#but I cannot draw canines for the life of me so I'll just be keeping that one to myself unless someone requests otherwise
bawcothebadartist · 2 years
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I haven't made a shitpost in a while
Also I've never drawn Sun before, is it obvious?
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silvermuffins · 2 years
Seward Summary!
I have very little ability to exist coherently today I'm sorry this is late it's an important one. GOD okay several hours later we start for real.
WARNINGS: violence, restraints, alcohol, major character death
Hennessey writes to Seward (and us) about Renfield! Who broke out again, but the matter was resolved without significant consequences.
A delivery cart went to the abandoned house next door, where Renfield has gone on his previous escapes. The delivery men were foreign and asked for directions.
Upon spotting them, Renfield began to yell and scream that they were robbing and murdering him. He also insulted and threatened them.
The delivery man initially argued back, but Hennessey signaled him to ignore Renfield. Seeing that the place was an asylum, the delivery man decided not to mind.
Once the man got his directions and went on his way, Hennessey checked on Renfield to see if he could find out what that was all about.
Renfield was calm and composed, and acted as though he knew nothing of the whole thing. It was an act, though, and he broke out through the window.
Hennessey and the attendants caught up to Renfield as he was attacking the delivery men, who couldn't defend well as they were tired from delivering several large boxes.
They stopped Renfield from killing someone, and had to fight to subdue and restrain him. He was shouting, "I'll frustrate them! They shan't rob me! they shan't murder me by inches! I'll fight for my Lord and Master!"
They eventually got him back to the asylum and contained, with only one noted injury that was properly seen to.
The delivery men were understandably angry and threatened legal action, but were also somewhat embarrassed by how easily Renfield was able to defeat them. They said this was because of how tired, and also very very thirsty they were, due to moving the boxes. And also complained of how far from any public entertainment they were.
Hennessey took their meaning. He gave them some money and quite a bit of alcohol to drink. Soon they were making light of it all.
He got their names anyway, just in case, and promises to send word if anything else of interest happens.
He is miserable and habit alone is driving him to keep diary tonight. People are dying left and right. Notably, Arthur's father, whose death I cannot recall being mentioned prior.
Seward took the watch and Van Helsing was able to coax Arthur off to the drawing room to get some rest.
Lucy is doing poorly, and the room is thoroughly garlicky. Seward again notes her teeth looking long and sharp, especially the canines.
He hears something, and sees a bat wheeling and occasionally battering against the window, like a moth to a flame.
Lucy tore her garlic wreath off in her sleep. Seward replaces it, and when she wakes is able to feed her a little. She is no longer struggling so hard for life, but he notes she clutches the garlic wreath close.
She sleeps and wakes several times, so Seward notes a pattern: while asleep, her breathing becomes labored and she unconsciously shoves away the garlic, but holds it close when she wakes.
Van Helsing came in the morning, leaving Arthur to sleep. He hisses when he sees Lucy, and with an examination finds the two wounds on her neck have completely vanished.
Van Helsing says she is dying, and it will not be long now. Seward goes to fetch Arthur.
Arthur takes a moment for grief and prayer.
Once in the room, Arthur's first thought is to kiss Lucy. Van Helsing stops him. He holds her instead, and they spend a little time together before she falls asleep.
Her breathing changed from slow and calm to labored, then she sort of half-woke and, in a strange "voluptuous" voice, asks Arthur to kiss her.
He almost complies, but Van Helsing throws him across the room. He says, "Not for your living soul or hers!"
Arthur is too shocked to be angry. Van Helsing stands between the lovers, as rage flits across Lucy's face.
She closed her eyes, and when they opened she was her usual sweet self again. She called Van Helsing her friend, and asked him to guard Arthur for her. He promised to do so.
Van Helsing calls Arthur to kiss her forehead, and they have a moment. Then Lucy's eyes close, her breathing becomes labored, then stops altogether. She dies.
Seward leads Arthur away, sets him to grieve in peace, then returns to the room. He is in awe of how beautiful Lucy looks now, and remarks that she looks like she's only asleep.
Seward says at least she's at peace now. Van Helsing replies that she is not, this is only the beginning. Seward asks what he means, and he says that there's nothing more they can do now but wait and see.
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twstdaydreamer · 3 years
Twisted Wonderland OC
“Morse Moriya Morrison”
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“I do believe that I do not need to defend myself to the likes of you.”
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General Profile
Full Name: Morse Moriya Morrison
Japanese Name: モールス モリヤ = モリソン
Nicknames: perceptive stupid, henchman, she-devil, boss, mistress, Morse-chan, Morse-san, evil mastermind, Morrison-kun, Napoleon of Crime, Morry, Triple M, koebi-chan, trickster, etc.
