#camille lagarde
billyobilly · 1 year
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🎉 A l'occasion des Puces de l'Illu #10, le Campus Fonderie de l'Image est fier de vous prĂ©senter son ouvrage "10 ans d'Illustration contemporaine". 📝 Ce livre voit se croiser des rĂ©flexions sur le monde de l’illustration contemporaine, archipel complexe et fourni et affirme l'ambition du Campus de faire rayonner les arts visuels au plus grand nombre et dĂ©montre que l'illustration contemporaine, omniprĂ©sente dans nos vies, est une pratique artistique foisonnante et un art Ă  part entiĂšre. âžĄïž RĂ©servez dĂšs maintenant votre exemplaire et contribuez au cĂŽtĂ© du Campus Ă  faire rayonner les mĂ©tiers des arts visuels. https://fr.ulule.com/les-puces-de-lillu/ âžĄïž Le livre sera disponible les 3 et 4 dĂ©cembre aux Puces de l’Illu 10 ! 🎉 ✹Merci aux 42 illustrateurs et 9 contributeurs pour la rĂ©alisation de ce beau projet ! ADENE, MaĂŻc Baxane, Boll, Thomas Brosset, Brulex, Marie-Pierre Brunel, Marie CasaĂŻs, Louise de Crozals, Camille de Cussac, Alice Des, Camille Deschiens, Dugudus, Louise Duneton, Morgane Fadanelli, AmĂ©lie Fontaine, Freak City, George(s), Camille Gobourg, Anna Wanda Gogusey, Celin le Gouail, Groduk & Boucar, Hyyyper, Icinori, AurĂ©lien Jeanney, Laho, Simon Landrein, Marie LarrivĂ©, Élodie Lascar, Kevin Manach, BĂ©rĂ©nice Milon, BĂ©nĂ©dicte Muller, Marie Mirgaine, Marilena Nardi, Mathieu Pauget, Tom de Pekin, HervĂ© Pinel, Sara Quijano, Billy Serib, Agathe Singer, Julia Spiers, Baptiste Virot, Alice Wietzel, Lisa Zordan Florence Guebey, François Albinet, Effi Mild & Laurent Zorzin, VĂ©ronique Marrier, Michel Lagarde, Natalie Thiriez, AmĂ©lie Payan, Michael Prigent, Luce Mondor (Ă  Campus Fonderie de l'Image) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYTecJjFQR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dannyphantom-rewrite · 3 years
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@gally-hin-phantom bud the entire server has adopted her ahdjfjf
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cybermint-bee · 3 years
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I couldn't resist this beauty by @gally-hin-phantom
Link so you could read all about her:
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gally-hin-phantom · 3 years
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We know the true...
Ty @ghost-malone​ for the idea :3c
I got several questions concerning my oc the last few days I didn’t say it explicitly since I didn’t thought people would like her tbh 💚
But just to let you know, Camille is free to use I may have draw a design but it’s just a face to fill some void and questions (How does the rat bastard manage all his life ? Who takes care of the cat when he isn’t there ? Does he even have somebody he considers a friend ? Even a little ? Just a bit ?)
So if you want it and if it makes you happy : change stuffs, change her backstory, ship her, make her hate her job etc ^^
Or draw/write your version of Vlad’s secretary Invent. Create. Have fun 💚
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gebo4482 · 2 years
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Imperator: Furiosa - The Animation
Artist: Killian Prevost / Elairin - Camille Boulestin / Lucie Martin / Jln Mck / Sylvain Sarrailh / Benjamin Lagard
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extrabeurre · 5 years
Gala Québec Cinéma 2019 : Les nominations
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Irlande CĂŽtĂ©, Émilie Pierre, Jacob Whiteduck-Lavoie. CrĂ©dit photo : Julie Caron
Adoptant une nouvelle formule cette annĂ©e, oĂč le vote du jury est pondĂ©rĂ© 50/50 avec le vote des membres votants de l'industrie, le Gala QuĂ©bec CinĂ©ma se retrouve avec des nominations qui offrent un bel Ă©quilibre entre le cinĂ©ma populaire et d'auteur.
Ainsi, dans la catĂ©gorie Meilleur film, les 7 finalistes incluent les gros succĂšs 1991 de Ricardo Trogi (aussi Meilleure rĂ©alisation et Meilleur scĂ©nario) et La Bolduc de François Bouvier d'une part, et les productions acclamĂ©es par la critique À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas de Yan Giroux (aussi Meilleure rĂ©alisation et Meilleur scĂ©nario), GenĂšse de Philippe Lesage, La grande noirceur de Maxime Giroux (aussi Meilleure rĂ©alisation), RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues de Denis CĂŽtĂ© (aussi Meilleure rĂ©alisation), et Une colonie de GeneviĂšve Dulude-De Celles (aussi Meilleure rĂ©alisation et Meilleur scĂ©nario).
La catĂ©gorie Meilleur scĂ©nario est complĂ©tĂ©e par deux excellents choix, Avant qu'on explose d'Éric K. Boulianne et Origami d'AndrĂ© Gulluni & Claude Lalonde.
Je me permets aussi de mettre en lumiĂšre ma catĂ©gorie prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e, RĂ©vĂ©lation de l'annĂ©e, qui est dominĂ©e par les vedettes du brillant Une colonie, soit Émilie Bierre, Irlande CĂŽtĂ© et Jacob Whiteduck-Lavoie, qui sont rejoints par LĂ©vi DorĂ© pour La chute de Sparte et Maripier Morin pour La chute de l'empire amĂ©ricain.
