#computer assisted real estate
justplainwhump · 5 months
at work from the smut asks: i'm thinking of dany or peyton visiting the other at work during their fling 😏😉
Of course, Vic! Gosh, I love them during their fling. Their dynamic is just. Good.
[Just A Fling Masterlist]
(Peyton is Vic's character; this is just all build up for later whump)
Content: pure spicy flirting and (fade to black) consensual sex.
Montgomery Capital resides on the top floors of a skyscraper downtown, all sleek glass and steel.
It wouldn't be a challenge for Dany to get an invitation; one text would do - but it's more thrilling to get in without one. And these days, Dany is all in for the thrill.
A few well-placed soft smiles, nervous swirls of her locks and randomly dropped names is all it takes to get her a visitor's badge for the conference floor, where some real estate workshop is being held. Then, it's time for another demeanor - arrogant, confident and obviously annoyed at things not going her way, and the stressed out guy in the elevator doesn't only swipe his badge for her but even holds open the security door to the executive wing. She walks in, as if the building belongs to her, gaze skimming the names on the doors, until she finds the one she came for. The desk in front of it is empty; lunch break for the CFO's assistant she assumes, and just because she can, she sits down on their chair and checks the computer. It isn't even locked. Some strokes on the keyboard, and Peyton Montgomery's calendar opens.
Dany rolls her eyes. Horrible OpSec.
She puts in a do not disturb blocker for the next two hours, spins on the chair once, before she gets up and strolls into his office.
Peyton is sitting behind a huge desk, focused on reading something on his screen, and he doesn't even look up when she walks in. "Thanks, sweetheart," he says, "Leave in on the sideboard."
She presses the button next to his door that obscure the glass walls.
"Not your sweetheart," she says, and at least he gives her the satisfaction to flinch for a second, before his lips twitch into an appreciative grin. "Your OpSec is sub par. I could get all the way up here with just a visitor's badge and a pinch of acting."
"Oh yeah?" He murmurs, his gaze running her up and down. "I guess our security system isn't calibrated against femmes fatales."
"Seems so." She reaches behind her head with one hand and loosens her updo. "Now, what if I came with sinister intentions?"
He lifts his hands and rolls back in his chair. "True. You've got me, unarmed and alone."
Dany smirks. "And with a two hour blocker in your calendar, saying 'getting fucked over my own desk'."
Peyton's hand twitches to his mouse with a rare nervosity that makes her grin grow wider.
His shoulders loosen up a tiny bit when he sees the actual entry - xoxo, D - but the way his eyes narrow, when he turns back at her, both appreciative and hungry, lets her shiver in anticipation.
Dany stalks toward him, until she's right in front of his chair and leans in, hands on his armrests.
He breathes in the smell of her hair, before he meets her gaze with a grin. "Over my own desk, huh?"
She raises an eyebrow. "Don't tell me it'd be a first."
"First time with a trespasser." Peyton's hands rest on her thighs, thumbs playing with the hem of her neat business dress, slowly pushing upward. She's obsessed with his hands, somehow, with the way his hold of her is firm, resolute, confident, but never relentless. His touch alone makes her dizzy.
"For a seasoned criminal, your legs are sure shaking a lot," he remarks. She can't hold back a small gasp, when his fingers shove up her dress, cupping her hips and guiding her backwards until she's pinned between himself and his desk. "Seems like we better start off with you on that desk, huh?"
He lifts her up onto the edge, reaches over her for something, and she gasps when cold metal meets the skin between her thighs and her panties are swiftly cut off.
A letter opener, she realises dimly, when he tosses it back onto the desk, a silver letter opener with his family crest as the handle.
Like she's his.
Then his face dips between her legs, his tongue teasing just the right spot, and suddenly, just for now, she doesn't mind being his at all.
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avesblues2 · 9 months
What’s a job that pays pretty high but requires little labor/ physical movement
Hm white collar jobs I suppose. You have to work hard in any industry to make a lot of money though, mediocre work = mediocre pay unless you are a trust fund baby.
I work in marketing and you can make a lot the higher up you climb, triple digits. I have extended family members who are multi-millionaires due to day-trading and stocks, investor relations. I previously worked at a private equity firm and working at any company like that, even as an office administrator or CEO assistant pays well.
Real estate, I have lots of family friends and extended family members in real estate and are real estate agents and make very good money but gotta work hard to build connections and a brand/image.
Not sure about IT as it is a very saturated field right now. However, I know coding or jobs related to that can pay well? Im not knowledgeable when it comes to computer science related fields. Architects get paid well? Project management jobs as well. Overall you would be looking at white collar jobs for little labor/physical movement.
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feeshies · 2 months
Okay I'm thinking about my old law firm job so I want to share this story
My official role was the legal assistant for one of the real estate attorneys, but his area was pretty steady and he was used to working by himself, so other than some drafting and meeting with clients, I didn't do much. Which meant my unofficial role was "anything goes."
While my boss' job was pretty steady, if you wanted excitement you wanted to go to the litigation attorneys. Working there made me realize I didn't want to go into litigation (I don't like excitement), but whenever they needed extra help, I was the guy they'd turn to.
One day, a litigation attorney needed help putting together a trial notebook for a court appearance. In addition to making copies and stuff, he also needed me to transcribe a voice message that was left on one of the parties' answering machines (I don't know the specifics - I was dropped into this case right at the end).
However, you know how my unofficial role was "anything goes"? Well, we were also between administrative teams, so one of my tasks was to be the front desk guy while we looked for a new receptionist.
But I still had to do my legal assistant work.
Including transcribing this incredibly violent voicemail.
And when you're transcribing, you don't just listen to the audio clip once. You have to go back and replay it to make sure you get everything as accurate as possible.
So imagine walking into a law firm and seeing this dude intensely focused on his computer while listening to low quality audio of graphic death threats (we weren't allowed to wear headphones at the front desk.)
Fortunately this was post 2020 so we didn't get a lot of walk-ins, but yeah.
(Also the previous receptionist would play music up front, and they never said I couldn't so...well here's a screenshot of my playlist)
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thegcng-arch · 5 months
on dennis' eighth verse:
most of dennis' upbringing is the same to what we see in canon. after high school he wanted to major in psychology but decided to switch it to business administration. he didn't really feel like he had a choice when it came to his life after college, working with frank was set in stone. dennis ends up graduating from the university of pennsylvania with a major in business administration and a minor in psychology. during his childhood he was often told that he would end up working for his father, frank, after he graduated. his twin sister dee ended up dropping out of college, and moved back in with frank and barbara with dreams of going to california to be an actress. once dennis had graduated he moves back in with frank and barbara. a few months later dee ends up moving out of the house and into her own apartment after reconnecting with charlie and mac. dennis stays distant and keeps his head down and focuses on working with frank. he mainly just works as frank's assistant, shadowing him primarily with his real estate business. he does this for almost a year. while dee, mac, and charlie buy a bar dennis is promoted to COO of wolf cola. with this promotion dennis moves out of his childhood home and gets a nice apartment downtown in philly. he works for wolf cola for a few years but he feels unfulfilled. he's fascinated with technology and computers and urges frank to look into starting up some sort of tech company. frank is hesitant at first and it takes a few months, but dennis convinces him to start up a tech company. they call it reynolds technologies, and they specify in making parts for computers and phones. frank is really into the idea of american made products so dennis hammers that home. shortly after reynolds technologies is founded frank and barbara get divorced and frank signs over a majority of his businesses to dennis. he wants to reunite with his daughter dee, return to living a more carefree life, and focus on charity. dennis finds this laughable but he doesn't complain, it's hard to do so when you get a very large check. dennis works as the ceo for reynolds technologies for a bit and after a few years he moves to being president of the company. he's a bit more hands off, but still works with the company to help with dealings. all of the companies that dennis owns are very successful and he makes a really nice living. he gets his own house in the suburbs of philly, and ends up owning different penthouse apartments in los angeles, new york, and chicago because of how often he travels for business. dennis' personality is similar to what we see in canon in the show, but he's a bit more healed. he had more time away from frank and barbara, and was able to make a successful life for himself. he still lies and schemes but he's more professional about it. he's incredibly charming and is used to getting what he wants. he's not afraid to flash around some money to do so. he rarely talks with frank at this point, or dee. he looks down on them, really, shocked that they decided to give up a life of riches to live in squalor.
