghetti · 8 months
type me (in psychosophy)
Py is one of the only systems I'm actively unsure of, obviously this is nothing in depth, but if anyone has thoughts, do let me know! In case it’s relevant for contradictions etc. I'm currently typed as IN(F) NiFi sx514 IEI-Ni-H Rlua[I]. I am quite sure of it, though I have, and still do, consider sp6 a bunch as well. 
emotion I'm really bad at expressing myself to others directly. I often try to postpone confrontation as long as I can until I'm sure my feelings are valid, genuine and I'm able to word them properly, or avoid them completely. Because of this I have remained in painful situations, even though the solution is as simple as just speaking honestly about how it makes me feel. I do really love to express myself in more indirect ways, like art or writing. Though I'm very protective of both, only a few people, if any, get my permission to see it. By my family I tend to be told I seem too cold even when I'm genuinely hurt by things, while I've been told by friends I come off too genuine even when making sarcastic comments.
will I do have goals i would like to accomplish in my life, however when it comes to actually getting there, I am extremely passive. I tend to wait for circumstances until they're “perfect”, which is never, thus I end up sitting and waiting for years and years until I'll allow myself to move on and most likely abandon this goal. I'm often not sure of what I want, especially when it comes to activities. I often let others decide things for me, but when they have, I often reject their suggestion, even when I did think I was on board with it only a second before. 
logic Personally I have a tendency to over explain things. People have told me this gets really confusing at some point because I'll just be dumping too much info at once, often in a way that isn't the clearest or straightforward either. from a very young age I've been called stubborn, I've always struggled with asking for and accepting help when it came to my education. I would often try to find my own solutions for things for the better and for the worse. this doesn't mean I don't accept any info from others tho, I’m extremely interested in others opinions and thoughts on many different topics. I really dislike it when these conversations turn heated or into debates, it stresses me out and often makes me incapable of thinking my arguments through.
physics I don't consider myself materialistic, though I do really care about my aesthetics, hygiene and resources. Even when I'm away from home for an hour, I'll take everything I might potentially need to have with me, and on vacation I'll often be questioned whether i shoved a pile of bricks in my suitcase instead. I don't enjoy others touching my stuff without permission, but I happily offer my friends to borrow my stuff if they need it, or gladly give it to them if they ask. I also really dislike others touching me, especially when I haven't been made aware of it beforehand. Though I can be very physically clingy towards others, I have a weird habit of petting people on the head? 
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phlve · 8 months
Psychosophy Descriptions — ELFV
A person with a mental type of " Rousseau " is unbalanced, emotional, and romantic with elements of tragedy. His mood changes dramatically. He knows no measure in anything: love, intellectual delight, disgust, anger, disbelief in his own strength, guilt, fun - any passion absorbs him entirely, and at such a moment nothing can serve as a restraining force.
Many carriers of the Rousseau psychotype are distinguished by an emotional and sometimes somewhat hysterical reaction to the world, they are often vulnerable, the inner theme of their thoughts is regret that the world is getting worse. They are prone to depression. They love and are drawn to art, and the creative process in life is present in all areas of their activity.
A person with the Rousseau psychotype has excellent logical, scientific, literary abilities, an excellent memory for details. He is talkative and witty, and knows how to listen to the interlocutor. Often listening to other people's opinions trusts others. He has a romantic mindset. In ordinary communication, “Rousseau” is an excellent conversationalist, quite emotional and pleasant. He has a subtle sense of humor, an original sense of beauty, an interest in complex art, for example, cinema, graphics, folklore, oriental dances, some spiritual practices. Sometimes sadness visits him due to the periodic feeling of his ordinary human weakness in front of objective difficulties, generated by the surrounding material world, to change which is not included in his plans.
A person with the Rousseau mental type subtly feels the physical state of friends and relatives, selflessly takes care of them. He has problems with his health, he is suspicious, constantly worries about himself, and tends to a healthy lifestyle. He carefully hides his external physiological defects. He feels a split and uncertainty in relations with the world of material things - everything that relates to the body, appearance, fashion, nutrition, carnal pleasures. He fears more than other physical violence and beatings, but is prone to particular cruelty in a difficult situation. He equips his permanent and even temporary home with joy and special meaning. Money is very important to him. If they are not enough, he strives to a minimum (if only it is guaranteed) and being content with little, still dreaming of earning a quality life for his family. He has a difficult sex life, because in his actions he is lascivious, selective and cowardly, unpredictable in sensations, clean and squeamish at the same time, and at the same time risks changing sexual partners and preferences.
