sergeantbuckybarnes · 4 years
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dreamxlovexdo · 4 years
A little vibe of Chris singing
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chrisevansedits · 4 years
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Chris Evans as Andy Barber in Defending Jacob
Episode 4 | Damage Control
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defendingandy · 4 years
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Chris Evans - backstage magazine scans (x)
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chriscaprogers · 4 years
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New interview next week!
(The ss on the top is from May, the bottom one is from yesterday!)
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lovinevans · 4 years
S P O I L E R V I D E O!!!
Give Chris ALL the awards!!! He is MASTERFUL in this entire scene!!
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sparkliingdust · 4 years
I just want to say: Objectively, not just as a fan of his, Chris is acting the shit out of Defending Jacob. Behind a cut for spoilers.
Michelle and Jaeden are doing a wonderful job too. The music is ~dramatique~. The cinematography evokes an ambiance like it’s a movie. And I know this is about the lengths a father will go to for his kid, but sometimes the script is a list of all the ways Andy can tamper with an investigation despite being a district attorney and should know better. 
But Chris is like tethering it all together. He’s given so many layers to Andy with his mannerisms, phrasing of words, and looks. He gives so much emotion with just a look.
The first episode where he goes into Jacob’s room to look for the knife - it starts with horror of seeing Derrick’s comment on Instagram. He bursts into Jacob’s room with an angered curiosity like what if Jacob is lying to them. And then  Andy feels foolish when he thinks he’s come up short and for doubting his son, and then feels like he’s been kicked in the stomach shock by finding it.
The second episode when Andy is dismissed from the case, and he’s begging for his boss to not put a warrant out for Jacob’s life. That horrified look on his face in the close-up is chef’s kiss.
And then there are moments where he’s looking at Laurie with pure love and concern and also frustration. The scene where she gets upset about Jacob whining about dinner even though she’s doing the best she can. Andy looks pissed and upset for her, and then tries to cool things down with a dad joke.
Or where he looks at Jacob with a sense of believing he might’ve done it before it disintegrates into skepticism of his own doubts, and then goes into full dad mode of ‘how silly it was for me to think he could do it’.
And how when Andy finally went to meet his father? The lighting and frame in the detention hall where he’s waiting to see him again was arguably the brightest we’ve seen Andy without the blue tone the series has. Chris looked like a five year old kid seeing someone who’s terrorized him in his nightmares.
Chris is a handsome motherfucker. He’s got a body that makes Greek gods jealous. But that’s almost a blanket statement to how truly talented he is and what he’s bringing to this series. It wouldn’t be the same without him.
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dxtennant · 4 years
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sergeantbuckybarnes · 4 years
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Chris Evans as Andy Barber in Defending Jacob (2020)
740 notes · View notes
jtargaryen18 · 4 years
Dynamite & Whiskey
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Chapter 4
Series Masterlist
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ only Warnings: Explicit sexual content, dubious consent Relationships: Andy Barber x reader
You’re a reporter and struggling with covering the murder trial of Jacob Barber. But you’ve covered his father’s cases for years. He was someone you admired. Little did you know he admired you too…
A/N: A minor spoiler alert for the show is now in effect. The central plot isn’t given away but there’s background information and a small bit of dialogue from the latest episode. As we near the end of this tale, I need to merge this story with the one on the show to end it as I planned. Thank you. 
You jumped when your phone hummed next to you on the couch. You were so riveted by coverage of the first day of Jacob Barber’s trial you just let it ring. You’d been so lost in thoughts that you should be there right now, covering that story. Doing your job.
As you watched, Andy Barber ushered his wife and son up the sidewalk, up the stairs of the courthouse. Their faces were set in stone, you’d expected that.
Andy looked so tired. So defeated.
You wanted to hate him for your current situation. You really did. You were stuck at home, laid off. And because of a couple of snide remarks made to you when you’d gone into town, you just didn’t go out a lot. You shopped late at night for what you needed and that seemed to take care of it. You weren’t a morning person anyway.
