cherubsaliaa ยท 18 days
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gravity of home
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cherubsaliaa ยท 17 days
To be honest, I don't really understand how complete strangers can turn into lifetime friends.
How can there be no third party who introduces one to the other, because they'd be compatible, while they give one another awkwars stares.
They just talk and this is it? There are no worries that the other might be judging themselves? Both surround themselves in curiosity, wanting to know one another.
Exchanging greetings and questions like "How are you?", "What's your name?" or anything related to the self and answering them so easily, while these are the toughest questions I have ever heard.
Do I tell the person asking me about the lifelong dread I had felt since my birth, a funny detail about an embarrassing experience, or a simple "I'm fine"? Do I tell them the name I assigned myself, or the one that I was given? Don't ask me anything about my own person, I'll never answer.
Not because I'm hoarding information that others shouldn't know(Actually, I do, slightly), but simply because I geniuenly have no answer. My own personality is a series of contradictions, who orbit around my head, acting out of control, leaving me tired.
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