Les finalistes sont présenté.e.s en ordre alphabétique 
MEILLEUR FILM Iris du Meilleur film
1991 - Go Films - Nicole Robert À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas - micro_scope - Luc DĂ©ry, Élaine HĂ©bert, Kim McCraw La Bolduc - Caramel Films - ValĂ©rie d'Auteuil, AndrĂ© Rouleau GenĂšse - L'UnitĂ© centrale - GalilĂ© Marion-Gauvin La grande noirceur - Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues - Couzin Films - Ziad Touma Une colonie - Colonelle films - Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering
MEILLEUR PREMIER FILM Iris du Meilleur premier film
Sera annoncé lors du Gala Québec Cinéma
MEILLEURE RÉALISATION Iris de la Meilleure rĂ©alisation
Denis CĂŽtĂ© - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues GeneviĂšve Dulude-De Celles - Une colonie Maxime Giroux - La grande noirceur Yan Giroux - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Ricardo Trogi - 1991
MEILLEUR SCÉNARIO Iris du Meilleur scĂ©nario
Guillaume Corbeil, Yan Giroux - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas GeneviĂšve Dulude-De Celles - Une colonie AndrĂ© Gulluni, Claude Lalonde - Origami Eric K. Boulianne - Avant qu'on explose Ricardo Trogi - 1991
MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION FÉMININE | PREMIER RÔLE Iris de la Meilleure interprĂ©tation fĂ©minine dans un premier rĂŽle
JosĂ©e DeschĂȘnes (GisĂšle DubĂ©) - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Debbie Lynch-White (Mary Travers) - La Bolduc Brigitte Poupart (Marie-Claire DubĂ©) - Les salopes ou le sucre naturel de la peau Karelle Tremblay (LĂ©o) - La disparition des lucioles Carla Turcotte (Sasha) - Sashinka
MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION MASCULINE | PREMIER RÔLE Iris de la Meilleure interprĂ©tation masculine dans un premier rĂŽle
Jean-Carl Boucher (Ricardo) - 1991 Pierre-Luc Brillant (Steve) - La disparition des lucioles Martin Dubreuil (Yves Boisvert) - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Patrick Hivon (Kevin) - Nous sommes Gold ThĂ©odore Pellerin (Guillaume) - GenĂšse
MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION FÉMININE | RÔLE DE SOUTIEN Iris de la Meilleure interprĂ©tation fĂ©minine dans un rĂŽle de soutien
Sandrine Bisson (Claudette) - 1991 CĂ©line Bonnier (Dyane) - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Larissa Corriveau (AdĂšle) - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues MĂ©lissa DĂ©sormeaux-Poulin (Catherine Beauregard) - DĂ©rive Natalia Dontcheva (Elena) - Sashinka
MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION MASCULINE | RÔLE DE SOUTIEN Iris de la Meilleure interprĂ©tation masculine dans un rĂŽle de soutien
Robin Aubert (Henri) - Une colonie Pier-Luc Funk (Maxime) - GenĂšse Vincent Leclerc (Jean-Claude) - La Chute de l'empire amĂ©ricain Alexandre Nachi (Arturo) - 1991 Henri Picard (Marc) - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas
RÉVÉLATION DE L'ANNÉE Iris de la RĂ©vĂ©lation de l'annĂ©e
Émilie Bierre (Mylia) - Une colonie Irlande CĂŽtĂ© (Camille) - Une colonie LĂ©vi DorĂ© (Steeve Simard) - La chute de Sparte Maripier Morin (Aspasie / Camille Lafontaine) - La Chute de l'empire amĂ©ricain Jacob Whiteduck-Lavoie (Jimmy) - Une colonie
MEILLEURE DISTRIBUTION DES RÔLES Iris de la Meilleure distribution des rîles
Nathalie Boutrie (Casting NB) - La chute de Sparte Ariane Castellanos - Une colonie Chloé Cinq-Mars - Dérive Denis CÎté - Répertoire des villes disparues Nolwenn Daste, Fanny Rainville, Kristina Wagenbauer - Sashinka
MEILLEURE DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE Iris de la Meilleure direction artistique
Sylvain Dion, Patricia McNeil - La grande noirceur Raymond Dupuis - La Bolduc Marie-Pier Fortier - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Marie-Claude Gosselin - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Christian LegarĂ© - 1991
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie
Steve Asselin - 1991 Ian Lagarde - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas François Messier-Rheault - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Sara Mishara - La grande noirceur Ronald Plante - La Bolduc
MEILLEUR SON Iris du Meilleur son
Mimi Allard, Sylvain Bellemare, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Claude La Haye - Allure Claude Beaugrand, Michel B. Bordeleau, Luc Boudrias, Gilles Corbeil - La Bolduc Stéphane Bergeron, Olivier Calvert, Gilles Corbeil - La disparition des lucioles Luc Boudrias, Frédéric Cloutier, Stephen De Oliveira - La grande noirceur Sylvain Brassard, Michel Lecoufle - 1991
MEILLEUR MONTAGE Iris du Meilleur montage
Michel Arcand - La Bolduc Mathieu Bouchard-Malo - Genùse Mathieu Bouchard-Malo - La grande noirceur Elric Robichon - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Yvann Thibaudeau - 1991
MEILLEURS EFFETS VISUELS Iris des Meilleurs effets visuels
Alchimie 24 - Jean-François "Jafaz" Ferland, Marie-Claude Lafontaine - La Bolduc Fix Studio - AurĂ©lia Abate, Delphine Lasserre, Bruno Maillard | Oblique FX - BenoĂźt BriĂšre, Louis-Philippe Clavet, ValĂ©rie Garcia, Étienne Rodrigue - Dans la brume Fly Studio - Jean-Pierre Boies, Jean-François Talbot - 1991
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale
Olivier Alary - La grande noirceur Philippe B - Nous sommes Gold Frédéric Bégin - 1991 Philippe Brault - La disparition des lucioles Peter Venne - Avant qu'on explose
MEILLEURS COSTUMES Iris des Meilleurs costumes
Caroline Bodson - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Mariane Carter - La Bolduc MĂ©lanie Garcia - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Anne-Karine Gauthier - 1991 Patricia McNeil - La grande noirceur
MEILLEUR MAQUILLAGE Iris du Meilleur maquillage
Audrey Bitton - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Virginie Boudreau - 1991 Nicole Lapierre - La Bolduc LĂ©onie LĂ©vesque-Robert - Une colonie (ex aequo) Dominique T. Hasbani - GenĂšse (ex aequo) Dominique T. Hasbani - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues
MEILLEURE COIFFURE Iris de la Meilleure coiffure
Nathalie Dion - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas AndrĂ© Duval - La chute de Sparte Daniel Jacob - 1991 Martin Lapointe - La Bolduc Dominique T. Hasbani - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues
MEILLEUR FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur film documentaire
Anote's Ark - Matthieu Rytz | EyeSteelFilm - Matthieu Rytz L'autre Rio - Émilie Beaulieu-GuĂ©rette | Colonelle films - Fanny Drew, GeneviĂšve Dulude-De Celles, Sarah Mannering Cielo- Alison McAlpine | Errante Producciones - Paola Castillo | Second Sight Pictures - Alison McAlpine Innu Nikamu : Chanter la rĂ©sistance- Kevin Bacon Hervieux | Terre Innue - Ian Boyd Pauline Julien, intime et politique - Pascale Ferland | Office national du film du Canada - Johanne Bergeron
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie | Film documentaire
Benjamín Echazarreta - Cielo Danae Elon, Itamar Mendes Flohr - A Sister's Song Sylvestre Guidi - New Memories Alexandre Lampron - Des histoires inventées Matthieu Rytz - Anote's Ark
MEILLEUR MONTAGE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur montage | Film documentaire
Mila Aung-Thwin, Oana Suteu Khintirian - Anote's Ark Natacha Dufaux - L'autre Rio Vincent Guignard, Alexandre Leblanc - A Sister's Song Catherine Legault - Les lettres de ma mÚre René Roberge - Pauline Julien, intime et politique
MEILLEUR SON | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur son | Film documentaire
Claude Beaugrand, Luc Boudrias, Serge GiguÚre - Les lettres de ma mÚre Bruno Bélanger, Marie-Pierre Grenier, Francisco Heron De Alencar - L'autre Rio Cyril Bourseaux, Mélanie Gauthier, Simon Léveillé, Simon Plouffe, Lynne Trépanier, Jean Paul Vialard, Shikuan Shetush Vollant - Ceux qui viendront, l'entendront Olivier Calvert, Jean Paul Vialard - Pauline Julien, intime et politique Andrés Carrasco, Miguel Hormazåbal, Mauricio López, Alison McAlpine, Rodrigo Salvatierra, Carlo Sanchez Farías, Claudio Vargas - Cielo
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | FICTION Iris du Meilleur court mĂ©trage | Fiction
Brotherhood - Meryam Joobeur | Cinétéléfilms - Habib Attia, Sarra Ben-Hassen | Meryam Joobeur | Laika Film & Television - Andreas Rocksén | Midi La Nuit - Maria Gracia Turgeon Fauve - Jérémy Comte | Midi La Nuit - Maria Gracia Turgeon | Achromatic Media - Evren Boisjoli Lunar-Orbit Rendezvous - Mélanie Charbonneau | Hutte Films - Virginie Nolin Milk - Santiago Menghini | Newton's Cradle - Max Walker Mon Boy - Sarah Pellerin | La Boßte à Fanny - Fanny-Laure Malo, Annie-Claude Quirion
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | ANIMATION Iris du Meilleur court mĂ©trage | Animation
Bone Mother - Dale Hayward, Sylvie TrouvĂ© | Office national du film du Canada - Jelena Popović La chambre des filles - Claire Brognez | Les Films de l'Autre - Claire Brognez Mais un oiseau ne chantait pas - Pierre HĂ©bert | Pierre HĂ©bert Not Your Panda - Tigris Alt Sakda | Tigris Alt Sakda Le sujet - Patrick Bouchard | Office national du film du Canada - Julie Roy
PRIX DU PUBLIC Iris Prix du public
1991 - Ricardo Trogi | Les Films Séville | Go Films - Nicole Robert La Bolduc - François Bouvier | Les Films Christal | Caramel Films - Valérie d'Auteuil, André Rouleau La Chute de l'empire américain - Denys Arcand | Les Films Séville | Cinémaginaire - Denise Robert La Course des tuques - Benoit Godbout et François Brisson | Les Films Séville | CarpeDiem Film & TV - Marie-Claude Beauchamp La disparition des lucioles - Sébastien Pilote | Les Films Séville | ACPAV - Marc Daigle, Bernadette Payeur
Sera annoncé ultérieurement
FILM S'ÉTANT LE PLUS ILLUSTRÉ À L'EXTÉRIEUR DU QUÉBEC Iris du Film s'Ă©tant le plus illustrĂ© Ă  l'extĂ©rieur du QuĂ©bec
La Chute de l'empire américain - Denys Arcand | Cinémaginaire - Denise Robert Cielo - Alison McAlpine | Errante Producciones - Paola Castillo | Second Sight Pictures - Alison McAlpine La Course des tuques - Benoit Godbout et François Brisson | CarpeDiem Film & TV - Marie-Claude Beauchamp La disparition des lucioles - Sébastien Pilote | ACPAV - Marc Daigle, Bernadette Payeur Eye on Juliet - Kim Nguyen | Item 7 - Pierre Even
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etcrnalmiscry · 6 years
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starter call for all my children that are attending!! limit to two each and please tell me whom you want it from and whom to.
