#elvis presley x austin butler
starboybutler · 6 months
Sweat (18+)
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summary: after a few odd months of living with austin, he and the blonde decide to take their relationship to a whole new level.
word count: 5220
warnings: very brief mention of elvis' death, loss of virginity, outdated thoughts and feelings towards homosexuality, fingering, unprotected anal sex, daddy kink, biting, sub space, elvis slipping into littlespace, aftercare, etc.
notes: this was meant to just be a simple smut fic to piss off people that hate me for writinng gay elvis porn, but i ended up going allllll out. 5k words of smut, feelings, and an au i need fo flesh out. uhh enjoy. also shout out to my beta reader @dontbeecruel and @superbatson for the moodboard 🫶🏽
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he felt like he was floating.
he always felt like he was floating when he was with austin. something about the blonde made him feel warm and tingly. it was a mix of things, really– his icy blue eyes, his tousled blonde locks, his soft, full-looking pink lips, his cologne, the deep, honeyed tones of his voice….
elvis found himself questioning a lot of things about himself since he began living with austin. he always knew he liked women, but he never even considered men. mainly because it was taboo then, to be gay, and extremely frowned upon by most people. nearing the 60s and 70s of course, it was starting to get more talked about and acknowledged, but elvis was far too busy at that point. and then he…
…nevermind that. now that he was forced to think about that part of himself, he was overwhelmed. whenever austin would wrap an arm around him, or hug him, or do little things for him- like make his breakfast or buy him something that he liked, his heart would skip a beat. austin seemed so casual about all the affection, like he was used to being this close with another man. elvis had never probed him about his dating history, but he had his suspicions about him being less than straight.
but did he have any room to judge? people have said the same about him. austin always said that his sexuality didn’t matter, and that he’d help him explore it if he wanted. elvis asked what he meant by that, and looking back at that conversation– he didn’t know how he didn’t see that austin was hitting on him.
now, here elvis was, his face all red and sweaty as he laid back on the plush mattress. he's never been this nervous about sex before– but then again he's never had sex with another man before. especially not one this beautiful. sure, when he was younger, he had thought about it in fits of curiosity, but he never went through with it at all.
and now here was austin, shuffling up to him on his knees with a downright predatory look in his eye. his large, cool hands were resting idly on elvis’ knees, holding his thighs apart so he could see all of him. it should have been humiliating, letting another man see the most forbidden parts of himself- but austin made him feel warm. appreciated.
“ready?” the blonde asked in that oddly gentle voice of his, his long middle finger idly tracing lines against his skin as he trailed further down. elvis could only nod stiffly, his body hot and tingling and tense as austin’s hand slowly made its way to the pink skin of his untouched rim.
he felt so ashamed and exposed in that single moment, like he was standing in a crowd of adoring fans completely nude. it was horribly mortifying, but somewhat exciting, oddly. austin made him feel so many things at once– it was dizzying.
elvis let out a whine that could only be described as pathetic. austin paused, and looked at him with an amused expression.
“i haven't even pushed in yet.” he laughed softly, tilting his head.
“shut up!” elvis grunted, draping an arm over his eyes. “god– jus’, get on with it.” he muttered, embarrassed.
austin continued his slow movements, his slick finger rubbing gentle circles around his now slick rim, warming up the once-cold lube. after elvis had relaxed a bit from his gentle ministrations- he slowly pressed his finger inside of his tight heat.
it felt weird, admittedly. his finger was long and cool, gently poking and prodding inside of him. austin felt around, like he was searching methodically for something, making elvis squirm around like a fish out of water.
“q-quit pokin’ around in me–!” he complained, his cheeks reddening, before getting cut off by his own gasp as austin pressed the pad of his finger against an oddly tender spot inside of him.
his pink cock gave a little twitch at the stimulation, a little pearl of precum drooling from the tip of his cock.
“there it is,” the blonde grinned somewhat mischievously, rubbing the pad of his finger against the spot slowly. “feel that? feels good, doesn't it?”
elvis all but whimpered, his thighd twitching as if he didn't know whether he wanted to spread them or close them. “wh-what the hell– what is tha–” he panted, unable to keep speaking as the sensation sent a shockwave of pleasure through his body.
“it’s your prostate,” austin hummed simply. “the male g-spot, basically. don't worry, i won't play with it too much.” he chuckled, rubbing at the spot a few more times before curling the digit. “don’t want you t’cum too quick.”
he thrust his finger deep inside of him, brushing past that sweet spot each time. one finger already had him whining and shaking, so when austin added a second finger…
“relax,” austin says soothingly, petting his thigh. “just breathe– i know it's a lot. so sensitive, aren’t you?”
“austin–” the man whined, his face dark red as he let his thighs flop open, his pink cock leaking and twitching against the tense muscles of his tan stomach. “austin, i can’t– what’re you doin’ t’me?” he asked, voiced high-pitched and confused sounding, like he was witnessing some sort of scientific phenomenon for the first time. austin let out a little amused laugh.
“feels good huh?” he mumbles, rhythmically curling his fingers up into the tender spot. “i told you i’d take care of you. and we’re just getting started…”
“f-feels like i’m gonna pee–” he pants, thighs tensing up with each calculated jab against his spot– prostate. he was absolutely bewildered, brain scrambled by the new sensation of intense pleasure boiling low in his belly. he had felt pleasure before, when he jerked off on lonely nights, or when he got some eager roadie to blow him backstage– but it was never this intense. he felt a hot tingle from his head to his toes, a throbbing from the sensitive head of his cock to his taint, and he felt so, so full. he felt like he was gonna die.
his breath exited his chest in a loud, deep exhale as austin suddenly pulled his fingers free, bringing elvis back from the haze of pleasure he was lost in. his head snapped up, his eyes lidded and dazed as he looked up at the blonde.
“easy.” austin soothed, petting his thigh while his other hand squeezed the bottle of lube, drizzling it over his hard, leaking cock. elvis’ eyes widened at the sight of it, pink and throbbing between his pale, toned thighs. “i’ll fill you back up soon. so eager for it, huh?”
“i-i–” he pants, mouth hung open dumbly.
“it’s okay. y’don’t have to answer.” austin coos, positioning himself between elvis’ thighs. “i know you need it baby.”
elvis’ world felt like it flipped upside down when he felt the hot, blunt tip of austin’s cock press against his hole. his legs locked around the blonde’s waist, his hands grasping at his biceps tightly just so he could ground himself. he was gonna die, right here, under this specimen of a man.
“relax, e, y’gotta relax for me.” austin purred, the dangerously low tones of his voice like music to elvis’ ears as his large, slender hands massaged at his tense shoulders. “it’s a lot, i know, but ya gotta relax for me, babydoll.”
babydoll. oh god. if that didn’t make him melt like butter, he didn’t know what could. with a little exhale and a flutter of his eyelashes, he let his muscles unwind and relax under the other man, allowing him a more easy entrance when he decided to push in.
he expected austin to proceed with his plan of breaking elvis in, but he just leaned over him slowly, pressing his soft lips to the pulse point of his neck and nipping at the taut skin there. elvis shuddered under him, his hands tightening on his biceps once more.
gently, austin grabbed his slender wrists and pinned them on the mattress beside his head as he continued kissing and biting softly at his neck. the dark-haired man whimpered in the back of his throat, his fingers furling and unfurling in fits of nervousness at the affection. the tip of austin’s cock was still poking at him insistently, rubbing at his slick, sensitive rim with each subtle buck of his slim hips.
“you ready for me?” he whispered lowly, nipping at his earlobe as he pressed more firmly at his entrance. the slight pressure made elvis gasp, his body tensing up slightly at the warmth. he could feel how hard austin was, twitching and leaking against him with need and desire, his hot breath picking up against elvis’ tan skin the more he ground against him. the thought that austin was losing his usually calm, collected demeanor due to his raw, carnal need for him was driving elvis insane. he did this to austin. he made him lose his cool. he made him want to become something wild– something feral, almost. the thought of his need for elvis consuming him and turning him into some kind of needy, possessive, demanding beast was so arousing to him for a reason he couldn’t pinpoint.
“uh huh,” elvis panted, already flushed and breathless as he stared up at the blonde. “i’m ready, austin.”
“okay,” the blonde exhaled, pressing his hips forward. “lemme know if it hurts, okay?”
he began inching himself in. elvis hissed at the stretch immediately. austin was big. he had seen his cock before– and he knew he was large, but
feeling it press inside of him was giving him an idea of how big his cock truly was. the warm, throbbing length of him was making elvis’ head spin with pleasure and a little bit of pain from the sting. austin’s eyes were scrunched shut in what looked like concentration, but he couldn’t be sure. maybe he was trying to hold himself back from plunging into elvis immediately– or he was adjusting to the tight squeeze of his virgin hole. either way, he looked fucking gorgeous. his plump, pink lips were dropped open, sweat dripping down his flushed, pink face as his chest heaved with labored breaths.
elvis felt like he was on fire. the stretch, the friction, the warmth of their bodies slotted together so closely…he might just burn alive. he didn’t know if he could handle anymore of austin inside of him. he hardly had the head in, and he already felt stretched to his max. austin must have sensed or felt this, because he paused and sat still inside of him. elvis was panting heavily, gripping the bed sheets and trembling softly.
“a-a-a-aust–” he whined, his voice sounding foreign to his own ears as he spoke, wrecked and needy and breathless as austin’s eyes opened and gazed down at his face. “you’re s-s-s-so big, it’s– i can’t– it won’t fit–”
“it’ll fit,” he panted, petting at his side soothingly, like he was a dog, as he began to press into him again.
he felt so full, like he would explode if austin pressed into him anymore. he didn’t even think he could fit a finger inside of him before this– so for austin to be halfway inside of him seemed like a miracle in itself. he genuinely felt like he was going to explode with everything happening at the moment. austin’s shaft was putting an obscene amount of pressure on his prostate, making an odd heat climb up his abdomen.
“almost there, e,” austin breathed, voice strained and breathy as he leaned down and pressed his forehead to elvis’. “almost in ya. can y’feel it? feel how deep i am inside?”
“yes,” elvis choked out, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as his thick, leaking cock twitched needily against his soft stomach. “i-i dunno if i can take it all–” he whimpered, clenching around austin’s thick, straining cock. “but i want to– so bad, austin- please,”
“you can. look, i’m almost there. jus’ breathe– fuck, goddamn, you’re so fuckin’ tight, e. good boy, gorgeous boy wrapped so pretty around my cock. goddamn,” he grit out, panting.
he was making austin feel good. the thought and realization made him tremble and whine in the back of his throat as he rolled his hips down against austin’s, shifting his throbbing length inside of him.
“fuck–!” the blonde grunted, his hands flying to elvis’ hips and gripping at them tightly, biting his lip as they ground together sloppily. “goddamn, e, you– fuck, you need it bad, huh baby?”
elvis couldn’t even respond. the friction inside of him was melting his brain, rendering him completely speechless. he just grabbed at the bedsheets and rolled his hips, chasing that feeling he got deep in his belly whenever the head of austin’s cock rubbed against that oddly tender spot deep inside of him. the whole ordeal was oddly hypnotic– up and down and up and down and oh god he was gonna cum if he wasn’t careful.
“gonna cum,” he managed to brokenly choke out, his hips stuttering in their languid movements against austin. “f-fuck– please, ‘m already gon’--”
to his displeasure, or his relief, austin halted his hips. elvis was trembling, his whole body tingling and on fire from head to toe after having his orgasm ripped away from him so abruptly. austin was quick to make him feel good in other ways though, leaning down and using his plump lips to mouth and bite at his neck and jaw. he traced just under his neck, before latching onto a particularly sensitive spot and suckling harshly.
elvis had never been bitten before. he had always done the biting. the sting, the warmth of their mouth, the suction– it was all so amazing. when austin pulled away to look at his work, elvis whined and let his head fall back to expose more of his neck.
“again,” elvis begged, his voice unsteady.
austin kissed at his tense, straining neck again, nipping at his collarbones and the column of his throat before biting down once more. elvis’ hips stuttered again, shifting austin’s length inside of him once more. both men hissed, and little elvis gave a pathetic little spasm against their stomachs.
“ready for me to start movin’?” austin panted, hips twitching ever so slightly against elvis. “ready for me to fuck you?”
“uh huh,” elvis gasped, his face red and eyes lidded as he stared up at the blonde, who looked equally as disheveled as he did. “r-r-ready.”
he thought that he had a good idea of what was coming next, given their sloppy grinding together a few minutes prior. he expected to feel something similar– and he’d be ready this time– but no. when austin began to pull out of him, his entire body tensed up involuntarily. austin soothed him with gentle rubs on his side, making him relax ever so slightly– but all that tension came back when he was filled back up.
lord, it felt good. austin was going slow, so so slow, and yet elvis felt as if he were being dipped in a pool of hot magma with each drag of austin’s cock against his walls. he must have made a noise, or done something, because austin paused in his movements.
“too much?” he questioned, stroking elvis’ cheek gently and watching as the man below him panted and writhed, his muscles tensing rhythmically. “tell me if i need to slow down. i don’t wanna hurt you.”
“it feels– so good,” elvis sobs, his breath hitching and chest spasming with each frantic breath he took. he’s never felt like this in his life– he felt like he was melting and floating all at the same time– his body simultaneously limp and tense and hot and cold and and and– all he could see and feel was austin. he needed him– badly. “aus,”
his tone of voice got higher, tears spilling from his eyes as he stared up at the blonde angel. what would he do without him? he’d be so so lost, he’d probably be all alone, in some big scary town, not knowing what anything is. he was so grateful for austin taking care of him, even when he was being a damn idiot. he loved him. he needed him.
