dissociative-memes · 11 months
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[No, it's not the same as
"zoning out" or "lost in thought"]
Dissociative disorders aren't the same as normal dissociation.
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We just learned about imitative DID/OSDD. Is there a way to tell if that's what we are? For context, we thought we were non-traumagenic for a long time but certain realisations potentially indicate otherwise.
We've looked into the term, and as I expected, fully half the results that show up on google come from tumblrs of known exclusionists (this-is-not-dissociative, firedrake, and whynot-dissociativedegu, for example). They claim to be information blogs, and for systems with a very specific presentation of plurality that fits the narrow medical model they believe in, they can sometimes be a useful reference, but for the majority of plurals they should generally be avoided.
Among the more credible sources we've read these past couple days (i.e. scholarly publications) there are a few mentions, all in the context of medical professionals instructing each other on how to diagnose patients. They consider "imitative DID" to be a presentation that looks like DID to their external, singlet eyes, but which they don't quite want to diagnose as such because they think the patient might be subconsciously faking something due to suggestion.
There are a few very important points to keep in mind:
1. Faking cannot be subconscious. Repeat after me: you cannot be faking anything without knowing it. It is necessarily a conscious, ongoing choice to imitate something you're not. If you are not knowingly making that choice every single day, then you're not faking anything.
2. A diagnosis is not an indicator of absolute truth. You know what a diagnosis really is? It's a code for billing an insurance company. That's it. It's an assignment to a category of vaguely similar people, and the boundaries between one category and another are regularly redrawn. Under the DSM-3 all plurality was diagnosable, but the modern DSM-5 restricts it to DID and OSDD. Diagnoses are not something to base an identity around.
3. Professionals are not infallible. The vast majority of mental health professionals are singlets. A disturbingly large fraction of them are completely neurotypical. They may know more about the various categories they can sort people into, but it is guaranteed that you know more about your own personal experiences. Which one of those things is more important?
Taken together, that paints a pretty clear picture that so-called "imitative DID" as a category is flimsy at best, and some of the literature even acknowledges this. This article concludes that "DID does not have a sociocultural (e.g., iatrogenic) origin", or in other words, fantasy-proneness and suggestion have nothing to do with DID or plurality in general. 
This one even uses the term "imitative DID" to refer to malingering for material gain, which is a step beyond even the iatrogenic (suggestion) idea and even less of a thing to worry about -- because, again, if you're worried you might be faking, then you're not faking anything.
In your system's particular case, you say you thought you were non-traumagenic for a while but are reconsidering your origins. You're not doubting your actual plurality itself, which seems to be what's most commonly meant by these articles -- they're talking about people who they think are singlets with BPD or HPD pretending to be plural. This article seems to be the originator of the term and that's what it's talking about, though I can't find the full text available for free.
For you, maybe you're traumagenic after all, maybe not, that's something you figure out for yourself. If you have amnesia and distress, you might be considered to have DID. If not, then you wouldn't be DID, but you're still just as plural. Resources directed toward DID systems might still help you with regards to trauma even if you're not diagnosed for other reasons.
As with most things of this sort, you should be asking yourself "is this label useful to us?" Regardless of what boxes you may or may not fit, whatever the professionals happen to think about you, what's important is your own internal experiences. And I highly doubt "imitative DID" is going to be a very useful word to anyone.
-- Most of us ∈ Flamesong
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stimcourse-archive2 · 7 years
This is the anon that asked for resources on DID/OSDD, I'm not at all trying to pressure y'all or force any labor I'm just a little anxious that maybe y'all forgot? It's 100% fine if you don't want to do it anymore or need more time I just wanted to check so I know what's going on. I hope your day is going really good!
YEAH leo forgot about this sorry anon! 
so regarding resources, be critical of everything you read on this site. some sites we personally trust are did-research, sidran, and traumadissociation! these sites source everything and provide excellent information. i recommend you start here when researching did / osdd 
for more specific questions there are a few blogs that we trust here. real-did, this-is-not-dissociation, whynot-dissociativedegu, and dissociationdays! you can also ask us, but we don’t claim to be as knowledgeable as these blogs. we’ve gotten advice from all of these blogs at some point and they’re very helpful!
good luck anon!