arabella lagarde ( beast and belle / 19 ) 2/2 le fou, greer
ariadna arvy ( harvey and winnie / 21 ) 1/2 liana
bree leclair ( le fou / 38 ) 0/2
cheyenne candy ( king candy / 21 ) 2/2 camille, lina
dana skellington ( jack and sally / 18 ) 0/2
emerald parr ( violet / 31 ) 0/2
faith bleu ( blue fairy / 17 ) 0/2
freddie facilier ( dr. facilier / 18 ) 2/2 cj, jordan
georgia sylverfur ( big bad wolf / 29 ) 1/2 blair, 
isabella villegas ( stitch / 28 ) 0/2
jace hatter ( mad hatter / 24 ) 0/2
kona maeve ( maui / 21 ) 0/2
lana gothel ( mother gothel / 26 ) 0/2
mal fae ( maleficent / 19 ) 2/2 dizzy, uma
nina boggs ( randall / 23 ) 1/2 ximena, 
octavia montenegro ( kuzco / 28 ) 0/2
pandora boogie ( oogie / 19 ) 0/2
queenie charpentier ( quasimodo / 20 ) 1/2 theia, 
rapunzel fitzherbert ( rapunzel / 40 ) 2/2 adam, sunny
shock witch ( shock / 19 ) 0/2
summer triton ( ariel and eric / 22 ) 2/2 iman, emmeline
tegan westergaard ( hans / 15 ) 1/2 dizzy
winter neve ( periwinkle / 25 ) 3/2 romina, jaesun, kalli
xiomara de la cruz ( ernesto de la cruz / 21 ) 1/2 gabriel, 
zoe bjorgman ( anna and kristoff / 20 ) 2/2 alexis, rudy
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adipz · 2 years
Lectures de 2022
- Le jeu des ombres, Louise Erdrich
- Maus l'intégrale, tome 1 et 2, Art Spiegelman
- La décision, Karine Tuil
- Soie, Alessandro Barrico
- Mon mari, Maud Ventura
- L'amour soudain, Aharon Appelfeld
- Douleur, Zeruya Shalev
- Hiver Ă  Sokcho, Elisa Shua Dusapin
- L'ordre du jour, Eric Vuillard
- Connemara, Nicolas Mathieu
-La familia grande, Camille Kouchner
- Juste la fin du monde, Jean-Luc Lagard
-Comment apprendre Ă  s'aimer, Yukiko Motoya
-Adieu triste amour, Mirion Malle
-L'agrume, Valérie Mrejen
-Le musée de l'innocence, Ohran Pamuk
-Les aprĂšs-midi d'hiver, Anna Zerbib
-Les cahiers d'Esther, tome 7
-Le fémur de Rimbaud, Franz Bartelt
-Amour dans une petite ville, Wang Anyi
-Requiem pour un apache, Gilles Marchand
-La mauvaise herbe, Agustin Martinez
-ArĂšne, NĂ©gar Djavadi
-Debout les morts, Fred Vargas
-Aria, Nazanine Hozar
-Océan mer, Alessandro Barrico
-L'astragale, Albertine Sarrazin
-Avant que j'oublie, Anne Pauly
-Les promises, Jean-Michel Grangé
-Lire Lolita à Téhéran, Azar Nafisi
-Malgré tout, Jordi Lafebre
Total : 32
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thecommunityarchive · 5 years
March 4th – 30th, Bonington Gallery, Nottingham Live in Nottingham with Ethan Assouline, LaĂ«titia Badaut Haussmann, David Bernstein, Tenant of Culture, Cyrus Goberville, Philippe Hallais and Ruby Hoette
November 9th – 11th, Le Reilhac, Paris ’Photos Authentiques, Romantiques, Magnifiques’ with David Brandon Geeting, Xiaopeng Yuan, Nico Krijno, Charles Negre, Melchior Tersen, Nick Sethi, Kamilya Kuspanova and Marie DĂ©hĂ©
October 13th – 20th, DOC, Paris Umwelt Monde with The Community (Paris), TG (Nottingham), Mercy Pictures (Auckland), Unsere Umwelt (Basel), Guimarães (Vienna) and Sydney (Sydney). The Community with Tenant of Culture, Justin Cole Smith and Alexander Kelvy
September 26th, Palais de Tokyo Terrace, Paris Gauntlett Cheng 'Eternal Spring' Performance + Terrace Takeover
July 21st, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #09 : Black Zone Myth Chant (Editions Gravats)
July 11th – 28th, The Community, Paris Final exhibition: « Inside the house » with Cali Thornhill Dewitt, David Luraschi, FĂ©licia Atkinson, Ieva Kabasinskaite + “the names of the core team”, Julie BĂ©na, Julien Carreyn + Ernesto Sartori, Julien Lacroix, Laurent-David Garnier, LaĂ«titia Badaut Haussmann + Anna AthĂ©na Simon, Niklas Hallman, Pieter van der Schaaf & StĂ©phanie Lagarde, Shauna Toohey & Misha Hollenbach, The Community, Thomas Jeppe + Cyrus Goberville + Black Zone Myth Chant, LĂ©a Domingues + Aapo Nikkanen, (But chĂ©rie, today we’re not full – More to be announced!)