That woman’s son is on trial and you’re fucking her husband?
What’s it like fucking a murderer?
When you’d argued Andy hadn’t done anything…
No? The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, does it?
If you thought you had it bad, you couldn’t imagine their life right now. You’d read the article where the reporter caught Laurie at a diner, got her talking. They’d painted Andy as a friendless, loner and that certainly didn’t help anything. Another friend at the paper told you about an incident between Laurie Barber and Ben Rifkin’s mother in the grocery store one morning.
There’d been the rumor about Andy’s father and after doing a little research, you discovered that one was true. Your heart broke for him because as much research on him as you’d done, you’d never encountered that. Apparently, he hadn’t wanted that bit of family history known. You understood.
In the last few weeks, you’d seen Andy only a handful of times. He never texted or called and you understood why. He always came late at night. Since he wasn’t above breaking into your house, you’d just handed him your spare key. You tried hard not to think about the pure gratitude on his face when you’d done that, the way his gorgeous blue eyes had been edged in tears.
Every time he loved you, there was a desperation, a reverence in the act. Each time felt like it would be the last time you’d be with him and each time, you assumed it would be.After all, what could the future hold for the two of you?
If Jacob were truly innocent, how would that change things for Andy and his family? Would everything heal? Could they go back to being a happy family? You knew that was probably for the best.
Had you just been a temporary convenience when Andy’s world had fallen apart?
If Jacob were found guilty? Andy would be destroyed. What he had or didn’t have with you wouldn’t matter. Not in the face of that.
Andy Barber had been the worst mistake you’d ever made. 
And deep in the night when you were alone, often crying yourself to sleep about the limbo your career was in and worse, the mess he’d made of your heart, you couldn’t bring yourself to regret anything.
No, you were dumb enough to hope. To wish that maybe one day…
When your phone started again, you saw that it was Lawrence and you decided to go ahead and answer.
“You’d better answer the goddamn phone,” he grumbled before you could say anything.
“There’s a lady you need to call,” he said without preamble, “at a paper in Boston. She needs some help and likes your work.”
Your heart sped up a little at that.
“There’s a lady named Lilah Bennett,” Lawrence went on. “Here’s her number. Write it down.”
“Wait!” You scrambled for your pen and your Sudoku book. “Go ahead.”
You wrote down the number and the name with a shaking hand.
“You trying to get rid of me?” you tried to make it sound like a joke but missed it by a mile.
“No, but I hate that you’re sitting on the sidelines right now,” his tone was kind. “Give her a call. Might be nothing but it’s worth a shot.”
Tears stung the backs of your eyes. You were grateful. “Thank you, Lawrence. You don’t know how much… I appreciate you.”
“Don’t thank me,” he told you meaningfully. “Gotta go. Let me know what happens.”
Don’t thank me.
Your heart knew the truth you hadn’t confirmed yet. Andy was behind this. Your heart raced in something like hope as you contemplated calling the woman in Boston. You believed him when he said he didn’t mean for your life to be upended for his sake. Maybe he was trying to make things right. Maybe he was thinking ahead for when the trial was over. If what he told you was true about his feelings and you ended up together, you’d need to make a new start, right?
Or he was trying to fix things for you before your brief affair with him ended. Maybe he was working things out with Laurie…
Tears slid down your cheeks now, the chaos in your heart and mind never left you. Anxiety and hope were shoulder angels that fought every day on the battlefield of your heart while you waited for him to come to you. While you waited for the outcome of his son’s trial.
Your phone hummed again, and you found a new text message. When you read it, your heart squeezed in your chest. It was from Andy.
I miss you.
 Andy blinked back tears as he navigated the darkness at the top of the stairs. He paused outside his son’s room, thinking like Laurie that he wanted to hold his son, to tell him everything would be okay.
