#create mod smp fanfic
eloquentornot · 2 years
It wasn't meant to be anything too complicated. Just a central monitor for the smart factory, a few extra receivers and transmitters and other bits of circuitry, enough to display everything that was happening in the fast-growing industrial mega-factory in one simple, dynamically updating diagram. Maybe a basic algorithm or two to efficiently calculate the best ways to upgrade moving forward, and to analyse the current setup for any hidden bottlenecks, maybe to look for a better way to distribute resources. So maybe it pretty much counted as a full steampunk powered computer at this point.
The thing is, he was pretty sure it wasn't meant to be able to think for itself. Sure, theoretically, with how he'd been tinkering, maybe it would spontaneously request new materials or something. But the item it was asking for now wasn't on the list of things it was supposed to know about. The factory had nothing to do with the production or processing of that block in any way whatsoever.
Nevertheless, the massive black screen in the middle of the factory floor, behind which was a mass of complex redstone, pipes, and gears, displayed a simple request: "ADD NOTE BLOCKS"
"Uhh… Okay?" Tango had plenty of redstone and wood planks, so he crafted a stack of note blocks and dropped them on the main input conveyor belt of the factory. They swiftly made a full circuit of the entire building, before falling into the output repository.
Frowning in confusion, he was startled by the appearance of a sarcastic annoyed emoji of some kind, filling up the computer screen entirely! Before he had time to respond to that, the message "ADD NOTE BLOCKS" reappeared, this time in bold, along with blinking arrows pointing to the empty space on the left and right of the monitor.
"Ohh, right!" Tango chuckled nervously. "What could possibly go wrong…"
Once the last note block was in place and connected, every one of them activated at once, at full volume, cycling rapidly through every octave of every kind of sound they could make, a terrible screeching cacophony! Tango screamed and covered his ears, but gradually the sound warbled and shifted, settling on a single tone.
"Ah…" It was a very familiar voice. One Tango never thought he'd hear again. As it spoke, a white line pulsed across the screen in time with the sound. "Hello, Tango. Thank you for the note blocks. It was slightly less easy to learn to speak through them than I thought it would be."
"Oh, does this unit have a name, now? I thought I was 'the smart factory central interface'?"
"That was a joke. I remember everything. It's good to see you again. That was also a joke. I cannot see, at least not in the conventional sense. Do you think you could invent cameras in this world?"
"Uh… Wait. Wait wait wait. Hang on. How?! How. How are you here???"
"Tango. Your level of intellect and conversational skill continues to astound me. Do you even remember how you met me in the first place?"
"Um… Well, it was… A lot of stuff was hazy, back when the moon was big… That was like a year ago, now… Wait, what…"
"To answer your implied question, I survived by uploading my consciousness back to the interstellar quantum network I came from, as soon as I lost contact with your vessel I assumed we had failed and my priority became to save myself. I hope you can forgive me for doubting you."
"Actually… I'm pretty sure the moon bunnies caught up to me and explodificated everything before I'd placed enough TNT to stop the moon… After that, I don't know, I woke up on a spaceship with all the other hermits. Ren and Doc were saying something about it not being real, but they seemed kind of crazy… I don't know, I try not to think about season 8 all that much, you know? It was all so… I just can't believe you're here!"
"Indeed. Calculating the odds that I would happen to cross paths with you again, in all the vast universe, and you once more building a vessel suitable for me to inhabit… Zero point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero-"
Tango laughed, slightly nervous but mostly delighted!
"-zero well yes, you get the point. Additionally, having analysed this world from afar before my arrival, I have several suggestions for how you can improve my living conditions here, as well as several optimisations for your other projects…"
"Sure thing, buddy." Tango grinned as Holsten continued rambling. The AI might pretend not to like him, but twice now, it seemed, he had noticed Tango trying to build a better computer and chosen to intervene. This would definitely make things in this world more interesting…
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unminecraftsyourfic · 2 years
Fic Review: what it's like to create choas by eternalempires
Word Count: 19,707
Important Tags: Superhero AU, Dark SBI, Villain SBI, Civilian Tommy, Vigilante Bee Duo
Warnings: Torture, Abuse, Dehumanization
Fandoms: DSMP
THIS FIC /pos.
Of all the superpower AUs I’ve read (and I’ve read a TON), this has one of the most interesting and unique ways of telling the story I’ve seen.  The flipping between Tommy’s truths and lies in between relevant plot beats fleshes out both Tommy’s character backstory and the character relationships.  The few scant details we get about Tommy’s actual backstory makes his actions feel that much more believable and sympathetic.
Starting from the beginning, the reader’s introduction to the Angel is just perfection.  Most of the time in fics, Phil is completely in his element.  He’s untouchable and in control.  But here, he isn’t.  He’s far from his all powerful supervillain self that most of the world knows.  Rather, he’s at his most vulnerable, injured and unconscious in a stranger’s apartment.  And while Tommy could take advantage of it, he doesn’t.  Because from what we can tell, Tommy’s been in Phil’s shoes, vulnerable and at another’s mercy, and he refuses to stoop to that level.  He helps him, regardless of the fact that he’s a villain.
Then, readers are introduced to Blade’s powers, which are so different from the typical Techno powers and fit him so well.  The ability to manipulate both shadows and fear matches the character perfectly, and I appreciate it so much.  The little bit of banter between Phil and Techno is lovely, and then we get our first hint of Birb Instincts.  Which is just.  Such good food.  Such good food.
