#damein x reader
sadbastard-bug · 4 years
Hey dont mind me but I'm sad simp mode so if anyone has gender neutral or Male x readers for theses characters..can ya link me?
Master chief (halo)
Deadpool (marvel )
Dallas Winston (the outsiders)
Wrench (watch dogs 2)
Josh (watch dogs 2)
Damein (who killed markiplier)
Bubba sawyer (texas chainsaw massacre)
Ghostface (dead by daylight)
Frank (dead by daylight)
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heartofwritiing · 4 years
Reading with Dark headcannon
a/n: I wanna do this with someone irl *insert pouty emoji* Inspired by a post from: @iwouldfuckdarkiplier :)
I sit facing away from dark In between his thighs getting into a comfortable position. Book in my hand I placed it in my lap for a moment to grab a soft blanket that rested on the back of the couch. Then draped it over both our legs and laying back against his chest. I hear Dark sigh happily behind me brining his hands to trail up my stomach. I crack open the book I had picked out and began reading to myself. Dark was also reading behind me, every few minutes he’d help me turn the page or hold one side of the book if my arm started getting tired.
It was very calming with his presence and arms holding me close to his chest. I drifted off a couple of times and my eyes finally started to flutter close before I felt one of Darks hands move up and brush my hair away from my neck, leaning in and planting kisses in the junction of my neck and shoulder and moving up to the spot behind my ear.
“You getting sleepy darling?” He spoke softly into my ear and continued his soft motions.
I only hummed in response, letting the novel in my hands rest in my lap and tilting my head back to rest on darks shoulder.
“It’s alright you can sleep.”
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
The Cute One
Smosh : Fic
Damien x Reader
Word Count: 2496
Warnings: Lots of giggles... a try not to laugh challenge... and a possibly questionable white van joke?
A/N: Guest staring on Smosh Pit was every bit as fun as you hoped, maybe even a little romantic as a certain Damien Haas flirted during the entire game
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“Guys, welcome back to the Try Not to Laugh Challenge,” Keith addressed the camera as the rest of the cast cheered. “You guys wanted it, so we’re doing it again.”
Shayne clapped his hands together, “We’re doing it again, it’s going to be crazier. You know why it’s gonna be crazier?”
“Why?” Olivia perked up.
 “Cause we’ve got a guest this time.”
 Everyone gave their own round of applause as they amped up the soon to be revealed contestant.
 “And we’re not just talking about Damien because he ends up being here way too often.” Damien waved at the camera and avoided a well aimed smack from Courtney.
 Shayne continued, “Introducing (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”
 Out of the corner came (Y/N), waltzing on in a goofy dance, “Hey, friends!” She bounced to the chair Keith was gesturing to and found Noah already wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
 “We are hoping because you’re here this will go on trending,” Shayne confessed, throwing in a forced laugh afterwards. “For those of you who don’t know, (Y/N) has a YouTube channel and just so happens to not live in LA.”
 (Y/N) nodded and found herself slowly falling into a nervous tick, twisting around in her chair, “Yes, my online name is (Youtube Name). And it definitely took many hours to get here.”
 Noah grinned from beside her, “We are lucky enough to feature her on Smosh Pit while she stays in California for the week!”
 Everyone yells their approval and causes (Y/N) to blush ever so slightly. She wasn’t that popular of a YouTuber.
 After rules were explained, Olivia was left on the stool while the rest of the cast flew to behind the prop screen wall. Once there, (Y/N) found a hand on her shoulder.
 “Hi, I’m Damien.”
 Her throat immediately seized up, “Uh, h-hey! It’s really nice to meet you – all of you. Um… question: are you good at this game?” Her pent-up energy caused her weird quirks to shine through, talking with her hands and shuffling her feet.
Damien smiled wide, “How forward of you to assume I’m funny.”
That pulled a snicker from her, “Go easy on me, alright?” She smirked, adverting her eyes from his staring ones, “I’ve got to give my best show. My fans think I’m pretty funny.”
Damien continues to watch her movements, completely oblivious to the commotion behind him, “Oh, so now you’re saying that you think you’re funny? Such confidence for a first time Try to Not Laugher.”
She immediately blushed, slight panic in her limbs, “No, no, I’m saying my fans think I’m funny. I never said I thought I was.”
He snickered, admiring the wide look in her gaze, “You should. I’ve seen a few of your videos and I think you’re funny.”
“Woah, the great Damien Haas declaring me humorous to viewers,” she allowed a hint of a smile on her face, improv taking over her actions. “That’s got to mean something.”
It was Damien’s turn to get a bit embarrassed, turning his head away at the sudden realization that he’s been staring at her the entirety of their conversation. 
“Honestly, (Y/N), take it as a compliment. Your videos are pretty hilarious.”
She let her gaze rest on his subtle smile for a few extra moments before sighing, “Now I feel bad! I haven’t seen any Smosh videos and come to find out you already knew who I was and everything.”
“It’s not that big of a deal; you can watch them after today. Maybe I could show you some of…”
“Damien’s turn!” Courtney yelled, “If you don’t get out there in the next five seconds we’re gonna skip you.” She peered over at the corner Damien and (Y/N) were huddled in, talking - it took a swift pull on the arm from Shayne to get her to turn away.
“Hold that thought,” Damien smiled, holding up a finger.
And (Y/N) watched him practically fall on the stage in his attempt to make Olivia laugh. She realized that something was clicking in her brain, that maybe Damien was trying to be her friend.
She wandered as the rounds continued, one particularly good attempt she came up with for Noah went along the lines of:
“Hey, little boy,” she rounded the corner in a grungy button down and a steering wheel in her hand. “You wanna hear something good? I’ve got some free WiFi in the back of my van.”
Shayne started giggling as Noah pulled a grimace at the previous statement. (Y/N) exaggerated the creepy features on her face as she pursued him more.
“Come on, kid. I’ll show you all the stuff. I’ve got chargers galore in the back, free WiFi that’s actually good – not that crappy free McDonald’s WiFi that promises full access but disappoints you. This is the good stuff!” She took a shuttering breath, making intense eye contact with the freaked Noah, “Just get in the van… little boy.”
On the last syllable she flickered her tongue and Noah couldn’t take it anymore, spitting the water all over the place and sending everyone into a fit of laughter.
“Oh my God, please stop!” he cried, holding up a hand. “That was horrifying.”
Shayne couldn’t stop giggling, “Those white vans gotta offer what the kids want these days.”
“Candy just ain’t it anymore,” Damien added, poking his head out to watch (Y/N) come back with her props.
It wasn’t until Damien was sitting in the chair that (Y/N) felt the most invested. She found a different kind of determination to make him laugh compared to the others. And she was pretty sure she had the perfect strategy.
Trying to be as genuine as possible, (Y/N) skittishly walked out, playing with the end of her shirt and gazing towards the ground. When she did flicker her eyes to Damien, she saw his expectant expression and the subtle smile that was already creeping into view.
“Hi, I’m (Y/N),” she messed with her fingers, playing up a shy smile. Though she focused all her energy into being timid and cute, it wasn’t that hard to show – it was basically what she’d been feeling all day.
Damien waved towards her as she continued with a small voice, “I don’t usually do this. But – I just…” She scratched the back of her neck and gave a nervous laugh.
Courtney made funny noises from behind the prop screen, “This is adorable.”
“Come on, (Y/N),” Keith muttered, a hint of a giggle behind his words.
It was almost like Damien softened his reaction, like he was falling into a genuine feeling of worry for her.
“I just wanted to say…” (Y/N) let out an unexpected giggle, unable to contain a smile but still staring at the ground. “I think you’re really cute.” She finally looked at him and he seemed slightly surprised, bringing a hand over his chest as if asking if she was actually talking to him.
“Yes, you,” she laughed, fidgeting with her hands, “And I was hoping that maybe we could go out sometime. Like, maybe go to lunch, play some games, go see a movie. We – we could even just watch a movie at my place!” She became more animated as she held her monologue, her demeanor slowly developing from shy to persistent.
“We could make dinner! I have a very, very nice kitchen. I have a great array of… knives. Carving tools.” Her tone of voice became steady, almost menacing as her eyes remained pouring into his, unblinking, “And a very. Large. Freezer.”
Noah started laughing in a sense of horror, “Oh my God!”
“Have you ever had liver and onions? What about steak and kidney pie?” she was sizing him up now, looking him over with those same wide eyes. A finger was tapping her chin, “It’s absolutely delicious.”
Damien was increasingly shrinking in his seat, his before expression of flattery was replaced with a grimace. He was making muffled noises to her suggestions, shaking his head in confusion.
“I might bring a few friends along. I hope that’s okay. One of them works at Red Cross – we might as well donate blood while we’re at it.”
He couldn’t hold it in anymore and spluttered some water in surprise, “What the hell? What kind of Black Market ish was that?”
(Y/N) waved at the camera, marching off in a confident fashion, “Thank you, thank you!”
“(Y/N), you can actually be hella creepy,” Keith stated, straightening his sweatshirt, “I was not expecting that at all.”
Shayne laughed hard, “I guess we all know what (Y/N) does with her free time.”
Courtney joined in, giggling, “And I thought it was going to be some fluffy date proposal!”
And with an announcement from Shayne, it was (Y/N)’s turn to be on the stool. She quickly realized that Damien was going to approach her first.
“Great, instant revenge. I promise you’re still really cute, Damien, and not in just a ‘I-want-to-harvest-your-organs’ kind of way,” she stated away from him, sipping from her water bottle.
Little did she know that Shayne and Courtney were smacking Damien to make sure he noticed what was just said. After a little struggle, he was able to extract himself from his boisterous friends.
In complete silence he wandered around the stool and faced (Y/N) at an angle. She was almost afraid to keep eye contact with him, scared that a blush of some sort would course her cheeks.
Eventually Damien leaned over and kissed the top of her head, making (Y/N) scrunch her brows in confusion. Keith gave a classic muffled laugh as Courtney dramatically gasped.
Giving a short beat, Damien leaned over and kissed the top of her nose, making her flicker her eyes around asking silently where this was going. Shayne started his giggling again, peering over the screen.
Leaning over, Damien peered into (Y/N)’s eyes with raised eyebrows. And she could have sworn there were specks of pink flustering his cheeks. In an instant Damien wrapped his hands around (Y/N)’s face, placing his thumbs over her lips and kissing that exact spot.
Though he was essentially just kissing his own thumbs, (Y/N) made a muffled noise of surprise, practically gasping afterwards and leaning away on the stool. “I just swallowed my water!”
Everyone broke out in laughs as Damien clapped his hands in amusement at her reaction, “You should see your face.”
In complete shock, she grabbed her water bottle, secretly thankful that there were still five more people she needed to face before Damien again. But it didn’t take long for the game to be over, (Y/N) failing epically to not laugh every time. They filmed the outro and pumped the fans about following (Youtube Name) on social media, signing off with waving and cheers from the whole cast.
A few rounds of applause and hugs later, and (Y/N) found Shayne shoving his best friend over her way. How it didn’t dawn on them that they were in plain sight was beyond her, but Shayne gave a thumbs up towards Damien and motioned for him to keep walking over.
In response, Damien quietly shuffled towards (Y/N); she could almost see him trying to pull some confidence into his step, “Hey, (Y/N), you did really great out there.”
“So that means you still think I’m funny? I haven’t completely disappointed you?” she let her natural weird improv take over her speech – she knew if she tried to say something serious it would fall out jumbled and incoherent.
“Absolutely,” he practically muttered, playing with his hair immediately. “I had a lot of fun hanging with you today. Even if it was only for a couple hours at work.”
She shrugged her shoulders, “Make work fun and then it doesn’t really feel like work, right?”
“Yeah,” he agreed – his eyes crinkled when he giggled, she noticed. “Um… what – what are your plans for the rest of your time here?”
“Well,” she flickered her eyes around the hall, quickly noticing Shayne attempting to be casual in the doorway. “For today, I plan on going back to my hotel room and playing on my Playstation that I most definitely brought with me.” 
Damien snickered again, “I see nothing wrong with that. It’s perfectly normal to be attached to a gaming system.”
She laughed in response, “But I’ve got a few more collabs for the rest of my week here. Though during my free nights I was thinking of maybe exploring LA a little bit – see why people keep flocking over here… what all the hubba-ballue is about.”
“Well, maybe – just maybe,” he tried to add a bit of humor as always. “We can hang out sometime before you leave. I could show you the best parts of the city?”
“I suppose having an experienced LA person with me would help my quest of touring knowledge,” she averted her eyes for a few seconds, “Um… as long as you’re okay with spending at least one night playing Smash Bros. and Mario Party whilst snacking on sushi and Chinese food.”