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dollsonmain · 9 months
Ok, surgery tomorrow but today I don't have to do anything different.
No food/drinks of any kind after midnight.
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There's a note in the "How to prepare for your surgery!" packet that says they will probably hurt me trying to put in the IV because I'll be dehydrated and to be prepared for that. Thanks???? Not that I didn't expect it, I am hard to stick.
They're also like "Please bring something to keep you calm" and I'm like if I die I die, I'm not going to be alive to care so I'm pretty calm about it. The people that need to worry about it aren't me.
Got my financial assistance paperwork laid out, hope I can get a hold of SOMEone to answer my questions about it. It's due Sept 30 but I'd like to get it in ASAP/before the first bill comes due. Kind of wish they didn't make me apply to Medicaid, too. That's just slippery since That Guy'd claimed me on his tax returns up until 2020.
Wish he'd just done his taxes and saved me the trouble.
Probably going to have to apply for Medicaid myself. Their website says "Come to our office!" but that's a no. Every appointment I have, That Guy loses a day's wages. On top of the bills, that's making him Grumpy. I'm not sure whether or not his employer cares about the time he's missing, though. I bet he has months of PTO that he's not used.
Online application has a stipulation that the government WILL start monitoring all things done on the computer the form is filled out on looking for illegal activity. Gross. I wonder if that will make That Guy decide to just pay the bills since he has me do all his emails through my accounts (not that he has me doing anything illegal, just that he wouldn't want them watching regardless. He ran off the financial aid lady because she asked for where he worked and he didn't want to say it out loud where someone might hear he's that paranoid).
Actually the application has a lot of things on it like "by filling this out you're accepting that people might come into your home to make sure you're not lying about your financial status" and stuff like that. That alone might make him drop the whole financial aid thing... The pharmacist suggesting I sign up for GoodRx real quick on my phone got him to go NOPE and just pay the $96 for the antibiotics.
It also says that Medicaid wants their money back from a patient's estate which is like... What's the point of Medicaid if it has to be paid back??? It's not aid, then, it's a loan.
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boricuacherry-blog · 4 months
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Social media to write a plea in what he acknowledged was sloppy English, asking for assistance in diagnosing her illness. It was one of China's first attempts at crowdsourcing, written on one of the few wired computer terminals then available in the country.
The accomplished student who could play the Guqin (Chinese classical music) and showed so much promise in life was now rapidly deteriorating into someone unrecognizable to her friends.
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required round-the-clock care from her aging parents.
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has never been released in China.
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Though no one has ever been arrested in the case, Zhu's parents are convinced they know the culprit's identity. During the initial police investigation, a classmate and roommate of Zhu's, a woman named Sun Wei, emerged as a prime suspect. Sun held authorized access to thallium compounds at her chemistry lab and had ample opportunities to poison Zhu in their dorm room. Sun was ultimately released due to a lack of definitive evidence, according to law enforcement officials, and Sun has denied any involvement in Zhu's illness.
However, Zhu Ling's supporters are convinced that Sun had plausible motives. They allege that she was jealous of Zhu's academic success, musical talent, and physical attractiveness. Zhu's father also alleges that the police were unwilling to pursue Sun because her family had powerful political connections: Her grandfather, Sun Yueqi, was a high-ranking Chinese official, and one of Sun's father's cousins, Sun Fuling, was a former vice mayor of Beijing.
Incidents of poisoning involving thallium and other rare chemicals occurred in several of China's most esteemed universities in the years after Zhu fell ill. But most of these cases were solved swiftly and the culprits brought to justice. Zhu's mother couldn't help noticing that none of those suspects came from politically well-connected families like Sun's.
Zhu's case was one of the earliest in China in which the internet played a major role in motivating people to come to the assistance of a stranger. Calls for justice for Zhu have surged from time to time, mirroring a hopeful belief that the internet and free-flowing information could turn China into a transparent civic society. In August 1998, even President Bill Clinton extended solace to Zhu's parents. "I'm so glad that the Internet helped to save your daughter's life and enabled Americans and people all over the world to send you messages of support," he wrote in a letter to Zhu Ling's parents.
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At the time, Clinton believed that online media would transform China into a more open and democratic place, arguing that attempting to control the internet would be like "trying to nail Jell-O to the wall."
But today, it seems the Jell-O has been stuck securely to the wall as the Chinese authorities exert tight control over the internet. Updates about Zhu's family still captivate the nation on occasion, igniting public outcry and demands for accountability. But those expressions of support for her family or calls for justice typically fade away quickly due to censorship. In the weeks after her death, some social media posts about it were deleted, accounts devoted to her case were temporarily suspended, and search results on her name were restricted.
*Sun Wei was the only one with access to the poison. It's reported that Sun Wei has moved to either the U.S. or Australia and changed her name to Shiyan Sun/Sun Shiyan, or Jasmine Kosloski (her second husband's family name)/Jasmine Sun.
The reports are that she lives in Australia.
Also that she does real estate work and she and her husband (Feiyu Xle) are property developers.
Zhu Ling had three other roommates and alleged accomplices to the crime:
Jin Ya - one of the roommates, after earning a bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University, later worked at the university founded by Sun Wei's grandfather.
Wang Qi/Gang Xue - immigrated to the U.S. Now works at Amgen Pharmaceutical in Boston.
Hanlin Li - immigrated to the U.S. Now works at Vertex Pharmaceutical, Boston.
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prettymunchkin · 2 months
Unlocking the Future: AI's Hidden Potential in Real Estate
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In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, industries across the board are witnessing transformative changes, and the real estate sector is no exception. As AI continues to permeate various aspects of our lives, its potential to empower the real estate industry remains largely untapped. In this blog post, we'll explore the unique ways in which AI can revolutionize the real estate landscape, unlocking new opportunities and reshaping traditional practices.
Democratizing Access to Real Estate Investment: Traditionally, investing in real estate has been perceived as exclusive to those with substantial capital and industry expertise. However, AI-powered platforms are democratizing access to real estate investment by offering fractional ownership and crowdfunding opportunities. Through algorithms that analyze market trends and assess investment risks, these platforms enable individuals to diversify their portfolios and participate in lucrative real estate ventures with lower barriers to entry.
Sustainable Development and Green Building Initiatives: As sustainability becomes a key priority in urban development, AI can play a pivotal role in advancing green building initiatives. Machine learning algorithms can optimize building designs for energy efficiency, leverage IoT sensors to monitor resource consumption, and forecast environmental impacts. By integrating AI-driven sustainability solutions into real estate projects, developers can minimize carbon footprints, reduce operational costs, and create healthier living environments for occupants.
