#ehh idk this is a very silly problem to have
end-orfino · 25 days
Me: Wow I love seeing this one person's analysis and rambles about this specific fandom that they're fixated on, they're making really interesting points and it's nice to read their posts. Also it's fun to see them talk about this specific character that's their fav, they clearly put a lot of thought into all this. Like a specialist on that one character or smth lol Me when I do the same kind of overanalyzis and fixate on a specific character: I should be stoned. with rocks
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the-sunroom-system · 10 days
the worst thing is how i used to be v loving and caring, but all the trauma made me unable to stay that way, so it split off from me, and now italy is the one who can access those feelings, but i can't. sometimes i'll get bursts of compassion but mostly i'm very self-interested, like i want the best for ppl but i struggle to muster up caring if it doesn't concern me in some way, and it makes me feel like such a shitty person, esp w/ the way people treat ppl like that. ughhhhhhh. i was always praised for being sweet and loving, but i'm not that way anymore, really. i act sweet and loving, but are the feelings there? ehh... hardly. i know i want to care about people, but i feel very little. i think people are cute and silly and i enjoy them truly, but the empathy... is just gone. bad things happen and i'm like ok. i may feel sad for them and put myself in their shoes but. idk. it's just Different from how it used to be. it's like the compassion is stunted even if the empathy is present. nobody ever cared abt me, so i feel bitter when it comes to caring abt others. i'm blocked from it. i don't want to get sucked in to anyone else's problems anymore when nobody cares about mine. the only thing that will get a true reaction out of me is when i see injustice, then i'll get outright angry on behalf of the person and protective over them. but softness? gone. something i have to mask. unless italy comes forward and allows access to that softness and care again.
i don't think anyone talks abt this for systems much. i hate not being able to truly care abt people anymore. i'm glad it still exists within me but i hate that i can't access it. i guess it's bc i went through so much trauma and always had a habit of caring TOO much and being TOO empathetic so it split off from me so. u know. i could actually continue being the host, even if no longer the same alter given all the fragmentation and integration with parts i wasn't ready to integrate with.
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Spongebob's overhated, not talking about the show, I'm talking about the character. idk man, whenever someone talking about him, they first thing that people comes to mind is in modern one, (the flanderized one), but bro, he's more than just that and relatable as Squidward is, and I kinda blame the mordern season for it
Sorry about the late reply!!
Tbh I never seen much hate for Spongebob as a character. I mean when people talk of spongebob now, they'd usually regard Squidward and Sandy more as their favorites since ya kno, they're really likable, who wouldn't adore them? But spongebob is still well liked.
Unless this is specific to those who don't like the modern seasons. Idk much about that since I don't keep up with that stuff. But I do agree that Spongebob is relatable! Very much so. He has a hard time preforming on his drivers test because of all the pressure on him. He has a hard time saying no to people and sometimes others take advantage of that. He still remains positive through it but there are times when enough is enough, even for him.
He's really likable and remains my favorite even despite the nonsense and trouble he puts others *cough*squidward*cough* through. He's endearing and silly and just wants to have a good time and make everyone smile. The world definitely makes you feel miserable at times but I really enjoy watching him just enjoy little things and make the most of his circumstances. Actually now when I think about it, that song Living in the Sunlight that played in the very first episode suits his personality too well. Pretty much sums up what to expect from this show and what it's all about. It still leaves a positive and warm impression everytime you hear it or rewatch the pilot.
Now as for the modern spongebob. I don't think he's bad either. I still really like him. Though I consider him as his own thing. Each era feels like his personality change and I've grown to accept it. He's just a different genre of spongebob if that makes sense. Anyways usually when people talk about modern spongebob, they usually mean seasons 4-8 because when this discussion about flanderized spongebob and modern spongebob all started with people talking about that era specifically and I used to watch people's videos talking about that a lot and ehh I don't really agree with much of it anymore.
That middle era spongebob did cause a few problems and really degraded his character over time. That's generally what comes to people's minds when they talk about modern spongebob bad and generally unlikable version of sponge. Him stalking people and doing weird shit wasn't funny at all. Squidward was more humanized and seen as some dude who wanted some peace and quiet. The star of the show is constantly making him miserable and ruining his life. It's hard to enjoy. Its not like the current modern era isn't like that too.
