#cannot emphasis how much Signing Off illustrates this
carolhnd2bphoto · 4 years
Graded Unit Evaluation
 For my project I planned to shoot outdoors. Studio photography has never really appealed to me.  I had many ideas such as landscape, street photography and architectural photography.  The advice provided was shoot something you enjoy but at the same time go out of your comfort zone.  When I am out on my own, nature is where I go, trees, rivers, waterfalls.  They all make my photography experience enjoyable and comforting.  Leading lines are a source of comfort, they are pleasing to the eye and make sense to me. As a result of this I decided to shoot perspective/symmetrical photography.
After doing the research I knew this was the one, this felt right and felt excited by the challenge.  The style of symmetrical photography, vertical, horizontal, and radial encompass all I enjoy. Planning for this shoot was a big piece of work, for instance, a market for the work I created would be for galleries or private collections as I was considering my work to be Fine Art Photography, however, it was suggested that I consider photography stock libraries such as Alamy.  When I explored this further I found out that it is a website, you type in what can of image (waterfall) you want to see and it brings up all these images.  Basically, you can buy and sell images.  I have seen these websites before but never paid much attention up until now.
Initially when it came to planning the timetable, I was doing it as though there was a normal college timetable and that I would be working weekends. Therefore, I would only be out shooting 2 or 3 days a week and there was only 3 weeks to shoot after handing in the Project Plan.  This changed as a result of the Coronavirus Lockdown, at the time I was unsure if I could go out and shoot, fortunately I could, I had more days to go out and shoot. Fortunately I required very little in the way of equipment, I only required a camera and a tripod, no special lighting equipment, just natural light.
As mentioned above the research into other photographers such as Aaron Sisland, Ola Kolehmainen and Angie McMonical made me feel more confident in that the style of photography I was wishing to achieve was right for me. With Sisland’s leading lines and vertical symmetry in his work as too with Kolehmainen and the use of McMonical’s perspective when taking her images which gave them an abstract feel.  I liked this concept of abstract photography with the help of perspective and symmetry.
My first couple of days going out shooting, I wasn’t expecting anything good, I was just making a start, experimenting.  I was fortunate to get a nice shot of Bells Bridge,
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I waited quite a while to get this shot and was hoping to get a shot with no one on it.  This wasn’t possible even with the lockdown restrictions.  This image works for me as a result of the vertical symmetry of the bridge, also the light hitting of the Armadillo and the blue sky.
As I had the car I could travel to various locations in and around Glasgow and as I was on my own the Police didn’t bother with me. I ventured to various places such as The Quay, West End of Glasgow, City Centre, Dams to Darnley and Port Glasgow. Many of my shots were taken in Glasgow City Centre. As I was in the City Centre much of the time and there were very few people and transport around, I made the decision (with advice from my lecturer) to change my project ever so slightly. I was still going to take perspective/symmetrical (they were more vertical symmetry) shots but to capture the empty streets of Glasgow along with the surreal feeling of a bustling city in lockdown.  This was achievable as previously mentioned I could wander about without the police stopping me.  Having said that I did find this an anxious experience, I knew I wasn’t doing anything against the law but when there is a police presence I felt sure that I would be stopped.  Thankfully I wasn’t as I captured images that produced a feeling of sadness.  My project has went from Fine Art to Documentary Photography, a genre that hasn’t necessarily interested me.  Having said that I did enjoy this, it was exciting (not because of the Police) I was documenting how the Covid crisis has had an effect of Glasgow City Centre and every city across the world.  There were one or two people in a couple of my final shots but for me that adds to the desertedness of the city.
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This shot of the entrance at Buchanan Subway is one I like because of the symmetry of the escalators and lights. The eyes follow the lights. This image begins to tell the quietness of a city.
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I took this image initially for the shot of the ambulance then when I looked back at my contact sheets I noticed the young man walking across the street.  No other traffic but an ambulance, no other people apart from the young man.
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I like the perspective of this image, again an empty street (Hutchison Street).  There is darkness in the foreground with the trees and shadows but if you keep looking there is light, optimism.
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This image of the entrance to the footbridge, I like simply because of the bright colours and again it documents the impact of the virus on people’s daily lives, gates that a normally open to the public are now closed. after looking at this image again, i think if i had stepped to the left slightly, the image would have a more vertical symmetry appeal.
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Kelvin Way is normally a busy road for traffic, cyclists and pedestrians.  On that day, as with other days, there was a police presence in Kelvingrove Park. This particular road was closed off at either end.  I specifically took this shot for the perspective of the road and the police van.
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North Hanover Street, deserted, normally busy with cars and buses. There is an air of doom and gloom in this shot with the help of the dark clouds.
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St Enoch Subway, only sign of life there were 3 pigeons.  Aside from the pigeons this works from a vertical symmetry point of view and of course the fact that the place is deserted at 6.30pm.
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Portman Street Suspension Bridge, I love the perspective/symmetry of this shot. Plus I managed to take this shot with no one on the bridge.
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To get this shot I had to stand in the middle of the road, this is looking up towards Cathedral Street.  I like the fact that I have captured the ‘no entry’ painted on the road. Some’s up the situation at present.
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I took this image on Buchanan Street, again to illustrate the emptiness of the city.  There is only one person standing at St Enoch centre in that entire vicinity.
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Glasgow Green, there were cyclists, joggers and dog walkers going about their way but I managed to take this shot with no one in it. I like this image as there is a focal point, the Glasgow Commonwealth Statue), the eyes are drawn to it with the help of the trees at either side.
Of course, I complied a workbook detailing everything I had shot on each day, any changes to original idea, further research, contact sheets, my thoughts on each.  Similar to a journal.  This was a big piece of work in itself, I actually found this more daunting than the photoshoots as I do not consider my self to be artistic/creative.  As daunting as it was, the workbook was a therapeutic process and reflecting on the day’s work enabled me to explore other ideas.  When completing the workbook and looking at the contact sheets I could see my mistakes which made me critical of my work, this wasn’t a bad thing as it gave me the push to do better the next day.  This could be considered a positive.  Another positive aspect in the project was the Plan.  More so the feedback I received.  This gave me the confidence and the boost to start.  My biggest downfall my research or rather lack of research.  However, for the purposes of my Plan, research was a requirement and in doing so gave me the drive and excitement for my Graded Unit. Areas than have been successful?  The fact that I have found a new genre of photography that I like, this too is a positive.  I do like street photography, but this was different, hardly a soul to be seen, hardly traffic to be heard.  This made me look at Glasgow in a different way
 With everything there are always opportunities for improvement and photography is no exception.  The main area I feel I need to improve on is retouching (Photoshop) I can do the basics, adjusting black, whites, shadows etc in Lightroom.  A tool I did come across was a tool called Transform which fixes any perspective distortion.  That came in handy when the image didn’t quite look level. I try to avoid Photoshop as much as possible as layer masks and the like confuse me.  Therefore, I use either Lightroom or Bridge.  Another area of improvement is composition, I always thought I had that covered.  I started using 3x3 (in camera) rule of thirds to see if that would help.  It did but I don’t want to use that tool.  The issue with composition was brought to my attention my lecturer, I would maybe have to much sky or road in my shots. Fortunately, I can easily work on that. For me, the big issue is retouching.
 I feel that I cannot properly write this evaluation without bringing in the impact of the Covid – 19 virus.  This didn’t have an impact on me in that I had to re-think my Graded Unit. I could still go outside; I wasn’t relying on college equipment such as studio lights, cameras, tripods.  I knew from the very beginning my photography would be completed outside.  The impact on me was my mental health, more so motivation to do the work.  Everything was up in the air. But I did it, got out the house with my camera and got on with it.
I was lucky, the only change I made was what I was going to shoot and where.  It was going to be city based not based amongst nature.  The main emphasis would be the surreal loneliness of a once busy city. As I have a car, I had no issues with getting to locations.  As mentioned above, there was a police presence in the city centre and as such felt rushed into taking the shots, this may have contributed to some poor quality images that I took and the fact that the tripod I used was not very sturdy for the camera (Nikon D7100 and Canon 700d).  To combat this I started using my monopod and mirrorless cameras (Canon m100 and Sony a6000). I also purchased a sturdier tripod which is yet to be used.
Some of the time I felt I was taking photographs just for the sake of taking an image, just to have something to show and in doing that would maybe only have one or two images I was happy with. Some days I would have nothing but rubbish shots but determination/learning/growth come from failures.  The rubbish days gave me the push to do more and not give up.  The big lesson there was and is not to give up and believe I can do this.  That is another area that is in need of improvement, my self-belief in my photography. When I’m not under pressure I can produce good shots but when I am feeling the pressure my nerve goes, I don’t feel confident.  Now that that I have completed my Graded Unit I feel a sense of achievement as this was a big and important project.  This was achieved in strange and difficult times.  I can learn much from this experience for when I go into year 2 of my HND. Buy a bigger workbook, do more research, learn more about Photoshop and most of all believe in my ability as a photographer.
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23rd February >> Daily Reflection/Commentary on Today’s First Reading for Roman Catholics on Saturday, Sixth Week in Ordinary Time (Hebrews 11:1-7).
We have come to the end of our current readings of the Creation and Fall narrative from Genesis and we conclude the week with a passage from Hebrews which affirms that it was their faith, trust and confidence in God which guided the good people of those early days.
The whole chapter (our reading only has the first seven verses) paints an inspiring picture of religious faith, firm and unyielding in the face of all obstacles. “These pages rank among the most lofty and eloquent to be found the Bible.” The three examples given today are taken from the first nine chapters of Genesis.
