#diamonds droog x reader
not-a-good-writer · 1 year
The Midnight Crew relationship hcs
AN: This is strictly going off the intermission because homestuck lore is too complicated for me :p
CW: swearing, brief mention of violence
♠ Spades Slick ♠
Being the leader of the group, he's got a reputation to uphold. He's the toughest gang leader around, and he'll be damned if he ever gets caught being all affection and shit.
So, no PDA from this guy. The most he'll do is wrap his arm around your shoulders or waist, maybe hold hands. In private though, he'll be more physically affectionate but not by a whole lot.
His love language is acts of service. He believes actions speak louder than words, and he's not great with talking about his feelings anyway. He'd much rather show you his devotion, whether that be by taking you to your favorite places on dates, helping you with chores around the base, or killing that one guy that pissed you off the other day.
He seldom calls you by any pet names, but when he does, it's usually toots or babe.
♦ Diamonds Droog ♦
Diamonds is a very suave and sophisticated man. He's pretty much the definition of a gentleman.
He likes taking you out on real nice dates. Candlelit dinners, dancing, anything fancy.
His love language is gift giving, through and through. He's gonna spoil you rotten. See a piece of jewellery you like? It's yours. Can't choose between two pairs of shoes? He'll buy you both. Seriously, don't take this man shopping with you if you don't want him buying you anything you look at for more than five seconds.
It's not like he can't afford it either. The Midnight Crew steals makes good money, so you don't have to worry about that. He likes buying you so many things because it's his way of showing you that you mean far more to him than anything material, so much so that he's willing to go bankrupt for you.
The pet names he'd give you would be doll, dollface, dear, and darling.
♣ Clubs Duece ♣
Clubs is a total sweetheart, obviously. He's completely head over heels for you, and he makes sure you know it.
His love language is both quality time and words of affirmation. He just loves spending time with you. Doesn't really matter what you do, as long as he's with you he's happy. He also praises you a lot, whether it be in the form of compliments, declarations of his love, or telling you how proud he is, it really seems like he doesn't have anything bad to say about you.
PDA? Not a problem! If you wanna hug him, kiss him, hold his hand or whatever in front of other people go right ahead! To him, there's no reason to conceal your relationship. He'd be willing to shout how much he loves you from the rooftops.
His pet names for you would be, honey, angel, baby, and gummybear.
♥ Hearts Boxcars ♥
Despite being the crew's muscle, Hearts is quite the romantic and has a big soft spot for you. What can he say? You just make his melt!
His love language would be physical touch. If he got back from a tiring job, the only thing he'd want is to just cuddle you or have you cuddle him.
He doesn't mind a bit of PDA. He'll be happy to hold your hand, or give you a quick hug or kiss.
His pet names for you would be sweetheart, love, and darling
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xxdreamersdesirexx · 1 year
Kissing the midnight crew headcanons:
Slick: makes you do initiate and do the work, sloppy but passionate kisser, surprisingly easy to fluster, bitey.
Droog: aggressive, methodical kisser. Practiced, intense and in charge. Handsy but a gentleman.
Boxcars: careful and sweet with his kisses. Butterfly kisses and a million little kisses all over you.
Deuce: shy at first but demanding once the ice is broken. Affectionate and involved and flirtatious.
Snowman: ruthless, possessive, demanding in charge. Grabby and insistent.
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cryprid · 1 year
Luck Be A Lady
You’ve never seen the lady dressed so fancily.  Sure she’s always dressed nice for every lesson, you hardly believe the woman even wears let alone owns a pair of jeans.  But her clear lack of denim is beside the point. Usually she’s dressed in bright and fun colours, colours that remind you of cotton candy and kindergarten, pastel pinks and sky blues. A walking rainbow without the rain.
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ayanak-archive · 7 years
me: *types diamonds droog* google: diamonds droog x reader lemon ? me: n- no thank you
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Darling, please... (Diamonds Droog x reader)
You stand in your bar; well. Slick’s bar. Of course, you were the bartender. All you really did was monitor the patrons, and mix drinks for them while nice jazz flitted through the room. It was pretty peaceful for a club. Mainly older gentleman showed up here. They’d usually group up with others and discuss thing over a simple Bourbon glass or Whiskey on the rocks. Woman usually ask for Margaritas and Long Island teas. 
Your eyes shifted from a group of men chatting away at the pool table. The four owners of this establishment were huddled together around a felt table, playing a good old game of poker. Of the four owners you only answered to one; Droog. Droog was the owner of the drinking aspect of the club, so in turn he was your boss. You smiled when you saw him shift to look your way. He set his cigarette down and motioned with his fingers; one index finger and then both his index and middle fingers. He always orders his drinks like this. The first motion meant he wanted red wine, and the second meant he wanted you to join him in drinking. You reach down and pull up two wine glasses and fill it with Malbec. You step out of the booth before making your way to his seat. 
