#clubs deuce x reader
not-a-good-writer · 1 year
The Midnight Crew relationship hcs
AN: This is strictly going off the intermission because homestuck lore is too complicated for me :p
CW: swearing, brief mention of violence
♠ Spades Slick ♠
Being the leader of the group, he's got a reputation to uphold. He's the toughest gang leader around, and he'll be damned if he ever gets caught being all affection and shit.
So, no PDA from this guy. The most he'll do is wrap his arm around your shoulders or waist, maybe hold hands. In private though, he'll be more physically affectionate but not by a whole lot.
His love language is acts of service. He believes actions speak louder than words, and he's not great with talking about his feelings anyway. He'd much rather show you his devotion, whether that be by taking you to your favorite places on dates, helping you with chores around the base, or killing that one guy that pissed you off the other day.
He seldom calls you by any pet names, but when he does, it's usually toots or babe.
♦ Diamonds Droog ♦
Diamonds is a very suave and sophisticated man. He's pretty much the definition of a gentleman.
He likes taking you out on real nice dates. Candlelit dinners, dancing, anything fancy.
His love language is gift giving, through and through. He's gonna spoil you rotten. See a piece of jewellery you like? It's yours. Can't choose between two pairs of shoes? He'll buy you both. Seriously, don't take this man shopping with you if you don't want him buying you anything you look at for more than five seconds.
It's not like he can't afford it either. The Midnight Crew steals makes good money, so you don't have to worry about that. He likes buying you so many things because it's his way of showing you that you mean far more to him than anything material, so much so that he's willing to go bankrupt for you.
The pet names he'd give you would be doll, dollface, dear, and darling.
♣ Clubs Duece ♣
Clubs is a total sweetheart, obviously. He's completely head over heels for you, and he makes sure you know it.
His love language is both quality time and words of affirmation. He just loves spending time with you. Doesn't really matter what you do, as long as he's with you he's happy. He also praises you a lot, whether it be in the form of compliments, declarations of his love, or telling you how proud he is, it really seems like he doesn't have anything bad to say about you.
PDA? Not a problem! If you wanna hug him, kiss him, hold his hand or whatever in front of other people go right ahead! To him, there's no reason to conceal your relationship. He'd be willing to shout how much he loves you from the rooftops.
His pet names for you would be, honey, angel, baby, and gummybear.
♥ Hearts Boxcars ♥
Despite being the crew's muscle, Hearts is quite the romantic and has a big soft spot for you. What can he say? You just make his melt!
His love language would be physical touch. If he got back from a tiring job, the only thing he'd want is to just cuddle you or have you cuddle him.
He doesn't mind a bit of PDA. He'll be happy to hold your hand, or give you a quick hug or kiss.
His pet names for you would be sweetheart, love, and darling
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Can I request a kind of song fic? You know the song national anthem? The part where it says "red, white, blue is in the sky. Summers in the air, and baby heavens in your eyes". Can I have that with the first 3 dorms? Love your writing!
The familiar tone of cicadas and flushing greens bring about a stereotypical image of summer, and with it the reality of nearly a full year away from your world. No one has said it out loud yet, but it really does look like Twisted Wonderland is going to be your forever home, so it really is time you start thinking about what you want your future to look like...
And someone really seems to want a staring role in it.
I don't listen to Lana at all so I spent a brief moment wondering why someone was requesting I do a song fic based on the American National Anthem. Anyway I listened to the song a few times and came up with an idea, and then another, and another and I am so sorry this took forever. I hope you enjoy. notes: they/them used for Yuu, all scenarios are meant to take place over summer break, and contain a lot of summer themes. Going to the club and making out with Cater, possessive Leona, and mentioned vehicular manslaughter with Floyd. Other than that pretty tame. For other fic please look to my masterlist here.
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Riddle doesn’t know much about happiness now that he thinks about it.
He assumes he was happy when he played with Trey and Chenya all those years ago, and his mother had always been so insistent that true happiness came from doing well in his school work, and Riddle can say he gets something like happiness from his grades.  But then if that is “happiness” then what is this?  It doesn’t feel like it deserves quite the same word as what he feels like when he gets a good grade, and he certainly doesn’t get the same feeling of “happiness” from Trey as he does from you.  There’s a sting of pain to it that compels him to smile, to stay as close to you as possible when you speak.  
“I’ll miss you when you’re gone.”
That was where the pain had to have come from, but you’re here with him now and he knows you won’t be going back to that great somewhere you had come from and being next to you still hurts.
“Here.”  You tap your metal sparkler ignites his and you smile, wide and free in an attempt to encourage him to enjoy himself.  You must have noticed how tense he is, something that doesn’t change as he tries to force his focus on the sparkler.  It’s simple, short, putting out a bunch of yellow sparks that he swears it shouldn’t have the strength to.  It’s a lot like him, he supposes, he holds it out and up further and watches it spark down, the burnt edges sagging under their own weight as it rages against the night sky and tries to rival the stars.  “Are you going to draw anything?”
“Huh?”  He’s supposed to be having fun.  Are you disappointed in him?  No, you seem to have expected this, you're reaching for new sparklers and fumbling looking for something.
“If you twirl the sparkler through the air it’ll leave light behind.  It looks like drawing shapes.”  You take the risk of nodding towards Ace and Deuce, who he thinks are trying to draw their card suits from how Ace is pointing and Deuce’s face and laughing at the brief flicker of a spade he thinks he sees.  “It won’t stay for long but it’s still fun.”  A lighter, he recognizes the click before he turns back around to you and sees you fumbling with it.  Your hands must be cold, he can’t be happy with that but the strange feeling surges and compels him forward with the gentlest of fires he’s ever conjured.
“You’re the expert, so I’ll trust your advice.”  You jump slightly with the sparks and laughter, saying something he doesn’t hear as he takes his sparkler and joins you in drawing little hearts in the air.  It has to be a silly thing he’s said for you to laugh so much, but he means it so.  If he lets you point out the fun things, he thinks as you toss your second set of spent sparklers into the bucket of water and hold out the next for him to light, he can busy himself with the practical.  And maybe together you can both learn to enjoy that thing called happiness you both don’t know much about.
“Don’t you think you are being unfair?”  The words come out even though it has got to be pointless to say it; Trey has to know why else would his smile be so “strained,” why else would he be so determined to keep from making eye contact?  And furthermore he has to know you know, that’s why he is standing so close to you despite this new no eye contact rule.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  He continues looping icing in detailed patterns across a particularly complicated cake that you have to stop and stare at in wonder, could you ever get that good?  Trey must have a great deal of patience to do such technical work, shame he has also decided to use that skill to test yours.  You huff and look at your own work, Trey has to know you’ve been looking at him, people can feel the weight of other’s eyes right?  Let’s see how he functions without your attention.
Fine, you assume he’ll be fine, he’s always so unbothered by anything you do.  Cater has always insisted otherwise, but you swear he’s uncaring too. 
“Maybe you should intern at a cake shop.”  You do your best to mimic his voice and he chokes on his laugh, it takes a great deal of strength and perhaps patience that rivals Trey’s own to not turn and look.  His laugh is so genuine you could mistake it for joy.  “That’s what you said.”
“I did, didn't I?  Good advice that.”  His voice is a bit closer now, you try not to think about how that’s possible, you were already working so close to one another how could he get even closer without touching you?  Why do you want him to touch you… 
“Why didn’t you just invite me here?”  That has got to sound more pathetic than it does biting, it certainly feels that way.  “I applied to three separate places, and before I even completed the first line on your little questionnaire I got a call back from them congratulating me on getting hired here.”  Trey doesn’t so much as flinch, you see him in the corner of your eye, pretending to adjust his glasses and inspect your work.
“Maybe I wanted some plausible deniability.”  He’s so sincere you finally look at him and only sort of regret it when you see his triumphant smile.  “But someone got a bit too excited about a friend from NRC finally visiting and chased everyone else off.”  You snort.
“I can’t imagine Cater’s never wanted to come here, what with how he talked it up so much.”
“He has mentioned it once or twice.”  Trey adjusts a strawberry on a cupcake next to you, out of nerves more than need as he wonders over how to word what he wants to stay next.  “But I am glad you decided to come.  I was worried you would say no.”  You snort and Trey laughs slightly as he watches you squirm in indignance and tries not to focus on your lower lip’s quiver.
“Why on earth would I say no?  I’ve been curious about this place since forever.”  There’s flour on your apron he wants to smear on your face as an excuse to touch you and ignore the aching annoyance in his chest.  I don’t want you to be curious about the shop, everyone is.  I want you to be curious about me.
“Well there are more interesting ways to spend your summer than next to an oven.”  He says it nonchalantly as his thumb lingers on your nose just a bit longer than it should and your annoyance fades in place of something he doesn’t know but wants to oh so badly.
“Well maybe I just didn’t have anything better to do.”  He loves how pretend annoyed you get with him, the way your nose twitches and your eyes dart to look anywhere but him.  “And maybe I’ll not have anything better to do this winter or next summer either.”  He loves the security he has to indulge in those little things, even if you can’t ever go back to your old home.
“Oh?  That’s a real shame.”  He finally moves his thumb down your cheek and curls his fingers just under your chin to force you to look at him, to beg you to see a new possibility in his eyes.  “I can fix that.”
Cater inviting you places wasn’t a new thing, but you had really expected it to become an old one once he hit his fourth year and didn’t constantly see you irl and have to pretend he was as invested in your friendship as you were.  Was that a cruel thing to think?  Sure.  Did you hate yourself for it?  Absolutely.  Was it partially a product of your overwhelming fear of the consequences of opening up to someone with abandonment issues when you were all but guaranteed to permanently abandon him in a way that was so much worse than any of his previous friends?
Well now you were just being way too serious for the type of trip you were currently on.  You’ve never seen so many flashing lights outside of a nightmare but Cater certainly looks like he’s having the time of his life on the dance floor with Lilia and Kalim while you sit next to Trey being “boring” in the corner.  Not that you shouldn’t be at the club, you've just got a lot on your mind and no place to think it. 
“You don’t have to sit here with me if you want to.”  You apologize and Trey laughs, surprisingly not at all awkward.
“I’d make a total fool of myself, and I don’t want to end up on magicam being called someone’s dad.  Again.”  He swirls his drink in his hand and you look down at yours; you’re at a beach if you didn’t remember because of the stray sand in your shoes you would know by the little umbrella in your cup and the cheekily unbuttoned hawaiian shirt that displays the beads around Cater’s neck as he makes sure to fill your entire vision and steal your breath.
“Yuuuuu, c’mon dance with me.”  He grabs both your hands in his, intertwining your fingers and pulling out to the floor with the force of his voice as much as his grip.  “Can’t let you stay in the corner allll night, I’d be a bad senior!”  You think you hear Kalim and Lilia say something to Trey, but Cater’s so close to you, you can’t really hear anything, not even the music or the last call from the bar that sends you and your friends into the street stumbling back towards the hotel Kalim had insisted on booking.  “They’re certainly having fun.”  Cater hasn’t  let go of your hand, thumb circling your palm before finally resting nearby your pulse point.  “Sort of a shame to call it quits now.”  So he says but you can see the night’s been getting to him.  
“If you need a break I don’t think anyone will blame you.”  You squeeze his hand and a little of Cay Cay’s smile returns to Cater’s face as he squeezes back.  “Do you want me to let you sleep when we get back to the rooms?”  
He doesn’t respond immediately.  Those serious thoughts from before bring you back to reality and you finally see how far behind you’ve lagged from the rest of your group.  
“I want to hear your voice.”  The dull fear of abandonment snakes through you both and coaxes out Cater’s words he’d probably wouldn’t have ever said if you weren’t staying and he was completely sober.  It hitches in your breath as he looks at you, Cater’s real unguarded smile on his face as he lets the boardwalk lights shade him in their perfectly imperfect artificial shine.  “I want to hear you say we’re besties out loud again, I want it to be real.  Because I’m mad I screwed things up before thinking you’d be gone when you’re so desperately real.”  You wave the others on ahead, they shake their heads with knowing looks as you stop and lean into Cater, pressing your foreheads together and staring deep into each other’s eyes searching for something neither wants to admit was always there.  “You don’t deserve to be stuck here.”
“You don’t deserve to be stuck in your own head.”  He flinches and you reach to touch his cheek, could you kiss him here?  Would that be moving too fast?  “I’ll be just fine, Cater.”  
“But I want to keep you stuck here with me.”  He mumbles, and makes the move to kiss for you.  Your arms move around his neck and your hands thread through his hair, pulling him close as he never dared to be.
You’ve got all sorts of things you want to say out loud, just for him to hear.
“It’s so hot.”  Whines Grim, his bright smirk completely betraying his intent as you try not to sigh too loudly as you look over the prices at this ice cream stand Ace had convinced you to check out.  “I reeeeeally wish we had an ice cream sundae right now, don’t you hench human?”  
“You already had half a watermelon earlier,” you mutter “if I get you a whole sundae you might get sick.”  He won’t.  Grim almost never gets sick.  You’ve seen him eat and rank literal dirt.  But still you already are going to be carrying back the groceries Ace’s mom asked for and didn’t need something difficult to carry.  Thankfully there always seems to be something for cats in the Queendom of Roses because the seller helpfully pipes up that he has a tuna flavored push pop that Grim immediately begs for instead.
You consider getting the same one for Ace, but his childish joy when you pass him a cherry popsicle before opening your own is almost worth the missed joke.  “Aww nice, about time you paid me back for everything I do for you.”  Almost.  You roll your eyes and take your share of the grocery bags, half heartedly fighting for Ace to let you take more of them.  He won’t let you, nodding towards Grim in way of an excuse as if the little monster ever lets you take his paw.  He’s been doing a lot of things like that while you’ve been staying with his family, it’s actually been sort of nice.  There has been a sort of domestic give and take between you two for a long time now that you think about it, probably since the first time he tried to sneak his way into your bed, that has translated into something like a routine.  His family has been nice enough not to say anything about it but you know they see it too.  “Hey you have work tomorrow right?”
“Yeah.”  You try to blink your way back to a more normal state of mind.  “Do you want me to bring you back anything?”
“Nah I’ll just text you if I think of something when I’m on my way to pick you up.”  Ace says it so nonchalantly you have to wonder what old Ace would say.  The one who made fun of you for not having magic and ditched a girlfriend without saying anything for being boring, or did you never actually know that guy and got lucky enough to meet the ace of hearts instead?  
“Ya don’t always gotta walk them.”  Grim snorts, unimpressed as always in a way that never fails to make you smile.  “Yuu isn’t gonna disappear!  Headmage said they were here to stay.”  Ace rolls his eyes and you laugh.  For some reason he never fails to take bait from Grim.
“That’s not what it’s about, dummy, walking alone is dangerous.”
“Yeah Grim,” you teasingly scratch his little head “besides the only one who isn’t going to be around forever is Ace.”  
“Do you really think I won’t be around forever?”  Ace actually looks offended, sounds it too and you find yourself indignant.
