eirenical · 3 months
For the WIP Title Ask:
I’m very curious about the Mysterious Lotus Casebook dual cultivation fic.
And good luck with class prep and starting the new semester! I hope it goes as smoothly/painlessly as possible!
Thanks for ask, @bbcphile! :D
[For anyone else who would like to ask, you can find the WiP list here.]
So, this fic grew out of this post. I watched episode 13 and I saw this go down:
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And visions of Dual cultivation danced in my head. Of course, once I'd finished the show, I realized that saving Li Lianhua, if that was in the cards at all, was going to be much more complicated than dual cultivation, because he and A-Fei and Fang Duobing basically did that more than once and it didn't save him.
So I don't know that I'll ever finish this one, but I DID write the sex/dual cultivation that would have come right after the confrontation in the snake cave, so how about a little snippet of the lead-in to that? ;D
Armed with a bottle of special oil he'd gotten from Yao Mo and more determination than desire, Di Feisheng pushed open the door to the small cottage.  Li Xiangyi didn't even look up as the door clattered open, the absolute picture of nonchalance and disinterest.
And it was a lie.
Li Lianhua might not care if he lived or died.  Li Lianhua might not care where he lived, who he met, or what he owed.  Li Lianhua might be waiting to die.  But underneath all of that, Li Xiangyi couldn't help but take notice when Di Feisheng entered a room.  Li XIangyi's every sense followed him as he moved, tracked him as he paced closer in the small confines of the cottage.  Li Xiangyi remembered.  Li Xiangyi knew him for the threat he carried.  Li Xiangyi knew a fellow predator when he was sniffing down his neck.
And it was Li XIangyi who supplied the words uttered in Li Lianhua's utterly disinterested tones: "Di-mengzhu… what are you doing."
Di Feisheng worried at the distended meridian beneath his teeth for just one moment more before shifting to nibble at the collarbone just beside it.  And as the muscles beneath his hands tensed, prelude to a shift that would send an elbow flying back into his stomach, he stepped back out of reach.  "Li Xiangyi, Li Xiangyi… what do you think I'm doing?"
Li Xiangyi huffed out a breath and shook his disordered robes back into some semblance of order before turning back to poke at the pot in front of him.  "If you're that hungry that my neck looks appealing, I'm pleased to inform you that dinner is almost ready.  Go back outside and wait for it."
Di Feisheng turned and did as requested—he walked away.  As far as the door, anyway.  And only to drive the locking bolts home.
As the bolts slid into place, Li Xiangyi tensed again, this time rewarding him with a glance in his direction.  When Di Feisheng did nothing but cross his arms and lean back against the locked door, Li Xiangyi sighed and put down his spoon.
"Di-mengzhu.  I have done as you asked all day with no objections.  But I, for one, do not have the stamina I once did.  I am tired.  I am hungry.  I am done playing games with you."
Di Feisheng uncrossed his arms, leaving them to hang loosely at his sides.  He smiled.  "But I am nowhere near done playing with you."
Before Li Xiangyi had a chance to even take in a surprised breath, Di Feisheng was across the room, fist raised.  In spite of his protestations, Li Xiangyi dodged the blow, slid around behind him and made a break for the door.  Di Feisheng turned with him, a well placed wave of qi accelerating his journey until he had Li Xiangyi pressed against the door, hands trapped against his chest where they could do no harm.  Di Feisheng pressed into him harder, leaning down to take another delicate nibble at his exposed neck.
This time, that elbow did fly—and would have hit Di Feisheng right in the solar plexus had he not stepped back quickly enough.  But that last provocation had done the trick.  Li Xiangyi was taking him seriously now, putting as much of himself into the fight as he dared.  Di Feisheng stayed one step ahead of him, darting in for little nips and pinches and a lick that nearly had Li Xiangyi's knee connecting with his groin.  He could feel it, the way that blocked qi was trying to break free, to respond, to answer his attacks in kind… but it had nowhere to go.  No channel to follow.  But if Yao Mo was right… then maybe they could fix that.
After several minutes of trading blows, Di Feisheng corralled Li Xiangyi against the wall, the thrill of the chase leaving them both panting.  He leaned forward, mouth opening for another delicate lick, but before he could get anywhere near that tempting neck, Li Xiangyi was surging forwards, into his personal space, eyes blazing with more fire than he'd seen in them since their reunion.  He had just enough time to register what was happening before Li Xiangyi's mouth sealed over his own, one hand breaking free to tangle in his hair.