Enhancing Urban Planning and Smart Cities: AI's ability to process vast amounts of data can revolutionize urban planning and contribute to the realization of smart cities. By analyzing demographic trends, traffic patterns, and infrastructure requirements, AI algorithms can optimize land use, improve transportation networks, and enhance urban resilience. Through predictive modeling and scenario analysis, city planners can make data-driven decisions that foster sustainable growth, mitigate congestion, and enhance quality of life for residents.
Empowering Real Estate Agents with Intelligent Assistants: Real estate agents juggle numerous tasks, from lead generation to property management, often leading to time constraints and inefficiencies. AI-powered virtual assistants can alleviate this burden by automating repetitive tasks, such as scheduling appointments, responding to inquiries, and generating personalized property recommendations. By leveraging natural language processing and sentiment analysis, these intelligent assistants can enhance customer engagement, streamline workflows, and enable agents to focus on high-value activities.
Predictive Analytics for Property Development: AI-driven predictive analytics offer valuable insights into future property trends and demand dynamics, guiding developers in making informed decisions throughout the development lifecycle. By analyzing factors such as population growth, economic indicators, and consumer preferences, AI algorithms can identify prime locations for new developments, optimize property designs, and forecast market demand with greater accuracy. This proactive approach minimizes investment risks and maximizes returns on real estate projects.
Cultural Preservation and Heritage Conservation: Preserving cultural heritage sites and historic buildings is crucial for maintaining a sense of identity and preserving collective memory. AI technologies, such as computer vision and image recognition, can aid in the documentation, restoration, and conservation of cultural landmarks. By digitizing architectural artifacts, analyzing structural integrity, and simulating restoration scenarios, AI contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage for future generations to appreciate and cherish.
As we navigate the complexities of an ever-evolving real estate landscape, embracing AI's transformative potential is key to unlocking new opportunities and addressing emerging challenges. From democratizing access to investment opportunities to advancing sustainable development initiatives, AI empowers stakeholders across the real estate industry to innovate, adapt, and thrive in a rapidly changing world. By harnessing AI's capabilities, we can build more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable communities for generations to come.
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freckledsweetpea · 3 months
I work with a group of younger commercial real estate brokers and a singular older commercial real estate broker. On the rare chance they work together it is so amazing to watch the younger set go to bat for me when I get mistreated due to how things used to be in the industry. The older man, while not abusive or an asshole, doesn't see me as anything but his assistant. To him I have no valuable input or skills that he doesn't beyond working a computer on the most basic level. The younger team relies on me to do many tasks they know they haven't trained for and don't have expertise on. They are very appreciative and include me in conversation and decisions every chance they get.
Last week one of the younger guys was cc'd on an email I received from the older guy and he responded before I could and basically told him how to treat me so I could do my job and then the older broker responded incredibly dismissively again 😂👌❤️
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sgrdoll · 2 years
Tranquility - Chapter 4
Prologue  Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
warnings - murder, death, drugs, mafia/gang talk, extremely detailed scenes of torture and death, dark!reader, dark!steve, dom/sub undertones, dom!steve, sub!reader, brat!reader, knives, guns, other weapons, EXTREME GORE
apologies for the wait! this is a very steve-centric chapter. also i am not the best a writing but i really love this story and i hope you do too. enjoy dolls!!
wc: 3.87k
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A few days had passed since Steve and Charlie welcomed Ruby the cat into the house. She was getting settled nicely and had taken to sleeping next to Charlie at night. Charlie adored the fluffy white cat and Ruby had brought Steve and her closer together.
Steve would always go to Charlie’s room to ‘check on Ruby’. They both knew he came to see if Charlie was okay before bed but pretended otherwise. 
Steve would sit on Charlie’s king sized bed and pet Ruby while Charlie sat cross legged on a plush gray chair in the corner of the room. Steve loved to watch Charlie be so relaxed and comfortable in her own space. She always had a book in her left hand and a hot cup of tea in her right. It had become a night time ritual for Steve to bring his laptop into her bedroom to do some work while she read some sort of horror novel. They sat in silence but having one another’s presence made them both feel warm and cozy. They both felt their emotions for one another grow exponentially. It wasn’t exactly romantic either, they just cared so immensely deeply for each other. 
Sometimes, it was enough for Steve to forget that he watched Charlie kill a man. He looked up at her small frame, curled up under a blanket with a Stephen King novel. This woman was not a murderer. Her looks were so very deceiving. 
He watched her eyes flutter shut, the book quickly forgotten. He sighed and spread her blanket around her a bit better and bookmarked her page. 
Steve turned off the lights and grabbed his things and went to his own office. His luxury office with a gorgeous fireplace that he decided he hated once he found out he could do his work sitting next to you. 
Steve looked over his computer and sent an email out to his assistant, Peter, to schedule a dinner for tomorrow night with Bucky Barnes. Bucky Barnes was a world renowned real estate agent. His business was just a front for money laundering and counterfeit bills. Which is exactly why Steve needed his endorsement for his business. 
Steve was the CEO of Pharmaceutical company. He had representatives go around the country and sell different types of prescription medicines to hospitals. He actually did a lot of good in the world, however he also used this business to cover up the fact he was the owner of a murder for hire business. People that needed someone dead came to Steve and he sent someone out to the job. Some people crossed him and didn't pay up, which is how some end up in his basement with Charlie.
Bucky’s endorsement could be important, Bucky’s clients could also be Steve’s clients since there was virtually zero overlap between their two businesses. 
Hopefully dinner goes well enough that he is interested in striking up a deal with Steve. Steve also wanted Charlie to be there for dinner with the both of them.
Charlie was obviously gorgeous. Her long blonde hair and striking blue eyes coupled with her full lips was enough to send any man onto their knees. It might be good to send her into the arms of another man, maybe it would get her out of Steve’s head. Right now, she was all he thought about. 
He knew if she asked him to flirt with Bucky so Steve could get his approval she would. That was his favorite thing about Charlie, she was so willing to please. 
Steve ran a large hand through his hair and leaned against the leather of his office chair. He had a lot of stuff to do in preparation for dinner tomorrow. 
For a few more hours he pushed through work before abruptly shutting his laptop and going to his bedroom. 
He laid down in bed after his shower and stared at his ceiling. He wanted to go to bed so bad but thoughts of the pretty girl in the room next door plagued him. 
Steve finally drifted off into an uncomfortable sleep.
 Charlie woke up before Steve, which was incredibly rare. She was much more comfortable in the house than she used to be. She kept on her oversized shirt and chunky glasses as she walked down the stairs in search of coffee and something to eat. 
While the coffee brewed (she had switched to hot since the fall was approaching), she fed Ruby. The white cat walked around her feet with small mewls while Charlie prepared her wet food. 
It was only 7 and Cynthia didn’t come in until 9 a.m. today. Which was very unfortunate considering that Cynthia made the most heavenly smoothie bowls. Charlie settled for a bagel with cream cheese and her black coffee. She suddenly wished she had brought her book down now that she was sitting at the table with nothing to do. Steve had gotten her a phone a few days before but she found it dreadfully boring. There was hardly anything to do on it other than watch TV, which she could do on an actual TV. 
Charlie ate her bagel in boring silence until the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs perked her up. 
Steve came down with messy morning hair and gray sweatpants on. He was shirtless and his body was insane. Charlie wasn’t oblivious, she knew that Steve Rogers was hot. He was tall and had the body of a god. 
“I left some coffee in the pot for you,” Charlie said while setting her bagel back on her plate. 
“Thank you, love. I have something to talk to you about,” Steve scratched the back of his head and poured his coffee into a mug that said mean muggin with a frowning cartoon sunshine on it. 
“What is it?” Charlie can’t say this didn’t panic her. Hearing those words were definitely anxiety inducing, especially coming from Steve. 