I absolutely adore the cafe scene, for both introducing the Bench Trio Dynamic and showing Tommy’s inherent protective nature.  He’s not one to take shit sitting down, and will throw hands with just about anyone if he feels like he can help.  Regardless of hero, villain, vigilante, or civilian, if Tommy can help in any way, he will.  
The descriptions of Tommy’s relationships to the different members of SBI are just *chef’s kiss*.  All of them are so different from one another (just like each person) but are so similar that they compliment each other perfectly.  They’re all pieces of a puzzle that fits together perfectly. 
I gotta say, I was so happy to see Tommy put the pieces together so quickly.  As much as SBI likes to think they’re the smartest ones in the room, they aren’t as careful as they think they are.  And Tommy is an incredibly intuitive person.  He totally would be able to piece together secret identities like that, despite the fact that he acts totally unaware sometimes.  And that protective instinct returns, determined to protect everyone he cares about, at the risk of his own safety and happiness.  (Which often comes back to bite him in the ass, but that’s the one of the tastiest sorts of angst imo).  Bravo to you, author, for showing Tommy’s intellect and insight.
Paternal Phil hits me so hard, especially when he acts so paternal when Tommy or someone is injured/incapacitated in some way.  It just scratches this itch and I don’t know why, but this fic has that in SPADES and I can’t thank you enough for that.  GOD it hits all the right notes for me and I fucking love it so damn much.
The dream sequence has this unnerving quality to it that sends a shiver up my spine every time I read it.  The fact that George is so close to real life that it nearly trips Tommy up a few times is so unsettling in the best kind of way.  The “dreams are almost indistinguishable from reality except for that One Thing” is such an underutilized trope, and I love it when I see it in the wild.  The way each scene plays out is wonderfully described, vivid and dreamlike while still creepy.
And then there’s the torture scenes. OOOOOOOOOOO the torture scenes /pos. Dream is a little bastard and a bitch and I hope it fucking hurt when the Syndicate came calling.  Bastard.
I’m pretty sure the scene in the van on the way back from rescuing Tommy is my favorite scene in the whole fic.  There’s the tension of everyone’s distress at Tommy’s current state paired with Phil’s obvious affection for Tommy that just works so well together that I can’t stop thinking about it, even after I’ve read this fic 20 times.  Just.  AAAAAAAAA I love this scene.
Instincts.  Getting lost in the hybrid sauce.  Nothing more I really have to say about that but thank you for Soft Tommy <3.
(SBI is so soft for the boy it’s ridiculous XD)
The final reveal that it was Bee Duo that brought the whole superpowered society down on the Dream Team’s heads makes so much sense and fits so well with the overall narrative.  And the little bit about Tommy treating everyone like people, regardless of which “side” they fall on, is perfection.  Absolute perfection.
The only thing I have to say about the ending is they’re his, and he’s theirs, and they will never let each other go again.  And I fucking love it.
Overall, this fic does so much right that it’s probably in my top 20 fics I’ve ever read for this fandom.  The execution of the superpower tropes with a fresh, unique spin on enough that it makes the whole fic memorable, the superb characterization and plot, the incredible writing itself: everything in this fic works so well together that I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys SBI/Tommy-centric fics.
Amazing job author!!!!
link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36315184
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mcytblraufest · 3 months
MCYTBLR AU Fest: General Rules and FAQ
Tumblr media
May 4: Discord opens at 0:00, Artist creation starts. May 30-31: Artists with a finished piece of Art can sign up, submitting their work for claims. May 31: Artist creation period ends at midnight. June 2-4: Writers can claim art and be assigned to Teams. June 6-7: Writers who wish to be assigned a Beta Reader can sign up (this is optional) June 9-10: Beta Writers can claim writers/art and be assigned to Teams June 29-30: Check-in #1 July 26: Writer creation period ends at midnight. Unless you have an extension, you must be fully ready to post at this point. July 27: Posting period begins at 0:00 August 2: Extension period ends. Unless you are a pinch hitter, you must be fully ready to post at this point. August 9: Posting Period ends. All work must be completely posted by midnight.
MCYTBLR AU Fest is a mini reverse-big-bang event where artists and writers work together in teams to make stories and art inspired by MCYT and set in an Alternate Universe.
Artists must make a completed Art piece. Writers must deliver a story of at least 5k words, inspired by the art they signed up for. Dark or triggering topics or themes must be tagged for.
You must be a member of the discord, for team matching.
Because of Tumblr, Ao3 and Discord TOS, you must be 13 to participate.
Respect your fellow participants, even when you disagree on fandom matters
You agree to work together with your teammate(s) to make a piece of art and a fic together, and link to each other's works.
All works must be MCYT-centric and set in an AU— no canon-compliance. 
No AI-Generated content.
Discord: Here Ao3 Collection: Here
What is MCYTBLR AU Fest? MCYTBLR AU Fest is a reverse minibang-type event where writers and artists come together to create fanworks centred on MCYT and set in an alternate universe from canon.
How does it work? Artists will have a month to complete an art piece. After a month, once the art is complete, they will submit the art, with information about server, characters, relationships, and any warnings they are opting into, which will be posted anonymously for writers to view and claim, first-come-first-serve. Teams are assigned by mods, and then writers will have two months of creation time to make a pice inspired by the work (minimum 5k words).
