adhdavinci · 8 months
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ottsel errol is gods ugliest little soldier. the precursors HATE him
torn kinda likes him tho
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merryfortune · 2 years
Spectre was surprised to see it. A collection of newspaper clippings on the surface of the refridgerator in the kitchen. So far, of what he had explored inside the mansion, there wasn’t clutter. There weren’t any items tardy to where they ought to be. Everything was big. Sleek. New.
The refridgerator no exception, shiny and black underneath the fluttering newspaper clippings.
He approached. Unsure if he would get in trouble or not. Back in the orphanage, snacks were prohibited outside of assigned snacktimes, the matrons going even so far as locking the refridgerator. This one was unguarded, save for the newspaper clippings which had just begun to fray and yellow.
He looked up at them and he saw big eyes staring back at him. His eyes. He blinked. He squinted to read them but they were all shoddily put together, overlapping and from various sources. His stomach turned.
Spectre knew a couple big words. Deforestation, chemical herbicide, and faminine, for example. He could impress some adults sometimes by using those words and better yet, using them correctly. But he didn’t know the word for obituary but he did, instinctually, know what obituary meant. A retelling of a life now gone and lost. Not mourned, reading these words, his short life of six years was not mourned. Merely announced to have ended for the morbid fascination of the public masses.
So that’s why the matrons didn’t want him asking any questions. They had thought he had died. Death by... misadventure, body not found. That was a phrase repeated through the dozens of clippings.
But what Spectre didn’t understand was why the Kogami Mansion had so many newspaper clippings about him. From what he could discern, none of the other victims were present. Their stories of their vanishings. Why... Why was his different? The job of hiding his disappearance made easier because the matrons had prematurely and errorneously concluded that he was dead?
His heart thumped in his chest, his blood droned in his ears. The ensuing nervousness was all encompassing. The dread, too. He didn’t even notice that Ryoken and Kyoko had found him in the kitchen, staring at the refridgerator, not in hunder but in a peculiar vulnerability.
“Spectre?” Ryoken prompted him and Spectre blinked.
He finally heard something over the machinations of his body. He turned his head and there was an awry teardrop hanging by a thread on the edge of his eye. He had been abandoned all over again. It shouldn’t have hurted. Not this time. Not when he had run away of his own volition because his dear Mother had been murdered but it still hurt. He trembled.
Kyoko moved quicker than Ryoken to hug and coddle the boy. She put her hands around his shoulders, stroked his hair and nuzzled his face. Spectre didn’t react. He was frozen, his eyes searching for Ryoken but again, the adult took the reins of this situation.
“I’m sorry.” Kyoko said. “We intentionally blocked all information regarding the Project, except for stories about you because we felt sorry for you. We didn’t have to lift a finger to hide you, I’m so sorry.”
Kyoko hugged Spectre tighter as he managed to breathe out a question, “But why?”
Why in what way? Even Spectre didn’t know. He didn’t think the Project had been that sorryful. He knew himself a pitiful creature, an unwanted baby, but the Project had given him so much meaning, why be sorry? But why also keep those newspaper clippings? Spectre’s child mouth just on the cusp of articulating that but instead he hugged Kyoko tighter. She smelt like perfume.
“We wanted a keepsake to prove that you mattered. If not to them, but to us. You were one of our experiments, we had a distance to keep, you were number four, not that boy from the orphanage but we wanted to prove you mattered becuase your instincts were right. Sharp. What you were doing, it was important. It mattered.” Kyoko said.
Ryoken inched closer and he piled onto the hug as well, “You still do matter, Spectre.”
Spectre began to bawl. Kyoko patted his back and Ryoken hugged him tighter as well.
“And now, since your here, to stay,” Kyoko murmured, “let’s make you a scrapbook, with the newsclippings. And, let’s take photos of you. Plenty of photos, yeah?”
“Huh? why?” Spectre’s voice was thick in his tears.
Kyoko pulled back, so did Ryoken, “Because all important kids have photobooks, duh.” Ryoken tried to joke but he, too, sounded squashed with emotions too big for his body, trying to hide tears on his cheeks but they were slick and shiny, even in the dim, artistically minimal lighting of the kitchen.
“Oh.” Spectre replied, his expression lighting up. “Thank you.”
“Your welcome.” Kyoko bade him and she stroked the back of Spectre’s head one more time.
