#but the show is very clear that Bonnie’s life is nothing of importance if Elena can’t survive
cancerian-woman · 9 months
How do you think Bonnie's life could've played out if 1) Abby actually decided to make up for being a deadbeat mother and 2) the dynamic with Abby/Bonnie/Rudy being a healing family unit (after Grams death especially). Like even with the whole being a witch thing and all... cause Abby didn't like it and Rudy said he lost Abby to it. It's an interesting dynamic.
❤️ reading all your YVD/TO insights and having these discussions with you.
Stay easy and safe 😘
oooh nice!
As I said in my post with Lucy I think one huge factor that would be eliminated is A LOT Bonnie’s grand sacrifices. Yes, how loyal, protective and maternal (in a sense) Bonnie is amazing. It’s great, but what is she getting in return from her friends? Nothing.…
Abby and Rudy would both have to show not tell Bonnie that they care and will be there for her. It has to be consistent. Rudy’s job was mentioned that he was a traveling Pharmaceutical Rep. Abby was absentee. Bonnie went so long without parental guidance we can assume after Grams. Therefore neither Abby or Rudy can’t just show up and force control over Bonnie when it’s defined uncontrollable for them. Rudy, Abby and Bonnie would need to communicate more. Abby’s presence makes Bonnie uncomfortable and the only way to get over that is by being there physically. Abby’s “my daughter is done helping Elena Gilbert” will hold weight. If she’s around.
The Bennett-Hopkins needs to be honest with each other. Tbh, I don’t think Rudy liked any of the Gilbert’s. None of them. Not for Abby and certainly not for Bonnie. He could explain why he disliked the Gilbert’s and that could lead into how the Petrovas x Bennett’s are tied together but it’s never as beneficial for the Bennett’s as it is the Petrovas well-being. Now Abby needs to admit she doesn’t like the burden of being a witch. It’s hard, Bonnie said so herself. Abby ran from it to protective herself but in doing so she forgot to protect Bonnie. Bonnie could benefit from hearing Abby’s struggles as a witch. I’m sure if they gave the story some room Abby and Miranda could’ve been just as similar to Bonlena’s friendship. Bc how do you ask your friend to drop everything to help save your child…like whut. Well, we know where Elena gets that from lmao. Abby could explain why twice she tried to strip Bonnie of her magic. Did Grams do it to her when she was “out of line?” Lastly, Bonnie NEEDS to call them out. They can’t separate Bonnie from her magic. It’s who she is they have to love her for who she is. No matter who came into town Bonnie was always going to be a Bennett witch. They can’t love her on terms and conditions. Grams was the only one who loved both Bonnie as a witch and Bonnie as her grandchild. Bonnie has to be vulnerable and let them in. Lessen some of her independence to be dependent on her parents. Open up room for separation from her friends.
I think Bonnie would still make plenty of mistakes. She was 17-23/24 throughout the series. She’ll still give more for people who don’t do the same for her. Mess up with magic. I just think they’ll be more self reflection before she jumps into things for her friends. In a healed life for the Bennett-Hopkins, Rudy won’t let things get swept under the rug. He’ll call out would’ve called out how he thinks something was off with Bonnie like here. You can tell in his face something was off with Bonnie. Abby would call out the repetitive patterns in Bonnie’s friendships. Imagine Bonnie telling Abby, Elena tried to kill her. She’d have to work to break this cycle that Abby set her up for since she wasn’t around as a child. She could start with helping Bonnie get ready for prom, being there for graduation. The Bennett-Hopkins working on healing I don’t see Bonnie being able to die for a summer and going unnoticed by everyone, she wouldn’t have been left in the prison world so long, Rudy wouldn’t have died in front of her and by Silas. The anchor plot would’ve been different. While Abby/Rudy plays more of an emotional role in Bonnie life’s she could learn that she doesn’t need the MFG, she shouldn’t give so much into people who give very little into her. Or demand that they start caring for her and doing something own their own for once. I could see the Bennett-Hopkins moving in together to undo that 17 years worth of trauma.
Thank you! I love reading your thoughts and metas too! Bonnie fans are so small compared to most of the fandom and we’re always ignored. But I just love our little fandom ❤️.
Thank you for the ask!
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bansept · 3 years
The happy end (Book Stelena Fiction) - 1
Here it is! Finally, I wrote a fanfiction about Stefan and Elena!
Two quick but very important warnings : first, this story is based on The Vampire Diaires’ books, book 9 for the English readers. By the end of this book, Stefan dies, and Elena can not physically or emotionally live without him. If you have not read the entirety of the series, I suggest you do for added feelings, although I cannot force you of course.
Second, for the ones that absolutely do not know the difference between the books and the show, it is rather huge. Stefan was turned in the Italian Renaissance, doesn’t have any kind of “Ripper” genes and Elena chose him over Damon to lead a long and eternal life together.
The warnings being said, I’m writing this fiction because Stefan is my favorite character, and his death always felt so unfair. And as it is usual for fans, I asked myself the question “what if it didn’t happen this way?”
Part one of probably many
The apartment was filled with laughter, the sound of glasses clinking together and the slow footsteps against the wooden floor. Meredith was standing by Alaric, smiling at him while she chatted with Bonnie, who was tangled to Zander. The pack was digesting their 5th serving of homemade pizzas, offering a quiet interlude for a short period of time.
Elena had excused herself outside, breathing the fresh breeze from the balcony, phone in hand. Apparently, Damon was safe, although mourning Katherine. She figured it was only natural : she might have been their greatest enemy a few times, Damon and she had been together traveling Europe for the last years. She was his first love, the one that turned him, and his affection for her never truly left. He was happy nothing supernatural could harm Elena anymore, but he needed some time by himself.
Stefan came from behind her, wrapping his arms around her hips tenderly, placing a chaste kiss on her neck. Elena melted in his touch, closing her eyes.
Defeating Solomon was over now, the Old Ones nothing but a bad memory. None of her friends would have to worry about mysterious thousand-year-old beings destroying their lives, cities or even trying to come back to life.
They would be safe.
They would have their entire lives to lead, to get married and have children. To grow old and peacefully close their eyes one day.
“Such a radiant smile, my love.” Stefan chuckled, his body relaxing into hers.
Elena turned her face to his, kissing his cheek.
Getting married and having children… It would not be possible for the two of them. Stefan being a vampire, and Elena being the mix of beings she was. But hopefully, Meredith and Bonnie would bring to life such happiness.
“They all are smiling so brightly… It proves how worth it all of this was.”
She looked up in the sky, briefly concentrating on spreading her aura, and felt nothing but the auras of the people submerging her apartment.
Stefan laughed, turning her around, kissing her nose, his green eyes clear of worry, and definitely teasing.
“Elena, love, you’re the reason they’re happy and alive. Perhaps you should go spend some of this celebration with your friends?”
“Hm… You’re right.” Shaking her head slightly, she placed some loose golden strands of hair behind her ears. “I was taking a breather, but now I’ll go back in before I catch a cold.”
Stefan nodded at her, eyes round in a fake scolding manner.
“Can’t let a cold kill you after we just defeated an Original Vampire.”
“That would be worrisome.” She laughed, rubbing her hands on her arms as if to warm herself, and Stefan placed his own hands on her shoulders to add more friction. Elena stared at him lovingly, watching as he warmed her, his entire body more relaxed than it had been in a long, long while. But then, she remembered Damon, and she knew Stefan would truly be happy when his brother would be back.
“Also… I texted Damon. He said he’d be back in a week or so. Maybe more.”
Stefan kept his hands working, the smile on his lips tightening a bit. Elena continued.
“I think he wants to stay away for some more time. To mourn her.”
Stefan stopped his movements, eyes soft.
“It’s probable. She deserved to be mourned. He’ll take the time he needs, there’s no rush.”
A younger Elena would have been hurt that Damon wouldn’t rush back to see her safe, to meet his brother again, she would also have been furious at the idea of Katherine deserving to be mourned. But she understood now. No matter how much time would pass, Stefan and Damon would always care enough for Katherine to keep her in their memories, as a girl they loved and then as a woman they knew.
“Did you? Mourn her?”
Stefan looked at the balcony, head nodding, eyes remembering.
“A few days ago, I was here. You hadn’t woken up yet, and I had just called Damon. He was in danger, running, and abruptly ended the call. I was worried, and grumbled about calling him back when I felt a hand on my cheek and a voice bidding me goodbye. No one was there physically but I knew that Katherine had visited me briefly.”
Elena didn’t say a word, instead wrapped her arms around Stefan, listening to his steady heartbeat. He pecked her hair.
“She left in peace. And for that, I’m happy. Now… I know she wouldn’t want us to be sad about the turn of events.”
He held her close for a few more moments, the calm and refreshing air around them lulling them, and Elena took his hands in hers.
“Let’s go back in. I do believe you have to be congratulated for leading the hunt.”
Stefan shook his head, a light blush on his cheek, but couldn’t say another word before he was led back in the living room.
True to his words, Damon returned a week later, his appearance unchanged : he was still wearing his black leather jacket on top of his longsleeved and equally dark shirt, hair impeccable, eyes teasing when he saw Bonnie jump at him, Meredith nod at him and Stefan and Elena wave with smiles on their faces.
Bonnie had tears in her eyes when she let go of him, and Damon smirked at her.
“Well, Little Redbird, I see you haven’t changed at all. That’s perfect, that way I won’t have to threaten your… What’s his name again?”
The small red-haired woman laughed and hit his arm gently.
“You know his name is Zander.”
“Ah, well, my dear, that is not a way to be named. But if you have no issue with that, then fine by me.”
Rising his head, he gave Meredith a stiffer hello, and walked to Stefan and Elena, those unnerving lovebirds that seemed stuck to each other.
“Ah, fratello! Non puoi lasciare andare la preziosa Elena per accogliermi? Le tue maniere peggiorano con il passare degli anni!"
Stefan’s eye twitched, but he let go of Elena to shake his brother’s hand.
“È bello rivederti.”
Damon rolled his eye, but didn’t say anything else to him, at least nothing that Elena could hear.
“It’s good to see you again, Damon.” She greeted, separating herself from Stefan to gently hug his brother, the cold leather welcomed against her cheek.
Damon hugged her back with one hand, the other staying on the handle of his carrier. For the entire week, the flight and the landing, he had waited for the opportunity to see Elena again, to make sure she was truly alive, that Stefan was taking good take of her. And now, he heard her heartbeat, her blood flow, and he truly could sigh in contentment.
They walked out of the airport and into the sun, earning a grunt from Damon.
“Ah, America. Still not fond of protecting creatures like me from the radiant sun by having shadows everywhere.”
Stefan looked at his brother for a second, tempted to tease him, but decided against, and walked them to his car so they could go back home.
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
TVD 9x08 (part 2) Enjoy! =)
Cut to – A beautiful beach resort in Mexico’s Mayan Riviera. Bonnie, Damon, Caroline, and Stefan are checking in.
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RECEPTION LADY: Welcome to Akumal, Mexico; the best kept Caribbean secret! (They hand them some welcome cocktails).
BONNIE: (Amazed with the tropical beauty) This place is paradise…
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DAMON: (Takes a sip of his cocktail, wraps his arm around Bonnie) Me, you, and this beautiful beach, definitely paradise (kisses her).
CAROLINE: (Looking at a brochure) Bonnie, look, they have yoga on the beach, every day at 7am; I’m signing us up! And they also have a spa, we totally need some massages, how do hot stones at five sound?
DAMON: Slow down, Care Bear, no need for an itinerary; that’s the whole idea of a vacation.
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BONNIE: Yes, Care, forget about time! We are free to do what we want, when we want; no plans required, that’s the beauty of it.
CAROLINE: You are right… I’m putting control freak Caroline on pause; no need to panic if there’s no schedule… right? (They laugh at Caroline’s struggle to let go) I’m just gonna let careless Caroline take over from now on… Oh! They have meditation at sundown! (Bonnie takes the brochure from her hands) Pause, I’m pausing!
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STEFAN: (Who has been looking at a brochure as well) Ooh, they have a library…
DAMON: (Takes the brochure from his hands) Are you freakin kidding me?!
STEFAN: Okay, okay… pause on the bookworm play on the chill.
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BELLBOY: Let me show you to your rooms.
Cut to – Mystic Falls, the Mayor’s house. Edward is lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. Anthony knocks.
 EDWARD: Come in.
ANTHONY: Sir, I brought you some tea (gives him a cup).
EDWARD: Thank you (takes a sip). You always know exactly what I need.
ANTHONY: If I may say, Sir, I’m concerned. You haven’t left your room in days.
EDWARD: Just meditating, is all.
ANTHONY: Oh, really? So this has nothing to do with the unexpected visitor staying at your guest house?
EDWARD: I’m surprised he didn’t demand to be given my master bedroom. After all, it is his house…
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ANTHONY: He might have paid for it, but it is your home, not his. I know this must be very difficult, having to see him again, let along having him under the same roof.
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EDWARD: Well, I don’t even remember the last time he was around, so it’s basically like bedding a stranger.
ANTHONY: Sir, you know I don’t like to intrude in your business matters, just promise me you will be careful.
EDWARD: I will, but there is no need to worry, Anthony, I have this under control.
ANTHONY: With all due respect, Sir, you lost that control the moment you allowed him to walk through the door.
EDWARD: I appreciate your concern, but trust me, I know what I’m doing.
ANTHONY: If you say so… Well, I’ll leave you to your thoughts now; good night, Sir.
EDWARD: Good night, Anthony.
Cut to – The Salvatore School. Alaric is showing Tyler and Lexi around.
 ALARIC: So, what do you guys say?
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LEXI: Never thought of myself as a teacher, but I think it could be fun, I’m in!
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TYLER: Me too. Might not be the best role model, but let’s be honest, who is?
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ALARIC: Great, welcome to the faculty! (Katherine walks by).
KATHERINE: So, Ric, are these my new colleagues?
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LEXI: Are you kidding me?! (Looks at Alaric) Alaric?
ALARIC: Please don’t judge me, she can be very persuasive. Plus, she does have some cool tricks to teach…
TYLER: Does Caroline know?
ALARIC: Not yet.
TYLER: She’s gonna kill you.
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ALARIC: I’m hoping her vacation time will ease the news.
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LEXI: Oh, it totally won’t! Good luck with that.
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KATHERINE: Well, I’m late for my class, and those little brats are a recipe for disaster. See you at the teacher’s lounge (winks and walks away).
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Cut back to – Akumal, Mexico. Damon and Bonnie’s hotel room. Bonnie comes out of the bathroom, changed into beach attire.
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DAMON: (Completely taken with her beauty) God… you are so beautiful (they kiss; things start to heat up. Bonnie takes his shirt off, he takes her beach dress off; they move on to the bed. He unties her bikini strap… someone knocks).
CAROLINE: (Standing outside the door) Hey, guys, you ready?! Let’s hit the beach!
DAMON: Oh, you have got to be kidding me! Does she not get what pause means??!!
CAROLINE: (Knocks again) Guys!! Are you there? Stefan is waiting for us, come on!
DAMON: (Shouts) Timing, Barbie, timing!!!
CAROLINE: What?! (Pauses for a bit, then it hits her) Oh, oh… yes, pause, I’m on pause; sorry!!! Take your time, we’ll meet you down there!
BONNIE: (Laughs, kisses him) Tell you what, why don’t we go down, enjoy the beach while there’s still daylight. We’ll bring this cliffhanger to its resolution when the timing is right. (Kisses him again, ties her bikini strap, gets up, puts her beach dress back on).
DAMON: (Gets up, puts his shirt on and grabs her hand, as they are walking out…) Maybe we should have told her to push the off button… (she smirks, they leave the room).
Cut to – A dorm room at the University of Munich. Elena and Sam are unpacking.
 SAM: (Takes a little black box out of one of Elena’s boxes) What’s this?
ELENA: (Takes the box, doesn’t seem to know what it is, or why it’s even there) I have no idea, I didn’t pack it, did you?
SAM: No; that’s weird… maybe it’s another gift from your friends?
ELENA: I don’t think so… (opens the box, inside is some sort of formula with a note that reads: No matter where you are, your past will always follow you…) What the hell?
SAM: Let me see (looks closely at the test tube); looks like some sort of formula? How did it get passed airport security? 
ELENA: I don’t even want to know.
SAM: We can test it out at the university lab, find out what it is.
ELENA: No, just throw it out. I moved here to get away from the insanity, I’m not about to open Pandora’s box.
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SAM: Are you sure? It looks like it might be important…
ELENA: I’m sure.
SAM: (Puts the formula and note back in the black box) I’ll take care of it. So, there is an alumni cocktail tonight, want to go? I think it would be good so we can start to integrate...
ELENA: I’m still a bit jet-lagged, but I think I can handle a drink or two.  
SAM: That’s my girl (kisses her; they start to make out).
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Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Stefan and Caroline are lying on the beach. Damon and Bonnie join them.
 CAROLINE: Well, that was fast!
DAMON: Blondie, I swear...
STEFAN: What’s going on?
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DAMON: Little “Miss Pause” here, won’t stop pushing play.
BONNIE: Just forget it; let’s enjoy! I mean, look at this place, it’s gorgeous! I’m going for a swim.
DAMON: I’m coming with (grabs her hand; they head to the ocean).
STEFAN: They look so happy together...
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CAROLINE: They really do, and I really need to stop with the bad timing!
STEFAN: Again?
CAROLINE: Yep. Thought inappropriate timing was a Sagittarius thing, guess it’s a Libra thing too.
STEFAN: (Laughs, then kisses her). I’m sure they’ll find the right moment. Just between us, this is the first time Damon has taken it slow; I think he might be nervous.
CAROLINE: Nervous?! Come on, this is Damon we are talking about.
STEFAN: Yes, but he has never felt like this about anyone… probably freaks him out a little bit; doesn’t want to screw it up.
CAROLINE: That’s true…  
STEFAN: Listen, sorry to change the subject but, about that thing we talked about, you never gave me an answer.
CAROLINE: I’m sorry… still processing. It’s a life-changing decision; give me some time to clear my head on it?
STEFAN: Of course… take as much time as you need. And, whatever you decide, I’m with you.  (They cuddle and enjoy the view; sometime later, Bonnie and Damon come back from their swim).
BONNIE: (A she is drying herself) The water is delicious! You guys should definitely take a dip!
CAROLINE: Bon, when have you ever seen me swim in the ocean?
BONNIE: Oh, that’s right… (teasing) your irrational fear of “the sea monsters”.
CAROLINE: Who knows what crazy things live down there?! Plus, sharks…
DAMON: Sharks, really, Blondie? They're harmless! They are more afraid of us than we are of them, and with good reason.
CAROLINE: Have you seen Jaws? … Uhm, no thanks! I’m perfectly fine right here; enjoying the beautiful view, margarita in one hand, Stefan’s hand in the other… perfection!
BONNIE: Come on, Care, dare to do something you never have. What happened to pausing the control freak? Let loose!
CAROLINE: I’m loose, I swear! Just not that loose… (they laugh; Damon and Bonnie lie down with them to enjoy the view. After a few minutes of contemplation, Caroline breaks the silence). Ahhh… This is exactly what we needed.
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BONNIE: Preach!
STEFAN: (Looking at a boat that is cruising by) We should totally do that boat trip...
DAMON: One thing at a time, bro. For now… (grabs some beers from the cooler, hands one to them) Enjoy… (winks, then puts Bob Marley’s “Don’t worry be happy” on his phone. Lights up a doobie, takes a drag, and passes it around).
BONNIE: (Takes a hit, then passes to Caroline) How is this for letting loose…
CAROLINE: (Takes a drag; lets the smoke out…) My kind of pause button. (Smiles, passes it to Stefan).
STEFAN: (Takes a hit) I never did this as a human… wonder if it hits you different than when you are a vampire?
BONNIE: (She and Caroline laugh) Oh, Stefan, you’re in for quite a ride…
 Cut to – The Mayor’s house. Edward is still in his room. The Madame comes in.
THE MADAME: Darling, you can’t hide in here forever…
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EDWARD: I’m not hiding, I’m thinking.
EDWARD: My mother, thanks to you.
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THE MADAME: I’m sorry I had to do that but we really need his help if we want to get this done.
EDWARD: I’ve always known you were cruel, but you took it way too far this time.
THE MADAME: It was the only way I could get you to call him.
EDWARD: That is true, but still, cruel.
THE MADAME: Forgive me, love, it’s in our best interest to have him on our side.
EDWARD: I know… just can’t stand the sight of him.
THE MADAME: Why don’t you try to give him a chance, he might not be so bad…
EDWARD: He’s responsible for my mother’s death, both of them. Granted I never knew my biological mother; it was a miracle I even survived, but… a killer clown, really?... Sick bastard. And, as if that wasn’t enough, he ended up driving the woman he had killed the first one for, completely insane, to the point of suicide. How is that, not so bad?!
THE MADAME: Listen, he’s not my cup of tea either, but he didn’t do the things you accuse him of, I promise. If he had, I would have killed him a long time ago.
EDWARD: I thought you were on my side; how can you believe all his lies?
THE MADAME: I’m not on his side, and I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth. The only reason I know he is not responsible for those things is because I can read minds. Had your “friend” Donovan not given up the devices and activated unit 1, I wouldn’t have made you call him; but you and I know, if anyone can help us fix this little mess, it’s him. I’ve lived for hundreds of years, and have been part of the order for the majority of them, I’m not about to give up everything I have fought for.
EDWARD: Neither am I, that is the only reason I agreed to this… but we have to be careful, he is definitely not doing this out of the goodness of his heart, we have something he wants, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get it.
THE MADAME: As long as you and I are on the same page, we’ll have control, and he’ll have no choice but to comply.
EDWARD: Let’s hope he does; he can be quite sneaky.
THE MADAME: So can we (smirks). For now, keep Donovan away for as long as you can; once he comes back, everything will be set in motion.
EDWARD: We’ll need to move fast, not sure how long he’ll stand his time out…
Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline are on a boat. Stefan is standing at the edge of the boat, facing the open ocean. They are all quite stoned, even Caroline and Damon, who you would think wouldn’t be given that they are vampires, or even Bonnie, having all that source power, but apparently, they were given some pretty heavy stuff.
 STEFAN: Wait… how did we get on a boat?
CAROLINE: (Barely able to talk from the laughter) I think we stole it…
STEFAN: Shit! Oh, well… I’m the king of the world!! (Grabs her hand and takes her up on the edge with him). Look at this view… (after a few seconds, he starts singing Celine Dion’s “My heart will go on”, completely off-tune).
BONNIE: (Who is lying on the floor deck with Damon, looking up at the sky) I’m telling you, look at it… it’s totally baby Yoda… and it’s speaking to us…listen.
DAMON: Listening, I am, and says he… stay for some soup you must…
BONNIE: Ooh, soup! I love soup… French onion with melted cheese on top… What genius came up with that? (Pauses for a sec) Wait, what were we talking about?
DAMON: I have no idea… (they crack up).
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STEFAN: (Still on the boat edge) You jump, I jump…
CAROLINE: (Turns to look at his eyes) Never let go, Jack, never let go… 
STEFAN: I love you, Rose. (Kisses her, grabs her hand; they jump in the water).
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BONNIE: Did they just jump in the water?
DAMON: I think they did… (they get up, see them in the water)
BONNIE: Care! You did it!
CAROLINE: (Realizing she is swimming in the ocean for the first time). Oh, my god!!! I did!!! (As she is blissfully swimming around) It’s so wonderful!!! You guys should join!!
BONNIE: (Gets real serious...) Oh my god guys, don’t move...
CAROLINE: (Looking scared as hell) What is it?...
BONNIE: Care, don’t move... it’s behind you... (Caroline is paralyzed, on guard).
CAROLINE: (Looking terrified) Bonnie... is it a sh...
BONNIE: (Interrupts her ) Shhhh... (Bonnie uses her telekinetic powers to play the intro of “Baby Shark” on her phone, then starts dancing the choreography, Damon joins along; they are cracking up).
CAROLINE: Bonnie, you scared the hell out of me! (Can’t help but laugh at the prank). 
DAMON: (Laughing his ass off) Good one, Bon! (They high five) Sorry, Blondie, you owed us! 
CAROLINE: Fair enough... we’ll call it even. Now, come join,  the water is perfect!
DAMON: Bon Bon, what do you say?
BONNIE: You had me at Bon Bon... (They smirk; Damon grabs her hand and they jump in. They swim and laugh for a while, then go back on the boat). So… who drove the boat?
STEFAN: Uhm, I think I did… not sure how.
CAROLINE: Can you drive it back?
STEFAN: I’ll give it a try… but what’s the rush; I say we stay for a while, watch the sundown… (they sit on the boat deck, open a bottle of bourbon, eat some munchies, talk, and laugh).
CAROLINE: (To Damon, referring to the weed) TSo, Damon, that was some powerful stuff, where did you get it from?
DAMON: Bellboy hooked me up…called it the Mayan “Duende”? …
STEFAN: Well, I hope you saved some… totally want to do that again, but I think inland is the way to go next time. (They watch the sunset, then head back; Stefan manages to return the boat, and everyone on board, safe and sound).
 Cut to - Matt and Khuyana having a picnic at a beautiful park in Lima, Peru.
 MATT: I missed this…
KHUYANA: Me too (kisses him).
MATT: I’m so sorry for everything that has happened... I’m thinking that moving back was a mistake.
KHUYANA: It’s not your fault Matt, and it wasn’t a mistake. You love your home, and, despite it all, I love it too. Mystic Falls is where we belong.
MATT: But we were happier here.
KHUYANA: Were we? I think you are forgetting just how much we struggled, not to mention my government tried to make me disappear. I’m more afraid of humanities’ dark side than I am of the supernatural; at least with them, you get a fair warning.
MATT: You make a good point…but still, I… I…
KHUYANA: Mi amor, it’s okay, we are going to be fine. It’s over now, so let’s enjoy our time off and go back home when the time comes (kisses him). Whatever comes our way, we will get through it.
MATT: If I could marry you again, I would. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, thank you for being part of my life.
KHUYANA: And thank you for being part of mine. Now, how about some pisco and yuquitas?
MATT: Best vacation ever… (kisses her).
