#endos welcome
trenchcoat-of-hats · 6 months
as a system who's been writing their whole life, I think some writers should consider that they're plural with the way they talk about their characters- because characters aren't actually supposed to take over the story, at least not in our experience, unless they're literally autonomous because they're a headmate/soulbond/whatever. if you're a good writer you keep your characters in-character so they would do whatever's in-character but the character shouldn't be deciding to do that, you're deciding that. there's a difference between knowing what a character will do because you know them well and having the character choose what to do themselves, you know?
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alpimerealmsystem · 8 months
Singlets Just Won't Get It
It's hard for me to understand singlets don't get to experience the joy of talking to another alter for a solid 20 minutes, getting to know their interests, get to hear some of their own writing that no one else in the system can do because no one else is that talented, and help them resolve relationships with other alters in the system. It's just a feeling of pure joy, and it's peaceful, and I love learning more about our system
-Heather (System Uplifter)
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hypercollective · 11 months
is there a para where ur attracted to being mutilated/murdered but like you don't have a desire to die? (like i wanna be inhumane so i can totally be put thru things that could kill me but won't) or am in weird
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sidneyfirefae · 10 months
do any other systems have any advice about handling careers/jobs/networking/education as a system with distinct goals and dreams? i think we all loathe capitalism to some extent or another, me definitely a lot, but unfortunately we're gonna have to try to navigate it to survive.
do y'all only go by your legal names for work and combine all your work/accomplishments into what externally looks like a single person? do y'all try to differentiate your careers, and if so, how do you handle the bureaucratic, legal, social, etc difficulties that probably causes?
any advice is appreciated, and please refrain from syscourse. we accept and welcome systems of all types
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system-of-a-feather · 5 months
Nostalgic Campfire Rambles: Childhood Fictive -> Primary Host Ramble
I feel that is a good title to summarize what this is generally probably going to be centered on cause I got back from watching the new Wonka movie, and I always forget how much "Pure Imagination" and it's variants and the themes surrounding and shows that use it have always really hit home a lot as a part
Cause for those that don't know (which I don't think I've talked much about it because I personally don't even think back to it often let alone talk about it) before being host, before being really anything, I was originally introjected first and foremost as a "knight" "guardian" and imaginary play friend to keep our previous host at the time both company, having fun exploring both internally and in external play, and to generally keep said host and a few other parts hopeful and believing in a better end for us than what most of the system really stuck with.
And when childhood moves resulted in a lot of social stress and high pressure demands to adapt to new environments and make friends rapidly, I ended up also taking on social protector for a combination of positive and negative reasons, but one of which being that my ability to both engage other kids with fun imaginative worlds to self express in and ALSO my affinity to appeal to those struggling / outcasted by the fact I solely existed to accompany a traumatized outcasted child made me very good - as a child - for making friends.
And at the core of it, that was 85% of my function and existence for the first like 5-7 years of me "existing" and I always forget - having been primary host for at least 8 years now - that I was not *meant* to be out this long, that I wasn't *meant* to be host, that I wasn't *meant* to be a complex or elaborate part or anything like that.
And I don't mean that in a derogatory or doomer manner, but more so that the very means of which my perception and way of approaching the world was solely meant to be used as a survival mechanism in shitty situations to nurse and soothe high levels of distress. I'm *supposed* to be unbelievable, undying, and unrealistic hope and optimism that the system can blindly believe in when they are at the lowest of lows and that isn't *supposed* to be something that is meant to be kept up for *eight years* as the *primary fronter*.
And I forget just how extremely hard and long it took to modify the shit I was "given" and reconstruct it into something that could work as a host.
And I remember back in the first like 5-6 years of being "host", I almost always approached it as a "I am here just to fix it so that one of the True Owners can come back to a better life" and for those 5-6 years, being a "host" was a temporary job I "stepped up to" (more so got chucked it after one of the two original hosts completely dipped into dormancy and the other one already had 'given up on reality') until it was safe for one of the two to take their life back.
But over the years, and a lot of DID focused therapy, did I realize it was very much not going to happen and that this was a "for the foreseeable future" position and that if it were to change, it would almost certainly be through fusion / splitting rather than anything else. And it was a really guilty thing to realize for the first half year to a year and it was something that really didn't work for the longest time.
Honestly it only worked because I have one of the most fucking complex subsystems (which we fuse and unfuse regularly these days as its convenient) which made it possible to be functioning at an IMPOSSIBLY unsustainable manner for so long.
These days, being host is a lot more sustainable and easier and its honestly most of what I know and I'm good with that because I've really learned how to live As A Host in a sustainable way and really managed to hang up my "caretaker" and "protector" default lens in favor for a default host lense. Instead I pick those lenses up as they are helpful and it's done a lot to help my mental state, functioning, etc etc
But every so often, I think back to where I came from as a part in specific, and I realize.... despite all that growth, all that splitting and fusion that honestly leaves me HARDLY identifying with my source at all, I still very much operate on the same "machinery" of my original split-function as a very core aspect of how I engage with the world, the system, and how I just perceive things.