“e? hey, it’s okay, don’t cry.” austin purred, wiping away the hot trails of tears with his thumbs. “do we need to stop? is this too much? i’m sorry, i probably should have explained more about what it’d feel like– i’m so sorry e. let’s go bathe, hm?”
austin moved to pull free, but elvis managed to wrap his legs around austin’s slender waist. austin paused and hissed, looking down at elvis in a mix of shock and arousal.
“don’ go.” elvis sniffled. “need you. l-love you.” he stuttered, voice crackling and breathy as he pressed his wet, tear stained face into austin’s neck. “m-make me cum, please,”
austin hummed deep in his chest, low and possessive as he began his shallow thrusts once more. their quick, frantic little breaths mingled together, filling the air along with the sounds of skin on skin rhythmically smacking together with each thrust.
it was almost unbearable. elvis dug the ends of his blunt manicured nails into austin’s back and clawed down, leaving angry red scars in their wake. the small action made austin buck his hips up, hissing lowly and kissing at the shell of elvis’ ear.
“baby, keep doin’ that and i won’t last long,” austin warned, hips picking up in speed as elvis did his best to roll his hips back onto austin’s cock, all but throwing himself onto the other man.
his chest heaved and stomach spasmed as he fell victim to the sensation, his own cries silent to his ears, but he’s sure he was wailing and gasping something awful as austin sped up his hips.
the bed was creaking and bouncing, the headboard smacking against the wall with each powerful thrust of austin’s hips.
poor little elvis was weeping against his stomach, throbbing and red with neglect as he let his thighs relax in an attempt to stop squeezing the life out of austin. he wanted to stroke his cock– to at least touch it– but with all the sensations going on he didn’t know what would happen if he did.
the blonde must have felt elvis’ hands twitching on his back, or he must have sensed it, because his long, nimble fingers moved from gripping the bed sheets to grazing elvis’ tender erection.
“fuck!” elvis all but yelled, trembling like a leaf in the wind as austin continued to graze his poor neglected member with the pads of his fingers. it was too much, but not enough, and oh god he was gonna–
“hold on baby,” austin grunted, his thrusts becoming more shallow as he gently gripped elvis’ cock in his hand. “i’m sorry, been neglectin’ poor little elvis, haven’t i?” he croons, squeezing the poor pink little thing in his palm. “you needs it bad, huh?”
“y-yes–” elvis sobs, his cock drooling and spasming, confused and tortured by the way austin was able to tear his orgasm away from him with just a few simple movements. he was teetering on the edge of an amazing, mind altering orgasm, but austin would change the speed of his thrusts, or stop his teasing touches against his needy cock, tearing his ecstacy away from him once more. his brain felt all fuzzy and warm, like he was falling into some kind of daze. “n-needs it real bad, aus, needs it–”
“its okay baby, i’ll give it to ya,” he promises, kissing his jaw sweetly and speeding up his hips once more. “i’ll let my little baby cum, give him that nice feelin’ in his tummy. that what you want?”
elvis could only nod weakly. then, it hit him that austin knew exactly how to press his buttons– and that’s exactly what he was doing. the baby-talk, the teasing, the praise– he was toying with elvis, making him come closer to the edge of his orgasm and ripping it away like an owner playing with his cat. he was evil. absolutely evil.
“p-please, austin– d-daddy,” elvis stammered, his hand coming up to his chest and scratching at the tanned flesh almost desperately. “n-n-need t’cum, n-n-need– i need it, please lemme have it, i’ve b-be-en so good,”
“i know, i know you have.” austin said breathlessly, his cock spasming within elvis. “i jus’ want you to hold on a lil longer baby, j-jus’ a lil more for daddy. we’re gon’ cum together, okay? jus’ wait for daddy–”
“i can’t, i can’t wait–” elvis cries, his voice climbing higher in pitch as his body decides he can’t handle the sensations assaulting him anymore. the feeling of austin’s cock stabbing into his prostate, his limber hands squeezing his sensitive cock, the way his skin is so so warm against his– it’s all too much.
little elvis jerks in austin’s palm, his cockhead squirting out thick, milky ropes of spend against both of their chests and stomachs thickly. he’s never cum so much– it didn’t seem to want to stop shooting out of him.
more spend was urged from him with each demanding thrust against his prostate and pull of austin’s hand, prolonging his sinful high for more than he could handle. when he started coming down, he was immediately overwhelmed by it all.
“oh– w-w-wai-”
“almost there,” austin grit out, and the way his eyes were scrunched shut, body wound tight seemed to prove it. “gonna cum, babydoll, gonna fill you up nice and good–”
then, a hot, wet warmth, like nothing he’s ever felt, filled him to what felt like the brim. a hot little streak of it even dribbled out of him, and pooled onto the bed sheets below.
austin’s twitching cock was still stimulating him within, making elvis whine and sob as his cock gave another little twitch, cum bubbling out of his slit in weak little spurts. austin was too caught up in his own haze of pleasure to notice elvis’ second orgasm– opting to press his plush, bitten lips against elvis’ in a fit of desperation. the older man had to tap for mercy when austin started doing quick little aborted thrusts– fucking him like he was a bunny– making his whole body feel like it was on fire.
“e-enough–enough–!” he gasped, his mouth agape as he pulled away from the kiss, begging for austin to still his hips. “c-can’t take n’more, c-can’t–”
the blonde halted immediately, his breath heavy and labored as he stared down at elvis. he was an absolute mess. his hair and face were damp, his cheeks a deep, embarrassed red. his chest and stomach were filthy with his own spend, as well as sweat and precum. it was a sight to behold. if austin really wanted to, he could get his phone and take a million pictures– but he wouldn’t embarrass him like that.
“you okay?” he questioned breathlessly, eyes lidded and pupils blown as he stared down at the disheveled, sweaty man beneath him. “you hurtin’? sore? did i bite you too hard?”
elvis shook his head weakly, his voice failing him. he just stretched out his arms, making weak little grabby hands at austin. the blonde laughed, pulling elvis into his arms and rubbing his large hands up and down his back soothingly. “oh, okay baby. let’s get in the tub, yeah? how’s that sound?”
elvis just nodded weakly, his world nothing but a warm, blurry haze in his eyes at the moment. austin hoisted him into his arms with ease, and elvis wrapped his legs around austin’s slim waist on instinct. he laid on his shoulder limply, swaying with the gentle movement of each step austin took. the whole situation felt oddly nostalgic, honestly. elvis, dazed or inebriated, resting on someone’s shoulder or lap as they soothed him like he was a child that had scraped their knee.
ever since he had come to modern times, he had seen every little comment made about him. how he was nothing but a no good man who loved to take advantage of girls by acting like he was a child, making them pity him. except it wasn’t an act. sometimes, elvis just…acted that way. he always heard that people took care of one another in relationships, but whenever he expressed the need to be taken care of, he was labeled as weird. maybe most men wouldn’t baby talk, or refer to themselves as a ‘little one’, or any of that, but so what? that didn’t make him bad, did it?
he was jerked out of his mind as he was placed in warm, bubbly water. the warm, moist air smelled like lavender and cherries. he let out an involuntary purr as he settled into the water, letting himself relax and melt into the warmth. he heard a rustle behind him, and felt a familiar warmth.
“hey baby.”
“hi,” elvis said meekly, shame washing over him as he remembered everything he had done in the bed. maybe people were right to think he was weird. he idly swished his hands in the water to distract himself from the thought.
“how you feel? down there, i mean,” austin clarified, eyes darting down.
“fine,” the older man mumbled, avoiding eye contact with austin out of shame. “just…stings a little.”
it went quiet, save for the steady running of the faucet into the tub. elvis had found a particularly interesting cluster of foam bubbles, shaping them into funny shapes with his hands. austin’s eyes were still trained on him, but he couldn’t bring himself to look at him. not after all that.
“elvis,” the low, seductive tones of austin’s voice sliced through the thick silence like a hot knife. “do you remember what happened in bed? like, all of it?”
“you called me daddy,” he supplied helpfully, making elvis visibly prickle at the reminder. “y’wanna talk about that?”
“no,” elvis hissed, his cheeks flushing darkly in shame. “it was a slip up, that’s it.”
“e, baby, please talk to me.” austin begged, gently grabbing and holding his hand that was fiddling with the suds around them. “i’m not here to judge, baby. i jus’ wanna know what’s going on.”
elvis went quiet, enjoying how his hand kind of felt small in austin’s. he really didn’t have an answer, if he was being honest. it really was a slip up, from somewhere deep in his mind. austin was just talking to him in that tone he uses– like when he’s talking to a younger fan or a dog. “you were taking good care of me.” elvis blurted out before he could stop himself. “i-i…really liked that.”
austin’s kind gaze didn’t falter. he held onto elvis’ hand tighter, grazing over his knuckles with the pad of his thumb rhythmically. “well then, i guess i shouldn’t stop, huh?” he smiles, bringing a wet hand to elvis’ matted locks. “turn around baby. let’s give your hair a good wash.”
“aus, you don’t gotta–” he protested, but his words died on his tongue as austin’s nimble fingers began massaging at his scalp gently, wetting it thoroughly. then, he drizzled some honey-scented shampoo onto his head. it smelled like him.
austin began scratching at his scalp all over, humming a little tune to himself as he watched the shampoo turn into foamy suds. all the attention was making elvis hot and bothered. he didn’t want to admit it to himself, but he really liked austin’s hands. those nimble, warm, large hands of his always made him feel some type of way. feeling them roam his sensitive scalp, massaging him…
“you okay?” the blonde asked, head tilted in curiosity as he slowed his movements. “you’re squirmin’ a lot. you sure i didn’t hurt you?”
“i’m sure,” elvis mumbles, face flushed as he presses his thighs together. “jus’....got excited again.” he admits, embarrassed. “sorry.”
“oh,” austin hums. “want me to…”
“no way,” the older man huffs. “i’m so goddamn tired, another orgasm would probably kill me.”
austin chuckles in that low, delightful way of his, continuing his gentle massage and lathering of elvis’ scalp. “okay. just relax then.”
he allows himself to lean back onto austin, closing his eyes and humming lowly to himself. the warmth of the blonde’s bare chest against his back was so comforting to him. he noticed that they were almost in sync whenever they took a breath, the rise and fall almost lulling him to sleep.
“c’mon, wake up sleepy head.” austin teased, nudging him with his bare shoulder. “gotta dry you off before we climb into bed.”
“wha?” elvis hums, his eyes lidded and droopy as he groggily sits up, blinking rapidly. “oh, yeah. ‘mkay,”
elvis stood, rubbing his eyes with wet hands and yawning loudly, humming in his chest as austin began drying him off with a warm towel. he focussed on his thick, wet hair, mussing it about and patting it dry as he smiled at elvis softly.
that warm, fuzzy feeling was engulfing him again. he felt so small in this moment, sitting naked and damp on a counter and letting another person dress him, and dote on him. it was a strangely nice sensation. he complied with austin as the blonde lifted his arms to better dry him off and slide his arms into a fuzzy, warm robe, adding onto that haziness he felt.
as austin tied up the front, the soft fabric rubbed against his soft cock gently and made him squirm around bashfully as austin cooed to him.
“hey now, what’s all this squirmin’ about?”
“th’ robe.” elvis mumbles, gently taking austin’s outstretched hand and leaning onto him as they walk towards the bed. “it’s…rubbin’ on me.”
“does it feel nice?”
“mhm.” elvis admits, blushing softly. “feels nice. but ‘m tired, papa.”
austin smiles gently and guides him to lay down, wrapping his arms around his slim waist and pulling him into his chest gently. “yeah? well, if you’re good, daddy will let you cum tomorrow, okay?”
“t-tomorrow?” elvis asked in a bit of a daze, pressing his nose into austin’s chest sleepily. “w-we’re gonna play again t’morrow?” he inquired, his voice high and hopeful as he gazed up at the blonde through his eyelashes.
“of course, baby.” austin smiles, pressing his nose into elvis’ still damp locks, smiling and rubbing his back softly. “that’s what daddy’s do. they take care of their babies. play with them and make them feel all nice and fuzzy. you like when i do that, right?”
“uh huh,” elvis mumbles, his eyes beginning to drift closed. “you’re a good daddy. the best.”
“thank you prince. you get some rest, now. we’re gonna play a lot more tomorrow. want you to he nice and rested for that, okay?” austin purrs, hugging him tightly and kissing his scalp. “love you, pretty prince.”
“mm…daddy..” elvis drawled, his vision fading into a pleasant, warm darkness, his head full of nothing but austin’s deep, warm voice and steady heartbeat. “love you too.”
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mooodyblue · 9 months
♡→ austin butler/elvis presley masterlist
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➤ this is a masterlist of austin x elvis fics, not aus!e fics ... just so you don't get confused huhuhu
⭐️ - personal favorite
main masterlist
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elvis being too shy to ask for cuddles
austin being causally affectionate ⭐️
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→ little!elvis/cg!aus
e being cuddly with aus
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→ 18+ fics
aus catches e jerking off ⭐️
e riding aus's thigh
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//Dangerous Land//
Pairings : Elvis Presley x Austin Butler
Warnings : +18 Mature
Elvis doesn’t know if it’s the heat, the shifting sand, the seemingly endless sea of dunes, or the dehydration that makes him begin to hallucinate, to feel like the sand whispers, like there is something or someone hidden in this desert place. But soon he’s there face-to-face with a creature that not even his wildest dreams or nightmares could conjure up.