“It’s nothing bad,” he said quickly which calmed her nerves, “I’m just having a dinner party of sorts tonight and I need you to be here.” 
Charlie visibly relaxed, “Oh, of course. Will there be a lot of people there?”
“I may have exaggerated the word party. It will just be an important friend of mine coming. He owns a real estate business and I really need him to agree to a partnership with me.” 
“Who is it?” 
“It’s Bucky Barnes. He’s a very important man in my world and I need you to be on your absolute best behavior tonight. He is extremely vital to the future of my business.”
“I promise, I’ll be so good,” Charlie vowed. 
Steve smiled at her, “I also think you could maybe flirt with him a bit? It doesn’t have to be much, just entertain him. If you aren’t comfortable with that, tell me.” 
Charlie thought for a moment, she would do anything to prove her worth to Steve. Flirting wouldn’t be too hard of a task for her either. However, it did hurt a bit that Steve wanted to see her flirting with another man. She knew he would likely never share any romantic feelings for her but it still stung. 
“I’ll do it.” 
The way Charlie said it had a sense of finality to it. Steve just gave her a nod and sat next to her. 
“I wish Cynthia was here,” Steve groaned. Charlie laughed, “I thought the same thing when I was toasting this bagel.” 
They both made small talk until they finished breakfast. Conversation had begun flowing easily between them recently and they were learning a lot about one another. 
“What do you have planned for today?” Steve asked while taking a drink out of his mug. 
“I’m probably going to read for a while and then watch The Vampire Diaries until I have to get ready for tonight. What time is the dinner going to be?” 
“Probably around 7. It’ll also last for a pretty long time and there is a chance he brings a few of his men and if that’s the case Sam and Bruce will also be here tonight.” Charlie nodded while picking up her mug, “What should I wear tonight?”
“Whatever you feel comfortable with, just know I will be in a suit and tie as will Bucky.” 
“I’ll show you what I plan to wear before he gets here,” Charlie answered while walking up the stairs. 
“Don’t stay cooped up in your room too long! At least go out on the balcony for a bit,” Steve called after her as she walked up the stairs. Charlie just rolled her eyes and went to her room. Ruby followed behind her and jumped up on her huge cat tower that sat in the corner of Charlie’s room. Charlie sat her mug down on the table that stood next to her chair. 
The soft gray chair was her favorite addition to her bedroom, it was so nice to read in. She got comfortable and opened up Firestarter. 
Charlie killed most of the day in that position with Ruby coming up to visit her every few hours. She stood up and stretched and checked her phone for the time. It was barely noon. Charlie decided she needed at least a little physical activity before lunch. As much as she hated to admit it, Steve was right, staying cooped up in her room all day was not entirely healthy. 
Steve had a home gym in the house that Charlie had grown to love. She wasn’t doing anything extremely athletic or anything, she would just run on the treadmill while watching TV on the big screen in the room. 
Charlie changed into a black sports bra and black leggings. She threw her hair up into a ponytail and walked down to the first floor where the gym was. 
Steve was already lifting weights in a Brooklyn Nets hat and black shorts when Charlie was about to walk. Sweat dripped down his perfectly tan chest and he breathed heavily. Charlie ogled him and he noticed her stare in the mirror he was looking in. She stood in the doorway, hesitant to come in when he was looking this handsome. 
He smirked but didn’t acknowledge her presence, he just lifted the 50lb dumb bells faster to tease her a little bit. Steve grunted with every motion of the weight and sweat dripped down his perfectly tone stomach that practically made Charlie drool. 
Charlie’s face was bright red when she stepped completely into the room. Fortunately for her, the treadmill faced away from the free weights. She felt the fire in her stomach quell once she wasn’t looking at him directly. 
She used the remote to turn Netflix on and watch The Vampire Diaries, her current favorite show. 
Charlie started running but she could feel Steve’s gaze. It took everything in her power not to stop the treadmill and stare at him in lust while he finished his workout.
He had seemingly been in there much longer than Charlie because he was done when she was only five minutes into her run. 
He walked over to her treadmill while toweling the sweat off his pecs. Steve leaned against the wall to watch her run and Charlie tried her best to ignore him. 
“Charlie,” he said in a sing-songy voice, “Are you ignoring me?” 
Charlie was already breathless when she looked at him but damn it if the pout on his face didn’t make her lose her breath even more. 
“Steve, I’m trying to run.” 
“I know, and you still look so pretty,” Steve flirted with her. 
He honestly had no idea what possessed him to be so bold with his feelings for her, whether it was the adrenaline from his workout or just pent up aggression. 
Charlie’s face turned red when he complimented her. 
After a few moments of her silence Steve gave up, “Alright, sweetheart. I’ll leave you alone. You need to be downstairs for lunch in an hour.” 
Steve turned to leave and all Charlie could think about was how gorgeous he looked. She didn’t even register his command until he left the room. 
She ended her workout early, she only ran for thirty minutes. She headed upstairs to shower and wash her hair. 
Charlie got dressed into an oversized shirt and biker shorts. She didn’t see the point in putting together an outfit that she would have to get changed out of in a couple of hours. 
Her hair was still wet when she went downstairs for lunch. Steve was already down there in sweats and a clean shirt. It was clear he had just showered and when Charlie sat next to him her knees almost buckled because of how heavenly he smelled. 
She wanted nothing more than to climb on his lap and press her face into his shirt. 
The tension between the two was palpable. Steve almost regretted how he flirted with her in the gym, but the way she was looking at him now made him glad he did it. Charlie’s eyes were filled with curiosity and lust, something Steve had never seen from her before. 
Cynthia sat down two plates of salad with chickpeas and imitation chicken in front of them. They both thanked her while eating silently. Usually their silence was comfortable, but today it was almost nauseating. Charlie had no idea how they were going to get through dinner like this. 
She finished eating as quickly as she possibly could and scurried up to her room as soon as she could. Steve smiled at her nervousness. She had gotten out of her shell only a few days ago, but the pink tinge on her cheeks made his chest ache. 
There were still five or so hours until Bucky got here, however, Charlie would need to get ready in three hours. In the meantime she sulked in bed while watching Netflix. It was hard to focus with the way Steve had made her feel. He didn’t say anything insanely provocative, it just made her heart beat a million miles a minute and forced her to think about him in a way she most definitely did not need to think about him in. 
Charlie fell asleep thinking about what happened. Her nap was only an hour but it worked to kill time. 
She probably needed to think about what she would wear tonight. Charlie had never been required to dress nice for an event or anything. She didn’t exactly grow up that way. However, the clothes she got with Steve a few days ago in her walk-in closet were fancy. Not all of them, but one dress in particular could work. 
The dress was black and strapless. The centerpiece of the dress was the black feather that went around the top hem of the dress. It came with long opera gloves that matched with more black feathers. She could wear some black nylon pantyhose with it along with her new black platform heels with a little ankle strap. Hopefully that would be nice enough for Steve. She wanted to do everything in her power to impress him and Bucky tonight. 
Plus, the dress complimented her body perfectly. Charlie wasn’t the curviest girl in the world, but the dress showed off her small waist and what little bit of an ass she had from running. 
She sent Steve a picture of the outfit on the hanger and he just sent her a thumbs up emoji. Maybe Bucky would be more appreciative of how good she would look in the dress. 
It was time to get ready before she knew it. She played music from her phone, one of the few ways it proved useful, while she curled her hair. Her golden blonde hair was splayed across her back in loose curls. Charlie was satisfied with the way her hair looked. She didn’t do it very often, so it was a nice change of pace. 