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mackerlon · 2 years
Mp3tag leading zero
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#Mp3tag leading zero mp4#
#Mp3tag leading zero free#
#Mp3tag leading zero mp4#
FIX: mp4 atoms with errorneous data size descriptors were not detected.) This does not work with negative numbers, though, whether leading zeros are used or not: −23 comes alphabetically after −01, −1, and −22, although it is less than all of them. Leading zeros are used to make ascending order of numbers correspond with alphabetical order: e.g., 11 comes alphabetically before 2, but after 02. When do you put a leading zero after a number? So for positive 3 digit numbers you have 4 possibilities: 406, 460, 604 and 640. To be a 3 digit number, the first number can’t be zero. The first digit can’t be 0 (or it will be a two-digit number) so it must start 6 or 4, and the other two digits are then 0/4 or 0/6, and can be in either order (two possibilities). A leading zero is any 0 digit that comes before the first nonzero digit in a number string in positional notation. When leading zeros occupy the most significant digits of an integer, they could be left blank or omitted for the same numeric value. Are there any identifiers with two leading zeros?įor example, James Bond’s famous identifier, 007, has two leading zeros. When numbers are written in scientific notation, all digits are significant. Zeros to the left of non-zero numbers are only place-holders and are never significant. Non-zero numbers, zeros between non-zeros, and zeros to the right of non-zero number-if there is a decimal point-are significant. How can you tell whether zeros are significant? Trailing zeros in a whole number with the decimal shown ARE significant.Trailing zeros to the right of the decimal ARE significant.Zeros between two non-zero digits ARE significant.How do you know if zeros are significant? If you enter a value less than the length of the string, it returns the string unmodified. It takes one argument: the final length of the string you want and pads the string with zeros to the left. Can a bank account start with a 0?Ĭan bank account numbers start with 0 ? Yes they may start with a “ 0” zero.
#Mp3tag leading zero free#
Some of the facilities offered are IMPS service, free quarterly account statement, etc. Can a bank account start with zero?Ī regular savings account can be opened with a zero balance by visiting the bank’s access point or even by requesting the doorstep service. His symbol to depict the numeral was a dot underneath a number. The first modern equivalent of numeral zero comes from a Hindu astronomer and mathematician Brahmagupta in 628. As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems. It fulfills a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. Ġ (zero) is a number, and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals. It maps a length signal to a length signal, but need not divide. Zero padding consists of extending a signal (or spectrum) with zeros. So you will have to give out your account numbers including leading zeros if there are any. There are various banks where account number starts with 0 which cannot be ignored. Yes, it does matter in bank account number. Do leading zeros matter in check numbers? For example, James Bond’s famous identifier, 007, has two leading zeros.
9 Can a 3 digit number start with a zero?Ī leading zero is any 0 digit that comes before the first nonzero digit in a number string in positional notation.
8 Which is the leading zero of a string?.
7 Are there any identifiers with two leading zeros?.
2 Do leading zeros matter in check numbers?.
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d444lso · 2 years
get to know me: 2022
tagged by @magbay <333 ily
favorite color: green! all shades tbh
currently reading: high rise invasion + semantic error
currently watching: ummm not rlly anything except for the kdrama version of semantic error LOL OH and kei x yaku: dangerous buddy
last song listened to: beef flomix by flo milli
sweet savory or spicy: savory. 🙏
currently working on: school 💔 also an edit may be incoming today or tmr!!
tagging @pepsibug @devilsfang @ookyspookysims @zombifrien @fwaldorf @atomiclight @metalmonster @seulgisun @rruhos
ignore if you’d like!!
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sepialunaris · 3 years
Besides the crazy stupid plot twist and dumb character actions I think the big problen why Jurassic World is a failure of a narrative is that it constantly confuses its own tone and what idea it wants to convey. And as a whole it just sounds like singing praises to capitalism and pinning problems on other aspects instead of the root of the problem.
So JW is said to have been open for 15 years, and its said people are bored with classic InGen retrosaurs hence initiating the creation of Indominus, and yet from the other perspective people are enjoying the retrosaurs just fine? It is not even hinted a bit that they did not not enjoy them besides that bit of exposition.