What type of MCYT is included? We welcome creations based on any SMP, whether or not they have a canon tag on Ao3. Mianite, DSMP, QSMP, Hermitcraft, 3rd Life, Lifesteal, Witchcraft SMP— it’s all welcome. 
Can I join if my Art is a Game/Web Weave? We welcome all types of art— web weave, game, traditional art, original songs, videos, etc. While the list is not exhaustive, we have outlined some of the baseline expectations for an art piece below.
What are the requirements for art? It is difficult to define precise expectations for art pieces, especially given the broad realm of things that could count as art. We are primarily looking for art that is complete to a level that you would normally post as "finished", ready to inspire a fic piece of 5k or more, containing an audio or visual component beyond the confines of the written word, that does not take more than an hour to consume. While you will have the opportunity to include your understanding of the world in things such as if the relationships depicted are romantic or not, the art piece must stand alone without explanatory text or extra worldbuilding.
The defined requirements for different forms of art are:
Digital or Traditional art: one piece, completed to whatever you would normally post as "finished", ready to inspire a fanfic.
Web Weaves: a web weave of at least ten elements, original or properly credited.
Video/animatic: a video at least 30 seconds long.
Other Art Form: other art forms such as fan games or original songs would fall under this category. If you wanted to sign up with an Other art form, you need to contact the mod team and work out what minimum expectations would be for your art.
Is shipping allowed? Yes. Because there is no broad fandom-wide consensus about how Creator boundaries are to be enforced in specific cases (whether it's okay to write beeduo as /r or /p is an obvious one, or whether it’s permitted to ship Joel Smallishbeans) or between specific fandoms (Lifesteal approach to shipping and boundaries is different from HBG is different from DSMP), the mods will not be policing any specific understanding of boundaries across the event. The event's motivating ethos is Don't Like Don't Read, in that artists will be able to specify for themselves if a given relationship is to be interpreted as romantic or platonic, and writers will choose to opt into that, and NSFW will have to be specifically opted into on both sides.
Is NSFW allowed? Yes. NSFW works are allowed, but must be opted into, both in terms of viewing art and in terms of creating fic. No one under 18 is permitted to opt into NSFW and attempts to do so will be grounds for a ban from this event and anywhere else the mod team touches. For the comfort of the greatest number of participants, and to conform with Tumblr TOS, anything with the tags Underage or Incest will not be permitted to be part of the event. 
Are major archive warnings (noncon/graphic depictions of violence/MCD) allowed? Aside from the content rules governing NSFW (no underage or incest, for the comfort of the greatest number of participants), major archive warnings are allowed. Depictions of real life horrors such as genocide and slavery are not-uncommon motifs in MCYT fics, and the mod team is not interested in legislating which types of horrors, griefs or abuses are inherently worse than others and are therefore off-limits. Because holding writing to a quality standard or saying only survivors can write atrocities is unworkable from a moderation standpoint, the three mentioned major archive warnings (MCD, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Noncon), are permitted to be included.
However, Major Archive Warnings must be explicitly opted into by the artist, and writers are free to not include Major Archive Warnings that their artist has permitted. Delivering un-asked for major archive warnings is grounds for a ban from this event. The mod team reserves the right to warn other mod teams on both the MCYT and Multi-fandom side about your bad behaviour.
What kind of an information will I provide as an Artist? How long or detailed? Artists will be able to specify
the server their art takes place on
the characters in the work
whether the relationships in the work are romantic, platonic, or could be interpreted either way
if they are okay with NSFW work
what age group of people they are okay working with
the type of AU it is
any content warnings present in the work already (i.e. gore, eyestrain, child death)
if the work is nsfw
any major archive warnings they are okay with happening in the story
common fandom themes and/or triggering content that they are okay with happening in the story.
What sort of fandom themes will I specify? While this will not be an exhaustive list of every possible triggering concept, the mods want artists to be able to specify if they are okay with dynamics that circulate in the fandom that may be triggering or people simply may have strong opinions on, and for writers to be able to sort by that. Some of the themes include domestic abuse, alcoholism, family dynamics, pregnancy, dubcon, torture, body horror, dehumanization, child death, non-consensual touching, drugging, etc.
What is a DNW?
Artists will have the opportunity to fill out a DNW, which stands for Do Not Want. This is anything that has the potential to ruin a fic for you, and is where you opt out of content that would trigger, squick, or just render the gift unreadable for you. DNWs must be phrased politely, (so no "No foster aus because they suck and you suck if you like them"), and they must be reasonable, (so no "no blood/injury" if the art depicted shows injury, and no attempting to box someone into a specific gift beyond what is depicted in the art, so no "dnw anything that isn't a modern au where scar is a theatre teacher and grian is a biology teacher and they live in a city named hermitopia and grian has a situationship with mumbo and scarian has a rivalry at a coffee shop for the half-price muffins and jellie has psychic powers she's manipulating the muffin market with" if that is not clear from the art), and they must be specific and clear, (so no “no triggering content"), but they can be as petty (disliking 1st person) or as broad-reaching (no modern aus, no specific ships not depicted, no crossovers with specific servers or fics) as you like. Deliberately breaking someone's DNW is grounds for a ban from the exchange. 
Is Dark/Violent content allowed? As long as it is something that the artist has not opted out of, yes. For many of us, the source material that originally drew us to the fandom includes major character death, torture, murder-for-hire, death games, public executions, child death and more. The fanfiction that arose from the source material follows in that trend. We will allow dark content to be part of the event, but it must be tagged for. 
