#brazilian ditatorship
just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
So Brazil is having protests in favor of democracy (our president defends the militar ditactorship [he rly choose legalized torture as his "facist past" - a term which here means the idealized fake idea of a past used by altright and others facist leaning goverments to sell retrograde ideals and to represent the "values" that where "lost" by civil right moviments], he also is doing the whole Trump thing of implying vote fraud since he is losing in the pols and he is running for reelection this year, there are otuer detals but I can't explain it for non brazilians). And I'm at the same time sad that the small town I live in didn't had the protests and feeling proud of my country for the first time in a long time (sure when "independence day" comes and the programed pro-goverment protests start this feeling will go away but still noice).
P.S: there is nothing weirder than to see the main brazilian media outlet defending the protests while trying to sell them as apolitical, unrelated to the upcoming election and just a good neutral thing. It isn't neutral. People didn't just woke up and decided to say "hey ditactorship is bad actually", is a direct response of our president saying it isn't!!
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charlott2200 · 5 years
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💛💚💙❤💛💖💜 💛💚💙❤💛💖💜
June 15th - Draw any drag queen
Super drags 💖
 I like a lot super drags ,is actually a big step for latinoamerican animation ,the characters are really likeable and their problems are real  ,is so important for brazilian lgbt+ people now with the politics in brazil
But when it premiered in english it started a ...
controversy with the series:
1- some say that the characters are stereotypes and it is not good for the LGBT + community
Yes the characters are stereotypes but is a comedy series
2-the humor is too hard and repulsive
Heres a thing that i would like to explain ,yes there were jokes that go too far ,but most of them are fine ,cause latino america has a very agressive humor ,when you watch some latinoamerican show it will be very hard jokes ,even in the kids shows (example villanos (mexico) or golpea duro hara (chile) theres is blood ,double sense jokes ,even swear words (but is the definition u.s.a has cause here saying demonios /infierno (hell) estupido (stupid) maldito ( damned) (etc) are not swears )
So if you think some jokes are really too far maybe dont watch it or do it in BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE (ORIGINAL) or LATINO AMERICAN SPAÑISH there will be more contex
3- horrible representation who did this dosent know anything
ALL of the people who made super drags are part of the community
Even the voices actors who are drag queens
Original :
Pabllo vittar drag queen and singer is goldiva
Silvetty Montilla drag queen is Vedete Champagne
In the english dub theres :
Trixie Mattel
Ginger Minj
 Willam Belli
4-english dub dont do justice
Even with all of these talented drag queens it wasent the same as the original ,the jokes were changed and worst it erased one of the most important part of safira/ralph  character their love for ANIME ,here in latam we still refer as people who love anime as an otaku (even when is know it meaning ) and the community here is huge brazil and mexico being the first places ,so ralph represent that, even safira desing takes elements of it (the wand  ,miku hair ,the references ) so erasing that part of the character was a really bad move
But theres something more important
 the politics in brazil since the election of its president bolsonaro has worsened every time more for lgbt + people
The president of brazil is racist homophobe who actually have change the laws in brazil to NOT protect lgbt people
He has say :
"I would not be able to love a homosexual son, I'm not going to be a hypocrite here, I'd rather have a son of mine die in an accident than to appear with a mustachioed man out there" (2011, interview with a magazine).
"The thinnest Afro-descendant there weighed seven arrobas (old unit of measure) They do not do anything, I do not think they even serve to pro create " (2017, after visiting a "quilombo", a redoubt where people of African descent live, and comparing them with  cows).
"I'm not going to fight or discriminate, but if I see two men kissing in the street I'm going to hit them" (2002, in an interview).
"The poor only has a use in our country: to vote, the voter's card in his hand is a donkey diploma in his pocket, he serves to vote for the government that is there, it only serves for that and nothing else."
"The mistake of the dictatorship was to torture and not to kill" (2016, during an interview on a Brazilian radio). He was talking about latino american ditatorships in the 80s where my granfather was tortured
"I do not take the risk because my children were very well educated" (2011, in an interview on TV, when questioned about how his reaction would be if one of his children fell in love with a black woman).