Caught off guard, Di Feisheng staggered backwards, knees hitting the edge of the small bed and unbalancing him further.  He landed hard on his back, Li Xiangyi straddling his legs and taking full advantage of his disorientation for the moment it lasted.
His hands found his way into Li Xiangyi's hair, returning the favor of his none-too-gentle tugs as he guided their mouths into better alignment.  Li Xiangyi was a whirlwind above him, days of frustration lending strength to his arms and a bite to his kisses and if Di Feisheng had had any idea that sex could be like *this,* he'd have tried it years ago.
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sufficientlylargen · 1 month
When she knows food is coming, Furmi gets excited and then sits right on the food mat where I want to put down their food.🤦‍♂️
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zishuge · 28 days
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*boop* for @bbcphile
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howdaretrashships · 4 months
The many faces of Di Feisheng being Concerned™ about Li Lianhua
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Part 1, 2, 3
Captions for each picture in the ALT, to give context.
A special thank you to @bbcphile who cheered me on while I was putting these together, and for alerting me to the existence of the deleted scene.
Link to the BTS that includes the scene here.
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kingsandbastardz · 5 months
@bbcphile asked about Di Feisheng and neurodiversity and it's something that's been on my mind for awhile, so here we go.
100% thought DFS was on the spectrum when he first popped up on my screen. Cue Leonardo_DiCaprio_pointing.gif I related to so, so many of his behaviors.
Trauma/ptsd can often create symptoms similar to autism/adhd/etc due to how it fucks with your brain
Autism/adhd/etc are often co-morbid with ptsd and trauma due to abuse, bullying, increased sensitivities and higher risk taking behaviors that lead to impulsive decision making which then leads to higher rates of death.
Thoughts regarding why I think so:
1. Hyperfixation/special interest being his obsession with fighting only LXY
2. Extremely high masking - as in almost 24/7 except when alone, in front of Wuyan and possibly LLH. He doesn't have any of the perception, motor skills or speech issues some people on the spectrum have. This means he can fine tune his social skills as much as needed. He's incredibly opaque through the entire drama. His behavior is completely different from how others perceive him, how he portrays himself, what information is known about him. There's a solid disconnect between himself and what is revealed to the rest of the world. I strongly suspect he's the type that makes scripts for every social interaction he has with others and behaves based off that.
Masking at that level for so long means it's basically you. Until it's not. It's internalized. It's hard to differentiate between the you that is a mask vs you the unmasked weirdo that wants to sit on the floor all day in your underwear because it's grounding and limits sensory input.
Masking is also exhausting. He runs off to be by himself as soon as he is able. He stays in locations where he can be alone and limit sounds.
3. LLH's behavior with DFS: Yes, it is due to closeness, past history, and also unexplored emotion, but that doesn't explain the bonkers level of accommodation and lack of vitriol toward a man he spends many episodes believing killed his brother. Yes he was emotionally burnt out after 10 years. He could have been playing along to get DFS to work with him (which he didn't need to because he soft-poisoned him with asura grass - the stuff that doesn't have weird side effects like killing a person. Contrast that with wuxin huai JLQ and SGD use)
But that isn't all there is to it - he fully believes DFS wouldn't try to kill him seriously. When arguing or trying to convince him of anything, he doesn't hide the truths he hides from everyone else. He barely exhibits anger toward him beyond that one early "Do you still refuse to admit it?"
Imo he's like this because he knew DFS well enough to know that being angry won't work; he believes DFS thinks differently enough he there may be a disconnect in understanding the source LXY's anger. Considering how happy and clingy DFS was when he first showed up, I don't blame LLH for thinking this way? DFS certainly didn't share any information regarding his suspicions. More on DFS' style of logic later. He communicates with DFS a certain way because he knows:
DFS is very good at spotting lies. This is both autistic or trauma-related behavior in ppl who are very good at masking. He's hyper vigilant to begin with and pair that with him likely being very experienced at picking apart micro expressions, context vibes, logic holes, etc at high speed -- high masking individuals that create personal scripts for their interactions will often do this as a defense, to create a convincing enough set of behavior to 'behave like a person' with the rest of the world.
DFS will so strongly act on decisions based on the information he accepts that it's imperative he has as much of the needed info as possible. This speaks on a lot of experience interacting with DFS. LLH behaves this way because he doesn't want what happens when he doesn't.