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envy-catwalk · 7 years
Do you think it's possible to like- have an mtf system member while the body itself is female??
I’m cis, so I can’t speak on any trans issues. But it honestly should be possible and normal! I also can’t speak on the behalf of endogenic systems either, but if you have DID or OSDD, you can’t chose or decide what an alter is like. The brain kind of just forms the alter, so I’m sure it’s possible to have an alter that’s mtf, even if the body is dfab. I have a fragment who is non-binary, so I’m super sure alters don’t have to be cis.But like I said, I’m cis. If you’re a traumagenic system i’m super sure it’s 100% possible and there are probably alters out there who share the same experience. It might also help to ask in any of the multiplicity tags like actuallytraumagenic systematicpride positivelyplural and stuff like that! Reddit and Psychforums also have a pretty active DID/OSDD community so you can try asking systems on there for advice too. Hope it helps! If you have any other questions on multiplicity I can try my best to answer them and give advice on what’s worked for us
Some DID/OSDD advice blogs on tumblr you can ask are @real-did and @whynot-dissociativedegu and there are a bunch more for endogenic systems.
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headmatesfaq · 7 years
re: system resets
So, we've said from the start of our blog that we don't support the idea that resets are a thing, but here's why. There's probably even more to be said, so comments are welcome!
1) Before we even go into the impossibility of it, it's abusive. The concept of a system reset is purposefully "hard-resetting" an entire system. Previous members are lost, and the brain makes new ones. We honestly don't think an entire system would consent to that? It'd be essentially death. That's really frightening. If resets were possible, how would you feel as a headmate if someone else could just erase your existence? Like you weren't a living being with a right to your own autonomy? 
We unfortunately saw this first hand. A very long time ago, when the concept of a reset was introduced, our persecutor immediately tried. Nothing happened, but it was still frightening.
2) People who say they've performed resets are most likely mistaken. What's more plausible:
Shutdowns. It's entirely likely they actually experienced something we've seen called a "system shutdown," which is when something (stressful/traumatic) destroys system functioning. Unintentional integration, dormancy, dissipation, probably internal deaths* occur, and any "survivors" feel incredibly disconnected from the rest or might remain dormant/form new identities and generally change. Dissociative barriers get screwed up, and everything gets very messy. This is what we hear described most often by people who use the term "reset."**
I don't think they quite understand what's occurred, and it ends up harming other systems because it continues the idea that Point 1 is a valid and acceptable (not to mention possible!) idea and headmates are more like playthings than actual people in a bad situation, like in 2.
3) There's no evidence or sources. Even for the most mocked parts of being multiple, there's some kind of evidence somewhere for others experiencing it. Resets were "coined" by the blog thatmultiplefeel. No one has been able to find evidence of this being an actual thing beyond TMF's account and one anon, who very well could've been mistaken like on the above point.
Things TMF also claimed/did: schizophrenia can cause a system, so can OCD, you can make a system by "sheer will alone", suggested yelling, insulting, pushing and otherwise abusing a crying headmate who wouldn't leave front until they went back inside...
I don't feel comfortable trusting anything TMF spawned, honestly. You can click that text for a more in-depth explanation of what's wrong with their content written by @whynot-dissociativedegu.
We have no idea what's actually going on in systems who proudly claim to have reset, but we hope everyone's goddang okay.
*Yes, death. The idea that headmates can't die is bull, but we'll discuss that another time. 
**Did we describe this right? We were having a lot of trouble getting our words to work, so advice is appreciated. 
- Homebase System
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somekangarookid · 7 years
If you want reliable info on DID @whynot-dissociativedegu and @this-is-not-dissociative both give reliable accurate and scientifically backed info. Tbh I had only the faintest awareness of one other alter before therapy and it was just vague flashes of memory I knew wasn't mine. Main symptom of DID is amnesia, so without that you are almost certainly looking at a form of psychosis or what's called fantasy prone disorder/maladaptive day dreaming. No amnesia = no dissociative disorder (DDOS too)
“Main symptom of DID is amnesia” is a very important point that i’ve been forgetting to point out recently. (the other parts are usually childhood trauma and of course having alters.) thank you for bringing it up. those blogs will be helpful for anyone interested in finding out more about DID.
