amateur-heretic · 2 months
AAPT Archetype Names for the Aspirations
Haven't posted for a while but I came up archetype names for the aspirations in the time since. I also decided to rename playful aspiration as mischevious aspiration to further capture it's oppositional quality. Archetypes names: innocent : naif mischievous: rascal charming: enticer formal: orderer hardy: manager visionary: guide sovereign: boss
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amateur-heretic · 7 months
Innocent Aspiration (I)
What is It?
Innocent Aspiration is the Personal Attunement aspiration. As such it has the qualities of the Attunement Aspirations of a soft responsivity, a focus on attracting towards oneself what it deems valuable, and a strong sensitivity towards latent, delicate and idealistic matters. As a Personal Aspiration Innocent shares with Playful aspiration a focus on the agency and priorities centered on oneself in the here and now. This combination leads to Innocent Aspiration embodying a sort of guileless and pure idealism, pouty passive softness, dewy-eyed wonder, and fragile yielding needy delicacy.  
How it Presents As Part of Whole Self
Innocent Aspiration is a vital foundation for being a whole person. In it lies one’s sense of soft inner aliveness, and the ability to relate to others from that place of vulnerability. Innocent Aspiration is also core to one’s vibrant sense of subjective embodied presence, authenticity to one’s values and needs, and cherished unadulterated ideals. 
A person who has a strongly developed Baseline Innocent Aspiration will have a powerful conscious integration of their vulnerability. This will look like an unashamed embrace of the depths of their feelings and values attached to that, and  an ability to request and receive from others in a vibrant yet grounded, interdependent manner. It will be easier to cry, rest, dream about one’s sensitive ideals, and savor experiences. While doing so in a way that is grounded in self-regulation and self-love.
A lack of development in Baseline Innocent will lead to a polarized presentation that is characterized by disconnection.There are two extremes this can present as. The first is a self-agitating and self-victimizing vulnerability. It will look like spinning in inconsolably self-distressing and self-loathing oneself. This is paired with fundamentally pushing away the idea that others can see the importance of one’s vulnerability sufficiently, so this vulnerability must be presented through self-abandonment, while paradoxically relying on others for self esteem. Often vulnerability is not sufficiently or cannot be safely acknowledged by others, I’m talking about a habitual alienation from oneself and others. Secondly, it can look like complete denial of vulnerability, in favor of an armored numb life. Both extremes contain the other. The self-agitation presentation leads to numbness to one’s actual restful, trustful, and tender softness. The disconnected numb presentation leads to a whirlpool of neglected inner life that will bleed into a reactive and antagonistic relationship to the world. Both are a denial of the ability to accept one’s inner life as it is without exaggerating or numbing. Despite drastically different possible presentations, lack of innocent aspiration will lead to the denial of lovingly acknowledging the actual un-tampered states of one’s depths to oneself. This further leads to an inability to share this with others.
How Accentuated Innocent Manifests Across Layers
Layer A:  Lifestyle
In Layer A Innocent is characterized by a restful, sensitive, and gentle kind of preferred lifestyle. It is also associated with a focus on expressing one’s inner sensitivities, gentle ideals, and the creativity powered by these.
Layer B: Affiliation
In Layer B Innocent is characterized by one’s comfortable typical presentation being quite delicate and yielding.
Layer C: Intimate
In Layer C Innocent is characterized by desiring to take on intimate roles that are needy, passively soft, and compliantly and sensitively responsive.
Societal Stereotypes
In Western Industrialized Culture Innocent Aspiration is seen as primarily for women, children and the disabled, and stigmatized for men to present as. It’s often something that only the middle and upper class have access to claim. Within this framework, this coercive assignment of Innocent Aspiration onto people comes with restrictive and oppressive standards and elimination of autonomy. Embodying innocence has been seen as a core part of feminine sex appeal and something to ridicule men over. Physical beauty ideals ascribed as expressing Innocent Aspiration are neoteny, youthful hairless skin, skinniness, being composed of small round shapes, and being doll-like. There are also strong racial stereotypes with White women seen as more innocent, and East Asian women fetishized as being innocent(with East Asian men being mocked as such). People who try to express Innocent Aspiration without these kinds of physical features are often judged as out of place. The harassment potentially escalates to even being socially punished, mocked, or attacked from expectations being transgressed. In East Asia the dominant beauty and social norms strongly evoke Innocent Aspiration. It’s evoked in a manner that is simultaneously both punk, rebellious against strict social order and immense rigid expectations, and highly commodified and focused on superficially placating people’s deeper internal needs. 
Some Feminist rebellions against these norms, in an attempt to stop this coercive infantilization, have led to some stigmatization of women expressing innocence, even of their own authentic volition. This has shifted and been challenged by contemporary Feminism and youth liberation. Especially among Gen Z the deconstruction of gender norms and norms of adulthood has led to a greater embrace of innocent Aspiration for everyone. Many nonbinary and gender expansive identities deeply incorporate their own flavor of Innocent Aspiration with less traditional associations. Though both Millennials and Gen Z and related social movements have been mocked with terms associated with Innocent Aspiration, eg naive, snowflakes, infantile, or crybabies.