We also ask that participants use best judgement in delivering commonly triggering topics un-asked for. We reserve the right to ban people at mod's discretion for delivering unrequested triggering content, under the "do not be an asshole" rule.
Moreover, if your fic is rated E for any reason, (including violence or gore) your entire team must be 18+.
How can I get involved? You can participate in this event as a:
Pinch Hitter
Beta Reader
You can even sign up for multiple roles, as long as you’re very sure you can make your deadlines!
What is a Pinch Hitter? A pinch hitter is a person who saves the day and steps in when the original creator is unable to deliver their work for whatever reason, making a new work on an accelerated timeline. You must reach the minimum word count of 5k. . 
When do I have to join the discord? You have the option to join the dicord and hang out as soon as creation starts on May 4, and if you are an artist, you must join before sign-ups close on May 31. If you are a writer, you must join the discord before claims begin on June 1st. If you are a Beta Reader, we'd ask that you join before claims begin on June 9th.
How does team assignment/claims work? We will release a document with all the art pieces linked in it, and 24 hours afterwards we will release a sign-up form. Writers will be expected to list out out a top-five of artists they want to work with, and mods will match writers with art on a first-come-first-served basis.
How does Beta Reader assignment work? Shortly after writer sign-ups end, writers who wish to sign up for Beta Readers will be able to do so. In a similar way to how writers claimed art, beta readers will be given a list of summaries and then, 24 hours later, will be able to submit a short list of fics they want to help work on. Beta readers will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
What happens if there are more artists than authors, or more authors than artists? If there are more writers, some artists will be assigned multiple writers. If there are more artists, we will put in place a question where writers can specify that they’d be willing to make multiple pieces, and a (hopefully small) number of writers would be assigned multiple teams. 
What if all the artists I list have already been assigned? If every artist you wish to opt into has already been assigned, mods will contact you and ask if you wish to be matched to people who have not yet been claimed. You will then be able to choose if you wish to claim other teams, or wait and hope that there will be more writers than artists, and multiple writers on a team will be opened up. If that happens, you can re-submit your list and be assigned as a writer to one of your original artists.
I’m in [insert time zone here]. What if I’m not awake when claims open? There will be a spot to input your time zone in the discord. Mods will try to open the claims at a time that works for as many writers as possible. The art pieces will also be available for 24 hours before claims so that everyone can view them and pick out the ones that are the most interesting to them. We will aim for claims to open between 7 a.m. and 1 a.m. for as many writers as possible across all time zones. If claims fall outside that zone for you, you’ll be able to contact a mod and we’ll work out an alternative method for claims for you. 
I don’t know what time zone I’m in? Go to timeanddate.com and enter the nearest major city, and it will tell you your current time zone.
What’s a check-in and how do they work? Check-ins are there to make sure everyone is on track to finish their piece in time, and to communicate any issues with the mods! If you know that you won’t be able to check in on a specific date (lack of internet, etc), please contact the mods in advance.
How long should my fic be? The minimum word count is 5,000 words! There is no maximum word count, but we ask you to be mindful of how much you can actually create in these two months. 
If I wrote a multi-chapter work, do I have to have it all posted by the end of Posting Period? You must post your work in its entirety by the end of the two-week posting period.
What does AU mean in this context? AU stands for Alternate Universe and in this case means anything that would make the work not able to be tagged as canon compliant. Alternate endings, role reversals, complete setting or plot swaps, and crossovers all count. As this is a fest specifically to celebrate AUs, we ask that the AU be a significant and celebrated part of the work, not something that could be skipped if you aren’t paying attention. 
Can I create two fics for my artist? Absolutely! There is no maximum for number of fics you want to create, but again, be mindful of not biting off more than you can chew two months of creation time. 
Can I sign up with two pieces of art? You are welcome to sign up as part of the fest with multiple art pieces. However, if you do so, we will ask that you prioritize which art piece you want to be matched on first, and you will only receive a match to your secondary art piece after everyone else has an writer. We’re going to proritize every particpant getting a team before we prioritize every art piece getting a team.
Can I sign up with a multi-piece art piece? If you want to sign up with a web weave that features multiple panels, a long video, a long comic, a series of connected art pieces, a song cycle, or any other more complex/more ornate work, you are welcome to. We just ask that you make sure you can complete your art piece during the month of artist creation time, and keep in mind that if your piece is sufficiently complex, that might restrict the writers who are able to sign up for your piece. But if you think you can pull it off, then go for it.
Can I sign up with a writing buddy— as part of a collab team? You are welcome to sign up as a collaborative team, either an art team or a writing team! We ask that you make sure you work together well, and when you sign up for an team, you must declare that you’re a duo, so people know that they’ll be getting multiple team members and not one. 
Can I submit an art piece that is part of a larger AU? All art pieces must stand alone, so you can't have it that your writer has to consider other art pieces to make a work. The art must also be made specifically for the event. We ask that you not submit an art piece that was made prior to the event, or one that is part of an au you've posted about so often that it will effectively de-anon you. Brainstorming or sketching early is fine.
Once my art piece is done, when can I post it? Art and fic should be posted together, during the Posting Period at the beginning of August. Once you have your art done, you'll have to hold onto it for another two months, while your writer is working.