The middle seasons annoy me a bit more but even when this happens in the modern seasons, they are really what I hate the most. It's biggest flaw of the modern seasons for me.
I feel like they're fixing it now but gosh idk who thought that was funny. The appeal of spongebob is that you saw it from a child's point of view often. You saw spongebob as just a sweet kid who wanted to play and Squidward as the grouchy adult/older sibling who doesn't notice you or pay attention but you still really want to spend time with them because you think they're a good person deep down. And you know squidward cares back too. There might be times where spongebob messes up but there are still consequences for him and generally there's a balance. You never feel like he's ever being malicious to squidward and nothing super bad happens where it feels like the universe is punishing squidward for being alive.
This was mostly season 1 and 2. Season 3 had a push for Spongebob being more of an adult. He behaved more adultish and the scenarios they were in are a little more mature. Hence why season 3 is often the most remembered season for its adult humor. But the scenarios are simplified enough for a kid to understand the general plot and adults can understand all the true implications and circumstances. There was a balance. Same as having a more adultish spongebob, his relationship with squidward balanced out too. They were closer to equals at this point and Squidward was more annoyed with him being an optimist in their bleak working environment. They were a ying and yang and you could identify with both. They both complimented each other and clashed. It worked.
Past that. They've never found such a good dynamic like that again in post movie episodes. Its been a bit wobbly. Squidward is the most easy character to identify with. While they made him more relatable. Tired, stuffy adult who just wants peace and is wasting his life working at a minimum wage job. They also wanted to keep elements of the classic era without understanding why they were funny and worked so well. Such as squidward's karma. He gets punished for just existing. Its not funny. Squidward often did get the short end of the stick bur usually you'd understand why. He became more of a depressed individual getting punished for being alive. It's not funny.
At the same time spongebob's personality regressed into being too naive to function at times and too babyish than childish. Often times I don't feel like the writers know what to do with him besides bugging squidward. But there used to be a reason why he bugged Squidward. He genuinely liked him. He looked up to him. He really believed deep down there's a part of squidward that cares and just needs a little push. It's stated in the art book. And a lot of things and rules from the art book feel so lost in the show over the years.
You can tell the writers thought of him as how adults think of small children. Loud and noisy, and only want to bug you. They sympathized with squid more but had to keep with the general formula of the show. But forget what made this show so fun was how spongebob was written from a child's point of view. Often times as a kid, you would feel ignored and over looked. Adults talk down to you. You have no free will. Spongebob essentially was a kid but without the restraints and rules a child had to live by. It was freeing and it was nice seeing someone who thinks and feels like you is on screen.
It really feels like they missed the mark with how they interpret spongebob when writing him. They degraded him into a stalker who's obsessed with squidward and torments him. He's often too naive and dumb to function or even interact with other characters. The interesting relationships he used to have feel wiped away. It's hard to enjoy it.
I mean a good example is the reason why he failed his drivings test (though this flanderization already started in the classics era anyways) he fails because he gets nervous and often needs some kind of distraction while driving to keep him calm. He does well on the exams but when it comes to demonstrating what he knows is where he messes up. Its become at this point that he's just an insane person behind the wheel and just magically screws up for no reason. His insanity causes harm to the people around him and we get some of the worst episodes Demolition Doofus. We can't even argue that Mrs. Puff is wrong for the anger she feels since she's endlessly harmed by sponge to the point of basically becoming disabled. Its not funny. It just sours what was supposed to be the golden boy of the show.
Spongebob will never be how he used to be but I appreciate how as of recent there had been some repair to his character. He's really wildly different from the classics era but I appreciate every so often when they remember an aspect of his personality that's been long gone. Even in the middle seasons. There's better episodes that remember why Spongebob fails his driving test and episodes that remember that remember squidward isn't just a tormented sufferer and spongebob is a deranged stalker.
He's kind of his own thing now but I find the modern seasons one cute and more amusing. He's still very flawed but I can at least enjoy him ya kno? I'd like to hear your thoughts on him too!