It’s possible to have a society where people of all sorts can express innocence and vulnerability and have it cherished and celebrated. There can be a future where people are not gate kept from expressing both baseline and accentuated Innocent Aspiration based on how their body is shaped or their background. There can be culture and infrastructure that deeply acknowledges and supports the worth of everyone’s needs and the depth of feeling that all people share. There can be a world where it isn’t so hard for people to be soft, and cutely and guilelessly present for each other. It’s possible for the softness society has cordoned off to youth to be reclaimed as a fertile ground for imagination, connection, and seeding new gentler wonder filled futures.
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amateur-heretic · 8 months
Introduction to Aesthetic Aspiration Personality Theory (AAPT) V. 0.2
Releasing an update to AAPT(formerly AEPT) that builds off of months of utilizing the system and my evolving thoughts and terms for the system. I hope you enjoy! I've also finally made a discussion group for AAPT, you can join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1043756753302068/ .
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If you're interested in a body neutral, gender expansive framework for exploring beauty made by a queer neurodivergent person this is for you
"Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being. It is an act of high courage flung in the face of life, the absolute affirmation of all that constitutes the individual, the most successful adaptation to the universal conditions of existence coupled with the greatest possible freedom for self-determination." Quote from Carl Jung
As a queer, gender non-conforming, neurodivergent person I've oftentimes felt I didn't have my experiences reflected in Yin Yang based style systems despite finding them fascinating. So using my experience with personality theories and eclectic wisdom traditions I've crafted my own system that prioritizes personality and authentic preference over others’ perception of who someone is or is supposed to be. I aimed to avoid unnecessarily boxing people in. I've tried to create an accessible structure that can model complexity and supposed "contradictions" while allowing fine-tuned articulation of preference in different contexts. I avoid gender essentialism in how I am exploring these concepts as well. Gender is multifaceted and socially constructed, and I am looking for more specific atomized ways of looking at people's relationship to being and expression. AAPT mostly only relates to gender in terms of how certain kinds of relating, or power dynamics have been stereotyped as relating to certain genders.
I credit Northrup for her original application of Yin and Yang to fashion. I also owe a lot of my aesthetic awareness, and the foundations of this system to later innovators in the Yin Yang style tradition like McJimsey, Kitchener, Kibbe, and Schemmel. As much as I think it's important to have a body-neutral space for exploring personality and style, there's a lot of nuanced insights in systems that focus more of physicality too. These systems have interesting points about making particular visual impacts, different ways of relating to your body, exploring different aspects of identity, and navigating societal expectations. At the same time I'm critical of focusing on ascribing archetypes or personality traits to body shapes, or constraining expression or joy by focusing on body shape.
AAPT is focused on inner beauty first and foremost. AAPT isn't built to give tips on how to dress for your body. I may make posts with advice on how to use AAPT for style, or common associations with fashion elements. However, it isn't the foundation of the system, and AAPT isn't here to give constraints. As a personality system AAPT is an exploration of some differences in preferred ways of moving and relating to oneself in the world. As a framework it helps people articulate which ways feel more or less pleasurable, enlivening and resonant. It also serves as a framework that helps people integrate different ways of relating to themselves and others they have an antagonistic or unconscious relationship with. Despite each persons’ unique emphasis on parts of the range of who someone can be in relation to power and vulnerability, accessing the full range of sensation and regulation there is core to a sense of wholeness and flourishing.
AAPT works as a description of core long-term motivators for style. It is useful for exploring what people feel is authentic to their empowered self and resonant with their yearnings in life. While I think certain kinds of styles can be more congruent with people's internal experience, fashion is very situational and cultural as well. I encourage people to be able to experiment and play with style and expression lifelong, rather than feel they need to quickly land on an identity or consistent presentation that might be restrictive.
Aesthetic Aspirations
I've shifted from the Yin Yang of other systems' framing to alternative conceptualization because I believe they are more specific and carry less gendered cultural baggage. Instead of Essences like other systems have labeled similar phenomena, I chose to refer to them as Aspirations in my system to reflect a focus on them as active processes and ways of relating people taken on rather than an innate state. I've also used terminology for the aspirations I believe are gender expansive, inclusive, and intuitively graspable.
The Aspirations in AAPT are as follows:
Innocent: soft, cute, dependent, delicate, gentle, and guileless
Charming: interest in enticing activities, and eliciting desire and pleasure in themselves and others. Charming Aspiration can seem alluring, captivating, titillating and warmly inviting.
Visionary: inspirational, entrancing, wise, otherworldly, sagacious, mystical   
Mischevious: light-hearted mischief, boisterous, fun-seeking, silly, and frisky
Hardy: tough, wants to be strong for themselves and others, focus on sturdiness, endurance, strength, asserting one’s capacities onto the environment.