12 notes · View notes
youaintnothinbuta · 2 months
"Elvis! You cannot keep coming home like that!" — Elvis presley x reader
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Summary: drabble of Elvis coming home with lipstick stains all over him, and his mama telling him off
Pairing: Elvis or Austin!elvis x reader
Word count: 450
Warnings: none, fluff!! Probably typos <3
Elvis strode into his house, a bit of pep in his step after his date with you. He went to greet his mama in the living room, freezing when she looked at him with displeasure.
"Elvis! You cannot keep coming home like that!" she exclaimed, a stern look on her face.
Elvis, momentarily confused about what she meant, walked over to the mirror that was hung on the wall, and inspected his reflection. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he ran his fingers over the lipstick smears that painted his lips, face and even his neck, he couldn’t help but smile at the fresh memory of the feeling of how they all got there.
“Aw mama, we're just having a little fun,” he said, flashing her a grin.
His mama shook her head, a mixture of concern and exasperation on her face. “I don't like seeing you like this, Elvis,” she said. “You deserve better than to be treated like a plaything.”
Elvis took another look at himself. He could still feel the way your lips felt so soft and delicate against his, and the way you giggled pressed up against him as he peppered you with kisses. He knew his mama was just being protective, but he also knew she had the wrong idea, and you and him were really getting quite serious.
“Mama, it's just a little lipstick,” he reassured her, turning to meet her gaze. “I promise, I'm not being treated like a plaything. Y/N and I have something.”
His mama sighed, her expression softening as she listened to his earnest words. “I just want you to be happy, Elvis,” she confessed, worry evident in her eyes. “And I don't want to see you get hurt.”
Approaching his mama, Elvis enveloped her in a comforting hug. “I know, Mama,” he murmured, holding her close. “But I promise, I am happy. I really like this girl, and she feels the same way about me.”
His mama nodded, a small smile on her face. “Well, if you say so, Elvis,” she says. “That's all that matters to me.”
“Why don’t I bring her over sometime, mama? She’s a real sweetheart, I think you’d like her,” he offered, a hopeful smile tugging at his lips.
“That’d be nice,” she replied warmly.
“Good,” he kissed her on the cheek and headed upstairs to his bedroom. As he entered his ensuite, he caught sight of himself once more. With a fond smile, he reached for a towel and dampened it with water, gently wiping away the traces of you. If only you knew how giddy you made him.
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bodyelectr1c · 2 months
austin doesn’t let the reader finish until he wants her to
literally no plot, just smut
warnings: orgasm denial, teasing, oral (f receiving), degradation, edging, a little overstim, implied age gap, possessive austin, daddy kink
this is my first time writing, it’s so nasty but kind of hot. i’m a sucker for an older guy, so i picture a sexy age gap. anyways, enjoy!
austin hadn’t let you off easily, forbidding you from touching yourself while simultaneously leaving you unfinished and begging, writhing; a string of desperate whines and pleas leaving your throat. it was clear to you he didn’t care for your pleasure, he just wanted to get himself off. you were nothing more than a fuckdoll to him. he’d no shame in pulling you by your hair- no matter when; no matter where, dragging you to the nearest bathroom, shed, closet, whatever- and fucking you senseless
“fuck- you’re such a slut baby,”
“your cunt is so fucking tight, just for me”
“you’re-fuck, gonna be the death of me..”
he cooed ‘affectionate’ remarks at you in between progressively sloppier thrusts- if they could even be labelled affectionate. you regarded it as love on his part, you both know you enjoyed being degraded, and he knew you’d do anything to make daddy cum.
sometimes, whilst jackhammering into your pussy, he’d lazily reach down and thumb at your untouched clit in circular motions, occasionally dipping his hand down to where you both connected, attempting to fit one of his thick fingers in alongside. he did this just to hear you scream his name, and he’d stop as soon as he felt his climax nearing.
it was habitual, his hips would begin to stutter, his moans would get more desperate- louder and lower, his degrading remarks would descend into a string of pet names, his eyes fluttering closed as he groaned. “babybabybaby”
and then it was over, he’d pull out with a desperately hot groan, his cum painting every part of your body as he’d collapse onto the bed, his larger frame dipping the mattress next to you. you’d scream his name to no avail, trying to chase the high that he brought you near, but never cared to complete. your own hand darted down to your throbbing clit, rubbing desperate and fast circles around the sensitive nerves before they were met with a sharp slap on austin’s behalf, and then an absence of any sensation. he’d pull your hands away from your clit, puffy and leaking.
“you cum, when i make you cum, i don’t fuck college whores who get off on anyone’s fingers but mine.” he’d growl, pulling your thighs apart after you’d began rubbing them together in an attempt at any friction, his words turning you on impossibly more; you felt like you could cum untouched, coaxed by more of his dirty, perverted requests. you let him know, too, babbling incoherent sentences and grabbing onto his toned arms, repeating over and over again to just “let me cum daddy, i’ll be good i promise, fuck- pleasepleaseplease austin”
to your dismay, he’d almost always get up off the bed, watching you writhing and twitching from your previous proximity to your orgasm, and spit out:
“you’re so desperate it’s pathetic,”
before walking away to take a scathing hot shower, leaving you sensitive, but obedient enough to never touch yourself in the hopes that he’d come back and please you to completion.
in those blissful moments where he’d come back from the bathroom after an excruciatingly long time, finding pleasure in the confidence that you’d wait for him to make you cum, he’d hover his tall frame over you, watching attentively, towel loosely hanging on his hips, v line completely visible above the thin cloth, hair still wet as an aftermath of his shower. he’d let out a gruff and low laugh at how much of you whore you were being, fucked out without being allowed to cum. he found it comical, and a fucking sexy sight to see. his girl, spread out just for him, obedient and desperate to please him in any way you could. he got hard again just thinking about it.
he’d lower himself between your thighs, much to your relief as you let out a pleasured sigh, letting your head fall back against the bed as his stubble brushed your clit alongside his nose, teasing you one last time, evoking a sharp twitch in your abdomen, before he brought his tongue out to swirl around your sensitive cunt. your desperation to get off overcame you, you couldn’t help but lose your fingers in his damp hair whilst pulling his head down to force him onto your clit. he didn’t stop you, instead alternating between sucking your clit- hard, as if to signal that he was still in charge, and swirling his tongue around your pleasure soaked pussy, focusing his attention on one sensitive spot that made you whine louder and higher.
hearing you express your immense pleasure was a profession of devotion for him, and it turned him on profusely, causing him to moan around your cunt, sending vibrations around you that fluttered around your walls. his sucking and teasing was becoming too much for you, and he didn’t give you a second to rest, pulling you back toward him with a tight grip on your hips every time you tried to lift yourself in an attempt to catch your breath. he knew you could take it.
you felt your climax nearing you as you began to convulse, closing your thighs around his head, his still damp hair tickling your legs as he sucked harder and harder, also aware of how close you were due to the incessant chant of unholy curses and moans left your body. it was sinful, truly, his chin already soaked with the anticipation of your climax, mixed with the noises you made as he lost himself in between your legs.
“daddy, i’m so close, please let me cum, please let me cum, fuck!” you begged as he looked up from his task at hand, mouth never leaving your swollen clit, icy blue eyes focused on the pornographic sight before him, basking in it.
your climax washed over you as you let out a last scream of his name, pushing his head back down as you bucked your hips sloppily against his face, allowing yourself to release, the warm knot in your stomach untying itself as your eyes rolled back into your head.
as you lay there, panting, coming down from your intense high, austin outlined your clit in slow circular motions with his fingers to coax you through your comedown, making you twitch under the aftermath of the stimulation, bucking your hips up again slightly before letting go of all the tension in your muscles and collapsing farther back into the mattress, hands still intertwined in his now messy hair as he moved to lie next to you, using the white sheets to clean the remainder of your juices off his face before turning to face you where you lay, breathless
“fuck baby, that- was hot.”
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angelinajoulie · 2 years
At his mercy.
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Rating: 18+ MDNI. You read at your own risk.
Pairing: dom!Austin Butler x shy!girlfriend!reader
Summary: Austin fucks you in his ‘The late late show’ suit.
Warnings: NSFW. SMUT. this is PURE FILTH; age gap; austin is definitely a DOM in this (you can't tell me otherwise); swearing; pet names; fingers sucking; oral (m receiving); size kink; praise kink; austin referring to himself as daddy (just twice); unprotected sex (please wrap it before you tap it); creampie; cockwarming (sorta??).
a/n: English is not my first language, this is the first time I’ve written from Italian to English and after two months of writing and translating this work I really don't know what came out, so please forgive any mistake✨ leave a comment down here and let me know what you think✨
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It's late at night, the lights outside are already out, and the street lamps are the only ones left to light the wet road while everything around is sleeping and waiting for a new day to come. Not a sound, not a noise is bothering the atmosphere outside except for the sweet rustles of trees on the street as a black Range Rover nears the driveway.
Shortly after, the sudden noise of a door opening makes you skip a beat, taking you off-guard and waking you from your sleep. He is back.
Your eyelids open slowly and you instinctively look at the alarm on the nightstand. 1:30 am.
"As usual," you think.
It takes you a little to realize that you fell asleep too early and didn't wait awake for him— as you always do, but you had a very stressful day at college and you couldn't help yourself to give in to the comfy bed beneath you.
So you decide to wait for him to make his way into the bedroom before you can close your eyes again.
You hear him from upstairs while he tosses the keys on the side table at the entrance, then a series of muffled noises follow.
And then, again, silence.
You feel your eyes getting heavy and you know that you'll fall asleep soon. But not without him.
And noticing he's still not gone upstairs yet you decide to get down to him.
You rise from the bed and a breath of wind wraps around your shoulders as soon as the blanket leaves your body, leading you to wear your white satin robe before going downstairs.
Your bare feet meet every cold step unnoticeably, the high temperature difference between the two floors causing you to shrug.
You're searching for him, your eyes are looking at every corner of the living room while waiting to catch his figure until your feet finally touch the ground.
You see him.
Standing in front of the cupboard against the wall, bottle in his hand as he pours himself a large glass of whiskey.
He is wearing a navy blue pinstripe suit from Prada that perfectly matches his blue eyes, the jacket left open to reveal a black mesh shirt, half undone and barely covering his toned, tanned chest.
It suits him heavenly.
His eyes look up to meet yours as soon as he feels your presence.
“Hey” he murmurs in a low and raspy voice.
“Hi” you respond and get closer to him, trying to greet him properly.
Seeing you lean in he puts the bottle back in its place and in no time you feel his arm around your waist. Austin lowers his head for his lips to meet yours in a chaste and tender kiss, the first one after an entire day away from each other.
Your hand travels up his spine, reaching the nape of his neck and starting caressing it, your fingers sneaking between his hair gently as you hold yourself closer to his chest. His body is so warm against yours, his warmth filling your heart completely and making you feel safe in the tight grip of his strong arms.
You’ve missed him so much.
The last period has been very exhausting for him, every day passes between interviews, photoshoots and premieres and he's terribly busy, and considering that you too have your things to do with college and all, you're both forced to be apart from each other. But despite all of this, you always try to do your best to support him, following him at the events when possible or watching him on TV, waiting for him until he gets home— like you should've done today too.
Soon your lips move away with a tiny 'pop' and your eyes meet, a shy smile appearing on both of your faces.
“How was your day?” you ask, breaking the silence.
“Great, just a lil tiring” he sighs, caressing your hip gently “have you seen the show?”
You nod without hesitation.
“Of course I did,” a sense of pride overwhelms you seeing him smile slightly at your obviousness “just for you.”
“Really?” he grins, pretending to be surprised as his eyes look down at yours and you nod again.
“Good girl” he places two of his fingers under your chin, lifting it up for your lips to meet his again in a quick kiss before he pulls away from you and takes the full glass of whiskey in his hand.
You shudder thinking about the pet name.
Good girl...
“And what about you? How was college today?”
Your gaze never leaves him, following each one of his movements while he reaches the couch and takes a seat between the black leather cushions. A shiver runs down your spine, stopping right on your lower stomach. Your mind gets fuzzy, distracting you from his question.
Legs wide apart, broad shoulders resting on the back of the sofa, his right hand on his knee and thigh as the left one brings the edge of the glass towards his mouth, needing a sip. The bitter and yellowish liquid runs down his throat, and his eyes shut just for a second until he swallows it, licking his plump lips after.
You feel yourself throb around nothing at the sight of him manspreading, and your thighs instantly rub together at the thought of every single time you've seen him doing that same thing: eyes closed, lips and tongue wet— not from whiskey.
You don't know why, you don't even know how to explain it to yourself, but seeing him like this sparked something inside you since you saw him on ‘The Late Late Show’ tonight. Something able to keep your mouth shut and your eyes glued to him.
He looks so confident. So dominant. So powerful. Right now, he could move mountains at his pleasure just by lifting a finger if he only wanted to.
And that damn suit... God, you want to sit on his lap so bad.
You'd do it immediately if only you weren't so shy to stand still at your place, merely biting at your lower lip while fantasizing about the mighty man in front of you, a gesture so simple but not enough to go unnoticed— not to him. Not to Austin.
His icy eyes linger on you again and this is the exact moment where you come back to reality and blush.
“What's up?” your awkwardness leads you to open your mouth and talk before you can remember a very important detail.
You still haven't answered his question.
“I asked you” he emphasizes, his tone sharp and deep as he takes in another sip and his tongue runs over his lips to wipe them more slowly and languidly than before, never taking his eyes off of yours “how was college today, angel?”
A mischievous grin appears on his face, the name that always knew how to make your stomach twirl makes you understand everything.
You got caught.
“G-good...” you stutter, coughing slightly as your cheeks are on fire for both arousal and embarrassment in front of that one clear consciousness.
