#be my mirror my sword my shield wangxian
kianri-ah · 1 year
anyways. viva la vida but in wei wuxians pov
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besanii · 3 years
40 and/or 96 for Wangxian for the prompt meme? ^_^
#40 - “Okay, I didn’t see that coming.”
The crowd of people clamouring outside the gates to the Cloud Recesses is growing restless and the two disciples stationed to guard the area look thoroughly harassed. When they catch sight of Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji descending the winding mountain path toward them, their harried expressions give way to an almost desperate relief; they bow deeply to them both and chorus their names in greeting.
“What is going on?” Lan Wangji asks.
The disciple on the left bows again, short and quick, before replying.
“Hanguang-jun, word has spread about yourself and Mo—Wei-qianbei,” he hastily corrects himself, “returning to the Cloud Recesses. They have come to pay their respects.”
“Pay their respects?” Wei Wuxian echoes, confused. “Did I hear you correctly? Are you sure you don’t mean collecting debts? Or seeking vengeance? I’m pretty sure we didn’t forget to pay off our tabs while travelling, Lan Zhan—your Gusu Lan pockets are so deep, after all—so it must be vengeance! Ah, I guess now that I’m alive again, people finally have someone to go after—”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji says reprovingly. “Do not jest.”
The two disciples exchange glances before the second one bows to Wei Wuxian directly.
“Wei-qianbei did not hear incorrectly,” he says. “They have all come to pay their respects to you. But as Wei-qianbei is not an official member of Gusu Lan, Xiansheng said we should only take down their names so that Wei-qianbei may handle them personally.”
Wei Wuxian rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish laugh as he accepts the scroll from the disciple. Their notes are meticulous, as is to be expected of a Gusu Lan disciple, listing not only the names of the visitors, but also the place of origin, their affiliated sect, and their reason for calling.
“Ah, sorry to cause all this trouble for you both,” he says, scanning the long list quickly. “I’ll handle it from here—”
“Yiling Laozu!” a man calls out from somewhere on the other side of the gate. He breaks free from the crowd and charges towards them. “Yiling Laozu! Wait!”
The two disciples cross their swords in his path to prevent him from crossing the gate; Lan Wangji instinctively steps in front of Wei Wuxian, one arm thrown out to shield him from view. But instead of attacking, the man throws himself onto his knees and prostrates himself on the ground. Everyone stops in their tracks, baffled.
“Yiling Laozu!” 
Wei Wuxian blinks. “Yes? Can I help you?”
“Please accept my son as your disciple!”
Wei Wuxian stumbles half a step and almost drops the scroll in shock.
“What?” He must have heard wrong. “What did you just say?”
The man presses himself closer to the ground and repeats his plea: “Please accept my son as your disciple!”
“Uh…” Wow. “Okay, uh…I didn’t see that coming.”
Wei Wuxian had always prided himself on his intuition and on being observant. He can tell the exact moment when a night hunt is about to go terribly wrong, and knows instinctively what needs to be done to salvage the situation; he can tell when someone is lying to him, or hiding something, and usually knows how to coax, pry or force the information from them.
But this...this is beyond him.
He glances over at Lan Wangji for help, but Lan Wangji looks equally baffled by this sudden turn of events. Him? Take a disciple? They do know who is he right? They’re not mistaking him for someone else? 
“Yiling Laozu saved my son’s life,” the man continues. “Without your help, my son would be dead! A life debt must be repaid. He’s slow-witted, but he will work hard and do his best to learn from you. Please allow him to serve you as your disciple!”
Wow, he really isn’t kidding. Wei Wuxian definitely didn’t see this coming. He vaguely recognises the man—he and Lan Wangji had exorcised a demon in Guilin that had been possessing a young boy to feed on his yang energy. It had only been a day’s work or less, nothing that would be worth sending his son to serve a former criminal like him, no matter how much his reputation has been rehabilitated in the past year.
He looks up at Lan Wangji.
“Thank you for your kind words, sir,” he begins slowly, still looking to Lan Wangji for reassurance. The corners of Lan Wangji’s mouth soften. “But the credit for saving your son was not mine alone. And I have no mind to accept any disciples, now or ever. I only cultivated this path because there had been no other option available to me at the time, born out of desperation. I would not recommend it to anyone if they had a chance at something else."
The man looks crestfallen as Wei Wuxian steps around Lan Wangji to kneel beside him on the ground. He helps him up with a hand under his elbow.
“If you are really looking for a way to repay us for this life debt, then you should set your son on the path to help others.” Wei Wuxian claps him on the shoulder. “You have the chance to walk that righteous path. You should take it.”
A small, wistful smile flits across his lips and the light in his eyes dim; it is gone almost as soon as it appears, and he’s stepping away again to rejoin Lan Wangji. The man remains kneeling on the floor looking up at them both, wide-eyed with wonder, as if he’d been struck by a revelation. Wei Wuxian clears his throat and looks away with an awkward grin.
“Anyway, sorry to disappoint you after you’ve come all this way,” he says, voice coming out a little louder than intended. “I would offer to write you a recommendation letter to join another sect, but I’m afraid my reputation hasn’t improved that much—”
“That won’t be necessary,” Lan Wangji says firmly. He inclines his head at the man. “If you do not mind, Gusu Lan will accept your son as a disciple.”
The man’s jaw drops.