Sovereign:commanding, forceful, imperious, and powerful
Formal: balanced, regimented, orderly, even, controlled, and refined
The Aspirations are based on two different lenses.
The first lens is Attunement vs Opposition as two contrasting modes of framing interactions with oneself and one's environment. Attunement Aspirations share a soft responsivity, a focus on attracting towards oneself what it deems valuable, and a strong sensitivity towards latent, delicate and idealistic matters. Opposition Aspirations share a hard edged directive focus, a focus on taking action on its environment, and an awareness of what ways it can push and make use of objects and people around it
The second lens is Scales of Agency. Those framings of scales of interaction being Personal, Relational, and Transcendental. Personal Aspirations are focused on what is located in the self and how that self is impacted in the here and now. Relational Aspirations are focused on building out, managing, and proactively shaping their environment. Trascendental Aspirations  are focused on the meta-framing of encapsulating power dynamics, the context that shapes the flows of influence and prioritization within a domain.
These lenses generate the Aesthetic Aspirations as follows:
Personal + Opposition = Mischevious
Relational + Opposition = Hardy
Transcendental + Opposition = Sovereign
Personal + Attunement = Innocent
Relational + Attunement = Charming
Transcendental + Attunement = Visionary
Relational + Balance = Formal
3 Layers
There are three layers which independently have different Aspiration stackings. Aspiration stackings are the ordering of Aspirations that describe who one is. The three layers are:
Layer A: Lifestyle
 In this layer what people’s sense of preferred activities is articulated, it often relates to the kind of career someone wants, as well as the purpose of the activities one likes to take on.
Layer B: Affiliation: 
This is the layer of camaraderie, friendship, typical presentation, and the specialized roles or flavorings in the activities and interactions one prefers to focus on.
Layer C: Intimacy:
This layer articulates the flavoring and roles one prefers among chosen family, and lovers. It articulates any other relationships or kind of activities that defines the core of what home is to someone, or a kind of sublime renewal of oneself.
Stackings, Accentuation, and Baseline
In each of the 3 layers people first identify Accentuated and Unaccentuated Then people rank their Accentuated Aspirations in each. People can have different amounts of Accentuated Aspirations.
An example typing would be
A: Innocent, Mischievous, Hardy, Formal
B: Sovereign, Innocent, Formal, Visionary, Charming, Hardy, Mischievous
C: Charming, Mischievous, Innocent
All the seven Aspirations are fundamental to a life that is wholly lived. However, some are Accentuated in the sense there is a clear active desired intensification and identification of self with that energy. Everyone can be mischievous, everyone has innocence, it is healthy for people to be connected to all 7 Aspirations as part of their regulation. This connection to all 7 Aspirations in a healthy balanced way that enables self-regulation and wholeness is crucial and I will be referring it as the Baseline Integration of each Aspiration. In future posts I will further elaborate on what having or lacking Baseline Integration of each Aspiration looks like. However, not everyone feels these as an aspect of self they wish to accentuate as part of their creative being beyond a foundational sense.
There's an unmitigatedness to the Accentuated Aspirations. Accentuated Aspirations are a core aesthetic in the sense that they describe a kind of beauty that people feel drawn to resonantly fully embody. Not superficial beauty but the kind of beauty that feels like a shining emanation of someone's self-determination and vital self expression. When one of the Aspirations are Unaccentuated, there is a neutrality or aversion towards it as an actively maximized way of being. To be clear people can feel adverse because of trauma or shame, but from a self knowing and empowered awareness there can still be internal incongruence.
There are patterns to how different positions within a ranking manifest. The primary Aspiration of each layer establishes the overall tone that people maximize. It is the most strongly identified and expressed. The secondary Aspiration frequently combines with the primary Aspiration for a particular spin on the primary Aspiration's agenda. It is also flexibly and loosely engaged for its own sake. The tertiary Aspiration is more subdued but still obviously flavors the overall impression. In spikes of activity it will often be engaged on its own terms for variety. The quaternary Aspiration and those that follow tend to be subtle. These Aspirations have a low, deemphasized, sustained baseline, or are brought in for contrast from usual way of being. The quinary Aspiration and onward are often hard to notice but have a subtle sense of deepening a sense of wholeness of being. These descriptions apply to the number of Aspirations people have in the first place, some people may only have a few Aspirations in a layer.