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lesbeet · 4 years
Hi! Just out of curiosity, which of those writing tips did you like, and which ones did you not agree with? I've seen a lot of them before and thought they were pretty common tips
i'm sure this is more than you were asking for but i'm just gonna go through em one by one and add a bit of commentary bc i have nothing better to do
1. every character’s first line should be an introduction to who they are as a person
generally a good rule to follow - personally, i try to make every element of my writing work on more than one level. dialogue for the most part should be used to reveal character (as opposed to exposition). like, obviously sometimes characters will reveal information aloud to each other which advances the plot, but well-written dialogue for a well-rounded character should reveal some combination of information that character intends to communicate as well as some information they don't (eg someone saying one thing and their body language or expression saying something else, which not only provides the information the reader needs, but also provides information about how that character wants to appear to others vs how they actually are/how they actually appear, etc)
2. even if you only wrote one sentence on a really bad day, that’s still one sentence more than you had yesterday
yes 100000%
3. exercise restraint when using swear words and extra punctuation in order for them to pack a punch when you do use them
i'm ehh about the swear words part bc they can be used to demonstrate character info, but definitely re: exclamation points and the like. idk if by "extra punctuation" they mean like "!!" which is something i personally never do - exclamation points should be used sparingly as is, but if what you're writing requires more than one right next to each other, your dialogue isn't strong enough.
4. if your characters have to kiss to show they’re in love, then they’re not in love
5. make every scene interesting (or make every scene your favorite scene), otherwise your readers will be just as bored as you
easier said than done, but a good goal
6. if you’re stuck on a scene, delete the last line you wrote and go in a different direction, or leave in brackets as placeholders
this one is a good piece of advice, but ive seen people say (and have found out for myself) that usually the problem is further back than the most recent line you've written. rarely do you detect the problem so soon after you write it, so it helps to go even further back in the scene to find where things got muddled
7. don’t compare your first draft to published books that could be anywhere from 3rd to 103rd drafts
this is one of the most difficult items on the list and also one of the most important lol
8. i promise you the story you want to tell can fit into 100k words or less
sure, but Can doesn't necessarily mean Should. concision is the best practice, especially for less experienced writers (and i include myself in that), but i would caution that some stories work better with a little bloat or with a tasteful amount of subplot or scene that doesn't necessarily move the plot forward; however, you still need to be able to justify a scene's inclusion in the story. if it's not advancing the primary plot, it should be advancing a subplot and/or revealing more about character or even some slight worldbuilding.
i hate to mention jk rowling here because she's not that great of a writer, but think of all the people who talk about how much they love the scenes that don't show much more than the hogwarts daily grind. studying in the common room, meals, classes, just adding to the worldbuilding of hogwarts and student life and showing us what the main characters do when they're not saving the world or trying to solve a mystery. the hp books would be significantly shorter without those scenes and maybe readers wouldn't have even noticed if they'd never been added to begin with, but so many people (again, including me) love and appreciate those scenes. they make the world and the characters feel more real, more relatable, etc.
this one got long (lol irony) but basically, shooting for an arbitrary number of words should really only be a rough estimate (also unfortunately if you're trying to get picked up by a publisher then you're probably better off sticking to the status quo of your particular genre in terms of average word count). take out what isn't necessary, but maybe open up your definition of "necessary" - just a little (seriously, just a little)
9. sometimes the book isn’t working because it’s not ready to be written or you’re not ready to write it yet; let it marinate for a bit so the idea can develop as you become a better writer
idk how i feel about this. im good with writing a draft and then taking a break for a while before going back to it, but this just seems like a really effective excuse for not writing something.
maybe it's just how this tip is phrased idk i just feel like the idea of you or the story "not being ready yet" is kinda silly. if you've been hacking away for a while and getting nothing out of it but frustration, then yeah take a week or two off. but this makes it sound like "oh you haven't matured enough to tell this story yet. try again in a few years." imo it's always better to write a steaming pile of shit and make it better through editing than to put it off until you feel "ready" - bc, at least in my own experience, it's very easy to convince yourself that you're not ready yet instead of taking the plunge and just getting started
10. a story written in chronological order takes a lot more discipline and is usually easier to understand than a story written with flashbacks
this one is confusing to me bc i'm not sure if they're referring to the writing process or the story itself. i agree that writing it in chronological order takes more discipline than writing whatever scene tickles your fancy at a given moment, but just because you WRITE it in chronological order doesn't mean the final product has to be structured that way. likewise, chronological order is usually easier for a reader to follow, but you don't necessarily need to WRITE the story in order. do what works best for you.
