idleoblivion · 10 hours
"I Must Make You the Perfect Morning" Jade Leech x GN Reader
Synopsis: Jade executes his morning routine with only one thing on his mind: You.
Word Count: ~1.3k
A/N: I promise I'm going too write non-yandere stuff again soon I just had two yandere ideas at once, this one is def creepier than my other fic just a heads up
Warnings: Yandere Jade, creepy/stalker behavior that escalates throughout
You’re the first thing on his mind when he opens his eyes. The thought of you immediately wipes all traces of sleep from his brain, and he’s already awake and alert. He sits up in his bed and finds the sun hasn’t even risen. Before, he might’ve taken a moment to enjoy the peace and quiet to himself. These days, he simply doesn’t have time. His day starts hours before anyone else’s, and all for one specific purpose.
He must make you the perfect morning.
In his room, he begins by preparing himself for the daunting task. He keeps a detailed itinerary of his plans and route that he quickly glosses over for the umpteenth time. He dresses very casually, with a dark hoodie and pants. His school clothes are folded and placed in a bag with care, so as not to wrinkle them. He takes said bag and slings it over his shoulder before quietly stepping out.
The next stop is the lounge kitchen. 
With access to all the ingredients the lounge uses, he’s always able to cook up something you like. Your favorite flavors, every like and dislike he’s managed to coax out of you, they’re all memorized. He knows them like the back of his hand. As are those of your closest friends. If he could curse the food without hurting you, he would, since he knew if they asked you'd be too kind not to share. So instead he intentionally chooses something they wouldn’t like, but you would. Not that they even hung around you much anymore, he had made sure of that. So with your preferences in mind, he prepares a lunch for you. Only you. 
The next stop is your dorm.
It was while Azul had kicked you out of Ramshackle that he had found his entrance in. A broken window in the back that he and Floyd hadn’t gotten around to repairing while they were there. He silently slips into your dorm, and begins the most crucial part of his routine.
He starts by cleaning. He knows the closet where you keep your cleaning products, and is familiar with the areas of your dorm that accumulate dirt the fastest. With all the old decor and furniture, dust is inevitable. So he does it for you. He’s diligent in his task, also tossing out any trash he notices and washing any dishes left in your sink. If he finds anything belonging to another student that had visited, it's discarded immediately. He sweeps, he mops, he does it all. Anything he can imagine being a nuisance for you is handled with care. All while he’s being mindful not to make any noise and interrupt your hard-earned slumber.
The next stop is your room.
He stares at you from your doorway. He takes a few steps towards you, and continues to just stare. He loves how you look when you’re sleeping. Rarely does he get to see you looking so peaceful and relaxed. The way your hair is already kind of sticking out funny makes him smile, you were always so endearing. Feeling brave, he holds a piece of it in his hand tenderly. He stands there for another moment, just feeling the texture of your hair in his palm. The sensation combined with the proximity to you has his heart racing so fast he’s almost worried you’ll hear it. He gently lets go and steps away, waiting until he’s finally had his fill of looking at you to move on.
He doesn't go overboard when tidying your room, he has to make sure he's incredibly quiet and wouldn't want to accidentally get rid of something important to you. He mostly just picks up laundry of yours and organizes anything that he thinks needs it. He's careful when he takes clothes of yours, knowing that you'll notice if things you wear frequently go missing. Today, he takes a hoodie he finds lying on the floor by your dresser that he hasn't seen you wear much, but still smells like you when he lifts it to his face. 
The next stop is your bathroom. He'll admit, this one is more for him than you.
He’s not proud of how much time he spends there, but he can’t help it. It makes him feel connected to you, to get ready in the same place you do. It’s here he changes into his school clothes and discards his other outfit into his bag with the hoodie he's taken. It’s here he washes his face with your products, washes his hands with your soap, dries them on your towels. It's like he can feel you through every item he touches.
It’s here he brushes his hair with your brush. The bristles running across his scalp send shivers down his spine when he imagines you using it yourself. He does clean it after, though only so he can see strands of your hair mixed with his when he does. It’s here he’s thought about using your toothbrush too, countless times. The temptation fills his head again the longer he looks at it, but he knows he can't. His serrated teeth would certainly tear the flimsy thing to shreds, so he settles for just holding it in his hand and imagining it. 
It’s only when the sunrise finally starts streaming through your bathroom window that he puts it back. He leaves, closing the bathroom door gingerly and stalking back through the dorm. He exits the same way he arrived, and hurries away just as he hears your alarm sound off from inside.
The final stop is just outside the hall of mirrors.
He stands there with eyes trained on the entryway, eagerly awaiting your appearance. You eventually arrive and greet him politely. He presents you with the lunch he made, only grinning courteously when you took it but internally feeling incredibly giddy. You’d been caught off guard the first few times he brought you lunch like this, wary of being tricked into owing him something. But he was insistent, he worked so hard to make it after all. Now, you simply accepted it without question and thanked him.
You used to walk with your friends to class, but they’ve been avoiding you more and more lately. You’re not sure why, and when you asked Jade he said he hadn’t heard anything from them. He did however offer to walk you there himself. This had recently become your new normal, making pleasant conversation with Jade as you made your way to class.
You mention that you swear your dorm was cleaner than when you had fallen asleep again.
“It’s just so weird. I swear I left dishes in the sink, but they were all put away. I’m pretty sure the whole place got dusted too.”
“I see. Does it make you happy? Waking up to find your problems have been taken care of?” “I guess? I mean, it’s confusing but it’s less for me to do.” 
Had you seen the glint in his eye when he asked you, you might have been more careful about agreeing. Not that it mattered now, he heard what he needed to.
He smiled, content with how his actions had all played out again. He was satisfied that he had met his goal again, just like he had yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that.
He had made you the perfect morning.
You had certainly made his morning perfect as well, but you didn’t need to know that.