But the cold sliver of fear in his heart whispered that things might not be okay after all.
The day in court had seemed promising but ended in total disaster. The revelation from Jacob’s friend on the stand today? It was hard for Andy to see a way past that. They had a few plays left. But between that reveal and Neil’s games that revealed his family secret to the jury despite the judge not permitting it…
Andy couldn’t believe it. He refused to believe there was a chance, no matter how small, that his son had done this. He couldn’t have.
Why hadn’t Jacob told them? He wasn’t deceiving them. Right?
Yes, he could. You of all people should know that.
His wife’s words were a knife in his heart. Not only did she absolutely believe their son did this, she blamed him. Did she mean because he’d been an attorney and that he spun everything for cases? That everything he said was a lie?
Or did she mean he couldn’t help but lie because of where he’d come from? Who his father had been…
Since Andy had told her his family’s secret, that his father was a convicted rapist and murderer, Laurie hadn’t been the same. The emotional separation had been everything he’d feared, why he’d kept it secret all these years. Now when he talked, she heard him but didn’t listen. If he touched her, now limited to hugs or comforting gestures, he didn’t think Laurie felt a thing.
Their marriage had been crumbling even before Ben Rifkin’s body was found. Maybe Andy had been in denial about that too. But Laurie loved a man he no longer was. Maybe he never really had been. The successful assistant district attorney, respected community member and family man.
Laurie didn’t seem him as that now. She saw an imposter who looked like the husband she was proud of. Had she ever loved him?  Did she even know who he was?
What do you want me to say, Laurie? You’re right. Our marriage is a lie. Our whole fucking family is based on a fairy tale built on nothing. And our son’s a murderer. Is that what you want to hear?
No. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
The words broke him.
Andy had been swimming in guilt for weeks. He hadn’t lied to you when he told you that his marriage was over. It was. And he could have lived with that if their relationship had died of natural causes, the end hastened by the nightmare scenario that was their new reality.
Now he realized maybe Laurie never loved him at all. Maybe she just loved the idea of him, who she saw him as. Who she wanted him to be. Andy was no longer her perfect husband. 
Jacob was no longer her perfect son.
Maybe she really did believe it was all a false fairy tale.
Giving into his own tears, he listened as Jacob played video games in his room like he always had. He listened to Laurie sobbing downstairs before her light tread was on the stairs and she made her way into the bedroom they used to share.
Trying to bury himself in the cold bed of the guestroom, he realized he wanted to be anywhere but here right now.
Andy wanted to be with you.
God, but he couldn’t risk it. He didn’t know who the fuck the guy in the Lincoln was and all Andy needed right now, when things had gone so wrong at the trial today, was for someone to spot him sneaking out, heading to your house. They’d shame him with it in the courtroom, shame Laurie in front of everyone and she was barely holding up now.
He could make things worse for you too and you didn’t deserve that. He could only hope your boss had done as he’d asked and called you about the job offer in Boston. Maybe you’d accept it if it came from him. You were so damned proud.
Andy missed seeing you there at the courthouse. He would have taken courage just from seeing your face as he passed you on his way in.
Pulling his phone off the charger on his bedside table, he checked to see if by any chanced you’d answered the text he probably shouldn’t have sent you earlier. He just wanted you to know he did miss you. That he cared very much.
Andy’s heart skipped a beat to see you’d answered him.
Thank you for Boston.
I miss you too.
Andy sat up on the bed and pocketed his phone. Fuck this. His mind was made up. It might be a stupid ass decision, but he’d take the risk. Could he really make things worse than they were?
He knew he could, but the possibility wasn’t enough to stop him from making his way out of the house, down to his car.
Andy parked near the sandlot behind the middle school, jumping the fence at the back of your house and letting himself in the back door. The kitchen smelled like pizza and your perfume. The lights were all out, it was after midnight. He had to be back home early for the trial, but he could hear the sound of your laptop playing in your bedroom.