 Cut to – Akumal, Mexico. Late at night. Damon and Bonnie are lying on the beach, in a very secluded spot, looking at the sky.
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DAMON: I could do this forever…
BONNIE: Me too.
DAMON: (Turns his head towards her, looks deep into her eyes, and kisses her gently) I love you, Bon… like I never knew I could love…
BONNIE: And I love you; like I never did love … (She kisses him, more passionately than gently, kneels on top of him, and unbuttons his shirt as he pulls her dress off. She unbuckles his shorts, he unhooks her bra, throws it to the ground. He slowly slides her panties down and… at last  =). Inside her, Damon can't help but be locked into those hypnotic eyes, his breath so heavy and unstable... the overwhelming beauty and the feeling of absolute ecstasy invade every cell in his body... if ever he'd known what pure love was, this was the moment. They make love, multiple times, through the entire night until they fall asleep, holding each other so tight, body to body, until sunrise.
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TVD 9x09 (part 1) coming next! Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
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missnmikaelson-main · 4 years
Addicted - Chapter 19
Down she went, following the narrowing beam of light.
Pressure crushed her arms and legs, but she kept on swimming. She swam past the sound of her mom’s scream and her dad’s assurance that everything would be alright. She kicked her legs as her own panicked voice circled around.
She could see the shining exterior of the car, dull behind the light and empty of inhabitants; she used it to pull herself around and grasp the handle.
Her lungs burned, but nothing could hurt her in a dream, right?
She pulled.
“You were helping this guy?” Rebekah tightened the chains around Alistair’s wrists, hoisting him higher. Her eyes lit on the inflamed mark on his lower arm.
“It wasn’t like I knew any better.” Marcel narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing the bite. He didn’t have to ask if Klaus had finally broken his curse, the infection answered that question. He was surprised however by his sire’s restraint. There had been a time when the Original would have ripped out Alistair’s heart, or divested him of his head, but Klaus had administered a relatively shallow bite far from major arteries and veins; the toxin would take hours to reach his heart.
“You could have asked,” she dug her nails into Alistair’s chin, forcing him to meet her eyes. She wasn’t entirely sure that she liked Elena Gilbert, or her ‘relationship’ with her brother, but that child was family and they hadn’t had a new member of the family in so long. Her pupils dilated slightly. “You tried to steal something very special from us. Children are a precious gift, wouldn’t you agree?”
He nodded a jerking movement that only dug her nails in farther.
“My brother’s bite is toxic,” she leaned back on her heels, inspecting the damage. “It will be slow, and it will be agonizing. And long before it’s done the fever will bring hallucinations; I thought I’d help it along and give you a little head start.”
Marcel resisted the urge to shudder when he caught a glimpse of her face. The angelic smile was maniacal and sickeningly sweet, painting her as a greater threat in that instance than Kol. And after Kol had put on his little Shakespeare show it took a lot for him to rank someone as worse than the psychotic maniac who had planned to kill him.
“You’re going to dream Alistair,” she hummed. “From now until the moment your heart stops, you will dream of your wife and your child.” She reached into his mind, finding the memories he sought to hide of a young woman before a bassinet. “Nothing happy I’m afraid,” she sighed, as if in apology. “Because whatever you see – however peaceful the vision appears – you will always slaughter them both, and you will re-live the pain each and every time.” She walked backwards, eyes sparkling as she retreated. “Frightful dreams, darling.”
Her eyes cut to Marcel, watching as he opened the door that would lead back to the main part of the basement.
“You could have asked more questions,” she repeated, crossing her arms.
“He said he had to get the doppelganger before the Originals could,” he snapped, shutting the cell door. “That was more than enough for me.”
“You would have hidden a human doppelganger from your own family,” she shoved his chest, pushing him up against rough stone. “You know how important her kind is. You know that Nik spent centuries looking for one.”
“And just like that I should have handed her over?” His eyes hardened.
“She’s not in danger from us!” Rebekah threw up her hands. “But even if she was you should have. I remember a time when you would have done anything to help your family – no matter who got hurt in the process.”
“And I remember my family abandoning me to the flames,” he grabbed her wrists, spinning around and pinning her in his place.
The light dimmed in her eyes, shadowed by a century of sorrow.
“We thought you were dead,” she breathed out, slowly. “I thought you were dead.”
“You never looked back long enough to find out,” he tightened his hold on her wrists, eyes flickering over her face.
“We were running for our lives,” she shook her head, “and you were dead on the stage.”
“Only I wasn’t.” His jaw clenched before he shook his head, laughing softly. “You know, a part of me always thought you’d come back one day, but now it’s abundantly clear that you’ve made a life somewhere else.”
“We haven’t…”
“You have,” he let go of her arms and stepped back, looking away. “I’ll help you find the girl. I’ve got people everywhere, so someone’s bound to have seen her, but answer me this, Rebekah.”
Her arms slid down to her hips, delicate skin scratching over stone.
“How long until you abandon her?”
Her fingers slipped on the handle. She grabbed it again and pulled, planting her feet on the side of the car.
From inside she heard the barest whisper.
“What do I want, stranger who has all the answers?”
The door gave way; the water pushed her forward into darkness.
“Caroline,” Marcel shut the door to the cellar, “that was your name right?”
“Yeah,” she straightened up; lowering the map she was reviewing with Kol.
He paused on the way towards the blonde, glancing around the deserted corridor; only Kol remained with Caroline and the witch.
“Where’d they go?”
“Elijah and Nik split up to look,” Kol folded the map. “We were just about to set out as well.”
“Did you need something?” She shoved her hand into her pocket to retrieve her ringing cell phone. “Just hang on a sec. Jeremy?” She answered the phone, pausing to listen. “No, we haven’t found her yet… yes; I realize that Jenna is freaking out.”
Kol lifted the phone from her hand.
“Don’t bring her down her, mate. The last thing we need is a newly turned vampire in a city this big.”
“We’ll call when we find her,” Caroline promised. She took back her phone and hung up. “Now,” her eyes flickered to Marcel, sparing a quick glance for Rebekah. “What do you need?”
“A picture of Elena.” He pulled out his phone, rattling off the number as Caroline typed. When the image arrived he sent out a group text.
“What are you doing?” Rebekah leaned over his arm to watch.
“Filing the missing person’s report,” he tucked his phone back in his pocket. “While we wait I thought your other friend here might try another locator spell.”
“I tried four,” Bonnie scoffed. She dragged her toes over the cobblestones, scuffing her shoes beyond repair. “I can’t find her.”
“Maybe you can with a power boost.”
“I’m already channeling a hundred dead witches.” She flexed her fingers, feeling the energy jump beneath her skin.
“So let’s add something new,” the corner of his mouth quirked up.
“Something new,” Kol cocked an eyebrow.
“A supernatural force – the likes of which you’ve never seen.”
Klaus flipped his phone around from the compelled local and did a poor job tempering his growl; it was almost amusing how fast the kid ran off… almost.
He regretted immediately sending his hybrids out now, and not taking the time to call them all back in – they would have been useful and cut down on search time – but he had rushed headlong towards New Orleans when she spoke, certain that finding her would be much easier.
The best thing she could have done was stepped into a human home, but without knowing anyone in the city that was unlikely, so his best hope at the moment was public places; surely she would have stuck to one of them, making locating her all the simpler.
So far the cauldron and the quarter had come up empty.
“Where are you, love?” He stared down at the phone and the only photograph he had. Countless sketches and paintings littered his art studio, for every landscape or abstract there were two of her, but only one picture. It was one she had taken herself when she discovered his phone was empty.
“What kind of person doesn’t have any pictures?” She frowned down at the blank screen, but the corner of her mouth quirked up – how could it not when his fingers teased her inner thigh?
“The kind that prefers to paint,” he murmured, lips against her breast. “If I want an image I’ll make it myself.”
“I’ve seen those ‘images’,” her fingers threaded through his hair.
“You’ve posed for those ‘images’,” he urged her legs apart, capturing a hard nipple with his teeth.
“They’re too perfect,” she protested. Her hips rolled towards his fingers. “People aren’t that perfect.”
“You are.”
She had dropped the subject and his phone after that, but when he woke up the next morning to an empty bed he had found the pillow occupied with his cell phone and a single picture in the gallery.
His eyes traced the image, taking in her slight mussed hair and the shadows under her lively eyes. The text he had sent – ‘still perfect’ – had gained him an early morning phone call and the sound of her exhausted laugh: the by-product of their late night activities.
His phone rang, disturbing the image with the caller ID.
“Kol,” his greeting was clipped.
“Marcel got word back from some of his ‘guys’,” derision laced his tone, “and three of them ran into Elena shortly after she was talking to you.”
“Are they sure it was her?” He reached out, bracing one hand on a pillar.
“Apparently it’s hard to forget the face of a woman yelling at you in the middle of the street,” Kol drawled.
“Your girl’s got some anger issues,” a second voice grumbled in the background. It was swiftly followed by Marcel assuring ‘Diego’ that said girl had a right to be angry at the moment.
“Where is she?” Klaus growled cutting off the rambling. He didn’t recognize the man Kol handed his phone off to.
“She was outside the Jardin Gris. That little witch tossed three vampires.”
“Elena’s not a witch,” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his eyes.
“Maybe not, Nik,” Rebekah joined in the conversation, taking the phone from Diego, “but the Petrova family are travellers. Didn’t some of Katerina’s siblings fight back when you were slaughtering them?”
He straightened his spine, remembering the slip of a girl who had pushed him away. Her power had been new and untampered, but there had been power there.
“Katerina is her ancestor, so technically the power would have been passed on. Plus she’s carrying a little witch or warlock so she could have been channeling the baby.”
“It’s not unheard of for human mothers to access their witch child’s power while the baby is in the womb,” Kol spoke up. “It’s rare, but it happens.”
“The more likely scenario is traveller.”
Klaus cut in before his siblings could get into a row and cost precious time. “Where is she now?” He heard Rebekah take a deep breath, and what sounded like a body hitting a wall.
“They don’t know, by the time the vampires got back up Elena and the wolf she was with were gone. Apparently a couple of locals said a warlock got involved too at that point, but nobody has a name.”
“May I,” Marcel’s voice floated through the receiver; it came out clearer after a second. “Listen, my guys said the wolf was all protective of her, so there’s a good chance he’s hiding her, but since your witch…”
“Bonnie,” he amended, “couldn’t locate her it’s safe to say that whatever warlock got involved is cloaking her.”
“I thought no magic happened that you weren’t aware of,” he clenched his fingers.
“It doesn’t… not in the city anyway. Out in the bayou though…”
“The bayou would take days to scour – even with all of us looking. Don’t suppose I could trouble you for some of your ‘guys’?” He bit down on his tongue.
“Nah-uh, that’s where my help ends. The bayou’s crawling with werewolves that are cursed to be wolves on all but the full moon, and I’m not gonna subject my people to the same toxin you hit Alistair with.”
“My blood can heal that bite.”
“You’d have to scatter out there, and what are the odds you’d find anyone bitten before the poison kills ‘em? I’m not risking that. You can head out there and start searching, and with any luck Bonnie can narrow down the location for you.”
He hung up the phone before Klaus could respond and took the steps behind the reliquary two at a time, leading the way up to the attic. The door swung inwards, revealing a cluttered bedroom.
A silent girl sat cross legged in the middle of her bed. A white canopy fanned out around her.
“That’s the witch that’s gonna help?” Kol ran his eyes over the girl’s features. She couldn’t have been more than fifteen.
Rebekah attempted to take a step into the room only to find a barrier holding her out.
“You gotta ask the lady of the house for an invitation,” Marcel inclined his head towards the girl.
“I don’t,” Bonnie approached the bed. “Doesn’t look like she’s going to be issuing invitations anytime soon.”
“In that case,” Rebekah spun on her heel, “I’m gonna go help Nik. Kol?”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“I’ll go too,” Caroline backed up.
The sound of Kol clearing his throat made Rebekah pause at the top of the stairs and glance back, watching his back as he tensed.
“Maybe you should stay with Bonnie?”
“Bonnie just whooped Klaus and Alistair,” she narrowed her eyes, “she can handle herself.”
“I really can,” Bonnie called, bending slightly to inspect the edge of a bobby pin in the girl’s hand.
Caroline moved to follow after Rebekah; Kol stopped her with both hands on her shoulders.
“My concern was not for Bonnie, darling,” he met her glare with one of his own. “Marcel’s right about the risk. If you get bitten there’s a chance we wouldn’t get you to Nik in time, so you should stay here until we have a more solid lead.”
Her eyes flashed, churning like the sea during a storm.
“Unless of course, you want to die an unpleasant death,” he tilted his head to the side.
She gritted her teeth. “Fine, but the second there’s an actual location I’m going out there.”
“Figured you would,” he chuckled.
She opened her eyes slowly, blinking in the shaft of sunlight; it filtered through the curtains, and she held up a hand to protect her sensitive vision. It took a moment before she could think to sit up.
Her breath caught as she took in her bedroom. Her fingers curled into a soft blanket covered in roses, for a brief moment an image flashed in her mind; she saw her parents larger than life and heard a baby gurgle.
She dropped the blanket and got to her feet, moving towards the shelf. Toys she vaguely recalled lined the wood along with pictures and drawings. She left them all untouched as some moments were meant to be.
Davina snapped back into her body and jolted, sucking in a lungful of air. Her eyes darted around the room from Marcel to the vampire outside her door and back before settling on the witch at her bedside.
“You were using magic earlier.”
“She was looking for Elena,” Marcel nodded.
“How do you know her name?” Davina’s eyes narrowed.
“Because she’s our best friend,” the witch waved one hand towards the door. “I’m Bonnie.”
“Davina,” she regarded the witch carefully.
“I was hoping you’d help me find her, Davina.”
“She’s cloaked,” she shook her head.
“I know,” Bonnie reached into her bag for the map. “I thought you and I could break through it together. I’m channeling a hundred witches and you’re…” her eyes flickered to Marcel. “I don’t really know what you are, but Marcel says you’re powerful.”
Her bureau held an assortment of jewelry. A sparkling pair of ruby earrings gave her a vision of her grandmother on a Christmas morning far gone. She recognized her only from the photographs that had decorated their mantle since Gran had passed when she was four years old, but the memory played out in her mind as if it had happened yesterday.
She backed away from the baubles; they weren’t the reason she was there.
She made a slow circle of the room, and found one thing to be missing, at least from her plain view.
She moved to the window, lifting the portrait of a horse away from the wall and reaching behind. Her fingers closed on cool leather.
She texted Elijah as Kol drove, speeding through winding roads.
“You like her,” she glanced up.
“What?” He scanned the side of the road, selecting a spot to begin their search.
“Caroline,” Rebekah clarified, pointing to a small clearing for him to park, “you like her.”
“Did my blatant flirting give it away?” He rolled his eyes.
“Oh, please,” she scoffed. Her arms crossed over her chest. “You flirt with everyone.”
“You’re not still sore about poor Georgie, are you?” The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smirk and he cast a sidelong look in her direction.
“I had my eye on him for weeks, and then found him in your bed,” she gritted her teeth, but her voice still resembled a whine. She hated the way it made her sound like an insolent child.
“He still would have had you,” mirth laced his tone. “Probably would have tried for Nik too.”
“We’re getting off topic,” she punched his arm, “the important thing here is that you like her, and you’re not just flirting.”
“Of course I am,” he stepped out of the car. “Like you said, I flirt with everyone.”
“Yeah,” her shoes sank into the bog, “and then you sleep with them or feed on them. You only go out of your way to protect the ones you care about.”
She cradled the green journal to her chest, lowering herself into the window seat.
She had watched the Harry Potter films with Bonnie and Caroline years ago, and as she held her journal she was struck with the image of a young Harry sneaking through the restricted section while books whispered to him from the shelves.
The journal was whispering words so quiet she couldn’t hear make them out; they were little more than a breath of wind rising up to ruffle her hair.
With shaking fingers she pulled the flap loose and flipped open the first page before thinking better of it and turning to the back. She ignored the looping letters as she worked backwards through entries until she found the day after the sacrifice.
Drawing in a deep breath she began to read.
  @klaroline-4ever @cry-btch @xanderling @kol-and-elena-fanfiction @elejahforever @elejah-wonderland @morsmornte @geekofmanyfandoms @eternityunicorn
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salmarissa · 5 years
a story of fear and love
"Rebekah it's Matt. "
"Hey, Matt, what's going on? Why are you calling?"
"I need your help. . . It's urgent. "
"What's the matter, Matt?"
"It's Caroline. . . "
"So what?"
"Please. I know you don't like her very much but she's acting weird. We tried everything. We thought maybe it might help if her favorite rival shows up. Maybe she'll defrost. "
"Hmph. "
"Please help me. It's desperate. There's another vampire. His name is Enzo. I'm afraid he's involved. "
"All right, Matt, but only because it's you. "
Angrily Rebekah hung up. She didn't want to come back. But what did you don´t do for good friends. After their little trip and Rebekah´s departure to New Orleans the two decided to stay friends. Slowly she went to the kitchen where Klaus, Elijah and Hayley were sitting with Hope.
"I'm going to Mystic Falls," Rebekah said. "Why?" Klaus immediately asked. "Matt needs my help with something," she replied.
"Ah your little waiter yes?", Klaus raised her immediately. "Shut up," replied the blonde.
"You're not going alone," Nik made clear, "you need someone to watch your back. You know the people in mystic falls. "
Rebekah rolled her eyes. "How about Marcel?" she suggested. Klaus narrowed his eyes. After a short silence he said: "Good, he could protect you and at the same time I have him out of town. Not a bad idea, sister. But don't warm your feelings for him again. "
The blonde rolled her eyes and picked up the phone. If her brother knew.
A few days later
Caroline strode through her room. The others had insisted on spending time with her. They wanted a drink at the grill and she was supposed to make herself pretty. Caroline sighed. Why make her pretty? She didn't feel like it. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a simple red T-shirt and put a black sweat jacket over it. As she walked past the mirror, she shrugged her shoulders. Should do it.
Enzo picked them up and together they drove to the grill. Caroline was deeply absorbed in thought and did not speak a word. Enzo looked anxiously at her. When they entered, he held the door open for her.
Her eyes scanned the room. There sat her "friends" and with them Rebekah and a strange vampire. Indifferently she went to the table and settled down. "Oho, Miss Perfect can be seen once in a while," Rebekah taunted. But Caroline ignored her and grabbed the bourbon bottle and a clean glass.
Above her head, the others stared at each other with concern. Finally Enzo joined the troupe and sat down next to Caroline: "Give me some pretty", he flirted in his British accent, "I'll pour the lady". Caroline rolled her eyes, poured herself something and passed the bottle on to Enzo. "Then pour yourself a drink," Caroline replied.
The strange vampire laughed. Caroline took a closer look at him. Dark skin, tall and slender. He reached out his hand to her. "I'm Marcel," he said. "Caroline", she replied, reaching for his hand. Rebekah stabbed her with glances but Caroline ignored it. She didn't want to be here.
"Hey, Care," Elena said empathetically. Caroline wanted to puke. "Would you like to sing for us? You love to sing," Elena continued. "No thanks no need," the blond baby vampire pressed out. "But," began the doppelganger, "for us?" "And, um, we wanted to dress up . . ", Elena started carefully and stared at Caroline. Care looked down and said: "Not fancy enough? This isn't a gala. It´s the grill, is it?" Elena's mouth remained open, the others looked horrified and Rebekah grinned slightly. Caroline turned away and watched the people.
"What have you done to her?" cried Elena Enzo. "Nothing," he replied with a grin. "Yes, nothing, of course," Elena continued, "whatever you did, we'll find out. " "Elena, you're making a scene," Caroline said dryly and then flinched. A memory held her captive but she pushed it aside. Not here.
"Bekah please," Matt sighed , "can't you force her to tell the truth?" "Pardon?" said Care piqued.
"She is full of vervain," Stefan replied. "Then we bleed her out," Damon suggested and got a frownful look from that blonde.
"Hey, guys, come down," Marcel said calmly, "there are gentler methods if Caroline agrees. " Friendly he looked at the baby vampire who cast a sinister glance around. "The day after tomorrow at the latest, the vervain would be out of her system and we can ask her if she agrees. " "Why should I," growled Caroline, "Well," Marcel said, "your friends are worried and won't believe otherwise that you weren't somehow manipulated by him," he pointed to Enzo.
Caroline snorted. Betrayed by those who thought they were her friends. Just because she didn't once wear a permanent grin on her face? She was pissed off. If they all go to hell. But on the other hand, maybe then she would finally have her peace?
"Okay," Caroline said. See you the day after tomorrow and just this one question and that's it". She looked sinisterly into the circle and rose. "And how are we supposed to ensure that she really doesn't take one and really lets herself be forced", Rebekah asked, "I want to keep my stay here as short as possible".
"Very simply"; Marcel winked at her, "we take her with us if she allows". Rebekah and Caroline looked like they were about to explode. But the others stared suspiciously and Marcel grinned over both ears.
"Well, there are several rooms to choose from," Rebekah said after arriving at the old Mikaelson Villa and disappeared behind the left door next to the stairs. Marcel followed her.
Enzo was not deterred from coming and supporting Caroline should it be necessary. They were looking for rooms next to each other. Caroline put her bag down and dropped sighing on the bed. What a disaster.
Quietly Enzo entered the room of his blond friend who sat cramped on the strange bed. Slowly she raised her eyes and shook her head. "No, Enzo," she must have said. He approached. "No," she said louder, "not here. " But he came closer and took her in his arms. That was too much. Caroline´s walls broke down and made a tortured sound.
The door was opened loudly and Marcel stood ready to fight in the door frame. "Oh," he did, "I thought something had happened here. I apologize for my intrusion. " He quickly disappeared again. He only had heard her no and the tortured sound and had come to defend her. He didn't know these people enough to assess them and had counted on the worst since the Mystic Falls clique accused this enzo. What he had not expected was this Enzo, who kept a crying Caroline amicably so that she did not break apart.
He frowned and went down to the kitchen to Rebekah who was looking for the whiskey.
"Come, let's get some fresh air," Enzo muttered to her hair. They went down the stairs and into the garden. Panting, Caroline closed her eyes.
The horse. And Him.
"You are strong. You're beautiful. You're full of light. I'm enjoying you. "
She shook her head and the tears came out again. If she opened her eyes and turned around there would not be Klaus but her friend Enzo. Enzo who reminded her so much of Klaus and yet was so different.
She turned and looked at him. "You look at me like that again," he whispered. "How?" Care asked. "So full of pain. Like I'm someone who took everything from you. " She quickly looked down.
Marcel looked carefully at Rebekah. She also pricked up her ears. It wasn't right to listen, but maybe it would bring them closer to the problem. Something was very wrong here.
"Won't you tell me what's going on?" Enzo asked gently. "It's too much," Caroline replied, " and you can always be overheard here" "Then we start with light things", the Augustine joked.
Caroline sighed and looked at the sky. "It's this town. And the people who live in it. Look, yeah I'm not miss sunshine right now but that´s way it is. The others exaggerate. They didn't call for over a week until they realized I was missing. It's not important. I was never important. You were right. It's all about Elena. The main thing is Elena's happy. Now I don't play it the way I should and everyone goes crazy and forces me to do things I don't want. Caroline is different, of course it's Enzo's fault. He's somehow manipulated or bewitched her or whatever."
Enzo giggled.
"I've said it before. I'm just everyone's backup. I'm Matts, Damons and Stefan's Elena Backup. I'm Elena's Bonnie Backup. Just tell me one thing. How is it that others don't care about us? Why is it always about Elena? Why is she always the first choice? Why it doesn't matter what happens to the rest of us? Of course she's been through a lot of horrible things, I don't want to sugarcoat that. But it's not just Elena in the world. Let's face it. They don't worry about me. "They're just sensationalistic about what's wrong with Miss Perfect and I'm tired of it. "
"You're right," Rebekah said and stepped into the garden. Caroline looked at her with skepticism. "I never liked Elena before. And I don´t understand you. Elena tore herself a nail and everyone hovered around her like she was in danger of her life. "
"Well," Care said, "Better late insight than none at all. "
"You're right about that. Maybe, but only maybe I could like you Caroline Forbes," Rebekah replied and grinned.
Caroline grinned back. Maybe, but only maybe this would be a new beginning.
"And then Marcel snuck out to see me," Rebekah raved. Caroline smiled. They had gone shopping the closest and she had experienced and told a lot. The earlier adventures. How she became a vampire. They also talked briefly about Bonnie's death. Rebekah tried to distract her and babbled a lot. How Marcel became Klaus son and Rebekah and he fell in love. She tried to suppress her own pain and rejoice for her new friend.
"Yes," said Marcel, "but Klaus is and remains totally paranoid even now with the B. . . " Rebekah struck her hand on his mouth and stared at Caroline in horror.
"What?" she asked, "do you mean the baby? "Don't stare at me so horrified at Bekah, you don't mean Tyler showed up in New Orleans and didn't tell it all hot as a broth. " Rebekah growled and looked carefully at the younger one. She turned away and looked at a dress in the shop window.
"Bekah, may I ask you for something?" Care hesitantly asked some time later. "Yes, of course. " said the ancient vampire, astonished. "Can you just ask me this one question, please? The others will want to squeeze me, but it's none of their business," Caroline replied quietly. "Of course," Rebekah said with sparkling eyes.
"Thank you. "
In the evening the four different companions went to the Salvatore Villa. The vervain was fortunately fast from Caroline's bloodstream. Now it was time. All were gathered which gave the four an eye roll. Sensational gang.
Caroline stabbed her finger and gave a few drops of blood to Stefan. He was supposed to confirm that the vervain was from her organism. Confirming, he nodded. Enzo shook his head and muttered something of "surveillance state". Marcel giggled.
Rebekah looked deep into her new friend's eyes and said: "You will tell the truth. Did Enzo force you into something, make you enchant or manipulate you in any way?" "No," Care replied. Everyone looked at her eagerly. Rebekah said, "Good. " And gave her a vial of vervain.
"Hey, what's with the blondie?" Damon shouted. "We could have asked her even more questions. " "And who do you think you are to know all about me, Damon?" Caroline hit him immediately.
