#berto romero
movienized-com · 7 days
El otro lado
El otro lado (Serie 2023) #BertoRomero #AndreuBuenafuente #EvaUgarte #MaríaBotto #NachoVigalondo #AlbertGarcía Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023 (November) Genre: Comedy / Horror Hauptrollen: Berto Romero, Andreu Buenafuente, Eva Ugarte, María Botto, Nacho Vigalondo, Albert García, María Pascual, Hugo Morenilla … Serienbeschreibung: Nacho Nieto, ein Journalist, der sich auf das Paranormale spezialisiert hat, durchlebt seinen schlimmsten beruflichen und persönlichen Moment. Nach einem gescheiterten Selbstmordversuch…
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entrehormigones · 2 months
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faniacmag · 7 months
Berto Romero se asoma al género de terror con 'El Otro Lado', una serie original Movistar Plus+ en colaboración con EL TERRAT (The Mediapro Studio) y dirigida por Javier Ruiz Caldera y Alberto de Toro.
Con Andreu Buenafuente
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pcgatos · 1 year
La tinta de impresora, el nuevo petróleo.
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rachelvp9 · 1 year
"La Ruina": un podcast donde se demuestra que nadie tiene una vida perfecta
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"La Ruina" es un podcast de humor con una idea simple: compartir aquellas  historias vergonzosas que te han podido ocurrir en algún momento de tu vida.
En cada capítulo se invita a una persona en concreto para que se coloque delante del micrófono y comience a contar su “ruina”, es decir, la situación más vergonzosa que ha sufrido en algún momento de su vida. Esa misma experiencia la viven también tres o cuatro personas del público a las que se eligen al azar (bajo inscripción previa) para que suban a contar su ruina delante del micrófono. Pero la cosa no termina ahí, todas esas historias compiten por llevarse el premio a la mayor miseria.
El programa está presentado por los cómicos y guionistas Tomàs Fuentes e Ignasi Taltavull. Ambos presentadores están siempre acompañados por un invitado que les ayuda a comentar las anécdotas que se escuchan esa noche.
Por el programa han pasado personajes como Facu Diaz, Marc Giró o Berto Romero, dejo el enlace de ese capitulo porque no tiene desperdicio.😂👇👇
También dejo otro enlace, en este caso el del capitulo 96 que hicieron desde Vitoria. El invitado especial fue Eñaut Zuazo y cuenta su ruina sobre aquella vez llevó a cabo una especie de persecución a lo más estilo james bond para evitar que un chico pagase la comisión de una agencia inmobiliaria y que se lo alquilara a él directamente.  También encontramos historias sobre Blablacar, con el gato de la vecina, con pantalones en un festival y con pérdidas de orina.
La duración de los capítulos suele rondar los 90 minutos aproximadamente. Es un show con un formato en vivo. Puedes escucharlo como un audio o verlo como un video ya que se graban los programas en un local de Barcelona. No todos los capítulos están grabados allí, pues también podemos encontrar capítulos grabados en diferentes ciudades de España como en el ejemplo anterior.  El programa se emite semanalmente debido a su éxito, ya que, cuando comenzó en febrero del 2019 su emisión era bimensual.
La expresividad
Cada show es diferente e impredecible. Esto se debe a la cercanía que tienen los dos presentadores con el público. Es como charlar con tus amigos en un bar, pues incluso los presentadores se sientan en la mesa con su propia cerveza. Se crea una atmosfera cercana que hace que la gente se suelte y cuente sus mayores vergüenzas sin miedo a ser juzgados. Lo que intentan con este show es por tanto reírse de la situación y no de la persona en concreto. Darse cuenta que todo el mundo ha pasado por una situación un tanto embarazosa y se ha sentido la persona más estúpida del mundo.
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newsssc · 13 days
«It makes me very sad that people talk about content when referring to artistic works»
On the other side of the screen Berto Romero (Cardona, 49 years old) regrets that, in the midst of the explosion of audiovisual productions, ordinary mortals have ended up calling series or movies content. «It seems to me the ugliest possible word to refer to a work that claims to be artistic. That we have become so brutalized as to talk about content makes me deeply sad,” reflects the comedian,…
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relampagos · 4 months
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'El otro lado'.- Berto Romero (2023). IMDb. Filmafinity.
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"El otro lado" (Miniserie)
"El otro lado" entraña curiosidad por la elección de Berto Romero de adentrarse en el singular mundo del misterio, abordado desde la figura de Nacho Nieto, su personaje, un periodista e investigador de lo oculto inmerso en la decadencia profesional en notorio contraste con su etapa previa de éxito radiofónico.