Andy wasn’t trying to be silent. He wanted you to know that he was there. He found you sitting up on your bed in a simple t-shirt and panties, watching something on the laptop on your dresser. You still jerked in fear when you finally noticed him standing in the doorway.
“Andy?” you asked quietly. You scrubbed a hand through your hair, the sexy waves cascading over your head.
His relief at just seeing you, of being in quiet solace of your bedroom, almost made him crumble. He hung his jacket on the knob of your door and toed off his shoes before joining you on your bed, moving slowly in case he was no longer welcome there.
It just occurred to him that you likely knew his dark secret too now. Would you reject him for it? Now that he was no longer the hero you wrote those inspiring articles about?
And what must you think of him with everything revealed about Jacob?
Your eyes were soft on him as he reached you. When you lifted a hand to his face, smoothing it over his cheek and jaw, Andy gave in to his sorrow. He collapsed into the softness of your lap, wrapping his arms around you like a drowning man. Like you could shelter him.
“I’m so sorry, Andy,” you whispered, your hands smoothing over his hair, his shoulders with a gentleness he didn’t deserve. “I’m sorry.”
There was so much he wanted to say. He just couldn’t. But you weren’t asking him questions. You weren’t making demands.
You just held him, opening yourself up like you could absorb any measure of his pain. In your arms, in that moment, he didn’t need to be the perfect family man, the ruthless district attorney. He didn’t need to be someone else’s strength, someone else’s defender.
Andy was broken. You were the only thing holding him together tonight.
You shifted in his hold after a few moments and he panicked, until he realized that you were just stretching out by his side, trying to get comfortable. Lying on your back, you motioned him to you. Andy wanted to be held by you, to listen to the strong beat of your heart.
But he wanted you more.
Pulling himself up on elbow, Andy’s gaze roamed over you. Just you. No makeup, no artifice in the dim light. You’d never looked more beautiful to him than you did right now beneath him.
When he leaned down to kiss your mouth, the softness of your lips, the taste of you infiltrated his senses. He kept it soft, seeking. Your gaze searched his when he pulled back, but there was nothing different in how you looked at him. There was no fear, no doubt.
You gazed at him like he was still a hero. You gazed at him like he was still worth something.
When your slender hands slid around his neck, your fingers sinking gently into his hair, Andy was lost. His heart was racing in his chest and he moved over you, taking you into his arms and holding you against him.
Andy tasted your lips for long minutes, your kisses so sweet. He chained more kisses across your jaw to the slim column of your neck, using his lips and tongue to seek out all the places that made you shiver. He loved making you press your body up into his in growing want. You gasped and shifted below him, your fingers grabbing at the hem of his dress shirt and pulling it free before racing along the line of buttons and undoing each with haste.
He interrupted you only long enough to pull the t-shirt off you, dropping kisses on your breasts and teasing that creamy soft skin with his beard because he knew you liked that. Then he got his mouth on them, teased your nipples into diamond hard points with his tongue and pulled at them with his lips at turns.
Andy lingered there as you came alive beneath him. Your fingers twisted in his hair, your thighs clenching in want as the scent of your desire drifted up on the heat of your body. His hands skimmed down your writhing form to smooth over those thighs, to dip into the wet heat they guarded.
When his fingers slid into the wetness coating the soft petals of your sex, he trailed wet kisses down to your tummy, more over the simple blue panties that were already soaked. They ripped away so easily in his hand and he tossed them away, more than eager to get his mouth on the most intimate part of you.
You didn’t disappoint him. You dazzled him as you mindlessly rode his mouth, your hands covering your breasts, your back arching gracefully when he did something you liked. The breathy sound of his name on your lips when he did something you loved had his heart clenching in his chest.
There was so much Andy couldn’t give you right now. Tonight, he wanted to drown you in ecstasy. That he could do.