“You’ve got to have a life eventually.”  You shrug.  “Deuce and me, school, that doesn’t last forever.”   “You can be a part of that life too you know?!”  It’s not the closest to a confession you’ve ever gotten from Ace, but it’s certainly the loudest.  “Look, I get you’ve got a lot going on in your mind right now, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.  I’ll sit outside that door waiting for you to be ready, and I’ll still be there even if that day never comes.  If you’re really in trouble I’ll bust down that door, just because you’re forced to be here doesn’t mean you’re alone.”  You wait.  You wait for the back track, the joke, the step back into the comfort of the friend zone but it doesn’t come.  He looks you in your eyes and keeps walking forward towards home.  “You have me, you know?”  You’ve always had me.
Sometimes you forget how abnormal Deuce is.  Probably because it’s a normal sort of abnormality, if any such thing exists, that doesn’t involve magic or monsters and you would have been able to wrap your mind around no matter what time and place you had met in.  But that doesn’t mean Deuce is not capable of doing or saying things that surprise you.
“Let’s make a pillow fort.”  He says, the familiarity of his joy the only thing that’s keeping you from screaming about his words.  “I’ve never made one before, it’ll be fun!”
“Oh I refuse to believe that.”  You laugh but refuse to protest, Ace isn’t here to bring down the mood and there’s no way Grim would deny something that he thinks is guaranteed to involve popcorn from the few times you’ve camped out in the Ramshackle Lounge and watched TV together.  And to be fair that’s also your plan for tonight, Deuce has a bunch of movies he’s been determined to show you since you agreed to stay over for the Summer.
“Well maybe back when I was a kid with my mom.”  He certainly has enough blankets for it, but then what self respecting house doesn’t have a few extras?  “I’ve never had a friend stay over before…”  If you were in a different mood, if his flushed face wasn’t so cute, you might tease about how you had been here before with Epel, Ortho, and Silver but there’s a tone to the way he says friend.  It’s the way he makes sure to lie as close to you as possible in your little fort and watches you as much as the movie that tells you that he feels, even if he doesn’t think, that this is somehow different.  “Have you?”  He asks it late, as the credits roll on your third or fourth movie and Grim snores.  “I thought maybe we could do something normal for once, but I forgot to ask.”  You laugh and roll your head onto his shoulder and allow yourself to really think about things.
“Thank you.”  It’s the first thought you have, surprising you both.  But should it?  There’s something warm and comforting about being with Deuce.  Natural even.  “I can’t say I’m happy but I feel closer to home than I have in a while.”  Deuce squeezes your hand and rests his head on top of yours.
“I’m glad.  I- know I shouldn’t be but I am sort of happy you’re still here.”  He wants to say he’s happy you are staying, but he knows he can’t.  It would be too cruel and Deuce knows he can’t really understand the depth of what you’ve lost or make up for it with sleep overs or movie nights.  But he does so want to try.  “I promise I’ll do my best to make your time here worth it, I meant what I said during Starsending.  I want you to be there when I get my badge, I want to make you proud of me too.”  
“I’d say I’ll be the loudest in the room but I’ve met your mom.”  You sleepily quip and he laughs.  “And I’m already proud of you, Deucey.”  His half open mouth freezes, his thanks stuck in the softness of your voice as he wills himself to sleep to sear the sound into his brain.
“Sweet dreams, Yuu.”  He’ll make this a summer worth having, he swears it.
“You cannot have driven me out here just to nap.”  Leona’s head is heavy and warm in your lap in stark contrast to the cool greenery that shades you from the rest of the palace.
“Can’t I?”  He opens his eyes to look up at you with a gleam that’s just so smug it makes your heart flutter in what you have to work very hard to convince yourself is annoyance.  “Because I could have sworn I just did.”
You aren’t sure why Leona invited you.  That one time you had visited the Savannah before had been because Grim demanded, not because he wanted you there.  Or at least that’s what you had thought but this time you had received an invitation, and though it had been worded more like a demand (must be a cat thing) it had been surprisingly thoughtful in its accommodations.  Grim certainly had been happy enough to accept on your behalf even before Crowley had agreed to let you go.
“I’m just surprised you would want anyone with you to nap at all.”  You had been afraid to touch him when you saw him, but you swear he wants you to play with his hair with how he purposely spreads it out, like he’s displaying for you.  “I thought you’d be happy to be rid of me.”
“Maybe I would have been.”  His bluntness is only dulled by its predictability, there’s something almost relieving about it if you’re honest.  Everyone has been so insistent on saying they are happy you have stayed and just as eager to avoid talking about the specifics that worry you.  Not Leona, he keeps his green eyes focused on you, striking right at the heart of things.  “But you aren’t half as annoying as everyone else, even if you could stand to fight for yourself a bit more.  Why do you think I invited you here anyway?”
“...so your family wouldn’t bother you about your duties?”  He laughs, loud and free and so forceful he shakes your entire body with its pride.
“Well you’re half right.”  He reaches up and pulls you down, rolling to the side so you’re lying in the bit of ground he’s warmed and caged in the safety of his arms with nowhere to run from the obvious truth.  “You’re here because I want you to be.”  The way he says it, the touch of his forehead against yours and the lull of his heartbeat, it’s like he’s daring you to think of your entire existence in Twisted Wonderland in terms of him and him alone.  And he knows it, he has to he’s too smart to word his sayings in a way that would misconstrue his meaning.  “What’s that shit you herbivores are always yammering on about?  ‘Finding your family?’  Well I found you so you’re going to stay right?”
“Are you offering me citizenship, your majesty?”  Because you have to make this a bit of a joke otherwise you’ll let him in on just how much power over you he really has.
“I’m offering you a home.”  He’s surprisingly serious.  “It’s dark, a bit shit, but you already like those sorts of places if your dorm is anything to go by.  And you’re so annoyingly sunny I’m sure it’ll perk right up when you settle yourself in.”  Just like he does as you move to hide your face in his chest, your breaths matching in the safe lull of slumber under the jungle’s starry sky.
“Man, I love Summer!  People are just so much freer with their cash, y’know shishishishi.”  Ruggie cackles as he settles himself into a booth, still somehow full of energy despite the day you’ve both had while you slump across from him.  “Peak tourism season means loads of opportunities for work!”
“I know Leona said this place was popular but I guess I didn’t realize just how much.”  Ruggie had been so proud to show you this barbeque place after your first night working at the resort with him, and you had been more than happy to know it on nights like this when you had worked overtime meeting some really pushy customers' needs for what felt like way too little money.  Even though this gig paid pretty well some people just weren’t worth shit, something Ruggie knows all too well.
“Yeah, nothing on Sage’s Island ever gets this busy.  You holding up ok?”  Ruggie’s always like this while he’s on the job, you try to tell yourself he doesn’t mean too much by it, that he’s just checking up on you from a place of mutual understanding but it still feels good.  Good enough that the smile you manage is genuine.
“Surprisingly, yeah.”  You could really do with some more sleep than you are going to get when you return to Grim tonight, but then you always could.  “What about you?  You always look twice as busy as me and that’s saying something.”
“Aww, you worried about little old me?  Kiiinda weird Yuu!  I’m the senior here, I'm more used to this.”  He’s the same smug Ruggie, brimming with enough confidence and infectious determination that perks you up just a bit.  Or maybe it’s the fact your food’s come and you are determined to snatch up the utensils and cook before Ruggie can and use it as an excuse to keep all the best cuts for himself.  He doesn’t jump to fight you tonight though, instead he looks contemplative.  “Hey, are you sure you’re ok with how you spent your Summer?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”  The meat sizzles on the grill, dampening the seriousness of the conversation with its pops, and Ruggie tries to focus on it but it’s clear he has been thinking about this for a while.
“Well, my invitation was kinda late.  I was really surprised you didn’t want to spend your Summer hanging out with your friends.”  You don’t say anything immediately, wondering how best to respond to someone who, admittedly, has never really admitted to being your friend despite you both regularly flirting with that and a much deeper concept.  
“I mean I do.”  It’s best to be honest with him, he won’t accept anything else even if it hurts to see you refuse to look at him as you flip the meat to cook its other side and continue thinking out loud.  “But I’m going to be stuck here forever, I want to get a head start on some security.  I can’t live in Ramshackle forever.  And besides…”  It’s best to be honest with him, you reassure yourself as you take a deep breath and give him the cut you know he’ll like best and stare deep into his eyes.  “I was happy to hear from you and get a chance to see you again sooner.”  His ears twitch and his eyes widen, words fumble out of his mouth without any real meaning as you both silently agree to table the conversation and eat your meal.  The best meals aren’t rushed, and the best connections allow themselves the time they need to grow.  You know you’ll both be ok, you promise yourself you will make sure of it.
“Jack, what is this thing again?”  You ask slightly exasperated, not with the product or with him, just yourself for still not remembering the types of snack foods available in a basic convenience store after a whole school year in this world.  For once, Jack doesn’t complain or pretend he doesn’t want to help, just dutifully walks over and looks at the package before putting it back on the shelf.
“It’s a type of chip, you liked this flavor better.”  He adds it to his basket and you sigh, mutter an apology Jack doesn’t acknowledge verbally, instead touching your thigh gently with his tail.  “Is there anything else you want to bring back to Sage’s Island with you?  If you don’t remember until you get back…”  I won’t send it to you.  That’s what he wants to say, but he cuts himself off before he can.  He can see your mind auto filling it in as you think, and he curses himself silently.  What a fool he’d been, “I won’t need to do that I’ll just know” he hadn’t counted on lying to himself about how he felt.  His mother had, she’d even laughed about it when he had tried to stumble around asking to let you visit.
“A soulmate is something you work for, Jack.  It’s not given to you, you have to earn it.”
Jack likes to think he works hard.  His grades are good, he’s in great shape, his unique magic is truly a gift and he isn’t taking it for granted but you.  You’ve got two separate drinks held up to the light, neither of them are exclusive to the Shaftlands.  You could get them at Sam’s any time but you are squinting as if you have truly never seen them before and he guesses that’s because it’s true.  Why is it so hard to just speak to you?  Is it because you're human?
“If you want something limited, those are over here.”  He takes what you were looking at anyway.  “My sister really likes this one.”  I think you will too, it’s a lot like what you get from the vending machines.  You nod and add it to the basket, turning towards the canned goods and insisting on getting some “fancy” tuna for Grim with a smile that stirs his soul and reassures him of what Jack knows is true even if he can’t speak about it.
“You think he’d notice even if it was different?”  You are shaking your head as you look at the can, making jokes but not bothering to pretend you don’t care.  It’s maddening, how bright you shine for those you care about and how little he can do to give that shine back to you.
“You can’t tell him how much it costs, otherwise he will insist it is.”  That works, you laugh and his tail goes crazy, unable to hide how important your laughter is to him.  I love you.  That’s what he wants to say.  “You should come back next summer.”  But he doesn’t, he rubs his neck and looks at the shelves and thinks it so loud he swears his heart is halfway out of his chest.  There’s a soft look in your eyes that he wants to think says you hear it, but he knows that he can’t take it as an excuse.  Next summer I’ll say it.  I’ll say it every day that you’re here, I promise.  Your smile is everything he needs.
“I look forward to it.”
There’s a picture on your phone you don’t think you were meant to see, but magicam lets you delete photos and Azul hasn’t done that yet.  It’s been an hour, the little opened notification sits there taunting you both but still he doesn’t do anything.  Not send a follow up message or delete the photo or anything and FINALLY you’ve had enough so you do something beyond reckless.
You call him.  And he answers.
“Prefect!  Always a pleasure to hear from you.”  Azul sounds so infuriatingly put together you want to die.  You bet he’s sat in some sort of fancy office, leaning back with a smug look on his face while you hug a pillow close to your chest, still in your pajamas seething with nerves over his little mistake.  “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Did you mean to send me a picture of your menu for orientation?”  You cringe at how upset you sound, because you really aren’t exactly.  It’s silly to hope Azul would talk to you over the summer at all, and if he did of course it would be about business.  That’s what talking with Azul is always about.  “Oh and hello I guess.”  But it still pays to be polite if for no other reason than the melodic laughter that you get to hear at what you're sure Azul sees as a cute mistake.
“I would have called you if I hadn’t.”  He sounds like he is reassuring a child, but still pauses to keep you off your game before he continues.  “I was expecting you to give your opinions on it, you have to have some don’t you?”  
“Not for free.”  You snort and he laughs again, slightly more awkwardly this time and you wish you could say that you didn’t feel bad, that you were as cold and calculated as the sea but neither of you are really.  It isn’t wrong to want something is it?  Azul is pro-greed, so surely he would understand you teasing him a bit to keep him in your life for just a bit longer.  “Do you need my opinion for something?”
“Just to hear it.”  Azul has a way of being so damnably dismissive about things it drives you insane.  Just once you want to hear him say- “Besides, it’s been a while since we talked and I thought it would be a good ice breaker.”  You choke on your own thoughts and almost break your jaw trying to keep him from hearing.  “You’ll be there I trust?”
“Orientation?”  Your throat hurts and it shows in your voice, that stupid octopus has got to be so smug right now it would be so insufferable to look at.  You definitely aren’t thinking about it and it definitely isn’t making your struggle to breathe worse.  “Or the Lounge?  Because it’s not like I’ll have anything to do really if you want help or something… I am sort of curious about those house themed drinks, that's a stupid good idea for an orientation by the way.”
“I knew you’d get it!”  Azul sounds so excited it’s almost pure.  “You’ll have to come by beforehand so I can show you how to make them, it took so much time to get the correct flavor pallet for the Savanaclaw and Ignihyde ones you have no idea-”  
And just like that he has you, he has you!  You’re listening and talking to him through all of his explanations, probably sitting somewhere under a tree well put together with Grim on your lap and… smiling he hopes?  While he is curled into a small ball in his room trying to pretend he knew this would work out exactly like he wanted the whole time.
You’ll be there.  When the bell strikes and the mirror opens its gaze on NRC once again he won’t have to be nostalgic for flames and mayhem because you will be there.  And this time he swears he’ll catch you for good.
It’s the last day of school and yet you have nothing to pack and nothing to do.  The usual excitement that accompanies the final freedom of summer is sort of lost in that void of being unable to go home, and as ashamed as you are to admit it you think you’ll go crazy if you don’t have anywhere to go next summer.  You already felt so overwhelmingly lonely when you first got the news, and you have heard these things get better but it doesn’t feel like it will.  Even the knock at your door fills you with dread, you don’t want to ruin Ace and Deuce’s excitement with your bad mood.  But that’s not what you see when you open your door.