June 22nd – 24th, The Community, Paris Double Date with Wigs (Perruques) by Tomihiro Kono and “I’m having a dinner with a friend” by Haruka Spring and Shauna T. June 20th – July 29th, rue de la RĂ©publique, Marseille Installation by The Community for KochĂ© at Le Sud BĂ©bĂ©
June 9th – July 1st, Averard Hotel, London European, Foreign and Domestic with Louis & Marie Amar, Amy & Oliver Thomas-Irvine, Michael Iveson, Jack Brindley, Marc Einsiedel & Felix Jung, The Community, Ittah-Yoda and Ophelia Finke ∩ JJ Lincoln
May 30th, The Community, Paris octopus notes 8 Launch
May 25th, The Community, Paris Launch and book signing: Khichdi (Kitchari) by Nick Sethi (Dashwood Books)
May 12th – June 10th, The Community, Paris Autour de ma chambre with Christiane Blattmann, Women’s History Museum and Femke Dekkers
April 28th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #08 : Dominick Fernow (Hospital Productions)
April 20th – May 19th, COHERENT, Brussels I spy with my little eye with Brendan Fowler, David Luraschi and Niklas Hallman
April 18th, The Community, Paris I will set a stage for you by Ana Iwataki and Marion Vasseur Raluy – based on a project for Art Viewer
April 12th – May 6th, The Community, Paris Angela (An American Hero, Chapitre 2) by Ethan Assouline and Philippe Hallais
April 5th – 7th, The Community, Paris The Community : Living Room with Thami Schweichler (Makers Unite), Ruby Hoette (Goldsmiths University), Julien Pujol and Soft as Snow (Houndstooth)
March 17th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #07 : ssaliva (Collapsing Market)
February 16th, Cotton Club, Paris YstÀvÀnpÀivÀ Party Celebrating Our 500 Days
January 24th – March 18th, The Community, Paris Same Same but Different #04
January 18th – 23rd, The Community, Paris The Community with Producing Love featuring Camper Lab, Chin Mens Intl. and Neith Nyer
January 6th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #06 : FĂ©licia Atkinson (Shelter Press)
December 16th – January 14th, 2018, The Community, Paris How do you do? with David Bernstein, Paul Gagner and Hermanni Saarinen
November 10th – 12th, The Community, Paris The Community : ISLAND with Osamu Yokonami, Daniel Shea, Camille Vivier, Thomas Albdorf, Durimel, Nico Krijno, Charles Negre
October 27th – November 26th, The Community, Paris MILKY WAY with Felicia Atkinson, Giovanna Flores, Elina Laitinen, CĂ©cile Nogues, AdĂ©la Souckova and Sophia Taillet
October 4th, The Community, Paris Gallery 909 SS18 “Empty Zones” Installation via The Community
September 29th – October 4th, The Community, Paris The Community with Novembre Magazine featuring Camper Lab, Ground Zero, MARIEYAT and Neith Nyer
September 27th, The Community, Paris Utopia III “Energy Is Fluid" Launch by P.A.M.
September 23rd, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #05 : Philippe Hallais (Modern Love)
September 22nd, The Community, Paris SS18 FEM(M)I by Anne Karine ThorbjĂžrnsen
July 9th, The Community, Paris Dining with Humpty Dumpty Launch and Reading by Reba Maybury with Rottingdean Bazaar 
July 1st – July 30th, The Community, Paris Automated Curation with core.pan, MiĆĄa Skalskis, Simone Niquille, Matti Liimatainen, Caroline Pretterebner, Aaron Alexander Arnoldt, and Wille Hyvönen & Sakari Vaelma
June 26th, Maison Louis Carré, Paris The Community with Laëtitia Badaut Haussmann at Maison Louis Carré
June 23rd – 28th, The Community, Paris The Community with Novembre Magazine featuring Chin Mens, Neith Nyer, Ground Zero and Camper Lab
June 22nd, The Community, Paris The Community with SomeWare (Brendan Fowler + Cali Thornhill DeWitt) and Odwalla1221 (Chloé Elizabeth Maratta & Flannery Silva)
June 13th – 18th, Basel  Umwelt Mode with The Community (Paris), MAVRA (Berlin), TG (Nottingham), and UNSERE UMWELT (Basel). The Community with Aamu Salo, Brendan Fowler, Hanne Jurmu and Thompson Street Studio. Umwelt Mode curated by Thomas Jeppe and Benedikt Wyss
May 20th – June 21st, The Community, Paris RUN HOME Collection III with Susan Cianciolo and Kiva Motnyk
May 9th, The Community, Paris Collection revue 5 launch
April 6th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #04 : Ron Morelli (Hospital Productions)
March 25th – May 9th, The Community, Paris A Waiting Room with Susan Cianciolo & Kiva Motnyk (Thompson Street Studio, Run Home Collection), Corinna Helenelund, Lola Mercier, Sara de la Villejegu and Henry Roy
March 3rd – 8th, The Community, Paris Paris Fashion Week Installation with Novembre Magazine : Gauntlett Cheng, Helena Manzano, Neith Nyer, Nhu Duong and BARRAGÁN
February 23rd – 26th, LACMA, Los Angeles LA Art Book Fair
January 29th – February 26th, The Community, Paris Same Same But Different
January 21st, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #03 : Pan Daijing
January 20th – 24th, The Community, Paris Paris Fashion Week Installation with Novembre Magazine : Chin Mens and Neith Nyer
December 8th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #02 : Carla dal Forno (Blackest Ever Black)
December 3rd – January 13th, 2017, The Community, Paris The Adventures of You with Jaakko Pallasvuo, Arnar Ásgeirsson, Hanne Jurmu & Anton Vartiainen, and The Community and Lance the Psychic & jasonknudsen414
November 26th, The Community, Paris mummy has the bends again (is the bends the one where you go down deep underwater for a long time and when you surface, you feel funny?), Paris launch of HEROES – Fanfiction, by CENTRE FOR STYLE and 3-ply
November 12th – 16th, The Community, Paris Facing-the-World with Nico Krijno, Yelena Yemchuk, Marton Perlaki, HART+LËSHKINA, Mark Peckmezian, Ye Rin Mok, Camille Vivier, Estelle Hanania, Osma Harvilahti, Sasha Kurmaz, Bea de Giacomo, Birthe Piontek, Jody Rogac, Matthew Leifheit, David Luraschi, Heikki Kaski, Louise Desnos, Charlie Engman.
November 4th, The Community, Paris Permanent Cuts #01 : Bill Kouligas (PAN)
September 29th – November 11th, The Community, Paris BEING-IN-THE-WORLD with Sandra Vaka Olsen, Hadrien Gerenton, François Patoue, Aapo Nikkanen, Gyohei Zaitsu, Lauri Soini, Maria Korkeila, ensaemble, Vivi Raila, NINJAT, NOT, Yashka, Elina Laitinen, Sia Rosenberg, The Art Markets, Khaos Publishing, Jean Boite Éditions and Thompson Street Studio
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diamanteunickforex · 4 years
Ibovespa fecha na måxima histórica com recuperação de bancos e alívio da OMS
SÃO PAULO – O Ibovespa fechou em alta nesta quinta-feira (23) e renovou sua mĂĄxima histĂłrica puxado pelos fortes ganhos das açÔes de bancos e depois da Organização Mundial da SaĂșde (OMS) anunciar que â€œĂ© muito cedo para considerar o novo coronavĂ­rus uma emergĂȘncia internacional”. Os Ă­ndices acionĂĄrios dos Estados Unidos zeraram perdas com a notĂ­cia.
Na China jĂĄ foram confirmadas 18 mortes e 600 pessoas infectadas pela doença. As autoridades do paĂ­s decidiram isolar a cidade de Wuhan, capital da provĂ­ncia de Hubei e epicentro da disseminação do vĂ­rus. Todos os voos e trens da cidade foram cancelados e o transporte pĂșblico foi fechado, em medidas para evitar a propagação do coronavĂ­rus.
O Ibovespa teve alta de 0,96% a 119.527 pontos com volume financeiro negociado de R$ 25,14 bilhÔes.
A soma das participaçÔes dos bancos no Ibovespa Ă© maior do que 21%, de modo que o setor Ă© o mais pesado do Ă­ndice. ItaĂș Unibanco (ITUB4) subiu 2,37%, Bradesco (BBDC3; BBDC4) teve alta de 2,64%, Banco do Brasil (BBAS3) valorizou 5,62% e Santander (SANB11) mostrou um desempenho positivo de 1,96%.
De acordo com o trader de multimercados da Quantitas GestĂŁo de Recursos, Lucas Monteiro, os bancos como um todo foram bem por um movimento conhecido como “rotation“. “Dado que o Ă­ndice tem andado bastante, faz sentido trocar de setores, entrando naquilo que nĂŁo andou muito e que estĂĄ barato em termos de mĂșltiplos”, disse Monteiro.