4. Sensory issues: Specifically pertaining to sound/noise and food. He complains repeatedly about how noisy FDB and Su Xuayong were. In the women's mansion arc, the signaling beacon was making enough noise that it bothered him so he goes and pulls it out.
Using other preferred sounds: His preferred locations of the waterfalls or the top floor of the Lotus House makes me think of ambient noise machines where people play certain nature sounds to drown out other sounds and relax to. (again, grounding and sensory control)
He was very likely lying about his sense of taste to LXY to avoid rudeness, but there are multiple scenes implying some form of disordered eating. And there is also a scene where he comes in randomly and takes FDB's bowl of rice and walks out without taking anything else. It implies he may actually have certain food preferences even though there are other cases where he eats fine like at the grave robber banquet where he pretended to be someone else. So imo one partial possibility for this, aside from trauma, is autistic eating issues: not being able to eat in certain locations, having preferred tastes or textures, not wanting to combine their foods, eating very little. One common preference is for carbohydrates or processed foods - aka bread or rice. I know someone who's Special Food was chicken. They wouldn't have a problem having it very meal - but as an adult, understood that wasn't something they could always do.
5. Logic that makes perfect sense to him but not necessarily to others:
looking for LLH by flying to and investigating every single mountain peak until he found him (in a savant level display of power and skill)
end goal of wanting to be with LLH and fight him repeatedly forever (special interest, desire for repetition and a routine)
kidnapping QWM for LLH is totally not a bad thing since he wouldn't hurt her and is strong enough he can guarantee her safety
he doesn't communicate with LXY about his suspicions regarding Shan Gudao's death - which most sect leaders would have lead with. He didn't see this information as important to share until a purpose for it popped up later on.
his special interest takes priority over everything else: handing over control of the sect to JQL in favor of the Guyin map, Dongahi battle full of death and destruction and all he thought about was the dual
well, until his priorities change. The entire drama is his single-minded quest to heal LLH -- but it's still linked tightly to his special interest of fighting with LXY.
also "my only rival is LXY, let's fight fight fight fight"= "I only want to fight LXY" but framed in a manner that people of jianghu will immediately understand. But that's not actually what he wants. Here is a prime example of a communication issue where he's created a presentation of this strong fighter - he walks and talks like one perfectly - so LLH and everyone else is of course convinced he wants to be number 1 swordsman. That is the language he's using to present himself. And he wants to know this because, why wouldn't he want to measure himself against a benchmark? However his end goal isn't just to be number one. He wants to be able to fight and win and lose and win and lose against LXY and only LXY.
possible: won't kill women or even engage with them seriously if he deems them too weak, but will still fill his organization's leadership with them and give them huge amounts of power --- this logic doesn't make sense to me, but clearly does to him??
6. He shows love by allowing people in his personal space (LLH, Wuyan, etc) or sharing his hyperfixation (fighting). So him doggedly trying to get LLH to fight him? Well. Also whining to Wuyan every day for years about LXY? He's... sharing his special interest! Wuyan, feel loved! Also, another common form of showing love for autistics are doing things for people -- and dfs' love language is clearly acts of service.
7. One can argue he's a bit on the savant level of skills, but without typical disabilities. Also he's high masking enough that any disability he does have, you wouldn't see it at all. -- ok this might just make him a regular genius, then.
8. DFS' strict adherence to his own code of honor regardless of what anyone around him is doing
9. Need for routine or repetitive behavior - one can argue that martial arts being a special interest of his would actually make a ton of sense because it's about training over and over and over again until it becomes instinct. Daily training for years and years. You never stop. And you do it in quiet spaces away from people or places that can cause sensory issues.
10. Argument for some form of alexithymia: This one is a reach - as there's no evidence of this. But as it's often co-morbid with autism, I think could be an interesting internal reason for his ability to mask. As in, unless it's a very big feeling or a very large event, he may not recognize his own trauma as trauma. His bar for what is 'bad' is somewhere in the basement of hell, and every other traumatic event are just things that happen. He may not actually recognize fear. He chases happy things because at his age, he knows what anger, sadness and happiness are -- because they have easy to parse physical manifestations.