The author gives the most extensive description of faith provided in the New Testament, though his interest does not lie in a technical, theological definition. In view of the needs of his audience he describes what authentic faith does, not what it is in itself. Through faith God guarantees the blessings to be hoped for from him, providing evidence in the gift of faith that what he promises will eventually come to pass (1). Because they accepted in faith God’s guarantee of the future, the biblical personages discussed in vv.3-38 were themselves commended by God (2). Christians have even greater reason to remain firm in faith since they, unlike the Old Testament men and women of faith, have perceived the beginning of God’s fulfilment of his messianic promises (39-40). (New American Bible)
The reason for this emphasis on faith is that the Jewish Christians, the ‘Hebrews’ to whom the author is writing have become discouraged because of persecution. He now emphasises that it is only what is future and what is invisible that gives them hope. The examples taken from the lives of Old Testament saints are meant to give them courage and illustrate how faith is the source of patience and strength.
The reading opens with a description, rather than a proper definition, of faith. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”. Later, this verse was adopted as a theological definition of faith. It is a matter much more of deep trust in God rather than the holding of religious ‘truths’. Again, faith is not just something subjective. Although what is believed in cannot be seen, the unseen realities are tested and ‘proved’ by experience. And the examples given here are such experiences.
It is faith that helps us realise that the visible world is truly the work of the invisible word of God, “what is seen was made from things that cannot be seen”. In our own lives, we will find that when we commit ourselves totally to the vision of Christ, it brings a deep satisfaction and sense of peace into our lives, even when external circumstances may be difficult.
In the second part of the reading, three examples are mentioned as examples of deep faith: Abel, Enoch and Noah.
The first example is Abel. “By faith” Abel offered a sacrifice which was more pleasing to God than Cain’s. It was a sign of Abel’s righteousness that God accepted his offerings. In fact, the Cain and Abel narrative in Gen 4:1-16 does not mention Abel’s faith. It does say, however, that God “looked with favour on Abel and his offering” (Gen 4:4). The author of Hebrews understands God’s favour as having been activated by the faith of Abel and not simply because of what he was offering, although there does seem to be, in this period, a bias for the agricultural over the pastoral, fruits of the earth rather than animals.
Abel died at the hands of his jealous brother yet, because of his faith, he still speaks to us. Genesis quotes God as saying that the blood of Abel “cries out to me from the soil” (Gen 4:10) but the author of Hebrews is more probably saying that the repeated story of Abel provides ongoing witness to faith.
Next, we have the example of Enoch. Enoch is a character whose name occurs in a genealogy of the generations from Adam to Noah (Genesis ch. 5). He was the son of Jared and father of Methusaleh, legendary for his long life of 969 years. We know practically nothing else about Enoch except that he lived to be 365 years. He is distinguished from the other patriarchs in several ways: his life is shorter but his years number those of the days in a solar year, he therefore attains a perfect age and he “walks with God”, as Noah did. But then “he was no longer here, for God took him” (Gen 5:24). In the Book of Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) we also read: “Enoch walked with the Lord and was taken up that succeeding generations might learn by his example” (Eccl 44:16). Like Elijah, he vanishes mysteriously, carried off by God.
The clear implication is that he did not die in the usual way but, like Elijah (2 Kings 2:11ff), was taken alive to the presence of God. Hebrews says that, before he was taken, there was clear evidence that “he had pleased God”. This expression follows the Greek translation of Gen 5:22, which in the Hebrew reads “walked with God” – but the meanings can clearly be the same. God is surely pleased with anyone who walks with him.
Because of his friendship with God (not otherwise described here or elsewhere in the Bible) and also by reason of his unusual disappearance from the earth, Enoch’s reputation was great among the Chosen People, particularly in the two centuries just before the coming of Christ. He was held up as a model of piety and certain apocryphal books bear his name.
The author then comments that without faith it is impossible to please God. For, anyone who wants to approach God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. The faith that is essential for our salvation has two objects: belief in the existence of one personal God, who by his very nature cannot be seen, and belief that God will reward all effort spent in searching for him. This is, as we have said, much more a question of surrendering to the God we cannot see than simply stating a conviction that he exists. The Greek word for ‘faith’ is pistis (pistis) which basically means ‘trust’.
Lastly, Noah, warned by God about events not yet apparent, trusted, put his faith, in God’s word and built the ark to save his household. In doing so, he condemned the rest of the unbelieving and corrupt world and became an heir to the righteousness that follows faith.
Let us pray that our faith too may grow stronger and stronger that we may be ever more open to God’s working in our lives. May he help us especially to see him at work in times of pain and difficulty
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wocinsolidarity · 7 years
From all the photos these past few days filling our social media feeds of white people with red hats and white women with pink beanies with ears (p.s. don't forget more white women voted for Trump than any other racial group), people holding signs of cheetos, and enough pro-Hillary slogans to make this Muslim woman of color uncomfortable, there was one particularly striking image that was consistently shared and re-shared and praised by the "left." The American-flag-clad Hijabi woman illustrated in the trademark style of of Obama's "hope" poster is not short of striking.
But maybe not for the right reasons. As this is a fashion blog of sorts, let's dissect this #ootd.
Never forget that fashion is inherently and deeply political, that symbols are infinitely meaningful, and that harm can occur through both. How are we able to hold up signs of Muslim women wearing the American flag and chant slogans of supposed solidarity while drones carrying the same flag killed our Muslim family in Yemen at the exact same moment and we said nothing? While the women's march was making history, the new administration was already repeating it. Did you even know that Trump has already administered drone strikes? Of course not. You were not supposed to know. You are only supposed to hold our silent faces wrapped in the cloth that has suffocated our voices. Anyway, it's more peaceful that way, isn't it? Next time you are thinking about sharing this image, wheat-pasting it on an old wall, saving it as your desktop background, or waving it above your head and pledging your solidarity: 1. Know that a hijab-wearing Muslim woman did not make this image. Actually, a woman didn't make this image at all. It was created by a white man: Shepard Fairey, artist & founder of the clothing brand OBEY, created this image from a photograph taken by Muslim-American photographer Ridwan Adhami. Were we unable to uplift the work of Muslim women instead? Are our images only able to be consumed when they are white-washed and sanitized? Update/edit (1/24/17): I also learned that the woman originally photographed by Ridwan 10 years ago actually does not wear the hijab herself and rather just donned it for the purpose of creating this image, which is even more problematic. 2. Know that the hijab--for *me* at least--represents a rejection of materialism, of capitalism, of euro-centric beauty standards (among other significance) and draping an American flag over it erases almost everything the hijab means to me. 3. Know the American flag represents oppression, torture, sexual violence, slavery, patriarchy, and military & cultural hegemony for people of color around the world whose homes and families have been destroyed and drone-striked by the very person/former president whose campaign images this one seeks to replicate. 4. Know that the 50 stars represent 50 states where indigenous people were forcibly removed and systematically cleansed and assimilated -- and that you cannot hold this flag in one hand and tweet #NoDAPL with the other. 5. Know that patriotism is not a form of liberation, but is inherently oppressive. Especially given the violent history of the birth of this country--and all others like it--on the backs of Black slaves (many of whom were Muslim) and indigenous genocide. Trump's presidency is the logical outcome of the racist systems and institutions of white supremacy that this country was built on and this flag represents. 6. Know that Muslims are tired of having to "prove" they are American. But also, know that one does not need to be American to deserve respect, humanity, dignity, equality, rights, and freedom from hate and bigotry. An over-emphasis on being American as a prerequisite of deserving respect is harmful for immigrants and refugees. Especially under the new administration that already has plans of "extreme vetting" to prove American-ness. This is only pushing their agenda further. Also, see number 5. 7. Know that if the only time you are comfortable uplifting Muslim woman is when her image has been crafted by a white man and is draped in the American flag, I cannot call you my ally. I understand the good intentions, but my liberation will not come from framing my body with a flag that has flown every time my people have fallen. And I hope yours will not either. quick note I: please know that Muslim women also have different relationships to symbols (be it a hijab or flag) and that I do not want to shame any Muslim woman for draping an American flag over her head or take that choice away for her to do so. Your bodies are your own, although your choices may still have an effect on a larger community. (See point 6). quick note II: while I did not walk in the women's march, I do think it was very important, despite having massive valid critiques. I encourage everyone who marched to do so again for Black lives and for Indigenous resistance and for immigrant justice and for trans rights and for international solidarity. Please continue to stay engaged. Please continue to learn and grow, as we all have so much room to do so. Please do not let it be your last act of resistance. Please feel comfortable reaching out.
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poop4u · 4 years
The extraordinary story of how the Boston Terrier lost its nose
This photograph stopped me in my tracks this week. It shows Image Catcher of Ziost, who won the bitch CC at Crufts 2020 earlier this year. Her win is not a one-off. I understand she has since been made up to a Champion. Here's another picture of her, showing that her face really is very flat.
The reason it stopped me in my tracks is because the Boston used to have a muzzle.  Here's a champ from 1910.
These winners are from around that time, too.
So how did a breed that once had a muzzle end up without one?
There are three main reason. First is the pernicious effect of the show-ring which too often leads to exaggeration over time. Second is the cult-like lure of brachcycephaly that has transformed several breeds (and threatens several others). The third, slightly more surprising one, is that the breeders have full-on fucked-up in their reading of the breed standard.
Here's how it happened...
The Boston Terrier was first recognised in the US in the 1890s.