Enquanto isso, o dĂłlar comercial registrou perdas de 0,21%, a R$ 4,1648 na compra e R$ 4,1668 na venda. O dĂłlar futuro com vencimento em fevereiro tinha baixa de 0,26% a R$ 4,173.
No mercado de juros futuros, o DI para janeiro de 2022 teve alta de cinco pontos-base a 4,99%, o DI para janeiro de 2023 registrou ganhos de trĂȘs pontos-base a 5,57% e o DI para janeiro de 2025 avançou dois pontos-base a 6,32%.
A alta foi mitigada pelas declaraçÔes do presidente do Banco Central, Roberto Campos Neto, que afirmou estar tranquilo com a inflação. Apesar de alta, os nĂșcleos da inflação ficaram estĂĄveis e o aumento do preço das carnes estĂĄ diminuindo, disse ele.
Mias cedo, os juros subiam forte diante do Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo-15 (IPCA-15), que registrou alta de 0,71% em janeiro na comparação mensal, segundo informou nesta quinta-feira (23) o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE).
O resultado ficou praticamente em linha com a alta esperada de 0,70%, segundo estimativa mediana em pesquisa Bloomberg, depois de ter avançado 1,05% na medição anterior.
Em destaque, esteve a desaceleração do grupo Alimentação e bebidas, de alta de 2,59% em dezembro na base mensal para 1,83% em janeiro, que foi explicada principalmente pelo resultado da alimentação no domicílio (2,30%), cuja alta foi inferior à registrada no IPCA-15 de dezembro (3,62%).
“ContribuĂ­ram para isso as carnes, que passaram de uma alta de 17,71% no mĂȘs anterior para 4,83% em janeiro. Ainda assim, o item foi responsĂĄvel pela maior contribuição individual no Ă­ndice de janeiro, com 0,15 ponto percentual”, destacou o IBGE.
“Carnes atĂ© ajudaram, desacelerando mais rapidamente. Mas os demais componentes vieram mais pressionados. A mĂ©dia dos nĂșcleos foi de 0,45% ante nossa estimativa de 0,35%”, disse Ă  Bloomberg Flavio Serrano, economista-chefe do Haitong.
Ainda no radar, o Banco Central Europeu (BCE) decidiu hoje por manter a taxa de depósitos em -0,5%, em linha com as expectativas do mercado. A linha de crédito marginal permaneceu com os juros em 0,25%.
A grande novidade, contudo, ficou por conta da mudança na polĂ­tica monetĂĄria que a presidente do BCE, Christine Lagarde, anunciou nesta tarde. “NĂŁo deixaremos de analisar nenhum aspecto da situação e a maneira como medimos a inflação claramente Ă© algo que devemos revisar”, afirmou, deixando no ar a possibilidade de alterar as metas de inflação, atualmente em 2%.
De acordo com Lagarde, os riscos ainda estão puxados para o lado negativo.
Paulo Guedes e Bolsonaro
O ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, disse ontem ao jornal Valor EconĂŽmico que o Reino Unido tem interesse em iniciar as negociaçÔes para um acordo de livre-comĂ©rcio com o Mercosul logo apĂłs concluir o Brexit em dezembro deste ano. Guedes se reuniu ontem com o ministro britĂąnico das Finanças, Sajid David. “NĂłs queremos e eles querem” resumiu Guedes, ao fazer um balanço sobre sua participação no FĂłrum EconĂŽmico Mundial em Davos, na Suíça.
Representante brasileiro no FĂłrum EconĂŽmico Mundial, Guedes terĂĄ uma agenda voltada para debates em seu Ășltimo dia no evento. Ele participarĂĄ de duas mesas-redondas e de um painel sobre economia internacional, se encontrarĂĄ com o presidente de uma empresa de energia e almoçarĂĄ com representantes do jornal Washington Post.
JĂĄ o presidente Jair Bolsonaro embarca, na manhĂŁ de hoje, para a Índia, onde Ă© convidado especial para as celebraçÔes do Dia da RepĂșblica, no prĂłximo domingo (26). A viagem deve incluir a assinatura de pelo menos dez acordos bilaterais, em ĂĄreas como segurança cibernĂ©tica, bioenergia e saĂșde. A previsĂŁo Ă© que o aviĂŁo presidencial chegue a Nova Delhi por volta das 16h desta sexta-feira (24), horĂĄrio local, sem compromissos oficiais previstos.
O ministro Luiz Fux, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) anulou a decisĂŁo do presidente do Tribunal, Dias Toffoli, que adiou por seis meses a criação da figura do “juiz de garantias” presente no pacote anti-crime sancionado no final do ano passado pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro. Fux criticou pesadamente a figura do juiz de garantias: “A criação do juiz das garantias nĂŁo apenas reforma, mas refunda o processo penal brasileiro”, afirmou. Fux Ă© o relator original do caso.
Segundo Fux, a Lei tem “vĂ­cios de inconstitucionalidade” e Toffoli “ignorou dados da vida real” sobre o judiciĂĄrio brasileiro. O presidente da CĂąmara dos Deputados, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), disse ao jornal O Estado de S. Paulo que a medida de Fux “desrespeitou o Congresso, o presidente da RepĂșblica e o presidente do judiciĂĄrio (Toffoli)” que aprovaram todos a Lei.
NoticiĂĄrio corporativo
A Eletrobras comunicou que farå uma emissão de notes nos Estados Unidos para levantar US$ 1,75 bilhão (R$ 7,33 bilhÔes). Segundo a estatal elétrica brasileira, os papéis terão vencimento em cinco e dez anos e a soma serå usada para reduzir o endividamento da empresa.
Jå o Conselho de Administração da Copel, companhia estatal de energia elétrica do Paranå, aprovou a venda das açÔes que a empresa possui na Eletrosul. A empresa não informou qual é a sua participação na Eletrosul, que é uma subsidiåria da Eletrobras.
Maiores altas
Ativo Variação % Valor (R$) BRKM5 6.82068 38.84 BBAS3 5.25236 51.3 GOLL4 5.16407 39.1 COGN3 4.33628 11.79 CCRO3 3.67876 20.01
Maiores baixas
Ativo Variação % Valor (R$) BRFS3 -2.52809 34.7 GNDI3 -2.33432 72.8 ABEV3 -2.09974 18.65 HGTX3 -2.0438 26.84 IRBR3 -1.95991 44.02
A Camil acertou a compra da LDA Spa por 37 bilhÔes de pesos chilenos. Jå o  Carrefour Brasil divulgou suas prévias de vendas do quarto trimestre de 2019. O valor bruto consolidado somou R$ 17,6 bilhÔes no período, um crescimento de 11,4% na comparação com o mesmo trimestre de 2018. No acumulado do ano, as vendas chegaram a R$ 62,220 bilhÔes, alta de 10,4%.
(Com AgĂȘncia Brasil e AgĂȘncia Estado)
Quer investir com corretagem ZERO na Bolsa? Clique aqui e abra agora sua conta na Clear!
The post Ibovespa fecha na måxima histórica com recuperação de bancos e alívio da OMS appeared first on InfoMoney.
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dannyphantom-rewrite · 3 years
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Back reading the discord and LOOSING MY SHIT AT WORK @ghost-malone
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jchernandezphotographe · 7 years
#EmmanuelTodd Ă  #CPol du 10.9.17 : impitoyable, passionnant, lucide et clairvoyant Comme d'hab #macron
#EmmanuelTodd Ă  #CPol du 10.9.17 : impitoyable, passionnant, lucide et clairvoyant Comme d'hab #macron.
Il y démonte, notamment, le systÚme #macron et augure beaucoup de cas de corruption dans un proche avenir ..