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idleoblivion · 5 days
"Hey Man I Love You, But No Fucking Way" Jamil Viper x GN Reader
Synopsis: The time has finally come for you to leave, but he isn't ready to lose you. Surely you'll hear him out, right?
Word count: ~900
A/N: I usually prefer fluff but thought I'd experiment with a little angst, though I don't think it's too intense. Never written any kind of yandere stuff before so sorry if it's tame.
Warnings: angst, yandere Jamil
This day was bound to come. He knew it, you knew it, everyone did. That didn’t make it any easier for him, though. 
He knew you had started bugging Crowley harder about going home after the second overblot. And harder again after the third, then his, and so on. He wanted to meddle, but Kalim kept him busy. Plus, his faith in Crowley was so low he thought he’d have more time. Time to win you over, time to convince you that your place was with him. And he had made progress, you two had become very close despite what went down in Scarabia over the holiday. But the time for you to go had come regardless. 
He knew you had people you missed and places you still wanted to see. He knew that at the end of the day, no matter how much he’d grown to like your presence, you were not meant to be in Twisted Wonderland. 
But he still held onto that naive hope he had that you would hear him out tonight. Perhaps too tightly.
“You know how much you mean to me, don’t you?”
“I do.” You answer almost emotionlessly.
“Then… then please-” “Don’t ask me what you’re about to ask me. Don’t do that.”
He should’ve stopped there, but he couldn’t. If there was any chance of you staying with him, he had to fight for it. So he kept going.
“Please… you don’t know what my life was like before you. Please don’t leave me like this.”
You don’t say anything back. He could already feel himself unraveling, but tried to hold it together the best he could. 
“You’re the only person I can be myself around. You’re the only person who I can show what I’m actually capable of, the only-” “Jamil, you need to stop this. Now.”
“I love you.” He admits with desperation. “I love you, please, you can’t leave me like this. I’ll never…” he trails off, holding back tears.
“I love you too, Jamil…” You sigh deeply.
“Just not enough to stay?” He snaps without thinking. The look on your face immediately tells him that was the wrong thing to say. “How fucking dare you? You think you’re the only person I’m allowed to care about? I have people that I miss, Jamil. That I’ve been missing. I had a life before this school, sorry that hurts your feelings so badly.” He hadn’t expected you to get so angry with him. 
“I didn’t mean-” “I had a life. A life without magic and overblots. Where I didn’t spend every waking moment waiting for something else bad to happen. Where people didn’t want to fight me just for existing, and I wasn’t almost constantly in some kind of trouble or danger.” You’re crying now too, and you turn your back to him as you continue. “I can’t do it. I can’t stay. There’s nothing good for me here.” “What…what can I do? There’s has to be something I can do-” “No, there isn’t. I’m leaving tomorrow and that’s that. Stop making this harder than it needs to be.”
“I…I told you, I love you!” “And I told you I love you, but I can’t do this for you!” You wipe your face as you turn to face him again. “You think I’m happy about leaving you? Of course I’m not! But I’m not going to suffer here for your sake. I have to do this, for me. Why can’t you understand that?!”
And in that moment, he finally did understand. You didn’t want to hurt him. You weren’t trying to, you just needed to look out for yourself. He couldn’t blame you for that. You said you loved him, and he believed you. He watches you sniffle in front of him and put your face in your hands. He feels remorse for how this world has treated you, and guilt for not getting what you really meant at first. Yes, he understands perfectly. 
It was the rest of the world that was the problem. You could be happy in Twisted Wonderland, you just didn’t know it. With Crowley and overblots and other stress always wearing you down, of course you didn’t think you could stay. If you were constantly hurting, how could he expect you to?
But, why hadn’t you just said that from the start? If you knew how much you meant to him, didn’t you also know just how far he’d go for you? The mountains he would make move? The people he’d dispose of? Wouldn’t you do the same for him?
Of course, you would never have to do the same for him. He would do everything, take care of everything. Nothing would keep you two from each other. All you had to do was be with him and be happy. He could make that happen, he was sure of it.
He decides that those kinds of plans don’t matter right now, though. What matters most is that you’re about to make the biggest mistake of your life, and he isn’t going to let you.
“Look at me.” “Jamil, I’m done with this. I-”
“I get that, okay? Just…please, look at me one more time.” He was pleading, and his voice sounded so terribly dejected. You sigh again. You lift your head up from your hands and meet his eyes.
“I told you, I’m sorry. I really am. I-” “Snake Whisper. Follow me. You’re not going through that mirror.”
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idleoblivion · 15 days
I wanted to thank that anon directly but I’d also just like to say a quick thanks to everyone else reading my stuff. I honestly had really low expectations for how I’d do here, I’m not a very experienced writer so I wasn’t sure how this would all go or if anyone would even like what I did. So literally every note means so much, I appreciate it! Thank you for interacting with my writing, it feels really nice to finally try writing and have everyone be so nice about what I make. I hope to keep improving as a writer and make even better stuff for you to read in the future!
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idleoblivion · 15 days
I just found your blog and omg I love your writing, Jade and the artist reader is sooo good, will you ever do a part two or you’ll keep it a one shot? Either way, you are really good and I’ll turn the notifications on❤️
Thank you so much! I saw this on my break at work and it made my day so much better, thank you!
And the Jade x artist reader I plan to keep just a one shot, but it definitely won’t be the last time I write for Jade, so stick around and you’ll see more with him 😁
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idleoblivion · 15 days
"I Know Who You Really Are" Deuce Spade x GN Reader
Synopsis: After a run in with some former ‘friends’ of his, you reassure him that his efforts aren’t wasted.
Word Count: ~1k
A/N: I intended this platonic but read it however you want. Also I promise I don't write fics almost the exact same length on purpose idk why it keeps happening.
Warnings: Deuce is sad/insecure, reverse comfort, also you both bully Ace in a fic where he isn't even there to defend himself lol
You were sitting on the couch in your dorm, casually scrolling through Magicam when the front door abruptly swung open. Looking up, you see Deuce, who walks over to the other end of the couch and plops down. Immediately, something feels off to you. You’re confused when he doesn’t say anything to you, so you speak up first.