personally ive found over time that i prefer to go in order unless i get stuck somewhere, in which case ill move on and go back to it later. so there are a lot of holes in my drafts, but i do try to write in order so the timeline of the story stays clear in my mind, and also so i can get up close and personal with the mechanics of the story, like how different events and scenes lead to what happens next, etc. and like the tip mentions, it's a fantastic disciplinary practice - otherwise you could write all the fun/easy scenes and be left with very little motivation to write the more complex or less favored scenes (which, contrary to that tip up there, are sometimes necessary even if they're not AS exciting as others)
as usual sorry my answer was so long djsksksksk
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fangirlwithapen13 · 4 years
I’m a lonely okay...that still counts
Okay so I had this typed and everything...then it flippin DELETED. IDK HOW! Ughhh so whatever enjoy...this is kinda a story that in a way happened to me...and I guess I think MC would have a similar problem...or hope they would anyway. Also haven’t posted in like foreveerrrr.
Oh yeah and it’s gonna be a multiparter cuz I write too damn long. ;)
Pairing: Jake x MC (also should I use (y/n) or stick with MC? Idk.
Warnings: ehh...a little swearing I guess.
Pov is MC
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(^i have no idea what to put for the gif)
Have you ever had an idea that was really really good. And then you act on that idea and it turns out way better than expected? The idea was Raj’s. To bring everyone together in a gathering and force them to have a good time. There was liquor, a karaoke station, dance floor, and a dj station. There were lights and streamers and lanterns. It really looked beautiful.
Raj and I took a step back to admire our handy work and damn....we did such a good job. Raj smiled widely.
“Perfect. Now all we need is everyone here by sunset. That’s how we work together.” He looked to me. “Trust me.”
“You got it bud. Now...name your people.”
“Zahra, Sean, Craig, Lila, and Michelle are a definite yes.”
“Okay cool I’ll get Jake, Estela, Quinn, Diego, and probably Grace and Aleister.” I replied.
“Sweet. So meet back in the pool entry with the dudes at sunset.”
“BREAK!” I shouted. Raj stared at me. “Just...lets go...”
I walked inside looking for my recruitments. When I walked into the diner I saw Grace and Aleister talking at a table. I smiled watching them have a good time.
Reluctantly, I made my way over to their table and kindly waited till Grace realized my presence.
“MC!” Grace smiled widely. Aleister grunted but nodded in my direction. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing much...but I would love it if you guys would do me a favor.”
“What kind of favor?” Aleister asked raising an eyebrow.
“Okay well you know how there’s a lot of tension between basically everyone here? Well Raj and I might have a way to bring everyone together...” The two stared at me. “A party!”
“A party? You must be kidding...that is the most idiotic-“
“A party sounds great!” Grace smiled interrupting Aleister. Aleister glances at her with a confused expression. “We all know that everyone is a little on edge...so why not have something to bring us all to good spirits!”
“Thats the idea!” I smiled. “So can I count on you two to be there?” Aleister sighed and began to no doubt retort about how he wouldn’t be attending the party but not before...
“I’ll be there!” She smiled. Aleister gaped for a moment and then sighed.
“I suppose I’ll observe.” He muttered. I grinned.
“Perfecto! Be at the pool entry by sunset! See you guys then!” I cried as I stood up and skipped out.
Walking around aimlessly, without looking, I knocked into someone.
“WHOAA!” I yelled as I fell back. The person grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I realized that it was Estela.
“Be careful.” She muttered steadying me. She let go of my arm and began to walk away.
“WAIT!” I cried. She turned to face me with a raised eyebrow. “Sooo I know your not really a team player....but...I would really really really like it if you would come to this get together.”
Estela opened her mouth starting to protest.
“I know you don’t want us being nosy in your work and you want to be kept to yourself, but I just would really appreciate you being there. But if not it’s okay...I understand.” I said looking at my feet. She didn’t respond. I sighed and turned around, beginning to walk away. After a couple steps I heard a shout.
“MC! Wait!” I turned to see Estela sigh. “I’ll be there.”
“Really!?” I cried smiling. She chuckled.
“Yeah. Look...I can see this means a lot to you. So I’ll be there. But afterwards I’m out.” I jumped up once.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thanks!” I quickly hugged her before she could say anything and turn and started to run away.
“Wait! Where is it?” She asked. I skidded to a stop.
“Oh yeah right.” I smiled sheepishly. “Pool entry at sunset...see you there!” Then I wandered to Diego’s room.
