#did be like: sander sides introject
sunburstsystem · 3 months
DID is insane. Tell me why there's Hamilton (hit musical Hamilton) and Virgil (sander sides) in one brain 😐 fucked up ngl
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thestarseersystem · 2 years
serious but like as someone whos liked thomas sanders for years, the sanders sides dont at all represent DID, not to mention I'm pretty sure he's said so himself. it's just that many people with DID/OSDD relate to his videos and many systems have introjects of the sides.
So dont like,, come here and say that he's glorifying or romanticizing a disorder that he's not even representing. Do your research or stop listening to second hand information.
The sides aren't alters and it's been stated before they're not. People can headcannon and fandom this up, but in canon, they're just meant to represent concepts. That's it.
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sleepyangels · 1 month
hey, i saw the "reblog if you're system-safe" post and I was genuinely wondering, how does one make their blog safe for systems? I'm not very experienced or educated on this subject, and would genuinely like some tips.
oh my gosh i'm so sorry for just now seeing this -- tumblr didn't tell me i had anything in my inbox!
honestly, the bar is pretty easy to pass with this. oftentimes being system-safe is as simple as not claiming that certain systems are faking their plurality or in denial of trauma or anything. if you know what systems are and don't deny their existence or experiences then you're already doing a lot better than tons of people on this website.
but some specific things i can think of would be...
realize that fictives/introjects are not carbon copies of their sources. for example, someone who's a fictive of a "bad" character, for example an abuser or a bully, is not a bad person or an abuser or a bully just because their source is. different people have different amounts of attachment to their sources so some fictives might not seem like their source at all outside of appearance or name or some other small thing! we have some logans from sanders sides in our system and they're all very different from each other despite having the same source.
similarly, prosecutors are not evil alters. 99% of the time, there is no evil alter. pop culture likes to paint people with DID/OSDD/multiple personality states/other terminology as secretly serial killers but really we're just people with lots of minds. even though prosecutors may seem mean a lot of the time, they're acting how they believe is the best way to protect themselves and the rest of the system from danger or pain.
asking about origins is kind of weird? like we can't stop you from doing it but asking if a system is traumagenic can be really uncomfortable. like "did you go through immense suffering to such an extreme that your brain developed differently from the average person" just isn't a thing you should ask.
and the one that is probably most relevant to my blog specifically is that headmates/alters/parts can and will have different ages and those ages may not be static. a little/syskid is to be treated like you would treat a physical child because they have the mind and maturity of a physical child (unless you are specifically told that isn't the case with a specific person). there are members whose ages can be 40 one day and 4 the next and 14 the day after that!
-- > along those lines, having an upper limit to the ages of people you allow to interact with your blog can seriously put systems off of reblogging/liking/following. in my system we have a headmate who is technically around 900 years old but age regresses to about 6. so when people say things like "dni if you're over 30" he definitely can't interact without feeling guilty.
that's all i can think of right now but maybe if i think of more over time i may come back and reblog with more stuff! thank you for asking!!!
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[May come off as dumping sorry] Uh Hi! I'm the Vagabond. I'm a fcktive (sorta fictive sorta factive) and have been happy with that and my fictional source for years. And the post you made about fictives and factives not condoning their source's actions or being treated as if they do. It made me feel really good! It came to light about a year ago that my irl source guy did awful things with his fame. And I kinda went into hiding for a while.
When I tried coming back, the system's friends got super uncomfortable, breaking down because I cofronted and offered help. I've been very avoidant of front and headspace since. Like yeah he was terrible and I'm a "bad guy" for not related things; but knowing that I'm not him, I don't have to completely reinvent myself because of a bad person that I share the name of, made me feel really good inside.
So thank you, sanders bunch. Thank you Void collective. From the bottom of my heart.
Thank you,
Ryan; JackedUpSystem
Hi! This is Roman responding 🥰.
First off I’d like to say ¡you’re not dumping at all! We love to see responses like this - it both lets us know our efforts aren’t in vain, and that we’ve made a positive impact on at least one person. (/genuine) (& what better way than to help make the world better than helping one person at a time? (/rhetorical))
Second, you’re completely valid, and your help shouldn’t be shot down just because your source did something(s) bad. And you have equal right to front as any other headmate. 😕 You’re not bad or evil because they did bad things; you get to choose good and better for yourself. If bravery is not a lack of fear (that’s foolhardiness/dumbassery), but instead choosing to do the right thing anyway, then being a good person is not an absence of bad/cruel thoughts but instead choosing to be & do good anyway.
Third, I hope things get easier for you & your system (/genuine). You’re allowed to defy & deviate from your source, ¡100%! 💛❤ You aren’t defined by your source; think of them more as a loose blueprint that gave you a name or an appearance or good personality traits (or all of the above), just a foundation that you get to build on and make your own. The system needed you for a reason, & you manifested the way they needed you to. You’re now allowed to grow & make your self your own too.
