feedingfrenzy91 · 2 years
Call of Duty Player Visits Activision Office
God willing Activision will change its ways soon but if not then I hope that if and when the Microsoft Takeover happens they will take over the Customer support themselves.
Gameplay: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Beta
May God bless you all.
Thumbnail: https://charlieintel.com/modern-warfa...
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efingcod · 1 month
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June 9th. Gonna be way less normal than usual
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I like that we went from Perseus to Cerberus
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zhiaaa · 10 months
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Pic by charlieintel on twt
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allemantheias · 7 months
We could have had a game about Alejandro, Rudy and Valeria??????
Source Bloomberg. Screen from Sledgehammer's reply on facebook. Link to the X/Twitter post of CharlieIntel.
For the first few months of the project, which was codenamed Jupiter, the story was conceived as a smaller-scale Modern Warfare spinoff set in Mexico that would be more achievable on a short timeline than the usual globe-trotting escapades of a full new campaign. But in the summer of last year, Activision executives rebooted that story, and told the developers that instead they would be making a direct sequel to Modern Warfare II centering on the villain Vladimir Makarov and featuring missions all across the world. The reboot ate into the schedule and forced the developers to complete the new campaign in roughly 16 months — the shortest development time for a new Call of Duty game in years.
Maybe............ we get it next year? That would be so amazing. I need more VAleRudy background story. I NEED an answer to the question if Alejandro and Valeria dated before she betrayed them.
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OMG 😭😭😭
Jump to 0:35 for Ghost's soft voice I'm screaming so hard rn
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yumethefrostypanda · 10 months
"twitter never lies" oooh darling i felt that sarcasm from miles away (at least i hope) but yeah literally can't trust twitter "sauce" wholeheartedly at all unless they're reliable like charlieintel for example or ghost of hope
Haha! Yess that was sarcasm :3 Maybe should clarify myself next time 😅 And true! CharlieIntel (for example) usually is a reliable source, also because they get invited/called by the CoD devs for.. stuff. But hey.. ppl sometimes want to believe what they WANT to believe and get lost in it :') Even if the source/canon is right there...
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helena-georgiou · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Call Of Duty Hacks MW2
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The fast-paced FPS gameplay of Call of Duty is combined with the exciting mechanics of Battle Royale within COD MW2. The game was an instant game when it first came onto the scene, but now the game's competitive aspect has begun to experience an overflow of hackers.
This is the reason IWantCheats provides a service that includes amazing features to help you dominate in the sport. These include ESP and Wallhacks as well as Aimbot and a an ESP hack.
ESP and Wallhacks
It is believed that ESP (or Extra Sensory Perception) hacks function through the injection of software into the game which allows you to see data which would otherwise remain concealed. They are among the most effective hacks and will give you a huge advantage.
They detect the moment when a person is staring at you or aiming in your direction and showing you on the screen when this happens. A wall hack is also part of many of these tools. The feature displays on screen wireframes boxes or chevrons that indicate the location of enemies even if they're not directly facing your direction.
These are also known as wallhacks or ESP. These devices let players spy on their adversaries through walls as well as other things. They're usually not detected by anti-cheat tools, however they could be detected by savvy players who are looking for their presence. It is important to remember that the use of ESP and other cheats in online games like MW2 aimbot is a crime and could get you banned from the game in case you are found guilty.
These are programs in software that are designed to target you. They operate by reading the information from the graphics driver on your computer and then identifying players who are through the web server. If it spots the player, it'll monitor them until they move to a clear view, and shoot at them. Also, the guns have anti-detection capabilities that include aiming at a slow speed or human-like motions, as well as delays in shooting, which makes them less noticeable.
Aimbots can give you an enormous advantage over those who don't utilize them. They're one of the more morally questionable kinds of cheats. However, in the right way, they could help you become a better player. They are also generally identified by their adversaries, so you may be banned from a game or server if you are detected playing with any of them. Therefore, it is essential to only use servers with anti-cheat programs running. If you don't, you risk being banned from a multiplayer shooter forever!
Radar Hack
Radar Hack is a type of cheat that enables players to pinpoint where their enemies are located on radars that look like maps in the display. It is easier to attack opponents when you are aware of their position.
It works by drawing colored boxes around the enemy. Radar Hack works by drawing colored circles around opponents, so players can easily detect them at any time. It's one of the most sought-after methods for gamers to gain an edge over their rivals in strategy and shooter online games.