"Pff," Damon said, "I don't care about you. You're nothing. "
Caroline flinched and turned away. The other three followed her.
"Hey Enzo, was I right? She likes bad guys with accents, doesn't she? As often as you hang out together," Damon shouted afterwards.
Caroline turned around, flashed to Damon and slapped him. "You shouldn't have done that, Barbie. I will make your life to hell," Damon replied.
"Oh," Caroline replied, "more than you already have? What are you gonna do, Damon? The only thing keeping me is my mother, and you're friends with her. If I tell her what you did to me back then, you'll lose your only friend. Watch Damon. I'm not that weak little human girl anymore. You have more to lose than I do. " She looked at Elena and Stefan.
"Do you know that you already sound like your lover Klaus Barbie?" Damon shouted. But Caroline had already turned around and left the house.
Marcel and Rebekah flashed forward simultaneously and broke Damon's neck. The others were screaming. But the two also turned around and left the house together with Enzo. They had to find their friend.
They found her outside the police station. "I told my mum I was going away on vacation. Based on my mood, she agreed. She's probably hoping it'll help me get something out. I have to get out of this damn town,""Well, we'll go with you," certain Rebekah.
The bags were packed quickly. The goal would be decided spontaneously. Caroline should see as much as possible.
Rebekah, Marcel, Caroline and Enzo have been on the road for a week. They had gone to the ocean, visited Richmond before and finally settled further south near Charleston for a few days. Rebekah got them a beach house. Caroline enjoyed freedom to the fullest. She swam and went for walks on the beach. She drank blood and laughed with the others.
But the shadows did´nt disappear. The others saw that she was gradually swallowed by something
They heard her crying every night. But Caroline didn't want to confide in anyone. She continued to suffer in silence.
Again all four were sitting together in the living room laughing about Marcel's anecdotes when Rebekah´s phone rang. "Let's give her some privacy," Caroline told Enzo and got up. Rebekah took the call. "Bekah," Klaus snarled on the other end of the line. Care left the house in a hurry. Hearing his voice was too much. The shadows caught up with them.
"You're never enough""It was all lies""You were just his toy"
She couldn't breathe. Caroline sank to the ground and let the tears run free. She could no longer. It was too much.
An hour later Enzo found her in this condition. She was unresponsive.
The friends thought about how they could help Care.
"I have a lousy fear," Rebekah began, "She´s been like this since Nik called. And remember what Damon said? Something's wrong, and it has to do with my brother. But first she has to get out of this state and then she has to talk. It'll help her deal with anything that's in her way. Enzo, I need your help. " Enzo stared at them curiously.
"I'm giving you a crash course in my brother's behavior right now. "
Caroline was sitting on her bed with her legs on. There was a knock, but she didn't want to talk. She dropped her head on her knees. The door opened quietly. "Hello, love," said Enzo and Caroline flinched. "What's with the enzo? "Don't call me that," Caroline snatched. "Why not love? Am I so repulsed by you?" Care flinched again. He resembled him so much. "Why are you doing this to me?" she whispered desperately. "Because you finally need to talk. About you. What's the matter with you. How we can help you, love," Enzo replied. That was too much. Caroline jumped up and ran down the stairs to the kitchen. She poured herself a bourbon. Enzo followed her slowly.
Rebekah put an arm on Care's shoulder. "We want to help you," she whispered. "I can't. " Caroline said, "I can't talk about it. "
"Then show us," Marcel suggested. "You can trust us. We'll never betray you. We are your friends and we have grown fond of you. From now until forever, we are here for you and we will never betray you. " So Marcel changed the oath of Mikaelson´s to her own. A friendship that would outlast anything. From now until forever.
They were sitting in a circle. Hands together. "Close your eyes," Enzo led hrt on. Caroline closed her eyes. "Focus on what you want to show us," Marcel said. "Now let it go. That's good," Rebekah added. And they were drawn into Caroline's world.
They saw her live. Her human life. The cocky bitch who was so vulnerable. Alone and excluded. Never number one.
They saw what Damon did to her. How she became a vampire. Matt. A conversation with Elena hit their ears. "You don't know what it's like. Because you're always the first choice. " Go on and on. Tyler as a werewolf. They felt all the fears she endured. How her father tortured her. How stupid she felt. Never loved, always second-best. Nobody put her above Elena or the others. Always the last choice.
Then a ray of hope.
Klaus, who was sitting at her bed on her birthday, talking about the beauty of the world.
The Bracelet
The ball. The dance with Klaus.
Klaus stood before her: "You are beautiful. You're strong. You're full of light. I'm enjoying you. "
The drawing
In front of the grill on the bench. "I want to talk about you. Your hopes, your dreams, everything you want to achieve in life.
The 20s Ball "Perhaps someday. In a year, or maybe a century, you'll turn up at my door. And let me show you what the world has to offer"
Klaus, who saved her from Alaric. "It´s ok. It's me. You're safe. "
The Miss Mystic contest. They had fun and laughed a lot.
Then the shame. The guilt of meeting a monster. betraying your friends like that. Cheating on Tyler like that.
The scene in Elena's house after he bit her.
"The deeper reason is that you're hurt. And that means that part of you is still human. "
"Why would you say that?"
"Because I saw it. Because I caught myself wishing I could forget what horrible things you were doing. "
"But you can't, can you?"
"I know you're in love with me. And someone capable of love can be saved for that very reason. "
Graduation. "He is your first love. I intend to be your last. No matter how long it takes"
Tyler who left her to pursue his revenge plans against Klaus.
And finally the forest.
"No, you don't, because I. . . Yes, I hide our connection behind hostility. And yes, I deeply hate myself for the truth. And if you promise me that you will just disappear and never actually come back then I will tell you the truth. Then I'll tell you the truth and tell you what I want. "
The kiss.
Then a jump. They shouldn't see this. Caroline continued to focus on what happened afterwards.
Blaming Tyler.
The interview with Stefan.
Tyler again. "I saw the good in Klaus. "
Longing, pain and slow realization that shone like a sun. Love. She loved him. No matter how much she fought back. No matter how much she denied it. She loved Klaus.
Then darkness
Tyler had apparently returned alive from New Orleans. She met him in town. He grinned when he saw her. "Hey Care," he fluffed. "Hello," Caroline replied dullly. She didn't know how to deal with him. He had put his revenge over her. Again, she was not important enough. But with her latest insight, Caroline was glad that this had happened. The memory of Klaus was like a beacon inside her. Soon she would leave to see him.
"How are you?" Tyler still asked with a big grin. "What do you want, Tyler," the blonde yelled. "I have news," replied the young hybrid. "Uh-huh," that's all Caroline said. "Yes, you know', her ex began,'I found out a few things about Klaus','Not interested', she just replied and walked past him. "Did you seriously think he would care for you?" Tyler and Caroline froze.
Slowly she turned around. "What?""Well, I don't know what he lied to you to get you laid, but it was all lies. I was in New Orleans Caroline. He forgot about you. "
"What do you want, Tyler?" Care replied sharply. Tyler laughed. "I'll give you a taste of my hell. He laid Hayley and got her pregnant. "
Caroline laughed: "Seriously, Tyler? Is that the best you can do? That's bullshit. Vampires can't have children."
"He's not a vampire. He's a hybrid. And guess what werewolves can vampires be denied? "
The blonde stood stiff as a poker. She got ice-cold. "And you know," Tyler grinned smugly, "I did a little spying on him. He's already laughed at the next one. She looks like you. I believe her name was Cami. You were just his toy. "
"I don't believe you," Caroline shouted hotly. That couldn't be true. It couldn't be true. Already Tyler had grabbed her and pictures rose before her eyes. A pregnant Hayley. Klaus at a bar with a blonde woman. He bowed closer to her.
Care broke loose. Horror was in her eyes. "You know, Caroline. This is my greatest success. He took everything from me and you gave yourself to him. Now live in your own hell. You're never enough. You'll never be enough. "
Caroline ran. She ran as fast as she could. The pain ate her up.
But what did she expect. She had rejected him over and over again. She had been a decoy over and over again. Even when he asked her to be honest, promising he would leave forever, she couldn't tell him. She collapsed. She had walked into the forest. She couldn't breathe. And the darkness surrounded her and brought with it a restful deafness.
Only at night did deafness leave her body and give way to pain.
Slowly Caroline opened her eyes. She didn't lift her head. How could she be so stupid and let herself be carried away to show the others these scenes. You're stupid, Caroline, she said to herself. Stupid stupid stupid.
Rebekah put one arm around her friend. Tears ran down her cheeks. How could she be so blind? She hadn't seen it. Had dismissed Nik's feelings as a pipe dream. And Caroline. Caroline was really full of light. And she loved her brother. She could impale that stupid dog Tyler for what he said to Caroline. She had to make something clear.
Marcel and Enzo nodded grimly. Someone would pay, and that wasn't just Tyler.
"Caroline," Rebekah began. "No," Care came out. "Caroline Forbes, you will listen to me now. Yeah, I know it's a difficult situation. The baby wasn't planned, but now it's here. And Nik was free at the time, you know. I don't think you'd hold that against him either. " Caroline nodded her eyes still lowered.
"Look out. Cami is nothing. A diversion and a diversion for Marcel to overthrow him. He loves you. He loves you with all his heart and I can't believe I'm saying this myself. I didn't want to see it. I wanted to see the monster in my brother because it was easier that way. But I firmly believe in it, no, I know he loves you. "
Caroline looked up in a jerk. Tears ran down her beautiful cheeks. Rebekah struck it off. "It's enough," the ancient vampire went on. "You've lived long enough without each other. Even if you doubt it, trust me. You're gonna get your ass up and forget what that idiot said. And now you're getting back your man. "
What had she gotten herself into. Caroline couldn't believe it. They were in Bekah´s Car and drove for a few hours towards New Orleans.
In the first hour alone she had had 5 panic attacks, 3 crying cramps and countless raving addictions. But not helped. Rebekah Mikaelson remained stubborn. Caroline cursed her, cursed Klaus for his bad example, cursed her mother and the mother of her mother but nothing helped.
They kept coming closer to New Orleans. Caroline desperately, Rebekah stubbornly smiling and the two men enjoyed themselves deliciously.
Slowly Caroline entered Marcel's house. Always on guard as if Klaus could jump around the next corner. Bekah rolled her eyes and pulled her to her room. New Orleans was beautiful. Care had to admit that. But she wasn't ready. She could not face her fears and she could no longer blindly trust that Klaus loved her.
"Here," Rebekah said, wearing a blue dress. "We're going out. Part one of your therapy. How will I get back Caroline fucking Forbes" Care rolled her eyes but it also seized her again the panic. "Don't worry," Bekah whispered, "he's not here tonight. "
She put on the dress, slipped into her shoes and hooked up with Enzo, Caroline didn't have much left. She couldn't beat all three. Grumbling, she booted after Bekah and Marcel. Enzo threw her a calming smile. They entered a bar called Rousseau´s.
As Caroline looked at the bar, she froze. There was this woman standing. Cami. At that moment she hated Rebekah. But she came into her field of vision and looked seriously. "Trust me," she said and moved on with the younger one.
They sit at a table in the middle of the room. Few people seemed to be here. Cami came to her table and Care cramped up. "Hey Marcel, hey Rebekah, glad you could make it. Who did you bring with you," the bartender asked.
"Hi Cami, this are Caroline and Enzo," Marcel introduces them. "Hello", Cami greeted her friendly. Caroline muttered a greeting. She didn't want to be here and see this scene over and over again. But Rebekah was right, she had to fight. The evening went on and so did the alcohol level.
"So Care," Bekah bawled, "I'll bet you for something,""What?" giggled the baby vampire. She'd win at any price. Their ambition has been fueled. Especially when she saw how boring this Camille was.
"I bet you don't dare to sing a song for Klaus here in this bar in our town," Bekah laughed. Caroline got big eyes. What are you serious about? But she would win. "Well, Rebekah had bad luck. I'm gonna win.
"Name your price," Care shouted inebriated. "OK," her friend laughed, " if I win, you will make a marriage proposal to Damon back in Mystic Falls" Caroline swallowed herself on her drink. "Excuse me?" she shouted. "Do you pinch?" Bekah asked. "Never," Care cried, "if I win, you'll credibly confess to Klaus and Elijah, I mean really credibly your lesbian relationship with Hayley and Camille. "
"WHAT?" Rebekah yelled and the boys laughed weakly. "Do you pinch?" taunted the younger one. "Never," growled the ancient vampire. "Good," Caroline breathed and jumped up.
Rebekah smiled at Marcel and Enzo. Everything went according to plan.
Caroline had a brief chat with two vampires. The two nodded and went to the laptop to search for the song.
At that moment someone entered the bar and headed straight for his sister.
"Hey Nik," Rebekah whispered in a good mood. "Why are you whispering and who is that?" he asked, pointing to Enzo. "Oh," giggled Rebekah, "this is Enzo. Picked him up in mystic falls. He's a very bad boy. Poor Elena really hates him. "
Enzo and Klaus bowed. Then they grinned at each other and strike.
Who'd have liked Elena?
When Klaus wanted to start talking, music sounded. A quick look at the stage and he froze. "What the hell," he came out.
Caroline got on stage and closed her eyes. She suppressed the darkness inside her and thought of the beautiful moments with Klaus. The music began.
Everybody needs inspiration. Everybody needs a song. A beautiful melody, when the night's so long.
She left her eyes closed and put all her feelings into this song. All voices went out.
Cause there is no guarantee, that this life is easy.
Yeah, when my world is falling apart. When there's no, light to break up the dark.
That's when I, I, I look at you.
She opened her eyes and met blue-green irises. He was here.
When the waves are flooding the shore. And I can't find my way home anymore.
That's when I, I, I look at you
Their eyes sank into each other. Longing. Love. The feelings flowed through her.
When I look at you, I see forgiveness, I see the truth.
She had seen his humanity.
You love me for who I am like the stars hold the moon. Right there where they belong And I know I'm not alone.
He had always loved her as she was. With all her mistakes. How could she ever doubt that?
Yeah, when my world is falling apart. When there's no light to break up the dark.
That's when I, I, I look at you.
She remembered his voice. "You are full of light. " But now he helped her out of the darkness.
When the waves are flooding the shore. And I can't find my way home anymore.
That's when I, I, I look at you.
You appear just like a dream to me. Just like kaleidoscope colors that cover me. All I need, every breath that I breathe. Don't you know, you're beautiful Yeah, yeah, yeah
She closed her eyes. It was to much.
When the waves are flooding the shore. And I can't find my way home anymore.
That's when I, I, I look at you, I look at you. You appear just like a dream to me.
And fear came back.
The blond beauty left the stage fleetingly. But the man of her dreams was already standing next to her and held her by the arm. "Caroline," he breathed. His eyes shone. But that could not be, she had to be wrong. She had to get out of here. Rebekah set it all up. As soon as she saw him, she was suddenly sober. She had fallen for it.
"Come on, dear," said Klaus, pulling her out. "Don't let her go, Nik," Rebekah shouted. Caroline turned around and threw an angry yet desperate look at the primordial vampire. But she just nodded encouragingly. Marcel and Enzo actually kept their fingers crossed.
She was hardly released in the fresh air. They strolled silently down the street. Suddenly the hybrid stopped and turned to her. "What are you doing here, love?" he asked quietly. But she just looked down. She didn't know what to say. The fear paralyzed Caroline.
A hand lay under her chin. And suddenly his serious eyes hit her with tears. Slowly he attracted her as if she could break. Caroline felt his strong arms and could inhale his scent again. Her dams burst and she sobbed. Klaus held her.
At some point she calmed down and looked up. Sir had both probably landed on a park bench a bit offside. Care couldn't remember moving. A hand stroked her cheek and she was terrified: "Who hurt you so?" asked her last love. Caroline shook her head. "Will you believe me if I tell you I did it myself?" asked the blonde instead.
Klaus looked confused. Caroline saw in his eyes concern and compassion and something else. She just had to say it. But how? The hybrid, on the other hand, tilted its head and looked at it: "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. "I don't know how," she replied. He got up and reached out to her. She took these and was pulled up. "Well," said Klaus, "I'll show you my town and you'll talk. " Caroline giggled slightly and let herself go. His hand never left hers.
She was talking. About her lives, her dreams and desires. Some euphemisms. Others not. She finally talked about her fears. She knew that Klaus knew her.
"I understand," he later said. "You know,love, we're all not flawless. And fear is part of life, but you know it. Everyone acts irrationally when they're afraid. But what makes you think you've caused yourself pain?"
Caroline was wondering how she could answer the question. She felt safe with him. Klaus has always been a safe haven, but at the same time often enough made her insecurities boil up. How could she say it? How to show? Show that was it. She faced him and laid her hands on his face. Then she closed her eyes.
She showed Klaus the scenes they experienced together and her feelings. As she became more agitated with every promise and at the same time resigned. Because no one could love her that much. She ditched him. The scene in the forest intentionally omitted. "Something is missing," Klaus notes. He seemed surprised. Caroline made a decision. Rebekah was right. She had to fight if she wanted to win this extraordinary man.
So she looked him deep in the eyes and started the words again:
"Yes, I hid our connection behind hostility. And yes, I hated myself deeply for the truth. And I took that promise away from you for fear of myself. But with this promise, I have caused myself the most pain. With every lie and every distraction. With every sharp remark to you. And I have no idea how to go on or if I can ever deal with my fears of never being enough. But I want to be enough. I want to be enough for you. I am here because I want to fight for my life and. . . "
Hesitantly, Caroline broke off. Klaus' eyes had grown up but he quickly caught himself, approached her close and took her face into his hands.
"I can't tell you you'll never doubt Caroline. I told you already. We're the same. But I can try to show you that you're worth it. And with every day that passes, you'll believe it a little more than time is on our side. "
Caroline laid her hands on his. "Klaus?" she asked. "Hm?", made the beautiful hybrid.
Slowly the blonde smiled. "We need a new promise," she giggled, "I'm afraid they've all come true because I'm in love. "
A smile spread to Klaus' face.
"Then I promise you I'll be your last love" and that's how he kissed her.
Caroline didn't know what the future would bring. Too many uncertainties lay on their way.
But Niklaus Mikaelson would sweep them all aside.
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
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Part 7
Elijah Mikaelson x reader/Elena Gilbert
ft Klaroline
a/n: thanks so much for reading and liking. xoxo
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tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever @hides2000
Ten years ago
Y/N/E ran her forefinger around Elijah's face as if she wanted to capture his features exactly right so to put on a canvas later, to remember his features precisely. Slowly she neared his lips and brushing over them he placed a peck on her finger. 
"You have nearly the perfect Michaelanglian features~ " Y/N/E said gazing into his eyes. "Nearly? Ah, you're hurting my feelings.  I thought I was perfection ~ at least that's  what I saw in your eyes"- Elijah teased. "Your heart is perfection"-Y/N/E said smiling a little.
"I think you've mistaken. It is yours that is unique. There is no one like you"- he now played with a wisp of her hair.
Y/N/E rubbed his cheek with her thumb looking at him for a second seriously. For a moment he thought she was now going to slip away and call it a day and a strange feeling like cold wind walked all over his heart. Her look was the one seeing as if she was seeing a stranger in front of her.
“Elijah? Are you all right?"- she asked.
"I am fine"- he gulped a little-"I just- for a second- I had this crazy premonitions- stupid"- he neared her and kissed her.
"What was it?"- Y/N/E wanted to know.
"It's stupid"- he said-"nothing really- I don't know why I said it. The champagne probably hasn't worn off yet."
"Ok, you don't have to tell me. But you can kiss me?!"
"That I can do, but there is something I need to tell you-"
"What?"-Y/N/E said chuckling a bit. "I love you!"-he looked at her enchantingly. Y/N/E neared him and pulled him into a kiss, which very much confirmed the same sentiment.         
      Present, Morning
Y/N/E watched Elijah sleep. He was so very relaxed and at peace. After a year of fragmented sleep, he could finally float away serenely. This man was her husband, she passed the thought and they had this amazing history as she was told by all their friends and family, but no memory of their life was coming back to her. And she wondered if everything was really so perfect as everyone said they were. Could things really be so divine? Doubt was worming inside of her. She shook her head to toss the bad thoughts away now. The way he kisses her, the way he made love to her last night, told her of his genuine affection for her. All of their photos taken on their trips away show happiness, so why is this odd feeling creeping inside her like a mean demon. To break away from it, she now got up and took her sketchbook. She sized him up with the pencil and started drawing. 
Half way through she stretched her leg and her foot touched his. This now made he move, opening his eyes.
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"Don't move"- Y/N/E said-"I am not done yet"
"Done?"- he rubbed his eyes now. 
"Nevermind"- she put the sketchbook aside saying-"morning- the way you slept hugging that pillow- just got the urge to draw you"
"Show me"- he sat up now.
Y/N/E passed the sketchbook and Elijah complimented her- "wow - it's like you took a photograph-the way drawing  comes so natural to you- Once you said I was - your muse."
"Did I?"- she asked.
"Yeah.”- Elijah muttered.
“I don’t see any drawings or anything of you-”
”You said that I give you all the creative juices - inspiration. I could never understand how -- Elijah said now yawning a little- "you let me sleep long again."
"It's obvious that you need the sleep. And it is ok. Bonnie said that sleep helped me."- Y/N/E said.
"I love you awake"- he now moved to her and caressed her face taking her hand. brining it to his lips and kissed it. Y/N/E smiled and now leaned  forward to him and kissed him. He now tumbled on his back. Holding her dearly now, as they parted from the kiss, Y/N/E said lovingly-
“Last night - was so - good. More- I definitely know now I married you- though I don’t remember what it was like with any other of my ex-s- and I don’t care”
Elijah brushed his hands through her hair and smiled, and said in a joking tone - “I can’t believe I would say this, but I am glad you can’t remember”
“I so remember last night and - I so want to repeat it”
“You do?”- Elijah chuckled.
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Pic by Vermariess
He now pulled her to him, and kissed her, their lips fitting like two pieces of puzzle. Her body melted into his. And it was like she was walking through fiery air. It was the same for him. He wanted nothing more, but to feel her perfect softness. In moments the soft caresses became more urgent, he savoured her lips. The quickening of her breath matched his own, as she now lowered herself onto him, both moving in sync, enveloped in the blissful haze of passion seeping all over them. And it felt like they connected fully. There was intimacy between them like nothing ever happened and their life was back on track. But deep down he remained unsettled.
Later that day
Elijah walked in ‘Daniel’s’ and as he sat down at the bar, he ordered a Bourbon, now flashing back to the session with his therapist earlier.
"We get along. And making love to her was amazing, like it has always been. We talk about things like we have always done. Y/N/E had always spoke her mind. Directly, and that was one of so many things about her that made me fall in love with her. So, why do I have this stupid feeling like she is not Y/NE at times, but -"
"What?"- Camille asked.
"I shouldn't feel this way and I don't know why I do- after everything we have been through-"- Elijah paused and Camille let him take as long as he needed to voice out what had troubled him. Elijah sighed-"like she is some - other woman-"
"Doppelganger?"- Camille suggested.
"Yes. Everything is the same, but yet it is not. And it is so stupid of me to feel this way. I love her."- Elijah said.
"You feel disconnection because she cannot remember?!"
Elijah nodded slightly- "I guess - yes. I think so."
Kol, who now came in, broke his thoughts.
“Ready for the ‘Lockwood Ball’?”- Kol asked as he sat on the bar stool.
“Yeah. You?”
“I don’t fancy going.”- Kol said.
“But Sophie does?!”- Elijah now said.
“Well, yeah. It’s a good cause and- you know.”- Kol now took a sip of the Bourbon he was served.
“What’s up with you? Last night was so good. I haven’t laughed like that for ages.”
“Nothing. It’s good. More than good. Y/N/E and I - well - we - “
“You  did? Ah, great man! I knew you would find your way back to one another. Like Rebekah said - you got the love of all times. So happy for you brother. This causes for more celebration.”- Kol was genuinely happy for his brother. 
Elijah thanked him and they now greeted Klaus, who waved at them as he got in the bar.
Y/N/E walked into the Salvatore clinic, and Bonnie greeted her as they met in front of Stefan's office. 
"How are you?"- Bonnie asked.
"Good. Even though I have not made much progress with remembering anything, but I can speak and write perfectly, even draw."- Y/NE said.
"I am glad to hear it."- Bonnie said.
"And- since you are not my therapist anymore, I would like to ask you if you and your husband would like to have dinner with us, whenever it suits you?"- Y/N/E said.
"I would like that"- Bonnie said. 
"Great. I will call you then."- Y/N/E was happy. 
Stefan's assistant now got out telling Y/N/E that she could come in, as the other session had finished. Y/N/E walked in and forty minutes of mnemonic memory methods.
After the session Rebekah picked Y/N/E up, calling Sophie on the way to meet for a bite to eat.
"Can't wait to meet Caroline Forbes tomorrow, finally."- Rebekah said.
"So, she said yes to the invitation?!"- Y/N/E asked.
"This is one of the few most important events of the year, and it's a plus being there and as a news anchor that had just started work- this is a jump for her that she is not even aware of"- Rebekah said.
Rebekah now looked at Y/N/E like - you're pulling my leg- and then said -"Well, I forget that you never really cared for the Ball thing, but the charity part of it"
"Elijah doesn't really want to go"- Y/N/E said.
"Ahm- did he say so? The other day he was fine with it?! He told mother he will be there."- Rebekah said.
"He didn't really say it, but I can feel it that he wasn't really into going. Probably because of me"- Y/N/E said.
"Most probably because of all those people there- they will gossip about us anyway. And we have always been the case with us. It has never bothered you. You were always strong minded, Y/N/E and so was he."- Rebekah said.
They arrived to the restaurant where Sophie was waiting for them and they now continued talking about the dresses and the masks as the Ball had the Phantom of the Opera theme.
In Caroline's wardrobe
"You had a package delivered"- her assistant informed Caroline. 
"Thanks"- Caroline replied trailing off to her wardrobe. She was not expecting anything particular and now took the card. It was soon clear that it was from Klaus.
Save me a dance. Fondly, Klaus- the card said.      