You have a lot on your mind at the moment, a thousand thoughts are running through your head and Austin can read every single one of them.
And you know that he can, you know that he knows what you're thinking about.
Austin knows everything about you.
Because he knows you too well.
He can see from a mile away that something inside you snapped. Your body language is enough to let him know what you want and what you need.
He's tired, the only thing he needs at the moment is to finish his drink, take his clothes off and go to sleep with you, but seeing you wearing nothing but that white silk robe that barely covers your thighs as you bashfully bite your lip, thinking about all the shameless things you want him to do to you, is enough to drive him crazy too.
Because he'll never get enough of you.
He lifts his right hand and two of his fingers gesture you to get close.
“C'mere” his order is like liquid gold for you. You walk towards him without blinking, reaching the couch, stepping in front of him as if you've been waiting to all day.
Austin quickly swallows the last drop of whiskey, leaving the now empty glass on the table before grabbing your wrist and putting you between his spread legs.
His fingers manage to undo the tight bow of your robe, taking it off of you to reveal a lovely black satin nightie under it, one of the many he bought you to make up for the many others he ripped off of your body: soft to the touch, lightweight, with thin stripes and lace hems, short enough to leave your ass exposed.
No doubt that it's his favorite one. You're a goddess in it.
His forefinger traces a line up your thigh and reaches the hem of your nightie, your cheeks reddening as soon as he lifts it up, giving you goosebumps.
Austin feels his cock throb in his pants at the sight.
You aren't wearing panties. As he wished.
“No panties, mh?” you shook your head no, feeling the heat starting to pool right on your bare center and your heart pounding in your chest.
You feel so exposed under his touch, so weak, so small, so vulnerable at the feeling of your skin burning under his lingering hot gaze. Your body is completely at his mercy, poorly covered by that tiny piece of fabric while Austin still has his suit on, fully clothed from head to toe, looking at you like an uncompromising master who's thinking about the right treat for his good submissive. And in the darkest and deepest part of yourself, you're loving it.
You love that he always wants to be in control. You love being controlled by him.
At the moment you just want to follow his rules, please him, worship him, be punished if needed, because you want to be a good girl for him and him only.
“Get on your knees, angel.” and when his order comes, you can do nothing more than obey.
Your knees fall to the floor with a soft thud, hands anchored on his thick thighs as you're face to face with his crotch.
Austin's fingers are under your chin again, a gentle reminder for you to pull your gaze up to his face, forcing you to look straight into his eyes.
His baby blues are darkened, filled with craving and lust as they meet your shy and innocent ones waiting for mercy, for him to choose their fate and what is better for them.
Like an angel at God's feet.
“You're such a good little girl for me, you know this?” his voice gets deeper enough to make you feel soaked as he tucks your hair behind your ear.
“So submissive” he praises you in a whisper, his calloused digits moving to caress your cheek, allowing you to surrender to his touch by resting your head on his thigh.
“So responsive” the intense feeling of the cold gold of his rings hits your warm skin and your spine tingles.
His voice is so soft, yet so firm while he praises you that a weak moan leaves your parted lips, Austin taking advantage of it to shove two of his long fingers in your mouth. You know what to do so you embrace them with no hesitation and start sucking, wrapping your lips and tongue around his knuckles as the metallic taste grows strong in your mouth.
“So greedy...”
You are a vision to him, you look so tempting that his hand falls on his crotch to palm himself, his growing erection begging to be freed from his slacks and swallowed up by your throat.
“Bet your pretty little head's just thinking about one thing since I came home, doesn't it?” you nod frantically, his wet digits still in your mouth before he retracts them.
“Use your words.” authority drips from his tone and you sigh.
“Y-yes...” not enough.
“Yes what, angel?” your head lowers again in front of his request but he holds you still in place, grabbing your jaw “Look at me”
“I...” words get stuck in your throat, too shy to let them slip out easily.
“C'mon, don't be shy. Wanna hear you say it” he spurs “what's on your mind?”
Your heart keeps pounding as never before, and at this point, you don't even know how but you say it.
“I want your cock.”
“And where do you want it, angel?” he smirks as he adjusts himself between the cushions, your thighs clenching together to hide the wetness between them.
You love everything about him and the thing you love most is that he's able to read your mind without talking, but right now it seems like he has forgotten about this ability of his own. And you're hating him for this.
Because you know he's doing it on purpose.
He wants to hear your voice.
He wants to hear you beg.
He wants to hear your innocent mouth tell him the dirty things you want from him, the things he knows that make you feel all small and weak.
For this reason you swallow thickly, and gasping with your heart on your sleeve, you answer.
“In m-my mouth.”
“Then take it.” his words are the only green light you needed to put your shyness aside and leave room for the actions you're going to do in silence.
You reach the fly of his trousers with both hands, unzipping it and slipping between the black fabric of his briefs, freeing his cock.
You take it in your hand, he's already hard as it springs free against his stomach, the contact of your fingers against his weak flesh making him gasp.
You feel him. Long, warm and veiny, the tip already reddened and leaking with precum.
Your mouth waters at the sight. You need to make him feel good so bad.
You sit better on your own thighs, adjusting yourself to avoid the feeling of your knees pressing against the carpet before running your hand along his shaft.
Your strokes are slow and gentle, your fingers applying a small amount of pressure, making him breathe heavily.
“Angel...” he's so eager to feel you, the way his hips are bucking up to meet your strokes is silently proving it. So you decide to indulge him.
You lean forward and your lips start kissing his length from the base to the tip. You tease his slit with your thumb before starting to leave kitten licks on his head, feeling his salty taste exploding on your taste buds.
“Mmm, little one...” a deep groan falls from his lips and goes straight to your soaked center, making you shudder in your place “I love feeling your mouth on my cock...”
He seems so much weaker than before, and a strong sense of power washes over you.
“Fuck...” he swears, adjusting the blonde locks falling on his forehead.
The sensation of your warm mouth around his girth already sending him into a state of pure bliss “I'm not going to last long”.
You take a deep breath through your nose and start sucking, slowly moving your head up and down his cock as far as you can, trying your best to please him. His hand ends behind your head, his fingers holding you close to him as he'd never let you go.
“Yes, baby” he grunts “you feel so good”
Arousal is growing more and more inside of you, your pussy getting wetter as juices start flowing out of you because of hearing him moan.
You feel so bold right now, a sense of euphoria takes over you all of a sudden and makes you grind uncontrollably, searching for friction to ease the ache between your thighs while your head bobs faster around him.
“Yes, just like that, keep going baby...” you do as you're told. You keep sucking, and Austin's grip between your hair tightens.
The cool metal of his rings presses against the nape of your neck, his knuckles turning white and his protruding veins popping out as he applies more pressure to guide your hips at his own pace, making you feel trapped under his grip— under his control.
Right now you're the one giving him pleasure but it doesn't matter. He'll always know how to control you and be in charge.
Your throat is becoming sore and dry, some locks are covering your sweaty forehead and falling on his pubic bone as little tears are forming at the corners of your eyes.
You're a complete mess.
“My pretty little angel- shit, I'm going to fuck your pussy so good” his promise hits you right at your core and a choked moan escapes from your lips, the vibration is so intense against the head of his cock that he jerks frantically.
“Oh god!” his eyebrows furrow, his tight grip around your neck forces you to swallow more of him until he's hitting the back of your throat.
You can't take it anymore. You pull away from him, your fingers never stopping to rub his cock. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you breathe feverishly, searching for air to fill your lungs but Austin is quicker than any move you can make and leans toward your lips.
“Wanna cum inside you.” he tugs you into his mouth hungrily and you moan in both surprise and excitement. You are both panting at the same pace, his tongue slides into your wide-open mouth starting a steamy make-out session where your lips crash between grunts and bite each other without mercy.
Austin moves both his hands on your covered back and you sit up to climb on top of him. Your legs surround his thick thighs and your hands run everywhere on his sweaty chest and around his neck.
“I love you” he breathes on your lips, between heated kisses “so much”
“I love you too, Aus- ah!” his throbbing cock pushes against your soaked folds, making you gasp and jolt. The thrill is too much, you're so desperate that you start grinding against him, searching for friction to stop the hundreds of shocks running down your spine and hitting your womanhood repeatedly.
Your skin burns under his touch. You want him. You need him. You crave him.
And he knows it.
His hand stops on your asscheek, underneath the fabric of your nightie as his teeth keep biting your bottom lip voraciously, his fingers squeezing your flesh before grasping the hem of your nightie.
Austin takes it off of you and tosses it to the side.
Now you're fully naked on his lap, your breasts are pressed against his half-covered chest and your stomach shakes at the sensation of being so exposed while he's overdressed.
He leans forward a bit enough to bring his hands behind his back and take off his jacket.
“No!” your voice leaves your throat in a worried shriek, bringing out a primal emotion hidden in the deepest part of you.
Austin halts and looks you in the eyes, urging you to give him reasons. You blush.
You can't run away.
“L-leave it on...” you swallow thickly, hair falling on your face, hiding your awkwardness from him. Right now you're ashamed to death for this implied confession and his silence is not helping to ease your feeling.
He simply keeps staring at you, with those damned eyes that know how to make you melt, and without saying a word he kisses you again.
His tongue hungrily pushes itself into your mouth, giving you goosebumps as his fingers slide down straight between your folds, coating in your juices.
Now he can feel it.
“Fuck, you're dripping” his touch is so slight and lasts only for a moment, making you moan against his lips "all this wet just for sucking daddy's cock and seeing him in this suit, mh?"
“Please, Aus...”
“Who knew a stupid suit would make my little girl so eager?”
You don't answer and your shyness seems to no longer exist.
You just keep grinding against him, more desperate than ever while his tip rubs against your throbbing clit; he grasps his cock with his hand, adjusting himself on the couch and lining up with your slit, teasing it as your heart aches in eagerness and you can do nothing more than keep begging him shamelessly.
Hearing you beg is making him crazy, he swears he could stand still for hours only to hear you beg with your tear-filled eyes, but right now he just wants you too much to do it.
“Please, I need you”
You don't need to say anything else. His tip pushes inside your cunt and right after he grips your waist forcefully. His entire length slides inside you slowly, your mouth curving in a perfect 'o' from which nothing comes out as you pull away from his lips. Your breath hitches as he makes you sink onto him until you feel his pubic bone hitting against your swollen clit.
You're stuck, unable to breathe. You squeeze your eyes shout and cry out.
“Oh!” you feel so full. Full of him.
He gives you a few seconds to get used to his presence inside you and a heavy breath releases from his chest.
“Shit, you're so tight” he curses under his breath, bottom lip between his sparkling teeth and eyes closed for pleasure.
And then he starts guiding you onto him and you let yourself get carried by his hands, feeble like jelly as you meet his thrusts, moving slowly, moaning weakly.
“Aus” you whimper, each one of your moves against him only stretching you open more.
“Shh angel, you can handle it” he coos softly in your ear, leaving sweet kisses behind your lobe, helping you to ease the pain.
Your thighs are trembling as they wrap around his and your fingers slide between his blonde locks, trying to hold him closer than ever.
From this position, you can feel him completely. Every inch, curve, vein, and single part of him is inside you to the brim and is filling you perfectly with a combination of pain and pleasure that only Austin can give you.
You open your eyes and look at him. He's already staring at you and now your gazes lock together, making you both feel more connected with your soul than just your bodies and skin.
Your breaths mingle, your lips only a few inches distant from each other and ready to touch again with each thrust.
“You're taking me so well” he murmurs.
His forehead is sweaty, his lips are plump and red like yours, his jaw clenching as he watches you fall apart on his cock and babble something in response before moaning, struggling to take him.
You feel that familiar coil growing in you, your walls clench around his girth and you feel the base of your stomach burn every time his tip caresses your cervix.
It's too much for you. You stop, ready to surrender to his touch, but Austin holds you in place.
“Ah-ah. Stay still, pretty girl.” his fingers force you to sit straight, impaling you more and more on his cock.
“I-i can't...”
“C'mon little one, don't be a brat” he warns you as he starts guiding your hips again, with slow but intense strokes, the stimulation leading a whine to escape your lips before you stop again.
“Hmmph... t-too much...” you babble, it's the only thing you're barely able to say. You can't even talk.
It's so good, you just wish you had the strength to ride him faster but his cock's hitting you so deep you swear you could die in his arms.
Suddenly something draws his attention and forces him to look down.
You feel his hand press on your belly and you gasp in surprise. So you lower your head as well and see the outline of his cock poking out of your stomach.
The vision makes his cock twitch and your walls squeeze around him. He's in your guts.
“God, you look so hot like this” his gaze is burning on your skin, and you can say he definitely loves the sight in front of him. His pupils are dilated, and his breath is getting heavier. He's addicted “Small, desperate, and full of my cock”
You moan hard, turned on by his words and seeing how much he's going deep inside you with every stroke.
“‘s so deep inside you, uh?” he mocks you, his thumb rubbing your tummy as your eyes meet each other again.
“Y-yes! S-so deep” hearing your voice cracked and desperate leads him to one conclusion.
“Think you need daddy's help” suddenly his grip on your flesh tightens and with no warning he pushes you down onto him brutally, slamming his cock into you, bucking his hips upwards to start thrusting deeper, harder.
In a matter of seconds, your nails dig into the back of his hands and you scream, tilting your head back in pleasure.
“Aus- oh, god!” you moan louder, your mouth wide open as ecstasy takes over you, leading you to shake uncontrollably against his hips, making him grunt and moan.
“Keep moving, angel, don't stop...” he whispers as you try to follow his orders as far as your body permits you.
His cock is buried in you, he is fucking you so good you're barely able to move properly.