“Hello prefect.”  Jade Leech is tall, so tall he fills up the frame with his stiff figure that you always have noticed for how proper it is but today he seems even more rigid than usual.  Guarded is the word you would use if you could ever picture him being afraid of you.  “May I come in?”  You nod and shut the door behind you both, your idle curiosity drowning out the danger signs as neither of you move or speak.  Jade’s hands stay folded in front of him, yours stay at your sides as you wait.  Wait wait wait for what you don’t know, hadn’t the twins told you they visited their parents over this break?  His mother sounded lovely, why would he want to keep her waiting?  “I was wondering…”  He closes his eyes and brings his hand up to his chin as if he is deep in thought but it reads more like it is taking a lot out of him to say what he wants to “Would you be interested in climbing Mount Moln with me sometime?”  Your breath catches in your throat, the memories of your trip to Harveston still somewhat fresh and inviting in their domesticity.  You hadn’t thought he would remember that little conversation you’d had, but he does.  His wide smile when he opens his eyes to see your fluster screams it’s haunted his dreams as much as it has yours.  “I do seem to recall you expressed a desire to climb it, and since you will be staying with us for the foreseeable future I thought I would take my chance on the proposal.”  Did he have to word it like that?  It’s doing things to your heart.
“I did say that, didn't I?”  You try to center yourself by closing your eyes, it’s always a bad thing to appear desperate around him but your mind insists on remembering.  The feel of the snow, the smell of the woods and the bonfires, and of Jade whether he would believe you or not.  Of the excitement in his voice when he named all the plants he knew, of the funny look on his face when his sled misbehaved, so passive as if it was happening to someone else and not him.  And of the shiver of excitement at his ideas on how to sabotage the other team, whispered quietly in your ear so as not to alert Epel in an effort to convince you of his position.  Or maybe now that you look at him he just wanted the excuse to be close.  “Yes.  Yes.  I would like that very much.”  Jade’s smile stretches to something as dangerous as it is thrilling as he takes his long desired excuse and closes the gap. “I will see you next week then.  Make sure to pack your things.”  You splutter and he takes a deep breath to savor the look as he traces your cheek and takes your weak protests in stride.  He never did say you would be going to Mount Moln this summer, you need to train after all.  Jade Leech intends to take his time with you, assuming you’ll let him of course.
“Hehe Floyd and shrimpy, drivin to the beeeeach.  What’ll they do?”  
“Stay in their lane and watch the road.”  Crewel has to have added a “fuck” in there that he didn’t voice if his death grip on the car’s grab handle is anything to go by, and if you are honest you wish he had, it would make this whole experience much more bearable.  You have opted to hold Grim instead, prayer was also an option but that wouldn’t keep Grim from trying to harass Floyd.  He’s laughing now, saying something to Professor Crewel you can’t quite place, maybe adding a new verse to his little song that admittedly sounds kind of catchy.  Floyd has a very nice voice you swear he only ever uses to make fun of people, not that you could see him ever doing anything with it since that would take too much repetitive work.  “Pull off the exit here and make sure to park WITHIN the lines this time.”  Crewel snaps and you find yourself finally at a merciful stop, and unable to free yourself and Grim from your seatbelts fast enough under the guise of “getting your things” from the trunk.  
You aren’t fast enough to avoid Floyd.  He’s there as soon as you open the trunk, tell tale smirk on his face.
“Well shrimpy?  I’m waitin’”  He’s giggling, the only thing that’s keeping him from kicking his feet is their need to be on solid ground to keep him upright.
“You suck.”  You say completely deadpan without a hint of irony.  “Congratulations I didn’t know anybody could do it that bad.  Why did you want to try learning to drive again?  They don’t have cars under the sea do they?”  Floyd seems amused by your attempt to steam past your little insults, choosing to ignore them for now and shrug as he takes the umbrellas out of the car and closes it.  
“It seemed fun.  Beakerfish is always goin on about ‘em and Pops says they get stupid expensive.  Why’s that huh?  You humans sure do like buying shit just to break it.”  He doesn’t move immediately, like he’s waiting for something and determined to block your way until he gets it.  So you take a deep breath and lie to yourself that it’s just this one answer.
“Floyd, most people don’t wreck their cars on purpose.”  It should be the most obvious thing in the world, but still he doesn’t move.  His smile gets wider and his eyes blaze with determined focus, for some reason he gets closer to you, one hand resting above you on the car to loosely cage you against it.  He has to know what he’s doing here too, Floyd’s a lot but he’s not stupid. “Aww really, shrimpy?  There’s so many movies and games ‘bout it you’d think that’s the whole point of havin’ em.”  He giggles exactly like he does before moving in with a squeeze, bending to whisper in your ear as if Crewel isn’t just on the other side of the vehicle still holding that damn crop and just looking for an excuse to strike.  “That’s not all they do in the movies though, huh Yuu?  Maybe I wanna take you someplace nice,quiet, and all alone for once~”  And just like he’s gone, back to bothering your professor who you know is chastising himself for agreeing to chaperone this trip while you try desperately to catch your breath.
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xxdreamersdesirexx · 1 year
Kissing the midnight crew headcanons:
Slick: makes you do initiate and do the work, sloppy but passionate kisser, surprisingly easy to fluster, bitey.
Droog: aggressive, methodical kisser. Practiced, intense and in charge. Handsy but a gentleman.
Boxcars: careful and sweet with his kisses. Butterfly kisses and a million little kisses all over you.
Deuce: shy at first but demanding once the ice is broken. Affectionate and involved and flirtatious.
Snowman: ruthless, possessive, demanding in charge. Grabby and insistent.
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A Host Club Valentines feat. Twst characters Jade Ver.
So, you chose the “cool type” of host, a safe choice.
Back to prologue 
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Thinking that picking Vil, your dorm leader, was too strange, you chose to go with Jade. He was a classmate and fellow club member to the two-member club of yours. Since he canceled club activities today you thought it was to help Azul, turns out it was for this. So far, Jade had been watching everyone and scribbling down in his notebook the whole time.
You: Y’know when I first got that text that you were canceling the club, I was pretty stoked because I Vargas had me running more laps than normal. Knowing I didn’t have to climb a mountain today was pretty nice. Still, I missed seeing your face after school. Jade: Oya, I didn’t know you could say words like that. You: Hey! I’m not heartless! I bet I could be a host like them too! In fact, I could make you fall in love with me in one session!
Closing his notebook, Jade gave you a confident looked and replied with:
Jade: Shall we see that come true then?
*session time*
Sitting down you quickly glanced around the room to see what everyone else was doing. Lilia had been trying to act cute and Ace was swindling the third years in a corner, what did that leave you?
Jade: Having second thoughts? You: *nervous laughter* Of course not~
Your inner thoughts: I’m totally lost. What did I get myself into? Wait, I can’t give up now!
You: *stands up* Whatever you need, I’ll be here to serve you to the best of my possibilities. *bows*
Your inner thoughts: Yes! The classic butler move! He better swoon now! Jade: *unimpressed* That would be nice, if my butler could have the correct posture.
Moving your hands, he gently positioned them where to be. Taking your right to be on top of your heart and the left to be behind you. Then, he took his hands to your stomach and one on your back. Gently pushing your back to bow once more. Lifting your head once again you noticed a wide grin on Jade's face. You knew all too well that he was plotting something under that grin of his.
Jade: For the first and final task of my butler, feed me that cookie. You: Yes sir.
Reaching out for a chocolate chip cookie you picked one up in your hand. Then came close to Jade, right before placing it into his mouth you placed part of it into your mouth. With your now free hands you pulled Jade closer till his lips touched the other end of the cookie. Once his mouth came into contact you quickly snapped it in half.
Jade: …My turn. You: Hmm, for what? Jade: I’ll make you fall for me now too~ You: You don’t need to do that; I’ve already fallen for you a long time ago…
Ace: If Jade isn’t watching our money, then who is? Deuce: Oh, Lilia is looking over it. Lilia: Hey, do you think I can blow up the school with this much money?
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cryprid · 1 year
Luck Be A Lady
You’ve never seen the lady dressed so fancily.  Sure she’s always dressed nice for every lesson, you hardly believe the woman even wears let alone owns a pair of jeans.  But her clear lack of denim is beside the point. Usually she’s dressed in bright and fun colours, colours that remind you of cotton candy and kindergarten, pastel pinks and sky blues. A walking rainbow without the rain.
Continue reading here! [Link]
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idleoblivion · 18 days
"Task Failed Successfully?" Azul Ashengrotto x GN Reader
Synopsis: He’s finally ready to execute his master plan to make you fall in love with him, and it all starts today… the day you planned to confess to him.
Word Count: ~1.4k
A/N: I love Azul he's such a lil dork to me
Warnings: Azul is down pretty bad, he's also a nervous wreck, Floyd and Jade are there for 2 seconds
It started after his overblot. You saw him at his worst, his most emotional and destructive, yet you still treated him so kindly. You didn’t hold it against him or blame him, if anything you were compassionate. He was caught off guard by your sincerity, and how your presence started making his chest feel tight. His persona he worked so hard to maintain at all times wavered whenever you were near. He stuttered, he forgot what he wanted to say, he smiled too wide and laughed too hard. You ruined his composure every time you were around and it was getting harder to pretend you were just a client or friend to him by the day. 
The first step was admitting you had become much more important to him than he had anticipated you would, and that he didn’t want to be without you. 
The second step was making you feel the same way. 
In a school full of eligible bachelors, Azul was not confident in his current position. Suddenly it felt like everyone around you was a potential suitor, and he couldn’t help but worry it was only a matter of time before somebody else asked you out. And your kindness wasn’t exclusive to him, as much as he selfishly wished it was. You were friendly with plenty of students, was he just another friend to you? He couldn’t be, he couldn’t stand it. And that’s where the plan first came to fruition. 
It was rather convoluted and even he knew it. But it was necessary, he reasoned, to make sure you had ample opportunity to see him at his best and most attractive. What better way to do that than getting you to work with him?
He could see it all in his head: He’d ask you to meet in his office, convince you to make a deal to work for him, and make you his assistant so you spent your entire shift with him. Then you’d get to watch him run the lounge and maneuver his way into contracts with ease, and he would get to take advantage of your time alone to get to know you even better. He’d use what he learned from your conversations to make himself look even better, until you’re so impressed you can’t help but start falling for him. You’d think he’s so cool and confident and smart and successful and-
“Oya, are you still listening, Azul?”
“I think he’s busy thinking about someone, hehe~”
Azul opens his eyes to see the twins smiling mischievously at each other. They had been walking out of their dorm together when his mind started wandering, now they’re nearly at their classrooms. 
“Keep your voice down.” Azul commands, but it doesn’t hold a lot of weight when he’s clearly flustered. “Somebody might hear you.”
The brothers give each other a look, then go right back to smiling. Azul frowns before he reminds them he’ll be late to the lounge after class and to open without him. Then the trio splits, and Azul spots you as you dart into the alchemy classroom before the warning bell rings. 
Today, today was going to be the start of everything. 
After a very distracted school day (and after making sure Floyd actually went back to the lounge), Azul walked with determination to the hall of mirrors. He picked a day both the track and basketball club were busy with practice so he’d be able to get you alone at Ramshackle. He wasn't threatened by Ace or Deuce, but he needed them out the way while he set things in motion. He was so nearly there, all he had to do was sweet talk his way into getting you back to the lounge to sign a contract that would pave the way to your destined love story. 
He’s finally at your door, and his stomach twists in a knot. He raises his fist but hesitates to knock, revisiting every line he had planned in his head one final time. A voice from behind him nearly makes him jump out of skin.
“Azul? What are you doing here?” He turns around to see you watching him curiously. He recovers from his surprise quickly and grins at you politely.
“Prefect! I was just looking for you. Do you have a moment?”
“Yeah, sure. I was looking for you too, actually, I went to the lounge and everything. Do you wanna come in?” 
That explains how he got to your dorm before you at least, but leaves him with a lot of other questions. What did you want him for? If you were looking for him at the lounge, did you want a deal? He figured he would have to make a very strong case for the benefits of working for him to get you on board, but if you had something you wanted from him too, that might make things easier. He smiles confidently at this turn of events. “Of course.”
He follows you into Ramshackle. It’s not a problem if your conversation happens here instead he figures, as long as everything else still works out the way it’s supposed to. You gesture to the couch and he sits down.
“So, Prefect, what is it you needed to see me about?” He’s expecting you to say something trivial, something like notes for class or help with an assignment. Something he can already use to show you how competent he is, how hard he’d work to help you as your partner, how-
…Why are you looking at him like that?
He grows more confused as your entire demeanor changes. The air gets heavier, more serious and you won’t look him directly in the eyes anymore. You fidget with your hands a bit, a nervous habit of yours he’s picked up on.
“...Maybe you should go first.”
“What makes you say that?” “Mine’s…a whole thing. Plus you might not like it. Or me, after.”
You’ve got him nervous now. Had something bad happened? He was concerned of course, though the thought that you had a more serious issue and came to him of all people for help filled him with a guilty kind of joy. Now was a chance to prove himself as someone reliable and attentive to you.
“I assure you nothing could make me dislike you.” He admits a little more genuinely than he intended to. He clears his throat before quickly trying to move past it. “And I have time. If something or someone is causing you trouble, it can be dealt with. You just have to tell me.”
Perfect, now you would spill, he'd offer to fix your issue in exchange for your employment, you were right where he wanted you...
…Had you been sitting that close to him before? Once he notices your proximity, he can’t help the growing heat in his face and ears. 
You lean in a little closer to him and his face rivals an angry Heartslabyul dorm leader’s. You gently place your hand on top of his on the couch and he starts trembling. You look up at him again, and his wide-eyed expression makes you laugh. He’s always liked your laugh, but the way it sounds right now makes his heart flutter. 
“You’re sure you want to know?” You’re teasing him now and he knows it, but he can hardly form a thought other than how alluring you look. Your other hand finds its way to push a piece of hair out of his face and he feels like he’s going to combust. He tries to answer, but it comes out as some stuttered gibberish that only makes your smirk grow wider. “Azul, you’re really cute like this.” “C-cute? I don’t…that’s, I-”
“I like you, silly. I was gonna ask you out once I got you alone.”
His whole body tenses up. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. It’s not like it wasn’t supposed to end up here, but he wanted to be suave and cool about it, and here he was a complete mess. He planned to have a few months at least to brace himself before you’d even start flirting with him, now you’re still not letting go of his hand and you’re leaning in even more-
When you kiss him, his mind bluescreens completely. Your lips move softly against his and he can’t breathe. And when you pull away, any remainder of that meticulous plan he came to your door with is gone, erased from his brain. You stay close for a moment and he swears you’ve never looked more captivating.
“...So, what were you gonna ask me for?”
“I…have no idea.”
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lancermylove · 3 months
Gifts (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: All x gn!Reader, minus Ortho.
Warning: None.
Prompt: His white day gift to you.
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Malleus gifts you a bouquet of red crystal roses. Each flower is gracefully carved from red crystals, and the base stem and leaves are gilded in 24-karat gold.
His gift is meant to symbolize eternal love. He even takes it a step further by saying, "My love for you shall remain until the roses wither."
If you are of age, he will gift you a bottle of aged wine.
If not, he will give you a bottle of juice as a joke just to see your reaction. Then, laugh and hand you a luxurious box of heart-shaped chocolates.
