ydmunpress · 2 years
Small Steps Forward
 By Breitbart
The council session after the lunch break went on like any normal council session, with the council going into its first General Speaker’s List. 
Some delegates expressed their disappointment at the council session earlier on, stating their hopes for a more fruitful discussion moving on. Others continued to comment on their stances regarding the alliances with Germany and the decision on whether to wage immediate war with China or not. 
The delegates also debated over the motivation of Japan to wage war on China. Some delegates claimed that it was solely due to a shortage of resources, while others believed that it was also because of overpopulation and land shortage. 
Regardless of the reasons, the delegates have somewhat come to a consensus that Japan has the motivation to wage war against China. The delegates have come a long way from the first council session. 
The council proceeded into its first unmoderated caucus for the session, where delegates discussed ways to attack China. Some suggested a multi-pronged attack, attacking several places in China all at once to confuse the Chinese military. 
Others wanted to ambush China, launching a surprise attack on them when they were least expecting it, to ensure higher chances of defeating them. While no conclusion was reached due to time constraints, the delegates have brainstormed quite a few strategies, which is applaudable. 
As the council moved on, the delegates were able to agree on an alliance with Germany and dealt with the misunderstandings between Japan and Russia. Everything seemed to be normal until the second unmoderated caucus. 
The moment the timer started, chaos broke out, with delegates expressing their support for assassinating Mao Zedong. To an outsider, it would have seemed that the delegates were hanging on to that last thread of sanity, but the moment the timer started, the thread snapped. 
It was rather concerning to hear the delegates describe, in vivid detail, how to set Mao on fire, and how to use attractive females to play the femme fatale card: by seducing and thereafter assassinating him. 
These actions feel very uncalled for, as the name of the leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had not been mentioned at all before that, and the delegates have spoken of wanting an alliance with the CCP in the earlier council session.
While it is understandable that the delegates might harbour a certain amount of hatred towards Mao, impulsive actions are surely not beneficial to them and Japan. However, the methods of assassination are indeed quite creative and interesting. 
When asked about their reasons for wanting to assassinate Mao Zedong, delegates had this to say. “This will cause internal turmoil in China, and lead to the CCP being disrupted.” We can infer from this statement that the delegates hoped that by removing the leader of the CCP, China will become weakened and this increases the chances of Japan defeating China. 
The council toned down slightly after the time for that unmoderated caucus elapsed, and discussions turned towards ways to prevent Western powers from interfering with the conflict between China and Japan. 
The delegate of Konoe suggested the use of a treaty, which will help to protect foreign trade. When asked about this, later on, she says, “I’m not quite sure how effective this would be, but it is still a step forward.” 
The last few council sessions were more engaging and fruitful than the first, and we are very impressed with the delegate’s progress. This is a small step forward.
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rainbowdaisy13 · 1 month
Scott gives off major homophobic vibes but I’m wondering what he does during YNTCD 😭
Like there’s videos of Andrea singing along and being a queen but what does Scott do?
Texts his group chat articles from Brietbart and tries to FaceTime Travis
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secular-jew · 4 months
Word of advice - you might not want to get your news from Brietbart. Qanons love that site.
You might now want to try to control where people get their news. Independent sources are my #1 go to's. I use about 300 sources. Breitbart isn't in the top 10, but it occasionally has insightful articles. of course, the mainstream media attacks it as everything it's not, and accuses it of a lot of dumb things, but that's because they're competitors, and independent news is taking eyeballs and advertising share away from the mainstream media. So legacy media has both ideological and competitive reasons to lie about others who are eating their lunch.
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First lady Jill Biden was recently heckled by protesters while on a summer program learning tour in New Haven, Connecticut.
“Your husband is the worst president we have ever had,” a protester yelled at the first lady as she was walking into an ice cream store with Education Secretary Miguel Cardona and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont (D).
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Jill Biden smiled and waved back at the protester, saying, “Thank you.” The protester then continued to repeat, “You owe us Gas Money,” before Biden went inside.