“Uh, hey. What’s up?” 
He mumbles something under his breath that you don’t quite catch. He’s slouched over and won’t look at you. Your brow creases in worry.
It’s not unheard of for Ace and Deuce to come barging into your dorm unannounced, if they were bored or wanted to borrow your notes or whatever excuse they had. Today’s instance wasn't normal though, you could tell. 
“Where’s Ace at?” “I don’t know. I don’t feel like dealing with him right now.”
“Did he do something? Or say something? He runs his mouth a lot but you know it doesn’t mean anything.” Normally a jab at Ace would get him to at least smile, but his expression stays as glum as it was when he walked in.
“No, he didn’t do anything. I’m just not in the mood.”
“Did something else happen then?” You scooch a little closer to him and put your phone in your pocket. “If you want to talk about it, you know I’ll listen.”
He’s silent again. You’re kind of at a loss, stuck between trying to push him for answers or just letting it go. Despite your concerns, you settle for the second option. You pull out your phone again and get back on Magicam. Maybe he just needed some peace and quiet.
Neither of you say anything until he starts fidgeting a little, which gets your attention back. You notice him eyeing you like he wants to ask you something, so you turn to face him again. “Come on, what happened?”
“It’s just… is anything I’m doing even worth it?” You blink in surprise. He sounds uncharacteristically serious, and you’re caught off guard by the question. 
“What do you mean?” 
“This… this whole ‘honor student’ thing I’m trying to do. Is there any point?” He’s slumped over even more now, looking entirely dejected. 
You take a second before you answer. “You’re working hard to improve yourself and be a good student. How is there no point to that? Plus you said you wanted to make your mom proud, I definitely think you’re doing that.” The mention of his mother makes him scowl and you’re worried you said the wrong thing. 
“If she is proud, she shouldn’t be.”
Your eyes widen a little at that. “Deuce, where is this coming from?”
He looks hesitant to say more, but a reassuring nudge to his shoulder from you is enough to get him talking again. 
“Just…some guys I used to know before I came here… I ran into them over the weekend, and they started making fun of me for trying to clean up my act.” He takes a frustrated breath in and continues. “Talking about how I was still just like them, and this whole goody-two-shoes act is a sham. And that I’ll never be good enough to be a real honor student. That I’m stupid for even trying. ”
You take in his story for a second before frowning. “Well, that’s just wrong. That’s not right at all.”
“Isn’t it though? I’m always behind you and Ace, I try to stay out of trouble but sometimes I still can’t, and so many people just know me as that same delinquent.” He hangs his head low and clenches his fists in his lap.
“Deuce…” You rest your hand on top of his, and he looks up at you again. “That’s not your problem, it’s theirs. If they don’t want to see the effort you’re putting in, that’s on them. You’re not perfect because of course you're not, nobody is. But you always work hard, and you’ve made great progress already. It’s not your fault they choose to ignore that.”
“And more importantly,” you smile gently at him, “I know how hard you try. I know who you really are. So does your mom. And so do our friends, even with all the shit they give you. I promise they have your back just like I do.”
He pauses to think about what you said. He cautiously meets your eyes again. 
“You think I’m good? You mean that?”
“Yes, I do.” You state confidently. 
That seems to finish reassuring him, as he half-smiles before staring back down at his hands in his lap and muttering a quiet “Thank you.”
You nudge him again. “Don’t thank me yet. Thank me when me and Ace are done handling those guys.” You joke. 
He laughs at that and flashes you the first real smile he’s had since showing up. “Please don’t, don’t start acting like a delinquent for me. Neither of you can fight anyway.”
"Hey, Ace punched your dorm leader and got away with it."
"Sucker punched him, if he was ready Ace never would've landed the hit. Also he immediately overblotted, how is that getting away with it?"
You shrug and pull out your phone again. “Doesn't matter, I've got a new idea. You think I could find those stupid guys on Magicam? How do I do that?”
“If I knew, I wouldn’t tell you.”
“See? You’re so uptight, you’ll make a perfect honor student. As soon as you learn how to study without me.”
“Oh whatever.” He’s grinning though, and he’s lost that gloomy aura he came in with. 
He’s never had friends like you, who would take the time to comfort him without question. Who could see potential in him and believed he could really be something. He’s not used to this kind of feeling, but he can’t pretend he doesn’t enjoy it. You make him feel cared about, and that’s more than most people have ever given him. 
Yeah, if someone like you has his back, he must be on the right path. 
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idleoblivion · 20 days
"How do I Look?" Ace Trappola x GN Reader
Synopsis: He doesn’t get why you’re so excited for this stupid dance, but he stops complaining once he sees you dressed up.
Word Count: ~1k
A/N: Fun fact I absolutely hated Ace when I started the game and now I'm ride or die for that stupid ginger I love him
Warnings: Ace is majorly in denial, you both tease each other
“Are you almost done?” He shouts into the air.
He’s seriously had enough of this. He’s sitting on the creaky old couch in the common room of Ramshackle, where he's been for 20 minutes waiting for you.
“You’re the one who wanted to wait for me so bad!” You yell back at him from upstairs.
“Whatever, just don’t complain about how late we are when you’re finished!”
What you said was true, technically. He had decided to wait for you to get ready while the rest of your friends went ahead of you. But that was just because he wanted to spend as little time as possible at that stupid dance, that was all. He messed with the collar of his dress shirt, not liking how stuffy his outfit made him feel.
What was the point of this? He knew he’d end up just standing off to the side, he wasn’t interested in dancing. If it was some casual after school thing maybe he would, but he hated having to dress fancy and look nice all for a dance that was too formal to let loose at. He had half a mind to convince Deuce to ditch it with him, but you were adamant about going. And then your enthusiasm rubbed off on Deuce, so his choices were to suck it up or spend the whole night alone. Which still wouldn’t have been awful, but he kept remembering that glum look on your face when he had started saying he didn’t want to go.