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For those who are interested in interpersonal compatibility, in AAPT people have an AAPT dual which they can hypothesize, explore, and type. It can be homogeneous with one's own type or heterogeneous. It can really be any type. I've seen all kinds of unique complementary pairings. Authority Chain
The Authority Chain characterizes a bidirectional flow of consent and influence, with a Foundational end and an Executive end. In a duality or otherwise interaction of two people. The Aspiration towards the Foundational end has the role of accentuating sensitivities, pluripotent potentiality, and capacity for regrowth, insurrection and rebellion. In the integrated baseline sense Aspirations on the Foundational end support the capacity for connection, renewal, creativity, and freedom, and lead by embodying these values. Foundational aspirations have a bottom-up approach in these senses. The Aspiration towards the Executive end has the role of accentuating consolidating factors, path-finding, hosting and configuring spaces towards particular ends, and utilizing power. In the integrated baseline sense Aspirations on the Executive end support the capacity for efficacy, control, and intensification and collection of power. The Executive end embodies a top-down approach. In a duality or other desired interaction of two people, the person with the aspiration closer to the Foundational end is the Foundation, and the person closer to the Executive end will be referred to as the Executive. If the two people are the same aspiration, they will be referred to as identicals. At the same time I want people to keep in mind each interaction of two aspirations have unique qualities that have unique flavoring and potentials outside of the Authority Chain. Also, people who have integrated Aspirations are whole people who have the potential for interaction beyond this bi-directional pattern, and often times the positive capacities of each end will not be actualized, or done so in a toxic way if Aspirations are baseline unintegrated. Foundational <- I-M-C-F-H-V-S -> Executive Conclusion
I want to elaborate on how AAPT overlaps with gendered phenomena and the ways it doesn't. Gender norms often keep people from fully expressing who they are in an AAPT sense. And a lot of what gendered styles or presentations are communicating can be explained using AAPT. However, AAPT does not encapsulate what gender is entirely. It does articulate aspects of self that are often assigned to gender, particularly those related to power dynamics and softness or firmness.
AAPT is an affirmation of the body-neutral beauty that is in each person that emanates out in joyful, self-determined, powerful expression. I hope that AAPT can help people reflect on parts of themselves that are often policed or suppressed by society. I believe that the right self reflection frameworks can be an empowering tool to liberate oneself from shame-based expectations and gain agency. Additionally, resonating with these kinds of foundational ways of being in the world can be a source of joy and nourishment that unfortunately many people are disconnected from.
You're beautiful just because you are~ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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amateur-heretic · 1 year
Aesthetic Aspirations Personality Typology Intimate Layer Quiz V. 0.1
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Link to the quiz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11iD1quPwGY8VLVn9O52BWl9svmpDDoqHyouyZgROo9k/edit?usp=sharing I'm excited to announce AAPT has it's first quiz available to be taken! For those unfamiliar AAPT is a personality typology I developed. Its inspired by Yin and Yang based styling systems, experience of various different personality typologies, and my experiences as a gnc, queer, and neurodivergent person. AAPT tries to capture different kinds of inner beauty via 7 Aspirations in a body-neutral and gender expansive way. I hope the typology encourages people to explore autonomy over different ways of moving, creating, and loving. To learn more about to interpret your result, I've linked an introductory post about the typology below (after I've written it I've since renamed it from AEPT to AAPT). I plan to eventually make a series that goes into each of the inspirations in detail and should give a better idea about each aspiration implies. To take the quiz, please open the sheets file above, and duplicate the file. You can then read the instructions and fill out the answers column. Your type should be generated in the Result sheet. AAPT includes the ability to devalue an Aspiration, but that is not currently a feature included in the quiz at this time. If anyone has any questions or comments, I'd be eager to hear them ^_^ (image from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Sunrise#/media/File:Lilienstein-sonnenaufgang.jpeg)
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amateur-heretic · 1 year
Hey there folks~ This is my first typing for a song in Aesthetic Aspirations Personality Typology, a personality typology I developed that tries to capture different kinds of inner beauty via 7 aspirations, and encourages people to explore autonomy over different ways of moving, creating, and loving. You and I like most romance song is mostly about the C, intimate layer, and that will be what the following typing will describe. You and I expresses EIPCh aspirations. It's concept is about a woman who lives in a clocktower and lives with a man who's in a coma. She decides to make a time machine to be able to meet him when he wakes up, but unfortunately misses him as right when she time travels he wakes up. In the end, they finally meet together in the future. The lyrics about her casting a spell, the framing of her creating a means of transcending space and time, and being someone who is powerfully evoking her vision thru the reach of her awareness of influence are ethereal. Innocent is expressed by her lyrics about her heart's vulnerable yearning, her guileless sincere idealistic earnesty, and her begging for time to pass faster and for the man to call out her name. The song's whimsy and focus on her actively pushing for what she wants expresses playful. Charming is expressed through the tender care she expresses for the man and the flirty expressivity of the song.
I hope my applications of AAPT to different characters and media can help people get a more solid grasp on what essences look out in the wild ^_^.