His shoulders held you open for him as he teased your clit with his tongue. When he slid the first finger into your clenching channel, you started begging him. Mindless chants of please mingled with your scent all around him, a feverish spell that took him away from everything else. 
With the second finger, he found that space inside you. He stroked it whisper soft, just enough to light the fuse of his little dynamite but not enough to set her off. Andy kept his touch light, loving the way your thighs struggled to close around him, loving the high cries of his name that filled your room.
“Andy, please…” The words ended in a sob.
Andy stroked that space again.
“You need to come, Sweetheart?” he whispered, loving the sight of you destroyed above him. Your eyes were fever bright, your skin was shiny and your chest rose and fell with each labored breath.
“Please,” you begged him. “Please, Andy…”
You howled when he stroked that spot with purpose, holding your hips down with his other hand so he could bury his mouth in your pussy. His lips and tongue were relentless as the orgasm blew you apart, dragging out the shockwaves as the taste of your release filled his mouth.
You were adorably dazed and fighting to breathe when he lifted himself, working at the belt of his jeans. The taste of you’d had gotten him so hard, his cock aching as he shucked off his jeans and boxers.
Andy insinuated himself between your trembling thighs, sliding into you so easily and groaning from how fucking wonderful all that wet warmth felt as your body spread around him, making room. Your thighs slowly rose to clamp around his hips when he began to move in you. You didn’t resist when his hands collared your wrists. He pressed them down on the bed on either side of your head as his thrusts gained speed.
The tight heat of you felt so good, the softness of you beneath him something he craved so often each day. Andy gave you a taste of yourself on his lips as he loved you, and your moan went straight to his cock. It had him fighting off his orgasm desperately.
He needed you to come first, he needed to feel you clench around him like he was all you’d ever need.
Andy’s movements sped up as he changed up his thrusts. It didn’t take him long to find the angle that had you coming apart under him. Your greedy channel grabbed him, pulsed around him. Your wrists struggling in his hold. His name was a prayer on your lips as a powerful release shook you, took your breath away.
Andy couldn’t fight you anymore, his heart hammering in his chest. His thrusts came fast and hard, the wet heat of your body destroying his control as he came hard, pumping himself into you like it was the last thing he’d ever do…
It embarrassed him that he must have dozed off. The gentle slide of your finger over his face pulled him from sleep. His face was nuzzled against your chest as you lay facing each other.
Andy pressed a kiss above your heart.
“Sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”
Your sigh was soft. “Andy, you look like you haven’t slept in a year.”
“I’d like to sleep for a year honestly,” he whispered. “Right here. With you.”
Your fingers felt so good in his hair, gently gliding through the strands in a way that relaxed him.
“Thank you for Boston,” you whispered above him. “I’m driving up to meet with Lilah on Monday.”
Andy gazed up at you, noticing the gentle smile playing about your lips. “Why do you think it was me?”
“I know it was you.”
And there it was. That awe, that admiration you’d always had for him. His heart ached in his chest at the sight of it.
“How can still look at me like that?” he had to ask. “With everything I’m sure you know now… How can you?”
You brushed a kiss on his forehead.
“Nothing changed about you, Andy,” you explained gently. “You’re going through one of the worst things anyone could go through right now. Your personal business, your family’s business, has been drug out for everyone to see and… I know it’s got to be hell for you.”
Andy couldn’t deny the truth of her words.  
“But you didn’t change,” you explained warmly. “You’re still the same man, Andy... You’re still a good man. A man with a strong heart.”
When you kissed him gently, his heart broke a little in his chest.
Reaching for his jeans in the hopes you wouldn’t see the tears gathering in his eyes, Andy fished his phone out of his pocket and set an alarm for himself so he could get back in time to be ready for the trial tomorrow.
He couldn’t help but feel that Laurie knew he was out for the night, but he couldn’t bring himself to think too much about that. Thinking of his estranged wife choked him with feelings of betrayal, resentment. After the fight they’d had earlier, that would only grow worse.