And our audience perspective character doesn't work. Gray and Zach seems to come from a middle-upper class family and yet they never visited the park for years despite having a family member as a high level staff? Knowing their son is obsessed with dinosaurs? And the only reason they were sent there was because it was an excuse to cover up their parent's divorce? In the case of Darius Bowman from CC it makes sense, but this is weird. It's kind of nitpicky, but okay my point is, what makes them ineffective is that they are new eyes to the park and Zach cannot represent "ahh ppl who already seen this many times get inspired to see the beauty of ugly 1993 retrosaurs" because he has never been there either. So its just weird to include their POV when it deosnt complement the Indominus narrative and if it does it feels forced and loose.
And its more bizarre when the movie seems to be more obsessed with showing "oh my god look at this capitalist paradise! John Hammond's gentrification deeam fulfilled!" and panning on random buildings and starbucks with the Jurassic Park theme. Besides "do you have dinosaurs in your dinosaur park" it just wooshes the anti-capitalist social commentary of JP, more crazy when its loads of product placement. I know that they did plan a panning shot with dinosaurs which would've been effective and narratively fitting rather than *pan to giant building* so idk why they even did that. And so idk if this movie wants to criticize capitalism and consumerism combined with the privatizing of the genetics could give way to ethical and environmental issues or do they want to say "god powers are allowed for capitalists if they are nice" (ahh and based on leaks for JWD, its the latter. They made John Hammond a messiah for protecting his unethical business from the 'bad capitalists' omg)
There's also the issue of 'authentic' dinosaurs (hence why I keep mentioning retrosaurs from the start 😂, i want to talk about this too). The scene with Wu and Masrani works, but ultimately the whole movie fails it. It is lifted from one of the few good scenes from the oroginal movel with Wu and Hammond, and concerns about how ALL dinosaurs from this park are genetic hybrids from the start. And well it would've worked well to explore the ethics and capitalism approach but honestly with the whole movie as comparison it just sounds like "guys this is the reason why they are not realistic and feathered please dont ask us about it again." The fact that they are hybridized retrosaurs get ignored and thrown under the rug besides that one scene, and we never again explore how unnatural all of them are as the movie time to time again keeps promoting a division between "legit" dinosaurs and Indominus, the character Lowery keeps pushing. And the latter... aslo shows how much they want to praise the first park and John Hammond despite it being a metaphor of capitalism failing from wanting to conquer nature, despite it being the exact same thing as modern JW. "They didnt need these hybrids they only had real dinosaurs" is already an errornous statement since all of them were frog hybrids, so if its wrong... what was the point of bringing it up? JP didn't just fail because Dennis Nedry sabotaged it, it was bound to fail for its attempt to control nature as Ian said. However JW attributes the singular creation of Indominus as the reason for its failure (and by attribute hoo boy how many plotholes did they engineer to pin it the blame. Suddenly it knows its being thermally monitored? Or does it just releases electromagnetic energy to make ppl around it dumb or jam cellphones, god im rambling), and if they continued making retrosaurs it would've been fine? So what was the message? "Its okay to mix dinosaur dna with frogs but don't add to much to the mixture"? "Its okay to play god with capitalism but dont go too far"? Instead of mentioning both concepts as unethical and the concept of Indominus as an already flawed concept pushed even more unethically, the increasing level of tolerance for playing god already shows a shift of morals from the JP and JW. So once again its 'capitalism is actually good, its just the evil ppl thats the problem'
It honestly just erases the brilliant potential of how that narrative could be engaged. Of course its obvious the park would want to promote their retrosaurs as legit and Indominus as a different flavor despite both being hybrids but the latter being pushed to the max, so both of them are bound to have intersecting problems. However not everyone would've been fooled by such promotion. And yet from our POV only Wu was aware of it; the view of them as retrosaurs is treated as an understatement to be ignored as we are only allowed to see things and agree with opinions from the POV of Lowery or the kids against Hoskins' cartoony "lets convince our president to use dinos to steal oil" idea.
