#this is a whole AU i have. yes i will elaborate if u ask <3
adhdavinci · 8 months
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ottsel errol is gods ugliest little soldier. the precursors HATE him
torn kinda likes him tho
21 notes · View notes
todayisawthewhxlewxrld · 11 months
"you can do whatever you want, you're not Stuck With Me."
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"i'll tell you one thing, we'd make history, you and me. you're getting closer now, it's getting better now, but you're still so far gone."
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synopsis// bottled up feelings have to come out eventually.
pairing// suguru geto x gn!reader
word count// 8k
contents// angst with a happy ending, college!au, literally just y/n and geto being idiots but mostly y/n, shoko only knows tough love, obligatory rain scene, friends to lovers, ooc geto?
notes// scorpions are haunting me so i’m posting this as a distraction. anyways one of my anons requested this!!! so anon i hope i did ur idea justice and that u like it sorry its kinda all over the place.... anywho so besides this being a request, it was also inspired by the song the point by eatmewhileimhot! bye :3 OH and if anyone else has any other requests feel free to lmk!!
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You poke at your food, focusing on the sound your fork makes as it scrapes against your plate instead of whatever the person sitting across from you is saying. You know you should pay attention; you know you’re being rude, but god, are you bored out of your fucking mind. You would much rather be hanging out with Suguru right now, feeling a twinge of regret at turning him down just for this.
Your head raises to look at the person in front of you. “Huh?” 
They laugh nervously. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
You frown sheepishly. “Uh, no, sorry.”
“It’s fine,“ they say, clearing their throat, “I was just saying how I kinda wish we went somewhere else cause I'm craving zaru soba, but I wanted to impress you, you know?”
You nod, not computing the last of his sentence with your brain stuck on the mention of zaru soba. “Suguru likes that.”
“Zaru soba—Suguru likes that.”
Your date shoots you a confused stare, and you subconsciously sink into your chair.
“Is, uh, is there something on my face or?” you ask, bringing your hands up to feel around your face.
They shake their head. “No, it’s just—uh, you bring up this Suguru guy a lot, and by a lot, I mean like you’ve brought him up this whole date...”
“I have?” 
They nod. 
“Shit—i’m sorry..” 
“It’s fine.” They dismiss your apology by asking, “What is he to you anyway?”
You stare at him blankly. That’s an easy question. Suguru, to you, is your—he’s your—
“He your friend or something?”
Yes! Suguru is your friend—your best friend even—so why can't you say it out loud? Why are you hesitating?
You laugh nervously, mumbling, “Or something...”
“Or something?” they repeat in hopes you’ll elaborate on what you mean.
You don’t.
Instead, you stand abruptly out of your seat and gather your things. “Um! You know, this has been really great and all, but I actually think I should get going.”
"Oh, okay,” they say, standing up with you. “Uh, do you wanna do this again maybe?”
“You're a lovely person, but...
“It's Suguru, isn't it?”
“What?” You almost choke on your spit as you frantically stammer, “No, uh, no! It's not Suguru-Suguru’s just my-it's-“ you pause for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm yourself down. “It's not because of him.”
They curtly hum. “Thanks for giving me a chance anyway.”
You nod. “I'm gonna—I'm gonna go.”
Suguru is face down on a pillow on his bed when Gojo walks into their shared dorm.
“What happened now?” He asks as he goes to sit on the edge of Suguru’s bed.
“Y/N’s on a date,” he grumbles into the pillow, his words barely audible.
Gojo rolls his eyes. "Suguru, this is just sad at this point.”
Suguru lifts his head and glares at Gojo from over his shoulder. His eyes burning holes into the other's head.
“What? It is!” 
Suguru groans and kicks Gojo as he buries his face back into his pillow.
“Ow! Don’t get mad at me for telling the truth!”
Suguru kicks him again.
“Stop that! You’re acting like a child!”
“You’re one to talk.”
“Ok, listen, this isn’t about me,” Gojo adds, rolling his eyes.
Suguru rolls onto his back and drapes an arm over his face, muttering, “Whatever.”
“Oh my fucking god,” Gojo grumbles as he stands up and walks over to his own bed. “I can't take this, Suguru.“ He grabs his pillow and throws it at Suguru. "You can't do this every time they go on a date!”
Suguru doesn’t even flinch when the pillow lands on his face, nor does he bother moving it as he responds, “Watch me.”
Gojo walks back over to Suguru and grabs the pillow from his face before resuming his position on the end of Suguru's bed. "How long has it been?”
“Since you first started liking them.”
Suguru hesitates to answer, “Too long.”
“Exactly!” Gojo exclaims, shaking the pillow in his hands for dramatic effect. “Maybe…”
Suguru waits a moment to see if Gojo will finish his sentence, and when he doesn’t, Suguru sits up, quirking up his eyebrow at him as he asks slowly, as if attempting to subtly warn Gojo to pick his next words carefully: "Maybe what, Gojo?”
“Maybe it’s time to try and move on, Suguru…” He frowns and asks softly, “Are you just gonna torture yourself like this for the rest of your life?”
Suguru sighs and turns away from Gojo, a small frown on his face. He knows he’s right, but he’s scared in all honesty because, on the one hand, what if it works? What if he actually does move on? What if it was this easy to move on this whole time and he was just here torturing himself for nothing? And on the other hand, he doesn't want it to. He’s liked you for so long. You've taken up so much of his heart that, at this point, he thinks his heart is shaped like you, and it would feel wrong to not like you. He can't imagine himself not being completely and utterly devoted to you, and he doesn’t think he wants to.
Suguru's brows knit together as he looks up at Gojo.
Gojo sighs. “Just try? One date. That’s all I’m asking.”
Suguru rolls his eyes, but there’s no real malice behind it. “I don’t even know anybody, Gojo.”
He perks up at the absence of rejection and happily explains, “Don’t worry bout that; leave it all up to me!" He emphasizes the word 'me' by pointing toward himself.
“Ok, well, that makes me even more inclined to say no.”
"Suguru, pleaseee,” Gojo begs. “Just one date!! That’s all I’m asking! You’re my friend, Suguru, and I know I don’t act like it, but I really do hate seeing you like this.”
Suguru crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow at him in suspicion, wondering, “Why are you being nice?”
“Because, contrary to popular belief, I do in fact care about my friends.”
Suguru breathes out heavily at his response, letting a brief silence wash over them.
“So..." Gojo pries. 
Suguru instantly cuts him off, one finger raised, as he emphasizes sharply, “But just one date, Gojo.“
“Good enough for me!” he says, nodding quickly. “This will be the best date of your life, and you’ll realize you don’t even like Y/N all that much!”
Suguru feels like the wind’s been knocked out of him from that statement but quickly plays it off with a scoff, “Yeah, or it’s the worst date of my life, and I realize just how much more I like Y/N.”
“Ok, well,“ Gojo frowns and scratches his head awkwardly, “Can we at least try to be optimistic?”
Shoko’s sitting on her bed with her textbook in her lap when you enter your dorm, kicking your shoes off haphazardly across the room and slamming the door shut.
“You good?”
You groan in response as you sluggishly make your way toward her, pushing the book off her lap and instead replacing it with your head.
She looks down at you with a raised eyebrow. “I was reading that, you know.”
You groan again, but this time it comes out louder and more gutteral.
“Are you gonna tell me what's wrong, or are you gonna just lay here in my lap groaning?” she asks, rolling her eyes.
You pout, looking up at her. “Is there something wrong with me?”
“Where should I start?”
“Shoko,” you whine.
She bites back a smile as she asks, “Why would you think something's wrong with you?”
“I don’t know,” you mutter. “I mean, I go on so many dates, right?”
Shoko nods and hums something in acknowledgment.
“But they all never end up working out! Like none of them!” You exclaim, throwing your hands out in front of you, barely missing Shoko, who jerks her head to the side just in time. “They always all say the same thing.”
She pushes your hands back down so that she can return to her original position and asks, “Which is?”
You let your hands fall onto your chest as you turned your head to the side to avoid her gaze, mumbling, “That I mention Suguru a lot.”
You don’t even have to look back up at her to know she’s raising her eyebrows at you in question.
“Well, do you?”
Your gaze snaps back up at her as you exclaim, “Yeah, but!” You pause. “He's my… He's my best friend, so obviously I'd mention him a lot!”
The word best friend feels heavy and foreign in your mouth, like it shouldn’t have been there in the first place. You’ve never had to put a label on you and Suguru, not until the dates at least, but even then, you and Suguru were just... simply that. You were just you and Suguru.
“Really feeling the love here.”
She rolls her eyes. “You were just on a date, right?”
You nod. 
“And so what happened?”
“Nothing! I was bored; I'm always bored on these dates.”
"Okay, hypothetically,” she says, “What would you have rather been doing?”
“Hanging out with Suguru! I always tell myself that I'm literally gonna stop canceling on him for dates because I always end up regretting it.”
“Right, right,” she says, nodding. “Y/N, have you ever considered that maybe you like Geto?”
You roll your eyes. “Of course I like Suguru, idiot. Did you not just hear me call him my-“
She cuts you off: “Your best friend. Yeah, whatever; that's not what I mean. I mean, like. romantically.”
“Huh?” Shoko’s words take a minute to fully register in your brain, but once they do, your jaw drops. “Huh?! Pft, no, of course not, that is... That is a… That is a silly thought.”
She stares down at you blankly, knowing the way you just stumbled over your whole sentence reveals your lack of conviction in your own words. "Right… Well, if you’re gonna be an idiot in denial, can you do that in your own bed? I need to study.”
You roll your eyes as you sit up. “Is studying all you do?”
She shrugs, and now that her lap is free from you, she places her textbook back into her lap. “Is obsessing over Geto all you do?”
“I don't like you.”
“You love me. Now leave me alone.”
You begrudgingly hop off her bed and into your own, making it a point to sigh dramatically the whole time. Once you're in your own bed, your phone goes off, and upon seeing who the message is from, you bite back a smile.
Shoko looks up from her textbook at the noise. “Oh? That your man?”
“Shut your mouth.”
She simply laughs under her breath before returning to her studies, and you happily return your attention back to your phone. 
Suguru<3: hey
Y/N: hey!
Suguru<3: oh I didn't expect you to reply so quick lol. I thought u were on a date?
Y/N: was :/ that shit suckedddddd it was so boring Suguru pls I would've much rather hung out with you
Suguru<3: well I mean u could've
Y/N: I KNOWWWW ugh next time remind me to never cancel on you for a lame date again k?
Suguru<3: yeah I will… so I'm taking it you won't be seeing them again?
Y/N: definitely not... I do wanna see u again tho!!
Suguru<3: you'll see me in class y/n
Y/N: yeah but that's so far awayyyyy
Suguru<3: yk if u wanna hangout rn u can just say so 
Y/N: do u wanna hang out?
Suguru<3: he can't he's busy -gojo 
Y/N: gojo when I get my hands on u. 
Suguru<3: :p -gojo
You groan dramatically and throw your phone somewhere onto your bed as you shove your face into your pillow, mumbling, “I'm going to sleep.”
“Eager to see your man tomorrow?”
Gojo and Suguru are walking to class when Gojo starts humming obnoxiously, like he’s thinking about something and wants someone to notice, so he doesn’t stop until Suguru sighs.
“Can you shut up?”
Gojo frowns and feigns hurt. “Aren’t you gonna ask me what I’m thinking about?”
“Fine, what are you thinking about, Gojo?”
Gojo slightly leans in toward Suguru as he coos, “Thinking about who I’m gonna set you up with, obviously!”
"Oh, right about that...”
“Nuh uh, you can't back out!”
“But I think they might feel the same?” Suguru says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
Gojo’s head whips toward Suguru in shock. “Wait huh?” 
“Before you stole my phone yesterday—which I’m still mad about, by the way—they said they would’ve rather hung out with me than go on the date,” he says, pulling out his phone to show Gojo the texts.
Gojo doesn’t say anything, and the lack of anything coming out of his mouth worries Suguru, who’s now scanning Gojo’s face for a trace of anything to tell him what the other is thinking and gets it when Gojo finally cracks a frown.
“What? Why do you look like that?” Suguru asks, and he hates how it comes out more panicked than he intended, his own voice like nails on a chalkboard to his ears.
“I don't wanna say anything that would get your hopes up,” Gojo says, his gaze now fixed on his steps. “And besides, maybe this date could still be good.”
“You’re not gonna let me get out of this, are you?”
“Of course not!” he says, his regular pep back in his step. “So does tomorrow work for you?”
“Yeah, whatever, Gojo, you’d make me go regardless, I don’t know why you ask.”
“Lol, true anyway." Gojo’s steps come to a halt. "Here’s my class; see you later!”
Suguru waves him off: "Yeah, whatever, oh, and Gojo?”
“At least set me up with someone good," he says, an ever-so-slight smile on his face.
“Of course! Leave it all up to me, bestie!”
Suguru nods and continues on toward his own class, only then does he huff, “Yeah, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
You sat in your seat, your cheek leaning in your palm, sighing every so often from boredom but quickly perking up when you notice a familiar face walk through the door.
Your gaze is glued to him as you watch him take his seat beside you; only once he’s fully situated do you speak up again: “I was wondering if you were skipping or something.”
Suguru tilts his head at you in confusion, asking, “Why?”
“Because you took so long.”
He tries to ignore the heat rising to his cheeks. “Did you miss me that much?”
“Shut up. What were you doing anyway?”
Suguru rolls his eyes. “Gojo made me walk him to class.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, your voice unamused as you speak, “Lame excuse, I walk with Shoko to her class every day and I still get here before you.”
“Yeah, that’s cause it’s Shoko?”
“True, I’ll excuse it for today if...”
“If?” He narrows his eyes at you, urging you to continue your sentence.
“If we hang out tomorrow?”
“Can we hang out today?” He looks away as he says, “I’m kinda busy tomorrow....”
“Aw man,” you say, frowning, “You’re never busy.”
“I know, sorry, it’s just—" He halts before mumbling out the rest of his sentence—“something Gojo’s making me do.”
Suguru finally returns his gaze to you when he hears you huff.
“He’s taking you from me too often; I'll have to intervene sooner or later if he keeps this up.”
He stifles a laugh. “Can you not today?”
“Nope, I've gotta work on a project for one of my classes,” you say with a disappointed sigh.
“Okay, well, how about Wednesday, then?”
“I can fit you into my schedule, I suppose.”
“Oh shut up; don’t act like you weren’t the one asking me to hang out last night.”
“I was a different person then,” you deadpan.
Suguru rolls his eyes but can’t even try to hide the grin on his face. “Yeah, ok.”
Come the next afternoon, Suguru finds himself staring into a mirror at his outfit with a small scowl on his face.
“I look stupid.”
“You always look stupid,” Gojo remarks, patting Suguru on the back.
Suguru ignores him and rolls his eyes, his voice small as he borderline pleads, “Do I really have to go?”
“Yes! It’s too late to back out now when your date is in like twenty minutes, so really you should get going by now,” he says while attempting to push Suguru out the door.
Suguru doesn’t budge. “I don't even know this person, Gojo.”
“That’s what dates are for!”
Suguru looks over his shoulder at Gojo, who’s still trying to push him out the door. “You know this isn’t gonna work, right?”
Gojo rolls his eyes and huffs, “Well, not with that attitude.”
“Suguru, you said you’d try! so go! try!”
Suguru sighs and reluctantly gives in… again. “I hate you.”
Gojo waves him off, “Yeah, yeah, whatever you can hate me after your date.”
Suguru doesn’t reply and instead opts to flip him off as he walks out the door.
Suguru sits at a secluded booth in a dimly lit restaurant, lost in thought rather than listening to whatever the person sitting across from him is saying. He knows he should be paying attention; he knows he’s being rude, but god is he bored out of his fucking mind, and to say he’s hating every second of this is an understatement. He’d much rather be hanging out with you right now, regretting turning you down for this because just being here makes a part of him feel like he’s betraying you, and the thought has him anxiously wiping his sweaty palms against his pants. He’s been in love with you since he first laid eyes on you. Suguru was naive to believe he could delude himself into thinking that there was any possibility in any way that he’d move on, let alone with someone Gojo picked.
He quickly looks up at the person in front of him. “Yeah?”
They laugh nervously. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
“No, sorry—I guess I was just, uh, lost in thought.”
"Oh, it’s fine,” they say, confusingly normal about the whole situation. “I was just, um, talking about your friend Gojo, actually.”
He blinks. “Why?”
“I was actually hoping you'd help me get with him?”
“You do realize you're on a date with me, right?”
“Please.” They roll their eyes. “Don't act like you wanna be here any more than I do right now.”
“How did-“
“It's written all over your face, you know? They must be really special.” They tease with a sweet smile, “I almost feel like I should be jealous.”
Suguru swallows harshly, suddenly feeling way more exposed than he would ever want to, especially on a ‘date’. “Sorry…”
They shrug. “Don't be; honestly, I just said yes to this to get some pointers on Gojo, so I don't think I'm any better than you right now.”
Suguru nods, his mind reeling. He’s not actually sure what’s going on or how he got here in the first place. How could his date be so okay with the fact that he’s here thinking about someone else? Oh, right, because so are they, but it’s still not clicking in his brain.
“You can leave if you want.”
He narrows his eyes at them skeptically. “Huh?”
“To go hang out with the one you actually like.”
Suguru shakes his head. There’s somehow too much happening right now for him to comprehend. “Again, what?”
They roll their eyes playfully, an amused smile on their face, as they lean over the table and whisper, “Suguru, I'm giving you an out.”
He blinks, and suddenly everything clicks, and he doesn’t understand why he’s still here when they just told him they could go to you. He stands up abruptly and says, “Right, I'm...“
“Don't say you're sorry; make it up to me by going to them, yeah?”
“I really appreciate that. Uhm, text me and I'll give you pointers on Gojo?”
They laugh and nod. “Yeah. Now, shoo, go to the one you actually want to be with.”
Suguru turns his head toward the exit of the restaurant, ready to leave, but pauses and ends up turning back to his ‘date’, a small smile on his face. “Thank you.”
“Mhm! Also, I want to meet them sometime, k? We’re friends now, sorry!”
“Yeah… Yeah, you can. Someday? Maybe…”
They tilt their head at him, unamused despite the smile on their face. “Bye Suguru.”
He returns the smile and waves before heading off to find you.
You found yourself under a tree somewhere on campus, attempting—and failing—to entertain yourself since Suguru was busy and couldn't hang out, and you didn't even dare try to go to Shoko for entertainment, knowing her face is probably stuffed into her textbook and she would berate you for interrupting her, or if she did agree, she would spend the whole time with her whole face screaming how she would much rather be studying, even when her studying proves to be just for fun because she cheats on her exams anyway, but you digress. Lost in thought, you don't notice how someone’s approached you until their shadow falls over you.
“You dead?”
You look up and are pleasantly surprised to see Suguru. “Hey! I thought you were busy?”
Suguru shrugs. “Left early.”
“What’d you go do anyway?”
“A date.”
The minute the words leave Suguru’s mouth, you can feel your stomach churn in a horrible way. like you’re on a rollercoaster, but it's not fun; you want to get off, and you want to get off now, like this is final destination and you’re about to fall to your doom. Or more so, this makes you realize you've already fallen to your doom; you've already fallen in love with Suguru, and it took Shoko saying something and him going on a date for it to really sink in like it hadn't been there all along. Your jaw clenches, and you're quiet—terrifyingly quiet—and it makes Suguru regret saying anything; he doesn’t even know why he did... Okay, no, he knows. He knows he was acting petty and wanted to rub it in your face like you rub your dates in his, even if not purposeful, and besides, you two are friends, and friends are honest with each other. But maybe he shouldn’t have been, and it's excrutiatingly obvious he shouldn't have been when you suddenly stand up and avoid his gaze.
You kick at the dirt under your shoes and mumble, “I should, um, Shoko actually just texted me.”
“Y/N, can you look at me, please?” Suguru sounds desperate.
You look up at him and smile, but with the way your eyes are glazed over, it’s like you’re not even there. “Yeah?” 
“I thought we could hang out now?” 
“Yeah, but—ugh—Shoko really needs my help, you know?”
“Are we still on for tomorrow at least?”
“I hope your date was good, Suguru.”
“If I keep her waiting any longer, she’ll be really mad. I’m gonna go.”
Suguru wishes he could say he’s surprised when you don’t show up to class the next day, but he’s not. Not at all. Especially from the way you ran off yesterday to how you’re still not answering any of his texts or calls, it was a telltale sign that Suguru would not be seeing you today. That didn’t stop him from trying, though. Of course not. So halfway through class, he left—not like he was paying attention anyway—and made his way to your dorm. Though he hesitates to knock once he’s actually there, he doesn’t even know why you’re ignoring him in the first place, and honestly? He’s scared to find out.