“Your order?” You hand him his drink as you sit on his armrest. His arm goes around your waist upon arrival. “Yes, thank you.” He clicks his tongue. “I want your opinion, Darling.” He squeezes twice, he wants me to lie. “Should i fold?” The other owners snicker thinking they may have the upper hand. He shows his cards openly to you. An Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and ten of diamonds. ‘Royal flush...’ You feign a pout and give a worried glance at him. “Honey, too save your pride you might have too. You only have a pair...” You pretend you meant to whisper that last part but made sure they heard it. Slick guffaws at the thought of droog not winning. “True,” He pouts. “I may need to fold...”
Slick cuts in in his gruff voice. “Droog, Let’s just put in all or nothing on this one so we can end this game. Or are you chicken?” Slick laughs as Droogs lips turn to a snarl. Droog smirks as he pushes his chips to the center with the rest of them. Clubs deuce puts down his cards first showing a single pair. Hearts boxcars doesn’t have anything, poor guy. Slick proudly slams down his which surprisingly enough is a full house. However, the real winner is shown, as droog shows the rest his card selection. Slick growls and throws one of his usual fits. “Dammit Droog, you got the dame to lie. Didn’t you?”  Slick stalks off, probably to go throw knifes at the dart board in the lounge, while the others go off to complete their daily work. Droog sits smugly in his chair still, as he moves you off the armrest and into his lap. His head nestles itself into your neck as he purrs into your ear. “Thanks for lying for me, Darling. I needed that.” 
“Anytime, Daddy.” He chuckles as you use the nickname. You had started calling him that when he had brought over Aradia on her spring break. Aradia, His adopted troll daughter, had said it to him and you have been teasing about it since.  Droog teased your neck gently, trailing his teeth across your jugular as you huffed at the contact. His hands pulled you to straddle his lap as he leaned back in his chair. He gave a pleased smile as he grabbed another cigarette from his coat pocket. You looked back at the table and reached over for his lighter, flipping it open before igniting it. He leaned in, letting you light the tobacco stick. He hummed in approval. 
“Thanks.”  He eyed you a second, debating on something. “how about you keep me company for a while, how’s that sound?” His thumbs rubbed circle on your thighs as he winked playfully at you. You smirked, as if thinking. “I don’t know there’s alot of work to do...” You danced your fingers up his sides and across his chest before settling your arms around his neck. “But, i think i can spare a few moments for you, sugar.” You winked with a coy smile. He hummed and rubbed your hips gently. “Well, that’s good. Good thing it’s been a slow night.” He leaned in to whisper in your ear. You bit your bottom lip teasingly. His fingers rubbed smooth circle over your back as you leaned onto him. Your head nuzzling into the crook of his neck and shoulder with a sigh. 
“Sometimes, darling. I’m happy to have a friend like you.” Droog smiled genuinely as you kissed under his jaw. “umhm. I know.”  You nibbled playfully at his carapace shell. “Now be a good pillow and stay put.” He chuckled at your wording as his hands smoothed over your dress. “Of course, Darling.” You closed your eyes, and relaxed against him. You often slept with droog like this. Though, he’d always take you to his room to snooze properly. This also wasn’t the first time this happened, and frankly habits like this are hard to break. Though you doubt you’d change it. especially when droog trusts you enough to even get so close to him.
Once you fell asleep, droog put out his cigarette and picked you up gently. “Come on darling. Let’s get you to bed...”  He picked you up carefully and stood. To him you were light as a feather. Though that could be because of numerous things. He adjusted his hold, carrying you bridal style up the stairs and into a room with a nice red diamond on the door. Flipping on the light switch, he placed you gingerly on the bed. tucking you into it. ‘I guess i am like a dad...’ He inwardly groaned as he look at you. He sighed as he sat down next to your form. His fingers tossing back a gentle strand of hair away from your face.  “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” He whispered with a yawn. He got up and strolled to the switch, cutting off the light before kicking off his shoes and taking off his belt. His suit jacket was next to join them and he loosened his tie. Another yawn raked through his body before he shuffled in after you.
He curled up next to you, a leg and arm tossed protectively over your smaller frame. You instinctively cuddled into his chest with ease. One of his hands knots itself into your hair as he brushes the strands with ease. ‘Adorable...’ He hums to himself. “I love you darling.” He pecks the top of your brow with a smile.
“I know...”
“Darling, please... we’ve talked about this...”
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