As of March 2, on March 2, the call of duty hacks mw2 community was beset by hackers on Ranked Play, which has caused the mode to be unplayable for many. An update is expected to eliminate the cheats. According to an Reddit thread, the update introduces packet encryption for certain regional servers in Escape from Tarkov, which will disable the widely available hacking of radar. Only downside to the feature is it may slightly slow performance.
CODMW2 hasn't been released in the moment, however cheaters and hackers have already begun to take on the game. As reported by CharlieINTEL A website called IWantCheats is already advertising an assortment of hacks for the game, such as the use of radars, as well as aimbots that can give players an advantage that is unfair to their opponents.
The majority of hacks available for MW2 revolve around wallhacks, which allows the player to know which players are present in all structure. This provides the hacker with a huge advantage over their opponents, as they can be aware of where the action is.
A different option that is popular in MW2 is the Aimbot. They automatically target the player and eliminate any need for manual positioning or adjustment of their shot. They can make the difference between being an acceptable player versus someone who's an elite player particularly when playing competitive games. With a faster speed of turning the camera, this can make the world of difference in the performance of a player.
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modernghostfare · 1 year
CharlieIntel is saying that COD later this year will be called MWIII, how are we feeling about this? I wanna see main characters die ngl
developed by the ones who developed vanguard 😬 not feeling very confident
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dertaglichedan · 4 days
Gamers. They targeted Gamers.
We should all be used to the rainbow brigade ruining everything by now. Even normal Americans who aren’t homophobic or hateful towards other in the slightest have to be annoyed by the bombardment of rainbow logos, pride pandering and excessive sexualization of everything that happens each June.
There have always been a few safe havens though. Certain corners of the culture have survived through thick and thin to retain their gritty masculine Americana ways.
Gaming itself has long been compromised, but ol’ reliable, Call of Duty, has always been where the boys can congregate, burn hours and hours of their lives away and say heinous things to each other over voice chat.
No longer. The LGBT army has won. Call of Duty now has #Pride.
Happy Pride Month.
A FREE bundle is now live in Call of Duty in MW3 x Warzone with 6 camos to use in game across all weapons. pic.twitter.com/YDU1tCNzCj
— CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) June 1, 2024
The game released seven new weapon skins this month that players can use to decorate their guns, based on the various letters of the intersectional alphabet. Guns can now be traditional pride, bisexual, lesbian, nonbinary, pansexual, transgender or asexual themed.
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theclubhero-blog · 2 months
Call of Duty 2024 será lançado diretamente no Xbox Game Pass, acredita insider confíavel
Por Vinicius Torres Oliveira
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O insider mais confiável que temos sobre Call of Duty e que não me lembro de ter errado alguma vez, Tom Henderson, se pronunciou finalmente sobre o jogo que será lançado este ano, se teremos ele no Xbox Game Pass ou não. A resposta agrada a todos os assinantes!
Até alguns dias atrás Tom Henderson tinha dúvidas sobre isso, mas parece que ele está confiante já que no X/Twitter em resposta ao @charlieINTEL ele acredita que será lançado no Game Pass .
A franquia Call of Duty está se preparando para adicionar um novo capítulo à sua longa e aclamada série com o lançamento do “Call of Duty 2024: Black Ops Gulf War“. Este título promete levar os jogadores de volta ao cenário da Guerra do Golfo, um período histórico que foi marcado por operações militares intensas e conflitos geopolíticos significativos.
O jogo está sendo desenvolvido pela Treyarch, conhecida por seu trabalho anterior na série Black Ops, e contará com a colaboração da Raven Software, que trabalhou no modo campanha. Segundo relatos, o jogo se concentrará nas operações da CIA durante a Guerra do Golfo, explorando o papel dos Estados Unidos no conflito. Além disso, espera-se que o jogo apresente uma narrativa matizada, com foco nos diferentes participantes da guerra, e que utilize tecnologia de combate militar tradicional, bem como os dispositivos característicos da série Black Ops.
A data de lançamento está prevista para outubro de 2024, seguindo o padrão de lançamentos anteriores da série. Há rumores de que a Activision está considerando oferecer um período significativo de acesso antecipado como bônus de pré-venda, o que poderia incluir vários dias de acesso ao jogo base e semanas para o modo Zumbis.
O anúncio de Call of Duty 2024: Black Ops Gulf War deve se dar nas próximas semanas, mas o “mergulho profundo” do jogo deve ser visto apenas no Xbox Games Showcase que deve ser apresentado em 9 de junho de 2024.