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A pesar del viraje temático, su nueva serie conecta con Mira lo que has hecho porque si su anterior propuesta versaba, dentro del cauce de la autoficción, sobre la vida aquí se refiere a la vida en horas bajas.
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Una coyuntura en la que Berto hace humor de lo triste, y en los dos primeros episodios lo lleva a cabo con tino conjugando la ironía que se da en los malos momentos (los problemas al grabar la entrevista a un afamado profesor que puede relanzar su video podcast) con el drama de la pesadumbre enquistada (las inclinaciones suicidas).
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Sobre la base de esa tesitura emocional Romero y su equipo modulan la llamativa cuestión del misterio, cuyo tratamiento también denota inspiración. Así lo señalan la descripción del rostro conocido del ámbito caído en desgracia, su intento de resurgir por medio de un video podcast cutre (abundan los podcasts de misterio), el detalle físico de su barba a lo Santiago Vázquez y el malestar que le produce ver la enorme popularidad televisiva del examigo y excompañero encarnado por Nacho Vigalondo imitando claramente el estilo Iker Jiménez aunque llevándolo al terreno cretino.
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El nombre del programa conducido por este secundario, Nueva era, tiene su guasa por los paralelismos con "Cuarto Milenio".
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Los guiños juguetones relativos al misterio se manifiestan asimismo en la circunstancia de que el deprimido Nacho Nieto se encuentra ante la oportunidad de salir del pozo al descubrir, gracias a su prima, un caso de infestación en una vivienda de barrio que por su virulencia y el repertorio de fenomenología extraña puede convertirse en su particular caso Vallecas.
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El retrato concerniente al misterio se redondea con el factor del periodista del misterio que le debe mucho a su maestro y mentor, aquí el doctor Estrada, rol revestido de la 'coña' y del significado de que lo interpreta Andreu Buenafuente. 
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Muy muy entretenida y os recomiendo su Podcast "Nadie sabe nada", también se puede ver en Youtube 👍👍👍
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themagazinevirtual · 9 months
Primeras imágenes de 'El otro lado', la serie de @MovistarPlus creada y protagonizada por Berto Romero bit.ly/3OmOKwY
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podcastingeveryday · 1 year
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talesgolden · 1 year
Character Outline
tagged: stole it from myself (again) ! tagging: i support theft, this time largely because I don’t know who has/hasn’t done this one
Full Name:  Simon Antonia Romero-Martín
Date of Birth:  15 June
Age: mid-late twenties
Social Class: oh. uh, like.. lower? I’ve just realized I’ve removed them from a support system they were developing and this has resulted in that they may technically be homeless, help. Picks up odd jobs and brief stints in minimum wage places to sustain themself.
Parents: Íngrid Romero-Herrera & Berto Martín-Cortez (deceased)
Siblings: Calista Romero-Martín, older sister; Joaquín Romero-Martín, younger brother
Height:  5′2″
Weight: no; their build is full & curvy, on the plumper side of average
Distinguishing Features: Tiny, squishy, but can still kick ass. There’s a dimple on their left cheek that will absolutely ruin your life (because it’s just very cute.)
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Medium brown
What do they consider their best feature?: Smile? I don’t know that they give it that much thought really.
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): Casual and outdoorsy, bohemian, with lots of knit and blue jeans and a mixture of pants and skirts. Got a thing for customizing their clothes by painting on or embroidering them. I could keep trying to describe it or you could just go look [here]
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: Jewelry! Tattoos! Piercings! Simon really likes and collects vintage(/vintage inspired) rings and bracelets. They do also have an interesting assortment of necklaces and anklets. There is a tattoo thingy (here.) Their ears are only pierced the one time, but beyond this they also have a double navel piercing (top and bottom). Just ‘cause.
Do they work out/exercise?: Some yoga gets worked into their not-a-routine fairly regularly, but other than that no
Level of Self Esteem: Pretty good, pretty high. Broadly comfortable and secure in their identity, appearance, etc.
Known Languages: Spanish, English
Gifts/Talents: I have just been informed they can wiggle their ears. This is news to me but there you go.
How do they deal with stress?: Stress-baking, 100%. The problem will be more conquerable once the (cookies/bread/pie/muffins/etc.) are done and have been eaten/shared.
What do they do when upset?: Run.