You’ve never acted like this with him before; you’ve always been an open book, always the first to speak up if something he did upset you, so he doesn’t understand why you’ve suddenly done a complete 180. He takes a deep breath before knocking. He came all this way; he isn’t going to just leave without figuring out what's wrong—or at least he’s going to try to figure out what's wrong.
No answer.
He knocks again.
No answer.
Suguru groans as he goes to knock one more time, but before he can, the door is swung open, and he’s met with a disheveled-looking Shoko.
“Shoko, hi—“ Suguru gives her a quick once-over. "Sorry, were you asleep?”
She crosses her arms and blows a tuft of hair out of her face. “I was, and I'd like to go back to sleep, so-“
“Right, sorry, uh, is Y/N here?”
“No,” she replies quickly, far too quickly that Suguru doesn't believe her and instead tries to look into the room to find you. Shoko immediately picks up on this and shifts her body to cover any gaps he could look through. “They aren’t here, sorry.”
“Shoko,” he monotones.
She chews the inside of her lip and looks away, and Suguru can tell she's dying to say something, but she ultimately decides against it and shakes her head, looking back up at him.
“They’re not here, sorry.”
Suguru sighs, running a hand through his hair. “It's fine, sorry for waking you.”
“It's fine… Take care of yourself, Geto.”
“Yeah. You too.”
Shoko quickly shuts the door, and instead of climbing back into bed, she grabs her pillow and makes her way toward your bed, only to end up hitting you with it repeatedly. You pull your covers over your head in a futile attempt to protect yourself.
“Shoko, stop!”
“You stop.” She punctuates every word with a hit of her pillow.
“You’re the one hitting me!”
Shoko hits you one last time. “I mean, stop ignoring him, idiot.”
You peek your head out from under the covers, a frown on your face.
“Don't look at me like that; you’re acting childish, and you know that.”
“I can’t look at him.”
“You’re dramatic.”
“Shoko, I'm serious!” You speak adamantly, sitting up. “I mean, I realize I like him the exact moment he tells me he went on a date?”
“Who’s fault is that?”
“Shoko, I-I can't.”
“Whatever, sulk all you want; don't talk to him about it; I don't care; just scoot over.”
Your face twists in confusion. “What?”
“I'm tired,” she says blankly, now climbing into your bed.
You listen and scoot over, though it's more like she pushes you over. “You know you have your own bed, right?”
She yawns: “Too far away.”
You look down at her, and she's somehow already fast asleep. You roll your eyes and lay back down, looking up at the ceiling with your mind racing, and suddenly your phone vibrates. You know who it is; he’s the only one who texts you, but that doesn’t stop you from checking anyway.
Suguru<3: hey. 
Suguru<3: did I do something?
Suguru<3: I don't understand.
Suguru<3: you weren't in class so I tried going to ur dorm. shoko said you weren't there but I don't really believe her.
Suguru<3: can you just talk to me please?
Suguru<3: I miss you.
Suguru<3: guess this means we aren’t hanging out today huh?
Suguru<3: text me soon please.
Suguru<3: no class again?
Suguru<3: look I get it
Suguru<3: okay maybe I don't.
Suguru<3: I don't know what I did wrong but if you don't wanna talk that's fine
Suguru<3: can you just let me know you’re okay?
Suguru<3: fuck I don't even care if you have shoko tell me you’re okay or if you tell gojo I just
Suguru<3: I just need to know you’re okay y/n. 
Suguru<3: how long are you gonna avoid me?
Suguru<3: or avoid class?
Suguru<3: I miss you.
“Can you answer your fucking phone,” Shoko snaps.
You glare at her and instead shut your phone off completely. “There. Happy?”
"No, not at all; I won't be happy till you stop sulking.”
You smile at her condescendingly. "You are so lovely; did you know that?”
She sighs deeply. “Y/N, you’re ignoring Geto because he went on one date.”
“I'm ignoring him because I'm in love with him.”
She narrows her eyes at you. “And he's supposed to know that how? I'm a hundred percent sure the poor boy has no clue what he did.”
“Shoko, you don't get it! You've never been in love,” you sneer.
“I don't need to be in love to know you're acting stupid.” She shakes her head. “You know what? Ignore him all you want; that's your problem, but you need to go to class; don't throw away your college degree for him.”
You sigh, finally agreeing with her on at least one thing. “Yeah... Yeah, I know I'll go tomorrow.”
She nods happily. “Good. Now can I get back to studying?”
“I'm not the one who made you stop, you took that upon yourself.”
“Watch yourself; I'll walk my ass straight to Geto's dorm and tell him for you.”
You get to class the next day extremely early and take a seat in the far back, away from everyone else, hoping Suguru would somehow not see you, or maybe more like in hopes you wouldn’t see him. It doesn't work. The minute he walks in, his eyes are drawn to yours like there was an invisible string there tying him directly to you, and your stomach twists as you see him approach you. As he’s approaching you, he sees your face, and he sees how you look like you're five seconds away from vomiting up everything you’ve ever eaten since you were born, so he stops in his tracks. Besides, a confrontation in the middle of class wouldn't be a good idea either way, so he’ll just catch you after class.
That somehow proves to be much harder than it should have been because once class ends and he turns around to catch you before you leave, you're already gone. He blinks incredulously at your empty seat for a moment before snapping out of it and running out into the halls, trying to find you among the crowd of people, which is easy for him considering you're the only thing that exists to Suguru right now and pretty much always, but even despite that, he can't find you. He stands in the hall, watching people pass him by as he does nothing, and the only thing he can hear is his heartbeat ringing in his ears and the rain that suddenly started sometime during all of this.
He finally snaps out of it once more and realizes that since it randomly started raining, there's a chance that you're somewhere waiting the rain out, unless you are so dead set on avoiding him that you don't care in the first place and walk back to your dorm in the rain anyway... Suguru hopes he's right as he starts walking toward the exit, and exhales heavily in relief when he sees you out on the porch and slowly creeps up behind you.
“Did you know it was gonna rain?”
You flinch at the sound of his voice. “No.”
Suguru’s heart feels like it's about to burst right out of his chest, and he feels like it's been way too long since he's heard your voice. “I think Gojo is gonna bring me an umbrella; do you wanna wait with me?”
You shake your head and start walking out into the rain, but you don't get far when Suguru reaches out and grabs your wrist.
You look back at him, your jaw clenched tight. “Let go of me, Suguru.”
“You’ll get sick.”
You yank your wrist out of his grasp. “I don't care; I want to go back to my dorm.”
For a few moments, Suguru feels stuck in place as he watches you begin to walk away, yet everything in his being is screaming at him to go after you, to not let you go. He doesn’t even realize he was holding his breath this whole time until he gasps for air, and at the same time, his body finally decides to align with his mind, and he runs after you. You can hear his foot steps pattering against puddles, which only makes you speed up your walking.
Suguru notices this, and although he's still chasing after you, he decides to call out a pained, “Why are you ignoring me?”
You almost don't even hear him over how loud the rain has grown.
“I'm not ignoring you, Suguru,” you say, stopping in your tracks with a deep sigh. He’ll catch you sooner or later, so maybe it's best to just get it over with.
Suguru doesn’t say anything until he's right behind you. You can hear just how clearly his voice trembles as he says, “Oh, so we’re lying now?”
“I'm no-“
“What the fuck happened? What are you doing?” and although he sounded exasperated only a second ago, when he speaks again, it's horrifyingly subdued: “This—this isn't us.”
You whip around to face him, a scowl on your face as you fume, “There is no us.”
Suguru’s face goes blank. No us? That's not right. That's all there is. There's only ever been an us because Suguru is not him without you. It's never just Suguru. It's you and Suguru; it's him and you; there's no him without you.
“There is no us, Suguru; that's—“ you say, gesturing in little circles with your hands in front of you, trying to act out whatever word you're looking for. “That's the fucking problem.”
“I don't—“ His voice is breathy as he shakes his head in confusion. “What are you saying, Y/N?”
“You know what I'm saying.”
“No,” he says sternly, "No, I don't. I need to hear you say it.”
You take a deep breath and squeeze your eyes shut, focusing on the rain falling against your face rather than the words coming out of your mouth: “I'm in love with you.”
The silence is suffocating, and you're violently aware of how you can feel Suguru’s eyes burning holes into you. You swallow harshly before peeking your eyes open, and he’s just standing there wide-eyed, his jaw slack.
“Why now?”
With his voice so small and brittle, you hardly even heard him.
“Why now?” he repeats, this time louder, harsher.
“I don't—I don't understand?”
Suguru laughs in disbelief. He brings his hands up to cover his face, and he just laughs into them or cries; he's not even quite sure anymore. And after a few moments of this, he finally takes a deep breath, running one hand down his face as the other drops back to his side. “Do you know how long I’ve been in love with you, Y/N?”
“What?” You’re hopeful for a moment, but that all comes quickly crashing down, realization washing over you. “Wait, but you went on a date.”
“Y/N, it's been so long that Gojo got tired of me wallowing in my own self-pity every time you went on a date.” He sighs and takes a moment to collect his thoughts. “So he forced me to go on one too to try and help me move on.”
“Why didn't you wait for me?”
“You heard me.”
Suguru doesn't know whether to nod or shake his head. “No, I know, but I don't understand.”
Your face scrunches up in disdain, silently reading—what's there to not understand? “Why didn't you wait for me to fall in love with you?”
“Y/N, do you even hear what you're saying right now?” he scoffs. “Do you even hear what I'm saying? All I've ever fucking done was wait for you, and I go on one date that I left early for you, and now I'm the bad guy?”
Your heart sinks like a bag of rocks into a deep body of water. “No wait, Suguru, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry.”
Suguru looks down, avoiding your stare, carefully tapping a puddle with the tip of his shoe as he mumbles, “Yeah.”
“Do-“ you stop yourself and swallow harshly before continuing, “Are you still in love with me?”
He stays silent, and embarrassment floods your bones. How could he still love you? You, who's been subconsciously dangling a treat in front of him like some kind of animal just to coax him into doing what you want, into staying with you, following you around, just because you were too out of touch to realize you even liked him in the first place. Of course, he wouldn't still love you.
“Of course I am. Don't be silly,” he reluctantly admits.
Relief washes over you, and the breath you take feels like the first one you've taken since Tuesday, when he told you about his date in the first place. “So... now what?”
The same relief does not wash over Suguru; in fact, he's feeling anything but relief. Too many things to name, to pin point; it's just all too much. This is just too much. “I need space; I can't—" he shakes his head, his voice barely above a whisper, "I can't do this right now.”
“I just. I can't. I'm sorry.”
Your voice cracks, “But-“
“I just need to think about this,” he says, waving his hands around in small circles, referencing the two of you.
“Oh.” You take a step back and nod. “Okay. I'll go then... I love you, Suguru.”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Yeah, I love you too.”
Suguru watches you walk away, and he can't tell his tears apart from the rain; can’t tell if his heart is stopping or if it's racing; can't tell if he's breathing or suffocating; he can't tell anything. His surroundings are drowning out and blurring into vague shapes and figures around him, and Suguru is sure he could just drop dead right then and there.
“Jeez, I didn't take that long that you had to walk out in the rain, dramatic much?”
Suguru, in all honesty, didn’t hear a word that was just said; the only thing that caught his attention was the lack of rain hitting him. He looks up to find an umbrella there instead of the dark cloudy sky that resembled his insides a little too much, then looks to his side to find Gojo there, and he wants to wipe the stupid grin off his face. If he can't be happy, why should Gojo? His head drops in defeat at his own thoughts. God, he’s acting shitty.
Gojo looks at him curiously. “You good?”
“No. No, I'm not good.”
"Hey dude, what's wrong?”
Suguru lets out a harsh laugh, and with no rain hitting him anymore, he knows for sure the thing dripping down his face is tears. “I fucked up.“
Gojo scans Suguru’s face frantically, looking for something—anything—that will tell him what's wrong with his best friend.
“Suguru, you have to be a little more specific than that.”
“Y/N loves me back.”
Gojo goes wide-eyed, and he gives a confused smile because how could this warrant his friend’s reaction? “What dude, that's gr-“
Suguru quickly cuts him off: "Great, I know, but I told them to give me space, Gojo.”
Frankly, Gojo isn't even worried anymore; he’s just in complete disbelief, shouting, “What? Why the hell would you do that?! Are you stupid?”
“Maybe!” he shouts back, trembling. “I don't know! They just— They went on about how I should've waited for them, and I was mad because that's all I've ever fucking done. I don't know; I wasn't thinking straight, and I fucked up, and they left. I made them leave. I asked for space when I hated all the space we've had from each other this whole week, and I asked for more?” He repeatedly hits his forehead with his palm, muttering, “I'm an idiot, fuck.“
Gojo tilts his head at him. “Why are you still here?”
The question stills his movements, his hand falling back to his side, and he stares at Gojo in pure confusion. “What?”
“You obviously know that space isn't what you want, and you just said it in the heat of the moment, so why are you still here?”
Suguru is silent.
“Why aren't you running after them? They want you, dude! And you want them too!”
Suguru thinks if it weren’t for Gojo constantly moving, he'd think time had completely stopped in time with his realization on how he’s a complete moron.
Suguru sighs. “I hate when you're right; you know that?”
Gojo perks up knowing that he got through to Suguru; he coos sing-song, “If that were true, you'd hate me all the time.”
Suguru nods, “I do.”
“Oh, shut up." Gojo extends the handle of his umbrella toward Suguru. “Do you want my umbrella?”
“No, it’s fine; I’m already wet,” Suguru says, looking down at his soaked clothes as he wipes any remaining tears away. “What’s a little bit more water?”
“Good luck, Suguru.”
“Thanks Gojo.”
You walk into your dorm slowly, in a daze-like state. Honestly, you don't even remember walking here; you just remember your fight? confession? argument? — your something with Suguru, and then there's a lapse in your memory, and now you're here.
“Y/N, dude, you're getting water everywhere.“
You sniffle and look down at the puddle that's forming underneath you. “Sorry.”
Shoko tentatively stands up from her bed and cranes her neck down to try and look at your face. “Y/N? Are you okay?”
You look up at her with a wobbly smile. “I confessed.”
She looks at you blankly, unsure if she should say something or if you are.
“He asked for space.”
“He likes you, and he asked for space?”
“I didn't tell you that—“
“It's obvious; keep up,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Anyways, so he asked for space?”
You nod blankly. “Uh huh.”
You rub your eyes in hopes that not looking at Shoko will make the embarrassment lessen. “I said some things in the heat of the moment, and... and yeah.”
It doesn’t.
She’s strangely unfazed; in fact, if anything, she’s partially annoyed. “Ok, and you’re just going to listen to him?”
“What else am I supposed to do, Shoko?” you ask incredulously, glaring at her with your hands back at your sides.
“Fight for him? He likes you back, and if you said something in the heat of the moment, odds are that him asking for space was also just in the heat of the moment.”
“You weren't there, Shoko. You didn't see how he was looking at me—at how he said it.”
“Y/N,” she says disappointedly, eyes shut and pinching her nose bridge. “He's literally been so upset at you ignoring him these past few days; do you really think he meant it when he asked for space? Even more space?”
You blink at her, your mind gone blank.
“Look, maybe he did, yeah? But maybe he didn't, and you won't know unless you go fight for him.”
“I don't know Shoko,” you mumble skeptically.
She rolls her eyes as she rebuts, "At the very least, you can apologize for what you said.”
“I already did.”
“Again, this time now that your head is… somewhat clearer... Are you really just gonna let him get away like this?”
“…no,” you answer weakly, which isn’t good enough for you or Shoko, who’s looking at you with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. “No,” you say again, this time with true conviction behind your words—word. “I don't want to let him get away like this. I don't want it to end like this.”
She gestures toward the door with a small, proud smile on her face. “Then go.”
You look back at the door before looking back at her and nodding. “Thank you, Shoko.”
“Uh huh,” she says, starting to walk back toward her bed, “and when you come back, you better not make another puddle.”
“No promises.”
In an attempt to save whatever dignity you have left, you decide not to run down the halls like a shitty rom-com cliché; instead, you speed walk. Which, in hindsight, is probably even more embarrassing than just full-sending it by running, but you digress. You barely get halfway down the hall when you see Suguru. Both of you make eye contact at the same time, yet neither of you stop making your way toward each other, but you both slow down, carefully walking toward each other like two predators about to attack.
“You're leaving puddles in the hall,” you say quietly now that the two of you have come to a halt right in front of each other.
Suguru nods and looks you up and down. “So are you.”
You both stand there for a moment, just staring at each other, neither of you saying anything. Allowing your presence to speak for itself, but it's awkward—too awkward—and it feels like your knees are gonna give out on you if you stare at him any longer in silence.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came for you." He shakes his head, ignoring his own answer, like his very words aren't the most important thing to you right now. He came for you. “What are you doing here? I thought you would’ve been in your dorm by now.“
“I was—“ your voice grows quiet, “But I was coming for you too.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you don’t have anything to apologize for, Suguru. I shouldn’t have said what I said; that was selfish of me. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want space,” he blurts out, hardly acknowledging your apology, which he didn't need in the first place. What he needs is you, and it will always be you.
“You don’t?”
“God no,” he says vehemently. “Space is the last thing I want. I don’t want space from you. I feel like there’s something missing when I’m away from you. How could I ever want space, Y/N?” His voice cracks a little at the end, and it has your heart racing. “I was just mad, and I shouldn’t have said that.”
You have all of these feelings inside you, and you’ve cried enough today to last the rest of your life, so instead you find yourself laughing, and Suguru looks slightly mortified.
“Why are you laughing?”
You laugh some more before trying to catch your breath, and you take a step forward closer toward him as you speak through deep breaths, “I’m just so fucking relieved. I-fuck-I love you, Suguru.”
Suguru closes the space between you two, pulling you into his embrace, and you tuck your face into his shoulder, his cold, damp clothes doing wonders to soothe your now-burning cheeks.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
“I think we look stupid standing here soaking wet and hugging...”
“Wanna make ourselves look even stupider by standing here soaking wet and kissing?”
You pull away ever so slightly just to look at him, and he’s staring at you with a smirk, and the longer he waits, the more furious the blush on his cheeks gets, and you can't help but stall your answer even more just for that reason.
“…matter of fact, yes, I do.”
Suguru grins widely but wastes no time connecting your lips together. The kiss is better than you could have ever imagined; it's gentle yet passionate all at once, and it's sloppy because neither of you can fully stop smiling long enough to keep the kisses consistent. And It's everything. He's everything, and you're mad that it even took you this long to realize that in the first place, but at least you don't have to worry about that anymore. Now you just have to worry about the fact that you two will probably end up getting sick from your wet clothes, but that's a problem for after you two stop kissing—if you two ever stop kissing.
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johnslittlespoon · 28 days
I love your bucky is dog fic so much!!! I reread it all the time it's so heart-warming and funny and just ahhh so good!! refreshing ao3 patiently and excitingly waiting for more<33
(a BIG mix of non–brainrot asks so i don't spam the timeline <33 some of these are from so long ago i'm so sorry. also lil disclaimer at the end about some specific asks i've been getting recently and why i won't be answering them! x)
1) !!?? you REREAD IT?? my heart wtf that's so sweet??? 😭💗 THANK U SM i will do my best to not let u down with future chapters even if shit gets a little bit angstier SDJKG <33
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2) LMAO backseat gala–ing from the comfort of a couch 😭 judging the outfits as if they don't show up in plain tuxes half the time <3
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3) <3333 thank u omg sjgkdk i'm so happy if my lack of stfu ability brings any bit of joy to anyone LOL
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4) ILY THX LEGEND @air-exec u enable me too much <33
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5) ALWAYS HAPPY TO INDULGE!! thank u for indulging my constantly rotting brain ur so kind 😭 <333
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6) yaurrr i think it's just bc i do Not enjoy being around children LMAO i can't ever get into pregnancy/family dynamic type fics in general, i wish i could tho bc they're so wholesome :') but YEAH exactly ugh. it's like. the action of talking about it, especially when it's unattainable, is so intimate bc it's like an "i love you this much" thing. but it's also so hot bc the possession of it (and possible feminization depending on the pairing) sighhh
also i feel that sooo hard, sometimes you just gotta go where ur writing heart takes u yk? it's hard to write something if ur not fully invested :') and omg stop i WILL cry. 😭💗 wtf. thank YOU!! ofc i would read!! some ideas just /hit/ and urs is one of them <33 but also yes omg it's UP there (if not at the top) on my list of pwps i wanna write once i finish yad(iym) <33 thank you for sharing urs too and sending u good writing vibes regardless of what u write!!