That seemed to brighten his face to maximum proportions, “You know, I had a funny feeling we’d get along. Chinese food and games just so happens to be one of my favorite pastimes.”
She immediately pulled out her phone, “Then can I have your number? And you can text me when you’re free.”
He seemed practically overjoyed that she was the first to ask, “Of course, M’Lady.”
(Y/N) quietly snuck a glance back towards Shayne; he was leaning in close with a contorted brow. He was attempting to listen so intently to their conversation.
Giggling, she accepted her phone again, “Thank you. I’m really glad I’ve decided not to harvest your organs.”
He gave a breathy laugh, an immediate tickle in his throat, “Because I’m cute, right?”
“Do you need me to say it again?” She found herself hiding her fidgeting hands, a warm feeling spreading in her chest. “I’ll text you and you’ll have my number.” She was already typing on her screen.
“Awesome,” he pulled out his own phone and waited for the ding of a new message, “I see, ‘Hey there cutie.’ What a coincidence.”
“I think you need to talk to Shayne – he’s been worriedly watching our entire conversation.” She laughed at his scoff as he turned to glare at his best friend.
They muttered their goodbyes and shuffled away, (Y/N) almost immediately feeling her phone vibrate with a notification. It was a text message, and she quickly found out what Damien put himself as in her contacts:
||| AT&T LTE 2:15 PM 53%🔋
💬 Message from {The Cute One 💙}
“Going back to the whole Try Not to Laugh thing… just so you know, I also think you’re cute and not in a ‘I-only-want-to-kiss-you-with-my-thumbs-in-the-way’ kind of way.”
Before she was able to leave the office she turned to glance at the boys, seeing Shayne looking incredulously at Damien.
Buy Me a Coffee?
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fandomfindings · 5 years
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Pairing: (Damien Haas x Reader)
Word Count: 2K
Warning(s): None 
Summary: (Requested by @fanficfanatic123) 
I was so sad when there’s weren’t any more Damien haas fics I could read here 😂😂 your inside joke one was amazing! Could I request a Damien one where the reader is oblivious to how in love Damien is with her? Like he does all these cute little things and she notices.
Damien Haas is in love with you. One of the problems was that he denied it every chance he got; another was that you were oblivious to it all.  
** "Are you insane? Damien does not like me." You huff, annoyed with your friend Courtney at this point.
To put some light onto the subject, Courtney had been trying convenience you of Damien's undying love for you for the past hour or so. And just like Damien, you were trying to deny the whole thing.
"How thick could you get?" Courtney questioned in her best attempt at a British accent. She was trying to impersonate Ron Weasley from Harry Potter.
"Do not use Harry Potter against me, woman," You said, pointing an accusatory finger at your friend. Courtney raised her arms in mock surrender but continued her argument none the less.
"I'm serious. Just look at everything Damien does for you."
"It's called being friendly," You countered to blonde.
"No, letting you pet his cats is friendly, he would do anything for you, that's called being in love."
"You're so dramatic," You voiced, rolling your eyes in the process.
"And you're so oblivious."
Ever since your conversation with Courtney, you had been a bit on edge around Damien. Her claims caused you to read into every little thing he was doing. Things that you initially thought were friendly gestures became something more, almost romantic.
"And a drink for my highness," Damien said, handing over a cup of your favorite drink.
"You are a godsend," You said gladly, taking the cup from his hands and into your own.
Damien giggled at your exaggeration before saying, "I do my best."
"How did you know I needed this?" You asked after taking a gracious sip of the beverage. It's moments like this where you felt it wasn't just a kind deed; it was hints to his feelings.
"Just a feeling, I guess," Damien said, playing it off with a shrug. In reality, he had been observing you for days. Damien knew you were getting swamped with work and stressing out a bit. Damien figured the least he could do was ease the stress by providing you a break with your favorite beverage.
"Damien is psychic confirmed," You said jokingly. Damien laughed, remembering the videos you two watched together about his supposed psychic abilities.
"Illuminati confirmed," Damien added, causing you to laugh more. Damien loved many things about you, things he wasn't confident enough to share with you. One of those things was when you laughed, especially when he was behind it.
"But seriously, thank you," You said genuinely.
"No prob Bob," Damien commented, pulling a classic Steven Universe quote.
"It's (Y/N)," You replied, deciding not to leave the poor man hanging, finishing the quote from the animated television show.
You and Damien giggled at the exchange and smiled at one another. It was nice to take a quick break from the insane that was your workload at the moment. It was especially lovely when it was with someone so close to you.
More exchanges like the previous one continued. Damien would do little things that on the surface were kind, but deep down, you started to believe they meant something more.
"Oh, my God. Oh, my God, I did it! I beat Damien Haas at his own game!" You cheered triumphantly. You were about to throw the controller down in joy, but you quickly realized it might damage it, so you laid it lightly on the coffee table in front of you.
After you placed it down, you started to do a bit of a happy dance. Damien did his infamous yet contagious laugh at your antics, causing you to laugh as well.
"That you did," Damien said, placing his controller down as well.
You looked over to Damien, and despite his smile, you couldn't help but feel bad. You began to feel like a sore winner and a bit obnoxious.
You took your seat back on the couch next to Damien, but this time a bit closer. "I'm sure it was just beginners luck," You commented, patting Damien's thigh lightly.
"No, no, I know when to admit defeat," Damien said, lifting his arms in mock submission. He then took it a step further by bowing to you as well.
"Dames stop, " You laughed, grabbing onto one of his arms to cease his bow.
"What you won."
"You didn't let me win, did you?" You challenged, making sure he didn't let you win to be kind. Your short-lived enthusiasm got cut short when Damien took his sweet time trying to answer.
"Damien," You whined, dragging out the syllables in his name.
"I'm sorry you just looked so happy when you were beating me."
"Yeah, but now I'm sad that I didn't win fair and square, "You replied, crossing your arms in slight annoyance with a pout.
"I'm sorry," Damien said, pulling you into a side hug that you resisted.
Damien chuckled before saying, " Will cuddles help you forgive me?"
You nodded your head, still pouting. Damien shook his head but smiled none the less. He laid down against the sofa, bringing you with him. He then grabbed the blanket that covered the back of the couch and placed it over the two of you.
You snuggled deeper into Damien's embrace as he pulled up a movie for you two to watch. Just as the movie started to play, you mumbled," You owe me a fair rematch."
Damien laughed, the vibrations from his chest, making their way to you back.
"Yes, darling."
"What is up, my clever core family. Happy Sunday. I hope you guys are having a fantastic weekend. I know I am. Y/N and I have been watching films and playing games all weekend and being lazy butts. Speaking of Y/N," Damien introduced his Twitch live stream in its typical upbeat fashion.
"Hi, friends!" You said, waving your hands happily for the viewers at home. This was not your first time on one of Damien's streams, but it has been a while.
"Today, we're going to play a few Jackbox games, and in between answer a few of you all's questions."
Damien gave the typical rules of how his Jackbox sessions went, and the game proceeded. You all first played Quiplash, and it was downright hilarious. Neither you nor Damien won but rather a comic fan.
Now it was time for the questions. You and Damien would take turns reading any questions that caught your eye.
"Psychomantic51 asks, What is your favorite thing about me?" Damien asked you, pointing to the comment on the screen.
"Oh, that's pretty hard."
"Wow, okay," Damien said as if you hurt his feelings.
"No, I'm saying in the sense that there are a lot of things to like about you."
"Okay, well, name something you like. It doesn't have to be your favorite," Damien compromised.
"Well, for starters, you are one of the funniest persons I have ever met. If I don't laugh once in an encounter with you, something has to be wrong with one of us that day," You began, and Damien laughed at how accurate your statement was, which caused you to smile.
"And you're like freakishly smart like I feel dumb around you sometimes," You continued.
" Wait seriously?" Damien questioned, searching your face to be sure you weren't joking.
"I mean, yeah. Don't get me wrong I can be smart, but I swear you're like Einstein's second cousin."
"Thank you?" Damien thanked questioningly. Hopefully, he took that as a compliment as you intended.
"Anyway, you're also very kind. I've never seen you treat someone rudely, and you're also so friendly to even strangers. You have mad respect for literally everyone. Unless they throw away your most prized item from a video game." You said, referencing a video he shot with Shayne a while back.  Damien visibly grimaced, mostly for theatrics.
"And," You went to continue with your compliments, but Damien cut you off.
"Y/N, as much as I would love to hear how much you love me, we should probably answer some more questions," Damien mentioned before you could finish your statement.
You quickly grew embarrassed by his comment. You hadn't realized how much you began to talk about his finer qualities. All the qualities you apparently loved about him. Did you love Damien?
Of course not! Just because you like so many things about a person doesn't mean you love them. Right?
** Ever since the day of the live stream, your mind began to race even more. Before, it was just wondering if Damien liked you more than a friend, and now you were wondering the same thing about yourself.
After a few weeks of deliberation, you realized you did have feelings for your friend, and that was the problem. He was your friend. For years now, you have grown closer to one another. Did you truly want to mess that up? The answer was no, but stress began to eat away at you.
You were finding it hard to sleep, and when you did, it was always dreaming about Damien. Whether it be you guys were hanging out, you both kissing passionately or him downright laughing in your face as he rejected your feelings for him. You knew Damien wasn't the type to do such a thing, but you couldn't help but wonder.
What would happen if you told him about your feelings? Heck, you even made a pros and cons list. By the end of it all, you knew what you had to do for the pros outweighed the cons. You had to tell Damien how you felt.
You walked into the Smosh office the next day with your head held high, that was until you saw Damien and began to panic.
Once you walked in, he smiled and waved at you as he usually would before walking over. Your heart began to beat rapidly, and your stomach began to churn with anxiety. You felt as if you were sweating a waterfall as he hugged you like usual. What was wrong with you?
"How are you today, sweetness?" He asked, slinging his arm around your shoulder and walking you over to the group of your friends.
"I'm o-okay," You sturred out. You mentally face-palmed at your shaky voice.
"Hey, you okay?" Damien questioned, now noticing how flushed you looked and, no doubt, the shakiness in your voice.
Your eyes widened in panic. Your fight or flight began to kick in. You could stay and talk to Damien or run away like a coward. And right now, you really wanted to be a coward, but you went against it. It was now or never.
"Actually, can I talk to you for a bit?"
"Yeah, of course. Come on," Damien said, grabbing you by your clammy hand and escorting you out of the room and to somewhere more private.
Once there, he asked," What's wrong?"
You stood there for a moment. Come on, Y/N; it's like ripping a band-aid off.
"I like you."
Damien chuckled, "I like you too."
"No, like, like like you," You said shyly, looking everywhere you could but at Damien.
"Oh," Damien's eyes widened. " I like like you too," he said, smiling at you.
"Really?" You questioned, mostly surprised at how well things were turning out.
To answer your question, Damien kissed your cheek. It wasn't something he hadn't done before, but this one was different. This simple kiss was him letting you know that he did have feelings for you.
Damien pulled his lips from your cheek, smiling the whole time. "Really." He reassured.
You smiled happily and pulled him into an actual kiss this time. It was everything you had dreamed about, literally.
"I told you."
You quickly pulled away from Damien only to see Courtney with a triumphant smile upon her face.
You said nothing and pointed her back the way she came, and she listened, returning to the room with your friends.
You look back to Damien with an embarrassed smile. He pulled you in for another kiss, turning your embarrassed smile into one of pure happiness.
A/N: Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you @fanficfanatic123 for requesting this. I am so sorry it to me so long to write. I started University this year and it has been insane. Feel free to let me know what you guys think!
Lots of Love <3
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smoshwrites · 5 years
i love you - damien haas
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<<not my gif>>
includes: damien haas x reader
warnings: Very angsty, (fluff at the end, of course.) mentions of anxiety, depression and cheating.
this is a song fic, i recommend you listen to I Love You by Billie Eilish while you read :)
the defy split fell at a terrible time for you, for you were fresh out of a relationship with a cheating ex and needed to find not only an apartment, but a new job. you stayed with sarah wittle for a while but couldn’t help but feel intrusive of her and claudio’s relationship. but with your job now fully secure back at smosh and a small apartment not too far away from the office made you feel slightly back on track.
now that the office building is so much more open than before you are able to interact with not only your fellow meme-team, but the squad too, and it wasn’t until smosh began to work under mythical did you actually meet damien. his charming personality rubbed off on you immediately and you grew a liking for the boy after only a few interactions. every morning he would walk into the office he would give you a smile, which always made your heart flutter. your gut knew damien was a great guy, but your mind was still in full close off mode. but damien. he made you feel special. some days your only interaction was the shared smile in the morning, but he always made it his goal to sit next to your desk and eat lunch with you. you guys never really got the chance to hang out outside of work until one fateful weekend when shayne canceled his weekly anime binge with damien and he invited you instead. these nights became tradition, whether including shayne or not. you three became the iconic trio of the office, and you and damien became inseparable.
one night, shayne had flunked out on your anime binge yet again due to The Goldbergs, leaving you, damien and his two cat (who had become very fond of you). you were about 3 hours into your normally 8 hour long binge when you feel damien begin to shift and stiffen beside you.