“Yes, just like that, baby, you're so good” his words keep hitting at your core, only spurring you to push yourself to your own limits as he starts leaving wet kisses on your throat “My good girl...”
"Please, please, please!" the fire inside you is ready to burst, your peak is getting closer and you want more.
“You wanna cum, angel?”
“Yes, yes please, n-need to cum!” hot tears start streaming down your cheeks and you moan again, again and again, scratching his hands and leaving bruises on his knuckles.
Everything seems to be so intense. Sweat is soaking your bodies, immersing you both in a hot-as-hell shower. The wet sound of bones and skins slapping floods your ears, your juices flowing down your thighs ruining the fine fabric of his expensive trousers.
You're so close and so is he. You feel in heaven.
“Then cum baby, cum around my cock” his voice shakes you inside, his tip hits that sweet spot in you and your vision goes blurry.
“Austin!” you cry out, your throat rips apart for the strength of your climax. Your orgasm washes over you and you convulse, the shocks running through your body are too strong and leave you powerless as you collapse on his chest.
“Fucking god” soon a growl of satisfaction slips from his throat, and his abdomen tightens underneath you. His grip loosens, thick ropes of his white cum spill inside you and paint your walls, making you shiver.
The room is now filled with silence, interrupted every now and then by the racing breaths escaping from both of your lungs.
You're exhausted.
“You did so good, angel, so good” he starts caressing your head gently, his praises warming your heart as you try to recover from the passionate fuck you two just had, but before you can say anything he picks you up and gets off the couch.
You whimper in surprise, finding the strenght to tie your legs and arms around the soft fabric of his suit as Austin's cock is still hard inside you.
“Let's go t' bed, baby” he announces, a wicked grin crossing his face “Wanna see how deep I can fill this pussy if I let you ride me on the mattress”
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a/n: okay sooo… what do you think? would you like to read anything else? i got five or six ideas to write in my drafts already 👀
Tag-list: @pennyroyalcreep @bcofl0ve @houndogsblog @gigisworldsstuff @emmaolsen @cryingabtab @slowsweetlove @fuckhoes1123 @cchl @auranightangle @spirited-away-to-mandalore @donnamarie23 @ab4eva @dancer4j @kibumslatina @denised916 @faeolwen @alqvarde @lilmisswoo93 @oldermenluverrr @eliseinmemphis @purejasmine @lillypink @sournatromanoff @lukedorkyhemmings @claudia-barnes @bo-burnhxm @lilac-presley @onlyangelssing @amorx
(the tag list is OPEN, comment down here if you wanna be added!)
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Cool Fiancè
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Notes: 18+ sex mentioned
Special shout-out to @ab4eva and her fabulous editing skills! This is the second installment in my cool girl saga. Read Part 1 here
Five Things to know about Austin Butler’s New Fiance ::
Although his reps couldn't be reached for comment, sources close to the Elvis actor confirm he has popped the question to his mysterious lady love!
Butler and the stunning brunette were recently spotted at the iconic Les Puces market in Paris last Friday, and she seemed to be sporting a new accessory. Austin was dressed in a black leather jacket, a white v neck tee, and black moto boots. She was clad in a classic trench coat and vintage Dior kitten heels as she kept her head down and let the winner lead the way. His face was mostly obscured by aviator sunglasses, but his smile was very apparent according to onlookers. “Austin was holding her hand and pointing out jewelry at different booths. They were very friendly with local vendors and Austin ended up buying her a gold charm bracelet. He told the dealer the bracelet was a momento to celebrate their recent engagement,” a fellow American tourist overheard. The twosome reportedly spent the prior week soaking in the city of lights and meeting with the YSL fashion house. Austin was recently tapped as the brand's newest ambassador.
Since returning stateside paparazzi pics have finally surfaced and revealed a closer look at that ring. Montana based indie jeweler Jada Kaye has been revealed as the designer of that serious sparkler. The 5 carat, flawless emerald-cut emerald is set in solid gold and flanked by two white diamonds on either side. Inside sources told Elle Magazine that Kaye and Butler worked closely together to craft the one of a kind creation. There's even rumored to be an inscription on the inside that's significant to the couple and the ring is estimated to cost a cool $100,000. Austin's fiancè was photographed heading into a ballet studio yesterday wearing pink tights, a pink leotard, Ugg boots, and of course that ring. Her curly dark brown hair was slicked back into a bun and she seemed to be sporting a pair of the actor's sunglasses.
Here's everything you need to know about the future Mrs. Austin Butler;
She's from New England —
A, as she's known, was born in Rhode Island. She grew up splitting her time between Rhode Island and Kennebunkport, Maine. Her teenage years were spent working the local Del’s lemonade truck, former neighbors say. She attended the Rhode Island School of Design after high school but never graduated.
She and Austin met via her former job –
Whilst working at the New York location of Vibrant Vintage, A, served as the fashion archives buyer. She also happened to be on hand when Butler visited the store. Supposedly she helped him find the perfect pair of leather boots, and the rest is history. Things clearly moved quickly between the two lovebirds, with A relocating to Los Angeles not long after. According to Vibrant Vintage, she is no longer employed there but “remains a close friend and consultant,” says their PR team.
She's a hit with his friends –
She organized a birthday party for her man’s co-star and close friend, Callum Turner. Turner posted an Instagram story showing off a fairly large garden party celebration and a “homemade blueberry glaze cake” according to the post. “Huge thanks to Austin's lovely lady xx” accompanied the video footage. She and Austin were also seen dining with his other Masters of the Air co-star, Nate Mann, while in Paris recently.
They've (supposedly ) got matching ink –
An unnamed employee at the iconic Bang Bang tattoo in NYC has said that Austin and A made a late night visit to the tattoo studio. Where exactly are the said-to-be matching minimalistic tattoos? Reportedly, Austin was inked on his left hip and A on her inner left thigh.
Old fashioned love letters are her thing -
Notably social media shy, Austin and A have taken up the lost art of handwritten love notes. Sources exclusively say that custom monogrammed stationery was crafted for the duo whilst Austin was filming in England. The hand pressed, vintage inspired paper bears a unique coat of arms style symbol with intertwining letter A’s and two sparrows (Fun fact! Sparrows mate for life and always find their way back, no matter how far they fly). While separated, the couple often writes letters to one another, even having the letters sent via jet instead of mail for privacy reasons!
Suddenly one morning articles begin to pour in about your engagement. It catches you off guard, that ring akin to a skating rink has been sitting pretty on your hand for a bit now. The engagement had happened so naturally as everything with the two of you seems to. In the early morning hours while his swollen, rock hard member thrusts into you repeatedly you begin to awaken. On your side, his teeth clamp down on your shoulder as his finger twirls round the curls at the nape of your neck.
His gasps and needy groans tickle your ear. “Couldn't help myself..”, he shudders as you suddenly clamp down around him, barely able to register it all. You stretch and arch, allowing him the room and space to take what he needs. It is his after all. His teeth and pillowy soft lips mark your shoulder blades and when you reach down to where the two of you are joined, you feel his very full balls. Your newly manicured fingers tease and tug the best you can, scrunched up like some sort of acrobat. “Ugh, ugh…baby… you're gonna make me -”. Then he does. Hot, viscous, cream floods you and makes you sigh in a contented whimper. “Thanks darlin’,” he pets your head and you close your eyes dreamily. That is until you hear him rustling around in the bedside table next to him.
You cock open an eye, figuring he's looking for smokes or even the book he had been reading late last night. Your hands are stretched above your head, gripping a pillow. The perfect position for him to suddenly slip the most gorgeous piece of jewelry you've ever seen onto your finger. When your eyes shoot open and you jump up, he's lying there grinning that smile that makes you weak at the knees. “Will you be my wife?” As if your answer would be anything but yes, please Daddy. You smother him in kisses, straddling him and giggling. It's the perfect moment, the perfect proposal. You were never one to want a fireworks display or heaven forbid, those ridiculous and wasteful walls of flowers other celebrities seem to have for every occasion. This private, simple moment is everything you could ask for.
You feel the sudden urge to take him in your mouth despite him just finishing. With your head hanging off the side of the bed, you take him down your throat. Choking and gagging, you really give it your all. Fighting to keep your eyes open so you can see the way his lip curls and his eyes slam shut. Talking is always your thing. This time, though, he's sputtering and rasping words of utter devotion and love. Promises to worship your body until the day he dies. My perfect, perfect wife. Soon you can't be sure if the tears are from his cock down your throat, or his beautiful words. Maybe both. Those pretty boy fingers twist and tug on your nipples and then crawl lower and flick that special spot. The only fireworks you enjoy happen, twice for you actually. He's so dutiful and charming, when you're done pulling yourself back together and fixing your hair, he's handing you a surprise glass of champagne. What a way to mark the occasion.
You decline a proper press announcement. Phone and FaceTime calls follow to those who truly matter to you both - your families, both absolutely thrilled. Then Baz, Cal, The Presley's, everyone can't stop gushing about how perfect you are for each other. That ring, oh how sweet he designed it himself. You come up with a family-appropriate story to describe the proposal and the evening that followed, conveniently leaving out the mind-blowing sex the two of you have all over the house and in the hot tub. Why do things feel so different now that you're engaged? You can't get over the way the light hits the ring as you stroke him and something in that dirty girl heart of yours feels like it's really, truly, official when you have to clean his cum off the stone.
He's due back to set for some reshoots a few days later and of course you follow. Bringing throw pillows from your living room to spruce up his trailer and plotting out how to plan the most private, under the radar wedding possible while you lounge in his trailer in a cute little dress you sew yourself from vintage scarves bought in London. Your newest hobby, that and the ballet classes. He yammers on and on about wanting to sneak in and see you dance. You're sure it's just the tights and leotards spurring his interest though, let's be real. The paparazzi are as relentless as ever, but head down with big sunglasses helps keep the chaos at bay.
You visit Disney World, a whole crew, the two of you, your families, friends with their little ones. Thankfully Disney security is familiar with celebrity guests and you can actually let your guard down for once. Which is good, because seeing Austin chase after your friend's newly toddling little ones makes your stomach flip flop with joy. You make a mental note to expedite the wedding plans, he makes it known that he's chomping at the bit to be a father. When you visit Main Street, you decide a pair of new Mickey ears are in order. Gold stitching with Mrs. Butler is what you finally decide on after Austin's encouragement, his hand on your lower back as you walk miles and miles around the park with hands full of churros and cotton candy. Sure, some overzealous fans snap cell phone pics of you with your ears and immediately post them to those ridiculous Austin fan blogs who've now decided you are the evil villain in his story. You won't allow them to burst your Disney bubble though. Your fairytale is just beginning after all.
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lustnhim · 1 month
elvis train interview 1960 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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foreverdolly · 3 months
this is my full collection of drabbles! requests are currently closed, but will be reopened shortly. make sure, if you haven't, to check out my main masterlist for my full length series and oneshots!
→ 【austin butler drabbles】
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going to victoria's secret with your boyfriend. . . what could go wrong?
total word count: 701
you take it upon yourself to tease austin at a family dinner. the two of you decide to take it a bit farther than you had initially intended.
total word count: 784
you're nervous for austin to see your new haircut, especially since he's never seen it so short.
total word count: 991
you and austin decide to go out to one of your local dives one night to enjoy each other's company. he sees you talking to a man that you know through your line of work and decides to play the role of a "possessive boyfriend" a little too well.
total word count: 1.7k
you've recently broken your leg at a red carpet event (see this fic for reference), but life goes on. austin and you have always been fond of rough housing. he lets you win every time, which is part of the fun. this time, however, he hits your bad ankle a little too hard and nearly worries himself sick about your condition.
total word count: 924
losing your husband austin has left an irreparable hole in your heart.
total word count: 860
"adventure waits for no one. not even the dead. you may tell me all of your concerns when i return." that was the letter that was nailed to the front door of doctor butler's apothecary. no one, not even in high society, has seen or heard anything from him and his assistant since. word breaks out at a tea party, however, that he's in new york. . . marrying you, his assistant.
total word count: 1.3k
the two of you may be separated, but the two of you are the best parents that your daughter could ever ask for. there's only one problem though. . . austin is still madly in love with you and wants to try again.
total word count: 1.1k
→ 【elvis presley drabbles】
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stay at home sweater-dad elvis making a peanut butter and banana sandwich for his baby girl and little boy while you're laid up sick in bed.
total word count: 1.1k
whilst out as a family, elvis sees a homeless man in need and decides that everybody deserves a second chance in life. your husband, being the sweet man that he is, invites him over to eat lunch with you and your son.
total word count: 1.7k
346 notes · View notes
sissylittlefeather · 2 months
It Feels So Right (how can it be wrong?): Part 1
A/N: a new 3-part mini-series that was supposed to be a one-shot but got too long 😂. This is gonna be a fun one. I hate to give too much away up here, but just know we've got Austin filming Elvis, ghost Elvis, and you...
Shoutout to my beloved @ccab for hatching this one with me one late night. I love you, bestie.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI! This is gonna stay dirty. Kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word count: ~3.2k
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Honestly, you're a glorified assistant. Your job has a technical title, but you spend most of your time getting coffee and running errands for anyone on set who asks you. It's very rarely the actors. Usually, you're at the whim of everyone behind the cameras. You've been graduated from college for five years and you're just waiting for your shot in the film industry. In a lot of ways, you're blessed just to be on the set of this movie, so you swallow your pride and fetch lattes for every grip and sound guy that hollers for one.
Admittedly, you don't know as much about it as you probably should, but watching the filming has you convinced this Austin Butler will be up for an Oscar. You know Elvis and this guy has him nailed. You've seen footage of him a thousand times and Austin's performance seems to line up perfectly.
