#dont ask me to prove it
mcybree · 6 months
did you know that every song is about cscott
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
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gg buddy am I right (ethubs doodle that I don't know what to do with)
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bowenoke · 10 months
big problem with the perimeter covering videos is that they restart my "dig a big hole" disease. like i had plans. i have builds i wanna make. i also should be asleep. instead im selecting the perfect chunks to build a hole straight to bedrock. in my hardcore world. i am sure this will have 0 consequences.
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time-woods · 7 months
Your scarab design is inspiring me to go out into the open and present a little more fem than usual. For the longest time I’ve hated having a feminine chest and always worn clothes to kind of cover up because thats what I assumed would make me feel better but your scarab has helped me try to experiment more with my gender and go out in public without a binder and with my hair down(I have long straight hair that I usually keep up and brushed back so I don’t get misgendered). Hopefully my pronoun pin will help people see me as a guy, but, if not- eh. It’s what feels good to me that matters, not how others see me. They couldn’t understand anyways. Medium tity long hair boy in the neighborhood ‼️
yes ! ! im so glad !
honestly doing this for yourself can be the most liberating thing, dressing and presenting how you want and that makes you feel like you is the best thing you can do. its terrible but those who dont respect your identity wont try to, so why dress for them? dress for yourself ! n' those who are close to you will (i hope) support you !
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moeblob · 8 days
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Look, I just think it's VERY funny and on brand that I thought of an entire premise of colorful characters for half the cast and immediately drew the only one void of color.
#my characters#i will not bore you all too much in the main post but now its story time in the tags so yeefuckinghaw#noll is a fae and is distinctly the only one that just lacks colors#at first he was like well surely i can wear colorful stuff to make up for my dark hair and eyes !#and then he overhears some of the fae talking about how hes a blemish to the fae and hes like well fuck#guess its time to go all in baby! and decks himself out in all black and jagged clothing#and he tries to play it off as hes an idiot and a lot of the fae actually believe its not ALL an act#like they can tell he thinks about stuff but he normally does it staring into space so they dont care to ask#cause surely it isnt important enough to brood about hes just thinking about stuff#and he really REALLY has a lot of confidence issues and worries that more fae are disturbed by his darkness than let on#but then the other fae that like to hang out with him are like#YOOOOOO THATS OUR LIL VOID! THATS OUR LIL GUY! our lil black spot look at him hes so edgy and cute!#and treat him like a pet cat at times giving him head pats even if he bats their hands away#and the plot premise is that some of the fae are bored and decide they should go play with some humans! give THEM enrichment too!#and noll gets roped into it and The Game is basically go find a human partner and convince them to be an ally#then the fae give the humans cool lil toys (weapons) and are like GO FORTH MY CHAMPION!#so noll keeps like ... not picking anyone to participate because its not just A Game to him#if he can prove victorious in A Game with outside factors such as humans then he can prove hes not#an absolute disappointment to the fae like he has a lot riding on this in his mind#and his friends are just like buddy you cant even play if you dont pick a human you gotta#anyway here is noll and then i have ideas for two other fae and also a veeeery vague idea for two of the humans though not as sure yet#rae if you read all this you should know the cobalt is a fae thanks bye#i am so stressed posting ocs every single time and i am incredibly depressed and anxious#so good lord please let me not just delete all the tags in an hour bc im ashamed
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tobisiksi · 5 months
I'm aware that the message of the final episode of saiki k (when he finally stopped the volcano) is that you may not know your friends completely, everyone have thoughts or things about themselves that they hide for fear, shame or more reasons but that's okay
you will never know a person completely and it doesn't need to be something bad, it's something normal, the thing is that you must accept that fact
maybe wait until the other is ready to spill the tea or just accept that you may never know
saiki's friends may not know saiki completely, at the end they accept it in the episode and wait for him to be ready because that's what friends are for
at least that's the message I got
but damn
I wish they were a little bit more insistent
I know that it could had been a cliché ending if he revealed his powers on the last episode butbutbut
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bread-that-draws · 11 months
Feels a lil stuck up to call myself a "big undertale account" but plenty did reblog my version where I just added a sc of your tags and say that you're based 👍😭 stay based forever op!!