But it’s not like he cared about making you sad, it was just easier to give in than deal with you pouting about it. Yeah, that was it.
He pulls out his phone and checks the time again. It’s been 25 minutes now and he groans. He wasn’t in a rush to get there, but were you moving slow on purpose? It was just as boring hanging out on your couch by himself as it would’ve been at the dance. He’s about to yell at you again when he finally hears your bedroom door open, and your footsteps as you head towards the stairs.
“Finally, took you long enough.” He turns his head to look at you, and the follow up remark he had ready gets caught in his throat.
You look…nice. He tries to shut that thought down, but as he looks you up and down it only reinforces itself. You look really, really good.
You always do. It drives him crazy, annoys him even. He’s one of your best friends, so you let yourself be more casual around him. He’s seen you wake up after a sleepover with your hair an absolute disaster. He’s seen you sweaty and tired after convincing you and Deuce to play basketball with him. He’s seen you with bags under your eyes from studying for so long with him. No matter what you’re doing, you always look good.
But that’s just because you’re attractive! He can own up to that, he thinks, it’s pretty objective. He can say you’re attractive without it meaning anything. Surely almost everyone at this school thinks that, he can’t be the only one.
…Why did that thought upset him more? He didn’t like you, but it would make sense if other guys did. You’re more than good-looking, you were charming too. You’re funny and kind and smart and thoughtful, you really would be the perfect-
FRIEND. You’re the perfect friend, a great friend. An awesome friend who has his back, isn’t afraid to hold him accountable, can stand up to his teasing, gets along with his other friends, and always makes time for him. You’re a really, really good friend, and that’s it.
You stand at the bottom of the staircase, oblivious to the way you’ve made his mind start racing. You jokingly strike a pose and smile at him.
“How do I look?” you ask. As if you really need to. As if you weren’t giving him a crisis.
“...You’ve looked worse.” 
You roll your eyes and walk over to smack his arm lightly. “Thanks, jerk. Let’s get going now, the other guys are probably wondering where we are.” “And whose fault is that?”
“Shut up!”
You continue to argue lightheartedly as you walk out of your dorm, and all the way up to the main school building. He’s got another sarcastic remark locked and loaded when you put your arm around his and he freezes. You notice him tense up and laugh.
“Come on, take me in like a gentleman. Since you wanted to walk in alone with me so badly.” “Did not!” His face is red and muscles feel stiff, but he makes no move to stop you. You laugh at him again but before he can retort you’re dragging him in through the doorway.
“Maybe I’ll make you dance with me, too. Since you were so eager to get here.”
He wasn’t at all, but he doesn’t say that. He’s a little preoccupied with the weight of your arm around his still, and how every time he sees you out of the corner of his eye his heart skips a beat.
But of course, it doesn’t mean anything. Definitely not. Not at all.
“I’m serious. You’re dancing with me, since if you don’t you’ll just be a killjoy standing in the corner. Come on.” You declare with a teasing smile. You pull him by the arm into the middle of the room with you.
…You're going to be the death of him, he’s sure of it.
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idleoblivion · 22 days
"Task Failed Successfully?" Azul Ashengrotto x GN Reader
Synopsis: He’s finally ready to execute his master plan to make you fall in love with him, and it all starts today… the day you planned to confess to him.
Word Count: ~1.4k
A/N: I love Azul he's such a lil dork to me
Warnings: Azul is down pretty bad, he's also a nervous wreck, Floyd and Jade are there for 2 seconds
It started after his overblot. You saw him at his worst, his most emotional and destructive, yet you still treated him so kindly. You didn’t hold it against him or blame him, if anything you were compassionate. He was caught off guard by your sincerity, and how your presence started making his chest feel tight. His persona he worked so hard to maintain at all times wavered whenever you were near. He stuttered, he forgot what he wanted to say, he smiled too wide and laughed too hard. You ruined his composure every time you were around and it was getting harder to pretend you were just a client or friend to him by the day. 
The first step was admitting you had become much more important to him than he had anticipated you would, and that he didn’t want to be without you. 
The second step was making you feel the same way. 
In a school full of eligible bachelors, Azul was not confident in his current position. Suddenly it felt like everyone around you was a potential suitor, and he couldn’t help but worry it was only a matter of time before somebody else asked you out. And your kindness wasn’t exclusive to him, as much as he selfishly wished it was. You were friendly with plenty of students, was he just another friend to you? He couldn’t be, he couldn’t stand it. And that’s where the plan first came to fruition. 
It was rather convoluted and even he knew it. But it was necessary, he reasoned, to make sure you had ample opportunity to see him at his best and most attractive. What better way to do that than getting you to work with him?
He could see it all in his head: He’d ask you to meet in his office, convince you to make a deal to work for him, and make you his assistant so you spent your entire shift with him. Then you’d get to watch him run the lounge and maneuver his way into contracts with ease, and he would get to take advantage of your time alone to get to know you even better. He’d use what he learned from your conversations to make himself look even better, until you’re so impressed you can’t help but start falling for him. You’d think he’s so cool and confident and smart and successful and-
“Oya, are you still listening, Azul?”
“I think he’s busy thinking about someone, hehe~”
Azul opens his eyes to see the twins smiling mischievously at each other. They had been walking out of their dorm together when his mind started wandering, now they’re nearly at their classrooms. 
“Keep your voice down.” Azul commands, but it doesn’t hold a lot of weight when he’s clearly flustered. “Somebody might hear you.”
The brothers give each other a look, then go right back to smiling. Azul frowns before he reminds them he’ll be late to the lounge after class and to open without him. Then the trio splits, and Azul spots you as you dart into the alchemy classroom before the warning bell rings. 
Today, today was going to be the start of everything. 