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7) GAHH this ones been on my ao3 read later since u sent this ask in!!! i literally have started a doc with links to moots fics i need to read/general fics i've stumbled across that look good and this one is for sure going in it. i do love reading sooo much, i just have the hell combo of adhd and dyslexia but i did start concerta a couple weeks ago which has def made it a bit easier to read lmfao thank fuck.
i think i just get in this headspace where i'm either a reader or a writer when i'm working on smth, idk if anyone else does this? i have a hard time slipping btwn both mindsets, i'm usually locked in on one at a time LOL but i need to get my shit together bc fuck everyone in this fandom writes so damn good and i want to leave long essays on all the fics and hype people up <33 i think once i finish the dog fic i'll take a few days to just consume my reading list to celebrate SJDGK
also omg i can't believe this ask is from before i even posted it that's crazyyy MY BAD. thank u and also that made me giggle JSKDG if that's my legacy in this fandom i'm honestly so happy ab that okay dog coded bucky is everything to me and i will do whatever i can to do him justice <333 and thank u again for the rec!
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8) [ X ] UGHHH stop mammal RUINED me. he's soososoo pretty i want to die i think about that barry era as curt in the motaverse so often it makes me sick. i love pretty twinks!! xx (i have a whole motaverse au curtbucky where curt looks like 2012–ish barry and he's ken's age and they're cute lil mechanics together and it's so stupidly elaborate and niche and maybe i'll do smth w it one day who knows)
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9) this is very sweet and i do appreciate you respecting my boundaries! thank you <3 i think a lot of people get annoyed at adults asking minors not to interact with nsfw posts on here bc the argument is always "they're gonna look even if you ask them not to" which, yeah, true! i was a teenager growing up online, i sure as hell did not let 18+ warnings stop me ever lmfaoo. i'm not telling minors to stay off my account because ik if people wanna find specific content, they're gonna find it. if teens are learning ab gay sex thru my blog, then at least they're learning ab it from a gay man who tries to keep things realistic in fic and who isn't a creep LOL.
that being said, i more so bar off minors interacting with my nsfw posts/writing bc i personally just feel uncomfortable discussing stuff like that with anyone who isn't an adult, and sometimes i don't have the time to check bios for ages (or sometimes bios don't have ages) before i reply to comments or whatever, so it's just easier to ask that y'all stick to the sfw so i don't accidentally brainrot some cooked shit with a child JSDJKG bc i would feel icky. i hope you understand <3
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10) IT MAKES ME SICKKK. not only that, but when i was rewatching it with my irl last week, i realized that in e5 when bucky's smoking in the plane after gale goes down, he's sitting in the right (gale's) seat, which i'm pretty sure he doesn't do at any other time :((( like he was trying to be close to him in anyway he could </3
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11) omg i've been meaning to watch that just to get a better inside look at stuff for world building purposes lmaooo but that sounds so wholesome :( i read that a lot of the guys would get real sad/touchy around holidays (obviously), so i could see a oneshot where one of them takes it upon themselves to try and cheer everyone up the best they can under their circumstances. a little found family holiday </33
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12) thank u for the rec!! i'm suuuch a slow reader, i'm still working my way thru the actual mota book LOL but i've added this to my reading list <3 i think i might've actually read a couple excerpts from that one in doing research for my fic and it looks really interesting (and heartbreaking) so i'm sure i'll pick up a copy eventually :^)
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13) oh 100% agree!! as someone who already isn't super interested in fashion/pop–culture, i find it very hard to look at the men's outfits and be blown away by any of them LOL but the women?? insane. was losing it over lana and zendaya's fits tonight ngl. hunter had me in a chokehold with last year's <3 tangent alright i always say this to my friends but i'm just jealous in general that women have so many more options in terms of clothes like.
okay listen i know i can leave my house in a skirt or crop top or whatever and a lot more guys are def starting to feel comfortable doing so. but i also enjoy not worrying about getting jumped or looked at funny! it's a lot safer than it used to be to do so, even in my small ass conservative town i'll sometimes put on some dangly earrings or a bit of rodrick–liner SJKDG but that doesn't mean it's normalized yet or whatever. point being that i wish it was because men's outfits would be sm more exciting at these fashion events if they had a wider range of options too!
but that aside, absolutely. until that changes, really it's not that hard for the men who are going with women (who don't want to go crazy with their outfits/who are more lowkey like you said) to just. wear something nice and on theme that compliments their partner's outfit and they'll be FINE. anything is better than something boring with no effort; effort doesn't have to equal crazy and fancy and elaborate. like austin's 2022 look has always been a standout to me because it was still a really nice look (even if it was simple) and it also worked so well because of who he had at his side. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but i also literally don't know shit ab fashion so i rly shouldn't be speaking on it LOL. i just know some things make me go oh no and some make me go YUM
and that's probs the last i'll post about the met bc i rly don't care thaaaat much, i was just happy to see barry since he wasn't at the panel this weekend <3
OKAY THAT WAS SO MUCH I'M SORRY. i just felt really bad bc some of those have been sitting in my inbox for months bc i was waiting to compile them all into a post like this :-) but also one last thing, idk if it's bc of me stepping out of mota to talk ab the emmy stuff/the met this week, but i've had a couple gossip/drama(?) asks and i just wanna say rn that i won't be posting stuff like that, even though they've been worded kindly! one, because i rly only post about fic/brainrot/mota–fandom related stuff here (aside from rare exceptions like today lol). and two, because as much as i adore our boys and try to keep up with the things they're up to, i personally don't vibe with speculating about them (esp if it's in a way that kinda. forgets they are grown men who probably don't think twice ab some of the stuff that people think they do lolol). i have no issue with people who do like to talk ab that stuff, i follow update blogs and think it's totally fine as long as it's done respectfully! i just don't feel like talking about gossip fits the vibe here and frankly i don't care enough about what goes on behind the scenes half the time; i'm just here to create and support and be insane. <33 that's all, just wanted to say that so ppl aren't waiting to have those asks answered/aren't sending more in! x
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penny-anna · 10 months
3 and 6 for the ask game, my favorite fic of yours is “up to no good”
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
ough so many!! the big one i've been sitting on for a while now is the Witcher Infinity Train AU which i actually have an outline for and everything but have been putting off till i finished uhh any of my other witcher WIPs which unfortunately may be never :(
6. Have you written any fanfictions featuring OCs? If so, elaborate!
uhh hm yes but it's been a long while since i've featured any OCs in significant roles for reasons other than utility! i had a whole cast of star was OCs when i was a teenager but u can't make me talk about that :)
thank you!!
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mickmundy · 1 year
Had Medic and Sniper met as kids, say in middle or high school, do you think they might have still ended up drawn to each other? (x)
YOU KNOW WHAT this is really fun for me to think about actually. I don’t ever really like/care for the like. “high school/college/etc aus” because they’re just not very exciting to me personally, but i Do love thinking about medic and sniper In Their Youths every now and then…. and since i do talk about it in my fics (where medic elaborates on his childhood a little bit and so does sniper) a little bit… lets fucking gooooo HEHEHEHE while i don’t think about it A Whole Lot, i do have Some thoughts.. if you’ve read my fics you know that imo medic as a child was a TOTAL hellion.. whereas sniper was much more quiet and polite. i think that if medic was around when sniper was a kid, he could have persuaded him to raise a little hell with him! >:) medic would absolutely have swung on any kids who bullied sniper, and sniper would be like “i’m not ASKING you to do that y’know… i can take care of myself!” and medic’s like “well they shouldn’t be harassing you!” and sniper’s like “why do you care anyway…” and medic’s like “hmm… well, i don’t think you deserve it! and i think someone ought to shut them up!” and sniper’s like “;_; (emotional. shows it a little bc he’s not good at masking)… well… (throat clear)… thanks.” and medic smiles and is like ^_^!
i think medic would encourage sniper to sneak out too.. sniper would be in his bedroom reading late at night and medic would be standing on an overturned bucket outside of sniper’s window and would be like “psst! michel!” and sniper would perk up and crack his window and be like “what are you doing here?!! and don’t you live a billion km away anyway-“ and medic would be like “hoo! ^v^ i wanted to see you! i’ve been thinking about you!!” and sniper’s like Blushes… huffs…. goes to the window and slips out of it and they hide in their small lil barn/shed and sniper shows him their sheep and horses and medic is like Totally Enthralled watching sniper talk about stuff he likes… thinks he’s so cute… ;u; HEHEHE i’ve talked about this before but i think they both have Only Child Vibes but on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. medic is extroverted and Weird and Loud and sniper is introverted and Weird and Quiet… i think they’d absolutely be drawn to each other tbh… medic also i think loved/s to just. start shit for no reason so i think he’d love deflecting bullies from sniper… and i think he’d think sniper was really cute!! SO TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION yes! i think medic would be a lot like a little devil on his shoulder just like he is now!! >:) <3
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Itachi Getting Married
Anon:  Helllooo!!! I was wonderin if u could write for omega itachi getting married. I'd really appreciate it :)
(Hello! Hello! This is the oldest request in my inbox, so I hope this ends up being worth the wait! Enjoy~ <3)
Warning: implied sexual activity
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General headcanons - Non-massacre AU:
Itachi has always known that he would get married someday.
After all, it was his duty as clan heir.
But he never expected to actually love his mate. He was required to angle for a politically/socially advantageous match and he had made his peace with that.
If he had to marry someone to keep peace between clans, he would. If he had to marry someone his parents chose for him to keep conflict in the family down, he would.
Itachi’s fatal flaw is that he doesn’t see his comfort/happiness as important.
And while he looked forward to his future children, his future spouse was a neutral event. It would happen, whether he wanted it to or not, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Best case scenario, he might have a new friend, or at least someone he respects, to live with him.
Worst case scenario, he ends up in a horrible marriage. He tried not to think too much about this option.
He never expected there to be any love between him and his future spouse.
Until he met you.
He found a person who actually loved him. An alpha who was as dedicated to a future family as he was. A partner who respected him more than he had ever hoped.
And Itachi fell hard and fast.
So, when you proposed, he felt like everything he had never dared to hope for was coming true.
You went to get his parents’ permission first (and the permission of the clan by proxy) and did the proposal in front of them. It wasn’t ideal, you knew Itachi would be happier with a private proposal, but you also knew that Itachi wouldn’t believe that he had their approval unless he saw it first-hand.
Itachi and his family are very traditional, so you weren’t mated before you got married, instead, you mated on your wedding night.
Itachi is very happy to let his family dictate the wedding. He doesn’t care as long as he’s married to you at the end of the day.
(But he does have preferences that you can extract from him, but getting Itachi’s true opinion, can be like pulling teeth.)
You had known Itachi since you were both 18, two years now. You had been courting him officially for a year and a half before you proposed.
As I mentioned, you proposed in front of Itachi’s parents, to make sure that he knew that you had gained their approval.
Sasuke was also there, after years of bribery, finally accepting of you and Itachi’s relationship. You met Sasuke when he had just graduated from the academy, and he was not impressed by this new person stealing his brother from him when he wanted Itachi to train him ☹
For Itachi, it was a normal family dinner.
He definitely noticed that you were behaving nervously, but he knew his family could be stiff, overly traditional and a little intimidating, so he figured that was the cause of your discomfort.
Sasuke was also staring at you suspiciously the whole evening, but to be honest, sometimes Sasuke was just like that, so Itachi thought nothing of it.
You kept a hand on his knee for the entire meal, only letting go of him when you announced that you had brought dessert for everyone and would be happy to serve it.
Itachi smiled his gorgeous smile at you, so pleased to see you making an effort with his family (or perhaps he was smiling about the desert, Itachi’s sweet tooth is legendary after all. It was difficult to tell.)
Nervously clenching your hands, you walked over to the fridge, pulling out the plate of dango you had hidden in there earlier. It was Itachi’s favourite, and if there was anything to convince him to say yes to your proposal, it was a demonstration of how much dango you were willing to buy for him.
‘Don’t mess this up,’ you said to yourself, gingerly sliding the plate of dango out of the fridge. It was an elaborate platter that had cost far too much. There were seven different dango flavours with an assortment of dips and dressings, arranged artfully with fruit and dried flowers to decorate the plate.
You walked to back to the table and presented the plate with a dramatic flourish to hide your nerves.
Itachi’s face lit up. Despite your nerves, his obvious excitement put a smile on your face. He really was perfect.
And that’s why you can’t mess this up.
“There’s anko, green tea, sesame,” you pointed at each flavour as you listed them. “Hanami and…er… some other ones…?”
Sasuke scoffed at your embarrassing failure to recall the flavours, causing a red flush to creep up your neck. You didn’t even know that there was this many dango flavours before yesterday! Thankfully, he didn’t say anything, perhaps due to the sharp look Itachi had shot at him.
“I made sure to get enough for everyone, but there’s something I’d like to ask for in return.”
You could see Itachi trying to catch your eye, probably to ask what an earth you were doing, but you purposefully avoided looking in his direction.
“The only thing I ask,” you continued, nervously. “Is for a minute of your time before we eat dessert.”
Mikoto smiled at you and nodded for you to go ahead with a gentle wave of her hand. Sasuke simply raised an eyebrow at you but didn’t interrupt.
“Great,” you laughed nervously. “Um, so, er, Itachi.”
Itachi straightened under your sudden attention. He looked immensely uncomfortable and confused, he was probably panicking about you doing something in front of his family that you would regret. He always played liaison between you and his family to avoid conflict and was probably not comfortable with you doing this. Unfortunately, he would never believe that you had his parents’ approval if you didn’t propose in front of them.
“I’ve known you for two years now, Itachi,” you started, finally looking at Itachi in the eye. “And it sounds horribly cheesy, but I think that I fall in love with you more every day.”
A barely audible gasp left Itachi. He was a genius, after all, he had probably figured out where this was going. He looked torn between panicked and elated, seeming to settle somewhere around shell-shocked.
“I’ve come to realise recently that, a life without that love, without your love, isn’t a life that I want.”
You can just about see tears gathering in Itachi’s waterline. It doesn’t look like he’s breathing at all.
With one final rush of bravery, you pulled out the diamond ring that had been weighing down your pocket for months and knelt down onto the dining room floor.
“Will you marry me?”
Itachi’s head whips around to face his parents, most likely preparing some serious damage control. But when he sees his mother’s gentle smile and his father’s subtle nod, he slowly moves his gaze back to you. You’ve never seen him look so shocked before. It was almost amusing enough to distract you from your nerves. Almost.
“I-,” Itachi swallowed hard. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Just say what you want to say, Itachi,” his mother replies, trying to encourage him.
His mother’s words seemed to break him out of his stupor and Itachi breathes out a single word.
You let out a delighted and relieved laugh, taking Itachi’s hand in yours and slipping the ring onto his finger, and even though his family were all watching you, you couldn’t help but pull him into an embrace.
“I love you so much,” you whispered to him. “I’ll read you my real proposal speech this evening.”
Itachi laughed into your shoulder. His laughter had a hysteric edge to it, his mind still clearly reeling at what you had just done.  
“Real speech?”
“You didn’t think I was going read my real proposal out in front of your parents, did you? No way. They still think we’re virgins and I didn’t want to spoil that illusion for them.”
Itachi quickly and efficiently jabbed you in the stomach and hit you with his infamous glare.
“Okay, I deserved that,” you winced, gingerly rubbing the sore spot.
Finally, you pulled away and moved to dish out the dango. And if Itachi got the biggest portion, well, no one mentioned it.
Itachi lets his clan take over the planning.
He doesn’t want to deal with the stress of having to combat his family at every turn and would much rather just let them do it. As long as you’re there with him, nothing else really matters.
But even when his clan leave the smaller decisions up to him, he’s hesitant to voice his opinions, wanting his alpha to make them as an apology for his family commandeering everything.
But if you pay attention to little signs and reactions that Itachi gives, you can figure out some of his wants and desires.
Overall, there isn’t much to say about the wedding planning, because Itachi doesn’t do much of it.
Things he wants (compromise available/no compromise allowed):
Sasuke as his groomsman and Shisui as his best man – Itachi doesn’t have many close friends or relatives. He has you, Sasuke, Shisui… er, he’d probably invite his old captain Kakashi and… well, you get the point. So, every person who is important to him needs to be by his side at his wedding, and who is more important than his best friend and little brother.
A traditional wedding – He isn’t actually that bothered by what type of wedding he has, but he knows his family and clan will insist on a traditional celebration and as I mentioned, he doesn’t want to fight. The elders will push the wedding to be held in the clan compound and Itachi would be told to wear a traditional Uchiha wedding garment.
A sweets cart – This is something that he won’t bring up, and therefore isn’t bolded, but it’s very easy to see his face light up when he sees this in a wedding catalogue. It’s a wooden cart with different jars of sweets with little scoops for people to help themselves to. Itachi loves sweet food, obviously, but he also thinks it would be something the children in the clan would adore. He kind of really wants one, but he won’t bring it up unless someone else does first.
An early wedding – He won’t fight you or his family about this, but ideally, he would like to get married in the morning, maybe around 8 or 9 AM. Itachi is definitely an early bird who prefers the ambience of the early morning which is part of the reason, but mainly he just wants the performative part of the wedding over and done with so he can start his honeymoon. He doesn’t find it appealing to spend all night pretending to tolerate the elders of his clan who will almost certainly spend their time berating him for his choice of partner and then telling him he needs to have as many children as possible because he’s a powerful ninja that will produce powerful children. He just doesn’t want to deal with it. Leaving at 6 PM with you to go on your honeymoon and finally, finally mate? That sounds much more fun.
To try and conceive on his honeymoon – Obviously, he’s not going to force anything if you aren’t ready, but he would really love to start trying to conceive straight away. He’s desperate to have his own children, firstly, but also, he knows this is his only ticket to retiring from being a ninja. He wants to retire so badly, and so if you’re both ready for children, he doesn’t want to wait.
 The wedding:
You don’t see Itachi for a day before the wedding, as is tradition. You see him for the first time that weekend when he’s walking down the hall towards you.
And as Fugaku walks Itachi down the aisle, you are completely breathless.
He looks stunning.
His hair had been intricately platted with flowers, some lose strands of hair left to frame his face.
He’s wearing a deep red, formal kimono just as you expected, but it looked so much more beautiful than you had imagined.
He looked like royalty.
The whole ceremony flew by, and before you knew it, it was time for you and Itachi to say goodbye and leave for your honeymoon.
Your honeymoon was to be had at a cabin held deep in the woods on the Uchiha compound. The rule was that married couples could not be disturbed for anything other than a life-or-death emergency, so you would be completely alone.
It might have been nice to go abroad, but the Uchiha clan didn’t want Itachi to be distracted by his honeymoon outside of Konoha where he might be attacked and his eyes stolen.
You both had already been by to drop off everything you would need for the week, including clothes, food, games and toiletries.
So, now, all that was left was for you two to get there yourself.
You and Itachi had decided to amble your way to the cabin, taking your time to enjoy each other’s company after a day of socialising with everyone but each other. Not to mention that neither of your outfits were particularly well designed for gallivanting through the forest. It would be rather embarrassing to have to end your self-imposed isolation to go to the hospital on day one, so walking slowly was probably a good idea.
You had been walking for about thirty minutes so the cabin should be… There! You were there!
“Wait!” you shot out a hand to stop Itachi from entering, startling him slightly. “Don’t go in yet.”
Itachi furrowed his brows, absently blowing a stray hair from his face that must have fallen down during the walk.
“I… want to carry you inside,” you admitted bashfully.
Itachi chuckled but stepped closer to let you do it. You beamed at him, pressing a kiss against his lips as a thank you. He looked a lot more tired than this morning; his hair was falling out of its elaborate placement and the makeup you were sure he was coerced into using was a little smudged.
He really was the most beautiful person you had ever met.
With his permission now gained, you placed an arm around his shoulders and another arm behind his knees, before gently lifting him off the ground. You nuzzled Itachi’s neck, enjoying his content scent and the way he sighed happily at your attention.
With your husband firmly in your grasp, you nudged open the front door with your foot and stepped safely over the threshold. You carried Itachi all the way to the bedroom and placed him down gently on the bed.
Itachi leant up to steal a kiss.
“Bringing me straight to the bedroom, you are incorrigible,” he teased, kicking off his shoes and making himself comfortable on the bed.
“I-I wasn’t, I didn’t mean that!” you sputtered, flushing under Itachi’s laughter. Silence fell over the room for a moment as the exhaustion from the day swept over you both.
“Would you mind helping me out of this kimono, please? I think it’s time for something a little more comfortable.”
It took a solid ten minutes to get Itachi out of his clothes and into some pyjamas. Ten minutes and a lot of swear words as every layer seemed to be hiding another one underneath.
“This wasn’t how I imagined undressing you on our wedding night, that felt a lot like pass the parcel but somehow more stressful.”
“Oh?” Itachi questioned, pulling you to sit down on the bed with him, finally free from the constraints of his wedding attire. “How did you imagine it?”
Rather than answer with words, you pressed wet kisses over Itachi’s neck, smirking against his skin as you felt his hand come up to grasp at your hair and a gentle moan escape from his lips.
