#dhruvi speaks
krsnaradhika · 5 months
I know I'm gonna attract a lot of speeches and stuff with this statement but I'll tell you something-
Both Arjuna and Kanha are incarnations of Shri Narayana so shipping them with each other romantically is not fun y'all (they are also the twin sages Nara and Narayana so that makes it more yikes? Twincest bro? Why?)
It's weird, and while I do fully support the lgtbq+ (bhai I'm demisexual myself), please don't insert it in itihāsa scriptures where it's not. Yes, I know about Sudyumna and Ila and how King Bhagiratha was born. Even Khajuraho has homoerotic sculptures and yes the community deserves respect just as any heterosexual personality does. Yes hinduism embraces homosexuality openly and there's nothing to be ashamed of it. But jahan hai vahan hai, jahan nahi don't put it there. Imagine labeling a person with wrong pronouns and wrong sexuality, not respectful right? Why do it with divine people? I know Kanha's everybody's buddy here and I'm nobody to tell people how they should worship him and what bhāva should they harbour, but like? It's not canon? Don't do it? People can be platonically very affectionate with each other and we should normalise it? And not term them as someone they're not? Fandom nahi hai bro, culture hai, dharma hai. Jise dhaaran kiya jaye, vahi dharma hai. Our ethics, morals and principles are our dharma. We have evidences of the Mahabharata and Ramayana. So it's not like they're fictional, are they? I know Tumblr pe we're all having fun and aisa hota hai yahan, I myself adore #ParAv very much but seriously writing smut on them? Making sexual jokes? Painting them as some people they're not? Why? Just because a large number of people are doing it, doesn't make it right.
(If somebody's posting hate comments or any stuff they're getting blocked.)
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stargazer-writing · 6 years
Magic Doers- Part 2
           “So, what kind of creatures are you? Elves, maybe?” the woman questioned after they had walked to the side of a dirt road leading out of town. 
“I think we should be asking you the same question. What was that thing?” Dru demanded. 
“Perhaps a few new magic doers? There haven’t been any in the last century though.” the woman said to herself, not hearing a word the other woman had said. Dru sighed in exasperation, and grabbed the woman by her shoulders, forcing her to face the two Americans. 
“What is going on?” she asked again, and the woman studied the two for a moment.
 “That was a Red Cap, a malevolent being that uses the blood of its prey to dye its hat, hence the name. They typically live in the castles of England and Scotland, but one must have been sent after me specifically.” she explained. 
“You’re telling me there are real life monsters? No, no that can’t be it. Did you drug us or something? Is this a hallucination?” Dru demanded again. 
“No, this is not a hallucination. There are creatures in this world that most could only fathom in their worst nightmares. There is magic as well. That is my part in all of this: I’m a sorceress.” she said, and the two stared at her, dumbfounded. 
“Prove it.” Charlie said, and the woman shrugged. She walked a few yards down the road, then turned and dramatically threw her hands up. 
“Ehediad!” she exclaimed, and suddenly rose into the air, at least ten feet, before carefully descending until she had touched the ground again. With a small curtsy, she then returned back to Dru and Charlie, who were completely floored. 
“Are you convinced now?” she asked them. 
“Alright, let’s say I believe you. Why did no one else seem to notice anything that just happened?” Dru asked. 
“In the past, humans believed in magic and could see it just as easily as we can see each other. However, after some unsavory attacks on my kind and other friendly creatures, like the Salem Witch Trials, for instance, the most powerful sorcerers in the world came together and collectively cast a spell that made sure that no one with human blood could see magic again. It took a little while to completely set in, but by the 18th century we were finally safe. I won’t pretend I know why you two can see me and the other beings of the magical world, but as far as I know no one else should be able to. It is better they don’t see the creatures that have inhabited this earth longer than they have.” she said. 
There were a few minutes of silence before Dru spoke up, saying to herself, “This is insane. None of this can be real.” 
The woman gave her a sympathetic look. “I understand that this is a lot for you. I remember when the magical world first interfered with my life.” she said, a melancholy look in her eyes, and Charlie stepped forward slightly. 
“When was that? Were you born human, or born a sorceress?” he asked. 
“I was born human, like most magic doers. When I was about nineteen, my father was killed by a Black Shuck, an evil black dog with glowing red eyes who dooms anyone who looks at them to die within the year. I sought out the nearest magic doer, and convinced them to teach me, so I could learn magic and save others from the fate my father suffered.” the woman explained.
“Well, I suppose I’ve kept you from your vacation long enough. I must be going. Goodbye.” she said suddenly, and began to walk away down the road. 
Charlie and Dru turned at each other, looking to see what the other one wanted to do. 
“You want to ask her a bunch more questions, don’t you?” Charlie asked his girlfriend, who looked guiltily back to the woman, and he sighed, but smiled anyway. 
“Alright, let’s hurry then.” he relented, and the two quickly chased after the woman.
           “Wait up!” Dru called, and the woman turned to face them when they finally caught up. 