After a very distracted school day (and after making sure Floyd actually went back to the lounge), Azul walked with determination to the hall of mirrors. He picked a day both the track and basketball club were busy with practice so he’d be able to get you alone at Ramshackle. He wasn't threatened by Ace or Deuce, but he needed them out the way while he set things in motion. He was so nearly there, all he had to do was sweet talk his way into getting you back to the lounge to sign a contract that would pave the way to your destined love story. 
He’s finally at your door, and his stomach twists in a knot. He raises his fist but hesitates to knock, revisiting every line he had planned in his head one final time. A voice from behind him nearly makes him jump out of skin.
“Azul? What are you doing here?” He turns around to see you watching him curiously. He recovers from his surprise quickly and grins at you politely.
“Prefect! I was just looking for you. Do you have a moment?”
“Yeah, sure. I was looking for you too, actually, I went to the lounge and everything. Do you wanna come in?” 
That explains how he got to your dorm before you at least, but leaves him with a lot of other questions. What did you want him for? If you were looking for him at the lounge, did you want a deal? He figured he would have to make a very strong case for the benefits of working for him to get you on board, but if you had something you wanted from him too, that might make things easier. He smiles confidently at this turn of events. “Of course.”
He follows you into Ramshackle. It’s not a problem if your conversation happens here instead he figures, as long as everything else still works out the way it’s supposed to. You gesture to the couch and he sits down.
“So, Prefect, what is it you needed to see me about?” He’s expecting you to say something trivial, something like notes for class or help with an assignment. Something he can already use to show you how competent he is, how hard he’d work to help you as your partner, how-
…Why are you looking at him like that?
He grows more confused as your entire demeanor changes. The air gets heavier, more serious and you won’t look him directly in the eyes anymore. You fidget with your hands a bit, a nervous habit of yours he’s picked up on.
“...Maybe you should go first.”
“What makes you say that?” “Mine’s…a whole thing. Plus you might not like it. Or me, after.”
You’ve got him nervous now. Had something bad happened? He was concerned of course, though the thought that you had a more serious issue and came to him of all people for help filled him with a guilty kind of joy. Now was a chance to prove himself as someone reliable and attentive to you.
“I assure you nothing could make me dislike you.” He admits a little more genuinely than he intended to. He clears his throat before quickly trying to move past it. “And I have time. If something or someone is causing you trouble, it can be dealt with. You just have to tell me.”
Perfect, now you would spill, he'd offer to fix your issue in exchange for your employment, you were right where he wanted you...
…Had you been sitting that close to him before? Once he notices your proximity, he can’t help the growing heat in his face and ears. 
You lean in a little closer to him and his face rivals an angry Heartslabyul dorm leader’s. You gently place your hand on top of his on the couch and he starts trembling. You look up at him again, and his wide-eyed expression makes you laugh. He’s always liked your laugh, but the way it sounds right now makes his heart flutter. 
“You’re sure you want to know?” You’re teasing him now and he knows it, but he can hardly form a thought other than how alluring you look. Your other hand finds its way to push a piece of hair out of his face and he feels like he’s going to combust. He tries to answer, but it comes out as some stuttered gibberish that only makes your smirk grow wider. “Azul, you’re really cute like this.” “C-cute? I don’t…that’s, I-”
“I like you, silly. I was gonna ask you out once I got you alone.”
His whole body tenses up. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go. It’s not like it wasn’t supposed to end up here, but he wanted to be suave and cool about it, and here he was a complete mess. He planned to have a few months at least to brace himself before you’d even start flirting with him, now you’re still not letting go of his hand and you’re leaning in even more-
When you kiss him, his mind bluescreens completely. Your lips move softly against his and he can’t breathe. And when you pull away, any remainder of that meticulous plan he came to your door with is gone, erased from his brain. You stay close for a moment and he swears you’ve never looked more captivating.
“...So, what were you gonna ask me for?”
“I…have no idea.”
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idleoblivion · 25 days
"A Dangerous Muse" Jade Leech x GN Reader
Synopsis: You found him so pretty, it was hard not to get inspired. Still, it felt a little creepy to sketch him without permission. But it’s fine as long as he doesn’t find out, right?
Word Count: ~1.5k
A/N: This was supposed to be like maybe 500 words idk what happened
Warnings: Lots of teasing (I mean, it's Jade), brief Floyd cameo
Your secret wasn’t a particularly bad one, it was mostly just embarrassing. When he sat with his brother and Azul at lunch, when you could catch him during his shift at the lounge, and if you just happened to spot him at random around campus, you would take almost any chance to draw Jade in your sketchbook. They were usually just sketches of him looking poised and gentlemanly as he did whatever task he had taken up at the time. Occasionally though, you caught him being slightly more expressive, smiling in a way that showed his pointed teeth and made his eyes wrinkle. You were more than a little embarrassed of how well you had learned the details of his face, and by the dozen or more pages you’d already filled up with drawings of him. Something about him just felt naturally alluring and intriguing to you, he made the perfect muse.
Right now, you’re sitting at a table in the lounge trying to look like you're studying and not waiting for the appearance of a certain eel. You picked a seat off to the side by yourself like usual to not draw any attention. You were pretty sure you had overheard him in the halls earlier say he was working this afternoon, so it was odd to you that he hadn’t shown up yet. You pull your sketchbook out while you wait and look through some of your previous works. You sigh looking at one of them where you were especially proud of how you captured the mischievous look that he had been wearing, with a predatory glint in his mismatched eyes that-
…Was incredibly similar to the way he was looking at you right now.
You hadn’t seen him enter from the front door or kitchen, he seemingly materialized out of thin air. But he was there now, walking past the other patrons at their tables and headed towards your own. You hurriedly shut your sketchbook and try your best to act casual.
“Oya, what a surprise seeing you here, prefect. Are you here to try our new menu?” His eyes still have a dangerous look to them, and he not so subtly steals a few glances at your sketchbook.
“No actually, I just got done studying. I was getting ready to leave.” You try to grab your sketchbook and leave before he has time to question you further, but his hand reaches out and sits on top of it first.