 NVITÉ : EMMANUEL TODD, ANTHROPOLOGUE ET HISTORIEN-L'info en plus de Camille Girerd - La semaine politique de Felix Suffert-Lopez- En coulisses : À deux jours de la premiĂšre grande manifestation contre la loi travail, les reporters de C politique ont suivi sur le terrain une figure de la France Insoumise : François Ruffin et l’un des nouveaux visages de l’assemblĂ©e de La RĂ©publique En Marche : PacĂŽme Rupin. L’un comme l’autre peinent Ă  mobiliser sur le terrain contre et pour Macron. SĂ©quence cruelle sur un marchĂ© parisien qui illustre la chute du PrĂ©sident de la RĂ©publique dans les sondages. Thomas SnĂ©garoff propose un portrait d'Emmanuel Todd, l'invitĂ© fil-rouge et s’intĂ©resse, notamment, aux Gattaz, patrons des patrons de pĂšre en fils. - Cet Ă©tĂ©, Emmanuel Macron a fait la une de la presse people. DerriĂšre chaque photo, une mĂȘme agence. Qui se cache derriĂšre la communication trĂšs maitrisĂ©e du couple prĂ©sidentiel ? - Dans son bureau de VĂ©rif', Maxime Darquier enquĂȘte sur Mimi Marchand, la reine des people et des paparazzi.- Cette semaine, Luc Hermann parle du chassĂ©-croisĂ© entre politiques et journalistes et du mĂ©lange des genres Ă©tonnant qui s’opĂšre depuis l’élection d’Emmanuel Macron. Il revient Ă©galement, sur l’astuce de Jean-Christophe Lagarde pour contourner l’interdiction du cumul des mandats. - L'association 269 Life LibĂ©ration Animale prĂŽne la dĂ©sobĂ©issance civile et l’action directe pour empĂȘcher ce qu’ils appellent un « holocauste animal ». Qui sont les activistes de cette association de protection animale et jusqu’oĂč sont-ils prĂȘts Ă  aller ? Yohan Malka a menĂ© l’enquĂȘte. En plateau, Tiphaine Lagarde, coprĂ©sidente de l’association rĂ©pond aux questions de l'Ă©quipe de C politique.
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gally-hin-phantom · 3 years
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Camille - aka Vlad’s Secretary
I often see “Vlad’s secretary” in fics but they’re rarely developed. One day, for my own entertainment, I scribble them a face on paper. Then with time I give them a name and a backstory too, so hnn guess I have an OC ? maybe ?
I already mentioned her in my fic but she will eventually appear more in the future
Btw if you like her, she is free to use, just credit me and tag me so I can check 👌
Information and additional art below the “Keep Reading”
Camille Lagarde
Camille is reliable, serious and is working for Vlad for years now. She is in charge of his professional and private life schedule (programming his private jet, or sending his suits to the laundry facilities for example). Camille has often difficulties and problems when her employer suddenly disappears for days (thereby she regularly babysits his precious cat), and is more than often annoyed by his immature side (though she is proud that Vlad trusts her enough to be that comfortable around her).
Even if Vlad doesn’t exactly consider her a friend (he still has abandonment issues), to him she is the closest person to that, though she doesn’t know his secrets...
She frequently takes care of the damage in his house and knows when to not ask questions.
Camille is a trans woman but started working for Vlad as a man. After several years of good service, the day Camille finally decided to make her transition, passing from a male to a female secretary, Vlad slightly raises his eyebrow in confusion but didn’t treat her differently, nor give her remarks. He then secretly remade all his company’s employees badges to remove the M/F mention.
Because Vlad isn’t the type of man who cares about people sexuality, sex or gender as long as the job is done well and fast; and Camille is his most loyal, trustful and skilled secretary. Moreover he could only admire somebody who is strong enough to show their true self, something he is unable to.
That swept away her doubts, she didn’t want to be treat differently because of her transition, she was more that a sex, a gender or a label. Despite everything, she was still ‘Camille’.
She doesn't have a dead name and still uses ‘Camille’ since it’s unisex.
‘Camille’ came from the Latin camillus, meaning ‘acolyte’ (young cult officiant), a boy who helps the priest in Roman religious ceremonies. Despite being an unisex French name, it was more popular for ‘boys’ 30-40 years ago, but nowadays it’s almost exclusively a ‘girl’ name. Quite fitting I think :)
‘Lagarde’ is a very common French family name in the south-west of Ariege, Hautes-Pyrenees, Gers etc. this evokes a ‘watchtower’ or ‘the one who stands guard’.
Additional information
Camille is French and often misses her country. She has a sweet tooth and her favorite food is macarons.
Each year for Christmas and her birthday, Vlad offers her a box of homemade macarons. Sometimes he brides her services (like babysitting Maddie) in exchange of a box, but will never give her his recipe despite all her pleas.
She doesn’t usually have an accent, but when she is very tired we can slightly distinguish a thick French countryside one.
Autor's notes
I like to put her design in my mind when I read a fic mentioning “Vlad’s secretary”.
Depending on the fic, depicting a male or a female secretary I imagine her before or after her transition.
The sole and only reason why she has brown eyes is because there’re not enough characters with this eyes color in the DP cast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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makingscipub · 7 years
Making science popular: Science communication in 19th-century France
Some weeks ago I saw a tweet in my timeline which contained an engraving of an iguanodon skeleton. The skeleton had been exhibited in Brussels and its picture appeared in the 1883* issue of the French popular science magazine La Science Illustrée.
This made me think of an old blog post of mine entitled “Making Science Picturesque”, where I had talked about popular science magazines in France. In that post I had not mentioned La Science IllustrĂ©e, as I had focused on titles like Le Magasin Pittoresque. Intrigued by the iguanodon, I looked La Science IllustrĂ©e up on Gallica, the digital arm of the BibliothĂšque Nationale, where you can now access many of the old journals that popularised science in France in the 19th and early 20th century. I read the introduction to the first issue which said that this journal was the successor to La Science Populaire which I had also not mentioned in my blog post.
This stimulated yet again my interest in the history of science communication. Numerous popular science magazines and journals were published in France during the 19th century. And yet none of them were mentioned in a recent special issue by the Journal of Science Communication which focused on the history of science communication.
Popularising science in 19th-century France
After rummaging around a bit, I discovered that there are some books and articles dealing with such popular science magazines in the UK and Germany, for example, and that there are quite a few dealing with the popularisation or ‘vulgarisation’ of science in France. One article/book in particular seems to be important in this context, but I couldn’t access it online: Catherine Benedic (1990). “Le Monde des vulgarisateurs”, in: La science pour tous, sur la vulgarisation scientifique en France de 1850 Ă  1914, edited by Bruno BĂ©guet, Paris, BibliothĂšque du conservatoire national des arts et mĂ©tiers.
I found one review of this work from 1993 (but again I could only access a bit of it) which points out with some surprise that “in that most commonplace communicating task of all – the communication of science – the French have been so successful, so often, for so long. With its splendidly equipped science museums, its network of science centers, and strong and constant government support, France is today leading the world in promoting scientific literacy and the public understanding of science” – as it seems to have done for quite a while.
Although there must be much more out there than I could find through a quick search, I just want to mention two more names. One is the philosopher and historian of science Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent who has carried out some interesting research on popular science writers, such as Camille Flammarion, for example. Flammarion tried to frame popular science as something ‘cool’, as opposed to academic science, which was framed as rather ‘cold’ (a topic that would deserve some more digging). The other is Annie Lagarde-Fouquet, a historian of popular science writing, who has written extensively about Édouard Charton, editor of the seminal Magasin Pittoresque, and his fight against ignorance and for social equality – a really fascinating story.
In this blog post I can, naturally, not provide an in-depth study of French popular science magazines for English readers. Instead I just want to translate the introductions to the first issues of La Science Populaire (1880) and La Science IllustrĂ©e (1888), so as to give readers a taste for what’s out there.