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         She opened it and then closed it. She had never seen such exquisite dress. She opened it again and gently took it out of the box. These were real jewels on the dress. She felt it was too much. She had barely known him and him sending such an extravagant present was out of order. She picked up her phone and dialed his number.
"And how are you today, Ms Forbes?"- Klaus chucked a bit.
"I am afraid I cannot accept your gift. What do you think that I can't buy a designer dress?!-"- Caroline said.
"I am sure you can, but this one was custom made for you."- Klaus continued.
"You treated for a great night out the other day showing me the best of NOLA- so it is only right for me to return the gesture"- Klaus said-"pick you up at, shall we say around eight"
"You never take a no for an answer"- Caroline said.
"Very seldom."- Klaus said confidently-"I will see you tomorrow"
"Yes, I guess"- Caroline said hanging up in the process. 
She took the dress and went to see what it would look like on her. It looked gorgeous. Her assistant had the same to say as she walked in letting her know she should be getting ready for the interview she was doing.
A week or so later
And so everything was set for the Masked Ball. Rebekah had come to see how Y/N/Ea and Elijah were doing before she had to whiz away as she was in the organizing committee.
"It will be good."- Rebekah said-"and don't forget your masks. This will be a great night."
Y/N/E was buzzing, telling Rebekah that she will make sure Elijah gets in better mood.
"He has always hated these things"- Rebekah said-"but this is an important cause"
"I have a feeling of a deja-vu"- Y/N/E said and now both Rebekah and Elijah jumped astonishingly thinking she had remembered something.
"No. It's just a saying, isn't it?"-Y/N/E said.
"Yes"- Rebekah muttered and then gave them a few more instructions and left.
Y/N/E got a call from Vicky and she went out of the living room to talk to her. Elijah left to shower and get dressed. 
"Oh, I am excited about the Ball. It will be like watching a theater performance, I am sure."- Y/N/E told Vicky.
"Just dance and have fun."- Vicky said-"Tell me it was Rebekah's idea to choose Phantom of the Opera?"
"Yeah. Watched the film. And, you know, I wish Christine actually chose the monster."- Y/N/E said-"strangely in the night I had a dream it was me and Elijah, but he was a vampire. I don't get where that came from."
"You two went on a masked Ball before. He went as a vampire."- Vicky said.
"And me?"- Y/N/E asked.
"Just a girl. Not much different from Christine from the Phantom"- Vicky said-"But- hey, if you had that dream- maybe something is kicking in? You said you had no dreams?"
"I have, lately. But- it is nothing particular."- Y/N/E said. Elijah now walked in the bedroom letting her know that soon they would have to go so Y/N/E told Vicky that she will let her know how it was the next day.
"Ok. Have fun."- Vicky said and hung up. 
Y/N/E went to get ready. 
By the time they arrived, everyone was already there. It was extraordinary as it looked like a special multimedia event. 
Rebekah went to all of her family to greet them as they were now all complete, looking at Caroline sizing her up. 
"My sister, Rebekah- but since she made a special entrance, I guess she doesn't need special introduction."- Klaus said to Caroline.
"Love the dress"- Rebekah said to Caroline and whizzed away.
"Arrogant much"- Caroline muttered.
Sophie now added-"That was a compliment. Trust me, that meant she likes you- a lot"
Caroline was now introduced to Y/N/E and Elijah by Klaus. 
"Watch your show every day"- Y/N/E said-"you really are sharp"
"Thank you. Y/N/E, was it?"- Caroline said.
"Yes. Y/N/E, that’s me. Feel still quite strange that it is my name.”
"Sorry- way too many people to remember at once. It feels a bit too much"- Caroline admitted.
"Tell me about it. Once I used to know everyone here- well, nearly everyone- but now have to learn who is who myself"- Y/N/E joked a little.
Caroline was told about Y/N/E and her memory loss, and now seeing the way she was free spirited, she immediately took to her.
"Great. Doesn't make me feel like I have come from a galaxy far away and look like an alien"- Caroline said.
Klaus now apologized for interrupting, but he had to whisk Caroline away. 
They were now all asked to participated in the  first dance. Elijah now put his hand out and Y/N/E followed him to the center of the vast room. 
  My eyes adored you Though I never laid a hand on you My eyes adored you Like a million miles away From me you couldn't see How I adored you So close, so close And yet so far away  
In the background they played the videos made from the Phantom of the Opera. Y/N/E looked at Elijah as if she was seeing a ghost. He noticed it and immediately asked her if she was fine. 
"This song..."- she then said.
"What about it?"
"I don't know- but- it is so familiar."
"Are you ok?"- Elijah asked as they danced to the song.
"Yes. I guess I must have heard it the other day when Rebekah played different songs"
Flashback - ten years ago
Elena walked in her apartment and put her favourite CD with mixed songs on.
"My eyes adored you"- she sang along- thinking of Elijah and the night they spent together smiling.
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itspileofgoodthings · 6 years
The Vampire Diaries: Season 3
I talk about my favorite moments from season 3 at great length and in great detail. They mostly revolve around Damon, Stefan, and Elena.
Spoilers for the whole season!
3.05 The Reckoning
Elena is lying in a hospital bed, after serving as a human blood bag for Klaus’ hybrid plans. Damon walks in and literally carries her out of the hospital, in a dramatic yet under-stated bridal carry. 
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Of COURSE the bridal carry rescue is a favorite of mine and the first moment of season 3 to stop my heart. (Please give me all the bridal carries from now until forever.) This is one of those moments that happen fairly frequently with Damon but which still take my breath away every time and by “one of those moments” I mean those moments where you see how much he loves her expressed not in words but in practical, immediate action.
 It’s also a great scene for the contrast it draws between Vampire!Damon and Human!Damon. When he pulls out her IV and thoughtfully looks at the blood still in it, you remember that he’s a vampire and what that means and then when she says his name and his whole face softens and he says “hey”, you remember how much stronger his humanity is when he’s with her.
The follow-up scene and Elena’s choked “where were you damon?” is so important too because this is one of the first times she acknowledges how much she needs him. And at the sign of that need, of course Damon promises to never, ever leave her again because the dude has no chill. (I love him.) 
3.07 Ghost World
Elena has spent the whole episode trying to reach Stefan, who has turned off his humanity, with the help of Stefan’s old friend Lexi who has returned to Mystic Falls as a ghost. At the end of the episode when it’s clear that Stefan hasn’t broken yet, he asks Elena what she’s going to do. 
Stefan: Are you just going to stand there, waiting for me to dry out?
Elena: No, I’m going to go home, take care of my brother, be a friend to Bonnie, and everything else I have to do.
Stefan: That’s good for you. I was wondering when you were going to give up. Lexi gave you enough of a glimpse into your tragic future. 
Elena: I haven’t given up Stefan, I still have hope. But there’s nothing that I can do until you get yours back. Hey, you can break through this. Fight for it, feel something, anything Stefan! Because if you don’t you’re going to lose me forever. I won’t love a ghost for the rest of my life.
This is my favorite Stefan/Elena scene of the whole show so far, HANDS DOWN. It captures the incredibly important essentials of both Stefan and Elena- the qualities that make me love both of them. Underneath everything- his stoicism, his discipline, even his goodness- Stefan is so afraid. He’s so afraid of losing everything and his self-loathing runs so deep that he can’t truly believe in or understand redemption. I love the way he mistakes Elena’s directness and practicality for giving up and I love the way that she sets him straight that this isn’t what it is. There are no limits on unconditional love, but there are times when walking away and setting boundaries is the best way of showing that love and of protecting yourself and your own emotional resources. 
Elena does that so beautifully here. She walks away without letting him believe he’s been abandoned. She puts the onus of his redemption back where it belongs- on Stefan, while reminding him that she still has hope and so should he. And it is the best thing she could have done to truly help him.
3.08 Ordinary People
Damon has climbed into Elena’s bed to talk to her about the problem of a still inhuman Stefan and, after trying briefly and not very hard to get him out, Elena just gets in with him. Then they talk. (This is their entire dynamic in microcosm.) 
Elena: I’m not mad at you for letting Stefan out, Damon. In the end I think you’ll be the one to save him from himself. It won’t be because he loves me. It’ll be because he loves you. 
I love that Elena understands that in this case their brother bond is more important for Stefan than her romantic love. And her expression of that is another example of what she does best- see the best in people and so make it easier for them to live up to that bECAUSE she believes in them. It also sums up the way that Elena heals wounds without even trying to. The final scene in 2.22 was Elena telling Damon that she could need and love him without that being romantic, that he was worth it, that he mattered. And she does that again here, but this time it isn’t about her. She reminds Damon, again, that this isn’t one-sided, that Stefan needs Damon as much as Damon needs Stefan, that Damon’s life and presence and help is necessary and important- sometimes even the most important.
I also love the absolute faith and trust in Elena’s “Can I tell you the rest tomorrow?” and how clearly comfortable and safe she is with him. And the softness of Damon’s “Sure”. It’s a beautiful scene.
3.09 Homecoming
Klaus has once again slipped through their grasp, and with him Stefan. Damon loses his temper and Elena reaches for his face to calm him down.
Elena: We’ll survive this- we always survive. Trust me.
Damon: We’re never getting Stefan back, you know that, don’t you?
Elena: Then we’ll let him go. We’ll have to let him go.
This is a carry-over theme from the Stefan/Elena scene in Ghost World. Elena demonstrates that she understands that at some point, no matter how unconditional your love or your belief or your hope that things will be better, you have to let a person go. It’s something she understands surprisingly well naturally speaking and something that Damon doesn’t, but he’s learning. He’s learning, very slowly, how to let go: first of Katherine as the love of life, then of Elena as his romantic interest, and now of Stefan. And all of that is because of her.
(And of course Damon melts at her touch. GAH. These two.)
3.10 The New Deal
Damon has just helped Elena wipe Jeremy’s memories so he can move to Denver and start a new life (hopefully) without danger from vampires or the supernatural in general. Elena is full of doubts and worries over whether she did the right thing, over whether Jeremy will ever forgive her if he finds out etc. and she confesses them all to Damon. 
Elena: I just can’t stop thinking about what happened the last time I asked you to compel him. 
Damon: He found out and he got over it. Again, not dead Elena.
This is a surprisingly Married™ moment between them.
Damon’s response to Elena’s worries is characteristically harsh, but it is less brutal and more comforting than it first seems. It’s also true. Underneath the seeming inconsideration, there’s a lot of hope and a solid understanding of forgiveness and redemption and how necessary they both are in an imperfect world. He doesn’t rail against the limitations of their choices, he accepts the hand they’ve been dealt. Elena needs that lightness that is almost light-heartedness desperately. She needs a little more acceptance of the brokenness of reality, of the fact that she can’t always make perfect choices that never hurt people. She’s too sincere and too idealistic and too earnest to ever be able to come to that understanding on her own, but considering the impossible choices she has to face every day she needs to. And Damon helps her do that. 
I love the kiss too, and the “wanting what I want” and the way in which Damon struggles between feeling guilty and feeling that fighting for what he wants is fair. (also !! I mean!!! the kiss!!!) But it’s the earlier contrast of the way that they both deal with difficult choices that I really love.
3.13 Bringing Out the Dead
Stefan: I love her Damon. 
Damon: So do I.
Gosh, this is one of my favorite moments of the whole show. I don’t remember all the details of this episode- there is some kind of Klaus treaty going on I think- but a theme of this episode is that human!Stefan is coming back very, very slowly. And this admission to Damon is the biggest reminder that his humanity is still there. It’s a beautiful confession of love- Paul Wesley is SO GOOD at delivering important lines in a way that’s understated but where you can clearly see the wells of feelings underneath. After everything he’s done, watching him say aloud that he loves her is almost shocking and so extra thrilling to watch. It’s not shocking, it is the premise of the show but this confession of love feels so satisfying because Stefan has been acting like a villain for a while and it’s fun to watch villains admit they love people.
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But I say it’s one of my favorite moments of the whole show because Stefan’s powerful statement of love is answered by Damon’s. So do I. It’s almost snarky, delivered in a way which is so different from Stefan but which, underneath the slightly dramatic edge and flair, is no less sincere.
That’s the tension and the appeal and the beauty of the whole show! They both love her. It would be easier for both of them if one of them didn’t- so much easier! Stefan knows it would be so much easier, obviously, and even Damon gets that. But that’s the point: this isn’t an easy path. Stefan’s declaration of love doesn’t get to stand alone in proud isolation- the one truth amidst a sea of lies. He doesn’t get to be the one human man who chooses to love, surrounded by monsters who only care about themselves. He doesn’t get that satisfaction of contrast, that emotional and moral high ground, and neither do we! He’s not alone, Damon is RIGHT THERE TOO, right next to him, loving her too. That is so beautiful and so true and so right and it’s WHY this show works- because it’s not about pretending only one kind of person is good or one kind of love is real. 
And the love they both share for her is the key to binding them back together so that they can love each other again, better and more fully. And that’s incredible.
3.14 Dangerous Liaisons
Elena walks into the ball wearing that dress. Damon temporarily forgets how to breathe. Elena enters the ball with one Salvatore on each arm. All of it is amazing. (I’m glad this show doesn’t believe itself to be above fancy balls.)
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3.15 All My Children
Stefan: You’re not fooling anyone either. You still love her, Damon.
Damon: I do. And I thought I could win her from you fair and square but she didn’t want me. It’s for the best. I’m better at being the bad guy anyway.
This is the natural successor of the scene from Bringing Out the Dead. But this time it’s Damon modeling how to be the loser in the battle for her hand. He does it with grace and honor, and a self-protective touch of bravado and deflection. It’s a beautiful to see him accept that Elena doesn’t want him- even if we know that rejection isn’t permanent at all. And his “better at being the bad guy line” doesn’t signal that he’s going to spiral down a destructive path again so much as it echoes what he said in season 2 about being the one willing to make the tough choices to protect Elena, the one who will gladly let himself be hated by her if it means keeping her safe. That kind of ruthlessness is still dark- Damon is still not a full child of the light yet- but it’s beautiful and I love it so much.
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3.16 1912
Elena is discussing her love triangle woes with Matt. Matt, totally understandably, asks what her deal with the Salvatore boys is anyway. After explaining why she loves Stefan, she talks about what she feels for Damon.
Elena: Damon just sort of snuck up on me. He got under my skin and no matter what I do, I can’t shake him.
Matt: Once you fall in love with somebody I don’t know if you can ever shake ‘em.
Elena finally admits she’s in love with Damon, even if she doesn’t know that that is what she’s doing until Matt’s comment. (Her face after his last line is everything.) It’s the BEST admission because it’s colored with Elena’s trademark exhaustion. All defenses have been stripped away and we’re left only with honesty and defeat. It also is one of the times when the reasons I personally believe Elena falls for Damon and the show’s ascribed reasons align. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that I disagree with the show’s belief that Damon’s Bad Boy Appeal and sexual tension alone explain Elena’s draw to him. It’s not that that has nothing to do with it (if Elena weren’t attracted to him in spite of herself there wouldn’t be a problem or a love triangle). It’s just not everything. 
Elena IS fundamentally frustrated with Damon as a person, but it’s not just because of sexual tension. The best version of Damon still challenges and frustrates Elena because everything he does is the opposite of what Elena would do. They are made to clash. But, and this is the important distinction and the thing that keeps this from being a ship that is just about conflict or drama, they are not fundamentally incompatible. Underneath their clashing, their hearts know and love each other and do agree on what really matters- family, love, protecting the people they care about. If they’re ever together romantically, they will fight, they will disagree, but more importantly they will push each other to grow. Elena’s sincere compassion will push Damon to love more generously and more hopefully; Damon’s bluntness and solid understanding of how broken the world is will ground her idealism in reality. He will keep coming up against the expanses of her compassion and will be CHANGED by it; she will keep coming up against the single-mindedness and ruthlessness of his love for her and be changed by it, too. His cynicism will ask that her hope be more realistic, not less and so her hope will deepen as it stretches; her hope will ask that his cynicism break and crumble enough to accept that good things are real too, not just bad things. Between them, they will have a beautiful, balanced, rewarding dynamic but it won’t be perfect and it will require everything of both of them. 
I love that in the safety of her own kitchen with her best friend she can acknowledge both the beauty and exhaustion of the fact that she can’t shake him, that at the end of the day she knows she’s his and he’s hers. Even if she’s not ready for everything that will mean.
In the Salvatore storyline of this ep, Damon has been telling Stefan that if he quits human blood cold-turkey he’ll fall back into his ripper ways, that he needs to learn to control his urge for blood not repress it. At the end of the episode, Stefan tries to say that he doesn’t want Damon’s help and Damon refuses to hear it and tells him that he’s going to help him now because he turned his back on him once.
Damon: Whenever you go too far, I will be there to pull you back, every second of every day ‘til you don’t need me. 
Stefan: Why?
Damon: Because right now you’re all I got.
I- yeah I don’t even have words for how much I love this. There are so many beautiful things about this moment, about this level of GROWTH, about the way that Stefan and Damon have grown back together in part because of Elena and her influence, in part because the choices they have made on their own. Damon never shows love sentimentally and yet, for all his surface-level toughness, never brutally. Stefan begins to accept that he too can be saved and helped, that he doesn’t have to be the white knight or the lost villain, that he can live in between and receive love anyway.
(I can’t believe love is real and actually exists.
 K BYE.)
3.18 The Murder of One
This episode is about trying to kill one of the Originals because if one dies they all die- due to magic etc. Rebecca has taken Damon; Stefan and everyone else are splitting up to try to take down one of the Originals. Elena wants to save Damon, Stefan wants to stay on task. They argue about it.
Stefan: See an original, kill an original. We need to stay on plan.
Elena: Yeah that was the plan before Damon’s life was hanging in the balance.
Stefan: If my brother knew that we were even talking about missing a chance to kill an original he would lose his mind.
Elena: And if the roles were reversed he would stop everything to save you.
Stefan: I know what my brother would want.
Elena: What he would want and what we should do are two different things.
This is an amazing scene and exchange, and not just because I thoroughly enjoy it when Stefan and Elena argue. I do and bonus points if it’s over Damon but that’s not just why. The scene is great because it really captures one of the major themes of the show. Is loving someone the same thing as doing what they want? How do you prioritize people’s safety when so many are at risk? There are no perfect answers to these questions; watching the characters struggle with this over and over is really great.
3.19 Heart of Darkness
This is a very delena-heavy episode obviously, as the whole POINT of it is Elena trying to understand what she feels for Damon, but my favorite moment is when Damon figures out why Elena came with him on this trip.
Damon: I guess you thought this little trip could help you figure that out, didn’t you? Or maybe you’re hoping I’ll screw it up so I could just make the decision for you, am I wrong? Am I wrong?
Elena: It’s what you do Damon! You sabotage things. Think about it. Every time there’s a bump in the road, you lash out.
Damon: What if I didn’t? What if there was no bump? I’m sorry Elena. But this time I’m not going to make it so easy for you. This time you’ll have to figure it out for yourself.
It’s a strangely beautiful moment, and so important in this slow-burn redemption arc, because we see Damon come face to face with at least one consequence of his destructive behavior that he cares about- losing Elena. In the first two seasons, when Elena was very solidly with Stefan, Damon had no hope of being with her and so no reason to care about how his destructive spirals helped or hurt his relationship with her. But now there’s a chance that he could be with her, so now he has something to gain or lose by his behavior. And he has to decide what he’s going to do about it. Chin-up, with a hint of spite, but mostly with more hope than he’s had in ages, he makes a decision within himself to be better. You could argue it’s a selfish decision, made out of fear that otherwise he’ll lose her forever, and that’s true but seeing the connection between your own actions and how they affect others and even seeing that doing the right thing results in a better chance of achieving personal happiness than doing the wrong thing is a necessary first step in any redemption. 
What if I didn’t screw it up? Damon asks with the most breathless hope in his eyes. What indeed, Damon.
(Bonus: Rose shipping delena from the backseat and explaining it to a clueless Jeremy.)
3.21 Before Sunset
After a long episode of trying to save herself and the people she loves from a raging Vampire!Alaric, Elena acknowledges the elephant in the room to Damon and Salvatore: that they both love her and at some point she needs to choose between them. At the moment, though, she’s not ready to do that.
Elena: I know it’s selfish. I know that it seems like i’m stringing you both along but I, I don’t know what i’m supposed to do. If I choose one of you, then I lose the other. And I’ve lost so many people I just- I just can’t bear the thought of losing one of you.
This is the heart of why the love triangle works- because Elena cares so much that she doesn’t want to hurt anyone, because she acknowledges that refusing to choose is selfish, because considering her selfishness in context- she keeps losing everyone and she can’t bear anymore losses- it’s no longer even selfishness, just something deeply understandable and moving. I love the sincerity of her delivery too. 
What I also love just as much though is the way in which Damon and Stefan react to such open sincerity. They’re both clearly uncomfortable, they’re almost squirming?? Damon nudges Stefan to say something and Stefan replies- stiff and stiltedly while not quite meeting Elena’s eyes- “It’s been a long day. You should get some rest.” It’s just so funny and real???? Of course it’s going to be awkward!! As much as they’re working towards loving each other and accepting each other as rivals without hating each other, as gloriously important and beautiful as that is, a three-way discussion of the fact that both of them want to be with her is always going to make them squirm. It’s amazing. I love it.
3.22 The Departed
After the way the whole season and especially the second half of it ramped up the tension and drama of Elena’s choice, I was obviously expecting the final episode to contain a choice. I was not surprised by the fact that it was Stefan. What I WAS surprised by was how much I loved the way that Elena made that choice and the way Damon took it.
Elena calls Damon, who is possibly about to die because of magic etc., to tell him goodbye. When Damon asks her who she would have chosen if they weren’t all about to die (magic, vampires etc.), Elena tells him that it would have been Stefan.
Elena: I love him, Damon. He came into my life at a time when I needed someone and I fell for him instantly. And no matter what I feel for you, I never unfell for him.
Damon: Hey I get it. It’s Stefan. It’s always going to be Stefan.
Elena: I can’t think about always. All I can think about is right now, and I care about you Damon. Which is why I have to let you go.
Elena: I mean maybe if you and I had met first.
Damon: Yeah maybe.
Elena: You’re going to be fine, okay. Do you hear me? You’re going to be fine and I’m going to see you again real soon?
Damon: Real soon. Goodbye Elena.
While I am clearly Team Damon, I loved that she chose Stefan. It makes sense that Elena’s loyal heart isn’t ready to let go of Stefan and she’s right that she never had time to get over him because he was ripped away from her without her consent. And it’s beautiful to see how gently Damon accepts it, repeating the exact words which once stung him so bitterly. This is the second time he has ended a season accepting those words and the fact that he’s able to do it this time after he has come so much closer to getting what he really wants is so beautiful and a testament to how much he has grown. It’s also really beautiful, and the Exact Opposite of Subtle but in a great way, that in response to his words Elena says “I can’t think about always.” She’s no longer at the place of being so certain that There Is No One For Her But Stefan and she conveys that to Damon without giving him any false hope.
What I love the most about it, though, is how clearly Elena’s love for Damon shines through. It goes beyond just compassion or concern. I would say she doesn’t just care about him, she loves him. And the way she tells him stings so much less than it could have because of just how much she loves him. And because she is- totally understandably- not ready or able to be with him romantically, she does the next best thing she can. She lets him go. And that’s so brave and beautiful.
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Bonus: favorite lines
(courtesy of Damon because of course)
Have I told you lately how much I appreciate you NOT being the dumbest brother on earth? (3.22)
Our life is one, big, proverbial coin toss. (3.22)
You know how these things pan out, Stefan . She’ll probably make a list of pros and cons and at the end of the day dump both of our asses. (3.21)
A Random Observation
I watched Alaric’s death scene completely dry-eyed and unconcerned because for some reason I was convinced he was definitely IN season 4. This is the potential pit-fall of a show that is about the supernatural and isn’t SUPER strict about the rules of it all the time. I love Alaric; had I known it was real I would have cried. 
Songs I Really Loved:
Holding On and Letting Go, Ross Copperman
Be Still, The Fray
Torch Song, Shady Bard
A Drop in the Ocean, Ron Pope
Overall themes: 
This is a really good season!! I love the way it expanded and rebuilt Stefan and Damon’s relationship so that it was even stronger. Instead of using the love triangle to break them apart, the show uses it to bind them together. They became closer, they love each other more now. I love the slow growth on Elena’s part from unconditional and caring love for Damon to romantic love + attraction for him, even if she’s still not ready to be with him. It’s handled very realistically- with the romance growing out of the trust and unconditional love that was already there. And I love the handling of the love triangle and the way that, IN SPITE OF EVERYTHING THAT IS ANNOYING ABOUT LOVE TRIANGLES, it mostly manages to not be annoying. There is too much love in it between all of them for it to be annoying. And that’s why I’m here, you know?
I’m so, so excited for season 4. Thanks for reading everyone!
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1.21 Isobel, part 1
95% of this episode is Damon and/or Elena doing something in the foreground, while Stefan looks increasingly concerned in the background. It’s the best utilization of his character we’ve seen in a while, and I love it.
Isobel briefly pretends to be a person at the bar, telling Rick he looks good and asking about being a high school teacher, but when he presses for something more substantially like a person, she just says, “I don’t have any reasons that are going to comfort you, I don’t have any explanations that are going to satisfy you.  I wanted this.  You were supposed to mourn me and move on.”  “You were my wife,” says Rick, “how was I not supposed to search for you?” “Because I wasn’t lost, Rick,” she tells him.  Then, with a very creepy smile, she tells him she wants to meet Elena, and that he’s going to set it up.  “Screw you, you selfish bitch,” says Rick.  But then she grabs him by the throat and threatens to go on a killing spree, starting with his history students.
Elena is puttering around her room, on the phone, explaining that she has to help build the Miss Mystic parade float for the Founders Day parade or risk Caroline’s wrath.  “But I wanted to check in first,” she wraps up.  “Oh,” says Damon, “well, I’m doing great, thanks for asking.”  “Check in on Stefan,” Elena says, voice teasing-light.  “Oh, him?” says Damon, “Ugh, he’s…he’s terrible.”  “What’s the matter?” says Elena, visibly going into crisis mode.  “He’s just back to boring, straitlaced, off the junk,” Damon complains, “you’ve successfully cured him of anything that was interesting about his personality.” “Don’t forget who helped me,” Elena sing-songs.  “I hate myself,” says Damon, but he’s smiling.