One of the few luxuries Charlie had when she lived with her asshole father was makeup. She adored doing her makeup late at night and when her father was asleep or in a drunken haze.  Charlie was pretty good at it too. She didn’t want it to be too dramatic and take anything away from the dress. She just did sharp eyeliner and a red lip. 
It was 6:45 when she finished putting her outfit on. Nerves bubbled in her stomach while she looked in the mirror. Charlie pulled the gloves on and paced around her bathroom. 
She was scared out of her mind to meet Bucky. She wasn’t having second thoughts about ‘entertaining’ him, as Steve put it, she just didn’t want to disappoint him. 
Charlie took a deep breath and looked into the mirror. She couldn’t deny how pretty she looked. Hopefully the guys downstairs thought the same. 
She opened the door to her bedroom and slowly descended down the stairs. There were six men downstairs waiting for her. She of course knew Steve, Bruce and Sam, but the other three men were all foreign to her.  All eyes were on Charlie and she was suddenly in her element. All of her anxiety dissipated when she saw their wanton gazes dance across her body. 
All of the men stood up from their seats and Steve introduced her to them, “Bucky, Tony, Clint, this is Charlie.” 
Charlie zeroed in on Bucky. He was wearing a nice black suit and his hair was pulled back in a neat bun at the base of his neck. Charlie noticed that the hand that peeked out of his suit jacket was metal. She didn’t let it phase her. 
Charlie smiled at them, “It’s nice to meet you.”
She leaned in to kiss each of them on cheek, leaving a small lipstick stain on each of them. Bucky’s lipstick stain was located more so on his jawline than his cheek. 
“Steve, you’ve been hiding such a beautiful girl from us?” 
Steve raised his hands up in innocence, “Sorry, boys. I think you’ll like her though. Charlie is a real sweet girl, she’ll help you out in any way she can, isn’t that right?” 
She didn’t love how Steve spoke about her like she wasn’t even in the room but she still nodded in agreement with him. 
Bucky put his hand on the small of her back and led her back to the couch where they all were previously sitting. Charlie sat close to him and he put his arm on the back of the couch where she sat. Bucky had quickly taken a liking to Charlie that none of the other men had. That obviously worked out in Charlie’s favor. 
The boys talked amongst themselves and she pretended to listen. In all honesty she didn’t care much about anything they were saying. 
Slowly, Bucky’s hand wandered up and down Charlie’s nylon covered thigh. She couldn’t deny the chills it sent up her spine. 
Steve watched with a dark look in his eye. He kept reminding himself he asked her to do this, but the anger that built in his chest was hot and painful. Steve took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down. 
Charlie leaned against Bucky’s metal arm and Bucky suddenly dragged Charlie into his lap. She squealed in surprise but quickly settled down. The boys kept talking without sparing her and Bucky a second glance.
Steve, however, saw this and fury ignited in his body, “Alright. Dinner’s ready.” 
His words were short and firm. Charlie knew this tone of voice and she could tell Steve was mad about something, she just didn’t know what. She stood up from Bucky’s lap and the entire group followed Steve into the formal dining room. Steve sat at the head of the dark wooden table and everyone else found their seats. Charlie sat in between Steve and Bucky. Dinner was rather unremarkable, the men just talked about their wives and home lives. 
“So, Charlie,” Bucky began, “What are you doing living with Steve?” 
Charlie panicked. She had no idea how to answer this question because in all honesty she didn’t know why she was living with Steve since he put an end to their arrangement a few days ago. She looked to Steve for help. “Charlie is actually my personal assistant,” Steve intervened. “Really? I’ve been getting emails from a Peter Parker who says he’s your assistant,” Bucky raised an eyebrow. 
“Peter is a receptionist at the office, Charlie is my live in assistant.” 
Bucky seemed unconvinced but Charlie was just thankful for how fast Steve could think on his feet. 
After everyone finished dinner they all retired to the cigar room for whiskey and smokes. One of the men, Clint, told Charlie that typically this room was for the men only but that they would make an exception for her. The way Clint spoke to her made her skin crawl but she maintained a good facade. 
The cigar room had dark leather sofas for the men to sit in along with a pool table and darts. Charlie was tasked with pouring all of the men whiskey and giving them cigars to smoke. All of the men nursed their whiskey and debated about business. 
Charlie could tell Steve and Bucky were talking about their potential partnership but she couldn’t keep up with the conversation. She tried to make herself look busy by refilling the glasses for the other men in the room. 
The night felt like it had been going on for centuries by the time Bucky and Steve were shaking on a deal they made. Charlie breathed a sigh of relief when she knew the deal was a reality and she could relax. She would like to think her flirting with Bucky contributed to it but she couldn’t be sure. 
The night came to a close when her and Steve were bidding their goodbyes to the men and leading them out the door of the mansion. Charlie watch them all leave in their sleek black sports cars. 
Steve closed the door and turned to Charlie, “Thank you so much.” Steve brought her in a tight hug and she melted into his arms. He was positive her makeup was smeared across his black blazer but he didn’t care. He was so happy to have her small body in his arms and away from Bucky. 
Steve didn’t think he could ever let her go again. 
“That was really exhausting,” Charlie’s voice was muffled in his chest. 
“Incredibly. These type of things won’t happen very often, promise,” he said pulling away from her. “Why don’t you go get showered and ready for bed and we can watch a movie on the couch?”
The command was worded as a question but Charlie knew it was order. 
The rest of the night was spent cuddled up on the couch watching Bridesmaids. Charlie was pressed against Steve’s chest and the pair didn’t even bother to question it. It felt natural, and they were too tired to discuss any of what happened tonight. All they wanted to do was enjoy one anothers presence and they did. 
They both fell asleep on the couch tangled in each others arms. 
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ivory0915 · 6 months
Hello everyone this is from Grade 11 Humss (Vygotsky) as we tackled about why senior high school students must choose their strand.
Senior High School Guide: Choosing the Right Track and Strand K-12 is a relatively new program here in the Philippines if you compare it with our neighboring countries. For students to move into college or the university level, they must undergo junior (Grades 7-10) and senior (Grades 11-12) high school level to be given a diploma. A certification is given during the junior level but finishing the senior high level certifies and validates that a student is qualified for college.
Going into senior high school, students must choose a strand and track they would like to take for the next two years of their senior high school life. There are different strands and tracks students can choose from which can also help them choose a course they might want to take in college. Given the magnitude of this decision, careful consideration is required. Here is a simple guide to assist you in deciding which academic track and strand are best suited to your need is for those who have already and surely decided to pursue a college education after senior high school; basically, it helps you in your journey going to college because of its subject specialization. Under this track there are four strands you choose from:
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1.)HUMSS– First is the Humanities and Social Sciences or HUMSS. HUMSS is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Political Science or International Studies, English or Filipino Literature, Mass Communication, Education, Performing Arts, and other related courses.
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2.)STEM– The next strand is the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math track, also known as STEM. STEM is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Studies, Information Technology, and so on and forth on the related courses. This strand is a very hands-on type of experience that would be good for students who have firmly decided on their future college courses and profession.
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3.)ABM– The third is the Accounting Business and Management or ABM. ABM is the strand for students who wish to go into college with the following courses: Human Resources, Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Accounting, Business Studies, Marketing, Real Estate, Export Management, Entrepreneurship, and other related courses in this path. This is a suggested strand for those who have their eyes set on creating a business in the future or working in the business sector.