“You said your father saw the dog, but humans couldn’t see magic by the 18th century. That means you would have to be at least…” Dru questioned, and Charlie and the woman watched her do the math in her head, using her fingers to count. “At least 400 years old!” she finally cried, and the woman smiled a little. 
“397 actually. I was born in the year 1619.” she responded, and Charlie stared at her with his mouth agape as Dru seemingly gave up hope of making sense of the woman. 
“Are you immortal?” Charlie asked quietly. 
“For the most part, yes. I became a sorceress when I was twenty years old, and I only appear to have aged a few years since then. In another 400 years I may only appear to be thirty.” the woman explained. 
Dru, who had since sat on the ground from the shock of these new world views, muttered to herself, “Ok. So you’re an immortal sorceress, magic and all that is real, and for some reason Charlie and I can see magic even though we’re humans, who shouldn’t be able to.” 
“Why was that monster attacking you anyway? You seem like a sorceress of good.” Charlie asked, and the woman gave a more genuine smile. 
“Thank you; I try to be anyway. The Red Cap was sent by an adversary of mine, another sorceress who uses dark magic. She is in the process of reversing the spell keeping humans from seeing the magical world, and she knows I’m coming to stop her.” she explained.
“Why would she do that?” Dru asked, and the sorceress shrugged. 
“Power, I assume. Most humans would panic if they suddenly found out the state of their world, and she would use that to her advantage, seizing control.” she explained. 
She paused for a moment, considering something, then looked to Charlie and Dru. 
“You know, maybe you could be some help to me.” she said, and they stared at her. “There are very few sorcerers left in the world, most of them in hiding. I am one of the only left who can fight her, and since you two can also see the magical world, and already know about her plans, I would like to ask you to come with me and stop her.” she said carefully, and Charlie seemed apprehensive of the offer while Dru looked curious. 
Upon seeing her expression, he turned her around so that he could talk to privately. 
“I don’t know Dru, who knows how long this would take? Our trip’s only a week long, and we don’t have the money to travel around with reckless abandon.” he said worriedly, and suddenly the sorceress spoke up from behind them. 
“You won’t have to worry about money for travel. I have spells that can transport us across oceans safely, and I know the other sorceress is here in Europe anyway. As for the length of your trip, if all goes smoothly, we should be able to arrive at her hiding place today and hopefully have it over and done with by tomorrow. All I need is a little help.” she said, and the humans looked at each other again. 
“We’ll have a chance to save the world, Charlie. How many people can say that?” she said excitedly, and he finally sighed, smiled, and nodded. 
“Why not?” he agreed, and the sorceress smiled at them, her face lighting up, making her look slightly younger. 
“Excellent. Why don’t we get going?” she said, and the three began walking down the dirt road.
           “So, where are we going? Not that this road isn’t lovely.” Dru asked after a while of walking. 
“There’s a forest nearby that’s a good conductor of magic. Transporting to our location will require as much natural power as I can get, along with my own.” the sorceress answered. Then she paused slightly, and looked back while they kept walking. 
“I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced yet. My name is Rhiannon.” she said, and the couple looked at her. 
“Hree-ann-on?” Charlie repeated, and she nodded. 
“It’s Welsh.” Rhiannon explained, and Dru nodded in sudden understanding. 
“So that’s what you and the Red Cap were speaking, and the dialect of your accent, too.” she figured, and the sorceress nodded. 
“Well, I’m Charlie, if you haven’t realized already, and this is my girlfriend, Dhruvi.” Charlie said in return, and Rhiannon gave Dru and odd look. 
“I’m Indian American, and my parents are from India, so it’s Hindi. Dru’s just a nickname.” Dru explained, and Rhiannon nodded. 
“I’ve been to India in my travels once or twice. The culture is one of my favorites. Many good sorcerers have come from India as well.” she said fondly, and they suddenly found themselves in the middle of the forest they had been traveling too. Rhiannon made her way to a nearby clearing, where a small ring of rocks was formed in the middle. 
“Join hands with me. Don’t let go, or it’s quite possible you’ll be stranded somewhere along the way.” she instructed, and the two humans nervously each grabbed one of her hands, and then each other’s. 
Rhiannon inhaled deeply, then tipped her head up, eyes closed, like she was praising someone above. 
“Cariwch ni i Gastell Aberystwyth. Cludiant.” she said, and Charlie and Dru were aware of the wind suddenly picking up around them. 
There was a sound like whispers on the air, growing louder as the wind grew, and the couple shut their eyes tightly against the noise. Then there was a loud rushing sound, a pop, and then silence.
Part 2 of Magic Doers! Please like and reblog!
Link to Part one here.
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dhruvi-patel · 7 years
I could spend hours telling you how his hair sits in an unruly mess on his head, Or the way his lips curve into a devilish smile, Or the colour of his eyes when they are alight with laughter, But what I speak of is the beauty of his mind. The way he can take the most simplistic of colours and mix them together to create images beautiful beyond comparison, Or how he can take a pen to paper and string together words in an order that would break even the coldest of hearts, Or how he can take one look at me, And speak in a manner that somehow manages to make me fall in love with him a little more each day. - dhruvi patel
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dhruvijmehta · 5 years
Well I guess I’m staying
All my plans to run away
Have failed miserably
Well can you say something?