This was definitely going to be the best part of the celebrations.
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cotccotc · 3 years
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genre/s: fluff, university au, crushes au, minho x gn reader
wc: 636
warning/s: none ! (is “mentions of math” a warning? it should be ... anyways)
a/n: this was literally a daydream i had whilst trudging through some math work for school ... let’s manifest something similar happening to me when i go to uni !!! yes thank u <333 (also !! feedback is much appreciated :)) i’m kinda rusty but i really like this one & i’d love to know what u think <3)
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there is one thing you hate most in the world. if you had to chose a singular person, object, or idea to completely ban from the face of existence, it would be the subject of mathematics in its entirety. specifically, university level algebra has to be the object of your upmost distaste. you’ve been at it for hours now in the school library, working tirelessly on a set of digital practice problems in preparation for midterms next week. you’ve gotten it down to a precise system in which you read each problem, make a mental note of key phrases and instructions, do the work on your now heavily scribbled-on scrap paper, and enter the final solution as meticulously as you can for fear of mistyping (which you have done now several times, much to your chagrin).
however, aside from the obvious benefit of preparation for your exam, you also receive a different type of reward from your intense study routine: alone time with your study buddy — and long time crush — lee minho.
the two of you met in freshman seminar last year. you needed a geometry tutor and he was falling behind in philosophy, so you decided to meet in the middle. more specifically, you began meeting up at this exact table on the second floor of the library every week, and you haven’t stopped since. today, as you scribble and tap away at your painstakingly tiresome arithmetic, he’s reviewing the ins and outs of comparative politics. you can never seem to understand what possessed him to become a political science major. he can’t either. yet, slightly distracted, he persists.
you see, minho hasn’t been able to focus all afternoon.
knee-deep in polynomials, radicals, and rational equations — though you’d much prefer to call any part of it completely and utterly irrational — you barely hear him as minho discloses, “you’re kind of fascinating. did you know that?”
your head shoots up. you meet his gaze with the sudden realization that he’s been looking at you this whole time. seated under the dingy, buzzing light of the second floor, his chestnut brown hair looks somehow wind-swept. it always does. when you study alongside him, you’re often distracted yourself. “hm?” you question.
he chuckles at your reaction to his sweet, albeit peculiar assertion. he glances back down at his textbook, rubbing the cap of his yellow highlighter with his thumb. with a smirk forming on his face, he simply mutters, “nothing.”
you sit back in your seat, crossing your arms in protest. “you can’t just say things like that and not elaborate,” you finally reply.
he lets out a sigh. reluctantly, he looks back up at you. “you’re just… fun to watch.” you furrow your brow in confusion. he rolls his eyes, putting down his highlighter and leaning his elbows on the table. he then goes on to explain, “i can tell whether or not you’ve gotten a question right by the look on your face. when you get it wrong, you bite the inside of your lip. and you do that thing with your eyebrows that you’re doing right now.” you giggle, relaxing your facial expression. “but when you get one right, you sort of... smile.” his voice is softer now, reminiscent of the feeling in his chest as he watches you. “it’s subtle. like you don’t even know you’re doing it. it’s the same every time.”
“...so i’m predictable?” you ask, matter-of-factly. though you try, a sarcastic edge can never quite conceal the tenderness he creates in you. he can see it in the smile beginning to spread across your face.
“not predictable. observable.” he pauses, his stare and smirk unwavering. “cute.”
your grin widens. slightly embarrassed, you look back down at your work. after a beat, minho does the same, his heart racing and face aglow.
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tags: @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @speckled-sunshine​, @kisskissbanggang, @mr-jisung-main, @childofthecosmos, @kpopscape, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @sunshine-skz, @koishua, @thatrandomoneinthecorner, @seungminsaidsta, @somethingrandomworld, @ethan806, @eajone, @hwajin​, @geniejunn​ ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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hamphobicbasil · 3 years
Could u elaborate about the dsmp story being bad? Not a rabid/brain dead fan, just genuinely curious and I enjoy reading people's rants lolol
oh you dont know the floodgates you just opened
a few things:
1. despite not liking the creators of the dsmp anymore, I don't actually hate most of them. [the ones that are particularly unsavory fall outside of this of course] so all that I'm saying i truly mean in a critical sense towards the story, its also just all purely my opinion as someone who enjoys fictional and fantasy stories and who like criticizing works to see what it does well and what it doesn't do well
2. for clarification I'm going to use the c![name] to indicate when I'm talking about the characters. Don't get me wrong, I think its annoying too but its the only way I'm gonna be able to write this thing without getting something across the wrong way yknow?
3. I stopped watching the streams after November 16th, [save for one Techno one but I closed out after a particularly bad story beat lol] and so all information coming afterward is all second hand from either me seeing people on twt talk abt it or people dming me. All i really know is up to dream's imprisonment and some stuff past that.
4. This is mostly aimed towards the "main" story, so stuff abt the badlands, eggpire, and whatnot are briefly mentioned.
anyways uh, i'll try to be brief but also include enough information to get why i feel the way i do on some stuff across
A. Performances Alright obviously these people are all streamers, so obviously they might not be the best actors, and hell no one is even asking that of them. However, when you're telling a story that's based on the audio with the visuals kinda coming to a second, it's gotta be pretty strong. I will say, some of the best actors in my opinion are Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. I would include Ranboo but I never watched any of his story bits or story streams so I can't say much. Wilbur and Tommy are excellent in selling their character's emotions and feelings, when I watch the stream I don't feel like I'm watching an rp but an actual thought-out story yknow? And one of my favorite Tubbo examples was in the Hog Hunt video whenever Techno attacked him, he sounded genuinely afraid and I believed everything his character was feeling.
However, unfortunately, not everyone is gonna be that good. And I'm gonna say it; Dream and Techno have to be the worst out of the entire cast. I understand Techno's whole character is this monotoned badass, however, when really emotional moments hit I feel like he never lets that fall, and a lot of intense moments just ring hollow. And I'm sorry but Dream's attempts at being intimidating leave me laughing whenever I watch them. It feels like he watched that one scene from The Marriage with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johannson and said "Oh this is what good acting looks like! Just yelling." His whole "I don't give a FUCK about Spirit!" speech isn't as great as people keep making it out to be. And whenever he tries to act coy when being a villain it feels like a guy reading the script for the first time, a bit like he's trying too hard. I have more problems with his character but his portrayal certainly doesn't help.
Everyone else is fine, and I don't feel strongly either way about a lot of them.
B. The "Lore" Okay first off, I can't be the only one who thinks it's silly that people are calling the dsmp's story "lore" when it's not, it's the fucking story. Lore indicates backstory to either the world or the characters, which a lot of the streams don't really pertain to. This is a really petty section but god it's a weird pet peeve of mine.
Other than the misusage of "lore" vs "story", the actual lore and world-building of the world are so lackluster that new elements can be introduced whenever and it often feels cluttered or not well thought out at all. And here's the thing, I feel like if the writers sat down just for a few minutes to establish world rules and general history, a lot of this could be solved! but so much is made up on the spot that it starts to feel like they're grabbing at straws to keep people invested, trying to reach that next high and intense story beat without actually earning it.
C. The Egg / Eggpire This is a pretty minor note since I was only invested in the Egg storyline for a little bit, but god it's so underused that it's almost embarrassing. Bad has provided this super interesting antagonistic force that's infecting the SMP, can control people, and who one of our main character is immune to, and it's just never used or even talked about again? Now I understand if he wanted to keep it to a side storyline only, however, to introduce this borderline eldritch creature and force within the world and then never have it dealt with is so weird.
D. The Writing Oh boy this is. kinda a big one. Now I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty obvious I have a bias for the Wilbur writing over the current team [that consisting of Dream, Quackity, and Tommy mostly]. I don't this his writing is perfect by any means, the characters constantly bringing up traitors got obnoxious after a while, and writing Hamilton but in Minecraft really isn't the modern Shakespeare or anything. However, I think his exploration of characters and plot progression was a lot more thought out and well planned, like he actually had two brain cells behind the story yknow? The current team I think fails to be as emotional or even impactful, things happened too fast and my god was everything drowned in angst for so long.
Don't get me wrong, you gotta have your characters face hardships to make them reach their goal believable, but some of the shit they put the characters through just felt like too much. From c!Tubbo's constant comparison to c!Schlatt [who btw, fucking ordered his death and kept him from his friends in a nation he felt trapped in] and on a side note, i kinda really fucking dislike the "c!Schlatt dad!!" au's or the au's where c!Tubbo inherits some of Schlatt's features, it would be like c!Tommy getting a c!Dream mask after his exile, it's feels so weird yet people eat that shit up for some reason.
But god, did c!Tommy get the brunt of it all and in retrospect after his final death, it kinda feels really fucking gross. Now obviously, I'm not trusting any of these people to write decent mental health representation, but c!Tommy's PTSD and how it was explored was just degrading. [Specifically the scene in that one Techno stream where he saw the final control room from the first war, and had a flashback / panic attack where he started calling out for c!Dream. I understand this is an actual thing people with PTSD will experience, but it felt so fucking stereotypical it got on my nerves. I actually had to close out of the stream because it made me feel sick, fiction shouldn't leave you feeling that way.] And don't get me started on how they basically reused the formula from the previous arc. [Problem introduced -> Tensions rise as things start to fall apart -> Big confrontation -> Exile -> Return from Exile -> Blowing up L'Manberg, again.]
And speaking of characters-
E. Character Arcs, or the lack of them In my genuine opinion, some of these characters' arcs are so disappointing. Especially c!Tommy's. I'm not one to believe that he was a "selfish" character or anything, however, his goals were simply set on his discs and maybe c!Tubbo, he didn't have much outside that. However, L'Manberg gave him something to care about, he gave up his discs for it and he fought for it tooth and nail, I think it taught him to open up to others and trust more. It was a great character arc for him to have, seeing him still fight even after his first exile alongside c!Wilbur, to return safely to the nation that he and his found family had built.
But then his second exile happened, and I feel like all of that was undone.
c!Tommy's exile genuinely pisses me off for so many reasons. It's not that characters can't have their low points after reaching a major change or feeling like they've "completed" their arcs or anything, but it's more of the fact that it seems like he's never going to heal that feels like a spit in the face, especially to people who might have had setbacks like that before. Progress isn't linear, sometimes things happen and you get knocked back down, it can take a while to get back up, but I don't think c!Tommy's character is ever going to be allowed to get back up. From c!Dream, who pretty much was a constant abuser in his life, killing him then reviving him, and his still fractured relationship with c!Tubbo, which by the way I have a had time believing they would still be friends after all that happened, it feels like he can never get a win and it's generally kinda a shit way to treat your characters who have been abused. Of course, not all abused characters are going to get happy endings, I'm not trying to dictate that they all should, but c!Tommy deserves one and the fact that it's so obscure feels shitty.
Side note: we still don't have a canon reason to give a shit abt the discs. Like I'm sorry but without some sorta connection to the MacGuffin why should we give a shit about him getting them other than "he wants them lol". Like hell, I would even accept the classic "they were the last gifts from his parents" or something, but we still don't have a reason.
c!Tubbo also lacks a fulfilling arc as well, from someone who started out as a yes man, he has progressed a bit into having his own interests first, but besides that sometimes his character makes me so. depressed. He's easily one of the most pushed around and hated characters within the story, all for being a kid who didn't know what to do and he's in the same vein as c!Tommy; these kids can't get a break. Also, his anti-violence beliefs morphing into the "lets kill c!Techno lol!" bit was so out of place and without proper build-up it was like. what. And now he's building nukes?? god c!Tubbo makes me so sad because he's kicked around constantly and never given a chance to grow.
Another small note, I also don't really enjoy c!Techno at all. Besides the previously stated reasons of lack of emotions when they're really needed, I find his character to be weirdly pretentious. He talks as if he's constantly been betrayed and hurt but I personally, don't see it? Like, I think one of the main examples was the Pogtopia vs. Manberg war, yknow he wanted to end the government but they just reinstated it after they won = c!Techno upset. But this doesn't make sense to me because why did he think otherwise? The entire time c!Tommy had talked about taking back their nation and starting again, so the fact that c!Techno suddenly thought there would be a sudden change is, to put it bluntly, kinda fucking stupid. I don't want to say that he "plays the victim" or anything because that feels a bit harsh, but his character feels so far up his own ass that I can't enjoy him.
I have a major grip with c!Dream as well, but that's getting it's own fucking section.
F. L'Manberg This is a quick note before we get into the, forgive me for this, endgame, of this entire rant, since the next two sections are tied together. But god, L'Manberg makes me upset because it feels like they gave up on it.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that it is supposed to be c!Wilbur's "unfinished symphony", the thing that destroyed a once charismatic and widely loved man, his attempt at power that utterly ruined him. But the fact that it just got blown up in the end after everything and left to rot felt like such a waste of time. From the first war, to Pogtopia, to even c!Tommy's exile, it all felt fucking worthless in the end, and the story is actively closer to how it was when it started now more than ever. I wished it was actually allowed to exist and continue to be a peaceful place in what is a chaotic world, but no it was just snuffed out because why dedicate to this concept of finding others you can band together with and feel safe. fuck that noise apparently?
G. The Villains Now villain-wise, I'm only talking about c!Dream [during the first war], c!Schlatt, and c!Wilbur. And believe it or not, this is actually mostly positive.
Now I'm not gonna lie, c!Dream as a staring antagonist wasn't bad actually, he posed a genuine and threatening opposition to L'Manberg, even if we didn't know his real intentions or motivations as to why he was against it. He's lucky in this sense because he didn't have to be good, he had to be passable. If anything, he felt more like an anti-hero than a tyrant or traditional villain, and my god do I wish he kept this theme going forward.
Now quick disclaimer, I don't like JSchlatt as much as the next guy, he's an adult man who should know better than to joke about some sensitive topics and act the way that he does. But the one thing I'll ever give him is that damn, was he a good actor for his character.
Now here's the thing, c!Schlatt wasn't particularly deep at all. He had no real motivations behind his exile of c!Wilbur and c!Tommy other than getting competition out of the way, had no reason to act the way that he did and yknow? that's fine. The reason why he worked was from his performance alone, he was actually intimidating. When he came onto the stream and was doing his typical bad guy stuff, it was actually intense to see what he would do. Whenever he would almost catch c!Tommy back in Manberg, whenever he would begin to pressure c!Tubbo, it put you on the edge of your seat and it felt like everything would change at the drop of a pen. He's a villain to be a villain, and this works out because he's just charismatic and well put together enough to make it interesting, even without the backstory or motives.
c!Wilbur however, is much more tragic, and the best villain of the story. He essentially was the "mentor turned evil" trope and it felt terrible watching him descend into madness, unable to trust barely anyone except for c!Techno and c!Tommy. Hell, in the end I think he still cared about them both, despite losing everything. Sure, he blew up L'Manberg, but there was still a smidge of the old c!Wilbur in there made everything he did feel melancholic. His death at the hands of his father after achieving his final wish was chilling, and something I still think about.
Until yknow, Ghostbur came back way too soon to let people feel his loss as a character within that world. And then he got revived, pretty much-undoing everything that moment meant for his character lol.
And then there's the worst one:
H. Dream. I'm going to be completely honest, c!Dream is one of the main reasons why I dislike the current dsmp stuff so much. Outside of his actions as a person, the way Dream decided to write his character as this overpowered madman of the dsmp really just. destroyed any intrigue that he could've had. Perhaps this is from my growing dislike towards him, manifesting into a bias towards his character, but god I cannot fathom why people try to insist he's interesting when he has as much depth as a fucking puddle.
And here's the thing, I'm not even entirely against c!Dream being a villain, hell I think he would've been great as an anti-hero if anything. Make him sympathetic but not through c!George to get your precious "DNF" points or anything, but show him actually caring about the people within the dsmp, including c!Tommy and c!Tubbo. This would make his rival status with them just a bit more complicated, sure they're enemies, however, he doesn't want to hurt or kill them, and there's still a level of friendship there that keeps them bonded when things get super bad. This could've been super interesting to see, the first villain of the story receiving a sorta redemption arc then descending into madness as he started to fixate on being a god. This is all how I feel personally, but god do I feel like it would've been better than his current character, and hell would've worked with how he was during the Pogtopia arc, before the war that is. I'm not trying to tell Dream how to write his own character, but there are so many other ways he could've done the madman seeking to become god rather then. whatever the hell we got.
Because instead, we got this power-mad asshole who does things... because he can? And that's one of my major issues: he tries to surround his character in mystery to make him "intriguing" but it's kinda like c!Techno, it comes off as pretentious. Not only that, but you cannot keep waving around this mystery of a backstory without ever actually revealing it. I know the story isn't over, but c!Dream is effectively at his lowest point, now would be the time to reveal his backstory. But no just keep it in the dark and keep everyone guessing, that's totally fun and not at all tiring and annoying. (sarcasm, if anyone needs it)
And back to his performance, he doesn't sell this aloof, cynical and strategic warrior that has perfected the blade or some shit, he comes off as some angry guy yelling on reddit. which i don't need to tell you, isn't intimidating. It feels like he's trying to have c!Schlatt's intimidation combined with c!Wilbur's depth, but instead he's like a little brother who's trying to hard to mimic his older brother and is kinda embarrassing himself.
but other then that i dont feel too strongly abt the dsmp lol
but seriously, these are the main complaints I have abt the story tbh, I could probably talk about more but I wont because man. this is probably gonna get me in trouble if any of the hyper-dsmp fans actually read it.
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vaindumbass · 3 years
Do it. Elaborate on the Shrek au. I dare you.
oh god. oh god. well i cannot resist now i have been dared. remember that u asked for this. Also, this is mainly a collection of vague thoughts & details that maybe do not matter all that much, and will probably not make sense if u havent watched it.
fundamentally, shrek is a film (insert ‘im not even going to call it a movie’ meme here) about learning to love yourself as you are, but also about opening up to other people & letting them help you & also about how those two things interact with each other.
And who kind of hates himself and feels like a monster and uses the help of his friends? remus, of course. However! to even slightly maintain the vibe of the film the main character has to look hideous and intimidating to others, so we’re adding the lore that everyone can see that he’s a werewolf because of a particular scar on his head.
(sidenote: remember when sirius volunarily locked himself into a cave and looked like shit and ate rats? he would also make a good shrek, but if im going to list all the alternative ways this could be done we’ll never be done) 
Then, an enthusiastic four-footed sidekick: prongs. yes, it’s James in stag form. no, i don’t think he’ll be human at any point in the movie. (He has to be an outcast, that’s what unites them all, after all)
Also, the swamp is the shrieking shack.
now it’s going to get complicated, because unfortunately shrek wasn’t made with the idea of a marauders au in mind, which is kind of inconsiderate tbh. I’d make voldemort Lord Farquad just so that all the ‘compensating for something’ jokes can be replaced with something along the lines of: ‘well u know what they say: the smaller the nose,,,,’  
the magic mirror that snitches on them is Peter, and he tells voldemort that to be complete he needs a seventh horcrux and that the only thing fit for that is this one Black family heirloom. The black family will only give it away as a wedding gift. enter sirius black, stage left. 
lily is the dragon but. we’ve got to change the personality. lily is simply a Professional and wants to do her job, but james, overconfident as always, says he’ll be able to distract her with his seductive skills (yes, hes still a stag). Weirdest thing? it works. lily, who has never really talked to anyone before, just burned them to a crisp, is too busy laughing to really do anything. Somehow the whole ranting and never stop talking thing is the perfect approach, and Lily is quite curious about the outside world and how it has changed those past few years, and she is quite glad that she doesn’t have to kill him, because turns out he was just lost, and that must be true because he hasn’t asked about the prince yet. 
And then she spots Remus and Sirius getting away and realizes she was tricked. she isn’t exactly. proud of her reaction but to be fair trying to burn and kill people was just her knee-jerk reaction at that point!! she didn’t really have the time to get used to the talking thing!! 
ehhh sirius changes into a. fucking dog at night. and he can’t control it. that’s the curse. 
that one robin hood-like figure? that came to attack them? the blonde one with the song. yes that’s Gilderoy Lockhart and Sirius enjoys punching him very much (#letsiriusblackgoferal2021). Remus enjoys watching the punching and such and then the cute and slightly disturbing bonding montage starts. 
they take shelter in the windmill, sirius transforms into a dog but can still talk for plot reasons, and explains the whole being cursed and needing a true love’s kiss etcetera. remus got him a flower but drops it when he hears the words ‘but who could ever love a mangy mutt’ and it’s all a very sad misunderstanding and voldemort takes sirius away. (sorry abt putting the image of sirius and voldemort marrying into ur head <3) 
Here, for fun, I’d suggest just giving Lily some time to shine, going out, exploring the world, because she doesn’t really have a job anymore and doesn’t know what to do. She sees the fairytale people, the different ones, and how they are treated and how lord voldemort tries to get them all away because it doesn’t fit into his worldview. It’s horrible, and at her core, she’s a protector, so one day she just swoops two dwarfs (marlene and dorcas) onto her back, away from the soldiers who try to make them go down the mines and stay there forever, out of sight.