It could've honestly touched on many aspects of de-extinction or concepts like the Chickenosaurus, as well as the complex moral dillema around many genetic issues, but the movie just wants to shy away from it and impose a black and white morality of "Indominus bad unnatural" and "retrosaurs good natural." Not unnesary military commentary that doesn't work (dinosaur's effect in the environment would be more devastating than them acting as military weapons so pro-US imperialists can be proud (one bullet will kill them, I swear yeah ik this is a 'scifi' franchise, but the logic hoops you need to jump from that. One raptor died from getting hit by a rocket launcher as they should. So what US wants to use these bags of flesh as weapons to steal oil? There is nothing they can do that dogs or dolphins can't do better). The only time its kinda shown is when Indominus is killing Apatosaurus for fun, but... real animals like humans, dolphins, chimps do that too. And the movie treats this as something unnatural or makes it evil. Scorpios rex despite being ugly actually accomplishes the ecological horror of having an invasive creature invade an ecosystem (despite the ecosystem itself alr being flawed and superficially created) and being able to reproduce through parthenogenesis). And I doubt they would touch on this in JWD despite the variance of animals they will show, as even Atrociraptor is not going to be called out by name in that film, that they can change its name in post production.
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Autumn 1989: The refugee crisis that led to the Fall of the Berlin Wall (pt 7/7)
(view parts 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
By default, citizens of the GDR were not allowed to travel abroad. They had to ask for a permit, which was usually granted if they wished to travel to a socialist brother state, but was usually denied if they applied to travel to a non-socialist country, all of which had an agreement with the GDR to stop East Germans from escaping to the West by any means, including the use of firearms.
Permits to visit West Germany were particularly hard to obtain. Even in the case of family affairs such as a funeral, usually only the direct relative was allowed to go while the rest of the family had to stay in the GDR – many interpreted that as their family taken hostage by the state to guarantee their return.
The wish to permanently leave the country and relocate to West Germany was not tolerated and led inevitably to social isolation and economic discrimination steered by the ubiquituous Stasi. The obvious rigging of the local elections in the GDR in May 1989, the unwillingness of the GDR government to follow the societal reforms of glasnost and perestroika, and the desperate economic situation of the GDR contributed to the urgent desire of many to leave the country.
Therefore, numerous citizens of the GDR took the opening of the border between Hungary and Austria in early summer 1989 as an opporunity to escape to West Germany while the border between the two German states was still insurmountable. Others tried to force their emigration, for which they oftentimes had applied many years ago, by occupying West German embassies in East Berlin, Prague, and Budapest.
This situation created immense pressure on the GDR government, which did not only lose thousands of citizens each week, but was also under fire from protests within the country of citizens that were upset with the political and economical situation but did not want to leave. That pressure ultimately caused the big mistake to announce the new travel law the day before it was actually implemented and in a so confusing manner that people could easily understand it as the immediate opening of the borders, which the law was in fact not. It was supposed to still require to apply for permits to travel to the west with the difference that permits should now be granted by default instead of be refused by default. But all of that became meaningless when the checkpoints were opened and people started dancing on the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate.
This series of news reports documents the refugee crisis from its beginning up to the errorneous announcement of a new travel law facilitating journeys outside the Eastern Bloc the day before it was actually implemented, triggering the Fall of the Berlin Wall. After that event, there was no other way than heading for the German reunification.
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whatappapk-blog · 5 years
How to Lock Specific WhatsApp Chats/Conversations on Android
"WhatsApp thinks profoundly about the security of our clients and our hearts go out to Theo Hayez and his family," the announcement said.
In the United States, police progressively are going to tech organizations for assistance in settling violations. From January to June 2017, Facebook got 32,716 solicitations for data YoWhatsApp Apk  from law authorization offices, as indicated by a 2018 Harvard Law Review article. The solicitations included 19,393 court orders and 7,732 subpoenas more than 52,280 client accounts. Between the three major tech organizations - Facebook, Google, and Twitter - probably some data was accommodated around 80 percent of law implementation demands, as per the article.
A 2018 report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a DC-based research organization, required  YoWhatsApp Apk  a National Digital Evidence Office, which would set up national arrangements and preparing programs on computerized proof accumulation.
While the United States does not have government enactment around gathering advanced proof, Britain passed the Investigatory Powers Act in 2016, which gave a legitimate system to universal innovation organizations, for example, Google and Facebook to unscramble encoded messages to help police examinations. Segments of the demonstration have been challenged in the U.K. Incomparable Court.
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Australia is thinking about comparative enactment however has not passed a law requiring tech organizations to participate with police.
