#dad kaner
1988pucks · 2 years
Kaner about his son playing hockey (or lack thereof)
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kazer-time · 1 year
Fanfic/imagine Tumblr... do your thing 😂
Source: Blackhawks TikTok
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chetbakeralmostblue · 2 years
dad line has been decimated and now we’ve lost pat and edzo. our dad cred has just fully tanked
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kaneralmighty · 1 year
Since i’ve been away for couple of years and I kind of just reappeared of nowhere, I thought I could kind of reintroduce myself ^_^
So hi!
I’m Patricia. I live in Montreal and i’ve been a Blackhawks fan for 16 years.
Even if I live in Montreal, I had an attachement to the Blackhawks since Kaner got drafted by them and he’s one of the reasons why I fell in love with this beautiful sport. I’m a Habs fan but also a Blackhawks fan, my heart is big enough to root for 2 (now 3 because of the Rangers haha) teams.
When I was 18, my dad asked my what I wanted the most for my birthday since in Canada majority is 18, and I said a red Patrick Kane jersey. I love this jersey with all my heart and this is me, top of Montreal view of the city with my beloved jersey haha
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Living in Montreal, the Blackhawks comes to Montreal once a year. As everyone, I was dreaming to meet my idol. I’ve been trying years after years and it was hard because of the security agents and resellers who were pushing and go insane to get a signature from him. After trying for 7 years (!!) it finally happened! It was -40 outside and I’ve been waiting for 3h, so don’t mind my face I was very happy haha
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Then, every year he would, at least smile or say hello and that was enough for me. I’m just a fan and I want him to know he got my support. I met him also later, and this was the best meeting.
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Because right after meeting him, he saw me at the warmup (I was going at the game) and he threw me a puck. Not only that, he stayed to make sure I was the one catching it, I did show him the puck and he smiled before leaving.
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I’ve been going to Hawks vs Habs games since 2015 (because I’m working and I can pay my hockey tickets now haha) with a Blackhawks jersey, my Kaner jersey. Well, when I go I must say i’m rooting for both Habs and Hawks, it’s always fun games ❤️
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I had a twitter account with the same name as this blog. But if you stan Patrick Kane, you probably got the same experience as me : people are telling you very mean stuff. I’m a sensitive person, I cry easily in real life and during my school years, i’ve been bullied to the point where I almost killed myself because of it. It’s all good now, but people on twitter would tell me to kill myself because I was a fan of Patrick Kane, and the comment that took me to the breaking point : I hope you meet him and he rapes you. This comment broke me, completely. I knoooow it’s virtual, those people hides behind a screen, but I thought this one was too much and I disappeared from social medias. I even stopped caring about hockey because I thought at the end of the day, it’s just a sport and it was causing more damage to me than brining me happiness.
I came back, 3 years later, when the Habs went to the Stanley cup finale, and slowly came back. Aaand, here I am, still there after all this time. Since he got traded, I felt the need to come back because it might sound stupid but I thought it’s probably a bit hard for him right now and I should be here to support him? So…yeah, I got a Rangers jersey HAHA and I had to go see him just to show him my support. Even if i’m like, a fan in 827373.
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tazertime · 10 months
I find it interesting Tazer and Kaner haven’t publicly acknowledged the passing of Rocky yet. Lots of the past and current players already have. I’m sure they will but seems quite delayed
Neither of them are big social media guys. I'm sure they privately sent the appropriate condolences to people. The idea of having to publicly perform emotion and relationships in that way is honestly something so fucked about current social media culture, though I'm also guilty of checking up on responses in my Kpop fandom circle.
I never post on insta or Twitter so the idea that someone would be discussing the fact that I didn't comment on the post my friend made about her dad dying even though I called her and sent a care package is wild. But at the same time: public figure, should have a PR person, etc.
Idk anon, apparently you sparked a think piece
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nebulein · 2 years
Kaner and tazer!
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My boys are back 🥹🥰🙏
Several things of note
fun shorts, Jonny! Love the pattern (We'll graciously ignore that dark blue with black is a little questionable as I'm sure he wore something appropriately slutty with a deep V-neck or at least five buttons open when he rolled up to the rink 😌)
they're both mic'ed up, Bhawks better drop the vid soon 👀👀👀
😋 Kaner Twink Dad era is upon us and I am here for it!!! 🙌
Jonny cut his hair! 😭💔
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linskywords · 2 years
Hi there! So for your wolfverse, would Strome and DeBrincat stay Hawks? Both get traded to the same team? Or work it long distance? One could argue they did long distance before, but maybe with a settled bond it won't be harmful? I'm heartbroken and may go re-read their story for the (mumbles amount)th time lol
UGH that trade!! I'm not even primarily mad for shipping reasons, though of course those two. In the wolfverse, it naturally didn't happen -- as we saw with Taylor Hall and Jordan Eberle in 2016, they might try to trade one bondmate away from the other, but the NHLPA is gonna smack that one down hard under the wolf protection rules that got written into the 2013 CBA. (Such a dick move that one would have been, too. Separating the adopted dads of five wolf children? What were they thinking??)