I knocked on the door and leaned against it.
“Diegooooooo...” I muttered. I heard my best friend laugh from his room.
“MMMMCCCC.” He replied as he opened the door, and let me into his room. I laid on his bed with a smile. “What’s up?” He asked as he laid next to me.
“How would you like....to go to a party that’ll bring everyone together?”
“Eh yeah sure. Why not.” He replied. Wow, that was easier than I thought. I smiled.
“This is why we’re friends.” I declared.
“Why, cuz I’d go into anything headfirst if you were? Even knowing nothing about what I’m going to do? Yeah that screams loalty to me.” He laughed. I joined him and gave him a hug.
“What would I do without you?” I asked.
“Lord only knows.” He replied. “So who else is on your list of people to drag to this thing?”
“I need to talk to Lila, Quinn, and Jake.” At the mention of the pilot’s name, Diego grinned mischievously.
“Ooohhh~ Jake huh?” He asked, facing me. I could feel my face heat up, but I continued to act like it was nothing. After all, he’d never be into me. I mean, I was a girl in college who’d hardly ever got out of the city. Traveled? Sure! But actually live and have survival skills? Ha! No way. I just didn’t think I was his type.
That didn’t stop me from liking him though. Which actually kinda sucked. It had been forever since I had a real crush. A couple of guys on campus I thought were hot, sure. But actually liking someone continuously and seeing them everyday was something that hadn’t happened to me in a while. Even if seeing him everyday actually was trying to survive on this crazy island.
“MC.” Diego called again, waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked, my thoughts disappearing. “You absolutely blanking out after I said the dudes name says it all.” He smiled.
“N-no! Of course not! You know how silly that would be!” I replied standing up and making my way out of his room.
“Mhmm sure. Where you off to now?”
“I’m going to ask people to come to tonight’s party...”
“NO! I-I mean yeah...I Uh have to....ish...you know what I don’t need to explain myself to you. Be at the pool entrance by sunset.” I recovered as I walked out. Even behind the now closed door of his room I could hear him laughing.
Rolling my eyes I made my way over to Quinn’s room, who was not very far away. I knocked on the door and almost immediately the red head appeared.
“MC! Hey!” She cried as she gave me a huge hug. I laughed as I hugged her back.
“Hey Quinn!” I replied.
“What’s up?” She asked as she pulled away to look at me.
“Well I know you hate all the fighting that’s going on,” I begun.
“It’s really bad...” Quinn said somberly. Her grin faded as the topic became clear.
“But!!! That’s why Raj and I have decided to through a party tonight.” Quinn’s smile returned, her face lighting with excitement. I smiled at her amusement.
“Really?! Oh my gosh! That would totally bring everyone together!” She said.
“That’s the plan.” I replied. “Go to the pool entrance by sunset and we could finally get them on the same page.”
Quinn nodded happily. I really admired her. She was kind to everyone and did whatever she could to make others happy. It was really one of her best qualities.
“Pool entry by sunset. Got it.” She gave me one last hug. “Hey I was going to the lobby right now. You wanna come?”
“I’d love to but, I have one more person to ask to this party.”
~~~~~time skip brought to you by I’m lazy~~~~~~
“Jake?” I asked. The pilot’s head turned, and his blue crystal eyes spotted me. He smirked.
“Heya Princess.” He greeted. I smiled in return.
He was sitting in front of the hotel. Oddly enough it was quiet and empty. No one normally came here since everyone was scared of being alone in a place like this.
Not Jake McKenzie though. No never Jake McKenzie.
I sat beside him on the warm cement, it being heated by the bright sun in the sky. At first we were silent, me not daring to embarrass myself and him probably not knowing what to say.
Finally I worked up the courage.
“You...come down here a lot?” I asked. Which was stupid.
Of course he came down here often. And what was I trying to do? Get him to open up to me? He must’ve noticed my inner frustration, because he chuckled and smirked.
“Every now and then sure. Besides, with Cap on my back, its the only place where I won’t be hassled.” then he glanced at me with a side eye. “You’re not gonna hassle me Princess, are ya?” I chuckled uneasily.
“Actually...” I started, avoiding his eye contact.
“Whatcha got for me?” He asked as he streatched out. I smiled as I turned his way.
“Jake...I know you don’t want to,”
“Great way to start.” He interrupted.