"When I left Belgium, I guaranteed Theo's younger sibling, Lucas, I would bring his sibling home. If it's not too much trouble help me stay faithful to my obligation to him," Laurent Hayez said in the news gathering.
he Indian government various occasions in the past has mentioned WhatsApp to gadget an innovative arrangement that would enable the administration to follow the inceptions of a message. The Facebook-claimed social informing application, in any case, has  YoWhatsApp Apk  kept up that doing as such would on a very basic level trade off start to finish encryption that ensures the substance of the considerable number of messages shared on its stage. Also, presently, responding to a new report in regards to Indian government's requests of message tracebility, WhatsApp has said that it has the same old thing to add to what it has just said with respect to the issue.
"We don't have anything new to add to what we have recently said on this," a WhatsApp representative said responding to a report by the Economic Times which expresses that the Indian government has indeed raised the issue with the social informing application.
The ET report expresses that the Indian government has asked WhatsApp to add an advanced unique mark to each message sent on its stage without settling on its E2E encryption, two government authorities told the distribution. This would enable the Indian government to follow the starting points to the message that contain counterfeit or errorneous news, which thusly has lead to several instances of crowd lynchings in the past among others.
The administration basically needs the organization to gadget an innovative arrangement that would enable the organization to follow the cause of a message, decide what number of individuals have perused it and forwaded everything without breaking its encryption to such an extent that a tricky message can be followed back to its source.
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dirtaewata-blog · 5 years
With Stars at their Feet - Curionenene
Long way around?” Jungkook's eyebrows furrow, “you mean-”
“Wandering around with me a little, yeah.” Taehyung smiles, “we can take the highways back to Seoul, but I find taking the small roads can be pretty rewarding. And I've gone the way before so I promise I won't get lost. So if you decide to call it quits halfway, I can easily get back on the fast route and get you home. What do you say?”
It sounds terrifying.
(Or: Jungkook is stranded at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere, Daegu. He tries to hitchhike his way back to Seoul and gets picked up by Taehyung. Cue unexpected road trip that comes with lessons in eccentricity, navigating using the stars, and love.)
#Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V #Jeon Jungkook #Kim Taehyung | V #Slice of Life #Angst with a Happy Ending #Fluff #So flangst really #Mild Smut #Hitchhiking #Probably errorneous ideas of how to navigate using stars #Car Sex #Or van sex actually #It's all not super explicit #I'm Sorry
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Reduce Errors in Behavioural Health Billing Services with these Tips
When you are into behavioural health billing services, there are plenty of things that can lead to an unsuccessful and unaccomplished billing solution. For one, there are several things that differ from regular medical health billing. Let’s take a look at some of the errors and issues you are likely to face, and how you can reduce them. • Documentation is one of the key ways to make billing successful. You should have a document of everything from the number of hours to the patient’s issues and other coding aspects. When you fail to include a proper documentation, it can lead to multiple errors. For instance, you don’t document the number of hours for the particular patient, it will make your billing errorneous. You will charge less for the patient’s visit. It is also possible that you don’t know how much to charge in some cases. As a result, it is very important you actually work on documenting the engagement model, and winning through it. The behavioural health billing solutions should help with documentation too. • As a mental health practitioner, you are aware of how different each patient is. The whole details differ for two patients. No two patients will have a similar length of their therapy or go through the same instances. Even the caregiving will differ and the symptoms too. Apart from this, you also need to take into account the willingness of the person to be involved in the mental health therapy. If the patient is hesitant or reluctant, you may find it difficult to actually get them to speak up. If you have an customizable engagement model, and billing solution where you can add all the details, it becomes easier for you to manage the billing. It is impossible to try and fix the rates for all your patients or even model the billing accordingly. The billing solution that you are planning to take should be flexible in every way • When it comes to behavioural health billing services, you need to be aware of the policies that help the patients and you should know how you can bill with these claims and policies. Not being able to add the policies or going ahead with policy violations can cause major billing errors. You may not be able to read through the clauses within the papers, which is why it has become important for you to include the methods in which you can add policy documents within the billing solution. • Before you give the users the billing solution, make sure to educate them on the same. It is very important that you tell them how they can use, the benefits of the solution, and other details. When you actually work on telling them how these solutions work, it becomes easier and effective. They will be able to dig deeper and maximize the outcome with the billing software. It is important that you choose the behavioural health billing solutions that are efficient and reduce your actual work. You don’t want to be involved with a lot of tasks and manage billing too. These solutions will aim to make operations faster.