EDIT: I wasn't very clear up top - but I consider severe trauma to be a form of neurodiversity due to the long lasting and sometimes permanent changes it makes in a person's brain (especially when young and the brain is still being formed). So when I say I think it's possible for dfs to be neurodiverse, I'm referring to a range of things. Autism is very difficult to separate from ptsd/trauma for the reasons above, and will often manifest in the exact same ways with overlapping patterns of behavior. Any one of these things or many of these things collectively can exist without someone being neurodiverse.
Anyway this is just off the top of my had. I have this under a cut so I'll add more later as it comes they mind. (I think this gets called moral stubborness? Something like that?)
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omgpurplefattie · 2 months
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Passing on the snacks Pinterest randomly gave me today.-
@momosandlemonsoda @busarewski @kingsandbastardz @lyselkatz @mx-myth @bbcphile
As for the Shui Long Yin picture: if I was secretly stalked by an assassin with such a handsome chin, I would notice him immediately and realise when I see him again in suspiciously different circumstances. Totally ruins his stealth stats.-
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momosandlemonsoda · 2 months
The next chapter is finally posted! Thanks so much to @bbcphile for the beta and for listening to me whine about how these two wouldn't stop talking and get to fucking!
Li Lianhua raises his hands, taking a step back, watching Di Feisheng’s eyes narrow. “I’m just heading home.” And then, because it’s been a shitty night and a shitty week and he’s never stepped back when he could press his luck with this man, he turns his back and walks away, calling over his shoulder after a couple of steps, “You can come, if you want.” He smirks at the huff of laughter, but keeps walking away without looking back. It doesn’t take long for Di Feisheng to catch up, casually shoulder-checking him. They walk on in silence. Li Lianhua thinks about needling him, starting one of their bickering conversations to give A’Fei a way to vent the tension he can still see in his frame. But, as he darts a quick glance at A’Fei, takes in his posture, his quick stride, the blood still on his lip, he realizes he doesn’t want to talk. There’s been too goddamn much talking this week. 
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rose-tinted-vision · 20 days
out of context WIPs game
rules: pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they’d be most likely to read. multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Thank you for tagging me @randomingoftherandomness !!
Tagging @wuxia-vanlifer @lizzieonka @flamingwell @evolutionsbedingt @bbcphile
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WIP Wednesday
saving up tags has basically become my brand at this point, thanks for all of them over the last few weeks @adreamareads, @14carrotghoul, @inexplicablymine, @read-and-write-, and @happiness-of-the-pursuit!
after finishing reincarnation au I'm hoping fandoms for a bit and write something a bit different, so I have some mysterious lotus casebook words to share today, taken from moments before the disaster of the apocalypse hits (but if you're here for rwrb stuff, know that I have stuff planned for the eras tour event)
"You seem rather focused, what's so intriguing on your phone?" Li Lianhua looks up to see Qiao Wanmian from HR standing in front of him, a teasing smile on her face. He forces a casual laugh. "Ah, it's nothing. Just waiting for something. What about you, Qiao-xiaojie? You aren't a regular subway commuter." "I suppose I'm not," she admits. "I usually prefer to ride my bike to work, but I couldn't because my asthma is sensitive to changes in air quality." "Mmn, the pollution was a bit bad today," says Li Lianhua mildly, mentally filing away the information for later. "A shame that you had to take the subway instead." "No worries, it means I can practice my Spanish now and exercise later." "Ah, Spanish…" "Yes, it's the second-most spoken language in the world," she explained, though Li Lianhua hadn't really been asking. Then, "Can I sit?" Li Lianhua nods. "Of course, please." As she does, Qiao Wanmian's lightly scented perfume drifts over to him. She smiles brightly, and he's reminded of why everyone at the office has a crush on her. She's exactly the type of girl he would have pursued at age 17, a perfect match for his younger self. The two of them, a pair of shining people fit to be the main characters in any story. But those days are long over, and Li Lianhua has no more interest in being the protagonist. He just wants to finish the last chapter of his favorite light novel.
Tagging @bidoofenergy, @affectionatelyrs, @cricketnationrise, @formorewishes, and @bbcphile, though probably for next week since I'm doing this a bit late
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yletylyf · 19 days
Get to know me better tag game
Thanks to @bbcphile and @wuxia-vanlifer for the tag!
Last song I listened to: I'm not sure, one of Liu Yuning's I think (his voice is so sexy)
Currently Watching: So many things. Burning Flames just to laugh about it with @soliloquize. Love You Seven Times and I adore it so so much. Legend of Shen Li, only sort of paying attention (love the FL but the ML is starting to be annoying). Slowly making my way through Blood of Youth, which is really great but I keep stopping and having to start it again and then I completely lose track of the plot and all the characters. Love and Redemption and Immortal Samsara for Cheng Yi though there isn't much else I care about in them so far.