A person with a Rousseau mental type is not self-confident in everyday life, peaceful, benevolent, avoiding conflicts in all areas of life, except for intellectual disputes and emotional addictions. In rare disputes or discussions, hidden, sometimes powerful intellectual cynicism, global and systematic thinking, accuracy as a quality of his mindset are revealed.
He is interested in promoting his ideas and views and dreams of meeting a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits and trusting his leadership abilities.
It is more convenient for him to be led, subordinate, sacrificial in everyday affairs and events. He believes in the fate and special destiny of man.
But in a difficult and extreme situation, "Rousseau" acts decisively and is able to surprise everyone (including himself) with the adequacy of actions, heroism, courage, physical and mental endurance, and intellectual power. In an extreme situation, he is able to achieve records and win.
Source: The16Types
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amateur-heretic · 1 year
Introduction to Aesthetic Essence Personality Theory (AEPT) V. 0.1
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If you're interested in a body neutral, gender expansive framework for exploring beauty made by a queer neurodivergent person this is for you
"Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being. It is an act of high courage flung in the face of life, the absolute affirmation of all that constitutes the individual, the most successful adaptation to the universal conditions of existence coupled with the greatest possible freedom for self-determination." Quote from Carl Jung
As a queer, gender non-conforming, neurodivergent person I've oftentimes felt I didn't have my experiences reflected in Yin Yang based style systems despite finding them fascinating. So using my experience with personality theories and eclectic wisdom traditions I've crafted my own system that prioritizes personality and authentic preference over others perception of who someone is or is supposed to be. I aimed to avoid unnecessarily boxing people in. I've tried to create an accessible structure that can model complexity and supposed "contradictions" while allowing fine-tuned articulation of preference in different contexts. I avoid gender essentialism in how I am exploring these concepts as well. Gender is multifaceted and socially constructed, and I am looking for more specific atomized ways of looking at people's relationship to being and expression.
I credit Northrup for her original application of Yin and Yang to fashion. I also owe a lot of my aesthetic awareness, and the foundations of this system to later innovators in the Yin Yang style tradition like McJimsey, Kitchener, Kibbe, and Schemmel.
AEPT is focused on inner beauty first and foremost. AEPT isn't built to give tips on how to dress for your body. I may make posts with advice on how to use AEPT for style, or common associations with fashion elements. However, it isn't the foundation of the system, and AEPT isn't here to give constraints. As a personality system AEPT is an exploration of preferred ways of moving and relating to oneself in the world that feel pleasurable, enlivening and resonant.
AEPT works as a description of core long-term motivators for style. It is useful for exploring what people feel is authentic to their empowered self and resonant with their yearnings in life. While I think certain kinds of styles can be more congruent with people's internal experience, fashion is very situational and cultural as well. I encourage people to experiment and play with style and expression rather than feel they need to quickly land on an identity that might be restrictive.
Aesthetic Essences
I've shifted from the Yin Yang of other systems' framing to alternative conceptualization because I believe they are more specific and carry less gendered cultural baggage. I've also used terminology for the essences I believe are gender expansive, inclusive, and intuitive.
The Essences in AEPT are as follows:
Innocent: soft, cute, dependent, delicate and guileless
Charming: interest in enticing activities, and eliciting desire and pleasure in themselves and others. Charming essence can seem alluring, captivating, titillating and inviting.
Ethereal: mystical, mysterious, floaty and surreal
Playful: light-hearted mischief, fun-seeking, silly, and frisky
Hardy: tough, wants to be strong for themselves and others, focus on sturdiness and firm action.
Dramatic: grand, forceful, striking, imperious, and powerful
Classic: balanced, orderly, even, controlled, and refined
The Essences are based on two different lenses.
The first lens is attunement vs opposition as two contrasting modes of framing interactions with oneself and one's environment
The second lens is scales of interaction. Those framings of scales of interaction being personal, relational, and transcendental.
These lenses generate the Aesthetic Essences as follows:
Personal + opposition = Playful
Relational + oppositional = Hardy
Transcendental + oppositional = Dramatic
Personal + attunement = Innocent
Relational + attunement = Charming
Transcendental + attunement = Ethereal
Relational + balance = Classic
3 Layers
There are three layers which independently have different essence stackings. Essence stackings are the ordering of essences that describe who one is. The three layers are inspired by Jungian constructs and are as following:
Persona: I am utilizing persona perhaps a bit differently than Jung. Instead of a social mask to hide one's true self in the world, I use Persona as external layers of the Ego that interface with the world. I believe that there can be authentic orientations about preferences in attitudes, demeanors and roles in society that can be independent from the other layers. A useful shorthand is to think of one's Persona stacking as "how questions." What kind of activities and endeavors people are drawn to in relation to the external world at large? What kind of presence they bring to this activity-driven external interfacing?