Below is a contemporaneous report and illustraiton of the 1898 Boston Breeders Club Dog Show (in Boston itself, I believe),where muzzles, albeit of various lengths, are very much in evidence.
In the 1910 breed standard it states this: 
"MUZZLE - Short, square, wide and deep, without wrinkles.... the jaw broad and square, with short, regular teeth"
Ten years later, there was a revision that included a max muzzle length (my bolding).
"MUZZLE - short, square, wide and deep, and in proportion to skull;' free from wrinkles; shorter in length than in width and depth, not exceeding in length approximately one-third of length of skull; width and depth carried out well to end; the muzzle from stop to end of nose on a line parallel to the top of the skull"
Also of interest in the 1920 standard are the head faults listed - too short a skull and a jaw that turned up (as in the Bulldog).
"HEAD FAULTS - Skull "domed" or inclined; furrowed by a medial line; skull too long for breadth, or vice versa; stop too shallow; brown and skull to slanting... Muzzle wedge shaped or lacking depth; down faced; too much cut below the eyes; pinched nostrils; protruding teeth; weak lower jaw; showing "turn-up"
In 1919, the National Geographic Book of Dogs described the Boston's muzzle like this:
"The face is intelligent, rather square, the nose, while short, is not pushed in, and the jaws are even, broad and fairly deep. He is in every sense a good practical dog."
And that, indeed, is what the accompanying illustration shows (here with a French Bulldog).
In 1926, breed historian E J Rousuck offered this clarification re muzzle proportions:
"Conforming to outline to nearly every other part of the Boston's head, the muzzle must be square. It should be as perfect a square as possible, its width and depth and length being about equal; the "about" meaning that the slight deviation will probably take place in its length because, inasmuch as blockiness is a true requisite, the aim has ever been toward a short nose.  The muzzle should come out squarely from the stop, its length not exceeding one third of the entire head, that is, the distance from tip of nose back horizontally as far as the set-on of the ears, should measure three times the length of the muzzle." 
Today's AKC standard now says this: 
"The muzzle is short, square, wide and deep and in proportion to the skull. It is free from wrinkles, shorter in length than in width or depth; not exceeding in length approximately one-third of the length of the skull."
And it also now allows an underbite, never a part of the original standard
"The jaw is broad and square with short regular teeth. The bite is even or sufficiently undershot to square the muzzle"
We now even have some Boston breeders talking about layback - essentially a nose that recedes into the head like this, aided and abetted by the removal of an upturned jaw as a fault being removed from the standard. 
Unfortunately, the max-third demand is now interpreted by show-breeders as something to avoid at all costs and because too-short-a-muzzle has been removed as a head fault, there is nothing to prevent fanciers breeding the face off the dog. 
On my Facebook group CRUFFA yesterday, a US Boston breeder interpreted the proportions of the Crufts winner at the top as being correct with this illustration.
Leaving aside the fact that "muzzle" cannot possibly mean just the mandible (lower jaw), it is a plain wrong interpretation of the breed standard. 
A dog's skull is not just from occiput to stop - it is the whole head, as E J Rousack made clear in 1926, writing:  "The muzzle should come out squarely from the stop, its length not exceeding one third of the entire head, that is, the distance from tip of nose back horizontally as far as the set-on of the ears, should measure three times the length of the muzzle."  
To suggest otherwise would be considered a nonsense by any anatomist. But sadly, we've seen this error also appear in other breeds where it has also been used to justify increasingly brachycephaly - "brachy creep" as we've dubbed it on CRUFFA.
Now it is true that there has been some variation in muzzle length over the years, and it is possible to find past Champions with a very short muzzle, only recently has it led to dogs as extreme as this dog, a show champion in the US.
And dogs like these in the UK show-ring.
I recently spotted this breeder meme, produced in response to recent legislation in the Netherlands that prohibits the breeding of extremely brachycephalic dogs.
The latest trend is for show breeders to claim themselves "preservation breeders", apparently oblivious to the fact that the dogs they are breeding today often look nothing like the original dogs.  They will tell you the dogs are unchanged in 150 years, asking us to not believe our lying eyes. 
  So does it matter? After all, we know that the Boston is a better breather than its fleshier cousins the Frenchie, Bulldog and Pug.  
But this is not just about breathing (although some Bostons do struggle). Dogs' muzzles are where you find their cooling system. Crush them and the dogs overheat. Brachy mouths are also almost always a mess with rotated/crowded/mismatched teeth - an under-recognised cause of trauma and pain. A lack of a muzzle also makes eyes very vulnerable - as admitted by the Boston Terrier Club of the USA. 
"Because their eyes protrude and their muzzles are short, there is an increased chance over other dogs that they will scratch their eyes by accident. When walking with your Boston never allow them to come into contact with thorny plants."
So yes, it does matter. All dogs need a muzzle - as a physical buffer, as air-con and for a comfortable mouth. POINTS OF ACTION: • introduce a minimum muzzle length into the breed standards of breeds vulnerable to brachy creep • KCs and breed clubs to educate and encourage honest debate about phenotypic changes in the breed, with an emphasis on what is and isn't an improvement from a welfare point of view • more emphasis on the perils of shortening muzzles in judges' training • add "brachy creep" to the KC's Breedwatch for the Boston (and other breeds where it is evident - eg Dogue de Bordeaux, Boxers, Newfies and sadly many others). And a point of action for me personally: to give the Brachycephalic Working Group a kick up the bum. Set up in 2016 by the Kennel Club after a veterinary petition calling for brachy reform was signed by over 40,000 veterinary professional), progress has been glacial - particularly re changes to breed standards that were reported to be imminent more than a year ago. Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Jemima Harrison, Khareem Sudlow
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welcometomy20s · 5 years
June 1, 2019
Dangerously Chloe
‘Final’ Review
Yes, I already reviewed this, but since I now read the full story, I want to elaborate and finish some of my unfinished thoughts for this story. Again, in the surface (and perhaps in intention) the story is just an excuse to write sexy situations, but my thoughts are... a bit too deep.
Introduction for those who just encounter this, Dangerously Chloe is a webcomic written by Gisèle Lagacé and "Dave Zero1" Lumsdon, which is a spin-off of Eerie Cuties, which also spun-off Magick Chicks. Now while I tend to be positive on even most mediocre of material, I firmly do not recommend you reading Eerie Cuties. The whole motivation is just wrong. Magick Chick is okay, although I think Haruhi Suzumiya did a much better job of the same plot. This comic, however, is good. But again, in my own twisted little way, not really on the surface...
Let me just get you through the story and you’ll see why.
We have the zeroth arc (Ch 1 & 2) which sets up the conflict. Normal guy stumbles in a demonic pact and he inadvertently wishes a girlfriend and the demon set up a succubus Chloe to seal the deal, basically. Then we have the first arc (Ch 3) where Chloe tries to fix the problem, but inadvertently goes back in time and turns out cause all the things that led Teddy to be... Teddy.
While the plot is a well-worn trope, I just love how one can inadvertently travel backward in time. While Gisele might not put much emphasis on this, but I think while I was writing the initial review about narrative systems. If you are in a fantasy world, or a sci-fi world, you need establish the rules of the universe and make the narrative illustrative of the world itself. Now, one extreme is basically writing an encyclopedia with plot through it (see Lord of The Rings or more aptly Silmarillion) and the other side is throwing things in the kitchen sink, like here.
Now, thing about the kitchen sink is that most people fail to write the inherent instability of the structure that is created with this approach. One person who made sure to think about the structure of these universe was Terry Pratchett, and some extent Neil Gaiman. They knew the kitchen sink is silly, so they create the logic from that silliness, and there were masterful.
When an high school student can accidentally travel backward in time, and shapeshift, upload information to people’s brains and can bring people back from the dead, first of all you might this is just setting reset buttons, and yes that’s the proximate cause, but the distant effect is that it’s overwhelming clear the whole universe is going to fall apart in any moment.
And the best thing is... that’s exactly what happens.
Now let’s talk about Teddy’s initial plight. Teddy is an orphan due to his father eloping with someone else and his mother leaving them soon after. He also has a younger sister, Abby, obsessed with large boobs (which is might actually be important) so he had to be a caretaker early in his life. Almost of all of this was caused by Chloe in that first arc. And it gets worse.
Chapter 4 is filler, Chapter 5 introduces Prudence and angels, which is also interesting. Much like Sins, webcomics I reviewed (or in some sense Sinfest) there’s this trend of lackadaisical good. As in heaven is incompetent, and people there usually are easy to fool. Following the Anna Karenina principle however, incompetence comes in different flavors. In Sins, it’s arrogance, here it’s incredulity. We also have Pandora, which is not important much as being an second mother figure to Abby and also connecting Heaven and Hell, because she likes to seduces angels, which is what I mean by incredulity, because they cannot be principled.
Chapter 6 is first time Teddy turns into a girl. This seems like a filler, but it’s not... and we’re also introduced to more characters like Naomi, she’s a fun character. Lucretia is a mess, though. Chapter 7 continues with Naomi, again, the story slowly devolve itself. Naomi has a second plot with Prudence, which is basically a foil. It makes sense in the overall arc, though.
Chapter 8 where the unravelling goes the next step, when Chole accidentally ‘kills’ Teddy. Teddy is a ghost now, but apparently it’s easy to save him? See, more corruption. We also have Alchemy, which is a reaper. You think Heaven and Hell takes care of that, but no, apparently. Best part of this is when Abby get sent to heaven, and Pandora has to retrieve her. But this chapter is again another escalation in disruption, but of course it resolves for now.