“But Raj and everyone else...” he grunted slightly, “and me, would like you to come to a party Raj and I set up.” Jake looked at me with blank stare. “Look, it’s just a get together to literally get us together. We need to work as a team if we want to get off this island.”
I couldn’t tell if Jake was taking the bait. He just examined me, his eyes seeming to view all of my features.
“So...” he finally started, “you want me to go to this party...to ‘connect’ with everyone, and basically pretend like I’m having a great time.”
“Maybe you will have a great time.” I suggested. He laughed in reply.
“Jeez Princess, you really think I can get along with some college kids?” He asked. I bit my lip nervously and shrugged.
“Maybe if you tried.” He chuckled and rolled his eyes, not looking at me. “Look you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s just...we really should patch the relationships. It would help to know that the people we’re stuck on this island with actually like each other. Especially if we don’t...” I stopped not even wanting to think of the possibilities.
Jake then turned back to me, once again studying me. After a couple of seconds he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“You really care about this, don’t ya?” he asked. I mirrored his actions, sighing and running a had through my hair.
“I guess I kinda do...” I stopped for a moment. Then I looked back to him. “Look, Jake, you don’t have to-“
“Alright, I’ll go.” He said before I could finsih my sentence. I widened my eyes.
“Yeah...if its really that important to you Princess, I’ll try.” Without knowing what I was doing, or without thinking it through, I hugged him tightly.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I cried into his jacket. He was stiff at first, unsure what to do. Then he relaxed slightly, patting me on the back. Realizing what I did, I pulled back. “Uh, ahem, I mean...thanks.” He smiled.
“No problem.”
“Be at the pool entry by sunset.” I replied as I got up. Before I walked away I smiled at him. “See you then, Top Gun.”
“See ya then, Princess.” He replied with a smirk. And with that I walked away, not even trying to hide the skip in my step.
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astrifer0us · 7 years
5, 6, 7, 11, 14, 19, 21, and 25 for your dnd ocs, Alyona, and the android apocalypse characters. have fun.
OC QUESTIONS | Accepting’
5. Are there any story arcs you would like this character to explore?
Meh idkk???
Please let this asshole realise that it’s okay to let other people take care of you.
I want Michaela to have like a badass warrior woman moment man.
I’m not sure. I’d like for him to let go of his mother’smemory sometime, and live for himself.
Please give Chal a redemption arc in which he realises that,wow, he’s been kind of a bad person. Wow.
Ahh idk. I really loved that she died and came back as aghoul, and I’d love to see what she learns from that, tbh.
Ehh, no clue yet.
Well she’s getting into a pretty cool arc now, having todeal with the loss of her love interest and actually grasping for a goal so shecan live on, so yeah, I’m excited about that.
Noooo clue yet.
I want to corrupt my little wolf boy so bad. Give this boy afiendish warlock pact or something, fuck him up.
????? Honestly I’d love for em to realise humans aren’t toobad but. They kind of are.
At some point I want him to get over Traesyc and put itbehind him but rn? Let him grieve let him suffer.
6. What would your character like (or have liked) to do with their life?
Kick ass.
Go… outside….
Find a solution to the android problem, save a lot of people.
Live in his nice house on top of a hill and tend to hisgarden. Please. Leave him alone.
Chal is pretty content where he is now. He has centuries infront of him if he plays his cards right, and he’s intent on making the most ofit.
Ghilli is here to make the world a better place, and take noshit from anyone. A simple life.
Preferably live out of spite.
God, that’s a hell of a good question. She doesn’t reallyknow herself, at this point. She doesn’t really have a clear goal or a path setout in front of her.
Just let this child explore the world at her own pace,please.
LET THIS BOY BE HAPPY!!! I want him to be nice andcomfortable with Morana and explore the world and figure everything out.
??? idk. Be free as the wind.
She wants to find a new flock at some point, but right now she just wants revenge for the death of her old one.
???? sorry lmao
God he’d love to just. Stick with his sis. Go onsilly adventures. Have fun, and not worry so much.
7. Who is your character’s best friend?
??? no clue.
Issy and Michaela. Not that they’d admit it.
Kita and Michaela.
Kita and Isidore, obviously.
Definitely not himself lmao, but??? He doesn’t really. Haveone.
Temperance and the Conman.
??? who knows. Maybe Ealda at this point.