Omg bitches love me for my insane ramblings and my tags that I send out into the world without a second thought like a baby bird
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fure-dcmk · 1 month
OP HOW ARE WE FEELING....... THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ALL AROUND...... genuinely distraught... someone take dcmk away from gosho fr...
sorry anon the tone of this ask are not specifically directed to you, its more to the general KS posts i've been seeing on my fyp
don't plan to address this since im not even a KS account but i'm starting to get peeved seeing a bunch of ppl act victimized like gosho did that cuz he personally hates KS shippers
i'm a huge gosho aoyama hater myself but come on that man probably thinks there's nothing wrong with first cousin dating in the first place (addendum one: shuake, addendum two: hanzawa love interest being his own countryside cousin) i'd even dare to say based on his unintentional world view its him encouraging KS shippers instead
for this account i'll make sure to tag any future KS to avoid icking those bothered by the reveal but for the record any KS made by me are not closely related
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corviiids · 1 month
genuinely so sorry to slide into your dm's like this, not sure that this is proper tumblr etiquette, etc., but i just got so excited when i read in your sayu-gets-the-death-note ask that you've been trying to talk yourself out of doing an entire statutory interpretation of the manga death note rules because i've been trying to talk myself out doing an entire metaphysical interpretation of the manga death note rules, so... if you, like me, simply cannot talk yourself out of a stupid idea once it sinks its claws in your brain and would at some point like to share notes about I THINK one of the sexiest and most broken parts of this series, i'd be delighted.
oh my god dont apologise im just excited a single person on earth besides me is interested in a pseudo-legal (very pseudo) perspective on the death note rules. high fives you. for the most part im just incredibly impressed that they manage to retain so much internal consistency especially since so many of them have the vibe of, like, random amendments which were included just for funsies. it's incredible they don't overtly contradict each other. ive been obsessed with them since i first saw them and have already spent way too much time reading over them but yeah i'd honestly love to dig into them more. HTR13 does organise them into something closer to Parts or Divisions which makes the structure a little more coherent. it drives me nuts that sometimes a numbered rule will have sub-provisions that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. drafting that gives me a stress migraine
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anotherpapercut · 5 months
I went to a show tonight and decided to get a CD from one of the bands and the guy asked me if I actually listen to CDs or just collect them lol
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
something something kuboyasu was never really held much even as a kid so he finds it shockingly relaxing to be with someone as strong as saiki who can carry him around like he weighs the same as an apple and spoil the hell out of him
running and jumping into kusuos arms for absolutely no reason and clinging to him like a monkey.. taking turns carrying each other to bed bridal/princess style.. getting waist hugs from behind despite kusuo being significantly smaller and being entirely covered by arens back (mf levitates just to rest his head on his shoulder, while aren can just stand up behind him and almost rest his chin on kusuos head☠️)..
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wr-n · 4 months
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context in tags
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stupidrant · 5 months
it's okay give atreus a couple of years he'll have a fade/tape-up and timbs and/or black air forces
i know this a common joke between us but this what im seeing
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“you think they asked him to pose like that or he just did that.” He just did that shit TRUST ME
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gibbearish · 5 months
btw its interesting the way james tries to imply that like. well the videos that have plagiarism are the ones our dumb stupid annoying patrons requested about bad topics that didnt deserve to have the effort put in to covering them well so basically its fine. like obv thats interesting on its own but moreso the fact that he doesnt actually /say/ it, or like. give a list of the videos hes referring to, just says "those videos are very clear on which ones they were" i think as a nod meaning like "yknow the ones everyones talking about". unless what hes meaning is that like they put a note in certain videos saying "this video was requested by a patron, we here at james somertom incorporated do not espouse these views" which seems unlikely to me. idk methinks maybe it's because there is indeed a lot more than people think and with all the buzz he's not sure which ones have been discovered yet or not, so putting down a solid list that missed some would look like he was still hiding things whereas putting down a fully sourced list would be admitting to wayyyy more than anyone's found yet
#which is ironic too bc if he genuinely did want to prove he understood what he did wrong and that hed changed thatd be the way to do it#yknow like a full list of every single source including ones no one has found on their own or /can/ find anymore would a) be taking full#responsibility and b) make people less likely to always be like 'youre still hiding something'#which in turn makes me super think hes still hiding a lot of somethings#also cant go without stating that the 'request a video topic' thing was only for $100/month patrons after 3 months on that tier#like fucker these people gave you THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS AT LEAST and youre trying to blame it on them??????#no one forced you to make 'let patrons pick video topics' a reward dude like. hello????????#shit dude even hbombs highest tier ($10 for anyone wondering bc he doesnt see his audience as a money machine lmao)#just says you can vote in polls about future topics#like that makes complete sense to me as a version of this‚ the most dedicated audience members get a say in the future of the#channel while the creator still gets overall control of the direction#also 'patrons who gave me fuckloads of money asked me to make videos on topics i didnt like so i plagiarized those' is i think uhhh#worse than just 'i plagiarize everything without remorse' frankly?#like at least with the second youre just a general shitbag but the first where youre a shitbag specifically to the people#majorly financially supporting you rather than just like. be an adult and say 'hm i dont feel like that topic really works for the channel‚#do you have any other ideas?'#or dare i say even perhaps yknow. doing what other youtubers do in similar situations and find ways to tie that subject#to what they usually talk about is just. wild#course that last one would take actual creativity and aint that just the crux of the issue#james somerton#or i say cannot go without stating i should say cannot go without restating kwnrkabdkwbrn
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ofpd · 9 months
I’d be interested in a non exr fic rec list
ok yes sorry this took a while to answer, i wanted to get through some fics on my tbr before posting it :)
The Pursuit of Light | enjolras & feuilly | 3.3k
"Let's start with the first conjugation," Enjolras says, taking up the pen beside him and scribbling down a list of words Feuilly is entirely unfamiliar with. "I hope my handwriting isn't too arcane."