Chapter 9 looks like filler, but Abby getting advice from Pandora and Chloe is important since it tells that we hit the point of no return. Teddy wants Abby to grow up normally, but Abby was kind of destined to grow up not normally. Abby only really understands the demon world and that’s why her fate is inevitable, despite Teddy’s consideration. Chapter 10 introduce us to Gabby.
Chapter 11 is the Valentine arc, and it’s mostly vignettes, and yes, Naomi and Teddy have a real date together, but I really don’t like this... and at this point, you might wonder is all of this going to pay off? Why are you extolling this drivel, and I understand you, but just hang on.
Okay, Chapter 12, Teddy is offered as sacrifice, and we’re introduced to Hell. Chapter 13, we’re back to Naomi and she has too much spiritual drinks. And Prudence’s delusion becomes real because of all the trouble Prudence brings... the Will is stronger than ever. Also there’s Lacy who thinks she’s a Lesbian but it’s straight and I don’t like how it falls prey to the stereotype but the character is actually pretty decent. Also, she kind of sets up the next chapter...
Chapter 14 is story gains momentum. Teddy becomes a girl full time. He has demon blood and ghost blood, which stabilize each other. Chapter 15 means Abby have to save Prudence. Really like Abby’s arc here... she’s growing up... that’s going to come up a lot actually. Also Pandora!
Chapter 16 runs parallel to 15. To back up, the first half is about Chloe trying to find Teddy a date, but the second half it’s Teddy trying to find Chloe a date. First half was really exposition, setting up the world through the narrative, now we’re seeing the world crumble as the search begins. Chapter 17, Teddy goes to hunt on his(?) own. Chapter 18, Gabby solves the problem more easily and the pheromone is acting upon Teddy... and I think I want to talk about the role of sex in this series, because it’s not a sign of corruption or growth... not necessarily. Yeah, sex is what the story is about, but Teddy’s behavior is about experimentation. World finding itself.
Because dad comes back for this part of the story (Chapter 19), and then Teddy gets a stripping job... because she needs to get away from his situation. This again mirrors Chloe’s journey or her not knowing where her powers lead. Next arc (Chapter 20)... Chloe is almost at Stage 3... Chris Montana returns again... apparently he got his mojo now... also astute readers know that he’s not eligible due to the teacher arc. Chloe teaching her stuff is also pretty cute. So, in the end, Abby actually does become a succubus... and this is like her being in puberty. She feels mature, but she’s not actually mature and she has to learn that in the end.
Moving on... Teddy kicks out Chloe (Chapter 21). Chloe takes Teddy’s stripping job. Pandora finally takes angel’s serum. All this mental talking is taking the metaphor to the limits and I really this last few chapter has been pretty gripping in terms of how the story works... but
When Teddy becomes God (Chapter 22)... that’s when the story really shines. That this whole set of mishaps turns Teddy into freaking God. I mean that’s the climax for me. Rest of story just goes in spirals, Charity is all punk now, having simultaneous bonkings, Abby fighting...
Penultimate chapter (Chapter 23) takes things farther... this is the actual plot climax.  Final chapter (Chapter 24) takes care of all the problems. Chloe and Teddy are together, the end.
Now, I haven’t been discussing Tartarus Academy until the end, because I think it does give a hint into why all this instability didn’t blow up the world years ago. And I think that’s because it did, or least world is already at full chaos. Kind of Douglas Adams level of narrative. The Sergeant aren’t really wise, they tend to think impulsively, but that’s what they are there to do in some sense. I think academia is all about preservation, either preservation of order (think of Hogwarts) or preservation of chaos. Academia don’t really have to be an enforcer of rules as ones approving the actions that occurred. In this case, Sergeants in the story only enforce in order to maintain its power of approval. (Also the reason why the Valentine chapter is so weak)
Speaking to Valentine, how does the narrative theory work? Is there something that Teddy and Chloe pursue in common. I think the thing that brings Teddy and Chloe together is commitment. Teddy and Chloe were bounded, but here the resolution could have been resolved instantly. But the whole story is them trying to commit against the bounds. And that’s a legitimate drive.
Overall, the whole story is quite a rollercoaster. (If you are not me,) you probably wouldn’t know this story will be this way... and that’s one of the reason I like this story. It’s really nice for such a low expectation... I don’t know what else to say. The whole thing reads in few hours, and it might be pretty slow and silly, but the whole thing becomes less silly and more interesting. B+, really.
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scoutess-blog · 6 years
Byte Me & Saul Bass
Saul Bass
For our final major project his was the first case study that the entire class would participate in. The artist that we were tasked to investigate was Saul Bass, one the most famous graphic designers in the 20th century whose work was often described as ‘timeless ’. He is most famously known for his work in the 1950’s with the design work involving silhouettes and minimalism. In this study I will be dissecting the effectivity of the artwork by the imagery he was trying to represent through imagery and visual language. After identifying the key methods we would experiment with our own work and compare them.
Task: 1
For our first objective we were tasked with dissecting three known pieces of Bass’s artwork to eventually compare and contrast them. The three pieces were ‘ Autonomy of Murder’, a Girls Scout logo and ‘Bunny is missing’. By the end session I came to the simple conclusion that Saul Bass’s work is aptly described as timeless because of its simplicity, it is open to many forms of interpretation. Thus no matter who views his work, everyone would take something different from it.
All of the pieces of work include the basic art design of using silhouettes, fore and background, shading and some typography. The missing poster uses these visuals to create a imaginative composition that fully represents the phrase ‘ less is more’. The imagery that is created is a sense of loss and/ or isolation which was possible with the use of a graphic method called ‘looking room’. The definition of said method is the amount of space between the subject and the edge of the screen’. The impression I obtained from this work is that the child has been taken from their family hence the shape of the image of the child is literally torn from the paper. Like the child has been torn from their family. I also get the feeling that there is some sort of time limit as the edge of one the hands is still connected to the border. The white represents the hope, positivity and family connection the child has whereas the black represents the negative representation of maybe the emotions of the people involved or what/ who ever taken the child in the first place. Having the black paper torn and taking up such a large amount of space gives me the visual idea of it showing that the emptiness the family feels like something was torn from them. Like a hole that could never be filled again. Also, the style of the writing and composition gives the impression of an missing person poster or article that would find in an newspaper.
The next graphic design is that of a logo instead of a poster and its main focus is visual shape whilst creating the effect
Visually the work is simplistic as Bass uses silhouettes to create compelling compositions with no features but no lack of hidden meaning. In the “Bunny is missing” poster, Bass experiments with the use of the “looking room”, which is  the “amount of space between the subject and the edge of the screen they are facing”. He does this by organically tearing a sheet of black paper into the shape of a child to represent that the child has been forcibly taken from where they belong, the black paper represents this, and the disappearance of said child has left a lasting impression that cannot be fixed just like you cannot fix torn paper without there still being a tear. Also with the use of monochrome colours and the arrangement of the composition, the poster resembles a lost and found poster that you would find in the newspaper.
What is the effect of the visual language?
The forms and shapes Bass chooses to use represents the subject visually. In the case of the Girls Scouts logo, Bass has chosen to use the colour forrest green, as this relates it back to nature which is an element the Girls Scouts are involved with. The silhouette of three girls are also used, at first glance you assume they are all the same, however due to their placement in the logo you can argue that they are all different which symbolises how they are open to all girls who are all treated the same way.
Does the work send an immediate message or are there subtle parts that take awhile to digest?
Although his posters are easy to interpret at first glance, you do miss hidden details and messages if you only looked for a second. In the poster for “Anatomy of a murder”, you see what we interpret as a body due to the title and the fact the body is lying horizontally. The background is red which is connected to the appearance of blood and the body has been cut into pieces to show that it is being taken apart to look at the anatomy of the limbs, head and torso. When I first looked at the poster I hadn’t noticed that the body was cut into sections or that Bass had organically cut out the body from black paper himself which conjures up theories that perhaps this is rather a study of a body rather than a murder scene.
Why do you think the work could be described as timeless?
Silhouettes are a very popular way of designing posters and logo’s as it doesn’t give away much information, is simple and visually easy to understanding leaves it up to the viewers interpretation. Because the shapes and structures Bass uses for these silhouettes are universal due to their lack of identity, this means that they aren’t related to and can be associated with any time period.
In Bass’ film title sequences, they are also done in a 2D format with silhouettes and the movement is in sync with the sequence music.
In the Atonomy of Murder movie sequence, the use of 2D stop motion moves around the organically and hand rendered limbs (which makes it appear more sinister) of the body in time with the music to create more definition and emphasis. It also cuts away sections of the body to create the illusion that something is dissecting the body and really inspecting it which gives the viewer an indication that the genre might be mystery.
The title sequence for the movie Psycho is much sharp and sleeker than Anatomy of a murder due to its use of geometric shapes to subtract and slash areas of the screen and the composition. Instead of creating a maddening and chaotic sequence, Bass has decided to present the title Psycho as a more intelligent and calculating being but the constant slicing of the screen indicates the sinister undertone and the slipping of ones sanity.
Bass takes a different approach to the title sequence, Seconds, with the use of real black and white, 4D imagery that is distorted until it slowly transforms into a recognisable feature. He plays around with the scale and structure of the imagery to create unnerving and hypnotic sequences that are abstract and looks similar to when you manipulate an image using liquify on Photoshop.
We then looked at other artists who were also inspired by Bass’ work and began to note the key elements in his work.