All this saying nothing
Hasn’t got us anywhere
Oh I’m in a maze
Can’t find a way
Guesses are unreliable
Oh speak the truth
Shout it out
It’s time the cat came out
I’m waiting
Every second is a year
Well watch the seasons go by
Quick I’m withering
Drifting on an orange day
Well may the travel make up your mind
Quick I’m freezing
Orange is turning white
Oh I’m in a maze
Can’t find a way
Guesses are unreliable
Oh speak the truth
Shout it out
It’s time the cat came out
I’m waiting
Every second is a year
There you said it
What was so hard?
There you said it
What made you think I’d tear you apart?
There you said it
A tree shoots up
There you said it
I see the light from above
Oh I’m in a maze
Can’t find a way
Guesses are unreliable
Oh a game of two
What’s to lose
But yourself?
I’m waiting
At the finish line
I’m waiting
Every second is a year
-Dhruvi J Mehta
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aioinstagram · 6 years
Tumblr media
El Classico El Clasico: Barcelona rip apart Real Madrid in second half as Zinedine Zidane … is Trending on Sunday December 24 2017 http://www.aioinstagram.com/el-classico-el-clasico-barcelona-rip-apart-real-madrid-in-second-half-as-zinedine-zidane-is-trending-on-sunday-december-24-2017/
Daily Telegraph says: El Clasico: Barcelona rip apart Real Madrid in second half as Zinedine Zidane Daily Post Nigeria says: El Clasico: Zidane speaks after Real Madrids 3-0 loss to Barcelona
Top 2 articles about El Classico:
REAL Madrids hopes of retaining their La Liga title appeared to be fading fast as goals from Luis Suarez, Lionel Messi and Aleix Vidal propelled Barcelona to a 3-0 win in the Clasico, lifting them 14 points clear of their rivals in the standings Real Madrid manager, Zinedine Zidane has reacted to the 3-0 defeat his side suffered in the hand of Barcelona on Saturday. The Frenchman accepted responsibility for the El Clasico defeat that left the European champions 14 points adrift of Barcelona
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krsnaradhika · 6 days
are all the political parties in india corrupt? my indian friend said that while some might be better than others, in the end they are all corrupt money suckers.
True that. Everybody is corrupt and has grey to black shades. Politics here is like choosing between a bad thing and a worse one. Pick your boat and sail :)
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krsnaradhika · 27 days
Thick question, but what are your thoughts on swear words and hardcore smut made out of mythological stories? Like I've been seeing a lot of explicit content that wrongly sexualizes characters and events (e.g. Kunti and Durvasa, Karna and Gandhari etc.) and a lot of strong swears spoken by even the divine ones. What would you say about this?
What would I say? It's wrong. I mean, Mahabharata has a verse which says, "Dharma, artha, kama, and moksha— Mahabharata is the epitome of all of them. What is here can be found anywhere else, but if something is missing from this text then it cannot be found anywhere else too." So yes, the Hindus are open about Kāma or desires. Sex isn't a taboo traditionally. Look at the Khajuraho temple and the Kāmashastra. But wrongly sexualizing people, be it anybody, is diabolical. Light swears are fine, but too strong . . . I'm not too sure if one should be writing that tbh. That's why I refrain from having the positive characters swear too strong when I am penning down something. Non-canon pairings are straight up blasphemous so I do not stand with them. Neither of them.
And on a slightly different note, you will see things you don't like. This is the internet and it can be outrageous too often. The most you can do is click off to preserve your sanity because you really can't make people understand something they don't want to.
Have a good day ahead :)
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krsnaradhika · 4 months
Hi! I love your blog. It is truly a breath of fresh air. Coincidently, one of my very dear friend's name is Dhruvi, and she was definitely like you. This made me very happy. Also, I love how you call our Kahna 'my love'.
He is always with you.
Radhe Radhe
Radhe Radhe! Thank you so much for you kind words, I hope life's been kind to you <3
Yes yes, I call that butter thief as my beloved because he's got my heart too (an absolute monkey he is, but don't tell him he's very adorable regardless of that)
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krsnaradhika · 4 months
hi, your blog is actually so cute. i'm new to desiblr-- and i found your blog! i really really like krishn too. nice to meet you dhruvi!
Hey! Thank you so much <3 Nice to meet you too! I hope you find yourself at home here, the desiblr and gopiblr lanes of the town are quite pretty :D
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krsnaradhika · 1 month
tysm for answering my anon! You are such an inspiration for me to improve as a writer ❤️
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate it
Hey! You're most welcome and again, I'm really sorry because I took a lot of time responding to the anon. Thank you so much for your sweet words. A very happy reading and writing <3
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