Este é um segredo que a Microsoft está escondendo a sete chaves, esperamos que o “achismo” de Tom realmente seja certeiro.
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feedingfrenzy91 · 2 years
Modern Warfare 2 Vehicles run out of Gas
This may be pushing the envelope.
Gameplay: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
May God bless you all.
Videogamer article: https://www.videogamer.com/news/warzo...
Twinfinite article: https://twinfinite.net/2022/09/vehicl...
Thumbnail: https://charlieintel.com/modern-warfa...
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gamerbulten · 5 months
Call of Duty: Vanguard yeni Warzone görüntüsünde alay konusu oldu Vanguard, sözde habersiz Call of Duty 2...
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gameforestdach · 9 months
Zusammenfassung: Du möchtest deine Bilder pro Sekunde (FPS) erhöhen und atemberaubende Grafiken in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty erleben? Lies weiter, um die empfohlensten Einstellungen für die Optimierung von Leistung und Grafikqualität zu entdecken, während du dich auf dein dystopisches Abenteuer begibst.Die besten PC-Einstellungen, um die FPS im Spiel zu maximieren.Tipps, um erstklassige Grafiken bei solider Leistung zu erreichen.Wichtige Systemanforderungen, die du kennen musst, bevor du in die virtuelle Welt von Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty eintauchst.Beste PC-Einstellungen für FPS in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom LibertyWarum Ray-Tracing deaktivieren?Der erste Tipp zur Maximierung der FPS besteht darin, Ray-Tracing zu deaktivieren. Obwohl es einige wirklich coole Licht- und Reflexionseffekte hinzufügt, frisst es Ressourcen. Wenn du es ausschaltest, erhältst du einen massiven Schub bei den FPS, ohne viel an visueller Qualität einzubüßen.Optimale FPS-EinstellungenUm dein Spiel für das ultimative FPS-Erlebnis einzustellen, solltest du folgendes berücksichtigen:Schnelle Voreinstellung: BenutzerdefiniertTexturqualität: HochNvidia DLSS-Einstellungen: Verschiedene Optionen zur Auswahl, wie 'Performance' und 'Quality' Modi.Skalierung der Auflösung: Wir empfehlen die Verwendung der dynamischen Skalierung der Auflösung für einen ausgewogenen Ansatz zwischen Leistung und Qualität.Grundlegende und erweiterte Grafikeinstellungen: Justiere Einstellungen wie Schattenqualität und Post-Processing für eine bessere Leistung.Ray-Tracing-Einstellungen: AusVideo-Einstellungen: Verschiedene Optionen wie V-Sync und FOV können nach Bedarf angepasst werden.Hier eine kleine Anekdote: Ich habe einmal Ray-Tracing aktiviert und bin in eine actionreiche Szene gesprungen, sagen wir einfach, mein Spiel wurde zur Diashow! Mach nicht den gleichen Fehler.Beste PC-Einstellungen für Grafik in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom LibertyAtemberaubendes Gameplay erreichenWenn du dazu neigst, dein Spiel so fotorealistisch wie möglich aussehen zu lassen, solltest du deine Grafikeinstellungen bis ans Limit ausreizen. So geht's:Schnelle Voreinstellung: BenutzerdefiniertTexturqualität: HochNvidia DLSS-Einstellungen: Vorzugsweise auf 'Quality' für die beeindruckendsten Grafiken eingestellt.Skalierung der Auflösung: Wenn dein System es verkraftet, schalte dies aus für das schärfste Bild.Grundlegende und erweiterte Grafikeinstellungen: Maximiere Einstellungen wie Umgebungsverdeckung und globale Beleuchtung.Ray-Tracing-Einstellungen: Schalte es ein, wenn du dich traust, und sieh zu, wie Night City wie nie zuvor zum Leben erwacht!Video-Einstellungen: Justiere Helligkeit, Kontrast und Gamma nach deinem Geschmack.Systemanforderungen für Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom LibertySpezifikationenMinimumEmpfohlenBetriebssystem64-Bit Windows 1064-Bit Windows 10/11ProzessorCore i7-6700 oder Ryzen 5 1600Core i7-12700 oder Ryzen 7 7800X3DArbeitsspeicher12 GB16 GBGrafikkarteGeForce GTX 1060 6GB oder Radeon RX 580 8GB oder Arc A380GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER oder Radeon RX 5700 XT oder Arc A770DirectXVersion 12Version 12Speicherplatz110 GB (Basisspiel + DLC)110 GB (Basisspiel + DLC)Für Quelleninformationen schau dir CharlieIntel und die offizielle Seite von Cyberpunk an.FazitDas Optimieren deines Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty-Erlebnisses hängt von deinem Spielstil und deinem System ab. Ob du den Fokus auf Grafiken oder Leistung legst, es gibt eine Vielzahl von Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, die du anpassen kannst, um das Spiel nach deinem Geschmack zu gestalten. Hast du eigene Tipps oder Anekdoten? Wir würden gerne von dir hören! Poste deine Gedanken unten und teile dein Wissen!