“sorry, am i bothering you?” you softly question as you lift your head from his shoulder.
“no, no you’re completely fine.” he responds, avoiding eye contact with you.
“somethings up. i can tell.” you say to him, placing a hand on his shoulder and rubbing small circles on it. “talk to me.”
“i-“ he begins, tripping over his words, “i’ve been feeling a lot more emotions recently,” damien briefly pauses “and, well, i don’t know what to think about them.” he says.
“ok,” you start, “emotions are weird, i would know.” you whisper the last part. “and well, i find trying to be up front about them is helpfu-“
“i think i love you.” he whispers, just loud enough to hear.
you pause, your brain goes into full panic mode.
damien was your best friend, he had gotten you through a lot in the past few months, but you felt a sudden wave of panic when he said those 3 words. you hadn’t heard those words from someone in almost a year.
you slowly pull your hand from his shoulder, “damien” his name is not more than a whisper.
“y/n i-i’m so sorry. i knew it would be too much for you, god damien why did you have to say that, and i said it anyways,” damiens apologies became fuzzy in your brain.
the hardest part of this was you loved him too, you couldn’t escape the way you loved damien.
you hadn’t realized how far into your head you got until damien had to shake you back to reality.
“damien.” you whisper again, feeling your hands begin to shake. he took his hands off your shoulders, understanding you probably needed some space. “i-“ you still don’t know what to say, “i need to go.”
you saw the hurt in his eyes. you had never seen him cry before that point, but you could’ve sworn you saw a tear fall down his face.
“yeah. hey. don’t worry about this.” he says, you can hear the strain in his voice, like he was trying not to break. you nod, feeling quite emotional yourself. he stands up from the couch and you follow, stepping towards his front door. he opens it for you.
before you step out of his apartment, you mutter a quick “i’m sorry.” and slide out of his door without another word. one you got to your car you felt sick to your stomach. you couldn’t help but feel you had lied to damien, you loved him, even though you didn’t want to.
work the next few weeks were off. shayne could definitely see the tension between you and damien and you were falling back into a bad spot mentally. he stopped eating lunch with you and you tried to bury yourself in your computer to distract yourself from the bubbly presence that wasn’t next to you anymore.
one the 5th friday since damien said those 3 words, there was a small knock at your apartment door. you furrow your brows and get up off your couch to get the door, not bothering to check the peep hole. when you open the door and see the y’all boy with blue hair, you can’t help but suck in a breath.
“d-damien?” you say, dumbfounded at the boy on your doorstep.
“y/n, hey. can we talk?” you nod your head and step to the side, holding your door open for him.
“sorry, i wasn’t really expecting guests.” you say as he enters your fairly messy abode, which you haven’t had the motivation to clean.
“it’s totally fine, i kinda popped up unannounced.” he says, making eye contact with you for the first time. his eyes were swollen and red, like he had been crying. you wondered if he could tell how much you had been crying over him.
“oh” you break eye contact and shake your head, almost to clear your thoughts, “we can talk in the livingroom if you want.” you offer a shy smile that he reciprocated and you lead him to your couch. you both take a seat and damien clears his throat. you didn’t know where to start, or who was going to start. you could cut the tension in the room with a butter knife.
“i’m sorry for being so distant lately.” damien says and you nod.
“yeah, i’m sorry on my part too.” this conversation has played through 100 times in your head. “damien,” you start, but you choked on air as tears welled up in your eyes. you tilted your head towards the ceiling, as if that would stop the tears from falling. “i should’ve said it back.” you laugh at yourself, “i was- i was just so confused and overwhelmed and i didn’t know how to say it.” you pause for a second as a sob wracks through your body.
“y/n.” you could hear the tears in damiens voice.
“your too good for me damien.” you whisper.
“y/n.” he says again and you finally look towards him. his face was flushed and he looks to have shed as many tears as you. “i still- you know- my feelings haven’t changed.” he says, which makes you sob again.
“i love you, damien.” you finally muster out. “god, so much. i hate myself for it. i hate that i didn’t say it back. i hate that you are so, perfect. too perfect for me. i hate that i let myself love you so easily.” you slumped over your knees and stayed there for a second, waiting for damien to respond. all he did was put a hand on your back, and you fell into him.
you don’t know how long he held you for, but it felt like for an eternity. it was what you needed. as you pulled away he said, “let’s try this again.” he pauses before continuing, “y/n y/l/n, i love you.”
you felt a smile creep up into your mouth, “damien haas, i love you.” you pulled him into another hug that felt like it lasted a lifetime.
a/n: hello! i’ve been really sad lately so this was kinda comfort so sorry it’s so sad!! love u guys muah.
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Trapped (2)
Warnings: Angst, WKM
Word Count: 499
Pairing: Darkiplier x !DA reader
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
(Your Name) sat in the empty darkness, reliving every single moment of their death, how scared the Colonel looked, how he tried to grab them, how they fell off the balcony and saw Damien and Celine-wait, what was that?
“-I do not think this is a good idea, Dark is going to be upset that we are here,” A robotic sounding voice said.  (Your Name) almost jumped, they hadn’t heard a real human voice in years. They stumbled to their feet and walked towards the mirror, setting a hand on the seemingly open space.
 “Ah, what's the fun in that, eh?” a slightly familiar slurred voice spoke.  (Your Name) thought that maybe it was a drunk dude, with a very sober friend, but something in the back of their mind screamed at them to pound on the glass, scream at them to help.
 “Wil. Really, this is-” The sober one stopped short as he turned the corner, seeing the trapped (Your Name) for the first time, banging on the cracked mirror from the wrong side, screaming only to be hardly heard. He stopped and called for his friend.
“Wilford. We have a slight problem.” He sighed, fixing his glasses. ‘Wilford’ came swaggering up, a small pink mustache right above his lip and a constant stubble on his face. He wore rather bright clothing and looked remarkably similar to the sober man. And something just screamed at (Your Name) that they knew this man.
 “Whats wrong Goog-(Your Name)..?” ‘Wilford’ said, now turning his attention to the mirror instead of his friend. His face was one of shock and confusion as if he was trying to remember something. (Your Name) looked bewildered and pointed to themselves. Wilford took a minute to compose himself from his random twitches and shocked noises. He turned to his friend and whispered something feverishly to him. The sober friend nodded, and recently went away. ‘Wilford’ got closer to the mirror.
 “You’re (Your Name), the District Attorney. You were friends wit-”
 “Don’t you dare say his name” (Your Name) spat out, glaring at Wilford. Suddenly, something clicked in their minds, “You’re the Colonel, William I believe.”
 “Yes! Yes I am! You still hold a grudge against him?” Wilford asked, making (Your Name) growl slightly. Their throat hurt, this has been way too much talking, they hadn’t talked this much in a while.
 “Of course I still hold a grudge, you talk like its been a long time, its only been a year-hasn’t it..?” (Your Name) asked, expecting a nod, but when Wilford tugged at his suspenders nervously, their heart dropped, and their temper flared.
 “It's been many years.. Decades ..?” Wilford offered, making (Your Name)’s temper flare even more.
 “What do you mean, ‘Decades’? It couldn’t have been a decade-” They start coughing, Decades with no food or water sucks, especially if you don’t usually talk.
 “Oh no, jeez, sorry, why don’t we get you some-”
 “Oh, shi-Dark!�� Wilford whirled around, and hurried to the front of the house, leaving (Your Name).
 “Wait! Wil-don’t leave me!” They cried, watching their only hope of leaving this place. A lot of yelling was heard, one voice was obviously Williams, and the other seemed familiar, and would pause for a moment when Wil mentioned their name. Suddenly, loud footsteps came towards them.
 “Wil..? Is that you..?” Their voice was stronger now, the yelling the two produced provided more vibrations that (Your Name) could use.
“(Your Name)...? Is. Is that really you?”
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zee-stars · 2 years
Our Last Summer
Damien x reader
Fluff but also angsty
(Takes place after Damien and before ISWM)
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Summary: Years after the events of WKM you find a box in your closet with the words "our last summer" written on it.
"God, where is it?" You ask, almost throwing thing out of your closet. You were going to space with Mark for reasons unknown and you needed this thing that you couldn't find. (Idk I can't think of anything that you would need to look for rn. Just imagine something you would take with you)
You decide to check the back of your closet and moved the stuff out of your way. After looking around a bit more you found a box that you don't remember putting there. You drag the box out and sit it on your lap. You examine the box.
"Our Last Summer" is written out in neat handwriting on the side of it. You open the box and find a bunch of recordings. You pull one out an see something written on a piece of tape in the middle.
"July 4th, 1920 Markiplier manor"
(Pretend that the year is crossed out so you can't read it)
"Why are these here?" You question. You search for the video player you know you have under your bed. After struggling to get it step up to your TV, it turns on and you put the tape in. A few minutes later, a familiar face shows up on your screen.
"Hello! Hello! It's on!!" The person shouts at the camera. They hold it up to show themselves. They seem to be inside a bedroom, one that looks like yours. They start to move with the camera in their hands and out of the room into a hallway it seems.
"Hello, we are going to find Damien. I don't know where he is. I know Mark is outside with the butler I think. We are having fireworks tonight!" A noise comes from behind them and they turn around.
"Omg! Look who it is!" They hold up the camera and any other person shows up. One that also looks strangely familiar.
"It's Damien! Say hello Damien."
"Hello, Y/n's camera."
'Is that you?'
The person, who you figured out goes by Y/n turns the camera up again.
"Okay, we have to go. We will be back soon."
The screen goes black and then a minute later it's back on.
The scenery is different. It's quite a bit darker and a new person is holding the camera. This person is a man with round glasses and a dark brown mustache.
"Is it on, Y/n?" He asks to them off camera.
"Should be." They respond.
"Alright. Hello, it's me, William. The fireworks will start soon and look at this." The camera is pointed towards two people. Y/n and Damien. They are leaning against a railing and Damien has his arm around Y/n. Y/n is wearing a black coat that was seem on the man in the earlier recording. The camera faces William again.
"Damien finally got the courage to ask out Y/n, after about 10 years on pinning."
"Will you shut up?" Damein interrupts him, followed by a fit of giggles.
"Anyways, the camera will be passed to the butler for the fireworks so they will be recorded."
The screen is black again and back on in less than a minute.
"Hello, it's the butler, Benjamin.(I think that's his name) I am going to be recording the fireworks." The camera is turned towards the dark sky. In front you can see 5 people. Damien, William and Y/n. You don't know the other two but the woman is leaning into the other man's arms. William on the other side of the man, Y/n next to Will and Damein next to them.
Soon the sky is filled with explosions and smoke that is decorated with beautiful colors for a good 10 minutes.
At the end of the show Y/n turns towars the camera and takes it from the butler. They move back towards Damien and hold the camera again.
"So today was a good day, before we head off, I got to show off Mark and Celine." They move and stand next to them.
"This is Celine and this is Mark!" They wave at the camera.
"Okay now were done here."
The screen goes black again and goes on again after.
This time the camera is pointed directly away from the person holding it and is pointing at Y/n and Damien. You can tell that the person is trying not to be seen.
Y/n and Damien are looking at each other will love filled in both of their eyes and Damien leans in to kiss Y/n. Soon the camera is pointed at the person holding it, William. He has a finger at his mouth.
"No one will know." Is what he says before the screen goes black for the final time.
When it ends you finally feel the tears that managed to spill while watching it.
How could you have forgotten. You had forgotten Ben, Celine, William and Damien.
Oh how could you have forgotten Damien. The one man that filled your life with joy and love.
"Our last summer" was your last summer with Mark, Celine, William and Damien all together.
You and Damien had stayed together but you had began to break apart from the rest. The last time you were all together was the day they all died or went insane.
God you missed it. You missed the joy you used to feel and the mostly stress free live. Now it felt like you had to hide yourself until Mark decided it was time for another "game" of many, many, many choices.
Things may never be the same, but at least you have these to remind you of what once was.
Authors note: so I'm think of maybe adding more parts where reader watches though all of the recordings. I was thinking of basing them off of songs or scenarios I come up with. But you are very welcome to give send in ideas for things anytime. Even if it's not for this.