What you don't know, what no one but Austin knows, is Elvis is there. He stands and watches, not far from you actually, and in crucial moments, he takes over. Usually, he doesn't leave the sanctuary of Graceland, but when he heard about this movie, he knew it was an opportunity. And when he saw Austin and his dedication to the role, he knew that he'd be open enough for him to step in when he wanted. The first time he tried it, he shifted from one foot to the other for a few seconds and jumped, not knowing exactly what would happen. He opened his eyes and looked at his hands. They were close, similar long fingers, but not quite right. His body was thinner, more cut, and his face felt different. He called for a break and made his way to a place with a mirror. When he cautiously chanced a glance, he was shocked to see Austin's face looking back at him. It worked. He knew possession was possible, he was a ghost after all, but he'd never tried it before this. After the scene was finished, he decided the experience was so satisfying, he'd try it again. So he did. Over and over again throughout the filming process Austin would wake up with no memory of doing certain scenes. He figured out quickly what was happening and didn't seem to mind, so when he turned on set and saw Elvis, he wasn't even alarmed. Elvis had been surprised to be seen after all these years, but it didn't take the two long to strike up a friendship.
By the time Elvis noticed you, he'd been talking to Austin and possessing him regularly for weeks.
You come back from your morning coffee run and set the tray on a table.
"Coffee's here, guys!" You holler to everyone whose order you diligently fetched. For some reason, this time, you catch Elvis's attention. He watches, amused, as you sarcastically deliver all the coffees.
"Who is she?" He whispers to Austin.
"I'm not sure. I think her name is y/n. She gets coffee for the behind-camera guys." Austin answers nonchalantly.
"Have you actually looked at her?"
"I'm way ahead of you, man."
"You asked her out?"
"Not yet, but-"
"What are you waiting for?!" Austin looks at Elvis exasperated.
"I've been a bit busy."
"Can I?"
"Can you what?"
"Take her out." Austin laughs quietly.
"I don't know. Can you?" Elvis sighs.
"Can I use your body, I mean?"
"To go on a date? With a living girl? I'm not sure that's a reasonable plan." Elvis nods, defeated, and Austin walks back out on set to continue filming.
But Elvis can't stop watching you. He hovers around you, longing to be seen. You have an undeniable grace that has him damn-near spellbound. Austin pretends not to notice Elvis's preoccupation with you. He has plans to ask you out himself, eventually.
But Elvis gets tired of waiting. There's not too much left to film and he doesn't want to miss his chance. So one day, he jumps into Austin to film a scene during the '68 Special and just... doesn't leave. Instead, he swallows his nervousness and walks up to you at the end of the day.
"Hi. I'm... Austin." He holds a hand out for you to shake.
"Oh, gosh, I know, I'm y/n." You can't believe one of the actors knows you exist, much less is talking to you. And it's Austin Butler in black leather.
"I've been watching you. And I- okay that sounds creepy. You're just very pretty and I was wondering if, maybe, you'd like to go out with me? Tonight?"
"Oh wow... tonight?" You have a bed with your name on it and a pizza you plan to order, but this is Austin Butler and he's asking you out.
"Yeah..." Elvis isn't going to take the chance that Austin might refuse to let him take you out.
"Sure? I mean. Yes. I'd love to go out with you." A warm smile spreads across Austin's face and you can't believe how relieved he seems. Truly, it's Elvis, but you don't know that.
"Okay! Great! Can I pick you up in a couple hours?" Elvis isn't sure how he'll stay in Austin for this long, but he's going to try his best.
You nod and give Austin your address. Then, you make your way home completely in awe of the fact that you have a date with Austin Butler tonight.
Later that night, there's a knock on your door and you put the last minute touches on your makeup and walk to it to open it. When you do, you're a little shocked to find Austin with his hair fixed like Elvis, in a suit with the shirt unbuttoned half way down his chest and a thick gold cross sitting on his sternum. For some reason, this outfit doesn't feel like him. And it's not; it's 100% Elvis, but you have no way of knowing that.
"You ready, doll?" Why does he even sound like Elvis?
"Yeah, lemme just grab my purse."
You spend the rest of the evening on one of the best first dates you've ever experienced. Conversation comes easily to both of you, and you think it's unbelievably endearing that he takes you to a diner, and a movie, and a roller skating rink.
You've never been good at roller skating, so you spend most of the time hanging on him and trying to keep your balance.
Elvis is in heaven. He hasn't had this much fun in almost 5 decades. And the feeling of your hands on his skin and your body pressed up against his, even if it's not exactly his, is something he's desperately missed. When it's time to take you home, he's dying to take you inside and feel more of you on him, but he doesn't want to push you or take advantage of you in any way. Instead, he walks you to the door and stands with you awkwardly under the awning of your apartment complex.
"This was really fun." You want to ask him inside, but you're not sure if that would be too slutty. Still, he's a movie star, he has to be used to that. Right?
"Yeah, it was." You notice his eyes flick down to your lips, so you turn your face up to signal that he can kiss you. Elvis gets suddenly nervous. He hasn't kissed anyone in a very long time. After a few seconds, you realize he's not going to kiss you, so you step back.
"Oh... I'm sorry..." Elvis wants to kick himself for missing the window.
"For what, doll?"
"Nothing, I just thought... it's nothing." He takes a deep breath and remembers who he is. Then, he reaches out and grabs you by the waist, pulling you into him. He crashes his lips into yours and kisses you deeply. It's weird to kiss with someone else's mouth, but it doesn't take him long to figure it out.
You revel in the fact that Austin Butler is kissing you. You.
After you make out on the porch for a good fifteen minutes, you pull back from the kiss and look up into his eyes.
"Do you... wanna come in...?"
"Can I?" Elvis is shocked that you'd ask that so soon. Then, he remembers that it's not 1956 anymore. 1969 happened... he was there... and women are different now.
"Yeah... if you want to..." You start to get nervous that maybe you've made him uncomfortable. "You don't have to-"
"Yes. Please. I'd like that." You nod and smile and turn to open the door. He swallows deeply as you lead him into your apartment. It's been a long time since he's kissed someone, but it's been even longer since he did this. And kissing is easier to do well without practice.
You turn to him and take his hand, leading him to the bedroom. Is it possible that Austin is shy? He seems a little nervous to be headed that way with you.
"Do you not want to do this?" You stand facing each other next to the bed and look up into his eyes as he nods fervently.
"I do. I really do. I just... haven't... in a while..."
"Oh. Well, that's okay." Elvis smiles with Austin's face. He reaches out and fiddles with your shirt on your shoulder. Then, he moves his hand up to your cheek and runs his thumb over your lips.
"I just never thought this would be possible."
"What do you mean?" Elvis's heart jumps.
"Oh, umm, just, I've been watching you for a long time. I didn't think you'd want to go out with me." You smile and Elvis relaxes. He leans in slowly and presses his lips to yours again. He's surprised by how easy it is to fall back into a rhythm with you as the kissing ramps up and his hands, Austin's hands, begin to roam over your body. Without thinking, he slides them up under your shirt, dragging them across your back. He wants to lift your shirt and pull it off, but again, he's not sure just how far you're willing to go. Seemingly reading his mind, you remove your shirt for him.
You're shocked at how shy Austin is. You assumed he'd take the lead, but he seems reluctant even to take your shirt off. You push his jacket off of his shoulders and it falls to the ground. Your fingers go to the buttons and you take his shirt off too.
"Wow..." It comes out of you as a whisper while you run your fingertips over Austin's rippling abdominal muscles. Elvis looks down at himself and flexes his stomach as you touch him. This is different, but seeing the way you look at him, he's not exactly complaining. Bodies like this weren't common in his day, but he's thankful for Austin's dedication to diet and exercise in this moment. Something about it boosts his confidence and he reaches behind your back to remove your bra, but his fingers fumble. He peeks over your shoulder and eventually figures it out, pulling your bra forward off of you and dropping it to the floor. His hands slide to your breasts hungrily and he realizes how much he's missed the softness of a woman's skin against him. He pulls you in close and his kisses reach a fever pitch as he begins to move his mouth down your body. You revel in the sensation of his tongue on your nipple, throwing your head back in pleasure.
He turns you and lays you down on the bed, scooting you backwards and crawling on top of you. You arch your back as he kisses your stomach gently, finally landing at the place between your bellybutton and the top of your skirt. He hooks his fingers under your waistline and looks up at you, blue eyes wide with lust.
"Can I?"
"Yes. Please." He smiles softly and slides your skirt down your legs, removing your shoes at the same time.
"Mmmm." He groans as he holds one of your feet in his hand and kisses your ankle. You have beautiful feet and this is just another thing Elvis has missed about being with a woman. He feels his erection throbbing where it presses against the fabric of his pants. This creates a new sense of urgency in him and he hooks your panties with one finger between your legs and drags them off, quickly tossing them to the side. Now you're completely naked and he just stares at you for a minute. He was right to take this chance. You're worth it.
"Nothing. You're just incredibly beautiful. I don't think I've ever wanted a woman this badly." You feel the blood rush to your cheeks and your core. He's unbelievable and if he's not careful, he'll have you head over heels for him. You sit up and begin to unbutton his pants, but he stops you. "This first, honey. Come here." He lays with his head on your pillow and pulls you to him, situating your hips above his face. He puts both hands on your ass and pulls your clit to his lips.
"Oh, fuck!" You grab the headboard while he goes to work licking and sucking you like his life depends on it. His tongue makes tantalizing circles on your sensitive button and you want to scream it feels so good. Elvis can tell by your reaction that he hasn't lost his touch, even if he is technically using someone else's mouth to do it. You look down at Austin with his face buried in your pussy, eyes closed like he's truly enjoying what he's doing. He slides first one and then two fingers into you and pumps them in and out while his tongue moves on you fervently.
"Oh, God, Austin, I'm gonna cum!" For a second, he forgets that he's Austin and his eyes pop open, but he adjusts quickly as your orgasm slams into you and your walls pulse around his fingers. Electricity explodes in your core and shoots lightning bolts to your fingertips in exquisite waves. When you finally come back down, you fall sideways off of him and lay on the bed. He wipes his face with his hand and sits up next to you.
"How was that, doll?"
"Oh. My. God." That's all you can get out and he smiles widely. He's still got it.
He stands up next to the bed, kicks off his shoes, and drops his pants and underwear. This is the first time he's looked down at himself and seen Austin's cock. Elvis is a little in shock. Not only is it huge, it's circumcised. He hopes it'll work the same way. Before he has too much more time to think about it, though, he looks up and you're on your knees in front of him.
You hold the base of him with one hand, put the other on his ass, and lick a circle around the tip.
"Fuck, y/n." Yep, it works the same way.
You slide as much of him as you can stand into your mouth, letting him hit the back of your throat. His head falls back and his mouth opens as you continue to work on him, bouncing and sucking and running your tongue along his shaft. Elvis is in heaven with your mouth around him and as much as he never wants it to stop, he wants to feel the rest of you too. Still, he reaches down and takes a handful of your hair as you let him thrust gently into your mouth for a bit. Then, he stops and stands you up, looking down into your eyes.
"Can I make love to you?" Your heart skips. No one has ever asked you that before.
"Yes. Yes, please." You lay back down on the bed together and he lines himself up with your entrance. His heart is pounding in anticipation. It's been so long.
He begins to push into you slowly, letting you stretch to accommodate his size. You moan softly as the sensation almost overwhelms you. When he's fully filling you, he pulls back slowly and thrusts forward again, groaning at the feeling of your tightness around him. He picks up a steady pace of fucking into you and you wrap your legs around his waist. Elvis is impressed with Austin's body and his ability to thrust without getting tired. It's been a very long time since he had that kind of youthful vitality.
"Yes, yes, yes!" You cry out breathlessly as he pounds you.
"God, y/n, it's so good." He moans again and kisses you deeply, feeling his orgasm begin to build in his hips. You're teetering just on the edge too, breasts bouncing with his rhythm. His cock is perfect to hit just the right spot inside you as he drives into you.
You feel him tense up as he slams into you one last time, throwing you over the edge into oblivion as well. You throb around him as he shoots you full of his warmth and shudders his hips into you. He relaxes and sets his head on your shoulder, both of you sweating and breathing heavily. After a few seconds, he slides out of you and lays next to you on the bed.
He's dying to tell you that he's Elvis and not Austin. He wants you to know that it's him. But he's afraid that would freak you out too much, so he keeps his mouth shut. Instead, he turns to look at you and you look back into Austin's face.
"That was amazing." You say, smiling. He smiles in return.
"It really was."
"Do you wanna... stay...?" You feel like you should know better than to ask, but you do anyway. Elvis knows he can't hold onto Austin when he sleeps, though. He'd be shocked to wake up here with you with no memory of how he got here.
"I wish I could, doll, but I can't. I'd love to do this again sometime, though."
"Yeah?" He rolls over and runs his fingertips down the side of your face.
"Yes. I really would." He leans in and kisses your lips softly. Then, he sighs deeply and rolls over, getting out of bed and putting his clothes on. It doesn't seem like he wants to leave, but he does anyway. He kisses you at the door again, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
"I'll see you soon, doll." You think to yourself that you'll see him tomorrow at work, but you don't say that part out loud. He walks through the door and you close it softly behind him.
He stays in Austin just long enough to get him home and in bed, laying there for a bit thinking about the encounter he just had with you. Elvis hasn't had a better day in over 50 years. Finally, his eyes close and Elvis pulls himself out, letting Austin sleep.
He's nervous about how he'll react when he finds out Elvis used his body to go out with you, but what's done is done. And he has every intention of begging to let it happen again.
Until part 2. Thoughts?