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amateur-heretic · 1 year
Various Random Updates
I haven't posted in a while due to personal reasons. I plan on posting more soon though :3. My thoughts been filled with personality typology lol A new development is I decided to rename AEPT to Aesthetic Aspirations Personality Typology(AAPT), and labeling each of what were formerly known as Essences as Aspirations. This is for a few reasons. Firstly a large motivation for the system is its opposition to the idea that who people are, or how they should express themselves should be essentialized to their body. Secondly, I think that the general definition of essences fits several personality systems, and aspirations better differentiates the domain of the typology as opposed to other typologies like Enneagram. Aspirations also reflect how I want the system to empower people. I want to offer an interface for exploring many possible ways of moving and being in the world that are aligned with unconditional self love and prize an internally felt sense of vibrant unmitigated presence. I also decided to label the layers in AAPT and PESPT both A(External Activity), B(Internal regulation), and C(Intimacy). This is mainly for ease of reference. They're the same because, though I've long questioned it, I finally decided they talk about the same trichotomy of domains of engagement. Another reason is I decided that I'm early in my studies of Jung and want to refrain from referencing his ideas extensively until I know him better. The new labels for each layer also are more generally accessible as they're in plain English. I experimented with diagram making and have attached below an illustration for AAPT below.
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amateur-heretic · 1 year
Introduction to Polar Energy Systems Personality Typology(PESPT) v. 0.1
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In contemporary Western society men are expected to be active and directive, and women are expected to be passive and receptive. Men who desire to yield and be pliably soft intimately are framed as subjects of mockery. The same is true for women who may want prefer to exert themselves as a vibrant leader intimately. Gender expensive people oftentimes are seen as an alien incomprehensible other that cannot be understood or articulated. All people regardless of gender tend to have any complexity or nuance in their expression of power or subjectivity invalidated. PESPT is a gender-expansive framework that tries to model a facet of these dynamics of activity and receptivity to help people embrace and own their preferences in these regards.
When people relate to the world they take on a basic energetic stance in how they respond. At the extremes, people either actively direct and push within the world for what they want, or they passively hold space for and ground that which they are open towards. PESPT elaborates on these response patterns across different domains of people's lives.
Direction and Reception
There are five stances within PESPT that form a continuum from internalizing to externalizing. They are:
Passive reception: Characterized by its inertness, the passive receptive stance tends to take the path of least resistance or alternatively maintain their personal baselines. From the diffused focus of this stance, there can be a focus on the potentials in soft pliability and inaction.
Active reception: The active receptive stance tends to reactively explore and initiate activity, even dipping into short-term environmental direction, but as a receptive stance it is contained within a diffuse openness.
Neutral balance: The neutral balance stance is in a continual state of negotiated moderate equilibrium of acting upon and being acted on by its environment.
Passive direction: The passive directive stance steers and exerts onto its environment in a flexible, smooth, adaptive, manner. It can dip into short-term open receptivity, but as a directive type foundationally is concerned with proactively shaping its environment.
Active direction: The active directive type maximizes its engagement with its environment and its exertion on to it.
Three Layers
There are three layers in which people have distinct independent stances within. They are as follows:
1 - External: This is the layer of dealing with objects and impersonal environmental conditions.
2 - Internal: The internal layer dealing with sentiments and mundane interpersonal dynamics.
3 - Intimate: This layer deals with interfacing with one's own and others' most vulnerable and transformative merging self. This applies to all situations of passionate intimacy across someone's life.
There is a symmetrically defined ideal set of pairings where active is complemented by passive, receptivity is complemented by activity, and neutral balance is complemented by neutral balance.
Example Typing
Full Type: Active Reception - Passive Direction - Neutral Balance
Abbreviated: AR-PD-NB
The dual type is the complementary type.
Dual: PD-AR-NB
There can be a lot of unnecessary shame and conflict when people do not understand the dynamics of people's basic energetic stances and the polarities they form. That is to say the preferred vectors of our relationship to the world around us, such as to be acted upon or to exert oneself. These vectors have their own domains of perceptual affordances and synergetic complements. When leaned into, these contributes to a unfolding of a story with unique authentic connections and creations
I hope PESPT can help people embrace their own unique energy ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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amateur-heretic · 1 year
Introduction to Aesthetic Essence Personality Theory (AEPT) V. 0.1
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If you're interested in a body neutral, gender expansive framework for exploring beauty made by a queer neurodivergent person this is for you
"Personality is the supreme realization of the innate idiosyncracy of a living being. It is an act of high courage flung in the face of life, the absolute affirmation of all that constitutes the individual, the most successful adaptation to the universal conditions of existence coupled with the greatest possible freedom for self-determination." Quote from Carl Jung
As a queer, gender non-conforming, neurodivergent person I've oftentimes felt I didn't have my experiences reflected in Yin Yang based style systems despite finding them fascinating. So using my experience with personality theories and eclectic wisdom traditions I've crafted my own system that prioritizes personality and authentic preference over others perception of who someone is or is supposed to be. I aimed to avoid unnecessarily boxing people in. I've tried to create an accessible structure that can model complexity and supposed "contradictions" while allowing fine-tuned articulation of preference in different contexts. I avoid gender essentialism in how I am exploring these concepts as well. Gender is multifaceted and socially constructed, and I am looking for more specific atomized ways of looking at people's relationship to being and expression.