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Malcolm Merlyn
Malcolm Merlyn
1. Wet Dream~ ☆Smut☆~
2. I'm Busy Y/n~☆Smut☆~
3.Sharing ☆Smut☆Malcolm x Readerx Eobard Thawne
4.Who's your Daddy?☆Smut☆Malcolm x reader x eobard Thawne
5. Fantasies☆Smut☆Malcolm x reader x Damien Darhk.
6. Fun Foursome ☆Smut☆ Malcolm Merlyn x reader x Damien Darhk x Eobard Thawne
7. Scary Spiders (Malcolm Merlyn x Damien Darhk x Eobard Thawne x Adoptive Daughter Reader)
8. Nightmares(Malcolm Merlyn x Damien Darhk x Eobard Thawne x Adoptive Daughter Reader
9. Jealous men! Malcolm Merlyn x Reader x Damein Darhk
10.Feelings (Malcolm Merlyn x Reader x Eobard Thawne x Damien Darhk)
11. Dating Malcolm Merlyn Would Include
12. Periods
13. Our shy Girl. ☆Smut☆Malcolm Merlyn x Reader x Damien Darhk x Eobard Thawne
14.Our cloths (Eobard Thawne x Malcolm Merlyn x Damien Darhk x reader)
16. Legion of Love (Legion of Doom x reader)
17. Drunken Sub **SMUT**
18. Impressive (Legion of Doom X reader)
19. Your so jealous *SMUT**
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spookyold-saintjm · 4 years
Pieces of You
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Mayor Damien x reader
| Part Two | | Part Three |
Warnings: mild language and sexual themes/implied smut (gender neutral)
Word Count: 1,810
Series Summary: Damien is your world, and you are his light. One night, just shy of the long-awaited evening on which he’s planned to ask for your hand in marriage, he goes out for a poker night reunion with old friends at the Markiplier manor. He doesn’t come back.
a/n: I am SO incredibly excited to finally get started on this! It’s an idea I’ve had since long before I started writing again, and it’s about time I put it down into words. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to post this! The first chapter is soft but we all know where it goes from here...
Damien is so very near and dear to my heart so please let me know your thoughts! Hope you enjoy reading. x
“When someone dies, you can mourn. It’s so much harder when someone just disappears.” 
Damien kept the ring in his office.
Not because he thought you were nosy and went through his things, but because he was worried he would get so caught up in a moment with you that he would end up giving it to you before the night he’d been so meticulously planning for weeks on weeks.
Damien had known he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you for some time. He was the sort that had friends in every circle, got invited to all the parties in college (and attended most of them), and as he somewhat accidentally stumbled into a political career, became a prominent guest or host of more events than he could ever count. 
Early on in this whirlwind his life had turned into over the last several years, he had met you. At one of said college parties, actually. Your meeting may or may not have been orchestrated by a certain aspiring actor that you both had befriended in separate undergrad courses, who had decided on his own accord that you were a clear match.
He was right, of course, but it took some time for Damien to prove himself to you. He was foolishly head-over-heels for you, but you were far more focused on your career path, and perhaps eventually a serious relationship, than you were with a boy who didn’t seem interested in anything more than blowing through his courses and finding his next opportunity for a wild night with his friends. 
His kind eyes, witty sense of humor, and devilishly charming smile be damned.
When you finally resigned to the first date, and teasingly confessed to him that weekend at a bar across from campus that you’d consider a second date if he made a deal with you to take his studies more seriously…well, he didn’t fuck around. Why would he? He was enamored with you, had decided from day one that he’d give you the world and then some if you asked for it. 
Damien was determined to prove himself to you. So a second date turned into a third, a fourth, and countless more. The brilliant man that you knew had been hiding under all of the fun and games came to light. Not that he lost that side of himself; no chance in hell. When the two of you weren’t side-by-side in the library working on your respective projects or gathered around a table with colleagues energetically discussing the latest elections and policies, he was taking you out for late nights of dancing to your favorite music under the stars or sneaking you into his apartment to watch movies and cram in a make-out session before his roommates came home. You'd caved. You’d caved hard.
You came to realize Damien was all you could have asked for and more, and he would have easily said the same of you. You stuck together through the years of school left ahead of you and beyond, which eventually led to your position as a chief assistant in the District Attorney’s Office, and Damien’s skyrocket to the role of Mayor in the building right across the street. 
Which was where you were headed that particular afternoon after saying goodbye to your coworkers for the day. After closing a particular case that the office had been plagued with for the last few weeks, the DA sent everyone in the office home for an evening to finally get some much-needed rest.
You cheerfully exchanged greetings with those you knew lingering in the lobby and the front desk and immediately let into the hallway that led to Damien’s office. As you approached, you could hear an exchange of two deep voices, but they immediately clipped to complete silence when you lightly knocked three times on Damien’s office door.
There was a sound of brief shuffling, quickly followed by Damien’s call to come in. You slowly opened the door, smiling at the two men standing behind the desk in the far side of the room.
“Detective! Nice to see you.” You greeted Abe first, stepping further into the room. The detective met you halfway, shaking your hand and nodding politely back at you.
“You too, y/n,” His smile a little too enthusiastic. He jerked this thumb behind him, and you briefly flicked your eyes toward Damien hastily shuffling pens and papers around in his desk drawer before detective spoke again. “Our lovely Mayor here was just telling me about his latest project—”
Damien had made his way around the desk by then, and swiftly clapped his hand atop Abe’s shoulder as he came up behind him.
“Yes, Detective! And I’m happy to discuss more later, if you’d like.”  You didn’t miss the emphasis layering a couple of their words, but you didn’t pay it much mind; Damien was always up to some sort of troublemaking within the office, good-natured of course, but nevertheless enough to make at least a couple members of the staff want to pull their hair out at any given time. His defense was, naturally, that he didn’t want anyone to get bored. Knowing him, there was no danger of that any time soon.
You rolled your eyes as your grin widened once Damien stepped around Abe, his hand sliding off the detective's shoulder and dropping to your waist to pull you in for a quick peck on the lips.
“Darling, do you mind swinging by my mailbox before we head home? There’s a couple things I need to finish up here, and I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
You lightly patted his cheek. “Of course, love. I’ll see you in a bit.”
You turned to leave after exchanging departing words with the detective, not missing the sound of Abe’s amused muttering and Damien’s shushing response as the door clicked shut behind you.
Boys, you sighed.
Damien’s stuttered sigh was heavy in your ear just before he pulled himself away from you. He fell onto his back at your side, and you were quick to collapse beside him shortly after, your head resting atop his bare, sweat-slicked chest. 
There were no words, at least not for a while; only the mingling of your panting breaths and Damein’s gentle kisses to your forehead, your cheek, and finally your lips as you propped yourself up with your forearm so that you could see him face-to-face.
“Shower?” he asked softly, but even in the dim light of your shared bedroom you could see the devilish glint in his eyes as he stared up at you. 
Your sigh was dripping with sarcastic amusement as you ducked your head down into the crook of his neck. “You’re ridiculous.” 
You laid your palm flat on his chest, fingers splaying outward, lingering on the feel of his skin beneath your hand. Damien’s own hand reached to fall atop yours, the weight a reminder that he was yours, only yours. He gave your hand a slight affectionate squeeze as the fingers of his other hand found themselves weaving in and out of your disheveled hair.
“Can you blame me? You’ve been up all night every night for the last two weeks working on that case.” He brought your hand to his lips to feather light kisses onto your knuckles. “I’ve missed you.”
You couldn’t help but smile, the soft warmth of the love between you radiating through the room and wrapping around you much like the now-tangled mess of sheets on the bed. 
“I’ve missed you too, Dames.” 
He let out a breathy laugh at the nickname that you’d given him years ago. A name reserved for only your use; anyone in the office caught teasingly using it, to his face or otherwise, was in for a death stare and a few choice words from the Mayor himself.
You laid in a contented silence for a while longer, limbs again intertwining as you embraced him and the opportunity to simply be together in a rare, quiet moment in the midst of your ever-increasing list of cases and the upcoming elections. You let the sound of his now-steadied breathing, the feeling of his chest rise and fall beneath your head, take the place of the million other things that ran through your brain on a constant loop; at the end of the day, Damien was your constant, your anchor. You couldn’t imagine life without him.
You were much more reserved and hesitant with your words than Damien, however; he would say the same things back to you and more every moment of every day if he could.
Which, now that you thought about it, made it odd that he was suddenly silent.
“You’re quiet tonight,” you softly stated, your eyes slowly opening again.
Damien’s had never closed. He was lost deep in his thoughts, in the spiral that had overtaken him so often lately: about the ring hidden away in his desk drawer back at his office, the private dinner that he’d made reservations for months ago at the most sought-after restaurant in the city, the outfit he’d bought for you to wear that night that you’d been eyeing for some time but couldn’t justify buying, now tucked away deep in his side of the closet where you’d never even think to look.
Mostly he thought about the moment when he would ask you to be a part of his life forever. When he would ask you to stick with him through the rest of his career and his life beyond, to wake up every morning by his side, to raise a house full of bright-eyed and brilliant children together, to grow old with him…
He knew you would say yes...or, at least, hoped. Abe was quick to shut down his doubts earlier that afternoon when he’d let him in on his plans to propose to you. But regardless, he couldn’t keep his stomach from turning at the thought. He’d never been more terrified, but ready for, anything in his life. And the day was drawing close.
Damien’s fingers trailed along your arm as he eventually answered you. “Just thinking about that shower we could be taking right now.”
He was quick to then grasp your arms and flip you over, forcing you to let out a high-pitched yelp followed by giggling as his body then hovered over yours. He chuckled back at you as you teasingly smacked him on the shoulder, but the both of you fell silent again as your lips met for a slow, lazy kiss.
When your lips eventually parted, the fluttering in your chest had picked up again and Damien’s grasp had drifted from your arms down to your hips. Your eyes met only for a brief second before you were both on your feet, nearly knocking over every piece of furniture in your path as you made your way to the shower.
| Part Two |
tag list: @aheistwithyaboi​ @dapper-comedy​ @pandacookieowo​ @jennabonenna​ @nightfuryobsessed​ @a-okay-rj​ (If I tagged you, you probably expressed interest in this when I posted about it a while ago...but I don’t wanna bother you in the future if it’s not necessary so please let me know if you’d like to be added to the permanent list!)
gif source: @darkipliers
quote source: @elfinprompts
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taylorsage22 · 3 years
Call me Daddy (Damien Darhk x Reader)
Request-Anonymous said: Hi, can you write Damien Darhk×reader, smut? Thanks 💕
Warnings-Wow so um Daddy kink and spanking.
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“Y/N, I’m home!” You heard Damien call from downstairs. You jumped in a little in suprise because you weren’t expecting him to be home, and it immediatly put a smile onto your face. Within a few minuetes you saw him enter the doorway to your shared bedroom wearing his normal grin as he walked towards the bed and gave you a quick peck to the lips. “You’re home early.” You said glad to have more unexpected time with him. He was always with the legion and any extra time was always appreciated.
“Yeah, decided we needed a break so we left early. Since im back, do you want to go out to a dinner or something?“ He questioned looking at you with that same big smile I fell in love with. "Actually im kinda just in the mood to watch a movie and cuddle in bed if its okay with you.” I asked with a hint of suggestion in my voice. He quickly nodded and and jumped into bed with me putting on a movie. We were about half way into the movie when a really rough sex scene came on. I had to admit it was actually begining to turn me on. The femals leader started to call they guy “Daddy” and it was having a bigger effect on me that I would have thought. I glanced over at Damien whose arm was wrapped around my waist and his neck snuggled into my shoulder. He was half asleep and I knew he must have been exhasted, yet i couldn’t get rid if the growing tension inbetween my legs.
Slowly I tucked my hands underneath the blanket and into the waistband of my black lace panties. Slowly I slid my fingers up and down my slit imagining it was Damien’s hand instead of mine. After I teased myself a bit, I inserted a finger into me and softly began to moan. It started out with soft whimpers of “Damien Oh, Damien” but quickly turned into “Daddy” as i picked up pace. I was on the verge of getting myself to the edge when i felt a hand cup my heat over the blanket, stopping all movement. I looked over to seeing Damien’s eyes boring into mine as they drew darker. “What did you just say, Baby girl?” He let out in a low deep whisper that made me wetter just hearing it. “I-I said Damien, I just didn’t want to wake you baby.” I stutterer back as I felt him move closer while pulling out my hand and replacing it with his own. “You know, Princess, you really shouldn’t lie to me.” He spoke with an authority in his voice as he quickly inserted two fingers causeing me to let out a deep moan.