“Oh, you’re already done? Are you sure? I could take a look at what you’ve been working on and assist you if you need.” He has a knowing smirk on his face that immediately increases your anxiety. His hand is still resting on top of the sketchbook.
“Uh, that won’t be necessary. I can’t afford to be making deals right now and-”
“Why, who said anything about a deal? Can’t I want to help you simply out of the goodness of my heart?” He feigns an innocent expression that you don’t trust in the slightest.
Before you can retort, he grabs the sketchbook off the table and moves to open it. You nearly lunge out of your seat to try and grab it from him but he seems to anticipate it and holds it behind his back, out of your reach. He smiles again at your panicky face.
“Oya, what’s this? Is there something private in this book of yours? I thought you were supposed to be just studying?” 
“I-I was, I just don’t want you doing anything to my notes, I worked hard on them.” His eyes narrow but his smile widens. “Yes, I’m sure you did. I promise I won’t compromise your work, I only intend to look.”
He pulls the sketchbook in front of him again, and you have to resist the urge to attempt to snatch it immediately. He steps forward until he’s too close, in your personal space. You try to back up only to find he has you caught between him and the table. He really leans in, his face only a few inches from you and you feel your cheeks heating up at the unexpected proximity.
“You’re sure all I’m going to find in here is notes, hm?”
Your mouth opens and closes a few times, trying to find another excuse to get you out of this. Him being so close to you certainly isn’t helping you get your thoughts together. He takes advantage of your shocked state and finally opens it to the page you’d been on.
“W-wait, Jade you can’t-”
“My, what’s all this~?”
He holds the book out of your reach again while he flips through the pages. You don’t even move to stop him this time, accepting your humiliating fate. You look away from him in your shame, which makes you miss the way his eyes light up as he skims over your work.
“...You’re certainly a skilled artist, I’ll give you that.” You force yourself to look back at him and gauge how upset at you he is, but his demeanor offers you no clues to what his mood really is. “I’m no critic, but I can appreciate how detailed your drawings are. You must have studied me very intently, no?”
“I…um, I guess? I just draw you whenever I see you around. I’m sorry, I know that’s-” “Why me?” You’re caught off guard by that question, and he repeats, “Why me? There are a plethora of other students you could draw, but as far as I saw, I appear to be your only subject. Why is that?”
Well, there’s no point in lying to him, and you were already so mortified, what’s a little more humiliation?
“You’re really pretty.”
For the very first time, you see Jade look almost dumbstruck. Only for a brief moment though, as his face almost immediately changes to something much more intense. You almost think he’s upset until you realize he’s looking at you with the same face he made at his terrariums, or when he cultivated a new species of mushroom. He was intrigued, you had his full attention and interest and the weight of it was becoming overwhelming the longer he stared at you.
“You…” he trails off for a second then leans in close to you again. “It’s impressive how often you manage to surprise me.”
“I’m sorry, I still should’ve asked. I can stop, really, I will. I’m so sorry.” You spoke fast and quietly, still wishing for nothing more than a way out of this situation.
“Now, there’s no need for that. Artists need to practice regularly to improve their skills, yes? I would hate to take that away from you.” “Huh? So…you want me to keep sketching you?” “Unfortunately, Azul would have a fit if he found out I was offering you a service and not charging anything.” Of course, nothing comes for free in Octavinelle. 
“Well, what would you charge then? Madol? Would I have to wait tables here?” He laughs lightly under his breath.“No, nothing like that. I believe our little deal should be well thought out and discussed, not impulsively decided right here and now. Why don’t you meet me back here this weekend, and we’ll work something out? Just you and I of course, I’m sure we don’t need Azul to mediate. Maybe I could even have you sample some dishes from our new menu during our discussion. There would be no charge for that of course, since you’d be doing me a favor by agreeing.” 
As you look at his face to decipher his intentions, you're left even more confused. Why is he looking at you almost…fondly? And he wants to meet with you completely alone? And he’d offer you food for free? What did he mean by you meeting with him being a favor to him? Was this…a date? What exactly was he implying? He just continued watching you, with his polite and courteous persona that you can never truly read put back on. Still a bit flustered, you try and rationalize why you should or shouldn’t go, before he interrupts your thoughts one last time.
“Oh, and you’re very pretty as well.”
Your face is burning after that. You swallow the lump in your throat before you meekly respond.
“Oh, t-thanks. Um, yeah, this weekend sounds great.” He smiles with his teeth on display again. “I look forward to it, prefect.” He grabs your hand and places a chaste kiss to the back of it before offering you your sketchbook back. You take it without a word, brain completely short circuiting.
Then just as suddenly as he appeared, he was gone. He left you by yourself with your own racing thoughts and heart and headed towards Azul’s office. You quickly gather yourself and get ready to leave. On your way out the door, you suddenly spot Floyd watching you with an amused smirk. He makes some kissy faces and noises at you teasingly and points toward the office where Jade is. Your face gets hot all over again and you rush out of the lounge, hearing Floyd cackle at you as you hurry away.
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idleoblivion · 27 days
"You Don't Want to See Me Like This" - Vil Schoenheit x GN Reader
Synopsis: You were spiraling and you knew it, skipping classes, not taking care of yourself and ignoring your friends in favor of rotting in bed. You didn’t want anybody to see you in this state, least of all your perfect boyfriend.
Word Count: ~1k
A/N: Crazy how fast I go from writing smut to comfort fics lol. First time writing Vil sorry if he's ooc.
Warnings: Vague description of poor mental health, he comforts you
The first knocks on your door you ignore entirely, not moving an inch from your position curled up under your blankets. The second time, you do move, but only to check your phone for any messages from Ace or Deuce saying they were coming. They had been the most adamant about trying to reach you, with Ace sending you sarcastic messages and memes to get your attention while Deuce opted for more genuine “Hey, it’s been a minute, you alright?” and “I hope you feel better soon!” texts. You loved them, truly you did, but you were in no mood to talk to them. You couldn’t remember how many days it’s been since you’ve seen them in person.