If anything, parts split and fused and shaped partially around it, to make it so that my natural nature and my role could co-exist sustainably - its part of why XIV and I are a "must have" duo for either of us to sustainably host.
But in the end of the day? I, as a part, am still a part very deeply driven by a very ideal and desired image of what I want to see and what I want to make happen in our life and in the world. I have very clear images of what I intend to see and intend to do and I am really anchored in making that a reality and making people - internal and external - believe in my ability to make that a reality.
I always have done that, I just have gone and taken it to the real world and our system had to adapt to the fact that its not something you can really separate from me as a part and thus something that we had to work safety plans and adaptations around as to make it possible to be undyingly dedicated and fully confident in my own vision. And it's honestly kind of an unnatural and unwavering confidence, dedication, and stubborn patience that I think really only comes from someone who originally split off as a fucking Shounen Protagonist troped character who sat around talking about escaping and exploring far away worlds and the conflicts of light and dark and nothingness and overcoming shit and all that crap.
I don't really operate well in a way of "I dream" or "I want" or "it would be nice" because I don't - from my original splitting off purpose - have the understanding of having luxury of being at all unsure or doubting in my vision of a better future for our system. It's all "I will" and "when I", because growing up, within my original function, if we were in crisis and completely low on hope - telling the traumatized depressed and desperate kid I existed to be the hopeful best buddy of that "I hope" and "I would like" and "I dream" that we would be able to be happy, be free, have anything worth living for, would not suffice to keep us alive and engaged in our own survival.
Back then, there wasn't room for "it would be nice" - there was only room for me to AUTHENTICALLY say and believe "Hey, you know, when we get the chance, we will go out and do this, we will have this and that and we will have these things to make sure we are always happy and safe. Of course we will because I have a plan. I know what we are doing, where we are going, and I know how to navigate obstacles. As long as you stay with me, I promise, there is no world where I will fail to show you that future that we can make when we get the chance"
And for better or worse, it's really gotten us far. It came at a huge fucking cost because the sheer number of times I had huge mental breakdowns and massive collapses and the system had scary crisis moments back when we were trying to figure out a way to keep me mentally sane WHILE literally having other severely depressed and suicidal parts literally (they had admitted it) waiting for *me* to give up and loose faith so they could feel ok *fully giving up* and thus forcing me to sustain the unrealistic and unsustainable sense of confidence and vision.... but like
Honestly, ever since XIV has been co-host, that hasn't been an issue because the two of us serve as eachother's "hope providing unwavering best friend" so now that there are two of us, we can both alternate and fill in for one another in the system when one of us is "down" and we can also serve the same role back to pull one another up.
And its been like three years or so since we established that dynamic and it really almost completely negated the "unsustainable" nature of the whole way our part of the brain approaches things and instead almost like... developed a "infinite unwavering confidence and faith in our ability to make whatever we think of a reality glitch" cause XIV and I loop endlessly in supporting one another and both of us exude enough dedication, ruthlessness, and vision to provide hope and engagement to the entire system
And it's really neat. Cause for the most part - this whole thing also applies to XIV as we are split from the same "original introject", we just both internalized and adapted our original functions in VERY drastically different ways.
But I dunno, I was just feeling a bit nostalgic and wanted to ramble and share. Feel free to chat and comment and add on if you like to this. This isn't really a vent but just kinda a "I wanted to share a story / reflection with you all" and so I gladly welcome and encourage anyone to be nostalgic and/or ramble and/or chat about anything this post might bring up in yall
Imagine we are at a cozy campfire in the forest with clear skies and bright stars just sharing the story of our lives. If you all wanna share, its the nature of the campfire and are more than welcome
I honestly might make that a tag "nostalgic campfire rambles"
(Endos and anyone who identifies as someone with DID, someone with a CDD, plural, and/or a system are welcome to engage in this post. We're just out here chatting about life and existence, it doesn't have to be clinical or too serious and I just like chatting)
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writing-plurals · 1 year
mod applications
we're opening up mod applications again!
if you're plural, pro-endo, and interested in applying, you can fill out the form here!
applications close on the 26th of May
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thespiralkingdom · 1 year
New to tumblr and looking for pro-endo mutuals!!
We're a polyplural mixed origin DID system with somewhere around 350 headmates! Bodily 17, white, autistic, & transmasc :)
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a-system-of-giving · 1 year
A System of Giving 2022
wow we didn't realise it had already been over a year since we started this, but! sign up for this year's gift exchange is open!
sign up here!
sign up closes 25th November AEDT
assignments due 31st December AEDT
so you will have less time than last year to write but if majority of the participants don't think they'll be able to finish on time, we'll push the due date to later
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butchmuppet · 1 year
(This post is about discourse in the trans and plurality communities, i am a trans person and part of a system. It deals with anti endo systems and transmedicalism. I hope i added the right tags so people could filter this stuff out but im new to tumblr so let me know how i can improve!)