La Science Populaire
La Science Populaire was published weekly between 1880 and 1884. It ran to 188 editions and its editor in chief was Adolphe Bitard, a French journalist and scientific publisher. He founded this journal and, some years later, just before his death, La Science Illustrée. His foreword to the first edition of La Science Populaire reads as follows:
“We are founding today a journal of a new genre, responding, we believe, to new public needs, especially to this thirst for learning which has spread amongst the masses, and which seems to be a distinctive sign of our times. Following an official program, learning to recite all the parts of a parrot, in view of whatever diploma, just to forget the facts once the diploma has been obtained: this is not what this is about. But neither is our aim for readers to become scientists (‘savants’): such an ambition would require that one sacrifices one’s entire life to it, and not everybody has the means to do that. However, people want to have access to true notions about everything, to be instructed about phenomena that happen in nature and their cause and they want to be informed about the constant march of progress in matters of human knowledge, as well as of discoveries made by our hardy explores travelling across known and unknown worlds. [
] [After saying that the journal will take ‘science’ in its broadest sense, including natural history, industry, the study of people and nations, medicine, agriculture etc., etc., the foreword goes on to say]: We would also like to add that we wish to give a large place to curiosity, so fruitful in all sciences: this is to say, that over and above science properly speaking and its serious applications, one will find here its more amusing and recreational applications too, as well as its peculiarities, without forgetting those of the amusing sciences, even the occult sciences.”
La Science Illustrée
La Science IllustrĂ©e was established in October 1875. It ran until 1877. It was then resurrected in 1888 and was published until 1905. I didn’t have access to the 1875 volume, only to the 1888 volume which relaunched the magazine. The editor in chief was again Adolphe Bitard and, after his death, Louis Figuier. Here are some extracts from the 1888 letter to the readers:
“La Science IllustrĂ©e is a new tool of popularisation (‘vulgarisation’) which takes a place that has been left vacant for too long [referring probably to La Science Populaire
]. [
] Its ambition is not to compete with grand scientific journals, such as La Nature, La Revue rose [La Revue Scientifique], L’Astronomie, or L’Électricien and other specialist publications that have already caught the public’s favour, but which necessarily have rather specialist clienteles. Instead, our publication will be popular through and through and will speak the language of ordinary people (‘la langue de tout le monde’); its price will make it accessible to people with even the most modest means [
]. Yes, la Science IllustrĂ©e is written in ordinary language (‘la langue usuelle’), so as to convey matters of science more clearly, but on/in its own terms [
]. What can we add, apart from saying that while reporting on the scientific news, we will always be on the frontline in the struggle for progress. [
] We will provide exact notions of everything; useful and pleasant suggestions, for meditation and recreation; and finally, in order to speak to the eyes as well as to the mind, we will use [
] illustrations, more than any other analogues publication has ever done before.”
Science for all
These two magazines stand very much in a tradition of French science magazines which tried to bring science to the people and which are currently celebrated in Paris through an exhibition entitled ‘Sciences pour tous’ (science for all). These magazines tried to combine education and entertainment, information and pleasure. They attempted to make science accessible, not by turning people into full-blown scientists nor by reducing science to the parroting of facts, indeed to enumerating ‘the parts of a parrot’! They endeavoured to satisfy people’s curiosity and thirst for knowledge, especially for useful and amusing, even occult knowledge, which was very much in vogue in science and society at the time. They wrote about science in ordinary language but without dumming down. They also wanted to speak to the mind and the eye at the same time by using amazing illustrations. And finally, they believed that by disseminating science and knowledge and decreasing ignorance they might help reduce social inequalities and contribute to social progress. Can modern science communicators still learn from these early ambitions and attempts at making science public/popular?
If you are or have been in Paris for your summer holidays and are interested in the history of science communication, you may want to see or have seen an exhibition entitled Sciences pour tous, 1850-1900 which is open until the end of August! Send photos!
*I have checked, and it seems the article entitled “L’Iguanodon” by A. Bitard seems to have appeared on 1 December 1887.
Images: Featured image: Girl reading under and oak tree by Winslow Homer, 1879; the front page of the first volume of La Science Populaire was cropped from Gallica; the front page of the first volume of La Science Illustrée was copied from Wikipedia.
  The post Making science popular: Science communication in 19th-century France appeared first on Making Science Public.
via Making Science Public http://ift.tt/2vON07F
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extrabeurre · 5 years
Gala Québec Cinéma : Choix et prédictions
Le Gala QuĂ©bec CinĂ©ma et le Gala Artisans QuĂ©bec CinĂ©ma auront lieu ce dimanche 2 juin. Comme le veut la tradition, voici mes choix et mes prĂ©dictions pour les longs mĂ©trages de fiction (je n’ai pas vu tous les documentaires et les courts, alors je prĂ©fĂšre ne pas me prononcer. Liste complĂšte des nominations ici.)
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MEILLEUR FILM 1991 - Go Films - Nicole Robert À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas - micro_scope - Luc DĂ©ry, Élaine HĂ©bert, Kim McCraw La Bolduc - Caramel Films - ValĂ©rie d'Auteuil, AndrĂ© Rouleau GenĂšse - L'UnitĂ© centrale - GalilĂ© Marion-Gauvin La grande noirceur - Metafilms - Sylvain Corbeil, Nancy Grant RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues - Couzin Films - Ziad Touma Une colonie - Colonelle films - Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering
Choix : Une colonie est un film touchant et magnifique, un fantastique premier long mĂ©trage d’une cinĂ©aste nĂ©e.
Prédiction : Probablement un des deux plus gros succÚs, 1991 ou La Bolduc. Disons 1991, qui a un énorme capital de sympathie. 
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MEILLEURE RÉALISATION Denis CĂŽtĂ© - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues GeneviĂšve Dulude-De Celles - Une colonie Maxime Giroux - La grande noirceur Yan Giroux - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Ricardo Trogi - 1991
Choix et prĂ©diction : Je l’ai Ă©crit dans ma critique : il y a plus de cinĂ©ma dans les cinq premiĂšres minutes de ce premier long mĂ©trage de fiction de GeneviĂšve Dulude-De Celles que dans bien des films quĂ©bĂ©cois de la derniĂšre annĂ©e au complet. Je crois ou du moins espĂšre que l’industrie reconnaĂźtra son talent dĂ©jĂ  immense.
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MEILLEUR SCÉNARIO Guillaume Corbeil, Yan Giroux - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas GeneviĂšve Dulude-De Celles - Une colonie AndrĂ© Gulluni, Claude Lalonde - Origami Eric K. Boulianne - Avant qu'on explose Ricardo Trogi - 1991
Choix : Avant qu’on explose. On sous-estime souvent les comĂ©dies, y compris leur Ă©criture, alors que c’est loin d’ĂȘtre facile d’écrire autant de bons gags. Il y a aussi plus d’intelligence et de justesse Ă©motionnelle dans ce scĂ©nario d’Eric K. Boulianne que ceux qui n’ont pas vu le filn pourraient le croire.
PrĂ©diction : 1991, une autre bonne comĂ©die, qui a par ailleurs l’avantage d’avoir Ă©tĂ© beaucoup plus vue. 
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MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION FÉMININE | PREMIER RÔLE JosĂ©e DeschĂȘnes (GisĂšle DubĂ©) - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Debbie Lynch-White (Mary Travers) - La Bolduc Brigitte Poupart (Marie-Claire DubĂ©) - Les salopes ou le sucre naturel de la peau Karelle Tremblay (LĂ©o) - La disparition des lucioles Carla Turcotte (Sasha) - Sashinka
Choix : Brigitte Poupart livre une performance superbe et courageuse dans Les salopes ou le sucre naturel de la peau. J’ai aussi adorĂ© Carla Turcotte dans Sashinka. En fait, toute cette catĂ©gorie est trĂšs solide.