“Xianshi...” He throws himself onto the ground, pressing his forehead to the ground over and over again in thanks. “You have blessed our entire family by accepting my son into Gusu Lan. I assure you, he will work hard! He will not disappoint you!”
Wei Wuxian catches Lan Wangji’s eye and smiles, warmth filling his chest.
“I’m sure your son will do very well,” Wei Wuxian tells the man brightly. “He will have the best teachers the cultivation world has to offer. He’ll learn much more from them than he would have from me!”
“Wei Ying, too, is an excellent teacher,” Lan Wangji says immediately.  “The insight he has to offer is invaluable.”
Wei Wuxian’s face grows hot. “Aiyo, Lan Zhan, don’t be so embarrassing!”
Lan Wangji shakes his head with a noise of dissent, which tickles a laugh out of Wei Wuxian. The warm feeling in his chest expands to fill his body, tingling from the top of his head to the tips of his toes, before settling down into a deep sense of contentment. When he meets Lan Wangji’s eyes again, he finds that same joy mirrored on his face.
Ah, he thinks quietly. So this is the feeling of coming home.
buy me a ko-fi!
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peerless-soshi · 5 years
A, T, W, X please :)
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed
Listen, I’m a very soft potato who falls in characters’ love easily, so listing all my favourite relationships is close to impossible, hahaha. Let’s see… BakuDeku remains my emotional support ship, in every possible version, and I don’t take constructive criticism. Maybe I don’t show it often enough, but TodoMomo is my second fav.  Even if they don’t have many moments together, I cherish every little one. They’re precious. From platonic relationships, All Might and Deku are always number one Hero Dad and Son. 
I might be boring but I love WangXian with all my heart, and BingQiu with my other heart. I’m also a big big big BeefLeaf fan. Now it’s time to throw rocks at me - be gentle - because it’s probably my most beloved HOB couple. Sorry. But I’m certain that I love every relationship in MXTX works? Recently I’m more and more found of FengQing. Don’t you think that Mu Qing and Bakugou have very different temperaments and yet very similar characters? As you can see, I have a pattern. BNHA and MXTX are my current fandoms, so I think I’ll stick to them but believe me. I have more. Much more. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
I have more than many headcanons, but choosing from all my fandoms is quite difficult. Hm. One of the ideas I’d shield with my own body is ‘Deku and Kacchan become partners as professional heros’. Shipping aside, I think we’re at this point where it was mentioned enough how they complement each other, learn from each other and can be better heros together. If it’s not going towards working side by side - and I think it does - I’m gonna be very disappointed. For a long time I was in the ‘If Deku is Midoriya’s hero name, Kacchan should be Bakugou’s hero name’ team, but recently I saw a very good commentary on how those two nicknames have different weight and though I still support this idea, I can also agree with other versions.
In this life, you can take away ‘He Xuan and Shi Qing Xuan work on their past and one day they’re happy together’ only from my cold dead hands. I’m not kidding, I have a very detailed story about them growing, mourning and living a happy family life. Oh, I know one more! Considering HuaLian are gods/demons and cultivators can be immortal, I adore the idea of the three main pairs living past their lifetimes and enjoying comfort of the modern society, where they meet the couple from the upcoming fourth novel. 
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
Ok, this is a very hard question because for me, tropes are nothing more than material and every trope can be done both good and bad? It depends on your author’s craft. MXTX gave me a lesson; there’s a bunch of tropes I usually dislike and yet I loved them in her writing. She portrays certain topics in way that is really enjoyable and believable. 
I have some tropes which are, in my humble opinion, usually done bad. One of them is jealousy shown as a sign of love. I get it, everyone gets a little jealous when they care, but morbid jealousy and making a scene because of any word said to somebody else is not cute or romantic. I can accept it only as a recognized issue and a character flaw. I dislike ‘strong and independent female characters’ - usually they have personality of a fly hitting a closed window. Give them a weapon, tell to attack glass and call it progressive. A sword is not interesting. A well-developed character is interesting. Double points if said independent woman criticizes feminine girls… don’t do it or I’ll bite you. I’m not the biggest fan of miscommunication creating conflict, or ‘opposites attracts’ as it usually comes down to ‘we have nothing in common but we spent some time together and apparently it’s enough to fall in love’. But look, WangXian was able to use both these tropes perfectly! So it’s really not about the topic, but about execution. I have mixed feelings about good character/bad character ships; it’s one of my favourite tropes (look: BeefLeaf) but usually it’s either a masochistic relationship where one side is treated like shit, or it makes the bad character look like a loser/idiot. This trope has potential, why does nobody use it right? 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Again, I’m the type who can love almost any trope but you already know it ;)
He Xuan is my favourite trope: a) a good betrayal with solid forshadowing, this is when angst hits the most, b) negative characters with human feelings who care about some people, yet in the end stay evil. What else… I absolutely love parallels. Give me history repeating itself, characters following up their parents’ mistakes, a hero and a villain portrayed as a crooked mirror. Any kind of hidden parallelism fires up my soul. I have also a soft spot for… give me a minute, it’s 1 am and I don’t know how to describe this trope. Characters who are very proud and ambitious but at the same time suffer from low self-esteem. Characters knowing that they’re talented, but never being good enough. I’m fine with zeros to heros, but I’m much more affected with characters who are almost there but who can never reach for the highest spot. 
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