True Fraternity | enjolras & feuilly | 2k
When Feuilly goes on a trip with his bourgeois friends to practice shooting, he feels increasingly out of place.
Farouche | combeferre/enjolras | 0.8k
Enjolras and Combeferre's friendly debate about love, family structures, and women goes a wee tiny bit off the rails, and Enjolras reacts even more severely to being hit on when he's interested than when he's not.
Driven Like the Snow | éponine/marius, éponine/montparnasse | 2.9k
The night after the Gorbeau robbery, Eponine wanders the streets of Paris.
Unravel | éponine/marius | 18.2k
Éponine Thénardier can "unravel" time--jump backward a few minutes or hours and let events play out again, sometimes slightly different from before. It's a secret little thing that she uses occasionally, to get herself out of trouble or avoid minor accidents. She's never tried to do anything big with it because, on the whole, she's happy with her life--her family's inn is successful, they live in a nice neighborhood in Paris, and she's in love with a kind and beautiful boy named Marius. But when her lover is killed on the barricades of the June Rebellion, she has to try to fix it--even if it means using her power on a scale she's never dreamed of. Even if it means throwing away everything else she has.
Under a Moonlit Sky | bahorel/fantine | 25.1k
The year is 1817. After Félix Tholomyès' little suprise, a despairing Fantine thinks she might go to her hometown of M-sur-M to find work. Instead, she decides to find Tholomyès and make him acknowledge Cosette. Enter a young man who would love to have an excuse to travel South (as far away from the law faculty as possible) and is uniquely suited to hunting down terrible men...
In Which Is To Be Learned The Name of Enjolras's Fake Fiancée | cosette & enjolras | 52.3k (unfinished)
It was true, Cosette allowed, that he was nothing at all like the beautiful young man from the Luxembourg, but she must not judge him unkindly for that. The world was full of young men, and it would be quite tedious if all the handsome ones were handsome in the same way.
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thegreatyin · 3 months
Hey what are your feelings on
1. lae'zel
2. Emperor
lae'zel is actually one of the best companions in the game and everyone who hates her or says she's just mean fundamentally doesn't understand her character. she's literally the nicest girl in the world given her usual environment and upbringing. she essentially has the exact same backstory as shadowheart in that she was raised in a controlling violent cult and has spent most of her life (including the start of the game) brainwashed by that cult into the person she is today. and yet despite it all she is trying her best to help people. she DID NOT have to save you on the nautiloid and she DID NOT have to promise to take you to what she had every reason to believe was a cure-all for the tadpoles and she goes so far as to defend you and the rest of the party to other gith despite her extremely xenophobic society pressuring her around every corner to do otherwise. over the course of the game she literally had her entire way of life and belief system uprooted from top to bottom and she ultimately decides to deal with it by becoming a hero and dedicating her life to saving others from the same situation she was in. her entire character, at its core, is so extremely dedicated to helping other people even at the cost of herself. she has the same trauma and should get the same treatment and sympathy as shadowheart and you guys just don't like her because she's not conventionally attractive and standoffish at the start of the game but when you actually follow her companion quest and/or romance her she is so sweet and trying her best and she is a TOP TIER companion and i am not going to pretend like she isn't.
the emperor is one of my favorite characters in all of bg3. i know i just went off about lae'zel but god the emperor is so good. he is a LIAR. he is a Bastard Capital B In Bold. he is the deceiver trope played straight from the very beginning and you can't trust a word he says and half of act 3 is practically dedicated to proving just how full of shit he is. he is an awful person who presents himself as a savior and a hero but at the first sign of resistance or hesitation he snaps and doubles down his manipulation in an attempt to control and corral the player into doing what he wants. his first reaction to the player turning down/questioning his sex scene in any way is to gaslight and accuse them so he can shift the blame and keep up his veil of heroism. he encourages them to let go of their humanity and turn themself into a cannibalistic monster while constantly swearing it's for the greater good. he literally runs off to join the netherbrain if you free orpheus. ansur was right all along. balduran died the minute that tadpole took over and transformed him into a mindflayer and the emperor is a shell of his former self masquerading around with the same gravitas and veil of kindness he used to have, but it's gone, if it ever existed to begin with. the emperor is a fascinating example of a manipulative piece of shit done right because even the fanbase can't agree wholeheartedly on if he's good or not but if you couldn't tell my money is wholly in the "he fucking sucks guys" camp. as a character i adore him though.
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