Currently obsessed with: like the people who tagged me <3, my answer is Mysterious Lotus Casebook. the fandom is really fun and I'm deeply obsessed with dihua.
tagging @phantomato @soliloquize @jammerific @thebansacredbanned @nemainofthewater @tavina-writes @diana-prince-wayne only if you haven't done it recently and want to!
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eirenical · 4 months
For the "Character-centric stories in 1k or less" prompt:
Di Feisheng and "what would happen to a houseplant in his care" (but obviously caring for any herb or vegetable Li Lianhua has planted is fair game!)
:D Thanks!
@bbcphile you have NO idea what you started this afternoon. XD I am so glad you shared that cracktastic plot bunny with me, because it rooted itself in my brain and wouldn't let go, so I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE RESULT. XD
This clocked in at 2,365 words when all was said and done, so I just chucked it directly onto AO3.
...also because I'm seriously considering coming back and playing with this 'verse some more. XD
Enjoy? ^_^
From the Mud of Adversity (2365 words) by eirenical Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 莲花楼 | Mysterious Lotus Casebook (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua | Li Xiangyi, Di Feisheng & Wuyan Characters: Di Feisheng, Li Lianhua | Li Xiangyi, Wuyan (Mysterious Lotus Casebook), Monk Wuliao Additional Tags: brief appearance by - Freeform, Fang Duobing - Freeform, Crack Treated Seriously, ...mostly, Transformation, Lotus flowers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Donghai Battle
A single lotus flower lay in the sand, its red-tipped white petals half-buried, its broad green leaves wilted and mangled, its stem twisted upon itself and nearly broken. The pull of gravity on his body now that he had stopped was too much, and Di Feisheng folded slowly to his knees beside the ruined lotus. His thoughts drifted as he laid back down beside it, gently freeing its petals from the sand as he fought to keep himself awake. What a pair we must make, little lotus. Each broken and bleeding and far from where we belong… It was certainly his imagination, a hallucination brought on by encroaching fever or the sun beginning to beat down from overhead, but he'd have given almost anything if the grumpy voice he thought he heard in response had been real. ~Speak for yourself, Di-mengzhu. I'll be on my feet again before you know it.
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sufficientlylargen · 29 days
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I say this a lot now, especially to @bbcphile.
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nutcasewithaknife · 2 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Thank you @bbcphile @deepbluewithyellow @kingsandbastardz @potahun @seventh-fantasy @redemption-revenge and @heyyo-heyyo for tagging me! Sorry for y'all waiting for days, the procrastination demons got to me ;-;
3 ships you like: Oh dear. How do I pick only three!! Okay, here are some that have been on my mind the most these past few weeks.
Liansanjiao from Mysterious Lotus Casebook. Kinda obvious but I adore every side and the whole of this triangle.
Moshang from SVSSS. Ice Demon Lord and his pathetic hamster man. God and his most beloved blorbo. Fucking clowns. They have the range.
Chengqing from The Untamed !!! They are both so very alike and understand each other better than anyone else possibly could. They could have chosen each other, but never begrudge the other for not doing so either. I'm obsessed with how doomed they are in canon and how perfect they would've been if they'd ever gotten a chance.
First ship ever: Solangelo! I was a gay teen and this was my first gay ship and I went insane about them for a solid year.
Last song you heard: 天下 by Zhang Jie!! Been slightly obsessed with it since I heard it being performed at the MLC concert.
Favorite childhood book(s): Oh, there are so many. The first Percy Jackson series my beloved. The Ajaya dulogy, which is a retelling of the epic Mahabharata from the perspective of the Kauravas (conventionally the bad guys) and rewired my entire brain. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES!! Also was in love with the James Herriot books so much.
Currently reading: Finishing my Good Omens re-read! I also started Geetanjali Shree's रेत समाधि (Tomb of Sand), reading the original Hindi and the English Translation simultaneously! (Kind of an experiment. It has very short chapters, so I read each in Hindi and then in English before moving on to the next.)
Currently watching:
Dead Friend Forever - Thai slasher/murder mystery/psychological thriller/BL (airing weekly, one episode left!)