A lot of people are suppressed in this layer and end up actually treating it as a mask to avoid rejection or gain approval. I encourage explorations of Persona essence stacking to be integrated into the other 2 layers and for people to explore what ways of relating through activities are fulfilling for them.
Ego: This is the layer of private regulation and personal attributes. Ego is the center of consciousness and as such is a layer that reflects an internal sense of who one is and motivations within the world. Where the Persona is focused on external activity and the world at large, the Ego is focused on an internal sense of personal sentiments, and core reactivity with mundane life. The Ego layer tends to be what is primarily expressed in people's vulnerable camaraderie with friends and family
Intimate(Animix facing): I use Animix as a gender-expansive alternative for the Jungian Anima and Animus. It is the Intimate Other that is alien to someone but that they have always known. The Intimate layer concerns who someone is in relation to the Animix. That is to say the aspect self that is concerned with merging via embodying awe-inspiring passionate intensified ways of being. This layer is a foundational sense of why people feel they are alive, in that it is their most vulnerable and transformative self.
This oftentimes is most obviously expressed sexually, romantically and queer platonically. Though it also shows up more broadly with people when they more subtly embody the inspiration and vividness of this layer socially and platonically. It tends to be expressed in all intimate contexts when people are not repressed due to shame, and can deeply shape how one presents to the world.
In each of the 3 layers people first identify valued and unvalued essences. Then people rank their valued essences in each. People can have different amounts of valued essences.
An example typing would be
Persona: Innocent, Playful, Hardy, Classic
Ego: Dramatic, Innocent, Classic, Ethereal, Charming, Hardy, Playful
Intimate: Charming, Playful, Innocent
All the seven essences are fundamental to a life that is wholly lived. However, some are valued in the sense there is a clear active desired intensification and identification of self with that energy. Everyone can be playful, everyone has innocence, but not everyone feels these as an aspect of self they wish to, without constraints, accentuate as part of their authentic being.
There's an unmitigatedness to the valued essences. Valued essences are a core aesthetic in the sense that they describe a kind of beauty that people feel drawn to resonantly fully embody. Not superficial beauty but the kind of beauty that feels like a shining emanation of someone's self-determination and vital self expression. When one of the essences are unvalued, there is a neutrality or aversion towards it as an actively maximized way of being. To be clear people can feel adverse because of trauma or shame, but from a self knowing and empowered awareness there can still be internal incongruence.
There are patterns to how different positions within a ranking manifest. The primary essence of each layer establishes the overall tone that people maximize. It is the most strongly identified and expressed. The secondary essence frequently combines with the primary essence for a particular spin on the primary essence's agenda. It is also flexibly and loosely engaged for its own sake. The tertiary essence is more subdued but still obviously flavors the overall impression. In spikes of activity it will often be engaged on its own terms for variety. The quaternary essence and those that follow tend to be subtle. These essences have a low deemphasized sustained baseline, or are brought in for contrast from usual way of being. The quinary essence and onward are often hard to notice but have a subtle sense of deepening a sense of wholeness of being. These descriptions apply to the number of essences people have in the first place, some people may only have one or two in a layer.
For those who are interested in interpersonal compatibility, in AEPT people have a AEPT dual which they can type. It can be homogenous with one's own type or heterogenous. It can really be any type. I've seen all kinds of unique complementary pairings.
As I continue writing I want to elaborate on how AEPT overlaps with gendered phenomena and the ways it doesn't. Gender norms often times keeps people from full expressing who they are in an AEPT sense. And a lot of what gendered styles or presentations are communicating can be explained using AEPT, especially when used in conjunction with Polar Energy Systems, another Personality Theory of mine I'm working on.
AEPT is an affirmation of the body-neutral beauty that is in each person that emanates out in joyful, self-determined, powerful expression. I hope that AEPT can help people reflect on parts of themselves that are often policed or suppressed by society. I believe that the right self reflection frameworks can be an empowering tool to liberate oneself from shame-based expectations and gain agency. Additionally, resonating with these kinds of foundational ways of being in the world can be a source of joy and nourishment that unfortunately many people are disconnected from.
You're beautiful just because you are~ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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user728477368 · 1 year
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What’s my typology based on my top 4 on letterboxd
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so4core · 1 year
guys what is the numbers beside the py letters like ELVF (2344) or something like that what is that. and whats the difference between attitudinal psyche and psychosophy
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