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax
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His girl.
Pairing; Austin!Elvis x reader
Warning: STEP-INCEST! Yandere Austin!Elvis, Creampie, Forbidden love, Asshole boyfriend, Love confessions, Slut-Shaming, Forced filming, Mentions of murder, Gagging, Fingering, Forced cleaning, Innocent kink, Squirting, Humiliation kink, Meanie Elvis/loving Elvis, Innocent and naive reader, Dacryphilia.
Summary: You were Elvis Presley's little sister, his step-sister but it still counts! When your parents left to have their honeymoon vacation they left your big brother Elvis in charge and he swore that it was his job to protect you, even if it meant from yourself..
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You tried to hide your excited smile as your parents told you about going on their honeymoon your brother leaning against the entrance of the dining room, his eyes bore into your happy buzzing self but you just ignored him. You were so happy, you can finally show your boyfriend that you were a woman and not a prudish little girl! You could finally show him that you were serious about him! "And Elvis is in charge while we're gone." Your mother broke you out of your daze 'What?' "But Mama I can take care of—" you started to protest but the feeling of your big brother's warm big hand on your shoulder stopped you "Don't worry Ma'am, I'll keep er safe." Elvis smiled, his charming smile that could make the toughest woman swoon and your mother did just that.
'Okay it's a minor setback but I'll think of something' you thought with determination, you promised to show Johnny that you loved him, and you couldn't go back now.
God, you were just cute, with that little pout, Elvis would do everything to make you happy, you were so precious and innocent unlike most of the women of your age, he wanted to protect you but some twisted part of him wanted to corrupt you, having you under him, mewling and moaning, make you his wife, his woman but he couldn't you were his little step-sister and he couldn't betray his father like that. You and Elvis waved goodbye to your giddy mother and father, once they were out of sight you headed up to your bedroom, saying you wanted to talk to your best friend barely staying to hear what your brother had to say in the matter. You called your boyfriend to tell him the great news and as expected he was just as excited about it as you were, he said he'd be there in 15 mins, which give you enough time to get ready.
Elvis knew something was up but he wanted to trust you, really just a nagging feeling kept bugging him. It got too much he decided to see what his good little mama was doing but nothing could prepare him for the anger he felt as moans and groans left your closed door which by the way broke a rule he placed in his house. Elvis took a breath and pushed the door open to peek in and if he thought he was angry before then what he was feeling was undeniable rage. Your limp-pencil-dick boyfriend was thrusting into you in a sloppy frenzy, close to cumming and you were obviously disappointed, unsatisfied, and miserable. He slammed the door open, you screamed out in shock and horror at seeing your handsome brother "What the fuck man?!" your boyfriend turned to curse elvis but stopped at the cold-deadly stare he wears "Camera." He asked cool, calm, and collected, the Calm before the storm "Closet." you answered with a shaky tone "You, go get it, yar goin' film how A man pleases a woman." Elvis order your boyfriend, and he didn't take it so well "Like hell!" Johnny shouted and that was it, Elvis walked over grabbed your boyfriend by the back of his shirt, and yanked him off you, his other hand gripped around johnny's throat "You wouldn't want everyone to know what ya did to that girl? that's right I know." Elvis whispered so you couldn't hear "So be a good lil' boy and get it."Elvis shoved Johnny towards the closet with much force that your boyfriend's face smacked into the door before he stumbles back to get the camera while Elvis took his clothes off slowly as if to tease you like he knew..
As if he knows your feeling about him, the dreams you daydream, the dream of being his cute housewife and stay-at-home mother, going on dates, that he knew you didn't want this to stop, you wanted him. Elvis loomed over your naked body, his clothes laid on the floor and his hardened cock lay against your pelvis bone, Johnny held the camera in his shaky hands. Elvis jerked himself just a bit before pushing into your wet pussy, how that fuck got you wet he didn't know, all he knew is each little inch was driving him mad, once he was balls in, he let everything out, "You're a fuckin' slut, ya know lettin' any man fuck ya? You're mine" He growled, his blues are now black and his skilled hips began to work. You moaned loudly as tears glossed over your eyes from the pleasure of each pump of his hips, his pace was fast and hard, but calculated and his cock hit all the places you didn't know you had, was this what sex was supposed to feel like "More!" you cried, gripping the bed sheets, suddenly Elvis's fingers were pushed down your throat, enough to make you gag around them "You don't give orders lil' girl." he hissed, pounding downwards into you. Johnny gulped, feeling sick that he was getting turned on, seeing his toy being fucked by Elvis Presley, her step-brother, he zoned onto where you and elvis was connected.
You sucked on his fingers, like that of a lollipop, eyes hooded, looking at him with those innocent eyes, Elvis's chest rumbled with a groan, he pulled his digits out, replacing them with his burning hot tongue, his pointing finger rubbed your clit in short, fast circles. You whined in the kiss, the knot in your stomach snapped, your back arched and your hips jerked, walls fluttering, sucking for everything he could offer. Elvis throws back his head, a deep, gaspy groan left his throat, and his hips stuttered. A heat poured into your already warm walls.
You let a small protest when Elvis slipped out of you, the feeling of him inside was addicting and you didn't want that to go so soon, your protest didn't last as Elvis sat beside your slight sweat-coated body, and parted your cum leaking folds, showing the camera his cum dripping out, letting go of your outer lips and sliding his two fingers down your clit and into your cunt, nothing could have prepared you for that was to come next. His digits fucked into you, like a hard-working machine, repeatedly hitting your g-spot, your eyes widened when Elvis bend over and bit-nippled your sensitive clitoris. A deeper pit took over you, screaming, tears flowing, you squinted all over the recorder and Elvis's face, still, even with your slick dripping his face held a smug smirk at your boyfriend.
Elvis got up and, licked away one of your tears "Such a pretty crybaby." He praised you, kissing your temple. His eyes turned to your boyfriend "Clean her." he spoke sternly, "S-sure just let me get a rug." johnny put the video record on a dresser and went to get a rug "With your tongue." johnny stopped mid-step "What?" he turned to look at Elvis in pure disbelief "Clean. Her. With your tongue. Now." your boyfriend gulped and nodded, rushing to get in between your legs. His tongue dragged up your clenching opening, catching your and Elvis's mixed cum on his tastebuds, johnny squeezed his eyes shut as he sucked and licked your cunt clean of cum.
Johnny winced moving from your legs, his cheeks got with embarrassment and humiliation "Can I go now?" he asked looking at the floor, "Sure go ahead," Elvis smiled, wiping his face with a wet rug from the bathroom, "Tell anybody about and I'll kill ya" Elvis whispered, grabbed his arm on his way out, johnny's face paled and he nodded fearfully as Elvis jerked his arm away, once he was free, he ran straight home. Elvis walked over and smiled at your passed-out form, cleaning your pussy with the other side of the rag, and laid beside you "I love ya lil' mama." he kissed your forehead, he was of course, gonna call his Memphis Mafia to deal with your sad excuse of a 'boyfriend' but for right now it was just him and you.
Just how he liked it.
@kiankiwi @18lkpeters @louisejoy86 @chasingwildflowers @crash-and-cure @plasticfantasticl0ver @galaxygirl453 @edgeofrealitys-blog, @flwersgarden.
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mooodyblue · 9 months
⭐️ subtle smut prompt ❛ it’s okay, you can touch me. ❜ with e and aus?
YEAAA e and aus !! ty for the request!!!
1k celebration post
all elvis wanted to do was ask austin if he wanted coffee. that was all. when austin asked him to come in when elvis had knocked, he wasn't expecting to be met eye to eye with austin's cock in his hand, arm resting behind his head as he casually nodded his head to him.
"what's up?" austin asked, hand still gripping at his cock, giving it a gentle pump as he looked at elvis.
elvis thought he was dreaming. he blinked a few times, jaw slack. "i....wanted t' ask....uh..." his cheeks went pink, trying his best to not look at it. "that's funny...y'know...i don't remember." he laughed nervously, trying to make a quick exit.
"elvis." austin called, "don't be shy."
he walked back into austin's room, stepping inside slowly. he seemed hesitant to sit beside him on the bed, his eyes unable to look anywhere else.
"it's okay, you can touch me." he cooed, giving him a sly smile.
elvis cautiously wrapped his hand around austin's cock, getting a soft mmm in response. he gulped as he moved his hand up and down slowly, his eyes always shifting up to his to make sure he was doing a good job. "that's it, el. just like that."
austin closed his eyes, throwing his head back slightly to let out a soft sigh, content hums leaving his lips as elvis moved his hand at an even faster pace. the way austin was bucking his hips, the way his chest was beginning to rise quickly—it was making his own cock stir. he took that sexual frustration out of austin, his thumb swiping at the tip to lap up some of his precum.
"oh, baby. baby." austin panted, his stomach muscles tightening as his body shook, cumming all over elvis's hand as he let out a loud groan.
his head was thrown back as elvis released his grip, looking at the mess on his fingers and wiping them on austin's sheets. it was laundry day anyway. "was..was that alright?" he asked, almost going shy again.
"jesus, elvis. yeah, yeah that was perfect." austin breathed out, catching his breath. "what did you wanna ask me?" he suddenly asked, remembering what he originally came to his room for.
but elvis remembered this time, "did you want me to make coffee?"
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Pixel Heart
Pairings : Elvis Presley x Austin Butler
Warnings : Mental instability, Mildly dubious consent, Drunk sex
He’s not sure what this is. The only term that comes to mind is a date, but that would imply there was something between him and Mr Presley other than convenience and favors. That would imply something Austin doesn’t like to think about.
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youaintnothinbuta · 2 months
“I’m telling you, honey, you ain’t gon’ like it.” — Elvis Presley x reader
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Summary: you push yourself too far out of your comfort zone and get upset at Elvis for it, but he’s very patient with you <3
Pairing: Elvis Presley or Austin!Elvis x reader
Word count: 865
Warnings: fluff!! Minor argument but very a patient Elvis <3
“I’m telling you, honey, you ain’t gon’ like it.” Elvis stated through a small chuckle of disbelief as he shook his head.
“Oh, Elvis, of course I will.” you replied, smiling, though inwardly determined to prove yourself on the big rides. You wanted to impress him. Amusement parks were enjoyable, sure, but you were tired of being the one too scared for the fast and tall rides.
“You won’t.” He argued through his laugh, like he could see right through you.
Not earning a reply from you, he kept going, “I truly don’t mind going with the fellas, baby, you don’t need to do it for me.”
Unfazed, you pressed on, “I’m not doing it for you, Elvis, I’m doing it for me.” Grabbing his wrist, you pulled him towards the queue for the biggest rollercoaster, the Cyclone. Cliff, Billy, and your brother Bobby exchanged concerned glances, but joined the line with you.
“It’s not too late to back out,” Bobby teased, leaning over your shoulder, his voice a mixture of jest and genuine concern for you. Elvis held your hand as you stepped into your place in the cart, preparing yourself to face your fear. Once everyone was settled, the operator turned the ride on and slowly you started moving, going up a steep incline. It’s not so bad. As the rollercoaster climbed to its peak, your heart pounded in your chest, and as it plummeted down, screams erupted from your lips. But these weren’t screams of exhilaration; they were screams of terror. With each twist and turn, you felt sick to your stomach, regretting every moment that led you to this point. Elvis’ arm around you provided little comfort as you endured the ordeal.
Finally, the ride screeched to a halt, and you stumbled out, feeling shaky and nauseous. Moving out of the exit of the ride, that feeling of nausea was quickly replaced with one of anger.
“I can’t believe you let me do that! You knew I’d hate it!” You lightly punched his chest, upset. He fought back a laugh, feeling bad, he knew that thing had scared you to death.
Instead of arguing back, Elvis guided you away from the bustling crowds to the quiet solitude of the car park, letting you groan and whine as you needed to. The distant sounds of laughter and excitement echoed through the air. The soft glow of twinkling lights overhead cast a gentle illumination. With a sigh, you leaned against a nearby railing, the cool metal soothing against your skin as you closed your eyes, attempting to calm yourself. Elvis stood beside you, letting you have a moment to breathe, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back as you sniffled.
After a moment of silence, he turned to you, his expression softened with concern. “Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asked, his voice gentle. With a shaky breath, you shook your head, unable to find the words.
Without hesitation, Elvis pulled you into a warm embrace, his arms wrapping around you protectively as you buried your face against his chest. You allowed yourself to lean on him, to find solace in his comforting presence. With a soft sigh, you pulled away from Elvis’s embrace, meeting his gaze with a mixture of gratitude and apology.
Your eyes glossy with unshed tears, you mumbled, “I’m sorry. It just gave me such a fright. I don’t ever want to do that again.”
Elvis’s expression softened even further, his eyes filled with compassion and understanding. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he replied, his voice gentle. “I shouldn’t have let you. I know. Next time, listen to me though. I’m only here to care for you.”
You nodded, thankful.
“Do you want to go back to the others, or are you done for the night?” he asked, his voice gentle, his eyes searching yours for any sign of what you needed.
After a moment’s hesitation, you met Elvis’ gaze, your decision clear in your mind. “I think I’m done for the night, I wanna go home,” you admitted softly.
Elvis nodded understandingly, his hand reaching out to gently squeeze yours. “That’s okay, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance. “Let’s go for a drive and head home, just the two of us.”
He opened the passenger side door, you promptly plunked your bottom down. With a soft sigh, Elvis turned the key in the ignition, and the car roared to life, the engine rumbling beneath you as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the open road.
After what felt like an eternity, Elvis pulled up in front of his house, the soft glow of porch lights welcoming you home. With a grateful smile, he turned off the engine and turned to you.