The president’s overall approval rating is currently at 30 percent, and only 34 percent approve of his job performance in Connecticut, according to a recent Civiqs survey.
The first lady was on a multi-state summer learning program tour with Cardona in Connecticut on Wednesday that later went through Michigan and Georgia.
The tour’s purpose was to highlight how the American Rescue Plan is funding summer education programs for children who fell behind in school during the pandemic.
Her husband, President Joe Biden, tested positive for the coronavirus the following day, but she continued on with the tour in Detroit and Athens, Georgia, on Thursday despite being in close contact with the president. She later tested negative.
Following the tour, the first lady then traveled to Wilmington, Delaware, while her husband stayed at the White House.
While the first lady was not seen wearing a mask at her event in Connecticut, she was later seen wearing a mask for the rest of the tour in Michigan and Georgia.
The first lady recently landed herself in some hot water after she compared Hispanic Americans to breakfast tacos. She later apologized for her remarks.
Jill Biden has joined her husband in suffering from abysmal approval ratings. She is currently sitting at a 34 percent approval rating, dropping 24 points since January 2021, according to a recent CNN/SSRS poll.
By Monday the media will be telling us he said "Your husband is the first real president we ever had."
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Hold up is Twitter acting like they said or did some of the most inhuman shit before Elon buyout?
I might be too harsh, but what the whole #killallmen and #allmenaretrash did to my physic as a black autistic guy who just got away from my abusive white stepmom when I got on the Internet.
I got a better idea on how the Nazis were able to do all their evil shit from Twitter and tumblr far more than what school taught me.
"Hold up is Twitter acting like they said or did some of the most inhuman shit before Elon buyout?"
I'm gonna assume you meant didn't do these things
Ya it's all kinds of insanity, people think it's ok to strip people of their race or gender identity or sexualty, religion, on and on and on if they step out of the boundary the person being critical set for them.
I can't stand Candice Owens, I would never use her race as a weapon in an argument. Plenty of other things to go after her on
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Yes it's brietbart shush, it's the first one that came up and I remember fighting against this whole thing.
And trashing Candice Owens time is over
But for some reason it's ok to do it to people with the wrong politics and most of the time the wrong politics are the ones that are anywhere to the right of stalin.
So ya they think their hands are clean, which would make it extra funny for them to get the treatment they cheered for other people getting brought to their front door.
Took a while sorry, this is my 4th draft
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msclaritea · 1 year
The Religious Right and Fox News are Brainwashing People I Love
A year ago I walked into an older relative’s house unannounced. They’d been expecting us that day for lunch, but we’d arrived thirty minutes earlier than we’d planned—so we knocked and walked in.
The small TV on the kitchen counter was playing FoxNews.
When she came down the stairs, almost in the middle of greeting us, my relative walked hurriedly over to the sink, grabbed the remote and turned off the TV—looking like a teenager caught by her parents watching porn.
Suddenly everything made sense. All the dots connected.
During the last couple of years, I noticed this couple changing, but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. They’d become more and more outspoken on things like immigration and women’s reproductive rights and police shootings—surprising me with the intolerance and cruelty of off-the-cuff comments that seemed out of character for them. I questioned whether or not I was just being overly sensitive or projecting my fears unto them.
But after the surprise peek into their viewing habits it was was clear: they were just following the script.
I could rewind over the previous months and see all the alarmist Fox News talking points in their words at family gatherings and on Facebook: open borders letting in floods of rapists, baby-killing Democrats coming to take their guns, terrorist Muslims lurking everywhere, violent black men threatening police at traffic stops.
And looking back I could see that as they found Fox News, they began to lose their religion.
They no longer had much to say about Jesus; about his Matthew Chapter 25 promise that he would be found in “the least of these”—and that we would be defined by the way we treat the poor and the vulnerable and the imprisoned.
They weren’t interested in talking about the way he fed a hillside multitude of thousands, not because they earned or deserved it—but because he was compassionate and because they were hungry. They now just expressed disdain for lazy people wanting handouts.