The third knocks are louder and impatient. You sigh and close your eyes again. As you're preparing to reach for the earbuds on your nightstand to tune them out, the voice you hear from the other side of the door stops you in your tracks.
“I know you can hear me, potato. And you know I don’t appreciate being ignored.”
Your eyes shoot open again. You weren’t expecting him at all.
It’s not like you thought Vil wouldn’t notice. He was always very attuned to what you were feeling, it was something you loved about him. Somehow you had gotten lucky, with his schedule apparently being even busier than usual you had managed to evade him. But he was here now, and clearly not happy. You know he cares dearly for you, but still you didn’t know how to talk to him about everything going on in your head right now. Not when he seemed to handle every problem he had with ease, while you were just wallowing in your misery. Not when he was this emblem of beauty and grace, not when he wouldn’t be caught dead looking like you did right now.
You sit up and turn your head to look at yourself in the mirror. You haven’t showered or brushed your hair and it shows. The circles under your eyes are darker than you’ve ever seen them. You had been completely neglecting the skin care routine Vil picked out especially for you for several days, and you were sure he would be able to tell.
“Vil…I’m alright, I just don’t feel well. I’m tired, and I’m trying to rest.”
“According to your friends, it’s been nearly two weeks that you haven’t been feeling well. Either you’re lying to me, or you need to go to the infirmary this instant.” You could picture the frown on his face and crease in his brow just from his tone.
You don’t answer him. You silently curse Ace and Deuce for getting him involved, wishing your bed would just swallow you whole so you could avoid this conversation. He stays quiet too for a moment. You hear him sigh before he continues.
“I…I’m not trying to patronize you. Please just let me in, I need to see you.” His voice turns almost pleading at the end, surprising you. He never pleaded or begged for anything.
“You don’t want to see me like this, Vil.” Your resolve was weakening hearing how worried he actually sounded, but you were still so ashamed of your current appearance. What would he think if he saw you? Would he feel pity, maybe even disgust? You didn’t want either of those reactions from him.
“You can’t say that. You can’t tell me how or when I want to see you.”
Another minute or two of silence passes, and you realize he really isn’t going anywhere. You drag yourself up out of bed and to your door and hesitantly unlock it. You walk back to your bed and plop down again before saying “Come in.”
He opens the door gently, eyes immediately fixated on you. He takes in your disheveled self and looks around your room for a moment too. You hadn’t even realized how messy it was until he was looking around, laundry and other junk left lying out in the open. Another wave of shame washed over you.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry-” You start to choke up as you put your head in your hands, but he interrupts you.
“No, I’m sorry. I’m the one who needs to apologize.” You look back up at him confused. He’s looking at you, but you don’t feel the judgment in his gaze you were anticipating. He’s looking at you gently, fondly even, and that alone nearly makes you cry.
“I’ve been preoccupied with the production the Film Studies club is working on, and I seem to have neglected something much more important." He approaches you and offers you his hand, which you take. He holds your hand tenderly and continues. “It’s my duty to notice things like this, and I’ve let this go on too long already. What can I do for you, love? What can I do to help?”
The tears that had been welling up finally start falling, and he brings his other hand to cradle your face lovingly. You stay like that together for a few moments, with you crying and him just holding you.
Through sniffles, you tell him “I don’t know. I want to feel better, but I don’t, I don’t know I just-” you cut yourself off with another sob. He nods his head like he understands. He seems to stop and process an idea before he stands up.
“Well, looking better may help you feel better. Come with me, back to Pomefiore. Bring some pajamas, we’ll run you a bath and have a self care night together. I’ve got some new products I’ve been wanting to test that we can try out.” He smiles at you and beckons for you to stand with him. You do, and nod at him as you try to calm yourself down more. “Y-yeah, that might be nice.” You hold your arms out, asking for a hug and he obliges immediately. 
He holds you tightly before speaking to you softly. “You don’t need to keep things from me, you know. I’d much rather hear about how you’re doing from you than those other potatoes.” You let out a small laugh, which makes him grin. “Can you promise you’ll come to me next time?”
“Okay, I promise. Especially if it gets you to spoil me like this.”
“It’s not spoiling, love. It’s just what you deserve.” He kisses your forehead before you walk out of your room together, still holding his hand.
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idleoblivion · 28 days
"Yes, Professor" Crewel x GN Reader
Synopsis: The allowance Crowley gives you just isn’t enough. Maybe you can convince your alchemy professor to assist you somehow…
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: Literally the first smut I've ever written so I'm so nervous to post this, I don't know what possessed me to write this but here we are lol.
Warnings: Teacher/student relationship, gn reader, shy/nervous reader, semi-public sex, mutual masturbation, dirty talk, unprotected sex, overuse of the word 'puppy'
You knock on the door to his office three times and hear shuffling for a moment on the other side. 
“Come in.”
You open it and take a few steps in before spotting him at his desk. Divus Crewel, your alchemy professor, as he sorts through a stack of what you assume are the lab reports you turned in earlier that day. He stops what he’s doing and motions you to a chair in front of his desk. 
“You said you wanted to speak to me, yes? I hope you weren’t lying about it being important.”
You swallowed and tried to straighten your posture as you sat down. “No, I wasn’t. Thank you for meeting with me.”
He looks you over and you feel your resolve weakening. Maybe this really wasn’t a good idea after all. 
Crewel meets your eyes expectantly. “Well, what is it then?”
You can barely continue to make eye contact with how tight your chest feels with anxiety. You play with your hands anxiously in your lap. After a few seconds of silence, he continues. 
“I don’t have all evening, pup. Tell me what you’re here for, quickly.” His tone became more sharp, prompting you to nervously begin. 