I credit Northrup for her original application of Yin and Yang to fashion. I also owe a lot of my aesthetic awareness, and the foundations of this system to later innovators in the Yin Yang style tradition like McJimsey, Kitchener, Kibbe, and Schemmel.
AEPT is focused on inner beauty first and foremost. AEPT isn't built to give tips on how to dress for your body. I may make posts with advice on how to use AEPT for style, or common associations with fashion elements. However, it isn't the foundation of the system, and AEPT isn't here to give constraints. As a personality system AEPT is an exploration of preferred ways of moving and relating to oneself in the world that feel pleasurable, enlivening and resonant.
AEPT works as a description of core long-term motivators for style. It is useful for exploring what people feel is authentic to their empowered self and resonant with their yearnings in life. While I think certain kinds of styles can be more congruent with people's internal experience, fashion is very situational and cultural as well. I encourage people to experiment and play with style and expression rather than feel they need to quickly land on an identity that might be restrictive.
Aesthetic Essences
I've shifted from the Yin Yang of other systems' framing to alternative conceptualization because I believe they are more specific and carry less gendered cultural baggage. I've also used terminology for the essences I believe are gender expansive, inclusive, and intuitive.
The Essences in AEPT are as follows:
Innocent: soft, cute, dependent, delicate and guileless
Charming: interest in enticing activities, and eliciting desire and pleasure in themselves and others. Charming essence can seem alluring, captivating, titillating and inviting.
Ethereal: mystical, mysterious, floaty and surreal
Playful: light-hearted mischief, fun-seeking, silly, and frisky
Hardy: tough, wants to be strong for themselves and others, focus on sturdiness and firm action.
Dramatic: grand, forceful, striking, imperious, and powerful
Classic: balanced, orderly, even, controlled, and refined
The Essences are based on two different lenses.
The first lens is attunement vs opposition as two contrasting modes of framing interactions with oneself and one's environment
The second lens is scales of interaction. Those framings of scales of interaction being personal, relational, and transcendental.
These lenses generate the Aesthetic Essences as follows:
Personal + opposition = Playful
Relational + oppositional = Hardy
Transcendental + oppositional = Dramatic
Personal + attunement = Innocent
Relational + attunement = Charming
Transcendental + attunement = Ethereal
Relational + balance = Classic
3 Layers
There are three layers which independently have different essence stackings. Essence stackings are the ordering of essences that describe who one is. The three layers are inspired by Jungian constructs and are as following:
Persona: I am utilizing persona perhaps a bit differently than Jung. Instead of a social mask to hide one's true self in the world, I use Persona as external layers of the Ego that interface with the world. I believe that there can be authentic orientations about preferences in attitudes, demeanors and roles in society that can be independent from the other layers. A useful shorthand is to think of one's Persona stacking as "how questions." What kind of activities and endeavors people are drawn to in relation to the external world at large? What kind of presence they bring to this activity-driven external interfacing?
A lot of people are suppressed in this layer and end up actually treating it as a mask to avoid rejection or gain approval. I encourage explorations of Persona essence stacking to be integrated into the other 2 layers and for people to explore what ways of relating through activities are fulfilling for them.
Ego: This is the layer of private regulation and personal attributes. Ego is the center of consciousness and as such is a layer that reflects an internal sense of who one is and motivations within the world. Where the Persona is focused on external activity and the world at large, the Ego is focused on an internal sense of personal sentiments, and core reactivity with mundane life. The Ego layer tends to be what is primarily expressed in people's vulnerable camaraderie with friends and family
Intimate(Animix facing): I use Animix as a gender-expansive alternative for the Jungian Anima and Animus. It is the Intimate Other that is alien to someone but that they have always known. The Intimate layer concerns who someone is in relation to the Animix. That is to say the aspect self that is concerned with merging via embodying awe-inspiring passionate intensified ways of being. This layer is a foundational sense of why people feel they are alive, in that it is their most vulnerable and transformative self.
This oftentimes is most obviously expressed sexually, romantically and queer platonically. Though it also shows up more broadly with people when they more subtly embody the inspiration and vividness of this layer socially and platonically. It tends to be expressed in all intimate contexts when people are not repressed due to shame, and can deeply shape how one presents to the world.
In each of the 3 layers people first identify valued and unvalued essences. Then people rank their valued essences in each. People can have different amounts of valued essences.
An example typing would be
Persona: Innocent, Playful, Hardy, Classic
Ego: Dramatic, Innocent, Classic, Ethereal, Charming, Hardy, Playful
Intimate: Charming, Playful, Innocent
All the seven essences are fundamental to a life that is wholly lived. However, some are valued in the sense there is a clear active desired intensification and identification of self with that energy. Everyone can be playful, everyone has innocence, but not everyone feels these as an aspect of self they wish to, without constraints, accentuate as part of their authentic being.