"Me and you both know that you weren’t moaning Damien. Call me Daddy Baby.“ He continued as he rapidly pushed his fingers in and out if my core while applying pressure to clit with thumb. "Daddy” I let out softly begining to buck my hips into his hand wanting to get to my release faster. He took his other hand and held my hips down into the mattress. “Angel, I’m going to need you to be much louder than that. C'mon beg for it baby. Show me how much you want me.” He growled, moving his fingers faster and adding the come hither motion causing it to make my jolt and write underneath him. “Daddy Please, Daddy faster.” I moaned loudly letting him take over my body as i was teetering in my release. He could feel me clenching around his fingers and started to roll my clit around with his thumb, adding just tge right amount of pressure. “Cum for me sweetheart.” He breathed out and i came loudly and hard onto his fingers. He kept his fingers going trying to ride out my orgasm and when i was finished he let his hand their a moment.
I was breathing deeply and was a little embarassed he found about my secret kink. I was about to open my mouth so we could talk about it when he cut me off. “Don’t make a sound princess. Were not finished.” He said with a smirk and a mischevious glint in his eyes. I looked at him confused for a moment when he quickly pulled me out of the covers and onto his lap as he moved towards the bottom of out bed. I had my stomach and my core resting on his grey sweatpants while my ass was raised slightly into the air.
"Damien what are we-“ I was immediatly cut off when i felt a hard smack onto my butt. I let out a moan as i felt a rush if wetness go to my core. "What did I just say baby girl? Not a sound.” He spoke again. His voice was dominant and authoratative yet still had a slight hint if amusement in it. Whenever his rough side came out in bed it was always the best nights of my life but we had never done anything like this before. It was like something straight out of a fantasy i was always to shy to ask for. I was snapped out of my thoughts when another harsh slap hit my bottom. “That is for pleasuring youself while i was in bed next to you.” Slap. “That is for talking when i didn’t give you permission to speak.” He gave me two more slaps and I had to bite my lip to keep from making any noise.
I was so turned on I tried to rub my legs together to increase the friction. My lace panties were rubbing up against my clit and i was biting diwn on my lip so hard i almost broke the skin. He gave one last slap, that was his hardest yet. “And that was fir calling me Damein instead of Daddy.” He massaged my now tender ass and pulled me into a sitting postion so I was straddling his thigh. I could feel how hard he was through his sweats and i couldn’t help let out a whimper. His hands grabbed into my hips as he looked into my eyes.
“i am going to wreck you, Doll.”
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jedidisneyartblog · 6 years
Who Killed Markiplier - Damien’s POV (Chapter 1 Part 2)
Welcome to Part 2! Catch up on Part 1 here
So, let’s try and forget all the stupidness Mark is doing for a bit...
Before we begin, I just want to say thank you so much to all of the readers for showing this fic so much love, this is the most attention I’ve gotten on any of my fics and it means a lot to me. Okay, on with Part 2! 
Slight Damein x Y/N
Word Count: 1,667
Self Insert technically, but that’s because the character’s original name in the video is Y/N
DISCLAIMER: This installment features a lot of grief and mourning (mostly from Damien of course) so skip this one if you think that might be upsetting for you to read
“What the hell happened here?”
“Oh, Mr. Mayor,” the Butler answered,
“I’m, so sorry, there’s been a murder.” Another lighting strike…
“A murder…?” I ask, followed by yet another lighting strike. “W-Who?”
The Chef replies, “…it’s Mark…” 
The Chef shrugs and turns to the Detective, 
“I’m afraid he’s telling the truth, Mark’s been...killed.”
I stood there, dumbfounded, “Why? Who would do this?” 
“That’s exactly what me and my new partner here are here to find out.”
Wait, new partner? How did Y/N get roped into this? I look at them, only to have them turn to show me a facial expression that was both confused and concerned. 
“Um, excuse me,” The butler interjects, “I feel like we should call the authorities for them to handle this matter.”
“Look, buddy, as far as you’re concerned, I am the authorities.” 
I highly doubt this man has enough authority to handle this...
“The fact of the matter is, I believe the killer is right here amongst us in this very house. With that freaky lightning storm outside, none of us would get very far, anyway.” 
Speaking of which, I hadn’t seen any lightning flashes in a while, but at least I know i’m not the only one who finds it odd. 
“So, in the meantime, we’re stuck here...but I’m gonna get to the bottom of this. The rest of you, get back to your rooms, hunker down, and pray to God you’re not next to be murdered.”
And there goes the lightning, just when I thought it was slowing down. I scan the room, helpless. It’s hard to believe that Mark just...died. If I had known yesterday was the last time I’d see him...my thoughts are all jumbling together. I can’t think straight. The butler and the chef leave, but I can barely hear what they’re saying. Y/N looks straight at me, they can always tell when something’s wrong with me. I look down, avoiding their gaze and trying to come up with an excuse to leave the room. 
They take a step closer to me, I begin backing out of the room. 
“I need to talk to the Colonel about this.” 
I hate lying to Y/N, even if it’s just to make an excuse for them to not see me upset. They already seem uncomfortable as it is, I’d hate to make it worse by forcing them to deal with my helplessness over the situation. The thought occurs to me that perhaps seeing William might not be the worst idea. I walk past the crime scene once again, this time going the right direction toward the media room where William was supposed to be having his coffee. I make sure my eyes are dry before knocking on the door. 
I walk in to see William sitting by the coffee table in the corner of the room, he had always liked that chair. When he used to live in this house he used to take his morning coffee in there every morning. The normality of the scene was comforting in a sense, but also unsettling given the circumstance. I wondered if he knew of what had happened...
“William...have you heard?”
“About Mark? Yes, I know.” he says this with barely any emotion and takes another sip of his coffee. 
“Well, how do you think this happened? Who could’ve done such a thing?”
“I don’t know, Damien.”
“But...how can we...who...” tears threaten to fall from my eyes as I struggle to think of what to say. William shoots me a scornful look. 
“Oh, come on, Damien, grow up. Mark died, big deal. We knew this would happen eventually.” 
Big deal? Are you kidding me? My tears disappear, my grief over Mark has now turned to anger towards the Colonel. 
“How can you be so flippant?” 
“Flippant? I’m taking this matter very seriously...”
“Oh, don’t give me that horses***! I know you hated him but...goddammit he reached out to you!”
“Oh, what do you want from me?”
“Wh...I want you to care!”
“Just because I’m not weeping like a child doesn’t mean that I don’t care.”
“I...I can’t believe you...” we’re going in circles now, there’s no point in continuing the conversation. “...you come find me when you pull your head out of your a**.”
I turn to leave but stop abruptly at the door. Y/N had jumped back, startled at my sudden movement toward their direction. I mutter an “excuse me,” and walk past them. My thoughts linger towards the fact that Y/N was definitely listening in on that conversation, but my focus was to get some fresh air. 
I rush past the crime scene, briefly glancing at the Detective running his tests on Mark’s body. Knowing that he’d try to talk to me, I try to slip out the door to the patio unnoticed. I think I failed, as I heard him calling after me, but I pretended not to hear him and hoped he would leave me alone. 
That’s what I need right now...I need to be alone for a few minutes, maybe more than that. I walk idly around the patio until I become face to face with the gazebo. I freeze in my spot as a memory rushes back to me:
“Cheers!” “Here here!” 
Laughter is accompanied by the raising of glasses and the customary remarks. 
“I’d just like to make one more toast, so bear with me here.” Mark says as he stands up. 
“I can’t continue on with tonight without thanking three very special people. First, my wife, Celine. Today, you fulfilled a dream i’ve had for a long time now, a dream that was much bigger than any other aspiration i’ve ever had. Today, you became mine, and I became yours, and I have never been happier than I am right now. I still can’t believe that I finally get to call you my wife. I love you, Celine, with all my heart.” 
We all toast to Mark’s heartfelt speech, I’ve truly never seen the two of them happier. 
“The other two people I’d like to thank are my Best Men, because I couldn’t possibly pick one, Damien and William.” 
Will and I exchange fond looks before directing them back at Mark. 
“You guys are my best friends, the best I could ever ask for. There’s no one I would’ve rather had beside me on the most important day of my life. Damien and Will, you are both my brothers, and nothing in this world could ever change that.” 
We look down the table at the family and friends cheering and toasting to our names. William, being the softie he is, gets up and hugs Mark, I follow suit. 
Standing under the very same gazebo where that the table once stood, the memory of that night flashes vividly in my mind. Mark’s words echo through my head 
“...you guys are my best friends...” 
“...The best I could ever ask for...” 
I break down crying right then and there, memories of Mark were the only things flashing through my mind. I try to calm myself down and wipe away my tears. 
I just couldn’t believe that he was gone. Just like that. Just when there was a sliver of hope for our “brotherhood”, as he put it, to be repaired. Mark was no longer the same as he had been way back then, he became a broken man who tried to hide his pain. Even I don’t know the full extent of his hurting, only as much as he had told me; but even through all that, he still tried to make amends. Our future together looked so bright, and now he’s just...gone.  
And William...he just doesn’t seem to care. At all! He had the gall to dismiss Mark’s death, plainly saying “big deal” and moving on with his life. I know the dear Colonel has toughened up after his further years in the military, but I didn’t expect him to be so heartless! Especially when dealing with the death of a longtime friend. 
Hold on, you don’t think he-
No. No, he couldn’t have. What am I even thinking? 
As I pace up and down, my thoughts center around the argument with William, replaying the words spoken over and over. The more it cycles in my head the tighter the grip on my cane becomes. 
I hear footsteps approach me. Hoping it’s not the Detective, I turn around. Guilt paints Y/N’s face...so they admit they were spying. I should be more mad at them for invading my privacy, but there’s much bigger problems to worry about here. 
“Look, I’m sorry you saw that argument with the Colonel, I lost my temper and it wasn’t right...and he must be in shock. The Colonel’s an eccentric, it’s his best quality and his worst. But...” 
“...you guys are my best friends...” The words echo once again. I continue:
“...he’s my friend. And...so was Mark.”
I feel...helpless. I’m the Mayor, I should be able to do at least something. And yet, I find myself completely unable to do anything. 
“I know I’m supposed to be a leader in this scenario, but I can’t help but feel lost! I’ve known Mark for years, since we were kids! And he’s just gone?” 
I’m getting worked up, I take a moment to breathe and collect myself. 
“I don’t have any answers right now. I just need to be alone...to process all of this. We’ll talk soon, but I need to think.” 
Y/N seems to understand. As I turn away I hear the Detective call after them, taking them back inside. His ranting becomes mere grumbles the further away he gets. Although I am alone now, I still feel someone’s peering eyes in the back of my head. I turn around and look up at the balcony opposite me. All I see of whoever was up there is the door closing, whoever it was, they didn’t want me to catch them. 
I return to my pacing. 
Chapter 2 coming soon! 
Tagging everyone who left nice comments on the previous post! @mayor-damien-protection-squad @nanotyranusjfc @chelseareferenced and @egossideblog! Thank you guys so much! 
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ryugasama · 7 years
Damien X Reader- Stay With Me (Boyfriend to Death 2)
(I do not own Damien or boyfriend to death 2, they belong to its original owners. Here is the link to the game- https://electricpuke.itch.io/boyfriend-to-death-2-fresh-blood ) You sighed with relief sitting on one of the chairs in the church looking around at the beautiful surroundings. The room was filled with light and there were flowers everywhere, a big cross was in front of you. It was golden wrapped in white laces, you smiled sitting back. This is beautiful! Damein: Are you okay Y/N? You looked at the priest and smiled happily a faint blush growing on your cheeks. He's cute.... Damien smiled back and took your hand guiding you to your new room. Damien: Please, feel free to stay as long as you want. Y/N: Thank you, I really appreciate it. Damien: It's no problem really. He held open the door to your room for you. Your new room was lovely. It was clean spotless and had everything you liked in it. You jumped onto your bed giggling. Damien: Happy? Y/N: Heck yeah! This room is everything I ever wanted! He bowed slightly looking pleased. Damien: I'm happy to hear, I'll leave you alone now. Please, if you need anything, come find me. Y/N: I will, thank you! Damien: No problem. He left closing the door silently, you laid on your bed staring at the ceiling until you fell asleep. 1 Hour Later.... Y/N!~ You opened your eyes and bolted up from your bed looking around the room. Y/N: Hello? Y/N, why did you leave? Y/N: Cain? Come back Y/N, please.~ You followed the voice through out the halls, everything was dark and quiet, everyone was asleep. I miss you Y/N, come back! You felt like you were in a trance, everything was blocked out from your mind and vision, all you could hear was Cain's voice. Y/N: I'm.... coming..... Cain. Good, come here love.~ A pair of arms went around you and pulled you into a room, the door slammed shut behind you. You woke up out of your trance looking up at Damien. He was sweating and sounded like he was out of breath. Y/N: Damien? Damien: Y/N, don't listen to that voice! Y/N: What happened? Damien: My brother is trying to get you back, don't go to him! You looked up at him blushing, he was serious about this. His green eyes looking frustrated. Y/N: Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving you. Damien: Good, you can spend the night in my room until we make sure-! You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. A deep redness growing across his face. He pulled back and covered his mouth. Damien: Y-Y/N.... Y/N: Damien, why keep it a secret? I like you and you like me, so let's make it happen. He blinked before kissing you, his hands on your waists firmly. Your heart fluttered when he pinned you up against the wall, a slight moan coming from the both of you. Damien: Y/N, promise me that you'll always stay. Y/N: I promise. He nodded hugging you close, you played with his soft blond hair smiling. You're a lot sweeter than your brother.~                       You Decided To Stay With Damien!