They have fun & explore & become friends, honestly, and her new friends want to show her some really cool dwarven shit let’s say a nice gemstone. Lily gives the appropriate reaction but unfortunately a very big dragon isn’t very subtle and the soldiers manage to find them and to capture marlene and dorcas, who both encourage lily to just get away as fast as possible. and lily does. she flies and flies and keeps flying until she can’t and then she stops next to a lake and cries.
that’s where she sees james again. they talk, james consoles her, says that at least she had that friendship because friendship is the most important thing in the world, and then we see him have a lightbulb moment. He makes up with remus. 
They crash the wedding! sirius appreciates the dramatics of it all, and, not one to be bested, reveals that he changes into a dog when the sun goes down. lord voldemort, appaled, calls for his guards (remember, the problem isn’t necessarily ugliness, here, but the exclusion of the non-normal, non-human people (shrek as a metaphor for queerness anyone?)) and lily eats him. #girlboss
remus hugs dog-sirius, and he’s smiling a lot more than we’ve seen so far in this film!! he also presses a small kiss to the top of sirius’ head just because. not much happens but a few seconds later sirius seems to concentrate and suddenly he’s human again (a delighted human, to be clear). he concentrates again and he’s a dog. human-dog-human-dog-human. remus, although he isn’t quite sure what’s going on, watches with a fond smile. sirius remembers he’s there and they kiss and it’s cute ig
ending scene is a big party with a banner of ‘we ended the monarchy!!!!’ and next to it there’s a painting of the person who was elected as president and it’s Just Some Guy. halfway through the party james decides to defend lily’s honour and crosses out the ‘we’ and writes down ‘I’ and drapes it around lily as if it’s a sash. remus and sirius are also vibing. dorcas and marlene are furiously digging out gems and giving them to each other (it’s how they flirt). the end <3
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breakfast club headcanons V
andrew - first things first i think that we can all agree that this man is in fact a jean cuffer, he’s a bi man - he had braces from 7th grade to junior year and gets very embarrassed of  precious old photos of younger him - okay so, i need to elaborate on this boys family life, it’s insane - this boy is brothers with the kid in the police office in ferris buellers day off (his name is garth volbeck) and they have a sister named judy because garth mentions her - yes i did this because they are brothers irl and have different last names irl (but for different reasons)  - and their parents divorced a year before the breakfast club so their mother (a very sweet lady who loves her kids no matter what and respects them, she can also bake and she taught andrew to respect woman) she already moved out into another house in another neighborhood - so andrew lives with his dad sadly, and has a hard time escaping it all, garth is in between everything and judy lives with their mother by choice because of obvious reasons - okay hopefully ya’ll understand that :) - next things next this man (even out of my au) grows up to be a librarian - the story to how that happened is kind of upsetting, i don’t want anyone to feel in any way triggered or upset by this so... T W: don’t read if sensitive to stuff like verbal abuse - after highschool he got into a college for wrestling and did his thing and then after that he got onto the wrestling team his dad coaches - andrew had joined but it had drained him, his mental health was deteriorating to say the least - eventually he started to feel pain in his knee but his father kept pushing him and pushing him until he couldn’t take it anymore - he knee gave out  - i’m not educated enough to say why but all i know is that he couldn’t wrestle anymore and was useless in his fathers eyes - his father said very mean things to him and left him at a telephone booth with very little money, enough to get a burger at a mcdonalds, he called garth - asked him to take him to the hospital, he was shaky on the phone but his brother understood and came to pick him up - the ride was completely silent and understandably so, but andrew ended up crying in the passenger seat, he was kind of cold too  T W over: enjoy the rest :) - uh soooo ONCE AGAIN i am NOT educated enough to say what happened to his knee but he ended up having some chronic knee thing and it was only going to get worse and he needed a knee brace for it  - he ends up staying at garth and his boyfriends house (sorry to anyone who thinks brian should just be on his own, me and my bf ship brian and garth like a couple of dorks U-U so please do ignore it if you don’t like it or think of them as roommates :>)  - he ended up getting a job at the local library and he was pretty good at it, this library in particular was very safe and a tame - perfect, so he ended up getting the money from it and a small loan from his brother and getting his own apartment eventually  - he built his life back up and he’d end up in a comfortable house with a cat and perhaps a husband or wife A H E M bENDer - okay now on to the good stuff, lead your mind back to kindergarten - when he was younger he liked the colors pink and purple and he likes blue omg bi pride  but he ended up getting scolded for it from his dad so he vowed his whole life to hate those three things because he thought this was the normal way to live - which would explain why he’d say he hates cats but then meet one or even own one and get crazy attached to it and even name it - him and his brother wrestled around a lot but when it came to their sister they’d never hurt her, she (age: 3) was BRUTAL to them, they all look back and laugh on it later - he’s a middle child but oddly he crushes the idea of middle child syndrome because he gets too much unwanted attention from his dad, garth is two years older, his sister is three years under - in middle school he was kinda awkward and even in highschool wasn’t the most popular kid, he was good at wrestling and considered to be the best of them but girls liked the louder ones better, he’s kind of quiet - he’s got “terrible taste” in clothes according to the entirety of the breakfast club, he dresses like an old man when he’s older, but like an ancient man like me  like full on plaid pants blue shirt tan cardigan kinda thingy - when he’s younger he stays sporty on days where he has a meet but some days my man wears a yucky polo and plaid pants and a big belt once again some ugly old man stuff that i’d wear - he’s a door mat, push over, he cannot say no and that’s one of his main issues NOT PROJECTION but like me 😎 - he’s extremely polite and tries his best at being nice and respectful toward everyone but when it comes to standing up for himself in particular against people who aren’t specifically bender, he’s lost and kinda just ignores it and lets it happen - bender finally gets him to snap cause andrew wouldn’t let anyone hurt his friends or even just a person in general - he’s a little on edge for the rest of his time in detention - ya’ll okay sorry bout this, but the breakfast club is just a group of stuffed animal hoarders, he’s got a regular old teddy bear at his MOMS house so it’s safe :) - lil spoon  - cozy man wears sweaters - OH he’s super short, not a headcanon, HECK its not projection, i just enjoy the fact that he’s short and blonde like meee :} lets appreciate the tiny boy shall we? - his letterman is a size too big because he was told he’d grow into it, he is cozy - he’s at his happiest when he’s a. with his friends b. on a chair with a cat or c. outside in autumn time  - bender makes andrew a small angry bi whenever he’s around, andrew has a lot of pent up anger and he’s a little uptight and bender shakes him loose and gets him annoyed and then continues to baby voice him about how much he loves him in a funny sorta way, mostly when they were younger - andy and allison are super close and tell each other almost everything, they have coffee together and talk about how everything is every now and then, more often when they’re older - benders strong so he’ll give everyone piggy backs, usually he surprise attacks andy tho and picks him up, or if they walk home all together after school, whoevers tired, if its andrew he’ll be gentle in that circumstance - brian and andrew like books, one grows up to be an author and the other a librarian, and once andy discovers his book in his library he smiles and checks it out to read - claire and andy are closer when they’re older, they talk about their shared experiences as a kid and how they ended up where they are and they talk about how lucky they are compared to others - when they were younger claire used to try and show the boys style, bender is already a fashionista but claire picks out some cool ties for him with wacky designs on them, he wears those to work when he’s older - brian enjoys it but only to buy a pair of new shoes, perhaps some loafers and a cool button up - claire has to pick out clothes for andy because andy doesn’t know what he likes quite yet, claire ends up teaching him how to cuff his jeans and :)))))) okay i’ll stop - around christmas, andrew gets the worst gifts, he tries so so hard but he can never seem to get it right, bender gets a kick out of it :}  - in the au they have a cat named mr.ravioli because bender made raviolis and the cat began to feast on them without them knowing so they decided that’d be his name i’ll stop here but it’s not the last part of this series of headcanons, i will write more, some future ones being for all of them together, and then a fbdo bttf pretty in pink cross over where all the cool kidz hang together!! sorry this was so long ;<; i didn’t mean to absolutely pour out my heart but i love andrew and he deserves some headcanons :} i hope their not too bad ;w;
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excindrela · 4 years
12 Days of Demon Ayno- Day 2
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Supernatural AU
Pairing: demon! Ayno (Noh YoonHo) VAV x Female Reader
Genre: F L U F F
Warnings: Stuff on TV looks easier. Don’t disable your smoke detector. Don’t leave your demon unattended. Indian food can be very spicy. 
Word Count: 1342
AN: Welcome to Day 2 of the 12 Days of Demon Ayno! It’s another FLUFF day! (stay tuned- we’ll be getting smutty tomorrow!) This is another short installment. I love feedback- so if there’s something you like, or something you want to see- tell me!! If you’re new to demon! Ayno, he showed up here first in Summoned, and then at Thanksgiving! 
12 Days: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
On the 2nd Day of Christmas: Ayno Discovers They Make it Look Easy on TV
As you stepped off the elevator you realized that the horrible smell that had permeated the entire apartment building seemed to be coming from your apartment. You hurried to open the door and found it freezing cold inside with a lingering haze of smoke.
“Ayno?! Ayno?!” You felt a small surge of relief when you saw the demon’s head stick out of the kitchen looking rather dismayed.
“What happened??” You asked looking around at the counters of the kitchen which were littered with cremated slabs of…something.
“I was trying to make a gingerbread house. Things did not go as planned.”
“A gingerbread house?” you asked.
“Yes- the Cooking Channel had a show on today called the Great American Gingerbread Challenge: people constructed very elaborate houses made out of gingerbread. Then they decorated them. They were beautiful and very detailed- I thought it looked like fun. So, I tried to make one, but I never got to the decoration because I burned the house.” He explained sadly.
“’The’ house? It looks like you burned an entire city block. And it stinks.”
He hung his head. “I am sorry. I did not think it would be so difficult. Also, we are out of flour and cinnamon now.”
“What is that?”, you asked pointing to a pile of broken plastic shards and wires on the floor.
“I do not know, but it began making a shrieking sound that hurt my ears. It would not stop so I was forced to destroy it.”
You inspected it closer. “Uh, that would be the smoke detector Ayno. It’s supposed to make that sound: if there’s smoke in the apartment there might be a fire it would shriek to tell us, and we could escape instead of burning to death.”
“Oh. Then we are out of smoke detectors too.”
You had to laugh. Poor Ayno looked so defeated.
“Come on”, you told him “let’s throw all this away and then we can go out to dinner.”
Before long, you were bundled up again and happily walking through the snowy streets of downtown holding your boyfriend’s hand. You headed straight to Mantra, the Indian restaurant, because it was Ayno’s favorite- and he needed some cheering up.
A whole tandoori chicken with basmati rice, some paneer pakora, and several plates of samosas later he was in a much better mood. When you went to pay the check, you were delighted to see Chavvi who owned the establishment with her husband. “Ah! I should’ve known it was you when I saw the third plate of samosas go out!” she said winking at Ayno. You both laughed. “Your timing is excellent!”, she said “You will be right on time for the lighting of the Square!” “Oh is that tonight?” you asked. “Yes, yes!” she said “If you hurry you can still get a good spot in the middle. You are only a couple of blocks away. Enjoy the beautiful lights children!” she said as she shooed you out the door.
You had lived here for years and honestly never gone to see the lighting of The Square. You had driven past it many times all lit up thinking how beautiful it was. Now as you walked hand-in-hand with Ayno looking at all the buildings so beautifully decorated with lights and garland, passing shops with holiday window displays, seeing people’s dressed up trees peeking from windows above, hearing the crunch of the snow under your feet…you realized how truly romantic it was.
The Square was formed by City Hall, the police station, the courthouse and the local museum. You found a spot to stand in the crowd near the center. A few moments later city dignitaries got up and gave speeches welcoming the holiday season and talking about the pride of the city and their hopes for the New Year. One of the local high school choirs sang Christmas carols, and then this year’s guest of honor, Eunice Bixby, the head librarian who was so old you thought she might’ve actually been around when the library was built; got up and gingerly threw the switch causing all the buildings to spring to life in thousands of twinkling lights. Ayno let out a giant “Awww” of wonder and stood eyes wide, smiling and clapping with everyone else looking at the magical sight.
“So pretty!” he exclaimed to you. You laughed, “Yes it is, isn’t it?” Then he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in close as he pressed his forehead and nose to yours and whispered “So pretty”, before he brought his lips to fit perfectly with yours…and you suddenly understood why every couple you knew came to this event at least once. 
You were on your way home after having walked around and admired the lights when you suddenly got an idea. “Ayno? Do you mind if we deviate and go a few blocks out of our way?” He shook his head and allowed you to pull him in the opposite direction of home for a few streets, until you arrived at your destination: the craft store. You went inside and were relieved to immediately see the display of pre-made gingerbread houses- just waiting to be assembled and decorated.
Thirty minutes later you had one happy demon and were laden with bags that you thought contained at least two of every style of house they had, and half of the cake decorating section.
When you arrived home, the apartment was blissfully smoke-free but freezing from the open windows, and still had a lingering smell. You decided to take a shower to get warm and go to bed. Ayno came and laid next to you, cuddling and warming you until you fell asleep blissfully in his arms.
*           *           *
The blaring of the alarm reminded you that it was not yet the weekend, but at least you smelled fresh coffee wafting in from the kitchen now instead of burned gingerbread. You discovered, however, that along with coffee there was a lot of gingerbread in the kitchen.
That Ayno had been up all night was not shocking- he didn’t actually need sleep- but you were a little surprised not so much at what he had done as how he had done it. You expected to find a village of decorated houses, but instead, he had used all the pieces from all the kits to build one massive building- the entire dining table was covered in a giant Seuss-ish gingerbread house. Making use of the awkwardness of the building’s shape, he had meticulously decorated it in an extra whimsical style. He’d clearly had a good time, because there was frosting all over him- and the floor, along with broken bits of cookie and candy. His blonde hair sparkled with colored cookie sugar, and the color of his tongue suggested that he had been licking all the dripped icing.
“What do you think? Is it good?” he asked hopefully.
“Oh!! Oh …wow…it’s huge!” you exclaimed. “It looks like a mansion from Whoville! …how did you do that without it falling apart??”
“What is Whoville?” he asked.
“I’ll show you later” you promised as you pulled a glob of frosting from his hair. “This is amazing Ayno. Let’s take some pictures.”
*           *           *
Riding downstairs in the elevator on your way to work, you were on your phone, scrolling through all the pictures you had just taken of the gingerbread house and Ayno standing proudly next to it. You paused when you reached the end and got to the selfie Ayno had taken of the two of you in the Square. Both of you with bright smiles and flushed cheeks, beautiful holiday lights in the background. You couldn’t tear your eyes from the screen, a stupid grin plastered on your face, butterflies in your belly and a warm feeling in your heart as you looked at Ayno’s face. It was in this moment you realized that no matter how much you wanted to deny it, you had totally- completely- 100% fallen for him.
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Can you do 27 for Blue/Red?
 27. “I’ve never felt like that before.” 
  The first date is supposed to be all fun; at least, that’s what he’d read on the sugar dating forums.  Goddesses, sugar dating. His mother would have kicked him out of the house if he’d ever done something like this when he was still living there. Thank gods he’d cut ties after graduation because the shaming was not something he could ever live with.  And honestly? Red really needed the money. Culinary school was expensive! There were ingredients and equipment to purchase and bills to pay and cats to feed (yes, cats, plural). It would be great to have some of that burden lifted off his shoulders.  He just hoped his date didn’t turn out to be a 40 year old creep.  They’d agreed to meet outside the bookstore on main street. Red was bouncing on his toes as he waited, equal parts nervous and excited. His phone buzzed in his jacket pocket, and Red nearly dropped it in his haste to get it out. A text lit up on his screen, under the name “Blue(?)” and he swiped it open. ‘That u in the red jacket?’ Red looked up and glanced over his shoulder, frowning when he only saw a few couples walking down the sidewalk. The phone buzzed in his hand again.  ‘Look the other way lmao’  “Oh.” He murmured out loud, before looking up. A tall blonde man raised his hand in greeting as he walked towards him, and Red’s jaw dropped.  Definitely not a 40 year old creep. He hadn’t expected this.  Blue grinned a lopsided, white-toothed grin as he stopped in front of Red. He was dressed in that effortless way that Red knew from private boarding school was the result of having an army of personal stylists handy; black combat boots, white jeans and a v-neck sweater, a dark blue blazer slung over his shoulders  and a checkered black and white scarf looped casually around his neck. He stood straight, a good half-foot taller than Red, but strangely he wasn’t intimidated.  “You’re Red right? The jacket’s not just a coincidence?” Blue asked, his voice deep and teasing. Red let out a breath.  “Nope!” He replied with a surprising amount of grace. “That’s me! You’re Blue, right?”   “Yeah.” Blue lifted his hand in what looked like was going to be a handshake, before stopping himself and then continuing the motion to sheepishly rub the back of his neck. “Sorry, I’ve never done this before? A handshake seems too formal.”  Red giggled, pink tinting his cheeks. “No- that’s okay. I’m a little awkward about this too. I’m okay with a hug if you are!”  At that, Blue laughed nervously, a horribly endearing sound. “I’m- definitely okay with that, yeah.” He said, and then winced. “That sounded, a little too eager?”  “What, no, come here!” Red reached up, wrapping his arms around Blue’s shoulders. A second later Blue leaned a bit more into it, wrapping his arms securely around Red’s waist.  He was…really warm, and smelled like a dark, woody scented cologne. Red gave it a few more seconds, and then pulled back with a grin. He couldn’t help but notice Blue’s hesitation to let go.  “Um.” Blue’s face was red. “We should…uh- dinner?”  “Absolutely!” Red nodded, and they walked down the street together.  The restaurant was just shy of black-tie, and one that Red had wanted badly to go to for a while now (he couldn’t help it- he loved to cook and he loved to eat). He spent the entire first course chatting excitedly about everything, more at Blue than with Blue, although the other didn’t seem to mind. He talked about the food (passionately critiqued some of it, admittedly), which led to talking about culinary school and then his dreams of opening a cafe when he graduated, which inexplicably led to a passionate dissertation on how Cooking Mama should have made it into the new Smash game.  The waiter brought some wine with the second course, and Red sheepishly realized he’d been talking the whole time.  “I’m sorry- I should have asked about your interests or something.” Red chuckled nervously
  Blue sat a little straighter in his chair and shook his head with that lopsided grin from before.  “Are you kidding? My life’s boring by comparison. You could talk about quantum physics and I wouldn’t lose interest. Although I’d have no idea what you’d be talking about- at least I understand food.” They both laughed at that.  “Still, I’d like to know what you like to do too!” Red chirped. Blue glanced down at his wine glass, swirling the liquid as he thought about it.  “My family owns a stretch of private beach,” He said, glancing up at Red’s eager face. “I like to go surfing when we take vacations. Unfortunately I don’t get to do a lot of the stuff I’d like to actually do other than that.”  Red frowned as Blue elaborated somewhat shyly. He came to three conclusions: 1) Blue desperately needed some warm good food and as much of it as Red could cook for him; 2) Blue also desperately needed a fuck-ton of physical affection; and 3) Red really hated Blue’s dad, and he hadn’t even met him yet.  “I’m going to cook for you.” He announced when Blue ran out of things to say.  “You’re going to- what?”  “I’m going to cook for you! No offense, but you, my good sir, are in serious need of some home-cooked meals. And some cuddling. Maybe a lot of cuddling.” Red said sternly. Blue laughed.  “Aren’t we supposed to save that for the second date?” He asked.
   Oh right. Red forgot. He sat down sheepishly.  “Ah- shit sorry. I made that awkward.” Blue winced, lifting up a hand.   “N-no, I forgot, that’s my bad.”  The check came and went, and as Blue and Red left the restaurant and re-entered the chilly autumn air, Red instinctively leaned into Blue’s body heat. Without thinking, Blue wrapped an arm around his shoulders and they looked at each other, startled, before Red shrugged and pressed into the embrace.  “Well- I’ve never felt like that before.” Blue admitted as they walked down main street.  “Felt like what?”  “Uh- like- I enjoyed someone’s company I guess? Someone other than my mom- goddesses that sounds lame.” Blue snorted at the thought, and Red smiled.  “No it doesn’t! It’s sweet that you love your mom!”   “Yeah well, you wouldn’t believe how much that gets me pegged as a mama’s boy.”  “That’s not a bad thing!”  “No,” Blue said as he hailed down a taxi. “It’s not.”  Blue opened the door for him and then stood there for a second before fumbling for his wallet, red coloring his cheeks.   “Thanks- uh- for tonight?” He fumbled, suddenly looking in any direction that wasn’t at Red. It was adorable. “I mean- I had a good time so- next time?” Red smiled. “Definitely.” He didn’t comment as Blue passed him a 100 Rupee note, only leaned up on his tip-toes to press a kiss to his cheek. He slipped into the taxi before Blue could react, glancing out the rear window as the taxi drove away.  Blue stared after him with a hand on his cheek.  ‘Oh fuck,’ Red thought. ‘There’s going to be a “next time”.’
