cypher-gay1 · 2 months
To be someone's darling who they show off.
To belong to someone.
I just want to be loved.
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cypher-gay1 · 20 days
Poly fantasies
- to be the househusband for them all
- to wake up everyday and just get covered in kisses and I am just there all melted
- to give them all an equal amount of love
- to look after them and be spoiled by them
- to all be happy
- to wake up to texts from them all , missing me or sending me good morning texts and I instantly responded to them all with the appropriate answer
- I only exist for them. That's my purpose to be their doll. To be their property. To be their darling
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cypher-gay1 · 16 days
Hi, I am one of Cypher's alter's, Valentine, and here is my about me.
Name: Valentine
Age: 19
Body age: 17 nearly 18
Gender: trans ftm
Sexuality: pan , polyamorous
Yandere/darling/dere/other: darling but I can get a bit clingy
Likes: people who are naturally dominant , pink , skirts , dresses , suits , roses
Dislikes: roaches
Type: naturally dominant people , I would prefer to be with a alter or a host of a system
Other: anons are welcome but only if you do what a romantic relationship , if you want to be my anon you just use the normal ask box but specify it's for me.
What I look like in headspace:
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cypher-gay1 · 1 month
On love strike untill I get an anon and we end up dating.
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cypher-gay1 · 2 months
Mystery letters
Male yandere, gender neutral darling
Have fun reading <3 <3
More and more letters fill my inbox. I don't know who they are from,  each one gets more and more dealtied. They go on about things that I haven't told anymore how do they know this. Each day I wake up as normal, one day however there is a voice 
“Did you sleep well don't lie to me I watched you”
*I look up at a person on the end of my bed.  I close my eyes.not wanting to face the truth, not wanting to face the reality that the letter given was right there. 
Days later 
I moved in with them, it's for the best..they made some valid points in why I am too ditsy to live alone. I mean the only way they got into my house was because I left the door unlocked. And They are very kind to me. They are clingy though and don't like me being alone in a room as I could get hurt but I can get used to this. They said I can have my reptile rescue. That's good because I want one and they even let me bring my pets. I think I am starting to like them. 
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cypher-gay1 · 2 months
Repost from old account
Darlings pov:
*I look at myself in the mirror. The blood is still on my face even after a night's sleep. I wash it off, sighing. I love them, I really do,I knew what I was getting into but murdering my best friend was not on my bucket list of things to see. They apologised when we hit home clinging to me and begging me to show him that I still love him. All I had to do was kiss him and he was happy. Like he still held on to me tightly last night but I don't blame him, part of me did think to escape but I know I can't live without him. Heating the bathroom door open, I smile as arms wrap around my waist.
“Hello my love”
*Looking up to give him a small smile and a kiss on the chin. Despite what he did I still love him. He is still my puppy, just my very murderous puppy.
“I thought you would be gone and that would be a giant issue as I can’t let you go because without you I won’t have my happy ending”
*I can't help but blush, wordless I turn around and hug him
“Just give me my binder back and you will be in the all clear lover boy” *smirking, I look up at him. He gives a grin.
“But oh my kitten is too small for you and I can't have you getting hurt”
*I nod knowing what he is saying is true.
Exiting the bathroom I look for my clothes I had on yesterday, we don't live together yet and I don't have any spare clothes here right now. I look high and low for them but I can't find them.
“ Oh my love you can’t find your clothes? Such a shame you look cute in that skirt . But you can wear mine. They look better on you anyways and it tells everyone that you belong to me”
*I sigh looking at him I place a kiss on his cheek and grab one of his hoodies
“Expect that” he grinned but looked serious. I roll my eyes
“I’m sorry that I stole your hoodie. I just couldn’t help it. It smells like you and you know you want the whole word to know I belong to you”
*Tuning to leave the room he grabs my waist pulling me back in. Pouting I look up at him
“I love you kitten”
“And I love you too my jealous puppy”
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cypher-gay1 · 1 month
Face revil
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cypher-gay1 · 14 days
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cypher-gay1 · 14 days
I made this boyfriend application form thing. I thought if it whilst bored and croc anon gave me questions to ask. So fill it out if you want. (This is a serious firm and not to be filled out as a joke)
17+ as I am 18 next week
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cypher-gay1 · 2 months
To wake up in their arms, looking up at them and smiling. Not caring about the chains listening to their sweet words , getting all giggly and flushed. Burying my head in their chest to try and hide my bright pink face. To be called their ditsy pretty boy who can't do anything themselves.
They get on with my friends so I can still contact them. I always make them food as I am the perfect househusband. I smile every time. I love them and they love me. I make sure to clean the shrine of me every day as they like to keep it clean. I can't remember the last time I went outside but I don't mind as I have an at home reptile rescue so they take up the rest of my time. Looking after crested geckos , hognoses , boas and lots of other reptiles..
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cypher-gay1 · 2 months
To be somomes little househusbad who does anything that they say and want. I have lived on ttjir house for a while I don't remember moving in I just woke up here but I do have DID and fanting spells that make Nd forgot stuff so that must be why. There is a room o am not allowed in but j don't know why. It must be important. I am not allowed to leave the house to , he says it's due to my chronic urticaria which means I can have allergic reactions to anything and everything at random time even air (has happened before) . So I say inside being his little househusbad, behaving and doing what ever he wants me to do.
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cypher-gay1 · 28 days
This is specially for Tyler since he requested I write about me and him
So here it is (sorry if it's not good I tired my best)
Whist you play genshin I sit there doing a cosplay probably a oc cosplay or even alois trancy or angel dust cosplay. I like genshin to so I am also watching you play it.
I just be there supporting you as you play (extra points if the characters are ones I am also a simp for) , I focus more on you then my cosplay but I don't mind as your more important.
I could even do a genshin cosplay probably as venti or one of your favourites. That will be nice.
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cypher-gay1 · 2 months
To wake up to a romantic anon who will stop at nothing to make their pretty boy , their toy , their pet
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cypher-gay1 · 2 months
To wake up to an anon. I hope it happens very soon.
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cypher-gay1 · 2 months
To date another trans boy and they are slightly older and are on t so they are showing me the ropes of it all and they keep calling me their kitten and we do matching outfits me in cute skirts and then in the masc version. I just hold there hand and follow them everywhere.
Even better if they are a yandere and I am there willing darling/beloved
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cypher-gay1 · 5 days
What’s your opinion on cuddles?
I love them
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