They never referenced the fact that Jesus’ family fled to Egypt in desperation while he was a newborn, to escape politically-ordered genocide. Instead they preached about law breaking families not “doing it the right way.”
They abandoned any reference to Jesus’ words about kindness or generosity or welcoming strangers or sharing what you had with those who had not—instead, they slowly but quite clearly adopted a bastardized, angry, America First, gun-loving, immigrant-hating, racist white religion that has become the Republican God.
So whether it’s anti-Muslim legislation or LGBTQ hate crimes or migrant kids taken from their parents or children orphaned by mass shooting or President’s fat-shaming protestors—there is always an excuse, always a justification, always a Fox News alternative reality or Franklin Graham tweet to bunker down in.
The same thing has happened in the white people I’ve served in churches here in the South over the last decade. Their social media feeds are increasingly littered with Brietbart fictional pieces about Hillary eating children and wild conspiracy theories about LGBTQ people converting their children.
The change in them has been as stunning in its velocity and stomach-turning in its depths—and the worst part is that I can’t reach them anymore. Before FoxNews, Franklin Graham, and MAGA propaganda, I could meet them in the common ground of our shared faith in Jesus and in the clarity of objective truth. They no longer have use nor tolerance for such things.
The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ counter-cultural, counterintuitive manifesto of humility and gentleness and love—has been replaced by venomous, incendiary Sean Hannity propaganda.
The barrier-breaking, table-expanding hospitality of Christ has morphed into sneering Trump rally rant rhetoric about violent illegals and foreign predators and “build that wall” refrains.
These people used to know better. They were good-hearted, generous people who wanted to emulate Jesus. They used to flatly reject bigotry and defended vulnerable communities—and they were people I could count on for rational, level-headed decency.
They once instantly recognized men like Donald Trump as the antithesis of Jesus.
But this is what happens when decent, intelligent people become radicalized: they get polluted by the things they watch and the sermons they sit through and the nonsense they read, and they surround themselves with an echo chamber made of equally-deluded, equally frightened people—until one day they are the religious extremists that they always used to warn you about.
I love my relatives, my former church members, my high school friends and my neighbors—but I grieve what has happened to them. I lament the poisoning of their once soft hearts, the way Jesus has been all but squeezed out of their religion, and I fear that they’ll never fully recover from the alternative narrative that these past three years have written into their brains about the world and about disparate people and about the expansive, lavish, audacious love Jesus calls us to extend.
I only hope these moms and ministers and nurses and schoolteachers and football coaches and favorite relatives get a truer story or meet someone who wakes them up or rediscover Jesus enough that they change the channel, turn off the TV—and find the truth that sets them free:
God is love.
We are our brother’s keeper.
Kindness is the better path.
May it be so.
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Just watched a clip (on Brietbart) from a video taken in Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas (security cameras). While the shooter was executing teachers and students the Uvalde Police were clustered in a hallway (one takes time to casually sanitize his hands) doing absolutely nothing instead of rushing down the hallway and saving lives.
Honestly I'm sick to my stomach.
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dankusner · 4 months
BRIETBART IN ATX It wasn’t until I was living in Austin, Texas, in 1994 (don’t ask) that I finally sought out an Internet service provider (ISP) called Illuminati Online. Illuminati was somewhat famous at the time for a civil liberties case that it had fought and won17. I tried to hook up to it, but had no luck—it was crazily complicated to try to get my computer to relate to my modem in order to connect to the Internet. The whole concept was just not idiotproof enough for me yet.   Then, one night, I decided that I was going to do it once and for all. I went to Central Market, a proto–Whole Foods on steroids—the Eighth Wonder of the World, an affirmation of capitalism deceptively marketed to guilty liberals—and bought a rotisserie chicken and a six-pack of Pilsner Urquell. And I sat down at my glorious Mac and said to myself, I’m not going to leave this room until I’m on the Internet.   I huffed and puffed through hours of trial and error, over and over, with no hint as to whether I was even making any progress. It was like trying to reach the finish line of a marathon in a thick fog. But then, surrounded by gnawed chicken bones and empty beer bottles, I heard the vital crackle of the modem connecting. And instead of it breaking off, the connection stuck.   I was reborn.