1. Simple and universal silhouettes
2. Use of block colours (slightly off bright) to use as a “looking window”
3. The relationship between text and image
4. Using organic shapes, often hand rendered, to create exaggerated forms
5. The use of positive and negative space
After we noted down the key elements for Bass’ work, we then applied them to our own to create a variety of different outcomes using both hand rendered and digital processes. I decided to use one of my tree panels from my comic as a base for these experiments as they’re silhouettes and could easily be transformed into Bass’ work.
Space Invaders
Tomohiro Nishikado (西角 友宏 Nishikado Tomohiro, born March 31, 1944 in Osaka) is a Japanese video game developer. He is best known as the creator of the shooter game Space Invaders, released to the public in 1978 by the Taito Corporation of Japan, often credited as the first shoot 'em up[1] and for beginning the golden age of video arcade games.[2] Originally Nishikado wanted to use airplanes as enemies for Space Invaders, but would have encountered problems making them move smoothly due to the limited computing power at the time (the game was based on Intel's 8 bit 8080 microprocessor). Humans would have been easier to render, but management at Taito forbade the use of human targets. Prior to Space Invaders, he was also the designer for many of Taito's earlier hits, including the early team sport games Soccerand Davis Cup in 1973, the early scrolling racing video game Speed Race in 1974,[3] the early dual-stick on-footmulti-directional shooter[4] Gun Fight in 1975,[3] and the first-person combat flight simulator Interceptor[5] in 1975.[6]
Susan Kare
Susan Kare[1] (born February 5, 1954) is an artist and graphic designerwho created many of the interface elements and typefaces for the Apple Macintosh in the 1980s. She was also Creative Director (and one of the original employees) at NeXT, the company formed by Steve Jobs after he left Apple in 1985.[2] She has worked for Microsoft and IBM, and, more recently, Pinterest and Facebook.
According to Susan Kare, good icons should be more efficient like road signs rather than mere illustrations. They should be easily comprehended and keep the users from getting confused by extraneous details. She is of the view that out of million colors all the colors don’t need to be incorporated in the icons and that once a well-crafted and meaningful icon is designed it doesn’t need to be resigned frequently.
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jordanrousseau-blog · 6 years
Start Bitcoin Mining Windows Digital Computer Businesses
Our company is without doubt one of the pioneers of the Multimining market. One’s bitcoin Mining software php Mining, and another one is transaction process. One Electronic mail a Day, 7 Days in a Row. Mining itself doesn’t use that a lot bandwidth, however syncing the block chain does. Malone has truly decreased his estimate, saying that whereas it's hard to know exactly what hardware is getting used, it's probably all skilled grade at this point, which is much more environment friendly. Most importantly are the speed wherein is makes ‘hashes’ per second and the quantity of energy (in watts) that the hardware places off. To do that, divide the hash count by the variety of watts. Hardware is necessary as a result of it determines the scale of your contribution to the pool’s hash price. Another choice is to get a hardware wallet. But take a extremely good look round before getting began and upon getting registered and opened a virtual wallet you are roughly good to go.
So I began wanting into how I can arrange an account to get started. We can buy Bitcoin from people who already have them by paying them our real cash akin to rupee,dollar etc…But how do these folks who have them already get them? Despite the likelihood that there's some specific gear mod you'd get a kick out of the opportunity to keep working with the SP20, it's up 'til now not price the acquisition beside as a touch of mining blessing. Bitcoin Miner 1.39.Zero - Subsequent payout date is now shown when default pool payout requirements are met. Highly the appliance is generated, the wallets of it are accessed in a bitcoin perl miner example, and combined to supply the derived campaign. This is because of individuals selling altcoins and shopping for into bitcoin hoping to own 2 coins after the split. I'd put up it right here even if I didn't have an affiliate link that pays me 10% of new folks signing in.
Observe: the emphasis right here is on ‘small threat’, with small meaning ‘barely better than winning the lottery’. You better buy bitcoins or build a nice GPU rig with that cash. That is the key of most bitcoin buyers online, they invest by that we imply buy and sell too aside from mining on their own. We promote hashing power in the form of bitcoin mining contracts that are measured in Gigahashes per second(GH/s). A attainable treatment to this situation is to reinvest what you could have made into maintaining a aggressive hashing fee, but this is extremely speculative. - You'll have to pay mining pool charges from close to nothing up to 3% relying on the pool. Observe: I do not need any personal interest in Hashflare. A Bitcoin transaction does not require any private details. The philosophy of Bitcoin stays the same, it’s nonetheless the largest, and volatility solely creates alternative.
That is the nightmare state of affairs of this attack — a gradual loss of life to Bitcoin whereas a currency that appears prefer it to most, however is actually managed by a handful of conspirators (or the Chinese language government?.. ] worth, whereas the accounting unit merely expresses that value by way of price. Quite merely, its backers argue that there is "real" value, even through there isn’t any bodily illustration of that value. Quite a lot of technical limitations and Moore’s Law merely cannot be overcome even by the world’s foremost chip designers and foundries. Constructing a pc, whether or not for home use or alt coin mining, is an advanced undertaking mired in a myriad of choices that even essentially the most tech-savvy particular person would possibly discover confusing. I interviewed Jeff Ownby, VP Marketing at Butterfly Labs, a manufacturer of high-pace encryption processors for use in Bitcoin mining, analysis, telecommunication and security functions. And then we are going to all agree which is Bitcoin and which is a minority fork. In order to totally grasp how cryptocurrency works, you will need to understand a few important concepts. Humanism: More folks, more bullets, extra human intelligence, equals the winner in a battle. Immediately's transactions that pay a fee may be processed extra rapidly.
We be certain that our digital transactions are true and safe by writing them onto a shared, public "ledger". Approximately each ten minutes, a block of transactions is confirmed to a shared public report known as the block chain. How do you earn a living with this auto bitcoin builder? Last month Mt. Gox registered itself as a cash companies enterprise with the Treasury Division's Monetary Crimes Enforcement Network. That is the incentive for nodes to assist the network. There are firms who rent hashrate. For someone not acquainted with Bitcoin, the primary question that comes to thoughts is, "What's Bitcoin?" And one other frequent question that is often requested relates to the Bitcoin value. Microsoft recently announced that they might accept bitcoin in fee for their merchandise. MinerGate is very attention-grabbing Mining pool with it is personal mining software program AND net mining (one thing that I've personally by no means seen). We recommend staying away from this pool.
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nonsurveillee-blog · 6 years
Custom made-made Bed Bug Treatment method that get rid of mattress bugs
Keep in thoughts the depth and thoroughness of cleaning. As a result of the character of a heating treatment method process, these Bed Bug Handle Dallas strategies may wreak havoc, mattresses, sofas, and other hard to get to regions. Because these types of pests truly like to cover in the darkest and most difficult to get to locations, this variety of thorough remedy could guarantee you they’ll soon be eradicated in their most secretive dens. A fantastic start off would be to spray on scalding hot steam to most of cracks for about two to a few minutes. This need to be carried out regularly until all traces of these pests vanish and the approach of Mattress Bug Extermination Dallas is full. Considering that the Advancement of artificial organic compounds this kind of as DDT and Chlordane, phobias in buildings were predicted to turn into more infrequent. In truth all infestations are really rare from the preceding fifty a long time. Nevertheless bed bugs fell out of their total public consciousness for their rarity. The widespread bed bug was generating news all Close to the Planet these days. In scenario you aren’t genuinely acquainted with a insect’s daily life cycle and customs. Plus it’s heading to be difficult for you to track down most of them then it’s time to Contemplate Bed Bug Exterminator Dallas. They are execs in this field and they will make Certain they are likely to find every insect, egg and larvae which is contained at the area. A bed bug exterminator can be genuinely a pest manage expert that has skills in handling bed bugs. To do this, they need to have a structural mattress bug exterminator Dallas permit, be licensed together with the ministry of surroundings and also be insured. https://twitter.com/Bedbugsremoval https://www.facebook.com/Get-rid-of-bed-bugs-210223812789057/ https://storify.com/bedbugsremoval http://www.folkd.com/user/bedbugremoval In picking the most efficient Bed bug service Dallas, it is needed to think about the methods that are going to be properly employed. Bed bug infestation, naturally, is normally current on surfaces that persons often occur in contact with. It’s considerably far more probably for a exterminator to perform with a steam therapy method to knock out the bugs that have infested upholstery and bedding’s. A business should be built with the tools necessary for steam extermination. http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/bedbugremoval https://www.pinterest.com/Bedbugsremoval/ http://www.dailymotion.com/bedbugexterminator https://www.diigo.com/user/bedbugremova Bed bug control might sound fairly easy at first in reality it is a difficult method that requires a well prepared strategy. These blood sucking can be considered a serious nuisance at house and that is the cause why Bed bug provider dfw is necessary. It’s probably wise to get in touch with professionals to assist you control and eradicate bugs. They will have an assortment of strategies and equipments for helping you lessen the organisms. To eliminate those insects’ pros are ready to support you restrain pests and remedy your personal dilemma. Do not commit additional money on compound options that assert they can get rid of one’s personal problem. Conserve time and funds simply by telephoning the nearby bed bug management business. If you are not sure, but suspect that you have got an infestation and also do not know what to do, then get maintain of a Mattress bug removing services. kill bed bugs Aside from washing your entire sheet at the hottest water feasible, you are heading to require to have your carpeting and home furniture steam cleaned. Instantly Get in touch with a bed pest manage enterprise. They will arrive out and examine your premises. They could teach you what they acquired entry to your home. https://bedbugservicedallas.blogspot.com/ http://bugsremoval.weebly.com/ http://bedbugexterminator.hatenablog.com/ https://twitter.com/Bedbugsremoval https://www.facebook.com/Get-rid-of-bed-bugs-210223812789057/ https://storify.com/bedbugsremoval http://www.folkd.com/user/bedbugremoval http://ttlink.com/bedbugdetector Beg bug handle has turned is becoming an issue. Mattress bugs genuinely are wise creatures that opt to go when the possible least is aware of that it, usually attacking when a guy is rapidly asleep, oblivious of the silent assailant. They are wingless with a brownish, body that is weathered. Mattress bugs prosper in areas with a heat and arid weather. bed bug exterminator Warmth keeps you and your family toasty so way too the bed bugs! A effectively qualified Dallas bed bug detection is without doubt the ideal way of individuals that suspect they have a bed bug concern however cannot obtain any evidence by themselves. The assessment will not be economical nonetheless it will be much more affordable than a treatment plus most of all it will give part of brain. With a Dallas Beg Bug Detection or a skilled can assist you identify them conveniently. Right after that is completed, they’ll also be capable to allow you know in the function you have any nests in the spot. Dallas K9 Mattress Bug Detection presents adhere to-up and initial detection nonetheless, perhaps not bed bug extermination providers. Canines may support pest management execs know the areas to take treatment of and also in comply with-ups could sign if of bed bugs are killed. dallas k9 bed bug detection An experienced dog could extensively study a space and also identify mattress insect problems in just two to 3 full minutes, less time than it usually needs a particular person technician that wants to count on visual cues which could get an exhaustive review of your property. As our culture now turns its emphasis on a lot more environmentally pleasant implies of resolving issues, for illustration pest control, Dallas K9 Detection teams are getting to be extremely popular. Though a comparatively new way of discovering and eradicating pests, these methods give a variety of rewards. Getting bed bugs with canines is considerably safer and considerably more environmentally pleasant, however this type of discovery can be extremely specified as canines might detect dwell bugs and practical eggs. https://twitter.com/Bedbugsremoval https://www.facebook.com/Get-rid-of-bed-bugs-210223812789057/ https://storify.com/bedbugsremoval http://www.folkd.com/user/bedbugremoval http://ttlink.com/bedbugdetector For some men and women unlucky to get bedbugs in the residence, it’s often crucial that you comprehend how to detect mattress bugs in the best manner. Not only to locate each and every a single of the most apparent places that bedbugs disguise, but also to examine every single 1 of the significantly less visible spots for Bug Professionals. Also darkish red/brown spots of dried out bedbug excrement (which is digested blood) are quite often seen alongside mattress seams or where ever the bugs have stayed. That is why it is most essential to verify for them in the each corner of home. Check out To The Website for receiving much more details related to Dallas Beg Bug Detection.