Silver hands you a white velvet box containing a necklace. The necklace has a pure silver base with a white iridescent opal pendant surrounded by diamonds.
Unknown to you, the necklace is actually a gift passed down to the woman in his family as a symbol of being part of his family. Congratulations, he indirectly proposed to you, and you accepted. Lilia is looking forward to the wedding.
Gifts you an oversized white teddy bear with a red plaid ribbon around its neck. The teddy bear has a red heart on the left side of its chest.
He practically shoves it in your hands and looks away, not knowing what to say. He hopes that when you miss him, you will hug the teddy bear.
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Riddle goes through a list of gifts, not knowing which one to give you. He thinks jewelry, then switches to chocolates, but then feels too much sugar is not good.
So, he sticks with a traditional gift: a bouquet of white roses with red trim neatly held together by silver ribbons.
He goes all out for the gift and makes you a custom deck of playing cards, which are actually 52 reasons why he likes you. Each card has something he likes about you, from your appearance to your personality to the cute things you do that make him smile.
The gift is thoughtful, but part of you wonders why he chose to go all out. Did he do something? Something is definitely fishy.
He gives you a white envelope with a lopsided heart drawn on the flap on the back. Inside the envelope is a heartfelt hand-written letter expressing his feelings. There are many scribbles, and apologies for the scribbles between the words, but you can tell each word holds meaning.
Along with the letter is a white ribbon that he wraps around your wrist and ties into an uneven bow.
He bakes you a cake with ingredients that he grew and harvested himself. And for the ones he bought, he made sure to purchase the finest ingredients.
The cake is layered with fluffy sponges, moistened with vanilla bean syrup, filled with a rich mascarpone and white chocolate blend, and enveloped in a silky white chocolate ganache. On top of the cake are rare white strawberries, highlighted with edible gold leaf and crushed pearls.
The first thing Cater does is check the internet for the most trending gifts for White Day. He narrows it down to a few gifts and eventually buys matching phone cases for the two of you.
The cases are white with pink, clear, and red crystals. He warns you to be careful with the case in the sunlight. Cater accidentally temporarily blinded Ace and Deuce by holding the case in the sunlight facing them. The shimmer of the crystals was too intense for the troublemaker duo.
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Literally walks into a designer store and chooses the first thing that catches his eye. One can never go wrong with a scarf, right?
The white piped trim bandeau scarf is made of pure silk and has the designer's name monogrammed at the base of one of the ends.
Ruggie learns some recipes from his grandmother and cooks a meal for you. He tries to get the best ingredients he can, with the help of the garden club, so he can give you a decent quality meal.
The recipes are not fancy, nor is the plating, but he put a lot of effort into making it, so he hopes you like it.
He struggles to find a gift for you, and his siblings give him a few ideas, but none of them sit with him.
Jack gifts you a cactus terrarium with rare, colorful cacti arranged in a heart shape. But in case you don't like the gift, he also hands you a small box with a silver charm bracelet.
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Vil contemplates gifting you apparel or something fashion-related. However, he thinks clothes and accessories wouldn't convey his message properly.
So, he settles for a hand-held mirror. The mirror is made of 24-karat gold with diamonds surrounding the edges. An intricate rose is carved on the back of the mirror, with the stem and leaves curving around the base.
He wants you to know that no gold or diamonds can match your beauty.
Rook sets up a scavenger hunt for you with some of the most beautiful locations on the campus, where he hides the next clue. The end of the scavenger hunt leads to a picturesque picnic spot in the middle of the woods near a waterfall.
He recites a romantic poem for you, half in English, half in French. Then, the two of you enjoy snacks and talk for a while. Rook hands you a bouquet of white roses with one red rose in the center. The white roses represent your beautiful soul, and the red rose is your priceless heart.
Epel learns how to knit and crochet from his grandmother so that he can make you a handmade gift for White Day. He can't pick a design, so his grandmother tells him to just follow his heart and not overthink.
He knits you a scarf, using your favorite color as a base. Inside the curves of the scarf, which will be hidden around your neck, are the words "I love you." Epel hides those words on the inside of the scarf because they are meant for you, not the world.
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Azul wants to give you a physical gift but thinks that everyone gives physical gifts, so it's better to do something different.
In the end, he takes you to one of the finest restaurants under the sea, literally. You dine with sea creatures, trying out their unique and exclusive dishes.
At first, he is tempted to give you a mushroom terrarium but gives into his better judgment and gives you something you might like.
Jade presents you with a beautiful floral arrangement. The bouquet is thoughtfully arranged, and each flower symbolizes his feelings and love for you. Roses show his passion for you. Gerbera daisies represent the playful side you bring out in him and the joy you make him feel when he is with you. Alstroemerias show his care and support for you—know he will be there for you when you need him to. Lastly, Gladiolus represents his eternal love for you and his faithfulness towards you.
He doesn't know what to get you, and his mood changes every time he decides on the 'right' gift. In the end, he gets frustrated and decides to just spend time with you in a fun place.
Floyd takes you to an amusement park. The two of you have fun, and he gets to spend the entire day with you.
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His initial idea is something video game-related, but Ortho advises against it. He gives Idia a lecture about finding a meaningful gift.
So, Idia builds and programs a cell phone for you that has some of the most advanced features known to men. The phone makes your life easier - almost to the point that you think it, and the phone has it. With that phone, you might as well change your name to 007.
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When you arrive in your room, you freeze. Your entire room is filled with gift boxes, and Kalim is sitting in the center, grinning.
He didn't know what to get you and ended up getting you everything on the list, from chocolates to jewelry to teddy bears to clothes to handbags to you name it. It will take you about a day or two to open all the gifts. Good luck finding space for everything in your room and closet!
Jamil knows from the start that he wants to give you something meaningful. The entire day is supposed to be special, so he doesn't want to give you a present and call it a day.
In the morning, he brings you breakfast that he cooked. Then, gives you a bouquet of flowers. In the afternoon, he hands you a neatly wrapped gift box with a white ribbon tied around it. Inside is traditional wear from Scalding Sands, but the patterns on the apparel are exclusive to his family. Another one indirectly proposes to you. Congrats!
In the evening, he has a candlelight dinner with countless dishes that he prepared himself.
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➣ Twisted Wonderland [1][2] ➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Closed || GIF Requests: Closed
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cheapshrimpysheep · 6 months
Hi hi!! Can I request a oneshot with Sebek where he has a crush on reader but they're oblivious. Sebek himself is in denial that he might even hold feelings for somebody, but it's clear how he truly feels through his actions (aka acts of service, helping the reader). He pretends to act annoyed about it but the red on his face gives him away to everybody except reader who's just 'hes such a nice guy!". It's gotten to the point even Ace and Deuce of all people are trying to tease/hint to them about what's going awn 😭
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COMMENTS: Hi! Um... I'm not sure if this is what you wanted, but I ended up being inspired* to write a story in which Ace and Deuce, with Lilia's help, created a plan to make Sebek confess his feelings. I'm also the oblivious type in these situations so...
I hope you and all enjoy ;)
*(You can see this by the number of words I ended up writing. This doesn't usually happen to me)
CHARACTERS: Sebek Zigvolt x Reader
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Declaration
WORD COUNT: 1.520 words
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“Each day this gets even more ridiculous, cringe and awkward.” Ace complains. “And every time we tease them, Sebek pierces our eardrums and (Y/N) gets closer to becoming the third member of the Face Palm Club.”
“Yeah...” Deuce says “He even started appearing out of nowhere just to be useful to (Y/N), even when it's not necessary. I wonder where he learned to be so sneaky with that height and that voice.”
“In fact, the situation is starting to lose the fun it had at the beginning.” A voice suddenly said, startling Ace and Deuce. Lilia just did his upside down appearance.
“Is Sebek acting strange in Diasomnia too?” Deuce asks, after recovering from the scare.
“Well, he was always a peculiar boy.” Lilia chuckles. “I believe you also had fun teasing him.” he sighs “But Sebek's denial of (Y/N)'s obliviousness is already starting to go on for a long time. Even for me. He started talking about (Y/N) the same way he talks about Malleus.” He starts to laugh softly to himself.
“What's so funny?” Ace asks “Did you remember anything embarrassing that happened?”
“I did. One day...” Lilia had just talked to Sebek to try to get him to admit that he have a crush on you. His mission failed due to Sebek’s stubbornness. Lilia was close to the door and Sebek wasn't paying attention to it. He was yelling at another Diasomnia student for some reason. Lilia smiled mischievously and said loudly something like: “Oh (Y/N)! To what do we owe the visit?” Sebek’s thunderous voice fell silent immediately and he turned to the door with a smile that was unthinkable a second ago. Lilia was amused to see his expression turn to embarrassment upon discovering that Lilia had tricked him.”
Ace and Deuce laughed.
“Dude, the other day I was trying to hint (Y/N) that Sebek had a thing for them. Do you know what they replied to me?” Ace imitates your voice with a cute smile on his face “Aw, he's just being nice. And I was like, He’s only nice to you!”
Lilia started by laughing, but then wondered: “As (YN)’s close friends, do you think they might feel the same way about Sebek?”
“Oh, definitely!” Ace confirms “But since he's in denial, I think (Y/N) understands this as not being interested. I mean, you just said he treats Malleus the same way. Do you think he has a crush on Malleus too?” Ace laughs.
“I've been further from believing in such a thing.” Lilia whispers to himself. “But despite the treatment he gives them both is similar,” he says to them “I can distinguish between the admiration he feels for Malleus and the affection he feels for (Y/N). He sees Malleus as an extremely respectable superior. In (Y/N)'s case I believe it's more like someone weaker but worthy of his protection and respect.”
“What do you think it would be like if they finally declared themselves to each other?” Deuce asks.
“Well, as I've never seen Sebek go through anything like this before, the results might be surprising.” Lilia smiles mischievously “An experiment worth testing, don't you agree?”
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You were in Ramshackle Dorm when you hear someone knocking on the door. A strong, firm type of knocking that you recognize.
“HUMAN! How can you be so reckless with your own safety?!” Sebek says the moment you open the door. If you say "Hello to you too" before asking what he's talking about, he will blush slightly and respond: “I apologize for not greeting you properly. But Lilia-sama told me about your cursed room. And that's why I'm here.” he gets a smug on his face “Lilia-sama entrusted me with instructions to solve your problem.”
You ask him what he's talking about. You didn't have any cursed rooms. At least that you knew.
“Lilia said maybe you don't know yet. He suggested asking the ghosts if this is true. They would have more knowledge about this subject.”
You do this and the ghosts confirm it. They say yes, that there is a scary, cursed room in the dorm and that they are very grateful to Seberk for being there to help them. And you know something is up. Not with the dorm, but with the ghosts. Was Lilia messing with Sebek again and asked the ghosts for help?
The ghosts guide you to the "cursed room". If you ask where Grim is, they'll tell you he was so scared by that room that he hid in your bedroom. That excuse doesn't convince you.
“You know,” One of the ghosts tells Sebek. “We’re very happy to see that someone cares about (Y/N) as much as you do.”
Sebek starts to blush a little. “W-well, this is nothing special. Don't think I'm doing this because I have some strong feelings for (Y/N). Don't let those two Heartslabyul humans get that idea into your heads. I'm here because I was entrusted by LIlia-sama himself to solve the problem that a poor human without magic wouldn't be able to deal with.”
The ghosts look between them, disappointed by Sebek's stubbornness and denial.
Once in front of the cursed room's door, you open it. You and Sebek enter a dusty and unused room like so many others in Ramshackle Dorm. And the door abruptly shuts behind the two of you, leaving you locked inside.
Sebek takes a step as if to run towards the door but stops himself. You ask why he did that, if he wasn't going to try to open the door.
“My first instinct is to do so. But Lilia said this would happen. And that I needed to be firm and follow the instructions he had given me.”
“Which are...?” you ask.
“The ones in the paper on my pocket that Lilia said I shouldn't open until this very moment.”
Even though I knew it sounded like a Lilia prank, you also knew that it didn't matter what you said to Sebek. He never disputes Lilia's word even if it's the silliest thing anyone has ever heard. And he wasn't going to start doubting it now. Your only option, besides having a useless argument with Sebek, is to play along.
He takes the paper out of his pocket, unfolds it and reads it. The next thing you see is a look of astonishment and a loud "WHAT?!" coming from his mouth. You ask what is written on the paper and he needs a few seconds to take a deep breath before telling you. He blushed again and read it out loud.
“To break the curse, two people must sacrifice their freedom within the room, until they both confess their true feelings for each other.”
Yes, you know that sounds like a non-sense romantic trope, but once again, Sebek won't question anything Lilia says. Or in this case, writes. He turns to you.
“Well, you are the host. By all means, go first.”
Well, that all sounds to you like some kind of prank. So you decide not to tell the truth. You say you like him, but not in a way that he perceives as romantic, to protect your feelings.
“I'm glad that you realize how valuable I am in your life.” He says this with a smug that disappears right after. “You... for a human are very... respectable, and... worthy of my devotion. Yes, I think this would suffice.”
He quickly heads for the door. Pull it. It doesn't open. Push. Nothing. He starts trying to force the door open, but the only thing he can do is practically shake the wall.
He gives up, frustrated. He inhales and sighs, turns like the soldier he is and walks towards you with a determined look in his eyes. “Human, I wasn't completely honest with you. I want to reiterate that I am only doing this to break the curse! Everything that is said in this room must never leave the same! UNDERSTOOD?”
You agree. Sebek closes his eyes, as if it would be easier for him to say it. And his cheeks start to blush.
“I don't know what this is.” He opens his eyes, with that exaggeratedly angry look of his. “And I refuse to call it... being in love or, as those humans you hang out with say, having a crush.” he calms down again “What I said earlier is not a lie. I do respect you, and I do see you as one of the few worthy of my devotion. But not like the Young Master or Lilia. I...” he closes his eyes again, and his blush intensifies “I NOURISH STRONG PLEASANT FEELINGS FOR YOU! THAT IS ALL I KNOW!”
You take this opportunity to be honest with him as well. In your own way and with your words you say that you feel the same way about him. You two are silent for a few seconds after that. Sebek doesn't know what to say or what to do, he just lets himself look at you with a surprised and affectionate look that you've never seen before.
The door slowly opens by itself.
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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yuusishi · 1 month
Could I request Silver, Ace and Deuce (separately) reacting to their s/o calling out Crowley for being useless and neglectful and how, if it weren't for ADeuce, they would've loved to watch NRC burn?
pairings : Silver , Ace Trappola x gn!reader
genre : hurt/comfort-ish? has hints of fluff
cws/tws : yelling & cursing
a/n : sorry I was only able to do Ace and Silver !! I couldn't think of much to write about for Deuce 😭😭😭also I was doing this in the middle of a bunch of class breaks for a month so it may be messy lol
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“You’re finally here, [Name]!” Crowley said enthusiastically, “As you know, there’s an upcoming festival in Sage’s Island that Night Raven College is—” “Let me guess, you want me to work on it” you said, a deadpan expression on your face, “Yeah, work on some stupid festival in an island in a world I don’t even belong in and was brought to for no fucking reason” the Headmage stared at the growing annoyance on your face, not knowing what to say. “Now, [Name], it won’t be that bad, so let’s settle this calmly” you clicked your tongue, “That’s what you said before! I’ve had to deal with a bunch of overblotting students and research how to get home on my own, all that then what were you doing? Nothing!”