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4.)GAS– And the last strand in the Academic track is the General Academic Strand or GAS. Now if you have some uncertainty or confusion in your mind on what specific path you would want to take, then GAS is the strand offered in this track. What makes this good is that the courses offered here are encompassing; meaning in all fields. The things that one can learn in this can help your uncertain mind explore your possible college options. Simply put, this strand is for all college courses.
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5.)TVL Track-Our next track is the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track. The subjects on this track focus on practical knowledge and job-ready training. Once you take and finish a strand on this track, you will be given the TESDA National Certificate. If your goal is to work immediately or be eligible for certified jobs after senior high school, this track is perfect for you. Finishing any strand from this track gives you skills that are considered and accepted to qualify you for work.
These different tracks, strands, and specializations are intended for you to determine which paths fit your strengths, passions, and skills. Choosing the right Senior High School strand will help motivate you for your future career. Once you choose a strand you like, studying becomes more enjoyable since the strands are designed and specialized to match your interests. Moreover, it expands your knowledge and skills, while at the same time, exposing you to your chosen field of study in preparation for college.
Every student in Senior High School should make a choice is choosing among the give tracks in Senior High School such as Academic, Technical Vocational Livelihood, Sports and Art's & Design. In Academic track it includes three strands: ABM, HUMSS and STEM.
We should always choose the track that we want because it is important for us students of SHS to have more knowledge and straight to our dream course that we really want to achieve before Graduating SHS. And from these tracks we can learn how to manage our time and what we want in the future, from learning to these tracks we can have business as student we can also have a part time and to know more what we can know from these tracks.
1.Ivory Crisostomo 2.Kim Valaquio 3.Jolly Sanchez 4.KC Velado 5.Angelie Ucag 6.Diego Castro
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Financial Economics
By. Jacinda Thomas, Masters of Science in Wealth Management
Good Morning,
One of the first things I had to learn as a world class wealth manager was financial economics. Let's dive right in.
First we will break down the meaning of each individual word.
Financial: the study of finance; let's define finance: money or other liquid resources of a government, business, group, or individual
Economics: a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
There were also other definitions as well.
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Now let's think about it: the economy is the revolving circulation of goods or services. And finance is simply money... so it's safe to say that financial economics is money of the circulation of goods and services.
This makes sense. As an ultra high net worth wealth manager, it's important to have a clear understanding of the circulatory money activity of goods and services.
This is one of the things that makes me such a great ultra high net worth wealth manager and advisor. As a person from a family of entrepreneurs I took a keen interest in how business is run from a very, very early age. As mentioned in my opening essay, throughout the last 16 years I've super deep dived into industries of all sorts: autos, mechanics, cars, fashion, retail, style grooming, software engineering, web development, apps, servers, computers, design, restaurants, food, logistics, warehousing, transportation, logistics, shipping/receiving, farming, agriculture, agtech, vertical farming, energy, wind, oil, pellet, real estate, construction, interior design, development, commercial, industrial, residential, art, music, touring, music production, education, teaching, higher learning, politics, government, religion, philanthropy, non-profit, finance products. With the latest being crypto, blockchain, and web3... I'm sure there are a few things I didn't mention, but overall these are few of the fields that I've had genuine authentic non-manufactured interest in. Which is key, genuine interest is rare.
Extremely thoroughbred in regards to understanding how the world works. Which will make me one of the most valuable and highly sought after high net worth wealth managers in the world.
Even the pastors need a pastor.
I understand the economy, the intricacies of how it interacts. And I'm continuously learning in natural ways.
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We're never in a hurry, it's important that the table is set properly.
Okay so now let's dive deeper into financial economics.
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Our overall assumption just from defining the words is in the ballpark of this definition. The study of the financial system. The study of economic resources allocation over time under conditions of uncertainty. Yes this makes sense. The study of the use and distribution of resources in the financial markets.
Within a semester class we will learn much more to be able to adequately assist our clients and/or firms.
The Canadian lecture on financial economics adds a nice global perspective to our understanding.
The Financial Appetite blog does a lovely job of explaining this. Learn more here: https://www.thefinancialappetite.com/blog/what-is-financial-economics
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What Is Financial Economics?
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Financial economics is a branch of economics that analyzes how resources are used and distributed in markets. In general, it is the study of choices consumers, business managers, and government officials make to achieve their goals considering that they have limited or scarce resources. Financial decisions will frequently have to take into consideration future events, which can be related to individual stocks, portfolios, or the market as a whole. Financial economics differs from the other branches of economics because it pays particular attention to monetary activities. This branch of economics analyzes how inflation, depression, deflation, recession, prices, and other financial variables impact one another. It applies economic principles to financial markets, corporations, banks, and central banking policies, and uses economic theory to evaluate how time, risk, opportunity costs, and information can produce incentives for a particular decision. Financial economics plays an important role in making investment decisions, identifying risks, and valuing securities and assets.
What a wonderful break down. Let's see what Investopedia has to say.
Financial Economics
What Is Financial Economics?
Financial economics is a branch of economics that analyzes the use and distribution of resources in markets. Financial decisions must often take into account future events, whether those be related to individual stocks, portfolios, or the market as a whole.
Financial economics analyzes the use and distribution of resources in markets.
It employs economic theory to evaluate how time, risk, opportunity costs, and information can create incentives or disincentives for a particular decision.
Financial economics often involves the creation of sophisticated models to test the variables affecting a particular decision.
How Financial Economics Works
Making financial decisions is not always a straightforward process. Time, risk (uncertainty), opportunity costs, and information can create incentives or disincentives. Financial economics employs economic theory to evaluate how certain things impact decision making, providing investors with the instruments to make the right calls.
Financial economics usually involves the creation of sophisticated models to test the variables affecting a particular decision. Often, these models assume that individuals or institutions making decisions act rationally, though this is not necessarily the case. The irrational behavior of parties has to be taken into account in financial economics as a potential risk factor.
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Investopedia compares it to traditional economics.
Financial Economics vs. Traditional Economics
Traditional economics focuses on exchanges in which money is one—but only one—of the items traded. In contrast, financial economics concentrates on exchanges in which money of one type or another is likely to appear on both sides of a trade. 
The financial economist can be distinguished from traditional economists by their focus on monetary activities in which time, uncertainty, options and information play roles. 
Financial Economics Methods
There are many angles to the concept of financial economics. Two of the most prominent are:
Decision making over time recognizes the fact that the value of $1 in 10 years' time is less than the value of $1 now. Therefore, the $1 at 10 years must be discounted to allow for risk, inflation, and the simple fact that it is in the future. Failure to discount appropriately can lead to problems, such as underfunded pension schemes.
Risk Management and Diversification
Advertisements for stock market-based financial products must remind potential buyers that the value of investments may fall as well as rise.
Financial institutions are always looking for ways of insuring, or hedging, this risk. It is sometimes possible to hold two highly risky assets but for the overall risk to be low: if share A only performs badly when share B performs well (and vice versa) then the two shares perform a perfect hedge.
An important part of finance is working out the total risk of a portfolio of risky assets, since the total risk may be less than the risk of the individual components.
Let's look at one more source to understand Financial Economics. This time we will view a video:
Take the day to review the materials above. And welcome to Financial Economics.