In Hallsy and Ebs' case, I eventually had them end up in Arizona, where I think Hallsy was playing in real life at the time I wrote the wolfverse advent calendar (honestly I cannot keep track of that man's career, he's been bounced around so much in the past few years). In Brinksy and Stromer's case...hm, I'm torn. On the one hand, Chicago is rapidly becoming a sparsely populated dumpster fire, so I don't really want to keep the boys there. But Kaner and Tazer are there! Wolfpack! So I'm torn.
...Actually I think a fun direction would be if by 2022, Alex and Dylan have been formally taken into Jonny and Patrick's pack. Which is a little nontraditional since Jonny's a human alpha (no way Dylan taking that role from him), but the pack bond seems to have taken. Then the Hawks decide to trade both Alex and Dylan, since obviously just Alex would be against the rules -- and they find themselves slapped with the first formal accusation of violating a PACK bond, which was neither specified nor excluded by the language in the CBA. It's landmark legislation (which of course our boys win).
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idknhlstuff · 2 years
hawks trading cat is a dumb fucking move, but i s2g if they trade him before we see the dad line of cat, strome, and kaner
I for real cannot think of a scenario where hawks win by trading Cat. It's just not possible, but I don't call him stupid kyle for nothing so 🤷. I'm praying he leaves my team tf alone.
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kuhuchan · 1 year
almost all of the things that @/headspace-hotel says about steps of fighting climate change, and growing your own food etc are already kinda in place in semi-urban india, which makes me so fucking happy. (dude, once the vegetables start growing they dont seem to stop for the season, like the entirity of february we were getting 14-15 laukis a week, even the neighbours were like "ab aur nahi chahiye" lol. and currently we havent had to buy tomatoes in weeks because some animal shat a few seeds)
so yess im proud of our urban-gardening culture. but then again things are not looking bright, cuz all this is disappearing. my dad wants a lawn ffs!!!!!!!! and has replaced almost all kaners (we had two full grown ones, now only two little kids that barely flower, honeybees love it btw) with HEDGES!!
and this trend of having lawns (read: ill do anything to look rich) is on the rise, rapidly, and im so mad. seriously i wanna burn the people who advertise lawn as superior
ig this was a vent ask, feel free to ignore if you want
Ufff exactly 💯
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chanelfunnell · 1 year
Mail fri yay chill out
A) anon, I am not good on matching Blackhawks faces to their other halves so far. I have found recently that Kurashev looks differently than I thight. I thought he is Murphy lol.
Now..i have problems mixing up Entwistle with Murphy and two beared guys, not Jujhar Khaira but A Anastasiou with other guy
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B) anon I think Seth Jones is more handsome than Caleb. Caleb is more like his mum Seth more like a dad Ronald ,Popeye, although not spitting images or big ears lol I am not going into race or colour details bcs it is always mix and there are three boys but let's say Seth has more Afro-American look after that and Caleb is more white but I think Seth is better looking and nicer. I was just surprised he has a round face in the helmet compared to Tazer. The helmet does not suit him lol
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C) anon they are bad actors, wooden Muppets, so Kaner. His bum bag is horrible, I just miss his suspensor lol. And kicking into the car whenever he gets his toddler tantrum bcs they have had a soccer session. Tazer jumping up and down like some puckbunny before kicking a silly ball and then celebrating like scoring gold OT goal in Vancouver.
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D) anon she is horrible towards Tumblers, not just me with her erotomania and WAGs. Ten years old obsession with Crosby but so throwing tantrums about Tazer or more about Kaner etc. She wants wag lifestyle defo but gosh...missing not just a reality check and her seniority...the athletes NHLers are 10 years younger lol well, up to Tazer. Young wants. Older Ashley can than...old man cannot and young girl does not know lol...
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E) anon, Draisaitl scans the right circle in front of the rival team's net to score majority of his chances and goals . Yeah good point by you..he answered the hot tube before Chicago game and he got a soccer jersey when Chicago Blackhawks hosted FC Arsenal. Chelsea (London) goalie Petr Cech. Smelling goal chance I assume...
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1988pucks · 2 years
If this isn't just the cutest thing ever.
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novis-musica · 4 years
Does ANYBODY have the 'that's my dad vine' with Sophie and Noah? I need it for Reasons
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placentaur-archive · 5 years
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tazertime · 3 years
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Why is this making me cry 🥺🥺
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fenweak · 7 years
The last time the hawks scored 10 goals in a game was in… 1988
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snekjin · 2 years
they have a part 2 off Kaner driving around in the Chevy. Love that baby paddy wakes him up each morning. Love the happy dad vibes. 💕
oh cuuuute. I didn't see this one yet cause I never go on Facebook. I think this is the first time he's actually confirmed what he calls his kid (Patty/Paddy)? 🥹🥰😍🥺
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