A couple students started to gather outside the Headmage’s office upon hearing the commotion, and one of them was … . “If it weren’t for him and the others I would love to watch this stupid school burn to the ground.”
Silver was one of the students that walked closer to the Headmage’s office to inspect the yelling. As he walked closer, he started hearing a familiar voice, his eyes widened in shock seeing that it was you giving Crowley a piece of your mind.
He’s not fond of hearing yelling (minus Sebek’s, but even then he tells him off if he’s going too far), it disturbs everyone and causes a scene. So imagine his confusion seeing you leaned down towards the Headmage’s table pointing a finger at him while Crowley just sank down his chair even further.
As much as he would've loved to go right in and calm you down himself, he could tell this was an issue that you wanted to deal with yourself. So, he waited until you ceased your barrage of insults and rants towards the Headmage and marched off outside the office, by this time the other students just began to ignore the scene and walk to their respective clubs and groups.
Seeing you walk out, Silver didn't waste a second grabbing your hand and asking in a worried tone if you were alright. He wasn't planning on forcing any explanation out of you, he already knew how you were treated by the Headmage, he just wanted to know what caused all this.
In the end, whether or not you explained yourself, he still pulled you into his arms in an attempt to comfort you. Silver didn't know what words to use, all of them felt wrong to say at the moment, so he just settled for just wordlessly holding you until you let go of him.
After this he'll make sure that you're no longer being overworked by the Headmage (reluctantly, he needed to ask help from Malleus due to his power as a Housewarden) and that, as much as he would love for you to stay, he would help you with everything within his power to get you home.
Ace walked you to the Headmage's office before you headed in, chatting with you on the way but he could read like an open book that faint look of irritation that you tried to mask.
He isn't one to always go against authority, only ones he knows is doing wrong. Hell, he talked shit about the Headmage with you back then when the situation wasn't that bad just yet.
So as he stood leaning against the dark walls outside the office, he and other students flinched hard hearing yelling coming in from the inside. Without hesitation, he busted in the office and saw you berating Crowley.
He felt conflicted for a moment, he wasn't sure if he should pry you off the desk or let you let it all out, he didn't know the full extent of the stress that you were put through but he sure as hell knew most of it.
For the sake of not risking expulsion, he pried you off of the surprised Headmage and dragged you out the office, much to his surprise you didn't fight back.
"What the hell was that!?" he yelled, he sounded angry but you wished he wasn't. And he really wasn't, he was worried instead.
Worried about the repercussions you would face for doing that to the Headmage. What if you get suspended, or worse expelled.
Ace wasn't the best at comforting people, so his solution was taking you out to an isolated bench in the campus with some snacks he bought.
You don't need to speak, hell, you could space out the entire time and he wouldn't be bothered at all. He knows you're not feeling the best, so he just sits there until you're ready to start talking.
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faeryarchives · 5 months
when your hopeless streamer gets a girlfriend (ace trappola x f!reader)
summary: the rising streamer ace trappola has always been teased by his friends and fans about his failed relationships - that is until one certain stream where each and everyone of them were proven wrong.
note: ok i had this idea at 1 in the morning i was like 'hmmm what if we make a streamer series for twst?' and its just full of fluff and crack like no magic au + everyone is just normal
recent fics: happy birthday (malleus x reader) & so what are we? & in sickness and in health
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it was around saturday midnight when everyone should be asleep, but ace trappola decided it was a good time to stream a horror game out of all possible games he could play with his friends. they all started as friends before starting the game but i fear he might have none after the stream.
"crabby, where are you~?" the sound of floyd humming through the mic sent shivers down the boy's back as he tried hiding from the hunter. "it's so funny to see floyd just have this tunnel vision to kill ace." jamil's smooth voice rang out, obviously amuse how the scene was unfolding. 
"oh flooooyd! ace is hiding in the house with the telephone!"
"i hate all of you, after this game i am blocking everyone!" seeing him become the victim in the game and everyone turning on against him, his fans flood the live stream chat with laughing emojis and 'take the l'.
"ace, become a good bait while we fix the car." he heard ruggie and deuce laugh at his misery before their characters ran opposite his direction.
"okay who is the one that said floyd should be the hunter this round? hey, hey, hey! stop chasing after me- am i the only player in this game?! epel is right here!" in an act of desperation, ace tried to hide behind epel's character instead but only to receive massive damage when the attack hit him instead.
"eh... but guppy-chan isn't even trying to run away, which is boring!"
"wait, really?" he then stopped running. ace turned to face the hunter's character, trying to see if floyd would actually kill him, only to notice something wrong a little too late. "heh, gotcha,"  ace screamed into his mic, watching his character gets stuck in the tree and meet his demise as floyd split him into half literally. the words 'you died' appeared on the streamer's screen. 
gloomurai: wow you are so great in this game 🤣
"i see you idia-senpai! it's not my fault they all turned against me!"
wani-sama🔧: it's your karma for selling them out to ruggie last game
"yeah, yeah... well, i'm always the last one to get caught, so this can be pretty relaxing." the streamer smirked as he watched from deuce's point of view where he is currently lost in the woods. 
"i get to watch them die but knowing floyd he might quit mid-game." to used to being the first one out, ace sighed, switching from one point of view to another. bored ou of his mind, he looked at the corner of his screen, ace looked at the comments curiously as they try suggesting things.
muscle-red: why don't you do a q and a while waiting then?
"question and answer? don't you guys basically know me already?" ace looked at the screen intently, contemplating whether he should do it.
"fucking viper i swear!" suddenly someone joined the call causing ace to jump in surprised, only to realize it was ruggie. 
"how did you die?"
"jamil betrayed me because we thought it was a four-seater car. it turns out it was only two!" hearing this, ace turned to jamil's point of view and snickered about how he and epel got chased by the sneaky eel. "welcome to the dead club."
as if he could imagine his senior rolling his eyes at his words, he smirked smugly - karma does bite back hard. "hardy har... what were you doing? i heard something about a question and answer?"
"chat wants me to have another q and a portion, what more do i have to tell you guys?"
cowabunga: how is the search for your beloved mwishxr: there is no use in asking that 
"search for my beloved? hey!"
"shishishi! even your viewers are against you!"
it's a running joke in ace's community on how he was immediately dump by his ex girlfriend one week after dating. it wasn't like he wanted to share the story - he shared it as a batsu game after losing a round of uno. usually, when asked about his search for a girlfriend, ace would get all red and try to defend himself from the single until he became old allegations.
but today was surprising because not only did he not become all flustered and defensive - ace trappola looked smug even as he leaned his head into his palm and laughed.
"hmm, i wonder about that?" from behind, ace could hear approaching footsteps stopping next to him, and the live stream chat went wild and even ruggie who was looking at ace's stream right now watched with wide eyes as someone who was wearing the streamer's well-known sweater stood beside him.
"what the fuck?!"
gloomurai: ?!?!? muscle-red: what is with the sudden plot twist wani-sama🔧: WAIT wani-sama🔧: IS THAT-?!
"heya (nickname)~" ace hummed, turning his gaming chair facing your direction, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist as he grinned at you ever so cheekily. "you're late!"
"what are you five? i don't even know why you want me to come over." you rolled your eyes, trying to push him away playfully, only to run your fingers through his hair and chuckle.
seeing him lazily smiling at you causes you to succumb to your urge to pinch his cheeks - hard, making ace cry out in pain. before you could even ask another question, you saw something flash at the corner of your eye causing you to look at his monitor - realizing that he is still streaming. while holding onto you. and he not even on mute!
"this is all your plan, wasn't..." holding his face in your hands, ace could only laugh and nod, his hand quickly pulling you down, making you sit on his lap as he proudly present you to everyone. "as you can see, i am not hopeless anymore!"
wani-sama🔧: WHAT ARE YOU DOING SIS?!
"how is it possible i could hear sebek through the screen..." you sigh, leaning your back on ace and waved at the camera so casually as if the chat and ruggie weren't surprised at all.
"i just want to say to chat that ace didn't have my family in hostage." with you hand wrapped around his, you put up up and showed it to the camera. "and he is stuck with me."
hearing at just what you said made everyone in the chat go insane erupting into numerous emoji and something with the lines of 'oh my god he is not lying!' or just exclamation but nothing beats the reaction of your friends.
"(name) you settled for a guy like him?!" you could hear ruggie's surprised voice through your boyfriend's headset and honestly, you were contemplating if you would agree or just laugh it off.
"what can i say? sometimes, idiots have their charms."
jamil-viper: i can't believe you got (name) of all people... deuce-spade: oh thank god i don't have to keep it a secret anymore. wani-sama🔧: YOU KNEW?! epel-felmier: i think that's the effect of not our gc !!
the stream goes on with ace finally having his bragging rights and the twitter stans going crazy about the sudden girlfriend reveal. oh well, karma does hit back hard doesn't it?
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etheries1015 · 11 months
Hi Entheries!
Been following your TWST works for a litttle bit, which are so much fun, especially the MC kicking ass one, and can't wait to see what else you come up with 💜
Wanted to let you play with an idea that's been tumbling around in my head for a bit, thought you might do a better job of exploring/making it into a blurb or headcanon.
It would be a Malleus x GN or Fem Reader who would be Yuu/MC (whichever makes you happy)
Reader loves working with pottery/ceramics mostly making teapots and mugs that are themed around the person they are making them for. Maybe making a surprise mug with a dragon or gargoyle inside for Malleus or a teapot that looks/functions like a gargoyle. How would he react/what would his thoughts be?
Hope you have fun with this!
I absolutely love this idea!!! Its so cute. Thank you for submitting it!
Malleus X reader - An apology mug!
Notes: Gender neutral reader
General warnings: None!
Tw: None!
When you had joined the gargoyle studies club and began using your talent of pottery and craftsmanship, it came rather natural to you when he had taught you to create your own. Most of them would be bigger and more akin to a regular sized gargoyles you see on buildings in order to present them more accurately for the club, but this had given you a grand idea. Making a tiny gargoyle, and merging it into designing a mug (your specialty) for malleus after a little.. "Misunderstanding" for lack thereof better words.
Malleus was only acutely aware of your endeavors and affections for pottery and creating little mugs and teapots, you had briefly showed him a few of your works when you had made an entire set for the heartslabyul dorm. You gifted Trey, Riddle, Cater, Ace, and deuce personalized teapot set that you had spent your free time between classes creating. Malleus noticed as of late you had been commissioned by Azul to produce a decent amount of these little tea sets in order to help boost business in the Monstro lounge.
"You have been working very hard lately, Child of man," Malleus pointed out during a session of creating gargoyles, "Are you sure you are alright? You haven't been overworking yourself? Ashengretto has a tendency to-"
"Malleus," You cut him off, "I am okay! I love my art, I enjoy that people like my teacups, and I'm grateful for the opportunity from Azul. He even paid me rather generously," You pointed out, working your hands on the statue you were occupied with. The tall green eyed fae pouted ever so slightly, unable to share the real reason was in fact the lack thereof time and attention you have been giving him while you were busy making these tea sets for Azul. He would attempt to study with you after classes, yet you have given the excuse that the deadline was coming up shortly. It had gotten to the point in which you were soon canceling days in which you would show up to the club. He was feeling...alone.
Because of this, you noticed the influx of items he would leave on the doorsteps of ramshackle. He enjoyed collecting little rocks and stones and knickknacks he found fascinating to give to you, gifting you necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets...things that you may not normally put on yourself, yet shiny things that seemed rather expensive made its way to you more often now that you were no longer spending time with him. You were aware that Its his biggest love language, yet the extremes he had been going through to try and get your attention has gone rather far.
One particular day whilst you were in the middle of finishing up the task given to you by Azul, a knock upon ramshackles dorm interupted your intent focus. Opening the door, you were greeted by a man hanging upside down and a sly smile upon his features.
"Lilia!" You gasped excitedly, "good! I'm glad you're here!" You quickly invited him in before exiting into a different room, returning with a handful of treasures that Malleus had given you. "Please," You begged, "I can't keep taking all of these things! I understand it's his love language but-" Lilia interrupted your sentence with a hearty laugh, before sitting on the couch and leaning forward, the amusement glinting in his eyes telling you he had something to say.
"Well, I suppose that explains some of his current behavior back at the dorms," Lilia pointed out, "It seems that our prince has been sulking as of late. When I try to probe him, he simply gives me the cold shoulder. My assumption is he misses a certain human," He teased. You furrowed your eyebrows and slumped your shoulders, setting down the items you had carried in gently on the table in the room. You sat next to Lilia and turned to face him with worry in your eyes. He began to explain to you of Malleus' off behavior, how he would become easily irritated when the topic of your duty to Azul came up, or how your absence would be promptly noticed by others who had gotten used to you being by his side. Guilt began to creep up onto you, your heart aching imagining how it must have seem you had brushed Malleus off, and how lonely he must have felt when you had skipped out on activities with him, and how you simply ignoring the amount of items he had piled up for you had probably been seen as another blow to his pride.
"Thank you for telling me, Lilia...I think I have an idea of how I can make it up to him," You chuckled softly, waving the fae goodbye parting ways and returning to your station. You sat down and interlocked your fingers, stretching your back and returning to your work.
A day had passed and neither you nor Grim had shown up to classes. Texts messages sent to you by classmates were left unread, and worry began to fester upon your peers. Ace and Deuce were the most worried, and decided to be brave and ask the one person you were consistently with..... Malleus.
"What do you mean (y/n) did not come to classes?" He had asked with his green eyes wide in shock, "Are they not feeling well?"
"I thought you would know, Malleus," Ace shrugged, "You're always with them. But...maybe we should visit ramshackle ourselves-" Before he could finish making a plan, Malleus had already disappeared in a cloud of green.
He hadn't bothered to knock on the door, instead immediately popping up in the lounge of Ramshackle. He called out your name and walked around a few rooms, until he stumbled upon you sitting in front of your pottery/ceramic station with the door wide open. You were hunched over, your head laying in your arms with your hands littered with clay and paint. Seeing as your back was raising up and down indicating you were breathing and simply sleeping had allowed Malleus to breath out a sigh of relief, a kind smile upon his lips as he gazed upon your sleeping body. He walked towards you slowly, using a hand to gently pat your back in an attempt to gently wake you, when something in particular had caught his attention.