Jacinda T.Thomas
#jacindathomas #financialeconomics #wealthmanagement
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minjvnlee · 1 year
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𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 𝒍𝒆𝒆 –––––
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄:  minjun lee 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑/𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒:  male , he/him 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇: september 1 , 1996 𝐀𝐆𝐄:  25 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍: busan , south korea 𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃:  the hills 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍:  IT specialist for park industries 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌:  jeon jungkook
the son of a real estate tycoon and an undefeated lawyer , there was nothing short of greatness expected from minjun . he found the habit of tinkering with technology at an early age . because of the interest , his parents enrolled him in continuous computer and engineering classes to develop his skills . he was a natural talent when it came to technology but where he truly shined was programming .  
in his early teens , minjun developed an app for his school to assist creating study groups amongst his peers . the original application was then sold to a tech company in korea , prestige brought to his family name .
unbeknownst to most , the lee family had a hand in running illegal gambling dens in south korea . when minjun was 14 years old , his parent’s criminal activities were discovered and they fled the country before any formal arrests could be made . in order to give minjun a semblance of a normal life , they sent  him to live with his older half-brother , kijun .
minjun happily remained with kijun even into adulthood , absorbing everything his brother was willing to teach him . his knowledge and skill  with technology earned minjun a place within kijun’s company , where he also lends his skills into digging up information about any potential competition or whatever else his brother asks him to investigate .
minjun grew up in a wealthy family , establishing a preference for a more luxurious lifestyle at a young age . despite being raised with money , his parents ensured he understood work ethic and never handed things to him without having earned them first . because of his social status , minjun often doesn’t attempt to make friends . he keeps a close circle of those he trusts while being distant to those who would come and go from their lives .
others perceive him as being cold , stuck up , and even arrogant though in reality minjun is guarded . when he does accept someone into his life , minjun is warm towards them and very social . his affection is delivered in sarcasm and subtle gestures . many would describe him as debonair , venturesome , intelligent , and aloof .
fluent in korean , japanese , and english
loves designer clothing brands
preferred caffeinated beverage : iced americano , two extra shots , black
can type just shy of 200 word per minute
favorite swear word is fuck
longest relationship was two months , the reason for breaking up ? forgot he had a girlfriend
doesn’t need to use a calculator
works outs five times a week in addition to boxing lesson three times a week
not a big drinker , prefers a glass of red wine if he is drinking
partakes in drug use : cocaine and marijuana
has a full sleeve of tattoos
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mavassistant · 1 year
You Should Hire A Virtual Assistant & Here’s Why
To Hire a Virtual Assistant is a suitable solution for your business if you are tired of spending hours in front of the computer without free time for yourself, your friends, or your family. You might be wondering if hiring a Virtual Assistant is worth it.
We’ve all heard about how a Virtual Assistant can help your business succeed. But how? Here’s a list of ten reasons you must hire a Virtual Assistant (VA) to help reach your goals.
What is a Virtual Assistant?
A Virtual Assistant provides remote services to different brands and businesses. Additionally, Virtual Assistant offers numerous benefits in the business, such as:
Grasping the most potential talent that your business needs
Less supervision
Reduces the workload
Keeps business owners away from entrepreneurial burnout
Despite these benefits, there’s a big decision to make regarding outsourcing. And since business owners always aim for success, they will undoubtedly take risks. This is due to the reason that VA leverages the business’s utmost potential.
Virtual Assistants can help everyone needing assistance, such as:
Business owners
Real Estate professionals
Embracing a Virtual Assistant means delegating remotely and with some training, especially on the client’s preferences. Thus, business owners can enjoy a work-life balance and focus on the essential tasks alone.
There are millions of Virtual Assistants ready to assist clients today. They are primarily in administration, sales, marketing, finance, customer service, human resource, IT, creatives, and many others. Virtual Assistants can work hourly or with fixed-rate jobs starting at $5/hour or $500 monthly.
Virtual Assistants Today that can Help Clients
Most of these Virtual Assistants are skilled and trained. These are some of the fields Virtual Assistants today can help clients with:
Executive Virtual Assistance
Social Media Management and Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Real Estate Virtual Assistance
Email Marketing
Project Management
Copywriting, Editing, Proofreading
Online Bookkeeping
Video Editing
Web Design
Facebook Ads Marketing
eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Etsy, and Poshmark Virtual Assistance
Graphic Design
Podcast Management and Marketing
Online Teaching
Brand Marketing and Advertising
Online Accounting
Full Stack Development
App Development
Business and Product Development
Xero, Wave, FreshBooks, and ZipBooks
Quickbooks, MYOB, Zoho, and AKAUNTING
Digital Marketing
ChatBot Marketing
Customer Service, Sales, and Support
Human Resource Management
Coding Designs and Procedures (Architecture and Engineering)
Online School Management
Top Three Reasons Why you Need a Virtual Assistant
1. Reduce Costs
Onboarding a new employee means additional expenses. Thus, when business owners hire a Virtual Assistant, it saves costs for training, benefits, and other fees. Considering a VA is an independent worker. Business owners can spend on something other than leave credits and benefits like a regular employee receives.
2. Saves time
Most of the VAs have experience in their expertise. This means that you can skip training. They know what to do and have the knowledge and skills to impact your business growth. And since VAs are remote workers, they know how to manage their time and tasks well. On top of that, a Virtual Assistant can multitask while ensuring quality outputs.
3. Proper tasks delegation
When you outsource, you are delegating tasks effectively. Why is that so? As your business is continuously growing, tasks are also increasing. In that case, you need to leverage a Virtual Assistant’s abilities in coping with duties. Similarly, your office employees can focus on their tasks, and you, as the owner, will focus on and prioritize core duties.
Where to Find an Effective Virtual Assistant?
Besides the services a VA can do for your business, a VA’s help will empower your business strategy. Now, are you ready to embrace a Virtual Assistant in your business?
But, before that, you need to be aware of where you can spot an excellent Virtual Assistant. And here are the top three best places to find a VA.
Initially, you can find a VA on any social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, and Pinterest.
Another one is Virtual Assistant Companies like Real Estate VA Agencies.
And last is the place where competitive VAs dwells, the freelancing websites.
Which is the right place to find a great VA? According to a DDIY study, 33% of 500 established companies worldwide outsource using freelancing websites. In short, this implies that freelancing websites are a great place to spot, especially for newbies. This is because the freelancing website displays portfolios showcasing the VA’s expertise and experience. Therefore, by looking at their portfolios, you can illustrate how a VA provides value to your business.
Now, are you excited to hire a VA? You can sign up with Surge now! Because this site aims to provide excellent VAs and ensure the VA’s capabilities through in-house training and apprenticeship programs, you’ll experience a BIG difference in your business!
How to Hire Virtual Assistants
The process is easy.
1. To begin with, SIGN UP to hire here: https://surgedigital.agency/.
– Fast verification
2. Afterward, POST a job and get applicants.
– With at least 5,000+ (and growing each month) freelancers from different expertise
– All trained, experienced and screened for you
3. Finally, HIRE the most fitting freelancer for your business.
– Start getting leverage right on day one!
Or you can also contact us now for more details.