Yknow. Barty. Probably.
Morana and Traxae, definitely.
His twin, Scytta. They’ve been best friends since birth.
11. What crime is this character most likely to be convicted of?
Murder. Definitely murder.
Punching someone they shouldn’t have punched.
Breaking in.
Hacking into her superior’s computer.
Trespassing or something minor like that.
… Slavery. But they’ll have to catch him first. So probablysomething smaller, like, say, influencing a rich person to hand over theirmoney.
Something dumb she did to protect someone else.
Literally anything. They don’t have great morals.
Breaking a rule she wasn’t aware existed.
Theft, poaching, something like that.
They’re a wild little gnome living outside of civilisation.Laws are not a thing they’re aware of.
Literally same as above.
Breaking eir programming, probably.
…. Ykno. Murder.
14. What is this character’s relationship with religion or the church?
Oh no. No, fuck the Overseers. Nope.
They don’t particularly give a fuck, to put it bluntly.
He was raised by a catholic family, but doesn’t really care about any God anymore.
No time for religion in a post-apocalyptic wasteland man.
Calvael is not religious, though I could see him becomingreligious later on. He’s the type for silent prayer.
Gods are for losers, just don’t mess with them.
Ghilli is devoted to the creator of dwarves, Moradin.
The gods have forsaken them. I mean, that’s what they think.
Ren is a very loyal follower of Zehir, and recently became acleric of him.
Ser worships Kord with great enthusiasm.
Rorik is not the most pious, but he always sends smallprayers and sometimes offerings to Avandra.
Aer is not all about gods, but they do recognise theirexistence.
Eiridi has little knowledge of gods, and does not worshipone.
Fuck gods.
He’s not very devoted, but does wear a little symbol of hisdeity around his neck. He’s pretty sceptical about gods in general, and doesnot believe they are as benevolent as people make them out to be. He’d ratherplace his trust in things he can see and experience.
21. Do you ship your character with any other characters? (This includes characters from other universes and canons)
??? Nope.
Isidore and Kita would make a good couple if they could stop arguing for like 5 minutes.
See above. Doesn’t stop him from flirting with everyone.
Michaela had a tiny crush on Kita when she was younger, but she got over it.
Not anything concrete, but @celticrune and i Have discussedsome things abt Calvael and Whisper and it was cute.
Boy oh boy yeah. Chal and @celticrune’s Temperance were mostlikely a thing back in the days and I still ship it HARD. Also, Chal and @kima-ladyofvord‘s the Conman, its great its wonderful 10/10 would ship.
N o p e
I don’t… wanna talk about it….. (but Syardis-debacle aside,Ren and @dunno-audino’s Lynnae would be the best, most dangerous couple ever and itsgr8)
Not at the moment.
Boy yeah. Rorik and @celticrune’s Morana is like. The OTP.
Not atm.
Hahahahaha. Traesyc. :c but apparently him and @celticrune’sKeiji also work very well together so there’s that.
25. What does this character mean to you? 
just gonna only do my dnd chars here cuz the rest is all a lil. meh. havent writtene nough abt them yet.
Calvael was my first DnD character, but since I didn’t getto play him much, not a lot yet. He’s great anyway.
SO MUCH U DON’T EVEN KNO. He’s hands down my favourite, justbecause he’s this little, snarky piece of shit, he’s wonderful to write andheadcanon about and just??? I love him????
Ghilli I unfortunately have not played a lot yet, but she isvery fun to play, so there is that. She’s also the perfect mix of adorable anddangerous that I love.
Tbh not much yet lmao.
Ren is like. So great. She’s very little like me, but she’smy perfect outlet for my aggression and anger. Also, I love caster classes andshe was my first real caster class I played. She’s amazing and I love her.
I haven’t played Ser yet, but she already means a lot tome??? She’s letting me prove that, heck yeah, neurodivergent characters cankick ass like any other! Disabilities don’t have to hinder your progress! Iwanna be like her!!
Rorik is my little child. My son. I love him so so much. He’sthe one that really got me into DnD, I’ve been through so much with him, it’shard to describe just how much I care about him.
Not a lot yet? Though honestly any nonbinary character meansa lot to me just cuz. Well.
Not a lot, but she’s fun to play.
Not much.
So much please protect this child from me I hurt him so muchbut he’s!!!! so good!!! To hurt!!!!
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