Next to you was a rather large mug, it was a deep forest green and well decorated in contrast with what looked like a black dragon tail that shaped into the handle spiriling around the outside of it (almost as if it was holding onto the mug). He picked it up and began to examine it further, noticing on the inside was a miniature gargoyle standing atop of a small Cornice. The gargoyle was very well detailed despite being so small, it was in the middle of the inside leaving a trench around it for the liquid to still enter the cup and be used as a regular mug. He was enamored with it, his eyes lit up with pure admiration and affection. the paint was sparkling in the reflection of the light, the tail that decorated it looked eerily similar to his own...however he didn't put much thought into it until he looked underneath the mug where he saw a few words.
"To my beloved Fae, Malleus Draconia" The words were small and fit just well enough for the width of the mug, it was obvious it was written by hand using what he could tell was a thin permanent marker. He couldn't stop staring at it. He read those words over and over again with wide eyes that sparkled with joy, finding that he couldn't control the wide grin that followed ear to ear. He read it about 20 times before he heard you begin to rustle around, before you groaned out of your sleepy state. Your eyes began to open slowly before gasping in shock seeing Malleus there, your eyes wandering to the mug he was now holding in his hand.
"No!" You gasped, "Nooo, Malleus! That was supposed to be a surprise for you-" He ignored your exasperated comments and engulfed you in a hug. He sat the mug down on the table and lifted you up with ease, nuzzling his head into the crook of your shoulder with his grip around your body so tight it felt as if he was afraid of you escaping. You let out a little "Augh!" Before slapping gently on his back, "M-malleus- can't- breath-" You choked out. Hearing your plea he loosened his grip however still did not let you go. 'Well', you thought, 'he already saw it, so... ' You gently hugged him back, holding that pose for what seemed almost like an eternity.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," He finally broke the silence, "I shall treasure it forever, trust me when I say no harm shall ever come its way," Malleus smiled down at you. Those were the words he had said, however his mind was running wild. He had always been the one to give and give, yet he never thought anyone would gift him the same. Words of affection bursted in his mind, baffled by this humans kindness. You. You gave him this kindness, and he couldn't be any happier than this moment. He felt so alone for so long, however you had opened doors to him that nobody else gave him the chance to walk through. You invited him to things, you treated him as a normal student, you had been there for him in ways he never thought he would have the pleasure of experiencing. And now, his precious favorite human had given him a treasure. A normal mug to you and others, perhaps, but a treasure you had made by your own hands with Malleus in mind. His heart was warmer than it had ever been before, no amount of words could he express the gratitude he had for this moment. Suddenly he forgot his woes, and all he could see in his line of sight was you, no longer the feeling of jealousy and sadness he felt the past week you were occupied. You gave a little giggle back and replied,
"Even if it breaks, I will re-make it for you in a heartbeat. I'm sorry I haven't been around lately, this I guess is my apology...I'm done with Azuls set, so now I have plenty of free time to commit to gargoyle studies club-" Malleus started with surprise in his voice.
"Did you think I was upset you were not attending club sessions? Silly human, simply being by your side is enough for me." Your cheeks lit up a light shade of pink, turning your gaze back to the mug trying to change the subject out of embarrassment.
"A-anyway..." You walked over to the table gesturing towards the mug, "I had some left over of this magic paint that Azul gave to me," You said, "The gargoyle seems black, but if you fill it with liquid it glows a bright green," You smiled, "Want to test it out?" Malleus could not hold back his excitement, you chuckled at the thought that you could practically see his tail wagging behind him as the tall Fae replied with graceful enthusiasm and a hand tenderly holding onto his newfound treasure,
"I would love to."
I hope that was satisfactory! It wasn't the most put together plot in my opinion, so if you have any other suggestions and ideas about editing it and making it better, please don't be afraid to let me know!
And check out my masterlist for more works like this!
as for Grim in this situation...he took you not going to school as an excuse to also not go to school, and slept in all day.
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
      DORMLEADERS x gn reader
    『 riddle ,, leona ,, azul ,, kalim ,, vil ,, idia ,, malleus ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> painting their nails to match their dorms ,, matching nails
  — fluff ,, sfw
  — just an idea that came to me :D feel free to request !! theyre open !! there are some slight movie references 🫵
- riddle
| • he was a bit reluctant at first to you painting his nails but agreed in the end
| • white black and red is the color scheme
| • on one hand ,, you have the card signs ;; diamond ,, spade ,, heart ,, club ,, and on the pinky is a 'j' for joker
| • on the other hand you have the different things from a familiar movie ,, a white rabbit ,, a crown ,, a cat ,, a little playing card ,, and a white heart on the pinky
| • riddle is quite amazed with your skills ,, enjoying the little ornaments and decorations painted on his nails
| • lord have mercy if someone saw yalls matching nails
| • cater would beam at them ,, and trey would find them cute
| • ace and deuce ,, however ,, have different reactions ,, but they dont really want to be collared so they happen to keep their mouths shut around riddle
| • but around you ,, theyre blabbing about it left and right ,, mainly ace but sometimes deuce chips in a bit
| • in the end ,, riddle enjoys matching with you in a sort of way
- azul
| • another thats reluctant to agree ,, after all he does have an image to uphold and who knows how the tweels will react if they notice
| • but he also gives in ,, noting the happy look on your face when he does
| • your color scheme is a lavender ,, dark grey and an off white color
| • on one hand ,, you paint little marine creatures ;; an octopus ,, an eel ,, a lobster ,, a random blue and yellow striped fish ,, and a tentacle on the pinky nail
| • the other hand consists of little items that happen to be associated with octavinelle ;; azul's contracts ,, jade's mushrooms ,, floyd's basketball (azul wasnt too happy abt it but he didnt say much)
| • though on the last two nails you added the mostro lounge logo and on the pinky you painted it lavender and added grey stripes
| • azul's quite glad he happens to have gloves because the last thing he needs is the tweels noticing the little things on his nails
| • but they notice anyways ,, and maybe you let it slip that you and azul are matching
| • lord have mercy for this man
- leona
| • he dont care ,, just huffs and tells you to do whatever if it makes you happy
| • he pretends to stay asleep during it ,, but he does like the feeling of your hands holding onto his ,, and maybe the thought of matching with you
| • he wont care for who sees it ,, if it makes you happy he'll happily comply with you
| • the scheme is a beige color ,, bright yellow orange ,, and a dark grey
| • on one hand you paint ;; a lion ,, a bone ,, a hyena (leona fusses abt it) ,, a wolf (he also fussed abt that) ,, and a star on the pinky
| • the other hand you kept simple and plain ,, adding a star on every other nail and stripes on the others
| • if anyone mentions your matching nails in a bad manner ,, he'll get on their case immediately ,, telling them to mind their own business
| • he'll gladly match nails with you again in the future though ,, he'll still fuss abt it but he enjoys it
- kalim
| • he happily agrees ! he wants to match nails ! hes so excited for it he can barely sit still as is
| • jamil at first offers to do it for you both but you deny him
| • your color scheme is red ,, black ,, and a gold color
| • on one hand you paint :: a desert ,, a snake ,, an elephant ,, kalim's flying carpet ,, and a black heart on the pinky
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail red and the rest black with gold stripes
| • he adores them ! hes so happy to match with you ,, adoring all the different drawings on them ,, in love with the color scheme
| • if anyone asks about them he'll gladly talk their ears off about how you did them and how they look so cool
- idia
| • you happened to ask him during a game ,, and he got surprised ,, stuttering at first before slowly agreeing to it
| • the color scheme is blue ,, and off white ,, and black
| • on one hand you paint :: cerebus ,, blue fire ,, pain and panic from a certain movie (hercules) ,, and a black heart on the pinky
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail blue and black ,, and add white flames with blue accents to the ones that are black ,, and white stripes to the black nails
| • he likes the nails ,, especially seeing cerebus on them ,, and the idea of matching
| • if ortho finds out his hair will be tinted pink as he tries to distract his brother from the fact that yall are matching nails
| • he loves it though ,, sometimes running his thumb over them and looking over the little designs
- vil
| • refuses ,, flat out refuses ,, he's not too confident in youe nail painting abilities and he doesnt bother to figure out whether theyre good or not
| • but after a bit of begging he'll sigh and give in ,, telling you not to mess up
| • your color scheme is white ,, a prussian blue ,, purple ,, bright red and black to match vils dorm outfit and the dorm itself
| • on one hand you paint :: a rose ,, a poison covered apple ,, an  arrow ,, a potion and a red heart on the pinky
| • so far vil is a bit intrigued at your abilities and lets you continue ,, giving another warning not to mess up
| • on the other hand you paint ever other hand red and the other blue ,, putting black stripes over the blue nails and on the red nails you paint white poison drips with a bit of purple tint
| • he likes them ,, theyre alright ,, not the best hes had but hes touched by the fact you both are matching
| • he offers to teach you how to paint nails better though ,, saying you could use it but nonetheless he's impressed at your abilities
| • when hes alone he gets all giddy about it but shhh ,, dont tell
- malleus
| • hes over the moon ,, you want to match nails with him ?? you want to paint his nails ?? oh ,, love for you ! love for you for a thousand years !! hes so happy ,, even his little fangs are showing when smiles widely at you
| • your color scheme is green ,, black ,, and an off white
| • on one hand you paint :: a dragon's head ,, a thorned flower ,, a bat (to resemble lilia) ,, a lightning bolt (for sebek) ,, and a sword (for silver)
| • on the other hand you paint every other nail green and the rest black ,, putting black stripes over the green nails and white stripes on the black nails ,, though on the pinky you put a black heart
| • hes so touched ,, seeing the little symbols ,, adoring the dragon head you put so much detail into
| • he wont show anyone unless they point them out
| • and of course ,, sebek does ,, astonished that his master has his nails painted
| • lilia is quick to join in with it ,, before he catches the little bat on one nail and decides to leave it be ,, smiling to himself
831 notes · View notes
yuri-is-online · 5 months
Well, since you are feeling festive and so am I, could I have request a fic with Ortho? Just doing a little holiday decorating or some other tradition with a homesick prefect? I don’t know, I just imagine Ortho to be the type to be interested in holiday traditions from another world. Thanks!
Oh hell yeah this slaps. Originally I was going to write about tree decorating but then I had a thought and I didn't want the fic to come off as me info dumping for however many words. I hope this is something like what you had in mind, and happy holidays!
notes: they/them used for Yuu, Ortho is the main focus here but the other first years are mentioned, Yuu and Ortho decide to play Santa. I would absolutely love to hear about any personal holiday traditions of yours, dear reader, as I think those are always very interesting. As always, other fic can be found on my masterlist here.
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Christmas. Ortho had searched multiple websites, data banks, and even online journals to see if he could find any mention of such a word outside of the few instances he has heard it muttered by the prefect. He initially thought his searches weren't bearing fruit because Yuu pronounced it several different ways (Chrimis, Crisis, Chrysler???) but he has ultimately concluded those were likely jokes based off of their tone of voice.
That had been what finally made him ask, not even his brother liked laughing at his jokes alone.
"Oh that's one of the big winter holidays in my world." You had told him, trying to sound matter of fact but unable to hide the way your voice cracks with the strain of your homesickness. "I made the mistake of trying to remember a nursery rhyme while Grim was around and ended up telling him about Christmas stockings and now he wants one."
And now you have to explain the concept to him, but with much less pressure as Ortho listens carefully with growing excitement.
"Putting presents in socks! That's really silly but I suppose that there are some holidays here you might find really weird too huh?" Ortho can also see why Grim would be so excited about this particular tradition, a gift (in a sock or no) that has the potential to be made up entirely of candy, fruits, and other foodstuffs sounds very much like him. "So do we just need to find Grim some socks he fits in? You already have a fireplace to hang it on... or are you thinking about giving Grim coal?"
“Well-”  It had crossed your mind.  “Sometimes adults give chocolate that’s shaped like coal but that’s not really what’s bothering me.  You don’t usually use socks for this, you make these really big fake socks.  I wanted to make one for Grim, but while I was thinking about how I wanted to decorate it I sort of… thought it would be nice to make stockings for the others, y’know like Ace and Deuce and maaaybe Jack, but then I would need to explain it to them and I don’t want to do that.”
“Oh that’s easy, we just won’t.”  Ortho laughs and takes your hand to eagerly drag you towards Sam’s before you can question just what he means by “we.”   ~~~~ "Operation sock jaw is a go." Ortho mimics rubbing his hands together gleefully, his lab wear feeling deeply out of place in the unofficial official Ramshackle craft room. A small pile of carefully picked out fabrics and season appropriate accents are neatly folded at the corner of the table as you carefully trace out what you think resembles a pattern for a Christmas stocking as Ortho carefully watches.
"You have really good aesthetic tastes," you nod as you look over the drawings Ortho had provided "this one really matches Ace's clown vibes."
"I'm glad you like it!" He laughs. "I figured a harlequin pattern in Heartslabyul colors suited him perfectly! Deuce was a bit harder to figure out... I didn't just want to slap a playing card on it and call it a day. Jack was a bit easier with how often he searches for information on cacti and succulent care. Oh I can cut the cacti out of the felt if you like?"
"With scissors?" You tentatively ask, not entirely sure how your dorm would hold up if he decides to break out the lasers. But the suggestion seems to flatter Ortho rather than annoy him.
"Oh that'd be fun! I've never really had the need to use normie tools before, this will be just like..." his voice briefly trails off as he looks down at the scissors. You wonder if he is capable of zoning out, being a robot and all, but decide that isn't too far out of the realm of possibility as his next words come out in a stutter. "Hey Yuu, does this sort of feel like an anime to you?" It's not too unexpected a question for Ortho to ask, so you look down at your crafts and really try to think about an answer.
"I guess so?" You gently place the pieces you have cut for Ace's stocking down so you can look out at the snow blanketing the world outside your window. The scene isn't too different than one you might see in your world on a card. But then again- "There's a lot of tropes associated with Christmas in anime, there's an entire genre of weird rom com movies about it, so yeah I guess making crafts like this with you does sort of feel like something I would see in an anime?"
"I thought so!" Ortho happily begins to carefully cut the felt with the scissors, mimicking what he had seen you do with the little tuna fish for Grim's stocking earlier. "That makes me glad, if something is a common enough for people to fantasize about it in an anime, then it has to be really important to the people of your world. And yet no matter where I search I will never be able to find data about it in mine!"
"Doesn't that annoy you a little?" It would stress you, does stress you how familiar and yet distant Twisted Wonderland's traditions are to your own. But the smile Ortho gives you is one of such genuine excitement you feel at least a little of that stress fall away.
"It scared me at first, but then when I got my soul I realized that it meant I had a really good excuse to keep talking to you. More data is never a bad thing! You could give me and my brother ideas for a truly unique game or show, so please, tell me everything you can remember about your world. I'll make sure it's remembered." He means every word he says. It's enough to make you cry.
"Alright, but just remember you asked for it. Where to start?"
105 notes · View notes
blues824 · 2 years
Blue’s Masterlist
Here are my ‘rules’
If you want to become a mutual, then either DM me, flood my inbox, or tag me in a post that says you want to become a mutual.