@notall2gether I hope you like this one! I’ve been playing with the concept of a Blue/Red sugar dating au for two days now and this just kind ofhappenedLike my work? Buy me a coffee (ps. this ko-fi plug is not at you specifically, dear notall2gether, but in general)
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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eccacia · 6 years
wonderful you came by [part 16]
Summary: Caitlin’s a no-nonsense science major. Barry’s the quintessential charming star athlete. When they’re paired off and forced to interact in class, Caitlin’s determined to resist his charms, but Barry’s also pretty determined to get under her skin… It all boils down to a battle between head and heart, and Caitlin’s not one to give in to her heart so easily. [College AU]
Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, or read on ff.net
Rating: T
Notes: I know it’s been five months, but… Look! An update! Sorry I’ve been gone awhile. This chapter was tough, life’s been tough, being newly unemployed is tough, etc. etc. Anyway, I miss you all. This is more of a friendship chapter, since I want to wrap up all the loose ends and lay the groundwork for the last plot point. After this, I’m estimating we have 1-2 more chapters to go and then an epilogue (AAAAH! Can you believe it?!) so I hope you’ll stick around. :)
Some shout-outs: To Gaby, as always, for the encouragement, and in celebration of our three-year long friendship on this site. To @panalegs27, for the unwavering enthusiastic support and the messages that make me smile. To @purpleyin, who, to my great surprise and delight, left a review on all my stories and on every chapter in this fic (!!!). To Random Lurker, for leaving such a sweet review; it made my terrible day better. And, last but not the least, to Of Pencils and Penguins (formerly The Pickle System), who beta-read this chapter in a flash (pun fully intended)—he fixed all the pesky grammatical errors, cleaned up my dialogue, and pointed out the scenes that needed tweaking or rewriting. I can’t thank you enough. This chapter won’t be what it is without your help. :)
Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own The Flash.
Barry parted ways with her outside of her dorm, and as she moved from the open, starry night to the closed, fluorescent-lit hallways of the building to her dark, unoccupied room, unease replaced the earlier sense of lightness she’d felt. She’d been harboring this sense of unease since her fight with Felicity yesterday, but her anxiety about the orals and about Barry had dominated such a large portion of her emotional landscape that this unease had receded into the background.
But now, faced with a Felicity-less room, which had been voided of the sounds of their easy companionship—the scrape of the wheels of her chair against the floor, the quick, light tapping of her fingers on her laptop, the rip of Swiss Miss packets at the end of a long day—Caitlin felt the unease return with a vengeance.
She slumped into her chair. How was it that she managed to push two people who were important to her away in the space of a week? For someone who’d always thought of herself as self-sufficient and fiercely independent, she was realizing how emotionally affected she could be when the relationships in her life went awry.
Well, at least she knew Felicity better than she did Barry. She knew, for instance, that her friend dealt with her hurt by avoiding its cause, and that while she was in this avoidance phase, it was best to give her space. But she also knew that approaching her first was already winning half the battle. So it boiled down to timing—intuiting when enough time had passed since the avoidance started, and intuiting when the best time was to approach her.
It was, she supposed, the same way Felicity would tiptoe around her when she was deep in work mode, hazarding guesses at the best time to disturb her. She had guessed wrong yesterday—had prodded her at the wrong time, in the wrong way—and much to her shame, she had exploded.
She grimaced. She could call Oliver right now to ask if he’d seen her, but she was already so tired. There’d been more emotions packed into this day than she’d had in her entire twenty-something years of existence, and even if some of those emotions were pleasant, she still felt incredibly drained.
Tomorrow, then, she thought, crawling into her bed. She’d apologize tomorrow.
The next day, Caitlin set about to look for her friend in all her usual haunts, but as expected, she couldn’t find her in any of them. She texted Cisco on the off-chance that he’d seen her, but he merely replied with, “? u can call her? and aren’t u roommates” and, a few seconds later, “OH wait r u fighting :( idk where she is bt i hope u make up soon”.
So she had no choice but to give Oliver a call, which, in the first place, had been the most logical thing to do.
…But also the most awkward, because she and Oliver weren’t exactly on calling terms. There was also the fact that she had been staunchly against them when Felicity had really started liking him. Sure, she’d been the one to dare her to talk to him, but she’d done it because she’d believed that her friend had more common sense than to fall for the shallowest rich boy on campus, and because she didn’t think that Felicity was Oliver’s type.
Needless to say, Felicity did not have as much common sense as she’d expected, and Oliver turned out to be decent under his party-boy exterior. While she was right in guessing that Felicity wasn’t his type, she hadn’t guessed that he’d fall for her anyway. He’d liked Felicity so much that, upon sensing Caitlin’s unspoken antagonism, sought to prove all her previous notions of him wrong—he cleaned up his act, stopped flirting with every leggy girl he came across, and stopped hanging out with the shadier cliques in the popular crowd—until she finally came to accept them together.
Still, that didn’t mean they would be besties, or that they’d take to each other the same way Felicity had taken to Digg and Barry and Tommy and the rest of Oliver’s friends. They were content to regard each other with civility.
Which brought her back to her current dilemma: She and Oliver were civil, but not on calling terms.
She sighed. Well, it wasn’t like she had much of a choice. They would have to be on calling terms now if they both cared about Felicity.
Having decided on her course of action, she sent him a short text to ask when he was free to take a call. His answer was immediate: “Now is good.” He picked up on the first ring.
“Hey. You’re looking for Felicity?” he said.
Well, if there was one thing Caitlin respected him for, it was his propensity for cutting right to the chase.
“Yes,” she said. “Did she stay over at your place?”
“Yeah,” he said. “But she left for class this morning, and she hasn’t been back yet. I thought she’d headed to the dorm.”
Caitlin frowned. “Well… she’s definitely not here.”
“Oh.” There was a pause. “She’s… been really down the past few days,” he ventured tentatively. “Said something about this being a replay of sophomore year, but didn’t go into the specifics.”
“Oh,” she said.
“Care to elaborate?” His tone was careful. “I mean, when my girlfriend and one of my best friends share a bottle of Smirnoff from my bar because of the same person, I feel like I deserve an explanation from the said person.”
Caitlin winced. “Can said person just buy you another bottle of Smirnoff instead?”
“Nice try,” he said wryly. “Spare me the details with Barry, I know way too much already. I just want to hear about the whole… sophomore year thing. If… that’s okay. She—she usually tells me everything, and I can’t—I don’t know how to talk to her if she doesn’t—talk. To me.”
When he said those last two sentences, Oliver sounded as if he was having a nail extracted for every word he spoke. She could almost see his grimace deepening the more he talked. Strangely enough, it comforted her, because this was something she could identify with. He was nearly as emotionally stunted as she was, stripped of that glamorous façade, and she imagined that she had the same expression that he had now whenever she talked about her feelings. Granted, this was the same reason they couldn’t be friends, and were instead friends with people like Felicity and Barry who were so open about their feelings that they were practically begging to be taken advantage of, but still. This kind of kinship was also comforting. Painfully awkward, but comforting.
So Caitlin took a deep breath and proceeded to tell him about sophomore year—the year they had their first real fight as friends.
It happened towards the end of their first term as sophomores. She’d been swamped with so many requirements and had been putting so much pressure on herself that she’d turned down all of Felicity’s invitations to parties, dinners, and even their hallowed Sunday lunches. Sometimes she didn’t even bother to acknowledge her in the room, because she didn’t want a break in her concentration. This went on for a month, until Felicity gave up trying to talk to her altogether. She avoided all their usual haunts and materialized in their room only to sleep. It was a miserable few months for both of them (and for Cisco, who’d shuttled back and forth between them), and it went on for as long as it did because, ironically, it had been easier to keep snubbing each other than to break their deadlock.
“Eventually, I just swallowed my pride and just went up to her during lunch. And even before I said anything, she burst out crying and hugged me,” Caitlin said.
He chuckled. “That sounds like her.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” she said. She decided to leave out the embarrassingly sappy things they told each other that time, like when Felicity told her, in between hiccups, You know, real talk—I’d get over a breakup with a guy faster than a breakup with you. Like, a friend break-up. Because guys are so… replaceable, you know? And there’s only one of you, and… where’ll I ever find another Caitlin Snow?
She didn’t think Oliver would respond favorably to that.
After their tearful reunion, though, they’d implicitly agreed never to talk about that time again. It seemed they both knew that the smooth continuation of their friendship hinged on completely burying that hatchet. So Felicity continued to tiptoe around her when she was busy, and continued to clam up when she was hurt. Maybe that was why she thought that her recent blow-up was an echo of sophomore year.
“She’s in Jitters, by the way,” Oliver said. “She told me not to tell you, but I don’t like seeing her miserable, and I don’t think I’m the person to cheer her up.”
“Oh,” she said. “Um, thanks.”
“Yeah,” he said. “Just… go talk to her. And make sure that she doesn’t steal too many drinks from my bar.”
Her lips lifted into a small smile. “The former, I can promise. The latter, not so much.”
. . .
In a way, it made sense that Felicity was at Jitters. Since she knew that Caitlin was avoiding Barry, and that Barry frequented Jitters, then she must have thought that there was a good chance that Caitlin would also avoid Jitters.
It didn’t take long to spot Felicity’s messy high ponytail in the crowd, and she was so deeply absorbed in her work that she didn’t even feel her approach.
“Hey,” Caitlin said, touching her shoulder, and Felicity immediately startled in her seat.
“Oh my God! Don’t scare me like th—”
When she saw it was her, though, she schooled her expression into a neutral one. The change was so dramatic that it unnerved her.
“Sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” God, she was terrible at this. “Can I… Is this seat taken?”
This was agonizing. Any dim hope she’d harbored of this being like their first make-up was quashed.
“Felicity,” she said. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”
Silence. And then, “Okay.”
“Okay as in…?”
She shrugged. “It’s fine.”
It was decidedly not fine. Felicity was not as adept at hiding her emotions as she thought, because Caitlin could see her trying to hide them. “Felicity…”
Silence. And then, softly, “I’ve been tiptoeing around you for years, did you know that?” she said. “No, wait—you probably never noticed, but I’ve been doing it since we started rooming together. Since our first year. When things would get busy—for both of us, not just for you—you would transform into this ticking time bomb. One wrong move on my part, and you’d explode.”
Caitlin sat very still. “I… never knew,” she said. “It’s just…”
She trailed off. She was about to say that it was a bad habit she’d picked up from her father, who’d regarded disturbances—a category which even his young, too-inquisitive daughter and his flaky wife fell into—with murderous intent, so everyone had always adjusted to him without question or complaint. But this sounded like an excuse, and in a rare flash of human insight, Caitlin saw that an excuse wouldn’t save their friendship.
So she held her tongue.
Felicity continued, “Every time you get like that, I have to worry about how to get you to eat and function like a normal human being without risking our friendship. Do you know how tiring that gets?”
Caitlin exhaled. “I’m sorry,” she said again. “I never meant you to feel like…” She paused to gather the right words. “Like I’d only be friends with you if you never made me mad.”
“Yeah, but that’s how you come off sometimes,” Felicity said. “Would it hurt to say, ‘Hey, Felicity, I’m really stressed and I don’t want to talk about it now’? It’s not hard. I mean, I let you know when I’m about to binge-code so you’d know better than to expect me to clean my part of the room for the rest of the week.”
“Or shower, for that matter,” Caitlin couldn’t help saying. When she realized her misstep she quickly amended it with, “Sorry—”
“God, not relevant, Cait,” Felicity said.
“Sorry,” Caitlin said. She’d unknowingly slipped back into their usual easy banter at the worst possible time. “Sorry.”
Her friend’s expression was now shuttered, and Caitlin had the sinking feeling that she’d blown her attempt at reconciliation.
The silence stretched between them.
“Felicity,” she finally said, unable to bear it, “I’m sorry, I really am. Please don’t shut me out.”
“Oh, you mean like what you do to me?”
Caitlin winced. The accusation rang so true that it hurt. The silence grew more and more tense the longer those words hung in the air, and she frantically reached for something appropriate to say.
“I… It… was wrong of me… to do that to you,” she said quietly. “You didn’t deserve any of it.” A pause. “I’ve been an asshole friend. I’m sorry.”
Felicity fiddled with the keys of her laptop. She gave no indication of having heard her.
A crazy sense of desperation seized her. She felt like she would do anything—anything—to get Felicity to talk to her, anything to draw her out of that damning silence… It made her more painfully aware that this was the same emotional distress she put Felicity (and Barry, for that matter) through whenever she gave her the cold shoulder. She would never do this again, she thought vehemently. She would never make her friends—her best friend—feel this shitty ever again, if said best friend would still care to talk to her. No wonder Felicity had burst out crying last time the moment she approached… Any move to break this kind of silence would have brought on waves of delirious relief.
Felicity continued fiddling with her keys. She uncrossed her legs. She leaned back against her chair. She let out a breath, and since it was so quiet between them, Caitlin could tell that this breath was a beat longer than was normal.
Felicity seemed to be on the verge of speaking. Caitlin braced herself.
“You’re not an asshole friend,” she finally said. She still wasn’t looking at her, but at least she was talking to her. She was talking to her. “You just… revert to assholic behavior when stressed.”
Caitlin held her breath. That was it. That was Felicity’s olive branch. She would have sagged in her seat from sheer relief, but she had to play this right.
“Assholic behavior,” she said carefully.
“What, you’re not used to Feliciticisms yet?” her friend said, finally looking at her. A small smile stretched across her face.
Caitlin blinked. She smiled. Definitely a good sign. Definitely a sign to play along, to ease back into the usual banter of their friendship. “I still can’t figure out how you say that,” she said. “Felicisms would have been a lot easier on the tongue.”
“Yes, but I’m a Felicity, not a Felici,” she said. “Although, come to think of it, Felici sounds a lot chicer.”
“True.” Caitlin paused and took a risk. “Probably why it doesn’t suit you.”
“Hey. You were the one who proposed Felicism.”
She tried to contain her smile. “Because it would be easier to pronounce, not because you look like a Felici.”
“Same banana.”
“No, they’re not. And for the record, there are more than 1,000 discovered varieties of bananas in the world.”
“Okay, just, no,” Felicity said. “How do you even know stuff like that?”
“The same way you know who invented ramen.”
“Technically, Momofuku Ando invented instant noodles, not…” She trailed off. “…Right. Point taken.”
Caitlin nodded. “The internet is a dark place.”
“Ah, yes. Two young, impressionable women frequenting websites with lurid pictures of bananas and noodles—positively scandalous.”
They shared a smile.
“Just… give me that heads-up, okay?” Felicity said, sobering. “So I know how to help you. Like how you fix my bed and buy me takeout when I’m binge-coding, or how you let me interrupt you to whine about how hard troubleshooting a faulty segment is. Even if you have zero idea of what I’m talking about.”
“Okay,” Caitlin said. She would’ve agreed to anything at this point. “I can’t promise I’ll always be able to do it, but I’ll try. I’ll really try.”
“You better,” Felicity said, grinning. “We’ve been friends for almost seven years. I’d say it merits some amount of trying.”
“Well, seven years is only slightly longer than some marriages, after all. I can manage more than some amount of trying.”
Felicity’s smile softened. “So. Friends?”
“Friends,” she affirmed. “Seven years and counting.” She paused. “I think we’re supposed to hug at this point, but can I just give you a mental hug? I’ve reached my sappiness limit for the day.”
Felicity laughed. “Mental hug accepted. I knew there was something weird about you today.”
“Well, I was apologizing to you. I had to summon the appropriate amount of sappiness.”
“Have you been manipulating me with sappiness?”
“I wouldn’t call it manipulation,” Caitlin said primly. “It’s more like scheduling sappiness usage for a rainy day.”
“By scheduling sappiness,” Felicity said, her smile turning wicked, “do you also mean the Saturday night you spent with a certain Bartholomew Henry Allen under the stars?”
“That was an unscheduled and unintentional leakage of sappiness,” Caitlin said. “And how much do you already know, anyway?”
“Only that you kissed,” Felicity said with feigned nonchalance. “No big deal. It was only your first kiss, after all, which you kept a secret for almost a week from your best friend, your companion since girlhood, the sister of your heart—”
“Are you done with the melodramatics?” she said dryly.
“—oh, wait, I’ll have to call Cisco and Jax,” Felicity said, pulling her phone out. “They need to hear this. It’s more time-efficient, too, since you’ll only have to tell the story once.”
“Time-efficient,” Caitlin repeated. “You’re talking to me about time efficiency.”
“Yeah. What, think I haven’t learned a thing or two about your reasoning after seven years of being the foremost Caitlin Snow scholar? Although,” she mused, “it looks like I’ll soon have to relinquish that title soon, since a certain Barry Allen is proving to be a quick study—”
“Felicity, you’re rambling,” Caitlin said.
“That was hardly—oh, fine, calling them…”
“Can you tell them that we’ll meet in front of the library instead?” Caitlin said, casting a furtive glance around them. “Jitters is kind of—”
“His turf, right,” Felicity said. “Got it.” She tucked her phone between her ear and shoulder, and slipped her laptop into her bag. “Hey Cisco, any chance you’re free now…?”
. . .
“Ola, ladies,” Cisco said, making his way to their table with his usual grin. Even from afar, they heard him coming by the tinkle of the many keychains he’d hung all over his backpack. “Glad to see you two have reconciled. I thought I’d have to be your messenger again or something.”
“Yeah, well,” Felicity said. “Signs of maturity, I guess.”
“Boring,” Cisco said. “In a good way, I mean. No one needs drama all the time, am I right?”
“You sure? Because Caitlin has a lot of drama to tell.”
“Oooh, saucy. You sure are getting a lot of drama lately, come to think of it,” Cisco said. “Where was all this in high school? And in the last, I don’t know, two years in college—”
“I don’t know, Cisco, I don’t think one can space out the dramatic events in one’s life—”
“Rhetorical question, chica,” he said breezily, waving a hand. “I’m sure you know what that is—”
“What’s up, guys?” Jax said, sliding into the seat beside Cisco. He pocketed his phone and dropped his duffel bag to the ground. “Is this an update on Barry or what?”
“Well,” Caitlin said, “somewhat.”
“I am so excited,” Felicity said. “I can’t wait to hear your version of the kiss.”
“THE KISS?!” Cisco gaped. “Whoa, okay, slow down, this is too much—”
“I… haven’t even started yet…”
“Her version?” Jax interjected, looking at Felicity. “What other version is there?”
“Dude,” Cisco said. “I can’t believe that’s what you fixated on.”
“I heard it first from Barry,” Felicity said, waving a hand. “Anyway, long story, and not exactly relevant—”
“Not exactly rele—Felicity, what was his version?” Caitlin said suddenly. “What did he tell you?”
“Oh, pretty vague stuff,” she said. “Mostly it was about you breaking his heart.”
Cisco blinked. “Is it just me, or are things moving way too fast?”
“Last I heard you weren’t even sure if he liked you,” Jax said, also confused, “and now you already broke up? And if you”—he gestured to Felicity—“and Barry’re tight, why didn’t you just ask him for advice, instead of asking us?”
“Well,” Felicity mused, “a little Smirnoff goes a long way in solidifying friendships…”
“She and Barry shared a bottle of vodka between them the other night,” Caitlin clarified. “Well, technically, it was Oliver’s vodka, but anyway.”
“Dang,” Jax said. “Any chance I can get an invite to one of those in the future?”
“Yeah, it’d be nice to hang out at Oliver’s pad again,” Cisco said wistfully. “That sound system is to die for…”
“Wait,” Felicity said suddenly, turning to her, “that’s how you knew where to find me—you called Oliver and Oliver told you, that traitor—”
“Yes?” Caitlin said. “You thought I just guessed?”
“Well, I didn’t really—okay, never mind, we’re getting way off topic. So, Cait, tell us what happened last Saturday.”
“We all saw the sing-off,” Cisco said smugly. “And boy, you owe me big time for that—”
“It would’ve been better if you’d given me more drinks,” she muttered. “No chance kissing him if I’d passed out.”
Cisco ignored her. “—and we saw you slow-dancing to that weird Despacito remix,” he said. “Well, Felicity and I did. Jax probably didn’t.”
“I didn’t.”
“Yeah, to fill you in, they slow-danced to a Despacito remix.”
He gave Cisco a withering look. “Yeah, I grasped the concept, thanks.”