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He asks her about John, neither of them know what he’s up to so Damon tells her to find out.  “Have fun with the Mystic Queen, I know I did,” he says.  Elena hangs up on him.  Stefan wanders in from the shower, looking incredibly bewildered.
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“Elena called,” Damon tells him, and tosses his phone back.  This is a PERFECTLY executed scene!!  It fooled me into thinking that Elena was talking to Stefan, and THEN fooled me into thinking that Elena purposely called Damon to check in on how Stefan was doing! It isn’t until the last second that it’s clear Damon heard Stefan’s phone ring, and then dove into Stefan’s bed to answer it, because he missed his favorite roommate.  And then Elena actually talked to him about Stefan anyway, because she probably missed him too!!  And they have a rapport!  And a routine where they talk about how Stefan is doing!  I love this era of the show so fucking much.   
Apparently involvement in the parade is mandatory for high school students, because everyone’s in the gym, stressing about it. Caroline and Bonnie discuss themes for the Miss Mystic float, and then Caroline complains that everyone in her friend group is fighting.  That’s how she says it: “You and Elena are fighting.”  But even though all season she’s been struggling to get out of Elena’s shadow, and could very well take advantage of this opportunity to cement her position as the most important person in Bonnie’s life, she doesn’t even seem to consider it: “I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”  I love Caroline.  
Elena does show up to help, but Alaric immediately grabs her and Stefan and pulls them into his classroom.  He calls Damon as well, who shows up and says like he’s been waiting for the opportunity, “Sorry I’m late, a dog ate my…never mind.” He takes a look around.  “What’s with all the furrowed brows?”  “I saw Isobel last night,” Alaric tells him. “Isobel’s here? In town?” Damon asks. And then he makes really intense eye contact with Elena.
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Damon tries to get a handle on what’s going on, but Alaric didn’t ask nearly enough questions, having been a little too distracted by his dead vampire wife.  “What’s she want?” Damon finally asks.  “She wants to see me, Damon,” Elena says.
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Stefan, probably feeling extraneous, puts in that she wants Alaric to set a meet.  Damon ignores him, tells Elena intently, “You don’t have to see her if you don’t want to.” “I don’t really have a choice,” Elena answers.  “She’s threatening to go on a killing spree,” Alaric explains.  “Oh,” says Damon. “I take it that’s not okay with you guys?”  “I wanna do it,” Elena says bravely, “I wanna meet her.  If I don’t, I know I’ll regret it.”  Damon looks at her, absolutely brimming with love and respect.
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Stefan is in the background, being uncomfortable with the way this is going.
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Uncle John makes a visit to Isobel’s lair, dressed like either less of a tool or more of one than usual, I can’t decide.  She has scantily dressed compelled humans she picked up in various places across the country, to whom she is teaching French. John does not approve of her lifestyle, but they have a mutual goal.
Elena waits for Isobel at the Grill; Stefan is across the room (in the background) playing pool.  She asks if he can hear her, he nods, she tells him she’s nervous and then that she loves him.
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It’s pretty precious, actually.  Isobel arrives and has a very unproductive conversation with Elena, in which she’s vague about Katherine, tight-lipped about Elena’s father, and says that human life means nothing to her, “just part of being what I am”.  Elena decides this is the hill she wants to die on, says, “No, it’s not. I know other vampires, that’s not true.”  “You mean your boyfriend over by the pool table?  Stefan Salvatore,” Isobel says. “Why Stefan?  Why didn’t you go for Damon?  Or do you enjoy them both, like Katherine did?”  Elena is scandalized.  Stefan is in the background, being uncomfortable.
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Damon and Alaric are also uncomfortable, but across the street.  “We should be in there,” Damon says, adorably concerned.  Alaric reminds him that Isobel wanted them nowhere near the meeting, and tells Damon he can’t go in and kill her in a crowded restaurant.  “She ruined your life and you still wanna protect her,” Damon says.  “She’s my wife,” Alaric says, before amending, “…was, was my wife.”  The woman he married is gone, Isobel now is cold and detached.  “Yeah,” Damon says, “that’s cause she’s given up her humanity.”  “See, I don’t get that,” Rick complains, “Stefan has his humanity, he’s a good guy. Hell, you’re a dick and you kill people, but I still see something human in you. But with her…there was nothing.”  Damon looks over at him, seems to realize this is really bothering him, and explains, “You can turn it off.  It’s like a button you can press.  I mean, with Stefan it’s different, he wants the whole human experience, he wants to feel every episode of How I Met Your Mother, so he shuts his feelings out, but the problem is as a vampire your instinct is not to feel. Isobel chose the easier road.  No guilt, no shame, no regret.  Come on, if you could turn it off, wouldn’t you?” 
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“You haven’t,” says Rick.  Damon scoffs. “Course I have, Rick, it’s why I’m so fun to be around.”
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Isobel tells Elena that her forever with Stefan won’t last very long when she’s human, and that she wants the Gilbert device; Elena expresses doubt about her ability to get it from Damon.  Isobel is threatening, and leaves.  Bonnie walks into the grill and sees Elena sitting by herself and crying, and looks like she’s about to go over, but then Stefan wanders up and Bonnie walks away.
John tries to subtly tell Jeremy that he’s here for all his in-the-know-about-vampire needs.  Jeremy doesn’t listen; he’s trying to get Anna to answer his calls and it is abundantly clear John is not the person to go to for advice on how to successfully talk to women.
Isobel comes home to find Damon playing strip poker with one of her compelled humans, making quips about hoping he’s wearing his good underwear.  
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Is that screencap gratuitous?  Pretty much.  Am I ashamed?  Not enough not to post it.  “I was just having fun with your naughty little minion,” he tells Isobel.  When asked what he’s doing there, he reminds her that he’s the one who taught her how to find fancy foreclosed houses to hang out in, then says he’s hurt she blew into town and saw everyone but him. She grabs a handful of his hair and asks if he has the device, and when he asks what she wants with it, says she’s only doing what she’s told.  “You know, Damon, we’re on the same side,” Isobel says.  “Oh yeah, what side is that?” Damon asks.  
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She answers, “Katherine’s.”
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Here it is, there is a connection, he wasn’t left entirely out in the cold – everything he’s been ostensibly longing for is the truth – so why doesn’t he look happier?  
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He pushes Isobel away, asks,“Why are you doing her dirty work?” “Don’t kill the messenger,” she says, “we both know you can’t control Katherine; she does what she wants.”  “And so do I,” Damon says, half-desperately.  “Oh really, Damon, do you?”  She takes a swing at him, which he catches, which turns into making out, which turns into Damon slamming her into the ground by her throat.  “Now that I have your attention, listen up,” he says. “You do not come into my town, threaten people I care about.  Going after Elena?  Bad move.  You leave her alone or I will rip you to shreds, because I do believe in killing the messenger, you know why?  Because it sends a message.”  He slams her head into the ground, says, “Katherine wants something from me? You tell the little bitch to come get it herself.” 
Four things about this scene: 1) I love that Damon clearly decided that strip poker was the way to lull Isobel into a false sense of security.  It’s so stupid and so him.  2) Isobel is such an awful vampire.  She’s gotta know that Damon is basically a century and a half older than her, so why does she think threatening him and picking a fight is going to work?  As soon as she saw him in the house, she should have run…which means the strip poker worked, didn’t it?  Damn it.  3) I don’t love “bitch” as a word, but notice the show is paralleling Alaric and Damon again, Rick’s “screw you, you selfish bitch” and Damon’s “tell the little bitch to come get it herself”.  Their women came back for them, but they’re not accepting half-measures and empty gestures anymore. And 4) did Elena not communicate with Damon about what Isobel wants, or is Damon just really bad at negotiating?  If he was in the know and being smart about it, his play should have been to pretend he couldn’t give less of a shit about Elena, because Isobel’s whole plan depends on him agreeing to help Elena.  Instead, he shows up in Isobel’s house and basically yells, “The girl you’re using to get the Gilbert device from me is the only thing I care about in this world! If you were wondering what my weakness was, this is it!!!!”  Idiot. I love him.
Bonnie shows up at the Gilbert house to apologize to Elena about walking away from her at the restaurant.  “That’s not me, that can’t be us.  You’re my friend, Elena, if you need me I’m here for you, and I’m sorry I couldn’t show you that yesterday.”  They hug, Elena cries.  
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Bonnie tells Elena that the Gilbert device is a weapon against vampires.
Jeremy tracks down Elena at the fairgrounds to ask if she has any idea where Anna could be.  Elena says she doesn’t.  “Are you lying to me right now?” Jeremy asks.  “Why would you say that?” Elena says.  “Because that’s what you do, Elena, you lie, you lie about everything. I know what Anna is, and I know that you know.  So tell me.” Elena repeats shakily that she doesn’t know where Anna is, and tries to get Jeremy to talk to her, but he walks away and she’s interrupted by Isobel.  Isobel correctly identifies all of Elena’s friends and family in the crowd, and to let her know how easy it would be for her to get to them, she has one of her minions drop a trailer on Matt.  At Caroline’s instruction, Tyler drives him to the hospital.  “I told you, Damon’s not going to give it to me!” Elena tells Isobel desperately.  “And I think you underestimate how much Damon cares about you,” Isobel says.  “He’ll kill you before he gives it up,” Elena says. “Is that before or after I kill your brother Jeremy?” Isobel asks.  Elena spins around; Jeremy is gone, and then, so is Isobel.
part two!
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samcarter34 · 7 years
Elijah and Marcel, Victims of Narrative
This is a thing that I wrote a while back that I’m moving here. I’m putting it under a cut because it’s kinda long.
Part 1: Where the fuck is Elijah and who is this fuckboy?
Sometimes it's genuinely hard for me to remember that the Mikaelsons on TO aren't the Originals on TVD. Their characterizations are so completely different. 
Ready? Because this is going to blow your mind...Elijah isn't a Niklaus sycophant. He's not obsessed with Niklaus' redemption, hell for most of his life, the idea of it was laughable.
Doesn't that just fly in the face of everything TO is trying to put forward as narrative?
Now, let's begin with the false notion that Niklaus is the most important person in Elijah's life, to the detriment of his other siblings.
To begin with; we look to season 2, when Elijah first appeared. The mysterious Original, with an even more mysterious purpose. Originally, it was presumed that he was working for this boogeyman figure 'Klaus', however, we later find out that not only is he not, he wants to murder the other Original. Why? Because Niklaus killed his siblings and dumped their bodies into the ocean. That to Elijah was unforgivable, and he was going to do it. Bonnie had reduced to NIklaus to something killable, and Elijah had his fist in his treacherous little brother's chest. Only the realization that Niklaus had lied and his siblings were safe saved Niklaus from dying that night.
Then we jump to season 3, where Elijah has been freed by Damon under the assumption that Elijah will turn on Niklaus for daggering him. An assumption that of course, proves correct. But not before we see two very important scenes. The first is when Niklaus proclaims Mikael's death, and Elijah's immediate reaction is to ask why their siblings remain daggered. This right here explains everything we needed to know about the daggering. Elijah hated it, but there was the assumption that it would end at some point, with Mikael's death, which was indeed Niklaus' original intent. Second is when Niklaus reinsterts the dagger into Kol. Elijah is pissed. He hates the fact that Kol's being daggered and he can't do anything to stop it. Until he can, and the moment Elijah has the ability to free his siblings, he does so.
All of them. Rebekah. Kol. Finn. Elijah makes no excuses for keeping one of them locked up, no reasoning not to. After all this time he can finally free his family and he does not hesitate. Furthermore, he makes it very clear he knows exactly who to blame. "I'm learning not to trust your vulgar promises Niklaus," Is what he says. No reference to Mikael or Esther, nor sob story. It's just 'NIklaus you did this, I'm ending it, prepare to hurt.'
And then he decides to leave Niklaus behind. Him, Rebekah, Kol, Finn, they were all going to leave. They were going to find the coffin containing the mysterious weapon and use it as leverage against their tyrannical brother if he dared to cross them. Elijah had no qualms about this, he didn't even so much as speak up when Rebekah announced her intent to murder Elena and leave Niklaus without even his hybrids to fall back on. It was only the return of their mother that stayed their hand. She came back, and they all thought that perhaps they could have a chance, truly wipe the slate clean.
Except Elijah didn't believe it. His exact words were that he found it difficult to believe Esther could forgive Niklaus "After all he's done to destory this family." No reference to Mikael, no sob story about Niklaus losing his way. Again, Niklaus did this, Elijah acknowledges it, and is surprised that the logical consequences did not follow.
Until they did. Esther didn't return to give a new beginning to them, but to bring about their end. Their own mother condemned them as monsters, monsters that had to die. And then, at the end of the episode, Elijah said the words that should have formed the bedrock of TO "Mother made us vampires, but she didn't make us monsters. We did that to ourselves."
That applies to all of them. They made themselves what they are, not Mikael, not Esther. Them.
Then we saw Elijah at the end of season 3, where he made a deal: Hand over the coffin containing Niklaus' dessicated body, and the Originals will scatter to the corners of the Earth. Alaric will follow after them, but he'll never catch them. Elena can grow old and die a natural death, and Niklaus will not be released until generations later, when the Gilbert named is lost to time. Elijah intended to keep Niklaus dessicated for at least a century, or likely even longer.
Hell, even in season 4, the season where the actual Originals started getting destroyed in favour of their TO counterparts, Elijah still showed up long enough to deny the cure to Niklaus.
Why? Because Niklaus is not and has never been Elijah's priority. Elijah's top priority has always been and will always be the family as a whole. When Niklaus screwed up and got himself trapped or hexed or whatever, Elijah had no problem with leaving up laying the bed he made, not if it meant the safety of the family as a whole. That's why he was able to convince himself not to rip Niklaus apart centuries ago when his siblings got daggered, because he was convinced that it was for the safety of the family as a whole.
There was none of this 'redemption' bullshit, or obsession with Niklaus. He took on the role of protector to his siblings, and that's what he dedicated himself to. That was his nobility. Elijah is a vampire, a thousand year old vampire. The worldview he has is completely alien to us, what consitutes good and evil to him doesn’t match up to the human perspective. The only time that was ever really questioned was when Esther called him out on it.
That is Elijah, and that's why fuckboy is a gigantic insult to the character, because he is everything Elijah wasn't. Elijah was content to leave one in a bad way to save all, fuckboy will leave all to suffer in favour of this isane and inane 'redemption' idea. Elijah was cold, lethal and efficient. Fuckboy is a dumbass. Elijah was attracted to sentiments of nobility that he himself strived to, fuckboy has only physical attraction to someone who has none of those qualities.
So, quite simply. Elijah isn't on TO, Elijah's never been on TO, it's always been fuckboy. A horrible misinterpretting of what was a great character.
Part 2: Marcel the victim
Someone once asked a question, something to the effect of 'can't Marcel ever win.' And the answer is, quite simply; no.
He can't, he never will. Marcel is, in the eyes of the narrative, completely worthless.
Think about it, the entire premise of this show is that somehow miracle baby will redeem Niklaus. That he will change because of his child. This-which flies in the face of the fact that horrible people do not suddenly become better because a baby gets thrown into the mix-is the entire point of the show. One that it has never been able to go beyond. However, there was one great flaw in that plan; they'd already created a child for Niklaus. The nameless slave that eventually became Marcel Gerard. How then could they possible say that Hope could change Niklaus for the better when he already had a child and it did nothing for him? The answer they chose? Undermine and undervalue Marcel. We've seen it since the beginning. He was never treated like someone raised by the Mikaelsons for over a hundred years. Hell, even his relationship with Rebekah just screams of separation. They develop romantic feelings because there are no familial ones.
Because Marcel wasn't good enough, he didn't change Niklaus, and because of that, the narrative will forever punish him for it. We've known it for seasons, but finally, they just plain spelled it out.
Marcel: Come to gloat?
[Fuckboy]: Five years ago I was forced to make a decision. Take your life, or lose everything.
Marcel: Yeah, I know. I was there.
[Fuckboy]: Niklaus was faced with a similar decision today, and here you are.
Marcel: And here I am. Excuse me if I don’t express my gratitude.
[Fuckboy]: He’s changing.
Marcel: Oh really? He put me in the same place that I kept him. That’s revenge. So, same old Klaus.
[Fuckboy]: Well, I would say that he would describe this as strategy. But you and I, we both know he’s always regarded you as something of a son. So did I once upon a time. In fact, I used to believe that you were the key to my brother’s redemption.
Marcel: Redemption? He’s never gonna change, not even for his own daughter.
[Fuckboy]: Oh, he already has. She has changed him. You Marcellus, you are not needed, welcomed, or wanted. You have only been spared purely because you are my brother’s greatest weakness. And I cannot show mercy towards anyone who would demonstrate threat towards this family. And if indeed you should prevent the redemption, of the cruel, the wicked, the vindictive Niklaus Mikaelson, I promise you, I will deliver another kind of nightmare.
Look at that statement, that final, horrible, disgusting paragraph. Hope changed him, he's becoming 'better' for her, and Marcel's not wanted because he failed to change Niklaus. That might as well have been Narducci standing there, finally giving text to the subtext that's been there from the beginning. Marcel is a failure as a child because Niklaus remained an awful person. Because in TO, it the duty of the children to 'redeem' their parents. Esther said it in season 2, and now hear we are again.
They needed to make Hope the grand deus ex machina Mary Sue, and to that end, they decided that Marcel didn't count. He wasn't a real child, so he didn't succeed. Because he didn't succeed, he's worthless.
Truly a wonderful message for anyone involved in adoption, parent or child, hmm? And there's also the fact that the black child's treated like an outsider despite all his successes while the white child is treated like a godamned Messiah just for existing.
You know what? I want Niklaus to become horrible. To be even worse than he was. He has a child now, one who will question his authority. Let him murder, pillage and burn. Let fuckboy bear witness to the reality that Elijah already knows: They are each their architects of their own monstrosity, and no child will ever change that. Let fuckboy's entire ambition burn to the fucking ground.
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zalrb · 7 years
For God sake Elena didn't lose anything with Damon . She was happy with Damon . Damon helped her in every way even Stefan said so . Elena never really loved Stefan she didn't even knew him properly she fell madly in love with Damon . You wanna ship se do but don't say Elena was puppet in de relationship . Stefan was just the chapter in her life the same way Elena was the chapter in Stefan life .
And if you want to ship DE then go ahead but stop being so willfully ignorant about your ship, anon.
I have multiple posts about the inflation of DE:
But you guys seem adamant on making me repeat myself.
“Elena never really loved Stefan”
Where is the proof of this? I mean next to the fact that she consistently declares her love for Stefan
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These declarations of love are earned by how ride or die Elena was for Stefan.
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Like you don’t face werewolves and go into vervain/snake-filled wells and run into a house full of tomb vampires and risk coming face to face with the supernatural monster trying to kill you if you don’t “really” love someone. This type of devotion is not bred from obligation, anon.
she didn’t even knew him properly
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Elena knew Stefan so implicitly that she knew he was on the other line when he didn’t even say anything:
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Elena’s emotional and spiritual knowledge of Stefan (which I speak about here: http://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/158674534265/can-you-show-examples-of-stelena-knowing-each) is unparalleled and that knowledge and that connection actually, and not DE-actually, but actually actually made Stefan a better person: 
We started this season with Stefan drinking Elena’s blood. Is that going to come back to haunt him or haunt them as he drinks more human blood?Julie Plec: Not at the moment. I think that in its own way, it was a smart choice. He’s come to terms with all his demons from last year and all the guilt that lead him down that road and Stefan’s issues with blood were psychological and emotional. And drinking small tiny amounts every day with the trust and the commitment of your one true love to build up the strength so that you never have to worry about becoming that guy, I think we want to see if we can deliver on that. (source)
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And this declaration to Rebekah (and Julie’s quote about Stefan) is earned in action and not simply dialogue. It’s earned in action because pretty much whenever Elena came face to face with Stefan’s demons, his lust for blood, his voracious vampirism, her presence, her emotional knowledge of Stefan would make it subside. It begins in 1x10 because she’s actually seeing past his vampirism, embracing it and accepting it, seeing to the man:
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which allows for this to happen:
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and that type of connection doesn’t go away because in 5x04 it’s repeated:
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And in 5x06 it’s reiterated how much Elena brings Stefan back to life:
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And in 6x16, Elena is directly related, yet again, to bringing Stefan back to his humanity, narratively, she is directly related to him being the best version of himself:
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she fell madly in love with Damon 
I guess we’re ignoring the fact that Elena literally had to die and then be emotionally entrapped by a bond that gives her the illusion of free will to make DE happen. I talk about that here: http://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/156287220175/i-really-liked-your-toxic-relationship-post-but but the highlights are these:
“The bottom line is that Elena as a human made a very, very, very clear choice that she would love Stefan always and forever,” she says. “But then her entire life turned upside down, and any feelings she originally had for Damon were still there, and of course magnified. There was always going to be a little bit of a confusion there for her — but not enough confusion for her to be over Stefan. It would take a lot to rip Elena away from loving Stefan. It would take years and seasons. We’d be eighty, if we followed the natural progression of that relationship.”
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Damon helped her in every way even Stefan said so
H O W?
I have asked this many times and no DEr has been able to give me a legitimate answer, all you guys give me is what you think happened, it’s conjecture based on unearned dialogue. I want to know what he’s actually done that has propelled Elena’s character development because from what I recall, it’s Stefan who’s the one who always helps her:
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but don’t say Elena was puppet in de relationship
Except that she is though. Because the DE relationship is inherently Damon-focused, Elena is his plot line so she actually just has to be there, it’s not about the both of them unlike SE:
Julie Plec: I can only say that it’s a show predicated on a girl coming back to life and her development of love for one brother who then, because of who she is, changes the life of the other brother and that’s our show […] (source)
Even the 6x22 goodbye scene is inherently about Damon:
“It’s our way of the characters having sex in like a beautiful way, so it made perfect sense on the road, which is symbolic of Damon’s journey as a vampire[…]”
as opposed to the SE goodbye which is inherently about Elena and their knowledge of each other:
“That’s where she admitted she never wanted to lose her humanity, she didn’t want to be a vampire, and so he found it fitting for them to revisit that environment,” Dries said.
The sire bond … Elena isn’t given any complicated feelings about the fact that she’s emotionally enslaved to someone else, all she has to do is believe that she loves him:
I think the takeaway, ultimately, is that Elena believes it so fundamentally that in that moment, it’s enough for Damon to let himself believe too.
and it’s Damon who gets the “character” exploration of struggling with something and letting himself believe it’s real or not real, they make it inherently about how Damon feels when it’s Elena that this is happening to:
And it’s gonna continue to eat at Damon for the next few episodes […] Just letting himself allow it to be real for one small moment is enough for Damon.
At least with Stefan and Elena, she’s allowed to have complicated feelings which actually enrich their relationship because she goes through a multitude of emotions:
Plec assures that this storyline will be a big deal for the Stefan/Elena relationship, especially as Elena struggles “with her desire to help rescue this person that she loved very purely and very deeply, but also learning the lesson that you can’t necessarily let yourself be consumed in your life by saving someone else’s.”
Even their first meeting is solely for the benefit of Damon:
It was us wanting to give Damon something to fight for. Ric is unbeatable, a jillion times stronger than Damon. Damon was a dead man, and Ric was relishing beating him, and Damon had nothing left to live for, having been passed over once again. It was just that slight little thing that she said to him, when she was just trying to take the sting off: “Hey, maybe if you and I had met first.” She was just trying to soften the blow. But in reality, he had this memory that gave him the will to fight back. I love that moment, where Ric’s about to drive the stake into him, and he’s like “You know what? I’m not ready to die today.”
And with SE, it’s about how they save each other:
Julie Plec: In my mind, Elena’s parents are dead. It was a human accident, and a human tragedy, and as we know, the night that Stefan pulled her out of the water and saved her life. That was kind of the beginning of their love story. (source)
She isn’t just this symbol to be reacted to.
Even when Nina talks about SE, it’s about the individualism of Elena in relation to the love of SE:
Nina: But Elena — it’s not about that for her. She cares about Stefan. And he’s important to her and she has this connection with him, but she will put her friends and her family and the safety of her town before anything else, and she’s not going to swoon over the fact that he’s a vampire and ask her to bite him right away and all that. (source)
and you see that in their relationship. She doesn’t realize she can be with Stefan until after he saves Bonnie’s life in 1x09, she doesn’t get back with Stefan in season 2 until after he sacrifices his freedom to get with Jeremy out of the tomb, they take care of the people around them together, whether it’s saving Matt or taking care of Caroline after being tortured or helping Bonnie when it comes to Emily, where is any of that with Damon? They can’t even meet Bonnie halfway in the Prison World because they’re too busy arguing about their relationship. She doesn’t know what’s going on with Jeremy because she’s too caught up sleeping with Damon, she isn’t even paying attention to the parent-teacher interviews, she doesn’t care that he killed Aaron and kidnapped Jeremy again and the show doesn’t actually explore the psychological battle of loving someone who does these terrible things, she makes one comment about bending her morals and that’s it, that fundamentally reduces her character.
In season 8, the show very rarely (if ever) talks about Elena as an individual person or about her significance to the other characters, it’s all about how if Elena was there then Damon wouldn’t go off the rails, if Elena was there she would be able to get through to Damon, I wish Elena was here so Damon wouldn’t be the way he is, there are like four times in the season when Elena is spoken about outside the context of what she can do for Damon.
It’s only when Damon is gone that Elena actually is the person she’s supposed to be because the show gives her other focuses like bringing Stefan back or bringing Bonnie back to life or setting Caroline up or getting everyone together to do shots so they can hang out, when Damon is back in the picture, the show just shackles her to him.
Stefan was just the chapter in her life the same way Elena was the chapter in Stefan life .
Except not? Their connection exists throughout the series and it’s proven repeatedly that they depend on each other and are tied to each other more than they’re tied to other people. Like Elena could break compulsion for Stefan but she couldn’t do the same for Damon.