My reblog sideblog is blues824reblogs
My smut sideblog is bluessmutifyplaylist
Last Updated: 1/2/2024
List of Requests
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Vil Schoenheit x Skincare Obsessed! Reader
Rook Hunt x Reader - Sway
Housewardens Realizing You Might Be Gone
Riddle Rosehearts x Reader - Top of My School
Cater Diamond x Reader - Sorry Haha I Fell Asleep
Azul Ashengrotto x Reader - Save the Last Dance for Me
Housewardens Meeting Y/N’s Family
Housewardens With Nezuko! Reader 1 2
Reacting to a Solomon! Reader 1 2
Azul Loses A Bet
Reacting to an Inosuke! Reader 1 2
Azul Ashengrotto With Rengoku! Reader
Reacting to a Mitsuri! Reader 1 2 3
Reacting to a Muichiro! Reader 1 2
Vil Schoenheit With Tengen! Reader
Riddle Rosehearts With Wei Wuxian! Reader
Reacting to an Obanai! Reader 1 2
Octavinelle Playing Octodad
Riddle Rosehearts With Tanjiro! Reader
Vice Housewardens With Zenitsu! Reader
Riddle Rosehearts With Ruby Rose! Reader
Housewardens + Jamil With Orphan! Reader
Housewardens With Charlotte! Reader
Reacting to an Oiran! Reader 1 2
Housewardens With Gyutaro! Reader
Housewardens With Jinx! Reader
Housewardens With Theater! Reader
Idia Shroud x Leviathan! Reader
Riddle Rosehearts With Satan! Reader
Epel Felmier With Sanemi! Reader
First Years With Lady Tamayo! Reader
Jamil Viper With Impostor Syndrome! Reader
Housewardens With Demigod! Reader
Vice Housewardens With Demigod! Reader
Riddle, Leona, Azul With Glyph Magic User! Reader
Housewardens With Uchiha! Reader
Octavinelle With Tengen Uzui! Reader
Riddle Rosehearts and Reader Celebrate the Holidays
Housewardens + Ruggie With Yui Komori! Reader
Octavinelle/Lilia/Malleus With Morticia Addams! Reader
 Housewardens + Jamil With Eldritch Magic User! Reader 1 2
Reacting to Textile Artist! Reader 1 2
Heartslabyul Members With Madam Red! Reader
Housewardens With Reader Who Makes Them A Gift
Housewardens Swap Bodies With Reader
Leona Kingscholar With Giyu Tomioka! Reader 1 2
Scarabia With Dancer! Reader
Reacting to Jessica Rabbit! Reader 1 2
Octavinelle/Riddle/Vil With A Go-With-The-Flow! Reader
Overblot Crew Being Wrapped Up Like A Present For Reader
Older! Idia Shroud With Nico di Angelo! Child
Housewardens With Spiderwoman! Reader
Trey/Cater/Adeuce/Octavinelle/Vil/Rook/Malleus With Mantis! Reader
Trey/Deuce/Jack/Jade/Jamil/Vil/Idia/Sebek With Kokomi Teruhashi! Reader
Riddle/Leona/Azul/Rook/Idia/Malleus/Lilia With Ninomae ina’nis! Reader
Reacting to a Wednesday Addams! Reader 1 2 3
Cater/Leona/Idia Reacting to Reader Calling them Prettier than Vil
Housewardens/Cater/Ortho With Technopath! Reader
First Years With Ciel Phantomhive! Reader
Deuce/Jamil/Rook/Idia With Violet Baudelaire! Reader
Housewardens With Baker/Chef! Reader
Housewardens With Obanai/Mitsuri! Reader
Housewardens With Santa’s Daughter! Reader
Housewardens + Jamil With Dessert Cafe Owner! Reader
Reader Teaches Housewardens About Chinese Zodiac Signs
Housewardens With Fluttershy! Reader
Vice Housewardens + Malleus With Fem! Loid Forger! Reader
First Years + Ortho Go To Reader’s World??
Housewardens With Fem! Douma! Reader
Diasomnia Reacts to Raya and the Last Dragon
Reader Surprises Malleus With a Feast for his Birthday
Savanaclaw With Razor! Reader (Genshin Impact)
Reader Gives Housewardens a Gift Before Leaving for Winter Break
Heartslabyul Takes Care of Reader’s Biollante
Housewardens With Denki Kaminari! Reader
Housewardens With Barbatos! Reader
Housewardens + Jamil React to Being Called ‘Fairest in the Land’
Leona/Jamil/Malleus With Fem! Doctor! Reader
Riddle/Leona/Azul With Ayato Kamisato! Reader
First Years React to Reader Throwing Hands With Some Unicorns
Housewardens With Fem! Daredevil! Reader
Housewardens With Vox Akuma! Reader
Pop Music Club/Jamil/Epel Learn the Hoedown Throwdown
Housewardens + Jamil With Shy! Reader
Leona, Kalim, Vil, Neige, Malleus With Pure Vanilla Cookie! Reader
Diasomnia With X-23! Reader
Scarabia + Diasomnia With Manjiro Sano! Reader
Housewardens + Jamil + Lilia With Zuko!Reader
Housewardens + Lilia With Shylily! Reader
Riddle, Leona, Azul With Raven! Reader
Trey, Tweels, Rook, Malleus With Makomo! Reader
Vil Schoenheit With Single Parent! Reader
Housewardens With Kim Yoosung! Reader
Diasomnia With Reader Who Thinks Humanity is Inherently Flawed
Housewardens With Undertaker! Reader
Cater/Ruggie/Floyd/Kalim/Vil/Malleus With Vietnam (Hetalia)! Reader
ADeuce/Scarabia With Liquid Manipulator! Reader
Riddle/Octavinelle/Malleus With Reader Who Likes True Crime
Octavinelle With Reader Who Has Ice Powers
Octavinelle With Sirenix Fairy! Reader
Housewardens/Jamil Receive Chocolates and A Special Gift From Reader
Trey/Ruggie/Jade/Jamil/Lilia With Beacrox Molan! Reader
ADeuce/Ruggie/Jamil Receive Homemade Sweets From Reader
Trey/Azul/Jamil/Rook/Rollo Receive A Fancy Cake From Reader
Savanaclaw/Malleus Receive a Homecooked Meal From Reader
Housewardens + Ortho With Shuri! Reader
Housewardens With FBI Agent! Reader
Housewardens With Makima! Reader
First Years With Troublemaker! Reader
Diasomnia Wakes Reader Up From a Sleeping Curse
Heartslabyul With Yun Jin! Reader
Housewardens With Saiki! Reader
Housewardens With Kozume Kenma! Reader
Housewardens Receive Therapy Pokémon from Reader
Housewardens With Nobara! Reader
Lilia Vanrouge x Reader - Here With Me
Housewardens With Ciel Phantomhive! Reader
Reader is Wrapped Up Like a Present for Overblot Crew
Vice Housewardens With Marcy Wu! Reader
Platonic! Tweels With Sibling! Wee Dingwall! Reader
Housewardens With Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Reader
Housewardens With Violet Parr! Reader
Sebek/Trey With Reader Who Has a Bendy the Ink Demon Familiar
Epel Felmier With Demigirl! Reader
Jack Howl With Little Red Riding Hood! Reader
Idia Shroud With Persephone! Reader
Leona Kingscholar With Hera! Reader
Sebek Zigvolt With Half-Fae! Half-Human! Reader
Jamil/Vil/Rook With Child of Aphrodite! Reader
Platonic! First Years With Reader
Sebek Zigvolt With Lithromantic! Reader
Housewardens With Reader Who Has A Spotted Genet
First Years Go For a Ride in Reader’s Vehicle
Trey Clover With Tanjiro Kamado! Reader
Octavinelle With Reader - Plenty of Fish in the Sea
Octavinelle With Mary Poppins! Reader
Diasomnia With Navier! Reader
Heartslabyul With Siren! Reader
Yandere! Trey Clover With Reader
Reader Proposes to Trey
Heartlsabyul With Reader Who Gets White Bunny Ears Because of A Chemistry Accident
Octavinelle With Reader Who Gets Turned Into A Shrimp
Octavinelle With Menace! Reader
Housewardens With Demon Slayer! Reader - Robotic Baby Project
Basketball Club With Reader Who Kisses Them on the Cheek After Winning a Game
Housewardens Watch Their Disney Films With Menace! Reader
Savanaclaw With Siren! Reader
Trey/Malleus With Victor Van Dort! Reader
Trey/Leona/Jack/Rook/Malleus/Sebek With Reader Who Cuddles Into His Chest
Yandere! Vampire! Azul Ashengrotto With Reader Who Is Okay With Being Kidnapped
Trey Clover With Zenitsu Agatsuma! Reader
Trey Clover With Simeon! Reader
Ace/Deuce/Vil/Malleus/Sebek/Rollo With Reader Who Hates Big Crowds But Dotes on Them
Trey/Leona/Jamil/Idia/Malleus Being Called ‘Handsome Prince’ or ‘Ruler of My Heart’ by Reader
Heartslabyul Reacts to Trey Being Engaged to Mermaid! Reader
Octavinelle With Siren! Reader
Scarabia With Siren! Reader
Housewardens With Frisk! Reader (unfinished)
Riddle/Lilia With Scaramouche! Reader
Riddle/Leona/Azul With Asta! Reader
Overblot Gang With Kamijou Touma! Reader
Diasomnia With Light Dragon Fae! Reader Who Is Married To Malleus
Housewardens/Jamil With Scarlet Witch! Reader
Azul/Kalim/Jamil/Vil/Silver With Reader Who Has a High Metabolism
Housewardens/Vice Housewardens With Rice Shower (Ume Musume)! Reader
Ace/Azul/Vil With Philanthropist! Reader
Riddle/Octavinelle/Kalim/Malleus With Lizzie Hearts! Reader
Jade Leech With Tighnari! Reader
Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Reader - For Your Own Good
Ace/Jack/Jamil/Sebek With Reader Who Keeps Their Photo In Their Wallet
Pomefiore x Siren! Reader
Jack/Kalim/Rook/Epel With Elizabeth Midford! Reader
Housewardens With Reader Who Makes Jewelry
Octavinelle/Jamil With Short! Female! Aquatic Hydra! Reader
Octavinelle With Yelan! Reader
Housewardens With Alastor! Reader
Malleus Draconia x Reader - Once Upon A Dream
Savanaclaw With Honey Badger! Reader
Platonic! Vice Housewardens React to Nezuko! Reader Snapping
Ace/Deuce/Jamil/Malleus/Rollo Receive Chocolates and Candy
Ace/Azul/Jamil/Silver/Sebek With Gunsmith! Reader
Ace/Azul/Kalim/Jamil/Epel Get Pulled Into Their Girlfriend’s Boobs in a Hug
Yandere! Vice Housewardens With Yui Komori! Reader
Riddle/Ruggie/Malleus With Reader Who Loves Shopping
Diasomnia With Yor Forger! Reader (and Anya)
Malleus Draconia Tries Ice Cream Cake, Fried Ice Cream, and Gelato
Riddle/Jamil/Malleus/Rollo Dancing With Tomboy! Reader Who Showed Up to the Masquerade Ball in a Gown
Cater/Floyd/Kalim/Jamil/Vil/Lilia With Reader Who Used To Be in a KPop Dance Cover Group
Housewardens With Kokushibo! Reader
Octavinelle Reacts to Reader Using a Pet Name In Their Native Language
Octavinelle With Leviathan Merman! Reader
Housewardens/Jamil With Reader Who Has a Pollen Allergy
Seeing Color Soulmate AU With Leona and Malleus
Riddle/Trey/Kalim/Jamil With Reader Who Misses Her Mom
Sebek Zigvolt x Reader - What A Time
Deuce/Leona/Jack/Jade/Silver Defends Reader Who Is Being Made Fun of For Her Past Lover’s Suicide
Octavinelle With Seafood Chef! Reader
Deuce/Octavinelle/Rook/Malleus With Reader Who Is From a Dystopian World
Housewardens/Tweels With Reader Who Creates Dumb But Functional Plans
Jack Howl With Little Red Riding Hood! Reader
Diasomnia With Child! Half Dragon Fae! Reader
Third Years With La Muerte! Reader
Ace/Leona/Azul/Sebek With Reader Who Can Manipulate Time
Trey/Ruggie/Jade/Jamil Receive Loads of Sweets for Valentine’s Day 
Housewardens With Fem! Reader Who Comes From a Conservative Period
Second Years Go To Reader’s World??
Third Years Go To Reader’s World??
Ace/Leona/Jamil/Sebek With Set (Egyptian God)! Reader
Azul/Kalim/Jamil/Malleus With Queen of Mages! Reader
Overblot Crew With Reader Who Has a Service Animal for Anxiety
Deuce/Leona/Jamil/Vil/Silver/Sebek With Reader Who Calls Themself ‘Their Knight’
Pomefiore With Fem! Stubborn! Angel! Reader
Malleus Draconia x Reader - I Love You, Malleus... But You’re Not Mine.
Housewardens With Nico di Angelo! Reader
Housewardens With Mario Odyssey! Reader
Silver Reunites With His Biological Mother (Reader)
Twisted Wonderland Fluffcember Event Masterlist
Housewardens/Rollo Getting Jealous About Not Receiving Gift from Reader
Rollo Flamme With Agnostic/Atheist! Reader Who Can Heal
Trey/Jade/Floyd/Malleus/Silver With Alice Kingsleigh! Reader
Yandere! Sebek Zigvolt With Reader
Diasomnia With Astrid Hofferson! Reader
Ace/Cater/Leona/Floyd/Kalim/Lilia With Reader Who Sneaks Them Snacks In Class
Sebek Zigvolt Warms Up By Cuddling With Reader
Trey Clover Licks Cream Off of Reader’s Cheek
Sebek Waking Up Next To Reader
Tumblr media
Dateables With Nezuko! Reader
Dateables With Tanjiro! Reader
Brothers With Daki! Reader
Brothers With Gyutaro! Reader
Brothers + Royals With Ghoul! Reader
Dateables With Douma! Reader
Brothers With Douma! Reader
Brothers With Zatanna! Reader
Brothers With Reader Who is Barbatos’s Child
Dateables With Evil Cycle! Reader
Brothers With Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Dateables With Akiko Yosano! Reader
Brothers With Shinobu Kocho! Reader
Brothers With Yor Forger! Reader
Comfort Headcanons With the Brothers
Brothers With Rapunzel! Reader
Brothers With Stephen A. Starphase! Reader
Brothers With Tengen Uzui! Reader
Brothers With Undertaker! Reader
Brothers With FBI Agent! Reader
Brothers With Reader Who Hasn’t Celebrated Christmas in Years
Reacting to a Vil Schoenheit! Reader 1 2
Reacting to Bayonetta! Reader 1 2
Brothers With Pokémon Trainer! Reader (Platonic) 1 2 3 4
Dateables With Honey Badger Demon! Reader
Brothers With SCP-166! Reader 1 2
Brothers 1-5 With Cambion! Reader
Brothers With Teen! Reader - Are they your uncles?