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sableaire · 7 years
Correct term for system members with DID is alters, though some dislike the clinical sound of that term and use headmates instead. Alters is the official correct term though. Officially diagnosed DID system here. If you want more accurate info on it, check @whynot-dissociativedegu I say them because they debunk a lot of myths and misinformation spread by various tumblrs
I’ll definitely look through that blog. Thank you very much for the resource!
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crjdedicated · 7 years
Hope u don't mind a few questions: 1. Can a system b just yr main and 1 other? Or is that smth else? 2. If u have any, can u plz link some refs abt DID/systems? 3. How do u tell system members apart? Is it rly obv to the body/main?Thank u 💜
I don’t mind :) 
1. Yes, a system can be just two people in one mind. From what I’ve seen it’s not common, but of course, it is possible and I’ve seen it before. Systems can be anywhere between two people and 100+ people.
2. I haven’t looked at any DID refs in quite a while so I don’t have a lot on hand, but I do still look at helpful informational blogs like whynot-dissociativedegu and this-is-not-dissociative. The only other reference of sorts I have on hand is did-research.org, but as a disclaimer, I’ve only read a couple of pages on this website so I don’t know if all of it is reliable.
3. I assume by body/main you mean what is commonly referred to as the host, or the system member that usually fronts frequently and is associated with the body and it’s identity (or at least… thats the best way I have to describe a host :P). 
That question’s a bit more complicated. It’s actually quite difficult to tell system members apart if you don’t already know the system member(s) in question, if that’s what you’re asking. I’ve known most of my alters for quite a while now so even if they don’t announce their presence, I can sort of “feel” the differences between them, if that makes sense. They have distinctive personalities, but like any person, some of them are similar to one another, and to myself. I can sometimes not be sure if I am me, and not my alter. And with new alters/alters I don’t know, it can be really hard to tell whether they’re someone new or someone I already know.
I’m happy to answer any other questions you may have :)
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dissociative-memes · 11 months
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[ Image: 18-piece background, alternating between blue & orange with a picture of a young degu in the middle. Top text reads: “CO-CONSCIOUS WITH MULTIPLE OTHER GENDERS” Bottom text reads: “FEEL LIKE I JUST CREATED A WHOLE NEW GENDER”]
i’m genderqueer as it is, but then if i’m co-conscious or there’s a few alters who are close to the front who have different genders then it just makes me feel incredibly wibbly (for lack of a better description).
from 2015 (!)
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reyphorian · 7 years
Whynot-dissociativedegu and this-is-not-dissociative are the only blogs I would trust to give valid professionally diagnosed and well researched info. There's a lot of fakers on Tumblr. God knows why- it's a hellish disorder caused by surviving hell. I'm pro diagnosed but not in a place mentally I have the energy to educate. I trust those two blogs to give you good info though. All others are either drama filled or obvious fakes to anyone who has DID. Whatever you do NO KILLER ALTER.
I mean I’m not gonna get into discourse over the validity of other DID blogs considering this site is kind of also a safe place for a lot of people who face a lot of social backlash and a community to talk about experiences but thank you for the advice, I’ll keep it in mind.
Also I’ll definitely be straying away from the killer alter stereotype, god knows we’ve had more than enough of that bs spread around
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dissociative-memes · 11 months
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[Image: 18-piece background, alternating between blue & orange with a picture of a young degu in the middle.
Top text reads: “Forgets everything”
Bottom text reads: “Including the fast I've forgotten things”]
Did I blog this already? And would many of those with amnesia remember I blogged this... if I didn't post it already then why does it seem familiar? Or did I think about posting it but not actually post it?
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dissociative-memes · 11 months
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Image: 18-piece background, alternating between blue & orange with a picture of a young degu in the middle.
Top text reads: “Casually catch own reflection while walking past a show window”
Bottom text reads: “OMG WHAT AM I WEARING”]
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