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Sizzling Springs In Spain In Roman Times & Trendy Hot Tubs Right this moment
The Island of Santorini consists of giant automobile rental agencies for offering handy and enjoyable making vacation trip with wonderful sight seeing attractions. "The key dangers concern the overall policy implementation, provided that the coalition supporting the government seems fragile and some components of this system face political resistance, despite the determination of the government," said the report by the "troika" made up of the European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF. With its welcoming locals and stylish seaside bars oceanside, Mykonos is another good spot to celebration on the sands. In addition, in numerous resort areas around the country there are some splendid (and pricy) villas and other properties which are attractive to effectively heeled international nationals who want second houses and holiday properties. Locations like Acropolis of Athens, Tower of the Winds, Hadrian's Library, Temple of Athena Nike, Propylaea, Agios Eleftherios Church, Jewish Museum of Greece, National Museum of Modern Artwork, Tzistarakis Mosque, Kaisariani Monastery, Previous Parliament Home, Athens Struggle Museum, Herakleidon Artwork Museum, Omonoia Square, Arch of Hadrian, Theatre of Dionysus, Nationwide Garden, Odeon of Herodes Atticus, Temple of Hephaestus and many more websites are probably the most superb locations the place you will discover the true spirits of Athens. You can really witness some of the most historic websites in the whole world and get a really feel for what the powerful Historical Greece was like. It appears that evidently, these hidden positions, has kept them pure and beautiful, because the bus with vacationer can hardly attain these spots. If you are on the lookout for these places don't ask at your local journey agent. Years in the past Predator or Aliens movie given not so good end result on huge display nevertheless it's still fascinating to see membership of each action science fiction favorites in transformation of game. Great amount of museum surplus, authentic ancient artifacts. Should you get the vacationer urge to go to something, you may get into museums and other cultural sights with out having to attend in traces. Specialists forecast that Greek accommodations will eventually begin reducing their prices or offer much more freebies. You possibly can take pleasure in many different water sports activities in addition to a few of the best cuisine in the world. The famous poet Gabriele D'Annunzio called the seaside Falcomata promenade probably the most lovely kilometer in Italy. Whenever you discover the right course for your self, you can be amazed at how simple it's to study the Greek language, which is likely one of the worlds oldest repeatedly used languages. We see the outcomes of the decline of our Nation's artwork teaching programs everyday. In time this led to an invention that became a daily fixture in American houses and indeed properties world wide at the moment. But when you travel round Thassos you will see the numerous remarkable bays that are generally hard to achieve. Application: God expects every one in every of us to provide—no exceptions, no excuses. As soon as one submerges in to a Spa Sizzling Tub and you begin to benefit from the heat spa water, it causes two crucial and beneficial events to occur in your physique. If a cruise is your mode of travel, there are quite a few packages provided that may utilize funds journey Greece choices with out giving up facilities or settling for an inferior trip. These on a break right here will discover that this makes for the right holiday ambiance - and that they'll loosen up while discovering genuine Greek tradition and scenes. The primary recognized mention of cheesecake was from historic Greece. To the north and west, holidaymakers will be able to see wilder, extra mountainous areas, whereas the south is comprised of picturesque seashores and wooded areas. Get pleasure from music, hearth-jugglers and drumming around the big bonfires which are lit during the summer holiday season. // Lunch = unlimited mushy beverages, water, wines from the native wineries, Greek barbeque with fresh meat and seafood, Greek salads, breads & dips. In Belguim there may be, in fact, the well-known Spa the place where the very phrase "Spa" comes from then in England you could have Tub so aptly named. We are going to start with arguably probably the most unexpected one, the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia (The National Museum of Higher Greece), an important archeological museum. Lastly, for the skiing lovers, do not forget that mainly in Spain and Italy you will have the opportunity of nice skiing opportunities, Cruise lovers will get their greatest in Greece touring across the islands, or simply taking a Mediterranean cruise that may explore the three nations and even Turkey in the identical package. That is where the luxury folks social gathering, however the good occasions only get under method from 11 pm, so strolling along the seashore, eating out or having a drink within the earlier a part of the night is advisable to avoid arriving too early. And whereas it won't seem vital, it's compelling to appreciate that this is an consuming plan that dates back centuries, and that before we messed every part up with our out-of-management parts and trans-fatty fast meals, civilizations the world over lived lengthy and healthy lives by following this kind of eating regimen. For 200 years the Corinthians sold their pottery all around the Greek world, and Corinth became a rich and busy trading center. As well as being one of many 23 official languages of the European Union additionally it is acknowledged as a minority language in components of Turkey, Italy and Albania. Laza penthouse, as an illustration, an excellent one-bed room apartment having fun with wonderful views over the harbour, and the bigger Villa Laza beneath, are a quarter of the way in which up the Kali Strata and so get the very best of each worlds: proximity to the local amenities mixed with tranquillity and commanding views. Festivals like Pentecost Monday, Nafplio Festival, Historic Olympia International Pageant, Assumption, Ohi Day, Miaoulia Pageant, Nafplio Pageant, Athens Worldwide Movie Competition, Second Day of Christmas, Epiphany, Apokreo, Clean Monday, Greek Independence Day and extra are the largest celebrations you could take pleasure in in the Greek capital. One would expect that after taking artwork courses in faculty for four years and spending tens of 1000's of dollars or more on tuition that one would have the ability to draw and paint like a pro. Kosovo's days old declaration of independence is rejected by Serbia, of which Kosovo was historically a part of, and by Serbia's greatest patron, Russia. These kinds of packages can include land and cruise packages, land packages solely, Greek Island packages, nation combination packages that include traveling to a second nation and extensions which can add an extra 3 days to your authentic package with decisions akin to Cyprus, Rome, Egypt and Turkey. (The deposit just isn't refundable until the vendor somehow disrupts or ends the sales process or until clear title to the actual property cannot be had within the time allotted below the preliminary contract.) After the client obtains his or her financing, and the vendor satisfies his or her own obligations under the preliminary settlement, a last contract is signed between the events. Maintaining in thoughts the various touristy wants and to set up good requirements, the tourism infrastructure has taken initiatives to supply the most fashionable facilities at any Corfu hotel in the area, be it within the quaint mountainous villages or in the coastal villages. Many vacationers enjoy seeing the volcano and visiting the villages of Emboreios and Nikea. History, culture, grand cities, ancient monuments, romantic islands and breathtaking views are all inside simple attain on a Mediterranean cruise. Whereas ninety% of its tourists come from other European countries, lately there have been rising numbers of tourists from different elements of the world too. To soak in a little bit tradition, the island of Mykonos has many museums in your enjoyment. Are anticipated to take part. Individuals who shopping freaks will certainly fall in love with this place as they are going to get to see electronic gadgets, equipment, footwear, clothes and perfumes that are offered there at inexpensive prices. One great drawback is that such places haven't got many means of transportation to and from them and not to many comforts should be anticipated when looking for accommodation. Application: The extra we get, the more we should give to God. Be certain to go to the close by cloister surrounded by fantastically decorated glass mosaics. Karpathos is a traditional island with mountain villages and exquisite beaches. Tourism has always played an important function in the financial circumstances of Greece as early as the ancient occasions when there have been some cultural exchange missions between the Greek and the Roman Empires. Greek mythology information that Carya, (the Latin genus title for walnut), who fell in love with the Greek God, Dionysus, was remodeled right into a walnut tree at her death. After World Conflict II, most of the islands have been returned to Greece, independence, and freedom. Medical doctors and facilities are generally good on the mainland, however may be limited on the islands. For emphasis, that means one thing like "no, in fact not" or "no, you are method off the mark" the pinnacle may be tilted up and back in a very slow deliberate motion sometimes with a partial or full closing of the eyes. Most menus have an English translation and plenty of places present you the meals in the kitchen from which you can choose. Leaving from the village of Keri, guests can take a boat trip to find the beautiful Keri sea caves, in addition to to glimpse some of the underwater world by diving. A important port in Nisyros is Mandraki, where there's an historic acropolis, a seaside with black stones and a monastery. The budget of getting a good lodging in Greece is fully based in your requirements combined with the world through which you're looking out a hotel. cheap hotels oahu It is tough to find a hotel room, so you will wish to plan prematurely when you plan to remain. Europe lagged behind within the discovery of floral art, however once the Dark Ages passed, individuals regarded for methods to specific their delight at this more optimistic atmosphere. The more we study God's Wisdom, the higher we perceive what He needs from each of us. The more we understand, the better we can accomplish that which He has given us to do. It does not take a lifetime and yes, you may learn - even in case you "can't draw a straight line." All you want is the precise instruction, given by a caring and capable instructor. Three days after our first assembly John invited me back to his house…it turned out to be essentially the most luxurious penthouse in town overlooking the Gulf of Siam…a personal elevator, 5 stand alone balconies with gardens and mini-waterfalls, a sauna, big living room, three or four bedrooms, and Bacon lithographs hanging from all of the walls.