And this is the most important reason super drags IS IMPORTANT EVEN IF IS NOT PERFECT  it gives strength and hope to a lot in the country when this awful men is making laws that why we supported
Goldiva and scarlet faced the same problems with their family even when goldiva grew up rich and scarlet in a fabela
Ralph being discriminate by his father and thrown out of the house
Lemon having low seftautoestime
Hope you like💖
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lnkent · 6 years
I was practically trown away from home today. Not in the awful way parents do to their gay children. But I feel as if I had been left outside the doors with nothing. Today, brazil nearly ellected a man who has said he would rather his son dead than gay, that he faultered when his fifth child was a woman, who constantly says racist, homophobic, misognisic stuff AND said "brazilian military's ditatorships' mistake was torturing and ot killing. So, basically, half my country is filled with facists . At my obvious displeasure, my parents decided it was safest for me (a woman, and doctor of history -unemployed since brazilian economy has created a large group of recently formed phd that have NO place to work due to austeric cuts in education- therefore a target of the crazy manics who follow this dictatorship apologist- so therefore an enemy if this fascist state) to move out to a place in the city they wouldpay for. I wont even get started on how ashamed I feel that my parents have to support me. I feel like enough of a failure because of that. I feel like crap. My mom claims its because of socil media, while that is the only thing keeping me sane since that is the only place I feel like people care. I have long needed to get out of this house because I feel like crap in it. But my intention was to do that by getting a job. Its been a year and a half since I presented my thesis and passing a Concurso (how you get a job in public brazilian universities) is hard for people who have been teaching for years, so I've done my best and havent even been approved in one, much else won. Private universities are not hiring at all andI have no idea how t get a job in one since I've sent my resume to all of the ones around my city with not even a thank you for your resume. Mym mom keeps telling me to change carears. 10 years in. I studied very hard for my phd. I am not going to trow it away!. And my dad is all "why dont you try highschool for a few years". As if for that I wouldnt need another concurso (aka big text people need to study for) but one I would not be prepared for since the ones I've been studying for have aconpletly diferent array of subjects. Anyways. Its 4am. I am in tears, fearing for all of my friends safety, desperate due to my county's fascist choicesand broken hearted because my parents have basicaly trown me out. I'm to look at apartments online this week. And althoug I really need to get out lf here cause in here I cant even study without getting interrupted every 5 minutes, much else get my papers and conference presentations done (which I need to because all Concursos need at least one or two recently published presented papers in the last 5years, and since I have no experience those are the only things giving me any points at these concursos). I still have lots to say, but I need sleep. Srry for any spelling mistakes.Its very early and I couldnt sleep because I feel brokem.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I'm whatching a documentary about the makings of the brazilian ditactorship (basically the machinations to pull it off) and there is a bit about the american participation on it.
I kid you not the CIA stated that the poorest regions of south america countries (thrid world) were the place were comunism would come from (my state is one of the listed) as if it was a genius discovery. Like OBVIUSLY the poor working class opressed people will be the ones to revolt WHY are you feeling so smart for saying it?
Btw I always feel sad reading Jango govermental plans cause he would had improved the country so much for the working class, his land reform is something we figth for till now days, it would prevain so much awfull things, including the abuse the natives are suffering now. BUT NO the brazilian bourgeoisie and the fucking CIA had to screw it up and bring torture instead.
Important note: I'm putting this in english cause I want americans to know that YOUR country was involved in fucking us up.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 3 years
I may or may not have be waiting for this moment my whole life (and yeah that is a hiberbole) but I finally got the oportunity to talk about two of my favorite subjects: Brazil and Julie e os Fantasmas, not Julie and the Phanthoms, the original brasiliam version of the show. 
So, my jorney started when I was talking online with my cousin and we got on the discussion about the differences of the two series what ended with us looking through american articles about the show and talking/discuting and ocasionaly laughting at them.  There wasn’t many articles, but there was enough to make the conversation flow and them my catalisys happened - kindda of - I found an Screen Rant article about the diferences between them.
It was a short article and most of it was pretty basic stuff, I didn’t agree wth everything and honestly found the way they made some comparissons unecessary - they didn’t need to drag the brazilian version down to put the american up! both are already great shows - but like whathever. Them... them it came a sentence that annoyed me a lot : the figurine talk.
Now I don’t think it was on purpose or anything like that but it had some misinformation. It started pretty solid with the article stating that since the bands (Apolo 81 and Sunset Curve) were from diferent timelines (the first from the 80′s and the former from the 90′s) they dressed diferentely. What yeah. It’s a good point. 
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Even the picture about the cd and the disco show it perfectly. They are not the same band. They are not from the same era nor from the same country and as so they are not so similar in most ways. It is a extremely good point on a comparison.