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In season 8, Bonnie tells Stefan to find his hope and what he does right after is write to Elena:
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In the finale Elena is found sitting at the Salvatore crypt, writing about how she owes her life to Stefan:
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[and I talk about how this is different than Matt here: http://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/158520624145/elena-wrote-in-her-journal-that-she-owed-her-epic]
In season 7, Caroline talks about how she’s been waiting for the day Stefan could love her the way he loved Elena
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Not to mention the natural intimacy of SE and the romantic undertones of their scenes:
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Like their narrative, their action, seeps through everything, DE has the dialogue, we have what actually matters.
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erule · 7 years
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The surrender
Title: The surrender
Pairing: Kai x Reader
Word Count: 4.3K+  
Warnings: romantic, fluff, angst, OOC!Kai
Summary: The reader is gonna marry Kai, but someone from his past comes to make him pay his debts.  
Notes: This is the story I wrote for the Fandom Writing Challenge, my prompt was gym. This contest is such a great idea! Hope you like the fic :) This fic takes place after s6 of TVD, but some things are different.    
 She had met Kai four years ago. It was like she had been known him since forever. They shared multiple passions together, they had the same interests and the same black humour. She loved the way he used to wake her up in the middle of the night to start deep conversations, kissing her on the cheek so slowly and in a very sweet way, she felt home with him; she loved how they made up after a fight, ending everytime with her unbottoning his shirt and him pushing her closer, so close it would feel like even their skin was too much to separate them; but most of all, she loved how he made the proposal special. He had prepared the house they bought together with roses all around the living room, candles, their song played by the vinyl (Sweater Weather, by the Neighbourhood) and he was wearing a smoking. He kneeled down and he showed her the little blue box in which there was the ring. She was in tears, with her hands on her lips, astonished. Then she smiled, murmuring softly Yes.
Now, he was taking the boxes from his apartment to the new house. She was sitting on the couch, staring at the picture the camera - that he had prepared before that moment - took of them when she said that word. It was the only thing that always made her smile, no matter what.
<< Honey, would you like to help me out a little bit? >> Kai asked, entering in the house with a lot of boxes in his hands, his forehead was sweating.
She giggled, holding back a laughter.
<< Of course, honey. >>
<< Oh, come on, it was just a cute nickname for you! >> he exclaimed, leaving the boxes next to the stairs.
<< Since when you’re so cheesy? >> she asked, coming closer to him.
He grabbed her hips, pushing her against him, feeling her heartbeat racing through the chest. He grinned.
<< Since we’re getting married, darling. >> he answered, lowering his voice.
She bursted into laughing, covering her mouth with a hand. He liked so much to make her laugh like that, because her smile was brighter than the sun, behind her hand and her laughter was crystalline.
<< It’s so strange. >>
<< What? >>
<< Saying that we’re engaged. It’s weird. >> she said, while his hands were still laying on her hips.  
<< Well, get used to it, because I’m gonna tell everyone that you’re mine, from now on. >> he replied, then he kissed the tip of her nose and got back to the boxes.
<< You already are, Kai. >>
He stopped for a second, then shrugged, smiling like an idiot.
<< Yeah, I am. >>
She rolled her eyes: that guy was gonna be the end of her.
 It was late, when she felt these kind of kisses on her left cheek. It was more like lips were touching her skin very softly, she was barely aware of them. She moaned, hoping that Kai would leave her alone, because she really wanted to sleep - she had to get up early in the morning -, but he didn’t. He kept going, caressing her arm, slipping down to her hand, then he went back, like he was driving a car and he stopped on her hip, drawing circles on it. It was his way to make her know that he had to talk to her, that it was important.
She snorted.  
<< Are you going to repay me after this at least or I just have to stay up for nothing? >> she asked, her voice a bit low.
<< I’m gonna make it up to you, I promise babe, but can you just turn around and look at me now, please? >> he replied and his voice was rough, it made her shiver, but there was also a tone of concern in it. She didn’t like it.
The clock was striking: 4AM. Like always. She turned in order to look at him. He was barely illuminated by the moon. His left side was bright, but the rest was covered by the dark. He didn’t want her to notice it, but there was fear in his eyes. He couldn’t trick her, to be honest. She was the only person who really knew him.
<< Kai, what’s wrong? >> she asked in a sweet way.
He took her hand in his, brushing his lips on it, like children do. It was his way to calm down, because it made her more real and she was his anchor.
<< What if… hypothetically… there was someone looking for me? Someone from my past, that I didn’t tell you about? >> Kai asked, remembering that figure he saw while he was taking the boxes in the house. He recognized him, of course. He didn’t change in all that time.
She tried to catch his gaze, but he avoided eye contact with her. Damn, he was surely hiding something relevant! He was looking at the ring on her finger, bright under the stars’ shine.
<< You’re gonna tell me everything or you’re gonna tell me everything, there’s no in between. >> she responded.
He put a hand through his hair, breathing out the air. He needed more oxygen. She was his oxygen. He couldn’t allow himself to lose her.
<< I can’t. >> he answered closing his eyes, even if he knew that it was gonna piss her off, because she hated when he did this, but he had to keep her safe.
She slowly held back her hand from him, looking anywhere but him.
<< Then, we’ve got a problem. >>
He clenched his jaw.
<< I’m sorry. >>
She nodded, biting her bottom lip.
<< Yeah. >>
<< Don’t be mad. >>
<< Are you kidding me, Kai? >> she asked, totally angry, switching the light on. He sat on the bed immediately, as soon as she got up from it. << What the hell is happening? Who’s coming for you? >>
<< I was joking, okay? It was just a joke. >> he said, smiling, but it was a fake one and she knew it.
<< Damn Kai, I know when you’re lying. It’s not a game! What happened? >>
He thought about it, about confessing her who he was before, about the merge with his siblings, about the others letting him go for mercy, but that was his life before her. He wasn’t that person anymore. But, also, she would have looked at him with different eyes and he couldn’t let it happen.
<< Promise me you’re not gonna forget your feelings about me. >>
She gulped, her heart skipped a beat.
<< You’re scaring me. >>
<< Just promise me. Do it, please. >>
She looked at the ground, torching her hands. She moistened her lips, before talking.
<< I won’t. >>
He breathed out, relieved.
<< Come here. >>
She got back to bed, her arms around his waist and his hands caressing her hair. She didn’t feel safe, that night. There was something wrong and she had to discover what it was. But, despite everything, when she closed her eyes, listening to Kai’s heartbeat, she fell asleep almost instantly.
 She was getting dressed to go to the office, when someone knocked at the door. Kai went to open, she heard his footsteps from downstairs. She finished to put her hair in a ponytail, when Kai asked to the visitor something with low voice. She decided to investigate, so she went downstairs slowly, without being heard. A guy with dark hair was talking to him and he seemed very angry.
<< Now that I’ve found you, Bonnie’s gonna lock you up forever. >>
<< Look, I don’t want trouble. I’ve changed. I won’t come after you or Elena or Bonnie or anyone, this time. >>
<< Oh, sure as hell you won’t, because we’re gonna send you again to a prison world. >> he answered, grabbing his wrist.
<< Damon, please… don’t make me do it. >>
<< Kai? >> she called.  
He turned to face her. His eyes grew wide, frightened. The last thing he wanted was she getting hurt. And Damon would have done it. They voted, but Damon and Bonnie weren’t glad to see him leaving Mystic Falls, even if the majority of the others let him go. They were afraid he could harm somebody. He didn’t.
<< Y/N, go away! >> Kai exclaimed.
<< Who’s she? >> Damon asked, then he saw the ring. << Are you getting married? While Elena’s still in a coffin because of you? No, no, no, if I can’t have the happy ending with the woman I love, neither are you! >> Damon said, just a second before he could run onto you.
But Kai was faster and when she was about to get bitten by a vampire, he sucked some of his life from his wrist with a hand, knocking him out. She looked at him, afraid of what he could do to her too for the first time in years. He took a step to get closer to her, but she took a step back, instead. It was the moment he realized he had lost her. It hurt his heart like only a punch could do.
<< I would never, never, hurt you in any way possible. >> he said, showing his hands. A bit of electricity seemed to jump from one finger to another, because it was the first time he used magic since he got away from Mystic Falls.
The tears burned behind her eyes.
<< You already did. >>
Kai felt his heart fall from his chest to his stomach. Feelings were really the most horrible thing to handle in a human life. He tried to be human, he did, a lot, but it wasn’t him. He still liked the smell of magic, the power running through his veins, the way it made him feel. Powerful. Indistructible. Whole. Not damaged, like his father always told him. Not evil. Not fragile.
<< I’m not human, Y/N. >>
<< That was pretty clear to me. >> she replied, crossing her arms.
<< I come from a prison world in which I was put after I… >> he stopped, gulping. He couldn’t reveal all of his story to her. She would have looked at him differently. She wouldn’t recover after this. << Look, I did terrible things and my coven, the Gemini coven, kicked me out from there and they were right, but then I changed. I made ammend for my mistakes. I’m not that man anymore, you know it. >>
<< How could I be so sure of that, Kai? >> she asked and her voice was trembling.
<< I’m the same man who asked you to marry him. You loved me yesterday and you have to love me today, still. >> he answered, clutching his shirt where his heart was laying. His eyes were circled in red and he looked so tired, old. It was like he was a totally new person. A stranger. << I do. >>
<< I don’t know if it’s still like this anymore. >> she reponded and her voice cracked down.
His heart broke into millions of tiny little pieces. He could feel them so sharp, they could even cut him from the inside and make him bleed, like fragments of a glass could do with the palms of the hands. He tried to breathe, but it was like he was going under, adrift, without his anchor. He was drowning. Then, the worst thing that could happen, was now real. She took the ring from her finger and gave it to him. He shaked his head, but she grabbed his hand and put it on his palm. He clenched his fingers around the ring, biting the inner of his cheek, until he could taste the metallic sense that the blood leaves.
Damon got up. He was furious. The first thing he did was sending her across the room. She tossed, after she was thrown away against a wall. Kai got immediately angry at him, so he used magic to fling Damon onto the ceiling. Damon took a stick from a chair, hurt Kai’s leg and then went straight to her. She tried to crawl back, but her head hurt.
<< You don’t wanna do it, Damon. >> Kai threatened.
<< I want to, Kai. >>
She looked back to see if something could help her, but she didn’t know what to do. It was like her brain freezed. Could she use a pillow? A lamp? Maybe she could throw a lamp against him. She made it fall from the table, along with the photograph of the proposal. The glass of the frame broke. Kai saw it, while the last magic he had sucked from Damon, was slipping away from his hands and it hit him in the chest.
<< I surrender. >>
She looked at him, her eyes grew wide. No, he couldn’t do it! He couldn’t play the part of the surrender, just to save her!
<< You, what? >> Damon asked, turning to look at him.
<< I surrender. Just leave her alone. Please. >>
Damon grinned, raising an eyebrow.
<< Great. Now let’s go to Mystic Falls. >>
Kai gulped, standing in front of the door. Damon went away, faster than anyone could ever do. Kai was about to use some teleportation? She didn’t know, but she couldn’t let him doing it alone.
<< I’ll come with you. >> she whispered, trying to get up.
<< If I have to die, I have to do it alone. >>
A sob slipped away from her throat.
<< You know I love you, right? >>
Kai’s lips trembled, then he nodded, not able to talk.
Then, she saw him disappearing from her visual range. So she jumped from the floor, in order to reach him, running to fill the distance that tried to take them apart and finally hugged him, holding him tight, fading away with him.
 It happened just before they got together. It was raining outside and it was very late, that night. They had been known each other for weeks, but she never moved a step, even if he kept gazing at her or winking at her. Everytime she saw him training in the gym, it was like her heartbeat was going faster and faster, looking at his muscles, his body, his rings that continued to shine under the lights… there was something, something dangerous, that had attracted her to him and she had to vent the repressed lust making exercises. She waited and waited and waited, until she couldn’t do it anymore.
So, she waited for everybody to go out from the male dressing room, except for him and then she entered. She heard the sound of a shower, biting her bottom lip, because of the dirty thoughts she had about him. She wasn’t supposed to had them, he was her friend after all, but luckily they weren’t so close to make the situation weird. That was her opinion about their relationship, at least. The sound stopped. She listened to his footsteps coming closer, until he went out from the shower with a towel tied to his hips and one another between his hands to dry his hair. He noticed her, put the towel away and looked at her. At the beginning he was surprised, but then he grinned.
<< Took you long enough, uh? >>
She gulped, less confident in what she wanted to do or say. Now she was paralyzed by fear. What if he didn’t feel like her? What if he didn’t want something more than a night of passion?
<< What? >> she asked, her voice sounded like a murmur.
<< I was wondering… >> he replied, moving closer to her, his voice rough and low, with water slipping away from his hair and his lips so red, it seemed like blood. Her heart began to race. << …if you’d ever do something about this situation. >>
She shaked her head, trying to focus on his words and not on his damn chest.
<< What situation? >>
<< Oh, you know, >> he answered, caressing a limb of his towel with his fingertips. He was teasing her, she got it. Hell, she hated him, << the fact that you’re disperately trying to stay away from me, even if the only thing you want is to rip my clothes off and… >>
She couldn’t wait anymore. He wanted it, she wanted it, they both wanted it. She kissed him. Their lips moved in sync, like they were supposed to meet as two pieces of the same puzzle a long ago, but they couldn’t and now they were recovering the past. He pushed her against the wall, taking control of the situation, his fingertips moving up on her hips, crashing his lips against hers twice, three times, four times, until she had to stop him to catch her breath.
<< I’ve been wanting this for… >> << Me too. >> he said, putting a lock of her hair behind her ear with softness. It didn’t seem like him, after what they had just done.  
She looked in his eyes and saw torment, melancholy, but also sweetness, that kind of sweetness that comes from pain. She had noticed that just now.
<< I don’t want to ruin anything between us, Kai. >> she said and got his attention.
<< You won’t. This can just get better and better. >> he responded, smiling and that maybe was the moment in which she fell for him.
She didn’t know why, but falling in love with Kai felt like falling in love with the devil.
 She crumbled on top of him, falling on the ground. He looked at her, astonished. Then, he bursted into laughing. Why the hell was he laughing? Was it funny? She was about to lose him forever and he was laughing?
<< You’re such an idiot, Kai! >> she exclaimed, trying to stand up.
<< This reminds me the first time we got laid, in the gym, remember? >>
She blushed, standing up.
<< I hate you. >>
<< Liar. >>
He got up after her, checking if the ring was still in the jean’s pocket, then looked around them. That was Mystic Falls. Damn, he wished to never see that place again.
<< What’s this place? >> she asked, confused.
It was the time to tell her the truth. He didn’t want to do it, he just wanted to keep her away from his past, he wanted to be a better person for her, the person she already thought he was, but it was hard now. He was gonna lose her forever.
<< I caused harm, in the past, to some people… well, a lot of people, but they let me go. Sadly, two of them were in disagree with the others and now they want revenge, I suppose. >>
She crossed her arms.
<< What did you do to them? >>
Not Why didn’t you tell me? or You’ve been a liar since the moment I’ve met you. She gave him the chance to explain.
<< It’s complicated. >> he answered.
She sighed.
<< We’re gonna fix this and then you’ll tell me anything at home, okay? >>
<< Home? >> he asked, shocked. He thought there wasn’t a home to come back to, he thought she didn’t forgive him, but maybe she did. Maybe she… Oh. Oh, no. He closed his eyes, breathing out. Her eyes were like an open door to her heart. She was just tired, that was the truth, tired of his lies and his silences. << Yeah, we’re gonna talk at home. >>
That would have been the last time they could. He was sure about that.
She followed him, while he was placing the ring she gave him in the necklace he had around his neck. She was behind him, walking calmly, but he could feel her heart going fast, concerned.
<< Why did you follow me, Y/N? >> he asked, outside the Salvatore’s house. She didn’t answer. << I mean, you could have just remained at home, thinking about a new life, thinking that I was better than I really am. It would have been… >>
<< …easier. >> she finished the sentence for him. He turned to look at her. << Yeah, I could. Damn me and my stupid feelings about the man I was supposed to marry, I guess. >>
Kai closed his eyes. The sense of guilt grabbed his throat and cut his vocal cords. He understood it, he just wanted her to say it, to say that she still cared about him, somehow.
<< I’m sorry. >> he said, opening his eyes, cirlced in red and glossy. << I’m sorry I dragged you into this. >>
She nodded.
<< Me too. >>
 << I’ve been wanting this for… >> << Me too. >>
 He knocked. Two seconds later, Damon opened the door and grabbed him by his collar.
<< Whoa dude, calm down! >> she exclaimed, opening her palms in front of her chest, to make him understand they came in peace. << He just surrendered to you, show a little respect for your enemy, couldn’t you? >>
He shaked his head, looking at her.
<< Why are you here? >>
<< Who’s she? >> a blonde girl asked. << Kai was the only one supposed to be here. >>
<< She’s his fiancé. >> Damon replied.
<< What? >> another girl asked, surprised. << She’s not wearing any r… >> she was saying, but then she interrupted, when she looked at Kai’s chest, where the ring was, tied to his necklace.
Y/N looked at him too and she saw it. She held her breath. It was like a demonstration of his love for her. She was angry with him, she was furious, but the guy she had been known for four years was a different person. He wasn’t bad, he wasn’t violent, he wasn’t kind either, but he was one of the good guys and she loved him. She loved him with every inch of her body.
<< Are you insane? Are you crazy? >>
<< Caroline! >> the other girl called.
<< Bonnie, that would be the only motivation to be with a sociopath like him. >>
<< No, wait, maybe there’s another explanation. >> she stated. << Since the merge with Luke and Liv, he changed. Now he’s kind of different, I think. That’s why he found someone who loves him. >>
Damon shaked his head, still holding Kai by his collar.
<< I don’t care. That’s his fault, if Elena’s in a coffin. He’s gonna pay for that. >>
<< Wait. >> Y/N said, trying to be brave, to show confidence, like that time in the gym. << Maybe there’s something Kai could do to fix your problem. Can you, Kai? >> she asked him, looking in his eyes, praying him to show them compassion.
She basically begged him to let himself go (for her).
<< Yeah, there is. >> he replied. He heard her pray.  
She breathed out, relieved. Then, he started to talk.
 They got home. He knew he had to tell her the whole story, he knew he had to be honest with her, but he also knew that he hide a lot of terrible things to her and they were hard to digest. They stopped on the doorstep. She had her back laying on the door, while he was staring at her, the keys between his fingers, moving, trembling. He was scared of what she could say. He almost prepared for a death sentence.
It never came.
<< I think you have something that belongs to me. >> she said.
He gulped.
<< What? >>
She glanced at the ring on his chest. He nodded, understanding it. He took the ring away fromt he necklace and gave it to her. His fingers met hers for a second and that contact made her shiver. He didn’t seem to have noticed it, because his eyes were locked into hers.
<< I thought I was gonna lose you. >> she affirmed, putting the ring around her finger.
<< Look, Y/N… >>
<< No, let me finish. >> she interrupted him. << I’m still angry about the lies and I still don’t understand a lot of things about your past, but I believe that you’re different, now. The fact that you didn’t attack Damon until you had to and that you surrendered to him, even if it meant losing everything, shows me that you’re still the same. You’re still the same guy I had feelings about and I remember it. >> she explained, referring to the promise she made him earlier. He clenched his jaw, gulping. She forgave him, even after all the awful things he had done, someone loved him enough to forgive him. He held back his tears, that were burning behind his eyes. << I fell for you that night in the gym, Kai. >> she said and a sob slipped away from her lips. He felt the urge to grab her hand, but he stopped himself. << I don’t know if it’s toxic or fair that I’m in love with you, but I am and I don’t want to throw away everything that we’ve built. >>
Kai nodded.
<< Neither am I. >>
Y/N’s lips trembled.
<< Do you love me? >>
He caressed her cheek. He needed to feel her skin against him, her warmth.
<< Of course, I do. >>
She hugged him. She held him so tight, her knuckled turned white. She closed her eyes, hoping that everything could be alright, finally. Just feeling him so close to her, was like being home again. He wasn’t the bad guy anymore, even after all the terrible things he had done. He was just her boyfriend.
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
The Vampire Diaries 816 Series Finale Recap “I Was Feeling Epic” #TVD #TVDforever
Episode grade: 11. (Yes, I know it’s a scale of 1-10…but this one goes to 11.)
There’s so much sadness in saying goodbye to a beloved series, but credit to The CW and the showrunners for making the conscious decision to end it at a specific point. That allows the writers to craft a deliberate ending, to plan the long-term story arcs that lead toward it, and to deliver a finale worthy of the characters and the devoted fans. Bravo!
We left off the previous week with Bonnie’s magic overloading. Her nose bled, and apparently, her heart stopped. Stefan does CPR, Caroline steps up with the vampire blood, but nothing’s working. 
In the space beyond life, Bonnie finds herself face to face with Elena, and they share a joyous embrace. One of the beautiful things this show has been able to give us at several points throughout its 8-year run is a reunion of dear friends who thought they’d never see each other again. Damon and Alaric, Stefan and Lexi…those moments stand out even in a show so full of powerful moments. It’s a testament to how deeply, lovingly realized the characters are; we care about these friendships as if they’re our own connections.
Bonnie is happy to see Elena again, and she thinks this is the best of all possible outcomes; she will die and be with Enzo, and Elena can be returned to the world. But not so fast: Enzo is there to take her hand and propel her back to the world of the living, because he wants her to have a rich, full life before joining him. He loves her so truly, he can wait. (I just teared up a little, because Bonnie and Enzo are the most stable, least melodramatic couple of this whole series, and I love them together so much.)
Back to the real world, where Bonnie’s just awakened, Damon superspeeds to the bell tower and flings Vicki Donovan out a window. Matt comes along shortly and is all, what the hell, man? (Come on, Matt, you should be well past being surprised by Damon’s methods!) But it doesn’t matter, because Vicki’s fine again, more annoyed than anything else. So Damon snaps her neck! Matt looks hilariously peeved, but Damon assures him this is no big deal, and he’s right: Vicki clearly can’t be killed.
Vicki accepted Katherine’s offer to end her suffering. She’s been ordered to ring this bell once every five minutes (which means the action of this episode takes place essentially in real time, as twelve rings at five-minute intervals would come out to an hour. There is a slight problem with the timing, in that Stefan is no longer a vampire, and he covers a fairly impressive amount of ground for someone without superspeed, but I choose to forgive this, because this episode is amazing).
Damon turns to Matt and basically says your sister, you deal with it. As Damon leaves the tower immediately, Matt asks where he’s going. Damon explains that he’s going to get to a safe distance, because “I’m anticipating your failure.” Ha!
But he’s not wrong. Matt doesn’t fail so much as decline to argue with his dead sister. He can see that she’s been suffering so much, she’s beyond reason and disinclined to place others over herself (which, I guess, might somewhat explain her being in hell in the first place…though I still do wonder about that, because dude, Silas didn’t even have to go to hell).
Because he is a devoted brother but also a responsible sheriff, Matt immediately calls for an evacuation of Mystic Falls. “Gas leak. Yes, again.”
Stefan and Damon return to the mansion, where Elena’s coffin has been left sitting out in the open, and that seems like a questionable choice for so very many reasons, but whatever, because this episode is awesome. 
They find the coffin sitting open and empty, and Stefan notes that Bonnie’s heart stopped earlier–maybe that was enough to trigger the end of Kai’s spell! Elena steps out from around the corner, and Damon runs to sweep her up in his arms…and then dumps her with disgust, because of course this is not Elena. Welcome back, Katherine!
She snarks and taunts them, and it’s hilarious when they unceremoniously dagger her, because they have much more important things to do than let her monologue at them! They’ve got less than an hour to find Elena wherever Katherine has stashed her away.
Also feeling the time crunch is Alaric. He’s got the car packed up and wants Caroline to get her ass in gear about this evacuation plan. She’s determined to stay in Mystic Falls and help find Elena…and of course not leave her just-married husband behind. Ric has got zero patience for this nonsense, plus he still has feelings for her and believed they had a shot until Stefan swooped back in…again. He’s so committed to getting her to come with him, he even plays the dead mom card, and that’s harsh. 
Down in the boiler room of Mystic Falls High School, Stefan finds Elena, but there’s a small problem (of course!); the room has been hexed, so Elena cannot be carried out of it. Kai apparently did this for Katherine before Bonnie banished him to karaoke hell.
Here’s an Easter egg I love: Stefan tells Damon where he found Elena, and Damon comments that a high school boiler room reminds him of a horror movie. It’s a tiny little throwaway line, but it’s sweet. See, Kevin Williamson, co-creator of TVD, got famous when he wrote a wonderful movie called Scream, which was directed by the great Wes Craven, who got famous for the classic horror film Nightmare on Elm Street, in which Freddy Krueger haunts the town where he was burned to death in a high school boiler room. So this little moment is a touching homage to Wes Craven.
Katherine finds Damon to subject him to some more villainous taunting. She’s either behind on the relationship dynamics in Mystic Falls or she’s just implying that Stefan’s going to leave Caroline eventually, because she doesn’t seem totally aware that Elena is Damon’s girl these days (and always will be! #Delenaforever). She says Stefan is the better man, which isn’t remotely true, but it’s reasonable that she thinks it, because Damon is so much more like her than Stefan is, so she’s basically admitting her own crappiness.
It’s again hilarious when Damon just daggers her and moves on.
The Armory is apparently at a safe minimum distance from Mystic Falls, because that’s where Alaric has brought Bonnie and the girls. (Note: Bonnie assuages his conscience about bailing on their friends, because there’s nothing they can do…but that’s not true, is it? His silence and guilty expression make it clear that he knows Josie and Lizzie could siphon away the spell on the boiler room to free Elena. It’s not unreasonable that he’s not willing to risk taking them back into the danger zone, but there is something they technically could do.)
Bonnie realizes there’s another option, though. It has to do with the tunnels connecting the Armory to Mystic Falls, a hellfire contingency plan Alaric and Dorian were researching, and the fact that she knows she has magic again. She calls Stefan and plays the you-killed-Enzo card, which is totally fair. Stefan knows it, too; redemption is his one true goal, and Bonnie’s the one person who could offer it to him.