Fourth, I don’t know if you want them but I actually made these little apology & condemning templates awhile back for this exact type of situation (I really hated how my source responded to Janus’ name reveal)....so have these. 😶
If you’d like to post it somewhere or send it to the friends who rejected you, feel free.
(Anyone can use these if they want to, not just Ryan! You’re all welcome to.)
Introject Condemning:
Hi! My name is [name], my source is [source, e.g. Sanders Sides], and I’m [a fictive/a factive/an introject]. My source did something I disapprove of, so I wanted to officially [condemn/disapprove of] their actions. I don’t approve of or agree with [thing they did or said]. I understand if you don’t want to engage with me because I’m an introject of [source person/character], but I’d like you to know I would never [do/say] what they did if you’d like to [talk/interact/etc.] in the future. Please do not punish me for the actions and words of my source.
(Optional add-on sentences: I will not/would never [thing they did or said]. If I had been in their place, I would have [done/said] [what you would’ve done/said] instead. I won’t be engaging with [that part of the source, things they created after the bad thing was done, &/or the whole source (up to you, the introject).])
Introject Apology:
Hi! My name is [name], my source is [source, e.g. Sanders Sides], and I’m [a fictive/a factive/an introject]. My source did something I disapprove of, so I wanted to officially apologize for their actions. To [person/people that was/were harmed, fictives/factives of person/people that was/were harmed, and/or supporters of the source, & anyone else you’d like to see it], I sincerely apologize for [thing that source said/did]. I understand if you don’t want to engage with me because I’m an introject of [source person/character], but I’d like you to know I would never [do/say] what they did if you’d like to [talk/interact/etc.] in the future. Please do not punish me for the actions and words of my source.
(Optional add-on sentences: I will not/would never [thing they did or said]. If I had been in their place, I would have [done/said] [what you would’ve done/said] instead. I won’t be engaging with [that part of the source, things they created after the bad thing was done, &/or the whole source (up to you, the introject).])
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orkestrations · 4 years
We’re a recently-uncovered system. We’ve dabbled in a little bit of a lot of things, currently work a full-time job, and are trying to slowly work our way back into writing and creating art.
Here are the other places you can find us:
Other socials:
archive of our own
do you,,,, wanna give me money,,,:
art commission information
ask us for the join link for no writing academia (NWA)
-don’t ask us about our system origin
-don’t ask us when fics are going to update/beg for fic updates. we’ll get there when we get there.
Headmate intros beneath cut
Kestrel [they/them]: host, would really like to go back to napping in the headspace
Daniel [he/him]: protector-persecutor, really poggers at taking care of us, really shit at emotionally connecting with anyone outside the system at all whatsoever
Genesis [she/they]: caretaker, also a teenager, where did you get all this boundless energy and enthusiasm from
The Facilitator [they/them]: records-keeper, if it sounds like we’re writing you an academic essay about ourselves it’s probably them
Hawthorne [he/him]: avenger, wants us to shave off all our hair again
Percival/Percy [he/him]: fictive, introjected from tlovm/cr c1
Virgil [he/they]: fictive, introjected from sanders sides
Elise [she/her]: little, please don’t ask to interact with her
sourcemates and doubles of our fictives are a-okay!
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the-rings-system · 5 years
Hi! I’m Luna, I’m one of 6 in a system! My host often has depressive thoughts and actions and me or one of my friends front as “protocol”, is this okay? Also, I’m not really sure on what role I am, a lot of friends say I tend act like Patton from Sanders sides, I know I have been around longer than the show has and I’m worried.
1. Yes, that’s totally ok! Some of my alters will front when I (the host) am upset, and that’s a natural part of how DID/OSDD works!! :)
2. It’s ok to not know what role you hold, and it’s ok if you never know, and it’s ok if you don’t even have one! If you want to think about it more, I’d suggest thinking about what you contribute to the system (do you take care of others? Help the body relax and calm down? Hold any memories?), or even asking the rest of your system how you help them out! That’s often a big clue towards what role you fit in :) Also, you can make up your own roles, the ones with names (like caretaker or protector) are just super common roles in systems, and every system is different!
3. It’s also totally ok to just be like someone without being a fictional introject, if that’s something you’re worried about. Just like two singlets can be similar even if they’ve never met, an alter can be similar to a singlet/fictional source without being an introject! Whether or not you’re an introject is something you get to think about and come to your own conclusion on ❤️
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thee-stars-system · 2 years
The best thing I love about introject/fictive heavy systems referring to themselves as crossover episodes/events is the pure unlikelihood of some of these crossovers. Like, would anyone irl make a crossover with Assassin’s Creed and Sanders Sides? Probably not! But guess what, this system did!
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