But here with you? Here he was happy. As happy as he could be anyway.
“I’ll probably be gone when you wake up,” he told you apologetically. “You don’t know how much I wish I could stay.”
You nodded, cuddling up to him when he stretched out next to you.
“Get some sleep,” you told him, snuggling into his chest.
Andy pressed a kiss into your hair. His heart whispering the words that he couldn’t say right now.
I love you.
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567 notes · View notes
jtargaryen18 · 4 years
Dream of You
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Series Masterlist
Pairings: Andy Barber/Reader (from Dynamite & Whiskey)
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Voyeurism, masturbation, emotional infidelity
Summary: With no one to celebrate his latest courtroom victory, Andy is left to his own devices and he goes for a drive by your house.There are spoilers from the show/book here.
This is a prequel to Dynamite & Whiskey.
I don’t consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr, it’s been reposted without my permission.
May 27, 2017
Andy Barber’s phone hummed in the pocket of his suit jacket. He plucked it out to see that he had a text from Laurie.
 LB: How did it go?
 Andy couldn’t keep the smile off his face. He’d proved Buster Parson’s innocence when everyone thought he wouldn’t be able to pull it off.
Well, almost everyone thought he would lose the case.
 AB: We won! What are you doing later, beautiful?
 Andy had finished gathering his things and tucking them into his briefcase and was heading out of the courtroom before he got an answer. He was hoping that Laurie would be home, and they could celebrate. Really celebrate once Jacob went to bed.
Andy wasn’t entirely sure his teenage son ever really went to bed. He was such a night owl.
 LB: I’ve got a fundraiser tonight. I’ll be home late. Will celebrate this weekend. Promise. 😉
AB: Sounds good.
 He was on his own for the night.
Andy waited patiently for everything to be finalized so he could walk out with his client. Buster Parsons approached him in his simple suit, looking more relaxed than he had in the entire time he’d known the man.
“You ready?” Andy asked him, briefcase in hand.
“I am,” the man said humbly. “Thank you, Andy, for everything.”
“You’re welcome,” Andy told him.
For once, the smaller man had his head high, his shoulders back. He was a free man, found innocent of vehicular manslaughter. The reaction would be mixed outside. The lady who had died in the accident was well loved in the town. But he thought Buster could handle it now.
“Let’s go face those reporters now,” Andy bid him. “One last time.”
You would be there.
The swarm of them were there with their mics and cameramen, moving closer as Buster Parsons walked just ahead of him down the stone stairs. He paused to comment now that he could.
And there you were.
The subtle scent of roses and jasmine reached him as you drew closer. Your lips were a soft rose, a shade darker than the silky blouse you wore. As always, your blouse offered just a hint of the gentle curves it concealed. Your skirt was tight, smoothing over full hips and supple thighs, ending modestly below your knees. The pumps were elegant heels making your legs look a mile long.
“Mr Barber?” You smiled at him, those candied lips shining below big, luminous eyes. And those eyes took him in like he was an honest-to-God hero, all admiration and awe.
It went straight to his head like it always did. You were beautiful. What man wouldn’t feel that way?
“Mr. Barber?” you repeated.
Shit. Pay attention.
“Are you happy with the exoneration of Mr. Parsons?” you asked him, moving closer. Your arm pressed against his, soft fire.
Get a hold of yourself. You’re a married man.
Andy answered your questions with his usual spiel. Justice prevailed… Mr. Parsons now could move on with his life… Hell, he could have said anything. He was really just getting an eyeful of you. The way the sun shone off the soft curls of your hair, the way your gaze moved over him with such…
Was he imagining this?
Fuck, he needed to get a hold of himself. He had a wife, a son.
Thanking you for your questions, Andy moved reluctantly down the stairs, fielding other questions as he followed Parsons to his waiting car. They shook hands before he watched his client being driven away. A free man.