So why it bothered me so much?
Well, cause what came after it. 
After conquering my respect with a really good point the article managed to lose it and make me angry on the next sentence. For absolutely no reason the Screen Rant people decided that it was important to coment that the figurine in Julie e os Fantasmas was “strange” and a mere “ early 00′s view on the 80′s without real proximity”. None coment was made about Julie and the Phantoms figurine at all.  And of course it was wrong in three points.
 The exclusion of Julie and the Phantons in the text. Don’t get me wrong while nostalgia and the fact that I identify myself more in the original for cultural reasons make me preffer the brazilian version, I like the american one and find it really weel made. But the phatoms don’t dress 100% like the 90′s. And no. This is not a mistake. Doesn’t matter how acurate it tries to be any portrait of a diferent era will still have touches of the vision that our era has of it and that is just how it is. Yeah, the brazilian figures have some inspirational on the emo culture and bands like MCR and Green Day (alongside with some brazilian bands who were popular in the 00′’s) but it’s natural that it happens just like it’s natural that Julie and the Phatons have some inspiration on 20′s culture.
The relation of the figurines with the plot. In the brazilian show the way the phatons died it’s super diferent. They had they first important contract and would make a debut album soon. The four (yeap four) members of the band decided to take the photografy to the album cover by themselfs and to made it be just like the Abbey Road cover, as they get ready the newest member of the band decided to go take his shoes (so he could look like Paul McCartney) and while he did that a truck lost control (probably trying to stop after seeing the boys on the road) and kill the three of them.  Why is it important for the figurine discussion? As you probably know the clothes you die on will be your only clothes as a gosth. That means that the Apolo 81 died dressed up for an album cover and not in “casual day to day 80′s clothes”. 
The cultural diferences. And here is the most important point. The 80′s in U.S and latin america - especially Brazil - were very diferent times. Now it’s time for a brief history lesson: the 80′s on Brazil was a very important era marked by a huge economic crise, the end of a 30 years ditatorial regime and a cultural clash. While it only ended oficially in 1985 the brazilian militar regime started to decay a little early with new laws being aproved to garantee forgiviness to the political prisioners, the people who were forced to get out of the country, the rebels and the dictators (yeah, a bunch of torturers, rapists and murderes were forgiven too). Also was in the 80′s that the censorship started to disapear and as consequence a lot of movies, music and litature (beside other cultural and entertament forms) from the 60′s and 70′s was only now getting in the country.
On the other hand the end of the regime showed a sad reality: the economic “miracle” that the country was living was a facade based on a bunch of loans with foreing countries in a tentative of promove the ditatorship and as consequence Brazil was full of debt and pretty broke (we only finish paying the debt in the 00′’). This crise made the young members of the middle class - who were already a strong force against the ditartoship cause of the abuses they suffered on ditactors hands for dooing teenage things - even angrier. They were sinking. And so the punk rock came to Brazil. Well more less, brazilian punk rock has influence of other genres like pop, classic rock, some brazilian moviments like tropicalia and bossa nova and even jazz, so not so punk, but still pretty punk. After all Brazil was finally reciving the news. 
Thanks to this whole background the brazilian bands were pretty unique - they still are - and so had they own dress style with a lot of foreing influences and honestly a lot of diferent options (also the queer liberation and the AIDS crises came almost the same time to Brazil giving the bands, most made by queer (some closeted) people even more reason to be angsty and mad about).  So the style, the personality and the figurines of Apolo 81 members are actually mostly accurate, having similar references.  
Yeah, the references. In the show besides the obvius influence brazilian pop rock band NX0  had on Julie’s band, the influences of the Apolo 81 boys are more implicit (though the lider Daniel is a clear fan of Beatles and The Doors and the other members also talk about the Stones and The Who) but it’s preaty easy to see the similaritys with some brazilian big rock bands of the time. I will show some pictures of them and for last the fictional band of the phatoms.
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Titans (1981- now)
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Kid Abelha (1981-2016)
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Barão Vermelho ( original  members1981-1985)
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Zero (1983 - now  )
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Biquini Cavadão (1983- now)
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Apolo 81  (fictional band, colorized [cause as you can see for their album cover up there and most of this band photos black on whithe in album covers were the THING back them])
And with it I end my rant/history lesson. Uwu. It was kindda fun... hope someone enjoy it as weell
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