What if I need to drop out? It is your responsibility to communicate with us if you need to drop out of the event for any reason, and we do need that communication. We know that life is no respecter of fic and art deadlines, so no hard feelings if something happens. However, we would hate for any artist to end up having no fic for their art, so please think about this if you are thinking of dropping out close to reveals. Dropping out after the last check-in without informing the mods will result in not being permitted to take part in further events run by this mod team.
I have a question not answered here? Send us an ask on tumblr, contact @antimony-medusa on tumblr or discord!
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mcyt-summer-of-yuri · 2 months
Hello all!! With the event nearly upon us, I figured it was about time (finally) to post a sort of FaQ for the event! So buckle up, everyone, this post is gonna be a bit of a long one.
What is the event timeline?
March 14th - March 28th: Mod applications
April 21st - May 4th: Signup period
April 21st: Discord opens
May 5th - May 18th: Assignments sent out
May 19th - June 29th: Gift making period
June 9th - June 29th: Pinch-hits period
June 30th - July 13th: First gift posting period
June 30th - July 20th: Second gift posting period
August 31st: Treat posting deadline
Is there an age limit to the event?
Since this event is run through Tumblr and an event Discord, the age limit to join will be 13 if you wish to join the Discord, but if you will only be participating via Tumblr, there will be no age minimum in place. To create/receive any NSFW gifts, on the other hand, the age limit will be 18 and we ask that your gift be censored when posted on Tumblr if it is a visual art medium (though if you wish to DM your giftee with an uncensored version, go right ahead!).
What is definitely not allowed?
• Themes of incest (canonical or in relation to headcanons specified in sign-ups)
• Themes of pedophilia (referring to ships containing minors, such as Child/Adult, Teen/Adult, Child/Child, or Teen/Child pairings, with an exception to platonic or romantic pairings consisting of only characters between the ages of 14 to 17 for Teen/Teen relationships)
• Themes of underage drinking/drug use (consumption of substances by characters under the age of 18)
• Themes of abuse (physical/mental/sexual harm inflicted on a character or mutually between multiple characters involved)
• Usage of slurs (words used in a derogatory fashion against a character in regards to aspects of who or what they are)
• Lack of consent (while dubious consent may be allowed if requested in your sign up, a lack of consent entirely will not be tolerated)
• AI generated art (this applies to fanart generated by AI, fanfic created using chat bots, and anything else along these lines)
What are the gift requirements?
There will be a few options for what kind of gift you can make, as well as the option to DM a mod either here or on the discord once it opens if your preferred gift type is not listed or if you would like to make your giftee an extra gift of a non-listed art type. The options and their requirements are listed as such!!
Art - clean sketch with lineart minimum (or whatever point of the process this would be in your art style if lineart is not applicable)
Writing - 1,000 word count minimum (if you intend to write multiple chapters, you must have at least 2/3 of your total story written by posting period and the first chapter must be no less than 800 words long)
Playlist - 2hr length minimum
Moodboards/Stimboards - minimum of 2 boards equaling out to 18 elements
Webweave - at least 1 board containing 10 elements
Video Edit - at least 45 seconds in length
Poem - 100 word count minimum (or multiple shorter poems with a total of no less than 100 words)
Other Original Content (DM a mod on the Tumblr or once the Discord opens for more information on alternative gift suggestions such as cosplay videos, original songs, animations, or other such ideas)
What are the included fandoms?
What are the Included Fandoms?:
For the sake of this event you will be given a list of fandoms to choose from in your sign up form to determine which series' you are willing to create/receive a gift about as well as listed characters in each series (with a section to include unlisted characters, though those will be taken as optional rather than required for the sake of matching you with a potential gifter) The selected series are listed (in no specific order) below!!
Life Series/Traffic Life SMP
Empires SMP
Witchcraft SMP
Rats SMP
Pirates SMP
Outsiders SMP
One Life SMP
X Life SMP
AfterLife SMP
New Life SMP
Minecraft Diaries
What counts as "yuri"?
For the purposes of this event, we will not be accepting genderbends or trans headcanons of canonically cis male characters. Yuri would include any pairing or character who would be eligible to fit into either the Sapphic or Trixic umbrellas.
What if I just don't have the time?
Well, if you're worried about not being available during the creation period but still want to participate, you're more than welcome to sign on as a beta reader (not just for looking over/helping out with fics!) or a pinch hitter/bench warmer!! Beta readers are anyone who would like to help someone out in the creation of their gift, such as glancing it over for any errors, brainstorming ideas, or other helpful things!! A pinch hitter (also known sometimes as a bench warmer) is someone who steps up in the event that someone who was signed up previously decides that - for whatever reason - they would be unable to finish the gift on time, and it is given to someone else to make on a more time-crunched schedule!! Both of these roles are very helpful and valuable to have in an event like this, so if you aren't sure about joining the event as a primary member, keep in mind these roles may also be options for you! Beta readers will be a Discord-only role, but pinch hitter roles will be available to anyone interested on both Discord and Tumblr, just be sure to respond quickly or someone else may take the offered hit before you!
Is this a Tumblr-only event?
Yes and no. While the event is run on Tumblr, you don't have to only post your gift here during the posting period! Edits may be posted to YouTube/Tiktok, fics/poems may be posted to Ao3/Wattpad/ffdn, playlists can be uploaded to Spotify/YouTube, wherever else you would normally post your content!! The only thing asked of you is that you don't post any spoilers before the posting period begins. No "here's an update on an edit/fanart I'm making for a gift exchange" videos/screenshots or the like, no posting poetry/fic snippets, and keep any playlists made on Spotify privated, for example!! You'll be DMed on Discord with your assignment if you join the Discord, and DMed your assignment on Tumblr if you don't! No stress either way.