There's an unmitigatedness to the valued essences. Valued essences are a core aesthetic in the sense that they describe a kind of beauty that people feel drawn to resonantly fully embody. Not superficial beauty but the kind of beauty that feels like a shining emanation of someone's self-determination and vital self expression. When one of the essences are unvalued, there is a neutrality or aversion towards it as an actively maximized way of being. To be clear people can feel adverse because of trauma or shame, but from a self knowing and empowered awareness there can still be internal incongruence.
There are patterns to how different positions within a ranking manifest. The primary essence of each layer establishes the overall tone that people maximize. It is the most strongly identified and expressed. The secondary essence frequently combines with the primary essence for a particular spin on the primary essence's agenda. It is also flexibly and loosely engaged for its own sake. The tertiary essence is more subdued but still obviously flavors the overall impression. In spikes of activity it will often be engaged on its own terms for variety. The quaternary essence and those that follow tend to be subtle. These essences have a low deemphasized sustained baseline, or are brought in for contrast from usual way of being. The quinary essence and onward are often hard to notice but have a subtle sense of deepening a sense of wholeness of being. These descriptions apply to the number of essences people have in the first place, some people may only have one or two in a layer.
For those who are interested in interpersonal compatibility, in AEPT people have a AEPT dual which they can type. It can be homogenous with one's own type or heterogenous. It can really be any type. I've seen all kinds of unique complementary pairings.
As I continue writing I want to elaborate on how AEPT overlaps with gendered phenomena and the ways it doesn't. Gender norms often times keeps people from full expressing who they are in an AEPT sense. And a lot of what gendered styles or presentations are communicating can be explained using AEPT, especially when used in conjunction with Polar Energy Systems, another Personality Theory of mine I'm working on.
AEPT is an affirmation of the body-neutral beauty that is in each person that emanates out in joyful, self-determined, powerful expression. I hope that AEPT can help people reflect on parts of themselves that are often policed or suppressed by society. I believe that the right self reflection frameworks can be an empowering tool to liberate oneself from shame-based expectations and gain agency. Additionally, resonating with these kinds of foundational ways of being in the world can be a source of joy and nourishment that unfortunately many people are disconnected from.
You're beautiful just because you are~ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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amateur-heretic · 1 year
The Extended Animix Tritype Theory of Enneagram v. 0.1
(Disclaimer: this is still pretty rough and ideas and content and are likely to change a lot)
This is an extension of the Tritype Enneagram theory created by Katherine Fauvre which identifies an archetype based off of an ordering of an Enneagram type in each of the heart, mind and gut centers of intelligence. I aim to capture dynamics of interpersonal compatibility and the relationship to the Intimate Other. The Intimate Other is not a singular person but that which both feels alien to oneself and contains a sense of wholeness. I built this framework from inspiration from Jungian psychoanalytic theory and other eclectic sources. The following description assumes people already have a firm grasp on Enneagram and Tritype theory. In the rest of this post I will be using "Dual Type" as a term to refer to one's single ideal complementary Enneagram type match, and "Tritype Dual" for one's ideal complementary Tritype match. A "valued type" is that one that shows up in ones extended typing. Wings can lead to quasi-valuing a type.
Animix is a term I coined as a gender expansive alternative for the Jungian Anima/Animus. It originally was framed as the archetype of all that which is the opposite binary gender in a person. Described as having a compensatory relationship with the persona, it serves as the connection from the Ego to the personal and collective subconscious. It can be a source of great spiritual and cognitive inspiration and fortitude.  When people come into conscious relation with it, it is often a source of profound balance and wholeness. I reinterpret Animix to refer to a gender expansive Intimate Other, rather than assigning certain traits as feminine or masculine. The Intimate Other is that which one has felt they have always known, but is mysterious and set apart.
There have been many attempts to describe patterns of Enneagram compatibility. Most of what I have seen describe types having unique dynamics with other types but not extensive recommendations of which are more or less complementary. Though this may be true in terms of there being no universal optimums for a single type, on an individual level people do have strong preferences. And these preferences are more than external taste, they form an organizing axis within that person in which much of their sense of wholeness and core motivations in relation to the world lay.
Typing Framework 
An exploratory framework for Animix extended typing has people freely rank the types they're attracted to energetically within themselves and others. This is done within two different variables. The first being Synchrony this is perceived internally as a feeling of a calm, smooth distribution and intensity of expectations across time. The second being Activation as a feeling of energy, arousal, and potentiation. A high amount of both Synchrony and Activation with another person's fixes is what helps create a foundation for an engaging, stable, and pleasant connection.
A concise typing has people identify a single fix for each center.