Prédiction : Tout le monde aime Debbie Lynch-White, et La Bolduc demeurera assurément un de ses rÎles marquants. 
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MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION MASCULINE | PREMIER RÔLE Jean-Carl Boucher (Ricardo) - 1991 Pierre-Luc Brillant (Steve) - La disparition des lucioles Martin Dubreuil (Yves Boisvert) - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Patrick Hivon (Kevin) - Nous sommes Gold ThĂ©odore Pellerin (Guillaume) - GenĂšse
Choix et prĂ©diction : C’était l’annĂ©e de Martin Dubreuil (Ă©galement la vedette de La grande noirceur), et il est particuliĂšrement excellent dans À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas.
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MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION FÉMININE | RÔLE DE SOUTIEN Sandrine Bisson (Claudette) - 1991 CĂ©line Bonnier (Dyane) - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Larissa Corriveau (AdĂšle) - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues MĂ©lissa DĂ©sormeaux-Poulin (Catherine Beauregard) - DĂ©rive Natalia Dontcheva (Elena) - Sashinka
Choix : Larissa Corriveau est l’actrice qui brille le plus au sein d’une distribution exceptionnelle dans RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues.
PrĂ©diction : J’hĂ©site entre CĂ©line Bonnier et MĂ©lissa DĂ©sormeaux-Poulin. Disons cette derniĂšre, pour DĂ©rive.
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MEILLEURE INTERPRÉTATION MASCULINE | RÔLE DE SOUTIEN Robin Aubert (Henri) - Une colonie Pier-Luc Funk (Maxime) - GenĂšse Vincent Leclerc (Jean-Claude) - La Chute de l'empire amĂ©ricain Alexandre Nachi (Arturo) - 1991 Henri Picard (Marc) - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas
Choix :  Pier-Luc Funk est un acteur qui étonne souvent dans des rÎles plus dramatiques. Il est trÚs bon dans GenÚse.
Prédiction :  Vincent Leclerc, qui se distingue admirablement dans La Chute de l'empire américain.
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RÉVÉLATION DE L'ANNÉE Émilie Bierre (Mylia) - Une colonie Irlande CĂŽtĂ© (Camille) - Une colonie LĂ©vi DorĂ© (Steeve Simard) - La chute de Sparte Maripier Morin (Aspasie / Camille Lafontaine) - La Chute de l'empire amĂ©ricain Jacob Whiteduck-Lavoie (Jimmy) - Une colonie
Choix et prĂ©diction : Ma catĂ©gorie prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e! Maripier Morin est celle qui a le plus de visibilitĂ©, mais je vois difficilement comment on pourrait passer Ă  cĂŽtĂ© d’Émilie Bierre, la dĂ©finition mĂȘme d’une rĂ©vĂ©lation, vue non seulement dans Une colonie, mais Ă©galement dans GenĂšse et DĂ©rive au cours de la derniĂšre annĂ©e.
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MEILLEURE DISTRIBUTION DES RÔLES Nathalie Boutrie (Casting NB) - La chute de Sparte Ariane Castellanos - Une colonie ChloĂ© Cinq-Mars - DĂ©rive Denis CĂŽtĂ© - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Nolwenn Daste, Fanny Rainville, Kristina Wagenbauer - Sashinka
Choix et prédiction : Une colonie, avec pas moins de trois révélations! (Voir catégorie précédente)
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MEILLEURE DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE Sylvain Dion, Patricia McNeil - La grande noirceur Raymond Dupuis - La Bolduc Marie-Pier Fortier - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Marie-Claude Gosselin - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Christian LegarĂ© - 1991
Choix : J’aime beaucoup les dĂ©cors et les atmosphĂšres de La grande noirceur.
PrĂ©diction : La Bolduc, en tant que film d’époque, part avec une longueur d’avance.
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MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE Steve Asselin - 1991 Ian Lagarde - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas François Messier-Rheault - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Sara Mishara - La grande noirceur Ronald Plante - La Bolduc
Choix et prédiction : Sara Mishara épate toujours derriÚre la caméra, et La grande noirceur ne fait pas exception. 
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MEILLEUR SON Mimi Allard, Sylvain Bellemare, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Claude La Haye - Allure Claude Beaugrand, Michel B. Bordeleau, Luc Boudrias, Gilles Corbeil - La Bolduc Stéphane Bergeron, Olivier Calvert, Gilles Corbeil - La disparition des lucioles Luc Boudrias, Frédéric Cloutier, Stephen De Oliveira - La grande noirceur Sylvain Brassard, Michel Lecoufle - 1991
Choix : La conception sonore de La grande noirceur est trÚs intéressante. 
PrĂ©diction : En tant que film musical, La Bolduc part avec une longueur d’avance. 
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MEILLEUR MONTAGE Michel Arcand - La Bolduc Mathieu Bouchard-Malo - Genùse Mathieu Bouchard-Malo - La grande noirceur Elric Robichon - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Yvann Thibaudeau - 1991
Choix et prĂ©diction : Dans GenĂšse, le montage de Mathieu Bouchard-Malo est parfaitement calibrĂ©, l’enchaĂźnement des scĂšnes Ă©tant toujours fluide.
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MEILLEURS EFFETS VISUELS Alchimie 24 - Jean-François “Jafaz” Ferland, Marie-Claude Lafontaine - La Bolduc Fix Studio - AurĂ©lia Abate, Delphine Lasserre, Bruno Maillard | Oblique FX - BenoĂźt BriĂšre, Louis-Philippe Clavet, ValĂ©rie Garcia, Étienne Rodrigue - Dans la brume Fly Studio - Jean-Pierre Boies, Jean-François Talbot - 1991
Choix et prĂ©diction : Dans la brume est la (co)production quĂ©bĂ©coise la plus spectaculaire de l’annĂ©e Ă  bien des niveaux, incluant bien sĂ»r les effets visuels.
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MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE Olivier Alary - La grande noirceur Philippe B - Nous sommes Gold Frédéric Bégin - 1991 Philippe Brault - La disparition des lucioles Peter Venne - Avant qu'on explose
Choix et prĂ©diction : La musique composĂ©e par Philippe Brault pour La disparition des lucioles est de loin ma prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e. C’est notre Jonny Greenwood!
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MEILLEURS COSTUMES Caroline Bodson - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues Mariane Carter - La Bolduc MĂ©lanie Garcia - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Anne-Karine Gauthier - 1991 Patricia McNeil - La grande noirceur
Choix : Juste pour les kids creepy ci-dessus, mon vote va Ă  RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues.
PrĂ©diction : Au risque de me rĂ©pĂ©ter, La Bolduc, en tant que film d’époque, part avec une longueur d’avance.
MEILLEUR MAQUILLAGE Audrey Bitton - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas Virginie Boudreau - 1991 Nicole Lapierre - La Bolduc LĂ©onie LĂ©vesque-Robert - Une colonie (ex aequo) Dominique T. Hasbani - GenĂšse (ex aequo) Dominique T. Hasbani - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues
Choix : On arrive aux catĂ©gories que j’ai le plus de difficultĂ© Ă  Ă©valuer, mais encore lĂ , je trouve que le travail sur RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues est remarquable.
PrĂ©diction :  La Bolduc, film d’époque, etc.
MEILLEURE COIFFURE Nathalie Dion - À tous ceux qui ne me lisent pas AndrĂ© Duval - La chute de Sparte Daniel Jacob - 1991 Martin Lapointe - La Bolduc Dominique T. Hasbani - RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues
Choix : J’y vais de nouveau avec RĂ©pertoire des villes disparues.
PrĂ©diction :  La Bolduc, film d’époque, etc.
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gally-hin-phantom · 3 years
My friend drew me something and I love it so so muuuch 😭
Check her twitter if you’re interested
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