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
Synonyms For Home
Smosh : Prompt
Damien x Reader
Word Count: 3486 
Warnings: Just the most relateable ish I’ve ever written... except for having THE actual Damien Haas in my life 😭 I heckin’ wish
Request: ““sometimes home has a heartbeat” First of all THANK YOU for writing damien haas because I can never find any inserts of him :( also I chose this dialogue because I really like it and can be used in a friend to lover thing? I’d like a angsty gone fluffy one? I often run away from potential relationships and I’d like something based around that. thank u for doing what ya do <3″ - @dancingpanda137
31. “Sometimes, home has a heartbeat.”
Note: I completely understand running out of Damien Haas fics 😂 I have definitely read about 99.99% of the content out there! Also I totally feel your pain about running away from potential relationships... this was a lot of fun to write!
A/N: At one point you’re going to have to stop running away from every potential relationship; there’s more to life than just stressing about it
Part Two: Homeward Bound
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(this gif... This Gif... THIS GIF... ThIS giF... What am I going TO DO WITH MYSELF?!)
(Y/N) was speeding down the office hallways, a satchel at her side along with multiple plastic bags on her arms and a large drink carrier in her hands. A pencil stuck awkwardly from behind her ear as she mumbled the checklist she'd made earlier that day.  
Sharply turning a corner without hesitation, she made it to the meeting room and gave a quiet, but swift knock. She opened it carefully and wiped her face of concentration to replace it with a wide grin.  
Ian paused his presentation of a fresh project by waving at (Y/N) and gazing excitedly at what she brought.
"Don't mind me," she whispered, the same thing she said every day when she made her deliveries.  
All the Smosh Pit cast were there, including the Squad, Tommy, Monica, Matt Raub, and Garrett. They were going over ideas for Smosh Winter Games, something that hasn't happened for a few years.  
But (Y/N) was more focused on getting her own job done, starting with the drinks and passing them to their corresponding owners. She did it in such a fluid motion that no one doubted their cup was exactly what they ordered.  
Next, she opened the plastic bags digging into her arms and handed out sandwiches and salads, as an added treat. She normally pitched in a few extra dollars to buy a better lunch for her coworkers, and she could see the speculating eye from Matt Raub as he accepted his deluxe.  
She put her best smile on and waved a hand, "Don't worry about it." And before she left, she reached into her satchel and extracted a small box of cookies, "For dessert."  
And before anyone could protest the homemade treat, she ran out of the room with a few more drinks and meals to pass out.  
This was such a frequent occurrence for (Y/N) and the Smosh Family. She had become kind of like the mother of Smosh, taking care of the numerous little things while still finding time to take care of the cast and crew with goodies and smiles.  
That didn't mean she never got stressed.  
Her step was quick again as she made her way back through the halls, waving at a few friends as she went. That checklist in her head never seemed to grow smaller:  
Get Damien his coffee
Give cookie box to Smosh Games
Find Sarah for guest star progress reports
Check to see if Damien actually ate his lunch
Write paper about that Tinder for Hotdogs idea
Give Tommy a hug and see how he's doing later
Invite Shayne to the hangout Damien came up with
Text Courtney about filming in her tiny car
Find Damien a date for...
Someone crashed right into (Y/N), sending the last few cups of coffee into the air and all over her shirt. She jumped at the steaming hot liquid, pulling against the fabric to keep it from her skin.  
"Oh, damn, I'm sorry (Y/N)."
She winced and peered up to see Damien's sympathetic face, "It's... It's fine. I'll - I'll just bump a few things on my list and go get changed and grab more coffee."  
He immediately knelt down to pick up the remnants of the cups and carrier, "I'm guessing this one's mine? Serves me right not looking where I'm going."  
He gave her a smile, his eyes crinkling up as he did so. It made her heart skip a beat.  
"Don't worry about it. I'll just..." she was still holding away her sticky shirt, closing her eyes and thinking hard, "I'll figure something out."  
Damien sighed, "I just ruined your whole agenda, didn't I?" He picked up her pencil and quietly slid it to behind her ear, "Please don't stress out about it."  
She had to give herself a few seconds to process his last sentence before continuing, "Um... that's almost physically impossible at this point. With summer ending we've got to find a whole new season of things to do."  
He listened but contorted his brow at how uncomfortable she was standing there, "You know I have one of my Smosh sweatshirts in my office. You want to change into that? Get yourself out of brewing in your own shirt."  
When he laughed at his own jokes it made (Y/N) stutter so uncontrollably, "Uh... actually, that'd be really nice. Then I won't have to drive home when I run more errands."  
He led the way to his desk, smirking, "More errands? Do you just intentionally want to give yourself a busy schedule?" He extracted a colorful pastel sweatshirt and handed it to her.  
"Well, who's going to pick up the new Mario Party release?" she walked away to change in the nearby bathroom, "You have to film today."  
It only took a minute to change, but maybe two minutes to stare in the mirror and tell herself she was wearing Damien's sweatshirt. Not to mention smell his cologne from the collar.  
"And I know that if you get stressed out, I just stress out more and then there's this whole cycle of intense panic." She paused when she met him at his desk again - he was holding her satchel and a strange look was in his eye.  
"You look cute."  
She had to focus all her energy into not widening her eyes at his words, "I got to go, thanks for the sweatshirt! I promise I'll get you something else later today for that coffee fiasco." She was practically running out of the room by the end of her sentence.  
It always took a few minutes after a talk with Damien to convince herself that he only saw her as a friend. That he cares about her because he's her friend. That the possibility of getting so close to him was absolutely terrifying.  
But she had to push past it, always the one to run away from those potential relationships.  
She had to hurry back on her list if she had hopes to finish everything before the big hangout that night. And by big hangout, she meant Damien, Shayne, and Courtney. (Y/N) always considered scenarios where Damien was involved a big deal.  
Completing a majority of running errands and skipping her own lunch to do so, she ran over to Smosh Games to deliver cookies and catch up with Wes and Mari. Whenever she could, (Y/N) always tried to make time to talk to each of the cast and crew.  
It's always nice to know you have a friend at the office.  
"Guess what I brought?" she flashed a dazzling smile, opening her satchel.  
Wes practically flew as he turned in his chair and wheeled towards her - thankfully his headphones were Bluetooth and not attached to the monitor.  
"Suckers? Cupcakes? Oh! Please say it's..."
(Y/N) extracted her homemade box and shook it in front of him, "Chocolate chip cookies."  
Mari wheeled around too, "You're going to be the sole reason he's gonna have a sugar coma later."
He practically squealed, a large childish smile on his face, "You're too good to me, (Y/N)." He quickly pulled one out and took a bite, "Oh... you are way too good to me."  
She laughed, pulling Damien's empty chair from his gaming console to sit down, "Where is everyone?"  
Mari shrugged her shoulders, "Probably sneaking around to plan my reception."  
Wes paused in his munching and widened his eyes, "Hm? I - I thought they were..."  
"I know they left you here to keep me distracted," Mari smirked, "I also know that Peter left you guys in charge of ensuring I'm a happy bride - so don't lie to me."
Shaking a few crumbs from his fingers, Wes rolled his eyes, "Fine. They're coordinating who's decorating your car."  
"Which reminds me," Mari flashed her gaze back to (Y/N), who was fidgeting in her seat. "Have you found yourself a date for the wedding yet?"
Wes gasped and nodded enthusiastically, "I thought for sure he was going to ask you by now."  
"I'm not asking anyone out," (Y/N) stated adamantly, "You know I'm no good with... wait - did you say...?"  
"I thought you were just going to go with Damien," he paused before quickly adding, "As friends."
(Y/N) felt the heat residing in her face, panic building in her chest, "No, I was actually supposed to find Damien a date later this week. I didn't want him to go alone."  
"But you are?" Mari asked, leaning across the desks, pointedly raising an eyebrow towards Wes.
"I'm not the best at the whole dating - relationship thing. So, it's best if I just stay out of it."  
Wes mumbled, "With the amount of stress you handle every day at work you'd think going on a date was nothing for you."  
(Y/N)'s breathing was hitching, her trying to hide her fidgeting hands at the subject, "Can we please talk about something else?"
"Is that sweatshirt new? I've never seen it before," Mari was smirking again; she knew full well whose sweatshirt it was.  
It took Wes only a few more seconds to realize it as well, "Did Damien give that to you?" He had the biggest fan boy eyes (Y/N) had ever seen.  
But she was consumed with her own overwhelming emotions. The thought of so many people rooting for Damien and her to get together sent her nerves to the maximum. Sure, they were really good friends, but only that.  
Any other possibility would melt her insides.
"Whatcha guys doing?"  
Damien came waltzing into the room, followed closely by Joven and Laser. His eyes fell immediately onto (Y/N) sitting stony in his chair - the sight made him smile, but he hesitated.  
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" He was always the one that stepped in before she fell into a full state of panic, unbeknownst to him that he was normally the subject of the panic.  
"I... I just - I don't know."  
He walked over and outstretched his arms to her, giving her a sympathetic gaze to will her up to him.  
Joven snapped his fingers to grab the attention of the other SG members, crazily pointing to usher everyone out.  
(Y/N) sniffed and averted her gaze, finding her legs disobeying her to a standing position. And Damien wrapped his arms around her, holding her so tightly.  
She was consumed by his presence, feeling her heart drop into her stomach. Hugs from Damien weren't uncommon, but they were always nerve-wracking.  
"I told you not to stress out today." He rubbed a hand up and down her back, "But I definitely ordered your favorite food for tonight just in case. And we can play whatever game you like - even the scary games."  
"But Shayne hates the scary games," she mumbled, the pang in her chest resounding at his comfort.  
He laughed, "Shayne can hide behind the couch."  
She could feel his heartbeat against her head. It pounded until it resided into her mind. It was always that that calmed her down. It was the same feeling she got when she was safe at home after a long day.  
Was his heart beating a little fast?
"Feel better?" He pulled her back slightly to get a good look at her face.  
She wished his arms were still around her, "You know I always do when you're there."  
There was his laugh again that sent a shiver down her spine, "You look a little red in the face." He brushed a finger against her cheek to confirm his suspicion, "You're not sick, are you?"  
"I gotta go. Thanks for the hug, I really needed it." She grabbed her bag and became completely oblivious to how Damien's shoulders sunk. "I'll see you later tonight."  
She rounded out of the Games room, smacking the side of her head as she put a hand to her temple. There was a pounding there that she was sure was going to grow into a headache.  
She closed her eyes, needing to focus:  
Bring treats for the editing room
Gather viewing statistics from Spencer
Not think about Damien
Help Monica with writing Tinder for Hotdogs
Confirm spot on the SmoshCast for next week's episode
Order dress for Mari's wedding
Not think about Damien's laugh  
Start notes for the Two Truths episode she was going to direct
Not think about Damien's smile
Meet with Ian about Winter Games
Not thinking about falling asleep on Damien's lap tonight
Buy more ingredients for Wes' cookies
Check that the makeup room is fully stocked
Not thinking about Damien pulling a blanket over her before he would leave
It was almost impossible to concentrate on anything else as (Y/N) entered the film studio for Smosh Pit. Shayne was immediately waving at her and raising his eyebrows in a questioning manner.  
She shrugged her shoulders, pointing towards her temple and mouthing, "headache," over the sound being tested through the mics.  
That pounding was still resounding in her head.
Shayne nodded and mouthed back a, “sorry,” before patting the spot next to him on the couch. She gave a short smile and walked over, taking a deep breath.  
“Having a day?” he whispered, the mics still being tested above them.  
She bit her bottom lip, “Just a little one.” Then she folded her arms and leaned her head against his shoulder.  
He started shaking with a laugh he was trying to hide, “You really are having a day. How many times to I get to see affectionate (Y/N)?”
She pouted, lightly smacking his leg, “I just got a Damien hug, of course I’m feeling affectionate.”  