For example my exploratory Animix extended typing is from most to least resonant:
Animix Head Synchrony: 7w6, 5w6, 6w7, 6w5, 7w8, 5w4
Animix Head Activation: 7w6, 7w8, 6w7, 6w5, 5w6, 5w4
Animix Heart Synchrony: 3w4, 2w1, 2w3, 4w5, 4w3, 3w2, 
Animix Heart Activation: 3w4, 3w2, 4w5, 4w3, 2w1, 2w3
Animix Gut Synchrony: 8w9, 1w9, 9w1, 1w2, 9w8, 8w7
Animix Gut Activation: 8w9, 8w7, 1w2, 1w9, 9w8, 9w1
My concise Animix Extended Tritype typing is:
6w7 2w3 1w9 7w6 3w4 8w9
My Animix Dual Ttype would be 
8w9 3w4 7w6 1w9 2w3 6w7
The below section has guidelines to help explore Synchrony and Activation.
Synchrony, Activation and Wings
I operate off the basis that people have a particular wing in each fix. Wings serve as differentiation about energetic and narrative directionality. This extends to one's Animix Tritype fixes as well. A person having the non preferred wing is experienced as complementarity activating but unpleasantly dyssynchronous. If there is another type with the same wing as the Animix fix, e.g 1w9 and 8w9, it is seen as pleasantly synchronous but less complementarity activating. The adjacent type with reversed type and wing may also be perceived as alluring but somewhat peculiar and also asynchronous e.g 2w3 and 3w2. I'm currently unsure how types like 4w5 at the edge of a center fit within this to lacking one of the adjacent types most types have.
Which of the Hornevian Groups a wing belongs to also influences synchrony. A similar Hornevian Trend to the core type(compliant being more similar to aggressive than withdrawn) or similar direction of difference between the main type and the wing can lead to potentially more synchrony. 
The two examples below are the same direction of difference. Hornevian Trends of away and against being opposites and Towards being in-between. 
Compliant -> Withdrawn
Aggressive -> Withdrawn 
People who possess the same fix may be perceived in a sibling-like manner. That is to say a diffused connection, and familiar with shared values. 
The closer the Hornevian group a core type belongs to compared with a valued(especially Animix fix) type the more activating a type may be. 
There are correlations but no rules for which types people have as Animix fixes.
However, the Tritype fix ordering for the Animix Tritype are reversed. For example if your ordering is head-heart-gut, your Animix Tritype ordering will be gut-heart-head.
The tertiary fix tends to be somatically experienced as alien and energetically easily dispersed. Resonance with energy of the dual type of that complementary center, whether it be from personal activities or connection with others, can elicit a sense of vibrant awe-inspiring wholeness. This sense of resonance with underactivated parts of oneself extends to all types of complementary center.
Animix fixes can be homogeneous with ones Ego fixes, i.e. same types in each center. They may also be heterogeneous and drastically different. It is interesting to explore why Enneagram may allow for homogeneous or heterogeneous complementary pairs unlike other personality systems like Attitudinal Psyche or Socionics. I suspect this is because Enneagram describes flows and transformations of narrative. This is in contrast to other typology systems being lopsided, symmetric, functional units that require particular responses mechanically for effective allostasis.
The fixes are ordered and can be referred to as by their numeric ordering, and borrowing a concept from Socionics(https://wikisocion.github.io/content/dimensionality.html) have the following dimensional strengths 
As conscious structuring of ones one core motivations:
Primary: 4d
Secondary: 3d
Tertiary: 2d
As unconscious structuring of compensatory, idealized, and Intimate Other archetypes
Quarternary: 3d
Quinary: 2d
Senary: 1d
In the case that one's ego types and ones animix types are the same it is important to recognize dimensionality is directed towards consciousness and particulars in one's Ego fixes, and in one's Animix fixes, the personal and collective unconsciousness and archetypes.
Despite requiring some baseline knowledge about Enneagram, it's a worthy practice to type oneself in this theory fairly early on in one's Enneagram exploration journey. Beyond interpersonal compatibility, it has a lot of uses for spiritual and psychological empowerment. It may make sense to leave wings until one has a firm grasp on the system. If people don't find it intuitive it may make sense to focus on getting a stronger grasp of the core types and their own and other's Tritypes. 
There is a requisite amount of necessary life exploration and  personal growth to be able to type oneself in this system. A lot of people are attracted towards types that they associate with pain and frustration because of traumatic or disempowering life experiences. Rather than ideally typing based off of what feels enlivening. Conversely positive experiences with people where compatibility is socially situational or in context of other fixes, compatible neurodivergence, or other personality types also skews a sense of affinity with a type.
I hope people find this framework helpful for personal reflection and I'm eager to hear thoughts or relevant experiences others may have ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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amateur-heretic · 1 year
Introduction Post
Hey there! Most of what would be an introduction is in my bio. I'm a queer neurodivergent person who's been into personality typology for a decade. I stopped engaging with the community years ago though. I got frustrated at lack of investigation into why personality typology is helpful for reflection and what exactly systems are gesturing in a meta-modeling way. I want to explore first-principles big-picture context between systems. I also make Personality Typology systems that I think could help me or others critically reflect on authentic core ways of being and relating in the world. I hope I get along with people :3
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