Stefan and Caroline part tearfully, because he agrees with Alaric that her place is with her kids. He doesn’t exactly say goodbye, but it’s implied. After all, as I have noted, he’s no longer capable of superspeeding to safety, and the hour is passing quickly. When Caroline reaches the Armory, Bonnie sends her away with Ric and the girls, and Bonnie also makes a point of not saying goodbye…but it’s implied. Caroline is being deliberately kept in the dark, because everyone’s goal here is to keep her with her kids, rather than letting her try to save everyone.
They’re a decent distance away before Caroline gets Alaric to tell her what’s going on. She begs him to stop the car, and she gets out to call Stefan. There’s no answer, so she leaves a desperate message about how much she loves him and always will. Alaric hears this and the pain in his face is so tragic. Alaric is truly the better man, and it hurts to know that even if he and Caroline wind up recoupling, he’ll never feel like her first choice. 
Damon lures Katherine to the crypt, where she vamps at him some more, and he (again, hilariously and with aplomb) daggers her. Every time she’s daggered, she bounces back to hell for a time. This is crucial to Bonnie’s plan, because Bonnie believes she can use the blast of hellfire as a weapon to destroy hell, and it will also destroy Katherine if she happens to be in hell at the time. 
Stefan joins Damon and announces his intention to carry out Bonnie’s plan, thereby earning his redemption and ensuring Damon’s future with Elena. Damon is not having it. He compels Stefan to walk away and save himself, because being a big brother earns him the right to protect his little brother, and he’s damn well going to do that. And every Delena fan who wants the Delena happy ending, and every Bonzo fan who will never forgive Stefan for killing Enzo (incidentally, I’m both of these) screams, “No!!!”
Back at the bell tower, Vicki’s finishing her eleventh ring and five minutes away from the hellfire detonation. Matt and Peter come to see her. She reminds Matt that he can’t stop this, and if he’s nearby, he’s going to die. She also sneers at the notion that Peter might think he can show up now and have some kind of fatherly impact on her. He just smiles and says he’s only here to see his daughter one last time. Matt explains that there’s a plan in the works. Check how deeply he believes in Bonnie, that he’s risking his life by being at ground zero. You’re a good man, Matty Blue.
Down in the tunnels, Katherine wakes up, and Damon gets ready to stab her again…but not until the time is right. In the Armory, Bonnie’s bracing herself for the biggest magical fight of her life. And in the town square, Matt and Peter stare up at the bell tower, where Vicki’s ringing the bell for the twelfth time. Kawoosh! A blast of hellfire disintegrates Vicki, blows out the bell tower windows, but then is sucked back in on itself and down through the bell tower interior, into the tunnels.
Bonnie calls on the Bennett witch legacy in her time of need. She’s all alone, and the power is too intense; she’s ready to let go and accept her death, but again, here’s Enzo to remind her that he’s not willing to watch her die today. And bolstered again by his love and belief in her, Bonnie steels herself to continue fighting…but this time she’s not alone. Grams takes her hand, and Beatrice appears at her side, and soon the room is filled with the spirits of the Bennett legacy, supporting their scion. 
In the tunnels, Damon holds the dagger at the ready, gripping Katherine to keep her from getting away. Every fan is wishing for something to deus ex machina Damon to safety. And then–
Elena wanders out into the Mystic Falls High School halls, and she sees Stefan, who fills her in on how Damon was prepared to sacrifice himself to save everyone…but of course that isn’t what happened. Stefan has been taking vervain since he became human again, because he knows better than to leave himself open to compulsion in this crowd. He allowed Damon to believe he’d been compelled, but really, he went straight for a hypodermic needle to draw the Cure from his veins. He went into the tunnels, waited until the moment was near (smart–human Stefan could not have held Katherine for long), stuck Damon with the Cure and flung him out of harm’s way, then daggered Katherine and went up in a blaze of glory, saving the day. 
Stefan says his goodbyes to Elena, asks her to deliver a message to Caroline, and goes forth to be at peace…with Lexi! OMG it’s Lexi, and my eyes well up, and I’m so happy. Stefan and Lexi’s reunion is exactly what I wanted. I love you, TVD.
From there, the tears basically never stopped flowing. Elena woke up (for real this time) and was reunited with Damon for the happy ending we all deserved. Stefan’s funeral faded to a montage of all the happy endings with individual voiceovers:
Bonnie’s going to see the world, and Enzo will always be at her side, in spirit. 
Caroline joins Alaric to start the school he envisioned for kids with magical gifts–he’s basically Professor X, and it’s awesome. Jeremy Gilbert is on staff, as is Dorian. This scene contains the ultimate moment of fan service: The school receives a generous donation from none other than Klaus Mikaelson, again reminding Caroline that the torch still burns. (OMG please make this happen. The Originals could use a little Caroline Forbes magic!)
Matt continues on as sheriff of Mystic Falls. Like Liz Forbes before him, a bench is built in his honor. Being compared to Liz Forbes is no small thing, of course (there was some Twitterverse yammer about how the bench seemed paltry…not so!). He’s thinking of running for Mayor. (Hey, is the Lockwood mansion still in his name?)
Damon and Elena get married, and she becomes a doctor. They live happily ever after.
The final moments are a little ambiguous, deliberately so. Are we seeing a true scene of the afterlife, many years hence? Or is it more symbolic in nature, showing the awareness of the peace that lies before them? It doesn’t really matter. All that matters is that it’s a happy ending, and they’ve earned it.
I cried my eyes out for about the next half an hour. I’ll miss this show and these characters. I’ll watch and rewatch the series over the years to come. It’s a gift for a show to stay this good for so long and end this well. Thank you, TVD, for this beautiful journey. It was worth every moment.
What will you miss most about The Vampire Diaries? Reminisce in the comments!
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missnmikaelson-main · 5 years
La Vie En Rose - 1/3
Word Count: 7729
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Elena jumped a foot in the air when the small hand landed on her shoulder. She shoved the textbooks in her locker and turned around to glare at Bonnie. Her brows knit together when her friend showed no sign of chagrin for scaring her out of her skin.
“How set are you on attending Calculus?” Bonnie lifted her brows hopefully.
A slow grin lifted the corners of Elena’s lips. They hadn’t cut class together since freshman year when Caroline had lifted a bottle of liquor that her mom had confiscated from a group of underage kids over the weekend. The trio had snuck out of the school and walked into the cemetery where they had proceeded to drink half of the bottle. They hadn’t known how potent the green alcohol was; Caroline wound up with a twisted ankle.
Somehow Elena didn’t think they were running off to drink their cares away, but maybe some time with her friend would take her mind off her troubles.
Turning around she grabbed everything she would need that night for homework snatched up her keys and slammed the metal door shut.
They didn’t say another word until Elena parked her car outside the path that led to the falls where Caroline was already waiting for them.
So much for taking my mind off my troubles, Elena held her knees and stared out at the rushing water fall. Her mind was whirling with the information Bonnie had just delivered.
“Explain it one more time,” Elena unfolded her legs and turned to Bonnie in time with Caroline who seemed to be in as much disbelief as she was.
Bonnie took a deep breath a nodded. She reached into her bag this time and pulled out her grimoire.
“I found a spell that will help you,” she opened to the relevant page.
Elena stared at the spirals and various other symbols that made absolutely no sense to her, but she nodded all the same for Bonnie to continue.
“The spell uses the full moon to bind you to another person,” Bonnie pushed her hair behind her ears; “once you’re bound to them you share their most powerful traits.”
“And you want to bind me to someone?” Elena cocked an eyebrow.
“Mmhmm,” Bonnie nodded. “I want to bind you to Caroline. That way you gain the invincibility that comes from her vampirism without actually having to turn yourself.”
Elena pressed her lips together and thought it over. She had never wanted to be a vampire, but the lifestyle did come with a few benefits: rapid healing and enhanced speed and strength.
“I’d still be human?” She met Bonnie’s glittering eyes.
“This wouldn’t have any weird side effects for me would it?” Caroline pointed from the spell to herself. If this was a way to keep Elena safe and healthy she’d gladly help. “It won’t weaken me at all?”
“It shouldn’t,” Bonnie shook her head. “It’ll mean you’re connected to each other for as long as Elena lives, but that’s it.” She left out the bits she hadn’t translated yet; they were just the notes around the margins of the page. She was fairly certain they were doodles anyway.
Elena bit her bottom lip and considered. There didn’t seem to be any down side to it. Worst case scenario nothing happened and she remained the supernatural pawn she already was. If Bonnie had suggested binding her to Damon or Stefan she would most certainly have objected; there was no way she wanted to spend the rest of her life tied to her ex-boyfriend or his brother. It would have only invited Damon into thinking he had a chance with her; which would open up the whole debate that had led to her breakup in the first place. She didn’t want to get caught between them again, and that was exactly what they had done to her.
“I’m in.”
He had one arm bent behind his head and the other supporting the book on his stomach. His eyes ran from left to right again and again as he took in the words of Jane Austen. A trumpet rendition of La Vie en Rose played in his ears via the headphones.
He rolled his eyes heavenward when the song was interrupted by his ringtone. It was the annoying one he had set to signifying Nik was calling him.
In that moment he wished he was human so he could have ignored the call and claimed to not have heard the tone, but unfortunately that excuse didn’t work with his advanced senses. Besides if he didn’t answer Nik would just call again.
With an exasperated sigh he marked his page and clicked the button that would answer the phone.
“Hello,” he bent his knee and stared at the ceiling.
“I need you to do something for me.”
“Oh I’m just swell,” he rolled his eyes, “and how are you this lovely full moon.”
“I don’t have the time for pleasantries. I’ve just gotten word that the Bennet witch is up to something involving my doppelganger. I need you to go and put a stop to her spell by any means necessary.”
“You know,” he sighed wistfully, “when Elijah wants something done he always says please, and afterwards I get a cookie,” he smirked at the ceiling.
“I’ll make this very simple. You can do this for me, or I can put you back in the box.”
“Fine,” he sat up with a low growl. “Where are they?”
“According to my sources, they are somewhere near the falls. Whatever spell she’s using requires the full moon. Stop the spell and make sure no harm comes to my doppelganger.”
“I’m pretty sure she’s got a name,” Kol stood and strode to the closet. He hung up and pulled on his jacket before tucking the phone in his pocket. His playlist had restarted with the ended call.
“So I just have to stand here?” Elena raised her brows in disbelief. She had been certain blood would be involved somehow; wasn’t it always involved?
“That’s it,” Bonnie drew the salt line around Elena’s body before repeating the process around Caroline.
She drew out all of the required symbols between the circles as a bridge that the magic would flow across. She moved several paces away from them into her own protective circle. Her eyes drifted shut as she began chanting.
A line appeared between Caroline’s brows. She could hear something else over Bonnie’s voice. She tilted her head when she recognized the sound as bubbly jazz. The moment she recognized it was the moment she was forcibly thrown from the circle and into the water.
Elena shrieked when Caroline vanished from her line of sight and was replaced by a tall young man who looked vaguely familiar. The clouds shifted overhead sending a beam of moonlight over his features: Kol Mikaelson.
“Hello, darling,” he flashed a charming smile and tucked his headphones safely in his pocket. Nik had said keep the girl safe, but the direction had never been required for him; he’d never had any desire to hurt Elena Gilbert. The thought had always made his stomach turn.
He didn’t want to hurt her little witch friend either, but he did need to stop whatever spell she was cooking up. He was lifting his foot to go towards the witch when he found himself stuck in the circle.
Bonnie continued chanting. She was so consumed with the spell that she hadn’t heard or seen anything after entering her own circle.
“Oh bloody hell,” Kol’s eyes widened when the drawn symbols glowed and lifted from the damp grass. “Oi, witchy,” he attempted to get her attention.
The lights blurred before he could get a good look at the symbols. He grunted, more from shock than anything else, when the bridge of light hit him in the chest.
Elena’s breath caught as the other end collided with her skin directly over her heart. She lifted her gaze from the magic and met Kol’s dark eyes; the crackling light illuminated his piercing gaze. There was something there that she wanted to see better; it was as if he were looking directly into her soul. Her feet moved of their own accord.
His heart thumped. He found himself able to move again, but the thought to go the witch was the farthest thing from his mind. He had quite forgotten the witch’s presence in the clearing. He had eyes only the young woman in front of him. Nothing was more important than going to her.
Something intense percolated in the air between them. It grew stronger when they stood directly in front of each other and the lights went out.
He lifted his hand to her smooth cheek and felt her pulse quicken in her neck.
She tilted her head back to blink up at him and brought her hand up to cover his pounding heart which she could hear. Her eyes were tracing his clear features in the moonlight. She needed him closer. She had to feel the sharp stubble along his jaw.
She was just trailing her hand up the smooth material of his shirt when Bonnie snapped out of it and Caroline stepped from the water dripping wet.
Caroline flashed forward and broke Kol’s neck; she suspected his distraction was the only reason she got away with it.
Elena bit down her outraged shriek. Fury exploded in her brain and she saw nothing but red.
Caroline’s eyes grew round when Elena turned on her. She grunted in pain as the brunette’s fist made contact.
“Elena,” Caroline held her cheek, “what the hell?”
Elena didn’t answer; her eyes had clouded over. She lunged forwards and knocked Caroline to the ground where they rolled in the grass for a moment.
Caroline was hesitant to lay a blow for fear of hurting her friend who was clearly going through some sort of psychotic episode; she assumed it was a result of the spell. Maybe she got some of that Mikaelson madness.
“I could use some help here, Bon,” Caroline twisted her hips and flipped them over.
Elena squirmed and kicked when she was pinned beneath the blonde and her hands were held over her head. Somewhere in the back of her mind she recognized Caroline’s worried eyes, but all she could think about was that this was the woman who had hurt him. Gritting her teeth she brought her head up sharply and broke Caroline’s nose.
Caroline fell back, momentarily stunned as the bones healed. She blinked at the fading bruise on Elena’s brow.
Bonnie flipped through her grimoire quickly for anything that would help in this situation; she’d deal with what had caused it later. She released a triumphant whoop when she found what she was looked for and raised her hand in Elena’s direction.
Elena rolled Caroline onto her back and drew her fist back with the intention of attacking her again. Before she could bring her hand down her vision blurred around the edges. She swayed on her knees before crashing to the ground sound asleep.
Caroline listened to Elena’s resting heart before sitting up and turning to Bonnie with raised brows.
“Don’t look at me,” she shook her head. “Can you carry her to the car? We should probably get out of her before he wakes up.”
When Kol came to he found himself in an empty clearing. His head snapped around quickly looking for her. Her soft scent had all but faded when he climbed to his feet.
He was overcome with a strong need to find her and make sure she was safe.
Elena woke in her bedroom an hour later. Sitting up she stared in horror at her reflection in the mirror as the memory resurfaced.
She hadn’t stopped to think about it; everything had been instinctual. She had attacked one of her best friends, and why? Because she had broken the neck of an Original vampire that had been in her personal space?
While she was on that topic: why had she been so comfortable with Kol in her personal space? Why had she been alright with it? Why had she wanted him to act on the desire she had seen so clearly in his eyes and pull her flush against his body?
What had Bonnie done to her? What had she done to them?
She didn’t know much about Kol. She knew he was the youngest brother and that over the centuries he had gained a reputation as the wildest Mikaelson, but she had never seen it. The few interactions she’d had with him had been polite. She’d found him charming, attractive, and genial, but she supposed anyone would appear that way next to Klaus. She had never gotten the impression that he wanted to hurt her as she did with Rebekah; heck even Elijah had given her that feeling from time to time, but never Kol.
Her musings were interrupted by a gentle tapping on her window. Her eyes narrowed. She stood from the bed and made her way to the seat and threw open the window.
“Hi,” her smile was warm. Why was her smile warm?
“Alright, darling?” He braced his hands on either side of the window frame. His eyes raked slowly over her body searching for any sign of injury.
“Fine,” Elena perched on the window seat. She took a moment to look him over and bit her lip. Okay… he’s cute… hot… that might answer at least one of my questions. “I’m not the one who had my neck broken though. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, love,” he chuckled at the concern in her eyes.
“Are you sure?” She reached out and touched the side of his neck. Warm energy flowed up her arm on contact.
“Perfectly fine,” he caught her wrist and brought her palm to his lips. Once he laid the first kiss he couldn’t seem to stop.
Elena’s breath caught as his lips left a burning trail up her inner arm. Desire raced through her body and pulsed in her abdomen. Her eyes fluttered and closed. They only opened again when she was pressed to lie down on the window seat and his lips nipped at the smooth column of her throat.
Her hands had slipped under his jacket and beneath his shirt to splay across his back. Her eyes flickered from the open window to where he was hovering over her in the bedroom.
Had she invited him in? Had Jeremy invited him in? She couldn’t recall either event occurring. The only Original with an invitation to the house was Elijah.
“How did you get in?” She hummed when he sucked on her pulse point and arousal gathered in her panties. Should she have been able to smell it so clearly? She didn’t know, but she did know that his aftershave was intoxicating.
Kol managed to tear his mouth from her throat. The lust that had clouded his senses lifted when he saw the open window. His eyes narrowed as he sat back and blinked at the space he had occupied only a short time before.
Elena sat up straight. Her leg draped over his thighs when she did.
“Through the window,” he murmured. It was hard to think with her delectable scent filling the room, but he was fairly certain he’d never been invited in. “What…”
He trailed off when he met her lidded mahogany eyes. His gaze darted to her lips once before he cupped her cheek and pulled her closer. Her cool breath fanned over his chin making him pause for a moment. He met her eyes and was about to close the distance when a pounding heart drew their attention to the door.
Elena gasped when he vanished through her open window and the cool air chilled her flushed skin.
“Who were you talking to?” Caroline stayed in the door and looked around suspiciously.
“Uh…” Elena blinked a couple of times to clear the last of the lust, “myself?”
“Right…” Caroline drew out the word. “If I come in are you going to attack me again?”
Elena tilted her head and considered carefully. She had no desire to strike the blonde.
“I think you’re good,” she crossed her legs when Caroline came in. If she could smell herself than Caroline would be able to as well. “I’m sorry about what happened, Care. I’m not sure what came over me.”
“Yeah, well,” Caroline took a seat on the window ledge, “Bonnie’s looking into that right now. As far as she can tell you acted on instinct and that you would have done the same if it had been me on the other end of that spell.” Her nose wrinkled slightly when she caught the lingering smell of cinnamon.
“Did the spell…”
“It worked… we think,” Caroline lifted Elena’s wrist. “One way to find out.”
Elena nodded once and swallowed down the surge of guilt that rushed up her throat. Why would she feel guilty about letting Caroline bite her?
Outside Kol supressed his growl when he heard the crunch of her skin being punctured by sharp teeth. It took every ounce of self-control he had to not flash out from behind the tree and lunge at Caroline Forbes. Every muscle tensed when he smelt her rich blood; his eyes grew round when the flow stopped completely a moment later.
Elena watched her skin knit itself back together before raising her eyes to Caroline.
“It worked,” Caroline licked the blood from her lips. “Bonnie’s going to try and find a way to undo it though. The last thing you need is to be bound to an Original. The whole point of this was to get you out from under Klaus’ thumb.”
Elena shivered. The thought of undoing what had been done felt wrong; almost as wrong as letting Caroline bite her.
“Why don’t you try and get some sleep?” Caroline closed and latched her window. “You look exhausted.”
“In a pretty way,” Caroline smirked.
“Much better,” Elena laughed. The longer Kol was out of her sight the clearer her thoughts became, and the more she wanted him at her side again.
She made a vow then and there not to open her window again. She prayed he would take that as a sign that she needed to be alone and wouldn’t open it on his own. She didn’t think she’d have the strength to turn him away; she didn’t think she’d want to, but allowing an Original into her bed was a bad idea.
It was a bad idea, right?
Kol stood in the shadows beneath her window for a few minutes to ensure she was safe. He might have stood there all night if it hadn’t been for the Bennet witch and Caroline leaving.
He flashed away before they could see him.
He made sure to lock the doors of his balcony and bedroom before finally lying down.
He placed his headphones in his ears and attempted to return to his novel. Reading however proved impossible, as all he could see was her dark eyes.
He clenched his hands into tight fists and answered the phone when Nik called him back.
“She’s perfectly fine,” every fiber of his being was screaming at him to run and make sure his words were true. “She’s sleeping peacefully in her own bed as we speak.”
“Good. I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.”
She spun in slow circles causing her full skirt to twirl around her legs and glitter in the flickering candle light, but it was nothing compared to the sparkle in her laughing eyes when he pulled her into his arms.
One of his hands was on her hip and the other was steering her across the empty dancefloor.
“You look ravishing, darling,” he smiled down into her eyes.
“You clean up pretty well yourself,” she teased. Her hand slid from his shoulder to the back of his neck. She glanced upwards to the stars that twinkled high above between the hanging lights that were strung across the open air courtyard. Music lifted from the antique gramophone. “Where are we?”
“New Orleans,” he drew her closer as the music continued to play.
“La Vie en Rose?” She nodded to the rising notes.
“Yes,” he smirked. “Do you like jazz, darling?”
“I love it,” she nodded. “I always get strange looks when I tell anyone that.”
“Outrageous,” he gasped. “Never let anyone tell you what kind of music to listen to.”
“You like music?” She arched a brow when he dipped her.
“I love it,” he hovered over her and placed a gentle kiss to her cheek. “That’s one of the best things about the twenty-first century.” He chuckled when she gave him a puzzled look. “Music, darling; anytime you like.”
Elena’s eyes snapped open when her alarm sounded. The annoying buzz had interrupted the final strains of Petite Fleur.
It had completely ruined the mood and torn her from one of the strangest and most enjoyable dreams she had ever had. She could still see the stone courtyard in her mind’s eye and hear the gentle trickle of the fountain. The dream had felt so real; if she’d had any artistic talent she might have been able to draw the courtyard from memory.
The incessant buzz of an alarm had roused him from a pleasant dream, but when he opened his eyes he could no longer hear the infernal contraption.
Still he checked his phone for any missed calls. He had fallen asleep with the jazz playlist still on; the final strains of Petite Fleur were coming to a close when he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stood to take a shower. He could still hear her tinkling laugh and see her dancing in his mind’s eye.
“What’s up with you today?” Bonnie closed her locker and held her books to her chest. “You’re not experiencing any weird side effects right?”
“No,” Elena closed her own locker and rolled her neck back and around. “I’m just really tired.”
“Up all night worrying about the spell?” Bonnie whispered on the way into Ric’s history class.
“Sure,” Elena murmured. She slid into her seat and attempted to focus on the blackboard.
Kol had been on her mind since he’d left her bedroom the night before, but she hadn’t been thinking about the spell. She had thought about the way his lips had drawn fire up her arm, how his weight had hovered over her deliciously, and the disappointment she had felt when he’d vanished before he could kiss her.
It had taken her a few hours to fall asleep at which point she had dreamt of him. He was a phenomenal dancer in her mind, and incredibly sweet. That was the subconscious for you though.
If she were being honest with herself she would have said that the itty-bitty crush she had developed the first time she saw him had come back in full swing after he had tried to stop the spell the night before.
Liking him was a bad idea wasn’t it? He was one of the oldest vampires in history that would kill her without a second thought, right?
She couldn’t help but think he was different from his siblings though. They wouldn’t have hesitated to kill Caroline, well maybe Klaus would have – he did have that weird fascination with her friend, or Bonnie. Kol had merely thrown Caroline from the circle, and he hadn’t even thrown her somewhere she would be hurt; he’d tossed her in the water.
She shook herself from her thoughts of the attractive Original and stifled her yawn.
Her hand turned the page that was set down on her desk so she could read the assignment that accompanied the documentary they were going to watch; that was usually what happened when there was a substitute teacher in.
She couldn’t stifle the second yawn when the lights were turned off and the Cold War documentary began. She was cursing the narrator’s monotonous voice and lamenting her decision to quit drinking coffee when she rested her chin on her crossed arms.
The next thing she knew Bonnie was shaking her awake and telling her it was time for lunch.
“Maybe we should take you home,” Caroline frowned at the dark circles under her friend’s eyes when she stepped out into the hall. “You don’t look so hot.”
“Really? I feel like a million bucks,” Elena smirked. Her feet dragged over the floor though as nausea made her stomach turn violently. “Maybe home wouldn’t be such a bad idea,” she stumbled and dropped her books.
“Mmhmm,” Caroline nodded. She reached out and took Elena’s elbow so she could steer her outside to the car.
Elena used her forearm to cover her eyes and block out the bright afternoon light streaming through her windows. She squinted when Bonnie came in and perched on the edge of the bed.
“As long as were not in school,” she placed the grimoire on the mattress and opened to the marked pages, “I thought we could work on undoing what happened last night.”
“I don’t know Bon,” Elena groaned and sat up against the headboard. The thought that undoing what had been done was wrong raced through her mind again, and she couldn’t understand it for the life of her. Something inside was just telling her it was a bad idea. “Don’t you need both of us for that?”
“I don’t think so,” Bonnie shook her head and pointed to the page, “physical proximity is only needed for the binding aspect. Unbinding you should be really simple.”
“And what does the book say about unbinding two people,” Elena crossed her arms and sighed. The edges of the room were blurred in her vision.
“Only that it shouldn’t be attempted if the spell wasn’t completed,” Bonnie pointed to the passage in question, “but the spell was finished so it’s not a big deal.”
“It’s not as if we can leave you tied to Kol for the rest of your life,” Caroline sat at Elena’s feet and crossed her legs like a pretzel. “He’s a Mikaelson Elena.”
Kol’s not that bad. Elena looked between her friends. She chewed her bottom lip.
“What’s going to happen?” Caroline turned to Bonnie when Elena made no objections to removing the binding.
“It’s supposed to be a gentle pulling sensation and then they’re unbound,” Bonnie quickly memorized the incantation. Her eyes narrowed at the harsh pen strokes beneath the reversal before shaking off the feeling and turning to Elena. “Ready?”
“Would saying ‘no’ deter you?” Elena cocked an eyebrow. If she’d had the strength in her legs she might have stood up and run from the room.