“Ah, yes, the Damien hug,” he moved into a character voice, “I’ve seen many a traveler receive one of those and never return the same.”  
“Shayne!” Matt Raub could be heard behind the cameras, “I wasn’t kidding when I said we were checking sound.”  
Shayne waved an apology and lowered his voice more, “So, that’s two strikes for having a stressful day. One: a Damien hug, and two: snuggles.”  
(Y/N) turned her head to bury her face between Shayne’s arm and the couch, “I can’t help being busy at work.”  
“But we can help take a load off,” Shayne muttered leaning over and reaching for something near his feet, “Got you a little something.”  
She sat straight again, surprised at the gesture, “You got me something?”
“Don’t act surprised. Just because you give people treats all the time doesn’t mean they can’t give you something.” He handed over a medium sized box that was obviously just thrown together, “It was more Damien’s idea than mine, but we went during lunch.”  
“Of course it was him,” she smiled, pulling back the lid and finding a few spa day essentials, goodies, and a couple new games for her PlayStation. “How did you know I wanted these games!”  
His eyes widened at seeing hers light up, “You always talk about them, of course we knew you wanted them. And we got you some weird bath bomb-lotion-spray-flower stuff.” He threw his hands around as he talked, trying to amp up the quality of the present, “Just... we want you to relax every once in a while.”  
A pair of hands came down on (Y/N)’s shoulders, causing her to jump at first, “We knew that one was your favorite scent.”  
It was Damien again, hovering near her head as he leaned over the couch. (Y/N) cursed her mind, thinking that she would’ve been able to get away from his perfect eyes in the Squad room.
“Um... we called Courtney to figure that out,” Shayne stated with squinted eyes but a smile nonetheless, “She also was the one who told us where to find it.”  
“I like to think I know what (Y/N) likes,” Damien retorted, hands still on her shoulders. “We thought maybe you should get a gift for a change.”  
She didn’t know what to say, setting the box down and pulling away from Damien. His hands left a lingering touch on her shoulders.  
“That’s really kind of you guys. I – I guess I’m not used to accepting presents,” she watched the strange exchange move from Shayne to Damien. They were looking at her with puzzlement, but she continued, “I thought you had filming to do, Damien?”
He looked slightly downtrodden, “I do – here. I’m shooting a Smosh Pit Weekly.” 
A sigh left her lips, but she plastered on a smile, “Oh, I must have my schedule mixed up. You know what that means – I have to go straighten it out. I’ll see you guys, thanks for the...”  
“(Y/N), are you avoiding me?”  
Shayne whipped his head between his two friends, disbelief hanging in his gaze. He wasn’t sure this conversation was ever going to be brought up. Therefore, he practically skidded out of the studio, rolling off the couch.  
(Y/N) could feel that panic filling up her chest, the pounding in her head. The redness was hitting her face again and the oversized sweatshirt was feeling strangely restricting.  
“You’re getting red again. (Y/N) what’s wrong? What are you stressing about?” Damien walked around the coffee table and stopped when she took a step away from him.  
“I only ever stress out about one thing.”  
He heavily sighed, “I’m gonna need you to give me a little more than that.”  
As he inched closer, she felt the panic manifesting itself in shaky hands and stutters, “We-We’re friends, right?”  
She thought she saw his face dip a little, “Yes? What’s this about?”  
“I - I only seem to feel overwhelmed when-whenever y-you're there.”  
He paused, immediate hurt on his face, “Oh, I didn’t realize... I thought... I’m sorry that I...”  
“But I also never feel better until you are there,” she gazed at the ground. “It’s very conflicting.”  
“(Y/N), I think it’s about time we just get a few things off our chests,” he stated, a bit of redness hitting his own cheeks this time. “I’ve wanted to ask you something for a while.”  
She finally peeked at him, “I always run away when I think I’m getting too close to a guy. I don't know why, but the thought of being that close to someone really scares me. But it’s also the only thing I can think about.” She watched his face go through a range of emotions as she held her breath in anticipation.  
It was his smirk that got to her first, “I’ve been wanting to ask you to be my date to Mari and Peter’s wedding, but you keep running away every time I think I can start talking to you about it.”  
Her breathing literally stopped, “Your date?”
“So, you run away from me because you want to be with me?” He was taking a few more steps towards her, practically right in front of her now. But she couldn’t move.  
“That sounds complicated,” she whispered, eyes flickering all around his face.  
He gave her a momentary cautious gaze, “Do you want to run away now?”  
She eyed the close proximity of his face, “Only because you’re stressing me out. But I know I won’t feel better unless I stay with you.”
“Then this is okay?” he was wrapping her into one of his hugs, “I don’t like that I make you scared like this.”
She let out a breath that she felt like she was holding for hours, “I’m only scared about what’s going to happen next.”  
She pulled away just enough to see his face, their arms still wrapped around each other. He leaned his forehead down against hers and gazed into her eyes. She swallowed hard, finding her hands moving – one sliding down to his chest and the other to the side of his face, feeling his jawline.  
She realized that the pounding in her head had stopped. It was replaced with a pounding happening against her hand.  
It was Damien’s heartbeat. The thing that’s been bombarding her all day.  
Flickering her eyes back into his, she found Damien giving a slight smile as he peered down towards her lips. She gave a small smile back and before she knew it Damien was leaning all the way to meet her kiss.  
It was instant fireworks exploding in her chest. Those spouts of panic fueled the butterflies in her stomach. Wrapping her hand to the back of his head, she tangled her fingers into Damien’s hair.  
She could feel him smile into the kiss.  
And as quickly as it began, they broke apart. Though they didn’t pull away from their embrace, still touching foreheads.  
“I’m not going to let you run away this time,” Damien muttered, keeping a grip on her waist.  
“I think I’m here to stay.”  
She felt his heartbeat again, fast and strong against her hand. The one thing that’s always been able to comfort her.  
And recognition had finally settled into her mind.  
Sometimes home has a heartbeat. And home was where she was going to stay.
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okay-j-hannah · 5 years
My Life is a Mess Without You
Smosh : Prompt
Damien x Reader
Word Count: 1968
Warnings: Just the most classic Damien Haas fic scenario... but I made it ENTIRELY in his point of view
Request: “20 with Damien Haas” - @caswinchester2000
20. “You are the least subtle person I know. Your ‘I have a secret’ vibe is literally visible from the moon.”
A/N: Damien just didn’t get it - what could he have done that would make you ignore him for so long?
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Damien sighed, moving his eyes from the TV to the phone in his hand, his fingers hovering over the keyboard.
He was completely disheveled – his hair unkempt and the blue streaks fading. He had reverted to only wearing old sweatshirts and faded jeans, his glasses worn more frequently as the task to order more contact lenses seemed daunting compared to other problems.
His house was incredibly untidy with plates stacked by the sink, movies and games littering the living room floor, and piles of miscellaneous garbage speckled every surface. 
Even his cats had noticed the decline in activity as Damien remained more sedentary, normally retreating to the couch upon return from work.
The Smosh Family helped with what they could, also noticing (Y/N)’s avoidance. Damien could hardly manage to keep up with filming and script reads when all his focus was residing on her.
(Y/N) wasn’t talking to him. And it was wrecking him.
Pushing his glasses back in place, he scrolled through his unanswered text messages, a pain in his chest. It had been weeks since their last sincere conversation, a moment he had replayed in his mind over and over.
It sat at the forefront of his mind as if it was yesterday. Something was definitely wrong with (Y/N), that much he was sure of.
With their daily carpool to work together, she didn’t say a single word that day. She normally was running on slight caffeine adrenaline or singing at the top of her lungs to the morning radio.
Today? Absolutely nothing.
She just stared out the window, her arms folded very tightly across her chest. It was apparent that she hadn’t been getting her caffeine; her eyes were dark and heavy from the possible lack of sleep.
Damien even attempted at a conversation, “No new ‘Ian did this’ or ‘Monica said that’ this morning?” He had a smile on his lips even if concern was consuming his gaze, flickering from the road to her turned head.
She vaguely muttered a dull response, “Haven’t seen them. Been very busy.”
“You’ve been busy? Is that why you look so tired?”
Something clicked in her brain and she finally faced him, “Hm? Oh, my coffee maker sparked a few days ago – haven’t been able to get my morning fix.” She attempted at a makeshift smile, but Damien saw right through it.
Why in Heaven’s Above would she try to hide something from him? He hated it when she felt like she had to hide from him.
As soon as they parked in the Smosh Office lot, Damien turned to give his full attention to one of his best friends.
“What’s wrong?”
She seemed taken aback, “Nothing.” She tried the handle of the door, finding it continuously locked.
“Something is obviously wrong, and I don’t think you should bottle it up.” He was leaning towards her, almost hovering over the seat compartment between them.
“I told you, I’m busy and stressed and tired,” she sneaked a half-way smile, shrugging her shoulders. “I’ve had a lot on my mind.”
Damien raised a suspicious eyebrow, “What kind of stuff?”
She seemed strained between answering and jumping out of the vehicle, “Sh-Shouldn’t we get inside? We still have work today, you know?”
He sighed at the humor she was forcing through her teeth, “You’re worrying me, (Y/N).”
“And I’m telling you there’s no reason to be.” She met his gaze but swallowed hard. Was that a blush creeping onto her face?
“And I’m telling you that I know you better than you think. And I know that something is bothering you! You can trust me – I’m your friend.”
Her gaze immediately dropped from his face at that statement. Her hands were starting to fidget in her lap, “Well… there – there might be something.”
Damien bit the inside of his cheek, anticipation consuming his worrying thoughts, “I told you I knew it.”
She let a small laugh escape, “How do you always know?”
“You are the least subtle person I know. Your ‘I have a secret’ vibe is literally visible from the moon.”
“I – I might… there’s th-this boy. And I can’t s-stop thinking about him.”
He tried to have a relaxed reaction, his focus on her continuously fidgeting hands, “A guy? You have a crush on a guy? Do I know this guy?”
She resisted a smile, “Maybe. He’s a friend.”
“Hm.” He wasn’t entirely sure how he felt about this. Something pushed him to make a retort, that she didn’t need to like another boy because she already had one right there, “Is he a good guy?”
She nodded a little more enthusiastically than he liked, “He’s very sweet and very kind. He’s always a gentleman and always does whatever he can to make me smile.”
Damien found himself holding his breath, “Do you hang with him often? Like does he consider you guys friends?”
“Oh, yes,” she sighed, keeping her gaze away from Damien’s. “I see him every once in a while and we always have so much fun. We surprisingly have a lot in common – we both like filming, we both like reading and playing games, we even have similar views on less partying and more movie nights.”
“Sounds like a great guy,” Damien gave a close-lipped smile, he had to decide between this strange feeling of jealousy and his fierce friendship with (Y/N). “You should definitely go for it – I mean, if that’s what your dilemma is. If you can’t stop thinking about him maybe you should make your move.”
He chose to be her friend first.
“I don’t know,” she bit her bottom lip, “I don’t think it’d work out – I don’t think he sees me like that. I guess I make a better friend than anything else.”
Damien scoffed, catching his genuine reaction to her words. This caused her to whip her eyes to him, confused.
“What are you talking about? Any guy would be lucky to have you! The only reason he would ever turn you down is because he’s too blind to see the perfect package right in front of him. And if that ends up being true, then good riddance because you deserve someone who thinks about you just as much as you’re thinking about him.”
Damien found his hands flailing around slightly as his smooth conversation turned a little heated; but the expression on (Y/N)’s face softened him again.
“You really think that?”
He found her wide eyes staring at him with desperate confirmation, “Why would I ever think otherwise?”
But very quickly he realized that there was still something incredibly wrong. Ever since that conversation (Y/N) had made it a special mission of hers to completely dodge every advance Damien made.
Their usual friendly greeting with the crew? She was excusing herself for the bathroom.
The walk Damien made to see how her directing was going? Matt Raub said she asked to help with editing.
The spot he always saved for her in the meeting room? Neglected as she sat far from him.
Their frequent lunch breaks together? She was nowhere to be found.
The hours they spent recording Smosh Games? She ignored his smile, plastering on an expressionless face.
The special treat he got her to cheer her up? She found him coming towards her office, so she skidded off in the opposite direction.
It was a pattern that continued throughout the entire week, something Damien was fed up with. What could he have possibly done to drive one of his best friends away?
Now as he sat on the couch sulking and dismissively scratching behind Zelda’s ears, he kept his mind trained on (Y/N).
First a confession about a boy. Days of consistent avoidance. And now it was like she hadn’t ever existed.
Damien never realized how big of a part she played in his life, staring at these past text messages with more and more regret:
III AT&T LTE 5:58 PM 23% 🔋
Mon, Aug 5, 11:26 AM
“You felt like editing today?”