“You’re caught up, then,” Caitlin said, pleased. “So after the slow-dancing, we went up to the balcony—”
“The one for VIPs?” Jax said.
“Yes, the one for VIPs,” she said. “Anyway, I was slightly tipsy. As a result of faulty judgment, I leaned in to kiss him. I quickly realized it was a mistake, so I left and ignored him for a week. But we made up again just yesterday, so everything’s fine now.”
“You know, you gotta brush up on your storytelling skills,” Cisco said.
“For a moment there I thought I was listening to a weather report,” Jax said.
“Well,” Caitlin bristled, “it’s not exactly something I want to recount in detail, so—”
“How did it happen? How did you let it happen? What did you feel?” Cisco insisted, accompanying his words with hand gestures. “What did he do? What did he say? What did you say? What were you thinking?”
“As I’ve already mentioned, I wasn’t thinking—”
“Okay, I think we’re overwhelming her,” Felicity said. “Cisco, ask her something again, only one question at a time.”
“Oh! Oh! I’ll start with this one,” Cisco said. “I have a feeling I’m going to regret asking this, but I am way curious, so here goes.” He took a deep breath. “Was there tongue?”
Caitlin squirmed. “Oh my God—”
“OH MY GOD,” Felicity said. “THERE WAS, CISCO, THERE WAS—”
“…The hell is going on?” Jax said. “She hasn’t answered the question yet—”
“If you’re fluent in Caitlin,” Felicity explained, “you’d know that if it isn’t a direct no, then it’s a definite yes.”
“Huh,” Jax said.
“Damn,” Cisco said to Caitlin admiringly. “So you’ve finally lost your tongue-ginity. Welcome to the club.”
Jax scrunched his brow. “I never signed up for that.”
“Did we ever make that a thing?” Felicity said. “I don’t think we ever made that a thing…”
“We totally did. We made it a thing in high school, when I was with Kendra, remember? After we made out in the—”
“Okay, stop,” Felicity said. “I vaguely remember you breaking down that make-out scene, and I don’t want to remember more.”
“I second the motion,” Caitlin said.
“Third,” Jax piped up.
“Fine, this is Caitlin’s show anyway,” Cisco said good-naturedly. “It’s your turn to give us details.”
They were all unfazed. “Did he lean in first?” Felicity said. “Or did you?”
Caitlin paused to consider it. “I’m not sure,” she said. “I think we—it was done at the same time.”
“And it lasted for some time,” Cisco prompted, “since there was tongue.”
“Well, it wasn’t unpleasant,” she hedged, “so we were there for some time, but I was the one who put an end to it.”
“Okay, let me get this straight,” Jax said. “You guys made out and you were really into it, but for some reason, you walked away and ignored him after that.”
“…It doesn’t sound very nice if you put it that way, but yes, basically…”
“What made you ignore him?” Felicity said. Caitlin recognized this voice—it was the one her friend used when she wanted to steer the discussion into a more serious direction. “I’d always assumed that he said something stupid, but…”
“Well,” Caitlin said, “he mentioned that we’ve only known each other two weeks.”
“Which is true,” Cisco said.
“Yes, I know,” she said. “Still, I lost it. I just didn’t think that it was possible—for me, at least—to like someone in such a short time. I was scared of it, of myself, so… I ran away. Ignored him. Pretended like ignoring him could reset me to before I met him.”
There was a pause as the statement hung in the air. It was perhaps the most honest she’d been since last week’s debacle, and they seemed to feel it, too.
“Okay, since things are getting serious,” Cisco said, standing up, “anyone want some food? Nachos, maybe?”
“Dude,” Jax said. “Way to ruin a moment—”
“No, I’m pretty sure Cait doesn’t want to talk about her feelings on an empty stomach,” he said, grinning at her. “Just like how you won’t study chemistry on an empty stomach.”
Caitlin smiled. “It’s fine, Jax. Nachos with beef and bacon bits please.”
“And extra cheese,” Felicity piped in.
“And Diet Coke with no ice,” Caitlin said.
“Same, but with ice and no straw for me,” Felicity said. “Save the environment and all.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know the drill,” Cisco said. “Hey, man, how about you?”
Jax looked at them. “You guys are hella weird.”
“But?” Cisco prompted cheekily.
He shrugged. “You’re not bad.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Barry does this thing where I’m not sure if he’s complimenting or insulting me,” Caitlin said. “Is that an athlete thing?”
“Way to stereotype us,” Jax said. “And I’m pretty sure that’s called a backhanded compliment.”
Caitlin snapped her fingers. “I knew there was a word for it…”
Cisco went to buy their snacks, and when he came back, the conversation—even with nachos and the best of intentions (particularly Felicity’s)—didn’t quite stay on track. It was, as usual, one-part insight and three-parts insanity, but Caitlin didn’t mind. It was good to be in their company again.
When Monday came around, Caitlin had the uncanny feeling, as she walked out of her dorm, that she was being stared at.
It wasn’t something she realized right away. After all, she’d spent most of her formative years in a state of near-invisibility. The only exception to that was when teachers announced the highest score in class (which, in science subjects, would almost invariably be her) and she would, for a few minutes, be the spotlight of the everyone’s awe and envy. But after class, she drew no more stares, elicited no more whispers. Smart wasn’t as valuable a currency as pretty or sporty was in high school, and she was perfectly content with that, as she never had to expend energy with the sort of self-conscious thinking that came with assuming that her peers were interested in her.
But today, something strange happened. As she walked down the near-deserted hallway of her dorm—it was still early, and the lone souls who were already awake walked around like zombies in their bubbles of half-sleep—she registered the sound of voices in the early morning hush. Out of idle curiosity, she looked around until she found the source of the whisperings—a group of five freshmen, two of whom quickly turned away when her gaze settled on them.
She blinked, wondering if she’d imagined it, and then concluded that she must have. Freshmen, she thought, were especially prone to sticking in groups like that and over-sharing noisily, in hopes that it might translate into friendship.
But then it happened again. When she passed by two more groups of girls outside the dorm and sensed the tickle of whispers in her wake, she wondered if maybe her intuition was right. It was disturbing to suspect that one was the topic of someone else’s conversation without knowing what, exactly, was being said, and without having the means to confront them about it.
So it was when, upon reaching the foyer and seeing Eliza and Bette deep in conversation before abruptly falling quiet when she approached, she narrowed her eyes and said, “Not you, too.”
Bette raised a brow. “Hi, Caitlin.”
Eliza said, “Good morning to you too, sunshine.”
Caitlin sighed and took her seat across them. With a cursory look, she ascertained that three of the boys from her block were there—no sign of Hartley yet—along with two other people from Applied Chemistry (or was it Chemical Engineering? She could never really keep track). Most of them were half-asleep, using their backpacks to pillow their faces from the cool granite surface of the tables.
“Sorry,” she sighed. “I’ve been having this strange sensation this morning that people have been talking about me. Paranoid, I know—”
Eliza and Bette exchanged glances. Like she and Felicity, the two had been friends for so long that they seemed to be able to communicate just by looking at each other.
Caitlin was immediately suspicious. “What was that?”
“What was what?” Eliza said innocently.
“That look you just shared. It’s suspicious.”
Bette, who was usually quiet and stoic—even more than she was, probably because she was always with the animated Eliza—said, amused, “Aren’t we allowed to look at each other?”
“I think we’re allowed to a few secrets,” Eliza added with a sly smile, “since you’ve obviously been keeping yours.”
Caitlin paused. She knew that these girls meant well—they had a pleasant relationship formed on the basis of their being stranded together in a testosterone-dominated course—but she wasn’t comfortable divulging her feelings to them in the way she had with Felicity, Cisco, and Jax. They were the kind of friends she’d complain on coursework with, not the ones she’d have a heart-to-heart with.
She said cautiously, “If this was about the sing-off…”
“Oh, the sing-off was last week’s news,” Eliza said.
“It’s already been dissected to death while you weren’t around,” Bette said, with an apologetic smile. “It’s common knowledge now that you’re Barry Allen’s new girl.”
Caitlin blinked, feeling strangely violated—or rather erased—by the term. “Okay, no,” she said. “First of all, I am not ‘Barry Allen’s new girl.’ I’m me. I’m still the same Caitlin Snow majoring in Molecular Biology with you.”
“Right, of course,” Eliza said, smiling at her while propping her face up in cupped hands. “But it’s already pretty obvious to everyone that you two are a thing.”
“We’re not…” Caitlin trailed off when she realized she didn’t have anything to say to that, because what were they? They hadn’t gone out on a date yet, so they weren’t dating, but they weren’t a thing, either. Or… were they? In the first place, why in the world did people invent a term as vague as ‘a thing’ anyway? What spectrum of togetherness did ‘a thing’ encompass? And why was it that even before she and Barry had defined what they were to themselves, other people were already clamoring to define their relationship with nosy collective authority? Couldn’t they just mind their own business and leave a budding romantic relationship unlabeled?
Caitlin resisted the urge to press a hand to her temple. She couldn’t deal with this. It was too early in the morning to puzzle out the confusing semantics of human romantic entanglements.
Instead, she said, “Never mind.  Second of all, last week’s news? Was there news this week involving him and me that I, of all people, wouldn’t know of?”
“Oh, I’m sure you know this,” Eliza said, giving her an enigmatic look. Caitlin felt like that look was her cue to spill what she apparently knew, but since she didn’t know anything, she remained quiet.
“If you’ll remember,” Eliza went on, when her pause became awkward, “there was a commotion last night at the dorm. Specifically, outside our wing.”
“What commotion?” Caitlin said, furrowing her brow.
Now, Eliza and Bette exchanged looks that were as bewildered as hers.
“You mean you really didn’t hear the commotion?” Bette said.
“No,” Caitlin said. “Should I have?”
“Oh my God, she has no idea,” Eliza said. “One of the hottest guys on campus is courting her—”
“Courting—of all the sheer nonsense—”
“—and she doesn’t have a clue,” Eliza finished.
“That is ridiculous,” she said. “I don’t know what commotion you’re talking about, but he’s not courting me. All I know is that he left a note on my window with ‘Good morning’ written on it.”
That was the abbreviated version. The full version was as follows:
Good morning :) I know, I know, when I walked you back, you said one week of no texts or calls or voicemails, but I’m pretty sure you didn’t say anything about sticky notes on windows. I’m kind of a pain in the ass, as you can see, aside from being a mildly annoying campus cutie and an insatiable hug monster (only for your hugs, though). Just so you know what you might be getting into. Anyway, I lost my main point for this note sometime after the smiley. I think I was supposed to write a poem, but I got sidetracked, and now I don’t have enough space. Well, I’ll find my main point tomorrow. In the meantime, ‘I miss you’ is probably enough. Can’t wait for Saturday. – Barry
“Mmm,” Bette said. “So you’re telling me that clambering up two floors of the girls’ dorms in the middle of the night, with a bouquet of flowers, a gift, and a note in hand, doesn’t qualify as courting?”
“A bouquet of flowers? How is that even—”
“At first I thought it was Cisco,” Eliza said, “because he visits your room sometimes, right, and he always makes so much noise. But when I opened my window to tell him to tone it down, guess who I saw instead?”
“Oh, by the way, here you go,” Bette said, pulling a single, long-stemmed rose from her backpack and handing it to a dazed Caitlin. “Half of the flowers were crushed during his climb,” she added, by way of explanation. “The others that weren’t crushed lost too many petals. This was the only proper rose left.” She pushed a box towards her. “Also, a gift from him. Said it was fragile.”
“He was supposed to sneak the stuff into your room,” Eliza said, “but he didn’t know that your window would be locked. Obviously he didn’t think things through.”
“Yeah, he also wrote his note on the wrong side of the post-it. We had to give him tape so he could stick the written portion against the glass facing your bed,” Bette said.
“Oh, and to clarify, we”—Eliza said, gesturing to the two of them—“weren’t the ones who gave him tape. Someone from the room below did.”
“It became a sort of group effort,” Bette said.
“Although his best friend—can’t remember her name, the one who wrote that article about sexism on campus—”
“Iris West,” Bette said.
“Right, her. She clearly didn’t support it,” Eliza said. “Stormed out of the dorm when she caught wind of what was happening just to tell him that he was an idiot.”
“She wasn’t yelling, but it was so quiet out there that people could hear what she was saying, anyway.”
“Good thing our dorm mom sleeps like a log.”
“Yeah, and good thing everyone loves Barry, so no one’ll tell on him…”
“It’s really strange that you didn’t hear anything,” Bette said, looking puzzled. “He made so much noise.”
It wasn’t all that strange. She and Felicity slept through the commotion courtesy of the remaining contents of the Smirnoff that she’d brought back from her drinking session with Barry.
“Hello, ladies,” came a voice that Caitlin knew all too well. “Finally got to interrogate her, huh? Do I finally get my—is that a rose? Why the hell do you have a rose?”
“Language, Hartley,” Bette said. “As you can see, the subject is still in shock.”
“The rose is from Allen, isn’t it?” Hartley said, scoffing. “Jesus, how predictable. Even I can tell you aren’t the roses kind.”
“Thank you for your valuable input, Hartley,” Eliza said. “Why don’t you run along now and compare notes with Barry, since you’re such an expert on Caitlin’s botanical preferences?”
“Dial down the bitchiness, sweetheart,” Hartley said. “It’s not even nine yet.”
“The rose isn’t the worst of it, really,” Bette said.
“Oh?” Hartley said gleefully, smirking and pulling up a chair from the other table, seeing as Caitlin’s backpack was still occupying the space beside her. “Do tell. Does the worst of it have something to do with this box?”
Caitlin finally snapped out of the daze she was in. She was having difficulty processing all… this. She needed another coffee. Maybe three. “I’m having difficulty imagining how he moved from the staircase to the window holding all this…”
“He had the bouquet in his mouth,” Eliza said.
Hartley’s brows shot up. “What,” he said, “the fuck?”
“What he said,” Caitlin muttered.
“She was kidding,” Bette said, giving Eliza a stern look. “He had a canvas bag.”
Eliza laughed. “Fine, but you have to admit you can totally imagine it.”
Hartley rolled his eyes. “I actually find it more unlikely that he had the foresight to bring a bag.”
“Well, are you going to open it?” Eliza said, gesturing to the box. “Bette and I have been dying to see what’s inside.”
Caitlin gave them a look, and Eliza said, “Hey, you can’t blame us. We’ve been safekeeping it for the last seven hours.”
“This really is beneath me,” Hartley said casually, “but I am curious to see what sort of disgustingly sentimental gift he got you. Gifts are a reflection of the giver, as someone once said. Can’t remember who it was, though…”
“You know, you can admit you’re curious without having to insult anyone,” Caitlin said.
“Where’s the fun in that?” he smirked. “Well? Are you opening it or not? We don’t have all day, Frosty.”
Caitlin sighed and relented, if only out of weariness. She opened the box without ceremony—there was no wrapper so she simply had to lift the flap—and peered inside. Three other heads neared to peer in, too.
It was a cactus.
On the flap, it said, I already got the roses when I saw this, but this is way better. You’re more of a cactus person, I think. ;) – Barry
Hartley barked a laugh. “I take it back. Allen is a fucking genius.”
“I don’t know,” Bette said dubiously. “It sounds like an insult.”
“It’s definitely an insult,” Eliza said. “You’re more of a cactus person—does that mean you have the qualities of a cactus?”
“He’s not wrong,” Hartley said. “Caitlin’s botanical identity aside, though,” he added, “everyone still owes me money, because she obviously accepted his advances…”
Caitlin, on her part, had already tuned them out. Barry Allen was a hopeless romantic and a complete idiot, and he also possibly had a screw or two loose, but he meant well, and he really and truly seemed to like her, and he was…
He was hers to like back.
Still, he had to stop climbing walls in the middle of the night to give her… whatever else he was planning on giving her. She had no clue about what courtship entailed, but she was sure that it didn’t have to be as life-threatening as he made it seem.
Caitlin didn’t think to approach him right away about this, though, because she didn’t think he’d be sending any more gifts her way. She thought he would have desisted with the flowers and the cacti, opting to leave only sticky notes instead.
She was wrong.
Well, not exactly. The next day, she did receive another note on her window, but she also received a heart-shaped box of chocolates and another cactus (both delivered by Cisco). This was puzzling, because she had no use whatsoever for a heart-shaped box, and she had no strong feelings about chocolates. Not that she didn’t like chocolates, per se; she’d just never particularly craved for them or sought them out. She didn’t want them to go to waste, though, so she ate two or three pieces before welcoming Cisco and Jax to finish up the rest.
This, surely, she thought, would be the end of it. Surely he knew that giving her gifts every single day until Saturday, for no particular reason and with no particular occasion, was an absurd and costly enterprise.
But she was wrong again. On Wednesday, she received the requisite note on her window and a teddy bear named Beary—See what I did there? ;) he’d said in his note—sporting a cactus pin. (She must’ve forgotten to lock her window last night after Cisco and Jax had left, so he was able to slip them onto her bedside table.) Now, if the chocolates were mildly puzzling, the teddy bear was downright bewildering, because she had given up stuffed animals altogether at the age of five, when her father had introduced her to illustrated encyclopedias. If she had no use for a teddy bear back at five years old, she had even less use of it now at twenty-one. She was aware that it was common for other couples to give each other stuffed animals, but that was other couples. For some reason, other couples found it cute to give their significant others a reminder of a more infantile period in their lives. Or perhaps the intention was for the recipient to endow the inanimate object with some of the partner’s qualities, so that it could serve as a reminder of the partner when he or she was away…
This was all just conjecture, of course. She’d never quite understood it. Even now that she herself was the recipient of a stuffed animal, she still didn’t understand what she was supposed to do with it.
To be fair, Barry didn’t know that she didn’t particularly care for chocolates or for stuffed animals. But perhaps that was the point—he didn’t know what she liked, and had simply assumed she would enjoy this standard romantic fanfare.
This brought to mind something Hartley had said the other day, about gifts being a reflection of the giver. Irritating as he was, she had to agree with his assessment: These gifts were less a reflection of her than they were a reflection of Barry. They conveyed the sincerity of his intentions well enough, but they also conveyed a startling lack of knowledge of who she was.
Well, not exactly. She did enjoy the sticky notes, and the cactus symbolized an inside joke that only the two of them shared and understood. Everything else, though, puzzled her.
She didn’t want to discard them, because that would mean discarding Barry’s feelings, too. (And, on an aside, Beary seemed to grow cuter the longer she looked at it [him?], which made her more reluctant to discard it [him?]. She made a mental note to Google the evolutionary value of cuteness even in lifeless objects.) But at the same time, the sole function of the rose, the chocolates, and the bear was to convey Barry’s intentions, which had been fulfilled the moment she’d received the gifts. Ergo, she no longer had any use for them. Was she obliged to keep these things around as relics of his affection for her? Then again, she knew that he liked her anyway, so why did she need all these things to remind her of it?
She frowned. She was trapped in a symbolic deadlock. Clearly when she confessed to him she didn’t foresee that things would become this complicated—and this when they weren’t even ‘a thing’ yet…
She sat back to view the gifts on her now-crowded bedside table and considered her situation. The most obvious course of action was to tell him to stop giving her gifts, but she could already tell that it would hurt him. But she also couldn’t think of a nice way to say it. The truth—“Please stop giving me gifts, I appreciate the sentiment but I find them useless” was too harsh, while a white lie like “I don’t have space to put them anymore” was too unconvincing. She could give him a list of what she liked, but she didn’t want to make it seem like she was asking for more gifts. Then again, she could inform him that she simply didn’t make a fuss about gifts, but clearly he made a fuss about gifts, so…
Great, she was back to her earlier deadlock.
Maybe it was time to call a friend. Felicity might know what to do. And, even if she didn’t, she might know how to soften a sentence like “Please stop giving me gifts, I appreciate the sentiment but I find them useless.”
Right, talk to Felicity it was, then.
. . .
On her way out of her room, though, something unusual happened: She bumped into Iris West.
The fact that Iris was here on her floor was already unusual in itself. Iris lived two or three floors above her, and she didn’t seem to have close friends residing on the second floor, so Caitlin had never actually seen her in this hallway.
The second unusual thing was that Iris was alone. Caitlin may have only glimpsed her on campus a few times, but she had no recollection of Iris being alone—she was always either surrounded by her friends from the school paper, or she was with a tall, clean-looking guy—her boyfriend, presumably.
The third unusual thing was that Iris was walking towards her now. Caitlin resisted the urge to look behind her to see if Iris was walking towards someone else, and instead she pasted on a tentative smile, the sort she reserved for people with whom she knew only vaguely, and so wasn’t sure if she should greet or not. If the person noticed the smile and greeted her, she’d return the greeting with relief. But if the person didn’t notice the smile, then she’d look like an idiot, but not as big an idiot as she would have had she uttered an ignored ‘Hi’.
Iris, as it turned out, returned her smile. “Hi, Caitlin,” she said, slowing when she reached her.
