elizabethanism · 2 years
Italo Calvino died before completing ’Consistency,’ one of his “Six Memos for the Next Millennium:”
In ‘Quickness,’ he writes:
"Divagation or digression is a way to postpone the ending"
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brutus-divague · 2 years
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Des larmes
Des larmes telles des lames tranchantes coulaient le long de ses joues, lui fendant la peau. Chacune était comme une stalactite gelée tombant lentement jusque son cœur, le transperçant de part en part.
À chaque frêle battement de cœur, presque inaudible et immobile, son sang se glaçait. Un froid cadavérique se répandait dans tout son corps pour tenter de l’atténuer, cette douleur cinglante. Celle-là oui, qui lui lacère l’âme chaque jour.
« Tais-toi » lui dit-il, « tais-toi ».
Les larmes coulent de plus belle. Il fait si froid à l’intérieur…
Dans cet insupportable supplice, une douce chaleur descend tendrement et l’entoure avec délicatesse, sans même qu’il ne s’en aperçoive.
Les lames tranchantes tombent alors en torrent, dans cette immensité ardente, et s’évaporent.
Un répit.
Il fait si froid à l’intérieur et si doux à l’extérieur.
Quelle est cette chaleur qui apaise ses meurtrissures ?
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a-nah · 7 months
Is it wrong of me to search for the tag "Holy Water as Lube as Holy Water" on Ao3
I think it should be a tag.
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Quand est-ce qu’on a décidé d’utiliser le mot “caucasien” pour des Européens blancs comme des culs alors que la région du Caucase est littéralement limitrophe à la Turquie et l’Iran, des pays dont les habitants sont largement considérés comme n’étant pas blancs ? Est-ce que c’est parce que la partie nord est en Russie ?
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khalidom · 7 months
Bonjour l'Univers.
La pire humiliation pour les humains serait que les extraterrestres pensent que nous sommes juste une production hollywoodienne de mauvaise qualité, comme une suite inutile à un film déjà raté. Ils se réuniraient dans une salle de cinéma de leur planète lointaine en riant, disant : "Les humains ? Non, ça ne peut pas être réel, c'est trop absurde !. Ils sont moches, débiles... courent derrière des billets imprimés verts et n'ont qu'une seule chose dans la tête : s'accoupler et le plus bizarre sans se reproduire".
Ils nous prendraient pour les figurants les plus maladroits de la galaxie, incapables de suivre un scénario cohérent.
Alors que sur Terre, nous serions là, à essayer de prouver notre existence en envoyant des signaux désespérés dans l'espace.
Qui aurait pensé que notre plus grande humiliation serait de ne pas être pris au sérieux par les extraterrestres ?
Ah, l'ironie intergalactique !
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Divagations Automne 3023
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heywoodvirgin · 10 months
Every teddy bear 🐻 I see is a potential Jackie in my head.
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aschenblumen · 11 months
Imperfectas son las lenguas por ser muchas, falta la suprema: siendo pensar escribir sin accesorios, ni susurro sino permaneciendo aún tácita la palabra inmortal, la diversidad de los idiomas sobre la tierra impide a cualquiera proferir las palabras que, de otra forma, encontrarían, por medio de un solo y mismo cuño, la verdad material.
— Stéphane Mallarmé, «Crisis de verso» en Divagaciones. Seguido de Prosa diversa. Traducción de Ricardo Silva-Santisteban.
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I am at war with the female sex.
Not women. Not AFAB people.
I am at war with the combo of having a uterus and ovaries that produce ovules once a month and a hole where you have to introduce the spermy bois into. Female reproductive system is creepy af if you think about it. It wants you to have a baby and if you dont it punishes you with bloodshed. Nature literally wants you to start producing children in the moment you start ovulating and that's something that keeps me up at night and disturbs me.
I am also at war with sexual dimorphism in humans. And also with god for making me afab. Fuck that bitch.
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if the rat prophet chose to willingly whisper their knowledge directly to katerina - and as per the encouter and conversation had with artemy at the graveyard, they soon are to admit to be born from the same "warm flesh" as mother boddho - doesnt that mean that one way or another (through indirect line but not at all impersonal) this very woman indeed spoke to earth as a "dignified" mistress through the townsfolk lens of what such a title represents ?
the creature may not be earth herself, but both hold a deep connection with one another, just like sahba (a creation made from clay and bone, as she reveals at the game's ending), that are used as contacts towards the haruspex and katerina from their mother.
she may be a false mistress made from poison as all say, but is it really that far from the truth to say that she was indeed cultivating her own roots within mother earth's soil and soul ?
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fkinavocado · 1 year
So about the cricket World Cup ask, all I wanna say is, you were talking about Virat Kohli???? Because my man's literally the 🐐, not only that, he's literally perfect because, he is such a nice man, and a loving husband and he has a one year old daughter too. His wife is a leading Indian actress ( Anushka Sharma) IM JUST A BIG VIRAT FAN I JUST KNOW THEYRE TALKING ABOUT HIM ESISKSKSKSK, god my boy makws me so happyfndkkdxkzmdm, hey girl hoping to take the world cup home 👍🏼
hddsldsja you're new around here i take it 😅
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brutus-divague · 1 year
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legendlores · 2 years
literally nothing compares to the roleplays full of people you connect with on a deeply personal and creative level, with characters and stories that keep you engaged for months on end, the ones you still think about even years after they’re gone. like that’s it, you know ? those are what it’s all about.
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arealnigga · 1 month
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jade-curtiss · 9 months
It's always weird how we're constantly under the pressure that every single of our responsibilities must be accomplished the moment you conceptualize them, because what happens if those requires governmental documents, hm, that just can't work like this. No instead they have to send things to a wrong address for virtually no real reason (it was officialized last year with confirmation and all) and unless everything is in the perfect order. Not out of perfectionism, but like here's the thing: they're allowed to fuck up, normal regular citizens no, that's totally fair. So I sort of have to wait until Monday to sort out something that should have been done a month ago, but, that wasn't because I didn't do my part of the deal. The problem is I know it's always like that, always, but it's so stressful, if it wouldn't have been that I had some money on the side. That wasn't disposable, but anyways, it really piss me off (and it's like what, enough for like...3 months if I hermit and cut on food, like just enough for rent, and bills arent't a thing that really exist in my life (services and utilities? Other than the internet connection we split and unfortunately some softwares I don't really...piracy doesn't work out in every circumstances 😔 otherwise no one would be paying for that shit, like unless there's a real context it's not exactly like paying to help out some software developer not to starve, really, especially since so many do open source and freeware for semi-equivalent stuff, but technically it pays itself in profit, but not right now because medical leave 🫠...
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perle-in-her-boudoir · 11 months
True 2020's frenchcore is being in your 20's, in the underground at 7 a.m, staring in the distance while listening to "Jeune et con" by Saez
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shell-th · 1 year
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