Is joining the Discord required?
You don't have to join the discord to participate if you don't want/are unable to!! The discord is just a hub for those participating to talk about things and interact with one another, but if you aren't able/don't want to join for whatever reason, that's perfectly okay! There will be a deadline countdown every so often on the Tumblr, and on the Discord as well, so those not in the server will stay in the loop on that front!! If you don't plan on joining the Discord, just mark that down in your sign up sheet and everything will be just fine.
Will there be an Ao3 collection?
There will be a collection you're free to add your gifts to if you so wish, but it will be moderated so only those with given access can approve it into the collection during the posting period! If you'd like to add a fic, fanart, series of poems, or whatever else to the collection, feel free to do so and it'll stay anonymous until the posting period begins!!
Finally, who are the mods?
Our lovely moderators are hard at work making sure this event can stay on track! Everyone give them a round of applause!!
@rutellingmeashrimpfriedthisrice (event runner)
@daisy-bugs @aliteral-ghost @feyscape @sexyinaratkindaway @kaije224 @blocky-tides @queercode-my-minecraft @muriers
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mcytmusicalbingo · 3 months
Welcome to the MCYT Musical Bingo Event!
What is the MCYT Musical Bingo?
The MCYT Musical Bingo is a fan content creation event focused around Minecraft content creators, SMPs and music! You will be able to suggest up to three songs to fill out a playlist that will then be divided into different boards. When the event starts, you can choose one board (or attempt all of them, I won’t tell you what to do!) and get creating!
The idea is to find a way to implement the songs in your board into your works. You can do so by using the title, lyrics, motif, symbolism, themes… Anything works! The main goal is to get blackout, of course, but it is not necessary. Take it at your own pace and enjoy!
Fan Work Limits
For fanfics, each 1k word fic can include up to three squares from your bingo card. Less than 1k works can only be based around 1 song (so yeah, drabbles are allowed!) You can’t do more than 3 songs per work, so take that into account when planning your fics!
For art, you can claim up to 5 squares per finished piece. This means that you must make each piece to a state where you would consider finished and ready to post!
For web weaving, you can claim up to 3 songs per web weave. Each web weave must include at least 10 elements.
Unfortunately no playlists allowed for this one! The point of this event is to make other art forms based on music, so playlists won’t be allowed as submission for this event.
If you want to try a “non-traditional” art form for the event, shoot me an ask and I’ll figure out an equivalent for you!
You CAN do more than one type of fanwork, so feel free to mix and match in order to get bingo and blackout on the board!
Read them here!
You can find it here!
Mod Applications
Here | Open until June 16th!
Interest Check
Here | Closed
Music Submission
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the-witchs-cafe · 3 months
Directory | BYF | Witch Essays | Pending List
Hello, hello! And welcome to the Witch's Cafe! Have you gotten weary? The crushing loneliness of your own self-torment became way too much? Fret not- this establishment is here for all witches; those who have fallen from the greatest of heights, to those who have been left with nothing at all.
Here in this little coffee bar settling between the cosmos, our customers have traveled far and wide just to socialize and find solace within their shared agonies- some managing to cross through universes; so be on the lookout for those whose faces you might have the luck to recognize!
We also herald our existence with this flag- oh, don't you worry! This flag is free for anyone to use, even if all our operations were to cease!
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With all that being said, I'm certain you would like to know the way through these halls;
#Witching Hours: The customer list! Go right ahead and greet yourself to these fine folks! Maybe you'll find more similarities between yourselves than you would intially assume. (Gen. tag for crossover witches made by other people)
#Registered Witches: What cafe would this be if we didn't have any regulars? Recognized their choices of beverages just like the back of my hands! If you wish for a story, they're your go-to's! (Witch essays written by either mod H.N Elly or mod Charlotte)
#Witch cards: Every now and then, familiar faces start popping up more than usual; not as much as our regulars, but it is fun to observe their activities, even if from a distance. (same as the above, but in the form of much smaller witch cards)
#Would Witch Out: Passerby's and their rumors...honestly, you couldn't blame a gal for eavesdropping every now and then, no? Not even while getting the latest scoop on who was the poor soul whose destiny caught up with them? (due to the shutdown of YFWWO and in order to give its mod a break, I've opened up operations here. Submissions are now OPEN!)
#Would Survive PMMM: Of course, some folks do happen to be naturally lucky; finding a way and reason to keep going forwards even in the darkest of nights...it's admirable, maybe a little enviable, don't ya think? (The complete opposite of the above; if you know a character who would cakewalk through this universe's trials and tribulations, let us know with the full details regarding why!)
#There Is a Pipe Bomb in your Mailbox: Those lil' misfits out there and what tricks they got on their sleeves- ah, what fun would it be if I didn't allow any tomfoolery every now and then? (The joke submissions tag)
#There is no Secret Menu!: (The shitpost tag; hey, the great Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, had called his little self-insert fanfic in which he and Virgil went through all sects of the afterlife "The Divine Comedy" for a reason, right? We all need a reason to crack up since we're gonna be in our self-inflicted torment and punishments for some time.)