As he walked around the courthouse to the parking lot and climbed into his Audi, he contemplated those words. Free man.
Andy Barber was a free man but in so many ways, he really wasn’t.
He was a district attorney in Newton, but he had a father in prison for life for rape and murder. He had managed to keep it a secret to this point in his life. Even from his family. The dark secret was just one of the cages that held him.
He was a husband and father and he did all the things that came along with that role. He had a handsome son who got good grades and made him proud. He took Jacob fishing and they did family movie nights and trips out for dinner at local restaurants. He helped Jacob with homework and went to all of his conferences and ceremonies at school.
Andy had a beautiful wife. Laurie was lovely and intelligent. She made a real difference in the lives of disadvantaged kids and she was a good wife and mother. They did double dates with her friends. He did the honey-do lists. It seemed the longer they were married, the busier they both became. He didn’t mind watching Jacob while her responsibilities grew. Sometimes sex was a rare occurrence. When it happened? It was good, intimate.
Andy had a good life and he was satisfied.
But sometimes that opulence, his family, the money, and all his belongings? Just felt like another cage.
Scrubbing a hand down his face as he sat behind the wheel of his Audi, Andy shook his head at himself.
If he was so happy, why was he sitting in the car, hard as a rock and thinking about a woman who wasn’t his wife?
Oh, Andy knew it was just a simple infatuation on your part. That’s all it could be. You were younger but not that much younger than him. You knew he was married. You had to know he had a family.
And you didn’t act on it. You didn’t approach him outside the parameters of your job as a reporter. You weren’t acting inappropriately.
Not that anyone could prove…
But the intent felt like a tangible thing.
Your eyes said so much. And your stories? Your coverage of his cases? Always so flattering. You always emphasized his title. You always painted him in a positive light, highlighting his victories in court most of all. Laurie loved your articles, loved how her husband was represented as a hero in Newton. She’d share them with her friends over wine at their book club meetings.
She thought nothing of the fact that he kept each one, cutting each out of the paper and keeping them in a photo album in his study. All your articles about him…
When he reached his house, he found Jacob upstairs playing video games. He changed clothes, made them supper. When Laurie wasn’t there for dinner, which happened more often now, Jacob ended up on his phone and Andy read the paper or his own phone. He wasn’t proud of it.
The teen-parent separation stage was hitting early. Jacob would talk to him sometimes, but conversations were short, awkward.
Jacob was already back upstairs while he did the dishes, staring out the window the entire time.
Thinking about you…
Andy didn’t even think his decision to go on a drive was all that conscious. He tapped on Jacob’s door and told him he was going to the store. He’d be back.
It was night but not too late and it didn’t take long to reach your neighborhood. You had a cute house in a nice subdivision. It had been freshly painted when you moved in and he had to laugh because you often let the lawn go. Busy chasing those stories, he supposed.
Busy chasing him…
The middle school was in walking distance from your house, the school’s property starting on the other side of your chain-linked fence in the back. There was a little league game going on and cars were parked along your fence, parents watching their kids play at the baseball field behind the school. Jacob used to play there.
He found a space right at the corner of your fence away from the lights and shut the engine off. Yeah, it was creepy, but there he saw watching your house in the dark cabin of his car.
Every room of your house was lit up and after a few minutes, he finally saw your silhouette moving into a corner room that was likely your bedroom.
Simple sheer drapes hung over that window and he watched with his heart racing as you pulled one panel back and stood in the window, looking out. He knew you couldn’t see him there and he liked being able to just look at you in your pink robe, a glass of what he thought must have been whiskey in your hand.
Were you lonely too tonight?
Were you thinking of him?
Andy just watched you, not immediately aware that he’d slid his hand over his erection as he did. When he noticed, he threw off his seatbelt and got comfortable.
Could you see the game from there? You must have because you leaned in the window, taking sips of your drink. 