1:40 PM
“Hey, are you feeling okay?”
“Is it about that guy? 😉”
 Tue, Aug 6, 10:14 AM
“Has your coffee maker been fixed yet?”
3:52 PM
“I was thinking we could hangout this weekend, you down? 😊”
6:51 PM
3 Missed Calls
“Are you ignoring me?”
 Fri, Aug 9, 11:38 PM
“No, seriously, (Y/N). Are you ignoring me?”
“(Y/N), if Shayne and Mari put you up to a practical joke like this, it’s not funny anymore.”
12:22 PM
2 Missed Calls
“I couldn’t find you for lunch, so I left something on your desk. Your favorite. ❤”
Wed, Aug 14, 5:09 PM
“You seemed off in SG today. Did something happen?”
7:44 PM
“I applaud your efforts in pranking me, but can you please talk to me?”
Sat, Aug 17, 10:31 AM
2 Missed Calls
“(Y/N), where are you?”
1 Missed Call
2:15 PM
“I bought you a little something to cheer you up – I left it by your bag. Will you please tell me what’s wrong? I miss you.”
 There was a knock at his door – something not uncommon recently. Courtney would usually bring over some Chinese take out or Wes would drop off an early release of a game Smosh received.
So Damien thought nothing of it as he reluctantly shuffled to the door, opening it carelessly.
And there was (Y/N) – wringing her hands and cautiously looking into his shocked gaze.
“Damien,” she muttered, her face blotchy and obviously raw from crying.
He didn’t even let her a second to explain before he ran over to sweep her into a bone-crushing hug. He wrapped his arms around her, lifting her easily off the ground and hiding his face into her shoulder.
“I thought… I didn’t think…”
She pulled away, heat rising to her face as she cast her eyes down, “I… I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t know what to say or how to say it. So I just ran. But I – I’m trying something here.”
“(Y/N),” he felt his tired eyes burn, his glasses askew. “What did I do? Where have you been? I feel like I haven’t seen…”
“I’m in love with you.”
She had whispered it so quietly that he was afraid his ears didn’t hear correctly, “What?”
She swallowed hard, “I am utterly and completely in love with you Damien. And I didn’t know how to tell my best friend that I wanted to be more than just that with him. So I avoided you in hopes I’d stop getting so flustered being around you, but that only made it worse. And honestly, running away sounded like a pretty good idea until about ten minutes ago when Joven gave me an awesome pep talk – and I just…”
They stood there in silence for a few seconds, (Y/N) wringing her hands and Damien’s limp at his sides.
“This might have been the most pointless mental breakdown I’ve ever hand,” Damien finally muttered, replacing his shocked expression with a slight smile. “Did I really neglect getting more contacts because of secret feelings we have for each other?”
She didn’t seem to process what he said, “You know I’ve always liked your glass… wait – did you say…?”
“I’m in love with you too, (Y/N).” He grinned, taking a few steps towards her, “Please don’t you ever try to hide something like that from me again. I thought I’d just lost the greatest thing that ever happened to me.”
She let out an unexpected giggle, wiping at her eyes, “Greatest thing that ever happened to you?” She reached out and ran her fingers through his hair, bumping his glasses into place, “But you’re looking kinda rough.”
He reached up and grabbed her hand, holding it tightly in his, “Because there were four weeks and three days where I hadn’t talked to you once.”
“I had to bunk with Mari for a week just because I couldn’t stand not coming over here every other day,” she responded, laughing.
“We’re gonna have to change that.”
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zee-stars · 2 years
Day Off
Damein x reader
Fluff, Romantic, short
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Summary: Damien doesn't have to go work.
The annoying, repetitive sound of an alarm filled your room and Damien was quick to turn it off and lay back next to you.
"Sorry Darling. I forgot to turn it off." He grins. You turn so you are facing him. He looks down at you as you pull his closer to you. He chuckles and plays with your hair.
"Love, you are absolutely stunning. Even when your hair is all around from your sleep." You poke his sides and he grins more.
"Love you, Damien." You mumble into his chest.
"Love you too, Darling."
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heartofwritiing · 4 years
Paring(s): slight!Actor!Mark x fem!reader, Darkiplier x fem!reader
a/n: #16 from this prompt list. “All he ever did was use you. Why can’t you see that? “
Ive changed this fic some many time and have been writing and editing it for WEEKS so here it is! Its really rough so please ignore any mistakes I had to edit this myself and If i missed something please just ignore it lol I just really wanted to get this out! This is my take on ending 31 from a heist with markiplier hope you enjoy! 
this wasn’t requested Im just in a angsty mood :/
Warning(s): Angst, crying and more angst.
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The last thing I remember was walking down a hallway of portraits of people whose eyes were covered with a stripe of black paint. I kept receiving messages from an unknown number and when I reached the end of the hall the last painting had Mark standing on a staircase in a red robe that started peeling away then my vision went black. I felt sick, my head was pounding with pain and my body felt heavy. I opened my eyes to more darkness and ringing in my ears. two arms engulfed me into an embrace. I tried pushing away but I was too weak. Their voice went through my ears making me wince.
The voice turned into a hushed whisper, my hearing started coming back slowly making everything sound muffled.
“Please, can you hear me?” the voice pleaded.
My eyes slowly lifted open revealing nothing and I began to panic. Was I dead? No, don’t be dumb Name. The person said my name again pulling me from my thoughts and the gears in my head began to turn. I looked up and wanted to cry. Damien?
“Damien,” I whispered.
“He’s here darling,” he said reaching his hand up to tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, a gentle touch that made my cheeks warm up.
I was confused at his words and the way he had spoken, the tone of his voice seemed sad and hurt Dameins eyes searched mine. I had been quiet for a few minutes. I was trying to process how he was here.
“It's alright you're safe now” He smiles softly.
I think he could tell I was dazed and confused but what did he mean by safe? My head is aching, pounding pain shot through my brain as I tried to remember anything. This didn’t feel real and everything just felt hazy. It felt like a dream and I had to know if I was awake.
“Kiss me,” I blurt out.
  He seems shocked for a second probably thinking this wasn’t this time nor place to do this but I needed to feel him.
“I need to know this isn’t a dream or some fantasy of mine,” I tell him.
  Without another word, his hand reached down under my chin to tilt my head back up. His black soulless eyes connected with mine for a moment before he pressed his lips to mine. A knot formed in my stomach when he grabbed my hips bringing our bodies closer, my breath hitched, our lips brushing against each other made my head spin. I reached up to tug on his hair and he let out a breathy moan into my mouth. Pulling away our breaths mixed and his eyes were clouded with lust. This felt real. The feeling of his chilled lips was real. He was real.
  “Did that feel like a dream?” He breathed out. God. Butterflies were punching the inside of my stomach trying to break free. If I had the physical strength to lean up on my toes to kiss him again I would. All I could muster was a little nod, he chuckled
“I’ve got to get you away from here,” he spoke after a minute.
   Damien took my hand in his leading me through the nothingness and my mind began to race with questions. What was going on, I needed answers and I wasn't going to be pushed aside anymore. It has always been like this. I would forget everything and be dragged around by everyone and I was fed up with the games. I stopped and yanked my hand out of Damien’s grip. He turned to me, his face frowned pure confusion across his face.
“Name, I don’t have the time to explain-”
“No!” I shout. I was tired of being scared
“I want to know what's going on, no more lies or secrets Damien.” I was so frustrated, tears started welling up in my eyes.
   Damien sighed, clenching his fists, trying to suppress his anger. He walked closer to me and placed his hands on the sides of my face and everything turned white. Flashes of people, memories flooded through seeing a mansion and then a group of people playing poker. the night of Mark’s poker game, things went horribly wrong. The whole event was a trap in order for him to get revenge. I died. He took over my body, throwing my soul into a mirror and prisoning me for a hundred years. until Mark had found me and erased my memories replacing them with one of me and him together. Lastly, I saw how Damien became this new form he called himself Dark and that Damien was gone forever but he still had his memories.
   My vision returned to see Dark standing away from me now everything was coming back into my brain slowly. My mouth fell open and I remembered, Damien was the love of my life, and to hear that he was dead broke my heart. I started to cry again, grief, sadness, and anger rolled into one coming out as a sob. How could I forget?
“For all these years I thought you were gone,” His voice was trembling.
  I stared at him as he stood a few feet away from me, tears rolled down his grey cheeks and onto his white suit.
“I never forgave myself for killing you,”
  “I don’t understand why Mark would do all of this,” I said, but I understood it completely. I just didn’t want to accept the fact Mark became mad with jealousy and wanted to make William miserable.
  “He’s our friend. Friends would never do anything like this,” my bottom lip started quivering.
“He wouldn’t, he-”
   Dark said my name in a hushed whisper and grabbed my shoulders slightly causing me to look up at him as he began to speak.
  “I know it’s hard to understand any of this but, he’s been manipulating you, Making you forget everything, Forget me.” He said. “Mark is not a good person and I have to get you away from him.”
   I didn’t want to accept what Mark had done. Mark had been there for me when we were kids and always have been so close, I wanted to help him. Dark had explained that Mark’s mansion overtime began to host some sort of entity to put ideas into his head, and it conjured up this idea of getting all the people who wronged Mark together to get revenge. I wanted to help my friend even if he was being controlled. I could tell Dark was reading my thoughts. I could see it in his eyes, he clenched his jaw screwing his eyes shut.
He inhaled before he opened his mouth to speak.
  “You’re not actually considering helping him.” His teeth grit. “After what he’s done, to you, to all of us.” His voice raises and the light around his form pules red. I try not to think about it, maybe it was just this place or my eyes tricking me.
“He’s our friend, Damien,” I plead.
His jaw clenched.
“That’s not my name anymore,” He said bitterly.
  I was shocked at his words. He was angry with me, now I really knew Damien was gone.
   “ALL HE EVER DID WAS USE YOU. WHY CAN’T YOU SEE THAT!?!” Dark yelled, suddenly gripping my arms harshly.
   I jumped, the whole area around us shakes and feels like it's cracking, falling apart at his outburst. Darks aura was buzzing and glowing red showing off his anger and frustration. After a moment his body relaxed and his shoulders dropped, he mumbled an apology I barely heard and stood up straight. Dark struggled to stand when he fell backward suddenly, I grabbed his hands so he didn’t hit the ground trying to keep him on his feet but something was pulling to let my grip go.
  I squeaked when Dark fell back and yanked me with him, his back hit the floor with a thud that echoed and our chests collided. I groaned and slowly sat up on his thighs our hands still laced together as he sat up
  “Its Mark, he knows I’m with you,” His eyes stared into mine and I could’ve sworn for a moment that they shifted into a dark brown color. My heart swelled thinking that those were Damiens eyes looking through. “He’s trying to separate us again.”
  “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry,” he spoke in a regretful tone. “This is the only way I’ll ever be able to see you again,” Dark lifted his hands to the sides of my head again, his eyelids closing in concentration. I was bracing myself for what was about to happen and soon sleep began to take over my body and my eyes fell closed.
  Dark cradled a unconscious Name against his chest stroking her hair every few seconds. He knew it made her calm even if she wasn’t conscious, he knew she could feel his presence and the feeling of his fingers in her hair. He sat there in the darkness like for the past hundred years being stuck in his own head. Names body began to disappear and Dark was alone; she was with Mark now and would be until he found her again. And could finally take her to a safe place forever. He looked up into the void, praying she would be safe soon.
  I stood in front of the museum beside Mark yawning and trying to fight my eyes shutting. I looked down at my timer watch and the numbers 2:30 am looked back at me. I looked down at my satchel and belt making sure I had all my tools and my grappling hook was secured to my hip. I sighed before turning to Mark to see him checking his equipment as well.
“Why are we doing this again?” I ask.
Mark’s head lifts to catch my eyes for a second then going back down.
  “You said you wanted to go on another adventure right?” He reminds me.
   A heist at almost three in the morning when I should have been asleep was not what I meant by going on a crazy adventurer. Going on a trip to Europe like we’ve always talked about maybe but not the local museum in the town we lived in. Mark said that what we were stealing had some importance to it so I was willing to help my friend out.
   “Yeah but I’m tired, you should have at least made me coffee before we left so I could actually function.” I scowl. He shakes his head and laughs. 
   Mark takes his grappling hook off his belt and walks towards the brick building raising his arm he pulls the trigger and the hook goes flying up and catching the ledge of the roof. I do the same and we both walk up the side of the building tiring to be as quiet as possible walking to a small open vent that leads into the museum. I follow Mark’s lead and begin to think this was a bad idea and should’ve kept my mouth shut last week but continued.
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