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adhdavinci · 9 months
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errorn doodles bc i love them so <3
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tiny012 · 7 years
Also, outside of one errorneous shot, Queen Serenity was silver-haired in the 90s anime, which is why seeing her with blonde hair in the original version of Crystal's opening was so jarring. NQS, who kept Usagi's hair color in the 90s anime, likely would've gotten a pass if Crystal season 2 made her blonde, as it did this with Princess Serenity anyway. But switching hair color between seasons is still a continuity error, even if it makes things more consistent in relation to the character.
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sfpapyrus · 7 years
Errorneous Assumptions (Get It?)
He summoned what strength he could muster to put up one last struggle, a brief thought extending to his brother as to where he would think he’d gone. He was going to have hell to pay when he got back for the sudden disappearance…. If he got back, that was.
He’d never seen any Anti-Void before, he’d never really met any Errors like this, and he didn’t have any clue what was in store for him.
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ayietim1 · 4 years
You Want An Enduring Love? Don't Wear A Mask.
You Want An Enduring Love? Don’t Wear A Mask.
Most go into relationships with the fear of being their true selves.
They hide behind masks of who they are not because they errorneously believe that relationships are not for human beings with imperfections.
They are afraid that if they are known for who they are, they wouldn’t be loved for who they are. This is wrong. And this is the major reason many relationships fail.
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alteraeon · 4 years
June 07, 2020 at 10:46AM
Alter Aeon server updates for Jun 01, 20 From Draak: Fixed a bug in compare with objects that have identical effects, also shored up some shoddy logic with item affects. Compare should now be far less prone to errorneous stat comparisons. https://bit.ly/2XDnLTI via http://facebook.com/alteraeon
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Autumn 1989: The refugee crisis that led to the Fall of the Berlin Wall (pt 2/7)
(view part 1)
By default, citizens of the GDR were not allowed to travel abroad. They had to ask for a permit, which was usually granted if they wished to travel to a socialist brother state, but was usually denied if they applied to travel to a non-socialist country, all of which had an agreement with the GDR to stop East Germans from escaping to the West by any means, including the use of firearms.
Permits to visit West Germany were particularly hard to obtain. Even in the case of family affairs such as a funeral, usually only the direct relative was allowed to go while the rest of the family had to stay in the GDR – many interpreted that as their family taken hostage by the state to guarantee their return.
The wish to permanently leave the country and relocate to West Germany was not tolerated and led inevitably to social isolation and economic discrimination steered by the ubiquituous Stasi. The obvious rigging of the local elections in the GDR in May 1989, the unwillingness of the GDR government to follow the societal reforms of glasnost and perestroika, and the desperate economic situation of the GDR contributed to the urgent desire of many to leave the country.
Therefore, numerous citizens of the GDR took the opening of the border between Hungary and Austria in early summer 1989 as an opporunity to escape to West Germany while the border between the two German states was still insurmountable. Others tried to force their emigration, for which they oftentimes had applied many years ago, by occupying West German embassies in East Berlin, Prague, and Budapest.
This situation created immense pressure on the GDR government, which did not only lose thousands of citizens each week, but was also under fire from protests within the country of citizens that were upset with the political and economical situation but did not want to leave. That pressure ultimately caused the big mistake to announce the new travel law the day before it was actually implemented and in a so confusing manner that people could easily understand it as the immediate opening of the borders, which the law was in fact not. It was supposed to still require to apply for permits to travel to the west with the difference that permits should now be granted by default instead of be refused by default. But all of that became meaningless when the checkpoints were opened and people started dancing on the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate.
This series of news reports documents the refugee crisis from its beginning up to the errorneous announcement of a new travel law facilitating journeys outside the Eastern Bloc the day before it was actually implemented, triggering the Fall of the Berlin Wall. After that event, there was no other way than heading for the German reunification.
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techorhow · 4 years
How to Fix WiFi Authentication Problem in Android | 2020
Have you recently got a wifi authentication error while connecting your android phone to the wifi? Don’t worry this is the most common error occurred on all android smartphones once a time in life. This wifi authentication problem can also be seen when connecting android for the first time to wifi or connecting to a saved wifi network.
There are the multiple reasons behind this wifi…
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