“Nope,” Bonnie flashed a quick smile. “The sooner this is undone the better you’ll feel.” She scooted forward and placed her hands on either side of Elena’s head. She started chanting the Latin incantation under her breath.
Elena’s eyes narrowed as a burning pain tore through her skull. It felt as if her arms had been grabbed and the people holding them were pulling with all of their might; they were supernatural too because it felt as if she were being torn apart. A bloodcurdling scream echoed in the room.
Kol held his head in his hands and screamed in utter agony. Every molecule in his body felt as if it had been doused in alcohol and lit on fire. It was as if he were being torn down the middle.
Stop it Bonnie! You’re hurting her!
Just as soon as it had started it stopped. He was gasping for breath on the ballroom floor when Klaus slammed the front door.
“What the bloody hell happened to you?” The hybrid knelt and took in his brother’s abnormally pale appearance. The blood had completely drained from his face.
“Witch,” Kol managed to sit up and ran a hand back through his short hair. He had gotten the briefest glimpse of Bonnie Bennet and Caroline Forbes in her bedroom.
“Are you alright?” Klaus rocked back on his heels when Kol pushed up onto his feet and swayed before finding his balance.
“Fine,” he nodded. Striding into the living room he retrieved his phone and started scrolling through his contacts. He was certain he had one of the Gilbert’s numbers in his phone book.
“Speaking of witches,” Klaus leaned in the doorway, “what was the Bennett one doing with my doppelganger last night?”
“She has a name,” Kol clenched his jaw and just managed to hold in his growl. He didn’t like the way his brother referred to her like she was just a copy or something for him to possess; she was so much more than that.
“Just answer the question,” Klaus paced across the room and poured himself a drink.
“I can’t,” Kol looked up from his phone. He couldn’t find the number. “I don’t know what Miss Bennett was trying to do.” He really wished he did; it might explain why he had been feeling lethargic all day. The exhaustion made no sense whatsoever since he had slept for at least six or seven hours.
“She’s turning into a real pain in the ass,” Klaus leaned against the fireplace and tapped the mantle.
“You say that about all the witches,” Kol pulled on his jacket.
“Not her,” Klaus scowled. “The doppelganger. I’m beginning to believe she has outlived her usefulness.”
Kol froze with one arm in his jacket.
“Is she not the only one who can give you hybrids?” Kol slowly slid his other arm into the sleeve.
“For now,” Klaus ran his finger around the edge of his glass, “but doppelgangers are mystically recurring.”
“She’s the last in her family,” Kol gritted his teeth.
“For now,” Klaus reached into his jacket pocket and unfolded a few sheets of paper, “that can easily be remedied.”
Kol tensed. Every muscle coiled tightly as his half-brother revealed his most recent diabolical plans.
“I’ll have to see to it that she’s impregnated first,” Klaus’ eyes scanned the papers in his hand, “then after she’s had the child I’ll take what blood I can to last until the next doppelganger comes along; this time I’ll be keeping a clo…”
Kol exhaled slowly and stared down at his brother’s unconscious body and the odd angle his neck was bent at.
“What the bloody hell is going on in here?” Rebekah crossed her arms and watched Kol snatch up the fallen papers. “Tell me he at least deserved that?”
“He did,” Kol tucked the papers into his jacket. “If you’ll excuse me sister.”
“Stop it, Bonnie,” Caroline grabbed her friend’s arms and pushed her away from the panting brunette, “you’re hurting her!”
Bonnie wiped a trail of blood from her nose and gasped when she saw the state Elena was in.
She had collapsed back against the pillows and was panting for breath. The blood had completely drained from her face that was now covered in a thin layer of sweat.
Bonnie covered her mouth with her hand and blinked back a tear at the sight of what she had done to her friend.
“Elena,” Bonnie reached out and felt her heart clench when Elena recoiled. “I’m so sorry. It wasn’t supposed to do that.” She reached for her grimoire and started flipping through the pages. “I’ll fix it…”
“No,” Elena swallowed thickly. She shook her head and hugged a pillow to her stomach. “No more magic, Bonnie.”
“No,” Elena voice was firmer the second time. “If undoing it means I have to go through what you just tried to put me through I’d rather spend eternity bound to him.” It wasn’t an unappealing thought.
“I’ll find a way to fix this, Elena,” Bonnie stood up from the bed and gathered the leather bound volume to her chest.
“How about you just let me rest instead?” Elena curled into the fetal position over her pillow.
Bonnie agreed quietly and took her leave of the house.
Caroline pressed her hand to Elena’s warm brow.
“You don’t have to stay, Care,” Elena blinked up at the blonde.
“I know,” Caroline frowned. “Do you want me to leave?”
“No,” Elena closed her eyes and turned her head away from the window. “Maybe you could get me some aspirin,” she peeked up at her friend, “my head is killing me.”
“Sure thing,” Caroline nodded.
Elena reached for her phone on the nightstand. She squinted at the screen and adjusted the volume before starting the calming jazz playlist. Her eyes drifted closed to the dulcet tones of Doris Day.
“You’re like a little old lady,” Caroline teased when she stepped back into the bedroom.  She shook her head fondly and set the glass of water and tablets on the nightstand. “Sweet dreams ‘Lena,” she pushed her friend’s hair back from her sweaty forehead.
Caroline was reaching for the doorknob when she heard the telltale sound of a window being opened. She didn’t think anything of it at first until she took note of Elena’s sleeping heartbeat and the unmistakable sound of footsteps in her room.
He blinked in surprise when he was able to slide through her window with ease. The barrier that should have kept him outside seemed to have taken an extended vacation; he was very grateful for that at the moment. He highly doubted she would have woken and let him in before Klaus regained consciousness.
His heart clenched painfully when he saw her pale appearance. He pressed the back of his hand to her warm brow; the skin seemed to cool under his hand.
The weariness he had felt since waking receded in her proximity. He didn’t have time to be tired right then.
His head snapped around when he heard footsteps in the hall. In a rush of air he vanished into her attached bathroom without making a sound.
Caroline frowned when she pushed open the bedroom door. There was no sign of anyone else in the room, but the barest trace of cinnamon clung to the air. She looked around the room quickly before checking in the closest.
“I must be hearing things,” Caroline murmured to the empty bathroom. She assumed Jeremy had changed his body wash because the smell seemed to be stronger in the bathroom.
“Not quite.”
Caroline jumped and covered her heart with her hand. Her eyes were wide when she spun around and found Kol a few feet behind her.
He pressed his hand to her mouth when she looked as if she were about to scream and looked over his shoulder pointedly.
“How’d you get in here?” Caroline looked over his shoulder to Elena. “They’ve both got enough sense not to invite an Original into the house.”
“Does it really matter which Gilbert let me in?” Kol cocked an eyebrow. “The point is I’m here, and I could use your help.”
“Are you going to compel me?” Caroline tilted her head and squinted up at him. She hadn’t been drinking vervain and had left the charm bracelet that held a sprig of it encased in a sealed charm at home.
“Possibly,” his eyes flashed angrily as his brother’s words echoed in his mind, “but I think you’ll consent to being compelled, Miss Forbes.”
“Why would I agree to that?” Caroline crossed her arms and glared at him.
“Because I heard you’re voice,” he searched her defiant eyes, “and I get the feeling you’ll do whatever it takes to protect your friend,” he listened to Elena’s sleeping heartbeat and jazz playlist, “even if it means forgetting everything I’m about to tell you.”
Twenty minutes later Caroline locked the front door of the Gilbert house and made a mental note to come back and check on her friend later that night.
The curtains fluttered in the open window when she drove off.
He shrugged off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders when she shivered. He was careful not to touch her skin, but even with his careful movements his fingers still grazed her jaw.
The contact sent an electric shock up his arm and made her heart skip a beat. He quickly pulled back and took a firm hold of the steering wheel.
Bonnie stomped up the porch steps of the Gilbert house. She jumped and gasped when Caroline flashed in front of her and blocked her path.
“She said no more magic Bonnie,” she held the door frame and shook her head.
“That was hours ago,” Bonnie crossed her arms. “She’s had nearly seven hours to rest, and I’m not going to use magic; I’m just going to talk to her. I want to find out what’s happened.”
Caroline sighed and followed Bonnie into the house when Jeremy answered the door.
“Hey, Jer,” Bonnie adjusted the bag on her shoulder, “is Elena still in her room.”
A line appeared between Jeremy’s brows. He looked between Caroline and Bonnie quickly.
“Elena’s not here,” he frowned, “I haven’t seen her since this morning.” He watched Bonnie dart up the stairs and turned to the blonde. “What’s going on? I thought she was out with you two somewhere.”
“We brought her home around noon,” Caroline shook her head. Her best friend was missing yet she couldn’t bring herself to feel concerned over the fact. “Maybe she went out somewhere.”
“As long as she’s not taken it in her head to get back with Stefan I’m happy…” Jeremy trailed off when Bonnie appeared at the top of the stairs.
The young witch was abnormally pale. Her shoulders shook slightly as she looked down at them in the foyer.
“Her duffle bag is gone,” Bonnie bit her bottom lip. She held up a white envelope addressed to Caroline. “This was on her pillow.”
The paper was pressed into Caroline’s palm. Jeremy squinted at the slanting letters that were completely unfamiliar.
“That’s not Elena’s handwriting.”
Elijah placed his suitcase on the floor outside the sitting room. He had been on his way upstairs when the sight of a sprawled body caught his eyes. While it was not uncommon to find unconscious, or even dead, bodies at Rebekah’s feet the image of his half-brother sprawled across the floor was certainly out of place.
“Rebekah,” he cleared his throat and tipped his head down to examine the twist in Klaus’ neck, “what happened here?”
“Kol broke his neck,” she didn’t bother looking up from her magazine, “around noon.”
“And he’s still unconscious?” Elijah cocked an eyebrow and checked his watch.
“He then texted me,” Rebekah flipped a glossy page, “and asked that I keep our charming brother asleep for a while.” She hummed at a red ball gown before shaking her head. “I’ve been snapping his neck before he could heal since then.”
He could feel a tension headache coming on; the good thing about being a vampire was that it would be short lived, but it was still an unpleasant feeling.
“Why have you been doing this?” Elijah sighed. It was the obvious question; the elephant in the room. “And where is Kol?”
“I’ve been breaking his neck because it’s fun,” Rebekah finally closed her magazine, “not because Kol asked me to, and I have no idea where our wild brother has run off to; though he assured me that Nik deserved this,” she pointed to their unconscious brother.
“Oh I’ve no doubt,” Elijah stepped over Klaus and poured a glass of bourbon. “Will you be breaking his neck again?” He dropped a few cubes of ice into the drink.
Rebekah tilted her head to where she could hear the bones snapping back into place.
“No,” she tossed her glossy ponytail over her shoulder. “It’s getting a little old.”
Klaus sat up with a gasp. Jumping to his feet he looked around the sitting room and reached into his pocket. His brows knit together when he found nothing.
“Where is he?” He seethed.
“If you’re referring to Kol,” Elijah sipped his drink, “I’ve no idea. Would you mind explaining why he attacked you? What have you done to provoke him this time?”
“Nothing,” Klaus growled. “I’ve done nothing to him. One minute I’m talking about my plans for the doppelganger…”
“Elena,” Elijah interjected.
“Bitch,” Rebekah crossed her arms.
“… Regardless,” Klaus glared at his siblings. “My doppelganger… my plans… I’m discussing them one moment and the next my neck is being broken.”
“He said you deserved it,” Rebekah shrugged.
“I don’t believe I did,” Klaus grumbled. He spun on his heel and stormed out of the sitting room.
“Where are you going?” Elijah lowered his glass onto the table.
“After my doppelganger,” Klaus called back over his shoulder before flashing away.
“Where are you going?” Rebekah frowned when Elijah stood and started from the house.
“To ensure he does nothing foolish.”
She frowned at the letter in her hands. The memory resurfaced the more she read.
I sincerely hope by now enough time has passed that I’ve put some distance between Elena and my brother, as well as anyone else who would have stopped me.
She or I will contact you soon with more information.
It came rushing back to her. Kol had shown up in Elena’s room after Klaus had revealed his intentions to kill Elena after she’d had a child.
She wasn’t sure why Kol had felt the need to get involved and help her friend and she had gotten the sense that Kol himself hadn’t understood everything.
“Caroline,” Jeremy leaned against the bannister, “where’s my sister?”
“I’d like an answer to that question as well, love.”
Caroline spun on her heel to find Klaus standing on the porch. His hands were braced on either side of the door as he glared at the trio inside the house.
“Where is she?” Klaus leaned back and crossed his arms. He could hear every heart in the house; only the three humans were inside.
“Caroline?” Bonnie glared at Klaus.
“I don’t know,” Caroline folded the slip of paper.
“Then where is Kol?” Elijah came up behind his brother. “That’s his handwriting.”
“That’s Kol’s handwriting?” Jeremy turned to look at Caroline.
“Yes,” Caroline nodded, “she’s with Kol, but I don’t know where they are. He didn’t tell me where he was taking her.”
“But he told you he was taking her?” Elijah cocked a heavy brow.
“Mmhmm,” Caroline nodded. She felt reasonably safe in the confines of the Gilbert house where only Elijah held an invitation. “He took her to keep her safe from Klaus.”
“I wasn’t going to hurt her,” Klaus grumbled.
“Not immediately,” Caroline rolled her eyes. She scoffed when Klaus’ eyes grew round. “Yeah… he told me.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me?” Bonnie’s mouth popped open in disbelief.
“He compelled me to forget,” Caroline shrugged, “until I read the note he left behind. I don’t know where he took her though.”
“Why the hell would he care?” Jeremy scrutinized Caroline’s features. Something wasn’t adding up.
“I don’t know,” she shook her head. “Maybe it’s because of Bonnie’s spell.”
“I thought that spell didn’t happen,” Klaus’ spine straightened.
“What spell?” Elijah stepped over the threshold.
Bonnie adjusted her bag on her shoulder. The heavy weight of the grimoire pressed into her skin.
“It was a binding spell,” she inhaled slowly, “and it didn’t go quite to plan.”
“That’s an understatement,” Caroline rolled her eyes. “Kol showed up in the middle and got caught in the spell. It was supposed to be me, but he pushed me out of the way and somehow wound up taking my place.”
“I tried to undo it,” Bonnie interjected.
“And nearly broke Elena apart,” Caroline crossed her arms.
“When was this?” Klaus stepped up to the threshold.
“Around noon sometime,” Bonnie tilted her head and thought back. “Why?”
“That’s around the same time I found Kol sprawled out on the ballroom floor,” Klaus glared at Bonnie, “he said you had done something to him; this was moments before he broke my neck.”
“Huh,” Jeremy nodded slowly, “I’m starting to like him more and more.”
“This threshold will only protect you for so long,” Klaus turned his stare on Jeremy.
“Niklaus,” Elijah snapped. He turned his attention to Bonnie and held out his hand. “May I see this spell Miss Bennet? I would like to know what you’ve done to my brother and Elena.”
Bonnie reached into her bag and pulled out the leather bound book. Opening to the marked pages she explained how undoing it was supposed to have been simple because the spell had finished.
“I highly doubt that,” Elijah shook his head. “You may have completed part of the spell Miss Bennett but the rest was up to them.” His eyes scanned the narrow handwriting around the margins of the page. “Your spell would not have worked with Miss Forbes.”
“What spell is it?”
Elijah turned and held out the grimoire so his brother could read the inscriptions. It was almost satisfying seeing the blood drain from Klaus’ face. He had never liked the plans his half-brother held for Elena and now those plans would never come to fruition.
“It’s just a binding spell,” Bonnie looked between the Originals. Klaus looked like he was ready to slaughter the whole town while his brother was struggling to control himself; she could definitely see amusement in Elijah’s dark eyes. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s not funny,” Klaus snapped. “There is nothing amusing about this situation whatsoever.”
Klaus threw the white chair by the door out onto the lawn. The wood splintered and broke into several smaller pieces.
“I’d been meaning to get rid of that chair anyway,” Jeremy rolled his eyes. “What’s going on?” He turned his attention back to Elijah. “What did Bonnie do to them?”
“She linked them,” Elijah inhaled, “partially, by solidifying a bond that was already there. It can’t be undone until completed, and it rarely ever is.”
“Completed?” Jeremy cocked an eyebrow.
“Undone,” Elijah clarified. “This spell binds together two souls and is typically performed on witches so that they may share in each other’s power. Miss Bennett,” he closed the grimoire and placed it back in her hands, “you’ve essentially aided and abetted a marriage.”
Tags: @rissyrapp20 @elejah-wonderland @elejahforever @eternityunicorn @morsmornte @fandomrulesall
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1.19 Miss Mystic Falls (part 1)
So I watched this episode, and then spent multiple hours paralyzed in the face of writing anything about it.  Miss Mystic Falls is classic, iconic Vampire Diaries, and I unabashedly love it.  So naturally, that meant I eventually wrote so much that I decided to break the recap post into two parts.
Stefan pulls into the school parking lot in his flashy car, since it was a “waste to leave it sitting in the garage”.  Are we talking about the car or you, Stefan?  And how many analogues do we really need to see that Stefan wasn’t living life to the full and now he’s going whole hog? Elena asks him if he’s okay now, and he says, “Well, the worst part is over.  Now all I wanna do is spend as much time with you as possible.”  
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“I’m okay with that,” Elena says, and kisses him.  But when she tells him they shouldn’t be late, he tells her to go on ahead so he can get his stuff.  Which isn’t technically a lie, because he does get his backpack – out of a trunk full of empty blood bags.  Womp womp.
Poor Alaric has had his lesson plans for the month waylaid by town pride, because apparently the town founding is more important than World War II.  His long-suffering teacher-ness gives me life, even though it’s a quality rarely on display. But both Bonnie and Stefan are back in school, so at least he has a full classroom, finally.  
Damon is being harangued on multiple sides, which is funny, because he actually seems to be minding his own business for once in his life.  Liz tells him there’s been another break-in and blood theft at the hospital, and John Gilbert suggests that he and Damon put their heads together to solve it. Damon agrees, but since Liz openly dislikes John as well, he isn’t nice about it: “Whatever I can do to keep this town safe, even if it means spending time with you.”  
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I enjoy this, because it means his friendship with Liz is genuine enough that Damon doesn’t feel like he has to be generically-nice vampire-hunter guy all the time - he can also be day-drinking, arbitrarily-belligerent guy.  Then, as if this indignity wasn’t enough already, Anna shows up on his doorstep to tell him Pearl feels horrible about the whole debacle with Stefan getting tortured. When asked why Pearl isn’t there herself, Anna says, “She doesn’t really do apologies.”  “Well that’s a coincidence,” says Damon acidly, “since I don’t really do forgiveness.”  But they realize that neither of them was responsible for the hospital break-in, so what do you know, communication does have some uses.
Bonnie and Elena have a strained conversation. Elena had called to tell her that the tomb spell failed, and Bonnie says after that she didn’t really want to come home. But Caroline and Bonnie talked every day, apparently, and now that Bonnie’s back Caroline offers her a distraction: helping her prepare for the Founders Court and the Miss Mystic pageant.  
Stefan gets home and immediately gets pounced on by his brother, who wants to know if he has any stories from school to share. “You’re making smalltalk,” Stefan accuses, “…why.”  “You seem awfully chipper lately, less doom and gloom, more pep in your step,” Damon says, demonstrating said ‘pep’.  “You think it’s because I drank human blood again,” Stefan supplies.  “I mean I don’t wanna brag, but I would definitely take responsibility for this new and improved you,” Damon says. (Somewhere on the other side of the country, another vampire in a black leather jacket laughs and says “who am I kidding, I love to brag!”)  “Alright, well, I hate to burst your bubble but, I’m clean,” Stefan tells Damon.  “Yeah, not possible.”  “Not only is it possible but it is quite true.”  Damon isn’t swayed: “Stefan, let’s be serious for a second.  You spent the last century and a half being a poster child for Prozac, and now you expect me to believe this new you has nothing to do with human blood, nothing?”  Stefan just shrugs, repeats, “I’m clean.”  Damon’s voice raises an indignant three octaves: “You’re lying.”  “Believe what you want,” says Stefan.  But basically five minutes later Stefan goes downstairs to his creepy blood fridge and Damon pops around the corner and asks when he was going to share that he’s a closet blood junkie.  And Stefan, caught in the lie, completely reverses his previous stance: “So I’m drinking blood again, you’re the one who shoved it on me, what’s your problem?” Damon tries to explain that the problem is that Stefan is being obvious and they’re trying to keep a low profile here, but Stefan just adopts a “poor you” voice and says, “Have my actions negatively impacted you? I can’t imagine what that must feel like.”  Damon tries a different tactic, and asks about Elena, but Stefan says that nothing’s changed, he’s the same person as always – so Elena doesn’t need to know yet.  This frankly insane statement seems to get through to Damon, and he abruptly gets serious: “Look Stefan, you’ve been off the human stuff for years, if you’re having trouble controlling it –”  “I’m not having any problems,” Stefan interrupts him, shrugging smugly.  “Who do you think you’re talking to?” Damon says impatiently. “I know what it’s like, that Jekyll and Hyde feeling, there’s that switch, sometimes it goes off and you snap.  Right now is not a good time for me to be worried about you snapping!” Stefan answers, “I know that it pains you to see this, but I’m fine.  Okay?  I’m fine.  So, please, do me a favor, and back off.”
Side note: they do some really interesting stuff with lighting in this episode.  In the second half of this scene, Stefan is lit by the open fridge:
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And Damon is, for a good portion of the scene, just a silhouette in the doorway:
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Stefan is perfectly visible, if dimly lit; Damon on the other hand appears in total darkness, you can’t even see his face. But then again, Stefan, who appears more clearly, is lit by the very thing keeping him underground. And Damon only appears shadowed because the light from the stairs is directly at his back. All he has to do is turn.  Instead, of course, he steps forward to stand next to his brother.
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Elena and Caroline and the other candidates interview for the Miss Mystic Falls position.  Caroline’s extremely impressive litany of extracurricular and volunteer activities is juxtaposed with Elena’s confession that she’s been distracted this year, but takes the nomination seriously, and regards it as a legacy from her mother, who believed in community, honor, and loyalty.  
John barges into the Salvatore house and complains that Damon has been dodging his calls.  When Damon asks why he’s even bothering with the charade since it’s pretty clear he and Isobel aren’t interested in catching vampires, John answers, “Isobel and I have a mutual interest.”  Damon’s eyes flicker for a moment, then John goes on to explain that there’s a stolen Gilbert invention that he and Isobel are looking for in the possession of Pearl. Damon, to John’s ever-so-satisfying surprise, tells him to leave: “I only entertained this whole blackmail scheme cause I thought you and Isobel could lead me to Katherine.”  But if John knew anything about Katherine, he would know who Pearl was.  “I’ll tell the entire council what you are,” John says, confused that this isn’t working the way he planned.  “Go for it,” Damon tells him, “I’ll kill every last one of them, sever your hand, pull your ring off and kill you too.” 
The Miss Mystic contestants and their escorts have dance practice.  “Flirt with your eyes,” instructs Mrs. Lockwood.  
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“This is ridiculous,” Elena says. “You’re only saying that cause you don’t know how to do it,” Stefan tells her. “Sorry only one of us was around when the dance was invented,” Elena retorts.  Stefan grabs, twirls, and dips her while she giggles – more voluntary dancing from the newly-non-inhibited Stefan – before Mrs. Lockwood informs them that there’s no touching in this part of the dance, it’s just about the “simple intimacy of the near touch”.  Once she steps away, Stefan says, “If you ask me, the near touch is overrated.”  “You seem to be in a good mood,” Elena comments. “That a bad thing?” Stefan says, sensitive as ever to accusations that something might be off with him. “Would you prefer me to be brooding and tortured?” “Hey, I’m not complaining,” Elena says, and reaches for him to reassure him. 
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“No touching,” he tells her, joking again.  
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And honestly, all of this would be exceptionally adorable, except that I’m pretty sure Stefan is basically in the middle of a manic episode. It’s never explained flat-out in a convenient vampire-fact, but based on Damon’s Prozac comment earlier and everyone commenting on Stefan’s mood shift, it seems like having a healthy diet of human blood keeps a vampire’s moods steady.  So his many decades of only animal blood made Stefan a little bit broodier than he would be naturally, and now that he’s pretty clearly drinking more blood than his body actually needs, he’s buckets of fun and impulsivity.  He’s a diet-induced manic-depressive.
Caroline and Bonnie arrive, Bonnie filling in as Car’s escort while Matt works.  Caroline is, of course, anxious about her competition, particularly the sympathy vote Elena’s guaranteed because her parents died.  She knows it must seem unimportant to Bonnie, but confesses, “I want this, and I actually deserve this!”  Elena pulls Bonnie aside and Bonnie finally tells her what’s wrong: “She died for nothing….That’s just it, there’s nothing you can do.  I blame [Stefan], him and Damon.  But I’m not gonna put you in a position to choose sides.  I’m just having a hard time with it, okay?”   
Meanwhile, Stefan gets completely overwhelmed when a kid falls playing basketball and skins his knee.  I know this is teen vampire bread and butter, but I don’t buy it. Ignoring the many everyday scrapes and papercuts and half-healed shaving mishaps that people regularly walk around with, half of the population is actively bleeding one eighth of the time, you can’t tell me that this is the first time Stefan has encountered the smell of blood all day!  Give me consistent vampire fiction or give me death!!  Either you’re in control all the time, or you’re not, because there is ALWAYS blood. 
Alaric shows up to the Gilbert house to chauffeur Jenna and Elena to the pageant.  “I thought I was driving,” John says, pitifully.  “No need,” Jenna tells him.  Alaric grins at John.
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Nothing is working out for Uncle John the way he wants.
Anna’s hair is, like, the Ideal 2000s Messy Bun.
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She tells Damon (who, look at that, is gorgeously lit) that she was supposed to participate in this very event back in 1864, before everything happened.  “Ah,” he says, unsympathetically, “nostalgia’s a bitch.” But he helpfully shares the information he has about John and the Gilbert device. 
next up: Miss Mystic part two, everything goes to shit
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