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thegamerstationn · 9 months
Diablo 4 Crossover'ı Call Of Duty Sezon 6'da Gelebilir
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 ve Warzone’un altıncı ve son sezonu sadece haftalar uzakta ve data miners büyük güncelleme için olası operatör kostümlerini sızdırmaya başladı. En son sızıntılardan biri, Diablo 4 karakterlerinin yaklaşan bir Cadılar Bayramı etkinliğiyle Call of Duty için gelebileceğini öne sürüyor. CharlieIntel tarafından daha önce bildirildiği gibi, data minerlar Warzone için en…
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cavenewstimes · 9 months
Diablo 4 Crossover Could Be Coming To Call Of Duty In Season 6
The sixth and final season of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone is just weeks away, and data miners are already leaking possible operator skins for the big update. One of the most-recent leaks suggests that Diablo 4 characters could be coming to Call of Duty with an upcoming Halloween event. As previously reported by CharlieIntel, data miners have potentially found references to Diablo…
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The Xbox 360 Store Is Shutting Down Next Year
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Today, an announcement on Xbox Wire revealed that the Xbox 360 store will be shutting down on July 29, 2024. This means you will no longer be able to purchase games or DLC on the console, and the Microsoft Movies & TV app will stop working altogether.
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NetEase has announced a new studio led by MMO veteran Rich Vogel
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NetEase Games has announced the formation of a new studio led by MMO veteran Rich Vogel.
Austin, Texas based T-Minus Zero Entertainment was founded in May 2023 by studio head Vogel and fellow developers Mark Tucker, Scott Malone and Jeff Dobson.
It’s currently working on an original third-person multiplayer action game set in a sci-fi universe.
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Modern Warfare 3 could feature all of MW2 2009’s multiplayer maps
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The game may feature remastered versions of all 16 of the multiplayer maps included with Modern Warfare 2 (2009) at launch, plus the return of Zombies mode.
As reported by CharlieIntel and ModerWarzone, Activision is teasing the multiplayer maps and Zombies mode via a mobile phone-based marketing campaign.
If accurate, it means Modern Warfare 3 will include the following multiplayer maps: Afghan, Derail, Estate, Favela, Highrise, Invasion, Karachi, Quarry, Rundown, Rust, Scrapyard, Skidrow, Sub Base, Terminal, Underpass and Wasteland.
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Embracer's collapsed $2bn "major strategic partnership" was reportedly with Saudi Arabia funded Savvy Games
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A new report from Axios has shed fresh light on Embracer Group's mysterious $2bn "major strategic partnership" which collapsed spectacularly back in May, causing its shares to drop by 40 percent and sending the company into cost-cutting mode.
At the time, Embracer - the enormous umbrella corporation which owns more than 100 studios including Borderlands developer Gearbox, publishing groups such as THQ Nordic, Koch Media and Saber Interactive, and franchises such as Tomb Raider and Deus Ex - explained it had reached a verbal commitment in October 2022 that would have resulted in more than $2bn "in contracted development revenue over a period of six years." However, at the 11th hour, Embracer said it "received a negative outcome from the counterparty".
While Embracer declined to confirm who its proposed partner was at the time of its announcement, a new report from Axios, citing "four sources familiar with the deal", claims it was the Saudi government-funded Savvy Games Group, the gaming-focused arm of the Saudi investment fund set up by the hugely controversial Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Axios says the proposed deal would have seen $2bn being invested in the development and publishing of games from Embracer, but adds its sources were "less certain about why Savvy walked away".
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Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Sea of Stars, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Gris, and Firewatch
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Also games below are leaving on August 31:
Black Desert (Cloud and Console) 
Commandos 3 – HD Remaster (Cloud, Console, and PC)
Immortality (Cloud, Console, and PC) 
Nuclear Throne (Cloud, Console, and PC) 
Surgeon Simulator 2 (Cloud, Console, and PC) 
Tinykin (Cloud, Console, and PC) 
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