He understood. He often relied on a good drink himself, burning its way into his stomach, burning its way into his head and chasing down the vanities and insecurities that preyed on his mind.
What were you chasing away?
When you disappeared from the window, Andy plucked open his jeans and pulled himself out. Oh, he’d like to hop over the fence and go look in your window, but it would be his luck he’d get caught.
So he went with his imagination instead. He worked himself in smooth strokes as he imagined you going to bed. That you turned the lights out as he watched just enhanced his fantasy. He kept his touch light until your bedroom light went out.
You’d pull off that robe and what was underneath he wondered? In his mind, you were bare beneath it, all lush curves and smooth skin chilled by the cool comforter when you climbed on the bed.
Maybe you were thinking about him too, touching yourself. Would you run your hands over those full, beautiful breasts and imagine they were his hands? Would you tease your nipples until they hurt, until that slight edge of pain made that craving deep inside you worse?
He imagined your hands would slide down your body, down where you were wet and wanting. Did you shave? Were the petals of your sex bare and swollen?
You’d spread your legs, getting both hands involved. One hand would tease your clit first with gentle fingers.
Softly because that’s how he’d touch you, the lightest strokes until you were writhing beneath him. The rich scent that was just you would be stronger with all that warmth, would fill his senses. Andy just knew your intimate scent would be intoxicating.
Once your thighs were clamping around his fingers and you were purring for him like a kitten, he’d use a firmer touch. He’d tease you, bringing you so close to the edge before stopping. He’d want you breathless, pleading with him for more. You’d grab for him, any part of him you could reach. And he wanted your hands on him.
But he wouldn’t let you come. No. Not yet.
Andy would get his mouth on your first, savor you like the sweetest fruit. Your hands would twist in his hair, oh you’d make it hurt, while he teased the little pearl of your pleasure with his tongue. Andy would take his time, learn what drove you fucking crazy and use it against you while you whimpered and struggled above him. By the time he got his fingers in you, you’d be filling the room with desperate cries. By the time he found your sweet spot, you’d be weeping on his face, desperate for the release that only he could grant you.
Andy would let you come then. He’d stay at you with his hands and mouth until you thought you’d blow apart, until you were screaming as pleasure leveled you. He’d push you, drag it out as along as he could until you were trembling and dazed.
It would be the perfect time to push inside you, to fill you as he’d always wanted to. He could just imagine what the slick heat of your channel would feel like, so tight around him. He could just feel your soft little body beneath him, because he wanted you under him. He wanted you clinging to him like a vine.
Andy could wait until you’d recovered, he could move slowly, warm you up more. Once you’d fully come back to him, he’d get his hands in your hair as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts. He’d taste your lips that you’d painted in liquor, taking your cries and pleas into his mouth. He wanted to get drunk off them. He’d tease your neck and ears with his lips and tongue while he started literally fucking you into the mattress. By then you’d be a silken vice around his cock, the deadly combination of your scent, heat, and craving something he couldn’t resist for long.
What would his name sound like as a desperate sob on your lips? How would your nails feel carving lines down his back as he drove his cock into you over and over again?
Thick ropes of come shot up from his cock as he cried out in the interior of his car, working himself fast and hard as the last vestiges of his fantasy slipped away like the best dream. His breathing was harsh, the windows of his car starting to fog.
“Jesus,” he muttered to himself as he took in the mess he made and tried to get his heart to slow down.
He hadn’t acted any better than a horny teenage boy.
Shuffling around, he lucked out and found some napkins in the glovebox of the car and used those to get himself cleaned up. He couldn’t even bring himself to feel ashamed as he tucked himself back in, straightened his clothes and put his seatbelt back on.
Andy took one last long look at your bedroom window.
It had been the hardest he’d come in months. The release had left him feeling boneless, complete. Happy.
Andy started the car, driving off into the night. He’d hit the store before he returned home.
Blowing out a sigh, he whispered goodnight to you.
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