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djgblogger-blog · 7 years
‘I'm so sorry’: when Indian advertisements turn around sexism
Screeshot of the Havells ad which tries to emphasis sexism and reverse roles. Havells/Youtube
Social marketing in India has become increasingly focused on gender roles, family hierarchy, and traditional marriage practices. Different forms of “femvertizing” – female empowerment through socially-focused marketing – has taken hold there in unexpected ways.
To illustrate how this is happening, we selected for this article three emblematic advertisements that not only challenge but also reverse the traditionally dominant roles that Indian fathers, sons, and husbands assume with the women in their lives.
Role inversion
Role inversion highlights men acting “out of script” to improvise a new way of assuming inherited, highly codified familial roles. In these ads, Indian men, like their western counterparts, appear to have grown weary of the limiting script and role that’s been passed down to them.
Ariel detergent ad, ‘share the load’
The Ariel detergent ad opens with an older gentleman sitting at a dinner table, observing his grown daughter performing a dizzying array of evening tasks while her husband sits watching television, calling out for his evening tea, oblivious to her multi-tasking a work call, preparing dinner, and supervising kids’ homework.
Her father’s off-screen voice reads a “Dear Daughter” letter in Hindi as he witnesses the gaping disparity of her duties during the unpaid portion of her work day. Stunned by the pressures his “baby girl” is facing, the lamenting dad acknowledges his direct responsibility for this state of affairs.
Admitting that he provided the example that she internalised, the dad resolves to change this once he’s back home with mom, confiding that he is “so very sorry” for not having provided a different role model.
Cut to the next scene and dad is loading the machine with his dirty laundry, much to mom’s surprise, and the viewer is left with Ariel’s parting slogan “Share the load” because “why should laundry be a mother’s job”?
Gendered script
When we act out our roles in everyday life, we internalise received information on our identity in the form of social “scripts” that we repeat and perfect over time. Ever since sociologists John Gagnon and William Simon’s landmark work on sexual scripts and the learned predictable sequences of gender identity construction, Sexual Conduct: The Social Sources of Human Sexuality, was published, researchers have been applying the idea of scripting practices to a variety of fields.
Popular culture often provides striking examples of such gendered scripts, as evident from studies on television and advertising as well as in social media and music. The advertising culture in India seems ripe for revisiting these scripts, as our current research on Indian women’s identity has revealed.
In many homes, the kitchen still embodies gender segregation. Research into gender choice and domestic space suggests that kitchen design preferences are gendered and linked to professional status: women versus men, working versus non-working.
The women’s clothing company BIBA questioned this gendered space in a popular 2016 advertisement that went viral in India and beyond.
BIBA’s gender sensitive ad.
In the opening scene, a young woman is preparing for a family encounter between intended fiancés in the typical arranged marriage scenario. The boy’s family has arrived for tea and samosas. Now is the time to verify the girl’s cooking and home-making abilities; nothing new here so far.
In the course of the discussion, the girl’s father asks about the boy’s cooking ability. His smiling mother retorts proudly that he cannot even boil water – microwaved noodles are his speciality. Father then informs the potential in-laws that his daughter deserves better than noodles, getting a surprise smile from his appreciative daughter.
The groom-to-be responds by inviting his in-laws to come to over for dinner in 10 days, to give him time to learn how to cook.
A somewhat contrived, albeit hopeful subversion of the norm, Indian feminist critics such as Shamolie Oberoi underscore the ad’s perpetuation of female passivity and lack of autonomy, noting that “…the ability to feed oneself shouldn’t depend on one’s gender.”
Regardless, the ad’s popularity shows that incremental change in India’s gender relations is already in motion.
Discussing sensitive issues
Along this continuum of change, the BIBA brand’s role-reversing approach to women’s issues can be seen in another ad, which also went viral.
Ad for BIBA, on dowry negotiations.
In this ad, dowry negotiation is being discussed. Illegal since 1961, dowry continues to be a widespread and fraught practice across all strata of Indian society. It is seen as compensation to the parents taking on the bride-to-be, who is considered a “burden” and the property of the husband’s family.
This practice is often intergenerationally and violently perpetuated.
In the discussion between a middle-aged man and his mother about his own son’s marriage, it becomes clear that he supports the exchange of dowry – but as long as he is, in fact, paying it. To his mother’s astonishment, he explains his logic: since they are obtaining something precious, the bride, they should be paying.
Gender bias is by no means unique to India, and unconscious gender bias research shows us that it’s particularly prevalent when women shift into power or authority positions.
In India, the prevalence of femvertising is not yet sufficiently impacting entrenched inequities. A 2016 UN report on gender inequality ranks India at 131st out of 185 countries overall. Other studies and indicators of gender discrimination in India show there’s a lot of room for new initiatives in areas, such as female entrepreneurship, where gender balance remains among the lowest in the world.
We are also seeing new feminist films from India that are challenging scripted stereotypes with intelligent, thoughtful, and rebellious female voices.
In the film ‘Queen’ a young woman from Delhi leaves her society and finds her true self in Paris.
This is a significant development, especially since a 2014 UN-sponsored study on women in film indicates that men receive a strong preference in leading roles across the world.
As director Alankrita Shrivastava lamented in a June interview : “…multi-dimensional roles that project women as complex characters are mostly absent from mainstream Bollywood”. Women are largely given roles as sexual objects.
Shrivastava’s recent film Lipstick Under my Burkha, which challenges many norms, is struggling to get a release certification from the Indian censor board.
Involving men
Indian men are showing increasing signs of involvement in the conversation about the nation’s gender divide. An episode from Bollywood star Aamir Khan’s popular social-issues talk show Satyadmev Jayate, for instance, examined how Masculinity Harms Men, revealing that many men in India still feel societal pressure to act tough, never cry, and treat women as less than equal.
A combination of patriarchal culture, religion, Bollywood and TV shows share the responsibility. That’s why the impact of femvertising in India should not be underestimated.
Traditional scripts require rewriting to fit new and previously unimagined situations. A new generation of feminist Indian marketers are using publicity to reach larger consumer audiences and to reframe the dominant gender discourse, recognising the hugely important role that women play in global consumption.
Socially-sensitive advertisers and filmmakers are shaping a new vision that will hopefully cascade to the millions who may be observing, but are not yet part of the conversation.
Although much remains to be done, in India today things are changing in essential ways, and the above examples do manage to get a message across to the millions in the audience. That’s something to not be sorry about.
The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond the academic appointment above.
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ambassador3092-blog · 7 years
The below passages that we will visit TODAY are meant to bring awareness to every believer that TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION AND ITS THE DAY THE LORD HAS MADE AND WE ARE CALLED TO REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT. For many this concept has been made aware to our mind but has failed to transform the heart. In no way am I condemning anyone in particular but the fact remains, we are all able to live in the Fathers TRUE REST day after day
! Let me take a moment to explain before we dive into the text found in HEBREWS 3. 