I think what a lot of people who vehemently defend "you can't identify as/be x without y experience" don't realize is that they're asking folks to skip over huge steps in the self discovery process. It can be hard to identify a lot of this stuff off the bat and that thinking turns people away from useful communities at the start of their journey. Steps that "exclus" probably went through!!
As a trans person, it can take a long time to realize that weight on your chest is dysphoria if it's never been relieved. And to be a traumagenic system is to keep at least some headmates separate from the trauma.
When you start to do research on a subject and come to the online communities to hear some lived experiences and all you read puts pressure on realizations, memories, and emotions you're not ready to touch yet it becomes an easy out of the scary process of self discovery. There's no landing pad for those who can't identify dysphoria or who can't remember their trauma (or who don't feel like their experiences match up with those labels !!) There's now a breeding ground for repressing it all and going back in the closet. There's no grace for folks who don't have it all figured out.
Whether someone realizes it later or truly does not have those experiences doesn't matter. It's way easier, safer, and kinder to believe others lived experiences even when you can't relate to them. To put these bars on your community puts bars on people who need it.
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r4inb0wv0m1t · 2 years
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trenchcoat-of-hats · 7 months
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A '-counscious' term in which two or more consciousnesses exist in the one body/system, however the number of consciousnesses is less than the number of headmates.
Headmates may be monoconscious with some system members, while having a separate consciousness to others in the system. It's possible for an individual to have their own non-shared consciousness while others in the system are part of (a) shared consciousness(es). These consciousness groups could also be subsystems or sidesystems, but not necessarily.
An example of what this would look like is headmates feeling as though they're 'becoming' a headmate when switching with those in their consciousness group, while experiencing possessive switches when they switch with someone outside their consciousness group.
Term coined and flag made by us, the Cicada Collective!
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alpimerealmsystem · 7 months
It's fucking hilarious when you're eating dinner with your family and a different side other than the host is fronting and they prefer different foods than the normal host and apparently we hated that food all our life but I asked for more. (Give me more shrimp, please) Our family just stared at us weird, not my problem, I don't even know them!
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hypercollective · 11 months
i love shipping my silly little ships and writing silly little hcs and being silly
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manyminded · 2 years
you know what? fuck it. i'm making this post.
shout out to anti-endos.
we firmly believe that endogenic systems are real. that will not change. but, that is not the point of this post.
you, anti-endo reading this? you deserve love. you deserve care. you were fucking traumatized. We know that. its okay to be angry, it is okay to be hurt.
And, you know what? We hear you. We hear you.
So, vent on this post. rant about anything system related. I want to hear you.
under the cut is our two cents on the topic.
We feel as if the plural community is just. overly hostile now. From both sides of syscourse. The whole doxxing incident is proof of that.
from our side, we've been pro-endo this whole time. (like. we are mixed origin after all.) yes, the endogenic tags are full of hate, which is really sad, but I've also seen people just be overly hostile to anti-endos.
yes, we should have different spaces for different experiences. but also, there should be some where we can all connect on being plural. these can co-exist.
this post we made... we wanted to bring the community closer, in a sense. This big divide is doing nothing but harm to us. We're all suffering because of it.
I want to hear out both sides. I want to know everyones problems, so i can find away to fix them and grow this community closer - and, therefore - stronger. strength in numbers, after all.
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heraldingwaker · 2 years
I would make a great malewife, and I know this because my headmates keep making me do all the fucking chores
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writing-plurals · 8 months
How should I write a dormant headmate waking up again?
The alter is basically someone who would sleep very lightly at night incase of intruders, but became dormant when they moved to a safer environment and didn’t need the alter anymore. However due to plot stuff, the fear of being attacked at night appeared again hence the resurgence.
Does the system have amnesia? In that case, the alter is going to be very disoriented, because it could feel like they were doing something and now suddenly it's however long later and they don't remember a thing. Maybe they don't realise how long it's been at first, but then start to notice how different things are and go down a spiral about how much they've missed.
Even without amnesia, the alter is still going to be disoriented. They would immediately know how much time has passed, but it would still be a weird feeling, and could be a different kind of disorientation to find out all of the things that have changed all at once.
They may be feeling nostalgic about all the things from before their dormancy, they may miss what life was like then, or they may be grateful about it being better now, or a mix of both.
Then you need to think about what the other alters think of this alter's reappearance, if they even notice they're back. Did some of them miss the alter and now they're really happy they're back? Did some of them dislike the alter and don't like that they're back? Are they more fearful now because of the fact that their brain has decided they need their protector again? Are they relieved of the fear they had because their protector is back?
-Mod Mountain
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