Brothers With Reader Who Makes Them A Gift
Brothers With Nephilim! Reader
Brothers + Diavolo With Scarlet Witch! Reader 
Lucifer/Mammon/Levi/Diavolo/Barbatos With Malleus Draconia! Reader
Brothers With Vampire! Reader
Brothers With Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader
Dateables With Ronald Knox! Reader
Brothers Comforting Teen! Reader Who Walked In On Their Parents Dancing the Devil’s Tango
Brothers With Jiang Yanli! Reader
Brothers With Reader Who Messes Up Their Confession to Them
Brothers With Platonic! Qiqi! Reader
Brothers With Kanao Tsuyuri! Reader
Brothers With Dante (DMC)! Reader
Brothers With Violet (Incredibles)! Reader
Brothers With Paranoid! Reader
Reacting to Power Ranger! Reader
Brothers/Angels React to Reader Being Able to See Their Angel Forms and Being Immune to it
Dateables With Amy Kirito! Reader
Mammon/Satan/Beelzebub/Simeon Comfort Headcanons
Brothers With Fruits Basket! Reader
Brothers React to Reader’s Senior Quote Being “I should have burned this place down when I had the chance”
Brothers/Dateables Walk In On Reader Singing ‘You Will Be Okay’ to Their Sibling
Brothers With Tomboy! Baker! Reader
Brothers/Royals With Black Widow! Reader
Brothers With Izuru Kamukura! Reader
Brothers With Earth Manipulator! Reader
Brothers With Eddie Brock/Venom! Reader
Brothers Receive Valentine’s Day Bento From Reader
Brothers With Leona Kingscholar! Reader
Dateables With Hiroshi Inaba! Reader
Older Brothers With Reader Who is the Adoptive Parent of Daki and Gyutaro
Thirteen With Hopeless Romantic! Reader
Angels With Platonic! Umbrella! Reader
Brothers With Lucifer! Reader
Dateables With Abused! Demon! Reader
Who Would I Cast as the Brothers’ English VA’s?
Dateables With Reckless! Demon! Reader
Dateables With Belial! Reader
Yandere! Brothers With Yandere! Zhongli! Reader
Brothers With Historia/Christa! Reader
Dateables With Frankenstein! Reader
Brothers With Diablo! Reader
Who Would Be Hesitant to Love Reader That Was Raised by Solomon?
Brothers With Human! Charlie Morningstar! Reader
Brothers React to Reader Calling D.D.D. ‘Triple D’ Instead
Lucifer/Beelzebub With Reader Who Has a Bendy the Ink Demon Familiar
Brothers/Dateables Go To Tony Stark’s Funeral
Brothers/Dateables With Reader Who Was Favored by Diavolo’s Mother
Brothers/Dateables With Drunk! Reader
Brothers With Xiao! Reader
Brothers With Wei Wuxian! Reader
Older Brothers With Fujino Asagami! Reader
Brothers Get The Talking Buttons For Sheep! Reader
Brothers With Raiden Shogun/Ei! Reader
Brothers With Reader Who Has A High Pain Tolerance
Brothers With Gilgamesh! Reader
Older Brothers/Royals With Among Us! Reader
Dateables With Reader Who Is Secretly A Demon Butler
Brothers With Ron Swanson! Reader
Dateables With Hajime Hinata! Reader
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Gyomei, Giyu, Mitsuri With Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Hashiras With Solomon! Reader
Demons With Reader Who Hates People
Hashiras With Kevin From Home Alone! Reader
Hashiras With Kalim Al-Asim! Reader
Yoriichi Tsugikuni With Solomon! Reader
Obanai Iguro Experiences a Christmas Miracle
Hashiras With Idia Shroud! Reader
Giyu Tomioka With Fem! Malleus Draconia
Kamado Squad With Fem! Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Daki/Nakime With Jan Valentine! Reader
Demons Capture Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Bayonetta! Reader
Main Three With Leona Kingscholar! Reader
Demons With Undertaker! Reader
Uppermoons With Floyd Leech! Reader
Hashira With Plutia/Iris Heart! Reader
Uppermoons With Plutia/Iris Heart! Reader
Uppermoons With Satan! Reader
Uppermoons With Carrie White! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Yoko Tanaka! Reader
Hashira With Hanahaki Disease! Reader
Hashira React to Dead! Reader’s Last Letter to Them
Hashira With Blood Pillar! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Lord of Chaos! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Bianca Barclay! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With William T. Spears! Reader
Hashiras With Enid Sinclair! Reader
Uppermoons Capture Solomon! Reader
Yoriichi Tsugikuni With Izuru Kamukura! Reader 1 2 3
Uppermoons Capture Idia Shroud! Reader
Hashiras With Izuru Kamukura! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Severus Snape! Reader
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Lords, Butlers, Undertaker, and Snake With Shinobu Kocho! Reader
Ciel Phantomhive With Smart! Reader
Lords, Butlers, Reapers, and Madame Red With Tanjiro Kamado! Reader
Claude Faustus With A Young Adult! Contractee (Platonic)
Ciel Phantomhive With Reader - Winter Romance
Our! Ciel Phantomhive With Neurodivergent! Reader
Ciel/Sebastian/Claude With A Vampire! Baker! Reader
Ciel Phantomhive With A Seamstress! Reader
Lords and Butlers With Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Lords, Butlers, and Undertaker With Spiderman! Reader
Lords and Butlers With Douma! Reader
Yandere! Vincent, Butlers, Lau, Undertaker, Madam Red With Male! Reader Who Has His Head in the Clouds
Edward Midford With a Plus Size! Author! Reader
Ciel, Sebastian With GN! Malleus Draconia! Reader
Demons With Oogie Boogie! Reader
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Host Club With Chiaki Nanami! Reader
Kyoya Ootori With Maki Harukawa! Sister! Reader
Host Club With Diluc Ragnvindr! Reader
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Michael Afton With Lady Tamayo! Reader
Michael Afton With Yor Forger! Reader
Michael Afton With Reader Who Surprises Him With A Christmas Present
Michael Afton With Pâtissier! Reader
Michael Afton With Dhampir! Reader
Michael Schmidt (Movie) With Male! Shinobu! Reader
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Bakugo/Kirishima/Kaminari With Hinata Hyuga! Reader
Shigaraki/Dabi/Toga With Kind! Reader
Dekusquad With Spiderman! Reader
Bakugo/Shinso/Todoroki With Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader
Kaminari/Sero/Todoroki With Female! Dinosaur Quirk! Reader
Todoroki/Shinso/Midoriya With Male! Malleus Draconia! Reader
Kaminari/Kirishima/Todoroki With Female! Jamil Viper! Reader
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Princess Taiping/Mi Yue With Sassy But Kind Reader
Yandere! Xie Weijing/Li Shizhen/Yuan Jing With Reader
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The Remarried Empress With Female! Riddle Rosehearts! Reader 1 2 3 4
The Remarried Empress With Female! Douma! Reader 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Remarried Empress With Female! Solomon! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Idia Shroud! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Kalim Al-Asim! Reader 1 2
Navier, Heinrey, and Kosair With Layla! Reader (Genshin Impact)
The Remarried Empress With Female! Undertaker! Reader 1 2
Duke Kaufman With Female! Alhaitham! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Madame Red! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Rook Hunt! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Vil Schoenheit! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Tengen Uzui! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Levi Ackerman! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Geten! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Werewolf! Reader Who is Married to Shigaraki and Dabi
The Remarried Empress With Male! Kyo Sohma! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Yuki Sohma! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Malleus Draconia! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Malleus Draconia! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Kyoya Ootori! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Tomura Shigaraki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Leona Kingscholar! Reader 1 2
The Remarried Empress With GN! Kusuo Saiki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Black Jaguar! Mage! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Zuko! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Sebastian Michaelis! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Claude Faustus! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Child! GN! Lilia Vanrouge! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Wolf! Mage! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Emperor! Tomura x Empress! Reader x General! Dabi
The Remarried Empress With Empress! Reader Who Has A Harem
The Remarried Empress With GN! Barbarian! Bakugo! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Werecat! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Aizawa! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Kaguya Ubuyashiki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Jessica Rabbit! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Tanjiro Kamado! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Dabi! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Shoto Todoroki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Ciel Phantomhive! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Kyojuro Rengoku! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Izuru Kamukura! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Nezuko Kamado! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Inosuke Hashibira! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Scaramouche! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Satan! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Daki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Hitoshi Shinso! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Sonia Nevermind! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Alois Trancy! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Sanemi Shinazugawa! Reader
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Steve & Eddie With Telekinetic! Test Subject! Reader
Steve & Eddie With Male! Wednesday Addams! Reader
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Razor With Inosuke Hashibira! Reader
Hu Tao With Undertaker! Reader
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Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, Takemichi With Yoriichi Tsugikuni! Reader
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Izuru Kamukura With Fem! Kalim Al-Asim! Reader
Izuru Kamukura With Fem! Undertaker! Reader
Izuru Kamukura With Fem! Zenitsu Agatsuma! Reader
Izuru Kamukura With Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader
2K notes · View notes
reallyromealone · 7 months
pspsp, may I request Deuce x reader (platonic) where the reader was someone Deuce used to bully before they went to nrc? Like, he sees reader around campus occasionally and he feels guilty every time he does and wants to apologize or smth
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It's the fact you called me like a cat
What's worse is that it was affective
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He wasn't expecting (name) to be here, smiling and talking with friends.
How could he even face him?
After the shit he put him through?
He still remembers (name) begging as Deuce would repeatedly bully and make (name)s life hell.
How does he fix that, he works so hard to make himself better than who he was yesterday yet he didn't know how to fix this.
Seeing him made him want to throw up.
"Everyone, welcome the newest member to the track and field club!" Mr. Vargas said smacking (name)s back excitedly and then and there the two locked eyes, fear present in (name)s.
"I'm so sorry!" Deuce was on his knees bowing before (name) who looked startled to say the least, the two alone in the change room "you don't have to forgive me, I know I was absolutely awful to you but please know I feel nothing but guilt!" (Name) wasn't sure what to do as he stared at the other "I... I forgive you, holding grudges doesn't get anyone anywhere..." (Name) offered his hand "besides seeing you eat shit during track was pretty great compensation"
Deuce took his hand shyly and (name) spoke "I can tell you worked hard to be better, just... Never treat anyone how you treated me"
"If course.. Friends?"
"Let's start with accountancy first"
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kimbap-r0ll · 6 months
Could I please request Ace, Deuce, Jack and Epel reacting to the reader wearing a cheering them on during a match/club event?
Hi, thank you for the ask! This is a really cute idea haha
Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel x reader who is cheering for them in a match/club event
Before the game, he probably kept telling you "oh it doesn't matter if you don't go, I'll be sad but you'll ultimately be the one missing out" but he was honestly really, really hoping you would go and see him. Besides, who doesn't love a guy playing basketball?
If there was a Twst version of High School Musical this might be it haha. The way you basically cheered him on the loudest when it seemed like he had lost focus at a pivotal moment of the game and everything low-key seemed like it was from a music video
He would be super pumped you got to see him, hell seeing you made him kinda flustered. Like, he feels extra-ready to play? You'll often see him giving you a smile or a wink while he runs across the court and he catches your eye.
After the game, he will pretend like he didn't have any struggles, sort of like "yeah yeah I'm just that good." He has a bit of an ego haha, but either way he will make sure you know he was super happy you got to see him during the match. Sure he might be a little sweaty and a bit out of breath, but he'll still hug you and might lift you up a little bit
Overall, his ego will have a boost and he will be super happy. Will he talk about how cool he was in the game to everyone? Yes. Will he talk about the game with you for the next few days? Yes.
He does Track and Field! Which honestly covers a lot of different activities, but he likes doing it with others. Because of this, you might catch him in the relay race events. He happened to be participating in the game that was coming up and (in a slightly stammered way) asked if you wanted to go watch him. Of course, you agreed and he was super grateful
To say he was a little nervous would be an understatement. He was already a little antsy with the competition but he was like "omg they're going to watch me I can't fail" and people might notice he's more jittery than usual because of this
The track is super big, so he doesn't know if he'll see you. However, you bet he would glance towards the audience before his event. If he manages to catch you in the audience, expect him to give you a small smile, maybe a little wave too. He'll remind himself that you're there to see him when it's finally time for him to run too
I think after the event he'll be super tired so he might not be as energetic when you get to meet up with him. However, he'll be blushing, slightly out of breath as he drinks from his water bottle, and will give you a soft hug. "T-thanks for coming today," he might say. If he won, he'll be super elated but if he didn't then just let him know you're still proud of him ;-;
Overall he's grateful you got to be there and cheer him. He wants to just relax with you afterwards, which means you two might be having a cozy movie night together at Ramshackle
He too is a track and field guy! I imagine he would also be a runner, and while he wants you to see him he's also nervous you might not really enjoy the event or you might be busy. He'll bring it up quietly, just like a "it would be nice, I have a track event coming up." Just know he'll be super grateful if you do agree to go
He's super serious during the event, you might think he forgot you were there because he doesn't at all look at the audience when it's his turn on the track. But his hearing's good, if you happen to be cheering for him really loudly he'll hear. He might not react, but he'll have a small smile on his face
I feel like this might be one of the first times you see him racing, and omg he's so fast. Like, you knew he would be but like this? He might've been faster this round because he doesn't want to lose but also because he wants to, well, impress you a bit haha. Sure he's a humble guy, but sometimes he likes to boast ;)
After the event he definitely hugs you and lifts you up in his arms. He might be a little worn out from the event but he tells you "nope I'm feeling the best I can because I get to see you." Honestly just your presence is enough for him, whether or not he won in the event.
I think after the event you two might take a slower hang out, maybe you guys cook together or watch a movie. Either way, he'll just spend some time with you relaxing and if you happen to pamper him during this time he'll be flustered with all of the affection
Epel's in Spelldrive! One of the biggest sports in the school, and one that you've had first-hand account in haha. You've probably watched Epel practice from time to time, but when one of the big school games come up, he'll ask if you'll go. He'll be a little shy about it, but once you tell him you're going he'll be super energetic (expect a very strong high five haha)
During the game, he might go close to the audience just to say hi to you haha. He was one of the strongest players for Pomefiore, and many of his classmates were cheering him on with you. Who knows, maybe you led a whole cheer with them haha
I think he would be super serious when playing but from time to time he'll look around to see you. He might've waved at you once as well! He'll do some extra tricks on his broom if he can just to impress you a little more
Whether or not Pomefiore did well, let him know you thought he did his best and that it was a lot of fun. He probably just liked being able to play and he'll let you know he's super grateful you got to watch him. Taking a bottle of water, he might tell you "thanks for coming today, I'm starving though so did you want to grab dinner together?"
Overall, he was super pumped to see you and definitely played a little harder than usual with you in the audience. You two will likely have a really good dinner together and if you want to, you guys might go on a magical wheel ride as well.
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