When we fail to live in TODAY we will find ourselves getting pulled down by the undercurrent of our past failures and victories. When the people we are associating with constantly brings up our past to malign our name we must recognize that this is a spirit that is working through the individual. Remembering this truth will help us navigate through the offense so that we respond in love not hate. When the FOCUS is on TODAY we can better manage our responses to things that will come our way knowing that GODS MERCIES ARE NEW EACH DAY!!! This is great news because it frees us from condemnation which is what the enemy loves to throw into the believers thoughts. When we start out each day knowing that the only one who can throw me into hell has already forgiven and forgot about my sin it brings a refreshing that should set us on the right path for the day. Remember when Jesus sent out the disciples two by two? They were called to leave their bag, purse and sandals showing us that the power they had been given by God was enough. When they came back they were amazed that the demons were subject to them, teaching us that no power of darkness can overthrow the believer that is found in Gods rest and peace. Remember the focus is on LIVING IN TODAY AND IN THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT.  JESUS response is what we need to get in our spirit, DON’T BE GLAD THAT THE SPIRITS ARE SUBJECT TO YOU BE GLAD YOUR NAMES ARE WRITTEN IN THE LAMBS BOOK OF LIFE. This revelation will help keep us humble as we begin to live in the Lords rest each and every day. We will see in the text in Hebrews that we are not to recieve any glory for living in the power and authority of God, that all POWER and GLORY is found in our Heavenly Father. PRIDE is one of the greatest oppositions that hold the believer back from moving from anxiety to rest. 
1And so, dear brothers and sisters who belong to God anda are partners with those called to heaven, think carefully about this Jesus whom we declare to be God’s messenger and High Priest. 2For he was faithful to God, who appointed him, just as Moses served faithfully when he was entrusted with God’s entirec house.
3But Jesus deserves far more glory than Moses, just as a person who builds a house deserves more praise than the house itself. 4For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God.
Until we come into agreement with the TRINITY we may have works but they will be dead works because we put more emphasis on what we can do instead of what God can do. We can easily fall into the trap of glorifying people, places and things and when this occurs we will find that what we praise becomes the barrier that keeps us from entering into Gods holy rest. 
5Moses was certainly faithful in God’s house as a servant. His work was an illustration of the truths God would reveal later. 6But Christ, as the Son, is in charge of God’s entire house. And we are God’s house, if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ.
Take courage is the word we read in Joshua 1:9 about the thought process of the LEADER GOD USED TO TAKE THE CHILDREN INTO THE PLACE OF PROMISE. 
7That is why the Holy Spirit says, “Today when you hear his voice, 8 don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled, when they tested me in the wilderness.
9There your ancestors tested and tried my patience, even though they saw my miracles for forty years.10So I was angry with them, and I said, ‘Their hearts always turn away from me. They refuse to do what I tell them.’
11So in my anger I took an oath: ‘They will never enter my place of rest.’”
12Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters.f Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God. 13You must warn each other every day, while it is still “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. 14For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. 
15Remember what it says: “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts as Israel did when they rebelled.”
16And who was it who rebelled against God, even though they heard his voice? Wasn’t it the people Moses led out of Egypt? 17And who made God angry for forty years? Wasn’t it the people who sinned, whose corpses lay in the wilderness? 18And to whom was God speaking when he took an oath that they would never enter his rest? Wasn’t it the people who disobeyed him? 19So we see that because of their unbelief they were not able to enter his rest.
LET me recap what we have just read and studied. Let us never forget that we have no ability to enter in Gods rest if we forget or are not reminded of all his benefits. What the enemy focuses in on is how good the old days were and how life was so much easier when we were living under bondage. For did not the Israelites remind one another of their former days in bondage and how good those days were. Negativity will always throw us out of peace and into confusion. When we begin to glorify the places that the Lord redeemed us from we set ourselves up for a fall. We cannot expect to glorify sin and reject Gods blessing and think we will walk in his power and might. Unless we come into agreement with the Lord in every aspect of our lives we will continue to have the wrong perspective leading us away from our destiny which is found only in relationship with God. Since Jesus only did what he saw and heard his Father doing he was able to bring the forces of the Kingdom of God in the earthly realm. When we walk daily in response to what the Lord is doing we will find our position in God can not be replaced by any momentary pleasure that this world would promise to give us. We are called to be just like Jesus in this life and to walk in signs and wonders and release the Kingdom of God in the earth. Those that are failing to experience his transforming power in their life need to humble themselves before God and really get serious about all that he has given us access to. When we allow the distractions of what is going around us to determine how we will live we will never live the abundant life that God has promised us. We are in a season of turning off the worldly distractions and redirecting our hearts back to the Lord so he can soften our hearts and get us believing we were made to reign and rule here on earth. 
The harvest is great but the laborers are few............
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18th February >> Daily Reflection on Today's First Reading (Hebrews 11:1-7 ) for Roman Catholics on Saturday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Commentary on Hebrews 11:1-7 We have come to the end of our current readings of the Creation and Fall narrative from Genesis and we conclude the week with a passage from Hebrews which affirms that it was their faith, trust and confidence in God which guided the good people of those early days. The whole chapter (our reading only has the first seven verses) paints an inspiring picture of religious faith, firm and unyielding in the face of all obstacles. “These pages rank among the most lofty and eloquent to be found the Bible.” The three examples given today are taken from the first nine chapters of Genesis. The author gives the most extensive description of faith provided in the New Testament, though his interest does not lie in a technical, theological definition. In view of the needs of his audience he describes what authentic faith does, not what it is in itself. Through faith God guarantees the blessings to be hoped for from him, providing evidence in the gift of faith that what he promises will eventually come to pass (1). Because they accepted in faith God’s guarantee of the future, the biblical personages discussed in vv.3-38 were themselves commended by God (2). Christians have even greater reason to remain firm in faith since they, unlike the Old Testament men and women of faith, have perceived the beginning of God’s fulfilment of his messianic promises (39-40). (New American Bible) The reason for this emphasis on faith is that the Jewish Christians, the ‘Hebrews’ to whom the author is writing have become discouraged because of persecution. He now emphasises that it is only what is future and what is invisible that gives them hope. The examples taken from the lives of Old Testament saints are meant to give them courage and illustrate how faith is the source of patience and strength. The reading opens with a description, rather than a proper definition, of faith. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”. Later, this verse was adopted as a theological definition of faith. It is a matter much more of deep trust in God rather than the holding of religious ‘truths’. Again, faith is not just something subjective. Although what is believed in cannot be seen, the unseen realities are tested and ‘proved’ by experience. And the examples given here are such experiences. It is faith that helps us realise that the visible world is truly the work of the invisible word of God, “what is seen was made from things that cannot be seen”. In our own lives, we will find that when we commit ourselves totally to the vision of Christ, it brings a deep satisfaction and sense of peace into our lives, even when external circumstances may be difficult. In the second part of the reading, three examples are mentioned as examples of deep faith: Abel, Enoch and Noah. The first example is Abel. “By faith” Abel offered a sacrifice which was more pleasing to God than Cain’s. It was a sign of Abel’s righteousness that God accepted his offerings. In fact, the Cain and Abel narrative in Gen 4:1-16 does not mention Abel’s faith. It does say, however, that God “looked with favour on Abel and his offering” (Gen 4:4). The author of Hebrews understands God’s favour as having been activated by the faith of Abel and not simply because of what he was offering, although there does seem to be, in this period, a bias for the agricultural over the pastoral, fruits of the earth rather than animals. Abel died at the hands of his jealous brother yet, because of his faith, he still speaks to us. Genesis quotes God as saying that the blood of Abel “cries out to me from the soil” (Gen 4:10) but the author of Hebrews is more probably saying that the repeated story of Abel provides ongoing witness to faith. Next, we have the example of Enoch. Enoch is a character whose name occurs in a genealogy of the generations from Adam to Noah (Genesis ch. 5). He was the son of Jared and father of Methusaleh, legendary for his long life of 969 years. We know practically nothing else about Enoch except that he lived to be 365 years. He is distinguished from the other patriarchs in several ways: his life is shorter but his years number those of the days in a solar year, he therefore attains a perfect age and he “walks with God”, as Noah did. But then “he was no longer here, for God took him” (Gen 5:24). In the Book of Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) we also read: “Enoch walked with the Lord and was taken up that succeeding generations might learn by his example” (Eccl 44:16). Like Elijah, he vanishes mysteriously, carried off by God. The clear implication is that he did not die in the usual way but, like Elijah (2 Kings 2:11ff), was taken alive to the presence of God. Hebrews says that, before he was taken, there was clear evidence that “he had pleased God”. This expression follows the Greek translation of Gen 5:22, which in the Hebrew reads “walked with God” – but the meanings can clearly be the same. God is surely pleased with anyone who walks with him. Because of his friendship with God (not otherwise described here or elsewhere in the Bible) and also by reason of his unusual disappearance from the earth, Enoch’s reputation was great among the Chosen People, particularly in the two centuries just before the coming of Christ. He was held up as a model of piety and certain apocryphal books bear his name. The author then comments that without faith it is impossible to please God. For, anyone who wants to approach God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. The faith that is essential for our salvation has two objects: belief in the existence of one personal God, who by his very nature cannot be seen, and belief that God will reward all effort spent in searching for him. This is, as we have said, much more a question of surrendering to the God we cannot see than simply stating a conviction that he exists. The Greek word for ‘faith’ is pistis (pistis) which basically means ‘trust’. Lastly, Noah, warned by God about events not yet apparent, trusted, put his faith, in God’s word and built the ark to save his household. In doing so, he condemned the rest of the unbelieving and corrupt world and became an heir to the righteousness that follows faith. Let us pray that our faith too may grow stronger and stronger that we may be ever more open to God’s working in our lives. May he help us especially to see him at work in times of pain and difficulty.
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