Do they believe in happy endings?: They would......................... like to.
How do they feel about asking for help?: No particularly strong feelings, really? Some things they wouldn’t ask for help with, but that’s more to do with the fact those things are secrets than any objection to being helped.
Optimist or Pessimist: Uh. Good question.
Extrovert or Introvert: I think ultimately an introvert, but with a high level of sociability before burnout.
Leader or Follower: Loner
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: Bit of both?
Spontaneous or Planner: Spontaneous!
Thinker or Doer: I think a bit more of a thinker? They’re not afraid to try things, good god will they just try things, but there are times when they get caught in that thought-feedback loop and also my goodness do they spent a lot of time theorizing and testing things in a very mad-scientist-esque way (but like. with recipes and potions, not mass destruction. But they very much mix things no person should mix.)
Organized or Messy: Organized. There’s a flow to it, a sort of rustic and organic nature to the layout and feel, so it never seems sterile or perfectly curated, but there are places for things and things go in their places. It wouldn’t do to start letting potions or potion materials overlap or get mixed up or cross contaminate each other, now would it? Then we’d all be sorry.
Worrier or Carefree: Well they don’t have anxiety, anyway. A lot of guilt and some concerns about where they’re going and who/what they’re becoming, but honestly if not for the whole werewolf thing they’d be much more relaxed.
Artistic?: Somewhat! Most of their artistic expression is focused on the joy of the process, though, so while there’s definitely an arty ~vibe~ they’re not like, studying figures or planning to do deep dives on the complexities of contemporary art or anything. Simon paints (and etc.) for fun, and because the process of the art is engaging and rewarding. The final product isn’t really the major concern. If it looks cool, awesome! If not, well, they had fun anyway.
Mathematical?: Absolutely not
Current marital/relationship/sexual status: Single. but they’re protesting because their most developed version was in a ship they were very happy about so there’s also that.
Sexual orientation (is it something they question or a secret): Pansexual, with just a little bit of a lean for feminine people admittedly. Simon was very lucky to have grown up in a very encouraging climate: they were very free to explore their sexuality and never really faced it being potentially “othering” until after they left home. They still don’t really question it, but it has become more of a open secret sort of situation. They don’t go out of their way to deny or conceal their sexuality (or gender identity) but don’t wave it around either.
Views on sex (one night stands, promiscuity, etc): Have fun, be safe, hit anyone who tries to pressure you ♥
Ever been in love?: A couple of times. It’s a tender subject.
Do they fall in love easily?: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnno? There is. I mean this one thing happened sort of fast but it definitely was not love at first it was Fun at first but it escalated and that still happened? A little fast I think??? But not. instantly. I dunno man.
Do they desire marriage and/or children in their future?: Proverbially they made eye contact with me and went  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Marriage is neither here nor there. They do...like children. And raising them isn’t like...... off the table? But there is. A lot of grey area and many questions in the situation of conceiving that I’m not sure they’d be totally comfortable with. Regardless, they’d what to be in a more stable financial situation before considering it. Simon doesn’t mind sleeping in public places on occasion or skipping a meal here and there but would not put a child in that situation.
Thoughts on public displays of affection?: A menace. Not likely to be explicitly inappropriate in public spaces but very much going to tease about it.
How do they show affection/love to their partner?: A menace; Simon is very biased toward love bites and leaving marks, often in very intentionally visible locations. (They’re a little bit.............. I was going to say “jealous” but I think “territorial” is funnier.) They’re also very physical in general, and want to both give and soak up as much attention and touch as possible. They also like to banter and flirt, even in established relationships, as a way of expressing continued interest and attraction.
Social Habits (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): A loner, really, but in such a warm and oddly charming way that a lot of people tend to miss the way that wow Simon knows so much about everyone and treats them all with such friendliness and is so fondly regarded and yet...no one could really tell you much about them, where they come from, what their family is like, etc. Every now and then they make a strong bond, but mostly they keep to themself in this fashion.
How do they treat others (politely, rudely, keep at distance, etc)?: As said, warm and friendly and honestly a little bit flirty. They also tend to come across as odd if not on first impression than soon after. All of this, though, while still keeping people at a distance. Bigots and hateful people are going to catch some serious sass and, if they’re being particularly unpleasant, maybe some hands.
Argue or avoid conflict?: Situational. In the past Simon has been known to question things and stir up trouble, and generally won’t idly accept or tolerate hate speech or cruel behavior. They also, however, have run from several large conflicts in their life rather than stick them out and see them resolved.