“Here we are,” he said softly, his voice filled with warmth. “Tired, baby?”
You nodded, as you stepped out of the car and followed Elvis up the path to the front door. As he unlocked the door and let you inside, a sense of relief washed over you, grateful for the familiar comfort of his home. You stepped inside, the warmth of the house enveloping you, you could have just fallen asleep right there.
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bodyelectr1c · 10 days
hiii i have a request can u do austin teasing reader during events pls?
reader has enough of austin’s relentless teasing
a little bit of plot, but majority is just filthy
warnings: smut, teasing, semi public, sort of sub austin? oral (m+f receiving), bathroom ‘sex,’ whiny austin, overstim. probably more but idk
thank you SO much for the request!! i hope i did it justice, but if i didn’t, feel free to ask again, and delve into the idea more, or any other requests y’all have, i’ll try to fulfill them. anyways, enjoy!
you’d been used to austin testing the limits at events; finding a darker corner to quickly paw at your boobs, or subtly brush past you and angle his hips forward in the slightest, pressing his clothed length against whatever you’d been dressed in that night; it was his way of telling you how pretty you looked, and how desperate he was to fuck you into the mattress as soon you you both got home.
the idea of being caught turned him on, without a doubt- but he knew better than to take any of his teasing to another level. his career was unimaginably important to him; it wasn’t up for compromise, and he took pride in the work he accomplished, always feeling a ripple of unabashed confidence whenever complimented by someone- especially you, on his efforts and devotion to the characters he plays,
little did you know how much the praise made him want to fuck you dumb, bury himself deep in you and beg you to tell him how good he was at it. you only took notice of this after he came almost instantly after you somehow thought to bring up a recent award show nomination of his during sex, whining about how you were so proud to have a “famous boyfriend who fucks me so good,” squirming as he drilled your pussy into the mattress.
this made you extra sure to praise him as often as you could in the days leading up to the award show. it boosted his ego in a filthy way, and you relished in the fact that your words had such an impact on him
when the day of the award show finally arrived, and you’d both made your way through a myriad of cameras and interviewers on the red carpet showering austin with compliments of the work on his nominated role. these visibly improved austin’s already ‘over the moon’ mood for the night, and they accompanied the dirty remarks you’d been purposefully making in the last few days, most recently whilst bouncing on his dick babbling about how you were “taking the cock of a hollywood star,” as his eyes rolled back in his head.
you both found yourselves sat in a relatively close proximity to the stage, the table in front of you laden with a dark cloth, which austin immediately took advantage of, putting his hand to work tracing abstract patterns on your thighs through the slit in your sleek dress. you were used to this, and he never took it farther than this, but he was relentlessly needy with all the commendation that had been thrown his way thus far in the night.
in an attempt at subtlety, he brought his hand up from its prior position, and interlocked his fingers with yours, giving you a pleading look before squeezing your hand gently to communicate his sexual desperation to you:
“please baby- please, i need it so bad,”
he whispered against the shell of your ear. you’d decided to leave him almost writhing, not because it turned you on (which it did,) but because you knew how loud he could be, and at this point, after the array of compliments he’d gotten, even touching his cock over his clothes would exude whines and groans too loud to not draw attention to you two.
after sensing that you were not going to comply, he let out a barely audible whine, before resuming his previous task, this time with more vigour, his fingers hastily made their way up your leg and circled your inner thigh. you gave him a disapproving look, but didn’t have the self control to stop him. somehow, nobody had noticed yet, but you were sure your dress looked bunched at the mid riff as he lifted it higher tasking himself with pleasing you, maybe as a reward for complying and feeding into to his recently anointed cockiness.
his fingers pushed past your already scarce underwear, moving it to the side before working his fingers around in painfully slow circles, pushing deeper into your folds progressively.
“austin, stop- fuck, we’re gonna get caught,” you feigned confidence, failing and whimpering slightly as you leaned in his direction.
he only leaned in closer, breath hot against your skin: “can’t help it baby, you’re driving me crazy.”
as he continued his pursuit, it became clear that you were finding it harder and harder to control yourself, letting out occasional hums of pleasure and bringing your hand up to your mouth in a somewhat swift motion to stifle any escaping moans.
to allow himself to get deeper inside you, austin shuffled his chair closer to yours before planting a soft kiss to the corner of your lips, which, to anyone around you, would look like a quick act of endearment. frankly- having a ‘dirty little secret’ turned you on more than you’d like to admit.
his fingers stilled when another person you were too occupied to identify walked up to the your table, commending austin for his hard work, reaching out to shake his left hand all while his right hand remained still on your thigh, glossy with your slick
“thank you,” austin replied with a laugh, voice steady despite the situation unfolding below the tablecloth. “i really appreciate it.”
after they’d walked away, you’d decided you’d had enough teasing and abruptly got up, leaving austin’s hand slapping softly against his clothed leg as he looked up at you, big blue eyes laced with confusion and clouded with lust. he didn’t bother questioning as you mindlessly dragged him to the closest bathroom, figuring you both had enough time before anyone noticed you were gone
“baby, you look so divine i can’t keep my hands off you,” -austin practically melted against your body as he closed the door behind you both, locking it swiftly. he raked your dress up, making sure your skin was always touching in one way or another, hands desperately stroking up and down your thighs. he felt breathless without your touch, and you couldn’t bear to see him upset, drifting your hands up to messily tangle in his hair (his stylist would be sure to write you a personal death threat later)
he panted as he placed sloppy, open mouthed kisses all over your exposed neck. you finally gave him some friction.”i need you so bad baby, please touch me- please.”
untangling one of your hands from his hair, you outlined his prominent bulge through his pants. he stilled.
“fuck- fuck, please baby i need your mouth so bad- fuck!” austin whined, writhing for your touch, your warm mouth, your approval. he was too fucking far gone to narrow it down to one, he just knew he needed every single part of you.
you’d die before denying him, and you slid your hands down his now tight pants as you lowered yourself to the cold tile floor on your knees, before palming him, eliciting a string of praise from a very desperate austin, who, on a whim, grabbed your hand and pushed it harder onto his cock, throbbing with need.
“baby, i know you need it bad, but you gotta be patient,” you reassured him, coaxing him through the incessant yearning his hardness had left him with by finally undoing his dress pants and sliding them down enough to pull out his leaking cock. austin brought his hand to your cheek and cupped your face gently, looking at you with a filthy mix of adoration and lustful desire, eyebrows quirking up softly as your hand brushed against his length.
“i need you now, please pretty girl,”
you wasted no more time, taking his tip, red and leaking with anticipation, into your mouth. you gave him flat tongued licks from the thick shaft to the head as he groaned deeply, eyes screwed shut and mouth hanging open in pleasure. it was fucking lewd honestly, and you knew you didn’t have much time before someone came knocking at the door of the small bathroom.
“fuck baby, you’re s’ good, ‘s like you were made for me, your mouth feels s’ good” he was drunk on arousal, words slurring as he babbled barely coherent praises. his fingers tangled in your hair, guiding your head as you took him deeper into your mouth, your tongue swirling around his length, the tip red and weeping with precum. the sensation was fucking overwhelming to him, and he bucked his hips forward slightly, unable to control himself.
“god- fuck, yes,” austin let out a breathy groan, his voice a low rumble. “just like that, baby. you’re so perfect, s’ good for me.”
you hollowed your cheeks, sucking him harder, feeling his cock twitch against your tongue. the obscenity exuded from the mix of his desperate whines and groans mixed with the gagging and wet noises coming from you bobbing on his thick cock only brought him closer. you could tell, and you wanted nothing more than to push him over the edge, to make him come undone right there, right then. you moved faster, taking him as deep as you could, your efforts accompanied by austin pushing your head farther on his cock until he hit the back of your throat, your nose nestled in the patch of hair above his shaft.
"please, don't stop," austin whined, his voice high-pitched and desperate. “i need it so bad. pleasepleaseplease.”
you didn't let up, your pace relentless as you took him deeper, faster. his moans turned into almost pitiful whimpers, each sound making you more determined to make him cum. you could feel his cock throbbing against your tongue, the tension building in his body. austin’s breathing grew ragged, his grip on your hair tightening. “i’m gonna cum, baby. fuck, i’m gonna cum.” with a final, deep thrust and a particularly breathy groan, he spilled into your mouth, his moans filling the small bathroom. you swallowed every drop, savoring the taste of him, before pulling back and looking up at him with a satisfied smile.
before you could process, austin grabbed you by your wrists and gently pulled you up to your feet with a gentle kiss, pupils dilated and eyes dark with lust and genuine adoration for you. “need to make you feel good, please, you’ve been driving me crazy all night, baby” he whispered against your lips, his hands caressing your body. “wanna make you cum,” he panted against you, hot breath fanning across your skin making you shiver in anticipation.
after lifting your dress with one of his hands, he dropped to his knees wordlessly, warm breath ghosting over your already dripping core, sending shivers up your spine. your panties were fucking soaked, and he audibly groaned at the sight before him, basking in the glory of making you so wet without even touching you. he mouthed sweet kisses on your thighs, sucking and biting marks onto your skin as he used his other hand to tug at the sheer waistband of your underwear bringing it down, prompting you to step out of it. he effortlessly tucked your panties into the pocket of his dress pants after you’d stepped out them, making you moan out of just how dirty this whole situation was.
“austin, please, i need you baby, please touch me.” you whined, desperate to chase your release after seeing how good you’d made him feel.
without hesitation he latched onto you, his tongue moving with loving precision. you gasped, your hands flying to his already tousled hair, trying to keep yourself upright as waves of pleasure washed over you. his tongue worked it’s filthy magic, alternating between gentle flicks at your clit and slow, deep movements inside you. you were a babbling mess, your knees weak as you practically rode his face, his stubble brushing against your thighs as you clamped your legs around his head as much as the position allowed you. he relished in your moans, drinking up everything you were giving him- metaphorically and physically. the obscene noises coming from you, and his tongue swirling around your soaked clit were enough to make him insanely hard again. his hands help your hips gently but firmly to keep you steady, determined to make you cum.
“austin, fuck- i’m gonna cum” you tried to warn him, but the words dissolved into a cry of pleasure as your orgasm swept through you, your body shuddering with the intensity of it. every muscle in your body was tense, hands anchoring themselves in his hair in an attempt at staying upright. your breathing became progressively laboured, and loud- ragged, each inhale and exhale a struggle as you tried to maintain some semblance of control. he made it impossible. his fingers dug into the fat of your thighs occasionally, attempting to ground you the way he held you was almost reverent, as if he was worshipping you, savouring the way your body responded to him. as he continued, he hummed softly against you, vibrations adding another layer to the already intense sensation. his eyes would occasionally flick up to meet yours, displaying a filthy mix of arousal and adoration. something about seeing you like this, completely undone because of him drove him fucking insane; the way your back arched, the way your head fell back, the way your breath hitched with every movement he made—it drove him wild.
your legs began to tremble uncontrollably, your body on the verge of giving out. the sensation was too much, too intense, and you could feel the edges of your orgasm building, threatening to crash over you. you tried to tell austin how close you were, but all that came out was a string of broken moans and gasps. he seemed to understand, though, tongue moving impossibly faster around your swollen bud, more insistent, as if he wanted to draw every bit of pleasure from you.
just as your body decided you couldn’t take it anymore, giving into the stimulation, he changed his technique, skilled tongue pressing flat against your clit and moving in slow, firm circles. the change in pressure and speed was your undoing. your body tensed, every nerve ending on fire, as you finally tipped over the edge. your orgasm hit you in relentless waves, crashing over you, pulling you under. you cried out against austin as your legs gave out, hands clamping around his shoulders. your whole body shuddered, convulsing with the force of it.
austin didn’t stop, didn’t let up, drawing out your pleasure, making sure you felt every second of your release. his tongue continued its assault, gentler now, easing you through the aftershocks, lapping at your clit to catch anything your body would give him. he murmured praises against your skin, voice soothing, grounding. you could feel his hands still holding you, steadying you, as your body slowly came down from its high.
as the waves of pleasure subsided, you were left trembling, weak, your body boneless and sated. austin gently kissed his way up your body, his touch tender, loving. he looked up at you, his eyes filled with a mix of pride and adoration, his lips glistening with your arousal.
“you taste so good baby, like fucking candy” he whispered, his voice husky, filled with affection. he kissed you hungrily, letting you taste yourself on his tongue, the intimacy and sheer dirtiness of the moment almost overwhelming to you.
with a final, lingering kiss, he helped you back up to your feet, your legs still shaky from the intensity of your orgasm. “we should get back," he murmured, his voice a mix of laugher and satisfaction, a smirk lingering on his face as he chuckled at your fucked out state. “before anyone notices we're gone."
you nodded, still in the process of catching your breath, and began to straighten your dress, smoothing out the wrinkles left by austins desperate touches, and making sure you looked presentable. austin followed suit, his fingers running through his hair, fixing it as best as he could. his eyes never left you, a soft, lingering smile playing on his lips as he watched you.
“you look stunning baby,” he professed softly, his voice filled with awe. “even prettier now; fucking perfect, all for me.”
he opened the bathroom door slightly, peeking out to make sure the coast was clear. satisfied that no one was nearby, he took your hand languidly and led you back towards your table. the sounds of the beginning of the ceremony began to fill your ears, a stark contrast to the obscenities of the bathroom.
as you approached your table, you could see that no one had noticed your absence, the guests engrossed in the ongoing ceremony. you slipped back into your seats, austin's hand never leaving yours. he’d lost all his nerves about winning the award at this point, satisfied that no matter the outcome of the night, he’d fuck you into oblivion as soon as you both got home.
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kimitofutari · 3 months
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