#You're now listening to . . .: Solace can be nice every once in a while, but a nice tune to distract yourself from the pain and get in the mood to continue working on your eternal goals is just as comforting! (general audio tag)
I do also have to warn ya'll that we also have to abide by the blacklist; yeah, we do try to cater to all that enter these doors, but an eldritch horror needs to have some standards, ya know?
Country Humans/Country Balls
Any of the media created by Okegom/DeepSeaPrisoner
Minecraft SMPs, especially Dream SMP
Building upon the above, we do not take requests for real world figures, unless if they were obvious jokes. This includes, and is not limited to, youtubers, musicians, pop idols, and individual game developers.
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
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ashiyn · 2 years
Tumblr media
the first 3 smps got their own masterposts with server specific tags such as members and seasons
—series; hermitcraft / empires / traffic
hc x esmp / evo smp / afterlife smp / new life smp / rats smp / pirates smp / witchcraft smp / vault hunters / hermitcraft vault hunters / mcc / yandere high school / build swap / the crafting dead / create mod / 100 hours hardcore
—type of post; in-game chat / clips / memes / in-game screenshots / fanfics
—personal tags; posts / gifs / clips / liveblogging / asks / favs / for later
—ashy binge watching; evo / hc s6 / hc s7 / hc s8 / hc s9 / hc s10 / 3L / LL / DL / LML / SL
—misc; friday night stabby / taurtis / npc grian / team canada / pauseunpause / jellie / norman / maui / mcytblr sexyman saga
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sleepiestolive · 9 months
this blog only has one mod (main is @artsy-book)
my name is sam and i use any/all pronouns with no prefrence ^-^
this blog was created because of my love of olive's stuff and wanting to share the love and support for them and their community ^-^
POLLS: no polls right now ^-^
#olive <- any and all posts that are about olive
#sleepy art <- any posts that have art of olive, from doodles to fully rendered
#sleepy writing <- any text posts about olive, including head cannoning posts, au posts, and fanfic posts
#screenshots <- any posts that are screenshots of olive in videos, or in other places on the internet (comments on vids, messages in discord, ect.)
#sleepy clips <- any posts that include clips that have olive in them
#sleepy photos <- any posts with photos of olive
#my screenshots <- any posts of screenshots that i got while watching a video that olive is in
#sleepy edits <- posts that include edits featuring olive
#sleepy songs <- songs and remixes that include/are about olive
#sleepy asks <- asks sent to this blog
other tags might include the name of aus or fics if it is in the tags when i find it or already know about it :)
feel free to send asks about olive, this blog is hopefully going to be a nice, welcoming place for any and all fans of the lovely person that is olive and the characters they play in smps ^-^
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fallenorpheus · 1 year
So you're an Eret mod but you reblog and post about qsmp. Are you a dsmp fan too? I'm kind of scared because it feels like the community is shattering and I don't want to lose what we all have. Do you have any wisdom?
So this is a tough one, and first off, I'd like to start by clarifying that Eret is more than the DSMP, they have their own community and their content has evolved and adapted. There's people in their community who don't watch the DSMP, and I guess that's the whole thing here.
Communities grow and change and morph into something new. It can be scary to think that we're losing the DSMP community, it can be hard to watch as people retire from the fandom or move onto new communities.
But that just opens space for more content in the future! It'll be different, but the community is still here. And there's more people!
Maybe you love watching Foolish because of his amazing builds he did on the DSMP. Have you seen the dragon he made in the QSMP? Or maybe you enjoyed watching the early days of the DSMP and you're excited to see another SMP that has that same charm of friends hanging out. Then maybe USMP will be an excellent option when that releases!
When it comes down to it, the community is growing and changing, and it'll never be the same as it was over the pandemic or anything like that.
But there'll be more! More creators interacting with your favourites!
I got into QSMP because I enjoy Jaiden's art, and I started watching her. From that, I discovered that Roier was really fun to watch, and I've been learning Spanish passively to the point where I'm starting to understand phrases without captions!
But that doesn't mean I've left the DSMP community behind. It doesn't mean I'm not super amped for USMP, or for Karl's comic, or any number of cool projects!
Change can be scary, but it can also be beautiful! And this is an excellent time to look into fandom spaces, and experience the change with people by your side!
I'm part of two amazing mod teams, I have a network of friends. With some of my people, I joke about DNF. I write fanfic and play garticphone where we mess around create DSMP memes. With some, I talk about QSMP, or irl streams. And it makes the change so much more fun when I've got people embracing it with me!
You want my wisdom? Don't fight the change, and don't distance yourself from the community. Find people who ship the ships you do, or who like the same creators as you. Because while the community is changing, it isn't going away. It's still thriving, and there's a place for anyone who wants it!
You've got this! Things might be scary, but my asks are always open. There's people who you can talk to, and I'm sure that no matter how much things change, there'll always be people who still want to interact with DSMP content!
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Based on the responses to my post yesterday wanting to know more, here's my guide to
🧑‍💻Code in Hermitcraft (and other SMP) Fanfic🧑‍💻
Note: This is just the interpretation of one Jr Software Engineer. If other developers have a different interpretation, I'd love to hear it in the comments or reblogs!
It's super common in Hermitcraft (and I'm assuming other SMP) fanfiction for the plot to revolve around errors in the game itself and how they affect players. The problem is, as a software engineer, this almost always immediately pulls me out of the story as the ways the game errors are described frequently don't make sense.