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Biographical Status
Specie: Fey
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 6
Star sign: Gemini
Age: 16
Height: 156 cm (5′1)
Hair color: Silver white
Eye color: Argentine silver
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: ???
Relatives: Dire Crowley (adoptive uncle), Sherry and Siege Sheridan (distant cousins)
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Personal Status
Likes: Sherry, eating junk food (much to Vil’s horror), books, coffee, planning crimes, analyzing, mathematics, procrastinating, ciphers.
Dislikes: Talking, dancing, parties, technology, dresses, all food aside from junks, anything that has something to do with physical activities, drawing, people calling her short, boredom,
Interest/Hobbies: Hoarding trinkets, reading, stargazing, mystery, murder, teasing Sherry Sheridan and her new found toys in NRC. 
Talents: Singing, playing guitar, martial arts, gifted analyst, planning a flawless murder, battle tactics and stratagem, persuasion, deceit, deciphering any codes and ciphers.
Strength: Observant, flexible, intuitive, perceptive, competent, exceptionally intelligent, flexible, inquisitive, dedicated, work well under pressure, adaptable, quick learner, abstract thinker.
Weakness/Flaws: very insensitive, short-tempered, deceitful, eccentric, dense when it comes to everyday life, too stubborn, can’t remember names well, a lot of hidden insecurities and worries, sore loser, rude, prideful and unruly at times, will do everything to achieve her goals even if it means using others.
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Professional Status
Occupation: Student, criminal mastermind (former)
Bases of Operation: Night Raven College, House of Cards (former)
Dorm: Ramshackle
School Year: First year, student no. 20
Class: 1-A
Best Subject: Mathematics, Magic Analysis
Worst Subject: Flying
Club: Light Music
Unique Magic: The Valley of Fear - Morse can materialize her victim’s fears and use it against them. If she decided to use her unique magic in advance level, she can physically replicate the persons from the victim's past that cause them traumatic experiences. Morse noted that this is not a type of illusion-based magic.
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General Status
Favorite Color: Black (because of Sherry)
Favorite Food: Junk foods (chips, gummy bears, etc.)
Least Favorite Food: Vegetables (especially carrots)
Appearance: Morse has bright cat-like argentine eye that constantly glimmers with curiosity when something piqued her interest. She has wavy butt-length silver white hair with several strands framing her face. As a fey, Morse has a pair of pointed ears and canines. She is petite and quite short in height. She prefers wearing light-colored and loose clothes.
Personality: Morse was an extremely intelligent individual. She’s calculative, perceptive and observant of everyone and is very particular of her surroundings. According to Azul himself, her cunning intelligence that could outwit him is what makes her so dangerous. Morse is highly accomplished in the fields of strategies and mathematical formulas. Although it was said that her tactics could always lead to multiple victories, upon miscalculating something, she doesn’t take it very well (a sore loser). Due to her nature that couldn’t properly understand emotions, Morse can come up as insensitive, rude and very, very blunt. She has no hesitation in using others as her stepping stone to achieve her goals and her unconventional, underhanded methods in solving her problems often lead to others hating her greatly--although she no longer cares.
Quote: “Age is just a mere status, not a limitation that shackles you to do things you want to. No matter how young or old you are, you can make a difference. Like the small pieces in chess, you can also change the flow of the game.”
History: coming soon~
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Fun Facts
Morse hates talking to anyone, so she just let her ipad do the talking for her. But her words was always written after her namesake, the Morse Code. Ace, Deuce and Grim always forced her to speak to them without codes.
She have a white bunny stuffed toy named Moran which she carries everywhere. She said it was a birthday gift from Crowley.
Morse lacks the sense of taste, thus she developed the complete hatred of food. She is fond of junk foods though, claiming that she loves how it crunches between her teeth even though she cannot taste it at all.
Morse keeps a diary, journalizing all of her adventures and pranks.
She has astraphobia: the extreme fear of thunder and lightning. She's also not fond of storms and rain. She gets jittery and panics a lot. 
According to Crowley, “her right eye can see through everything but reflects nothing. On the other hand, her left eye is just an empty hole.” She blatantly refused to tell anyone why and how she lost it.
Everyone would often see her wearing a pair of earphones when walking, listening to music.
Her taste in music was always soft rock and acoustic, much to everyone’s surprise.
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My first Twst OC! I hope you like Morse as much as I had fun writing her! You guys can asked me question about her (or interactions). Also, I twisted Morse from Sherlock Holmes's nemesis Professor James Moriarty (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
He's evil...and so does she (▰˘◡˘▰)
I'll make Sherry and Siege's profile soon! They were twisted from both Sherlock and Mycroft, the Holmes brothers, but in my case, they were sisters lol.
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