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anissapierce · 10 months
Yall gotta stop spreading right wing lies on the Internet
There r reasons to hate this women you dont gotta parrot brietbart
I know looking into urself is so heres a rundown w sources from a credible source
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Using a web scraping tool to get news from Brietbart
Breitbart is an American news website founded in 2007. It is known for its conservative and right-wing viewpoints, offering a wide range of news reports and commentaries covering politics, society, economy, culture, and more. The website was created by Andrew Breitbart with the aim of providing a news platform that reflects conservative values. Its reporting style tends to be subjective and controversial, often sparking heated discussions and debates on political topics. However, it has also been a source of controversy, as some people believe its reporting lacks objectivity and authority. Nevertheless, for some readers who hold conservative positions, Breitbart is a popular news source that provides them with alternative viewpoints and voices compared to mainstream media.
Introduction to the scraping tool
ScrapeStorm is a new generation of Web Scraping Tool based on artificial intelligence technology. It is the first scraper to support both Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.
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2. Configure the scraping rules
Smart mode automatically detects the fields on the page. You can right-click the field to rename the name, add or delete fields, modify data, and so on.
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(1) Run settings
Choose your own needs, you can set Schedule, IP Rotation&Delay, Automatic Export, Download Images, Speed Boost, Data Deduplication and Developer.
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(2)Wait a moment, you will see the data being scraped.
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4. Export and view data
(1) Click "Export" to download your data.
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(2) Choose the format to export according to your needs.
ScrapeStorm provides a variety of export methods to export locally, such as excel, csv, html, txt or database. Professional Plan and above users can also post directly to wordpress.
How to view data and clear data
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pickleslice · 1 year
brietbart in 2011 this is sick
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WATCH: Massachusetts Crowd Welcomes Joe Biden with ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Chants
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Biden was in Massachusetts to talk up his failing green agenda.
In addition to the chants, the crowd loudly booed the president’s motorcade.“
Go home,” shouted some of the local residents. Another resident can be heard calling the presidential motorcade “pieces of shit.”
An upset crowd of protesters met President Joe Biden’s motorcade during his visit to Somerset, Massachusetts, on Wednesday.
Biden visited Massachusetts to discuss his plan to combat climate change, an issue consistently ranking low on the list of topics American voters see as pressing.
However, Biden’s motorcade was met by a crowd of protesters in Massachusetts who were upset with his job performance on his way to his speech.
In a video, local Massachusetts residents can be heard shouting in disapproval at Biden’s motorcade as it passed through the state.
The Massachusetts residents chanted “let’s go, Brandon,” which has become a euphemism for “f*ck Joe Biden” among conservatives nationwide. In addition to the chants, the crowd loudly booed the president’s motorcade.
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One protester can be seen flipping off the presidential motorcade in disapproval.
“Go home,” shouted some of the local residents. Another resident can be heard calling the presidential motorcade “pieces of shit.”
Other residents protested the president with signs that expressed their disapproval. Somerset resident Melissa Terra, who organized a group of anti-Biden residents, said protesting the presidential motorcade “is a way for people to say how they feel and let Biden know that some of us don’t appreciate some of their policies.”
Massachusetts is not the only state to greet Biden with the unfriendly “let’s go Brandon” chant.
In April, one protester holding an Easter Bunny head shouted “Let’s go Brandon” at the president when he made a trip to Seattle.
In January, Biden was met with the “let’s go Brandon” chant as his presidential motorcade arrived in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Biden was similarly met with chants of “let’s go Brandon” when he visited Kentucky after a tornado hit the Mayfield area in December.
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stuartbramhall · 1 year
House Judiciary FISA Hearing to Examine How Spy Powers Have Been ‘Weaponized Against’ Americans
Sean Moran Brietbart News The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday will investigate how Section 702, a law that was designed to help combat terrorism, has been “weaponized against” Americans. Breitbart News first reported that the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing next week on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) ahead of Section 702’s December reauthorization…
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newluddite · 2 years
Anti-Vaxxers I know.