A greeting and a slowing down. Clearly she was about to engage her in conversation, but what did Iris have to talk with her about? Did Barry send her to deliver a package, or to do some reconnaissance? But if she was going to do reconnaissance, wouldn’t it be wiser to approach someone closer to her, like Felicity?
“Hi?” Caitlin said.
“I’m glad I caught you on your way out,” she said. “I would’ve messaged you first, but Facebook says you haven’t been online in three days, so…”
“Sorry,” Caitlin said. “I don’t go online often.”
“No, no, don’t apologize,” she said. “I mean, I’m the one asking for your time. Not because I’m spying on you for Barry or anything,” she added hastily. “I just wanted to talk, that’s all. If you’re busy, though, I could—”
“I’m not,” Caitlin said. Her curiosity was sufficiently peaked. “My next class is in two hours. What did you want to talk about?”
“Great,” Iris said. “Could we… talk somewhere more private, like your room? Or my room’s fine, too. Gossip spreads pretty fast around here.”
“My room’s nearer,” Caitlin said. “It’s a bit of a mess, though. Well, Felicity’s side is a bit of a mess, so we could stay on my side…”
They both headed back to her room, and while Caitlin felt like the silence was awkward, Iris seemed completely at ease. She did look out of place in the shabby dorm room—with her red chiffon top, black leather skirt, and knee-high black boots, she looked like she’d stepped out of the pages of Vogue rather than a classroom—but she carried herself with the relaxed confidence of a person who made and followed her own rules.
“I know this is weird,” Iris said, “but Barry has also been acting weird lately, so I felt like I had to do something.”
“Weird, how?” Caitlin said, silently asking Felicity’s permission to borrow her chair. She pulled it up beside hers in front of her desk. She gestured for Iris to sit. “I haven’t known him long, but this”—she pointed to the items on her bedside table—“doesn’t seem too uncharacteristic of him.”
“Yeah, well, that’s true,” Iris said, sitting. From the direction of her gaze, Caitlin noticed the way Iris catalogued details carefully with her gaze: She scanned the usual school supplies on Caitlin’s desk (a plain white mug for writing materials, another one for highlighters, and a tray for bond paper), glanced at the stack of printed journal articles with notes and post-its, and lingered on the books on her shelf—The Double Helix by James Watson, Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA by Brenda Maddox, What Is Life? by Erwin Schrödinger, Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman, and The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks—all with yellowed pages. Those books were the only memorabilia she kept on her desk.
“Why do I feel,” Caitlin ventured when Iris reached the end of her quick survey, “that you’re already mentally writing profile of me?”
She was aiming to sound amused, and she supposed it succeeded, because Iris gave her a sheepish smile. “Sorry,” she said. “Guilty as charged. Had to convince myself that I’m doing the right thing, and after seeing this”—she gestured to her Spartan desk and the books on display—“and that”—she gestured to her cluttered bedside table—“I’m pretty convinced. I’m guessing—no, I’m one hundred percent sure that you’re not the romantic type.”
“Not at all,” Caitlin said. And then, upon realizing that Iris might report all this to Barry, she added, “I do appreciate the sentiment, though.”
“Right,” Iris said, “but not the gifts.”
“Here’s the thing,” Iris said, sensing her hesitation. “I thought about talking to you back when he pulled that crazy stunt in the middle of the night, but for once, I stopped myself from meddling. Which is difficult for me, since I meddle in other people’s business for a living,” she added with a self-deprecating smile. “But I managed. ‘How bad can it be?’ I thought. ‘Who knows, maybe she likes flowers.’ When he gave you the chocolates, I thought, ‘Okay, fine, maybe she likes chocolates, too. Flowers are tricky, but chocolates are pretty safe. A lot of people are nuts for chocolates.’”
Caitlin was about to say that was nuts for neither flowers nor chocolates, but Iris seemed to be on a roll, so she let her continue.
“But when he gave you that teddy bear”—she gave the poor innocent Beary a dirty look—“and named it after him, that was the last straw. I said to him”—she made the phone gesture with her hand and brought it to her ear—“‘You gave her a teddy bear? Are you crazy? Do you even know if she likes teddy bears?’ and he was like, ‘But teddy bears are cute! Who doesn’t like teddy bears?’ and I was like, ‘Barry, if Eddie’—Eddie’s my boyfriend—‘gave me a teddy bear, I’d either donate it to charity or tell him to return it to the fricking store. Honestly, how old do you think she is? Five?’”
At this, Caitlin couldn’t help smiling. She was starting to like Iris. Iris made sense. “My sentiments, exactly.”
“Shit, I knew it,” Iris sighed. “I should’ve stopped him earlier, but it’s too late now. There’s no stopping him once he gets into planning. Although if it’s any consolation, he hasn’t gone this all-out since… Well, since. And there isn’t even any occasion. Can you imagine what sort of production number he’ll come up with if there is an occasion?”
“I’d really rather not,” Caitlin said, wincing. “If it’s going to involve a grand public display of affection, it’s going to be a nightmare.”
“Not a fan of PDA, huh?” Iris said. “This must be really uncomfortable for you. I mean, people have been talking nonstop about what he’s doing. I’ve lost count of how many times someone came up to me to ask about”—here she made quotation marks in the air—“‘Barry’s new girl.’”
Caitlin must have made a face, because Iris nodded sympathetically and said, “Yeah, I know.  I was ‘Eddie’s new girl’ for some time, too, although for some reason he was never ‘Iris’s new guy.’ Ingrained sexism, that’s what it is. Really subtle, too, and harder to root out, but since women empowerment is having a moment—right, I’m ranting. Sorry. Bad habit.”
“It’s fine,” she said. “I’m used to ramblers.”
“Ranters,” Iris corrected with a smile. “Wouldn’t want to be lumped in the same category as Barry. At least I don’t lose my main point while talking.”
Caitlin smiled. “He is prone to that.”
“Don’t I know it. Sometimes I just tune out until like, three hundred words later, when he finds it again. Come to think of it, I shouldn’t have tuned him out when he was spouting all those nonsense ideas… I might’ve been able to stop him from doing all this…”
“Is there really no way to ask him to stop with the gifts?” Caitlin said tentatively. “The sticky notes are okay, just not… this production number, as you called it.”
Iris paused. “I could try to talk to him again,” she said. “And anyway, isn’t he supposed to be giving you space?”
“Yes, well. Obviously he failed. I even have less literal space in my room now.”
Iris laughed. “That’s true.”
They fell into a brief, comfortable silence.
“Hey, Caitlin,” Iris eventually said, “thanks for being honest. I know it sounds like I’m selling my best friend out, but it’s just, he really likes you, and I don’t want him to screw himself over. He can be really eager, you know? When he’s excited he just jumps into things without thinking. Loses all sense of timing and subtlety, too.”
Iris paused as if debating whether or not to continue, but before Caitlin could come up with a response to fill in the silence, she went on. “His mom and dad were also really big on romance,” she said. “We grew up watching them trying to out-surprise each other on their anniversary and on Valentine’s Day. It was crazy, the things his dad did. Once, he decorated their whole house with flowers, because his mom absolutely adored flowers. This other time, he ordered chocolates from France, Sweden, Belgium—you know, places where those fancy chocolates come from—and made it look like a chocolate buffet from around the world. His mom was like that, too. She used to throw him these themed surprise parties. There was one party where she invited everyone—his former patients, his students, his colleagues from the hospital, his colleagues from whatever medical association he was part of—and she had someone from each group give him a toast. He was so teary-eyed at the end that he couldn’t give a proper thank-you speech.” Iris sighed. “His parents had something really special, you know? Even my dad thought so. Everyone who knew them thought so. The happiest couple in the world, people would call them.”
Caitlin absorbed all this in silence. “He does look like someone who grew up surrounded by that kind of love,” she murmured.
“Yeah,” Iris said, smiling. “He was such a happy kid. Still is, actually. And I think—and this is pure speculation,” she added, “but I think that more than having a great career, more than being rich or famous or successful, more than anything, really, Barry wants what his parents had. I’m not telling you should fulfil that,” she added quickly. “I just want you to understand where he’s coming from.”
“I understand,” she said slowly. “This is a lot to take in, though. I’m the antithesis of that picture of his parents you just described, as you can see.”
Iris laughed. “Yeah, that’s pretty clear to me. And honestly, I don’t think he’ll want you any other way. Just give him time to adjust.”
“Alright,” she said. “Thank you for… talking to me. To be honest, I wasn’t sure how to proceed with all this.”
“Oh, no problem,” Iris said, waving a hand. “If you need help with Barry—or anything, really—you can message me any time.” She stood up. “Anyway, I should go. You have class, right?”
“In an hour, yes,” Caitlin said, accompanying her to the door.
“Hey, maybe in the future, we could do a double date or something,” Iris said. “You and Barry and me and Eddie. I’ll take you to all the best hole-in-the-wall places. A lot of the owners know me already, so I get discounts, too. It’ll be fun. What do you think?”
Caitlin blinked. “Okay,” she said.
“Great,” Iris smiled and squeezed her arm. Caitlin tried not to shy away from it. “I’ll go talk to Barry before he brews tomorrow’s disaster. See you around, Caitlin.”
When she left, Caitlin returned to her desk. Well. That was strange, but not entirely unwelcome, especially since Iris herself had offered to talk to Barry. She also found herself relieved that she could get along with Iris. She wasn’t exactly the friendliest of people, but Iris had enough friendly in her for the two of them.
“Now,” Caitlin muttered, staring at Beary’s placid smiling face, “what to do with you? You’re going to want to stick around, huh? A real nuisance you are, just like your namesake…”
She stopped abruptly when she realized that she was talking to an inanimate object, and then squinted warily at Beary. She was beginning to be gripped by this whole stuffed-animal craze, and she wasn’t sure what she felt about that…
. . .
“Cait? Hey Cait, bananas!”
Caitlin looked up from her laptop. “What? What’s happening?”
“Ha, got you to look!” Felicity grinned triumphantly. “You ready to sleep? I’m going to kill the lights now.”
Caitlin gave her friend an odd look, but, being used to such antics (or Felicitisms), she merely saved her file and slipped her laptop onto her table. “Yeah, sure.”
The lights went out. Felicity shuffled to her bed, and Caitlin heard her fold her glasses and place them on her bedside table with a soft thunk.
A few moments later, Caitlin ventured, “Hey. Are you sleepy?”
“No, not really.” Felicity turned to face her. Her face was blurry in the moonlight. “Are you?”
“No.” She paused. “Can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, okay. Shoot.”
“Remember that story I told you, the one Iris told about Barry’s parents?”
“Mmm. What about it?”
“It bothers me.”
Caitlin curled further into her side. Had she been talking to Felicity during the day, with Cisco and Jax with them, she might not have said this out loud. But now, wrapped up in her blanket and enveloped by the warm, inviting darkness of their room, filled with the well-worn and well-loved things they had shared for over two years, Caitlin felt brave enough to be vulnerable.
“He wants a happy ending,” she said. “I’m clearly not his happy ending. He needs someone who can match his… exuberance, I guess. His generosity. Someone who’ll give him what his parents had. I don’t think I can. I don’t think I’m capable of it.”
“You don’t know that,” Felicity said. “You haven’t even started dating yet.”
“I think that’s the point. We haven’t started dating yet and we’re already incompatible,” she said. “At first, I thought admitting my feelings was a bad idea because I didn’t want to get hurt, but now I think it’s a bad idea because I don’t want him to get hurt. I don’t want to disappoint him.”
“Ah,” Felicity said. “So you don’t think you’re good enough for him?”
“Well,” Caitlin exhaled, “more like I’m not right enough for him.”
“Yeah, I get that. I still feel that way with Oliver sometimes, you know.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. Well, we haven’t been together for long, but still. I was terrified, remember? And you were terrified for me, too. Told me that if I had any common sense, I’d walk away from him right this instant, before things got too serious.”
Caitlin smiled. “Fortunately for Oliver, you had zero common sense.”
“Yeah,” she said. “Sometimes, when I’m with him and I’m feeling really happy, I get hit by sheer panic. Like, I start thinking, It’s impossible for anyone to be this happy. He’s going to cheat on me one day, or else he’ll get bored with me and break up with me… Oh my God, if he does, I’ll never find someone like him again, I’ll never be this happy again… and so on.”
“You still think about that?” Caitlin said, incredulous. “Have you seen the way Oliver looks at you? When you’re in the room he literally cannot focus on anything else.”
“Yeah,” Felicity said, with a modest shrug, “but I guess sometimes we sabotage our own happiness.”
Caitlin moved to lie on her back. “I think I’ve felt what you’ve felt with Oliver,” she said quietly. “I just feel… so light with Barry. Or happy, I suppose. I’m not sure. But I know that when I’m with him, I don’t want the moment to end. And when I saw him with Patty—I told you about that, right?”
“When I saw him with Patty, I was devastated. But there was this small part of me that was almost… gleeful about it. It’s hard to explain, but that part of me seemed to be saying, You knew this would happen. You were right, he’ll never like you. Good thing you didn’t get too attached.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Felicity said. “Sometimes I hear that voice in my head, too.”
“Why does it do that?” Caitlin said, confusion and frustration seeping into her tone. “Why does our mind do that? Why is it that when we’re happy, our first instinct is to be skeptical of happiness?”
Felicity was quiet for a moment. “Maybe our mind is trying to protect us from getting hurt,” she said. “Maybe we only open a little part of ourselves up to happiness so that when it leaves, it doesn’t take all of us with it.”
Her words sank into the darkness of the room.
“Or, wait, no,” Felicity said. “If Oliver… breaks up with me, yeah, I’ll be devastated, and I’ll probably cry for days, and the part of me that was only me around him will be gone. But I don’t think that means I’m less of a person if he leaves. I won’t be left with like, only a few pieces of my heart or something. Pretty sure I’m stronger than that.”
“You definitely are.”
“Thanks,” her friend said, smiling. “So I guess what I’m trying to say is... we try to protect ourselves from that one painful moment we think we won’t be strong enough to withstand. For me it’s Oliver breaking up with me for whatever reason. For you it’s disappointing Barry. And we sort of obsess over it, that painful moment, because we want to do anything to prevent it. And when we do that we forget to enjoy whatever’s happening now. Or that even if that moment does happen, we can and will survive it.”
“Like having tunnel vision,” Caitlin murmured. “Being scared of the pain is like having tunnel vision. You stop seeing possibilities around you.”
“Yeah,” Felicity said. “Yeah, something like that.”
“You’re saying that I should give this thing with Barry a real chance, aren’t you?”
Felicity grinned. “I’m saying that, or you are?”
“I’m not saying it’ll be easy,” she said. “You guys have a lot to talk about. I mean, flowers and chocolates and teddy bears are sweet, but they’re just not your thing.”
“So I heard. Apparently it’s common knowledge for everyone besides him.”
“You’ll think of something,” Felicity said. “I think he’s just excited now so he can’t think straight, but he means well. He really wants to make you happy.”
“I suppose so.”
“And if he can’t see you behind all those romantic notions of his, believe me, I’ll be the first one to tell you to stop trying.”
Caitlin gave her friend a smile. “Thanks.”
There was a lull in the conversation.
“Think we should go to sleep now?”
“Yeah, we probably should,” Felicity said, pulling her blankets to her chin. “Oh, before I forget, Oliver says thanks for the Smirnoff.”
“Tell him he’s welcome.”
“You traitors,” Felicity yawned. “Scheming behind my back.”
“Good night to you too, Felicity.”
Her friend smiled and buried her face in her pillow. “Good night, Cait.”
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reapyboy · 7 years
hopefully this is my last one so im trying to stuff everything in here :U
 hi its me again, the ouma hate club, here to rag on ouma again, join my club if u hate ouma. some ppl coughcough asked how old i was since that last post didn’t really prove much and it was just pure hate so im elaborating more!!!!!!!!!
u can like ouma all u want go ahead don’t let anyone stop u, he’s just extremely not my cup of tea!!! this is MY personal opinion!!!!!, 
fcuk i feel like the attitude towards ouma. is transcending the game. like its past komaeda. a whole new komaeda but worse. like "uwu yes ouma did horrible shit!!!! yes he's killed someone and succeeded in getting someone else killed for it!!! but i still love him he's my baby boy!!! i love how he's so cute yet psychotic and sadistic uwu!!!!!!" or “ouma did nothing wrong uwu”
and before u say "yeah its dangan ronpa ofc theres killing ouma is no different!!!!" he's literally responsible for the murder of miu but got gonta framed and executed, yet gonta was completely innocent. at this point im willing to have gonta be a victim instead,,,,
I MEAN it's happened b4 like komaeda killed himself and nanami got executed. but like. first of all that nanami was an AI so she wasn't even real. and komaeda never really killled anyone he just tampered with shit and was p weird. ouma actually (indirectly) killed someone using gonta’s bugged out avatar (out of self defense, which is the only fair part rlly) and got someone else executed for something that he did; all with no consequences (as far as i know)
like miu trying to vegitalize him (or however u spell it) and maki almost killing him was good. fucking way good bro..... what legends, actually my fav girls
i know there’s more to ouma; i already know some but i feel like i still wont like him, i know that im personally xXx666_Gonta_Slut_666xXx (which is where most of my hate stemmed from, the unfair death of my fave character who i got really attached to), i know this is all an au and technically none of this is their faults cuz their personalities (?) and talents are fake, i know this is dangan ronpa where killing each other is the game where lying and truth is a core part of the game but....fuck dude 
as u can see my opinion on ouma is set in fucking stone and nothing, not even chapter 5 can change it. and if u read it all what the fuck. thanks
bad character thanks kodaka
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cotccotc · 3 years
hello my super cool victorian twinkie pal, i understand that you’re offline at the moment, but i did say that i would share my thoughts now, so here i am ! if this ask is really long, i apologise shshsjsj
and now onto skz !
chan: totally agree with the whole established relationship concept but i think personally, for writing purposes, barista aus are my go to with chan (i say this after writing one fic about chan being a barista sjsjsjsk)
minho: AAAA PLS BANTER WITH MINHO— but like i could totally see him being the friend that constantly roasts you bc he simply is just NOT smooth at all, and he panics and roasts you instead of complimenting you-
changbin: oOO ANGSTY EX BOYF CHANGBIN— this concept intrigues me so much, but i literally cannot read or write angst so my go to when it comes to writing is probably just strangers to lovers- i could totally see him as a shop owner (flower shop au omg) and looking so intimidating bc he’s super buff and literally only wears black tees. and u approach him asking for ideas on a gift for a friend or something and he literally is the complete opposite of what you thought he was and gives you this epic floral arrangement— i’m getting carried away, anyway ahhhhhhhhhhh
hyunjin: this boy. as a hyunjin biased person, i 100% agree with the domestic aus. he truly is a comforting presence... and i miss him. a lot. aaaaaa
jisung: PLS YES. IDIOTS TO LOVERS IS PERFECT— he would be Clueless Babie™️ until you do this dramatic confession and kiss him and he’s just: s h o c k e d, and then after like a beat, kisses you back with like so much passion. but omg add on top of that best friends to lovers and i will literally cry bc now i want to write-
felix: pls pls pls put felix in like a bakery au! let me elaborate— you’re the head pâtissier or— even better— you own a quaint little bakery, in which felix applies as a junior baker or something and you just have to mentor him and stuff and there are just a bunch of Wholesome Baking Moments and ahhhh it would be so cute and y’all fall in love and stuff but the au— i am in love with it.
seungmin: enemies to lovers for sure but make it an intellectual battle (top students of a high school or uni, battling it out to get top marks). a little friendly competition hurts no one... especially if you win over your s/o (whom you claim you hate but don’t because you love them... don’t even lie) in a college or high school au !
jeongin: AAAAAA YES OMG JEONGIN WOULD BE THE BEST.... bestie? platonic aus are where it’s at—
this is very long and i apologise SHSHSJS especially bc most of this is gibberish and i wish you luck in trying to decipher this when you come back.
— your twinkie bub <333
hi hi 🥺🥺 don’t apologize !!! i LOVED reading all of these 😂
also yw !!!! he really is a cutie 🥺
OOOOH yes definitely. ur so right that minho would use roasts as a coping mechanism SJDJ
hhhhh YES EXACTLY !!!! omg pls tag me if u write any of these oh my GOSH
AHH YES !!!!!!!!!!!! most of my felix writings have to do with baking now that i think about it... JSJD
BRO WHEN I TELL U THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I PICTURED ????)3$:$: WE HAVE THE SAME BRAIN PLS JSJS i could 1000% see him being in a competitive academic setting with that wee bit of romantic tension that just makes u accidentally fall in L*ve with him 🤭
jsjdj YES !!! though i can also definitely picture him in more romantic situations as well, bff!innie is just so 🥺🥺🥺🥺
— ur very late but very i-love-u twinkie pal <333333
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