Dreams: oof. Don’t worry about it.
Greatest Fears: The full moon really just hits different, now; the thought of being caught off guard, of causing harm to people, scares Simon to bits.
Biggest Regret: [Redacted]
What they most want  to change about their current life?: Everything to do with getting bitten, probably.
Hobbies: Embroidery(+possibly crochet?), cooking and baking, gardening & herbology, painting, exploring, hiking, some mild zoology/animal care, and some astrology interest
Indoors or Outdoors?: Outdoors
Favorite Color: Yellow! but specifically like...... goldenrod yellow. Fall leave yellow. Warm toned and deep and rich. Lemonade yellow just isn’t it ok.
Favorite Smell: maybe just. Soil? Like, potting soil. Middle of the forest dirt. Earthy smells.
Favorite and least favorite food: Too many favorites do not ask. (Though....maybe partial to mushrooms?) Not a big fan of bacon, believe it or not.
Coffee or Tea?: Coffee but in the most cursed way imaginable.
Favorite type of weather: Immediately post-rain, when everything is alive and nourished and, yes, wet and splashable.
Favorite form of entertainment: Movies, I think. Movies are silly and fun and good for spending quality time with people.
How do they feel about traveling?: Home is behind, the world ahead!
What sort of gifts do they like?: Bring them the weird shiny thing that may or may not be a rock that you found on your walk. A flower that is considered a weed. A tin ring you got out of a quarter machine. A pack of stickers that seemed very them.
Thoughts on drugs and alcohol: Considerably something of a Hippie-type. Interpret that how you will.
Do they smoke? If so, do they want to quit?: Cigarettes, no. It’s like.... verse dependent and version-of-Simon-in-question dependent but definitely they dabble in weed. They bake with it more than smoke it, but do both.
Have they ever tried other drug? (which, what happened, consequences): There may have been a notable shroom escapade. Don’t worry about it. (No really, don’t worry, nothing bad happened, they had a lovely and absolutely bananas time. 7/10 might do again.)
Do they have any addictions?: Nah.
Most important/defining event in life to date: It just keeps coming back to the Bite doesn’t it?
Daily routine: Absolutely Not
Typical Saturday night: Doing something alone, usually! Simon likes to cook and to explore, etc., by themself. Sometimes they go out on their own to something like dinner or a movie. In a way I would describe as regular but not frequent they will seek out hookups. (This. this is not exclusive to Saturdays but. Y’know. Weekend vibes.)
What is home like (messy, neat, sparse): They may in fact be homeless at this juncture. When they do have somewhere to land, though, Simon tends toward the neater side of things, and given time will accumulate a lot of knick knacks and textiles to decorate with. The natural vibes apply, though in a deliberate way.
Pets? if not, do they want any?: Cielo and Fontaine are both snails of a small variety native to North America I never actually thought to look up but the general notion is that Simon found Cielo by chance and thinks the snail is/has good luck and grew quite attached to the little guy. Research showed snails prefer company, thus: Fontaine. And this resulted in Simon carrying snails with them on their travels. All of this is completely normal behavior I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Can they hold their breath for a long time?: I mean. Probably just average?
Do they know how to swim?: Yep
Can they cook (if so, how well and do they enjoy it)?: They CAN they are SO GOOD at it and they REALLY LIKE TO please let them cook for you but also please cook with them!!!!!!
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jonroru · 4 years
Un largo viaje merece un buen podcast y eso es lo que hicimos con Nadie Sabe Nada de viaje a Andorra. Por cierto, Andreu Buenafuente y Berto Romero Enhorabuena por el premio ondas ;)
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hypernet · 5 years
Microcríticas 110: Tres bodas de más
Microcríticas 110: Tres bodas de más
“Tres bodas de más”, y una peli de más.
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¿Ves a esas dos ocas teniendo sexo?
Pues hacía tiempo que no veía una boño-peli como ésta. He de decir que “Tres bodas de más” la vi a trozos hará unos años, pero nunca la vi de forma completa y coherente, así que hace nada, por aquello de ver una pelo que te deje el enfalograma plano, decidí ponerme a ello. Y joder, no es que te deje el encefalograma…
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jfc8movie · 5 years
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“Mira Lo Que Has Hecho” Berto Romero (2018-2020)
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sbcoligifs · 5 years
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(via GIPHY)
But then your partner jumps the gun and answers with something that isn’t too bright
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