Source: https://courses.thesurgemarketplace.com/hire-a-virtual-assistant-2/
You can also visit our website for more info: https://mavassistant.wixsite.com/mava
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shatteredges · 1 year
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⸻  have you ever heard of MYSELF by bazzi , well , it describes MINJUN LEE to a tee ! the twenty-five year old , and IT SPECIALIST was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday , do you know them ? would you say HE is more aloof or more DEBONAIR instead ? anyway , they remind me of bucket hats no matter the season , matte black tech accessories , fine white lines on mirrored surfaces and late evening boxing lessons , maybe you’ll bump into them soon ! 
mirror | aesthetics | threads | social | inbox
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄:  minjun lee 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑/𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒:  male , he/him 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇: september 1 , 1996 𝐀𝐆𝐄:  25 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍: busan , south korea 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍:  owner / IT specialist for phantom tech  𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌:  jeon jungkook
the son of a real estate tycoon and an undefeated lawyer , there was nothing short of greatness expected from minjun . he found the habit of tinkering with technology at an early age . because of the interest , his parents enrolled him in continuous computer and engineering classes to develop his skills . he was a natural talent when it came to technology but where he truly shined was programming .  
in his early teens , minjun developed an app for his school to assist creating study groups amongst his peers . the original application was then sold to a tech company in korea , prestige brought to his family name .
unbeknownst to most , the lee family had a hand in running illegal gambling dens in south korea . when minjun was 14 years old , his parent’s criminal activities were discovered and they fled the country before any formal arrests could be made . in order to give minjun a semblance of a normal life , they sent  him to live with his older half-brother , kijun .
minjun happily remained with kijun even into adulthood , absorbing everything his brother was willing to teach him . during his school years , he had completed a semester abroad in london and recently decided to return back to the city . minjun started his own IT consulting and management company , phantom tech , which oversees IT for numerous business in notting hill . 
minjun grew up in a wealthy family , establishing a preference for a more luxurious lifestyle at a young age . despite being raised with money , his parents ensured he understood work ethic and never handed things to him without having earned them first . because of his social status , minjun often doesn’t attempt to make friends . he keeps a close circle of those he trusts while being distant to those who would come and go from their lives .
others perceive him as being cold , stuck up , and even arrogant though in reality minjun is guarded . when he does accept someone into his life , minjun is warm towards them and very social . his affection is delivered in sarcasm and subtle gestures . many would describe him as debonair , venturesome , intelligent , and aloof .
fluent in korean , japanese , and english
loves designer clothing brands
preferred caffeinated beverage : iced americano , two extra shots , black
can type just shy of 200 word per minute
favorite swear word is fuck
longest relationship was two months , the reason for breaking up ? forgot he had a girlfriend
doesn’t need to use a calculator
works outs five times a week in addition to boxing lesson three times a week
not a big drinker , prefers a glass of red wine if he is drinking
partakes in drug use : cocaine and marijuana
has a full sleeve of tattoos
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cobbvunchavez · 2 years
Are Satanic force Eyes road lawful?
The very first LED light for automobiles was set up in the 84 Corvette as a brake light. In an auto, LED light bulbs powered by a battery, the outcome voltage of which ranges from 11.5 to 14.5 V. Headlights, brake lights and every little thing that lights up on the car belong to the lights tools. The reflectors in the real estate need to be properly polished in order to redirect all of the light rays that are produced from the actual bulb.
Before you start getting LED lights for your vehicle, please note that there are various sort of them. They're compatible with the indoor light dimmer functions, brighter, and run cooler than the halogen light bulbs. For regular operation of the light bulb with such LEDs, an unique follower (colder) constructed into its design is approximately the like in computer systems.
Contrasting the light intensities created by LED lorry light bulbs is rewarding due to the fact that it can assist you pick LED car light bulbs that give off enough light to suit your driving requirements. One of the most optimum color temperature level is generally 4000K-6000K. At 4000K, the color of the luminescent flux is the hottest, at 6000K, the shade of the luminous change approaches white daylight.
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Angel eye headlights are fronts lights that produce a solid color look throughout the light bulb, therefore producing imagery of popular culture s interpretation of angel eyes. The fronts lights of your auto will be a vital part. They will be needed for the illumination during the evening and also in some other problems. You will certainly thus need to take into consideration the headlights that will be the very best.
Crucially, all angel eye lights use LED chips. These are chipsets that control various elements of the LED light bulbs, consisting of the color of light generated. Various devil eye lights makers utilize different LED chips. Some will use Philips chips, RGB chips, COB chips, as well as lots of various other chips. The LED factors and also does not spread out, while the filament bulb spreads evenly. It is much more challenging to make such a cutoff line in LED light bulbs.
For cars that do not have daytime running light (DRL), the reduced beam on roads during the day should utilize to comply with the law. Another point is that the bulbs shed their illumination in time, and also if only one is altered, the lighting will be various on each side of the cars and truck.
In fact, by providing voltage to the led chip, electric energy converted into light energy. This strategy to light generation enables you to achieve the most effective performance in comparison with various other kinds of lights.
By study on our post, you will be able to narrow the option that you have and get the right h11 led headlight for Chevy Camaro. When replacing the light bulbs, you have to take care and do not touch the light bulb glass or the LED chips; this will certainly minimize the quantity of light produced and the durability since these bulbs are vulnerable. You can additionally look for suitable products on the net.
By placing in a bit of effort, you will have the ability to find the appropriate lights for your specific demands. You need to see to it to go on the internet as well as do a bit of research study to find out which lights are the most effective fit.
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sasmediagh · 2 years
Work from home jobs: 6 top 50k plus jobs
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Work from home jobs is not lucrative…that is what most people think. Most of the time, you think of rewarding jobs as ones where you work in an office, but employment trends have changed a lot in recent years. You can earn more than $50,000 while staying in the familiar surroundings of your own house. Let’s examine it more closely.
What are 50k-plus home jobs?
It basically means jobs you can do right at the comfort of your home that can earn you an amount of about 50k or more. Producing income does not always necessitate filling out an application before offering your services to a specific employer. You can always be your own boss. Think outside the box, be creative, and look at the needs of the service and product right now. From here on you can set up your own foundation at home. There are always government and private organizations willing to assist you if you do not have the necessary start-up funds, not to forget some countries in Africa finds it difficult to get funds from government but you can get from private organizations.
Let us go on to list out our best 6 50k plus work from home jobs;
Top Six (6) 50k home jobs
Graphic design: Graphic Design jobs are all over the internet if you think you don’t have the heart for business but have the creativity and software. Designers can now create their own profiles and speak with potential employers. You can become a very rewarding worker from home with additional experience and excellent Photoshop skills. With the help of Canva.com it is now easy to be a graphic designer without a software or a computer.
IT specialists: IT specialists are always in high demand in a world dominated by computers. People who are capable of providing effective software design, robust networking, and efficient and dependable security setups are needed by nearly every business in the world, including small and medium-sized businesses. A high-speed internet connection, a headset, and the appropriate software are all you need to communicate with businesses that can financially reward you for good service if you have the capabilities of an engineer or programming-trained professional.
3. Medical professionals: Now, medical professionals can practice outside of hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Opportunities for working from home include medical billers, medical transcriptionists, and medical writers. Medical billers with experience can make anywhere from $30 to $40 per hour.
4. Real estate market: Although the real estate market is extremely volatile, you can still win big if you have the right credentials and strategy. You can make up to $100,000 with the right moves and sales. You have the option of starting your own business or working for a large real estate company. Everything hinges on your capacity to use your license appropriately.
7 Online business mistakes to avoid if you want to succeed
4. Virtual law firms: Virtual law firms are beginning to take action by hiring competent lawyers who can work from home as office rents and other related costs continue to soar. A home office is preferable if you believe you are capable of standing on your own. You can avoid the expenses of expensive office rentals and the hassles of daily driving or commuting, just like law firms do.
4. Accountants and Certified public accountants (CPAs): During tax season, accountants and Certified public accountants (CPAs) are in high demand. You can earn up to six figures in compensation, depending on the clients and your experience. The 50k-plus parade also includes financial consultants. The professional can earn approximately 50,000 dollars from jobs that involve retirement, security, and financial planning.
This is my 6 top 50k plus work from home jobs you can’t go away from. Don’t wait for businesses to employ you before you can earn 50k plus of money. You can do these aforementioned jobs to earn decent money right from the comfort of your home.
Source: www.sharpytech.com
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