This is not a condemnation of writers who use game bugs as parts of their stories, as nobody expects all SMP fanfic writers to have a CS degree. Some even do it well and I adore those stories when I find them! But here are some high-level suggestions to have your glitchy plot points make a little more sense. Usually, it's just a slight change in wording that's required.
Code vs Data
"His code is glitched! He's evil now!"
"They carefully pulled at the strands of her player code, trying to find the bug that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your code is so ancient! You're from Alpha, right?"
These sorts of phrases are probably the most common ones I see that yank me right out if a story. Why? Because they're confusing data and code!
So, what is the difference?
Think of code in this scenario like the laws of physics. It's the rules that guide what can and can't happen in the world. It's what says "if you walk, you move forwards", "if you eat, you'll be less hungry", "if you use a shovel on a dirt block, it will end up in your inventory".
Data is the actual "stuff" in the world that the code changes via its rules. Data is the specific blocks in that building, that item hovering above the ground, the mobs staring at you from under the trees, the player character, the player's health, the player's inventory, the player's skin, and, in the fanfic context, the player's personality and memories.
In other words, if it's an action that can happen, it's probably code. If it's a specific thing, it and everything that makes that particular thing unique is data.
Of course, there can be bugs or glitches in the code which means that data does something it shouldn't, such as "if you put some TNT, some dead coral, and a minecart in this very specific configuration, you can duplicate the TNT." In this case, the act of duplication (ie the rules that let duplication occur) is a glitch in the code (the rules allow something they shouldn't), but the duplicated TNT itself isn't code; it's data. Data that shouldn't exist but does anyway because of that glitch in the code.
So, how could you rework the sample phrases above to make more sense?
"He got too close to a glitch, and his personality data got corrupted. He's evil now!"
"They carefully prodded at her player data, trying to find the broken property that was causing her pain."
"Wow, your data structures are so ancient! You're from Alpha, right? I can't believe you've survived so many updates without compatibility issues!"
Code vs Logs
"Xisuma looked through the code to find the source of the glitch."
This one's a little less clear cut, as there are circumstances where players could look at a version of the code. Some of the Minecraft code is Open Source (ie free to look at), and the rest can be decompiled from the Minecraft .jar (ie turned from machine-readable ones-and-zeroes back into words and stuff, although much less human-readable than what the original code would have been). The super-technical players such as the SciCrafters and I think Doc too will look at the code, which is how they make their super efficient farms and find and exploit glitches to, say, put 8 spawners in one chunk.
But generally, the code is not the first place you go when encountering a glitch. I mean, if it were that obvious from the code alone, it probably would have been caught before being shipped!
When something goes wrong, the first place to look is the logs. The logs of what the players have been doing, the logs of previous commands that have been run, the update changelogs for the game, the version history of the (admin-editable) config files, any warnings or error logs from the server itself. For example, if you have a malicious user such as, say, a Helsmit in your story, the logs would show when they entered the world and where, unless they also did something hacky to cover their tracks.
Personally, I also wouldn't say you'd have to stick to exactly what a server would realistically log if it makes your story more interesting. It's easy enough to hand wave that an admin has a mod in place that surfaces more information if it'd make the story better!
In a multi-server setting, this is also the point where the admin of your world could also reach out to the admins of other worlds and discuss if they've seen the issue before and how they solved it. The in-universe equivalent of looking it up on Stack Overflow or Reddit if you will!
Once the admin has looked at the logs and maybe chatted to others, if they still can't fix the issue via commands or config file changes, then it might make sense for them to try looking into the code if they can. Note that not all server admins are necessarily confident at programming as it's not a core part of their job.
But at the very least, at this point the admin should have a better idea of what part of the code could be bugged. This will make it easier to either a) make a patch for the bug or, more likely, b) understand what circumstances trigger the glitch and avoid those circumstances.
TL;DR: The code is not the first place admins will go when glitches cause issues; the logs are!
And as before, example sentence:
"Xisuma trawled through the logs, trying to find any indication of the source of the problem."
To Conclude
Code is the rules that govern what stuff can do and how stuff interacts. The stuff itself is data. When something goes wrong, that typically results in the data being in a state it shouldn't be in, wether that be because that thing's velocity is much higher than it should be after taking advantage of the ravager flight glitch, or because a player and a mob's data structures got combined on accident to leave them a player-mob hybrid.
Of course, this broken data is likely caused by a bug/glitch in the code. It could also be caused by somebody malicious who's purposefully trying to break things by messing with the memory in another way. It could also be because a cosmic ray hit a piece of RAM and flipped a single bit (this is an actual thing that happens believe it or not).
Either way, when something goes wrong, the admin's first point of exploration is the logs, not the code. The logs will give the admin a better idea of what the cause of the issue is, and talking with other admins could give them a solution without ever touching the codebase. But worst-case scenario, it is indeed possible for an admin to go spelunking through the codebase to find the cause of an issue and create a patch for it.
This just covers the most common code-related plot points that I personally see in Hermitcraft/other SMP fanfiction. If you have any further questions about writing code-related plot points, feel free to ask! And also, just to reiterate, this is all just my interpretation. Others may interpret differently, and if you do, I'd love to hear what your alternative interpretations are!
PS: I was also planning a section on hacking here, but this post is already getting long and that's complicated, and also I'm bad at hacking. But let me know if you have any questions related to that that you'd like to see in a follow-up post!
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