House MD - Medical Malpractice Georg my beloved (rewatching after a long, long time. Save me unhinged autistic man. save me.)
Currently consuming: Tea :)
Currently craving: The inspiration to write something absolutely devastating or utterly silly. Also a donut.
Tagging @fangdoubing @mx-myth @difeisheng @linacies @toppingjeffsatur @t4tadrienette @tejoxys @salamander89 @wuxia-vanlifer (no pressure ofc) and really anyone who wants to give it a go! Especially if you've spotted me lurking in your notes!!
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howdaretrashships · 2 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
Tagged by @bbcphile and @thesilversun. Thanks!
3 Ships You Like: lol, only three? (You're kidding right? Right? *sigh* Fine...) I'll go with the three most current I guess. Feihua from Mysterious Lotus Casebook, Wangxian from MDZS/CQL, and Merthur from BBC Merlin.
First Ship Ever: Technically, an argument could be made for Jack/Rose from Titanic (I was, like, 8 at the time). But if you mean the ship that actually got me into fandom spaces, and reading and writing fic then Janto from Torchwood. (CoE broke my heart and is the main reason fix-its are always at the top of my list.)
Last Song You Heard: Phantom by Rina Sawayama
Favorite Childhood Book: I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade by Diane L. Wilson. I unfortunately have a hazy memory of most of the book, but I remember the last scene very clearly. Also the Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce.
Currently Reading: Not currently reading many books, but I'm planning to start Guardian by Priest in the near future. I've seen the series so I'm interested to see the differences from book to screen. I just finished And Time is But a Paper Moon by sami for the fifth time, and am about to start Bad Bet by luckydragon.
Currently Watching: I'm between shows at the moment. I just finished Tale of the Nine Tailed, and enjoyed it. I'm mainly waiting for Man Suang to drop on the 28th, and will be watching as soon as feasibly possible. (They said it was an international movie to come out last August, and then only released it in Asia. I have been waiting, and trying to avoid spoilers while also surviving on crumbs of information.)
Currently Consuming: Coffee
Currently Craving: Inspiration to write. I have a fic that is nearly ready to post, and I would like to to be able to finish the last scene.
Tagging: @seventh-fantasy, @wildelydawn, @foxymrfox, @wuxia-vanlifer, @koaly-ty, @mwfangirl, @difeisheng, @thebeingofeverything, and @mileapo. (No pressure, and feel free to ignore if you've already done it! Also if you weren't tagged and want to do it, take this as your invitation.)
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kingsandbastardz · 4 months
WIP Title Game
Thanks for the tag, @bbcphile!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(I'm going to include meta writing - but I guess it's up to everyone to interpret WIP how they like. TBH I think art and video content also counts.)
I'm coming out of a massive multi-year drought of creativity so currently have just the 2 fandoms.
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
為人不可有 無可求 As humans there cannot be those who wish for nothing
Pear Blossoms In Spring (fangdi bullshittery if im successful at anything)
SAMSARA Modern world transmigration rebirth AU
timeloop difanghua
You made the mistake of thinking words would finally be acceptable
囍 Marriage - genderfuckery life is hell difanghua
DFS' sparkly underpants srs fic
DFS' sparly underpants II bullshit fic
llh x wuyan 5x1 road to loooove
5 x 1 DFS is also a lying liar fangdi mebbe
5 x 1 DFS FDB stronk???
There is something wrong with the House
remove racism rewrite di fortress nanyin arc
dfs and The Narrative drunk depression writing
di feisheng parallelism to jiao liqiao in a pretentious essay about power structures (with a side dose of qwm)
di feisheng's outfit choices have a rhyme and reason
My Journey to You
gong family economics and their position in jianghu and regular society
LMAO... ok maybe including meta and art was a bad idea. I don't have enough people vs wips to tag so I'm going to just tag a bunch of people who I think miiiiight have a wip or two cooking in the oven.
@romchat @randomingoftherandomness @a-starry-teal @jinguangshanhateblog @redemption-revenge @tiny-breadcrumbs @peridot-tears @giyoonssi @hils79
And I guess anyone else that wants to do this?
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omgpurplefattie · 2 months
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Pinterest nowadays tends to give me themed sets of Xiao Shunyao. This was today's.
I hope the usual suspects @momosandlemonsoda @bbcphile @lyselkatz @busarewski @kingsandbastardz @mx-myth etc. enjoy the food.-
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