Well the particular person I am thinking of I knew quite some time ago. She is my ex-sister-in-law. My brother divorced her years ago which bankrupted him, and left him only with the satisfaction that he was free of her. They had two now adult children a son and a daughter.
The son was a PO in the US Navy and did several tours in the Persian Gulf including a stint as a Marine Corps Sergeant. His navy rank was equal to Sergeant and he was a qualified medic so the wet navy loaned him to the grunts.
The daughter just had a son of her own so my brother is now a grandfather.
So now on to my ex-s-i-l the anti-vaxxer. She was and is more than a little strange. She is not stupid as she has a University Degree in English and worked for years as a technical manual writer. But she has an amazing ability to not think. If she hears an opinion from someone on something she files it away in her head as another thing she does not have to ever think about.
When she was young she heard someone her dad knew say that Volvos were good cars. Back then they were reliable, tough, and solid safe cars. I think they invented seat belts. Well after that she would refuse to own any other car brand. When my brother wanted a sporty car he got a Toyota, but she refused to ride in it. He was sick of Volvos.
When the young couple were going to build their dream home she found a contractor that someone said was really good. She gave him a big deposit on the work and he disappeared with the money. She refused to believe that it happened, and he would get back and start the job real soon. Never did.
When her mother had a fight with her older sister she would have nothing to do with her for the rest of her life. She objected to her coming to her wedding as she was an enemy. I met her there, and she was very nice, pretty, and did not ride a broom to the event as I was told she would.
My brother went to visit his new descendant and his daughter made sure he was fully vaccinated for all the current nasties in the world. He was so prepared. He lives in Australia where they take health care seriously you know. He was told that his ex was not permitted to visit as she refused to get any vaccines. The new mom inherited some of her mom's stubbornness, but in a good way. No shots no visits.
Good for her. Protect your baby with your life from stupid people.
Volvo girl has even bought into the Bill Gates microchip nonsense. I mean she used to work with engineers and she thinks Moderna is shooting GPS receivers into your blood. Physically impossible nano-bullshit.
So in exchange for being a stubborn misguided person she shall never meet her only grandchild. Sort of basic justice there. I am sure she will never admit her error. I can see her forging vaccination certificates. Maybe even kidnapping. She is that far gone.
Were it not for vaccines there would be a lot fewer live people in the world and many would be crippled. When we were young even kids knew the risks of not getting vaccinations. Now all it takes is a former Porn Actress to blame her child's problem on an imagined vaccine issue rather than her own drug use. Add the social media algorithms that bring bad ideas together with stupidity and here we are.
Volvo girl is not alone. My wife's oldest and dearest friend is a degreed Nurse. She worked in an emergency room, was a small community health administrator, and has all the outward appearance of a smart qualified professional. And she told my wife don't get those vaccines! She read on Brietbart that it was all a global conspiracy blah, blah, blah. This person should know better. But she is easy to persuade to do the wrong things. I could go on to list her ex-boyfriends and a husband as perfect wrong choices.
Some people hear some idea that they like and that is it. Rigid thinking unable to fit in new or better information. Why they pick this or that is a mystery, but once set it is in stone. Stone headed thinking.
This is a symptom of our age. Our age is sick.
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JOIN OUR CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT ON FACEBOOK..... groups are called UNITE CONSERVATIVES and MAGA ROLLER COASTER join our movement to defend AMERICA from the rise of the far #theleft #radicalfeminism #left #noliberals #liberallogic #libtards #nobama #socialism #crookedhillary #DeepState Join us as ITS NOT ABOUT ME, ITS ABOUT ME..... #MAGA #Kavanaugh #BrettKavanaugh #Breaking #Conservatives #republicans #donaldtrump #donald #BRIETBART #uniteconservatives #crtvgdetodas #DonaldJTrump #Trump2020 #trump https://www.instagram.com/p/BoFAEj8lb4o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1cr7fiw24sjt6
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