“So you know, about my…. um, living situation and uh, money… I, uh, I don’t really have a lot and m-my clothes and uniform are a wreck, and…. and my friends talk about seeing movies and going out but I-“
“Puppy,” he interrupts you, “I am aware of your circumstances. However, I am also aware that the headmaster does supply you a small allowance for food and clothes, even if they may be….” He stops himself from finishing his sentence as he looks at your uniform on you. “Never mind. I won’t lie and say I feel no sympathy for you, but if you’re about to ask me to start funding you as well, the answer is no. I could not allow myself to freely spoil every puppy who is less fortunate in my class.”
“I…well, I-“ you stutter, but will yourself to continue, “I didn’t say it would be for free.” The last part barely comes out as a whisper, but the look on his face tells you he heard it well. You shift in your seat at his change in expression. 
“Oh? Well, it still wouldn’t be considered appropriate of me to take bribes or favors from students, but…” he trails off for a moment, and you notice an increasing intensity in his gaze, “I suppose I can hear you out.”
If you were anxious before, you were almost panicky now. You hadn’t expected to actually get this far, for him to actually consider your offer and not just scold or report you, but you couldn’t deny the building excitement inside you either. 
“If… if you help me, I’ll, um… well, uh, what would you want me to do?” Struggling to find the confidence yourself, you try to make him spell it out, but he must realize what you’re doing as his smirk only grows. 
“I think you had something in mind to offer me, puppy, and if you really want my help you’re going to have to say it.” He stands up and removes his oversized fur coat and lays it on his chair behind him. “That’s an order, from your master. Tell me what you’ll do for me.”
He leans over his desk, looking at you smugly. Part of you wonders if he knew this is where your conversation would head, but you quickly disperse that thought and stand up yourself. 
“…Anything. Anything you want, I’ll do it.” You hesitantly step towards his desk and lean in. 
He laughs lightly under his breath, then looks back at you. 
“We’re just going in circles, aren’t we? Alright, puppy, I’ll be generous today and help you. Come here.”
You walk around the desk to stand in front of him directly. His gloved hand comes up to your face and holds your jaw gently. He leans down some, and speaks to you in a low voice. 
“You know, there’s that Al-Asim boy and Kingscholar, among others, who have plenty of wealth to throw around at this school. So, what brought you to my office and not their dorms, puppy? If you can say that, I’ll give you a reward.”
His hand on your face forces you to keep looking at him. You take one more deep breath before quietly answering. 
“I…I want you. Not them. You.”
He smiles at that and gives you a quick peck on the forehead. “Good puppy. Now sit on my desk.”
You lift yourself onto his desk and he walks forward, caging you in with his arms. He leans down and kisses you gently at first. Just his lips on yours has your body burning up as you wrap your arms around him. You let him slip his tongue in and he groans into your heated kiss. 
“You know,” he pauses and takes a step back, “I think I’ve still let you get your way too easily.” He pulls his desk chair back up and sits down while removing his gloves. “So, be a good puppy and get rid of these.” He grabs and tugs on the pants of your uniform. 
You feel your face get even hotter but comply, taking them off with your underwear and tossing them to the floor. You instinctively try and keep your legs shut, but he tsks at you and pries them open. 
He bites his lip as he looks at you, then meets your eyes with a predatory look. “Touch yourself for me.” 
You begin slowly, nervous and self-conscious under his stare, but the bulge straining against his pants tells you you have no reason to be. You try to look away from him but he calls your attention back immediately. 
“Eyes on me. That’s an order.”
You hesitantly obey and fix your gaze back on him. He undoes his belt and frees his cock from his pants. Your hands slow as you watch him intently. 
“I didn’t tell you to stop, puppy. Keep going.”
You’re both touching yourselves now, his eyes following every desperate movement of your fingers as you get more and more aroused. Watching him stroke himself to the sight of you adds to your embarrassment and pleasure. You bite your lip to stifle your voice. 
“Puppy, you want to me to fuck you?”
You’re ashamed of the whimper you let you out when he says it, but nod vigorously anyway. 
“Say it.”
“Yes professor, please fuck me.”
“Stop then. Hold your legs open for me.”
You obey and he walks back over to you. He kisses you again, deep and passionate while he undoes the tie of your uniform and opens your shirt. He gently pulls it off of you before his hands come up to grope your chest. 
He pulls your hips closer to the edge, and you can feel him start teasing you with the head of his cock. You bury your face in his shoulder as he starts inching himself into you. You moan feeling yourself stretch for him. He grunted as he bottomed out in you, then held still for a moment. 
He pulls you back away from his shoulder to look at you, and smirks at your lustful, blissed out face. He gives you no further warning before he starts moving, feeling you clutch onto him as he thrusts. 
You can no longer stop yourself from moaning loudly, with how deep he feels inside you and him nipping at your neck while his hips never slow or stop, he fucks you steady and hard. 
“Look at you, getting so loud. Is it good, puppy? You like it?”
“Ah- yes, yes professor, so good I-“
You nearly squeal as a particular thrust leaves you reeling, and he moans as he feels you tighten around him. He sped up, fucking you faster and harder until you felt tears welling up in your eyes. 
“Crying for me, puppy?” He smiled and licked a tear that had fallen down your cheek. The pressure building inside you was getting to be too much. 
“Professor, p-professor I’m-“ you gasped as he bit you on the shoulder and grabbed your hips roughly.
“Cum for me, puppy. You can do it, be good for me.”
With a wail, your orgasm hit you hard, making you keel over and grab onto Crewel for support. Your body was on fire and he didn’t stop for a moment, he just kept holding your hips with a tight grip you while he pounded into you harshly. He cursed under his breath, praising you in your ear as he chased his own release.
“Fuck puppy I’m close, take it, fuck-“
He finally releases and you feel his cock twitch as he cums inside you. The warm feeling has you softly moan again, despite how absolutely exhausted your body was. 
You both took a few moments to finish coming down from your highs. He makes you look at him again, and smirks at how fucked out you look. 
“So, we’ll get you some new clothes this weekend, puppy? That sound good?”
You tiredly nod, and he kisses you again.
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